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tv   Kriticheskii vozrast  RUSSIA1  January 6, 2024 7:25am-11:01am MSK

7:25 am
yes, the old story is stupid, what are you regulating, everything is here, so, this is so, this is so, this is it.
7:26 am
well, excuse me, colleague, but the boy told me that you criticized this book, absolutely objectively, no, well, it’s clear that the author was in a hurry, manipulated the facts, completely unacceptable for a serious scientist, but excuse me, who are you, so that reason like this? and i am the author of this book, olga lavrentieva. sorry, in this case you, of course, have every right. yes i have. but, in my opinion, this is wonderful work. i refer to it repeatedly, in of his dissertation. are you writing a dissertation? yes. what about the theme? denuturation theory of irritation,
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right? yes, at the last seminar in perm we talked a lot about this with academician karasik, we argued with him, i just can’t, academician karasik is my official opponent, right? yes, so are you ready for such a fight? he has a very original opinion about the role of the cell membrane, it’s impossible to listen to, i know, i know, i dedicated an entire section to this issue, well, into battle, so into battle, like that. and now, citizens, attention, they unexpectedly brought us some groceries, oh, that’s good, oh, it would be better if they took us out of here, sorry, lady, there’s no such opportunity yet, i’m glad to see you, right?
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so albert, what should i do, where, stop , just a minute, albert, vasya, just some kind of new year’s gift, i don’t know, do you hear, musician, what, where are you running, i, well, don’t, what do you need, you better tell me , that the boss and this goblin were carrying in a backpack, but the product. like food, that is, the food was somehow brought here, that is, you can somehow get out of here, yes, probably, yes, wait, you, wait, oh, hear, you, stand, musicians, excuse me, excuse me, but help, you asshole, oh
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, it hurts me, seryozha, seryozha, it’s me, alik, get out of here, alik, before i cut off your ears, carefully , oh, how did this get you so far, yes, oh, yes, that’s all.
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i can boldly announce to you that i am getting married, to whom, to you, vasechka, you quickly found a replacement for me, and are you good enough yourself? let's go, let's go out, you choose from these two yourself, or maybe they will both go with you to germany, huh? yes, girls, yes, girl, where are you going, don’t be afraid, i won’t beat you, yes, yes, yes, yes, what do you think, if it’s not a secret what field you work in, and i, and you know, i’m a stylist, yes, i’m a little bit. zader is a bit of a stylist, well , this is a profession that is in great demand now, it’s creative, yes, your wife, if it’s not a secret, she’s no secret to me , she’s a scientist, she studies cells, and as i
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understand you, my oleg is also from this opera, hi, no, he’s also staring at the cells in the book all the time, and uh-huh, yes, this is the bald one, who, yes, is your husband, no, to god, and you know what i’ll tell you, olga, me too, in general not wife, well, i mean officially, yes, ah, yes , that is, i thought correctly, such an interesting, blooming man, yes, but she, you know, is so uninteresting, well, depending on your luck, my name is natalie. very nice, vitya, oh, victor, that means he’s a winner.
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i propose to be friends, you have a snowmobile , yes, well, let’s say, you’ll take me to civilization , i urgently need to go to moscow, and here you get married , give birth, advice and love to you, the roads are covered with snow in the south, i myself barely drove here, i don’t understand. violinist, listen, maybe you don’t want to give me luck, it’s okay, i have 40 jumps, i now it’s like a newspaper
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, no, that’s not possible, this, well, if we have a meeting, maybe we’ll eat, especially since we don’t have more food, oh, great idea, yes, well... oh, and the old man, the old man i also need to feed him, otherwise he’s locked up there, i can take the food to grandpa, there’s no need, let ’s just let him out, we have enough crazy people here, worse than a haircut, though that’s also
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true, but maybe i’ll let him out. masha, well, you need to tell your mother there, so that everything is as it should be, matchmaking, wedding, renting a dining room, there, to catch up on moonshine for everyone, to be enough. vasya, what are you talking about? we need to take it with golubevka to translate it, because our uncle
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colito went on a drinking binge, but what, are you a fool or what? i was joking, don’t you understand? it's a joke, it's a joke, you have to laugh, ha ha! so, to be honest, i don’t really need this. he’s getting married, it’s still early, by the way, they’ll eat everything up there now, what i brought from my mother , go, vasya, i’ll go, go, go, after all, i should have taken warm insoles, they’re always good, yes, i have nothing is working out, grandpa, everyone quarreled, maybe... over someone else vasily wants to get married, but the others
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didn’t fight with dad anymore? didn’t fight, the rest did what they did, great, don’t be afraid of quarrels , the whole truth is revealed in them, so i ’m doing everything right, that’s it, you run to the station, and i ’ll catch up with you, yeah. don’t rock the car too much, otherwise it will roll, i’ll get out now, someone will roll down the stairs, the old devil has run away.
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come on, yes, i already have a daughter older than yours , she has two children, yes, so i, personally, i am an official grandmother, and my grandmother has a grandfather, no, she doesn’t have a grandfather, she divorced her grandfather we, well, excuse me, i didn’t know what it was , i’m not a widow, oh, i completely forgot, i found your button, now, look, it’s yours, well, yours, yes, well, of course, here it is i thought, well, i need to sew it on. a button, otherwise there’s no one else, yes, i quickly took the threads with me, here, come
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on, that means, my daughter lives on sakhalin, so i thought that after the flight i’d take time off, well, i’ll visit her, now i don’t know when, well, the weather will change, they will rescue you, yes, of course, they will rescue you, but everything will work out for you, for your daughter, yes, in general i i think it’s better to believe. good, what do you think, what you say irina is right , that’s it, these five are amazing, it’s amazing that the world is so small, son, as we agreed, you have a free minute and you play, please, violin in hand, vine in sheet music, excuse me, it was i who answered him, i think a child shouldn’t communicate with you at all, albert, please, eyes on the notes, start, but just wait , there’s no need to name, it’s necessary. what are you going to gossip about? so, you should be
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ashamed, by the way, you’re already an elderly man, and there well , it’s like you, you vote for a communist, you’re a trifle, what happened, it lies, it lies, that you, that you are a rag, a real rag, and that you cannot protect me from dirty rumors, but stop talking already, be careful , so what did this old bastard say about victor and me? he didn’t say anything, but what exactly do you have with victor? everything, everything that you and i didn’t have, and you know, in general, alezha, i’m tired, i’ve had enough, i’m tired of all this, i’m leaving, i’m going to him, victor, you don’t want to explain anything to me. listen, okay it’s impossible, so, well, come on, at least talk to me, protect me, hurray, i’ll make up for everything,
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excuse me, what about this one? this is possible, but i can’t, first i messed with one, then with another, vitya, fuck you all , kolya, well, well, why are you standing there, well, well! help me, i’m not a psychiatrist for you , which means you left, you made your choice, viter, well , wait, natasha, well, wait, i’m in shock, vider, don’t leave me, pasha,
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why were you cold with me, i i can’t, just a minute, but i knew that sooner or later this would happen, natasha and i are too different, yes, the same story, although at first victor was completely different, he was so happy about this book, which... and i’m glad that everything happened exactly like this, somehow strange, i myself would never have decided to take the first step, but now everything has turned out this way, well, yes, as
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they say, there is no move without good, that is, you too?
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yes, dear, there must be, there was, what are you talking about, young man? nari, let's go in a chain, wake up, wake up, what, what happened, masha is missing, everyone is going in search, in search, in search, i'll go in search too, yeah, well, snowman
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reader, got the flashlights, yes, they work , they should, they should, uh, okay, i'm off, he 's young... "start the snowmobile, you'll shine the light every now and then, you'll honk the horn, if she gets lost, at least you'll hear the sound, hold on, hear, yes it's don’t call the newlywed, it wasn’t all true, i mean, it was a prank, a joke, didn’t you understand, or what?” oh, frost, merry christmas, such a great holiday, this christmas all your dreams will come true.
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i’m ready to become yours forever, you have to learn love, how to learn to love, start with yourself, you can create from the fragments of a broken dream new, you decided, you need to go gold, sometimes the best way to forget someone is to see them again. why is everything so crooked in life? tell me about your life. a fairy tale based on real events. zolotse.
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today on rtr. i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think. there’s no need to think about it here, that’s all here. to play or not to play, yes, yes , that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, well, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, right here there are questions about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i meant, of course, a bear, when i said something like that... hint, in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not available, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the
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strongest love for the game, this is a five- on-one program, i'm oops, five on one, tomorrow on rtr. masha, masha, masha, put it on, pasha! period,
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come on, alive, don’t touch. i have it somewhere in my bag, but why? aspirin, 150 grams of kaynyachka for prevention, you’re crazy, skip it.
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maybe you can tell everything yourself? listen, i don’t even know what you’re talking about, andrey? okay, then i 'll tell you. the thing is, mash, i'm not your father. what? and your father, this man, zharkov, who ran away, leaving your mother when she was pregnant with you. it was n't like that at all. but as? galina told me that she was pregnant with your child, so i left so as not to disturb you here, no need, galina said that you ran away with some girl, but i didn’t run away
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with any girl, then... i drank too much i kissed one there just for fun, and the jackdaw took something for herself and came up with god knows what, it turns out that she lied about you, it’s not because of her, my wife’s name is valeria and lera and i met, only then two years later, wait, i don’t understand anything at all, masha. "you and i are brother and sister, no , yes, yes, no, no, ler, well, i must say, uh, yes, the thing is, seryozha, that you are not our son, well, that is, ours, and you dear, but adopted, yes, it so happened that i could not have children, we adopted you, but so what, we love you,
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wait, does this work?" "what? why are you slowing down? come on, kiss her quickly. with these showdowns we will miss the entire new year. let's go to. let's go, let's go. first i donated the sausage, now everything else. it’s okay, natasha lubnina won’t be offended. yes, sure. still, it’s a pity that albertik is like this. won’t play in the kremlin, well, aren’t you so upset, what age is he? well, albertik will still have time to get to the kremlin, yes, yes, then, it seems to me that your boy doesn’t really like the violin, maybe he should do something else, send him to football, you abnormal, yes, in football he
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will break his hands all over. they play football with their feet, gentlemen, i have a box of champagne under the bench, help me apply it, one second, i'm ready, come on, come on, run, to me, to me, come on , come on, take off your paw! happy new year, i suggest , i suggest we continue our acquaintance in moscow, if you ever get there, you know, but i’m already starting to like it here, today we have such men nearby, here you go, happy new year, new year, happy new happiness, your daughter is very pretty and seems smart, anyone?
