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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  December 25, 2023 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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in congress, i will tell you how it works, whether you are going on a visit, abroad or out of town, or you are in a bar in washington, it doesn’t matter who you like, women, men, they are very attractive right around you, they laugh at your jokes , you buy them a drink, the next flash is you waking up naked with them in a hotel room, then before the vote a well dressed man comes up and whispers in your ear, dude, i have one video, you were in a motel room or something with someone, you're like oh, and he adds, you i really shouldn’t have voted for this , like this:
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on the day, well, that is, they don’t deal with the ukrainians because it’s christmas, but they deal with the mexicans despite christmas, because border policy and borders are more important than the seemingly outwardly political component, this will be a big problem from the point of view of agreeing on the package, because the requirements are, well, in short about parole, so we’ll call it parole, that’s what it’s actually called there, we just don’t have much. blinkin's problem in mexico. they are now trying to negotiate with the president of mexico about leaving them there, limiting their progress, because they have now entered the southern part of mexico, are passing through the whole of mexico in order to approach the borders, there were several such caravans in 2018, 2019, but this is one of the largest, apparently , will be, for the most part, the countries of latin america and the caribbean, that is , in fact, there is no middle east there, and there is no eastern europe there, there is no palestine, nothing, that is, basically there haiti, for example , is the same thing, which, accordingly, comrade goes there, a person goes, accordingly, how to make money, so, accordingly, other countries, that is, they would not be the middle east, this is a problem
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of latin america, which basically comes from there, two our liberal comedians who reached the united states of america also said that their comrades, liberals, comedians, humorists, entered the united states through mexico, one was detained, no, before that it was a crossing, usually in small volumes, and this whole segment, it has just crossed the southern component, it is going on purposefully, this will be a very big problem for biden, why, because the migration topic is very problematic for the undecided states, this is primarily arizona, this is primarily nevada. accordingly, for other territories, too, if this happens now , as it were, if it happens just in time for the beginning of their session, and this will most likely come by the beginning of january, judging by the pace of progress, then this could pose a very big problem, on average in a few years they caught 2 million, more precisely, 2 million citizens were convicted for crossing the border, well, not citizens of course, but this is a very big complexity, a very big problem, this is the main topic of a responsible election campaign now, so now the main blow is happening, this is where he sent some of the components, and if the migration topic will be the basis...
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in democratic states, so that they do not interfere with republican states voting correctly in ukraine, for example, you need to resettle migrants for elections, but then your own voters, who will see you around them in democratic states have all this wonderful beauty, the problem there is different, that is, the situation is quite hopeless, the problem is different, so that the upper house, accordingly. the parliament and the senate can hypothetically agree on something there, but the problem rests precisely on this, accordingly the long-suffering johnson, the speaker will not allow the bill if his position is not there, it’s just that the lower stalemate has prepared its tougher position on migration legislation, the basic from which is udo, the so-called udo - this is a position that allows any person who has crossed the border incorrectly to be immediately cut off and sent back, that is, it allows migrants who have crossed the border illegally, accordingly, contrary to the norms, the rules of everything else, naturally, to be let through, as it were, in the end counting, to simplify it completely.
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they set a very strict requirement, just an ordinary person will ask about the police about the border guard, so they are collecting there, they tried to build a wall, they didn’t finish it, but the border guards, you just need to understand, that in the usa for a very long time a certain scheme has been formed that allows dreamers, that is, disruptors who cross the border, to remain accordingly, this is the main labor resource, which was, as it were, actively used, but against the backdrop of a difficult economic situation, the economy , accordingly, we remember that very large arrays have gone, this large array, which is traditionally suitable for an election campaign, accordingly is a very big problem, this... no one would have noticed if it weren’t for elections, so from this point of view , this is the problem, the problem is that in order for biden to make a decision and support the lower bill, he will actually have to speak out against his own voters, primarily the radical left, which stands precisely for openness borders are quite serious, and this is a very big problem, it is now against the backdrop of colorado, as was said, naturally, it is already losing there, like 3-5% in undecided states, we know the situation, by the way, has led to the opposite the effect, as we said, is accordingly supreme for us. came out, i remind you, on friday
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, right before christmas, that he said, not with us about them, well, that’s it, now in our world, as i understand it, here’s the economy, and accordingly, financing, all that, and so the supreme court came out accordingly. without attracting the attention of the orderlies, the world was still taken over, well, unfortunately, the orderlies are not orderlies, but the real situation, as it were, in the demarcation zone, suggests that everyone is monitoring the situation, respectively, in the usa, now at the moment, and on television, from military telegram channels, ukraine is absolutely monitoring, everyone is monitoring, because they understand perfectly well that a lot depends on funding, in principle, at least accordingly, as if on some features, so of course, this influences , let's tell them to relax until january 20, the next meeting on this very day is quite a while away.
