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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  January 7, 2024 8:00am-8:36am MSK

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hello, this is the news in the studio. briefly about the main topics of our issue. orthodox believers celebrate christmas and services in all regions of the country. the main thing in the cathedral of christ the savior in moscow. the priests, wearing camouflage, held festive services on the front line. ice rain covered roads and cars with crust and suspended the work of the volgograd airport. and in the kaliningrad region , strong winds and waves created a natural art form in the cold. prepare valuable specialists
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themselves, today we need 4. how does the aviation production and training center work? rostec complex and who is hired there? feed an elephant, sit in the cockpit of the most modern russian fighter jet, or train with the country's best gymnasts. participants in the wish tree project make the dreams of little russians come true. orthodox believers celebrate one of the main church holidays - the nativity of christ. patriarch kirill delivered a traditional address. dear brothers and sisters, i cordially greet you all and congratulate you on the great holiday of the nativity of christ. today we remember a special event: the arrival into the world of the lord and savior, which the church calls the sun of truth. this sun
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never sets, does not go beyond the horizon, does not lose its warmth and does not go out, and no darkness can swallow it up. his life-giving power is so great and gracious that it is able to penetrate even the darkness of our sins , our imperfections, is able to dispel the fog of doubt of everyday problems, and overcome our anxieties about our destinies. world and country to bring calm to rushing hearts to highlight true life priorities by indicating the right path to salvation for man. every christian is called to bear within himself the reflection of the sun of truth, christ. this happens when we live in accordance with the gospel covenant, which says: let your light shine before men. they saw your good
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deeds and glorified your heavenly father. this is exactly what the lord who came to earth calls us to do. but this light is special - it is not the light of a spotlight in your eyes. it is not harsh or blinding. it is no coincidence that in one of the liturgical hymns the church calls christ the quiet light. this light illuminates life so much, which allows us to see the path leading to salvation. towards blissful eternity, in the light of christ’s truth , man himself, and his surroundings, all the diversity of life, is revealed in a new way. however, we must remember that, being immersed in his worries, a person can pass by this divine light, not notice it, not recognize it in the everyday bustle. unfortunately, our contemporaries often find themselves blinded. smartphones
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to the bright influx of redundant information that all tablets, the eyes get so used to this more often people pass by something they didn’t see a ray of this cold light, and if you turn off the electricity, then all the screens will go out in an instant, but the sun of truth will always shine, enlightening and illuminating every person. coming into the world, warming and reviving the freezing wandering soul of sin and ignorance, until christ is depicted in it, according to the word of the apostle paul. today , most of all, i would like to wish that every home, every family, every heart would be illuminated by an enlightening, renewing, warming and transforming light. christmas of christ, so that
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we share with each other this unfading the warm light of true faith, unshakable hope and true love, doing good deeds, comforting and supporting. those who need our help, participation, and therefore filling life with lasting meaning, joy, happiness and peace. happy holiday, my dears, merry christmas. millions of believers spent last night in churches. services were held in 30 thousand churches throughout russia. residents of the far eastern regions were the first to celebrate the holiday, and the main thing was the christmas service according to tradition. in the cathedral of christ the savior in moscow. report by dmitry kaistra. in the white and gold cathedral of christ the savior , all the lamps and candles are lit. the christmas service in the main cathedral of the country is the central event of one of the most
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significant holidays of orthodoxy. the service was led by patriarch kirill. vladimir putin celebrated the nativity of christ in the church of the holy image. which is located on the territory of the residence of the head of state in novoogoryovo. together with the president , the families of military personnel and heroes who died during a special military operation celebrated christmas eve in the ancient temple. putin has already celebrated the holiday in 2022 in this temple. the temple itself is very prayerful. a stone church was erected here in the second half of the 16th century. and after the revolution it was closed, and then without a top. the domes and bell tower are adapted for living quarters. in 2004, the temple was restored and it became the house church of the presidential residence. since the historical church, due to its
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location, could not accommodate everyone outside the residence in the village of usovo , a new spassky church was built in 2000. but historical cathedral of the savior made by hands. remained in every sense a special place where on this christmas night the families of the fallen defenders of the fatherland prayed together with their president, at these very moments the christmas service continued in the cathedral of christ the savior, not only the symbolic, but also the geographical center of the celebrations, in the great heart of the orthodox world, from the pulpit of this most important council , the primate addressed all believers.