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delicious, the main thing is that seryoga chose masha himself, why are we interfering, football is football, and love, claire, is love, but she must graduate from the academy, because higher education is higher education, i agree, i’m ready, it’s a pity, of course, for this mother , only my fate is like this, anyway, he would have slammed me against the wall earlier, but i don’t have a soul for music, the guy, i’m thinking, maybe i should send him to karate, to karate, well, you wanted it, hurray, mom, i also want to go swimming, you know, not all at once, well then i think maybe the violin should
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n’t be repaired, no, mom, i ’m not going to give up the violin either, it’s needed for all-round development, oh, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, careful, you see, mom, everyone ’s happy, eh it's all thanks to santa claus. well, to be exact, here’s my little son, happy new year, friends, happy new happiness,
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covering the ground, white snowflakes, hiding underneath . gravity of sins, now i’ll put my hat on , i said it correctly, you see everyone is happy, but it’s not my merit, but whose is yours, yes ok, i know that you are not a real santa claus, but it was you who figured out how to meet everyone, wait, i... in the world , the queen of ice, in yuganas, they see each other, the queen of ice, the attention of those who meet,
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arrives fast train number 9, novosibirsk -moscow, to the fifth platform of the third track, numbering of cars from the head of the train, i repeat, fast train number 9 is arriving, novosibirs moscow, polezhenka, gentle, granny , meet me, this is olya, hello, and for some reason i i think your name is natasha, well , it happens, but volodya, i’m going to the hotel, and take her to the store, let her buy herself a dress for the concert, a bag, yeah, a bag, and boots, but you don’t need a hat, and a cap too, sergei, sergeevich, hello, this is a wrestler, guys. great, wow, here you go, great, but i thought you were mad at me, why? we had to play better football, then we would have been invited to the bundesliga, in general,
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the boys and i decided to meet you, but there is no need to see you off anywhere, i decided to stay, like, well, there are training camps ahead of europe, qualifying ones, well, we’ll see then, yes guys this is... my fiancée, masha, it’s very nice , it works out for her, i have to say thank you, and so does she, hello, seryozh, introduce us to the guys, yes, we love football very much, andrey vasilyevich, this is irina, we had a great time , with a friend, yes, i’ve already agreed, yes, i’ll replace him, uh-huh, in half an hour soon, yes, i’m leaving.
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you are a gift from your grandfather, thank you, i think i know what’s there, i’m delighted, come on,
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open it, oh, well, what do you call it, vadson, vadson. so funny, hello, this is news, alexander gefrenov is in the studio, about the main topics of our issue in short: destructive elements pierced the walls of houses and cars, ukrainian militants again fired at the belgorod region. came off next to residential high-rise buildings, there are wounded, effective and accurate, more than forty group strikes, one massive on the decision-making centers of the zelensky regime, our ministry of defense provided data on combat work for the week. forecasters are setting records. in
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the tver region -33, in the vologda region - 40° below zero. the ultrapolar invasion provoked utility failures. convenient layout, high-quality department. this modern household appliances in the far east, the first participants in the affordable rental housing program received the keys to apartments. the belgorod region was subjected to new shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. the regional capital and five other districts were under attack. various damage was recorded on the territory of three enterprises, a security guard of one of them was injured, and in belgorod several shells exploded near residential buildings. two people received shrapnel wounds. local authorities have already promised that they will help everyone who decides to evacuate to... safe settlements. report by alexander korobov.
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specialists have been working at the scene since the morning. administration staff recorded damage after another enemy attack. residents of the affected houses are still recovering. olga and her five-year-old daughter hurried to take refuge in the bathroom. afterwards , the head of the family told what happened. he went to look, he said, it’s like horror, there’s a crater , there’s a nightmare, everything there is broken, all the windows, glass, he ran downstairs, he says, the car is yours. broken. kyiv regime militants are again in the city tried to hit with heavy rszzo. all missiles were shot down, but some cluster munitions fell into residential areas. two people were injured and were immediately taken to a medical facility. their condition is moderate. they have shrapnel wounds. these patients underwent primary surgery. work wound they are hospitalized in the department of surgery and traumatology. the shock wave
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went through ten multi-storey buildings, partially cutting or completely knocking out more than 130 windows. the windows were broken here, the windows were broken in the hall, well, we are somehow very worried, of course, all this is scary. in donetsk, pavel more than once came under fire from neo-nazis. fate brought him to belgorod, but even here it is turbulent. the damaging elements from the enemy submunition riddled his vehicle. on the street, city administration specialists will assess all the damage caused, then the builders
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will begin restoration. the governor noted that belgorod residents, who are particularly concerned about the operational situation today, are ready to be met at temporary accommodation centers in the northern regions of the region. we are ready to transfer you to the old one on the same day oskol to gubkin, we will transport you on comfortable buses, we will accommodate you in comfortable rooms, warm, safe, free food. and you will be there for as long as necessary. the situation in the region remains difficult. in the evening, the ukrainian armed forces attacked the border town of shibekina. one person was injured. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, vesti belgorod. 42 russian strikes with precision weapons on decision-making centers, military facilities, airfields, arsenals and fuel depots were a response to the actions of the ukrainian militants. the locations of foreign mercenaries were also hit. in our. defense provided data for just a week. during this time
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, ukrainian formations lost another 4,700 soldiers and mercenary officers. 14 tanks and 68 other armored vehicles, as well as 87 howitzers and missile systems, including american, polish and czech production, were destroyed. a downed su-27 fighter and a mi-8 helicopter, as well as 253 combat drones. from the line of contact, report by military correspondent eduard punik. the main advantage is multiple launch rocket systems, mobility, hail crews are on duty along the entire front line of the southern donetsk direction, an unpretentious reliable installation can fire from any position, now the crew is on the border of the dpr and zaporozhye, in the area of ​​​​the village of urozhaynaya. these are fighters of the thirty-sixth army of the vostok group. they accounted for dozens of destroyed tanks and armored vehicles, as well as several. in winter it is much more difficult for our crews to work, the hail is of course all-wheel drive,
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but in such off-road conditions it is much more difficult to move, the most important thing is that the speed of movement decreases and the car becomes more vulnerable to possible enemy counterattacks. the driver of the grad with the call sign tunka came here from buryat, at the front for more than a year, during which time his crew visited the hottest spots of the front, but fortunately remained safe and sound. there are different targets, well... but we work against their artillery, against mortars, against infantry, does it fly back at you? mm, well , sometimes, 152 second ones arrived, drones fly, mostly many, many birds. well, it’s always different, it happens that there are many, a surveyor with the call sign kazanka-32 is also from buryatia, he is responsible for the accuracy of shooting , according to him, for the armed forces of ukraine grad is one of the priority goals, because the installation is capable of covering a huge area at once at a distance of up to 20 km,
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how effective is this machine, how i’m afraid it shows itself, well, in battle it shows itself perfectly, despite his age did not let him down. are the tasks being completed, has the enemy become more active or, on the contrary, is he being blown away? the enemy is blown away, the cauldron, i am second in target, ready, on the front lines in winter it really has become a little easier than six months ago, but the hail crews are on duty on the line of combat contact as before , day and night, helping the infantry move forward. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. in ukraine, military commissars were allowed to enter houses for work in order to mobilize those who refuse to fight for the zelensky regime, in kiev and the kiev region they increased the number of checkpoints for issuing summonses, many are now afraid to leave the city and even couriers refuse to deliver parcels. andrey grigoriev for more details. the new legislation is being discussed for the second day again closed doors.
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just go and update your details, but persuasion has not worked for a long time, there are raids right on the streets, and in order to avoid being drafted, in ukraine they are now offering just such an old man’s latex mask, after sixty they are not accepted into the army, there are practically no professional military personnel left in the country , calculated the german general marlow, who trains ukrainian armed forces soldiers
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in germany. of the 200 thousand professional soldiers available in february of the twenty-second year, the vast majority have now been killed or wounded. the ukrainian armed forces soldiers on the front line today are civilians or, at best , reservists. therefore, the law proposes to make even disabled people of the third group liable for military service; this, of course, contradicts any human rights. they are just throwing this topic around like a hot potato. in fact, it is the constitutional authority of the president to submit such bills on mobilization, but he transferred these potatoes to the government, and the cabinet of ministers further to the ministry of defense, and those to us deputies. nobody wants to be. involved in such mobilization, and this the transfer further worsens relations between zelensky and zaluzhny. zaluzhny made it clear that politicians and generals are uncomfortable bedfellows, and their relationship worked best when zelensky tried to persuade allies to provide weapons. they say directly in the usa that there will be no more western money in volumes that previously would not be available. this does not mean that we
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will continue to finance ukraine at the same level as we did in '22 and '23. the goal is to help ukraine build. its military industrial base, to produce weapons independently. military deliveries are still ongoing, czech dana self-propelled artillery units have just arrived in ukraine, but they are trying to take care of the equipment they have already received. the ukrainians valued polish tanks as the campaign progressed and they decided not to use them for combat on the front line, but to leave them further away from the front line for mobile artillery support. also, some categories of the population take care. here is an article from france 2 about how desserts are caught on the ukrainian border.
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deputy head of the presidential office andrey smirny and such adult children of military age, high-ranking ukrainian officials, are now filling european resorts. andrey grigoriev, sofia petrosyan, lead. the peak of cooling in the central zone of our country has passed, but one cannot dare to call the current weather warming. this is how the hydromidcenter described the temperature background, which is now on average 15° below normal. abnormal. the frosts will last at least until christmas, the cold has already become a serious test for people and equipment, report by anna melnik, minus so far 30, that's how it started. yes, plus connect the starter so that the battery takes on less weight.
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it’s friday evening, and there are almost no cars on the streets; only a few people manage to start a car; the cold tests the strength of both people and cars. we turn the ignition twice, pull it three times so that the fuel pump goes to the gasoline engine, depress the clutch, and start the car. frosts that are abnormal even for january in most of central russia in the tver region are -33, the temperature record has been broken.
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on january 1 we work something like this, that is, ourselves we put on all our best at once , in this we all go, the main thing here is the mood, and it is often set by children, for whom the frosts are literally not scary, we were skiing, it was only -31, although we made a circle and also with the roller coaster rolled, it was freezing. adds excitement to hockey, the yardoktor team challenged rivals from the regional government to an ice match. we didn’t think there would be such a temperature, but we are not used to retreating, so the match will take place in any weather. the fans are delighted, after all , yaroslavl is a hockey city, they are waiting continuation. but what yaroslavl residents definitely won’t be able to do this new year’s holiday is ride a ferris wheel. children's christmas trees have been canceled here. the attraction itself is temporarily closed, well, we're waiting for milder weather. employees of the regional ministry of emergency situations are waiting for her; they are on duty around the clock at a mobile heating point on the moscow-khalmogory federal highway. we can accept up to 10
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people, warm them up; if the situation arises, there is a need to accept more, we can either add or transfer people to a stationary heating point. and the locals forecasters promise that after christmas the frosts will only get worse. anna melnik, alexey karashev, lead. record for half a century. -44 in finland, two-story snowdrifts in scandinavia and floods in germany. the atlantic storm forced europeans to work even during new year's week. norwegians independently dig themselves out of the snow captivity and descend from the swept roofs on snowboards. although, in conditions of record snowfalls , ordinary passenger tractors also slip. in sweden , drivers are evacuated directly from snowy roads. and germany, for more than a month suffering from river floods, dissatisfied with the actions.