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at this time, respectively, from january 1, it starts from the second, but we do it here, and not in the usa, thank god, so that we then, respectively, when the ninth tenth all they would not have come out together, respectively, they would not have collided with 61 billion in funding from above, accordingly, from above, accordingly, another 50 billion somewhere in the european union, from this point of view, it is now necessary to keep an eye on it a little,
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someone has left our sisterhood on vacation in the summer, the course was a lot of fun, and we recently found out that the course has problems with eggs, it’s a problem with inflation, very original, to be honest, the problem is this, that it’s really important. topic if gomendan wins, then it will be a failure for biden, so before the twelfth, before the thirteenth there is a very high probability, from the second to the tenth, of a very serious aggravation, if we watch, he will not win, i think that if we at least watch , what will happen on this track, if the main part of the funding attention that the american administration will focus on switches there, we, in extreme cases, will not receive additional funding for external funds, respectively ukrainian directions, because now it will happen that if the conflict is there, it will spread there. taiwan, if this is priority number three, everyone will gradually forget, when they forget everything, then everything will end, so from this point of view, accordingly, these are directly related processes, as for china, china is a strategic partner, it buys a significant part our corresponding energy carrier, this is approximately 200 billion purely
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our trade turnover, let the chinese watch, this is their taiwan and their new year is in february, i let me remind you that in the case of bangladesh, which chose on the seventh, sanctions or restrictions on trade turnover may be introduced against china. and this could also hit the russian economy, if china does not grow at 5%, then accordingly we will sell where , accordingly, in the future our oil, in the future our gas, we are going there to build the power of siberia two, if china receives serious restrictions economic, if india is now under pressure they also have elections next year, i remind you in april will also be limited, as is happening now, this narrows the possibilities for financing, including military operations, so from this point of view, of course, taking into account the fact that approximately 120-140 billion dollars are spent on this area, at a minimum, this ... the most important factor from the point of view of what will really happen, since this war is protracted, as it is attrition, they are depleting the economy, therefore, from this point of view, this is the most important event of the next year, the main thing will be, except for countries, apparently, in beginning of the year, which at this time will be celebrating something else, by the way, i remind you that this is also important from the point of view of prospects, because
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the minister of foreign affairs of india will come to us this week, including to negotiate on economic cooperation, and i remind you that now about... this is an attempt to limit the supply of energy resources to the territory of india, accordingly, there is already an accumulation there due to the ceiling, because strict requirements were adopted on friday directly by the ministry of finance and the united states, therefore, as if secondary sanctions, restrictions, therefore, from this point of view, india and china are the most important trading partners, if they are limited, this will seriously affect financial and economic opportunities, so now it is necessary to very clearly monitor and correctly work out exactly these areas, by the way, i remind you that this week there was just a meeting of the workers ' party, the workers' committee, and the opposition party in... in india they are going to organize a very serious economy there , a very funny joke from chech varkin he lives in london , can’t earn money, wants to return to moscow, here they talk about fat, money, investments, but
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the anti-russian position was too noisy at one time, in general he doesn’t know what to do, this is a question about... in general, it’s absolutely logical now it would be a good idea to sell everything , go to moscow, and build a tourist village there for domestic tourism , which is making all the jackpots, but if, well, yes, if i were not politically passive, then this one is ideal, just last year , poor poor unfortunate anti-russian. the freak once again lives in london, owns ryumyshna, but apparently it doesn’t bring in any money. we'll be back.
