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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 6, 2024 8:00pm-8:46pm MSK

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but ira couldn’t, that’s why i came for the test, but here you go, thank you, you don’t recognize your mother at all now, she’s so helpless, listen, i can’t even imagine maria semyonovna helpless to you, i remember before, when she was still working at
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... "i'll talk to dad, everything will be fine, thank you, everything is fine , goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, calm watch, thank you, hello ." greets the day with envy, and i picked sasha up early from kindergarten today, yeah, vadim is flying in, well, i know, how do i feel? since i need to discuss something with him, i have new samples from the laboratory, listen, let’s take a little walk, let him and ilka be alone, well, of course it’s good, but anya is at home, no, anya has left, where did she go, well where
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"? she has an internship oleg, well, i beg you, 6 years at the institute, she doesn’t see anything at all except her studies, well, let her unwind a little, listen, which one will unwind, she has an internship , which one will unwind, now is not the time for all this , oleg, sash, sashka, come on, run to us, quickly, quickly, quickly, let’s go to the park for a walk, i’m walking, the bookstore, where my grandfather promised me to buy an atlas of man, an atlas of man, not an atlas of man, an atlas of human anatomy, sanka, on you... i hope that a man will be a brilliant doctor, yes, exactly, sashka, are you going to be a doctor too, huh? another doctor in the family, well, yes, let's go, both of us, i miss you so much, by the way, i was given a grant for clinical work.
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research, so you can congratulate us, me and the dining cells, i will congratulate you when you are given a laboratory at the university of california, irin, me and there is no end to the work here, how can i leave? and you promised that we would move as soon as you were offered the position. they don’t offer it yet , no, really, wad, but it’s strange, all this, everyone has already moved to america, but they don’t call you zaflaba, all this because you’re very soft, you help everyone, but you forget about your family, which is like he pushed his graduate student, who has a small stake in front of his whole life, and irochka, well , you know how hard life is for young scientists now, and here it is. everything is fine, well, i’m not
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in trouble, by the way, how’s the repair going? mom can handle it, you're helping , the renovation is stupid, why did they start it, what is mom doing, i'm not helping, i don't care, we 'll be leaving soon, yes, where's dad, sasha
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, we'll study, excuse me, you've already had dinner, great , then now we’ll all sit down at the table together, by the way, i baked a pie, your favorite, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. hello, yes, hello, hello, okay, okay, of course, i can, i can , yes, yes, i can, inna, i can, i will assist you, that's it, i'll, agreed, that's it, agreed, bye, bye, okay, hello everyone .
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you know, you have a six-month appointment go ahead, but they really need it, dad. an , and you are there too, i have 10 operations a day, well, i have people standing in line for months, well, i don’t understand what i should do, oleg, well, oleg, what should i do, i don’t understand, i should break up is it necessary, i don’t understand, okay, let him come at seven in the morning on tuesday, and don’t let it be a shame that i already have rounds at 8, thank you, dad, that’s it, and let’s get busy, that’s it, i’m gone, you know, i i really want to go somewhere with you , just the two of us, but not sasha’s inner, but normal, like before, yeah, of course, of course,
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of course, okay, i won't bother you. how can you not bother me when you are already bothering me very much, right? yes. i wouldn't risk it. well, the case is certainly difficult, and there is a risk. but there is also a chance. but, in any case , it's up to you to decide. no need to think. i don’t want to lose my mother, it’s probably better as it is now than, thank you very much, oleg pavlovich, oleg pavlovich, i can call you, of course, of course, thank you, yeah, everything is fine, you would
