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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  December 19, 2023 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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now they are already talking about women, yes, that is, there for this bezuglya said that this will not be mandatory, no one will be forced to go to the front of women, only voluntarily, and what if not voluntarily in the rear at the factory, they are already merlin there monroe gives an example, yes, why not zelensky’s wife, why zelensky’s wife is not in factories in the rear of ukraine, but they buy expensive handbags for themselves in paris, bring zelensky’s wife, let all ukrainian women be like zelensky’s wife, but no, for some reason they bring yes there are americans again as for women, that is, it will be leveled, by the way, creepy posters when... yes, this is really creepy, why zelensky is not fighting, his wife, why are his parents in america or wherever they live there, everything is fine with them, ukraine yes it turns out, that is, what will this lead to, if now men are not allowed to travel abroad, then women will be restricted from traveling abroad , that is, the whole country will be slaves, it’s just impossible to leave, when they say there, well, they accuse me, but everything else, when they say that the russian army is liberating ukrainians from this regime, that this is a figure speeches, listen, why the figure of speech, here are 6 million ukrainians who were liberated by the russian army? they are free, they can freely
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travel to anywhere in the world, but those who are still there, they cannot, isn’t this liberation, here it’s about these phrases that zelensky loves, this is what putin, i too i’ll lick the sausage, yes, they sold sovereignty for sausage, so as not to sell it, here’s an example, close, you don’t have to go far, ukraine, just recently they were proud of conquering space, now they’re proud of having renamed the moscow sausage in bandera, this is really important, sovereignty, so as not to horde, yes, because in ukraine it is from space. there are simply memories that once upon a time, on the land where bandera’s followers now live, there lived a more developed soviet civilization, here putin is here, he really speaks correctly, and he’s great at this when he says that he recalled the goal of genazification, that it should be, just one phrase, yes, as he says, i once heard in an interview, a russian soldier said, the more, this is what i remember so much, the more we if we take them prisoner, the less they will kill us, and what the banderas say is that the more russians we kill now, yes, the less we will have to do later.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in an application or on a website, a farm, a deaf, a former collective farm, we will raise it, so where is the chief engineer? i am chief engineer
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marina sergeevna novikov, why did i contact you? marina sergeevna. for every muscovite there is the first guy in the village. it won't be easy with him. look, svetka, he will leave you valerka, this is moscow, just let him try. oglaya shillovskaya, alexander ustyugov. you probably shouldn't do this. if i see valerka’s house again, i’ll kill her. stolichnaya. on saturday on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with a new renovation. with a slight movement of the hand, we make three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room. ideas are overflowing. we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work. plans turn into
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projects, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes , after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, what is a ballot? my sister and i spent the whole day drawing the ballot, writing down the candidates, not forgetting mom and dad, and putting it on. very clever, a lot
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degrees of protection, we took colored markers, made watermarks , we’ll go vote with it, choose mom and dad, but mom said, they mark better than money, they’re very carefully protected, they have the most powerful protection, your trick won’t work, people choose honestly, but we dad, we are very glad that we are your candidates, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, you will stop the competition, no. “i’m teaching your child to swim, you’re teaching him to lie, i saw who was looking at me, leave my petya alone, that’s clear, congratulations, daddy, i personally do it, she doesn’t
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pregnant, never been, by your grace, i lost my job, what else do you want, i wanted to try to fix everything, my own blood, friday on rtr. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. first, the scandalous footage, we are waiting for confirmation. in ukraine, they have announced a hunt for santa claus , the snow maiden. these are the reminders posted in schools. grandfather morozov is called an evil spirit and a pedophile, a snow maiden and a minor prostitute. at the same time, they report that santa claus was imposed by the soviet union.
