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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 8, 2024 8:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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the hegemon, the departing hegemon, should not leave the historical arena so shamefully, with such weakness, in any case, this is also dangerous, because the story with the minister of defense is in fact...
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the us defense was in intensive care, and his deputy was in vacation, and the white house was not even aware of this for 3 days, command and control of nuclear weapons, the highest priority for our defense, we failed here, we want transparency and accountability on this issue, we have 15 minutes to respond to a nuclear attack russia's newest weapon, the secretary of defense plays a key role in this matter, failure to communicate to washington that... the us secretary of defense was in intensive care for 3 days, this is a failure of leadership, we need to fix this now, if you think that only the congressman, then the horror is that even the notorious blinken was forced to say that he knew nothing about this , nothing, well, by the way, why only russia and china, there are a couple of other countries that have the opportunity to convey, as they say, your message to the territory the united states, but... the united states
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has problems in general, they themselves admitted it, while they were still sane about the use of nuclear weapons, it was sanctioned, especially in the navy, they wrote about it, they admitted it all, of course no one did anything, as is usually the case in the united states, but this, this is of course the ending of the aptheos, but this suggests that we are dealing with a dangerous, truly dangerous for the whole world, passing away. hegemon, but i must confess to you, vladimirich, colleagues, i was one of those who still waited after belgorod some words, no, not from the leadership of these countries, nato countries, no, i have no illusion here, and i will say one more thing about this, but at least one of the politicians would open his mouth, well, at least someone from the opposition, maybe there...
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would wash away these memories of our blood, but they are afraid that the blood will be theirs, but they are gradually beginning to awaken in themselves the desire to fight with us, this is very scary, such a desire with we can fight like in europe, but not in america, i’m starting to come to the conclusion that the american deep state died, drank himself to death, retired, it doesn’t matter, but at least it’s there. some remnants
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of rationality, people at least ask questions , where did we have nuclear weapons, who would make decisions in europe, who in europe is able to ask questions, how...
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but this is still a struggle for values, because really here one cannot but agree that the war in ukraine and in general the development of the situation in europe, the junction of europe and eurasia, is a war against orthodoxy, for the destruction of this orthodoxy, it is a religious war, precisely in a religious war the europeans want to get involved, they perceive it precisely as a religious war, but it will be on the basis of values... we all said, a world of fighting kingdoms, using chinese stratogems, the kingdoms did not work out, multipolarity did not take place, then we started talking about a world of fighting space , they began to call it polycentricity, it was the american world,
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the world of fighting, chaotic spaces, it was the american world, we are skipping through it, but it is the values ​​that structure these spaces into powers,
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from this shell of economic concepts imposed on us, which in reality mean nothing, this is the question of political will, which we must not be afraid to show, this is the question of, strictly speaking, what will we do about the chaos of the united states, so they thought that - they, only they can chaotize the world, well , chaotization is... for everyone this is not a two-way street, it is a multi- way street, now it is coming there, so in reality, in reality it will be very difficult year which will require us to rise above so many stereotypes that we carry from
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the past, which were sometimes correct, sometimes incorrect, but still we need to rise above them right now, it’s interesting how seemingly disappeared continents emerge, seemingly forever... look, for the british it is no coincidence that the narrative about crimea is constantly being thrown around, and for them the second crimean war comes up, that is, they are de facto. what strach zimmerman says, she also talks about values, we will continue to stand on the side participates in the crimean war, listen, ukraine, ukraine needs europe, and europe needs ukraine so that in the future we can live in peace and freedom. i am deeply grateful to finance minister christian lindner, 2 years ago he said that we would organize a special military fund of 100 billion euros to do.
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we are not war mongers, we are peace defenders because we want to protect this country. europe, if it wants to continue to exist, must defend its values. and that's bad news, ladies and gentlemen. values ​​are defended by words.
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as it has been for centuries, as it has been for centuries , that is, everything comes up again, what a surprise, this is not enough, a europe of values, well, let ’s show you italy, today italy, a fascist demonstration, where the communists killed young people from...
