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tv   Taina Lilit  RUSSIA1  January 4, 2024 11:20pm-12:21am MSK

11:20 pm
i understand, but go to work, after all , this stupid krivitsky doesn’t understand what a treasure he has in my face, really, a treasure, let’s go, i’ll make you coffee, and i told him about our mission, i mean about us and the ministry of health , damn, what a shame, but now it won’t occur to him to fire us, no, i told you that i won’t do this anymore, if you don’t stop writing these vile reports, then then... what will happen, then
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there will be no coffee, my stomach is dumb, please come, hello, hello, hello, hello, tell me, where can we wash our hands, there, let's go, i'll show you, here, here, here, here, here, here, uh, no, here, here is the room, please forgive me, your apartment is so big, well of course, that , but don’t be nervous, yes i’m not nervous, why should i be nervous, so, well, let’s take a seat, yes, come in, meet me, this, this is lena, very nice, sasha, ilyusha’s mother, very nice, this is sasha, kostya , my son, yes, let's go to the table, it's nice, let's go.
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thank you, why, if we weren’t going to live together, that’s it, the interrogation is over, come on, i i suggest we drink for getting to know each other, come on, come on, hurray, hurray, i have a question, yes, maybe it’s time to tell ilyusha that you are his grandfather?
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well, this is our gym, we also have a pressure chamber, we also have a room, a swimming pool, cool, yes, everything here is generally very well organized, in general, when we are not on calls, we train, when we train, accordingly, yeah, let's go, ours are somewhere here , and he is ours, rikus, hello, hello, well done, dimka, look who you brought, oh, sklebasovsky, hello, well, petrovich, he said he wouldn’t come, he lost. come on with
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40 push-ups for you, why are you stuck , why shouldn’t you have come, well, excuse me, why, how do you like it here with us, cool, yeah, listen, i was just thinking, well, well, as they say, in honor of the first day, that’s it, what do we have there, come on, what are we doing, what about a bar? in general, this is a gym, well, just smell it, stas , then, well, everyone knows each other, but i still have to introduce, this is our new employee, we know, sklefosovsky, sklefosovsky, and what you don’t like, okay, i say, no, i think it can be done right now, why not, yes because no, mom, explain to the person, this is a very responsible decision, van, are you ready, why are you, and why? ilyusha will be very
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happy, no, no, i agree, with kostya, we need to prepare the boy, ilyusha, ilya, son, that means this is what kind of circus this is, and what kind of circus is this, you all arranged it, this is not a circus. meet me, this is your dear grandfather, yes, yes, oops, hurray, child, that’s it,
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happy birthday, happy birthday, and this is another gift, wow, guys, let’s get it on, let’s do it now, that’s it.
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let's dance, i don't dance, one time, i don't dance today i’m dancing, well, you see, she doesn’t want to, fuck off, wait, don’t hear, you’ll share more, repeat, mind your own business, guys! let me dance with you, well, try it too, well, let's go.
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soon there will be light, put away the candles , don’t burn them, varika is coming now, i already found out , let’s go, i’ll show you something, let’s go , let’s go on, let’s dance, bye, my golden one, bye, grandfather! come on, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, great, she used you, took direct blackmail, did what she wanted, and covered up with child, why did she use it, she wanted
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the best, she, she wants the best, you eyes , quietly, quietly, quietly, open, maybe this child is a stranger, he is nobody to you, why do you believe everyone? this is my grandson and that’s it, if necessary, i’ll take him completely, everyone heard, this is my grandson, let’s go, wait, where are we going, we’ve already arrived, wait, until what, nothing, just kiss, well, i don’t want to, but i want.
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wait, bastard, we must joke, ale, wait, they are screaming loudly, let's go see
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what documents, we must, we must get out from here, we must, we must get out through the window, which window, are you high, is it better to get out of the window than to burn? no one will burn the cat, everything is fine, just find some rags, wet them on the floor on your way out, what rags? yours, everyone, let's go, on the way out, quickly, let's go, quickly, my rag, dim, dim, can you stick out your tongue?
