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tv   Taini sledstviya-23  RUSSIA1  December 19, 2023 10:20pm-11:22pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] i’m saying that wives, like wives, send, that is, men collect one more fact, and i’ll just draw a line here under this point, because it’s impossible to keep up with the fact that the first full-fledged graduation there for officers happened here after what happened only in the nineteenth year, just to understand, from the restored schools, to understand the amount of work done, but i’m not talking about the whole thing, but the fact itself, which is very important, over the years we went through large-scale front-line operations, well , excuse me, the length of the front line is 2.0 km , yes, 2,000 km, this is how this country and its armed forces would have done in a year and a half, when the president said today, well, we are waiting for a return, but behind these words there was a lot, the fourth is the last point, it is also very important, this is of course about tom, well,
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how would you know? that’s good, we would have heard , you won’t be nice to us by force, we are not the guarantors of your territorial integrity, this is the first, second, in principle, you know , it was not in vain that you said about the people of vlad, i would be here like this, you know, here now they owe 500,000 take into the meat grinder there in ukraine , women and men, all 500,000, i want to say,
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there, you know, in principle, probably, because, well, no, it’s already clear, this education no longer has any prospects, especially moreover, what the president said today when rewarding the heroes, i think, especially for those who misunderstood, perhaps something that we, the vast majority of people in our country, seem to me to agree with this statement of the president, mikhail mikhailovich , i’m trying to find logic in the actions of the ukrainian
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command... let's open the manual on preparing and conducting an operation, what is written there in black and white, that counter-attack operations, counterattacks are carried out when, what basic conditions must be met, in the offensive zone, to have overall fire superiority over the enemy, the enemy must do this time to lose its offensive capabilities, its reserves must be immediately spent, but somehow, if these conditions are met
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, it is advisable to carry a counter. blow, in general it just sounds easy, everything seems like it i read everything, passed the exam, i’m a commander, right? in fact, try to determine there , the enemy has exhausted the offensive, managed to take it, only got to work with heavy losses, against this background, well , it would seem that they have already been burned more than once, no, combat operations of an offensive nature begin, begin in the area of ​​the offensive populated area, the emphasis
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is placed correctly on krynki. snow on his head, his head will spin, a hand strengthens an arm, a leg strengthens a leg, you didn’t break through in the first two or three days, you didn’t you will tear, then in two, in 3 months, so this is what is happening in the area of ​​​​the village of krynki, well, in my opinion, this is some kind of disposal of the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, the first thing to hit, sabers, chop, bullet, jelly , well, nevertheless, nevertheless , these are all these principles. they are not outdated today, or, for example, the ukrainian military leadership quarreled with their western patrons regarding the fact that, for example, uh, the ukrainians decided, the armed forces of ukraine, to simultaneously attack
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bakhmud, in the area - in the direction of takmak , work, or rather rabotina takmak. and then, when all this failed, it didn’t work out, they advanced there only an insignificant distance, and in some places they did not advance at all. here are the western curators. they say: you were in vain, the guys were advancing on two directions at once, you had to concentrate all your forces on only one, in this case you would have succeeded. when only one direction of the main attack is chosen, only one, then it is, in principle, easily revealed by all possible means enemy. again, well, christomathy. and - two or three directions, two or three directions, then the enemy already has questions, what exactly is the direction in this
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case? not everyone always understands suvorov’s behest correctly , again, many of our commanders, commanding officers need to simply write it down in their work notebooks, that for a soldier, for a soldier, the main thing is courage, for an officer , valor, for a general, it’s courage , because after all, ultimately subordinate station, when the political leadership sets, let’s say, not always realistic goals, we mean the ukrainian prime minister, then the military... got scared, said that he would not sign the mobilization of women, but lowered the age to 25 years of mobilization, that is, he looks us, that is, the military, the military leadership must always somehow defend the point of view, well, from purely, well, yes , certain limits, of course, because
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an hour before, well, up to certain limits, because after all, when in any case, if management set tasks, they need to be done fulfill, but nevertheless you need to express your point of view in this regard, is it realistic or unrealistic? now, as for the special military itself, although sometimes the characteristics that are written shock me, i was struck by the characteristic that lieutenant general medvedsky wrote to one of his subordinates, who showed himself today, he wrote the following, this is the best award, this is not an award, this is a sentence , if such an officer, this is a sentence, but on the other hand, on the other hand, again from the point of view of humor, maybe this is normal. after all, certifications for officers are a very big deal, they should be written as objectively as possible, of course, this was objective, so if you like , the lieutenant general saved the lives of the subordinates of this mediocre officer, who did not understand that he did not have the necessary command
