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tv   Doyarka iz Khatsapetovki  RUSSIA1  December 30, 2023 4:55am-8:00am MSK

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“hello, yes, wait, and katya, katya is with him, well, let them in, i’ll come now, okay, i’m listening to petrovna, i was ordered to let you in , but there’s no one in the restaurant yet, we don’t need anyone, come in with us , and how to put it on, but it’s very simple
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. by the way, you can’t be in the kitchen without a hat, well, command the chef, what should we do, first, wash your hands well,
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i’m glad that we’re all gathered at this amazing table, brunch or an early lunch - it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that i want to say the most important words in my life, dad, mom, it’s good that you came, come on, come on, come on! katya, honey, surprise me. the best thing is,
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i want to live my whole life with you, raise children with you and grow old with you, you agree to be mine, the most real. the most beloved, most beautiful wife, spirited, oh, oh,
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hello, live news from the studio oksana kuvaeva, the main thing for this hour. arsenals, military airfields, equipment security sites, and militant locations were hit. results of a massive attack on the military infrastructure of ukraine. aeroflot will extend flat tariff program for the twenty- fourth year. the head of the country's largest air carrier told the president about
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plans for the results of work for the year. talented youth. students, schoolchildren, and young athletes presented their achievements at the international forum. collectors will be controlled by bailiffs, the government has approved control over debt collectors, is this good for the debtors themselves? operation christmas tree. in russia , raids are being carried out on the illegal cutting down of new year's trees. how black lumberjacks are identified and what punishment they face to violators? 50 group one massive strike with high-precision weapons by drones was carried out on the military infrastructure of ukraine over the past week, as the russian defense reported, arsenals, military-industrial complex facilities, military airfields, as well as places where equipment was guarded and militants were deployed were hit.
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all ukrainian media are filled with footage of strikes, despite the authorities’ prohibitions on filming and publishing such videos. thunderous explosions in kiev, kharkov, lvov, dnepropetrovsk, zaporozhye, kirovograd, krivoy rog, russian missiles flying over odessa, kyiv, dnepropetrovsk, krivoy rog. these shots show the defeat of the kiev artyom plant, which produces all possible types of ammunition for the ukrainian army. the forces of the russian federation launched one massive strike with high-precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles against military-industrial complex facilities, military airfield infrastructure, arsenals, as well as storage areas for artillery ammunition, unmanned
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boats, and weapons and fuel for military equipment. in addition, places were affected deployment of units of the armed forces of ukraine, the formation of nationalists of foreign mercenaries. all designated targets are hit. the ministry of defense is summing up the results of the week, but the massive strike is just today. ukrainian television is distributing this footage as a russian hit on a residential building, but the rocket does not burn during the flight. vysu admits a little later that it was a kamikaze drone that was unsuccessfully shot down over the house. one such, one such downed drone damaged a high-rise building. there was a fire. luckily no one was hurt, everyone was in shelter. in odessa they claim that there were many explosions in the port area; in lviv , as the mayor's office reported, a critical military infrastructure facility was damaged. we were barely five o'clock above lvov. we heard five explosions over lvov; our air defense system triggered and destroyed these missiles, but the blast wave debris reached its target. city and
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regional authorities everywhere say that the destruction in the residential sector is the result of the work of the ukrainian air defense, which fired 1,200 interceptor missiles in one day. ukrainian border, he was spotted not far from an unidentified object arrived at night from the direction of grubeszow and zamosc, it is impossible to say whether the object came from space or not, president duda even convened an emergency meeting with the national security bureau, but by this time the object had already left polish airspace. apparently the missile penetrated the territory. it was not possible to identify it, but this already happened in november twenty-two, when a ukrainian anti-missile system of the s200 complex on polish territory, in the same area as now, damaged a tractor and killed two farmers. now
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ukraine is still counting its own losses, only 44 military targets were hit. representatives of the ukrainian air force, who have always reported only on their successes, look puzzled. this strike can really be called a massive one with different weapons, in fact everything was flying, but we didn’t see the calibers, and there were daggers, and ballistics, and s-300, cruise missiles, like... still on our radars in the western part of ukraine. another surprising confession: during the entire conflict, ukrainian air defense failed to shoot down a single russian hypersonic missile x-22. x22 rocket. the x-22 rocket flies at a speed of 4.00 km/h. it approaches its target along a ballistic trajectory and falls sharply down. to intercept it, you need special means, such as patriot air defense systems. and here is such a missile that hangs under the wing of the s fighter
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. the onsk direction is firing at enemy
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trenches with anti-tank missiles from the karnet complex right across the dnieper, there is a gap. and saboteurs who do not give up trying to cross the river right in their boats are destroyed by grenades dropped from drones. andrey grigoriev, anastasia serikova, alexander ivankov, news. more than 1,600 militants were lost in the ssu in a week in the donetsk direction. our servicemen also destroyed seven enemy tanks, almost a dozen. the enemy, all the landmarks by plantings , by pillars, by old buildings of some kind,
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i’m just now directly observing, there were several pre-shooting attacks, now in theory the target area should be towards the enemy, where he is covered with masses, the position of the neo-nazis is less than 2 from here km, every now and then, electronic warfare systems are detected in the sky enemy drones, shooting at the drone. during the day, our armored vehicles do not move, they work from camouflaged shelters, the corps works from hidden firing positions, covering our infantry, which is advancing in this direction. in outbuildings on the territory controlled by ukrainian militants, infantry movements are detected and the target is hit with several types of weapons at once.
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there and taken outside, maintenance of the mt12 rapira gun, gils storage, reloading and even rest of personnel, all this is under on the ground, at a depth of several meters, there are concrete passages between positions, we are building and digging in to preserve personnel. a dugout with a serious fortification at the top, there are a couple of logs, sand, concrete, bricks. the ground, well , there is about 2-3 m above us, now
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they are going to work on it there, turn it on, turn on all your systems, turn it off, i know that we are coming, but he is choking, how did he accept, accepted, accepted, say, we need to do it faster, that’s it, in many areas of the south donetsk direction they continue. divisions are fixed on new borders, the enemy is trying to go on the defensive. stanislav nazarov, vitali kadanomich, andrey rudenko, lead donbass. in the past year , the aeroflot group. carried 47 million passengers, and this is 15% more than in 2022, aeroflot ceo sergei alexandrovsky cited such data at a meeting with vladimir putin. according to him, aircraft load has reached a historical maximum, more than 87%. and in terms of punctuality , aeroflot is not inferior to leading foreign airlines. the president urged employees not to reduce the quality of work. that
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allows you to keep it at a high level? alexey glovko. ceo.
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3/4 is owned by the state, and for the largest country in the world, such a company undoubtedly has strategic importance. today's aeroflot, russian airlines, are three brands under one management. in fact, aeroflot itself transported 25 million passengers in a year on its 171 aircraft. rossiya airlines is the largest operator of domestic equipment, it owns 78 sukhoi superjet airliners and the pobeda company - this is 41 aircraft and...
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and be in good shape, so in general you succeed, the reviews are very good on aerofot. the company's volumes of foreign flights are growing, which is facilitated by the repurchase of aircraft from foreign leases. the numbers for domestic destinations have increased. particular attention to the regional hub in krasnoyarsk. for aeroflot, this is a direct air bridge to asia. if last year 700,000 passengers were served at this air harbor, then next year they plan for 500,000 more. and of course, in the spotlight. connections with the far east, these flights are subsidized and supported by the state. this year we serve 2.9 million passengers from the european part to the far east. next year we also plan to increase to 3.2 million passengers. flat rates? we started this program in 1915, with
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your support, it is certainly in great demand among the residents of the country, it excludes any dynamic pricing there.
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at the same time, more and more domestic companies are launching production based on their own technologies. manturov was personally convinced of the high quality of russian sporting goods. a russian-made basketball that contains recycled materials . we receive new reports from our correspondents about the most important news in the country and the world. they will tell you the news.
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stanislavsky, director, gillerovsky
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, reporter, his method is to work on oneself, i really want to go to the khitrovka, this is a very dangerous place, i myself don’t go to the khitrovka without brass knuckles without a whip, well, look, what happened to him? tell me, your scarf, his motto, i don’t believe it, because everything you just said is not true. and yet i don’t believe that ksenia andreevna could kill. this means we need to look for the real killer. his system works flawlessly. what can i say? stanislavsky? khitrovka, sign of four. unusual drama. just like shakespeare on january 1 on rtr, we watch to explore the world,
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educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website, you watch 100 to one, with us. what’s the task of opening the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, it’s a quick question, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, what is 7,8, 7,8,8, how many, who is at work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer with humor, i would chop oak, not pluck. problems with water, electricity, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for a headache, god forbid, now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to
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one, today on rtr. could i call a tow truck? well, wait , please take this for your concern. i specialize in making other people's wishes come true. make wishes or fulfill them? are you kidding again? we must believe in miracles. who likes what more? have you kissed this little girl? be careful not to lose everything you have left. three wishes. today. on rdr. over the course of this year, we have become one
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big family, so i propose to spend 2023 together and meet 2024. svetlana, his son denis and daughter. there was even a flood of precipitation, in the international on one of the bridges in omsk, after heavy rainfall
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at the airport due to bad weather. all efforts of utility workers in chelyabinsk have been deployed to combat the consequences of the snowstorm. public transport is difficult to navigate huge snow piles, which cannot be said about horses, desert ships, camels. and a resident of yuzhno-sakhalinsk shares footage of the rare optical phenomenon of the sun. three luminaries could be seen at once in the sky above the city. two large checkpoints , upper lars on the border with georgia and... erak kazmalyar with azerbaijan, opened after major modernization. according to calculations, the volume of cargo transportation at both checkpoints will now double. alexander kundukhov, more details. the verkhniy lars checkpoint has changed beyond recognition, now that everything construction and installation work has been completed, it is clear that this is an ultra-modern transport hub that meets the most stringent requirements. to date, all major construction and installation work has been completed, and state control
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authorities are on duty. in new comfortable conditions, on new high-tech modern equipment, and persons crossing the border do so with greater comfort and safety. transport minister vitaly savelyev is in videoconferencing mode with verkhniy lars. despite the difficult geographical conditions, in verkhniy lars, thanks to unique design solutions, we were able to create 24 additional lanes, thereby increasing the total number of lanes. to 39. this year , more than 335,000 trucks passed through the border crossing in verkhniy lara , which is 19% more than last year and is an absolute record. a symbolic start is given to open the movement. the yarak kozmalyar and verkhniy lars automobile checkpoints are ready. allow me to give a symbolic start to the movement.
