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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 26, 2023 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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oh, wait a second, can you take a picture of me in front of the hospital? i've never had a photo like this. okay, that's it, let's go, and let's go. how beautiful, are you a real photographer? luda, did you find something? yes, look who i saw on letova’s social networks. do you know him? of course i know. this is arthur korobov, he’s also a psychopath. but they have a direct relationship. yes, hugs, flowers. i think the best thing to do is ask. mutov about this, thank you
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, well, yes, i know him, naturally, we have a fairly close relationship with him, but what does arturchik have to do with it, i can’t tell you that, uh, please tell me how close you are with him. well, you have questions on the internet in such cases, everything is complicated , please explain, i’ll call you back, hey, what’s up, where are you taking me, where did you say i’m taking the boxes, i don’t understand, my apartment is on the other side , his house too, so now i ’ll call him, hey, what’s up, give me the phone, then talk to him, give me the phone, sit down.
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let me out of here, keep quiet, the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, call back later. yes, sergeevna, lyon, hi, i need the guys to talk to one very an unpleasant person. boxes, boxes, alcapone piece, but it’s here, which way? let's first listen to what he has to say about his relationship with karina letova. all clear. it’s clear, marya sergeevna platonov
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asked you to congratulate you on your birthday, so congratulations, but doesn’t she have my phone number? why not, there is, but maybe she is aware of your stormy personal life, trying to be as delicate as possible, or maybe it ’s difficult for her to hear the sound of your voice, she has so much connected with it, this could also happen, tell me, commander, yes, it’s easy. oh, okay, good for you, let's go get this kolobok, box and whatever it is, nikolaevich, please convey to marya sergeevna words of gratitude and the same return handshake, thank you.
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well, yes, if my memory serves me correctly, then the box lives here, how do you know him? oleg, well, korobok, in general, is a well-known person , he did everything, he ran a casino, and... he was bald and does not shine, although who knows, well , he was scared, but now he seems to have settled down, let’s go introduce him, he himself ran around the area with a pistol , of people great, box. how are you? great,
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commander, don't complain. take a walk for now. “listen, koroko, here’s the thing , there’s a girl recently who was almost shot, karina letova, you know that one, karinka, i know, of course, who she is to you, my girl, i see, korobok, that you’ve become zero, the law has begun to respect the girl called himself, so..." you'll soon become a decent person, and i'm trying, commander , i'm trying very hard, and where is karina letova now, they're releasing her from the hospital, i sent a car to bring her home, it's clear, but i what i haven’t met, i’m too busy,
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yes, okay, tell me, what do you think about this assassination attempt, what could it have been like, so, so in the car? they say some fierce journalist was sitting, well, it was my little girl who just got caught in the mix, but what was your girlfriend doing with the fierce journalist at 4:00 in the morning, and even after the club, so we had a slight disagreement then, now we're together again, that's good, i'll answer, hello, great box. “this is a baby, listen, i have people here, let me send them and call you back, no, let me now outline the situation for you, with you’ll understand people, well, just speak quickly, you don’t understand, between us it turned out
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to be rubbing boxes? yes, no problem , come, let's talk, no, it's you, come, just one without a weapon, what are you, son, are you my conditions here?" "you will, yes, i will, and if not, then what, and if not, then yours it’s over for my friend, on the other hand, you still wanted to punish her, i’m sending off the address, well, what do you say? yes, i will say that your box is somehow too nervous. yes, to be honest, he has always been like this, if only you knew how many people’s lives he ruined because of his
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nervousness. okay, it's lunch time. well, back to the base? yes, wait with lunch, fedya. listen, i feel like something is happening to him. he’s kind of slippery, let’s follow him , yes, i’m ready to follow anyone, but only after eating, oh, look where it is, that’s what i suggest she find out, i understand you, oleg, be careful, and call just a little reinforcements be careful, this box is very dangerous there.
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well, let's see who received such a guest, arthur, well, finally, younger, stand, moved away, moved away, everything is fine, baby, everything is fine. you'll answer for this, bastard, i'll break your spine, quiet, quiet, don't get angry,
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huh? don't listen to him, baby, he's delusional, and i think she deserves to know. what do you know, when you abandoned your arturchik, he got very angry and decided to punish you. arthur, what have you done? it all doesn't mean anything, baby, i wasn't myself, you know, sometimes it gets to me, what did you do? will you tell or will i tell? yes, one of you will already say, he ordered you to me, which means ordered, ordered to kill you for money, you fool, listen, oleg, people live happily.