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yap, petrovich broke the dinner silence, about the triple, there is an anecdote, well, a gentleman reads an ad in the newspaper, a talking dog is for sale, he goes to the address, the owners take the dog away, show it to him, he asks her, how did you learn to speak, she answers him, actually, i’m self-taught, at first i worked as a rescuer in the alps, i was covered in an avalanche, went through rehabilitation, we were sent to iraq to clear igel mines, i was hit by a mine, went through rehabilitation again, here i am, he asks , well, how can you sell such a beautiful, wonderful dog, and i don’t answer, because she hasn’t been to any irakes, and how long does an operation last on average, well, it all happens differently, sometimes it takes 6 hours , it happens 12, and if.
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and what an apiary he had that you were silent, the third brigade is on the road, the third team is on the road, pereshkova 15.
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according to the results of the audience voting, the favorite of our show is lelit. the mystery of lelit will be solved. the closer we are to the truth, the scarier i am to find out what really happened to oleg. perhaps this is our last meeting, or maybe they almost proved it.
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special holiday issue on january 6 on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel. agendas, why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and in order not to... miss anything , subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform , the substation is watching, the first podcasts we watch, i don’t have children, but i have two nieces, olya and nika, we have a wonderful family, it seems to me that my girls are having problems , anna
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banshchikova, why is everything like this, they don’t like me, how much can you humiliate yourself, i said, aunt lucy, your aunt lucy , january 7 on rtr , you have never had such a talented class before, the stars will feel like schoolchildren again, can i, to choose the brightest teacher of the year, svetlana will have to become a wire for a light bulb,
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who turns off the light, i'll turn it up, and by the way, i'm not bad. a guide, even difficult tasks can be done if there is a talented teacher nearby, 323, i know what it is, i am a double-schooler, i don’t need to ask, the country should know the name of the best, i wish success to this magnificent seven teachers, cool topic, premiere on january 5 on rtr, where are you going, stop, back, back, come on, come here, back, i say, overtake the car, there
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’s a fire, my car blocked the entrance, the firefighters can’t run up, help somewhere, help, who something, marat, marat, don’t you jump, you’ll crash, don’t
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you dare, hear me, someone help, alive, help me for my breathing, my ribs. multiple fractures, petrovich, shield, it’s hard to breathe, wait, help,
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where did you go, what’s your name?
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now i’ll give you a painkiller injection, everything will be fine. we have a pneumothorex syringe, give me a twenty you will, of course. tyummi, tyommi, you will be displeased,
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of course, that they are standing there, the emcees won’t let them in, the building is in a ruined state, well , what should we do, drag it, where the ambulance cannot work, we can work. got it, stretcher, come on, take it, bear with me, dear, so good , that's it, girls, girls, girls, so give me your hand, hold it, hold it, what's your name , the speckle fell on the second floor, come on guys, guys, come on quickly, quickly, what
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to do, well, what's up, i'm the dean of this faculty, these are my students, please, why don't you put it out, why don't you put it out, now, igor, now, ready, get out of here, why don’t you put it out, why don’t you put it out, stop, stop. calm, calm, take your time , we can’t fake the fire, please move away from the building, move away, wait, just don’t jump, doctors, take the cranial brain, doctors, guys, we have a man climbing out of the window, what? you damn thing, you jumped on the glass, come on, come on, let's take it out, let's take it out
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, come on, let's go here, hit, hit, right here, let's hug exams tomorrow, i need to study. quiet, quiet, you can feel your legs, no, no i feel, but you don’t feel, no, where is anton , he was with me, tell him not to jump, quietly, quietly, quietly, oh, it’s high up there, look at me, now it will be easier, come on, dear, come on, quietly, bragin, pick up the phone, yes, my, my doll, everything is fine, mommy, look at me, mom, it’s so scary, you’re alive, everything
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is fine, everything is fine, everything will be fine, but where is marya, i don’t know why it’s so scary there’s smoke all around , fire, quiet, quiet, look at me, take it, take it, take it, there is fire below. "we're going to the roof, come on, let's go faster, come on, come on, ah where is lena, lena, egor, don't, egor, you 're going to die, don't go, lena, go away, lena, let's go , let's go forward, forward, forward, forward, we saw, yes, a fire started in the kitchen, the lights were turned off, legs, the candles were lit and it was probably all because of the candle, yes, my god,
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my god, why are you being so careless, huh? come on, there are doctors, come on, come on, look, look , why, why did this happen on my birthday, so, so, so, girls, girls, come on, that's it, go away, go away, where, spin, spin, here okay, cool off, gotta go inside, you can still...