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movement, i allow. start really symbolic, because during the reconstruction the movement was not interrupted for a minute; the work was complicated by the fact that the checkpoint is squeezed into the gorge of the daryal gorge, on one side there is a cliff, on the other there is a stormy terik. yes, we had difficulties, we worked in rain, snow, cold, rainy, windy weather so that today this checkpoint would be proper in this condition, here in the mountains we had to develop it. implement a special individual project to make the most efficient use of the small area of ​​the checkpoint a non-standard solution was adopted: the inspection lanes were placed not as usual along the traffic, but in a herringbone pattern diagonally, thus the throughput was increased several times. the number of traffic lanes has increased from 15 to 39, cargo and passenger traffic are separated, today more than one and a half thousand trucks and up to 2,500 passenger vehicles pass through here per day.
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at the same time, the symbolic launch of the yarak-kozmalyar checkpoint on the border with azerbaijan took place; during the reconstruction, several dozen new buildings were built here, utility lines were laid, high-tech equipment was installed, and the number of traffic lanes was almost doubled. this year a record has been set for the number of trucks missed, more than 2,000 trucks.
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by tradition, it is customary in turkmenistan to choose a new motto every year. 2023 passed under the slogan happy youth. the end of the year, time to take stock. young scientists, talented schoolchildren, future engineers, ecologists, diplomats presented at the final youth forum in ashgabat. it was this year that our students took high places at various olympiads, which were held in russia, kazakhstan, the united arab emirates, and also in other countries. this year has definitely become special for serdar rakhimov, a student at the institute of international relations. on his chest is the badge of honor for the best student of the cis. the jury recognized serdar's scientific work in the field of diplomacy as the best among all his peers in the commonwealth. i am in the childhood
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you could say i dreamed of becoming. politician, diplomat, and this brought me to our institute. the main theme of the work is preventive measures, prevention, that is, the use of diplomatic instruments as... means of negotiations. turkmen style is a combination of modern trends and a very careful attitude to tradition. young scientists have their own shows. the best works are demonstrated by students of the national academy of arts. well, citizens of turkmenistan are already using the developments of young programmers in everyday life. main the driving force of the team is, of course, young people, young specialists. we also have a student recruitment program. of course, we didn’t forget about the athlete.
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medals for love of country. robert frantsev, arman bayletov, tatyana safarova, turkmenistan, central asian news bureau. operation christmas tree. there are raids on illegal cutting down of christmas trees in russia. in the krasnoyarsk territory , since the beginning of november, inspectors have gone into the forest more than a thousand times, however, the focus is not only on forests, but also on new year's markets. how alexander usatenko finds out what black lumberjacks are and what punishment the violator faces. this small copter is a great helper in forest patrolling. before the new year , black lumberjacks are becoming more active in the krasnoyarsk territory. patrolling is underway. of the state forest fund by employees of an institution that has the goal of suppression and prevention in the field of forest legislation, namely security guards of young people. raids take place daily. since the beginning of november, inspectors have visited the forest more than
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a thousand times. to please you for a couple of weeks new year's table, this pine tree needs to grow for 15 years, and for illegal cutting down of trees, regardless of their height, half a meter or 2 meters, the fine will be the same. from 3 to 500 for individuals and from 200,000 to half a million for legal entities. a businessman from khakassia now has a criminal offense instead of a new year's mood. he illegally cut down about 100 trees, when he was caught red-handed, he tried to give a bribe. on the grounds of a crime provided for in part three of article 291 of the criminal code of the russian federation, a criminal case was initiated case. also, the issue of initiating a criminal case against the attacker is being decided. inspectors and christmas tree markets are checking for illegal cutting of forest plantations, entrepreneurs must have all the necessary documents so that disposal of the new year's tree does not become a headache, experts recommend buying an artificial tree, one that will last for many years, will save
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the family budget and will preserve the forest. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva, news. a chance for a healthy life. lyudmila slobodyana from baltiysk suffers from serious illness. spine, every year it becomes more and more difficult for her to walk and breathe independently. a series of expensive operations are needed, report by marina naumova. she gives the baltic amber pano, made with her own hands, to friends and acquaintances, but this year she was forced to give up her favorite hobby, i can’t sit for a long time, i have severe pain and spasms in the thoracic region, and inconvenience due to the lack of sensitivity in my fingers. twenty-eight-year-old lyudmila slobodyan has a serious illness, thoracolumbar scoliosis. spine. with the absence of elastic discs, with the absence of mobile segments - this is a powerful bone tube, in this vicious position with a flattened spine, flattened, flattened chest,
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abdominal cavity, people live today. when lyudmila was eight, the congenital disease first manifested itself in an aggressive form. scoliosis quickly reached the fourth degree. i suddenly lost my height, my spine couldn’t resist and just collapsed. parents. they showed lyudmila as a surgeon, but no one decided to perform the operation. consequences for teenagers were unpredictable. in the fifth grade , she switched to home schooling; walking, and most importantly sitting, became increasingly difficult, and her right lung was compressed by her chest. finally, 10 years ago, lyudmila slobodyan was operated on, but a tragic accident occurred. the girls contracted an infection and developed sepsis. hope appeared after meeting neurosurgeon and orthopedist andrei boklanov. through the internet, lyudmila learned that the doctor takes patients even in the most hopeless cases, she will have a series of operations, after which the surgeons hope, the girl will be able to refuse painkillers and breathe freely. lyudmila contacted our fund in november. our team is sincerely happy
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to support lyudmila and help her raise funds. the cost of treatment is about 7 million rubles. you will help lyudmila slobodyan if you transfer funds for the operation to the short number 8903 with the word “good”. the government has approved a regulation on control over the activities of collectors; now they will be assigned risk categories depending on the violations committed, more details. ilya and vika runs a block about travel , earns good money and didn’t immediately believe it when they were told that they had debts, it turned out that the scammers had issued a microloan for vika for 10,000 without her knowledge, but the creditors didn’t care, threats and insults rained down, then they wrote on the vkontakte network : and they also began to threaten that supposedly some photographs of us,
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which are not public , will also be made public , it will become easier to defend ourselves in such cases, the government approved a resolution on control over organizations involved in debt collection. significant the amendment was that they actually equated the activities of microfinance bank organizations with professional collectors, they began to regulate the debt collection market in 2016, collectors were prohibited not only from exerting psychological pressure, but also from calling at odd hours or contacting the debtor’s relatives without his consent, control was entrusted bailiff service, but it worked only with professional collection agencies. microfinance organization, which today is on almost every step by step, in fact, these are multifunctional centers, but operating in a gray zone, they will give a loan without any questions, but at a higher interest rate than the bank, and they themselves will collect the debt. and often with excesses in novosibirsk they openly intimidated
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the debtor, i can lead you through the forest with my knife, i’ll tell you where you are, maxim ’s creditors first just called, then they threatened, and then there was an arson attack at his dacha, then they apparently splashed fuel on the dog liquid, in irkutsk, a woman whose son owed money was called to work every day uninvited guests, miraculously i was not fired from work, various services came to us. there to poison cockroaches, sushi, pizza, there to repair computers, well , that is, naturally, it was without payment, photographs of peter, who owed only 3.00, were posted around the area with the inscription drug addict, in each region there are several thousand such stories. microfinancers and bankers, they were the ones who violated the rights of citizens all these years, and finally changes in the law gradually reached them. now the federal bailiff service, as in the case of collection agencies will divide microfinance organizations into categories.
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exclusion from the register, which in principle excludes its ability to legally return overdue debt in the future, in relation to collection agencies, the service issued more than 600 fines this year alone, but not everyone considers these...
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we are pleased to welcome you to the main
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music festival song of the year! when there is joy in the heart! when it's new year's eve, raspberries are on your lips! happiness, fulfillment of desires! from my heart i collected the sticks, you irresistible, like being sick prima, the narrowest shield about my sad soul.
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january 1 on rtr. she went to the light, walked and walked, came out into a clearing, in the middle of the clearing a big fire was burning, 12 brothers were sitting around the fire, 12 months old, sitting and quietly talking, dad, dad, we still have a long way to go, well, only 16 hours,
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what 16 hours, well, what did you think, he lives in the north, and we didn’t freeze there, well, at his place. home, let's warm up, dad, daddy, but you can make three wishes, not one, actually, i've never heard of this, but i know that he is very kind, then you hiss in his ear, i think he’ll definitely allow it, okay, it’s time to sleep, there’s a big journey ahead, i’m going to brush my teeth, come on. well, are you there? hooray! this is one of the oldest cities in the russian north, and there are also a lot of orthodox shrines here, but most importantly, whose homeland is this? santa claus! yes, that’s right, we came to visit him. good morning, this is the great ustek.
