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tv   Poslednii bogatir  RUSSIA1  December 30, 2023 3:40pm-5:51pm MSK

3:40 pm
it’s not me, it’s all spirits, they come to me, the secret has been cherished since january 2 on rtr, so the last thing i remember is i left the club, the tow truck took the car, i ran after it , headlights, that’s it, i died , i have water. just something
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strange, why in the past and why am i a groom? oh, i didn't miss anything. artyom, try to push our philosopher to his direct responsibilities. how much is needed? groom, you're a groom, maybe you'll work as a groom, for sure. what if the car that hit me is a time machine and from this blow i am somehow transported back in time. as in this movie, in which one, in which one, what did he say, in which one, did he watch a lot of films in the 21st century? artyom, don’t panic, we ’ll think of something now. what are you asking,
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which one? this is a color movie , you can’t know it, they only show it in black and white anyway, well, thank god, it’s stupid, you yourself are stupid, what stress, it’s in the past, so that means i suffered from a blow here, in the past, in order to return, i need to be knocked down again. exactly, uh, guy, do you have any car here? ancient, lada, seagull, strong stress, he was almost hanged, of course, yes, i guess i’ll be stuck here for a long time.
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gorish, wake up, why wake up, i haven’t slept for a minute, how can you sleep on the ground, i won’t go, i won’t go, i don’t want to, i don’t stink, you stink too, i won’t go, i understand, i understand, i understand, you are for me, mikhailovich , the cat is already. and you’re an avdeyka only for alyosha, alexei dmitrievich, well done, what’s that, where’s the meat, here’s the meat for you, and what’s right there, but where else? tear it off here,
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everything is already fortified there, come on, come on, why are you up, damn it, not a horse, you're a ram, go home, come on, listen, i have a proposal , let’s fill up the sheep, you have a caftan, i’ll have boots, it’s busy, what’s busy with you, in what forest is it busy, not in principle, here you can get used to everything, to the food, to the flasks this, even walking around without panties, there’s only one thing i really miss, it’s terribly, wildly, i’m just in pain, i imagine i dream about it at night, but isn’t it enough? internet, you're on the ad,
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hello, no, haven't sold it yet, yes, 2007. unbeaten, silver metallic color, sister, that's what you think, sex for money is prostitution or not always, is that what you mean now, brother, oh, come on, you think i don’t know about your contract, that you have written shpily vili with our major, for your information, this is not shpilyuilli. and a serious love line, a key, i would even say, moment of the project, studded, almost new, but no, you don’t have to pay anything, it’s like a bonus, so you’ll come up yourself, and the bed scene in it is very important, i
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’m even worried about it , to rehearse, it’s a pity there is no one with, well, pull up in a car, “i can’t, i ’m sitting with my child out of town, my wife is at work, of course, goodbye, no car it’s not needed, so listen, when we already have progress, these are changes, corrections,
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where ? . let's talk about what happened, here's progress, he connects to other people's problems, sympathy, an important emotion for us, daddy wants to marry me to an old landowner, but i don't love him, daddy doesn't even want to listen, i found something to be jealous of, he's rich, well , rich, great, you're all about the rich you dream, he’s old, even cooler, he’ll die faster, you’ll get everything. you need to be happy, you’ll get some berries, here you go, take it, take it, it’s some kind of sourness, yes, it didn’t work out with sympathy, but there is cynicism, we have
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a huge front of work. prokhar, go calmly, don’t turn around , you might find a saucepan or what you ’re cooking soup in here, but why would you, it’s the master’s chicken, let me go quickly, i won’t let you go, i need meat, i won’t last long on mosquitoes alone, and also from feather pillow for yourself. well, where is your sub, it’s over, you
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can’t wait for hell, i actually do all the work for you did, and i ate all the soup for you, one alone, who stole the master's chicken?
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he’ll start out of fright, i’ll just wait, and if he doesn’t sleep for 2 weeks, who am i, you selfish bastard, whatever, never mind, it’s... she doesn’t like me very much, she screwed up on that horror movie , but on what horror movie? well, where you advised her, did you forget or something? then she told you, yes , well, you won’t forget this, this is a horror film, pasha was called a legal marriage, and it lasted 3 years, 5 months, 9 days, 10, damn it, 10.
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here he is, standing, chilling, i’m- behind look, you got striped all over your back, bro , and what have i got to do with it, i chose the killer for you, and why didn’t you confess, listen, i understand, it’s like rifles here, you can’t confess, they relaxed like at a resort, so our carpenter went to chop wood, i didn’t take off my watch, that donkey didn’t take off his watch, our dogs dug up this, here ’s a chocolate wrapper, great, and our chickens generally lay fantastic eggs, and what good eggs, good eggs, natural, natural, that’s what , you were fired right from... the date, that's it, the rest went work, another mistake, i will fine
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and fire, it means to the former, yes, so what, what, what, what, don’t you think that such things need to be somehow, i don’t know, warned in advance, or what? it doesn’t seem like you and i are just relieving stress, why is this extra information being made, you know, this isn’t really any extra information, where? i haven’t come to an agreement with you yet, i actually thought that 10 slabs was just a lure to make him confess, but they themselves will take it and hang you, so why, i’m glad that you’re alive, ah, good friends, what, where did you get it from? such cowards, what is this modern panties? these are cowards from the future, guys, we’re in an emergency, help, pull him away, don’t
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touch me, leave me alone, are you half-hearted, it’s a peck. comrades, i thought all night and made a calm and balanced decision, i am closing this rich store, damn it, today, now, pasha, that the situation with cowards will not happen again, we have doubled the control, and anastasia personally checked everything, i did i checked everything, i didn’t look like that, and it wasn’t the panties. leva, in this, you understand that nothing happens, he doesn’t change, it’s the same rubbish,
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only in another century, did i arrange a resort for him here or something, and so that he could enjoy the fresh air, you know how much money i lose every day, you know how much, but it’s not about the money, there would be a result, but there is no result, pasha, let’s somehow leave all these extra emotions, nastya, everything is superfluous for you, emotions, information, are you not your own person... of course i don’t believe in you, lyovochka, i don’t believe in your original methods, they don’t work, it’s nonsense, that’s all, but can i give you a treatment, something is happening here, what’s happening, he the child is now beating, he is looking for liza, liza, what a liza, who is now without panties, blonde, well, i mean so fair, constantly rubbing hands with horses. what is her name, how to find her, where does she live?
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i don’t know what to tell you, that you are all like zombies today , what, no one knows what to tell me, ask, why does he need her, why do you need her, i want to apologize, he wants to apologize, apologize, yes, well, are we going to close our almshouse? let me down, come on, yo, yo, halley's comet, december 31, on rtr, we watch movies and tv series,
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we watch opera, we watch ballet, we watch theater, we watch concerts and festivals, we watch competitions and master classes, we watch films about history and art, we watch educational lectures, we watch programs about science, we watch interviews and talk shows, we watch news, we watch documentaries, russia culture on the platform we watch. my father demands that i urgently send him a photograph of my bride. hello, we have arrived, otherwise there will be no money. look how beautiful she is. we'll paint it, dress it up, make it silent. my bride should be
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a diamond, you're not even a diamond yet, but to me i need a diamond, you know? we still need the breeches. here i sketched out a plan of approximate actions, yeah, ours. three very busy days, suddenly she falls in love with you, and what then, i’ll give you money, send you home, and if you fall in love with her, beauty and the beast on january 2 on rtr, the ceiling is icy, the door is creaky.
