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tv   Aist na krishe  RUSSIA1  January 8, 2024 4:30am-8:01am MSK

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by the way, maybe you should go back to lenka, you have two children, and you have three, a son and two grandchildren, no, she won’t let me in. actually, this is your house too, and what does that mean, i will live here until we divide the property, i have the right. then i
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’ll leave, great, that means you’re in my kitchen, you’ll be with new girls, i don’t rule it out, you know you can’t trust me. then i stay, this is half my home.
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ah so!
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2 months for reconciliation, what have we come to, worse than the smirnovs, no, stop it, not a girl already, what a scam, what will you do without me, what will you live on? do you think that without... you, i’m worthless without a wand, but i didn’t say that, well, where are you going, your proposal, is there anything else? nina, here's our
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kitchen, please, uh-huh, here's the dishwasher, here's the dryer, disinfection, here's the freezer, here's the refrigerator, here's our cold shop, uh- huh, here's the hot one, well, everything is like everyone else, here's the grill and deep-fryer, here's the stove stove, i ’m generally not an expert in kitchens, of course, there were cooks, one on maternity leave, the other on a binge, so i had to how... they master it, well, here are the assistants, why are you heating up frozen food? well, yes, you bring it frozen and heat it in the oven, supplier good, proven, well, maybe he’s good , but that’s not the point, you need to prepare the dough yourself, then people will come, well, i thought somehow we’ll get it right over time, but what are you waiting for, he has a bake, flour, eggs, if there’s something missing from the market, we’ll send it guys, everyone knows me there, so i ’ll be with... help.
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well, what can you say, i passed the tests, see you tomorrow, nin, this is an advance for you. well, thank you , thank you, see you tomorrow, light, light, let's put up, we need to talk, go to your beloved daughter-in-law, i 'm talking to you... light, well, you were right, it's me stupid,
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nin, well, i told you that they are all the same, and i always thought that... that elyukha and i are special, that’s it, stop grieving, we need to think about what to do next, listen, let me come to you i’ll set up a post office for you, and i’m leaving for work tomorrow , yeah, okay, tell me, well, there’s a new cafe, you know, this one opened, so tomorrow i ’ll come running to look at this yura, he’s so young, okay? tell you, he’s not younger than us, yes, he’s married, so all the more so
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i’ll come running to look, oh, ninka, just ask him there, full of tamsti for us for all, and the light that you bring, well, what can they do that we can’t? “we’ll also give some pepper, here i am , we haven’t seen each other yet, i went to the gym, and you became younger, lost weight, well, in general, all this is thanks to you, that i, well, you yourself said then, stop thinking about taking care of others, think about taking care of yourself, light, forgive me for these words, okay, come on"? of course, well, forgive me, listen, but you noticed that after the divorce for the first time, you didn’t even remember the minion even once, that
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’s it, now i won’t pat you on the head i’ll say that yes, but what, is it possible to start a new life like this... and what’s wrong? yes, everything is wrong, when was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror, oh, okay, collective farm, yes, that’s it, let’s go out, where , let’s go, we still have to go, let’s go, let’s go, light, let’s go, where are you taking me - then,
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nina, i don’t understand where you were, and i don’t have to report to you, but what kind of species is this anyway? i like to point out that i used my own earnings, but oh well, i took out the stash for my own, i didn’t guess. "you look great, you're new
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the hairstyle suits, no, what are you really saying, let’s put up with it, not, well, ‘
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i’m going nowhere, i wonder where to go to work, no, don’t make me laugh.
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it will be more comfortable this way, right? yes, yes, i also bought napkins on the way. what do you think? yes, it's a completely different matter. yes. hello. okay, it's time for pies. guys, let's hurry up, people have already gone to lunch, it's okay that i gave orders, like in my kitchen, give orders, they haven't tried my cakes yet,
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so, did they hire you? they tore her off with her hands, oh, they tore her off with her hands, oh, lord, uh, oh, you better cook something, otherwise i’ve been sitting on canned food all day,
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while there are no free places, wait, i’ll wait, please come in, well, what did i say, we were hanging around on the street, now there are no free places, what are we talking about, you look great.
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what do you want, bring everything, i want to eat, the house doesn’t feed me, how can i say? listen, they have a cockroach in the borscht, and in general it’s not borscht, but rubbish, give me a book of complaints, immediately, man. don’t be a fuss, this is the best food in the whole city, ilya, stop embarrassing yourself, you’re telling me this, your husband runs a company, and you’re here as a waitress, okay, everything’s fine , i’ve taken revenge, let’s go home, and i’ll decide what to do, there are some problems, there are some problems, why were you
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staring at my wife, and i understand that this your husband? 5 minutes to the ex, he is leaving now, he doesn’t like the service. ilya, please go away, i'll leave. and i’ll take this with me. by the way, i personally found this mushroom, like this. nina. “sorry for this scandal, it’s okay, really, you didn’t say that you were getting a divorce, there’s nothing to boast about, i’d like to say that i sympathize with you, but i’m lying it turns out bad, it’s good , what’s bad, because some people do it very well, but can i invite you to..."
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goodbye, oh, frost, merry christmas, with such a great holiday, this christmas all dreams will come true , we were so elegant, fun, carols, generous gifts, yes, of course , andrei malakhov's christmas show today on rtr. i want to go to college.
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i need to go, i really need to, you know, two friends, one believes in fairy-tale princes, i hope my gray will come to me and take me to his home, there are no grays, there are entrepreneurs, the other believes in herself. are you the best girl in this dorm? married? no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i want to be happy, and what do you need for this? that's it, all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the sea, act! great hopes, on saturday and sunday on rtr, many of you, when you wake up first thing, check your mail and i, of course , am no exception, opened the champagne,
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want to get a sea of ​​positive emotions, tours to abkhazia, spent a week relaxing in a spruce skirt vlazyu, you are at the addresses here. morning mail with nikolai baskov, today on rtr. we’re watching melodramas,
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i wonder what you’ve done that makes your dad not want to put up with you. too small to know about such things, but as a policeman, i’m big, i did something bad, i deceived my dad, like my grandfather, what i heard, i’m not deaf, he’s not to blame for anything, it’s all because for me. he will never forgive me, i didn’t even know that i loved him so much, never give up ahead of
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time. len, i’m already your daddy, it’s me, come, please, urgently, is he here, is everything ready? lisa, wow,
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what would we do without you, yeah, they should have called a plumber, all your clothes are wet. yes, you’re dry in the office, you’ll have to stay, so-so plan, did you come up with it? no, not me, daddy’s daughter, i’ll go and see how andryushka is doing, yeah, everything is like mother. will you stay?
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let's go to the brodershaft, otherwise we are all new and new, come on, it's strange, the date is new, yes, now, excuse me, it's funny, well, attempt number two. nina, i want to drink to you, you have transformed everything here, and i like you very much, very much, and you too, very good human. “let’s dance
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, well, forgive me , i haven’t been on a date for a long time, no one has invited me for 30 years , i’m already old, probably for a date, she’s not old, she’s very beautiful, very, and what’s that there? but what’s the difference- then? oh, i'm sorry, then nothing will work out with you, you 're a very good person, well, that's not enough, yes, yes
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, just don't be offended. it's not god, i wanted to take revenge on my husband, you fool, yes, it's you, forgive me, i’m the fool, i also tried to knock it out with a wedge, it didn’t work out very well, especially with this rudershaft thing, well, with the dance actually, too, and i really really like you, but it’s clear that when you like and love, it’s not the same thing, i know, well, maybe you’ll make peace with her, but no way, i won’t humiliate myself, she’s everything destroyed, although she thinks differently, but that’s her
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problem, legal. “take me home, thank you for everything, it seems there’s no reason, no, there ’s a reason, you made me understand that you can’t just destroy everything good in one fell swoop, and it doesn’t matter whether there was something there or not, the main thing is there two, unfortunate"? why are there two or six ivanovs, that’s the main thing, thank you, therefore, i won’t be expecting you to go to work tomorrow, or what, what is this, back to being a wife doesn’t mean becoming a housewife, until tomorrow, bye!
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ilya, ilya, where are you going? well, i walk around, i don’t want to interfere and i don’t want to divide, neither the house nor you, wait, what are you talking about, an alliance or what? well done,
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tyom, i'm back, let's get drunk, shall we? subject, you haven’t changed your mind, no, sign.
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ivanov ilia petrovich, yes, you have been detained on suspicion of fraud on an especially large scale, here is the resolution and the price. ilya, ilya, what happened, construction was banned, it was impossible to build there, i had a feeling, but what paper? according to the papers, everything is clear, they privatized the plant, but the fact that... the land under it is poisoned with chemicals and it is impossible to build there for another 60 years, it was written in small letters on the forty-fifth page, the land is intended for industrial waste, and not for people, but our smart guy was afraid
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of missing out on the profit, and the muscovites were in a hurry, grandparents, why are they selling the house? this is all that we managed to get for the car, and my parents also helped, so i already gave too, but this is not enough, hello, light, just don’t say anything, i didn’t come to gloat, that’s what it was , it’s for the lawyer, it’s for yours, not for the sake of it, let him sit, don’t feel sorry for him , the lawyer won’t help, he’s not a cunning... they drew up all the papers, and marina, she’s a lawyer , maybe she’ll come up with something, i was with them, she took everything and ran away, forgive me, i wanted artyom to become an adult so much that
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they underestimated us, we artyom, listen, let ’s not look for the guilty, we need something what to do, we’re a family, we got into trouble, so that’s it, guys, you didn’t know anything, i take all the blame myself, no, it’s my fault, i’ll answer. oh, that's it, i'll go to the dump. let's.
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hello vic. how did you find me? i came to blackmail you with your dark past. why should i blackmail? he knows everything about me , i don’t hide anything from him, that he fell in love with you like that, and we’re a couple, and you ’re still doing your dark deeds and pretending to be an angel, i’m trying to fix everything, but i can’t, hey, that 's it, that's it, that's it, stop it, my dress is expensive, yes, sorry, dear, everyone is waiting for us, and who is this, my love, we need help here, a relative, on
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exit. where our shud went home, they let you in, like this, thank your wives. that you can go, dad, daddy, grandfather, oh my, golden one, hello, andryukh, mommy. listen, how did you
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manage to do this? the defrauded shareholders withdrew their applications, but where did so much money come from? let's go home, we'll talk there, but after all this we also have a house?
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well, who else needs you, and you’re still the same little light, well, by the way, i’ve lost 5 kg, you look great, okay, let’s go home. yes, that’s right, they say, be afraid of your desires, here ’s an extreme, you wanted a shake-up in life, well got it, sometimes it can be very useful, listen, by the way, i have one crazy wish, “i hope you don’t fly into a tree,
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look higher, look, look, i see them, ais, ais lived. he’s circling, what a dreamer , and dad, can you do that? len , what are you doing, it’s easier, extreme, now i can’t, yeah, and by the way, neither can you, len, what are you , oh, nothing, well, really, or something, that’s it
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yes. hello, oksana kuvaeva is on the air, in the studio, the main thing for this hour. an ammunition depot in the ssu between odessa and nikolaev was hit. in the artyomovsk direction, airborne troops are knocking out militants from occupied positions. an improved body armor with an increased protection area for air defense soldiers was developed at a garment production facility in north ossetia. a dangerous fault in magadan rescuer. the ministry of emergency situations is asking fishermen to leave gertner bay in
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the okutsky sea due to the growing crack in the water area. no anesthesia, no incision. in nizhny novgorod, doctors performed an operation on the pulmonary arteries of a patient after covid using a unique technique. more powerful and environmentally friendly large-scale modernization of coal boiler houses in nizhny tagil can be controlled with mobile application. ukraine lost two combat aircraft in one day, according to russian military data near dnepropetrovsk. su-27 fighter. among other air targets intercepted by our air defense were 14 shells from the hymers and hurricane systems, six neptune anti-ship missiles, and about 40 drones. an ammunition depot between odessa and nikolaev was hit, stroint equipment, a french self-propelled gun cesar, three polish crabs, and
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american british-made guns were taken out. only in the donetsk direction. destroyed 300 enemy troops, the total losses in the ssu per day exceeded 600 mercenary fighters. in the artyomovsk direction , airborne forces are knocking out militants of the kiev regime from wounded positions, crushing blows of russian artillery have become even more accurate and powerful, krasnopol guided missiles are being used en masse. frontline reporting by artyom yundas. in such slushy mud , the artillery crew doesn’t care. under the gunpoint of the msta howitzer, the positions of ukrainian nationalists in the artyomovsk direction for 152 caliber high-explosive fragmentation shells there are no invulnerable targets; the enemy’s dugouts, manpower and equipment, and narules are equally doomed to destruction. shot!