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since ancient times, veliky ustyuk has been the homeland of many travelers and sailors, according to legend. one of them was shipwrecked, he prayed to nicholas the wonderworker and remained alive, but that man lived like once near velikiy ustyug in the village of morozovitsa. he loved children very much, he always treated them and gave them gifts. where did you get this from? - parents asked when they saw an unexpected gift from their children. “grandfather gave it to frost ,” the children answered. so they called this man father frost, and nicholas the wonderworker, for his kindness, endowed him with special magical powers, oh, well, let’s go to santa claus? well, wait, well, we won’t go to him with empty-handed, but i don’t know what to give him, maybe mittens? no, dad, he has a lot of mittens, oh, listen, let's give him a comb so he can comb his beard? no, dad, i came up
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with an idea, let's give him a christmas tree toy , there's definitely never too many of them, but you and i, let's... don't buy it, we'll make it ourselves, we can do it, yes, of course, it's a cool idea, let's go, let's go, just i'm there, and where are you, come here, wow, sofika , how many toys, look, hello, hello, you know, we want santa claus to make a christmas tree toy ourselves, but... first, we would like to know all about them, tell us ? i’ll tell you, we’ll start with the christmas tree thirties. sofia, what material do you think these toys are made of? i think they were made from cotton wool, you are absolutely right, then we had the war, the forties, during the war years
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, of course, toys were not made from cotton wool, the cotton wool was used for other needs, most often they were made either from thick bottle glass or from waste glass. from burnt out cardboard light bulbs. the fifties, the first decade after the war. what do we see on the christmas tree? first of all, what i would really like to see in stores then are toys depicting food, mushroom, look, mushroom. yeah, mushroom, lemon, zucchini, zucchini, so here, i’ve named more for now. a rabbit, this is not a food product, as they are very tasty, rabbits, a christmas tree for... children, this is a cute little animal, oh well, the sixties, we probably won’t ask sofia, we’ll ask dad what the main event is happening in the country and the world in that? period, santa claus, into space, into space, flew into space, a man flew into space, now we are moving on to the christmas tree of your
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childhood, wow, these toys are definitely still kept by your parents, and what a christmas tree that without exception, children like it in the modern beginning of the 21st century, now you saw all these christmas trees, which one do you like... very beautiful, then in their free time they began to paint chests and ships, yeah, that is , like hot cakes, we have them
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scattered all over the world, that is, if you can look at the works, yes, then you can see that in our painting there are only three colors, these are yellow-ochre, red-brick and green, but you weren’t given to paint us, you won’t believe it, mittens, you see, sofia, after all, i was right about something. so now what are you sure you can go to santa claus? stop, stop, sofiyka, how can we prepare gifts for our loved ones? we made a surprise for grandfather frost for the new year. but what will you give your mother, for example, for the new year? we will buy a cardboard box with santa claus and reindeer drawn in it. look, cool idea, but i know, i know. what else can you put in this box, there is one very beautiful art in veliky ustig, it is 300 years old, maybe
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even more, if you want i’ll show you, i want, oh, what a beauty, hello, hello, hello, please tell me, this is it your unique jewelry, folk art, we have been doing this blackening for more than 300 years... that is, niello is an alloy of several metals, which also contains silver, which metals are the secret of our production, well, tell me, i won’t tell you, ask , ask, let him tell you, tell me, either because the sofia woman didn’t ask properly, or maybe everyone here is really so principled, but the secret of the veliky ustyuk mob was never revealed to us, it’s just that the secret must remain a secret, otherwise it's not so interesting. let's do this: i'll give you some bears, you'll give this to your mom,
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come on, okay, and we also looked at santa claus's real mail, thousands of letters from all over the world, each with a cherished desire, an incredible feeling, but most importantly, we we sent new year's cards from there to our loved ones, who are we sending this card to? this is luke, luke, brother, yes, yes, i am writing then, yes, what do you wish for him, he has never been sick in his life, in the world, you are my joy, you are so kind , good, i am sure that it will be so, so, and this one postcard to someone, mom. santa claus , we have arrived, come out, there is one nuance, to see
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santa claus, you need to pass several tests, but as many as you can, mom, mia, well, as much as you need, let's go, oh, my yummy ones, hello, hello!
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it was cool, and it was great to warm up next to the magpie’s stove, and the coolest thing about the magpie is the maze with spiders, oh, we’re a little afraid, hello, hello, hello, oh, run up , don’t be afraid, they recognized me , the nightingale is the robber, the nightingale is the robber, well, i’m very i love games a lot, do you like them? yes, yes, swing the pine one, swing the pine one two, swing the pine tree three, heel to heel, friend, press, well done, wow, sofia, look, everything is made of ice, wow, dad, come here, this is a flying carriage, yes,
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sit down . what kind of animals do you think grandfather definitely has? deer, rat, spider, beetle, scorpion, oh, well, it probably smells wild in here, grab my hands, grab my hands, grab my hands, look, there he is, tiger, tiger! sofia liked father frost’s siege so much that she almost forgot why we came. i'm not doing anything i forgot, i’m just the most patient child in the world, i don’t know, through the audience we endured, here he is, we’re losing santa claus. before seeing the owner, we were allowed to look into each of
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his twelve rooms. this is an invisibility hat. hats with peas, wow, what a book, if you love to dream, then you will like the next room, it’s called the room of dreams, but what do you think grandfather dreams about, that he had 10 telephones, this is a locker. this is where grandpa keeps his outfits, dad, i told you, he has mittens well, yes, you were right, he is a real dandy with us, he has as many as 54 outfits, well, what kind of outfit do you think, and this was when he had a wedding, but no, well, there was no wedding when he was engaged ballet, so, oh,
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come here. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 yes, seven pads, but why seven? what do you think? to make it soft? here you are, let 's go out together, i, frankly speaking, began to get upset that santa claus was nowhere and to doubt that he exists, but the meeting awaited us for the last time. room in the throne room. hello, hello, nice guests. hello, grandfather. i've been waiting for you since the morning, i've already seen everything. go, let's hug quickly, my dear. oh, my beloved child, how glad i am to meet you. go, my friend, little pie. i remember you had the folder
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when he was a very little boy. do you like to travel? yes, after all, in one day on a trip a person learns much more than he will spend a whole year at home, you prepared a gift for me, yes, sofushka, my joy, i’ll tell you one secret, the most expensive gifts for me are the ones you make with your own hands, because a particle don’t invest your kind childish soul , thank you, my dear, but tell me... please, is it true, no, that all the sofas, whether big or small, are too much on the road, snowballs, they say, they know a lot of songs , that’s right, but tell me, the snowball is spinning in the park, it’s white on the street, and puddles have turned, transparent glass, like the finches sang in the summer, today look how
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pink apples are on the branches. what a great fellow you are, go quickly, my dear, thank you for making grandpa happy, and i also prepared a surprise for you, i’ll love what a gift for you, wow, what should i say? “please, i already thought she had lost her name, yes, it’s true, you wanted to ask something from your grandfather, ask if you have questions, i’m not shy, but why is the house wooden, and not, and not cold, not icy, yes and icy, my joy, because wood is the most natural, real material, it’s not hot in summer, not cold in winter, and if it’s icy, it will melt in summer, right, what other questions will you have, and how old are you? my joy, can you remember all the years, i’ve probably lived in the world for as many years as there is white light. do you want me
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to tell you a little secret? your dad, when he was the same age as you, promised me that he would come to visit me, well done , he fulfilled his promise, but he also told me that grandfather, i will learn well. well done , thank you, my dears, you made your grandfather happy, you made him so happy, come to me quickly , here are sweet icicles for you, they will never hurt your neck, my dear, and
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i also prepared a letter for dad, it’s magical, he only has one read it, oh, agreed, come to me, she’ll tell me in my ear now, so you can tell me if you can help me. please give me the magic staff, hold on to the magic staff, make your deepest wishes, the main thing is that your wishes are good, then they will definitely come true, because all dreams certainly come true, i made everything, well done, maya! good for me , you can, you can, hold on to the cheese, dad has a lot of desires, tear,
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tear, tear, tear, tear, i’m soba, okay, ah , oh, there is, and this is what’s mine, yes, come on, thank you, great ustyuk - the city where a fairy tale becomes past, here christmas tree decorations take you back to the past, and mittens warm not only your hands, but also your heart, here in the magical forest you will not meet anyone, but most importantly, you will definitely meet the kindest. in the world of a wizard, here even adults begin to believe in miracles , we take this with us, i have one golden rule, dad listen too, whoever does not smile
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is an icicle, he will then melt and will not be visible in the picture, man, open , what will happen if you eat at night, bite me, of course, a holiday when the new year walked on novosibirsk, you were already crawling around the bathroom shouting why my plate is so big and empty, autumn i want meat, happy coming, i woke up, and i washed down the ice cream with borscht, i am treating you , a parade of humor, the premiere today on rtr, it’s like the moment before sunstroke . there is a person who knows something about oleg’s disappearance, this cannot be solved by talking, you need evidence, your revelations come to you when you are not ready for them, you think
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that you are a hunter, and he is the game, but if on the contrary, the secret cherishes , from january 2 on rtr. come back forest deer according to my desire, kill me deer to his country, deer, where the pines burst into the sky. where dust lives and never happened, teach me where to go in the spring, blue light, december 31 on rtr, no more choking, i can’t risk family well-being, i told you, don’t start a romance, i’ll never appear in my life again, i understand , let me down, come on! halley's comet december 31 on rtr,
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provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism, continuation of the conversation in... and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch, the first podcasts we watch, must, you will meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing to get to know the country, what a beauty!
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just taste it, we will add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just crazy taste, what’s next honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes, and you know why people consider proteins to be living carbohydrates in order to happily jump through life, unusual answer, and i make a wish that all our tv viewers have a strong one. health, food formula, today on rtr. our relationship has reached a dead end, problems need to be solved, and not run away from them tomorrow, i’m waiting for you at the dance, just trust kostya, let him lead you, no matter where, i can’t do that, i need to know which way he will go, i have to get ready, marina konyashkina, dmitry miller, well, i don’t know what we’ll do to serge yet, but i won’t give up, checha-cha. premiere
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today on rtr. good morning, this is the food formula program, new a year is already on the way, and we are on the road in search of healthy food, look how beautiful it is outside the window, yes, and it’s so cozy here, by the way, you don’t want a snack, but sandwiches with caviar, look what i have,
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whole bread -grain, great, once , yeah, what kind of acre will you have, look, there’s eggplant, there’s squash, and choose, yeah, but here it doesn’t matter , there’s really no difference, which means there’s no difference, well, well, squash caviar from what do they make from zucchini, that’s right, eggplant, from eggplants, well, of course, eggplants, between by the way, many nutritionists call eggplant a superfood, but why? yes, this is what we will find out. and then what is the eternal dream of people before the new year? lose weight. and after the new year, lose weight. here. and this is where eggplant caviar comes in very handy on the new year’s table. so the eggplant game helps us lose weight? don't you remember? in august , you and i went to the astrakhan region to see how eggplant screens are made. exactly. it was a great trip and i had a lot of impressions. let's remember. come on, today we will talk about our
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summer trip to the astrakhan region, and we went there to find out everything about eggplant caviar, what is hidden in a jar of factory-made eggplant caviar, except for the eggplants themselves, why it is stored for several years and how to properly lose weight using eggplant caviar, and we’ll also talk, how do eggplants affect our heart? by the way, eggplants are good for the heart, how do they help maintain sharp eyesight? increase the development of diseases such as cataracts or macular degeneration. and let's make healthy pizza with eggplant caviar, which is perfect for preventing diabetes. it's unusual, it's fresh. very useful, we’ll check everything , recommend the best, launch the time machine , start deducing the food formula. welcome to summer, it all started with the fact that we were asked to dress strangely in the thirty-degree heat when we went to the field to watch the eggplants grow.
