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tv   Izmailovskii park  RUSSIA1  January 6, 2024 5:15am-7:26am MSK

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tell me, do you like the shuttlecock? why did you suddenly ask this? do you know when he committed his first heroic act? well, probably when you defeated the mouse king? not when he was able to independently climb down from the tree on which he was hanged. dear residents of the magical winter forest, we are starting our event to guess the name of the betrothed, now we will all go together in an organized manner to s'. a new bear, who, according to
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legend, used to be a young handsome prince, fell in love with a forest nymph, but an evil and jealous sorcerer cast a spell on him, since then, this prince bear has been living in our forest, if a young unmarried fairy falls into the clutches of a bear, it’s an interesting thing, but the sorcerers have survived, and then i, too, was bewitched, don’t interrupt, so, the bear will predict her the name of her betrothed and the day of the wedding. yes, and also, fairies, be careful, there are goblins roaming the forest. well, friend, let's go find out the name of our betrothed? i already know it. no, the bear must confirm. it's true. o. beauty,
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it’s cold, it’s cold, i’m with you, of course, it’s piercing, again, once again the holiday comes, new year, something is happening in life and will still happen, but i know for sure, salads, champagne, cheers, and new year's crackers will be dressed up until the morning. that's it, that's it, that's it, halt, halt, that's it, sit down, that's it, let's sit on a stump, now we're sitting little pie.
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dad, especially since we have a big pie, i won’t, no, i don’t understand, why do you want to chase these butterflies and squirrels all night, but why not, but let them look for their bear better, and you know that this fairy has a fiancé, i guess, and maybe you can guess what she has in a week the wedding is in a week, yes, in a week, so sit down, my friend, and enjoy it, from your girlfriend, do you hear, yes, someone is coming there?
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what will happen will happen, maybe they won’t catch up yet, they will catch up, oh, listen, one is coming, oh, my way out.
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well, run away, okay, come on, hang, i'm hanging for now, nika, oh, good evening, have you seen a girl with such white hairs here? i saw him calling her phone, nikus, no, no, she’s not around, she lost her mobile phone, who is lesha, well, a mythical character, i don’t understand what’s going on, the phone tell nika, niko, hello , niko, the pit is neat here, you’re safe, it seems, yes, and you, me too, it seems okay, i’m standing on my father’s side, okay, to the left of him it would be logical that my cousin would be sitting, that’s
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what are you doing, the bear hanged himself, just like he hanged himself , well, the swedes fell, dangling, he sent me to hang from the ladder, so take the ladder and go take it off, but what? to tell you that, well, i wanted to say that , well, van, should i say, but that i found your phone number, thank you, or here.
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how can i now understand which one is mine? it’s easy to do, sometimes this progress is so intrusive, yes, hello, some guy says that i lost my phone, hello, it’s me. i’m calling, i’m fine, i just lost my phone in the forest, i wish i hadn’t found it , van, are you talking to me now, no, marina, i’m not talking to you, everything is fine there, we’ll be together soon , i really want this, you put on warm socks, socks,
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what socks, hello, nick, you ’re talking to me now, listen, what socks, i don’t understand what you’re talking about at all? every year it’s the same thing all the time in this hole, are you smeared with honey or what? okay, servant mummers, you must swear love and loyalty to each other, shall we get out? yes, we will, come on, sobi, thank you, well done, nika, nika,
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wait, don’t leave, why were you bothering to get out, come on.
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beastly partridges, take me down!
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okay, what wouldn’t you do for a friend
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you’ve known for 3 whole hours, thank you. i’ll just remain a memory from every second , will there be a meeting to part ways? only the stars who keep secrets know
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take a step off the path to dissolve in your love, how difficult it is to leave now, but staying is even more difficult, i’ll just remain a ray of light. sveta, veto, in the winter cold, warming you, i will believe that you are nearby, you are somewhere, somewhere, whether there will be a meeting, i don’t know.
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we ordered a taxi. no, please allow me.
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why did you leave without waiting for the newlyweds to come out? it seemed to me that they would never come out again. and where? did they tell you that you are writing a new year's script? and yes, they ordered, well, you know, everyone wants to beat the irony of fate, but i mean the first part. and what did you succeed? no, it didn’t work out, i don’t think anyone can do it. and why? and you know, the fact is that in history there is only one first cosmonaut, all the others can fly further, closer, they will never be the first. tell me why did you come? have i
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come to see you? yes, but i left you. you understand that life is not a movie script. “i’ll soon marry a very good man, you’ll marry me, i hope you’ll also marry wonderful girls, tell me, have you even thought about them, well, but they’ll be fine, well, how can everything be fine with them , well, it’s good to live with an unloved person, i love igor, i really don’t know.” look, it’s snowing, yes, it’s just snowing in the middle of nowhere,
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yeah, wait, listen, my phone fell out of my pocket , how can you not dial me, yes , of course, i can’t find it, which means 8916, uh-huh, 123, uh-huh, 45, 67, call, here it is, why did you do that, to know your number, well, you could just ask, did you? didn’t say, can i call you tomorrow? no, call me today, can you tell me, the new year is coming soon, tomorrow, wait, what day is today? the thirtieth, well
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this is the third day i missed, sorry about the upcoming one, your girl. who, good luck to you in the new year, well, that’s it, there’s no need to criticize me any further, i was crying myself. mom, mom, why is everything ready for us? mom,
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mom! hello, mom, where are you, i arrived, how did you move? igor, surprise? yes, okay, i ’ll come to you now, yes, i’ll tell you everything, that’s it, mom, wait,
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that means i’m going to discharge, this is nikolai nikolaevich dobronravov. and his melody is with us. alexandra nikolaevna pakhnutova. the earth is empty without him. hope is
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my earthly compass, and luck is my reward, laughed. under the wing of an airplane, a green sea is singing about something, i get it. my girls have problems, anna banshchikova , why is everything like this, they don’t love me, how much can you humiliate yourself, olya, sergey korobchenko, i
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can’t pay for your apartment anymore, sorry, suit, dignity must be internal, dmitry dyuzhev, i need an inspector , instructor, i’m coming to your servants, andrey urgand is also going to get a divorce. they should not learn from their own mistakes. natalya varley. get up and go change your life. i said, aunt lucy. your aunt lucy. january 7 on rtr.