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flood victims insult rescuers and steal sand. so in thuringia and lower saxony , a 20-meter dam made of bags was torn apart in just a day. on the eve of the third anniversary of the storming of the capitol, american cities from the east coast to the southern border are fighting off not trompists, but migrants storming the states. according to cnn, there are a record number of them, so much so that california will have to spend $3 billion on free healthcare for illegal immigrants, and the mayor of new york is immediately suing seventeen bus companies from texas
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that transport refugees to the largest metropolitan area in the united states. our correspondent dmitry melnikov talks about how the first step towards the american dream turns into an obstacle course. in hopes of a better future , the parents gave the newborn ashley mendoza an american name. a family of four travels for several days from guatemala through mexico. towards the us border. we spent 6 days in the jungle, when we came out of there i started having contractions. the only country that let me in was mexico. the past month for the united states was a record for the number of migrants crossing the southern border. there are more than 320 recorded cases alone. how many entered america illegally is unknown. the phrase in broken english: i am asking for asylum, uttered at the border control, is automatic.
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one of the few official routes for the movement of migrants from the south from mexico to the north to the united states, however, a large flow does not move here, and not officially, through the river at the ford, every day thousands risk their lives, making their way through a natural barrier and barbed wire. the number of victims of this dangerous crossing on both sides of the border is already in the hundreds. a delegation of sixty congressmen, led by speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson, arrived at the border needle as if on the front line. but the allocation of aid to ukraine depends on whether the white house can stop the migration catastrophe in the coming days. and the republicans who gave biden this ultimatum see with their own eyes that a solution
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to the crisis is not in sight. one thing is absolutely clear: america is on the verge of record levels of illegal immigration. the situation here across the country is truly unimaginable, a heartbreaking sight that infuriates us . just as johnson and his colleagues were watching what biden's policies had done to the southern border, another group of migrants was wading through the rio grande. help! cries for help are also heard from the authorities of cities in border states. migrants are sent by buses and planes. according to the most conservative estimates, the cost of this migration crisis has already exceeded the combined gdp of 15 american states. wake up federal government because this shouldn't happen, people's lives are at stake. how many criminals, foreign spies and persons involved in terrorism entered the united states during the years of uncontrolled migration is a separate question, and no
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official authority can answer it. article four , section four of the us constitution states that the federal government will have to protect us from the invasion of domestic terrorism. what we see now is absolute refusal to fulfill these obligations. radical tightening of immigration laws, which is being blackmailed into the biden administration.
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eased pressure on the southern border, money to expand border patrol staff is now also stuck in congress. we need more funding to deal with the situation, more border patrol officers, more asylum officers, more judges to hear migrant cases. minister of homeland security majerka could become the first one republicans are going to hold accountable. a hearing on his resignation proceedings is scheduled. when and if donald trump returns to the white house. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin lead from the mexican-american border to texas. the first participants in the affordable rental housing program in the far east received the keys to their apartments. there is a fresh renovation
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with everything you need for a comfortable life. report by andrey kolesnikov. the stitching works, the flower, a lot of walks can fit here. the rebkos are carefully inspecting the property; here they are planning to settle in in the very near future, however, there is nothing to complain about, modern layout, high-quality finishes, new furniture and household appliances, everything a young family needs, expecting a new addition any day. a completely new apartment, an area that we have had our eye on for a very long time, everything is the same here. it came to one thing, and i really like that the sea is within walking distance and on the other side there is such a forest, everything, mm, favorable conditions for a child to grow up. the head of the family denis works in the security inspection objects of cultural heritage of primorye. the young specialist entered the affordable rental housing program. its launch was initiated by the president. the preferential
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rental mechanism was developed by the government, first by the special financial institution domr. promoting the implementation of state housing policy, purchasing living space from the developer, we have been entrusted with the implementation of a large program to create a rental stock in the far east in all eleven regions. far east, we began this work with great enthusiasm, today about 30 billion rubles were invested. a specially created commission in the regions where the affordable rental housing program operates accepts applications from those wishing to join it and determines the range of applicants. one of the main conditions is the age limit - 35 years. in general, under the program we plan to provide housing to at least 10 thousand families. basically, this is housing for...
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a business trip from the nearest junction, going straight to the bypass highway. for the past, i don’t know how many, six, seven years i’ve been moving around rented apartments, those apartments with this one cannot be compared to any extent at all, especially if we take the price- quality ratio, then this is absolutely fantastic. the monthly payment is only 9,500 rubles, excluding utilities, this is three to four times less than the average rental price of real estate in vladivostok, approximately 2/3 of the cost is covered by the regional and federal budgets. this rule is in effect for the first few years... in subsequent years, the amount of state co-financing will gradually decrease; it is assumed that during this time the tenant will get back on his feet, receive career growth, or consider some supply in the mortgage housing market. new housing for young professionals is being rented out in
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a dynamically developing microdistrict located on the picturesque shores of potrokol bay. modern, comfortable houses of different heights are being built here. the program is developing and gaining momentum. in vladivostok, the first tenants are already moving into 42 new comfort-class apartments. the keys to another forty were recently handed over to residents of onadyr. andrey kolestnikov, denis yunak, dmitry popkov, lead the far eastern bureau. today millions of orthodox christians celebrate christmas eve, the eve of one of the most important church holidays of the nativity of christ. services have been going on all over the country since the morning. churches are traditionally decorated with fir branches and flowers, and they also build a mantle, it symbolizes the cave in which, according to the bible, the baby jesus appeared. the priests dress in snow-white robes. believers are ending a forty-day fast, it is the second longest after the great fast. after the first star, it is customary to eat sochego; the name christmas eve comes from this dish. to the temple of christ
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andrei rublev's trinity icon was delivered to moscow from the all-russian restoration center named after grobar. she will be in the temple during the christmas celebrations. patriarch kirill is there. the news is following developments in russia and abroad , stay with us, what are you doing, boy, i need the address of one passenger, he left his dog here, she will wait until... she
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is in me, this is, let's say, my trophy . we were hungry then, here comes grandma, hungry herself, but she carries this kurba, pryuudy and says: baby, feed dog, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such people who were not indifferent, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived. only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from tuesday to thursday on rtr, this is for you, well,
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get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing , we haven’t seen each other for a long time, impudent, white, you know, for everyone he will find a cool fighter even cooler. fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, reppin, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look, you... and
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my melody, we are in the television center on shabolovka, here is the evening of the poet nikolai nikolaevich dobronravov, his melody is with us, alexandra nikolaevna pakhmutova, the earth is empty without him, hope, my earthly compass, and luck, reward . laughed under the wing of the plane, oh sings something, green sea, parting, friends, remains, thank you very much, tenderly, your tenderness, i will love, nikolai dobronravov january 7 on rtr, but there are two
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nieces, olya and mika, we have a wonderful family, it seems to me, my girls have problems , anna banshchikova, why is everything like this, they don’t like me, how much can you humiliate yourself, olya, sergey gorobchenko, i can’t pay for your apartment anymore, sorry, suit, dignity should be internal. january 7 on rtr. i am glad to welcome you to
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our rhythmic gymnastics tournament. for the first time, our tournament is not taking place at home, away from home. the best gymnasts from all over the world in beijing. january 8 on rtr.
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we're on the air, we're continuing the show. the khabarovsk territory was the first in the far east to begin implementing a national social initiative; this is the reconfiguration of the entire system of receiving public services to meet people’s needs. the region is already actively using the definition of friendliness. do residents feel this? anna kalchuk found out. and a couple of minutes of setting up the recorder, speed is the most important, says nina anosova, she’s only on vacation because of ian can afford a planned trip to specialists. there are no queues, the girls at the reception are great, they immediately explain , because the building is huge for us after our little hospitals, it’s generally incomprehensible, but here everything is clear, it was not always clear, a year ago the clinic of the first regional decided to try on a friendly prefix, along with it the whole responsibility, the repairs were done based on the patients’ requests, everything was verified here.
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the number of sofas to the water cooler, and most importantly - the dilution of flows, this is done the administrator is still approaching the registration desk, resulting in a half-empty hall. this is the format of a friendly clinic with areas for comfortable stay, with a minimum of patient walking, creating conditions that would not cause stress, creating such a favorable atmosphere. they still customize the system for a person, simply changing the stands. very soon , a blood draw will appear under the treatment room, as the patients wished. polyclinic... the first regional is just one of the institutions where the new scheme is being implemented, she also already works in employment centers, social support and even in the service of social coordinators, as well as in the work of the volunteer movement. this is a national social initiative project and the implementation of the president’s instructions to maintain the availability of social services, and also make them convenient. get away from a set of strict, bureaucratic, unsystematized regulations for the provision of social services to human needs. and here it is important that new
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initiatives of client-centric and person -centric service in our region becomes real technologies. expand the service of social coordinators, today in four hospitals in the region they literally lead the most vulnerable by the hand, and even more actively transfer social services to the mode of life situations, for example, a visit to a clinic for a person with disabilities or admission to an educational institution. as a result, the duration of procedures should be reduced and the quality increased. anna kalchuk, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. scientists from st. petersburg university have developed a unique search drone. he is looking for people lost in the forest not with the help of a video camera or a thermal imager, and using a speaker and microphone, a working prototype is already ready when drones begin to rescue people from dense forests, ilya kareli found out, this deafening squeak cannot be called a pleasant sound, but it
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will be the most long-awaited and joyful for a person lost in the forest, after all, this is a life-saving signal, the first mode of operation as conceived by the designers, when a lost person calls from his mobile... the route, and then it begins to be, at some point the approach of the person whom work with an aircraft , so we are looking for him, he calls us and says that i can hear him, then everything is simple, the louder the sound, the closer the drone, when the person and the copter are next to each other, the search engines will record the coordinates and move to the place , test the sawless. use, that is, we are left with small roughnesses that need to be removed, so in fact,
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we can launch and fly. the second mode of operation of the drone is for more complex cases, when a person gets lost and there is no telephone connection with him, it would seem that with this option it is worth search using video cameras and... and try to determine the unique properties of the voice, so that in the future, against the background of all the noise, this is the wind, and the noise of the propellers, to determine this voice. in order to find out everything you need about the human voice, scientists invited no less than opera singers for a special study, trained
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neural networks and planned to obtain the necessary digital tools for such a search in the coming months. by the way, within the walls of the scientific and educational center of the spbu they came up with not only the principle itself and developed software tool. here is a significant part of the production; at the moment, the copter is assembled within the laboratory by about 60%, and the goal is to achieve localization of about 70-80%. scientists are planning to fly a unique drone into the sky that will scream, listen and find the lost this spring, after which they want to provide the devices to those for whom they were developed, search teams, so that already next year innovations will be able to save people, and even after . scientists and designers of st. petersburg state university do not will stop working on the project and will improve and modernize the device. ilya karelin, alexander loginov, alexey chubko, vesti petersburg. scientists at the university of kaliningrad have learned to transform amber into a liquid state. thanks to its beneficial
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properties, it can be added to antiseptics, tanning creams, hair sprays and much more. konstantin morozov talked with researchers. let's take two of these solutions. in flasks there is a solar stone, kstu scientists have learned to make entar liquid. baltic tears are turned into colloid in the laboratory emulsion, that is, a solution is obtained with the color and properties characteristic of intar. chemists take material for experiments from jewelry production facilities in the skaliningrad region. essentially, garbage is turned into things useful to humans. there is not a single chemical, synthetic component present in these samples, and it can be used without any fear for... well, in particular, use for hair styling, and so to speak, acquiring some form of hair structure or skin protection from sunlight in case. if you're on the beach you sunbathe, the sun stone has a special property,
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a student of the faculty of chemistry of kstu, vlada aleynik, can easily tell about this, the girl wrote a coursework and conducted scientific work on the use of foamy amber, it is fragile, but rich in acid, iodine and trace elements. when they talk about amber, people immediately imagine some kind of jewelry, but do not think about the beneficial properties of amber, for example, it is often used for medical purposes, as well as pharmaceutical ones. in cosmetics, for example, to prevent skin aging, for babies, for faster teething, the range of applications developed by kstu chemists is widest, one sample of sunstone emulsion is suitable for different areas. amber colloidal solution is a 100% bioorganic antiseptic that can be used to treat hands or various surfaces. there is such a specific smell of sunstone here. kstu chemists will continue their research work.