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hello, good morning, milinka savic, agronomist, you are serbian, yes, i know the serbian accent well, i have a lot, how did you even end up here? so, how is it going, carefully you go up, it’s empty, you look for it, it’s the largest one, take it, yes, it’s ripe, curl up, and you go up, for caviar you need a special, specially bred variety
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of eggplant with dense flesh and a rich taste, when something is bred specially, the question immediately arises, is it possible? there are gmos, let's ask an expert from rospotrebnadzor, there is a list. varieties of seeds that are approved for use in our country, and genetically modified varieties are not included in this list; they cannot be grown in russia, therefore genetically modified vegetables buyers in russia need not be afraid of products made from them. at each row of bushes there were bags in which we collected eggplants, then these bags still had to be loaded into the car. oops, so ugh, get on with it. it’s hot here, what’s wrong with you, but something is wrong with your heart, apparently it’s too hot, your heart is affected, sit and rest, eggplants, by the way, are good for the heart, because the antioxidants contained in the peel of eggplants are preserved even when cooked , according to research, they are very useful not only
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for our blood vessels, but also for the heart, class, take care of your heart, eat eggplants, zucchini contains significant antioxidants. zucchini can accumulate nitrates, eggplants are being defeated by caviar again, i really want to try caviar quickly, now we’ll go to the factory and try it there, and well, we’ll go then, definitely, thank you, you’re welcome, i’m glad,
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let’s rush, listen, and then we’ll let's go straight to your production facility, but no, you remember, you overheated, you kept wanting to go for a swim in the volga, oh, listen. and you haven’t seen the washers, here are the washers, but remember, i also offered you an option better, yes, yes, yes, i remember, i remember , there are many options for water activities and walks in the summer in the ostrakhan region, here you can arrange a boat tour, walk by water to the lotus valley, try yourself in a variety of water sports. come to the astrokhan region with the whole family, here there is something to do for every family member, seryozha came to us. this is such a relaxed rafting on the volga, i enjoyed it even more because the men were rowing, and i was enjoying the beauty. how long have you been bringing people together? sergey strikachev, director of tourism companies. no, we have a pilot project
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this year, we just launched it for the first time, when i was a teenager i went in for sports, professionally, bodar rowing, yes, it’s like... maybe it’s some kind of impetus to open this kind of sport tourism, tell me a little about the volga, you probably know more about it than i do, the volga is one of the main central rivers of russia, it is navigable, well, plus it’s rich in fish, you eat fish every day, not every day, i like it often, and caviar, chuchi caviar is very tasty, and especially so. cooked, if correctly, and if i tell you eggplants, we have the astrakhan region, in addition to the fact that it is famous for fish, it is also famous for its rich cultures, yes, here they are magnificent, as if... we don’t experience hunger here, that’s who is lucky , so this is for you,
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oh, how you want to go back to summer, listen, well, good people carefully packed this summer in a jar with eggplant caviar, uh-huh, by the way, if you haven’t been watching our program from the very beginning and don’t know how eggplant caviar is useful for heart health, i remind you: everything you can watch the episodes on the online media platform, watch it, download the app, install it on your phone or tablet, or just go to the website,, i ate so much eggplant and caviar , i still can’t remember, how does it actually help you lose weight? well, we learned this already in production. igor, good morning, igor terekhin,
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quality director, we are ready to help, we select everything that is not eggplant, leaves, twigs, as well as rotten eggplants, if you come across them, and how many do you get? eggplant a day, we process about 200 tons of eggplant a day, that’s how much eggplant caviar you can make, 3000 jars a day, each jar is a treasure. useful microelements, which ones the nutritionist will tell you. now many people complain of constant fatigue, headaches, skin problems, and these may be signs of hidden anemia. eggplants contain trace elements necessary for hematopoiesis. copper, cobalt and manganese are needed for the hematopoietic function of the spleen, bone marrow, and for maintaining hemoglobin level in the normal formation of red blood cells. but what will happen next, what will happen next? are crushed, undergo heat treatment, rubbing, end up in a mixer,
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let's go, let's go, let's go , the eggplant mass after heat treatment and rubbing is already poured into the container, the onion mass after rubbing and heat treatment, tomato paste, loose oil, almost everything is poured here, but... what's left, i can do it, come on, you'll definitely get it, how can i tell you, no, maybe i, maybe you, of course you have very sharp eyesight, but it seems to me you need to pump yourself up a little, by the way, about your eyesight, here eggplants can give us a lot, because the very substances that give the eggplant this wonderful purple color prevent the development of such diseases.
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preservatives, we will learn about this further , you are intrigued, i promised to show you what is used instead of preservatives, this steam autoclave, both, steam sterilization at 120°, replaces all preservatives, kills those microbes, provides a shelf life of 3 years. i saw how your icon was being made, she it looks - high-quality, tasty and obviously
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nutritious, not so nutritious, what its calorie content is, 110 kilocalories per 100 g of product, and a nutritionist will tell us how eggplant caviar helps you lose weight. due to the addition of vegetable oil, eggplant caviar, of course, has more calories than the eggplants themselves, but eggplants contain dietary fiber that can reduce the absorption of excess fats, in addition... improve the function of the intestines and gall bladder, acting as a mild laxative. this does not mean, that you can eat eggplant caviar uncontrollably, but a moderate portion of it will not harm your figure and will help the body absorb less fat from other foods. after the autoclave , the jars are quarantined for 11 days to see if they have microcracks, defects in the lids, or something else. by the way, have you ever thought that your well-being and mood depend on what you eat? absolutely, in general, the expression you are what you eat is about me. but many people don’t know the dangers of unhealthy
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eating. but all this information can be found within the internet project of the school of healthy nutrition. from the healthy eating project of the national project demography, great, here is high-quality eggplant caviar that has stood the test of time. so, the last test, a test for the presence of folk items, our eggplants are cre, so, wait, that's it, let's go, obana, that's it, hello. hi, hi, oh, this is your, yeah , cheesy stuff, this is probably your jar, yes, it turns out that yes, oops, oh, ah, well, i put a huge piece of glass, but i have a different question, which is more common everything is located, practically nothing is found, caviar is the safest product due to the fact that the product is ground, and what color
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high-quality eggplant caviar should be, an expert from rospotrebnadzor will tell us, the color of high-quality eggplant caviar can... vary from light brown to brown, if it prepared by stewing, the color will be lighter; if by frying, then darker, the main thing is that the color is uniform; if under the lid the caviar has separated and a layer of oil or liquid is visible there, it means during production the production technology was violated or frozen products were used, it is better not to buy such a product. it is very important that the caviar is made from fresh vegetables. tell me, can we take a couple of jars with us? of course, yes, great. seryozha. igor, thank you very much, it was very interesting and informative with you. thank you. let's go there. let's go there. if you haven’t been watching our program from the very beginning and don’t know how eggplant caviar is good for our vision, i remind you that
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all episodes can be watched on the online media platform. let's see. download application, install it on your phone or tablet, or just go to the website. listen, it’s delicious, but what did we cook with eggplants in the summer? don’t you remember, pizza with eggplant cut, exactly, exactly, yes, over this year we have become one big family, so i propose spending 2023 together to celebrate 2024.
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songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov’s new year’s show. december 31 at rtr, dad, this is my fiancé, georgie, dad, lord, george peacock, lord, what kind of foreign tourists, we saw some weirdos here, we drove everyone away and you, as they say, are welcome, if you are harass zhorik, and... and i’ll file for divorce , the best son-in-law can only be a son, georgie, meet me, this is your father, that this is the same doctor with whom you got drunk once, and i kept thinking that you weren’t so, nosfet,
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nook daddy golden daddy today on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task to open the entire scoreboard, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the underside, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is 7.8, 7.8? who talks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer, then with humor, i'm an oak chop, don’t pinch, problems with water, light , housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache,
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god forbid now, if you win, then it’s a drain. today on rtr. don’t overdo it on olevier on new year’s eve, so as not to end up in the skiff ahead of time, sklefosovsky, new season in the new year on rtr, i thought that here everything is more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here that’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have...
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the strongest love for the game is the five-on-one program, yaho, five-on-one, today on rtr, this unusual pizza is also useful for the prevention of diabetes. good morning, ruslan, hello, ruslan yuldashev. chef for our pizza we will need the eggplant caviar itself, cheese, mozzarella, herbs, spices , tomatoes, champignons, salt, flour, olive
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oil, water and honey, honey, yes, honey, wow, the champignons are lying there, sergey will grate cheese, and i’ll mix all the ingredients for the dough, we agreed, our dough is ready, now we'll start rolling it out. by the way, have you ever wondered why people count proteins as fats as carbohydrates? because it's useful, right? in fact, proteins, fats and carbohydrates perform different functions in our diet. if proteins are a building material, they are like the bricks from which our body is built, then fats and carbohydrates are a source of energy, they are like firewood, and if fats burn slowly, then carbohydrates burn quickly, for this reason they should be found in our diet in a certain proportion. which one? and this is precisely determined by doctors, nutritionists, for example, specialists of the healthy project. nutrition of the national project demography, on the basis of scientific research, they created just such a plate of healthy nutrition, in which proteins, fats and carbohydrates are in
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the optimal proportions for the nutrition of russians, for example, bulgur can act as a source of healthy carbohydrates, and we will act as a source of healthy protein disgusting chicken, well , avocado will act as a source of healthy fat today. naturally, a healthy diet is never complete without vegetables, so let's add a couple of fresh tomatoes perhaps, bell peppers, voila, and a plate of healthy food is ready, so we lay out, yes, we lay out the dough scan, this is a scan, yes, especially for pizza, at home you can use a baking sheet, eggplant caviar, you will have to cut it tomato and greens, sergey will cut the tomato, greens, i think this is an excellent, healthy solution, instead of sweet ketchup, which in russia we often put on pizza as a base,
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put healthy eggplant caviar instead. now we collect all the ingredients for our pizza. before putting it in the oven, carefully grease the sides with olive oil for a golden brown color and bake the pizza in the oven on medium. 180° 15-20 minutes, but we are guided by color, by color, pizza with eggplant caviar for the prevention of diabetes. for the dough, mix flour, salt, baking powder, add water, honey, butter, knead the dough, leave it to brew, then roll out the pizza base from it , spread the eggplant caviar in a thin layer , lay out the chopped tomatoes, sprinkle them with spices, add chopped champignons grated cheese. coat the cakes with olive oil, bake the pizza in the oven at 180° for 15-20 minutes, before serving, decorate with herbs,
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it looks amazing, i really want to try it, well, yes, listen, it’s good , it’s unusual, it’s fresh, it’s very useful for controlling glucose levels by the way, there is whole grain flour in the blood, yeah, this is flour that contains bran. this is coarse fiber that reduces the absorption of glucose and the glycemic index of other products that go along with it, this is first, secondly, it has been proven that those anthacyans, which are part of bakla. eggplant caviar per day is a good means of protecting our heart, eyes and preventing diabetes. ruslan, thanks for the recipe, it’s gorgeous. it was a great trip, and it was a good year.