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animators are warned that coming to the party in his costume is strictly prohibited. fine of 20,000 hryvnia or call the police. instead of santa claus, it is advised to dress up as st. nicholas, who should wear a chasuble and a crown, or at least santa claus. in general, crazy russophobia. not lagging behind the kiev regime, the baltic states in lithuania have decided to increase pressure on world sports in order to prevent either russians or belarusians from attending the olympics in paris. the minister of education and science held a meeting dedicated to this problem. well , the mep from lithuania demands that brussels deprive hungary of the right to vote in the european union, and the french mep, one of the most odious russophobes of the fifth republic, raphael glucksmann, is also dissatisfied with budapest. in an interview with the italian career, he said that orman is by no means the only problem, because
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too many governments are already thinking about returning to pacts with putin, while doing nothing with putin and... for svetlana, leaving the house this morning at latvian daugovfi is not easy, there was a misfortune in her family, but despite this, she must appear for the language exam. i told them: “sorry, but my sister died yesterday, they still insisted that i come to take the test.” svetlana, one of the 20 thousand
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residents of latvia who still have soviet passports, all of them must confirm basic knowledge of the latvian language by the end of this year, those of them who do not come to the language test. will receive a notice by mail requiring you to leave latvia within a few days, and only those who are over 70 years old are exempt from the exam. svetlana, however, will not turn 70 so soon. i think i will pass when i was young, i passed all language exams without problems, but i am now 66, and i am too old for any language tests, you need to understand this. the attitude towards the latvian exam is very contradictory, at least in the russian-speaking community of latvia. elderly people find it simply humiliating. so, for example, this.
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hang in there, the latvian parliament decided to tighten the legislation back in last year, latvian politicians demand from russians with soviet passports.
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while people in latvia are going crazy, in the united states house of representatives member tim burchit is speaking out as a voice of common sense. in an interview with fox news, the congressman said that us interference in other people's conflicts must stop, because such a policy does not meet the interests of americans. according to burchit, the situation with ukraine is reminiscent of vietnam. military advisers' money was also sent there at first, but in the end they had to send us army soldiers. americans don't need this at all. nothing good for...
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the second winter of ukraine's fight against a full-scale
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russian invasion. anti-tank trenches are being dug in the frozen ground. western officials say there is no realistic prospect of a breakthrough next year. so both sides are digging in. key moments will take place only in the corridors of power. the american congress officially postponed the issue of allocation. assistance to ukraine next year. the us senate intends to return to consideration of the bill only if immigration regulations are tightened. legislation is still a long way from a deal, says south carolina republican lynsey graham. kirby, the strategic communications coordinator at the white house national security council, is hoping for the best, but he's also going on christmas break. we have funds remaining to provide additional security assistance to ukraine through the end of the year. it will take some time, days , maybe even weeks for all this to get to the front, so if we could get
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funding in january, we could continue to provide assistance relatively continuously, until now we have allocated new security packages approximately every 2 weeks, european countries will have to compensate for the weapons that will stop flowing to ukraine from washington , german defense minister pistorius warned in an interview with the welt newspaper, according to him, to quickly increase.
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nobody wants to talk about ukraine anymore, with this headline an article is published in the spectator magazine, the support of kiev in the fight to the last ukrainian is called a reporter immoral, so far almost throughout the world. are waiting for the new year to arrive, kiev has every reason to look at it with apprehension, newsweek writes. russian troops are developing an offensive, and nato warehouses are running out of weapons. if we want to go on the offensive, we must have a numerical superiority of three to one, unfortunately, we do not have it. russia
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is investing more money in their weapons, they have more ammunition. ukraine may suffer defeat in the war with russia this summer, cnn predicts, citing information from american intelligence agencies. if there are no weapons, we are already preparing. if you see, we are already preparing fortifications, now three lines, realizing that we may have to switch to a defensive war, especially in winter.