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he hugs passers-by, but no one understands these windy eccentricities, excuse me, i don’t know how to do otherwise, the wind rushes past, driving them away with loneliness, turning into an evil cold. alas, no one needs it, along the shadows of the night boulevards, separating someone’s couples, they will groan, cry,
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thank you, sorry, i don’t know how to do otherwise. oh, grandma, happy new year to you, tell me, what apartment does veronica nika live in? yeah, below me, thank you, grandma, thank you, thank you, they were very good neighbors. after all, i can’t say anything bad, as it was, well, my dear, but still they left, i live here alone, they resettled the house, how did they resettle? yes, they want to demolish it, thank you,
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grandma, thank you, veronica, she’s a very good girl, and her mother, what’s her name, oh, i forgot, yes, what is that? uh, listen, is today really the thirtieth? that's right, listen, here you go, buy yourself a gift, thank you, we don't accept alms, well then, happy new year. eh, young man, here are the scattered people, distant countries have called.
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the wind is bitter, sad, but the sky has almost risen, but it lingers by the fireplace, the wind blows into the coals, fires start up in the heart, i dare to swim, it’s good that i don’t know how to do otherwise. what's happened?
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hello, oh, veronica, daughter , what happened, why did you come so early, mom, well, it had to happen sometime, oh, well, me and the eel...
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well, how do you like it, how is it at home, mom, this is it i’ve already been in charge, mom, you’re always in a hurry, why are you so happy here, mom, what room will i live in, any room, wait, wait, well, you were going to live with igor, well, you were going to. nika, tell me, everything is fine with you, i don’t know, but you prepared something tasty, so what do you think, come to my hands, mom, who is it so late? igor, of course, your phone didn’t work, we were worried.
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did you run away from there? i am so visible that you have arrived, uh-huh, you will eat, main, amonzi. well
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, now you eat and we’ll talk, i miss you so much, troubles, hello, nick, buddy, it’s night outside, sorry. hello, nika, are you looking at your watch, excuse me, hello, nick, reception department, first city, excuse me, why didn’t you say that you would arrive earlier, well, i just didn’t want to bother you, well, what
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worries, well, you what, we wanted a surprise s... it was a surprise, i ask you, sit down, please, okay, what happened, i need to tell you a very important thing. i wanted to tell you that we can’t get married? because i don't love you.
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marin, say at least something, and you will cause a scandal, break the dishes, but not like that. “it was my mother’s set , it’s not time to leave, it’s night, where
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are you going to go now, yes, then can i go to bed, yes , of course, guys, i put the kettle on , maybe igoryuk, a cup of tea, no, thank you, another time, imagine , nikochka, where is yours? second earring? you see, igor, i can’t even return your entire gift to you, only a part. one question, why is it better, nothing, you are better,
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things, i’ll bring them tomorrow, yoghurt, maybe coffee instead of tea, thank you, another time. hello , hello, san, hi, it's me, who am i, yes , who, who, ivan, he's gone completely crazy, yes, you 're looking at your comb-overs, listen, i need nicky's phone, phone, what phone, well, san, ah , where can i get you, have you gone crazy now, or what?
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but to look, you need to go to the room, well , go, well, tomorrow, no, buddy, you don’t lucky, you'll have to wait until tomorrow, well, san , well, it's okay that you were just worried, tomorrow, tomorrow morning, when you give the car back, stop, where are you now, like where are you at home, where are you going crazy or something? i have for weddings , then i have to drive around the city, i helped on my own, hello, sasha, so, listen
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to me carefully, my friend, i have two orders, addresses in the glove compartment, why , will you carry, i, i will carry , yes, yes, i 'll think of something here. is the device of the understood subscriber turned off or outside the couple's zone?
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young man, i remind you that in an hour you must leave with the newlyweds for zachs. get dressed, start your jalopy, limousine. oh my god. vera palovna, hello, hello , don’t you recognize me, well, it’s me, nika, your neighbor, and nika, hello, but i still can’t move, i live alone in the house, it’s not normal and... gas for i only need electricity, of course, vera palovna,
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forgive me, please tell me, the young man , tall in a dark jacket, did not come to see you last night or this morning, my dear, judge for yourself, why would a young man come to me, of course, happy new year to you, vera palovna, happy birthday to your mother, bow, thank you, thank you, vera palovna.
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hello, do you remember, i came to see you yesterday, i remember, how could i not remember, i’ve already packed my things, what kind of things, so moving, there’s no one to help you, or what? i’m alone, i live, i live, please help me, new year, in a new apartment. well, just let’s hurry up, otherwise i have very little time, quickly, i have everything packed, and you remember the address, my new apartment, yeah, we’re a swan again, can’t wait will be, “tomorrow we will all be fired, although why
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tomorrow, today they will be fired for discrediting the saint himself, but in my opinion it turned out very well, so to speak, the merging of city and countryside. that’s how they ordered it, retro style, according to ancient legend, a sorcerer cannot to do harm to two lovers who arrived on a horse-drawn carriage, for it affects the mind, and the horse is an unreasonable creature, yes, and where are the two lovers, and, by the way, and where are the newlyweds, mommy. now it will be, but wait calmly, unreasonable
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animal , you see, i’m on edge, eat up, son. son, son, we can go to the zaksa. i have cigarettes, you know, i don’t smoke, you know that in the end, i have my passports, i’ll go to the tax office, where i’ll arrange everything myself, you know ours, some people are lucky, eight.