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a senior artillery officer with the call sign horizon shows what literally terrifies the enemy, a krasnopol adjustable projectile with a jet engine, the effective range of the ammunition is up to 20 km, the power of the charge is such that one hit is enough for an armored target, most often, of course, high-explosive fragmentation, conventional shells, but you also have to use various special ones, including krasnopol, including including those coming from the command post in harsh field conditions underground, here the soldiers celebrated the new year, in the dim light of the garland the soldiers read letters from kostroma
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schoolchildren: i wish you health, good faithful friends, never lose heart, remain yourself, remember that you can’t give up, good luck , sometimes it’s possible to contact relatives, father’s everyday life, the division commander admits, is possible even here, deep underground on the front line, on the phone, together with his son, doing math homework, especially when you call your loved ones at home, he says, dad, we put up a christmas tree , we are waiting for gifts here, it’s all there, the most important thing is that the spirit of the new year is in the heart, all the celebrations, all the holidays, they will be at home with their family after the victory.
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met at their post, the log of combat missions is not yet closed, they just turned the page, data on the enemy’s targets hit is entered every day, leaving a free line for the cherished victory. artyom yundas, daniil vetrov, yana aleshina, vesti lugansk, nwo zone, artyomovskoe direction. body armor, pouches and backpacks, north ositia is expanding the production of clothing factories producing equipment for the military in its zone. the enterprise takes into account all the comments and requests of the fighters, improves the models and implements them.
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under a flask, despite its apparent simplicity , manufacturing a pouch requires as many as 18 technological operations. this enterprise not only sews military clothing, it develops new models and improves existing ones, taking into account the most current requirements. this is a new model, we call it generation 3.2, we have this suit, this generation, shortened front part, latest development universal. vest: the design allows you to quickly put on and remove the vest even in cramped conditions, the protection area is increased, and most importantly, you can change the configuration to suit any tasks and conditions. we can get to the basics. kit, to the basic body armor, quickly modify certain elements, for example, the front panel, or
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additional armor protection, almost all products from the enterprise are immediately sent to the svo zone, any comments and requests of soldiers are taken into account in production next batch. many guys who are directly there cooperate with us, unit commanders, commanders of both special forces and infantry, our militias, volunteers, there is active communication, we make adjustments, in production we use the best materials available on the market: heavy-duty fabrics, reinforced threads, accessories , slings, almost everything was made in russia, the company updated the equipment, special powerful machines for dense materials appeared, plus it’s a hose machine, due to which, you see, it’s more convenient for us submit the products and do it faster, faster, that is, on a regular machine, you see here... there is no table, this cannot be done on a regular machine. they are preparing for a significant expansion; however, there is still a shortage of professional personnel, but the
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enterprise is ready to train those who want it. now this small enterprise produces more than 50 types of military clothing and equipment, these include complete sets and individual specific elements. in addition, 15 new models are being developed, in particular , a multifunctional, comfortable backpack will appear. margoevraev, stanislav khudeev, news: north ossetia. news, follow the development of the event, stay with us on the russia channel. happy birthday waka. valentina telechkina. frankly about the secret. in kindergarten i sang chestushka, and i’m small, neat, and of course, you... applause, i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow, how
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it received you, you didn’t regret it, they sent articles about me that i had an affair with korolkov, from black pankratov with zaradik nakhopetov, not a single affair, or rather one, who is here for 50 long years, here he is my golden one, the kingdom of heaven - this is my huge loss. i’m not leaving yet, i still talk to him all the time, it’s difficult, so i ’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, i can’t even believe that the bear is no longer there, are you at a wake you’re not going to, you know who it is, no, but i’m also a person close to him, i’m his daughter, what? there lived three sisters, mom, is it true, she is our sister, one is beautiful, the other is smart, i am very glad
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to see you, but i will pass you by, okay, i will wait for you at the summer meeting, and the third one is just a stranger , why do you put up with such an attitude towards yourself, he is rude, mocks, cheats on you, your mother also essentially fell in love with a married man, do you think my mother would be... a happy woman, she cried at night, you want it too , all my life i was afraid that she would appear, but maybe she is for the better, someone else’s sister, today on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer. the order is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, just incredible beauty, you already understand
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what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, cool mind, this world is worth seeing . smiya caster is the most ancient profession in india; they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. hang in there, it takes time, you won't be able to operate anymore. what will be restored? when, brady. and as i understand it, that no, you think carefully and return to work, we’ll see, you’re running away from problems,
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they can’t do it without you, and you can’t do it without them. where is our finger, this is not a prank, i mean, you really want to cooperate with us as an ordinary local doctor, come in, undress completely, why are you undressing, you don’t even know what hurts me, but i’ll find it now, y the cat is in pain, the dog is in pain, my boss is not in pain, i want a divorce, oleg mikhailovich, let's meet, from time to time, in what sense? lefasovsky from tuesday on rtr. i am glad to welcome you to our rhythmic gymnastics tournament. for the first time, our tournament is not taking place at home, away from home. the best gymnasts from all over the world in beijing. lovers of sports,
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inspired by alina kabaeva, we wish you good luck, our dear athletes, heavenly grace, international rhythmic gymnastics tournament, today on rtr. extreme cold causes a lot of problems for residents of different regions. in chelyabinsk, due to frost, intercity buses were canceled, and in some areas, the thermometers rose dropped to -35 on the roads, zero visibility, gentle drifts and icy conditions. near tver, where it is now almost -30, local
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residents, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and the road service, rescued two truck drivers from iran. whose trucks broke down, the drivers did not have warm clothes, food or water with them. these are shots from st. petersburg. crystals of diamond dust formed in the frosty air. light pillars rose above the city. in yakutsk , the frosts are fifty degrees, literally in a few seconds wet laundry turns wooden, boiling water turns into ice, even freezes bubble. the weather presented a warm gift to the southern regions of our country. in yalta on sunday afternoon it was +17. sochi is not far behind. on the beach, children play alone. t-shirts. powerful, environmentally friendly and extremely energy efficient in nizhny tagel, large-scale modernization of boiler houses. old coal equipment is replaced with gas equipment, which means they now produce much less harmful emissions into the atmosphere. you can even control heat sources using a mobile application. new equipment is being installed according to the national project program ecology. report by kirill bortnikov. this is
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one of the most compact boiler houses in nizhny tagel, which provides heat and hot water to hundreds of residents of the microdistrict and was built in record time in almost 2 months. the old building, the coal boilers were completely dismantled, the old concrete breaker and scrap metal were removed from here, a new foundation was built for the block boiler house and the foundation for the chimney . in june. dismantling of the previous equipment building began; in september, when the heating season started, the boilers were already in operation, this is one of five new boiler houses that were launched in nizhny tagel this year as part of the clean air program of the national ecology project. we have been allocated 746 million rubles for all this work. start-up work has already been completed for four boiler houses. perhaps the most extensive work was carried out here in the upi boiler
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house. this is the largest heat source in the microdistrict. 16 mw, thanks to modern domestic equipment, energy efficiency is maximum. now, when it’s not so cold outside, only -5, only one boiler out of four is in operation, but when as the temperature decreases, the remaining equipment is connected in cascade mode. by the way, the boilers are russian, the heat exchangers on this side are belarusian, and thanks to the automation system, the entire boiler room can operate in automatic mode without human presence. all parameters of the boiler room are displayed not only on the control panel; you can monitor the operation of the heat source using a mobile application. temperature, coolant flow, make-up flow, in case of an emergency, there is an increase replenishment, emergency services, and technological personnel quickly respond to this. the power of this boiler house makes it possible to provide heat and hot water not only to apartment buildings, but also to a number of social
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facilities: a boarding house, an orphanage, sports complexes and two universities. students of nizhny tagil. pedagogical institute experienced the launch of a new boiler room, it became much warmer in the hostel, it was really very cold, that is , sometimes we even had to use the network in the classrooms, it became much warmer, even taking into account such frosts, which were, in principle, it became comfortable, that is, we can easily walk around in shorts, the efficiency of the new boiler house exceeds 93%, this is almost a quarter higher than it was before, this is what the heat source looked like a few months ago, the equipment is from the seventies did not meet modern requirements for a long time, reconstruction solved several problems at once. we receive safe heat supply, among other things, which is important for our city. we reduce the environmental load by almost 40%. and this is just one stage of a large-scale program, as a result of which the air in the metallurgical center of the urals will become noticeably cleaner. kirill bortnikov, maksata pargeldeev, gennady
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lagunov allen golyaeva, conduct nizhny tagil. nizhny novgorod surgeons saved a patient who began having complications after covid. doctors eliminated blood clots in the arteries using a new technique that allows operations without an incision and without anesthesia. read more from our correspondent ekaterina soladkov. olga’s consequences of covid did not go away even after six months; for another 2 years she was unsuccessfully examined in her area until she got for an ultrasound at the cardio center, here they made the correct diagnosis, thromboembolism, severe pulmonary artery disease, they immediately prescribed hospitalization, the first operation had already been performed, usually there are three or four of them, there was practically no breathing, i could not walk, i moved exclusively by taxi, swelling , accordingly, it was even difficult for me. i can say that after even the first stage , all my relatives and friends said that even my voice changed over the phone. classic surgical way to blood clots that have clogged the end
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sections of the pulmonary arteries cannot be reached. through punctures in the vessels, the surgeon penetrates into the lungs, into the pulmonary vessels, into the right half of the heart and acts from the inside to remove obstacles to blood flow. which leads to the fact that blood does not enter the lungs and, accordingly, is not enriched with oxygen. in nizhny novgorod , doctors save patients with thromboembolism and pulmonary artery disease for only 2 years, in the world for several years. transilluminal balloon angioplasty of the pulmonary arteries is performed without an incision or anesthesia. this is a very serious complication, and not everyone succeeds. been through. however, those who survive it often continue to suffer from this serious illness. they develop severe heart failure. the technique allows you to avoid such complications. this operation is performed in an x-ray operating room. this operation is unique for our city, unique for our region. we
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can help those groups of patients who were previously impossible to help, because this lesion is very detailed in the end regions. in total , about 30 operations will be performed at the nizhny novgorod cardiac center this year, but according to doctors, the need is two to three times greater. the hospital is ready to treat the flow of patients. ekaterina solodkova, maxim andreev, galina terikhova, vesti privolzhye. an angle of 40 thousand piles was used to make the foundation for the siberian ring photon source, which is being built in the science city of koltsovo, novosibirsk region. the psychotron, as it is also called, will be useful to scientists who conduct research in the fields of genetics, pharmacology, chemistry and even archaeology. ksenia klimina, more details. i will assemble complex parts and sensors for employees institute of nuclear physics of the novosibirsk academic town, like a large-scale but quite
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understandable constructor, is assembling a synchrotron here, with the help of which scientists will be able to study the structure of any substance on the planet at the atomic level in order to see, for example, the processes occurring with atoms in molecules. for example, chemical reactions, you need to be able to shoot a fast film, a fast film, so that it takes you, well, about a fraction of a nanosecond per frame, or even, so to speak, a peak of a second, and these things can be done with the help of short bursts of x-rays, which are formed in short beams in the skiff, electrons will fly in a circle and accelerate almost to the speed of light, in this glow and... it will be possible to study substances, while almost all the details of the most complex installation were made here in akademgorodok, there is nothing purchased here, that’s it, that ’s it, that’s all these little parts, that’s it, it’s complete
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, well, we buy all the fasteners, of course, a synchrotron is a kind of large microscope that will be useful to many scientists, physicists, chemists, biologists, doctors and even archaeologists, however, each of us has already benefited from the benefits of the accelerator, for example, new-generation medical products were almost all developed thanks to synchrotrons, although previously russian scientists had to travel abroad for research. institute of nuclear physics, well, user. various institutes of the siberian branch, they always dreamed of their own source, since all their problems that required the use of synchrontron radiation sources were solved abroad, we wrote applications, they either won or did not win, and after that we went to america, to england, to germany, to south korea, and tried to shoot our samples there. now, as scientists say, researchers from all over the world will come. to
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siberia, skif will become the best energy installation on the planet in its class. the long-awaited scientific complex is being built in the neighboring science city of koltsov. the scale of the construction can only be assessed from a bird's eye view. 30 hectares of land is approximately 42 football fields. about 900 people work here every day. skives are built even at night. this is the injector building. the first of the two floors is almost ready. it is here that in the future electrons will be born and... underground. they plan to complete the large-scale construction by the end of 2024, and already in the twenty -fifth to begin the first tests and take not just a big step, but, as they say here, a triple leap in development on...