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in general, europe in this, in this conflict plays a primary role, it is not at all just a colony, deprived of sovereignty by the united states and carrying out their will. she does this consciously, it’s deep inside, and we see it, but somehow we can’t cope with this idea, because she. contradicts this thirty years in which we were brought up, so i have two
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such emotional impressions of these holidays that have passed, which means the first emotional impression, and that one really needs to be said, festive, such a somewhat frivolous, pleasant atmosphere that was created . she is not quite on the verge of victory, this is also obvious to me, in any case,
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the third impression is that it is precisely this atmosphere, that the country is in a state of some kind of internal uncertainty, as it were seems to be in a state of some hope that somehow everything will resolve. either trump will win in america, or there, i don’t know, a civil war will start in the usa, or scholz will die, or he will leave, or something else will happen. such that by itself somehow this whole situation, either zelensky will disappear, will ascend to heaven or something else will happen, then it’s as if it’s more likely not a menagerie, but that’s exactly what you’re talking about, but the conflict is really long, and it works, it’s this
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contradiction, it’s... internal, it seems to me well, in any case, this causes some kind of split in me, after that i go to the store, but you know, for a simple person, and i’m actually a simple soviet man in the street, soviet, russian, i don’t know how it is, i i understand that in belgorod they fired from czech installations there, i go to the store and see that all the shelves are lined with czech beer, well, they will tell me, what’s wrong here? well people, what's the connection? well, i don’t know, somehow it doesn’t fit with me, i don’t understand, it ’s like this is so fundamentally czech beer purchasing to a country that, as they say, is destroying your citizens in belgorod at this time, this is normal in general , they will tell me this, well, it doesn’t matter, this is
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different, this is the fifth, but this bifurcates consciousness, this is in this there is some. some kind of dissonance, from this one gets the feeling that this, well, this is somehow, it ’s like this, here, here, it should somehow dissolve there, in this, in this there is, this is moral, the internal moral state of society, i, i'm not proposing to ban holidays and so on, but i mean, that the internal moral state of society is of great importance, the second impression, the most...
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it amazes, it is something, it is something incredible, and the quality of the picture is amazing, despite the fact that it is clear that any, any film adaptation, it always simplifies the original, well, cinema, cinema is generally simpler than literature, you know, it is, but, but, but,
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nevertheless, it is the depth of thoughts, passion, qualities, it is... orthodox, raising questions of god, existence, etc. etc., it was all shown on a wide screen in the ussr, i remember i watched it for schoolchildren myself, but why am i saying all this, i again had a memory of that conversation that took place there several years ago at the council on culture, when i raised questions,
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spoke about this to the president, about what needs to be restored, that is, not restored. make a mandatory program for watching films in schools, and the president supported it, the president said, it’s a good idea, he supported it, it was in the instructions, then it somehow resolved itself, that’s what i’m saying all this for, but we, you know, this it is of enormous importance that a person as they say, in childhood it is... it imprints us in we, so if you analyze yourself and you will see that your strongest impressions that shaped you, you had them before you were 16.
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most of them, mind you, this is such a neutral wait-and-see position, how will it all end, well, it’s clear, and this is visible in everything,
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we we we we don’t see a galaxy of, so to speak, artists who would speak out in defense of our national sovereignty today, no , no, there is no galaxy, obviously no, and i repeat this, i’m talking about the galaxy, i don’t i say that they are not there, there are certainly people who have chosen their position , i’m sorry, and i’m with these people, so i’m so surprised that for some reason we left, we don’t see the pleiad, but we see a bed, we see a bed of enemies, name it pliyado, well, it’s impossible, well, it’s impossible, nikita sergeevich, well, okay, who else is vanya okhlobystin? well, well, this is not pleasant, well, how can i now start listing the guys who were actors in the donbass, i ’ll name 20-25 people right away, who talk about the cultural
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massif that is happening, again, i’m not against even this massif, you want prove that everything is fine, i absolutely agree, i just don’t want us to forget those who are just...
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we need to change the program, this is the time, this is me, i don’t see a problem, 2 hours a month, find 2 hours in month and even these, pay extra.
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so to speak, a literature teacher, as a rule, they are always well versed in cinema, let him discuss this with the children there, please, although for me, i was brought up, i didn’t need to discuss it, i watched the ballad about a soldier for 8 years, and no one nothing, just went to the cinema, in the second grade i ran away from class i looked, no one explained anything to me, i understood everything, they are no more stupid than us, but this must be done, we must form an elite, a new elite.
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my father was taking pilau, and it was already may 10, and they didn’t give up, and didn’t give up, by the way, they were simply destroyed, that’s all, you have to understand that this is really a life-or-death struggle, and the presence of czech beer in stores is inappropriate here , well, it’s just inappropriate, not because it’s bad, but because it’s some kind of challenge in relation to those people who were there. killed in belgorod, please, here the current conflict in which the russian federation is involved, it helps us remember the fact that for the last thousand years or so, russia has really been developing in an aggressive external environment, nikita sergeevich said this perfectly, the wars that russia waged mainly took place on our territory , we reacted to aggression, repelled them,
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destroyed the enemy. on its territory, but turning to the last two years, i note that we are really developing to the limit, and this development is surprisingly progressing systematically and sustainably, here the question of the economy was raised, i can say that from an economic point of view the decision there is, say, to stimulate military production. the decision is made and implemented to a sufficient extent, while in russia there is still a budget deficit in the twenty -second and twenty-third years, it was very small, probably if it were larger, then inflation would be higher, and inflation is a tax on on the poor first of all, that is, the macroeconomic indicators of russia for 22-2 years are surprisingly good, stable, this concerns the fact that in terms of median income
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, russians have returned to the level of benefits... received in 2007 or 2013, inflation in russia, yes, 8% or a little less, is quite a lot, but still this is quite acceptable inflation; in terms of life expectancy, russians have never in its history have not lived as long, on average, as today, in this sense , developing to the limit, our country has the opportunity to accumulate its capabilities and resources on...