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well, well, it’s inconvenient, what’s so inconvenient about the people all around, what kind of people are there, where do you see people, there, this is the driver of the wedding limousine, he’s used to it, but i’m not used to it, what is this, you can’t do it before the wedding, you can’t do it after the wedding , well, not as quickly, quickly, i ’ve been waiting for a year, you’re my wife, it’s in my passport, what are you doing now in everyone’s passport? are you going to show me? just a second, thank you, friend, nika, sorry, we made a mistake, i just don’t get upset, so who is this? i don't know, what's your name? ivan, this is ivan, i don’t
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understand, but i’m just hosting a wedding here, can you tell me where the clerk is? where's the zack? you go in the other direction to the traffic light and to the left , teach the way, ivan, i understand, you’ll take us soon, happy new year, ivan, with new happiness, let ’s go, we’re late, thank you, but i came up to you, and my friend, you arranged for me, i got out of it, of course, get ready, okay. let's wait at 17:00 me in the car near the station, we are already leaving, and by the way, i found veronica’s phone number for you, write down 518, 14, 37, write it down, bye, writer.
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sit here, i’ll take the reports and quickly go back, but sit, understand? and it’s not good enough to drink a glass of pepper, well, just like that , for no reason, it’s impossible, well, literally a glass, frosty, that’s good, well, if only
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one, purely out of respect for the elements. solely out of respect for the elements, well , it’s cold , hello, hello, hello, well, where are we going, home, to igor, no, to my mother, i see, well come on katya, tell me what to say, how to say what, and all the way you blew my mind with these igors, nika, i think what happened should remain between us, what are you talking about, just don’t, please make us idiot, okay, well, we went, had fun, relaxed, had fun, well, why
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ruin your life over some fleeting romance, and nastya, i don’t understand what you’re saying, but about ivan, about yours and about igor, igor loves you, but you, you yourself know, are not yours. not very much, there is at least some stability there, but you want to lie down, relax, sit in the car forward, oh, that’s it, i’m going out, i’m thirsty, but for some reason you’re thirsty, but my baby, forgive me, nothing. i'll wait, maybe you 're wrong!
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hello, katya , katya, i’m so glad to see you, is it really, no, you know , a monstrous absurdity just happened, and this is what they call it now, what are you talking about, that nika has already canceled the wedding, and you’re here, no, the point is the fact that i lost my phone, and i don’t have nika’s phone, and why do you need her number, you’re already fine without her, and i’ll say hello to nikki from you, well take your hands, take your hands. call the police, remove your hands, someone call the police, where's the water? so, nika, your ivan already has a girlfriend, i know, he just hugged and kissed her, yes he kissed, i saw him personally, where not far from here in the parking lot, and he also asked me for your number if he could see the phone lost on... so what, did you give him my number? no, of course, he ran away, nika, it’s all over with him, that’s it, what
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a fool you are, and why you’re a fool, you don’t understand, because you’re a fool, that’s why you don’t understand. hello, hello, nika, hello, this is marina, ivan’s fiancée, marina, we can
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meet you, yes, we can, okay, on kirov, a cafe in 15 minutes, okay. “i’m not a drunk, i’m an everyday drunk, someone who understood life, quit working, didn’t take away the bottle, if you’re kind enough, let’s give it a ride , i don’t have money, i don’t have money now, and you check out with me, here’s a bottle for you, i 'm sorry, but i don't use it for free, an exaggerated sense of self-esteem, how right you are, yes, times change, and we change
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with them, it seems to me that we can achieve consensus, my contribution to the organization of the celebration, i didn’t understand, well, you pour me vodka, and i give you a trumpet, i wanted to find the owner, but only before the new year... you can meet an intelligent person there, please, okay, that’s it, your hospital is over , you’ll settle down, you’ll give me grandchildren, otherwise i still haven’t had enough time for 35 years, hello, uh, natasha, hello, yes, no, well, how can i forget you, no, no, i can’t do it today, no, i ’m getting married today, yeah,
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oh, i love you very much, but i won't be a bear anymore, well, that's why this doesn't answer my creative one. you can’t leave it on for 5 minutes, it’s already licked, oh, what is this? i’m surprised by your question, this is a phone, did you steal it? oh
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gods, woe is me, you! and the mother of my children, we don’t have children, they will, but don’t interrupt me, you suspect me of banal vulgar theft, where did he come from then, they gave it to him, look, here are photographs, oh, look what a beauty, here’s a skier, skier, look , and behind the skier, wait, i know this skier, this is the phone, this is it - where is our race log, but here it is, right? wow, it's almost next, let's start it, let's go, well, it's still dangerous to go to work, start it, i'm telling you, start it, nika, marina. hello, hello,
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vanya told me a lot about you, he told me a lot, oh, what’s wrong with you, nothing, sorry, he’s pushing all the time, probably a future football player, so you are, but what? excuse me, marin, i have to go, new year is there, yes, yes, i understand, my friends are waiting, i need to go, new year, you understand, of course, i understand why ivan didn’t call me, he lost his phone, but it’s clear,
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happy new year to you. what are they, boy, i need the address of one passenger, he left his dog here, she will wait until the last minute.
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continues to sort through his personal archive and new prophetic notes from vladimir volfovich are discovered, in which the leader of the ldpr again predicts the future. malakhov, on tuesday on rtr. love is when you look in one direction. look, look, look, if you want to look, look, let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me. look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time one, two, three, sign up, look, look, maybe we’ll come to me, just watch a movie, not everything so that everyone loves us, but it’s very possible and necessary for us to love everyone, mentor, next to him
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you were like, well, on the eve of heaven, if not... heaven, it feels like he was waiting for you all his life, to meet you, ascetic, my father himself said, nowhere did i pray like that, so much as in the camp, i was much closer to god, he has a letter on his table , notes were lying, who had an exam, who had an operation, everyone asked for his prayers, he had a special gift, the gift of prayer, a righteous man, many people consider him to be the person whom god sent so that his pure heart, divine light, would shine on other people. father john, premiere of the documentary on january 7 on rtr. far away along the steps of days, along the fragments of years, you walk
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into the silence of the night flights. hey, to where the light is, through hundreds to the south, from the desired meetings to separations, and these are in yuugi naduk. the paths have already greeted us, and we will already meet with you, and you, behind this snowy wall, say goodbye to me forever.