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that's just it. it seems to me that i ate more eggplants and caviar than i needed per day, so, oh, that’s it, finish with the caviar, we’ll continue to drink tea, it was a food formula program on the russian tv channel, other cities and other products are waiting for us, happy new year . good morning, you are watching russia tv channel, my name is alexey vershinin and that means there are five against one on the show, a generous program where we give away money to those who know how to put the question squarely, today evgeniy
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poponyshviliev is playing with us. ksenia novikova, andrey urgand, evgeny rybov and alexander pushnaev. good morning ksenia, good morning everyone, well , i don’t wish you good morning, i’m upset, i’m upset, why? but because, because for the second time in a row, to start like this, i force myself to pronounce it, yes, but for the second time in a row last saturday our star five by an absurd coincidence. circumstances won the final round, so today we are not starting with the minimum possible amount, from 180,000 rubles. well, the audience knows that i am rooting against our star participants for our tv viewers, something else happened to us again last saturday, we finally refuted the curse of five men, i’ll tell you for ksenia, we had
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such a sign. here, if five men play, that is, there is no star participant at the table, then, as a rule, they lose, so our five lose, and if a girl comes, then he wins, so, last time there were five men, they won, listen, i really hope that this does not mean that the trend is in the other direction, that’s what i’m getting at, today we have a charming girl, according to the logic of things,
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rule first round. now the computer randomly selects a tv viewer, with my help he asks you a question, the cost of this question is 20,000 rubles. you will have 4 minutes to try to find the correct answer, i can give you three hints, you ask any leading questions, and i will answer either yes or no. let's meet the tv viewer who will be the first to play against you today. michael. putnikov, 38 years old, uglich. mikhail's hobbies include sports, books and travel. the winnings will spend on sports, books and travel. ready? the first question of our program today is right now, everyone's attention is on the screen. what was unusual about the duel that took place on may 3, 1808 in paris, between de grand prix and mosier. time! one of
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them fired, when after the shot the bullet hit another person and ricocheted, something metal, killed the shooter , amazing, we won, no, no, of course not, but was it, was there this duel with a pistol, for so long it was just pistols, these were pistols, yes, they were not loaded , no, toy pistols and water pistols were invented then, the duel took place in principle, yes, yes, the bullets were real bullets, and they died from. no, there was a shot, yes, they both came, they shot , again, the bullets collided, bullet into bullet, everyone remained alive, what a beautiful, happy story, but no, everything was much more there,
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someone died, yes, but as usually happens in duels, you know, one died, yes, one died, and his gun got stuck in his hands, he died from his own weapon, no, well, that’s too much - it’s simple, it happens often , as a hint. he shot, hit the lamp, the lamp fell , killed him, or maybe he shot, and an interesting version, i would even say that somewhere approximately in that direction, but of course not, but it happened in nature, well, yes, he hit the bird. it fell on his head, or maybe he just shot, got scared, screamed and died from heart attack, he shot , missed, hit another person, also with a weapon, he was such a wow, shot killed him, oh, what a complex pattern,
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both shot, yes, both shot yes, yes, that means first one, then the other , wait, look, but one thing, something fell from above, something fell, well, so to speak, he knocked down a gargoyle. a gargoyle with notre dame de paris and together with quasimodo, or maybe he just shot, the second one was killed by lightning, maybe it was sunny, a solar eclipse happened, and something happened in connection with this, no, sunstroke, thank you, no, no, the man who died, he was killed by something flying from above, no, not like that, not like that, no, when he fired, he hit something, yes from above, but yes, yes , this is not a bird. plane, plane , 1808, wait, did they shoot at each other or did someone shoot upward, by the way, that’s a good question, someone shot upward, well , upward, and the bullet came back and killed the one
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who was, yes, canopy, no, oh, he shot up, and still something, well, well, he wanted to show nobility, he shot up, saying he won't fight and, but this is the field.' anyway, i did it like this, it hit such a beautiful, obviously female version , yes, no, no, but it hit something from above , the balloon was so good , it hit the balloon, yes it hit, the balloon scarf , the cradle fell and hit this idiot, it wasn’t like that, let’s do it come on, i want it, the one who was in the cradle died, right, and this and this turned out to be a relative of that one? "it turned out to be one of the balloons, on balloons, absolutely right, them, yes, because the duel was on balloons now i accept the answer, oh, i pulled out the correct answer from you, beautiful, show it
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on the screen, the duellians rose into the sky in balloons, well, not like these, smaller ones , they didn’t shoot at each other, at the balloons, ho-ho, one of them hasn’t hit yet, and by the way, yes, yes, uh, lepike shot first, missed, so the grand prix fired from, they, by the way, fired musketons from dueling pistols, so big, essentially guns, practically with cut-off butts, they shot with shot, that is, a large affected area, well there he was staggering, there was wind, he somehow shot in the other direction, so the grand prix shot successfully. let's just say, the ball got a hole in it, it fell down from a height of 600 m and lepeke died , he got into a dive, and if we continue these ridiculous puns, yes, then lepeke got into a dive, and the grand
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prix received the grand prize, yes, we found the keys from pun before this program , something like that, we had three clues, let ’s take turns now, we got this... they didn’t show something, like they did, but we didn’t see that it was a julbern, it’s small there, yes was, probably too far for you, now it’s bigger, now i’m and i’m julvern, a mysterious island and well, it has a lot of things about it, no, there’s just basically a mysterious island, the heroes of this book flew in by air, it’s clear that it’s julvern, that it’s mysterious the island was not visible, so the second clue is, well, well, it’s something up there, something in the sky, something at a height, a skyscraper, it goes up, and there was something at a height. here’s the third clue, it somehow already let you down, they shot at the ball right here , it’s not possible here, right here piglet shoots at the ball, basically the answer is here.
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to go into history, they could not share one very famous actress. we’ll cut off your winning
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step, second round, let’s go, the rules here are the same as in the first, 4 minutes, three tips, 2000 rubles on the bet, the peculiarity of the second round is that it’s a round of photo questions, pay attention to the screen, first choose a viewer, plays against you andrey kolesnikov, 29 years old, voronezh, what is unique about this house built in indonesia time, i would like to say that you are at home here, well, the material does not matter, the material matters. it’s clear that yes , yes, it’s made from some boxes,
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from packaging material from the remnants of something, well, there’s a break in the back there, some of the remnants from under something, no, not wrong , but simply from some recycled materials, from garbage , made from pulp, you can say so, yes, but i need it specifically, it’s made from cellophane bags, no, it’s concrete of such and such brand, you need to say the gost name directly, and the uniqueness from... the house itself or this terrace, house, house, yes, yes, well, we we have already found out that the uniqueness is in the material , this is concrete, well, this is the uniqueness, it is something compressed from something, for people this is the compressed remains of human activity, what are you talking about now, what am i going to ask, yes, it means compressed from something, so well, not only this, but that... it was compressed after human activity, yes, that
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is, it’s toilet paper, no, but it’s paper, it’s paper, it’s not paper, it’s not cardboard, remnants of human activity, but it is not the remnants of what comes out of a person are the remnants of human activity, well, saliva , no, sweat comes out, no, no, well, this is from the toilet, i’ve been dragging this out for a very long time, well, the remnants of just people, man, no, no, no, good , the man subscribed to a lot of newspapers, then that’s it, but these are not papers, hair, not hair, maybe these are leftovers of food that they throw away, not leftovers of food, come on, after all, these are leftovers, food packaging, no , not packaging, hair, not hair, you had this version, but it’s something physiological, physiological, okay, it’s organic, diapers, from the called diapers, absolutely right, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. yes, but
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show the answer on the screen, then i will tell you more. it's built from used, used diapers. yes , well, maybe, but nevertheless, it is a historical fact: engineers from kitakushu university, this is japan, built, not far from the capital of indonesia, jakarta, a small, small house, well, i would say, this is just a showroom demonstration. the child, of course , what did you get from, he has it, but what would you like, yes, the unique thing about construction is that that it is made of concrete which contains shredded diapers. the idea to replace some of the sand in betoniya with shredded diapers came to tiswanti zuraida's mind when she was teaching at one of the technological institutes in jakarta. the fact is that in poor and developing countries the population continues to grow, there are a lot of children there. and a lot of diapers, but the problem is
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that diapers are very, very difficult to dispose of, if you know this fact, that is, they decompose in there some hundreds. hundreds of hundreds of years, even longer than a plastic bag, a plastic cup, and so on, that’s the filler, yes, yes, yes, yes, if they understood that if you take these diapers, wash them, crush them, mix them with concrete, you get a completely durable, normal structure, which has another kind of meaning, yes, there is high humidity there, and also the walls, these walls, they do not retain the humidity inside properly. cheese, let's look at the tips that we have prepared for you, for the sake of decency, first, well, here we are already, yes, yes, but here it’s not only that something pressed, like a drink press, but not even like that, no, well, a drink press, what can it do, it wets, but first of all it wets the ink so that it doesn’t smear, and it also
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absorbs something into the diaper yourself, also a blotter, something pressed better, so that it could be, like, well , a double hint, yes, two meanings with... and you already guessed pressed, well, you already guessed it, it’s true, so the second hint, which led you to the correct answer, but here the child understands, that the diaper is good - yes, the third is a peeing boy, yes, yes, a peeing boy, a famous sculpture in brussels, well, it also seems to me like that, completely transparent, so then all your prompts are transparent , remember, you always scolded the prompts, remember , yes, now i’m starting to criticize those rounds in which there are no tips. okay, i have to admit that you won this round, and i hate to say it, but there are 220,000 rubles in the bank. i hope in the next, in the third round -
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well, finally you are still well... somehow already take this pause, but in your agreed , victorious act, it’s five against one, don’t switch, the third round is very soon, i left the club, the tow truck took the car, the headlights, everything, here you can get used to everything, to the bug, the turnip let him gnaw on the flasks with this, busy , one thing i really miss, not with time, lol, well, you see, this is the end, well, this is all, holob, today on rtr, we are glad to welcome you to the main music festival song of the year, when in