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yes, it's true, but i was going crazy, you know? lord, what kind of degenerate did i meet, why should i do this? forgive me baby, forgive me please, i was wrong. oh, how touching, but that’s not all. afterwards he decided to get rid of me as well. yes, boxes, because you are an idiot, you can’t do anything humanely. why was it necessary to kill the journalist? you 've raised half the city's ears, you scarecrows? no, you would still get rid of me, just. because i didn’t want to pay money, you’re greedy, admit it, you're greedy, he's not greedy, i'm not greedy
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, it's just that what should i pay you if you're a moron, but for you, baby, i don't feel sorry for anything, you stole your money, so it will continue to be like this, you give me the remaining money, you'll dump together with your girl, you understand me, and we will never cross paths again. hey, who's on the ground, hands behind his head, he said, so on the ground that it's unclear who's shooting there, i said come alone handsome, yes he went,
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hands, hands raised, quick hands, like this, now beautiful, you i 'll release you now, young lady. then he offered to put away the boxes for his friend , i thought, why not, the money is normal, if i refused, someone else would agree, i thought it would help me, in the sense it would help, i have a large gambling debt, i didn’t play with those people, yeah, korobok knew this and offered a way out, but why did he offer it to you? he probably has a lot of people with qualifications higher than yours, i thought about that too, only then it dawned on me that
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he needed the ace to take me down and that’s the end of it, i’m so expendable to him material, you agreed to kill the girl, didn’t it occur to you to ask him why? for what? don’t you know who korobok is, he’s a natural psycho, in the old days he, out of lawlessness , killed so many people on emotions. karina got into trouble and wanted someone else from him, but it’s no longer possible as before, he’s now a businessman, a respectable person, but what about you, what about me, according to your words, i became a businessman, and what you wanted to become, a bandit , don’t do this, you won’t understand my motives, my brother and i were driven all over the country under the orphanage, he’s from there i ended up in the zone there, what are my prospects after that? so i had my own interest in working with the box , i wanted to become one of the people, so in your opinion, one becomes one of
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the people, okay, he suggested, you agreed, what happened next, well, what happened next, i ordered it myself - it was received, but something went wrong, my hands shook, no, my hands were fine. either he guessed to turn on the distant one, or he accidentally pulled it. blinded me, why didn't he leave the city when he realized that the box wanted to kill you, but i was just going to then it dawned on me that he would find me anyway, he has connections all over the country, and not only, in general, i decided that i needed to end the question here, but why were you sure that the box would come to meet me when you kidnapped karina, here you seem to be a woman, but you don’t understand such simple things, even if
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it’s freezing, he loves her, they don’t brag about such things in our midst, but i... the journalist accidentally fell under the attack, marya sergeevna, how did you see that we were not moving in that direction, one might say, a small session of psychoanalysis helped, you began to go to psychologist? well, rather, the psychologist moved into my home.
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hello, hello, how are you, birthday boy, i’m tired as hell, i’m hungry, and to be honest, i wouldn’t mind a drop of today’s gift, but what is this, well, that same scotch that i respect, and i also have a gift for you , close your eyes and turn away, and this is a must , a must, okay, and don’t peek, okay , i don’t peek, ready, yes, here you go, hey, who are you, hello, i wanted to give you some interior tape, but i saw this cutie, i couldn’t resist, it’s right that i couldn’t resist, wow
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you, kosavets, i decided to call him sherlock. well, let it be sherlock. hello buddy. oh you, do you trust me? oh! wow, how beautiful, it seems to me that i have never seen st. petersburg from the roof, in general i’m a coward, but as a child the boys and i constantly crawled here, in my opinion
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, it’s somehow easy to breathe here, but, yes, it’s just cold . you didn’t notice, you noticed, thank you, it’s so good that we came here, why? we switched to you, tomorrow, hello, when i see you at the crime scene, let's get to the point, the killer was of ordinary height, here is the knife held in his left hand, don’t get hung up on one version, what confuses you, in the end, i’m ready to fulfill any of your wishes,
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and why should they believe me, there are no ideal people. new secret investigations, continuation, watch tomorrow on rtr. minister of defense general of the army sergei shaigu today held a final thematic conference call. according to him, the main goal set for the russians this year. military equipment. this task has been successfully completed.