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well, maybe you can still tell me that happening? mommy, it's okay, i need to leave. mom, well, a writer, by the way , i’ve been waiting for you for half an hour, but before the holiday,
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i’m a predictive bear, that’s all, why don’t you ask why i’m standing here, and what’s needed, come on, i came up with everything so cool, and you’re ruining my mezzanine, okay. here you go, from me, bear, well, from her, hello , hello, friend, comrade brother, what a gift you like, this is the best gift for the new year, that’s why we exist, good bears of fortunetellers, well, let’s go, what wait, okay, come on, thank you, sure, good luck, let's go, you'll be late already, well...
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the machine of the called opponent. is it turned off or in the dark? vanya, dear!
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what will happen now? what will happen now? nothing will happen, get in the car, okay, it won’t open. “it seems like nothing will work out for them, it was a bad year, why, an ordinary, most ordinary year, just don’t
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need this, peace, i’ll drink, oh, that’s another thing, otherwise i’ll cry right away, everything will be fine "we'll probably go." where to go, we are designing for new buildings, well, sit down, i’ll give you a ride, he’s not such a funny guy, but he lost his girlfriend, so did i. oh, what a year
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this has been? do you love her? i love. so i love me, but she doesn’t love me. can you imagine? i imagine? amulet of happiness? yes, these are my girls. i wonder if we’ve arrived, how much i owe you, okay, okay, okay. this is my girlfriend
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that you don’t find in common with, she lives here, you know, i could keep silent now or collect, but i want everything to be honest, yes, she lives here, i brought her things, because she refused to marry i'm getting married, just now i'll go up to her , we'll measure everything will be fine, and you 'll go home, listen, i need to talk to her, you don't need to talk to her, well , wait, wait, where, where, where are you going, you you lost your girlfriend, go, let me go, where, where should you go, where should you go, you don’t even know the address , my girl, my girl, listen, i ’m actually going to hit you, come on, come on, don’t you understand that we love each other, and you 're getting in the way, where did you go, who are you anyway, where did you come from here, you you understand that we’ve been getting married for a year now, okay, she wanted
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it, i understand, it happens, but just understand that the romance will end, and what will you leave her, your khrushchev with polka dots or your stupid pink redvan, yes, he’s not mine , and especially since he’s not yours, you understand that if you love a person, you have to give something to the person, and what can you give her, well, she doesn’t love you, and has she ever told you that she ... loves you, no, well , tell me honestly, have you heard from her at least once, i love you, no, i didn’t say it, go home, then from here, fucking nick, tell me, do you love me? there on the stairs, yours
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is waiting, maybe he will be luckier, based on scraps of phrases, a crumpled story, based on the mistakes of the past, but not now on the steps of days, i know. the love is even stronger, but again these bastards in the soul have blocked the path, and we will no longer meet with you, and you are behind this snowy wall, saying goodbye forever.
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and behind this snowy muster, you say goodbye to me forever, along the steps of days, along the fragments of years. you walk into the silence of the night alleys, to where the light is, along the steps of the days, as long as years. why are you leaving just like that? yes, so you have to
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leave light, without things? yes, well, yes, yes, you ’re a writer, you know better. van, have you finished writing the new year’s story? no, i can’t have a happy ending, but for a new year’s story, this is a prerequisite. happy new year, tell me, this is the ninth carriage,
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the ninth, it’s taking you somewhere on new year’s eve, but you should sit at home in the warmth, the fourth compartment, thank you, champagne? yes, no, i'll come in now, uh, hello, nika, no, no, you do n't have to answer me, i want to say that i love you you, i love you too.
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i told you, we should have gone by plane , we would have already been in moscow, well, you know, i can’t fly, i have aerophobia, there is no connection, mom, i would fly alone, we have to see you off, at the same time we’ll visit the exchanges, in we haven’t seen balashikha for 10 years, you’ll fly to munich alone, but for now enjoy it, we’re going together,
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there’s nature outside the window, what beauty. yes, what is this,
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please stop, passengers are complaining. must rehearse, by the way, we have a concert in the kremlin, let him play in the kremlin, and here people rest, go to bed, and he scratches on his bandura, bandura, this, by the way, is an amatia, a copy, 150,000 rubles. people have nowhere to put their money, it’s amazing, but your tea is cold, albert, seryoga. why are you worried about going over to the germans? i don’t know, i ’ll mostly sit there on the bench at first, i hardly know the language, and almost no one knows me. and at home the whole stadium was like family, seryozha, why seryozha, dad, do you think i was pleased
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to read these slogans at the last match, get out of here, i it’s true that the club betrayed the fans, if all the players thought like that, professional football would not exist at all, the whole world opens up before you, say that oh!