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secrets of the investigation in previous episodes. yes, it's been a long time since i've seen this. i will ask you to raise all the murders of women named svetlana in 99. again we are looking for a needle in a haystack. with pleasure. investigator shvetsova is no stranger to success in her work. thank god, there is someone to follow by example. oleg, you should see your face when you talk to her. although, you have always been a monster and you have always had everything do not care. well, she has long forgotten about successes in her personal life. well, do you do anything besides work? well, that's it. no one has made a date for marya sergeevna for a long time, but this can be fixed. i can't help but ask what you're doing in the hospital. and i ’m at work, maybe we’ll get acquainted already, new secret investigations, we’re looking at rtr today,
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there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the order is ready, explore, nature, mom, dear, simply incredible beauty. you already understand what is the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation? there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it. oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is. as my mother says, you'll lose your mind. this world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real
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amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention! today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, it’s been a long time since we saw each other, derzhki, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words , i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, reppin, the whole
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brigade, we just look at the platform, then the icy door is creaking, with a sheared line theme. golyuchaya, as soon as you step over the threshold of sunuin, and from the windows the threshold is blue-blue, blue light, december 31 on rtr, what are you doing, well, how are you behaving, slow down, i i’m telling you, listen, one thought came into my head, there is a man, he is strange and... maria
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mironova, pasha has problems with his son, at what stage of despair are you? milash bikovich, you bastard goist, alexander samoilenko, you can start, you and i are just relieving stress, no stress, i won’t be back in 20 minutes, 40, 20 we’ll finish. golob december 30 on rtr. so, let's move to london, where...
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local human rights organizations that demanded the immediate resignation of james cleverly, despite the fact that shortly before these statements by the minister, the british government promised to tighten legislation regarding the use of such sedatives, which are used , among other things, by rapists in order to take advantage of the helplessness of their victims, these are the jokes of the minister, i have already said that this is not the first time he finds himself in such a situation , now... he apologized again, said that he was misunderstood, firstly, it was a closed event, and the comments were, as they say, off the record, but nevertheless the mirror one sunday newspaper considered it necessary to publish them , so he apologized, but before that he also had statements, for example, regarding the british government’s plan to send
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migrants to africa, he called it nonsense, now he is really actively involved in this project, yes, at that time he was not yet... the minister of the interior when he uttered such words, but also from recent scandals, this is his, let’s say, remark that was heard in the meeting room of the commons when one of the deputies spoke, and he said, well, cleverly made a casual comment that the deputy represents, well, his constituency, this is basically a fool, cleverly, apologized, said that he didn’t mean the electoral district, but the... deputy himself, well , in general, it turned out, of course, all this was very awkward, how this story would end is incomprehensible to him, it is unlikely that richa sunok will dismiss the newly appointed minister of the interior, since the current head of the british government already has replacements, but nevertheless less so, these jokes served a bad purpose,
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well, let’s say, they are part of the minister’s bad reputation internally. who is a candidate, who , by the way, was considered for the future and for the post of chairman of the conservative party, so the situation is not very pleasant for him, we are waiting for a comment from his wife, sasha, thank you very much, my colleague alexander khabarov is on the line from london, it’s understandable christmas in london, catholic, there are unpleasant statistics, sky news provides information about inflation, the rise in price of other products by 21%, but a scandal. with this rather nice-looking minister to his wife at the top of all the news, look at the terrible fuss, home secretary james cleverley apologized after he joked at a reception in downing street about drugging
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his wife's drink for date rape. this is literally the last thing conservatives wanted. would have to deal with it on christmas eve, and now everyone is talking about the comment he made at the reception. downing street, reception, room packed journalists. the desunday mirror reports that he made a comment about his wife saying that adding a little bit of the date rape drug reynol to her drink every night was, quote, not actually illegal, but only if a little, he also said that the secret a long, strong marriage is a guarantee that your soulmate... i quote, is always lightly sedated so that she can never realize that there are better men in the world, please celebrate christmas how can it, uh, i wonder, i liked it today, the christmas issue of a polish magazine was released, uh, which
