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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 6, 2024 1:30am-2:26am MSK

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i’ll come to an agreement with her, brogin, oleg mikhailovich , i can change my hand, the diga is numb , i’ll tear your head off now, stop, don’t twitch , so give me your move, that’s easier, yeah, give me the topfer, and yes, what are you, in general , this little detail, it’s located in the main bronchi, you need to do a brachoscopy, nin, let’s call an ambulance so they can transport you as a child. hospital , cost, i did it myself, i actually don’t treat children, well, for my sake, i ask you, do everything yourself, so now we’re going to take the child back and forth, okay, we’re following up under intrarenal anesthesia, now i’ll get the part, bring the boy back, it’s not scary , the anesthesia is light, it’s not scary, everything will be fine
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, put 200 category ira, come here, i’ll sing syudik, look, please, okay, irena alekseevna, what should i do, you i'm crazy, in the end, you're offering a bribe behind my back to get your position back. fool, how
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did this even come to your mind? came, i turned to you for help, i asked you as a human being, help, you didn’t help, and you understand that this casts a shadow on me, that at the ministry they know about our relationship , i’m sorry, i’m sorry for throwing the day away on you, well, in general, they give everything to everyone, they take everything, maybe you take it too, i don’t know, which means if. if this happens again, you will lose your job altogether, of course, goodbye, anatoly, goodbye, what happened, reaksano, oh, yes, it’s over, and so, yeah.
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so let’s have it, let it be big and normal, that you didn’t hit him yourself, i ’ll bring you some ice, it’s gone, i filled it all up, let’s continue, let’s not relax, we still have a front. work, hold on, gloves to me, listen, listen, what’s wrong with misha, where is he? calm down, everything is fine , the doctor has already done the research and is about to get this damn part, it’s only in your company, such an adult child can come up with something, stick a lego up his nose, all because you’re childish like a baby, i can’t trust you anymore , misha, great meeting. with him only in my presence,
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god, you have to be such a nonentity, a loser, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's enough, that's enough, i'm already in a head spinning, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes , i hear, i hear, colleagues, everything went very well, thank you all so much for your work, you can rest, relax. thank you, thank you, rest, i
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'll be right back.
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alive, of course, alive, tomorrow you can visit your daughter, but for now i want to introduce you to the doctor who will observe your daughter, marina vladimirovna, and you, i have other plans tomorrow, thank you, everything is fine.
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“no, don’t turn it on, i’m talking to you, i came here to rest, what happened, it’s my roommate in glazdal, okay, i’m serious, but why when you say it?" "they really don’t believe me, i’ll answer like everyone else, the joint would hit, uh-huh, no , well, the first version was more convincing, tomorrow, yes, i made a wish, everything will be fine, well
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, maybe not, i made a wish, true , there is a coin, an eagle, and why am i asking , i wonder what’s there, well, when you get back, let’s move the sofa and look together, now i, so i’m just a second, i’ll say, my friends, let’s congratulate our young , let's wish them
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health, happiness, well, what can you wish for young people on such a day, be happy, cheers, hurray, thank you for coming, thank you very much , only it’s bitter for me, oh, very bitter, don’t do it, it’s impossible, thank you, it’s impossible to drink, what if we think, they don’t know how, so guys, let’s order cold hot appetizers now.
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i love life and am afraid to die. they would have looked at how i beat and bend in a stream, like an ide in the hands of a fisherman, when i reincarnate the word, but i am not a fish, and not a fisherman, and i am one of the inhabitants of the corners, similar to raskolnikov, i see, like a violin, i hold my grudge, torment me, i won't change. life is good, especially at the end,
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even in the rain and penniless in your pocket, even on the day of judgment with a needle in your throat, but this dream, little life, breathe, take my last pennies, don’t let me go upside down into the world’s spherical space. as children, we all experienced tremendous pleasure from the joy of winter, snowballs, sliding down steep ice slides, and walking. skiing through impassable snowdrifts, crunching ice under skates, and of course, everyone knew the fairy tale the snow
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queen and tried to imagine what her domain looked like. today i invite you to the kingdom of the snow queen.