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take a risk, i would in this young man's place he took advantage of every chance, by the way, oleg, uh-huh, congratulations, your daughter is finally i decided on an internship, signed an application yesterday, so now you’ll see each other more often, great, she’s a smart, sensitive girl , i think she can do it, smart, smart, thank you, hello, hello, why don’t you perform, and i came to support you , thank you, you know, my head is completely swollen, i don’t know what to do, your father is ready to operate, but he himself says that the risk is big, well, if he is ready to operate, then listen, maybe i can visit maria semyonovna , of course you can, come any time, mom will be very happy, if you want, i i’ll pick you up after the lecture and we’ll go together, yes,
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i really want to, let’s go, right? anya , meet me, this is margarita, my boss, it’s very nice, and i, i, i have to go, probably, yes, let’s call, we need to go to a meeting now, yes, yes, of course, a meeting, bye, bye, see you. boss means i thought that my fiancée, reed, don’t be offended, anka was running after me at school, and i’m not going to disappoint the daughter of a famous surgeon, perhaps the only one
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who can help my mother. yes, pash, do you know how to use women? it's banal politeness. and yes, oleg pavlych agreed to perform the operation. thanks for asking. sorry. as a mother, it’s fine, but i shouted out a contract with a new client, which means... there will be a bonus, hey, well, has pasha already decided, something? no, he’s afraid, well , well, you support him somehow, yes, i’m trying, this is the boss, margarita, well, well, maybe she ’s really just a boss, mom, well, i ’m not a fool, everything is clear, everything is visible, everything on your face, listen, we just started talking, you ’re already jealous of everyone, you know, you started
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thinking, why is this? okay, i ran come on, pasha invited me, margarita is our boss, and i’ll be an ally, that’s it, bye, bye. sashka, come on, show me , well, be patient, that’s it, it doesn’t hurt anymore, really, i don’t want mom and dad to quarrel with me again, what do you mean again, they quarrel often, all the time, mom will definitely ask, yes am i giving up? managed , the teacher immediately separated us
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, if she hadn’t separated us, i would have shown him, well, of course i would have shown him, can you hear me at all , that’s it, i don’t listen to you , he doesn’t know how to give change, he reads books all the time, you want him to he he sat quietly and didn’t interfere with your work, you don’t play football with him, you can’t teach him not to fight, irochka, stop yelling at me, i promise, i’ll go to kindergarten tomorrow and talk to this boy’s father. i’ll talk seriously, and how can you slap him with your scientific article? i’m so good, friendly, and your irochka
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is such a girl, the whole class was in love with her, and pashka also told everything, and now irochka’s son will go to school, i also dreamed of living to see my grandchildren, you will live, you will live, i’m sure , mom, what are you doing again? well let's go positive, we still have guests, pasha, you should give manya some tea, the kettle is already boiling, please, everything is on it, and the household, and work, and the mother is sick, but what are you saying, dad? believes that you have a chance, he agrees to have the operation, anya, i ask you to shut up, i haven’t made a decision yet. pasha, pashenka, why didn’t you tell me?
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pasha, you are wrong now, is it your mother’s choice, to take a risk or continue this life? anya, i don’t want you to interfere in our lives, why are you doing this? sorry, maria semyonovna, i probably said too much. now, please excuse me, i have to go, thank you very much. we have our own way of life here, she doesn’t want
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to interfere with oleg and me, you know, but soon i’ll finish the repairs for you, you’ll go to your place, everything will be as before, now she is as before, i must admit that i’m just. attention, well, i don’t know, maybe you need some kind of life more often, she likes to be in the center , go out somewhere more often, i don’t know, to clubs, maybe, okay, not clubs, well, theaters,
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cinema, maybe the opera . "i'm just really scared to be left without a mother, understand, i’m not some kind of wimp, she just put her whole life into raising me, she raised me alone, now that i had the opportunity to give her a normal life, she, i so wanted to go with her to paris, show her the whole world. we have to make a decision, pasha, i can’t, understand , she can’t live like this anymore, it’s unbearable for her to be a burden to you, my father is the best surgeon, and he will do everything in his power, i’m sure.