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the heart joy, soon our sun will rise, i... song of the year january 1 and 2 on rtr, stanislavsky, director, gillerovsky,
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reporter, his method is working on himself, i really want to go to the tricky show, this is very. it’s a dangerous place, i myself don’t go to trickery without a kostet without a whip, well, look what happened to him, he was killed, tell me, your scarf, his motto, i don’t believe it, because everything you just told is not true, after all i don’t believe that ksenia andreevna could have killed, which means we need to look for the real killer. his system works flawlessly, what can you say, stanislavsky, trick, sign of four, an unusual dramatic twist, just like shakespeare, on january 1 on rtr,
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you have never had such a talented class, the stars will again feel like schoolchildren to choose. the brightest teacher of the year, svetlana will have to become a wire for a light bulb, whoever’s light goes out, i’ll cover it up, and by the way, i’m not bad. even difficult tasks can be accomplished if there is a talented teacher nearby, 323. i know what it is, i am a two-student, i don’t need to be scared, the country should know the name of the best, i wish success to this magnificent seven teachers, cool theme, premiere on january 5 on rtr. my father demands that i urgently send him a photograph of my bride. hello, we have arrived, otherwise there will be no money. look how beautiful, let's paint
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it, dress it up, make it silent, my bride should be a diamond, you're not even a diamond yet, but i need a diamond, you know, everyone needs bruleki, i've sketched out a plan of approximate actions, three very busy days await us, what if she falls in love with you and what then, i’ll give you money, send you home, and what if you do? beauty and the beast january 2 on rtr, this is five for one, we are on the air again, right now, the third round, one on one, well, the third round, only one of you is playing in it, who exactly, we will now find out, first we will get to know the viewer, attention to the screen,
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our star participants , for the participants , of course, oh, thank you very much, and today for myself, and today for myself, everything is correct, my picture of the world breaks down over and over again, because it seems to me that i am here guarding the interests of tv viewers, so i am fighting with them, and you all root for them, okay, lydia, what will you spend the winnings on? i'll go study improve qualifications, so for whom? i’m a cosmetologist, okay, well, choose a victim for yourself then, lidi. well , let's play blue novikova so let's not change traditions well, as a rule, yes, they choose
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a newcomer in the third round, okay, don't oblige , stop, it doesn't matter at all, i'll try everything, i've got everything already, don't worry, don't worry, everything's fine, just try, lose, okay, you play alone for only 40 seconds 40 seconds very quickly 40 seconds very quickly would be. 40 seconds, everyone else is silent, no prompts, the question is the third round is usually not very difficult. attention to the screen, round three question right now. the first model of the rubik's cube was not made of plastic. who did erno rubik compare himself to when the toy he created took on a life of its own? time. so, well, this tree, i think that then it was something like pinocchio associated with whom it was compared.
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very cool, in 10 seconds ksenia guessed this question, and karla didn’t confuse dad, i generally confuse them. in eastern europe, by the way, most likely not, but the fact remains: at the peak of popularity according to various sources, every
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tenth, eighth and even fifth inhabitant of the planet played the rubik's cube. the data differs for the reason that in addition to the original rubik's cubes, about 350 million of them were officially sold. many fake cubes were also sold, which were not happy. yes, how, what is different, yes, you collect it, and the joy of satisfaction, fake, does any of you know how to solve a rubik's cube, in the magazine science and life at one time there was a diagram that was possible. me too , when i was a child, but i looked at magazines, friends mine, thanks to the brilliant play of ksenia novikova in the third round and a very beautiful question, yes a great question, thank you, the amount in our bank has increased by 20,000 rubles. it became 24,000, a good, pleasant question, when did this happen? firstly, there hasn’t been such a large amount of 240,000 rubles in
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our program for several months, there hasn’t been for a long time, secondly , in my opinion, uh, for about 5 months none of the participants in our star five won the third round, oh, well , you four men, do not disgrace, please do not disgrace ksenia, in the fourth round of our wonderful program, five against one, let's go. fourth round, again you all play together, you have 4 minutes, three tips, 2000 rubles. on kanu, in the fourth round the question is asked by the viewer himself, well, first let’s get to know him, pay attention to the screen, elena ogorodnik is playing against you, 18 years old, novosibirs, elena has two hobbies, this is makeup artistry and fashion, she will spend the winnings on
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a professional cosmetics, attention to the screen. she will ask it for you. hello, dear star team, why in the south in korea, pregnant women are given a slab of lights that light up pink in certain places to attract attention. time, why are they issued? what, what are they giving out? bluetooth beacons? apparently there are some problems with the weather , some kind of increased gas pollution, no, it’s just in these places.
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and not her, they see her, they see her, transport drivers, cyclists, the color of the car wash doesn’t matter, no, the light doesn’t matter, the second one, so that the plane doesn’t hit her, no, so that she can see yes, well, there’s some kind of lighting , the way to avoid loud sounds
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, the answer is on the screen: in order for them to give up their seats on public transport, on public transport, just that, in korea , transport is usually very, especially during rush hour, very public, very, very public, there are a lot of people there, in korea in general, it’s not very common to give up seats to women, there, for example, i know another country like that, well, no, i would argue,
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no, here, if you’re hinting at russia, it’s still somehow there is such a culture. in this regard, they are much more cynical, so when a girl’s heart burns beacon, it is not yet clear that she is, for example, pregnant, then this beacon immediately signals that you need to get up, give her a seat, this is really so, well, great, it seems to me, yes, good, well done, tips, here is the first hint, now it’s clear that our plane is landing, landing, they’ve been talking about this, yes, well, make room for... the girl to sit down, yes - the second hint, you didn’t need it, or you needed it, i haven’t seen it, this place, i was already screaming when i got out, first place, yes, yes, second place, third place, and... third clue, give way, give way, sign , well, give way, again, if all three clues seem to me to be connected, you can even give the correct answer without asking a question, okay, so
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my friends, after the fourth round, just like that, yes, show me, what is happening, 26000 , will there be 280, let's find out right now the fifth round, let's go, the fifth round, this is a round of questions from the star, now you will play with one of your friends or colleagues, all attention on the screen, let's find out who this, oh, erakli is playing against you, money from winnings, erakli will spend it on a gift for children, did not write to his own or any other children, well, just children, okay. ready? yes. question about theracles. in mexico city, in the central square there is a monument to john paul ii of paperim. what was it caught from, time? you need
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to name the material. no, money was donated from donations, and money was taken from these donations and drained simply from money. no. no, that means from candles. not from candles, no, here he is, this is really him. what the. come on, it’s some kind of metal, it was smelted, it was smelted, that is, you need it earlier say what this metal was before , yes that’s right alexander, maybe it’s car wreckage , but wait, maybe it’s post-war , something like that, maybe it’s made from bomb fragments and weapons from fragments, there was such a version no no no no no what it was, well some kind of misfortune , some kind of shipwreck or some kind of car wreck. from an offering, no, this is not an offering, it is not connected with medicine , people brought it piece by piece, then they put it all together, which means this is not prison bars, no, not prison bars, the first clue
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people brought, is this aquid water or what are cups, and what is this anyway, cups from cups, people brought, they brought old water pipes, people brought old water pipes, and from them yes, what is drawn. or maybe there are some jewels not yet let's mean water on the hint - it's like this it 's somehow no it's not like that no it's flowing flowing flowing flowing river flowing stream so well yes and that it's not connected with the miners what with what with prospectors, time may flow, perhaps time is meant as a clock. yes, there is no time, no, arrows too, well, people brought them, they brought them, it’s something small, what they brought , well, yes, they had it at home, but maybe they brought
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dots, telephones, no, more teeth, wait, this is a device for morse code, teeth, rings, no, no, no, that's the alphabet, that's the morse code, well, that's the telegraph. this is also a small metal object that fits in everyone’s house, ring door nails , no - we have this at home, and small metal objects, ball bearings. do you have this at home? is this related to the call? with a call? no, is there a picture? well how yes, usually, usually there is something like that there , but not necessarily, necessarily numbers,
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door numbers, lock, lock, lock, lock, lock, keys, that’s right, well, of course, without keys, people brought keys, keys, why, let's, well, first let's look at the screen for the answer. of the keys there are half a million keys, by the way, because like , wait, here is a symbol of the papal throne, this is the key they just threw, no no, this is not, they went to the monastery and threw the keys to the house, well, like, this could be some kind of sign , i i don’t know, this is a symbol, a metaphor, the key to hell, opens the gates to heaven, but it’s not...
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you can see in the photograph at the foot of this monument, another part of the keys has remained like this, very beautifully, beautifully. three clues, the first, and the first, look, the first is poetic, look, a stream is running , exclude a monument, this is a key, a key, a key, a key, a monument of keys, yes, that’s good too, our puns are all today, the second clue, now then, this is a key, a telegraph key, a telegraph key, by the way, a telegraph, well, the third one, of course, we are not leaves, this is with us today, this is from the previous one, it just happened by chance.
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man, discover what will happen if you eat at night, bite me, of course, it’s a holiday, when the new year was walking around novosibirsk, you were already crawling around the bathroom, growling, why is my plate so big and empty, autumn i want meat, happy new year, i woke up, and i wash down the ice cream with borscht, i treat you, a parade of humor, premiere today on rtr. who found her? witch, i
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’m interested in how you found out where the girl’s body is, as if someone wants to tell me something, get out of here, even though i don’t have you normal, i’m on your side, think about why you were given this gift, the mystery cherishes. from january 2 on rtr, you are watching the stock alone, what is our task to open the whole board, we will cope, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8 , how much, who is at work? speaks a lot and loudly, if
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you celebrate, then with humor, i would chop oak, not pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches , do not give god now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, oops.