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chinese militants are trying to save the gvozdika self-propelled gun, which has completely sunk under water. the german newspaper welt fuels the expectations of europeans by seriously talking about a new ukrainian counter-offensive. the starting point could supposedly be a bridgehead in the village of krynka, from there it is only 70 km in a straight line to crimea. within two months the building he headed the marine corps in ukraine. advance across the dnieper river in the southern region of kherson to retake territory from russian troops. the operation is ukraine's latest attempt to break through russian defenses in the south and turn the tide of the war. the soldiers described the offensive as brutal and futile, with units of ukrainian troops being destroyed before they even reached the other side. some of the fiercest fighting took place in the village of krynki on the left bank of the dnieper, where ukrainian troops
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captured a narrow strip of fishermen's houses. the only place where they managed to gain a foothold. ukrainian. the state is rethinking its strategy and temporarily abandoning the idea of ​​​​returning the territories, writes the german biel. new defense tactics should help save the lives of soldiers. former commander of the us army in europe ben hodges says that potential conscripts who belong at the front have literally flooded the european union. right now there are too many military-age men and women walking around ukraine who should be serving in the military. and thousands of ukrainians of military age are in poland, romania. and germany, ukraine should correct the situation by putting healthy men and women in military uniform. delays from mobilization in ukraine will deprive women of the police force; a draft of the new law was published by verkhovna rada deputy bezuglaya. this footage shows another raid on restaurants in the odessa region. here the summons is left at the door of recruits in the poltava region. and this video is from lviv. the employees of the
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recruitment center threw the shopping center visitors to the floor and wrung their hands. in kiev they plan to organize checkpoints for inspection documents and issuing subpoenas, according to terrorist budanov, the flywheel of mobilization can no longer be stopped. it’s impossible without mobilization , you even just need to discard such thoughts that you can move away from mobilization, it’s not possible, no recruiting will cover 100 million , we don’t have that many people in principle who want to do anything, let alone fight, currently there are losses and this amount. but the usa doesn’t care about this now, there are other problems, as we saw in the senate on capitalist hill, gay, the video was filmed quite recently, here bilt publishes details of what happened there, sdp politician and former employee of the federal
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ministry of labor and social affairs of germany, apparently filmed himself in which he shamelessly... had sex with congressional staffer aiden mazon cheropsky in the building hard senate office building in washington, where the commission's hearings on the september 11 attack were previously held. shocking videos from the heart of us democracy have surfaced on social media. meiza čeropski can be seen standing on on all fours at the table. he's wearing skimpy underwear and his back is covered with a photo of the capitol dome. the recordings became public last friday, and since then there has been a firestorm that has reached joe biden, as mace cheropsky appeared in a campaign video with the current us president in 2020. mace cheropsky was apparently fired shortly after the porn appeared online. he is no longer... working, senator cardin's office said, according to an american legal expert, they face up to 10 years in prison for trespassing and indecent exposure. this
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means that the multifaceted life of americans is captivated not only by the war in ukraine, once again by the us scandal, but a politician from germany took part in it, here are the details, the front page of the german bilt, well, that is, so that you don’t think that we are discussing something... that's unworthy. we start with you, you do whatever you want, you want from this, you want from a slightly different angle, i’m from a different angle, we didn’t want to put you in an awkward position, these are all western front pages, propagandists, well, i i think that tomorrow the front pages of german and other european newspapers will be occupied by other news; it still seems to me that they will write about the twelfth package of sanctions. regarding russia, if someone in the bundestag doesn’t learn the same thing, then yes, there will be a twelfth package, i think that the european press will still try to talk about the fact that europe is united as
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never before, it is still fighting with russia, after all, the twelfth package of sanctions has been agreed upon, indeed it has been agreed upon, it has not yet been officially published in european law journal, but we are expecting it any day now. was withdrawn, i mean sanctions against oil supplies, new sanctions, because they planned to bring the southern branch of friendship under sanctions, which hungary opposed,
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nuclear energy was removed, which hungary also opposed, and accordingly raiffeisen bank was removed from the ukrainian list of sponsors of the military conflict , sanctions have been removed from hygiene products, now they can be carried on cars, even cars in a number of cases, if... the european countries themselves the border guards will agree with this, that is, the new sanctions lift the previous sanctions in comparison, well, that is, we can really talk about some mitigation of the sanctions, although here we are talking more about clarification, because with the same cars jokes are jokes, there was a lot of noise, the question was precisely interpreted, because there are countries , like your beloved germany, which sometimes take sanctions very literally, recently you probably heard an explanation that it is impossible...
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on the topic of what belgium is doing now economically, what is the bet on? it turns out that belgium is turning, according to bloomberg, into the largest center for the supply of synthetic drugs to world markets,
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including the united states. well , perhaps there will be such economic experiments quite in the spirit of building a new modern economy, where they are being prepared at the headquarters of the european union or at the nato headquarters. they prepare in belgium and take from eastern europe, turning into a dealer. the main thing is that... they still say that there will be some measures, but they explain very vaguely what is there transparency will be increased, that is, in this regard, apparently, there will be some letters written there that we are increasing pressure in
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relation to the ceiling. prices, but it is really doubtful that some things will be there, indeed the greeks demanded that some harsh wording be removed, plus, again, these tankers have long been sold and resold, sovcomflot immediately sold almost its entire fleet to companies that are registered in hong kong or the united arab emirates, we are also learning to overcome sanctions, these 2 years have not were wasted in terms of how to actually re-register ships, hide them in general...