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i’m going out, even so, i’m sorry, dad , i just didn’t have the opportunity to say it, but why is he talking, these are relics of the past, why meet my parents, ask for a hand, send sats, but what kind of sats, well, tell me again, a threesome with women, dad , well, we are independent people, adults, we decided everything, people were adults at 20 years old when... they went to war, and you they haven’t sniffed anything in this life, there , yes seryozha, he’s a football player, he has a huge
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future, from january he will play in the german bundesliga, so what kind of messi is this, and sergei zharkov, a youth team striker russian national team, dad, he’s going to munich, and i’ll go with him, you don’t even know if he told his parents about you, and you’re already making far-reaching plans, right? you know, i’m not even sure if this earring of yours even exists? yes , now you can ask him everything, whatever you want, hello andre, great, mash, that as we go, no, it’s sweeping there , inaccessible, and that you don’t believe it, yes please, she’s already got ready, she warned her father, here’s your moscow, here’s your germany, here’s yours, here. so, so, so, no one is going anywhere? he’s going, vasya, he’s going, you’re going
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to your village, and mind your own business, assistant! hello, maybe you ran away? and my mother also forced me to play as a child, only these lessons on the piano, and what are you reading? yes, i wrote it myself, i read it myself. wow, no, you know, there is nothing to be proud of, she is in many ways weak, contains errors, so what will you do? yeah, artist, look, you're going to be outrageous, as soon as i call someone, you'll be the next one at the station right away. i’m not scaring, i just care about my fellow citizens, about myself, here
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you go, no, well, this is unbearable, i’m tossed around like a chip in the river, well, what do you want, the tail of the train is the last car, and i said, buy st., no, and i waited for that the moment when the tickets ran out, when we got ready to go, the saint was no longer there, and you would have gotten it, a real man would have done everything, but would have gotten it. natasha, how are you you can get something that is not there, well, don’t be angry , please, what can i do now , ask for an appeal, but kiss, say , forgive me, please forgive me, please come in, come in, sit down. was it you who squeaked? me, my mother forces me. what do you want to be? i
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want to become a detective, investigate crimes. she plays the violin, because it helps deductive thinking , like a detective, and my mother wants to make a new oistrakh out of me, who is oistrak, says that grandfather was a doctor, dad is a doctor, she is a doctor herself , let me at least turn out to be a musician, yes from there is one problem with doctors, no, there are different doctors too, well, yes, dr. watson, for example, is he a doctor according to his gut, is he a doctor according to his heart or? he’s a friend of holmes, what are you, i want to call my dog ​​vatsin, every detective should have his own box dog, well, it’s not my mother who allows me, don’t worry, life always turns out this way, then everything comes true,
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look, wow, you know , nevao, one extra, keep it young man, this is for you, class, happy new year, thank you. quiet, quiet, sailor, quiet, quiet, here, here, quietly, oh, lord, what is this, oh, how, what here, oh, i don’t know, oh, comrade, comrade darling, what kind of station is this, please tell me, and i’m also interested in where our train is, yes, wow, you’d better
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explain to me how you ended up here, our station is distant, or rather a stopover, yeah, we are from novosibirsk, moscow, which is distant , we shouldn’t, but it’s clear that we shouldn’t, it’s a dead-end branch, maybe we lost you when the carriage was being coupled, or we uncoupled ourselves, but why did we, why didn’t they come back for us, we stopped, yesterday it was in yuu, the tug could have gotten stuck somewhere, so get in to someone, i don’t know, the authorities, the ministry of emergency situations, the rescuer, what are you standing there, dear, i would love to, but the connection is lost, congratulations, we have stayed here forever, wait, how is it today. december 31 , new year's eve, and we are here, it's new year 's eve, i have a concert in the kremlin, you understand, in the kremlin, a plane to germany, citizen, firstly, calm down, tour at home, secondly, i'll help in any way i can, maybe he’ll establish a connection, come here, he doesn’t understand what he’s talking about, the kremlin, you know, the kremlin, a concert, i have
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a child, with him, i’m not going to stay. i won’t leave it like that, i’ll bring up all my connections , we’ve arrived, it’s just unclear where , i bought tickets, we bought tickets, we have to come to where we’re going, one, one, one , comrades, passengers, disposition for today the next day, well, in short, go into the station building, it’s warm there, and we... are we going to sit there for a long time? listen, maybe you can take us to some nearby city, there are no nearby cities here, only distant ones, there is a village, but we can’t get to it because we have nothing to do, so call a helicopter here, yes, what do you call it? here is the station, this barn , it’s full of cockroaches and bedbugs, i feel it, and in general what are we going to eat, alezha, you promised me a
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restaurant car, comrades, there is no restaurant here, just like pov...
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last name, you don’t know with whom you have contacted, you won’t be here for 24 hours, of course, and take your dog away, well, in fact, the person is trying to help in any way he can, because stop it, my last name is vikhrev, i’ll write it down. masha, what are you doing here, yes, they uncoupled us from the carriage, these guys are steaming, what
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’s going on, who is this girl, mom, this, this surprise, i'm masha, this is mom, valeria, valeria viktorovna, mom, i assumed. that it will be different, well, something like this, masha is my bride, yes, what a surprise, what a surprise, we will definitely discuss this with your father later, mom, well, there’s nothing to discuss, we’ve already decided everything, we’ve decided , that you decided that you need to fly to munich, well, we’re flying together, let ’s talk about it some more, but it seems to me that now we have it all... what difficulties, it was very nice to meet you, masha, mom, masha, masha,
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no please be offended by mom, i don't i’m offended, you’re offended, i can see that she’s just doing this out of surprise, yes, of course, out of surprise, her son is going to europe, it’s because of some kind of bachelorhood, what does this have to do with it? the main thing is that i love you, and we don’t need parental permission, we’re not 15 years old, the father has the final say, well, yes, i’m talking about my father now, you know why i’m hanging around here, because he, he’s my ticket tore it up so he, yes, he is the head of this station, what a coincidence, well, he’s such a
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fighting man, he was a military doctor until he was commissioned, now he’s on the railway, we need to introduce our fathers, i’m sure they will agree everything will be fine. and this shu without hamsters, he can generally talk normally, he just barks and makes friends, the helicopter doesn’t give you grief, yeah, i didn’t like him on the train, yes, and this is the restaurant saying , he says, no, he says, yes, the restaurant, too, albert , i’m looking for you everywhere, what are you doing here, nothing, i’m just breathing. “if oistrakh just breathed like that, who would he be now, hold on, we need to rehearse, oh, look, little bumps, yes, mom, i can’t study all the time, especially just one, it’s interesting, and
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what ideas do you have, i don’t know, karate, go to the shooting range, and play chess, let your father play chess, in the yard with our neighbors, and karate is generally a sport for juvenile delinquents, you ’ll ruin your fingers, shirarhols, by the way, was an excellent boxer,” playing with paper clips, that didn’t stop him, sherlock holmes, by the way, didn’t have a concert in the kremlin that he needed to attend to, that’s it, let’s rehearse, rehearse, albert, and i’m in the carriage let's take glasses, there's enough for everyone, let's go, listen, are you kidding me? well, i asked you, stop whining already, the child has to... study, lord, and it’s a complete hassle, and then there’s this, olesh, i’m all shaking, well, well, natasha, well, natasha, let him go goes into the forest and plays there until all the wolves have died, a child
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cannot study in the cold, you know, and you know, but i can’t, this is yours, this is this , this is this, this is yours, listen , yes , natasha, well, natasha, well, natasha, olezha, i just removed the instrument, that’s the sound, like it was removed, why didn’t you say right away, my god, we need it immediately dry, where can i do this? in the stove or on the fire, you're crazy, by the way, this is omatia, a copy, and i'm burtsev, the original, well, well, you! this, well, this naata, and mother, well, well, put it on the stove, it will dry out, it will ruin the instrument, look behind the touches, it seems there is a heater there, thank you, albert, a violin, it’s a pity there is no bucket samovar, nothing, i boiled it several times, i
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still have cookies, chocolates and instant noodles , but it’s not enough, how hard it is for me, how i’m suffering, natasha, well, everyone is suffering, well this is such an unforeseen situation, and you’re always staring at your book, so i’m writing a dissertation, the denaturation theory of irritation, that’s exactly aleger, irritation, it’s you who irritate me, that’s your whole theory, what are you doing, excuse me, lord, why did i just agree to go to moscow to see your mother? wait, if you stay here for a long time, you’ll have to go to the village to buy groceries, maybe they’ll come for us after all, the connection has disappeared, how wrong, dad, dad, just wait.