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eksiniya klimena, sergei babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva. vesti, novosibirsk. the installation of tanks for a new water treatment plant has begun in the north of crimea. construction is scheduled to be completed this year. an object will provide drinking water to more than 40,000 people. report by irina eremiychuk. these are the future reservoirs for clean water. the foundation has already been laid there and construction has begun on the walls. and then workers will begin pouring concrete. in parallel with. on this side , a reservoir for concentrate is being built; all the water after filtration will flow here; the capacity of the entire structure will be about 1,500 cubic meters of water per day. two treatment tanks in krasnoperkopsk for clean water can hold up to 750 cubic meters each, two more are provided for concentrate of 500 cubic meters. drainage trenches are also created on the site and vertical ones are reinforced.
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an important and necessary facility for krasnoperekopsk, there is hard water with salt impurities, the contractor says. in terms of composition, it is even equated to technical, and clean ones can be made drinkable. almost 3 million rubles were allocated for construction. after the facility is put into operation at the end of 2024, more than 40 thousand crimeans will be provided with high-quality water. irina eremiychuk, vitali golubev.
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konstantin pesenko, lead. crimea. christmas miracle from the wish tree. vladimir putin fulfilled the cherished wish of eight-year-old kristina from yuzhsalinsk to visit lake baikal. despite her serious illness, the girl went on a long-awaited trip, which will now definitely become one of the most memorable in her life, ksenia kolchina was convinced. hello baikal. i'm happy. hooray. christina sin welcomes the lake as a good friend. "she heard so much about the crystal clear ice of baikal, but now it’s as if she doesn’t believe her eyes and carefully strokes the frozen the surface is like glass, they say, baikal is beautiful at any time of the year, now it’s just a transition period, the great lake has not frozen yet, but near the shore it is already bristling with ice hummocks, this is also incredibly beautiful, baikal ice is transparent like glass, a ball with christina’s desire from yuzhno-sakhalinsk i took it off the tree. president of russia:
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8 years old, dreams of visiting lake baikal, when i saw lake baikal, my heart just became very warm. and now at christmas the girl will no longer part with her new favorite toy, snow-white seals. this is one of main baikal symbols. his name is. baikal seals give performances. you can’t help but smile or applaud here. kristina is an excellent student, and she is interested in everything, big eyes, seals, and those inhabitants of baikal that can only be seen through a microscope; she herself can talk about baikal endlessly. the depth of baikal is 1,600. 137 m, completely unexpectedly, a split right on the baikal ice. kristina is seriously involved in sports aerobics and has won first place in all-russian competitions. to be a good athlete, what should you do? believe in yourself, try, work. and this despite
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the health conditions. the girl has immune neutropinia. blood tests must be taken every 2 days and maintenance therapy must be taken. but christina, at 8 years old, is incredibly strong. in the open-air museum, toltsy , christina’s family is greeted with siberian hospitality, mom, anastasia today also seemed to have returned to childhood, she remembers how she found out that the president would fulfill her daughter’s wish, i couldn’t sleep until the morning, i i was just waiting for my close husband and daughter to wake up to tell them about it, she was speechless, she just sat silently, and it seems to me that she didn’t believe it. now, feeling the palm of her hand and the icy calm of lake baikal, christina knows for sure that dreams come true. of course, i will believe in miracles for the rest of my life. ksenia kolchina, denis yunak, viktor strotsky, magomed otsaev, maria slyaguzova, news. in magadan, rescuers ask fishermen to leave
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gertner's bout because of growing cracks, the largest of them is one and a half meters wide, but this is not stops extreme ice fishing enthusiasts, report by lyudmila cherbakova. rescuers are inspecting the crack crossing gertner bay, it is alive, that is, water comes to the surface here, which means that the ice behind it can tear off at any moment, meanwhile, on the other side of the crack , dozens of fishermen are catching the root, 40 cm, well, 40 cm , just passed, there were several cracks right there, several, that is, at any time they could go beyond the banks, they could disperse, the climbs are small, now one and a half, dialogues between ryback rescuers are always approximately. and people are confident that fishing here is safe. the day before, the fishermen had already had to desperately leave the bay; people were crossing the crack at speed; this time, fortunately, no one fell through. they fly by, they pass by. the fishermen
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are constantly moving around gertner's lake in cars, trains, and places where it is now better to catch the fish. at the same time, all the forest here is covered with cracks, so... and the water temperature is now below 0°, if a car with fishermen fails, it will be difficult to save people, here the crack is alive, about at least a meter wide , in the crack itself there is ice, well, about centimeters, probably five, so it can disperse at any moment, here are the cars that drove through this crack,
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well, it will be problematic for them to return, and if this crack has separated, then the rest too they can disperse, it has already happened when the ice starts to break up and all these fishermen have to be rescued. recommended that fishermen leave the bay, but they have no right to force people to leave. employees of the ministry of emergency situations advise going fishing on foot or on snowmobiles; it is much safer. now in gertner bay was on duty from morning until late evening. lyudmila sherbakova, alexey gilev, vesti magadan. pregnant musicians against halop. there are two new record-breakers at the russian box office; both films were created with the participation of the rossiya tv channel. details of the new year's battle from the author. host of the film industry program ivan kudryavtsev. the pace at which the market has started this year is impressive and sets a new benchmark for work during the new year holidays. two domestic film events, reaching the widest possible audience, a combination, which in the first day of the holidays brings revenue to cinemas 61% more than in
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the last phenomenal chebburashkin new year, a third more than during the record holidays of 2019. already on the third day, it is faster than all films in... that’s what this top-grossing film is called in the professional community and the desired rental period is still ongoing, the gross market collection already exceeds 5 billion rubles. during this period, the viewer is usually inclined to choose a domestic product. and this year the musical fairy tale "the bremen town musicians", which unfolded a twenty-minute soviet cartoon in
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the modern cinematic universe, ensures an ideal fit into the audience's expectations of families with children. we just went deep, all the time deep into each character, answering the question of who he is, why he is in this story, what hinders him, what he overcomes, it turned out deep, funny, easy and deep. three heroes of the navel of the earth also performed successfully, surpassing the two previous cartoons in the series at the box office, manyunin. adventure animation project the fab five. in general, the share of russian cinema in the total box office of cinemas in moment exceeds 96%. this is a third more than usual. the market is discovering a new ability to set records while maintaining such a share. it is not surprising that the bremen musicians show the main novelties of the new year halop-2 at the forum of the russia exhibition at vdnkh. in a cinema hall specially equipped with a cinema fund to demonstrate the latest achievements of russian cinematography. shown here. soviet classics, for example, the restored snow maiden by pavel kadochnikov and morozka by alexander row, children,
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good fairy tales from our youth, therefore i would really like the children to also see and appreciate their own, let’s say, experience, i really liked it, the new year holidays are ending, but last year cheburashka collected most of its record box office after the holidays, so we follow the numbers and watch the movie, ivan kudryavtsev, alexander darling. the real personification of the long new year's weekend was the pet of the leopard land national park. video traps recorded the amur tiger resting. a handsome striped dog is dozing, enjoying a beautiful sunny day, radiating peace and serenity. frost and snow are clearly not a hindrance for him. but the resident of the south korean zoo everland, who was nicknamed panda, on the contrary. demonstrates incredible activity and good spirits, which is what we wish for everyone on the eve of the first working week.
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and this concludes our episode, oksana kuvaeva was with you, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, see you. when everyone stays at home, forgetting about business, there will be a feeling of such familiar warmth that everyone who has known our world since childhood will find dimensions covered in place. when everyone is at home,
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good morning, good morning, good morning, the scientific-family program “when everyone is at home” is on air. and today, to immerse ourselves in our favorite science, we are visiting andrei dmitrievich kaprin. andrey dmitrievich kaprin, general director of the national medical research center of radiology of the ministry of health of russia, director of the moscow research center. oncology institute named after pyotr aleksandrovich hertsin, chief freelance specialist oncologist of the russian ministry of health, doctor medical sciences, professor , academician of the russian academy of sciences, honored doctor of the russian federation, academician of the russian academy of education, hello, boris, thank you for coming to us, thank you for taking the roll call, please, can we eat without formation, well, let's start, probably with the youngest, elizaveta andreevna kaprina, my daughter, well, here... ivan andreevich kaprin, my son, youngest son, dima andreevich,
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eldest boy, you are a dynasty, no, i am the first doctor in the family, but now most likely yes , soon you will all be in medicine, who is still studying, who has already completed their studies, i’m still studying, i’m still halfway through medicine, what course, i’m in my fifth year, that is, i have one more year left at the university, a doctor and natural selection are in opposition. it seems that some understandable forces really support you, that’s why
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miracles, we see these miracles, and this allows us to believe even more. during the filming, they told me here that they actually performed a reconstruction of the man’s tongue, they took a muscle from somewhere, from a lacteal flap, that is, the flap is taken from here, formed, yes, the tongue does not feel taste, because this muscle had no receptors, but mechanically it can reproduce sound, it can control food, and in order to restore it it was necessary to sew a huge number of tiny vessels, and if...