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drive through two fords that do not freeze even in winter, and then through two ice crossings, at least half an hour's drive along winter off-road, deep into the muradymov gorge natural park, here among the ural ridges belarusian bison have been settling in for several days, they are afraid of people, they were captured from a free population, not brought from a nursery, so they have a very wary attitude towards people, they let them in, well, as you can see, 150 meters, probably 200. yes, this is the so-called demonstration enclosure, right here. in the future, park visitors will be able to see the
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animals. they plan to build a special site here for the summer season. meanwhile other bison are still preparing for a free life, this is a different enclosure. there, among the coniferous trees and wildflowers , six more animals are hiding from people. the bison were brought from belovezhskaya pushcha to bashkiria in these transport cages, the journey took about two days, and immediately the animals went into a quarantine enclosure. now we are in it and they will stay here until february, but while they are being monitored by the inspectors of the natural park, now is the time to feed the animals, the daily diet of each animal is 2 kg of oats and 3 kg of root vegetables and hay, almost unlimited quantity. we check them every day, when they finish eating, we bring in new ones. these nine female bison, who are still in enclosures, were brought here just a few days ago, they are constantly monitored, and some have even been fitted with gps collars to track them. location in the future , they will have almost 346,000 hectares of protected area at their disposal,
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there are a lot of specially protected natural areas near the morodynovsky mushelny, that is, the wild ones have a place to settle, these are the state nature reserves of ikski, nearby are the altonsolok nature reserve, the bashkiria national park, and the shulgantash nature reserve; this is the second batch of artiodactyls delivered to the muadymov gorge natural park. the first group is also nine teeth, more arrived here. designed for several years, in the next 4 years they plan to have two more batches of animals to strengthen the gene pool, and the ultimate
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goal is to create a stable free population of the ural bison, numbering at least a thousand individuals. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemkhir abzalov, vesti, republic bashkyrtystan. to go ice skating and feel the atmosphere of the century before last at the legendary nizhny novgorod fair, the ancient russian city is only 4 hours by train from moscow, the kremlin and its guests are waiting for you. underground and picturesque views from the banks of the volga, you can go to an exhibition of new year's gifts from different times and try amazing dishes in local cafes. all these impressions were collected by maxim oparin, who made a one- day trip. if you really want to see nizhny novgorod in one day, then you need to be ready for the fact that you will have to get up before dawn. swallows from the eastern station depart at 6:30 am. just over 4 hours later, we are at the walls of the nizhny novgorod kremlin,
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the oldest landmark of the city, one of the most popular excursions into the dungeon. you can go down under the powder tower. the vaulted ceilings of the 15th century masonry have been preserved here. if you stand in the center, yes, then you will get the effect of a sound shower. one two three, one two three. yes, it seems like the sound is pouring. there is a trace on one of the bricks, left 5 centuries ago when pouring a mold. the dog followed its own trail twice. here you can see it, but it’s just these claw prints. you can sign up for a tour on the kremlin website or by phone.
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to warm up after a walk, you can go to the rukavishnikov estate, where the exhibition “the magical world of new year's holidays” is open. collected gifts that were given to each other at different times. magic, it is revealed in objects, just so, when you get to the exhibition, each object tells some kind of separate story. and this gramophone has retained its unique sound since the end of the 19th century, and now plays records in the mid
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-twentieth. i'll sing you a song about 5 minutes. well, when it gets dark, you should definitely have time to stop by the nizhny novgorod fair. she has been working in this place for more than a century, and the atmosphere here is always special. you can indulge in mulled wine or sea buckthorn punch; there is something to eat heartily, for example, a hot hybrid of cheburek and dumplings. this is a dumpling, like chebureks, that’s why it’s called pelchebi. pelchebi, yes. every evening there is festive animation and an ice skating rink. i like it here, especially the new year's fair, and i'm away from it. honestly, i’m a fan, because it’s so beautiful, especially now with the snow, and this is a new year’s mood at the level of +1500, we noticed that the skating rink at the nizhny novgorod fairground is very similar to the gum skating rink in the center of the capital on red square, it turns out that every muscovite who comes here to nizhny novgorod can feel at home. maxim oparin, anton kolmykov, igor
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sinyurin, news moscow, nizhny novgorod, moscow. in belarus.
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and in this polyphony, duda, the belarusian bagpipe, sings, the whole herd, a cheerful loud crowd, in an old estate, tourists sing songs, like several centuries ago. the form may be more modern, but the essence remains the same. among the heroes there are many characters of wild nature, for example, a wolf, brings happiness, a bear, the main blur, a symbol of health, strength and wealth, of course, many musical instruments, for example, such splashes, chants, carols in general - it's always very... very fun, smartphones , stories about traditions, masks, on a hat, on a down jacket, a scarf, this is a woman, a wise character, symbolizing the cult of ancestors, there are no negative heroes here, even with a mischief, a bully, the devil can come to an agreement, he leads mummers carol grandfather, in general , holy carols, they are associated with the solstice, that is , when the day became longer, the night became shorter, and this meant that
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the earth was moving into a new life cycle, in simple terms, this is the transition from the old year to.. .with the birth of jesus christ. carols, rafting, mysticism and carnival, paganism and christianity, for example, the rebirth of one of the ancient cults, the goat, the turning point, the goat must be generously thanked and revived so that the year would be successful and fertile, a character with a double meaning, there was such an interesting constellation, whose name was cappella, in belarusian language it’s no different than a goat, but it was believed that when you see the first stars, a heap begins, you can sit down at the table to celebrate everything, all the holidays that come to us, but this... as you understand, is a phenomenon already came with christianity, the guiding star was lit themselves and the process was a work of art
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; in the center there was an icon of the newborn savior and eight spinning rays, decorated with paper flowers and ribbons; in the old days, the entrance included everything right down to the corn leaves. they told the granny that they deliberately tore the bast, tore off, so to speak, the top of the woman. a coarse part, specially soaked the berries until they were dry, and then the berries were cut into thin, thin sticks, all and then with natural ingredients they were harvested with these sticky basts. aphora on the archives of the holiday a clearly verified scenario: three gala dinners, the richest one is generous, and at the end they prick before baptism, sweep out evil spirits from houses, and children sprinkle grain on the floors, wishing for a rich harvest.
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comrades, rehearsal tomorrow at 10:00, although it will be a little later, you can sleep, you can, you can. that's how much she said? 9:45.
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well, we've arrived, we're almost home. almost doesn’t count, thank you for accompanying me, give me your hand, we’ll go further on our own, on our own, that’s how to understand, you mean back there, that means, listen, friend, how do you like it, no like it, girls,
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oh, who do i see, and it's you, good evening, hello, little boy, hello, what are you doing here? yes, so, i decided to take a little walk, by the way, you don’t spend much time outdoors, maybe we can take a walk together, consider it already a walk, it’s freezing cold, yeah, let me. well , excuse me, good night, or maybe let's chat a little more, i'm tired and cold, go home, vassenka, you're cold, well then... let's go
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to the cinema tomorrow, we'll see tomorrow. and you'll leave us on the street? what did you think? they thought, i was sure that we were going to visit,
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guests at night, so what? what, they don’t come to visit us at night, you were mistaken, look how quick they are to visit, dear girls, why, why don’t they come, chick there, they attacked the wrong ones, tell me, what treachery, at least give me a goodbye kiss, now ran away, tell us how they are, and we’ll have a smoke break. and yours is wow, she’s a little short, you liked her, but you don’t like her anymore. and what kind of area is it, and novomylnikovo, it’s clear, and where are the passers-by, the wilderness,
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the village, they’re still lying down here, listen, what time is it? click, if you recognize it on the train, that’s it. at 6 am, far from home, 20 kilometers, no less, gentlemen, they didn’t arrange a send-off, ugh, idiots. wait, there are no acquaintances, no one, no relatives, no
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police, what are we going to do, what are we going to do? listen, what's your name? sorry , i didn’t really hear you there in the cafe, to be honest, let’s do it again, sebastianov semyon, colloquial silva, busygin, vladimir, why silva? and the devil knows, they called him, they called him, they didn’t explain him. did i see you on the street corner? why, i receive there from 8 to 11 every evening. vasenka, come here, let's talk seriously.
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will you have scrambled eggs? no, but i'm hungry.
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do you love me? i, you love, you love, and since you love, you must obey me. will you obey? yes. vasenka, i want you not to follow me around the pits anymore, not to wait for me. finally, understand that nothing can happen between you and me. well, think about it, stupid, i’m 10 years older than you. then i’m not going to get married at all , i looked around, i’m under the impression, you know, i have the feeling that all the men are getting divorced in the court where i work, i have the impression,
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well, you see, you and i have different ideals, everything isn't that something they explained to you at school? don't be stupid. well, okay, obviously you don’t understand good words, i ’m just tired of you, tired of you, it’s clear to you, go away, and so that i don’t see you here anymore, okay. you won’t see me here again, you’ll never see me
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, the boy is completely crazy, we’ll meet tomorrow for half an hour to say goodbye, well, yes, you won’t be able to get rid of you later , i know you, you rubbish, what is it, but... get out of here, tailless puppy, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to.
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vasily, do you know what time it is?
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what does this mean, where are you going? what's the hike? and what's that? why do you need a passport? none of your business! i scribbled a letter, go, give her this message, come back and go to bed, what did you come up with, i’m leaving forever, i’m leaving, i’m crazy, you know that i’m leaving soon.
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grandfather, listen, vaska , what a bastard, i would strangle you, i’m not bothering you, and you leave me alone, dad, your son is leaving, he wrote her a letter, look, look, he wrote her a letter, i, i love you, i, i love you like no one has ever, you were right, i... "i love you, no one has ever i loved you, and now i’m leaving, forgiving your saint, to st., well, let’s say you don’t care about me, well, at least you thought about your father, but do you think about him, do you think? what do you understand? listen, vasily.