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a balance between private and public interests, these are the signals that industry receives from the line of combat contact what is required in terms of weapons, they are not necessarily decided at military state factories, russian private companies often respond faster and more efficiently to these signals, so this is the private state environment in which the russian economy is developing. not only as a mobilization war, but also as a normal economy, well, as economists say, an economy with an average level of income, and in general it is quite favorable, although of course it is required enormous efforts to maintain this pace, i wanted to draw attention to a very important lesson of the twenty-second-twenty -third years, which now at the beginning of the new year we can draw from the analysis of the diplomacy of international relations, as
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it turns out... what very long for years , politicians abroad and in russia have been frightening themselves, the collapse of the world order is a disaster, that’s how we found out, the collapse of the world order. the inability of the united states to make any responsible decisions due to the intellectual degradation of its elite and the disunity of the european union and its outright russophobia, all this is not a disaster, it is an opportunity, first of all , for russia, and i would draw attention to three aspects of the new emerging russian foreign policy that have been demonstrated. especially clearly in the twenty-third year, the first of them is democratic multipolarity, which is embodied in brix, let me remind you that it’s been a week since brix expanded, now there are not five states, but 10, in october of this year
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the brix summit will be held in kazan, i really hope that fundamental principles will be adopted there decisions on the transformation of this organization and the acquisition of powers, well, actually equal to the powers of the united nations, at least in certain issues, and so , by developing brix, brix is ​​a russian idea of ​​2006, we have actually deprived the west of its monopoly on the interpretation of the phenomenon of democracy, we through brick we are creating a real democratic system of international relations, in which there is no place for unipolarity under the leadership of the united states, which for the last 70 years has generally been quite... apparently, the second change is erosion of the economic monopoly of the west or the monopoly of the west in the economic sphere. the years 22-23 showed that from the point of view of the latest technologies, and in very specific narrow
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areas, but this is not only weapons, hypersonic systems, missiles, artillery, but in the field of it, information and communication technologies, the russian federation is creating a new technological platform , which is sovereign. and which ensure our economic security, the same can be said about the achievements of china, india and others states that de facto deprived the west of its monopoly in the economic sphere, and this is a huge achievement that has been in preparation for decades, only now in 22-2 it became obvious, the third plot is the emergence of a huge number of states, but not less than a hundred each has world majority states. which have their own foreign policy, which they defend and who have someone to listen to, there is the russian federation, other brix states, yes, while this is the world majority, this is a more virtual construct, but because there is a separate group is african,
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there is latin american, middle eastern, and pacific or asian, but nevertheless this world majority speaks about its interests, they now have someone to turn to, and the russian federation... insisting that within the framework of this community of nations has its own agenda, in which there is no place for american hegemony in general, plays such a generally strategic role, moreover, the russian federation over the last 2 years has truly shown itself to be such a military- political core of the world majority, because we show in practice what it means to be sovereign and to ignore.
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security, when this term was heard in december of twenty-one, and many in europe and america either pretended that i did not understand, or really did not understand what it was, so we only reached their consciousness on february 24 of twenty-two, by the way , then
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in may i had a meeting in st. petersburg with an active finnish diplomat, we see the last meeting, now there are no more finnish diplomats in st. petersburg, so she told me that when on may 12 twenty second year... the russian ministry of ministry of foreign affairs adopted a statement regarding finland's desire to join nato, this statement openly stated a military-technical decision, military-technical decisions that russia can... take in response to new emerging threats, that's according to according to her, the finnish foreign ministry's shock and awe was quite significant and the first thing they did was they began to study how norway had structured its foreign policy over the years of nato membership and try i may reproduce some of these elements of the unification of norway in order not to provoke russia even more, although if they do provoke me, i will not stop.
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talks about russia, scholz talks about russia, biden talks about russia and putin talks about russia, everyone talks about russia, which is of course good. listen to macron, by the way. next june you will have to decide whether to continue to rearm our european sovereignty in the face of danger. stop russia and support the ukrainians? or give in to authoritarian forces for ukraine. assert the strength of liberal democracies.