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several determining factors contributed to this. creating an effective system defensive lines, the high combat effectiveness of all units, the reliability and effectiveness of the russian and, above all, the skillful and decisive actions of the defenders of the fatherland, who selflessly ensure the security of the country and its citizens. we remember every comrade in arms who gave their lives in fulfilling the tasks assigned by their homeland. comprehensive support for the relatives of the victims, as well as social protection of all participants in the special operation and members of their families have been and remain among our priorities. for uninterrupted supply troops are involved.
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conflict regions and the world as a whole , dear colleagues, i want to thank all of you for the work done in the past year, for your honest and responsible attitude to the assigned work, it should be noted that taking marinka is fundamentally important, moreover, but we continued our efforts, as i i understand that we are already working there and continue to do so, and not only... in the marinka area, progress, or let’s say, an improvement in the position is observed in many areas, and, which is very important, there is no need to rush to open the champagne, there is no need
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victorious reports, the enemy is still strong and cunning, and this should not be forgotten, i believe that it is necessary to change the legislation of the russian federation, it is necessary to tighten it, i believe that it is necessary to adopt the experience of those countries that have proven.
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“in my opinion, there is no confusion with passports now, well, let it be decided, but enough, enough, this shouldn’t happen, just as i think it is necessary to introduce the death penalty in the front-line zone in relation to saboteurs, if the activities of different their accomplices leads to the death of people, then it is necessary understand according to the laws of wartime, we must win in..." we are confronted by a serious enemy, these are not single ukranazis , if they fought, i mean, as on their own, no, this is nato, which is coordinating attacks on us , and de facto
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. already announces in advance that it’s bad, this , firstly, completely contradicts the narrative that zelensky is trying to promote, and this is not accidental, no one wants to take responsibility, because the mobilization bill that came to the rada, but this is not even germany, from the time of hitler, before the final collapse of the front, that is , well, it’s just some kind of endless shame, i wanted...
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thrown to death because you were silent, because you are silent, it’s a choice, to die or live, to become a soldier or to maintain health, just think about the quantity the people they want to take away, we know that they will take everyone indiscriminately and not only the military in reserve, but any men, anyone who is so intimidated that... he was afraid of avoiding the war more than of dying in the war. those who make decisions in your country, take care of their children. it turned out over the past year that this lying brute lied again. and the children of generals, and deputies, and governors, fight and fight. and they die at different
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levels, relatives, officials at different levels, their relatives die, and themselves, guys, and we didn’t call anyone who didn’t meet the criteria, and what’s more, we gave them the opportunity, they certainly looked after their health, their level of training, and they were treated with care, and the guys who a year ago stood up to defend their homeland were heroes. they immortalized their names, they went down in history, they heroes, they fight brilliantly, these are real wars of the red army, that’s what zelensky will tell his people, where he takes disabled people from the third degree of disability, which means that if a person, for example, has one eye, he can fight, no brush, he can fight, no feet too, no foot, can fight, no kidneys,
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can fight, that’s it.
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this is not for me, i don’t need 5,000 people, this is for zelensky, that is, he says, i’m not killing you, i need them. and he needs everyone to die, and let me remind you that the border in russia is open, in ukraine it is closed, look what says zaluzhny, the military commanders made a request to mobilize 45,000 military personnel, why exactly this figure, how was it justified, will the weak motivation of those people who are now called to the troops hinder the mobilization.