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son, we need to talk. like men , i don’t want to talk to you , i’m tired of you all, no, i need to talk, listen, we were visiting, we were late for the train, we just wish we could stay somewhere behind the stove until the morning, well , modestly, citizens, well, empty it’s a hassle, they don’t open it, and most importantly, no one wants to talk, they’ll only ask who keeps knocking. there's a light, there's a dog, and i'm their by the way, i understand, to open at night to two such types, you work, you study, you definitely work, a company representative, refrigerator repair, you work, a student, the damn wind, where
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did it come from, that was the day for you. there will be rain, there just wasn’t enough of it, and maybe even snow, we’ll catch up, another half hour or so, there are so many warm houses around, oh , the lukomorye sanatorium, and here there should be a guard protecting public values, we’ll visit, yeah, security, security, security, security, security, unfortunately, they trust us, in six months there will be many, many warm beds here, ring
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throwing and other outdoor games, hello, master, hello, master, what is it, good evening, girl, listen, i was late for the train, i’m freezing, i won’t let you in, wait, why so categorically, i live alone, so much the better, it means you have a place, alone, i, of course, you’re not scared alone, no, you’re not scared. what if you get sick at night, because there is no one to give water, it’s impossible, girl , don’t worry, i won’t get sick , i don’t have time to talk, visit you tomorrow, try, i won’t live until tomorrow, i’ll freeze, how can i let you in if i don’t know you ,
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great trouble, please, busygin, vladimir petrovich, student, so what, nothing, now you know me, do you think this is enough? what else, what? oh, yes, well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, but i already like you, everything is impossible for challah. well, we've talked. yes, so what next? i think we're making a mistake by relying on the private sector. meanwhile, a beautiful communal house nearby is not cooled. well, so what? i called all the apartments, let’s go, what are you going to tell them, what to say, we were late for the train, but they won’t believe us, let's say that we're freezing, so what , so what, who are you, what do they care about you, it's not winter yet until the morning, we'll say that we're lagging behind this, from the fast train, you
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won't get through them either, well then let's say that bandits are chasing us, really...
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i would have let him down the stairs, temperamental people live in this house, look, oh, shadow theater, yeah, in my opinion, the problem is being solved. fathers and sons, where did you get the idea, old and young, this is the configuration of the figures, yes. natasha, who else is there? is it me, sarafanov, andrey grigorievich? sorry, for the sake of
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god, nadasha, i need to talk to you alone, immediately. natasha, what's going on? ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay, she is 25, no more, he is 60, no less. well done! go! so so so! i'm curious if he has anyone left at home, well, in any case , he shouldn't have a wife, but the younger generation, his son, i think he has a lot of them, maybe , maybe i'm listening, you know, let's go with him let's get acquainted with who, yes, this son , what, well, this son of sarafanov, andrey grigorievich, what do you want, let's get warm, let's go. let's go, let's go, let's warm up, and then it will be obvious, i don’t understand anything
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, i know humanity a little, besides, i sometimes attend lectures, study physiology, psychoanalysis, and other useful things, so what, people have thick skin, and it’s not so easy to break through it, so, yeah, oh, you have to lie properly, only then they will believe you and sympathize with you, you have to intimidate the person. or pity, uh-huh, this night will end in the police, i feel it, good evening, hello, can i see andrei grigoryevich sarafanov, come in, but he’s not at home. when will he return? he left, when he returns,
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don't know. where did he go, if it's not a secret? i don't know, you sit down, wait if you want. wouldn't it be better for us to come tomorrow? not better, but how is his health? father, nothing, hypertension, hypertension? it’s necessary, but he’s had hypertension for a long time, for a long time, but in general
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, how is he, how is his success, his mood, but maybe he’ll still come tomorrow, huh? what exactly do you need from him? let's get acquainted first? vladimir, vasily, semyon, popularly silva, and why silva? silva, did the guys get the nickname back in this house of pioneers because of their passion for this, for music? right, yeah, clear. well and why do you need a father? “well, in general , here he is, he came to see you, you haven’t seen him for a long time, the saddest thing, the saddest thing
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is that we have never seen him, it’s unclear, just don’t be surprised. the fact is that andrei grigorievich sarafanov , my father . yes, yes, vasily, your dad is my father, strange as it may seem, this is the story, but what can you say, no, what can you say, these are brothers
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who met, some kind of coincidence, yes! well i'm cool now, i would never have thought of it, no fuss, listen to how this idea came to you to the head? the idea came quite naturally, i grew up without a father on alements, no, no, you’ll remember, my son’s feelings awoke in me, yes, dad, natasha?
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yeah, vasya, what a story, life, a dark forest, but it’s great to have a snack, well, a snack, of course, and you go to the kitchen, maybe you shouldn’t show it to your father today, you see it right away, unexpectedly. we’ll spare a little and come tomorrow, don’t you want to see him anymore, i really want to, but it’s risky, i’m afraid for his nerves, because he doesn’t know anything about me, well , since you’ve been found, it means it’s father, hold on, you need to time, you will no longer be able to operate than
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stop, then what about bradina, as i understand it? no, you think carefully and go back to work, we’ll see it already, you’re running away from problems, they can’t do it without you, and you can’t do it without them, finger, where are we, oh, oh, this is not a joke, i mean, do you really want to cooperate with us as an ordinary local doctor, come in, undress completely, are you undressing, you don’t even know what’s hurting me, and i’m now in... the cat has pain, the dog has pain, my boss has pain no pain, i want a divorce, oleg mikhailovich, let's meet from time to time, in what sense does bosovsky mean from tuesday on rtr,
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provocation is treacherous behavior, there are differences. between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism, this is a parallel agenda, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch we watch on the media platform, the first podcasts we watch, i can’t even believe that the bear is gone, what are you talking about? they're not going to the wake, do you know who it is? no, but i’m also a close person to him, i’m his daughter, who lived , there were three sisters, mom, is it true, she’s our sister, one is beautiful, the other is smart, i ’m very glad to see you, well, you don’t need me,
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okay, arvara mikhailovna, i’ll be waiting for you at the summer camp, third. just a stranger, why do you put up with such an attitude towards yourself, he is rude, mocks, cheats on you, your mother also essentially fell in love with a married man, do you think my mother was a happy woman, she cried for nights, you want it too, all my life i was afraid that she would appear, but maybe she is for the better, someone else’s sister, on january 8 on rtr, the entire south-east of ukraine will return. zhirinovsky continues to sort through his personal archive and new prophetic notes from vladimir volfovich have been discovered, in which the leader of the ldpr again predicts the future. malakhov on tuesday on
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rtr. and i walked along the street a little. it's raining, they say. i remembered my own, you are my son, you are my vasen, very, by the way, i was also young, i did a lot of stupid things, but i, vasya, never brought things to the point of hysteria, listen, while you were walking in the rain, because women can, and as you do, weak people act, we have guests, weak-willed, we have unusual guests. because with women, or rather there is always another guest, a guest and another guest, these are two guests, it turns out that your son came to us,
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your eldest son, what does my son mean, what does it mean - son, i say your son, you don’t worry, i understand everything very well, i don’t judge, i’m not even surprised,
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please, i wanted to say that in your opinion adults don’t need, i understand, well, forgive me , people don’t need other people’s parents, their own children they’re running, i understand, but for other people’s children, adult children to run to me, how old is he, 20 years old, 20 years old, a stranger, nonsense, if he.
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you think he's lying, right? he messed up, but why, he messed up, you understand, if he wants me to consider him my son, yes, he should be like me, well , at least, first, oh, he looks like, nonsense, if he, i’ll ask now how old he is, and you will understand that this is nonsense, and if it comes to that, then he should be 21 years old, well... no, not exactly 20, not 22, exactly 21, and if he is 21 and is, a stranger, nonsense, if , suddenly, so to speak, a coincidence , so to speak, accidental, then, then maybe, then
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his mother galina, precisely, not tamara, not tatyana, there, exactly, exactly galina, what is the surname of the patronymic, and what does this have to do with the patronymic, alexandrovna, in my opinion, and the surname? but why a surname, a name is enough , yes, but so many years have passed, that’s it , he came, where did he come from, why is he looking for his father, i swear , i’ll tell him now, i’ll tell him, i’ll bring him out into the open, what’s his name, volodya , volodya, yes, he loves you, he loves you, i don’t know why, dear blood, did you give them something to eat? good evening, hello, good! evening,
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good evening, good, please sit down, please sit down. so, well, well, you met, i explained everything to him, and you’re not worried, dad, so it’s just recently straight from the train, we were actually about three hours ago, yeah, we’re already passing through, right? “i’m returning from competitions, so i decided
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to see you, you’re an athlete, that’s great, sport is sport, at your age, this is, you’re straight back to competitions, no, i’m now returning to college. you’re a student athlete, yes, we are doctors, future, well, surgeons , this is wonderful, yeah, this is great, because sport is sport, science is science, i ’m changing seats, excuse me, when at your age , your 20s, you can get involved in sports, science, this is wonderful , youth, dana and dana, that -
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at the age of 20 you can get carried away, no, no, you forgot, i’m 22, of course, 21, exactly, i said so, i say, exactly 21, yes, just don’t be upset, because if figure it out here, because you need to rejoice. don’t be upset, in my opinion, but really, dad, i’m glad, i’m very glad, that’s it we are happy, most of all me, we will drink, and with all our hearts , because of this moment i welcome you, say, no, no, you say, no, you say, say, i wanted to say what is happening here, nin, you just don’t i’m surprised that you’ve done it here, what’s the matter, nina?