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do you want to go back to work? listen to me, will you put the bradin nikolai yuryevich in his place, we accuse kulyupov, will you admit your guilt? no, i don't admit it. this is my wife marina, and this is tamara, my new boss now. from tuesday on rtr. every time i cry.
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what institute should i go to for philfa, oh
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my god, throw it away, start, tell me that you have cheat sheets, i need to enroll, i really need to, you know, two friends, one believes in fairy-tale princes, i hope he will come to me my gray and will take me to his home, there are no grays, there are entrepreneurs, the other believes in herself. are you the best girl in this dorm? married? no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i want to be happy, and what do you need for this? that's it, all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the sea, act! great hopes on saturday and sunday at rtr. the floor is trembling,
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the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room absolutely without faces, we are making three different functional areas, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans for... after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, i want
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to show you a person. as for secretary of defense austin, i was not aware of his health problems. in fact, i spoke to loyd last weekend, before this incident. and i know that he made a statement about this. here what i would like to say is one of the greatest
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privileges of my career, in my three years in government. but what will you do next, again, i think he made a statement on this matter, it said everything, and what did you decide for yourself? well, i’m not going to get into hypotheses about this, well, really the man is a cretin, but he says it like he says it, which means he’s already kind of died, and most importantly
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, he says he worked in government for 30 years, he said he didn’t know he was sick, and his handshake was strong, strong, strong yes...
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therefore, in this sense, of course , austin’s illness, i don’t know, is a real or diplomatic illness, in any case , what is happening in their government -
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who in any case does not agree with me, this is normal, which means i do not agree in that trump, so to speak, is not beneficial for us, in my opinion, in my opinion, when trump said that under me the united states was respected, this is a very big doubt, i don’t have the most honest rules, he never, only once tried to show and then with the words poor ivanka, with the words poor ivanka there he launched 56 missiles into syria, nothing more.
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bush jr. and obama. in 4 years, he has done more damage to the foreign policy position of the united states than his two predecessors. wait, i understand correctly, andrey, that then instead of the us and canada institute there will be 50 institutes in separate states. yes, director of the kintuki research institute. kentucky or kentucky? better than california. how many, how many jobs will there be then, employers and everything else, it will be possible to provide, then, you know, you’re an americanist, no, what are you, i’m a kintukist, well there
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i think that he will repent not in this way, but there, and there, he will most likely go for unification, remember, first, the civil war split the union into two, two halves, here in reality it splits into approximately three halves, but nevertheless this is a very big problem, but here...
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this faith is now being destroyed , actively being destroyed, of course, science vance let me down, well , this is the manhattan prosecutor, yes, who should have promised, apparently, to summon trump there to court in early january, it didn’t work out, apparently something didn’t work out, yes, apparently something didn’t work out it has grown together, so i am now counting on smith, who has his first hearing on march 4, and trump has his second hearing on march 20, and the third on may 25.
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in general, there are representatives of the military-industrial complex, who are also generally not poor people, but this is also an empty place, therefore, therefore, by and large, by and large, the political system of the united states, this year, and this is a serious year, by the way, it’s also quite a serious year for europe, why did macron say about june, to be honest, what was the hint about the elections to the european parliament on the ninth, that or, on june 6-9 they have elections to the european parliament, where, strictly speaking
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, this is zimmerman’s fear, no, who is zimmerman, i just want to understand , i repeated it all the time, i see his fear, zimmerman himself, who the americans are shifting to europe and they shifted it, but what she said , she didn’t say that the countries there are us, nato, no, she said 27 countries of the european union, you mean, fool, you read the history of napoleon, that is , they are already taking it all upon themselves, he too entered with an army, how many countries were there, right? no, all of europe was there, that’s right, contingents, although there were a lot of germans there, there were a lot of germans, but the germans were different in different ones, yes, as i say, there were a lot of germans there, they were in different cells, so if we take this for the coming year, then of course we will have there it’s a mess, but this mess won’t do us any good, in the sense that no, the point is that he really
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said that it’s good that it’s a mess, it’s good that it’s a mess, a fight of empty places.
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the number is clear since everything, then they will divide our our reserves, and again this is wine, the blame will not be borne by the states, the blame europeans will bear it. i offered you another option, no , well, i’m not against it, well, you just need to understand where yours is, yes, we used to be able to buy real estate abroad, many have their own there, just go straight in and ask a question, i
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mean there, where our people live, here's our people , so you know, they live everywhere, in the public french toilet there are inscriptions in russian, as vladimir semyonovichi drank, i think we will not stoop to public toilets, but what are you offering in the forest? all chinese on both sides of taiwan the straits must be bound by a common sense of purpose and share the great glory of national revival. firstly, it should be noted that the representative is in excellent physical shape
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, looks good, and he, well, we probably don’t understand very well, or rather, not all of us understand well the nuances of these formulations, but if i understand, for chairman xi has a very specific, very clear statement. alexey, please clarify for us. yes, this is the new year's speech by chairman xi, uh, oddly enough, it's what scared the americans, here no different from the standard formulations that china repeats year after year. why was this even said in the new year’s address, in order to show and understand perfectly well that all this will be translated into all languages, that china has not removed the thesis or reduced this thesis about the secession of taiwan or taiwan from the people’s republic of china. and here we must understand that this is also addressed to...