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“he was looking for me, yes, i’m warning you right away , i have a stick with a nail, okay, i see, i wanted to apologize, but what’s your name, lisa, lisa, welcome, okay, forgive me, i behaved like an animal, no need to insult animal, okay, you can row insult? it’s not real , i’m ashamed, i didn’t sleep all night, i was worried, i don’t know these rules of yours there, maybe i ’ve just disgraced you, and now your dad will flog you , no one will marry you, why no one, according to our
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rules you’ll marry now , lizonka, is it fire? yeah, i’m kidding, i need you badly , okay, i don’t hold a grudge, but i don’t take the stick far , first i yell only then everyone starts working, you told me right then that he would apologize, how could you know, i didn’t know, i believed, sometimes you just need to believe in a person, ivan kupala is the most magical night of the year, guys and girls are looking for their
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betrothed, with whom you will spend this night, you will spend your whole life with everyone, yeah, no offense, dude, but least of all. i want to spend it with you, or with you, look how beautiful it is, the bonfires, what is this, the whole party, yes, chubby, yes, yes, yes, yes. yes, well done, got it, wait for the signal. people, people, listen to me, let’s make some noise, repeat after me, okay, so let’s start with the simplest. just like a classic, come on, like this, don’t be shy, and yes, yes, come on, come on, hoove, be bolder, turn it around, hit it, don’t
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we’re embarrassed, it’s like a lambada, yeah, now we’ve really gone back in time, dmitrievna , grisha, let’s dance, let’s drink, let’s have fun all night, and what about you today, i want to forget myself so much, in the end, it’s better to leave, i’ll drown today, grisha , i won’t get married without love , i’ll drown myself and that’s it, we carefully distract grisha and quietly take glaya away from the field, it’s like a romantic atmosphere, the light is like in a morgue, i can’t influence the moon, it shines as best it can. turn on the crickets, light the torches, okay,
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hello, hello, how's life, what fellow countrymen are not you’re hanging out, you’re reluctant, after all, you ’re all strange here, kind of confused, so... everyone’s still looking at me like you ’re crazy, you’ve got demons, you can’t even talk except for the hell out of it, no one believes me, okay, let's say i believe you, yeah. artyom, why are you jumping there, and the glaya is already ready, go, send grisha to the shore, yamarchuk will be empty,
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otherwise he’s already ordering leps, good, don’t you know a shot of vodka, well, well, let’s go quietly, well, come on, ugh, you have a box, i have a box, you go to yours, hello, i in your alley. “we hear each other, even if you are in another village, how is that? well, well, because there, miracle, grisha, you are here, and glada dmitrievna, by chance have you seen it anywhere here? no, no, i haven’t seen , and the most interesting thing in this box is the whole life of a person, including photographs and where?” it’s cold, you can at least spray me with something against mosquitoes, be patient, he’s already coming, and he’s already coming, no, a huge, iron bird,
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and there are chairs, about 300 of them, and you’re sitting on them , flying across the sky, straight across the sky, yes, into the sky are everyone allowed in? no, no, no, not everyone, it depends on the condition , they didn’t let me in a couple of times, oh, i can’t find something aglaya dmitriev, something wouldn’t have happened, yes, leave me alone, we’re not only flying in the sky there, we there we also go underground, right underground, yes, yes , it’s called the metro, there are these big, iron worms, dragging a crowd of people, from home to work, from work to home, it’s scary, i guess
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, yes, yes, that’s why i i don’t go down there, please, but what is dmitrievna trying to find there, i say, i can’t find it anywhere, i’m lost, i can’t something would have happened, otherwise she went to the shore, to the shore, yeah. what didn't you say right away, moron? well, i’m also a moron, run, drown, aglaya dmitrievna, what are you doing, what are you doing? why did you save me, grisha, why do i need this life without love? let's go for yes. why
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go home, i don’t want to be seen, here , little girl, in the carriage, yes, come here, little girl, there’s no one here, come to me, my savior, warm me up, now five seconds, where is channel 14. oh, come to me, warm me up, i’m so cold, i’m sure, where’s the major? merged, major, he sent me for coffee, i danced there, come on, drink, you’ll warm up just right. my son just abandoned a woman and
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moved in with a guy, keep in mind the shrink, if you changed his orientation, then listen, i can’t find liza, you haven’t seen her, i asked for a battery, he’ll bring it now, dmitrievna, you that's all, right? yes, but why bother with it? let him lie there and come to his senses, but where is lisa? lives, you can’t tell me that my appetite has awakened, okay, i’ll find it myself, but you don’t know, visa, visa, attention, everyone froze, there’s silence in the actor’s room, no one can stick his head out,
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he’s coming towards you, hey, where did you run off to? let's go for a walk, i'll tell you more about the future. i can't, my father won't let me. “he’s feeling bad, well, they say, whoever you spend the night with, you’ll spend your whole life with, are you sure you want to spend it with him, give me a bucket, i’m sorry, i can’t.”
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from that night, grisha saglaei was supposed to begin a whirlwind romance, then she had to tell him that she became pregnant, grisha had to confront her oppressive father, and, under pain of death, flee with her, that is, take responsibility for the woman you love, beautifully, very beautifully. but yesterday, unexpectedly, grisha chose another beloved woman, i had nothing to do with it, i didn’t do anything , why didn’t you do anything, you said that you believe him, now you are the most important person in the world for him and we can’t cope without you now, you can forget about him, i'm sorry, but i won't sleep with him, but i'm not asking you to sleep with him, and i won't kiss him, i don't like him at all, i don't like him either, but now he's just an ugly duckling ,
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and he... you and i have a chance to raise a beautiful swan out of him, what a duckling, what a swan, this old horseradish is absolutely crazy, he probably thinks, since you are a veterinarian, you can sell any nonsense about animals, you will fall for it, well i don’t know, but i liked his idea, i can really help make a man out of him, we’re all here for this, eh, holy heavens, tell me what i didn’t notice, you were in town with him on business, he persuaded him to go to a tavern with him to go into a tavern, i strictly forbade him, what kind of tavern, i'm on you
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i misheard, i couldn’t object, he punched me in the face, so where is alexey, daddy, and after the tavern, alchemy? they sat on the horse and trampled the policeman, how to trample him, to death, god had mercy, he broke the tokma, who is so proud, who keeps order, but no, what are you doing, alexey, why are you a policeman, and you couldn’t have chosen him easier, yes, well, the dog will fight with him, he will know who will bring the bucket with a mustache, i... varenin is a vigorous mother, as if, let’s harness it, i’ll go to the city, yes, well, alexey dmitrovich has done something, of course it’s business,
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even i’m ashamed of him, but i’m envious , cool, the dude had a blast, i’m going , i’m going, come on, listen, in general, i just want to say, if something goes wrong between you and nastya, you told me, okay, that’s it of course, i don’t care, well, so that i don’t walk like... a fool, so you walk like a fool, i mean, you already have, and so i knew, well, thanks for saying, i haven’t finished yet that there are details , come on, burn, where, when, pasha, she loves you,
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but no, what are you talking about, no, we just have sex without obligations for health, 10 years, no, well, then you want to say that she came for help to her ex-husband, whom she can’t stand, quit her favorite job, swims every day among mosquitoes, sleeps for 4 hours, for the sake of a guy with whom she just has sex for health, that you are really so good, oh fool. our relationship has reached a dead end, problems need to be solved, and not run away from them tomorrow, i’m waiting for you at the dance, just trust, kostya, let him lead you, no matter where, i can’t do that, i need to know which way he will go, i have to get ready, marina konyashkina, dmitry
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miller, well, i don’t know what we’ll do yet, but i won’t give up, checha, premiere, today on rtr. we are pleased to welcome you to the main music festival song of the year, when there is joy in the heart, when it’s new year, raspberries for your happiness, fulfillment of desires, health for everyone, impossible.