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what do we still want, what do we want go into this specialty, he said, well , then you will go only on one condition, first you must see all this, from that moment we began working with orderlies in the intensive care unit from one of the hospitals, and it is noteworthy that in this intensive care unit at one time father washed the floors and we then washed the same tiles, the intensive care unit was one of the most serious in moscow. the most difficult patients were brought there, and we saw everything, and after that we finally made the decision that we wanted to go to study at the institute, we knew exactly what we wanted and that we were ready to cope with it, i ’ve already forgotten that, of course , over the years and i think what i did, then i was young and hot, so it seemed to me that i would have done this now , of course, i probably wouldn’t have made such a mistake,
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it was possible to break the child, that’s all really it wasn’t so tough, it was just - there was a desire to help a person who was in one way or another confined to a bed, i don’t remember having any disappointments or difficulties, we grew up after all from childhood, in this environment, when the phone rings, they called dad to the hospital, some issues regarding the treatment of various patients were resolved, daily reports from the intensive care unit, and we basically grew up in this, and we were partially already adapted to this story, but we did it with pleasure. andreytovich, your guys are lucky, they are in they grew up in this atmosphere , so it was easier for them to form, and you, under whose influence, and i grew up in love, means, indeed, i had wonderful parents, they lived together for 66 years, practically, i am happy that my children found them father was an absolutely legendary
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man, extraordinary and remarkable in wisdom, hostile, dmitry. yes, sometimes talking with him, when i was already a corresponding member of the academy of sciences, it turned out that, you know, an academic degree does not affect wisdom, i understood that i was even before him, like, you know, before in general some kind of prophets, but i must say that dad is a legendary military pilot, a hero of the soviet union, yes, really, a front-line soldier, so when i said that i wanted to be a doctor, my mother was of course confused, because she thought that i would be a military man..
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... and he worked next to me, he was older, my great friend, who later was in charge of this intensive care unit, to whom the guys had already come, he is now a wonderful, absolutely legendary doctor, sergei vladimirovich kozaryan, he works in the fifty-second hospital, maryana anatolyevna, who awarded the title of hero labor of the russian federation, this is also our great example and friend, and we lived not very far from the 52nd hospital, near kurchatov square, naturally it was close to me. and the guys were already further away, but still, the team was wonderful even then, then i also worked in the ambulance, my father saw that, in addition to the fact that i was passionate about studying, i was really truly, and did not avoid any medical work, but i i really liked it, especially the ambulance, i barely left the ambulance, i want to understand what draws me there so much young man, that’s it, romance, there’s romance,
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there’s plenty of romance, well, first of all, imagine. night calls in moscow, you don’t know what call you’ll get from the medical team, quick decision-making, attitude towards people, they’re waiting for you as a general... savior, can you imagine there, especially back then it was like that in 1989 , 1985, these are new areas, it was all still very bad with supplies, so it’s all like this, you know, lis, yes, i want to ask you, with this image a subtle, ringing beauty, and the romance of medicine, you need to overcome your fear of blood, disgust in something, how it combines, the aroma is one thing.
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on the contrary, we were always very friendly and my brothers taught me how to dissect frogs from the age of 5, all that stuff and leeches and i really liked it, it was always very interesting , i never had any fear of blood or disgust. i don’t have a special one either, those who have never had an injection understand how scary it is to even give an injection to a loved one, for fear of causing him pain, how much it’s scary for a young surgeon to cut, especially for the first time, on something the surgeon tries to make the hand feel the depth of the cut, when we studied at the institute, we had clubs, we trained, anatomical theater theaters, every institute has an anatomical theater, a good one is also very was there a school, right? there we have a sewing circle for nastamoses, at first we started on our toes, then when the gut-gut appeared, or, well, this is such many years of work, gradually you
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come to it, you know, when we were sitting at lectures, all the backs of those standing in front the chairs were knitted with surgical threads, because we learned to knit blind, uh, knit thread, this needs to be clarified. that here is a surgical knot, it is knitted with one hand, after all, not with two hands, you can knit it with two, you can knit it without a difference, there you can knit it with a very multi-holder so that it is comfortable for you, that’s why everyone tried with their little fingers and with one hand and with their eyes closed, even competitions for speed you know this, youthful youth, this was in every pocket, medicine is moving and the amount of knowledge is united in it more and more, what is it like for a student to to grow to the basic rank of a doctor, how long does it take to go along this path, which
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predecessors all worked on and on, i, as an engineer, can just give an example, if an engineer starts studying everything from an electron, then a lamp, a radio tube, a transistor, a microcircuit like this, like that, like that , like this, then like this, he’s already gray-haired , i’m... getting to this, how does all this volume of knowledge, plus practice, plus experience, plus working with an ambulance, how long does it take, how to fit it all in? classical education, anatomy has not changed, we have it’s easier here, because we have this basis, it remains completely unshakable, yes, there are subtleties , immunohistochemistry and genetics begin there, but this is in the direction that you are working on. the lord is merciful. and you can, knowing this part well, already study a narrow area of ​​the subspecialty. and specialists
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in these subtle matters appear, who, of course, participate in a consultation with you, that is, anyway, the fate of the patient and the patient’s surgery and any stage of treatment is not decided by one doctor for this very reason. i'm trying to imagine and counting how many doctors you need for one health, well, that’s interesting. hair, this is its own deep direction in medicine, for everything, and this suggests that more needs to be taught, educated, because for the stage there is no more need, well, that’s also subtlety, now you can clap with a small number, but everyone needs a lot of doctors, especially so that when you always have everyone at home, the media platform is watching, opens unlimited round-the-clock access to all issues of our program. download the app and watch it on your tablet or a smartphone, or go to the website, as they say now, online you are welcome, when everyone is at home, oh
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, merry christmas, such a great holiday, this christmas all dreams will come true, we had so much fun, carols , shchedrivki, yes, of course, and... there was no winter, it was summer all the time, we wouldn’t know it, prisons, songs from the bottom of our hearts, andrei malakhov’s christmas show, today on...
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nice rooms, decent women, do you want to get to know me better, please don’t give up so easily, admit that he’s just not for you i like it, or vice versa, i like it, i’m not in the mood for novels right now, i won’t be able to return your sympathy, but i don’t have any sympathy for you, lyosha, who is this? and this is alexei’s legal wife. a decent family will rent out a room on friday at rtr. it still hurts here, it hurts here, it hurts here. this disease never manifests itself acutely and creeps up
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gradually. to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle. this, by the way, has been officially proven, proper nutrition, so how can you properly deal with stress? we need to choose those foods that are not harmful to overeat, the right medications, run to the doctor, medicine is like crutches for us, and the right habits, shouldn’t we pop some kefir? and i’m not afraid of this word, our health. about the most important things on tuesday on рrt. so you're writing it out? well, we did everything we could and then we did it ourselves. do you really not want to go back to work? irrevocably, decisively. listen to me, you will put the bradin nikolai yuvich in his place. accused kulyupov, do you admit your guilt? no, i don't admit it. that's mine. wife marina, and this is tamara,
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my new boss, now a very pleasant kreposofsik since tuesday on rtr, when everyone is at home, we sit at the family table, drinking tea, and medical topics, as far as they are natural for the family, over treats and such medical topics, absolutely normal, of course, normal, with such... absorption in one’s work, one doesn’t even want to call it a profession, but this is really such a service, is there any time and energy left for one’s personal life and who can be the object of this personal life if a person is far from medicine, general conversation, general themes friends, of course, who just don’t talk to you in medicine, you also need an outlet so as not to burn out, well, anyway, you have friends in our specialty, absolutely extraordinary people, very talented, they know and
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sing the elements,
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you can get rid of it when you, like doctors, you communicate with worldly people, and you still don’t know, you make a beat visually, and it’s like absolute pitch, it prevents you from listening to any music except virtuoso music, no, well, of course there are symptoms that we see in people with a certain experience, well, us, for example, one of the most common oncological disease all over the world is skin cancer, there is such a story, it happens on the face, you look at a person and you talk to him, but he does not understand that this long-term healing ulcer could be skin cancer, and so they quietly leave , you won't come. come to me, maybe we’ll look at this little thing, but i’ve been smearing green paint there with my wife for 2 months already, you think it’s alarming, i think they’ll get big there, well, it’s visual, visual localization, well of course you see
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many symptoms, you see tremor, you see swelling of the joints, well, for so many years, of course in medicine, i am now trying through your lips to advise relatives who suddenly see something similar in someone close to them and they will tell them, because each from their own tries to turn away and say, no, mine is green, if men run to the toilet at night, often the wife should pay attention to this, especially who has lived there with him for many years, understands that once upon a time this did not happen, something it appeared, not just insomnia, and these people still don’t get enough sleep, because it’s not easy to fall asleep if a person goes to the toilet all the time, by the way, we have such a story, we do the so-called not open doors, for example, for the mammary gland, it comes, we we accept everyone, well, that’s how it has developed in our team, we ’ve been doing this for a long time, why don’t i say what great guys we are, what great relatives, these women bring their husbands or sons or fathers and say that we are a dairy
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gland, you are guiding us, we are a little scared, comes then they say: doctor, he’s running around in my momology office, maybe we can drag him in somehow, he says: i understand, i’m a momologist? but bring it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, well, that means that she is worried, there is already anxiety, in general she didn’t come so much to examine herself as she is worried about her loved one, you said, people come and we have to scan them, we you don’t even need to scan, what most often happens is that at any table people gradually begin to ask questions themselves questions, when they find out that this is a doctor, they begin to ask exactly what worries them. diagnosis on issues, and we , in principle, are used to it, we , i’ll tell you more, we like it, whoever has pain, he talks about it, we shouldn’t have a reception in the kitchen, when everyone takes turns, can you , in the kitchen i wanted to ask, one thing that
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leaves the kitchen, says, well, what did he say, but i have something else, you can still stand here, we ’ll drink tea here, sometimes, but this is also a stencil of a specialty, which is superimposed and you have to do this with of course happier. ivan, well, when patients come, they come, how not to harden, so that they don’t become familiar, so that they don’t merge into such a common mass, because everyone comes with their own, comes for the first time, and with fear, with pain, the doctor’s power is truly
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colossal , over pain, over fear , the temptation of power is one of the most terrible temptations, we, of course, cannot say, yes, that we are 100%, uh, for some... period of life, we will not leave this road of kindness , but we are actually very lucky, our father taught us, i believe that this is completely his as if influence and mother, well, you know, how a person is raised, so he will be in everything, he still raised, yes, no matter what you work for, a good child should be raised by the light from under the door of his father’s office, and they should see that he is working, it wasn’t me who told landau, davodich, we just don’t like it when... they started telling us, you know, i was in such and such a hospital, then i was with such and such, such, you know, now we’ll listen to you, in this same kitchen, so we worry about our colleagues, it’s prohibited at our institute, and i always told the guys, it’s forbidden
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never discuss colleagues, because we don’t know what happened there, we don’t know what documents he had, it was necessary to sit next to him, a complete taboo among qualified doctors, he says where did they look at you, where, where? it’s the dentists who love, who treated your teeth, i treated myself, answer the skull for replacement, that’s who is closer to the patient, a dentist or a practitioner, you need to ask, toothache or exacerbation of hemorrhoids, after all, they like practitioners, in my opinion , they are more afraid of dentists, they they don’t see, there was such a humoresque in ancient times, when man, do you have a headache, what have you been prescribed, injections in the head, where, think, what’s the connection? yes, yes, yes, this is good, but i’ll tell you now that dentists are a high-tech specialty, look at what miracles they also do, and why do we also really need them in oncology now, we are with many of them.