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at the level of the everyday person, empty stores, that is, it means that there are more sellers than clients, than buyers, this is true, although they are full goods, these giant supermarkets are empty, yes, people are online, people, consumption has decreased, this is true in china, secondly, in the largest cities of china , by the way, the price of real estate has fallen sharply, minus 20-25%. .. shanghai, beijing, this is not a very healthy situation, but to say that china is in shock, scared, that there is some kind of panic there, no, this is not necessary, on the contrary, somehow someone is playing on the rise, on downgrade, because indeed in china
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yields have fallen sharply over the past year ordinary people, and probably also large companies, and therefore it is important for the chinese leadership to explain to the population, which has been growing rich for 40 years. what is happening, how will we live further, maybe we made a mistake somewhere with taiwan, because when sidingping came to lead the prc in 2013, the situation was very good, friendship with the usa, huge trade, the situation with taiwan is about to be resolved , negotiations are constantly going on across the strait, everything is fine, the economy is growing, in general everything is fine, now many years have passed, 10 years there, it turned out that everything is not so good and...
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a negative image of both china and russia is constantly being formed, but there is also another country at issue here, because china is leveling out, we must understand that the twenty -fourth year is a critical year for china , china really hoped that the twenty- third year would restore world trade, and china will constantly trade, and china has now wandered into the same story that we have already said, he hoped that the twenty- fourth would restore or he hoped, he hoped that in the twenty-third. china
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emphasized export-oriented economy i got into the same problems that we talked about, which russia invented , so there is a colossal restructuring of the economy, it’s just that you can see it better from the inside than from the outside, so we need to approach this very carefully, but there is another question that struck me , literally a few days ago i was holding negotiations there, a speech and... oh, we don’t hide it, about the interaction between russia and china in the field of high technologies, and a large russian company is offering to china, we have developments, we need to produce these microchips in china, chinese engineers, the chinese academy of sciences look at it, and say: guys, what you are proposing is the most advanced solutions that exist in the world, we don’t have this, the americans don’t, and the main question is that they ask, why do you need us? ours
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, which means our company explains, well, you know , we just can’t do it in russia, we don’t have the appropriate equipment, it says, listen, it’s hard to fight, you have such brains, why are you looking for someone else, in the course of the conversation it becomes clear, that even ours truly extraordinary guys , extraordinary engineers, over the years, these are young guys , a secondary psychology has formed, that somewhere in the west or somewhere in china, there are people who are much better, and the industry is better organized, we just need to come. ask them, and the chinese explain, you don’t need to ask, you just need to organize there, let’s make joint equipment machines, everything can be produced in russia, here’s another example, i meet a tired young man who works, russian, russian, who works in a chinese company, he says why are you working here, he swears that the chinese don’t pay enough, that why did you leave, you know, i ’m afraid, in russia they’ll take me straight into the army, i say, you’re an it specialist, who’s going to take you, come, he says, but... “
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they are scaring us, i would like to come, but it turned out that we are forbidden to enter, he says who forbade it, it turns out that a lot of people, russians, russians who work in china, they are in a state of deprivation , they don’t know the situation, the real situation, maybe they can teach the tishnik to use internet, and i told him the same thing, he says, well, you know, there are search engines banned there? i say, well, even in china vpn works, if you teach me now, they won’t let you into china, they even recommend it in china, that is, here is a very important point , we need to understand well that... our brains, our industry, our structure, now the restructuring of the economy, it is no worse than the chinese one, it is lagging, it’s true , it is seriously lagging, our main problem is in that psychologically we believe that some people solve problems better, this is not true.