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song of the year january 1st and 2nd. your scarf, his motto, i don’t believe it, because everything you just told is not true, i still don’t believe that ksenia andreevna could kill, which means we need to look for the real killer, his system works
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flawlessly, what can you say, a trick, a sign of four, an unusual twist, just like shakespeare. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, so you can understand them. difficult, important, honestly convenient, where to find out everything about the elections, the situation has become tense, my grandfather can’t find the leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer, child, this is your work, open your laptop, i’ll tell you a secret, there are resources about elections on the internet, the site opened immediately with information about candidates, elections, places and dates, voting results of election campaigns, wow everything is technologically advanced, you can see for yourself on
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the internet by looking at the tsikrf portal, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient. why are you looking at me like an owl from a hollow? bad things, alexey, tomorrow they will come from the city, they will flog whoever they flog, me, yes, it would be nice, of course, you, but we ’ll put the grishka on the line, uh-huh, why, the policeman whom alyosha killed is still in the hospital, being treated. others will come from the city to give slabs,
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they don’t know alyosha by sight, but he can wash you, dress you up, take the zabarsky son, 20 lashes, in total, or maybe he can talk to you with proshka, he experienced person? “he’s no stranger to it, he remembers him in the city, he was at the fair, you can just get off, dad, why are you gasping in front of him, you can order the cattle, wait, alexey , you’ll agree, i’ll sign your release for you, you’ll become free, you can build a house, get married, but if you don’t agree, 40 lashes, count them if you can, slave face!” lyosha, go out, eat, grigory, eat,
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and think, you’ll agree, these are still watermelon. that bastard, again he created everything alone, thanks bro, by mutual voluntary agreement. parties to avoid further claims,
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alexei timofeev, guilty of deliberately killing policeman mikhail semyonich uryashev, is sentenced to two dozen slabs, motherfucker, “pash, what’s this, what is it, i can’t, why can’t i look at all this calmly, my son , after all, yes, i understand, i always wanted to straighten it out myself, well, so, listen, well, these are lev, his methods, well, yes, he loves scale, what do you want?” “there’s some kind of nostalgia in the voice,
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i missed it, and the scale, listen, when i lived with him, he tested all his brilliant ideas on me, remember how he fingered himself cut it off, again, so i quit smoking just like that, oh well, yes, that’s it. knock-knock, your father told me to freely come over, so to speak. father went to visit the dubrovskys, it will be tomorrow, but it’s strange, but you can give her away, but you’re also a master, of course i can, sit down, what are you doing?
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come on, grisha, rise up, rebel! wave it, wave it! get out of here, you walrus bread!
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coward, the main thing is not to be afraid, just give it like this, about something good, think, i feel everything, i’ll share you, don’t worry,
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what time would you like to be transported to? well, i i would like to be transported, i don’t know, probably to the time when my mother was still alive, otherwise i was very young, i don’t remember her at all, but what kind of bird is this, i see it all the time, look how strange it flies. drunken bird, look how it's swinging, we're having problems with the drone, i'm losing control, get it out of there, it might fall right on their head, oh, it's about to fall, oh-oh-oh, what are you worried about? lisa,
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immediately, get him out of there, it’s not just a bird, but... there’s no transmitter, she doesn’t hear anything, call for a sniper, you know that i’ve been seeing this bird since childhood, it’s a sniper, welcome, my guardian angel, urgently hurry grisha, accepted, i really wouldn’t want him to fall now, that’s it, that’s it, i’m holding, all clear, oh, gone, ah proshka said that this is a bird of death, well, proshka is generally not the smartest person, by the way, you are similar in some ways.
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third day the same thing, drink tea, walk , play solitaire, no action, even the microphone was removed, why are you unhappy, money is being dug, yes, but nothing, i even came here for the main role, as soon as the sheep squeezed it out, i understand not i can, i’m good, she didn’t push anything, the major himself fell for her, and by chance, by chance, you? i can’t be so naive, she tricked him on purpose, she’ll dump you soon, you’ll see, you’re so angry because you haven’t had sex for a long time, okay? well, it’s as if you had it, i didn’t have it, it turns out that i was even lucky that i moved it back to the 19th century, mowed it, chopped the wood. i cleaned up everything after the horses , i’m free, but if
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i had thrown a dinosaur into these, for example, they would have eaten me on the first day, that’s the whole time travel, and what is this, alexey dmitrievich, this is not what you thought it was incest? great, we ’re talking about love here, about family values, but we have a brother and sister copulating in shea butter, lannisters, damn it, we didn’t think about her, we didn’t think about her, do you even understand how you let us down, why are you with your sister -he was sleeping, well, not my sister, she told me, listen, but what’s wrong, well, another century, different customs, maybe we ’ll use this somehow as a scenario, there’s like an educational moment, i even know what it is, shins, oops, why in there is no one in the yard, i’m telling you,
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oh, be careful, please, put your hands down, welcome to the world’s first restaurant in the stable, gregory pelas. what have you done here? you'll see now. ask! so, what do we have to say, cocktails, cocktails, cocktails, great choice, madam, just a second, and today we have moonshine from potato peelings, cranberry cake, honey, spring water, it’s called, drink to the bottom, you’ll wake up, so , appetizer, carrot tartare on lapuh,
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radish carpaccio with cucumber, and that’s not all, the main course, from the chef, crucian carp fried over a fire with tomato. please raise your hands, bon appetit, why are you doing this all of a sudden, well, i wanted to please you, i see that you ’ve been walking around looking kind of sad for the second day now, it’s probably because of these perverts that you’re fighting, but it was terrible, hey, what are you doing? never mind, money spoils people, i know this from my own experience, sorry, we
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only have edilka, we will eat in turns, your turn, thank you, yes, the safest thing to start with is, i agree, thank you for the evening, krish. i’ve never been to, as you said, a restaurant, but in the future, after the restaurant, you and i would rush to karoki, where? well, this is a place where there are a lot of people and everyone sings, like in a church, no, rather the opposite. if they gave me freedom, i would marry you, how
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smart you are, maybe... i wouldn’t marry you , but this is the second question, and they didn’t give you freedom, they deceived you, yes, it was unfair, or maybe it’s fair, that’s what i wanted to give birth. and then i looked at him and realized something, it’s me, i was such a brute, is it that he realized everything, or something, yes, maybe it was all planned so that i would be transported here, see all the countries. what about
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nastya, do we have champagne? yes, yes, on this project they torture a person, he thinks that he has gone back in time, in fact he is being bullied in the most inhumane way. what role did you have on the project? i was forced to have sex with him, i naturally refused, i refused, but as you understand, they found someone else who was less principled. so you want to say