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with a restored facial skeleton, also socially adapted, speaking, able to still sit at a table and no special scars left either, that’s where the work is, that’s why dentistry, sometimes now we need it oncologists, in such localizations, but... look for yourself, after all, implantation
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is what it is now, but this is a huge work of the entire staff, which means that this is radiation therapy, this is heavy surgery, this is a complex with modern treatment methods, this is control and discipline of the patient, because what do we tell some patients, come back in six months , we’ll see, we really see, suddenly there’s a relapse, a tiny tumor, it can be removed and the person continues to live for years to come, but there are patients who, for example... this is described in the chronicle and this is just it
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refutes the opinion that this is a recent disease, that is, it, of course, existed in parallel with all living things, in the 16th century there were already lenses and illumination to determine cancer, not cancer, in certain rays differently, well , now yes, it exists fluorescent glow, nba modes, but she also knows how to hide, so to formulate. then medicine, fighting for the health of an individual, it is unknown how it affects the health of all humanity, here’s how to understand, for example, the achievement of science in medicine, once an antibiotic saved millions of lives saves, but at the same time its concentration in our lives grows and grows, and it is already in a puddle, in a chicken, and so on, here it turns out that science works on the one hand, nature on the other hand, how to explain this, what will happen next ? but if we talk about us
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, we are forced, we now have a certain council under the ministry of health on antibiotic resistance to any insensitivity of many infections, this forced us to act so that we , with this advice and several of my colleagues in this council, are headed by novel sergeevich kozlov, rector of the smolensk institute, our great comrade, corresponding member of the russian academy of sciences, these people... were destructive for them, but they adapted, also for humans in this
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interspecies struggle, by the way, a cancerous tumor, those drugs, which once acted, she now recognizes them, a very interesting story that we are now seeing, when we use the most serious hiparates already in the final line, then we see insensitivity to them, and we can return to the first line, there are such observations that this pool of tumor cells forgot from... that first scheme, that is, the brilliant green helped, well , in fact, this is probably no longer in the realm of science fiction, but one can even believe it, that someday the weakening of the human health and the progress of medicine, they will meet when medicine learns to support the vital activity of the body, weakened by ecology and other things, then this is exactly the dream of all science fiction writers, when a person will be half from nature, half from medicine. reminiscent of unforgettable, we repeat, now all episodes
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of our program are available online on the watch platform, in the app or on the website. ru: when everyone is home, i can’t even believe that the bear is gone, aren’t you going to the wake? do you know who is it? no, but i am also a person close to him, i am his daughter, who lived, there were three sisters, mother, is it true, she is our sister, one is beautiful, the other is smart. “i’m very glad to see you, but i ’m not there, okay, mikhailovna, i’ll wait for you on the branches, and the third one is just a stranger, why are you tolerate such an attitude towards yourself, he hates, mocks, cheats on you, your mother also essentially fell in love with a married man, you think my mother was a happy woman, she cried at
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night, you want that too, all my life i was afraid that she will appear, or maybe she 's for the better, someone else's sister"? today on rtr. many of you, the first thing you wake up, check your mail, and i, of course, am no exception. the champagne has opened. the degree is higher.
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basque, the most positive, morning mail with nikolai baskov, today on rtr, i’m already tired of these showdowns, scandals, come on let's get divorced, premiere on rtr, if you leave me, i'll kill you, just a joke, i'm on the spot causing bodily harm to my wife margarita gracheva. “based on real events , what happened to my daughter, she is now being operated on, i need the syudik, and let’s go without sentimentality, as harshly as you can, they make a saint out of her without us, my son is never rude to anyone, my dima is always the truth, we need publicity,
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we can’t handle it on our own, i’m a lawyer, i found out about you and couldn’t pass by, we have a lot of work ahead of us.” it's your own fault now celebrity, i didn’t want such popularity for myself, from tuesday on rtr, i am glad to welcome you to our rhythmic gymnastics tournament, for the first time our tournament is not being held at home, as guests, the best gymnasts from all over the world are in beijing. lovers of sports, inspired by alina kabaeva, we wish you good luck, our dear athletes, chayo, heavenly grace, international
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rhythmic gymnastics tournament, today on rtr. doctors, they are also dandies, that is , the honor of the robe, what a doctor should look like, what kind of cap, what kind of robe, when did you start, how such doctors looked front-line, at that time it was fashionable, long caps, tall, just this size, medical fashion, medical fashion, and snow-white, snow-white starched caps, girls wore. with lapels, caps, there were small lapels, they tried to wear gowns, you know, those classic ones with back ties, and this , by the way, was justified, because if you wear a tie and a shirt when you approach a patient, you are of course more covered, and that was the correct approach is probably this: it’s just not very convenient to put it on, for
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the operating room, they probably keep their hands clean, they tied the robe at the back, yes, yes, no, this remained in surgery, all the traditions in operating rooms remained, even intensified. such a requirement, although now the operating rooms are very well equipped, the operating rooms now have very serious ventilation systems, which allow, in fact, even as... these creators of the premises write, not to observe even some hygienic things, although this is a taboo for us, but abroad i saw how they go to operating room people , sometimes without even changing their trousers, let's go back, the color of the robe was white, white white, then yes now we i love, i operate in colored caps, i have multi-colored caps, i have with a pattern, with different patterns, i once i saw some toys on the robe, a hat like this and somehow completely different. this is perceived as yes, we now have patients lying in intensive care in shirts with teddy bears and all sorts of things, so i am
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against a patient in intensive care lying naked, because we are always there if we need to help a patient, then we can take off this shirt, they dress very easily, but you are not talking to a person on equal terms, well , what is this or undressing, you come, yes you come, the man is naked, you ask him something, that’s all - the person is shy, that’s understandable. it’s interesting, when a person has a mole removed from his face, he also has to lie down completely, but this is the wrong approach, and the ability to listen, communicate, because this also needs to be learned, i can say that i learned from a doctor who talked with my old uncle, i brought him to the reception, he sat him down, it was not an interrogation, but he questioned him, said what your name is, very calmly and quietly, how old are you, and he listened to everything that this elderly man wanted to tell him, and he, like a book, opened the doctor all this absorbed - remembering what is important about this communication, where to learn, what examples
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do you see and leave them for yourself? well , firstly, i see the example of my father, who knows how to communicate with people very delicately, to find an approach to any person, even to children, dad always addresses you, that is, this is already says that a person treats people with great love and with great respect, and of course, my dad is the main example for me in this, and besides, the teachers at my university, where i study, at the first medical university named after ivan sechinov mikhailovich, the teachers there treat us not like some just children, students, they turn to us, colleagues, doctors, also new, and accordingly, you also want to become. the same person, how harmful the internet is when a person tries to engage self-diagnosis, very
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, you know, there is even third-year student syndrome, well, we have it in medicine, in any case, when you open a textbook you realize that you have all the diseases, and you try on everything, and so the syndrome of third-year medical institute is being tried on throughout the country and they open the same internet resources . try on all the diseases and treat them indiscriminately, feel something that doesn’t even exist, absolutely, he doesn’t know the stage of his disease, morphology, he starts reading this localization, it comes, my god, there the mortality rate is such and such, and he is horrified that people there in this localization do not survive the year, for example, he does not know that he has a completely different morphological picture, but he’s already done, you know, it’s still starting here, apply a burdock, there come , we’ll give you some vodka and soda, in addition to demoralization , we’re wasting time, so i want our
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dear tv viewers, that ’s enough now, we have qualified oncologists, we believe that 75% of the success of treatment depends on the patient’s mood, and should be this one communication, doctor-patient, 100%. as far as donor blood is needed, it is needed. donor blood is very necessary, it is needed not only for blood, because for such a direct army, there are a lot of blood products, in the program we try to suggest a form of charity, because this is the most direct form of charity, when you directly help a person, and by the way, indirectly, you still come for a micro medical examination, because you still pass there. blood from your finger, and this blood of yours also rules, if something is alarming, then you they will call, after all, in the human body, the brain and the body, these are different
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creatures, are they creatures, but that’s what it is, i ’m a system, i was thinking, that very selfish organ of the human body, what kind of system, stomach, i think i think the tongue, and this is what i wanted to say, the tongue enjoys tastes, communication, if. how they bite him, you know, there can be punishments, but at the same time, if he abuses his tastes and so on, then that same stomach suffers, all the others, if he said the wrong thing, then they hit the wrong tongue mostly. yes, this is true, well, you see, i think that after all, the heart, it rests more than it works, this is egoism, just the heart rests more, yes, it turns out, the pause is more than, than the contraction, the heart a symbol of love, when a person, say, gets a heart transplant, he continues to love the same ones, when an artificial heart, he continues
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to love the same ones, maybe it compresses, well, probably, the soul used to be. somewhere here the soul here is a famous place they showed the soul and the body are united and in this plexus of which it turned out that the heart is there, by the way, surgeons approach it very carefully to the heart to the solar plexus, the so-called where , if they hit it, it freezes to pierce the soul, the soul there is such a vascular plexus that it can be damaged there, what surgeons think about the soul , well, we think. that somewhere there she is in this zone. andrey dmitrovich, how did you manage your grandchildren? oh, it’s their choice, really, it’s their choice, i won’t push in any way. i believe that this is a wonderful specialty, eternal, which will always be needed, and what if they choose this specialty, i will be happy, because
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this is definitely social assistance to people, that is. there will be a child, you will have a child, you will have a child, you will have a child who will have you, in the family of everyone, when everyone at home is again a new addition for lisa from
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the orphanage in the pskov region. which we showed in our program, a family was found. today we are going to one of the orphanages in the vladimir region. hello, meet everyone when everyone is at home. this is arthur. let's say, arturchik, hello everyone, hello, let's play with you, build house. interesting, but arthur was not at all interested in building the house. the filming equipment was what made an indelible impression on him, and he rushed to help the cameramen. arturchik, you 're filming me, right? yes, i command, what should i say , zero fields, i need to sing, oh, i’m shy, i sing badly, i can’t moderate, i’ll teach you, and you sing well,
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yes, with your soul, yes, is it crashing or what? arthur, what else should i do, well, play for dolls, play with dolls, yes, okay, i can do that, so i took the doll, what do i need with the doll? do a dance, hello, arthur, we’ll be friends with you, come on, come on, i love to dance, and what do you love, i sepa, you love me, oh, how nice, will you ride me on a bicycle, yes, and where will we go on a bicycle, well, there -there, there, there, right?