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continued last year’s christmas theme, last year it came out with a gloomy cover, imagining how in ukraine, someone is sitting in the trenches , someone is celebrating under the christmas tree, this year they developed a creative theme, now everyone has been driven there, you see, into the trenches, and there they are celebrating, this is the situation, a christmas tree from the trenches. a lot of invasion by the horde, which means the nazis, the soviet government, so drawing, you know, a line between the nazis and his grandfather, who knocked out these nazis, but the most important thing, of course,
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is that he said that he actually lied, that for the first time ukraine celebrates christmas on the same day, with a difference of 14 days, these are days, we are united family, well, not the most orthodox person, zelensky, yes, imposed one holiday on the ukrainians, banning orthodox celebrations, they all canceled the day off on january 7 officially, and he, that this was done this year by his decree, signed it on the day of the baptism of russia, too, to to emphasize this blasphemy and so on, so he is wrong, if he had studied history, he would have known that he is not the first who prohibits, that is, demands to celebrate december 25 only on december 25, christmas, were before...
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the year the nazi occupation power , which told everything, ukraine is joining the family of european nations, ukraine, therefore, will be with the civilized world, and not with asian russia, i am quoting verbatim what they wrote in 1941, now these new european integrators led by zelensky, here you go repeating simply a tracing paper they make from what the nazis said, that is, here are their ideological trends... then there were, now zelensky is following in the same footsteps, in fact, banning orthodox christmas, imposing only one holiday, catholic
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, on ukrainians, to the ukrainian orthodox people, when, you know, he talks about how everyone is fighting, what, how difficult the struggle is, when the ukrainian government beeps, give us ammunition, otherwise we have a shortage, you know, to the residents of the front-line cities of donbass, this is the shortage of ukrainian... you have something to hide, i have nothing to hide , then don’t waste our time, the premiere is on rtr
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, go to this address, it’s very urgent, yes, naturally, come on, you’re here, and i’m going for a run, baby, stand still, no one from me yet i didn’t run away, i’ll come back to you, they run around like elephants in a herd, bedlam, i suggest you don’t stop, it’s very good that... suspect, the clock is counting, if life has turned into a continuous race, you need to take a break, yes no, everything is stuck, okay, now, now, now wait a second, girl, everything is fine, no you need to shine the light in your eyes, pavel vosnetsov, and you maria, how good it is that we wandered here, new secrets of the investigation, we look at rtr today, i think that here, more seriously, you are sitting
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and thinking, there is no way to think about it. here that’s all, to play or not to play, yes , yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, here you have a question, how is everything running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just let's go see it, it must be edible, i meant, of course
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, the festival for the best male role is awarded to ivan oleshkovsky, you look like a slant, uncle, the accused is sentenced to 750 hours of community service, some 3 weeks , but i can’t last a day here on this island of my happy childhood, ivan lishkovsky expressed a desire to head a children’s theater group. yes, be simpler, hello genya, roll call, 1, 2, 3, people will reach out to you, i’m sorry, i can’t get used to the fact that you can be good, i’m clinging to you, nothing terrible, you marry me and you will cling legally, late dubrovsky, people's artist on friday on rtr.
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we watch to learn about the world , educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, on the app or on the website, our relationship has reached a dead end, problems must be solved and not run away from them, tomorrow, i’m waiting for you at the dance, just trust, kostya, let him lead you, no matter where, i can’t do this, i need to know which way he will go. to get ready, marina konyashkina, dmitry miller, i don’t know what we’ll do yet, but i won’t give up. chech, premiere, december 30 on rtr. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that was ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god,
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let's go. from a castral tour of all the liberated territories, what an impression is happening, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr. so, exactly one week until the new year, weather forecasters they promise that on the day of december 31 in central russia there will be from zero to -3 on the night of january 1, from -1 to -6.