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skills on the management of the unit, this was also written, but simply as regards the experience of a special military operation, which, in fact, is being observed by politicians and military personnel around the world, and they are already beginning to learn lessons, the same thing... and as for this experience, of course , well, in my opinion, again from my point of view, well, some issues need to be significantly reconsidered because, well, sometimes they say that, like, yes, this is war again. one should never prepare for yesterday’s war , this is certainly correct, because here, too , there is no need to go too far in this matter, and as for some of the reasoning, an ordinary infantryman did not set his own foot on this or that section of territory
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until he was there unloaded the assault flag, you you don’t control this territory, no matter what phrase you intelligently present to the classics , it sounds different, but for now, some of the foot soldiers are a hater of the enemy. we need to introduce new generations, continue
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, that is, nowhere is there such a thing that everything is fine, we understand who is opposing us, we understand that the enemy will not calm down, we understand what kind of industrial colossus will accelerate and ultimately go against us, so now, having picked up the pace, we do not intend to slow it down, new types of weapons based on new physical principles, i see, i see you have it ready summary of the speech to the leadership of the armed forces. i listened to every word and then re-read it several times, nevertheless, the experience of a special military operation, again with a long-term perspective, must be carefully studied , taken into account, for example, at least a few questions, so purely in outline, for example, you need to have a reserve pilot composition, it is necessary to have wars, any, for example, it is very important to have a reserve of officers, especially in the rota-battalion level, rota-battalion platoon, how
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to do this, well, it’s impossible that... on the border of crimea and there will advance further,
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the border will be organized with interest emphasized in how the border with poland, with romania and with all other countries that now border ukraine will be organized, and the report quite, so to speak, the main idea conveys that , that despite the fact that now the industrial base of the united states cannot support two conflicts, two fronts at once, it will be necessary to choose, it will become, will soon become very difficult. so this report very clearly shows one thought, well, a thought that of course connected with vekusinov , insofar as europe cannot be left, this is the main idea, and what does he have sewn in there, well, this is for democrats, now, by and large
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, quite clearly, so to speak, democrats to a greater extent support this european direction of the main biden. biden, because obama is already dumping biden. biden administration supports why ukraine? this is a toxic asset, but nevertheless they sign an agreement on a new border, our access to the baltic must be limited, yes buildings, they agreed today that they would sign this agreement, well, with norway even earlier, they signed it with finland on the eighteenth. in general, in short, in their exit from the baltic they will
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apparently be strengthened, that’s what i said. they will sink everything, submarines, aircraft carriers , cruisers, everything else, these can, these can, they have been fighting since childhood, i understand that such a very respectable squadron is being assembled, you won’t believe that you can send two aircraft carrier groups against the houthis, two in general
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aircraft carrier groups, they are against the kemchan they pulled it up, well, the kemchinin has a suspicion there, so to speak, after all, there is strength , they last time... launched a missile that will definitely reach america, the houthis, i don’t believe that they have a missile that will reach america, you don’t believe me, just wait, with a nuclear charge, yes , well, maybe, maybe we need to get to america, they have america here, they only need to sink ships on military bases to carry a blow, plus they said, and now we ’ll demolish israel altogether, well, here they are they say we are now banging on israeli territory, not enough it doesn’t seem like we have anything, there are many objects on israeli territory, hitting which could lead to terrible disasters. that is, in general, the level of tragedy that can unfold before our eyes is such that the world cannot even imagine, there will be, as it were , a second conflict, so in fact they are now transferring ukraine there, creating such a large grouping of troops that they usually created against the state, this is
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surprising about the fact that, well, in principle, when you think about it, israel isn’t even fighting israel is at war with the state. this is in general, this is a product of the american crazy policy of wars, the americans fought with whom, yes, they started with isis, and there to fight with alkaida, of course, is prohibited in russia, that is, they tried to fight with the structures everywhere, who all just moved from country to country and inflicted attacks on the americans everywhere, this is not called unconventional threats, with which they cannot, with which they cannot cope, but they, because they do not know how to fight with them, yeah. the only one who has achieved real success in the fight against international terrorism, in whatever form it has not been, is russia. only we have a unique experience, which in the caucasus, in general , if in fact, if the israelis really wanted to free the hostages, they would have to call ramzan akhmatovich kadyrov and say: ramzan akhmatovich, you can send these guys who have enormous