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since childhood, we have all been novice snow sculptors, carefully sculpting a snow woman, building snow fortresses with friends, pouring water from a bucket on it so that it becomes strong, almost icy. i remember as a child i used to roll snowmen in the traditional big way. com medium head, but even then i tried to designate the human figure, i tried to do it, it was interesting, knocking down icicles, it was such a wonderful activity, i would do it with pleasure now, honestly, i was born in siberia, i remember from childhood , what kind of we had wonderful snowdrifts with passages, we dug them out ourselves, played hide and seek, chase, something like that for children... i would certainly love to do it. i remember that slides were always poured, large ice
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slides, sculptures were made, but they were sculptures made of snow, not ice. well, games as always, we build two fortresses, we make snowballs, we make snowballs, there were already some subtleties, well, i was really afraid , but i still took it into my hands , i finished it, everyone likes it, it seemed like
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it turned out okay, it’s a pity, of course, that it’s melting, but there's no getting away from this, oh well at least it stood, at least it stood for two or three weeks , it’s also nice, people come, they like it, this year it’s so changeable, that one i did everything, it thawed again, froze and ended up in slush, but i’ve never worked with it , so i didn’t know and began to invent some things that could be processed, and took the kitchen one. it turns out that it all started like in a movie, i went out once 8 years ago - a snowdrift lay and walked, walked around it, looked, looked at it, made a tower, then continued, continued, the fortress turned out to be about five meters, the head is small like that, well, and after that somehow everything went, went further, i didn’t even expect it, where did it come from, from above,
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i don’t know what, there was some kind of message, well , somehow it came, it seems to work out, everyone likes it, the future pedestal is for you... i throw in dirty, white, dirty, white, it turns out like marble, the snow is warm, well, of course, it’s not like frost here, but snow and in general i like working, it’s so good , if it’s snow, especially if it’s wet, it molds so well, it’s processed so well, it’s just wonderful, you get such wasps, poured its water, with two ice-cold stands, it’s already good, it won’t fall apart for a long time, but if. snow is an accessible material, but with ice everything is a little more complicated. the fundamental difference from ice is that snow is matte and opaque, that is, ice works to highlight the silhouette. snow is more sculptural, there is a sense of volume in it, like beveled marble, but it is more pleasant to work with, a soft, pliable material. ice is a more decorative material, it doesn’t have the same
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sense of volume, but it’s beautiful in itself, the broken part can... be glued water is called universal glue. it turns out that life on earth, which is so familiar and familiar to us, largely depends on ice. ice keeps the water level in the world's oceans from catastrophically rising and supplies the planet with a huge volume of press water. if all the glaciers on earth melt, the water level will rise by almost 65 m. such seemingly short-lived and fragile material stores thousands of years of knowledge and information. "if you are lucky enough to sail near the north or south pole, then it is better to know where the iceberg is and where it is just sole of the ice, that is, ice bonded to the shore or bottom. ice, it is a very interesting material, you need to make friends with it, ice should accept you, in fact, when you start working with it you get results, believe me, goosebumps run down your skin, from the fact that
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you were able to even tame this material, we see what it brings joy to people, especially in combination with light, it turns out, well, very impressive, beautiful, ice, it’s not cold, it ’s pliable, it’s very pleasant to feel when you work with it, it’s pleasant, the homeland of ice sculptures china, even 300 years ago, sailors in harbin, going fishing , took ice lanterns with them on windy nights, they were made very simply, like... with water they were exposed to the cold, then they pulled out the ice from there, made a hole and inserted a candle . this is the principle. when the fishermen returned, they left lanterns on the shore, and children played with them during traditional winter holidays. gradually , children's games grew into ice lantern shows,