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arthur has been living in our orphanage for almost 3 years, he is a very active , cheerful child, over these 3 years he has made very good progress in his development, because the way he came to us and the way he has become now are two big differences. arthur began to show interest in productive activities, so classes, such as modeling, applique, drawing, in general i became more inquisitive. helps in everything, strives to be first everywhere, helps set the table, helps put away toys, helps us put things in order in the area. lately he's started playing mother's game with the girls, they have mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, they walk with them, they cook
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food for them. arturchik, what is your job now? uncle mish, tell me what arthur's job is? operator. operator. what does the operator do? operator. this is difficult work. yes, so what? didn't it crush you? no, your legs aren't tired? exactly exactly, let's see our whole team, let's get to know everyone, what a great guy you are, now all the viewers know who works with us, uncle stas, uncle misha, and when you grow up, what will you become, an employee, great, you'll join our team to work , there, we will be waiting for you, we are so reliable... we really need people, very, very much, let mom hear, let mom come, let mom definitely find me, because it shouldn’t be like this in the world, for children to be lost,
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after all, it shouldn’t be like this in the world that children were lost, we from our family are pleased to present an icon with a mantel of a healer, this is a great martyr, a doctor who showed truly multiple miracles, we hope and ask him to protect you. and so that he will be your heavenly patron, a prayer book , so that this icon will always remain as a memory from our family, a relic, and so that you can
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pass it on to your children, your loved ones, with this memory we give it to you with love, summing up everything we have heard, i want yours family, and the families of all tv viewers, wish you incurable... and chronic luck, it won’t hurt us all, thank you, thank you, goodbye, when everyone is home, good morning! friends, a wonderful time has come, we have been waiting for it for 12 whole months, amazing new year holidays. today i feel like a real santa claus, because you, dear tv viewers, literally inundated
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me with letters asking me to fulfill your new year's wishes. happy new year morning mail is on the air, and i am delighted to host it, nikolai baskov. i'm starting to distribute musical gifts. nikolai will receive it first today. happy new year nikolay, happy new year to you nikolay, as if he himself i congratulated myself, i’m writing to you from the mound , we always celebrate the new year with a big family, and let’s be honest, we drink not only lemonade, hmm, you’re not the only one, but kvass, fruit juice and of course tea, i fully support it, we are also for a healthy lifestyle , but our older relatives are used to celebrating traditionally with stronger drinks. and at the table they love not only to drink, but also to sing. please give our entire family a song that is easy to sing along to even in the most festive mood. nikolay, there is such a song. her
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words are very simple: even someone can sing along with them sleeping. accept your new year's gift from me personally. natural blonde. start singing along right now. i don't need it at all. i'm tired of singing, playing, walking, falling in love , and reading newspapers boldly, and lying around from kokhat, i'll live like a chicken, oh, well, as if everyone didn't eat me, and let the press worry about how i really live, how i really live, bury , who am i, a natural blonde, there is only one like this in the whole country, and few. and golden, and famous and single, there is only one natural blond in the whole country, i’m looking for you, my star, we... we will
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together forever, we'll be together forever , the ratings are breaking records again, i'm on all the covers again, well, people are interested in how the basque lights up, so what about the stage, i'm burning out without a trace, in front of you in front of everyone, that's the whole mystery and solution, that's it the whole secret. and a story taller than the arm, a natural blond , there’s only one like him in the whole country, and ground, groovy, and famous and single, a natural blond, in the whole country, there’s only one like that, i’m looking for you, my star, we’ll be together forever, we’ll be together forever, hey , above the hand.
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there is only one natural blond in the whole country, i’m looking for you, my star, we’ll be together forever, natural blond, there’s only one like him in the whole country, and grounded groovy, and famous and single , there’s only one natural blond in the whole country, i’m looking for you, my star, we’ll be together for...
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today i i feel like a snowflake, i just melt from your warm letters. hello, uncle kolya, my name is like yours, only without the letter k, hello, olechka, as i understand it, you... from
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your mother’s computer, that’s what it means that modern children master the computer from the cradle, i decorated the christmas tree myself, my you good, i found multi-colored pieces of paper with numbers in my dad’s desk and cut out beautiful snowflakes from them, pieces of paper with numbers, dad and mom were upset, dad said 40 thousand in scraps, and mom said our money was crying, let the money don’t cry, and mom and dad too, let them smile, uncle kolya, turn it on. it’s a very cool song for them, olechka, of course , i’ll play it, and tell mom and dad not to be upset, the snowflakes can be collected and returned to the bank. but we will remain just as misunderstood, until the last i believed that anyone could do this, but not you, my trust, you closed the cree. as soon as i
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presented my words to him, in memory of friendship in cold places, i will not give in, but will whet my appetite, you saw the sadness in my eyes then, you would not do it and you would not be sorry, i love him, you knew how, and i suddenly realized who my most terrible enemy is, did you see then? there is sadness in my eyes, you hugged me and you didn’t feel sorry, i love him, you knew how, and i suddenly realized who my worst enemy is, my best friend, i screamed in pain at night into my pillow for my nerves, tears, thank you friend, i merged with him, exploded from the chain , told herself, just hold on, shot at me, but hit two, i will remember for the rest of my life my retreat when... i forgive you, you
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saw the sadness in my eyes then, you did pain, you knew how... so i suddenly realized who my worst brother is, you saw sadness in my eyes then, you did about me and you didn’t feel sorry, i love him, you knew how, and i suddenly realized who was mine the most terrible enemy, you saw the sadness in my eyes then, you did it more freely, you weren’t. and i realized suddenly, who is my worst enemy, best friend, hold on, it takes time so that
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i can no longer operate, that i will recover, then ah... the cat is in pain, the dog is in pain, my boss is not in pain, i want a divorce, oleg mikhailovich, let 's meet, from time to time, in what sense, pripasovsky, from
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tuesday on rtr, we gathered about 10 people in the first group, there were short calls, we... i came across such people, they care, support with a word, hello, dear soldier, and in fact, without your help you would not survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from
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tuesday to thursday, on rtr, i want to go to college, what institute, on... oh, my god, throw it away , start, tell me that you have cheat sheets, i need to apply , i really need to, you know, two friends, one believes in fairy-tale princes, here my gray will sail to me and take me to his home, there are no grays, there are entrepreneurs, the other believes into yourself, you are the best... marry, no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i want to be happy, and what do you need for this, that’s all, all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the sea, go ahead,
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have high hopes on saturday and sunday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch. first podcasts. let's see, may the new year come and joy and success, and we will provide you with loud laughter in every room, everyone is running somewhere, everyone is calling someone, these candies have been traveling around the city for 40 years, and what's on mom's table? no, three pickled cucumbers, bring
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mom something hot, warm up the cucumbers for her, everything will happen at once, appetite, mood and a holiday for the soul, new year is just a rehearsal, but the old new year is already a premiere. full house, old new year, premiere. on saturday on... rtr. good morning, inna kenti, i have a festive question for you: what would you wish for our viewers in the new year? gifts, gifts! who will give these gifts? paskov, basques! bravo, kesha! of course, i will try, but i’m not sure it’s enough for everyone! letters, letters! and, reading letters and giving gifts is always a joy! now our new year's gift is leaving! new year
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is a family holiday, but unfortunately, life has scattered our large family in different corners, nightmare, nightmare, kesha, it happens, someone in kaliningrad, someone in kamchatka, someone in sochi. so, my wife and i live near the vdnkh metro station. my parents are on the arbat, and fate abandoned the children to... this is how moscow is , please turn on your program, something funny, because humor unites our family, that’s for sure. i absolutely agree with you, andrey, a new year’s miniature about the fact that distance is not a hindrance to the holiday will be presented to you by wonderful comedians, natalya korosteleva and yuri khvostov. hooray! cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, we need to record a video
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of happy new year greetings for my mother, i don’t want to congratulate her, well then i’ll have to go to her in person, i’m ready to film, where should i say, wait, you’re ready, after all, the holiday needs to be organized somehow. that mom bought it, she will be pleased, i ’m like some kind of moron in this snowflake, see, well, you’re not very smart without a snowflake, come on, that’s it, stand up, smile, there’s a camera there, dear mom, congratulations on your happy new year , come on, you tell me, dear... mommy, we congratulate you, come on, dear mommy, we congratulate you on the new year with a smile, that’s it, i myself,
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dear mother, i congratulate you on the new year, no need, that’s it, i myself, dear mommy, we congratulate you on the new year when you you come to visit us on our... then a holiday comes, and this holiday is halloween , why are you ruining everything, so, oh, i forgot, i picked the music, now we’ll listen to the music, dear mom, we wish you happiness, joy, health, now tell me, mommy, when you appeared in my life, i learned a lot about myself, what type of small ruminant do i belong to? from what
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inaccessible and little poetic place do my hands grow, because why are you ruining everything, and i don’t like music, i think, man you need to congratulate with the music that suits his character, your mother, you need to congratulate with this kind of music, no, no, no, no, no, with this music i will congratulate my mother-in-law on march 8, then let’s do without music at all, okay , without this snowflake, god, you become retarded, smile, dear mom, we love you very, very much, we are always glad to see you, you are our favorite. the most beautiful, and if after your stay you want
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to go back to your home, then we will escort you home with honors, because what are you doing, and i’m dancing with joy, congratulations your mother, don’t act like a fool, stand up, smile, dear! mommy, we wish you to live to be 100 years old, what? i can’t stand being with her until i’m 100 years old, get up, what have you got to do with it, why are you taking on my mother, well, isn’t it bad when mom comes to visit us, when mom is next to us, mom is with us together , i don’t mind when mom sits next to us on the same couch, when mom eats at the same table with us, but sleeping with us in the same bed is
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too much, she’s not alone, especially since she’s with this... her own dog the dog whines all night, claws scratches, bites fleas, well, it’s a dog, what kind of dog, your mother, the dog sleeps peacefully in the corner there, vitenka, i assure you, my mother loves you very much, and she loves you, yes, i stroked her cat, she says: ugh, he’s dirty , hiding in the trash, wash yourself after him , so what’s wrong with that, she told the cat about... well, you know, vid, you’re not a gift either, why did you spit on your mother, spit because she had a stye, stye on the eye, and you spat in her back, missed, 17 times, she ran away, didn’t want to be treated, vitya, don’t fool around
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my head, you should pray for my mother, she. she cooks, she cleans, yes , what is she cooking, it’s impossible to eat, she made a three-liter jar of some kind of liquor, it’s so disgusting, well, i barely ate it all, are you an idiot or something, this is a rubbing for the knees, this is so that the knees don’t hurt, there composition - turpentine, laundry soap beaver droppings, your mother is also annealing, learned... with her granddaughter a song for the new year, the girl is four years old, she went to santa claus and sang, i’m smoking alone again , i’m smoking again, mom again, that’s it, in there is silence in the children's garden, santa claus is sick at heart, that's it, get up, otherwise we we will never congratulate you, smile, dear mother, when will you receive our
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little gift for the new year, what a small gift, a ring, small with a diamond, that is, a ring for mom? srentik for the new year, yes, and for me a handkerchief for the new year, look at the quality, 80% cotton, it’s completely overstuffed, then your mother gives you good gifts, she knitted you a sweater, why don’t you wear a sweater with a deer, with such antlers, what is she hinting at, but she is not hinting at anything, the deer is a new year's symbol, you are not hinting at it understand? mom hinted to you, give me some object for my anniversary with which i could ring, gave her a bell, and mom really loves you, look, she signed a card for you, dear victor, happiness, health, love, here’s my dear son -in-law, to you only, i bequeath my dacha
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, it’s a ruble, there’s only one land, three... mommy, mommy, mommy, good luck to you, i kiss your health in general, a hundred and five sizes, mommy, but no, no, there’s no dacha here, i have a daughter here, only for you i...
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lost a rhinestone from my jacket, worse, imagine, i hung a sock for a gift outside the window, i looked in the morning, and the sock was stolen, in the end there was no sock, no gift, oh! only santa claus puts gifts in socks, and he is greedy, so he limited the gift to the size of a sock. here is our generous santa claus, giving bags from the heart.
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ask santa claus for a gift, he will fulfill your every wish. won't fulfill it. a year ago, i asked her to celebrate the new year with a supermodel. so what did i get? a box with the inscription: superjet airplane model. sorry, that was my new year's joke. to him the model is just super, don’t be offended, let’s better read the letters, the audience is waiting for gifts, okay, for the sake of my viewers, i’m ready to forgive even you, great, kolyan, what kind of pony brotherhood, as if we drank tea together, this is grisha, you and i have tea together drank, an unexpected turn , thank you for the gift, it’s great, you also gave him a gift, i’m shocked, it’s a very cool song, and i understood everything, this is grisha leps, i gave him my song, great, you gave it to leps, and viewers, well, calm down, i gave it to leps, and he will now
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give it to the audience, don’t re-give gifts well, especially for the audience, they will only be glad, the super song zaraza and the super singer grigory leps, well, nikolai baskov himself is in the role of a super viewer. you always get high with her , she is the dream of kings, and kinder, seas, empty sweets, and how funny she is when she is offended, and how tender she is when she is naked, so as to never lose herself, she inflicts all the best at once, you are here to pay extra jokes immediately to be naughty. the mind has not fallen in love with another infection, it inflicts all the best at once, there is no plan to make phrases so that your playful
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mind does not fall in love with another infection, but you you will always be with her in any city, but all questions and lower than water, on your distant mother and... you are her dig, as if your roma, bewitched the shama, so as never to lose, to you, it brings all the best at once, you are not here you cry, look for rhinestones so that your mind doesn’t fall in love with the playful, everyone has a different infection, but it carries all the best at once, you’re here...