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and europeans should not forget about this, this is also a pandora’s box that they are aware of, and we see, by the way, that more and more often the european union is trying to shift responsibility to the national government, by the way, in the case of the same cars that you said, they say, let the national government themselves decide whether to let cars in or not, and there are more and more such examples, that is, brussels understands that if engage in, well, outright impudence, then this will inevitably have an overall effect on the destruction of the general rules of the game on... general otizatsii, here is also interesting news that has arrived, although the british press writes about it, i don’t know, it’s a leak or not, but nevertheless they say that the americans have almost already found a mechanism for the seizure of russian assets, a fund will supposedly be created there that will engage in investments in the interests of ukraine, that is , also, by the way, they are not going to give anything directly to ukraine, the money will be placed in american ph, but again the question arises, will the frozen assets
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be transferred or not? stories with kuwait and iraq, but even then there were un sanctions, that is, there was full approval of the un and iraq, by the way, then admitted they were right, that is, there is not a single precedent when they took it, did not freeze it, i repeat again, took it, stole , they said, this is now ours, and we are creating a special fund, if such actions are taken, this is what will happen next, the question is so rhetorical, so when the houthis, for example, shoot at tankers using the weapons they have, including
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missiles, so why be surprised?
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chic eyeliner, and firstly, diamonds will be prohibited from spring to november, and accordingly, belgium itself introduced them, lobbied for these restrictions, i’ll explain why, accordingly, there is an overstocking of the market there, and fundamentally, they want , accordingly, to create an artificial shortage, so synthetics are coming out accordingly , well , first of all, we mean diamonds, but of course the question will be how, accordingly, it will be interaction is being arranged with india, because they are going to certify this process, a specific point, the second direction, related directly to iron, steel, switzerland is included in the packages, which was not previously included, the volumes are estimated differently, but not so significantly, aluminum, which was supposed to be subject to 15% on imports, most likely does not, they will sign separate agreements, with 20 plus companies that are directly related to the military-industrial complex with which they will interact through third countries it’s complicated, it just feels like the last thing they can
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do and come up with, well, if it’s the twelfth. something else, look , in fact, a lot of things were excluded from it, in fact , a lot of things were excluded from it, that is, they excluded from it , for example, the situation related to bokhtim, respectively, with oil and gas, from there they excluded the situation related to assets, and there accordingly 89. it took a very long time to agree on these decisions, the most important thing is that they were very expensive, in fact, that is, it took some time exception, this 10 yards had to be removed , respectively, as a result, as it were , hungary, which said that it would then block when it goes through the national government, well, it’s like now with ukraine, that is, in fact, this is
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a very expensive procedure and as if it is more difficult in principle, this is noticeable simply by the time of adoption, at least i remind you, accordingly everyone wanted to take the toughest sanctions to g20, something like g7, g20, g7 even and after that somehow no... it didn't go, that is, i would said that taking into account the fact that we now have 71 approximately on the external component of 29, it is still carried out by european partners to one degree or another, then how could they cut out the part from there that relates to transport, no matter how complicates the component, in addition, it reminds me that i’m going to tighten the ceiling there from different sides, it’s also somehow not traceable yet, except for this signed agreement, why they will also sign, well, what it will generally look like, that’s what it’s like in general this would indicate what was important to accept, people accepted. as if to show the dynamics itself, and accordingly, well, individuals and legal entities are also expanded, everything is clear, the most interesting question is what will happen next, because on february 1, i remind you, accordingly there will be a summit on the allocation of funding , it has already been appointed, when they will accordingly