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starting in 1963 into a popular ice sculpture festival. now. every year in in january-february, residents of harbin admire huge buildings made of ice bricks, gardens, waterfalls, gothic cathedrals and dragons. when ice sculptures are placed behind them or somewhere on the side or with colored lighting and the ice begins to shine, the result is something like this, ice itself is synonymous with such a holiday, it’s like garlands, like fireworks, in general, it’s primarily interesting for this . flying being a transparent material does not, let’s say, some kind of subtle modeling do not work in it, well , let’s say, it’s difficult to make a portrait of a person where everything is decided by nuances, ice as a material simply won’t allow you to express it, that is , you can do it, but it won’t be visible, you need to come up with your own visual language, that is, there are things that in classical sculpture are simply not applicable here, some visual techniques , therefore
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it is decided by the silhouette, some interesting texture, it happens that the buildings are handed over, it happens that they simply set a task. or you set a task for yourself and come up with a sketch, well, you take characters who, again, are most applicable to ice as a lost thing, the famous the plot of pushkin’s fairy tale, the introduction to the fairy tale about tsar soltan, a cat, a scientist, an oak tree, a chain, which means that the cat was specially made separately in such a way that the silhouette of the cat’s figure could be read, if it was stuck to a tree, against the background of the tree, it would simply not be visible, this is a question of the specifics of ice as a material, so the pronounced silhouette, everything is clear, is oak. the leaves are made deliberately large, so that it is clear that this is an oak, and not some random birch, blocks of ice are placed, and a pattern of this size is transferred onto these blocks real, then preliminary filing of the external silhouette was done. that is, everything that is cross-cutting is cut right through, if a person wants to express himself as a sculptor, then flying is not the best material, if the artist is present in you, well, at least to some extent, then
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you still have to invest even in the work in general - at least something passable. konstantin postushenkov graduated from the academy of sculpture painting from the patronymic named after ilya glazunov. he was interested in trying himself in new and then unknown material, which for sculptors in the classical sense, of course, this is not typical. and now it’s been 17 years. is engaged in ice sculpture , that is, this is the task here, you need to make the ice , firstly, sparkle, be a holiday, and secondly, your ambition, yes, artistic, still manage to squeeze it in somehow , but there is luck, it just turned out delicious, at the stage of thawing at the stage of evaporation, the ice also evaporates, it sometimes takes on shapes that you can’t make with your hands in life, i don’t know with what compare this, here is a good majolica of very high quality, when there is some kind of swan with such a neck, and it is smooth... it’s like glazed, as soon as i touched the ice, touched it, this is already an irreversible process, they will understand me those who work with ice in general, cut ice
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, understand what kind of material this is, because it ’s some kind of incredible feeling, ice is attracted all the time, you want to touch it, cut it, create something from it. maria borisova graduated from a trade college, worked in an insurance company as a leading specialist, after the birth of her son she devoted herself to raising the child and returning to her previous profession. 25 cm thick weighs 125 kg for a minute, and
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accordingly, even this sculpture weighs more than 15 kg, but you need to understand the structure of ice, you need to understand how to work with it, that is, you need to interact with it, by the way, i had such a case, i just touched it with my hand and it burst, this is a machine for making ice blocks. from which we make ice sculptures, the ice needs to be looked after in order to get exactly the result that is important to me, transparent, clean, beautiful, sculptural ice, these are the blocks we take out of the machine, this is how we store them here, here we have frozen t-shirts for hockey players, our ice kingdom, ice is short-lived, yes, everyone who hears about it for the first time makes huge eyes, and the first question is, does it melt, how do you work with it, and how can you even