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rtr: i can’t even believe that the bear is no longer there, aren’t you going to the wake? do you know who is it? no, but i’m also a close person to him, i’m his daughter, who lived, there were three sisters, mom, is it true, she’s our sister? one is beautiful, the other is smart, i’m very glad to see you, well, i tell you, okay, varvara mikhailovna. just a stranger, why do you tolerate such an attitude towards yourself, he hates , mocks, cheats on you, your mother
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too... i essentially fell in love with a married man, do you think my mother was a happy woman, she cried at night, you too so you want, all my life i was afraid that she would appear, but maybe she is for the better, someone else’s sister, today on rtr happy birthday, telechkin, frankly,
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who is here for many 50 years, here he is, my golden one, the kingdom of heaven is huge my loss, i’m not leaving yet , i still talk to him all the time, it’s difficult, so i ’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, love is when you look in one direction, look, look , look, you want to see, look, let 's see, look, well, look at the screen, look, take me out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we'll go come to me, just watch a movie, you watch 100 to one, what is our task
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open the whole board? we’ll handle it, if you ask, it’ll be a breeze. everyone knows the name of which character from pushkin’s works, how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much it will be, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, no, pluck, problems with... geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for a headache , god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, today on rtr, today in the morning mail there is a real snowfall of your letters, i wonder who wrote this time,
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again? year, dear nikolai, grandfather writes to you frost, unexpectedly, they always write to santa claus, here it’s the other way around, my name is alexey grinev, i work part-time as santa claus in my native kamyshin, now it’s clear, recently i was invited to congratulate irishka on the new year, irishka was so happy, sang, danced, sang again, then they called me, it turned out i was in the wrong apartment, and i also thought, irishka is great, she’s well over 40, and she rocks, in general, i made my grandfather happy. please give irishka from apartment 130 a modern dance composition on behalf of father frost. irishka, you really are great, you sing, dance, and continue to love life too. i think the life song performed by sievert is quite suitable for you, and for all our viewers too.
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reload or have time, but don’t let me say that it arises, it doesn’t come out of nowhere , these are all events, here any streak is not for everyone,
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just the look into my eyes, every time you hear you, don’t you know we’re waiting so long. it’s a thrill when you don’t want to go back, just this ming, just to repeat, here and there, to beat on the fawn, if you liked it so much to become something big, because our life is freestyle on the pipe busy, perhaps you are no longer anyone, but the yellow sentaphone is the last one. a chance for a kapka on the floor is a map for children like us, if everyone around is not there,
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look into my ey, every time you hear. you're right to love, don't you waiting so long, like the first time give me this, look into my eyes, every time you hear i can love, don't you and when it's long, like a first time give me this madness, just th look into my eyes. winter is a real burst of inspiration, remember nekrasov, once in the cold winter, or pushkin, frost sunny, wonderful day. oleg tolmachev from norafaminsk was also not spared
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from this splash. he composed a whole poem. i would call her santa claus and basque. they love santa claus very much, only the basques are better, fact. father frost. comes a year, well, kolya is 50, he gives gifts like a grandfather, congratulates, makes him happy, and i feel 100%, grandfather basque will help him, even if he is young, beardless, but a caravan of years will pass, instead of grandfather frost there will be grandfather kolyan, i’m kidding i wish everyone to have a sense of humor, and watch mail with basque on sundays, thank you, oleg, for these cheerful rhymes, and i, in turn, would like to wish our viewers that in the new year only notes of joy will sound in your soul and chords of good mood will thunder. with you was, if ever, the main performer of all musical desires, nikolai baskov. be sure to write, i
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will have something to read, and you will have something to listen to. happy new year, my loves! let's all come together , dear ones, and dance. look everyone, where the girl is sad, loves parties so much, listens to my records, plays the guitar, but we it’s not time, it’s not time, i’m following you, you’re running from me, you’re playing with me, but i’ll catch you, i’ll call the housekeeper, there’ll be silence in response , i’ll look out the window, i love. i won’t stop, you’re just my nerve, and don’t let my mother know, horns understand everyone, you ’re a sad girl, they love parties so much, listens to my
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records, we play gestor, but we’re not a couple, it’s time, you’re a girl, they love parties so much, listens my flats, we play the guitar, but it’s not time, it’s not time, we’re flying, right there, we don’t need a parachute, that’ll do too, we don’t need zones , we’ll fly over the horizon, i’m following you, you’re running from me, you play with me , i won’t stop loving you, you’re just my nervona, and don’t let him know, mom, well, let’s all sing together, sad girl, you love parties, very much, me too, listen to my floats, plays one, two, three, we sing, those where the girl
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is sad, she loves parties so much, they listen to my records, we play the guitar, but it’s not time, it’s not time... the sketch is sad, she loves parties so much, listens to my records, the guitar plays, but we are not a couple, not...
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good morning, good morning our dear guests in the studio, good morning dear tv viewers, on the air 100 to one, a fun quiz, and we invite the team of lesa paval to the studio, and the team of artists, please, lesa paval. and hello, artists, hello , hello, hello, well, let's start with the serious guys, veniam, please introduce the group, hello, i want to introduce the most wonderful guys in our group, max, first, max, applause. this is a soloist, an athlete, and a musician, the vocalist
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of the group is the russian guard, well, and the soloist of the group lispoval, well, next, maxim, welcome, ilyan, ilya, uh, poet, musician, soloist, group lisopov, a wonderful person, like that, super, yes, next, alexander, soloist. a vocal music teacher, a soloist grouped , something in the words of a teacher, some kind of sarcasm, a sarcastic laugh, a teacher, they teach, vocals, music, vocals and music, if anything to alexander, mikhail, mikhail, a wonderful person. the artist of the group was a licker, has been working for a long time and in general as a person, like this
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, such a guy, a cool guy, medals of the present order, medals of the grandfather of the medal, grandfather of the medal, that’s why i’m proud of them and wear them instead no, that’s right, a few words about veneamin , the captain, our captain, the captain of our team, elder, the elder of the team, he was the founder of the team by mikhail tanich, for 30 years and 3 years he has been working for the good, for the good of the group, for the good of everyone we, thank you, are 30 years old and 3 years is a period, i would say, well, lisapov is visiting us, a wonderful team of artists. dmitry, hello,
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hello everyone, today we have ruslan playing, bogatyr, bogatyrev, the strength of our team, singer, artist, athlete, like you all you see, marina and artemy, a wonderful couple of dancers, tv presenters, multiple winners, won the world championship three times, wonderful, handsome, simply. tatyana kotova , primo star, artist and by the way, follow the business, even so, thank you, but i want to introduce our captain, dmitry koldun, he is also an artist, not surprising, because our team is called artists, musician, singer, author of his songs, ok, thank god, two teams of artists lisa poval,
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welcome to the game on air 100 to one, fun weekend quiz, you are watching 100 to one, today we have two wonderful teams of artists and lesa poval’s group, we have our first round, a simple single game, i invite you here to the table. so, the first question is more about football, how a football match can end, dmitry, do you think it will be a victory, yes , or a loss, or a draw, a draw, maybe a penalty shootout, a victory, somehow the option will be a
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draw, a draw, a draw, yes, a draw, let’s check, well which one is better, back to the teams, back, good. since we immediately guessed the most important top line let's continue with your team ruslan, how a football match can end with a victory, a victory , maybe we check with a victory, well, right into the second subscription, this is the second that we know , thank god. a penalty, but it won’t end in one series, a series you watch football, i ’m a football fan, so, a penalty, let’s check, wow, this is the fifth line, eight people, really football, tatyana, just in case if you suddenly look and understand that
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people they hit the gate, it's called. i think defeat may also defeat may not end well, of course i say so but nevertheless, with a defeat we check 15 people , the third line is all the main options as a person who doesn’t watch football at all , i have something else to watch, i think you never know, i can of course say now later.
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well, i think that this is some kind of brawl, disorder, violation of public order , violation of public order, scuffle, yes ruslan, you and i would be pleased, unfortunately, this happens rarely, i hope it’s like that today, yes, we’ll leave it at that, well i guess, yeah, okay, riots, fight, wow, 10 people they also answered, well, ruslan, put the winning point, no, maybe this can happen, anything can happen, well, the reflection is already a disqualification concert, i really like the answer, we’re also
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checking the disqualification, the second mistake, i see, she’ll be watching the broadcast, she he will say that i don’t understand football, my mother will watch the broadcast, well, it’s okay, tanya is such a simple answer, such a simple, good positive one, maybe, you know, i just can’t give further advice, because it couldn’t be simpler, marina, maybe they’ll call , you know, like the answer is an award teams, the award in my head was also an award, by the way, there is no award, the feeling was, an award for the teams, i mean?
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awarding awards we check, so okay, why so, i don’t know that we give ourselves a version at home, the captain answers, mikhail, version, i think it’s still a joint photo of some team, option, alexander, i think that at the end of the match they exchange t-shirts, exchange t-shirts, there is such a thing, or i, everyone... go home, then after everyone goes home, that’s right, tired, just like after the concert, too, in general, almost everyone went home, maxim, was there a removal, a removal? version removal, was, was, was, was, max, was, well , what’s elementary in the hall veniam, something like that, something
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elementary, venya, choose how a football match can end, i’m asking you sharply, answer, answer, there are only concerts, handshakes, right, handshakes, boyish answer, normal, check, handshake, the artists won. beautiful because there are simple answers that lie on the surface and for some reason no one can get to them, we open the sixth line, don’t worry , don’t cry, rejoice, the first round is over, attention, the question sounded like how a football match could end, here’s the answer:
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to the doctor, medicine is like a crutch for us and the right habits, shouldn’t we slap some kefir, and not i’m afraid of this word, our health, about the most important thing on tuesday on rtr.
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the leader of the ldpr again predicts the future. malakhov on tuesday on rtr. you are watching what is one of the most fun television games in the world. we have two teams today. artists and group les and poval. and we have a double play. all the scores are multiplied by two. i invite the second team numbers here. ask!
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a child draws on the wall of a house with chalk, what will a passerby who sees it do? maxim, well, praise him, he’ll say how beautiful, he’ll say, well done, he’s at home , he’ll scold him, he’ll scold him, he’ll hurt his ear, he’ll scold him, ah-ah-ah, like, well, he’ll scold him, he’ll scold him, we’ll check, well, here’s the main answer, let’s go back, ruslan , don't worry, we'll be back. so we continue, ilya, what will a passerby do when he sees a child drawing with chalk on the wall of a house, yes, yes, yes, he will smile, be touched, like, be surprised, how can he get away, will smile, praise, like, yes, if in such a way, smile, praise, encourage , check, encourage, even, yes, yes, they will appreciate,
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maybe, yes, he’ll help, draw something , draw a sample, yeah, he’s got chalk in his pocket, he’ll take part, ask about his parents, take part, check, well , let’s try, tell him, he’ll ask, kind logging group, kind, you see, he’s coming up with good options, there’s only one left, ask, but you need to come up with bad ones, he’ll say, look. parents, parents, i’m telling you, child, parent, this should be the case anyway, he will ask where the parents are, he will ask where the parents are, or he will tell him to call his parents, well, something with the parents, well, in short, complain to the parents, but still, to the parents, complain to the parents, complain to the parents, the police, the police, will file a report against the child, what is
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chalk, you can just wash it off.