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i sincerely believe that god hears our prayers. military personnel and civilians personnel of the russian armed forces celebrated the nativity of christ at a service in the main temple on the territory of patriot park, in another main temple of the navy, the kronshtat naval st. nicholas cathedral. military personnel from the ships of the leningrad naval base, the naval academy and the main command and headquarters of the navy took part in the liturgy. christmas is one of the main christian holidays. in our country, he united millions of believers who prayed in churches, cathedrals and monasteries of a huge countries. the nativity of christ was celebrated in the ancient centers of orthodoxy, in
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the north-west, in pskov in the south in crimea, where in the alexander nevsky cathedral of simferopol, the festive liturgy was led by metropolitan tikhan of simferopol and crimea. hundreds of parishioners gathered for the solemn liturgy in the easternmost church of the country, the cathedral of the life-giving trinity in kamchatka, these are personnel from sakhalin, this is how they celebrated the holiday in khabarovsk, this is how in tomsk, in krasnoyarsk believers came out for a religious procession, in novosibirsk in the territory many churches installed a christmas table in every church in every cathedral in the far east, in siberia, the urals, central russia, they prayed for ours.
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christmas, one of the long-term symbols of which was the festive retro train, was first launched back in the last century, during the time of the russian empire. participate in this special night. the solemn service was attended by hundreds of thousands of people throughout russia, in small villages, cities and, of course, in the main cathedral of the country, the cathedral of christ the savior, where for all days during the christmas celebration , a great image was brought, the icon of the holy trinity, painted by andrei rublev. the venerated image took place in a special ark on the right side of the church's choir. we arrived from abkhazia, emotions are overwhelming from such majesty. “it was my dream to get to this particular temple, to the cathedral of christ the savior, after the service i leave so inspired,
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so happy that then these positive, bright emotions are enough for me for the whole year. the christmas holiday ends a long fast, christmastide begins, joyful period before the epiphany, these special days are a symbol of love and hope, which the bright holiday of christmas embodies." popugova, nikita karneev, natalya lundovskaya and natalya kurkina. news. on the eve of the holiday , vladimir putin informally spoke with the families of the deceased participants in the special operations. the president emphasized that the state will continue to provide all the necessary support to the families of our soldiers. many of our men, our courageous, heroic guys, soldiers of russia.
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mm, always and everywhere - mine were next to you colleagues, i repeat, of any level of power, management, uh, so that you always feel people next to you who, if necessary, can support, help , come to the rescue if you need it, and life is complex, diverse, there are always cases and they often arise when you need outside support, i hope that this will happen, and babies. putin wished his guests a merry christmas, wishing them and their loved ones all the best. one, two,
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he’ll say three, and we’ll all congratulate our guys who are doing their jobs there now. duty. okay, all together, one, you say, congratulations, one, two, three, congratulations, well done, on the eve. kiev formations shelled the territory of the dpr more than forty times, including the capital and satellite town of makeyevka. according to authorities, two people died. taking into account the situation, the authorities urged the population to stay at home if possible. nevertheless, christmas services are held in churches on the front line. report by stanislav nazarov. ukrainian militants began their massive shelling of donetsk and neighboring cities in the afternoon. among civilians, two died, at least six people received it.