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experience, they would everything was organized, and at least with the veterans of the alpha prokonsu in general, the americans from vietnam. then, by the way, there would be muslims too are alive, and relations would be normal , to communicate, to generalize the experience of so-called counter-insurgency operations, and this is what they are doing, so they studied korea, then vietnam very broadly, apparently, apparently they did not learn, because they, they are conducting such a large military operation, what lloyd george announced is like their guardian of prosperity, but where did they find prosperity there, oh well, god bless him, if if... an operation that they involved everyone, but who, who else is possible, spain, great britain, i was more amazed of course, the perfect islands, well, not all
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of them, only 10 states , the americans, let me give diplomacy, they managed to merge japan and korea, unite them in one, so
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to speak, before they had until august 18 of this year, when they were able to agree that they will carry it out and liberate korea, well, let’s see how he liberates, the simple fact is that for the united states two goals arise in the far east, really no, the united states. with the current leadership it is unlikely that they will be able to do anything, only this current leadership thinks to me, but the other there is no us for you, well, there will be another, but not soon, there will be another, america still needs to do another, there will be another, but i don’t think that it will be better in quality than this , insofar as trump wins, yes, i i’m personally for trump, because he can destroy everything, i’ve always been for trump, he’s a destroyer, he does it well, he ’s very good at it, he can’t and won’t be able to form his administration to the end a second time. therefore, the chaos there will continue, but the main thing is that there is no alternative to it, so the chaos
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planned in absolute terms, advertising, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs, he could become angry. or athletes. we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups. taster. i always like to eat a lot. or a rescuer. but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be
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self-medication, you need to see a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, we watch on weekends, my daughter is missing. i didn’t come home last night, your daughter also disappeared, well, i messed with both of them and what? i wonder how your life is, do you know that you raised a monster? yes, there’s blood, there’s a lot of it, on the floor and on the coffee table, the wait is worse than death, i won’t rest until i find out what happened to your daughter, do you believe me , the unknown is worse than the truth, it was... my god, love at the risk of life ,
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the body of a young girl was found, maria kulikova, saturday on rtr, who? please explain to zelensky what a million is, otherwise he can see he didn’t take math at school, he went to plant a million trees, but a billion trees, a billion trees in 3 years, yeah, now he said that they will produce a million drones in a year, although 36,000 it turns out logistics didn’t arrive somewhere, but now they want to produce a million drones for everything, well, okay, still a fool with an idea is getting rich, so why not 10 million, and what not 100 million, chatter? easy, well, just creative, what i liked, he says, and what he says means that now 50 countries
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will develop formulas for peace and hand them over to russia, well, print it on toilet paper? idiot, everything is decided on the battlefield, are you even snooping? stop, you wanted to know what lena is like, okay, please, it’s very nice, well, biden also manages to create a mess, it turns out no worse than trump, so if someone
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is relying on unrest in america and the absence. now he’s coming up with all sorts of things that are connected with the yemeni hausites and with his submission , now the americans have put together another coalition , but much smaller, it’s no longer 80 countries, like in that one, it’s about 10 - at most, and some states even refuse to designate their presence, and some the americans even discussed this issue with china, and the chinese... they are actively involved in many peacekeeping operations, they are probably the most active participants in many international peacekeeping operations, although they do not advertise it, they are actively involved in the fight against piracy, they have completely refused , they refused to participate in this new american coalition, i understand that it smells
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bad, both saudi arabia and
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the emirates refused, although... the yemeni interim government is not satisfied, it is not satisfied that russia talks to everyone. in 2015, russia abstained on un security council resolution 2216, did not block it, abstained. explain to everyone
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then that there is no need to make hasty decisions, there is no need to put so much pressure on the houthis, there is no need to directly squeeze them with a military embargo and sanctions, this will lead to nothing. russia even then said that it is necessary to conduct a dialogue with everyone, and if you do not conduct a dialogue with...