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the second very big problem is that many in russia, including the scientific intelligentsia, the technical intelligentsia. it seemed that as a result of all these companies, we were returning to the past, establishing the soviet union, and this is scary, because we need to think about the future. china is great not because it has a big economy and there are a lot of people there, that goes without saying, it is great because it is always china is a very traditional side, but it constantly works ahead of itself, because that china does not think that it is secondary, as soon as we start working ahead of ourselves, we will stop thinking that we need to restore the same as... under the soviet union of education or the academy, everything was fine, just for that era everything it was great , but for tomorrow it won’t work, china has rebuilt, by the way, many asian countries have rebuilt, malaysia has rebuilt, indonesia is rebuilding, we now need to
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understand well, clearly, including in the face of china, that china thinks only of itself, and the problems are russian-chinese, they are largely related to the development of the chinese economy, and not the russian economy. the fact that we have increased russian-chinese trade today has seriously increased it, but investments from china have not flowed into russia, and this is a big problem and will not flow, in my opinion, so we need to clearly understand that in the future we will have to rely on our own the strength to observe how china is developing, and are not afraid, not afraid to work ahead of china, and not ask it for some new technologies, this interesting secondary. because , well, talking a lot with the military-industrial complex , there is nothing secondary there, not even close , the development there is colossal, as i say, i’m just saying what, and this is probably, in particular, my fault, that i don’t talk enough about what what and how happens in our factories, although i regularly do stories there and
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show little, well, for obvious reasons, for example, how our government works, because well, if he speaks realistically, because the processes are organized, there are no equal in the world, because if...
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which were loaded with weapons, it exploded in an iranian port, the world is silent, like, like they exploded themselves, lebanon is being processed throughout the entire territory, strikes are being made in syria, the world is silent, that’s it, and now we seem to have fucked up poland, if only the whole world had already yelled, that is , it turns out that the iranian port can be attacked, no one knows by whom, no one knows how, but we all know who did it, but not russia, that is, it’s surprising, and as i understand it. so far , all of semyon arkativich’s forecasts are coming true, that is, retraction is taking place, no one wants, but everything are being drawn in, which means, well, yes, iran is being drawn in, but the fact is that in iran, as i have repeatedly said, the elephant has two. party, one party that is ready for war, and the other party says: no, we don’t need to
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go into war, there is a proxy through them, but the situation increasingly suggests that iran will sooner or later be involved in this war , because that’s what you said : terrorist attack to the port, well, finally a symbolic terrorist attack, this is, of course, on the fourth anniversary of the commemoration of mourning for the death of qassem sulaymaniyah, whom he had a hand in trump, he even criticized netanyahu, that this was the last moment... he refused to participate and so on, yes, because now, even with this terrorist attack related to the commemoration of qassem sulaymaniyah, they still cannot come to a conclusion who it is did, allegedly banned in russia, isis took responsibility for everything, but no one believes in it, including isis, no one there believes it and isis, which means, because the first thing about isis, it means isis is the so-called afghan branch - this is an islamic state branch kharasan, well, banned in russia, they never name iran in their statement. and then they call iran, they call kharasan , relatively speaking, yes, one, two, they
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never obscure the faces of who these martyrs were, there is a face, the faces in the photographs are, therefore, blurred out, and three, they reported this 30 hours later, that is, it is obvious that behind this terrorist attack, as well as behind the terrorist attack in the port, it was traditionally believed in iran before that it was always the case, israel and the united states, yes, but admitting that these countries are behind it, iran must then respond absolutely . others way, in what way? that’s the question , if he answers directly - it means the participation of military operations, for example, launching missile strikes, which means against israel, yes, i once said that he has more than enough means, the war will take on a completely different character, a world war will arise in the middle east, most likely, sooner than anywhere else , yes, the iranian leadership understands this, some of the american leadership understands, blinkin rushes back and forth, but it feels like their government is doing one thing, and ...and other structures are doing something else, so to say, there is a discrepancy
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here, an absolute discrepancy, yes, as for lebanon, everything is also on the brink of war, now a report from the intelligence department of the united states department of defense has been leaked, which directly writes that a war between israel and hezbollah is obviously a very high probability, including among other things, it is connected with the political future of netanyahu, who understandably wants to extend his stay, and so on, and they... videos from which they provided assistance to the houthis, in fact , allegedly destroying iranian warships, footage of a fire on the rabolovsky longboats in the port salah, on the island of kesum, which happened 3 days ago, well, that is, politely speaking , it is not a fake, that is, it was, but what is on these yachts, or on these schooners, on these longboats, this is already a question, even if you take these out of context... the event is a yacht or something, a terrorist attack with the funeral of kasema