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in a separate format, a separate request to the cabinet of ministers or the verkhovna rada , we do not do this, we carry out our duties on an ongoing basis and with some powers in accordance with the functionality with which we are endowed , as for this figure, we formed this figure accordingly , formed for the next year. she, of course, takes into account the coverage of current shortfalls that have arisen. formation of new military units, as well as forecasting our losses that we may suffer over the next year. accordingly,
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i cannot announce this figure, and which of the figures relates to a specific section of these indicators, this is a military secret. what he said, so-and-so himself understood, but he said, i don’t want to answer, while a year ago in brussels zelensky explained what kind of mobilization. we can’t show the butt, like russia will kill anyone with a stick, we’re not like that state, this is a paradox, we are fighting for european values , to be a member of the european union , so even we must fight taking into account such values, so we need to fight for such values, brute, what happened, what happened, what happened,
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our president said that they couldn’t take anything for this whole year, that ’s not true, they took bakhmut in may, now they took a small one, the year is not over yet, formally they took two settlements, not to mention all the others there, the battles in bogdanovka, depending on the locality again, small, but 10 thousand inhabitants, in principle, is considered, and so there they created a cluster in order to move on... a lot of our representatives of the armed forces and experts who are monitoring everything say that let's be careful,
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be careful , because the enemy is pressing, the enemy is on success, which the organization lies in something more than private success, there is a shift in the front line creating threats. hold it, so just like nikita sergeevich in the film, yes, if there are 200-300 pieces, if they press him to the river, the lid, saddles and horses,
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aristovich has already run away, and this fool, where to go, cocaine, this one, where to go, he will be torn, torn, and they will chase him around. to the world, because to hate zelensky so much, i don’t even know who else in the history of ukraine will be as damned as zelensky, well...
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they died, let’s bring africans, there are so many
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idiots on the territory of ukraine, he says, at the same time we’ll fix the nation, he says, we’ll bring the little black ones, we’ll bring the narrow-eyed ones, well, there are men they’ve already been disposed of, so the others , actually, and you know, you’re absolutely right in touching on the topic, we remember the year nineteen, and zelensky was elected , he re-elected the rada, he set everything up there, and relations on the part of russia were excellent, the ratio, that is, how once there was, carte blanche was given very powerfully then. to everyone except me, i was the only one who didn’t give cardsb, no, i’m talking, we’re talking, that is, well, in this studio we talked a lot, because it was not clear then who was chosen, yes, that is, who is the cat v in a bag, here's a cat in a bag - it seemed that it couldn't be worse than poroshenko, it seemed, it seemed, but then remember the steinmeir formula was re-agreed, there were additional, additional disengagement points , there were exchanges, which in general were not for us are especially necessary, and not very beneficial, that is... but the conditions for the preparation of the paris summit were then created very serious and at the same time
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the option was being prepared that it was possible to come to some kind of compromise, it was possible to agree on something, it was proposed absolutely right, he said: listen, what's the point of exchanging? we must first separate along the entire line of contact, then they won’t die and no one will be exchanged, well then with peredon pavlovich and there are also a number of experts who actually included this in the document, this was initially pre-agreed in the document, which was taken out . zaluzhny, zaluzhny refers to zelensky, although it is not clear who
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is fighting for what, for what political dividends in this case, they all face the task that has been set the west, which , which, which they signed an agreement , they agreed on this, you will provide a sufficient amount of manpower, you will provide this cannon fodder, and they must supply this cannon fodder, now, now the figure has already been indicated, that is in principle , you know, i really think that very soon it will appear in all western media
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not a burden, not all, all, the germans said, a very low level, a low percentage of those who have assimilated, the german language does not teach them what to do, the poles in general with they will happily surrender, they will expel, they will expel , yes, with a whistle, with pleasure, the fact remains that they will use everything, all
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possible available methods, and today in this law they are only described in part, i think that this is only the beginning, then they will give you unlimited powers, they will give... remember, we looked at it here, so they presented camouflage for pregnant women, and now it’s normal, now we need to make camouflage for the legless, for the armless , soon there will be for the headless, that is, it will all be normal , this is already normal, it should be in circulation to enter, that is, these are already normal troops , this is what they should do, they don’t see any problem in this, well, what’s the difference, you, well, have no legs, well,
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that’s okay, we’ll put you in prison, you’ll work hard, you know what ’s observed , it is observed that in the discussion of this whole story there will be, there will also be...