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pester hungary about the appropriate allocation of funds, in fact, it is also obvious that by the end of december another 20 billion must be allocated, well, to be honest they want to add more money like this without 20 billion, there’s no profit, you allocate 50 billion, you allocate 50 billion and pay for it. 30 is somehow, but 30 is less than a rollback? well, yes, but the question is that there countries seem to require serious funding within themselves, like 10-20 orban is a principled politician without money, he will not compromise; we have many principled politicians like that, only for a bribe, you understand, 10 billion and he goes out for coffee , here we have separate countries which, accordingly, i don’t know about other oil respectively, for energy traffic, then there is a lot of what for what? it’s being done, well, the very fact that the economy is already starting to work, it’s like a lot to talk about, but we are for the idea, of course, our budget is filled with the idea, so accordingly, what is the question, i doubt that tomorrow there will be the twelfth package should be discussed, everything should be discussed, i think, tomorrow everything will be discussed, accordingly emen, so
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by the way, i’ll explain why and how this affects us, i’ve been talking here since the morning accordingly, what influences, we had 96, she went oh, 96, oh my god, according to fensch somehow that’s why he said incorrectly, 76 went to 79 and a half. it’s quite nice for us, well, let’s just say that it divides, it doesn’t divide, but what the situation is doing now is turning around in such a way that in fact it is putting very serious pressure on those things that seem to be important,
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for example, for the market, respectively, for energy resources , especially the most important to the channel, which receives a significant part of the supplies, including the european the direction, now approximately, by the way, they showed it there accordingly, that is, the picture, the most interesting thing, of course, there ... the line was not signed by 50% , attacks on american military personnel in syria and iraq increased in november, 98 attacks were recorded there , but they’re doing nothing about russia there, that’s another question, you kind of ask austin, he ’ll fly to the middle east soon, he’s already there, by the way , he arrived today, so from this point of view the question is: what is there very military operations are greatly intensifying, which is what was said in principle, now the situation related to tankers is very painful, why today our largest producers began to be cut off in a row, this happened on friday. bp said that we are not driving everything yet, simply because prices there have already become very high, the premium has appeared very high there, accordingly, because different objects are already starting to be attacked there, that’s all that seems to be moving there, so from this point of view it is a very big problem, they are already pulling
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accordingly, the strike forces are directly in the united states, and they are substantively discussing the issue of striking yemen, this is being discussed substantively, in extreme cases, in the media and they are also discussing, respectively, there is a landing operation, which is unlikely, but possible, because yes, accordingly, already two landing... ships are raking up, they will fail, by the way, perhaps, taking into account the fact that, as has already been said, the ship's emergency is actually against the yemen operation, so, by the way, yemen’s great defender, just because how could it come to... the story is simple with yemen, because if the united states goes to yemen, then yemen will not be able to respond to the united states, but he will respond to saudi arabia, that’s all , here the question is not even that, firstly, uranus is a hell of a lot of proxies, so they have a lot to answer for, they have it there in iraq, they have it , as it were. as if this is not
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the production of some sort of internal yemeni military-industrial complex, so to say, simply ukraine, yemen, gaza, taiwan , will soon be able to show it in all cinemas, but to the question that they are gathering significant forces here, this is to the question that the load is very serious. now it’s interesting, if you take all the indexing that exists, well, in general in the us media process, it is now en masse, in addition to christmas there, this is all traditional, specifically in middle eastern issues, it just pushes out everything else, because it’s like it affects oil, it affects accordingly energy carriers, it influences consumption accordingly, it influences internal situations, which seem to be discussed in detail, but everything else ceases to influence, so from this point of view, it’s like democracy is dying in the dark, and the washington post, accordingly, ended their wars
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from london. hello rogers, but not only good music, but also high politics. we'll be back in a minute. mystery investigation in previous episodes. okay, what do we have here? 11 stab wounds. investigator shveytsova is absorbed in the new investigation. we have to check this version. and let's work together in this direction. zlata worries
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about her mother and decides to improve her personal life herself. go on a date. hmm, let me think about who i should go on a date with? oh, i remembered, i have no one to be with, i won’t give you bad advice. here the young lady writes that she wants to see you next to her. you didn't mix anything up. marya sergeevna is looking for criminals. so, not suspecting that soon she will have to look for a way out of the love triangle. there is one point. which has been haunting me for several days now, i always said that it was for you perfect option. oleg, new secrets of the investigation, we are looking at rtr today.
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now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs, he... could become a zoologist or an athlete.