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that's what the chinese tell us, look at the news, bye! news on the russia channel, in evgeni's studio! hello, the main thing is for this hour. gorlovka was shelled again, five attacks on the bus depot, blazing equipment. aleksandar vucic promises to prevent violence in belgrade, where the opposition tried to organize a maidan the day before. two more candidates for participation in the presidential race from the ldpr and the new
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people." christmas in ukraine takes place in empty churches, people did not accept the new orders introduced by the schismatics. 7.5 billion for medicine - statement by prime minister mishustin. the first plane. on the new runway of blagoveshchensk. a drowned car in vladivostok, snow-covered crimea. donetsk and gorlovka were under massive shelling all day. in the morning, ukrainian troops hit civilian targets with large-caliber artillery. at least 17 explosions occurred on the streets of populated areas. a civilian was killed in the rovsky district, a shell fell at a public transport stop. in gorlovka a couple of hours ago, a bus depot came under attack, one of the cars caught fire, and municipal equipment was also damaged. the number of victims in the shopping center shelling
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increased to ten. the day before, the ukrainian armed forces fired cluster munitions at the building, after which a strong fire broke out. when rescuers arrived at the scene, the militants opened fire again. one person died. the shopping center burned to the ground. ukraine's military infrastructure has become the target of a massive drone strike. in the odessa region, local authorities confirmed a hit on port facilities. attempts by ukrainian air defense to repel the attack failed. this is footage of the combat work of our aviation in the krasnolimansk direction. the enemy lost up to 180 troops to the bradley bmp tank. in zaporozhye i'm sure. stavropol paratroopers stormed the dugout where ukrainian militants were hiding, four surrendered, the enemy suffered significant losses near donetsk in the kleshcheevka area, 200
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ukrainian armed forces servicemen were killed and wounded in 24 hours. about the work of our heavy snipers under coal dar, report by military correspondent eduard punigov. a group of heavy snipers from the 155th marine brigade of the pacific fleet is on duty. in tense, dangerous areas of the southern donetsk direction, these fighters have dozens of hit targets, there are no random people in the unit, only the elite. i served in the unit under contract since 2015, left in 2020, and so to speak, i didn’t find myself in civilian life, probably, well, then when it all started, well, the boys are here, someone died, that is, well, a couple of months ago i just called and said i’m coming back. commander yary divisions. he is considered a true legend among snipers. recently , president vladimir putin awarded him the title of hero of russia. repeatedly found himself under enemy fire. together with the infantry, he stormed the buried area under coal. yary received three wounds and a concussion, but still returned to
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the front line. the last injury was received at the end of january twenty-third. during the assault on coal, we covered the actions of our assault groups. near.
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thanks to the humanitarian aid, they bring warm clothes, these insoles that they warm you up, that is, you glue them into your shoes, well, that is , body heating pads help, the same thing, well , the weather conditions here are that there is constant fog, ragged wind, that is...