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that the project includes sex for gregory? but it doesn’t sound so inhumane, he is whipped and fed along with pigs, this also doesn’t sound so inhumane in your opinion, it sounds terrible, somewhere in the village a young man is being deliberately driven crazy, what kind of terrible experiments are they and how can we save gregory, all the information is on your social network using the hashtag grisha, hold on, grisha, hold on. information about the forcible detention of a person is currently being verified, the area in which the so-called project is supposedly located has already been established, and an operational group has been created, which includes the best employees. well , that’s it, it’s time to call it a day, let’s go straight today, it’s early, it’s early, it’s early , guests can stop by any day, tomorrow a helicopter will fly over us, don’t panic, we’ll have time, what can we do, what can we do, that’s all
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realized, he didn’t do anything, awareness , inaction doesn’t mean anything, well, here’s a simple example, you realized that nastya loves you, so what did you do, guys, i can’t come up with when i don’t understand what to come up with, old our plan falls through because we don’t have time to implement it, but the new one, when we have time, we got together for this, to figure out how to do it in time, i need grisha to accomplish a feat, so a feat, what kind of feats are there, we all think, everything without exception, we think. the author of the project, what is silent, what are you silent, if we consider this as computer game, then we now seem to be at the end of the level, which means we need a battle with the boss , it could be, for example, a dragon, that’s what we all think, except you, you go get some air, come on, come on, dragon, no, he’s right, we need it some kind of dragon, but it’s really good, nastya , call moscow, we’ll order a dragon, and what i like, well done, exactly, a dragon flies in,
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demands a girl, the most beautiful in the village, and... he saves her, but tell me, is it possible ask what kind of dragon you need, red, green, blue, ice, and you write it down, we’ll have to go to moscow later call, stop, you understand that the law is metaphorical, it is some kind of powerful opposing force, enemies, invaders , a horde, yes, tatars, mongols, what kind of tatars-mongols, we have the 19th century in our yard, well, yes, so he’s stupid, why, oh, excuse me, well , now this is only a plus, maybe he’ll get a ride, but if not, well, let’s say it’s a joke, the costumed fair has arrived, are you serious, or what? ve, well, he’s stupid, but not to the same extent, let’s think about it, and i’ll really miss him , what if we suddenly part, for some reason, i will miss you very much, why are we... well, i don’t know
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, you never know, anything can happen, just so that it doesn’t happen, i want you to know that... it all happened for real, we’re running, they’re gathering everyone in the square, the datorgols have arrived, wait, wait, like the mongols tatars, the mongols tatars - these are these, well done, yeah. why are we running to them, we have to run away from them, it’s logical, so , artyom, tell him that if you don’t return, the tatargols will burn the village, if we don’t
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return, they’ll burn the whole village, they ’re counting everyone’s heads, here we are .
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what were you thinking, cross-eyed devil, but take the goods, women, don’t bother, but you had a wife, a piece of baked goods, i won’t give you my woman, you’re obviously ugly, no, no, don’t, i don’t want, please , my daughter, take your hands off her, you bastard.
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khan respects you, peasant, you can take your daughter back, just defeat ulyukbe first. if you don't fight, i will. so axe, father, father, don’t ruin yourself, what a guy, i haven’t seen him in the village before. they fight beautifully, well, more will happen, these are the most
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expensive stuntmen. lord, but the head doesn’t look like it, listen, have conscience, the make-up artist only had 3 hours, her father paid with blood for her, dad, khan is letting you go, girl, because...
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why won’t you intercede? let the visa scream, call him, yes he accepted, okay, good girls. why are you silent,
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do you like it or what? let's call him, grisha, grisha, help me, grisha, there will be good wine, a good bride, grisha, help me, girl, what a good girl, grisha! he just left, got offended, so what next, what to do, leva, well, you see, this is the end, well, that’s all. well
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, the feat didn’t work out, it’s time to do this tie it up, we're waiting, well, we're waiting for the cops to cover us, let's grab him, come on, let's do what we're doing, don't move the sniper , we're waiting, yes, what is it, i say, it won't work out with a feat, well.. the man was scared, but anyone in his place would have been scared, guys, in exactly 3 minutes the police will be here, so there’s a sniper, we’re working, lights out, i believe in him, and you believe it.
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so, angel? will you help? let's go, let's go, let's go! move away from her, go their separate ways, kill the bastards,
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hero, go nuts! i wish you health, fellow sectarians, murderous torturers, so what, who is in charge here, are you a barmaley, i don’t understand why we have strangers in the frame, and where is this radio presenter sitting, and i’ll show you everything now, i’m so enjoying it... over this year we have become one
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big family, that’s why i propose to spend 2023 together to meet 2024 yura shatunov’s wife svetlana, his son denis and daughter estella, again a holy night. and i only trust her! songs from the bottom of my heart! new year's show by andrei malakhov on december 31 on rtr. i don’t need to smother myself anymore, i can’t risk my family’s well-being, i told you, don’t start romantic, don’t appear in my life ever again, i understand, let me down, come on,
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halley’s comet, stopped working, install , open, watch, russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the app or on website. he burst onto the stage like a fresh wind with a squadron of his songs. 55 years of the stage, my friends, 55 years, e-saul, esaul, why am i asking to be hijacked,
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i didn’t raise my hand to shoot. the only one, mine, betrothed to the wind. on rtr. new year without klifosovsky is like a doctor without a coat, winter without snow, noises from the summer. sklefosovsky, new season in the new
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year. on rtr. everyone stay seated. hello citizens, hello, would you mind explaining what’s going on here? we shoot a movie, a wedding movie, what about a corporate film, especially for a wedding? i'm the groom, this is my bride, we're having a wedding, soon, i'm the bride, you'll have champagne, thank you. i don’t use service, why are you laughing, mikhalyuk, let’s get out of here, let’s leave,
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by the way, where are they going, but really where? well, bright future.
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are you ninety-five or are you on gas? man, where are we? prish, i’ll explain everything now. dad, where am i? you're in the hospital, son, everything is fine. what, what happened? you were in a coma. don't you remember anything? in coma? are you taller? from the club i ran for a tow truck and you were hit by a car, we fought for your life for 3 months, but
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what about the village? where is lisa? what a village, son, what a liza, let’s play hide and seek, i won’t look for you, i’ll find myself a much better one, i’ll find myself a completely friend, let’s play hide and seek, and i’ll tell you. i i won’t look, i’ll find myself much better , i’ll find myself a completely different one, let ’s play happiness with you, and i won’t play with you, and you screamed into the phone, go fall in love with someone else, but how can i fall in love, if she is not you, because they are not you, this whole world is not you, this whole world is not you!
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how is it here, lisa, she’s with you, where’s lisa, dude, have you had too much to drink, or what? antokha, who are you anyway, i don’t know, i’m seeing you for the first time, sorry guys, i’m having problems with my head, due to an injury.