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we took the gto standards for 30 dash 34 years old, we can pull up as a taster. i always like to eat a lot. or a lifeguard? but he is a doctor that everyone needs; treatment should not be self-medication. you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, you don’t want to work so hard for your stepmother, every cinderella dreams of a prince,
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i’m standing at the mirror in a fur coat, then they come in, look what this quiet girl of ours is doing, and every prince... dreams of cinderella, a capital businessman comes to our hotel, oleg vorokhov, you believe in love at first sight, it happens, it happens, it doesn’t happen, it happens , maybe this time they will be lucky, your fate is being decided, a hotel for cinderella, on sunday on rtr. well, right now we have a unique opportunity to talk with the legendary british musician, one of the founders of pink floyd, roger waters. for 20 years he was the leader of a cult group and an author the vast majority of lyrics and a significant part of the music, including pink floyd's most popular album the dark side of the moon 7, the dark side
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of the moon sold 45 million copies and stayed on the charts in the united states, for example, more than 950. he calls the united states the most the greatest evil in the world, and biden a criminal and warmonger . zelensky was accused by watterers of violating his election promises to bring peace to donbass and called for an end to the bloodshed. but putin, on the contrary, speaks respectfully, as a leader who acts in the interests of his people. in the current show you show a slideshow of war criminals, a photo of current president joe biden appears with the caption: it's just beginning, what do you mean? for starters , he is inciting conflict in ukraine, this is a terrible crime. why doesn’t the united states persuade president zelensky to negotiate? but you
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blame the country that was invaded, everything is mixed up for you.
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rogerters communications work with a simultaneous translator to make it convenient for our viewers. roger, hello, my respect, i definitely don’t believe my eyes, a legend of incredible planetary scale, i’ll tell my dad, he won’t believe it, that ’s true, really, thank you very much for your music, but today we are talking about... politics, in this regard, let’s , as they say, right off the bat, we know your position on biden, you have said more than once that the us president is a warmonger in ukraine, now it increasingly seems that the world is sliding into a third world war, what do you say, there is
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a feeling that a little more, and nuclear explosion. obviously, nuclear war is always terrible threat, and world leaders understand this, and the war in ukraine, it seems, has become not the biggest problem, it is very difficult to assess all this, of course, it seems that what is really happening now. some kind of dead end, someone says that this conflict can end, but professors in the usa too... they talk about it, and also, well, be that as it may, and these are
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all wise people who propose this, propose to end it this conflict, but we should be able to organize some kind of democratic referendum in donbass, already donetsk, lugansk, this is already tried to do it, but no one wants to admit it. now i’m not a military man, i certainly can’t judge this as an expert, but it would be nice to stop the bloodshed, to stop it so that people on the spot can decide their future in a democratic referendum, to do this, i only support this idea, this idea not mine, but i think it's quite reasonable.
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well, you know, yes, we have a ruling class, and what i must say is that about many things that are happening in the world, like the conflict in ukraine, in gaza, but if you go against the accepted, accepted principles of the ruling class, this immediately makes you one of the enemies, and this is all obvious. always the one who believes that he does not think within the framework of existing propaganda, he wants to think
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freely, but they are always not given this, not even a small platform from this platform, even if they act, it will still irritate them, therefore, they are doing everything to keep quiet, this is particularly visible now, now the united states is supporting and really trying.
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the ukrainian ambassador to austria called you a cruel, heartless, lost,
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kremlin, pro-putin man, advised you to move to russia. and why did he call you cruel, heartless , what is heartless and cruel in your position on ukraine, because you call for an end to the bloodshed, russia calls for agreeing to negotiations on security guarantees on our terms, but no one agrees to negotiations, and this position is called heartless and cruel. well, obviously. this mr.