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and then they went to storm the city administration. more than a thousand people took part in the clash, hitting police officers with brushes and helmets, eight of them were injured. in response to the crowd's aggression, security forces used batons, tear gas and smoke bombs. as a result, 38 demonstrators were detained. a few hours ago , the riots became one of the central topics meeting of the russian ambassador with the president of the republic. all dissatisfaction is an attempt to shake up the power in teaching. is primarily associated with his firm position
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on non-joining anti-russian sanctions, he remains in these positions, and naturally, with his firm position regarding non-recognition of kosovo, this irritates the west with terrible force, from the very morning in the serbian capital they are eliminating the consequences, and the opposition is already is preparing new actions, an association of students against... moscow is taking all necessary measures to protect national interests in the arctic zone and will continue to accept them, this is how today the international committee of the federation council reacted to the us decision. their borders at the expense of the continental shelf. us
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authorities have published maps showing new areas beyond 200 nautical miles from the coast in the arctic and beling sea. the state department assures that this will not create territorial disputes with russia, but will require a settlement with canada and japan. we are talking about an area of ​​a million square kilometers that is rich in minerals, most there are still no deposits there. explored, while washington, which has not yet ratified the un convention on the law of the sea, is actually acting outside the law . they make an application for the expansion of their continental shelf, and therefore for exclusive rights to exploit it, bypassing the convention, bypassing international legal mechanisms, in this sense, the application of the united states of america cannot be recognized as complying with international law and should not be recognized. no powers that respect international law. in the mountains
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sochi extended the avalanche warning for at least a day, ski slopes were closed, unprecedented snowfall hit crimea, and the road to mount aipetra was blocked for all types of transport. siberia is drowning in snowdrifts. in krasnoyarsk, pedestrians have difficulty moving along the sidewalks, and cars skid in courtyards. in novosibirsk , city residents do not wait for public utilities. they go out to clean the streets themselves. in kaliningrad, heavy rains, hurricane winds and storms, roads and private houses are flooded at sea, the weather in the region will not change in the coming days, schoolchildren have already been transferred to free attendance. the head of the ldpr, leonid slutsky, today submitted documents to the central election commission to participate in the presidential elections. he brought everything required by law, the application certificates, to the commission in person. according to slutsky.
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well, the start was made right now when submitting documents to the central election commission, so today will certainly remain in the memory. here are the new people parties and the growth parties; the vice speaker of the state duma became a single candidate in the presidential elections. vladislav davankov. he is 39 years old this year he had already participated in the elections for the mayor of moscow. please, we are discussing the program
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that we will present in january, but before that we have a lot of trips ahead, and for my colleagues, yes, for our entire headquarters, the first trip will take place in smolensk, actually my hometown, then we plan to visit almost all regions of the far east, already thousands of russians put their signatures in support of vladimir putin’s nomination in the presidential elections, this can be done in all... regions until the end of january. in kaliningrad, volunteers collect autographs in six shopping centers; activists from the popular front and united russia are helping to fill out signature sheets.
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signatures, they are valid daily, 15 collection points have been organized in orenburg to fill out the necessary forms, volunteers help people. the first plane for a new takeoff on the runway, its length is more than 3 km, it can accommodate aircraft of any type, but nearby there is already construction of a new terminal, which will be several times larger than the current one, what opportunities will open up for passengers, victoria found out sitenko. just a few minutes and this flight will be written into the history of amur aviation; the airline will be accepted on the new runway of blagoveshchensk airport. the debut was closely watched by builders, and the specialists were awarded letters of gratitude from the governor right on peron. thank you! an aeroflot plane transported 160 people from krasnoyarsk to blagoveshchensk. did you land softly? yes, very good, better than in summer. the flight was excellent, the service
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was excellent, everything, everything was as it should be. new length takeoff to the runway is 3 km, it is located about 200 m from... the old one is just as long, but this is not its main advantage, the key is that the new runway is more reliable and stronger thanks to modern technologies used during construction. and her project was developed back in 2015. in the twenty-first , implementation began. the building was equipped with modern lighting, radio and meteorological equipment. the result was highly appreciated by the federal air transport commission and the pilots. it is impossible not to note the base of the strip, it is now reinforced concrete. that is , we can say that it was built to last. the strip also has several new taxiways. this means that the plane will taxi to its parking spot even faster, and accordingly, passengers will be able to get off the plane faster. the construction of a new runway took place thanks to the state program for the development of the transport
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system. the facility will allow the regional capital to accommodate aircraft of all types, establish cooperation with other carriers and expand the network of routes. to according to rossiya airlines. is already planning to launch a boeing 777 from blagoveshchensk to moscow, it was a very difficult project, but 5 years of intense teamwork brought such an excellent result, despite all the difficulties, the pandemic, sanctions, and the lack of workers. the old runway, built back in the sixties, will serve as a parking lot for aircraft. the reconstruction of ignatyevo airport does not end there. the new passenger terminal will serve domestic and international airlines, for the first time in the history of the amur the air harbor will be equipped with jet bridges; the facility is intended to be commissioned in 2025; plans also include