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saudi arabia and the emirates. remember the armed groups that are close to iran, and that’s what happened, so neither saudi arabia nor the emirates are now eager to form such coalitions, which is why moscow is now repeating that we need to talk to all the forces in yemen, in palestine, military force, you and these guys in sneakers made from sweatpants, you won’t solve anything, because that even if you destroy some of them... new ones will grow up, they have seen nothing in life except war, they don’t know how to do anything except pull the trigger, they haven’t studied in schools, they don’t know american
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policy in the middle middle region east, when i saw the first message about this coalition, i was upset, to be honest, because again it smells bad, it smells
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completely bad, there will be a war. there’s something about fucking ukraine for them , who are just so burned out, plus now something ’s going to happen in the far east, where should they go, three wars on their hands, well, that’s why, remembering the words of this yemeni minister, he outlined some of his claims there , because he represents a government close to the west, but the bottom line is that he said, he said, we need russia, and so many people in
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the region say why, because they are tired. they are tired of being afraid of what the americans are doing, and the europeans can show off as much as they want, there is something on their noses, but no one perceives the europeans at all, they are not seen, the moral authority in the world is zero, that is, when some kind of scholz or someone is trying to say something, he just looks at them as idiots, who are you anyway, what are you talking about, here some onov idiot decided to charge us with war crimes on the territory of ukraine
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against civilians. probably not so bad yet, because in general the world order changed as a result of global wars, well, let’s remember the first world war, the second world war, before that there were the napoleonic wars, there were thirty years and so on, that is, it may not be so it’s bad if it changes through conflicts, the sooner americans realize that the world has changed, the better it will be for the world, in fact for the americans themselves, they just don’t understand it yet, they’re not able to realize the transformation of the world order, probably the main thing is,
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we will write it. at the same time, erdogan said that he has been forcing turkey to wait for years at the doors of the eu because of political obstacles, erroneously , erdogan said, that is, in fact, erdogan is teaching the european union how to behave, yes, he is concluding direct agreements with the hungarians, with hungarian colleagues on strategic partnership, this changes everything significantly, a strong move, yes, of course, this is a direct move, this is a direct move, this is a direct movement in relation. building a future world order, where there is an oppressive europe, and there are separate elements that can and should be negotiated with, directly this is what erdogan is actually doing. moreover,
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both were said. is coming, it will be difficult, aleksandrevich , i will not touch on the middle east topic , i would really like to, but i will do as the un does, i will abstain, talk, we’d rather talk about other topics, vladimir putin said a very interesting thing that we all we know that behind the foundations, behind the various organizations, behind the media there are some foundations, and this is really, this is not a figure of speech, i just i’ll give you an example from... springer is , in general, a kind of german creation that was created by axel and frieda springer, and from that springer only frieda springer remained, who in this concern is one of the four leading shareholders,
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she has 23%. 21% of that person is döbfen, his last name, but this does not matter, who heads today as the general director, as the head of this concert. 13% in springer is owned by the canadian pension fund, very interesting, but 36% is owned by the company kohlberg, kolberet, which is absolutely right, which is located in new york with a total capital of 570 billion dollars, is the largest investment firm that holds almost everything under it, that is, if we count all this , there is grass, there are sheep that
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graze small. this policy is being pursued in terms of springer , of course, these are representatives of the united states of america, but now i ’ll return a little to today’s problems in germany, which are very important, we often mention alfred rosenberg here, he always
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he said when he spoke about the eastern lands, we will gather our urazenberg, a graduate of baumenka, one of the main ideologists of nazism, yes, we just need to germanize this entire space. there were words of his that, well , it’s not that it’s hard for me to explain, it’s hard for me to pronounce them, he said, these are new territories. he meant, in all likelihood, that these are new territories for this separate designation, which exists in
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germany everywhere, from wikipedia to any political courses training, everyone understands perfectly well what living space is, this term new territory, living space, is applied only in application to hitler’s reich, to these plans, that is, germany is returning to its natural roots, which is what we all argued about many years ago. i said that this is how i felt like this, you know, i didn’t feel so scared, but a chill, yes, such a chill rushed through all my places, good and bad, i just began to think, i began to imagine, well, okay, if already like that expressions slip through, well, maybe you really remember before this, i told you about the former minister of health, who said that