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do anything with it? it melts, yes, it melts, friends, it melts and that’s why it’s beautiful, because ice changes its structure, changes its shapes, cuts, it begins to play in different ways, at first matte frozen, then it begins gradually, gradually... to move away and takes on such a glossy-glossy structure, as i say, the ice begins to melt or cry, but despite the fact that the ice is melting, the masters continue to create masterpieces from it, knowing for sure that the sculpture will not go into eternity, will not glorify the name of the author, and simply will not live until spring, even more short-lived, the life of musical instruments made of ice, sometimes there is not enough time to even finish the melody . in norway in 200 km from oslo, one of the most unusual unique music events in the world takes place - ice music gaylo festival, this
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is the name of the annual ice music festival, which takes place in the norwegian village of gaylo in the dead of winter, all musicians play exclusively on instruments made of ice. wow. once i was invited to a concert that took place next to a frozen waterfall, it was in february 2000, i myself am a drummer, just imagine, the sound of wood merges with the sounds of ice, it seemed to respond to our music, in general, the result was a combination of ice and traditional musical instruments. that concert at the ice waterfall changed lives dramatically and the idea of ​​an ice music festival was born . there is no natural ice ringing,
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only natural ice is suitable. the sound of ice seemed so beautiful to me that i decided to work on creating ice instruments; no one in the world had ever done anything like this before. not everyone will decide to play such unusual instruments, so the ability to improvise is a mandatory quality for any musician who picks it up. ice appears due to the cold, every year the temperature is different, therefore the ice is different, it may have other layers, crack bubbles may appear if it was too cold, and even the ice in one lake on different edges can be very different from each other. when i play, naturally, the instrument heats up and begins to melt, and the point is so
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that the viewer does not notice that the instrument... broke while i was using it. the sound of these amazing instruments is reminiscent of the voice of a whale, the voice of antiquity, the voice of the eternal world golds. musical instruments made from ice are just one of many attempts to understand the possibilities inherent in this amazing material. however, some masterpieces made of ice still entered the history of architecture, despite the fact that the birthplace of sculptures is china, the world's first masterpiece.
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carved from ice, ice firewood, smeared dishes and even cards lying on the tables were burning with oil in the ice fireplace, an elephant made of ice at the entrance threw up jets of water, cannons made of ice fired ice cannonballs. in the center of the facade there was a porch, cut pediment, along the perimeter of the roof. from a bulustrade with statues, as you know, in this house they celebrated the amusing wedding of the court jester of prince golitsin, the widow buzheninova. i would create an ice palace, a huge, maximally detailed ice palace, so that it would look like disneyland, that is, something like this, huge, large-scale, so that there would be a lot of ice involved, pieces of equipment and workers, so that it would cost very, very much for a long time. roman yudin has no art education, he is a shipbuilder by profession,
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he had not yet managed to build a real ship. but the sails of the ice ship, created by roman and his friends on the territory of the peter and paul fortress, have been delighting st. petersburg residents for several months now. i ’ve been working with ice for three years already, the work in the peter and paul fortress is, in principle, very interesting, very fascinating, well, as you can see, it’s not in vain that we’re trying , i learned to work with ice here from more experienced masters, that is, i came here quite a while ago green, and there were people here who already work with ice and not only ice already at for many years, accordingly they explain everything.
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syringes, snow, then it’s cut out, as if, well, you’re making something out of marble, sculptures out of white, yes, we prepare this ice here by simply mixing water with white paint, then we cover the top with either paint or milk, milk peels off from the sculpture too quickly, but the paint still holds up perfectly, the sculpture is given color using lighting or painting the ice even at the freezing stage, the craftsmen do not treat the latter method very well, painted the ice has lost... the ability to play with the sun's rays, so to emphasize the details, they often resort to another method: yolks are cut out on the surface of the figure and filled with snow, paint and a petal. before the advent of refrigerators in 1930.