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it should be there somewhere, thank you, you see, yeah,
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that means everything was for real. yes, i missed you so, good, look at me, we smile, and now let's circle, great, so, let's move, let's go, so here it's good,
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so closer to each other, great, look at me, good. dad, congratulations , thank you, for what? for all. hello, hello, anastasia, congratulations, let's take a photo together, let's have a great idea, get closer to each other, and maybe have some champagne, that's a different
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matter. let me go, who are you creatures, where are we, the phone, i ’ll call my mother now, she’s a prosecutor, she ’ll give us all a hard time. and choose death, which hand we’ll chop, left or right, so try it, avdeyka, shut up the piglet, lisha, artyom,
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come to the control room. flimsy major, yeah , it will be fixed quickly, hello, on the russia tv channel, news in the studio: ross and the main topic for this hour: the full package has been released against the enemy, the goal has been achieved, our tornado is causing fiery terror to the ukrainian armed forces. the military plans of the kiev regime were a total fiasco. the outcome of poverty. thousands of
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migrants from mexico are trying to break into the states in search of a better life. this crisis could get in the way. money for kyiv. in france a candlelight vigil was held for peace in support of palestine. and in berlin , israelis living in germany took to the streets calling for peace negotiations to begin. a real new year with frosts. the temperature will drop during the night and reach -8-10° in the morning. a sharp change in temperatures is expected in moscow, and limited traffic on the m5 highway was noticed in the urals. a movie marathon on the russia tv channel in the program today, all your favorite films, exciting good family movies can be watched tomorrow. new attacks on
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airfields of the ukrainian armed forces were attacked that night by russian girans. droni. exploded in the area of ​​the country of konstantinovo and the village of limanskoye. military targets were hit near kherson, and a german iris anti-aircraft gun was destroyed there by a direct hit from an iskander ballistic missile. our su-25 attack aircraft are firing to kill at militant strongholds in the donetsk sector of the front. crews work at low altitude. rapier works at the artyomovsky site. the gunners call it an anti-tank. gun with a sniper rifle for extreme accuracy and safety, shot, our tornadoes bring fiery terror to the militants, 40 shells in 20 seconds , it’s impossible to repel these attacks, two, two hits, good, good, straight to the cop, straight to the cop,
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so with the support of operators, drones, reconnaissance crews are working, the target is under control until complete elimination. report by mikhail andronik. the complete package is 40 missiles fired by the hail crew of a group of troops centered on the enemy in the krasnolimansk direction. hit a concentration of enemy manpower and lightly armored vehicles, according to known data, hit the target, hit, caused great damage to the enemy. firing is carried out from a minimum distance, so the accuracy is greater, the artillerymen explain , after completing the task, the combat vehicle immediately leaves the firing position, the crew commander jumps into the urals already on the move, everywhere here in the war there is danger, everyone who came here is all risking their lives, but... we came to defend our homeland, despite the intense combat work, even here, next to the line of combat contact, you can feel the approach of the new year and christmas, let's go see,
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how they decorate the dugouts on the front line, garlands, pine branches and of course children's letters, children sent from schools, from kindergartens, well, mostly the schools help us with school supplies, it's for them that we are here, santa claus was on his way to the children and to the girls to the boys our soldiers also do not forget about children; servicemen from one of the units of the southern military district together bought gifts for students of one of the rural schools of the republic. the least we can do on our own, of course, is to make the children happy. all our servicemen supported this idea, initiative, and we decided to congratulate the children. in every class there is a child whose father was mobilized and is now there on the front line, they protect us. we write letters to them, they send us gifts. the main gift, according to the military, is smiles and children's laughter. for this they are ready for any feat. mikhail andronik, sergey eliseev,
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conduct the lugansk people's republic. moscow's task is to prevent the kiev regime from destroying its people. this statement was made by the empty representative of russia vasily nebenze at a meeting of the council of zones. he emphasized: ukraine has long lost its own financial and military resources and became a private military company in its hands. the west, while the kiev authorities do not and will not have the resources even to maintain the current situation on the line of combat contact, nebendya noted. the military plans of the kiev regime have suffered a total fiasco, so expect the worst news for you from your ukrainian proxy news in the very near future, regardless of whether new packages of military and financial assistance are approved in washington or brussels zelensky and his gang. or not, this will only delay the fire and its regime, but not prevent it. in the novosibirsk region , due to storm winds and snowstorms , traffic on two highways was stopped; restrictions
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apply to passenger and freight transport. drivers in the omsk region, where half a month's worth of precipitation fell overnight, are also being asked to cancel long trips. december 30: difficulty driving in the direction of chelyabinsk. in the chelyabinsk region the weather does not allow the third day to be cancelled. restrictions on the m5 highway that are in effect for heavy duty buses. a large number of trucks have accumulated in the mining zone, and the parking lots are full. the highest active volcano in eurasia has become active in kamchatka. a six-kilometer column of ash rose above the klyuchevskaya hill. scientists are making observations. in moscow, 2 days before the new year, it started to rain, and the thermometer showed +3°, but the thaw will not last long. the beginning of january in the capital region will be frosty. it will be a real new year with frosts, the temperature will drop during the night by the morning it will already reach
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-8-10°, such a perfectly good january night, but the fact is that in the future the temperature will drop, and this will be an abnormal course of weather during the day, on january 1 the temperature will drop, it will already reach the end of the day. exactly this year, before it goes down in
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history, in a little over a day, this is significant, and i want to start the campaign exactly in chekotka, where the sun rises, where the russian land begins, and not just come. check the box, and talk to people, solve their pressing problem. operation christmas tree in russia there are raids on illegal cutting down of christmas trees. at the beginning of november, inspectors went into the forest more than a thousand times, however, the focus is not only on forests, but also on new year's markets, how black lumberjacks are identified and what punishment faces violators, alexander usatenko learned. this small copter is a great helper in forest patrolling. before the new year , black lumberjacks are becoming more active in the krasnoyarsk territory. the drone is just the eyes of the inspectors. getting to the scene of the crime has to be done the old fashioned way. skiing
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the state forest fund is patrolled by employees of the institution, with the goal of suppression and prevention in the field of forest legislation, namely guard military young animals. raids take place daily. since the beginning of november, inspectors have visited the forest more than a thousand times. specialists are interested not only in stumps, but in everything that black lumberjacks might leave behind. notches on trees, tire or shoe marks. to please the new year's table for a couple of weeks. this pine tree needs to grow for 15 years, and for illegal logging trees, regardless of their height, half a meter or 2 m, the fine will be equally severe, from 3 to 5.00 for individuals and from 200,000 to half a million for legal entities. a businessman from khakassia now has a criminal charge instead of a new year's mood, he illegally cut down about 100 trees, when he was caught red-handed, he tried to give a bribe, the enterprising merchant
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will be celebrating the new year... now in pre-trial detention. on the grounds of a crime provided for in part three of article 291 of the criminal code of the russian federation, a criminal case was initiated. also in against the perpetrator, the issue of initiating a criminal case on the fact of illegal logging of forest plantations is being decided. 500 pieces. inspectors also check christmas tree markets. entrepreneurs must have all the necessary documents, from a logging permit to a quarantine certificate. today's raids did not reveal anything. violations, which means that these spruce trees will bring customers only joy and a pine aroma. for many, this tradition has already begun, that the smell of tangerines and christmas trees is traditionally what should be in the house. someone has been installing an artificial one for years, comes, takes it for the first time, well a real christmas tree. the krasnoyarsk zoo asks entrepreneurs not to throw away trees that could not be sold before january 1. it is better to bring them to animals, for them it is a toy and a healthy vitamin treat.