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yes, yes, yes, false croup, no , i relieved the first attack, but i’m afraid that there will be a repeat one, yes, high, of course, yes, we’re really looking forward to it, thank you, damn it, my good one.
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help, you said that we would go out onto the roof here, why did i go with you, do n’t shout at you, if it weren’t for us, you would still be sitting there, let’s go back, back, let’s go back, quickly, quickly, back , the living are the living are.
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come on, it’s already close, alive, go away, go away, go away, guy, get out of here, it’s lena, get out, i say, this is lena, my girlfriend, not everything is fine, but what if if you don’t want to get out of here, help, then, fight, now, breathe, breathe, breathe, well done! hold it, help me, it's all over, take it, faster, i'm holding it, hold it, hold it tight, now one little scream, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, it's all over , how did you cope with the last attack, you know, i, i just met hot water and the steam immediately made
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me feel better, but the second time it didn’t work out that way. well done, good, we did everything right, don’t be so nervous, oh, yes, this is our first once in a lifetime a false circle, i congratulate you, now this is a pleasure for the next five years, well, then it will outgrow, but what did you inject her with, well, that’s all , that’s all, what difference does it make to you, she injected what she needed, it’s all much easier to treat doctors, why do you prescribe, well, that’s it, we always prescribe in cases.
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these fires are being worked on by several units of fire engines and the rescue center team, look, help, forgive me! dad, there are four victims upstairs, we’re taking them out, dad, get up, hold on to me, let’s go, come on, come at us, come on, head here, come follow me, well done, breathe, let's go,
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come follow me, follow me, follow me, goes, goes. guys, guys , students, go to the medical workers , they will help you and treat your wounds , come on, the ambulance is alive, the fire is localized, you can go around the first floor, where sklifosovsky is, he’s probably already come in, by the way, this is sklifosovsky, he a smart guy, he suits us and me too.
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get out of here, get out of here, otherwise i ’ll scream, just like that, put it down, well done, girl, i think i’ve already seen you somewhere this morning. on stop, well, breathe, breathe, girl, okay , run, come here, don’t freeze, girl,
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like this, like this, all the way to the respiratory tract, bragin, bragin, where have you been? where have you been? come in, let's go? exactly, kind. oh, okay, okay,
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what a step you can’t take, they’re not accepting you, can you turn the tv down, no, i can’t.
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“now in the administration, it’s clear that you said, what are you, nothing, you’re silent , maybe we’ll go to bed, in general we’re on a bird’s license, let’s go to bed, oh, i want tea, well, drink it, it’s still hot, this is for you and i'll sleep, sleep, yes, wow, good night, good, good night, he’s jealous of the girls, and
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you’re great, you did everything right, that’s how it’s supposed to be, we’ll go visit you, i don’t understand, what’s unclear, i got you into this position, like, well, i have such an opportunity, you seem to. you have a raw relationship, she is guilty of the death of my son, she is a bad leader, well, we need to deal with these personnel, but he’s an asshole, by the way.
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and work, just don’t spill the beans, ira, lord!