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suley, a symbolic blow, he is more vulnerable than there, a couple of yachts burned down or something like that, this is an obvious thing, yes iran must answer now there is information that for now defeat those who say: there is no need to interfere directly, because it will grandiose war in the east, you can imagine what will happen in the persian gulf, in the countries of the persian gulf, as i have said many times, they are saturated with american troops... the iranians will strike, what to do, you can’t strike israel, no seeing american bases under your nose, yes, you can imagine what is happening now to the governments of saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, bahrain, and so on and so forth, they, too, as they say, are very seriously confused, but so far they are winning it seems like those supporters who say: there’s no need to do it yourself, let’s do it through a proxy, but this is probably one of the steps why iraq told the americans that take your people away now, so they say, let’s do this first. as far as i understand, a command has been given to supply high-precision modern missiles to khazbalah and ansarala, well
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, the houthis, as we call them, are correct , yes, that is, such a logistics opportunity exists for khazbalah through iraq and syria, and for ansaru allah this is the port of hoaveida unlocked for almost a year soon it will be, and sanaa airport too, but you can imagine that it will get it, which means hezbollah will get it, apparently. 10 fourth generation, precision-guided ammunition that flies very, very accurately with a 450 kg takivn, and the houthis can use shahab 3b, 4b, i don’t think there are many of them that fly 2,000 km to any populated area in israel with stratels equivalent to 850 kg, no comment , as they say, yes, most likely there will be such an option, what you say about iraq, yes, it’s significant there, these, by the way, are events, afghan events could happen, withdrawal of troops from afghanistan , there’s not even any comparison... maybe the americans invested many times more in iraq than in afghanistan, 3 trillion dollars, tell me where they
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invested so much, i don’t know, maybe in vietnam someday, i don’t know, that means they lost it. officially 5,000 military personnel, how many pmcs are still unknown, because it is classified, yes, a huge amount of armored vehicles and so on and so on, now they are legally present in iraq 2,500 people, when that means in iraq, moreover, iraq plays the rear , this is for us very important, the rear, which means the territory is a springboard for supplying american troops in northeast syria, officially according to the ministry of defense there are 900 people, that is , if they leave iraq, then who will be in northeast syria?
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this means that this group , which is located in iraq, has a base there for supplying 900 people to the contingent who are helping the kurds, just in the gray-east, the logistics are built like this, but why does this mean this is happening, well, excuse me, direct combat is already taking place in tera clashes, because when the americans enter a clash, an air strike is carried out on khashabi, and what is khashabi, many people think that this is just some kind of illegal formation,
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but no, the most interesting thing is the legal power structure of iraq...
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i’m glad that there is no need to start any war, but the point is , that in the european union , hazbollah is actually a banned structure, that is , barel is meeting with a representative of the banned one, she is a criminal of formal formalities there , partially prohibited, well, that is, someone barel is a criminal, immediately arrest him, he is an agent of khazbollah in europe, it also turned out that he received from them dates as a gift, for these dates now. will work off, well, jokes are jokes, but apparently, he is considering it with hassan, but this, what is the essence, has no essence, which means that this man, whom i called muhammad raad, he is not so influential, yes, it is clear that he makes no decisions at all, he’s such a mess that very influential people would meet with him, well, that’s true in itself, and
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especially since the man came to the jungle, well, if you believe the barel, yes, yes, they are, yes, everything around is a jungle, that’s it. then another one climbed out into the jungle the question is that these jungles have been a civilization for a thousand years, these are the descendants of the phoenicians , these are the letters that they created, they did not create so much that without this there was no civilization at all as such, at least with the exception of the chinese, maybe european, these are all phoenicians, phoenicians, these are their descendants, by the way, genetic analysis shows that all lebanese are descendants, not just christians, but that’s not the point, that is, the situation is extreme... hamas on the west bank the jordan river is removes from hezbolah all restrictions on the use of any means for war with
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israel, translated into russian, this means that it will be necessary, we will strike at haifa, tel aviv, etc. we have funds and so on, and once again i draw attention to the forecast of the development of the general administration of the general administration, they are very negative about israel, and as for the military, listen, if it means. i have now spent, according to official data from the israeli ministry of finance, 60 billion dollars for 3 months of war in a small hamas there with small brigades, and then now he says that 60 billion have already been spent . the war will not last for a few months, but it will last a year. well, if america sponsors it, it will be a year, they have been fighting for a long time, but they still cannot take control of this small piece, do you think about it? but we didn’t switch to tactics, say loudly that you won, in case someone believes you, well, something like that, yes, but in a year, now it’s advertising, we won’t continue after that.