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so cute, he and i will even get married we're going, yeah, we too, but why do i need all this. he ’ll drag me to this little town of his, and i need the capital , you know, well, as they say, we won’t die alive, but i woke up, and we ’ve got a buzz here, guests have arrived in large numbers, my daughter, but hello, big one, no, you know, he
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’s so funny to me, all the time... he thinks about these cells there, bonucleic acid, listen, you’re smart, maybe we’ll wave men, oh well , i’m kidding, but yours is who he is, and he’s a football player and he was even invited to germany play, wow, what really felt like that in my heart, i had to go on a plane, i don’t know about you, i need to be in moscow for a new year’s concert in... the boy with the violin was just going to perform there, i ’ll ask him, he’ll you it’s collecting here, it’s a great joke, but don’t strain yourself so much, the main thing is to hold on to it with your hands and feet, since you’re so lucky, and i’ll go to moscow, look at my mother’s bed, at the apartment, maybe it’ll burn out, wait, but you’re completely his don’t like it, i don’t like sitting in bertsk and washing other people’s dirty hair in the hairdresser’s, i want to live like a human being, you know, in moscow.
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hey, let me go, grandpa, i’ll let you go if you say that you’re a partisan here, i’m not a partisan, i’m just watching people, i saw something useful, but nothing interesting for a detective, everyone is arguing among themselves, as if they don’t know what’s going on , it’s a holiday, here it is, no one realizes that the new year won’t come if they don’t get out all their problems, it’s like, just like that, what do you think, who am i, well, a pensioner? well, i’m not a pensioner, i’m santa claus!
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it’s still more interesting to try on everyone than on
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play the violin, yes, excuse me, you’re local , do you think it’ll be possible to leave today, actually, i’m studying in moscow, and i came here to visit my father, but i don’t know how to go... it will be, i had to feel it, i really didn’t want to leave, i thought we’d sit at home with our parents, with friends, but you see, everyone goes to moscow, to moscow, well, maybe he has some business, well, he always has important things to do, 10 years together, no children, no family , it’s not even planned, he doesn’t have time for everything, now he said, they’ll be elected mayor, then, well, he really said the same thing before, so i’ll become a deputy, then, oh, what should you do?
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oh, what's going on? seryozha, zhenya, are you crazy ? what's happened? oh, he broke my nose, like he broke it! what, this is your vaunted place, son of this bastard, be careful with your expressions, dad, dad, no wedding, only over my corpse, i have a scarf, show me what happened, stop it, allik, show me wear- then which ones? let's go, idiocy, ponoptikum, let's go, i said, come on, let's go after them, after them, after them,
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are you crazy or something, why did you fight with serious father, but take your hands away, i won’t take your hands away, aren’t you ashamed, you’re a former officer, officers are never ex-officers, let me go, dad, what are you doing, dad, light me up, here, please, dad, you’re not ashamed at all , open the door, what? you’re crying , young man, i’ve already ruined this, i told them that we need to meet, and not fight right away, don’t be upset , it’s not to blame, well, we fought and okay, help grandfather, well, everyone should make peace, just like they fought, make peace, keep it up,
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keep it up, keep it up, keep it up, everything will be fine ok, ok, i’ll go, otherwise now mom will jump out and i’ll get it for you, if david was stuck out in the cold, and the citizen is a carriage driver, i have something here for you, zhenya, zhenya, well, let me see, well, please , but don’t, why did you start a showdown there, that’s my business. okay , so the wedding is my business, seryozha, well, why is it in such a hurry, well, okay, she’s probably a very nice girl. but from such a wilderness, so what? but the fact that you have such prospects, and
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here is your beloved, this cristiano ronaldo, mother, yes, by the way, he has a girlfriend, fashion model, mom, that this is a fashion model from evanzhelinsk, cheleminsk region, seryozha , you understand, finally, dad and i just want you to be happy, you know, yeah, mom, only we somehow imagine my happiness differently. seryozha, zhenya, well, do something, this is actually a joke. oh, excuse me, who is your son, an artist? no, a football player, a player of the russian youth team. wow, cool. he flies from moscow to germany and will play for the munich club. just think, they
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are paid millions there, oh, and he’s already opened his mouth, he actually has a girlfriend here, what an unsightly one, oh well, i’m cooler , look, the silicone on the toga will burst, the rat, the rat itself, well, let’s check who is who, let’s write it out, well, we did everything we could. further yourself, you really don’t want to return to work, irrevocably resolute, listen to me, you will put the bradin nikolai yurich in his place, accused kulipov, you admit your guilt, no, i don’t admit it, this is my wife marina, and this is tamara, my new boss now, it’s very nice, sreposov’s satovnik is on rtr.