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they walk, love for the heavenly fatherland begins with love for the earthly fatherland, this is
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the expression of our love for the heavenly fatherland, for our homeland - this is our service to everyone in the place where the lord has called us. for every serviceman, today's collective prayer before christmas, especially the morale is lifted, to be spiritually cleansed a little, to be encouraged, as on new year's day. support the soldiers spiritually, reveal the spiritual meaning of the war, because the war has not only the conflicting side, we we defend...
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a column of ash 2 km high was thrown out of its crater by the ebeka volcano in the kuril islands. the plume stretched for 5 km. the snow in severokurilsk turned dirty gray, and cars were covered in a layer of dust. the eruption poses a serious threat to local air travel. the work of the volgograd airport was interrupted by freezing rain, the departure of several flights was delayed, cars and sidewalks were covered with an ice crust, the roadway was stopped due to a broken contact network. snowfall hit moscow and the region, abnormal the frosts have weakened a little, on saturday it was about -16, but you shouldn’t expect rapid warming, the snowdrifts will continue to grow. frost and fantastic landscapes in the kaliningrad region from the baltic coast. marina naumova. strong gusty winds and scorching frost turned the coast
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of kurzh bay into an icy kingdom. during the winter storm, waves covered the area of ​​local hotels and are now frozen. and the benches and lanterns near the water resemble the props of a science-fiction film: hundreds of curly icicles cover the bushes and trees near kurzh bay, now they resemble magical palaces and crystal chandeliers. tourists and residents of the region , in search of bizarre landscapes unusual for a region with a mild climate, come to kursk spit. it’s as if you’re in some kind of cave, stolactites, stalagmites, like someone saw, these are such beautiful icicles. artist, the best. the bay is completely frozen, many people go out onto the ice to capture the fabulous views. beauty, straight out of a frosty film. this year it freezes for the second time, which is actually very rare. 2 years ago, similar a natural phenomenon was observed on the baltic coast. then fast ice formed near the coast, on which snowy mountains and castles grew. ice figures evoke the most
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unexpected associations. in general, it looks like an expensive, very beautiful designer renovation. stormy weather and frosts are expected again these days in the kaliningrad region. powerful icing of the coast will continue; fabulous ice compositions will not melt soon. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, pavel dolgachev, conduct the kaliningrad region. maintaining pregnancy, even in in severe cases, saving premature babies weighing less than 500 g. everything that was considered impossible just recently is now common practice for doctors at the obstetrics and gynecology center. he turns 80 years old. report by daria okuneva. every morning here begins with the first cry. the largest maternity hospital in the country. 25 babies are born here every 9 a.m. per year, and most are born despite the most difficult diagnoses of their mothers.
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onological diseases during pregnancy are transplanted organs. these are severe endocrine diseases.
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these and other cherished dreams of children were fulfilled by russian ministers as part of the all-russian wish tree . anyone can give a new year's miracle to a child, the campaign will last until the end
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of february, about long-awaited gifts and those who became a good wizard on christmas eve anastasia letvinova. turn your head towards me, just like that, let’s not dress it up completely, as if wearing an oxygen mask in a flight helmet in the cockpit of the most modern russian fifth-generation fighter su-57. dreams come true, and this is the most accurate description of the moment, push forward until emphasis, still pushing , afterburner, seventeen-year-old alexey's new year's wish , minister of industry and trade denis manturov removed from the wish tree, the schoolboy and his mother were invited to the sukhoi design bureau, this is quite confidential information, when you can feel it all, emotions just go off scale, and i’m really very glad that i was able to see such a handsome man next to me and even sit in him, aren’t you? inga from selihardo dreamed of attending the performance of the zapashny brothers. the minister fulfilled her wish culture olga lyubimova staff of the navernadsky circus. stretch your arm straight