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reconstruction of the road from blagoveshchensk to the airport. victoria satenko, denis lugov, conduct the amur region. well, then 7.5 billion for medicine - the prime minister’s statement. united christmas in ukraine takes place in empty churches; scholz has fallen to fourteenth place in the ranking of german politicians. wait for the details in a couple of minutes. do you have something to hide? damn, there's nothing to hide. then don't waste our time. premiere on rtr. head to this address. this is very urgent. yes, of course. come on, you're here, and i'm going for a run. baby, stand, no one has ever run away from me, i’ll come back to you, only elephants ran, in herds, bedlam, i suggest not stopping, it’s very good that we have a suspect, the clock is counting, if life has turned into continuous race,
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we need to pause, but no, that’s it, we’re stuck, it’s fine, now. now just a second, girl, everything is fine, but there is no need to shine it in your eyes, pavel vosnetsov, and you , maria, how good it is that you wandered here, and we are looking at the new secrets of the investigation today rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when they come running. my fighters, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this, let’s say, is my trophy, we had it. we came across such caring people, to support
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the decision that we need to take the guys with us , to lend a helping hand to me, olga and i accepted in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, they can only ours, honor and praise. what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, dad, this is my fiancé, georgie, dad, lord george peakcock, lord, all sorts of foreign tourists, we saw miracles here, drove everyone away and you, as they say, welcome welcome , you will harass zhorik, i will file for divorce, the best son-in-law, maybe only a son, and georgie, meet, this is
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your father, that this is the same doctor with whom you were drunk once, and i kept thinking that in you not like that, my nose is fetish, go-go, go, go! and son, dad, golden dad, december 30 on rtr, we are not at war with the ukrainians, not with the germans, not with the people, we are at war with supranational corporations, with what fury our opponents convince the world of tolerance, in fact they are turning us. to a huge, madhouse. the question is, this does not fall under the concept of propaganda. when we talk about the freedom and
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independence of any person to lead his personal, private life as he pleases, but we are not talking about this personal private life becoming a reason for discussion, no one should get under your blanket, you can work, you can perform on stage, you earn money. and live as you want, there should not be organizations that cultivate this. besagon tv. today on rtr. you watch the news, we continue the release. israel today established a new humanitarian pause in the central part of the gaza strip, allowing civilians. to replenish food and water supplies, a ceasefire was introduced after a new powerful blow to the enclave,
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as a result, according to al jazeera , more than 70 people were killed and hundreds were injured. clearing the rubble after the attack is still ongoing. at this military operation in the enclave will only expand, prime minister netanya said. according to him, a forceful solution is the only way to destroy the militants and free the hostages, especially after that. how the bodies of five more israeli captives were discovered in the tunnels that hamas used to launch attacks into israel. hamas, in turn, has already rejected any negotiations on the return of captured israelis until tel aviv completely stops fighting in gaza. and now the footage which we receive from st. petersburg, vladimir putin visits the northern ver shipyard, where he takes part in... we continue to work on serial
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production of planned deliveries of modern ships to the navy. admiral golovko is also a serial frigate. such ships are the basis of fleet strike groups in the far sea ocean zone. it is created. using the most advanced technologies , it is equipped with cruise missiles, which have proven their high efficiency in combat conditions. naravominsk is also one one of the most successful designs of attack missile ships of its class. such ships have earned military glory; they carried out strikes with long-range cruise missiles from the caspian sea at one time against the positions of syrian militants, and today. successfully perform tasks during a special military operation. finally, lev chernavin is a modern minesweeper with a unique hull;
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a decision has already been made to build more. ten such ships, here in the fleet of the newest ships is another evidence that our shipbuilding industry is on on the rise, and are now entering the rhythmic, serial production of warships of various classes, this is the most important, fundamental step in reviving the development of our shipbuilding, the government will improve control and supervisory activities, the corresponding... the concept for the next 3 years is already ready, the reform being carried out by the cabinet of ministers , is aimed at creating a comfortable business environment and reducing the administrative burden on business. well , another topic from the meeting with deputy prime ministers today was support and development of medicine. it will make it possible to simplify, as the president noted, one of the priorities of state policy is the development of medicine. an important part of this work is related to ensuring timely
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co-financing of expenses for... remuneration of newly employed doctors of paramedical personnel; we will allocate over 7.5 billion rubles for such purposes. it is necessary to transfer these resources as quickly as possible so that such employees receive the payments due to them in full, and of course, on time. and today deputy prime ministers and ministers joined the wish tree. yuri trutnev will give six-year-old veronica from st. petersburg a nine-year-old lion from the city of soviet harbor will be able to try himself as a navigator on a sailboat, the deputy prime minister will also try to personally give twelve-year-old alice from the dpr her gift, roller skates. valeria falkov will also fulfill two childhood dreams. fifteen-year-old irina from donetsk will go to st. petersburg, and maxim from moscow will visit the new campus of the baumen moscow state technical university under construction. mikhail murashka for eight year old
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veronica from vladimir is organizing a trip to...