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and... however , the zoo will not be able to accept christmas trees that were home decorations, there may be meshura, there may be remains of some christmas tree decorations, there may be some kind of chemicals used, fire protection or flavorings, unfortunately, these are the trees , they are no good for us. to prevent the disposal of the new year's tree from becoming a headache, experts recommend buying an artificial christmas tree, this one will last for many years, save the family budget and preserve the forest. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva. news. young scientists and talented schoolchildren gathered at the forum in shahkhabad to sum up the results of the year of youth in turkmenistan. future engineers, environmentalists and diplomats presented their achievements, and the best of them were presented with an honorary state award, a medal for love of the motherland. report by robert frantsov. by tradition, it is customary in turkmenistan every year choose a new motto. 2023 passed under
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the slogan. young scientists, talented schoolchildren, future engineers, environmentalists, and diplomats presented their achievements this year at the final youth forum in ashgabat. this year definitely became special for the student of the institute of international relations serdar rakhimov, on his chest there is a badge of honor, the best student of the cis. the jury recognized serdar's scientific work in the field of diplomacy as the best among all his peers in the area. as a child, you could say i dreamed of becoming a politician, a diplomat, and this brought me to our institute the main theme of the work is preventive measures, prevention, that is, the use of diplomatic instruments as a means of negotiation. turkmen style is a combination of modern trends and a very careful attitude to tradition. young scientists have their own shows. the best works are demonstrated by students of the national academy of arts. well,
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development. and young programmers, citizens of turkmenistan already use in everyday life. the main driving force of the team is, of course, the youth, these are the young specialists. we also, we also have a student engagement program. of course, we didn’t forget about the athletes; athletes and coaches who showed good results at international competitions received new cars from the president. the brightest representatives of the younger generation were awarded an honorary state award, a medal for love. homeland. robert frantsev, arman bayletov, tatyana safarova. turkmenistan, central asian news bureau. a large migrant cow moves through mexico towards the us borders. the crisis is running.
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we have sacrificed a lot, we have taken risks, we have no food, we have nowhere to sleep, we have no money, and we hope that the government will solve this problem. we must continue to fight, because this is life, this is its purpose. there are often difficult moments that need to be overcome and move on. this surge in illegal migration, which is being blamed on biden's policies, reached its peak in december. peak: every day at least 10,000 people cross the southern border of the united states. at least 15-18 thousand migrants are in the area along coast in the state of chiapos. they are all set to cross the state line next monday. an emergency visit by secretary of state
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blinken and us secretary of security mayorkas to mexico on the eve of the caravan's arrival. didn't bring any specific solutions. mexican president orbador admits that they cannot stop this flow now.
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america, but not only from the south, they are from all over the world, they are thrown at the borders, they are gradually pouring into our country, they are destroying our country. joe biden watches another wave of invasion from the south from a beach in the caribbean island, where he and his family are celebrating the new year, in a political sense, this vacation could be very costly for the us president. washington simply does not have any recipes for an immediate solution to this migration crisis, unprecedented in history, but it depends on how in the near future. how the situation on the southern border develops depends on the decision of congress on the allocation of aid to ukraine. and now there is an opinion here that if the caravan does enter the territory of the united states, then the deal between the republicans and democrats on financing kiev will most likely fail.
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dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. this is the news, this is what will happen next in the program. countries around the world continue to express support for palestine. we have a cosmic recipe. olive and a grand new year's gift to tv viewers from our channel, what exactly we have prepared, you will find out after the advertisement, wait, maybe you will stay with me today, i promise you an unforgettable night, we need to live separately for some time, and what do we need to understand , if we have at least some chance left, i would advise you to start a joint hobby. ballroom dancing would be best , why, for the sake of my son, i agree to the experiment, if you haven’t danced, this doesn’t mean that cha-cha-cha, it’s difficult, nothing connects them anymore except dance, so what? complicated,
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cha-cha, one, two, three, you just need to learn to count to three, by the way, i learned these stupid steps, seriously, enter, tick. to choose the brightest teacher of the year , svetlana will have to become a wire for a light bulb! oh, whoever’s lights go out, i ’ll turn them on, and by the way, i’m a good guide, i can handle even complex tasks if i’m nearby talented teacher, 323, i know what it is, i am two-eyed. the country should
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know the name of the best, i wish success to this magnificent seven teachers, cool topic, premiere on january 5 on rtr, the police, what a moronic door behind the door, who are you, a superhero or something, but we don’t wear them, and we don’t follow the instructions, major grom, plague doctor . january 1 on rtr, without scales, without bright stories, in your love, like in the sky, these are the voices among the silence.
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over the course of this year, we have become one big family, so i propose to spend 2023 together and meet 2024, i haven’t accomplished much, i haven’t achieved much, you i didn't come today.
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this is news, we are continuing the release. another bloody terrorist attack by the zelensky regime. kiev militants launched a massive attack on the belgorod region, hitting residential areas. as of this moment , about fifty houses were damaged. one person was killed and four more were injured. personnel consequences of the shelling, report by alexander korobov. in the evening, the belgorod region was again shelled by the ukrainian armed forces, presumably by militants of the kiev regime.
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it is also known that four people were injured, a ten-year-old child has a shrapnel wound, the condition is assessed as moderate, a woman has a shrapnel wound to the temporal region, one man has a shrapnel wound to the head, the second has a contusion, all the victims have already been taken to the belgorod clinical hospital and the children's regional hospital, doctors are providing all the necessary medical care, according to preliminary data , various destructions were identified in ten. windows of private households were broken, one
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of the houses was very badly destroyed, it is also known that several were damaged cars, damage to the water supply system in the city has been recorded, emergency crews are already on site eliminating all the consequences, and now the door-to-door inspection is ongoing in the dark, it will continue during daylight hours to record all the damage from this attack. alexander korobov, vyacheslav. vesti, belgorod region. in the moscow region, the murderer of ninety-year-old roman ligoida was detained without delay. during interrogation, he confessed to everything. first, the criminal asked the elderly man to let him down, then, under threat of reprisal, he decided to take him away money, during the ongoing struggle, inflicted fatal stab wounds. a criminal case has been initiated under murder. the investigation is under the control of the central apparatus of the investigative committee. the deceased is the father of our colleague, a journalist and the chairman of the department. on the relationship of the church with society and the media of the moscow patriarchate
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by vladimir ligoyd. we offer our sincere condolences to him and his loved ones in connection with this tragedy. other. topics. israel's military cabinet has discussed the possibility of resuming hostage negotiations with hamas. previously hamas gave his consent in principle to the next deal. according to israeli media sources, the new agreement provides for the release of at least forty hostages in the first stage in exchange for a ceasefire in the gaza strip for a month. meanwhile, israel continues to attack palestinian targets. on saturday night, the nosiyarat palestinian refugee camp in the central part of the gaza strip was shelled again. israeli. the military also showed footage of the destruction of another hamas tunnel system in gaza. well in different countries around the world continue to express support for palestine. a candlelight rally for peace in gaza took place in leon, france. its participants recalled that palestinians have the right to life and called for a complete ceasefire. in berlin, a rally for a ceasefire