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, stretch, stretch, stretch. good girl, good girl, nicole, bravo! bravo! the girl not only saw the bright new year's show, but also looked behind the scenes. honestly, it was something with something. 14-year-old angelina from bashkiria is going to become a dog handler. she wanted to learn more about raising service dogs. does your dog train you in anything? her dream was fulfilled by the minister of justice, konstantin chuychenko, the girl was invited to a specialized canine center, this story is useful for you, it turned out, it was interesting, and i saw how dogs are trained, veronica from vladimir really wanted to go to the main christmas tree of the country in the kremlin, her wishes were fulfilled by the minister of health mikhail murashko. have you heard anything about the kremlin christmas tree before? "yes, she saw it on tv, she really wanted it, of course, she wanted it for a long time and they came, so she wrote, she made such a wish, eight-year-old sofia had the most
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difficult wish, she wrote that she wanted a new year's surprise, so sofia, who does rhythmic gymnastics , was invited to a training session at irina winner’s center , was given a lot of different gifts, a whole bunch of surprises, you love to draw, but you see, you’ll learn to draw”? and in the end, the minister of construction and housing and communal services fayzulin offered the girl his ministerial chair, of course, for a while. anastasia litvinova . news. news follows the developments of events in russia and abroad. stay with us . we need joy in our hearts, so that we really perceive what we are experiencing. an important spiritual event in order to accept the grace of god, in order to accept a miracle, you need to be ready for it. now a special time has come, russia has gained spiritual strength,
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we are talking about eternal values, and the implementation of these values ​​enriches a person with what is eternal, which largely determines such an important concept as human happiness. christmas interview with his holiness patriarch kirill. “based on real events that happened to my daughter, she is now being operated on, i need an exclusive, and let’s go without sentimentality, as tough
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as you can, saint.” and they do it without us, my my son is never rude to anyone, my dima is always the truth, we need an eye , we can’t handle it ourselves, i’m a lawyer, i found out about you and couldn’t pass by, we have a lot of work ahead of us, it’s my own fault, you’re a celebrity now, i didn’t want to such popularity, since tuesday on rtr, i still have pain here, here it hurts and... here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, in order to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the threep principle, this, by the way, officially proven, proper nutrition, how to eat properly stress, we need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat, the right medications, run to the doctor, medicine is like a crutch for us, and the right habits. shouldn't
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we slap some kefir? and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, and the most important thing on tuesday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in... everything is orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you care, eva eva, continuation conversations in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation, the first podcasts we watch, every time i cry, right?
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it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house , sat down on the floor and said: i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be at the wedding out of spite, the main thing that we are together, ours, ours do not abandon ours, from tuesday to thursday on rtr. hang in there, it takes time. you won’t be able to operate on yourself anymore , what will recover when you get sick, as i understand it, no, you think carefully and go back to work, we’ll see, you’re running away from problems, they can’t do it without you, and you can’t do it without them, finger , where with us, this is not a joke, i mean, you really want to cooperate with us as an ordinary local doctor, come in. undress completely,
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why are you undressing, you don’t even know what ’s hurting me, but i’ll find it now, the cat is in pain dogs of pain, my boss is not in pain, i want a divorce, oleg mikhailovich, let's meet, turn away the time, in what sense, pripasovsky from tuesday on rtr. we're on the air, we're continuing the show. due to a significant increase in orders for the production of aircraft engines, one of the largest enterprises in bashkiria is additionally recruiting almost 5,000 workers, and the ufa engine-building and production association, which is part of the
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rostec state corporation, is training employees free of charge . today in the production and training center of the aviation complex of the rostec state corporation , more than 900 people are mastering their specialties; each of them is already guaranteed employment. i was engaged in finishing work, but you know this, the work is non-seasonal, not a constant income, unstable, today is good, tomorrow. not really, but i saw this billboard in front of the hr department, i was driving a car, stability, friendly team, decent income, i liked it, especially since i have a technical education, i graduated from a technical college in kazakhstan, i think why not try, i had all the necessary documents at the moment. vladimir mikhalishin entered a two-year training course, upon completion of which he will receive several professions at once, such work is especially valued in production. there is also a ten-month course.