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it would seem like some, well, by the standards of our program, 280 thousand, but it’s been so long since there was such money in the finals, which is downright exciting, let’s look at the screen. let's choose a tv viewer, then i'll tell you the rules. oh, olga ivanova, 40 years old, peresvet, is playing against you. sup and alpine skiing are olga’s hobbies, and she plans to spend the winnings on her daughter’s education. oh, well, now i’ll briefly remind you of the rules: each of you plays for 15 seconds, starting with zhenya, zhenya for 15 seconds, in this no one tells him the time, ksenia, and then.
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and then through the game, everything set the team up for victory, the team, let's go, let's go, attention to the screen, what popular concept combines the words "tropics, hollywood, egg, rice, kefir" kremlin, time, and this is connected with some event, no, with food, yes, uh, with some dish, uh, well, you could say, this dish is popular in russia, no, this, this is a product.
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3 seconds were not enough for our viewer to receive 280,000 rubles. andrey lvoevich snatched this money from our hands, well done. in general, there were such nerves, the food understood that something was happening, well, what kind of food is this, a dish, if it is not a dish, then it means the method of preparation and this is not, then then, well, i don’t know, now we are all, i haven’t said for a long time this phrase, the valacardine finale
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, absolutely, well, you must agree, by the way, it’s probably the valacardine one, we all already scored a goal in the last seconds, on a flash drive, just, yes, yes, i congratulate our star five, you won all the rounds of this game, that’s it, and you won 1:1, all six, all six rounds, this hasn’t happened on our program for more than a year, show the answer on the screen, diet, absolutely right, well, then show the jackpot, all this money is 200, 80,000 rubles. move on to the next program. well, with this our show has come to an end today, i remind you that all episodes of the program can be found on the “we watch” internet platform. well, if you want to not only watch the star five, but also play your question with them, then ask it on
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the page, perhaps you will become the next winner. well, today evgeniy poplonyshvelli played brilliantly with us.
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good morning, good morning our dear tv viewers, good morning our dear studio viewers, this is a 100 to one, fun quiz, today we have two teams in the studio that represent a wonderful one.
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well, it happens, yes, he plays a proshka,
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a proshka, this is sasha samoilenko, he plays the main character’s dad, the main character’s dad is a poor oligarch who is suffering with his son, yes, what a year, what a year already, yes, well ok, well, this is actually how all dads suffer with their sons, yes, not even oligarchs. my name is also oleg komarov, i i play a master, well, like you, in general, naturally , you play a master, but somehow it’s nice for you, i try somehow like this , it’s nice to work as a master, it’s very good, well, good, a wonderful team of a slave oleg komarov, so i greet you, anton, hello , hello, you are the author of the script, absolutely right, dear tv viewers, a good film has script authors, they never get into the frame, well
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, unless you specifically want to, here is anton, the author of the script for the serf, anton, yes, you can tell something about the film serf 2, we need a movie watch it, you have to watch it, and the film will speak for itself, we have already said everything, perhaps, perhaps, well, okay, we once again invite everyone to the film halob 2, which... from january 1, now, please imagine , your team, with pleasure, this is yana trofimova, wonderful, script superwai, such a difficult word, but believe me, this is a very important person on the site, well , in simple terms, this is the person who must ensure that everything on set we worked according to the script, absolutely right, including the director, including the director, very an accurate remark, a very accurate remark, further down the list, yuri muzychenko, the leader... for our cinema almost voluntarily, yes we know
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, the guys kindly provided us with their song yuri oleg matrokhin costume designer costumes chic costumes chic almost everything he brought from his home it’s all all in his suit, too, naturally , look at him, it’s hidden. i understand correctly that in the second serf the suits are even more complex than? well, okay, applause, yes, and the hostess of the site, without whom it is absolutely impossible, no filming is possible. chief of staff , chief of staff, head of the site, she will be even more important than klim shipenko, this is the second director diana ugryumova, don’t you know what an important person on the set this is, the second director is actually the only person on the set who understands what is happening , so everyone turns to it, treats it adequately, treats it adequately, yes, so if a person does not understand where to run, it means
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, as a rule, the only person who knows where to run and the person who has the most the sad face is usually the second director , right? someone, anton marozenko, is a screenwriter , well, i’ll try, it’s not every day that i present the first part of kholop and kholop 2, the creative producer of this project and generally a wonderful person. who has a bunch of different projects - mostly comedic people with a wonderful person in general, and he is also an actor, by the way, who starred and absolutely correctly played the role in the first part of the serf in your presence it will be said the actor of course alexander, but something like he portrayed something about what do they say, the screenwriter should sometimes
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break into the set so that people can see the truth at this moment no one knows that these are scripts with us being a little mischievous and yes. grantsevich and dima permikov - this is from the author of the script, we, we all starred in the film, well, have a little fun, but we didn’t squeeze out a lot of time for humor, big cysts always allowed ourselves cameo, and there’s something there, for example , the great hitchcock or the great ryazanov, he ’s sometimes in the frame a little bit, it’s okay we found ourselves in a company that, even pleasantly, klim, by the way, was filming or no, no, klim no, no, he was filmed, he’s on the bridge, he’s standing on the bridge, right?
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then we can talk endlessly about our work, for now we just invite everyone to the film kholop 2, everyone who has seen the film kholop, everyone who has not seen the film kholop 2 from january 1 in theaters, and today we have two wonderful teams of creators of the film kholop and holob-2, today they are playing our fun game, our 100 to one quiz, we have a simple game ahead. so we start, we have a simple single game, two teams of the movie serf, i i invite team holob and team 2 here to the gaming table, so, well, the question is straight
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from the 19th century, although it does not lose, in general, its relevance today, we will talk. about firewood, wow, so, in what units is the amount of firewood measured, colleagues in these, in cubes, or roughly speaking, in cubic meters, yes, let’s check, the amount of firewood is measured in cubic meters, exactly , didn’t leave a chance, didn’t leave a chance, let’s go back to teams, back to the teams, what else, what else, and what other options, i only know one option. well , sophia, well, you already know one option, this is already ok, say, yeah, which option, in what units, you can do it in armfuls, armfuls, of course, i took an armful, went for firewood, we check on the board, armful of firewood, yes we need firewood, there is an answer, it’s on the fourth line, 10
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people, mikhail, another option is that... listen, let’s have a woodshed, yes, maybe a woodshed, well, yes, a woodshed, well, well, or it was a sugar shed like that, or a woodpile, it’s called a woodpile, a woodpile. well, if we assume that they are all, yes, if they are all approximately the same size, then this is a unit, well, let’s check, woodpile, woodpile,
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no, well, i had this option, this one already, i’m sorry, i’ll take a second , there’s this answer, it’s just below the sixth line, it answers, it just seems to me that this could be - it says a truck . yes, i was just thinking about the wire , it’s a little different, it’s not all wheeled, so you can check, let’s check, check, check the wire, yes, there is such a thing, the second one, i can’t say that i have an exact idea of ​​how much it is , but what in literature he constantly brought there, took away a bundle of firewood - this, this is exactly one thing, oleg, firewood, firewood. well, then they also measure it with trunks , when they cut down the forest, trunks, trunks, here are the trunks, this is all fourfold already, we check
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the trunks, there are no trunks, there are no trunks, can you please repeat the question, now in what, that is, in what units, unit in pieces, pieces, measure quantity, pieces, but in pieces?
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something like this, maybe it looks like a bunch, anton , oh-oh-oh-oh, listen, well, i’m probably for
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a strange answer, for a bunch, let’s have a bunch, a bunch of wood, a bunch of wood, you’re sure, but not we're sure, but let's try, there's a lot of wood, well, we try, we try a bunch of firewood, no, unfortunately, the victory is back, let's check, well... firewood is measured in these units, according to the people we interviewed, the slave team is in the lead, you're looking at 100 to one, it was a simple game, we have a double game ahead, maybe you
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will stay with me today, i promise you an unforgettable night, we need to live separately for some time. and what we need to understand is that we have at least some chance left, i would advise you to start a joint hobby, ballroom dancing would be best, what, what and for the sake of my son, i agree to experiment, if you haven’t danced, it doesn’t mean that cha-cha-cha is difficult, nothing connects them anymore except dance, what ’s so complicated about it, cha-cha, one, two, three, you just need to learn how to count to three, by the way, i learned these stupid steps, seriously? lead. cha-cha-cha. premiere. today.
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my only one, betrothed to the wind, just wait to protect me through the rains, and i leave the clear days now unstoppable, oleg kazmanov, 55 years old on stage, i wrote. for our
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people, for you, for your country, january 3 on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, nah.
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the whole brigade, only on the platform let's see, you 've never had such a talented class before, the stars will feel like schoolchildren again, can i choose the brightest teacher of the year, svetlana will have to become the wire for the light bulb. and whoever ’s lights go out, i’ll help, and by the way, i ’m a good guide, i can handle even complex tasks if there’s a talented teacher nearby, 323, i know what it is, i’m a double-speaker, i don’t need to ask, the country should know the name of the best , i i wish success to this magnificent seven teachers, cool theme, premiere on january 5 on rtr, tute, i’m getting married, he’s the groom of my cups,
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i’ve been waiting for you for so long , let’s go, please, this night the stars promise a miracle, please meet me, this is my mother , yulia borisovna , anna mikhalkova, in my house, in the middle of the night a completely unfamiliar man appears, carrying some kind of cart about space, nina usatova, again he kicked you out, pavel priluchenny, she kicked you out and did the right thing, maxim.
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on the air 100 to one fun quiz, today we are visiting the teams of feature films from our super popular comedies halop and halop 2, i invite the second numbers of the teams here to the table. sonya, come on, so the question is from today’s life, yeah. what does a realtor consider the main advantage of a rented apartment? sonya, well done, even my finger somehow turned upside down. sofia, you were the first, well done, price, yes, favorable, favorable price, well, yes, very cheap, you won’t get it anywhere else for just 2 million a month, okay, let’s check, price.