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i'm so jealous of your confidence, please, hello sofia! what about the spouse visited? yes, are you completely out of your mind? he, he just torments me with his whims, i know that he is in bad pain, but i can’t do this anymore. today, today is our
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wedding anniversary, 3 years, of which only six months of a happy life, everything else... hospitals, prisons, disability, come with me, come, it’s good that i came, what’s there about the blonde, i don’t understand, in what's the point, lord, there's no point, well, i was just wondering if you have any blonde with long hair in your department, olesya potapovna, well, dyed, of course, well in general, of course, you will say, also olesya potapovna, your olesya potapovna is how old, 78 years old, yes, 75, anniversary. this year, do you need something young? uh-huh, are you jealous of oleg? lord , you know, it’s not like i’m directly jealous, well, we just have this situation now, irka and vadim live with us, sashka is on me all the time, and to be honest, i just don’t have time for oleg, i found someone
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to find fault with, yes patients hang themselves on him every day in droves, i know, crying on his shoulder like schoolgirls. flint, okay, i'll look after it him, after the warbler began to run after the graduate students, my eyes are like an x-ray, come on, for an x-ray, for an x-ray, drink in one gulp, well, drink, drink, you need it. i just don’t know what to do, he demands that i leave him, so that i don’t waste my life as a disabled person, how can i do this, he’s completely helpless without me, you know, what
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should i do? hello, meet me, this is sofia, this is my wife, tamara, very nice, be careful now, normal, yeah. good afternoon, i came to see how you got settled here, anya, hello, hello, thank you for coming, you see, mom is completely exhausted, yes, kalush. old, i can’t walk to the bed by myself, neither the old one nor kolosha, everything will be fine, soon, by the way, there is an operation
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scheduled for monday, i’m not worried about myself, pashka, everything has piled up on him, young, promising, instead of taking care of himself, he keeps messing with me, mom, stop it, you started your barrel organ again, maria semyonovna, don’t worry, i’ll keep an eye on him, oh, anechka, i would be very glad, but what time do you finish today? and today i, well, in general, i’m already done, but what is it? well , go for a walk with pasha, the weather is so beautiful outside, mom, well, i’d like to spend time with you, the weather is good, there’s no point in sitting in a stuffy room, pasha, go for a walk, i ’m tired of resting, i want to, that’s it, go , then write me out, well, we did everything we could, then on our own, you really don’t want to go back to work, irrevocably, decisively, listen to me, will you stop? in place of bradin nikolai yurich, accused kulipov, do you admit your guilt? no, i don’t admit it, this is my wife marina, and this is tamara,
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my new boss, now it’s very nice, sovsky from tuesday on rtr, we watch russian cartoons and children’s programs to spend time with the children. look, in the application or on the website, i am glad to welcome you to our rhythmic gymnastics tournament, for the first time our tournament is not being held at home, as guests, the best gymnasts from all over the world are in beijing,
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do you know who it is? no, but i am also a close person to him, i am his daughter, who lived three sisters. mom, is it true, she's our sister? one is beautiful, the other is smart. i am glad to see you. okay, arvara mikhailovna, i’ll wait for you on the branches. and the third is simply alien. why do you tolerate this kind of relationship with yourself? your mother also essentially fell in love with a married man, do you think my mother was a happy woman, she cried at night, you want that too, all my life i
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was afraid that she would appear, but maybe she is for the better, someone else’s sister, january 8th rtr. no, sophia, unfortunately, there is no change in your husband’s cardiogram, i know, i i see how he’s feeling, excuse me for interrupting you, you’ve already done so much for us, you know what, we’ll send him to a sanatorium, yes, i’ll ask him to start tomorrow. oh, thank you, it’s completely free, and listen, by the way, i would prescribe a spa for you, you’re so pale, if you ruin yourself, who will take care of him, hey,
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what’s wrong with you, sophia, what’s wrong with you, sophia, well -ka, look at me, look at me, sophia, sophia, like this, like this, you ate tea this morning a long time ago, yes, you drank tea, of course. these are girls, oh, no, thank you, i don’t have a single piece anymore will fit. sonechka, i wanted to tell you that eating is a necessary need for the body. well, well, i really can’t do it anymore, i can’t. i've been around 100 men for years now. i didn’t invite you to the restaurant, that is, that’s not what i wanted to say. “i work in this store
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, got a job as a cashier, close to home, flexible schedule, but actually i’m a cook, yes, but you don’t eat anything, well , it’s somehow not interesting to cook for yourself, well, apparently, how the doctor will have to take on two patrons, you can’t even imagine how much i would like it, so that someone would take patronage over me, well..." that's it, there's no need to see me off any further, okay, okay, all the best, thank you for everything, oh, thank you, what an amazing tenor he was, i'm still getting goosebumps since
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then from his voice, very much, i’m glad that you liked it, i haven’t gone out anywhere for so long, i just remembered my youth, when oleg and i went to all the premieres, but you liked it? well, honestly, i almost fell asleep and didn’t snored, and almost embarrassed you in front of the whole theater, social life suits you very well, really, yes, young man, buy your wife flowers, yes what are you saying, we're not married? listen, maybe we should really buy flowers for iri, ira? which? well, which ones? her favorites? ira loves roses, red roses, red roses, but how many?