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you are my melody, we are at the television center on shabolovka, here is the evening of the poet nikolai nikolaevich dobronravov, his melody alexandra nikolaevna pakhrutova is with us, empty, without him the earth, hope, my earthly compass. the award laughed under the wing of the plane , the green sea sings about something, friends get your tenderness, i will love nikolai dobronravov’s evening on january 7 on rtr. this is for you, well, get some sleep
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, gentlemen, just a moment, we have a big day today, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, daring, well , you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one. fell in love with them, who cares? good, your wife or boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look. gentlemen,
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i propose to build a trolley, what kind of trolley, which, look, we remove the wheels from the truck, put on the door, here’s the chain, so what, we’re going, well, if theoretically, oh, you should have been silent. what about the snow? great, i pick up a broom, walk ahead and shovel the snow, we’ll get where we’ll get, to moscow, to the capital, to the first throne, listen, in my opinion, our old man has finally gone crazy due to unrest, i need to find out, someone, well, help me. hold on, i will save you,
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help me, you have every right. oh, granddaughter is calling, who’s with you, granddaughter, hello, yes, it’s me, can you imagine, we’re stuck in the forest, the carriage has become unhooked, no, everything is warm, good, they even gave us tea, yes, i don’t understand what kind of nonsense, connections no, no matter what, we’ll build the derezina. yes, so that by the new year you can hear, hello, hello, that there is no connection, you will mock me, but i have it, you have it, you won’t have it nothing, it’s clear, you don’t understand,
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everything is serious with masha, my new granddaughter promised to give me a new one, grandfather, i’ll become mayor, i’ll tell you... and if you’re worried about education, then masha will take a sabbatical, or or learn the language and she will go to university there , and that doesn’t matter anymore, soldier, she won’t have any germany, no wedding, but why, did you come to an agreement or something, and mother and father go there, and mother and father, and by chance your father isn’t he said why he was there too, but no, it ’s mostly mom there, we might be afraid. this library? no, this is an archive. the sorting station was disbanded, but the papers were not taken out. when masha was little, she loved to hide here. in general, masha is not my
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daughter. like this? affects our relationship with masha? well, i married her mother galina , when masha was very little, i promised that no one would ever know who her real father was, because her real father abandoned them when galina was pregnant, they named this man evgeniy zharkov, are you lying? this cannot be, maybe, maybe, but the trouble is that you just can't marry your sister, do you understand that? masha, my sister, i
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understand how i’m hit on the head, yes seryozha, please, i just want to tell you, find some reason to break up with masha, well, first. it will be bad, and then everything will be forgotten, well, please, you fought with your father because of this, why else, but no, well, in vain, of course, okay, don’t tell masha, and neither do yours, you probably have , normal, happy family, your mom probably loves this roast.
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but it’s true they say that football players are not at all they are afraid of the cold, how do you know that i am a football player? i know, but you don’t tell me? i should, i did a lot of commercials, but how can i find you in germany? we’re just with lada, but it doesn’t matter, i’m going to germany for a photo shoot, could we see each other? yes, i don’t know, it’s my first time there... i’m going, i haven’t even signed a contract yet, well, yes, such a nice , dangerous forward from russia, the only one in all of germany, we won’t get lost, seryozha, shame on you, you still see me today i didn’t teach you, get out of here, you green snot, you know, but i was in paris, and so the eppel tower, it’s not like that
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big, i wanted the best, but he called me a snot, there are still... two, but i won’t help anyone anymore, i thought this was seryoga’s man, but he’s like that, don’t wait, get it, if you take it, try. and the guy , i need to be saved, yes, i need to be saved, i was locked in the office, my hand, save me, wow, where did you get them from, well, i’m santa claus, although you don’t believe me, well, i took them in the morning, ishka. spare, it doesn’t matter
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, but the legs, thank you, yes, mr. railway chief, you must help me urgently, for god’s sake, please forgive me, can i just have a minute, it’s all about the fact that grandfather was covered in madness, it would be better to tie him up, but what happened dear, that i, yes, grandfather, yes, frost, are worse than the burts, you’re right now, those, i’m going from my veliky ustyug to my relatives in siberia, here these pieces of iron of yours, grandpa, so we’ll agree as follows: you calm down now, i’ll connect the carriage to electricity, you give me some hot tea, the snowflake and i almost melted the tea last time, but it’s clear, yes, i told you, grandpa -that. no fu, here is the document frost, frost? nikolay ivanovich
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moroz, born in the twenty-eighth year, registered in veliky ustyuk, i’ll take a look myself, why are you working in the santa claus museum, and what does grandfather morozov have to do with it, why is there a museum here , i’m a real santa claus, not a fairy-tale one, don’t you believe me? no , look, grandpa fell, why are you standing there, catch him , go to sleep, catch, catch, oh, where are you going, listen, maybe the train has already arrived, yes, yes, go and look, it will come, they will call, alma, not big, well, guys, your nose is stinging, your feet are frozen, this means
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you should drink some tea, otherwise you’ll get sick, you sign the contract, thank you, look what i found, oh, what a football, real, loser, you can’t have it here. leaving him with his grandfather , he’ll bite him to death, oh well, you want to be responsible for this, comrade, wake up, and
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what about moscow, no, not a planned stop, yeah, be born with us, please , okay, hello, mash, you know , i was thinking, in short, you don’t need to go anywhere with me, you have the academy here, exams, wait, well, we agreed that i would take an academic leave, but you don’t understand, no, i don’t understand, and i don’t understand, and i don’t understand, yes seryozha. “mash, forgive me, but i need another wife, i’m going abroad, and
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there, they have their own laws, big football, tricks, and what kind of wife do you need, like this one, and not like that one, i don’t believe it, but believe me, believe me, nothing will work out between us, but you hear me, but forget about me!” i told you. mash, don’t cry, everything will be fine , but what will be fine, well, you have your whole life ahead of you, if your boyfriend left you, it’s all because of
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you, what you told him, i didn’t tell him anything, is that you? "in any case, the action sergey, i approve, because it will be better for everyone, yes, woman, go away, please, he said, that he will not marry masha, i need a wife, how these mumras are painted, don’t believe your eyes, believe your heart.” maybe she cried like that, and sometimes it’s good to cry, it’s useful, love , if it’s real, it will conquer everything, i ’m telling you for sure, seryozha,
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but let’s go to our compartment? otherwise , it’s boring and disgusting in this barn, and i have semi-sweet wine , i don’t drink, vlad, what are you, a fool, seryozha is a football player, he has a regime, but i don’t have a regime, damn, how sick of this hippopotamus, seryozha, and better show me off, otherwise the forest is all around, it’s scary , and me too, otherwise suddenly a wolverine will jump out from somewhere, yes, seryozha, what are you really saying, you should show the girls off, well, well, come on, come on, let’s go look at your rasam . oh, listen, no one wants tea, but i want filet mignon, warm seafood salad, you won’t have it, yes, that would be nice.