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that is why now the law is, in essence , it is not being adopted for ukraine, it is being adopted for abroad in order to at least formalize those actions that, which will now be implemented in order to so that... let's just say, well, i haven't seen marenka yet, but i've seen it, it's about the same thing, because when, well, when they really showed miracles of fortification skill there, when they stuffed it with literally all the weapons, when it consisted of bunkers, passages, some kind of meter-high concrete structures and everything else, there, by the way
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, foreign fortifiers competed, then there was a whole series of fortification companies, which means they divided the front line, they determined it. here are the french show skill, here are americans , here are canadians, here is someone else, i don’t know who built the marinka, but they took it for a very long time, avdeevka is also no less, no worse, because these territories, they are all really cruel in this way they are fortified just like that, let’s just say it out of the box and well, even with heavy weapons it’s practically impossible to take them, but there are no tasks that cannot be solved, they will be taken, they will be taken and there are simply no options left here, because what... well we let’s move towards this, vladimir vladimirovich, by the way, there is a universal way to prevent extradition from europe under any circumstances, you change your gender, that’s all.
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do you remember in the early nineties the fuse was with the officer krat kakshonov and the journalist pankratov black, yes, the order was who shot, yes, i don’t know, these were locals, well , and so on, that’s about us, we’re an army , yes, that’s about the same answer, mind you, i didn’t say anything i didn’t send it, but we told us that we needed a certain digital number, but i didn’t tell anyone anything, but mind you
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we’re talking about this, what am i talking about, but in general, of course, in ukraine after the appearance of this bill, a form of panic began, and especially in kiev, which , let’s say, was not as exposed to these raids by military registration and enlistment offices as the periphery, like the province, here in the morning today there are checkpoints, suddenly in the city of kiev, and the decision of the kiev city military administration, which says, these are temporary checkpoints, training, this is a check about documents. it means there is a drill, yes, but at the same time all users on social networks immediately write, yes, of course, immediately they issue summonses
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to drivers who are stopped instantly, here are training checkpoints, that is, indeed, this has already reached the capital, which means that problems will begin in zelensky’s relationship with his capital, which he generally tried to avoid until now for now, while in the west, in principle, they approve of these...
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we are moving catholic christmas to january 7, this november, not so much twice, for the same reasons, but now we will all all celebrate christmas together, and we tell catholics, in no case on december 25th, you can you imagine what will start in the west, and how... it’s so, the government is interfering in the affairs of the religion of the church here, in relation to zelensky, it’s not a problem at all , he’s rejoicing, the ukrainians really have a unique opportunity to celebrate together, zelensky came out, well, this is also the height of nobility, this is an understandably well-thought-out step with a christmas message from the kiev-pechersk lavra that he captured this year, which he captured, and they say: look, the lavra, our lavra has survived.
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passed in 1941, there were a lot of decrees, orders of the local authorities, in no case is january 7, we all celebrate december 25, the day off is only december 25, that is, zelensky is following in the footsteps of his ideological predecessors with confident leaps and bounds, so you are not zelensky first, you are following in the footsteps of hitler, goebbels and you do the same thing in relation to the ukrainian people and destroy them.
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december 31 at rtr, i still have pain here, here it hurts here, here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, to be healthy, the most the main thing is to remember the principle of 3p, by the way, this is officially proven, proper nutrition, how
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to properly eat away stress? we need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat , the right medications, run to the doctor , medications are like crutches for us and the right habits, and shouldn’t we slap a little kefir, and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr, what are you doing, how are you behaving, i’m telling you, damn it,
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40 20 let’s meet the deadline, slave december 30 on rtr where is your homeland, my brother and whose homeland are you, a soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what impression does it make? everyone comes and the city lives. boris kovchevnikov's program, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient. how to vote on your smartphone. early on sunday morning, during
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the absolute parade, the kid screamed. here's the rise let's all vote, mom said sleepily, let's choose remotely, dad supported with a yawn, let's choose electronically, grandma told grandpa, i'm the father, i'll go with you. but our generation loves paper ballots, but the younger generation is electronically modern, i’m not an opponent of progress, hold your granddaughter’s alarm clock, this is all quite reasonable, it can be done remotely, we ’ll go with you, choose your mother the old fashioned way, with our usual method, at the station , as usual, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient. please, the results were indeed summed up today, 2023 in our ministry of defense , minister of defense general of the army shaigu clearly said that