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let's! everything, what flowers do you like, vadim, i love lilies, but you better remember your wife’s favorite flowers, oh, now, hello, dain, hello, how is he? he said that it’s late today, like, isn’t it, yeah, and you’re in the hospital, yes, eh, that is, no, i left a long time ago, i’m calling oleg, his phone doesn’t answer , i wanted to clarify some questions for tomorrow, yeah , ina, what happened, nothing
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happened, everything is fine. “i’m just not myself today, the day didn’t go well in the morning , tamusik, that’s it, i ran, maybe we’ll have dinner, but no, let’s better go home, it’s late, and well, in general, i really want to go home, what “it happened, yes, oleg, for some reason.” he doesn’t pick up the phone, he’s already asleep.
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mom, everything is fine, yeah, i bought such a nice new perfume for dad, yes, of course, yes, oh! wow,
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listen, yesterday i didn’t decide to ask in front of vadim, why is he suddenly in shock, listen, well, better late than never, yes, but you won’t give me something beautiful for tomorrow, pasha, or what? oh, it sucks that out of all the guys in the world you chose a narcissistic pashka, for whom only he himself exists, only, well, actually he’s not like that, like that, anh, he’s always been like that, but... no, believe me, over time, falling in love with a beautiful package will pass, you need to think in advance what you will have in common with pasha, people should always have something in common, always, after trying him on, but we will have common,
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beautiful children, the same beautiful like him, why am i so fat, i don’t care not given at all, shoot, in general, but you just don’t know him, he’s affectionate, gentle, oh, but in general he’s loyal, i don’t understand what i like, we agreed on everything, but they don’t want to sign the contract, rit, well because this is a chain of children’s stores, they expect creativity from us, that’s why they are afraid to enter into an agreement, listen, i did a pr campaign for them, this is my job, i don’t want to babysit with them. well, well, because i don’t understand anything about children, then, listen, well, you ’re softer, let’s go to negotiations with them and conclude an agreement, and i’m sure you
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you love children, okay, i’ll sign an agreement with this rainbow of yours, and you will raise my salary, i have a lot of expenses now, an operation, a ward, all this... money, then i’ll have to look after my mother, hire a nurse, yes, but i thought, your anya is already ready to become a nurse, anya is a good girl , she helps me a lot, don’t talk about her like that, i’ll go make some coffee, hello, in, are you coming soon? tamusik, i’m running, signed us up for four, from there. straight to you, but where? i saw him, i was preparing for a meeting, i promised to be there in the evening, i’ll try not to be late, that’s it, i’m already at approaching, in, in, wait, excuse me, i have to leave now, that’s it, meet me in the salon, yes,
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yes, bye-bye, sleepyhead, what kind of guy is there staring at you for 10 minutes, don’t turn around suddenly, what if he’s some kind of maniac- then, hello, hello, today a guest decided to come in for groceries, and then take the mayonnaise on sale, your wife will thank you.