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great joy, your elder brother was found , what brother, what brother, elder, it’s him , this guy, it’s you brother, and what’s here, and what ’s special here, i didn’t tell you anything, you, unfortunately, didn’t know, i was afraid that you forgot me, forget, i was wrong, i was wrong, so let's do everything in order, let's do everything in order, it turns out that you are the father, this is your son, right? yes, well, it’s quite possible, shut up, but i wonder where you were before, well, where was he before, shut up, well, where was he before, so nina, such a thing, now it’s a great joy, a brother has been found, your older brother , it’s just like this, you know, i understand, i understand, but i’m interested in knowing where he was before, don’t worry, he didn’t even see our mom and dad then, well, wait, well, wait, well, that’s right , i’m saying, but it's been a while since you met
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a long time ago, and are you sure this is your son? how old are you? look at them, don't you see? no, it doesn’t look like, in my opinion, we are suspected of something here. who is this, also a relative? this is my friend, his name is semyon, buddy. so how old are you, i’ve heard it more than once, 21, and does that tell you anything? no, don’t talk about it, because nina, i’m asking, i’m telling you what your mother looks like, what’s her name, how you found us, where you were before, tell me everything in detail, like in the police, what did you think, i i think that you swindlers, what, are they similar, similar, tell us everything in detail, and we will listen, that i was offended together and left, right now, no, wait, wait, i know very little about my father? okay, let's go, from whom, what do you
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know, that's it, guys, yes. son, dad, son, and like dad, blood, no , i said, different blood, i said, guys, let's sit down, basya, no, hug him, come here, your brother, no, i said, very, very glad,
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well, son, i had the rank of captain. "well, what are you, what are you, very, very, they left me in the army, i had such difficulty demobilized, you know, i served in the artillery, and my hearing is very bad , i forgot a lot, it was difficult at the beginning, i had to play in cinemas, at dances, but gradually, fortunately, the deafness passed, and i was invited to the orchestra, volodya, symphony "? i traveled a lot , touring, cities, a lot, all this, a lot , well, not in capitals, of course, but very, very, that ’s when i met your mother, i was 30, then, are you listening to me, i'm listening,
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i'm listening, dad, i'm playing now, very, every a day in the orchestra, every day, and... and so volodo, so, that’s my whole life, of course, not everything is as planned in my youth, but very, very, simply,
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well, why do you compose music, but how do you do you feel about this? why am i a good job? just don’t think that i don’t set my sights on very many things, i need to complete one thing, just one thing, volodya, i will say the main thing in them, the most important thing,
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i have to do it. i have to, i simply have to do it, if i don’t do it, no one else will do it but me, you are the first, volodya, you understand this, you are the first, but this is only... a rough sketch, a sketch
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, maybe not necessary, volodya, i feel that you are not quite ready, then we will have a lot of time ahead, right, no need, yes, yes, excuse me, i wanted to ask you, mother of nina and vasya. where is she ? my god, chernigov, spring chestnuts, do you remember this workshop? well, a corner, of course, a sewing shop, well, she worked there, now she’s the director of a garment factory
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, i imagine she’s just as cheerful, everyone says that she hasn’t changed, well done, she’s now 45, 44, that’s how it is, she’s not married, no , no, it’s just the two of us, that’s how it is, my mother doesn’t complain about anything, she’s a proud woman, yes, sadly, i remember the tour ended. we left, she was left alone, on the dusty road, alone, she was not left alone, as you can see, yes, of course, as far as i remember, she had no intention give birth to a child, i was born by accident. why was she silent for so many years, as i say,
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she is a proud woman, i understand who my father is with this question, i pestered her since i learned to speak, you wanted to find me so much, i swore to find you as a pioneer , poor boy. you should probably hate me, hate you, that you, dad, merry christmas, such a great holiday, this christmas all your dreams will come true, we had so much fun, carols, generous songs, songs from the bottom of our hearts, andrey malakhov's christmas show january 8
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on rtr, i don’t have children, but i have two nieces, olya and mika, we have a wonderful family, it seems to me that my girls have problems, anna banshchikova, why? go change your life, you can do anything, i said, aunt lucy, your aunt lucy,
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january 7 on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then there is a trick, the name of which character everyone knows from pushkin’s works. what will it be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much will it be, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i let's cut, don't pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don't know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now. and if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, tomorrow on
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rtr, and you know, volo, our youngest, is too sensitive, they say he has a subtle mental organization, a subtle organization always backfires, that ’s probably why he is an unhappy love, they lived peacefully, quietly, suddenly he gets crazy with you, leaves, and... who is she? - secretary, works in court, his senior. it's gotten to the point where tonight i was forced to go to her. for what? to explain, she kicked him out. how can i help, volodya, how can i help? at first i thought she was embarrassed by the age difference. then i thought maybe she was worried that then everyone would judge her, but that’s the same.
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i talked to her in this spirit. i convinced her, asked her, exhorted her to be gentler. caress with him, you know, age , so that all this, volodya, maybe you can talk to him, you’re an older brother, you know, yes, maybe, so to speak, he’ll listen to you, well, i’ll try, i i’m glad, you have no idea, i’m glad , i’ve been feeling sad lately, and what else is bothering you, well, you know, judge for yourself, one is leaving for the taiga because she has an unhappy love , the other is leaving because she is happy, all this nina, she’s getting married, what are you talking about, she’s leaving with her husband in a few days for sakhalin, by the way, she wanted to introduce me to him today, and now you too , what can i say, volodya, a miracle happened, a real
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miracle, and they say, that i’m a loser, well, you can imagine, but for whom? - a serious person, an engineer, will work in aeroflot. so, how many years? 19? yes, but she couldn't have been any bigger? she's good, what are you talking about? she is very good. well , of course, it was a bit difficult for her, she was also a housewife, she was preparing for college, she was a draftsman, she worked , she passed all the time, well , well done, she, she’s great, well, why doesn’t she take you with her, what are you doing, why me will i interfere? i was born in this city, i have everything in this city, well, everything, everything, well, i keep complaining, complaining, it’s time for you to sleep, good night, it’s okay that you go to bed with your friend today, and then we’ll figure it out, great, don’t worry, volodya, what happened today is a great happiness, for me it’s
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also a great joy, it’s true, of course. let me kiss you, son, go to sleep.
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estaba ahí. silva, get up, i’m telling you, come on, come on, what a life, i haven’t gotten enough sleep for a whole month, come on, i only have one day to sleep on sunday and here you go, listen, and your little sister is wow. i wouldn’t resist, get dressed, don’t talk, just move, you’re asleep, and we spent the whole night playing on each other's nerves , that we had already been cut off, no, but we still laugh with laughter, and this is, you know, a matter under jurisdiction, we are tearing
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our claws, what are you, this dad, a saint, a man, yes, great, you got him drunk, it’s just beautiful, god forbid i even deceive someone who believes every word you say, let’s go, son, where are you going, son? where are you going? i, actually, we, it’s time for us, yes, yes, it’s time for us to go, after all, we have a session there, yes, unfortunately. and you wanted to leave right today, right now, yes, dad, we were already delayed, we missed a lot
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classes and in general, but don’t think about it, i’ll come, the session will end, and i’ll come right away, of course, by the way, what else should i have waited for, we met and talked. of course , i’ll come, in january i’ll come, at the end, you hear, why are you silent, why don’t you believe me, why, how could i, why, but you could leave without saying goodbye and i, i actually didn’t want to to wake you up, frankly speaking, it’s hard for me to say goodbye to you, i... without this, and it’s true, yes , what are you, he was so nervous, if so, yes, but
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this is nothing, about 3 months, it’s necessary go right now, yes, just a minute, yes, our train leaves at about ten , well, we need to, well, that’s it, goodbye, all the best, i’m glad... i wanted it for you, i have to give you not let's say, one thing, what a thing, now one minute, a trifle, one minute, a souvenir,
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what are you waiting for, go, i'll leave later, listen , they got the old man drunk, that's enough, let's get out of here, go, i 'm not holding you, listen, eh what do you want, what are you up to, explain, maybe i’ll take a risk too, but no, go listen, what’s wrong? if it’s theft, then of course i’ll pass, theft is not my genre, dude, now he's coming in, we're not there, can you imagine it, but you imagined it, so what, so what? oh, look, old man, you’re going to smoke what’s going on in this matter, maybe you ’re staying because of her, you want to have sex with her, keep in mind, you ’re her brother, you can’t.
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and tomorrow i will fly by plane, why not , thoughts, it’s wonderful, sunday, we are whole, we are together, so that the children, aviation is not absolutely, semyon, of course, so that you certainly ask me, i know , kind morning, good morning? good morning, how saved you, great, slept, thank you, good, and why are you standing at the door, i ’m breathing here, and you opened the window, it’s cooling, just like that, semyon, you’re staying, well, of course
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, i’m staying, volodya and i are not separated, where he goes, i go too, great, i see you are a real comrade, thank you, semyon, just thank you very much, semyon. i have an idea, sarafanov jr., the state is deplorable, i say , i have an idea, my youngest son seems to have moved his mind, dad, you need to get married, what did you say, i say, you need to get married, what are you talking about, so what? you 're talking, i'm not offering you anything bad, on the contrary, just invite him, he’s a promian, there’s nothing funny here for mom, who else, dad, what’s worth thinking about? what do you think, i don’t even know what to say, i’ve let myself go, don’t pay attention, i’ve just gone wild, but really, we need to swing the windows, we need
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to swing the windows.