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such a seemingly short-lived material like ice made it possible to store any supplies for a long time. harvesting ice was considered difficult work; dozens of men worked for months cutting ice, then riding it on horseback or on horseback. taken to storage. to date, little has changed, production ice is also done by men, and it is still hard work. and today, before the master begins to implement a pre -developed sketch, the blocks need to be cut out of the river, at the risk of falling into the wormwood, pulled out from there with the help of tongs and ropes and delivered to the place. here they are leveled, polished, moistened with water, and after a few minutes, when the bricks freeze to each other, processing begins. to create an ice sculpture. use the same tools as for wood carving, friends once invited snow-ice festival, for me it was completely new, it was about 20 years ago, well, somehow i liked it so much, it was addictive, for
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more than 20 years now we have been working with ice and snow, igor udotov’s childhood was spent in the crimea, in sevastopol, when he came to study in moscow, at the institute of contemporary art, he never dreamed of snow and never collected ice. working with ice is similar to working with stone or wood, the only difference being that in this case it requires compliance with the temperature regime. as soon as the thermometer drops below 35°, the ice becomes brittle and
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brittle, which means that at any moment a crack may pass through the workpiece, then start all over again. for example, making volume is very difficult, because everything is transparent, a material in which one cannot make mistakes. if there is a mistake in the ice, a serious mistake , it is impossible to redo it so that everything is of high quality, beautiful, wonderfully shiny, no, this piece will definitely get knocked out, so you need to work very carefully, ice does not tolerate - an impudent attitude towards oneself, absolutely, denis tronov received a professional art education, he is a graphic artist, while still at the institute he met a man who... was engaged in ice sculpture, once he tried to do something himself and fell in love with ice, for 20 years now he has been creating ice sculptures sculptures. there are situations when you can’t do anything other than with your hands, because the gloves immediately get wet and your hands freeze, so
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you have to take them off and work with your hands, in the end, when you’ve done something, you look at the beauty, shines, shines, sparkles. work on ice, as a rule, requires high skill. the paradox is that the compositions emerging from under the artist’s chisel often acquire the features of a folk attraction, ice restaurants and ice baths are built, wedding table decorations and tableware for parties are made from ice. and how nice it is, being among the ice to hold a cup of hot tea or coffee in your hands, it is very difficult to make something so delicate, when it really turns out, it is a masterpiece, believe me, thinking about further subliminal
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sculptures, which of course will definitely melt, you have to take a philosophical approach to this, in this sense, a good example is with the purchase of fresh flowers, people still buy them and will continue to buy them, knowing that they will die, that’s the beauty of it. in its fragility, that in general you can create a lot of all kinds of different compositions every year. half a century ago, no one had ever heard of olyud sculpture. now , every winter all over the world, in large cities and small towns, you can see people who are intently carving ice blocks in order to build a palace out of them or create a fairytale gallery. characters, it has become one of the most striking and large-scale spectacles, ice towns are built all over the world, entire international festivals are held. i have not yet seen a single person who , having touched the ice, would remain indifferent
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, this has never happened, that’s it, i have not seen a single person indifferent, the first reaction of people who see ice for the first time is, oh, this is probably made of glass when touched. they do this, but he’s real, it’s ice, they touch it again, it’s ice, yes, it’s ice , and let... the ice is short-lived, no, i don’t feel sorry that the ice is melting, i’m very glad that many people can see this beauty, touch it, get to know the art of masters, and most importantly - to understand that this is really art.