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sonya, are you an idiot or something, i don’t understand something, he is the chief surgeon and is clearly attracted to you, he and andrey will help, well, look at yourself, you are
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30 years old, and what have you seen in this life except hospitals of the whims of a disabled person, you haven’t had a man for 3 years, andrey, he’s drunk all the juice out of you, no, in order to die in peace, so he... will outlive us, lid, what are you saying, and that i’m wrong, or don't you like being looked after? well, to be honest, it’s very... but this makes it even more embarrassing and don’t even think about giving up anything, he has a family and a wife, and that you have a family, and if he were happy with his own, he wouldn’t run around staring at you, listen, of course i’ve gone completely crazy, can you imagine, i went to follow oleg, and it turns out he was buying food for dinner , he wanted to help me, “we’re all fools, i was going crazy too, i kept stressing myself out when
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i suspected a warbler, well, he had a mistress, in fact, but what’s the point, well, i found out i was completely exhausted about this , i ruined half my life, i wanted to hold on to everything, but he still left, i should have immediately driven him to triche, and not endured it and not looked for excuses for him , driven him, you know, inna, i don’t know, driven me i probably couldn’t, well, i couldn’t, that’s who i am now..." smart, we are all strong for with one mind, it’s better than to live in this lie, try not to destroy yourself, life goes on
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, you know, i really don’t want to return home alone, if you want, i’ll go with you, yes.
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i’ve loved you since first grade, i know, yes, there was a very difficult operation today, you know, at some point i thought that we couldn’t save you, no, no, no, that’s it. god worked out, everything was done well, but i’m tired, but i’ll be home soon, well, yes, yes, wait, that’s it, kiss, kiss, oleg pavlych, i didn’t know how to thank you. in general, here it is,
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sashka. and what do i look like? wow, that's great yes? irish, support vadim there, do you hear? yeah, defending a graduate student is an exciting thing, he can’t find a place for himself for a whole month. mom, what are we talking about, what else do wives exist for? mom and i have left, mom, when will you and dad arrive? we'll come in the evening, listen! tamara and behave well, he’s a perfect child, perfect, sashka,
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you and i will go for a walk now, yes, let’s go, bye, i ran, bye. this is very! great work, i won’t be surprised if you are awarded a doctorate right away, congratulations to you as the scientific supervisor, this is a success, yes, i have nothing to do with it, the credit goes entirely to yegor savilovich, i said, vich, our congratulations to you.
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congratulations, thank you, good evening again, the next composition that we played for you is very personal, i wrote it 8 years ago, to the woman i loved, who chose someone else over me, that’s how vadim sergeevich could hide his beauty from us, spouse, huh? in the silver of this autumn, gloomy ask,
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this day fell from heaven, i could not hold you. in the cold of november you turned us into shadows, i didn't know that the whole world could collapse in 5 seconds, i'm afraid to open my eyes in this empty place where you are not.
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“hello, kolya, and goodbye, wait, miss, wait, don’t leave , i dreamed of you last night, so we met, you know that in 7 years i haven’t looked for a meeting with you, and i’ve never bothered you, but today is a sign, let’s talk, let me go , some problems, no, the young man just confused me with someone, but he confused me, let’s go, today i hung the curtains, the holes, that’s it, almost everything is ready for the move, that’s
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great , look at it from the other side, you if you find yourself punished, you can take a break, otherwise you’re completely exhausted with this repair, tamar... let’s go feed the ducks tomorrow, you know how they love bread, of course we’ll go, irk and vadim are coming and they’ll take sasha, i’ve just been feeling something lately lonely , well, please don’t imagine that you ’re flying to the moon or something, move to the next street, and by the way, about departures, i, uh, i have to leave for a symposium at the beginning of this week, yes, but i think it’s not for you.. .


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