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the main task of exhausting, well, i ’ll translate it into ordinary language, of exhausting, bleeding ukrainian troops has been completed, it’s true, if you look at it, losses of 383.00 are catastrophic losses, this is... somewhere it turns out to be 18 divisions according to the nato standard, something like this, according to nato standards, even more according to ours , accordingly, well, in my opinion, these are simply catastrophic losses and indirectly these losses are this figure announced by our ministry defense, it is confirmed precisely by this conversation about mobilization of 450 thousand or 500 thousand, why? because if everything were normal, there are 2000 conditionally. if you already have enough soldiers, 95% of the equipment , as they say, is intact, it can
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be used and so on, although yesterday they showed wonderful stories when this is the whole bradley cemetery, in fact in different versions, but the americans have them adopted the german counting system, the germans during the great patriotic war had such... everything that concerned armored vehicles, which means that if a tank could be repaired within 24 hours, it was not included in the losses at all, if it could be repaired within two weeks in some field workshops, they wrote that it required easy repairs, it was not damaged if the tank was transported to a factory and even there it was sent to be melted down, they wrote that it required complex repairs , it was considered damaged only in one case, if the bull exploded, it fell to pieces, or we captured it, which is why... even goering doesn’t know how much we have tanks are listed as missing, that is , they were abandoned anywhere, and entire divisions of
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the germans were listed as missing, now it’s very interesting that rustemich klupov carried out such an analysis, and of those tanks that were issued, well, 2/3 there are already completely lost, with in this case , we knocked out a third, and a third were simply technically destroyed. collapsed and cannot be restored - but in the conditions of the ukrainian siege , now the americans have adopted the same system , so ukraine knocks out damaged equipment, brings it in, and there it’s just scrap metal, they store it at a certain site, then they say that it requires repairs, although it is not just destroyed, it is essentially scrap metal, and naturally, in these conditions , there is a pure falsification of data on equipment on ... personnel casualties, but i would say so , that the only thing that now worries me extremely is ukraine’s transition to the rapid creation of various
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long-range drones, that is, drones, comics, we talked here last time about the eq400 from plywood, which they make, yes with body made of stormshadow is capable of flying 750 km, 302 kg bomb load and... and can lead a swarm of eight vehicles, one head, just yesterday information appeared about ug23 and ug25, this is also about the same large size drone from metal or composite materials are still difficult to understand, already with a turbo jet engine, that is, this is no longer an ordinary lawn mower, and this drone, even if its bomb load is small, is about 12 k... but in any case, its range is about 400 km and speed is 800 km/h, that is , it is very difficult to fight such a drone with conventional anti-aircraft weapons, so what are we
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going to do to help them now, we have already raised this topic several times, we know that they are doing this, we are fighting with them using unusual methods, this is not enough for our application on drones, which are much more interesting, including the attack type, what they offer. well, this, well, realistically speaking, is clear to everyone, this is the only thing i wanted to say, just one such drone has already been taken, there will be rap now rebuilt, naturally we will , according to these on... now it’s generally going on, we have to look at it in a completely different way, where do they come from, what can they get, only from the west, only this is american, we know what’s there, we knew it, we had a whole department in the relevant services, which was engaged in monitoring everything scientifically, taking into account these trends at the front, and the trends are unfavorable for ukraine, nato now i also have it, it’s like this, or let’s be much tougher i'll ask, but what is more dangerous?
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about 10, yes, this is at least 15 km, especially the thermoboric vacuum ammunition, which disassembles these or, for example, with a planning unit, a controlled module, well, probably no less effective, so to speak, politely, than fp, that is, if such, this doesn't mean you have to give up fpv. you just need to understand well that for each task there is its own type of weapon, its own type of weapon, i absolutely agree with you, especially even in blades, the last penultimate attack, when ukraine tried after all after statements zelensky at the beginning, because he said that’s it, we’ll stop the offensive after president putin’s speech, then they assembled a whole company, the company was covered with one one and a half ton bomb, just with a controlled module, correction planning showed this explosion, they said nothing. i actually looked, now
9:05 pm
it’s interesting to consider that there is competition between fpv and there is a heavy meat pyramid, yes, that is, here sometimes the question arises, and also everyone has their own, depending on the situation, depending on the purpose of the tasks which fpv is coming soon everyone will have them. a soldier, well, about like a grenade, he will be able to work, will use both reconnaissance, and i would generally like to say, you know, the results of these speeches by the minister of defense shaigu are very interesting.


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