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was organized by israelis living in germany. gathering at the building of the german foreign ministry, they called for a peaceful resolution of the conflict through. another large pro-palestinian demonstration, scheduled for december 31, was banned by the berlin police. just in case, city authorities are taking enhanced security measures on new year's eve, fearing unrest. moscow will act symmetrically if the west confiscates russia’s assets, the foreign ministry announced. as the department noted, the volume of western funds that this may affect is significant, and if the west is ready for dialogue with russia, and... mutual exchange of frozen assets, then moscow is open to such a conversation. earlier, western media, citing sources, wrote that the united states proposed working groups of the seven countries to study ways to confiscate frozen goods. russia's assets amount to about 300 billion euros. unstable weather with the onset
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of a thaw has added more work to novosibirsk rescuers; they are intensifying patrols on reservoirs, conducting preventive campaigns among winter fishing enthusiasts, and even organizing... demonstration training on rescuing drowning people, reporting by ksenia klimina. the snow-white expanses of the novosibirsk reservoir, or as it is commonly called here, the obsk sea, with the onset of cold weather becomes a haven for lovers of winter fishing, a fishing rod, a thermos with hot tea hope for a successful bite. not only pensioners go out on the ice; sometimes families go fishing, with family, here’s a father, there’s a son. see if it bites, pull it out, pick it up, well, something will appear to you, if it bites, we’ll fry it or make aspic, maybe we’ll make a pie. as a child, roman went fishing with his father, now he’s teaching his son how to operate a boat
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, and if i catch a pike perch, at least one, probably a boat, rescue service employees go out on the ice with the fishermen, this year it’s winter. 0° in december, seems like ice strong, but despite this, the danger still remains. rescuers patrol the waters on such a hovercraft. the transport is maneuverable and fast, accelerating up to 100 km per hour, but most importantly , it is safe, you can move on it on ice, snow, and water. employees of the ministry of emergency situations are on duty every day in places where fishermen gather, and even organize demonstrations on how to save them. stomping dmitry khalyapin has repeatedly used his skills in business, this year he became the best state inspector in russia, in in principle, the ice is frozen, of high quality, of course, there is a danger of gullies where underground, well, geysers erupt, you can call them that, well
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, first of all, there is a ban on vehicles leaving on the ice, there is a decree of the government of the novosibirsk region, which prohibits the departure of vehicles. snowmobiles, cars, and motorized dogs on the ice, because it is not environmentally friendly and dangerous, but the so-called motorized dogs or towing vehicles are still used, even despite the threat of a fine of up to 5.00 rubles. well, with this technology it’s impossible this type of equipment can be used to fly, i’m not using a car, you see, this equipment is sold in a store, especially for fishing with it. since the beginning of the winter season , several incidents have already been recorded in the region. in november on the ob sea, nine people were carried away on an ice floe, and recently a fisherman on a snowmobile fell into the middle of nowhere. ksenia klimina, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva, news from novosibirs. another 17 km of modern ski slopes will appear at one of the oldest winter resorts in the country,
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dombay. they will be launched before the end of this season, but already now in karachev circassia they are waiting for guests, for whom they have prepared a rich program , about entertainment for tourists, about how... let’s imagine that i suddenly felt ill, but this is of course all a simulation, so don’t worry, i’m completely fine. on the slope , i am quickly noticed by the rescuer on duty, who comes down to interview and transmit information about the emergency to the operational headquarters, a skier, a victim, a suspected fracture. a mountain equivalent of an ambulance comes for me, two rescuers with special sleds that are called akiya. with their help, the victims
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are taken to doctors, but first the supposedly broken leg is fixed with a splint. a more or less fast splint that fixes the injury and relieves how you feel the pain, everything. and now we will continue to press it for you. then they put me on the akya, fasten me tightly with belts and keep an eye on me. to make it convenient, because the path may not be close, sometimes rescuers have to travel many kilometers through extremely dangerous, difficult- to-pass areas, skiers’ legs, snowboarders’ legs, everything suffers, it depends from them, well, like style riders, or just style riders , his hands are free, he barely caught it, immediate automatic protection, these are common injuries that occur on the slopes, but the ones at greatest risk are freeride lovers and climbers , each of the twelve has a lifeguard, there are dozens of stories here, which they will remember for the rest of their lives. i would like people to look very carefully where they are going, because
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we have danger zones like everywhere else in the mountains, people cannot soberly assess their capabilities, they climb into some kind of jungle, it’s possible to say, yes, due to this , such unpleasant moments occur, when they are injured, disappear, while we find everyone, bye everyone. we have been helping since the beginning of this season , about 50 tourists needed help, there were some injuries, but everyone was saved, one of the oldest fans of these slopes, seventy-year-old alexander yakovlevich, knows how to ride dombaya for a long time without problems, he spent more than 60 seasons here. i come to dombai, to put it in our simple language, i’m miserable and have nothing left to ask for, it’s so good here, the food here is so delicious, the people here are so good. everyone will find a route they can handle here, by the way, their number will increase this year, several cable cars take you to the top at once, ski passes can
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be bought in the village, and different ones, it’s very convenient, the landscapes are beautiful, the rocks look like, and the people are good, friendly, but we really like everything, the landscape and colorful cuisine, that is, in this regard, yes, i understand, this is what you like most from food, by the way, dombay khachins from food. the resort has a huge number of different establishments catering establishments and in almost every one you will be served one of the most important dishes of local cuisine, these are khachins, not trying them here is practically a crime, they look like very juicy pasties, but khochins are different, it all depends on where you buy them, on tamby you can come just for this, even if you don’t ski, there will still be interesting things to do in the village, we have eight species of animals here, besides alpacas, we are called a village. there are also rabbits, llamas, donkeys, mini ponies, dwarf lambs and two goat breeds, anglo-nubian and cameroonian.
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more animals are expected in the future, dwarf cows, flanders rabbits that are so huge. all the animals are very sociable, especially if you have something tasty, for example, carrots, and for those who do not have enough of the usual stroking and feeding, they have come up with a special attraction called kissing an alpaca, it looks something like this. you can take cool photos, as throughout dombay, there are special views here, mountains almost completely surround the tourist village. as can be seen, by heavy snowfall, the season on adambay has already started, hundreds of local hotels are ready to welcome all ski lovers. and, by the way, they still have places for the upcoming new year holidays. mladzh akiev, evgeny radaev, andrey chestyakov. news from korochaev-circassia. lyudmila hopes for a new year's miracle. slobodyan from kaliningrad, who suffers from a serious illness; her spine is severely curved, which is why the spinal cord is compressed and the lungs are pinched.
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it is difficult for the girl not only to move, but even to breathe. a critical situation can be corrected an operation that costs 7 million rubles. the geography of good foundation raises an impressive amount. marina naumova will tell you how you can help. she gives a hand-made baltic amber panel to friends and acquaintances, but this year she was forced to give up her favorite hobby. only. i can’t sit, i have severe pain and spasms in the chest, discomfort due to the fact that there is no sensitivity in my fingers, twenty-eight-year-old lyudmila slobodyan has a serious illness, thoracolumbar scoliosis, due to curvature.
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parents showed lyudmila to be a surgeon, but no one dared to undergo surgery, the consequences for the teenager were unpredictable, in the fifth grade she switched to home schooling, walking, and most importantly sitting, became increasingly difficult, her right lung was compressed by her chest. finally, 10 years ago, lyudmila slobodyan was operated on, but a tragic accident occurred. the girls got an infection, sepsis developed, the structure installed to support the spine had to be removed, after which critical complications began, the lower back literally lay on the right thigh. hope came after meeting neurosurgeon and orthopedist andrey baklanov. through the internet, lyudmila learned that the doctor takes care of patients even in the most hopeless cases.