11:59 pm
i brought a towel, a towel, i say, i brought it, but i think you’re at 6 in the morning finishing, yes, but we decided to stay with the guys to celebrate my first day. so how was the first day? everything is fine, no arrivals, well, this beauty, where does it come from, what’s there? did you get caught in a branch? in a dormitory in which dormitory? i watched the news, there was a fire in the hostel, but it wasn’t ours? thank god, well, yes, what’s katka like? ok, she’s sleeping, she’s still just sleeping, you remember
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that you’re with her tonight, go to bed, honestly got up.
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part-time, it’s not serious, yes, stop it, it’s fine, well , you can work with two children, some kind of subsidy, it’s okay, zhenya sends something to me, well, listen, in general. i really don’t need anything from him, god bless him, i can handle it, well, it’s none of my business, but if anything, what’s wrong with brackin, i don’t know, i’d like to know myself, really, no, he calls me regularly and asks how i am and what am i, but some kind of internship somewhere, it seems, that’s it , you can’t get another word out, marina is also silent, maybe
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they pay more for this internship, oh, this is not about him, well, yes, leaving the department in such a difficult situation, i didn’t leave here, i have in apparently the leadership of kreitsky, and the world, mm , where did you and stas celebrate the wedding, we didn’t celebrate, we worked, quickly signed, yeah, in short, guys, that’s the thing, i’m getting married, and congratulations, finally,
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in an hour we are flying away to the don , there is some kind of hell on the news, it’s not hell, it’s worse there, according to classified information, not for everyone, 4 hours ago there was a second more powerful explosion, 64 miners and 19 rescuers were trapped under the rubble, wow, that’s it those, wow, they all went. oh, len, hello, hello, ulyush, what happened ? today is a day off, and you can take a day off, as
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i will, i will take it, van, the boy can stay with me, ilyushenka, you will stay if necessary, of course you need it, mom needs it. there will be work, there will be food, that’s it, run, run, and so, i’ll pick him up in the evening, of course he would still eat, that’s it, thank you very much, goodbye, see you goodbye, masha, mash, you, you, forgive me that she is like this, without warning, the child is not to blame, but the child, the child is certainly not to blame. go, go, masha, i, i, i, i understand very well how you feel about all this, well, this is my grandson, the only thing i ask of you is, make peace with kostya, that’s it, gone, i left,
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an, i’m with i'll go to work with you. i mean, well, i want to talk to your new boss, why? i want to know if there are vacancies, why? well, in my clinic, dawn doesn’t pay salaries, i don’t like it. i knew it, i did it i knew, so what did you come up with? anh, your luminary bradin, he is on indefinite leave, you need cardiologists, i want to join the sklif, so what are you against? i, i’m against it, this is my job, you know , this is my space, i knew that this would all end, anechka for...
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just to gain a foothold in moscow, and then we’ll see, cynically, cynically, truthfully, listen, we’re going to die we're tired of each other, that's why we separated, but we took a break from each other , so stop it, to hell with you, if you want, go, close the apartment, who's on duty, sasha, kostya, reception, let's go, then...
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hello, in an accident, yes, samoilov konstantin ivanovich, open cranial and multiple bruises, i’ll take it, yes, oh, this woodpecker jumped through the red, who gave you the rights, moron, it’s not my fault, i did everything according to the rules, i it's not our fault, we're grass. you can operate, everything will be restored, then, as i understand it, i’m chuchu, no, you
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think carefully and return to work, we’ll see, you’re running away from problems, but they can’t do it without you, and you can’t do it without them, finger, where with us, in, in, this is not a joke, i mean, do you really want to join us? cooperate with an ordinary local doctor, come in. we are at the television center on shabolovka, here is the evening of the poet nikolai nikolaevich dobronravov,
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his melody alexandra nikolaevna pakhnutova is with us, the earth, hope, my earthly compass has dropped without him, and luck, the reward for courage, has opened. on january 7 at rtr, were you in a yellow dress once? i laughed to myself, here , there were such rays, look into my eyes, tell me that
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you don’t have another woman, i don’t have another woman, oleg, who am i to you, i don’t know how you could drag her into our house, yes you betrayed mom, are you all of us? it’s nice , when the ice melts in your heart, i’m there, when the time comes, start all over again, you lost your husband, and now you decided to take mine, it’s not like that , but it’s like that, i don’t want to go back, i love you, in half an hour until the spring, january 6 at rtr, i didn’t expect this myself, i just didn’t expect it, we have the most modern ones at the mine...