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now those students who decided to master. one specialty is being prepared for the first exam, i’ve already been studying at the center for 3.5 months, in a week i will have an exam, i’m learning to work on a cnc machine, it turns out, first on a lathe, now on a milling machine... but they teach the main work is how to write a program, but how to make the part itself, get into the dimensions and how to measure these dimensions. after the exam , students will undergo an internship in one of the company’s workshops; by the way, now they are trained on the same equipment that they will work on in the future. while several groups are in the classrooms, some students are right now working on their projects on machines, and this is one of the main features of the training program, the emphasis on the practical part. production and training. in the center of rostec more than 200 pieces of equipment have been installed, 14 laboratories are operating, this is one of the most modern educational complexes of this type in the country, and the training program has been developed taking into account the needs of production. the number of students at the center is also growing; in 2 years it has become an important supplier
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of personnel for one of the largest aircraft engine manufacturing enterprises in russia. i can’t even imagine the abyss in which we would find ourselves without this training center, because... the sharp increase in production volumes, both here and in other enterprises of rostec and uec, and the only opportunity to train personnel is the industrial training center, the production capacity of this training center is 1,500 new workers per year, today we need 4,000 workers. currently, the center operates in two shifts, but if necessary , they can switch to a tighter schedule due to significant conditions. the company is supplied with orders for several years in advance to meet the needs for aircraft engines for military and civil aviation. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, news from ufa. this fish they erect monuments and dedicate entire museums; in
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some states , the death penalty is provided for illegal mining, and residents of the irkutsk region have more than 3,500 sturgeon. few countries can boast such a number. our correspondent alexey. selevro visited the sturgeon farm. 4 years ago, raising sturgeon was a kind of hobby for evgeniy; he studied the peculiarities of aquaculture on the internet and other open sources. the first fry weighed less than 4 g; now it is already an adult, almost twenty kilograms. in general they can grow more than 2.5 m in length, which is why this fish is popularly called king fish. malkov evgeniy orders from kemerovo, and already in irkutsk the fish grows and reaches marketable sizes. and then the man supplies it to shops and restaurants, but before asyotor gets into the kitchen, it grows for about a year, while periodically evgeniy does chemical analyzes of the water and checks the oxygen level in it with special devices. the main work is to come, fill up the feeders,
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carry out some preventative work once a week, cleaning, measuring various tests water, that's all. the sturgeon is considered the most valuable fish and at the same time the oldest fossil found. tanks date back to the mid- jurassic period, more than 150 million years ago. in the chronicles of lake baikal they wrote about this royal fish even in the 17th century. the first russians who settled on the shores of lake baikal caught sturgeon in fairly large quantities, amounting to hundreds of tons, only at the end of the 19th century the reserves were undermined, and accordingly, from the beginning of the 20th century, sturgeon became a rather rare fish, introduced for. now asyotor lives in angara closer to the mouth of the river, is found in baikal, it is caught for the purpose of the same aquaculture, there are factories in buryatia, which every year release threshed aster fish into the selenga to replenish their numbers. alexey kilevry, eduard chuzhi, victor strotsky, conduct the irkutsk region.
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an ancient psalter by pioneer printer ivan fedorov was found in novosibirsk. the most recent edition of 1570 was kept for several years in the library of the novosibirsk orthodox theological seminary. report by ksenia klimina. the yellowed, faded pages are witnesses to centuries of history; they hide a lot secrets, employees of the novosibirsk state public scientific and technical library are trying to unravel them. this edition of ivan fedorovna, published in zabludov, until recently only four copies were known. this is the fifth copy. the psalter was published by the first russian printer in the 15th century on the territory of the then lithuanian principality. culture, for several years it stood quietly on the shelf of the library of the novosibirsk orthodox theological seminary, it came here from a church, a small church on the territory of the novosibirsk region, an ancient psalter was discovered here, it was brought as a gift by someone from...


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