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what are you sneaking? i thought, i thought, you did something to yourself, you’re lying there like you’re dead, but what could i do to myself? taking curara, for example, is a good idea, boy, by the way, my name is alex, full name albert, but i love alika more, but... to live to fight, i don’t understand why he did this to me, seryozha, yeah, i don’t know, but it seems to me that there’s some kind of secret hidden here, but
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what a secret, that’s all my father. persuaded him or intimidated him, i don’t know, but we don’t have any evidence in favor of this theory, just an assumption, which means that maybe everything is completely wrong, philosopher, detective, you play the violin, wait, your last name is not holmes, no , my surname is funny, ryzumeikin, i think it suits you very well. nativity of christ, solemn service in the temple christ the savior. live stream. today on rtr. we watch it to spend time with
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the children. russian cartoons and children's programs. look, in the application or on the website, i am glad to welcome you to our rhythmic gymnastics tournament, for the first time our tournament is not being held at home, as guests, the best gymnasts from all over the world are in beijing. in love with sports, inspired. we wish you good luck, our dear athletes, heavenly grace, international tournament! in rhythmic gymnastics on january 8 on rtr, i’m already tired of these showdowns, scandals, come on
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let's get divorced, premiere on rtr, if you leave me, i'll kill you, joke, i'm stitching the tv to my wife margarita gracheva, founded. real events, what happened to my daughter, she is now being operated on, i need an exclusive, and let’s be unsentimental as harshly as you can, they make a saint out of her without us, my son is never rude to anyone, my dima is always the truth, we need publicity, we ourselves i can’t cope, i’m a lawyer, i found out about you and couldn’t pass by, we have a lot of work ahead of us, it’s my own fault, you’re now... a celebrity, i didn’t want one like that for myself popularity, from january 9 on rtr, well
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, the wolverine didn’t attack us, wolves, and the forest is all around, it’s not scary, girls, i’ll go wherever, and wine, i’m on a regime, and i thought we ’d spend the evening together with wine . asshole , tell me son, this is your masha, that’s where you met her, in the doghouse, you don’t want to say what you have, but okay, she was handing out leaflets in this booth, that she was sitting right in the booth, why she was sitting , she was standing, that’s why
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she fell, i accidentally pushed her, she’s sitting so funny, only her suede shoes are visible, a booth made of foam rubber to attract attention, what to attract? to the problem of homeless animals, she collected money for the shelter, masha is studying to become a veterinarian, you’re right, razmekin, we need to live and fight, of course, you can bring seryozha here, theoretically, i probably can, but we need to come up with a cunning plan, let’s think, razmekin, think , i need seryozha through. half an hour, yeah, yeah, go for it, you love her very much, yes, no, i don’t, so what?
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oh, don’t you have a corkscrew? corkscrew, we'll find it. by the way, i have some food here, i need to slowly set the table. it looks like we i'll have to celebrate the new year here. but we have nothing. only semi-sweet wine. well, wine will do instead of champagne. and i have two sticks of sausage here. will you cut it? sausage? cut it? so come on, follow me. i’ll teach you how to cut sausage, but why are you standing there, let’s go get dressed, why on purpose, i don’t understand, i just had to say, but nothing had to
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be said, you’re constantly messing with my brains, i don’t understand, why do you need this stamp in your passport , why the stamp, i need a family, children, children, family, but i don’t need a family, understood? so i went, wait, wait , i say, don’t you understand , i have elections coming up, i need to come to an agreement with the moscow people, generally decide, then there are also elections, elections again, yes, i understand the choice, you know, what if you something doesn’t suit you, i can’t force you to do anything, understand?
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what are you doing here? did some salt get into my eye? mom says i need to rub my nose and everything will go away, she’s my doctor, do you want me to call her? no, i'm afraid the doctor won't help here.
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yes, if i had known, i would have brought more products, so yours, listen, give me a snowmobile hide yours so that they don’t get stolen, otherwise the people are very nervous, especially some, in general you will be my assistant, i understand, okay, andrei vasilyevich.
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maybe there's mayonnaise somewhere? would it be possible to prepare a full-fledged olivier? well, where does mayonnaise come from? i need help, just don’t put down the onions, please, i never thought that i would have to celebrate the new year in such conditions. yes, my friends will be waiting for me at the club. and i can’t even call them, but i was invited to the coolest restaurant in moscow, my dears, please tell me, what good happened during this time, help is on the way, i hope not, there is still no connection, and in general it seems that everyone has forgotten about us, we will sit here all new year, eat a sandwich, later there will be a full dinner, thank you,
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and i know this book, it is weak in many ways and contains errors, young man, you may be a doctor of science or an academician, who allows yourself such statements about scientific work, no, what are you, i’m alik, but the aunt on the train said so , what kind of aunt, well, she’s also a scientist like you, like me, and where is she now? this learned aunt? she's over there in the other room.
7:24 am
al, where are you running all the time? you need to study. it seems to me that everything is very serious with them. maybe we shouldn't bother them. you are crazy? no, you're crazy. i mean, what kind of love, what kind of wedding? yes, in general, in my opinion, this is a hobby, but what if not? why did he give up on her so easily, and this is a mother’s grief, i don’t know, i probably didn’t want to offend you, but of course, if seryozha got something into his head, then listen, maybe this?
7:25 am
father, well masha, what about father? well, how did you set it up? sergei against? by the way, what happened to him, i mean this most disgusting... 20 -odd years ago, i should have met him here, isn’t this too old a story to sort things out, well, that’s the kind of person he is, vindictive, but... my wife, there’s something you’re not telling me, but the old story is stupid, why are you regulating, thank you. so this is so, this is so, this is so.


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