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a child draws on the wall of a house with chalk, what will a passerby who sees this do, first, second, third, fourth, fifth answer we have, remark, react, scold, pass by, ask to erase, appreciate, praise,
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complain to parents, already thought, what can. that means yes, let's leave the photograph, let's leave the photograph, let's yes, are you sure, yes, yes, photograph, it seems to me, but what about me? the job is to confuse you normally, it seems to us that you are helping, yes, it just seems to you, well, where to help, where to confuse, what to do the same thing, let, well, the majority decided, 3, 2, 1, take a photo, photograph, yes, we check, e, the version turned out to be accurate 212:00 with this
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score while the arts are winning, it was a double game, you see that it’s one, we have a triple game ahead. 100 to one on the air, today we have two wonderful teams, a logging group and a team of artists, which is winning so far, and i invite the third number of teams here. marina, ilya , attention, the third question, well, such an everyday one too, a person has been promoted, what has he got now, or am i the first, yes, yes,
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unfortunately, so, well, we have responsibility, money, responsibility or worries , that’s right, we have, as it were, three such options, that’s right, whatever comes to mind. and what kind of workers does he get, well, workers there are more problems, we check, it’s clear , we come back, well done, well, you see, and you
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, my friend, can do more, yes artemy, can i ask the question again, of course, the person was promoted, what does he have now? powers , powers adding powers, duties and work, no, duties and powers are different things, powers of powers are one thing, powers, and duties are another, yes, let's have powers - this is what we are completely capable, that is, we can do, we check his credentials, yes, how come he wasn’t promoted, what about it happens to him, positions were promoted, but he was not given authority. what could he have increased? our respondents answer , and i wanted to say, you know, that when an increase is added, well, that is, an increase, then a person has problems, troubles, headaches, problems, problems, by the way,
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headaches, definitely, definitely , it immediately gets into my head, let’s check, worldly wisdom, bravo, well done, tatyana’s worldly wisdom, this is the second time my head doesn’t hurt. the second time dmitry leads to the correct answer, but i think he has more well, somehow there are more employees of subordinates, subordinates of subordinates, we check, employees are subordinates, wow, there is such a thing, 11 people, so, let’s look at the picture, while the person who was promoted has more responsibilities. 29 people, 25 money, then the fourth line, subordinates - 11 people, on the sixth line there is a headache, which has added five people, less
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free has decreased, it turns out that this has decreased, but what can be added, i’m the boss, you don’t have it, subordinates love it, subordinates, how are you? relate, love? or maybe more envious people have appeared, like the status of respect ; more envious people have appeared and competitors have appeared. yes, what has appeared , respect, by the way, is possible, where possible, quite possible, well, respect, there are two lines, something else, we are this one, let’s respect, that is already respect, we don’t like influence, more working time , you can say this, well, there was already work, responsibilities have been added, work can now increase time, good respect, you think it has increased, well, let’s check respect, no,
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it’s not easy, it’s not easy, but you’re close by, it means something has to do with emotionality, it’s easy to choose the wording, well, it’s in a negative or a positive way, and you know, in different ways, there are more envious people, but still, it’s between by the way, a hint, one answer is more like this in a positive way, the second is more like this, you know, not very much, there are two more. this is a different formulation, but there are also formulations there, competitors, maybe competitors in the office, let’s say, are promoting someone, so they promoted me, i’m trying to imagine that i was promoted, it’s difficult, so it doesn’t seem like it somehow, they checked respect, they checked respect, respect, they thought about enemies, on the contrary, in short, not respect, what options were there, not respect, but what about envy?
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friends, so, maxim, the same thing, yes, friends of connections, if connections are real friends who appear when you are appointed, or like fake friends, but not normal friends, workers, but at least some, normal work friends, envious people , veniam, envious people, i don’t know, the envious people were directly checked, checked, yes, checked, here there are no plains for you, there are friends in quotation marks here, we believe that there are more friends, friends. should be added, let's check, the boy's answer is normal, why do we have such answers, no, there are no friends at work, well, let's check, check, check, open the fifth line, the person's character has deteriorated, people think, and seven people answered when him...
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and ahead of us we have a game on the contrary, you are watching 100 to one, i am glad to welcome you to our rhythmic gymnastics tournament, for the first time our tournament is not taking place at home, in guests, the best gymnasts from all over the world in beijing, in love with the sport.
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loser, madyusha, we decided to rent out your room. i'm alexey, your new little guy, mom , how many children do you want, and this has something to do with utilities, nice rooms , decent women, if you want to get to know me better, please don't give up so easily,
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admit that you just don't like him, or vice versa, i like it, i have no time for novels now. i won’t be able to respond to your sympathy, and i don’t have any sympathy for you. lyosha, who is this? and this is the legal wife alexey, a decent family will rent out a room on friday at rtr.
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the new year is just a rehearsal, but the old new year is already a premiere. full house, old new year, premiere. on saturday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that... why don't you like the rift? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as
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not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch. substation, the first podcasts that. look, i can’t even believe that bears no more, are you not going to the wake, do you know who it is? no, but i’m also a close person to him, i’m his daughter, who lived, there were three sisters, mom, is it true, she’s our sister, one is beautiful, the other is smart, i’m very glad to see you, well, i tell him, okay, arvara mikhailovna. just a stranger, why do you put up with such an attitude towards yourself, he hates, mocks, cheats on you, your mother also essentially fell in love with a married man, you think my mother was a happy woman, she cried at
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night, you want that too, i’m all life i was afraid that she would appear, but maybe she is for the better, someone else’s sister, today on the mouth we continue the broadcast 100 to one, we have a game in reverse, now you will need to guess the line , which is the very last, the sixth, it will give the most points, i read out question and the team must, after consulting for 20 seconds, give an answer. so, pay attention, these famous characters are always presented in threes. who are they for 20 seconds so the characters who are always represented by three,
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everyone is represented by three or not people, but someone who is always by three, can, can, we we count the three little pigs, nif-nif, naf-naf, nuf-nuv, nif-nif, naf-naf, almost like people. living beings, that's right, yeah, well, your version, three sisters at the window, spinning something there at night, it seems to me that there might be a rogue, there should be a fairy tale, let the three be rich. three heroes, let them be , both answers are accepted, we imagine this battle, three
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little pigs against three heroes, epic , epic, so, well, we’ll sing, i don’t understand, in front of the main one, yes, well, come on, okay, all together then, ours, we will help, ours, of course, the swan on the pond rocks the fallen a star on that pond where i will lead you, bravo, the forest has fallen, open the first line, who do you think is there, cowardly babbles, open it, here it is, is it popular there?
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so the answer, which could bring 240 points on the sixth line, open three thick ones, oh yes, this is serious. who else came to mind? these are these here they are exactly three heroes we open the fifth line three girls still fedor didn’t remember at all didn’t remember at all uncle fedor the dog the cat why aren’t you three prochkin this one well okay somewhere your answer is somewhere your? the answer, who, who will take the first, apparently, yes, here next to who will take
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the first, three heroes 100%, three heroes, do you think, should be on the third line, yes, well, and we hope, we are opening the third line, yes wonderful artists get 60 points, lesopov wins this round, we open the fourth. fourth line, three little pigs, well, at least they opened the account, with a score of 12060, three heroes win, but the total score of the game is 482,120, and we announce the winners as the team of artists, you are looking at 100 to one, and for artistic teams, now is a big game. you
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look 100 to one, now the game is super, you can win a big prize with us, as much as 50,000 rubles. to do this, you need to score the maximum number of points by quickly answering five questions. some of you should stay here in the studio, others should go to a scary, black room where no one can penetrate? no sound, no light , who will it be, maybe you, i'll go, oh , gentleman, come on, applause, dmitriev, hide, so, you need to score 200 points in total, well, you don't need to think about it now, you just have to answer the questions, you have 15 seconds, try not to think, you can give hints, but it can... throw you off, so it’s better to rely only on yourself, of course, as always, let’s go, the stopwatch
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starts on the last letter of the first question. tatiana, are we ready? go! what is the island of cuba famous for? cigarettes, cigars, cigars. what is official? novel. triangle, what is it? love. what are the french coming? and croissants, where do they buy gold? in russia, that's right. we check the results. first question: what is he famous for? island of cuba? you said, in the end there were cigars, and also, as you answered, 28 people, an excellent result. the next thing that happens is official, you said, of course, a novel, and answered the same way as you. 27 people, we’re going well, then we had a triangle,
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a triangle, what is it, our editors ask, of course you answered. 17 people also answered that the french eat croissants, you answered, and they also think, what, eight people, probably everyone thinks that they eat frogs, after all, where do they buy them? they said in russia, which is absolutely fair, where else, we used to buy in other places , now only in russia, how many people think the same, but we think so, tanya, that we are plus one, tanya, thank you, come in, and we call
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your friend, dmitry, come back to us, yes, come on, go ahead, please, you can look at the scoreboard, here, here , please, stop, you can look at the scoreboard, 200 points is the result that you need to achieve, tatyana won out of 200, by the way, 80, we are in we believe you, i need to dial 120 or something, that’s all, do the math well in your head calculations. so, you have 5 seconds more, you have 20 seconds and the same five questions that tatyana answered, are you ready? yes, if you heard such a terrible signal, it means that tatyana has already given this answer,
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you need to quickly come up with some other one. let's go, what is the island famous for? revolution is the second popularity answer 13, you said freedom, and just like you, 10 people answered, but it’s not bad that
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it happens for official purposes, here again the main answer was given by tatyana, a novel, she said. 27 points - this is the most popular answer, in second place the answer is entrance, service entrance, points, and you said service, car, so you answered, 16 people, that’s not bad, that ’s not bad, 106, continue, triangle, what is it, love, she said tatyana, 17 people answered like this, you said equilateral. so , 11 people answered, if they said isosceles, as i hoped, isosceles, 33 people answered, this is the most popular answer of all, next, what do the french go, tatyana answered croissants, so
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eight people, the most popular answer baguettes, that’s what she answered. but not a record one, come to us again, please come and see us all, thank you for the game, it was a 100 to one program, a wonderful game between artists and musicians, the group from les poval, we invite you to us again and again,
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because 100 to one is the most ... the funniest tv quiz in the world, see you next time. i’m already tired of these showdowns, scandals, let’s get a divorce, premiere on rtr, if you leave me, i’ll kill you, joke. based on real events, that with my daughter, she is now being operated on, i need an exclusive, and
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come on without sentimentality, be tough as you know how, they make a saint out of her without us, my son is never rude to anyone, my dima is always the truth, we need publicity, we can’t handle it ourselves, i’m a lawyer, i found out about you and couldn’t get through by. “we have a lot of work ahead of us, it’s our own fault, you’re a celebrity now, i didn’t want such popularity for myself, from tuesday on rtr, valentina telechkina, why at some point do you feel sad, in a state of depression, when the movie ends right at its peak”?
8:00 am
hello, on air, in the studio oksana kuvaeva, the main thing is by this time. a volley of sunshine. a stronghold with ukrainian armed forces militants has been set up in the krasnoliman direction. and crew 134 attacked the enemy’s crepe. an improved body armor with an increased protection area for air defense soldiers was developed at a sewing factory in north ossetia.


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