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can you imagine, it’s the same thing, they answered people, apparently out of good wishes, you know, they represent realtors as better than they really are, yana. do you think that, what else could be there? well, i think that this is location, location, location , well, or location, location, but in this location there are also all sorts of nuances, you mean , this is the area or what it is, but you need to be more specific, well, a little bit, yes, to the metro, proximity to metro, proximity to the metro, well, this is not only in moscow, we return to the teams,
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so hot water, i don’t know, we continue, yuri, realtors, have you encountered realtors, what they were trying to instill in you , right now you have to guess that there, of course, they are already filming, can you imagine, here i am in the camera now, yes, alive, you are seen all over the country, millions of people, infrastructure, tell me, yuri muzychenko , floor, floor, floor, let's check, well, yes, yes, let's check, floor, not the first, not the last, let's replay, this is all filming, let's give a different answer, now, now, now everyone will answer. let's get back to you, no problem, area or number of rooms? footage, check the footage, footage, there is something like this on the fourth line , say courage, we are inspired, new building,
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new building, new house, new house, well, okay, there is such a factor, probably a new house, new building, if the answer is wrong, then... area, because that everything is there, a kindergarten, a school, neighbors, here, this is the answer, yes, well, that’s a good answer, do you want a ladies’ t-shirt,
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a blue one, come on, come on, yes, here we answer that, by the way, that’s not would bother a lot of people, okay, let's check the infrastructure, the area, something like that, yes, a decent area, something like that, yes, it seems to me there are no neighbors, maybe neighbors, let 's neighbors, neighbors, okay, let's check, no, there are no neighbors, so, okay, two lines, come on, one correct answer, you have to say that , we advise you, and you say that i think the view from the window is a good topic, alexander, which ones, the view from the window, i like, the view from the window, sergey? repairs yes repairs are good also not repairs are needed but finishing finishing finishing yes well the same finishing yes it seems to me that the repairs will still be more important than the view from windows, although who the hell knows, think about the presence
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of an intercom, don’t tell me the store, the store in the house where you saw the intercom in tula, but so what - we choose repair that repair i don’t know. it seems to us that this is still a renovation, finishing the apartment, what is it like, well, it’s called renovation, or it’s already good in the park, we check the renovation, the carpet is on the wall, victory, we won, so, we open, of course, we open the fifth line, to make it clear to everyone, i don’t know. that's what we forgot high ceilings, so, the order of criteria, which, according to a survey of our our respondents, when people choose rented apartment, realt advertise
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the following: close as the metro, they say 23, good repair, 22, almost the same quality, prestigious area 16, square footage 10, high ceilings six, low price, oddly enough, only in sixth place. now she is preparing for a rematch, because we have it ahead. triple play and you can regain the lead, you are looking at grandson to one, you are looking at 100 to one, we have two teams, holob and halop-2, these are the creative teams of our wonderful comedy film, popular, just behind me there was a dispute about whether there would be a serf 3, i can tell.
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art, now you and i will engage in the promotion of cinema in general, so this is a cinephile question, it’s better to watch a movie in a cinema, because we won, yuri, you are second, yuri, continue the phrase, it’s better to watch a movie in a cinema, because the screen is big, big screen, check, big screen, yes. can we
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clear these 33 right away? no, of course, come on, oleg, what are the options, it’s better to watch the movie in the cinema, because i’ve already done everything, wonderful sound, wonderful sound, absolutely that’s right, let’s check, great sound is much better than, good sound, this is the third one, so popcorn, it’s better to watch in the cinema, because well, not only your company, just people, because well, this is also pastime, this is some kind of leisure, then is this something extra, some kind of holiday, i don’t know. and that everything is delicious
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, where did this american popcorn come from, excuse me, excuse me, i said it, i can leave the hall, no, okay, no advertising, let’s check, because there is no advertising , there are no advertisements inside the film, so yes yes, yes the difference is, what else, so anton, once again. as a captain, i will take this responsibility , otherwise why do i bear this proud name, i will answer, because there is popcorn in the cinema, we are checking the popcorn, yes, i wanted to lose , it’s just not an argument, yana, well, it seems i don’t know how best to do this to formulate, so you still mean it’s a good time for company and for dating people, two different things, look, or do you mean that you go to the movies with someone like that.
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look, let's check, don't get upset,
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we still have only two options, questions, how are you, look, the essence of the question, not the essence of the question, why is it better to watch than on tv, why is it better in the cinema than anywhere, well than at home, than in the subway on the phone, but the sound is good, after all, we and they didn’t talk about good good sound, there is already good sound, there is good sound. let 's say, comfortable chairs, soft, oh , comfort, what, convenience, convenience, well, yes, there is such a moment, comfort, comfortable chair, excellent, excellent, good, good, check the comfort, comfortable chair, yes, thrill, class, well done, no, no, no, something else, say something good quality, so, just in case, i repeat
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the question, okay, it’s better to watch a movie in a cinema, because, well... in principle, it’s already called a big screen, good sound, but i would also like it, it’s the atmosphere, the atmosphere for the sake of the atmosphere you come there , well, it seems to me that since there is a big screen, good sound, it is divided, and maybe good quality is immediately what comes to mind, picture quality, well, no, just good quality, yes, good quality, mikhail, places kissing places, kissing places, that's all it’s more fun together, it’s more fun together, well, yes , the quality is, of course, greater, sophia, the place for po in is so beautiful, i immediately liked it, but so did i, i actually agree with seryoga, it seems to me that this is a good quality, it would be good for me as the captain of this team, of this team, somehow you have now separated yourself from the team, and
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it seems to me, as the captain of this team, friendly actors, that after all, this was also my version at the very beginning, that this is a good quality, in in the cinema you watch on the big screen, yours is great. something very important, and this is of course what you named everything, but did not dare to name the special atmosphere, the score by the standards of our game was almost equal, so, 222,165, by the standards of our game, this is a draw, because in
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the next round you can win back 240 points at once if you are lucky,
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blue light on december 31 at rtr. my father demands that i urgently send him a photograph of my bride. hello, we have arrived, otherwise there will be no money. look how beautiful she is. we'll paint it, dress it up, make it silent. my bride must be a diamond. you're not even a diamond yet. diamond, you know, we need all the bruliks, i sketched them out here plan of approximate actions, yeah, three very busy days await us, what if she falls in love with you, and what then, i’ll give you money, send you home, and if you... fall in love with beauty and the beast january 2 on rtr,
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man, discover what will happen , if you eat at night, take a bite, of course, it’s a holiday, when the new year was walking around novosibirsk,
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in theaters from january 1, the situation is practically no one’s, now the game is the other way around, you need to guess the sixth line if possible, that is, the most unpopular answer out of six, for this you can get 240 points. attention, question, which character from the book of the jungle , besides mowgle, do you remember, 20 seconds, well, come on -
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oh, it seems to me that they will win, they must win, why, why, because otherwise there will be no serf 3, what lines from the book of the jungle,
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if this not mowgli, open, bagheera, bagheera, bagheera, but open the second line, and then open the third line. pitunka well bagira baluka open the fourth line kurkhan shirkhan i think too khankela missed open the fifth line sharkhan not after sharkhan there should be tabaki tobacco tabaki will now look to you that someone’s answer is on the sixth line, but maybe not. i think that banderlogs are the eighth, ninth, drum roll, you can organize it,
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we open the sixth line, they win, the team wins.
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sometimes complaining? voice, what is the name of a woman's headdress? hat, let it be, right? what types of shells are there? shells? shells. creation? yes, there will be a naval lasso. what do they embody? dreams. wonderful. your last answer is accepted.
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please come here and check the answers to your questions. we check your answers to ours questions. so, the first question was how to water a garden, you said a watering can, and just like you, 29 people answered , it’s great, what can be complaining, you said a voice, and 22 people also answered, not bad , what is the name of a woman’s headdress, i i’ve heard that more than once, but you said it’s a hat. hat, hat, well, what else? and 17 people also answered, what types of shells are there? you said, sea, sea and also answered, 30 people, 98, what they embody on the flag, you answered, dreams, also answered.
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65 65 points for answering five questions in total, you have 10 seconds more, but if you accidentally give the same answer as sergey, which is generally probable, because he gave quite popular answers, then such a terrible signal will sound, which means that you need to immediately give some another answer,
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another rule is clear. i understand, pay attention , what is used to water a garden, a bottle, a hose, a hose, what happens with a plaintive, than a plaintive, a kitten, what is the name of a woman’s headdress, a cap, what types of shells are there, sea shells, washing, what do they embody? dreams, plans, great, thank you, let's check your answers , so, what do you use to water a garden, a watering can - said sergey, 29, there is an even more popular answer, a hose, 39 people said, you said a bottle, a hose, you can use a bottle to water
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a small garden, and that's what zero people answered, what happens to someone who complains? voice, said sergey, this is again the second answer, 22 people also answered, a book can be plaintive, and 35 people answered like that, you said, a kitten can be plaintive. so, the answer was: zero, we still love you, you don’t worry, these are the answers of a creative person, thank you very much. and people never say obvious things, they say something, something cool, what is the name of a woman's headdress, hat 17, this was sergei's answer, the most popular answer is a scarf, 26 people said a scarf, and you said ke, cap , so
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, three answered, you should take this as an insult, as many as three people think the same as you, his, ears, less obvious, but those 30, this is the most popular answer, sergey gave at least 26 people, and you had in something in sight like a washbasin, washbasin, and since you answered two people, you’ve already won, there are still 60 left, and there. and finally, i am for honest , that they embody, you said, plans, plans, dreams, 37 - the most popular answer, ideas 23 second most popular, plans,
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eight people answered this way, it was a wonderful game, thank you very much, thank you, we are waiting after you, today we had two teams participating that... i warn you every time, be careful on
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new year’s eve, otherwise i’ll have to work skefosovsky, the new season in the new year on rtr, he burst onto the stage.
8:00 am
hello, oksana kuvaeva studio is on air, the main thing is at this time. arsenals, military airfields, equipment security sites, militant deployments, and the results of a massive attack on the military infrastructure of ukraine were hit. 1,600 militants were lost in the ssu in a week in the donetsk direction. our divisions are gaining a foothold in new frontiers. report from the front line.


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