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alexander sherba, yes, his iq, it seems to me, is lower than the winter temperature in our country, well, let's not talk about him, he really is some kind of idiot, and he goes through this propaganda all the time. let's not forget that it belongs to a group of people. in western politics and in the west in general, who are trying to cancel my tour and performances in europe and even in south america, they tried to cancel my performances in chile, in argentina, of course, they did not succeed, well, i have
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very loyal followers in these countries, and they love me very much there and... and of course, south america, unlike europe, is now in such a balance, balancing, of course, now less so, as for argentina, it now looks like the people who came to power are trying to somehow destroy it, maybe they won’t succeed, i hope, but, but my friend, president lula, lula, one who recently won very, very... in the elections, now brazil continues this subtle difference, very subtle victory in politics. brix is ​​now becoming a more and more powerful association around the world, the idea of ​​the usa and other countries that support them to continue to rule the world on their
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rules, on their basis will soon end and... it's becoming more and more difficult for them to carry out their policies and achieve their goals , this domination, domination of the whole world, because people all over the world will not support it and will understand it, and i'm really glad that they are gradually seeing the light and resisting it, and this is especially clear how my brothers and sisters in palestine are now opposing this, and people, people will see this, so someone says, yes... how can it be, you told me: you will appear on russian television, yes then you in general you won’t perform anywhere, no, what are you doing? no, i think this is all absurd, every evening in my show, i promote these ideas, which are called ubara, when we come to a bar, we meet people there, we not only sing, we can communicate there for
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- some kind of , for some tasty drink, right? belongs to the russian people, and the russians are our friends, well, all our friends, yes, we must proceed from this in such a way that we must generally move away from propaganda, those who incite war, because war is a profitable business, therefore they work for someone’s benefit, they try to enrich someone, but we need to move away from this, because huge millions are made from war, very rich people
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make money, but this is terrible.
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thank you, yes, reality does not fit into my understanding, the premiere, the examination, uh-huh, there is a coincidence, yes, you are our captain of the obvious, as i see it, no, i ’m a hypocrite, and i don’t understand anything. let's figure it out, new secret investigations, today on rtr.
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there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, as soon as you get a pet, life will never be the same again former. puts everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face that you forgive everything , they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them
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is a real star, the secret of dreams, as you agreed to it, at first they shoved a red snake into me , hearts?
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little thing on saturday on rtr, well, there’s not much time left, so i’ll go in a condensed version, which means that the fact that the ssu announced the transition to active defense means only one thing, that they are preparing their population, the world around them for what they expect large losses of territory, because... does not involve holding territories, inflicting maximum damage on the advancing enemy, these are strongholds, there are minefields between them, as a rule,
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dense defense is not created there, they hit the enemy from the flanks, create fire bags, the enemy breaks through inside, he is being hit by aircraft, tanks and everything else, active defense presupposes the presence of large, quite powerful... troops capable of leading and delivering counterattacks against the advancing enemy in areas where breakthroughs are being made. this is, of course, not in the city development, when in lead with them for some kind of separate.
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there is no reason for a tank reserve, because such a breakthrough must be carried out in an open field, or at least not in urban areas, and there tanks and aviation play a key role, so if we have, and we now have, absolute superiority of aviation and significant superiority of armored vehicles, so such defense also does not have much chance, therefore, in the immediate information policy in the ssu. expect something like this: yes, russia is somewhere was successful there, but our troops, russian troops, suffered huge losses as a result of the fight against, which means the armed forces of ukraine, they are already saying so, this is just the beginning, then facts will be given, so we must be prepared for this, we must clearly understand what this is a targeted information policy is disinformation, three lines of defense will never be built to nothing, look what you have here. we managed to do it in almost
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a year, there is one small point, a small nuance, the russian engineering troops in terms of combat strength and numbers, if not by an order of magnitude, then this is close to superior to what was available in ukraine, besides, a significant part of the engineering equipment in isu has already been knocked out, look, you showed how they are building a ditch, digging a ditch, which means that this very machine is working to create, this is an anti-tank ditch, she has an hour of 100 m , look how many hours she needs to dig at least one line of 100 km, so technically, that’s why they talk about active defense, they simply cannot create in certain areas they cannot, they will be able to create there are one or two lanes, and where they will be try, we definitely have one important nuance, we don’t relax, now time is just running out, still say this phrase, no dizziness. from success, it is clear that
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the war will continue and there is still a lot to be done before victory, look, it was 60 minutes, goodbye, goodbye, thank you. the russia tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, maria sistel, hello, this is a firing point located at the torsky ledge in serebryansky forestry. about the situation on the krasnolimansky sector of the front vnkor vestey, alexey baranov. a strong earthquake in northwest china kills more than 110 people and damages residential buildings and roads.


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