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all refugees should be deported. this is a person who is distinguished by a very high level of education and intelligence, speaks russian, has passed an exam in the russian language, knows russian culture well, such a terrible signal for germany, you know, you can’t ignore it, you can’t say now that germany is turning into such this is some kind of new reich, but honestly i dare say that i have such fears, they are based, you know, the world was created by words, when i hear words that are pronounced, very often these words are pronounced by people, they are unconscious, so dima and i discussed for a long time just about this a topic like... a man is talking, he doesn’t even understand, it’s just this from him, from him, but can i throw it in your piggy bank, well, you saw,
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probably the famous deputy kizivettor, no , so wait, this, excuse me, this right in the row that you are discussing, stated that germany europe, in order to feel firmly on its feet, close to the text, i quote, needs a year, let's show. if europe wants to implement an energy transition, then it needs its own deposits. the largest deposits are located in the regions of donetsk and lugansk. therefore, russia needs these deposits to make us dependent on the transition to electric motors. that is, we still have completely different reasons and goals, so we
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need a consolidated one. who could he be? yes, he wasn’t german either, by the way, yes, it’s true that he wasn’t a german then, but he’s serious, but he really took part in bavaria, but didn’t receive citizenship, but he signed up to round it off and ended up as a feuter, and, by the way, in the austrian they didn’t take him into the army, he passed, not a promission, but he had big problems that he continued to have throughout his life. i have already talked about some, i don’t want to spoil your appetite now, otherwise i would tell an interesting story about hitler, but i generally
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always, today's germany, of course, there it is now divided simply along some incomprehensible axes, today the administrative court of munich decided that the crucifix, which hangs in almost all state institutions of bavaria, can be left, was raised in 2018. clean up, today this decision was made , this decision may be petty, but in
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the light of how christmas trees are removed, they are called christian trees, in the light of how children are forbidden to have... some kind of holidays, this is such after all a signal that not everything is still so bad, somewhere there are still some rudiments of such common sense thought and it is impossible to ignore it, well, the last piece, i don’t remember today in which telegram channel i read that the west is supposedly thinking that if you negotiate with putin, then you need to use angela merkel for this, but i don’t know what kind of fevered brain i was born into, this is the fevered brain of a professor. we won’t discuss this, but i think that even in germany this idea would never have occurred to anyone.
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that's all, see you tomorrow.
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well, i’ll wake up now, get up and get ready, i already heard this yesterday, yesterday you seduced me, hanima, well that’s it. it wouldn’t be difficult , i agree, he would move in with me, i would serve you, that ’s who cooks for you there, and oh, he does everything himself, you see, and olga, where is yours, has already left, yeah, and i would i would also leave, i would leave everything and go to america, i would sell something unnecessary, if... there was something to leave, and what is there to catch in america, well, you’re not an adventurer kulyakov, these are new opportunities, new acquaintances, this new life, well, at least try, who can try, a waitress, well, why not, by the way, i don’t see any difference at all, whether you’re on your feet for 12 hours there or here, but then i
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’d be a sexy waitress, that’s for sure, and my daughter would become a world-famous scientist and would support her mother . how to get rid of this, i don’t like it, kostin, but you think i like it. well, what are the options? leave? christina, are you talking about this too simply? no, nikit, it’s not easy, but i’m not ready to give birth for 18 years. yes, i got pregnant, why are you watching me? for a long time,
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i don’t know, these things are irregular for me, i was wondering if my stomach was tugging at the thing. what, i need to think, are you kidding me now, or what, what does this have to do with you, what are you going to think about? i mean, why, this, this is not mine, of course it’s yours, it’s just that this is actually my problem, i have to solve it somehow, kristin, if this is your problem, then why are you telling me all this, i don’t know, okay, ok, that's it, you decided, abortion, but why do you need me, kristin,
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why? carefully, don’t see me off, i’ll wait, what are you doing, why should i walk 3 meters, fresh apple, fresh apple, vitamins after meals, vitamins after eating, not instead, okay, pregnancy
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is not a disease, but if i don’t eat once, i won’t die, because you have to be fat, kuza, forget it, okay, okay, that’s it, don’t forget yet, he invited us pavel with his wife for dinner, pavel, what a, well, this investor, banker, yes, unpleasant, i didn’t like him, what do you want, well, i didn’t like him at all. well, yes, that is definitely a completely different
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