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we'll do everything. she is facing a series of operations. at the first stage. for an operation to the short number 8903 with the word dobro and any amount, for example, dobro 500, the girl dreams of learning to play the guitar and believes that someday she will be able to pick up the instrument. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, pavel dolgachev, conduct the kaliningrad region. decorate a christmas tree, cut salad and open gifts, but all this must be done in zero gravity. roscosmos showed how the iss crew is preparing for
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the new year. he delivered everything needed into orbit. truck progress. in addition to the decorations that are firmly attached to the walls of the station, the parcel contained gifts for the astronauts from their relatives, as well as ingredients for olivier. the space recipe differs from the earthly one; you have to use freeze-dried peas, and also an omelet. oleg kononenko has already celebrated the new year in space, here are nikolai chup and konstantin borisov will do this for the first time. 31th of december. together they plan to watch the irony of fate, which they uploaded to the server in advance. a big bonus of the station is that we fly through many time zones, as each city enters the new year, we can congratulate it. our channel has prepared a grand new year's gift for viewers. on the first day of the new year, cheburashka, the highest-grossing film in the history of distribution, premiered for the first time on television. the festive movie marathon starts in 2 hours, all the best classics from irony and girls to hits
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of our time. my colleague anastasia litvinova recommends it. the new year is not far away, but there is still a lot to be done before the chimes strike, the tree is probably already decorated, there are gifts, there is still preparation for the festive dinner and the obligatory new year's film program. viewers of the russia tv channel are waiting for a grandiose movie marathon, which will begin today with the operation, and where is granny, i’m for her and other adventures of shurik, as well as leads, cowards, dunces, experienced hooligans.
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remain yourself, find your happiness, you a good story about how sometimes you don’t just know? “i used to think all the time how people kiss, well, their noses must get in the way, then love and doves, a film that has long been scattered into quotes, oh you,
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you bitch, it’s painted, why is it painted, this is my natural color, well, even knowing everything almost by heart, it’s impossible to come away, what did the doctors say she had, even a myocardial infarction? this is the scar, and of course, every year on december 31st we always watch the irony of fate or with a light steam, you want to get away with it, if you don’t want to celebrate your marriages here in the bathhouse, why not, this is our tradition, get out of here quickly, after the first part you need to finish cutting salads and setting them up. table, what a disgusting thing , what a disgusting thing, this is your fish, it seems that you can’t imagine the new year without eldar ryazanov’s film, mother, my nadya has arrived, as if without
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the new year’s adventures of the gentlemen of good luck, help, the hooligans of vision are broadcasting, the people’s favorite, highest-grossing film ussr 1972 with evgeny leonov, georgy vitsin. he's the same a monument about crime and punishment , transformation and correction, has already been found, here you can already put champagne in the refrigerator, that's enough, that's enough, champagne in the morning, either aristocrats or degenerates, start looking at the diamond hand, one more shine.
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january 1 on the russia tv channel. anastasia litvinova, maxim bragin and anna mitrokhina. news. the yakut walruses are preparing to celebrate the new year in an extreme way, and even in the most severe cold they swim in the ice hole. and swimming at 58° below zero, report by inna asikritova. happy new year 2024, hooray! the swimming season is in full swing, the coming new year, they traditionally celebrate the coming new year with an extreme dive into an ice hole, there is a decorated christmas tree nearby , festive hats on their heads, forty-degree frost is not a hindrance for them, they feel the cold
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right now, of course, naturally, but of course, as an ordinary person, i am not a superman, the one who defeats another is strong, the one who defeats himself is truly powerful, like this, the leader of the walrus club nikolai sofraneev. has been taking ice baths most of his life, he is sure this unusual type of hardening is not it only strengthens the immune system, but also gives unforgettable emotions. since childhood, in the eighth grade, i started wiping myself with snow, when i often got sore throats, that’s when i started wiping myself with snow, that’s it, the sore throats all went away, i’ve been doing it ever since. for everyone , the hardening procedure takes place differently, for some it takes minutes, while others can withstand more, the temperature is -50. today is a record for walruses. winter swimming is a whole ideology, say hardening enthusiasts. for people who do not know the word cold, plunging into ice water is equivalent to taking warm water. baths, and also for the benefit of the body. therefore,
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as walruses believe, it is necessary to repeat the procedures on a regular basis. the small river munur, located on the territory of the lena pillars park, would also be an excellent place for swimming these days. it has not yet become covered with ice, although i have not observed this in previous years. there is a possibility that it will start to warm up from the west, central regions, including.
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the city of yakutsk may even be divided into two parts, that is, towards the airport, where we will be under the influence of the northern anticyclone, in the gemiina area and the city center, temperatures will begin to rise on new year's eve. in yakutsk on new year's eve , daytime temperatures are expected to increase by 5-7°, but closer to christmas it will get colder again. yakut residents are sure that the epiphany frosts will be especially severe. inna sekritova ilarion fedorov. vesti yakutia, well, by this time we have all the information, ren rossius and my colleagues were with you, see you, cha-cha, one, two, three, cha-cha, one, two, three, shoulders, shoulders, fix , only hips and legs.
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do you have children? yes, yes, yes, we have a son, are you together? my husband, it’s clear, why did you decide to practice, my god, just take these lighting fixtures to the warehouse, i asked you not to touch me for the next 30 minutes, yes, thank you, you asked something, i asked why you decided to dance, but because my husband and i are always looking for something new, right?
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please, excuse me, excuse me, forgive me, i beg your pardon , please, can i skip the line, girl, marin, check quickly, in order of line, listen, are you sorry or something, i didn’t have time to win, now the deputy director won’t be back at all go away, we're having lunch until one o'clock, drinks, and at this time you were chatting on the phone, which by the way is forbidden, why should people wait for you, batik, come to me, you bore, thank you, but no problem, the cash register is not working, go to another , sveta, my mother is feeling bad, i have to go urgently, please, warn the castle , well, you’re in trouble, good afternoon, i have a wonderful driver, when mom comes, mom, mom is at work, she’ll come soon. that's it, i
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quit. oh, well done! now i will devote myself entirely to preparing documents for your england. why aren’t you happy, don’t want to leave? i love you and want to be with you, no matter where in england, russia or the north pole. taxi! roma, be careful! roma! roma! stop! look, mom is with rom. wait, i even know what she’s saying to him now, give me your hand and you’ll fall , give your hand and you’ll fall, your hat will fly off and you’ll catch a cold, your hat will fly off and you’ll catch a cold, listen, the wedding will be in norwich in the summer, invite mom, no , but, of course, i still haven’t said my hands, yes, i’ll tell you today, i promise.
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land of light company, manager maxim, than i can serve, good afternoon, but i would like to buy the evelina lotus lamp, tell me, is it suitable for an open terrace, of course, but i... i heard that the degree of protection against moisture penetration should be no lower than twenty-three, but you have the lamp’s website only lists 20. nonsense, i installed the same one at my dacha, everything is fine, great, i of course understand that it’s important for you to sell, and if the contacts oxidize due to humidity, the lamp fails, i won’t be able to return it under guarantee, but you still won’t lose your interest, but if this may damage the company's reputation, but it looks like you don't care about it at all, not to mention the fact that it's not good for customers to take, margarita sergeevna, i looked at the reviews from buyers complain that they are given incorrect information over the phone, just to sell the goods. margarita sergeevna, forgive me, this won’t happen again. of course, don't repeat yourself, you're fired. by the way, unemployed. kostya, hello. did you call the vacancies
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i found? rita, i can get a job on my own. yes, who's stopping you?


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