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no matter how lax you go, well, on the face of it, it ’s a positive thing, that’s understandable, now we still don’t need to get anything from the boss at all what ’s great is that when you go down with people, we can’t go down yet, the entire air duct has been torn apart, now work is going on there, until air is supplied to the mine, no one will come down, and people, what people, 19 rescuers under the rubble, not much more is needed, no, we will wait as long as you say, just keep in mind that my team go... to work thank you, urdenk, director of the mines, that's it, let's wait,
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doctor. i was just sitting behind the wheel, i was sitting behind the wheel of my car, and what happened? i arrived with this steering wheel, so much so that only the rescuer got to me, they cut me out of the car, quietly, quietly, quietly, come on, look at me, it’s good to see me, yes, tanya, treat your face, okay, and now you lie still, so now you ’ll tell me how you’ll feel? here, no , here, no, like this, no , yes, nothing, wait, i don’t feel it at all, but that’s not the main thing, the main thing is that now everyone says that it’s all my fault, that it was me who ran the red light, i didn’t i remember, this is not the main thing now, the main thing is that you are healthy, let’s get a
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ct scan, do a complete ct scan. presumably a compression fracture, wait, wait, excuse me, what about you? name is nina, nina, my wife is coming there now, her name is lena, she will arrive soon, okay, meetings, let's go, let's go, thank you, sit down, i was on my way. and i look at the red one, it’s flying, as if it doesn’t see , well, i think it’s about to happen, right, i wanted to leave on the right, and there’s a taxi car , and this woodpecker is on the nine, just fuck us out of everything, the driver in the taxi died, that’s all this one is to blame,
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who enlightens the red ones.
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maybe someone else will try it, how do you like the scrape? i'm not sure i'm not sure about him, why? now this is my business, let's see how today goes, well , you're a pain petrovich, you're always waiting for some kind of trick from life, i don't expect to wait for the air supply, not in vain, so that's how serious you are, petrovich, maybe, maybe somewhere it’s already...
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you have an unstable fracture of the spine, the spinal cord is compressed, you need an urgent operation, like right now, or something, orderlies, right now, yes, urgently, but my wife, my wife has arrived, calm down, i’m not i know, i ’ll try to find out everything, let’s move it straight to the operating room. i have a brother anton sokolov, how old is he? 35 , doesn’t have any chronic diseases, he has type 2 diabetes and also gastritis, but this probably doesn’t matter, why everything is important, but it’s true , because people, they are most important, of course, and you know, we were going to the cinema with him, these are
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the honors of your relative. we moved here and are sitting on our ass, waiting for the moscow authorities, you should not be here now, at the mine, digging the earth with your nose, but while you are waiting here, my children are dying there. got it, now, please write down, simonenko, igor evgenievich, 24 years old, me and
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simonenko, anna serge, no need, no need , sorry, he wasn’t sick with anything, he has good immunity, you know, i always get children infected, but igor doesn’t, by the way, he’s a very good father, we have two children, the youngest birthday. last week my eldest son was in rostov, he had an mri there, it was not good this march, be careful, please, what the hell, a tumor in
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the head, they said cancer, but he forbade anyone to talk, he was afraid he would be fired from his job, there is not much work here except the mine , the mines... feed everyone, let's do it, now they'll get them out of there, we we will locate your son at a moscow specialized clinic, where he will undergo a full examination; an mri scan is not yet a final diagnosis. how confident you are that you can help everyone is simply amazing, well, people need to be trusted.
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that my legs can’t hold me up, quietly, quietly , come on, let’s sit down, let’s sit down, i’m mute now, this is a famous artist, i watched the series, these are reeds and sky, such a good series, what’s his
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last name, but ruslan, ruslan vilich .


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