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we walk hand in hand along the sea, salty, excuse me, the seagulls are screaming, the salty breeze develops our hair, it picks me up and carries me straight into the water, and i fight back, but not... seriously, of course, as a joke, because he is mine
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beloved, my dear, this is a fairy tale, a dream, lying on an old, always breaking sofa in a rented apartment, we dreamed of the sea, anton and i had nothing. but she was, what anton, we have antoine in our script, however, it doesn’t matter, hope, we won’t watch anyone else, this is our heroine, we need a star for this role, yes, according to the script she will be accepted in the provincial theater, but this it's simple. the text doesn’t hold up, she doesn’t have roles, so
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the third flu on the left, well, i don’t know, you haven’t tried our favorite, zaitseva, she has talent, looks, and a filmography, lyusya, i expressed himself unclearly. how much clearer? and you will come with me, where i expressed myself unclearly, kozyu, nadezhda vasilyevna, well, you said that the role is in my pocket, well,
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you saw everything yourself, as long as no one bothers us, i would like to talk to you , and your acting task, what is your task? according to the script, you are the star of a provincial theater, yes, i read the script, you find yourself in a difficult situation, and it is very important for me that you are real, that you are completely naked, like your hands, they tell you, take away the rabbits, she will immediately be completely naked. kolya, what happened, in my opinion, i went too far with metaphors in the sense, i asked her to be naked, spiritually, so to speak, but why didn’t i immediately call her into the room, and nadya, don’t
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finish her off, run, catch up with her. well, it’s a little old for such crosses ... hope, now all hope is on you, give me back my muse, and in the meantime i’ll go to the buffet, but not this, that time after your trip to the buffet, filming had to be postponed for a week, well, since , well, what kind of muse is this, she’s a mouse, a gray podvinik, a bright, sexy hare,
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she’ll do everything for you in the best possible way, if you so the road is hare, let's take her to the steering wheel... she's a heroine, i don't need anyone else, did you hear how she read the monologue? yes, she got lost once, but she didn’t just read it, she lived it, of course, in short, there won’t be a film without her, ugh, this is a role. it has never let me down, it will give you something to drink, feed, go ahead , you won’t be able to live much on the salary of a theater actress, so to speak, of the second rank, even i earn more as a costume designer, you need a man,
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you will solve all your problems, both material and mental, but then you'll be stuck in the dorm forever, although in this form you will only catch a pervert director, and but it’s more convenient for me, no one bothers you on the street, nothing, friend, we’ll break through, about the guy , i had enough of anton, he flew to the north, we’re going to earn a wedding, so there ... stayed with the other one, here are the fairy tales, the end, who listened, i ’m great, i’ll soon learn your fairy tale by heart, girls, well, you’ll soon, i’ve almost sorted it out, you got grandpa mixed up, you’re from the snow maiden, not santa claus, that means so,
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inna, they will call from the theater, you will say that i am dying, complete loss of voice, but forgive me me, a change, but there’s no other way to feed the family, polina, you’re already ready, come after me, why are you standing, so, syoma, so as not to drop a drop, tomorrow afternoon you’ll get a ruble, to the children of rich parents, how could i forget, tomorrow is the new year, what are you talking about, shouldn’t i know about my difficult relationship with alcohol, don’t worry, i’ll personally look into it, yeah.
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ying, i didn’t see him, the clients mixed vodka in the juice, who prepared the laugh? i’ll write a will with a pen, tell me another joke, here’s some pickle, maybe 30 drops, yeah, now i’ll get dressed and rush to the store. one leg here, the other there, run away, so that you lie with me like this all new year, and who
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will earn money, well, unless, of course, immanuel petrovich fires you today, we spent the entire advance, maybe someone will replace you, but on the thirty-first, all? santa claus may not come to work on december 31st only in one case, if he has a certificate from the cemetery, where do you think i
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will find a professional santa claus for the new year, it’s a ruble if their children do not receive santa claus in new year's eve, i don't i know what will happen to me, but after this, even the snow maiden won’t invite the seeds anywhere, okay? no, i can’t, i have stage fright, okay,
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so this time santa claus will be without the snow maiden, but does that really happen, there is no snow maiden without santa claus, and santa claus without the snow maiden is quite santa claus, that’s all you can sing without snacking without the snow maiden, so i’ll get ready for my place. from you the address of the customer, send it to me by sms, syoma, syoma, wake up, syoma, where is the address, where to go, for the ruble, i know that for the ruble, the exact address, topic, on the business card, at emochki, what other emotica, mm, ugh, how jealous we are?
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and where am i, inna, here’s to you, syoga, your complicated relationship with alcohol?
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thank you.
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no, no, no, no, no, no, yeah, what is it, uh, huh? what kind of people are they, they called santa claus, don’t open it, you set up a fence.
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people, people, well, you're just late, aren't you?


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