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if i were you, i would first complete my two years of school , absolutely, you will always have time in this institution , admission is open all year round , especially since it seems to me that carpenters are more needed, so what, i will try, senior comrades will help me, well, besides, not everyone someone needs to study and work , no one asks, by the way, it’s useful for you to know
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the opinion of your sister, she is 10 times more serious than you, everyone knows dad that you have a serious, smart, very beautiful daughter, this is not a laughing matter, well, besides, another son appeared for you, so you could easily leave me alone, well, try, well, talk, well , try, well, buy him for a ruble, if i were you , i would listen to my father and sister, but you found yourself in time, well, here you go you listen to them instead of me, i’m leaving, unfortunately, as you are leaving, yes, tomorrow, college awaits us , sad as it is, yes, but i thought that you were coming to us, she thought that you would stay here with dad, she found a scapegoat, don’t, don’t make a scandal, but as for volodya, he promised to come and stay with me in the winter, so you’re here so casually, and you’re leaving before leaving, before what departure, nina, volodya is flying out early tomorrow morning, i have
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a request to you, volodya, i have a serious day today.. oh, vasily, look at natalya in all her attire. that's her. who is she? our neighbor good dear village. well, why are you sitting, go, say goodbye. and you sent her a letter? i need you not to go crazy. you have to think and then go crazy. is it better the other way around? i think so. and very stupid. volodya is absolutely right, it’s not superfluous to think, but young emotions must be taken into account, oh, let’s protect him, if you want him to completely lose his mind, come on, you, you think and figure it out for yourself, leave me alone, maybe i
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want to go crazy go, you understand, why, but what is he really doing? "found before who to humiliate yourself with, you’re wrong, girl , she’s not bad, look, please, you can understand him, she’s interesting, yes, you think, but externally, in any case, she’s very attractive, in that case you have bad taste, get out of the kitchen , i’m starting to clean , but it’s better to just not think about anything , don’t go crazy, it’s calmer, in my opinion, nina, listen to the judgment of the person who i announced the cleaning, we heard, let’s leave, let’s leave , you know, nina, i completely
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agree with you, there’s nothing special about this, it’s great to clear out the room, but i just wanted to help you clean up, go, go, we need to talk.” no, well, maybe rearrange something, take it out, you’ll only get in our way, listen, you’re not a brother, what kind of things can you do? there should be conversations, family, family conversations, it’s not necessary. it’s even strange, of course
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, everything could be expected from dad like that, who would have thought that i had a brother, and even an older one , and even such an interesting one, but did i really think, what 's so wonderful about me? cute little sister, cute, of course you are do you think, no, i think that you are beautiful, well, beautiful or pretty, i don’t understand something, both, but i need to talk to you, so you’re leaving, so what? oh yes, your father probably explained everything to you, right? so you’re leaving, and what happens at all? well , yes, what are you interested in? me, you see, what does it matter, father, the man is no longer young and not so healthy, and
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he has a character, you yourself understand? no, i don’t understand, because he’ll be left alone, so what, well, could you, could what? well, in general, i could to stay here, that’s how it is, you must be so caring, but how could it be otherwise, he ’s not someone like your own father, but for you, if you’re such a caring son, then why don’t you take him to you, me, and why are you so surprised, you are the eldest son, for that matter, then this is your filial duty, vassenka. vasenka, come to me, i will spank you for yesterday, but for this purpose, look for someone else, don’t be angry, i was joking, you are in a good mood, you want
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to play, the role of a mouse no longer suits me. well, you can have breakfast with me if i think you invited me to the cinema, have you changed your mind? what are you really saying, what's going on there? is there anything nicer? a new film is playing nearby, what is it about? a romance between lovers, how two people love and then part, oh,
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i’m not talking about divorce, i’m tired of them at work, three cases, two divorces, well, it’s not like that, what else? well, another studio daughter, but there , too, that like one wife left a bad husband for a good one, it just seems like that to her, is something else coming or is that it, that’s it, then the best romance, so what am i going for? go, little boy, go to what session? which one do you want? so, yeah, then for all the sessions, for everything, for 40 years in advance, a wedding is coming to us, we will help him, write letters, then in the end, we leave him... not for long, but for a year and a half . but in aviation
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, does the honeymoon last a year and a half? what, you don’t like his profession? why do you like it? this is wonderful, irresistible, don’t fly away, dear, don’t fly away. but i don't understand your tone. and he is not a flight crew, a ground service. radio engineer. i 'll introduce you to you in the evening. he is a good guy. i imagine ground service. he's probably big and kind. yes, you are right, ugly, but charming, exactly, cheerful, attentive , relaxed in conversation, yes, yes, how do you know everything, watering, purposeful, in general, behind him you are like behind a stone wall, yes , strong-willed, and purposeful, and what’s wrong with that, at least he knows exactly what he needs in this life, he doesn’t take too much of himself, but he’s a master of his word, yes. it’s not that some people lie, they promise strikoran,
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in fact, you may never have it at all he’s not lying, but he’s not lying, but he has no reason to lie, yes, yes, i want to see him, show him , let me look at him at least out of the corner of my eye , you’ll see him in the evening, but you can’t during the day, i would like to look at him properly, never he’s not lying , but that’s wonderful, listen to what... you have him, he’s a simple, modest guy, yeah, well , there aren’t enough stars in the sky, so what, but i think it’s for the best, i don’t need ceremon, i need a husband, but what if so, then of course, then it’s just right, that’s just right, you don’t even know him, but i know you, well, when did you manage to do this, but now... now, how capable you are, you talked for 5 minutes
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, understood everything, understood what you needed, so what, a husband, you yourself said, you know, that’s it, and in general , who are you to tell me such things, but if you want to know, he is no worse than you, i don’t argue. even better , don’t mind, what a comparison, he’s certainly better, he ’s wider than you at the shoulders and half a head taller, then all the more so, all the more so, all the more so you ’re impudent, impudent and an upstart, yes, yes, crazy, dad your crazy, and you are the same, thank you, please, are you... offended? no, but you
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’re good too, yeah, i really shouldn’t have attacked him, that means peace, i yelled at you here, you’re not angry, but no. no, you’re kind of strange, just like my father. “very strange, listen, little sister , i need to decide something, with my father, i mean, yeah , why strange, i just didn’t sleep at night, nothing strange, so what about helping, can
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i finally talk calmly with my sister ?"
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golosha, golosha, real, beautiful, shiny, i won’t interfere, it seems not,
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hello, natasha, hello, and me name is semyon. not bad, but how do you know my name? don’t be surprised, i ’ve been watching you for a long time, even, or rather, admiring you, and where did you see me? i’ll never tell you, well, i ’ll tell you myself, just like you saw me, where did you get divorced? i'm sorry, what? in what court did you get your divorce? come on, this never happened. i don't like to involve the state in my personal affairs. for what? the state has enough of its own factories. i work in court, isn’t that where we met? not there. fortunately. adhesive otitis media. yes. diagnosis made by
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the wife. health. i knew it, that's all. now they consider health, even girls like you, however, if you take into account your dusty work, you live alone, an immodest question, why, why, i like it and live, and why are you unhappy, well, on the contrary, romantically, invite you to visit . on what basis? don't you like me, do you? yes. nothing. then what do we do in the evening? i'm going to the cinema. movie. yes. is it possible to transfer this same movie to the future? what for? well, hey, hey,
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hey, how are you living? “you can ask, come in, you’ll break in anyway, that’s for sure, listen, maybe together, no, no, go alone, i’d rather go with my father, listen to glinka berleoz, i don’t advise you, because you won’t hear any berleoz, he hasn’t worked at the philharmonic for six months , seriously, yes, and it’s better if you know about it, but where does he work in the cinema?” “the theater in the railway workers’ club plays at dances, yes, just look, he shouldn’t know about what you know, well, that’s understandable, of course, this has been known to everyone for a long time, only me...
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the music is amazing music, either contact, or rhatoria is called all people brothers, all life, as long as i can remember, he has been composing exactly this oratorio. well, i hope it’s coming to an end, he would have written a whole page, one, yes, the only one, only once it was, in my opinion, last year, he moved to the second, but now he’s back to the first, yes , he works conscientiously, but maybe this is how music should be composed? “you reason the same way as he does, it’s a pity to part with you
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, i was so looking forward to this departure, and now it’s a pity to part with vaska, with you, although just yesterday i didn’t even know you, listen, brother, where are you disappeared, why didn’t you show up earlier, would have taken me to the movies, to dancing, would have taught me how to protect him, otherwise..." the last day appeared to you as if by chance, it’s even mean from the side, what can you do, stay if you want, stay late, i mean, why , well, we’ll go to the cinema to dance, you’re leaving tomorrow, i ’ll be back, no, it’s already been decided where you ’ll meet him, in the center, as usual, when you show up, it’s 8 o’clock here, so you want let's go together, what should i do there? no, let's meet in the evening, i hope you like him, he he’s good, he treats me like
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that, don’t think so, other people like me, i chose him myself, why, he’s the best, he loves me, in life, you know, passion is passion, but you want something once and for all, understandable , what? you understand again, happy, brother, happy, sister, very, very, so, when the sun turns golden, the tops of the trees, good, good.
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i’m reporting, life is in full swing, i noticed that you’re feeling sad, what’s the matter, are you a son or a poor
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relative, i’m waiting for you, well, listen, don’t you think we’re overstaying our welcome here, no, everything is fine, i already like it here, guys. not bad, things are going well, what's going on? i mean, cordial, but there’s nothing like that , oh well, tell me, as if i don’t see, you have a frenzied interest, and mutual, you can’t be looked at, i just want to cry, ask, she’s getting married, i heard, so what , so what, and in a few days he’s leaving , that’s all the interest, get ready, where, home, wait, i have a date at 10, it won’t take place, why the hell are you poking around where you shouldn’t, can’t you see what's wrong with the boy
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is happening because of this girl, and i have nothing to do with it, i’m not... a fool and no dates, that’s it, we’re going, no way, i can’t deceive a woman, you can come in to say goodbye, you’ll say that when the sun turns golden the tops of the trees, you will already be far away, listen to what you came up with again, we will come here at night, but why, then we won’t come, then you go, and i will go together, why? listen, you have some plans, i understand, but i don’t know anything, why should i suffer? explain, then it’s another matter, you keep me completely in the dark, it’s ugly, that’s not what friends do, okay, since we’re friends, i ask you as a friend, let’s go, but you yourself said
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that you’re my friend, that’s right, a friend, but you can’t carry hay on me. i can’t be with my sister, i can’t be with my other sister either, how can i continue to live , in short, if you ever knock on this girl’s door, it will end badly for you, what are you doing? i bought tickets, yeah, they listened, they decided, i bought tickets, you know what the line was, today is sunday, and where are the buttons? i don’t know, one is here, the other is there, take off your jacket.
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we’ll sew this one on, no, you know which one, here, oh, when this button comes off, you ’ll forget me, such a sign, do you have tickets for which show, the last one? at 10 o'clock , why at 10, well, you yourself said whichever one you want, but not at 10, well, you said, vasenka, my dear, at 10 it's impossible, at whichever one you want, you said it yourself, no, vasenka, at 10 i can’t go, why can’t i do everything, why can’t you, i can’t, that means i can’t, let’s get tickets quickly if you still
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want to go to the cinema. and why? i should know, i should know, shouldn't i? well it happened? are you on a date? you are like a prosecutor, and don’t look at me like that, please, who gave you the right to look at me like that? you have a date. i told you, stop questioning. well, what has changed? something, what? “vasenka, i think i liked this guy, i’m on a date, you guessed where this guy was before, why did you do it, why did you send me for tickets,
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you felt sorry for me, you felt sorry for your dad, but what does your father have to do with it? and besides, he came to me last night and asked me to behave more kindly with you so as not to upset you, well, you have to figure this out, no, apparently you can’t live in this world without a husband. i'll kill you, will you? oh brother, what's wrong with you, what happened? who hurt you? she? what would i advise you, old man, to give up on this for a while. you love a girl, she turns you a dynamo,
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a normal phenomenon. and look what she will do when you are not there. vasily, you idiot, you see what you’ve done, but what? volodya, where are you, volodya! well, i can’t put my dog ​​on board without a certificate, well, these are the rules, you understand? i am a self-employed person, i have a business trip abroad! victor kind, what was that on the strip? i don’t know,
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the dog, in my opinion, pavel maikov, evgenia dmitrievna, no, well, it’s some kind of park, vladimir ilyin, quietly, coming in to land, now he’ll run. here and no one else is running to meet, her owner flew to prague on this plane, but didn’t take her with him, vladimir simonov, the whole world should recognize this dog, what’s her name, palm tree , palm tree, you’re bored, crazy, me too i miss you today on rtr. you are my melody, we are at the television center on shabolovka, here is the evening of the poet nikolai
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nikolaevich dobronravov, his melody is with us alexandra nikolaevna pakhmutova, the earth is empty without him, hope, my earthly compass. good luck, a reward has sung under the wing of an airplane, it’s singing about something, the green sea, friends are parting, your tenderness, nikolai dobronravov’s evening on january 7 on rtr. you were in a yellow dress and once laughed at yourself here, there were such rays, look into my eyes and tell me that you don’t have another woman,
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i don’t have another woman, oleg, who is for you, i don’t know. how could you bring her into our house? yes, you betrayed mom, yes, you betrayed us all? when the ice melts in your heart, i’m there, when the time comes to start all over again, you lost your husband, and now you’ve decided to take mine, it’s not all right, it’s all right, i want to come back, i even love you, half an hour before spring, today on rtr. what are you observing there, something funny from
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the life of cockroaches, is useless. some radio engineer, knows what he wants from life and is broader in the shoulders than me, you better leave, i understand, you want to see
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your sister, maybe you want to talk to her properly, this is not your business, but the radio is a rival, but dad will come there and he will have fun for you. but i have nothing to do with it, you’ve already talked to this girl, about what? look, it turns out he was young too.