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united russia, as well as metropolitan tihan of simferopol, crimea, who today became an honorary citizen of the pskov region. the clergy were noted for their great contribution to the development of the region, as well as for their special attention to historical memory and culture. for the last 5 years, tikhan headed the pskov metropolis. he paid special attention to the development of the pskov-pechersky monastery, the number of pilgrims of which. and reached half a million people, i perceive this award as a reward to all those who have served for many centuries, priests, clerics, monks of the pskov land, and on my own behalf, of course, and on behalf
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of my predecessors, i sincerely thank you for this... highest title, in ukraine today the so-called united christmas is celebrated for the first time, according to zelensky’s decree, orthodox christians should now celebrate the holiday there , together with catholics on december 25. the head of the kiev regime recorded the address against the backdrop of the assumption cathedral of the laurels, which had recently been taken away from the canonical orthodox church and given to schismatics from the ocu. despite the words zelensky about unity, the main shrine. kiev was almost empty during the service; several dozen people came to the service, whereas in past years, on the evening of january 6, thousands of orthodox believers gathered in the cathedral. today, german doctors and their own politicians were accused of pr for charity, who promised to treat militants of the kiev regime, but did not allocate money and
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the costs fell on health insurers from the social security service. as a result, already 2/3 of clinics refuse to accept the wounded, and leading media call 190,000 ukrainians desserts, currently living in germany. “the federal audit office found that less than half of ukrainians complete integration courses, and even then most of them fail the german language test, we spend more than a billion euros a year on things that don’t work, our minister of the interior mrs. fezar said that this is an excellent result, i think she is the only one who thinks so. they propose to fill the lack of funds through taxes, we are talking about the return of the so-called solidarity allowance introduced in 1991 to compensate for the costs of the war in persian bay the publication spiegel emphasizes that such discussions hit the chancellor’s ratings hard, and schulz dropped to fourteenth
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place out of twenty. while sarah wagengnecht, who opposes arms supplies to kiev, rose to eighth place. and another, self-explanatory signal, came the day before from meade, a federal republic. merry christmas at different... and where a non-standard approach to investigation is required, extensive experience combined with phenomenal intuition will help to calculate even the most sophisticated criminal. on the one hand, there are no clues, on the other hand, on the other
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hand, maybe this is a clue. in a series of constant investigations, marya sergeevna is trying to understand her relationship with oleg platonov, until she is called for a frank conversation. i wanted to ask you a question, you.
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because i immediately felt that you were a caring person, and most importantly honest and professional, at first glance we understood that the secrets of the investigation are becoming more and more, and the villains are becoming more inventive, but maria shvetsova always on guard of the law, and my son also did not imagine that everything would end like this, this happens when you try to replace the law with yourself, an intriguing continuation of your favorite series tonight on the russia tv channel, don’t miss it, watch it in the app or on the website, but the news continues monitor developments. stay with us.


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