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but it’s true, there is something pleasant in this , to suffer for a comrade, i even began to respect myself, in fact, i’m lying here, so i respect it, your little sister in her early youth, she’s playing hopscotch, look, well, admire, i saw, and it's after the prom, they're walking down the street, raspberry patch, what? the most beautiful thing here is the beach, well, well, this is the most interesting thing, once there was such an incident on the beach, a girl was drowning, and i pulled her out, so what? well, i dragged it, no saw, pulled out, looked, unsympathetic, unlucky, i would like to save this one, she’s drowning, and i’m her... but it’s a good start, say, come in,
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it’s open, good evening, the sarafanovs’ apartment, yes, this is the sarafanovs’ apartment, good evening, anina, hasn’t she returned yet, not yet, damn it, i don’t have much time. “her and i, we got lost in the gastronomy, and you are here for the first time, absolutely right, for the first time, well, nothing , we got our bearings, but what about, well, guys , let’s get acquainted, let’s get acquainted, mikhail kudimov,
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“it’s you , i know everything, i sympathize, i’m glad, thank you for your sensitivity, mikhail , sebastyanov, semyon paromonovich, paromonovich, comedian, comedian, excuse me, what are you talking about, stop it, but why, let him be like me, i don’t mind." second basketball stage for an accurate hit, one point, i’ll take you away in my opinion, this is more in keeping with the situation.
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and where is dad? who do you call dad? like who? ninochka’s father, your father, you don’t know him, you already call him dad, however, he’s at work, you sit down, and why is it you, you tell me, why are you telling me, you, me and my friend, this shocks us, guys, guys, what are these formalities, on a day like this, let’s make it simple, let’s have a drink on this occasion.
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well, we met, it was business, funny guys, i love funny guys, well, let’s have a drink so they’re not the same! wasted time, that’s right , don’t rush, let’s wait for father, let’s wait, but in half an hour i’m leaving, that’s life, regulations and all that, i’m a little late, lip, it’s hard,
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right, yes, i explained to you, we don’t have an army, i just promised myself to never be late, and i respect my word. in the end, it doesn’t matter if you ’re late today, just once, why should i? to be late, yes , why should he be late, today you will be late, why, just like that, you will be late for everything, if necessary, i’m ready, but just like that, i’m sorry, i don’t see the point in this, that’s right, don’t give in, yes, i’m never late , i thought so, today you will be late, i want it that way, don’t listen to her, the main thing is to be principled, good evening, good evening, orkharovites, good evening,
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i am very glad, we are all very, so to speak, volodya, that’s right, yes, whether or not i’m glad, dad, my health, your health, your health, i i just wanted to say, just a little, i was just returning home and was thinking, reflecting on life, that don’t talk about life wiser than all of us living and wise, it...
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volodya, semyon, thank you for you, i wish you happiness, semyon, thank you, thank you, thank you, for your health, dad, okay, i don’t know
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where, i’m sure i saw you somewhere, definitely not, but where where, you know, i have such a character, if i don’t remember, i i will suffer all the time, i saw it somewhere, young man, i am an artist, yes, you could see me, we are for the sake of, you know perfectly well, the philharmonic, no , the philharmonic, the theater, finally, just a minute, and you won’t be late, 18 minutes left, thank you, i keep an eye on the clock, but you see, i have to remember, you can remember until your death. i remembered, i saw you on the street, i saw you on the street, i saw him, well, thank god, i hope you will calm down now, listen, how can i fight, as soon as you said until i die, i immediately.
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i just need to see a person, i have an excellent visual memory, this time it let you down, i confused him with someone else, no, well, nothing like that, he was in this raincoat, in this beret, you tell me, it seemed to you, yes, that’s right, you made a mistake, no, you tell them, you made a mistake, don’t you understand that, volodya, guys, ninochka, i give you my word of honor, listen, you were mistaken, it’s clear to everyone, including you, well, no, “wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, you understand that you were mistaken, you insist on your own, it’s not good, it turns out you
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’re lying, that - i’m telling you for such words, you know, it’s time for you, husband, there are 15 minutes left, i’m behaving normally and telling the truth, but what if someone if you don’t like it, then let him get out, young man, what does it mean to someone, he is my son, he is my daughter’s brother, i would ask you to be more polite with him, well..." feed yourself, thank you, son, according to honor , here the researchers had little hope, in the first 4
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days i fed the monkeys a little, i lied to you, i haven’t been working in the philharmonic orchestra for six months, oh well, dad, so why didn’t you know about it, but i’m a serious musician ? i didn’t work out, i work in cinemas, dances and so on, so what, the bitter truth is better than such things, 10 minutes, people need music when they are having fun and sad, dad, in my opinion, you are on the right path, where else should a musician be if not at a funeral dance, thank you, thank you. no, you can’t call me a loser, because
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i have wonderful children, a lot of excitement in my family life, well, go on, i wish you all the best, kid, this is not the right moment to clarify our family, no, this time you me you can’t stop, listen, old man, bag, don’t be in such a hurry, just take off your clothes if you ever need something grab, then you turn to dad, he will arrange everything, little tower, little tower, why did you come to me at night, well, who asked you, son, i wanted the best for you, i did all this for you, it would be better if you didn’t care about me, goodbye, i ask for forgiveness, but... i will kneel before you, but i, i forbid you to leave, listen, old man, what about our agreement? let me go, you've all
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bullied me, son, i'm begging you, i can't see you, you too, what you said, so take my dear ones, get out, this minute, we won't leave you, take away. no need, nothing it’s necessary that he let him get away with it without us, oh , they’re gone, he’s a smart, fashionable bandit, without fatherhood, a criminal, nothing, nothing, i don’t pay attention, just don’t pay attention, don’t give a damn to begin with. great, just start , leave me, it’s starting, let’s go to
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hell just like him, you won’t stand on ceremony with me about this, you don’t need me. you won’t bother with me like that. mikhail, it's time for you. stop doing that. no, i really have to go. i'm leaving. misha, stay. there needs to be at least one sensible person. stay, please. i'm the odd man out here. i'm not needed. i’m very sorry, ninochka, but i really have to go, i’ll go, misha, stay, don’t get me wrong, you’re on a whim, but i promised myself, well, go, go, otherwise he’ll really be late.
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start yourself, from the fragments of a broken dream you can create a new one, you decided to go, gold. sometimes the best way to forget someone is to see them again. why is everything so crooked in life? tell me about your life. a fairy tale based on real events. golden. today on rtr. there are places that
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fascinating because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million here moped drivers, taste it. oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing. snake caster is the most ancient profession in india; they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became real a talisman for its owner. a secret to the whole
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world. on sunday on rtr. “i can’t even believe that the bear is no more , aren’t you going to the wake, do you know who it is? no, but i’m also a close person to him, i’m his daughter, that they lived, there were three sisters, mom, is this true, she is our sister, one is beautiful, the other is smart, i’m very glad to see you, well , i’m fine with you, mikhailovna.” i’ll be waiting for you on the piece of paper, and the third one is just a stranger, why do you tolerate such an attitude towards yourself, he’s rude, mocks, cheats on you, your mother too essentially fell in love with a married man, do you think my mother was a happy woman, she cried at night, that’s what you want too, all my life i was afraid that she would appear, but maybe she’s for
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the better, someone else’s sister, january 8th on rt. in my opinion, you need to lie down, rest, here they are, calm down, children, god, my children. i understand, i’ll see you tomorrow, yes, yes,
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i did my job, son, i grew up, and now i’m able, i can do it in my old age. i want to enjoy solitude, you won't, if you don't mind, i'll stay with you in your city, there is a medical institute, and you are with me, you are the only one with me, calm down. it’s so simple, but what should i do, so that i really decide to stay here, yes, but what should i do, do you think i can leave him alone now, i’m upset, right? you tried so hard, showed talent, no one wanted you to be upset, why did you make an idiot out of him, well, i don’t like it, so what, it’s not you
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who is getting married, but me, maybe he’s not the smartest, not the most handsome, well so what, what if i love him, then, then everything is fine, tomorrow he will be waiting for you, yes, he will be waiting, well, you’ll get married, go to sakhalin , i’m not going anywhere, how can that be, yes, you’re right, we can’t leave him now, i also realized that i’m daddy’s daughter, we’re all like daddy, we have the same character, what a the devil? sakhalin, yes , it’s yours, he will agree, i don’t know, he may agree, or
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maybe not, i don’t know anything, i somehow don’t care now, well, don’t be upset , it’s worth it to someone, to someone, but to you, lord, just hang your nose, so many guys will come running, you ’ll have to put them in piles, and you’ll tell me what happened? nothing. just if you if you stay, i'll have to leave. hello, why else? why? because, as has already been said, i’m an idiot and don’t see any way out. what's
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the solution, what's wrong with you? is this always like this or has it happened to you recently? recently. what happened? fell in love with whom? how can i tell you, she belongs. knock it off, you should succeed, it’s easy to say, but what’s stopping you? i don’t know who she is, but i envy her terribly, and in general i feel sorry that you are my brother, i’m not your brother, that i’m not your brother, are you kidding me? i have never been, i will never be your brother, i don’t believe you, i don’t have and never had a sister , i don’t believe you, you’re lying, a fact is a fact,
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i didn’t know my father, my mother lives in chelyapinsk, your father has never been there in his life, i deceived him, why, everything happened completely by chance, he believed that i belonged, first he, then you. i'm completely confused by you, and also, i don't like your fiancé because i like you.
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why have you been silent until now, are you crazy? “maybe, but i don’t want to be your brother anymore, you’re an adventurer, you need to report to the police, publish, hand over, it’s better to sit in bullpen, rather than being your brother, you should be thrown out of the house or let off the ladder? yes, and before, when i was your brother, you liked me, son, i thought of everything, we’re going to chernigov , are you going crazy? i can’t stay here, you see, son, she has nothing sacred, because of this house i have to leave, leave immediately. leave now, before
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they take it out this minute, this very second, i ’ll just take the clarinet and notes, and that’s everything that i discuss when the train, i don’t know, well, what do you intend to do, i don’t know, can you imagine, what will happen to him if he finds out, i’m ready , volodya, i got ready, i didn’t leave anything, only i could stay here, you understand me, sit down, sit down, let’s sit in front of the road,
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i lived someone else’s life for 20 years. i left happiness in chernigov, how could i, how could i not find it, well, i’m coming back, son, i’m coming back , don’t doubt it, i’m convinced, i’m simply convinced that your mother will be happy, don’t you believe me, no, i believe it, but why is it in such a hurry? well, all at once, why are you, immediately, right now, why are you sitting, son, why are you sitting, dad, dad, calm down, don’t worry, where is this guy, what happened, i was seriously injured, i need trousers, your neighbor, dear dad, and i were drinking tea like neighbors, and there were windows.


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