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so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, it’s been a while since we haven’t seen you, daring ones, well, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you answer. for my words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, turnip, the whole
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brigade, just look at the platform, the news is that the southeast of ukraine will return under russian banners. during the holidays i went to the front lines of the russian troops in the liberated marinka. our guys from the 150th division of the fifth brigade the first army corps told how
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they drove the nazis out of the city. i talked with doctors who are directly on the front line evacuating wounded soldiers and providing them with first aid. i also looked at the work of tank crews and craftsmen who prepare drones for combat use. in general , despite the holidays, there are no days off. the enemy continues to desperately resist, but ours. the soldiers say with a smile that they will press until the end, because they know what they are fighting for. let's watch a movie then let's go back to the studio. the area where the vehicle is waiting for combat, after that the task begins, it drives out 300-400 meters away
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and shoots, this is already at us, in our direction. the third mountain is ready 40348. where we are, ruslan, in aleksandrovka, a settlement that directly leads to the settlement of marinka, where everything started for us, from here we advanced on foot
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, respectively. the fighters occupied a defensive line initially, and later stood on the defensive accordingly; it was precisely the soldiers of the first battalion who were able to advance one block, and were captured when they took here is alexander himself, and then later they began to develop an offensive in a western direction, and we are heading towards marinka, right? yes, now everything is in the direction of the exit option, the most dangerous and difficult thing is when you pass through open space, but the technology does not stand still, everything is developing, and especially the most difficult thing is this, well, at night, now during the day it’s not so, let’s say noticeably us than at night, battalion commander, what is
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visible, tell us everything you need. everything that is in front, everything that we need to see, we see with the help of the cameras that we have installed, and in addition, accordingly, we fly on birds, the enemy is far away, well, georgievka, the nearest one, which is located, there is nothing reinforced concrete in the marinka , we hollowed out everyone from here , kicked them out, the marinka is already completely 100% ours, the defensive line concerning the marinka is already ours created, that is, they definitely won’t get in here, that is, the enemy is somewhere a kilometer away, plus or minus there, and some kind of wrong battalion commander, so... indian battalion commanders don’t exist on the front line, no, that’s not possible, that’s how it’s impossible, that is , the boys with of course, everyone should see, everything should know, everyone should understand what the main problem was in marinka, why it was so painful, hard, long, painful, somewhere they constantly ran into something, there were some problems, but nevertheless they were solved, they were carried out, that is, you were still in the numerical minority, yes, of course, that
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is, there was even more enemy? natural, handsome, tell me how long it took you to get into this police station, where you were wounded, they, roughly speaking, blew up every wall there, well, in order to go there, after the artillery barrage filled the passage , that is, we were unable to enter there at first, we carried out a small reconnaissance in force, identified several more points the next day in a more prepared manner, brought anti-tank mines there to clear the passage, then we went in directly, cleared it, and what are you doing? did he do? i also started from the beam together with the guys from the first battalion, they moved and moved, they stormed the police station, i took the bank, on my birthday, i took the bank, yes, yes, just a present, everyone walked in parallel, to the bank what was interesting, yes, the walls, no, i had a case, we went in twice, the first time we went in, three people came in, we were fighting,
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there was no ammunition, bring it up. it also doesn’t work, i can’t get out, i can’t get in, they started to retreat, took the group out, i stayed, it turns out, between the bank and the shelter, i couldn’t move away, the enemy was blazing fire, i couldn’t raise my head, the whole command decided that somehow i had to pulled out, and they worked with a rope into the bank, and the machine-gun crews worked, and the armored personnel carrier rolled out, worked, the first shell flew to the third floor, the second to the second, and as soon as the enemy’s head was on... well, i just ran as quickly as possible to the cover, that is, you set the world record for the 100 m run, well, i think this season i passed the tower exactly 100%. in the fifteenth year, the territory passed to them , that is, they, right from the fifteenth year , all this was already being prepared accordingly, this was the first line of defense, so to speak, concrete, fortification, how tough they were, and here all sorts of positions are different, yes, yes, starting from a simple mink to concrete shelters
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blocked underground passages and tell us about the tiger - just the first defensive line when they broke through, well, you really can’t be silent about him, tell me about this, well, i was his deputy, they called him like a tiger, pozumny tiger, when he arrived, we we were just crossing the first beam, he arrived after being wounded, with his help we were already crossing the beam, we couldn’t cross it for a very long time, we just didn’t know how to cross it, because it was deep. and it’s just that, well, even just the terrain didn’t, well, didn’t allow us to pass, but when he i arrived, as if i took everything into my own hands, found a way out, and we just climbed through the neighbors on the right side and the flight.
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there are already the second 300 the third, during the evacuation he was also caught, well, he made it to the hospital, he died there, there are more of them , they were trained in england, they have them in fv, they have grenades, the position is prepared, how many years have they been flooded, here there are brains, no, not wired there, not sold, not drunk, not smoked. we understand what we are going for, for the family, for the homeland, therefore, that’s why we succeed and will succeed, definitely it will work out, here she is marinka, yes, she is the dearest, look, they still
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work early in the morning, yes, everything begins, yes, the guys’ rise has passed, we were just passing the beam. and under the beam it turns out that they immediately had a defensive line, the bridge was blown up , they just needed to go through this beam, that’s how they looked, they looked out there, well, the guys infiltrated there , they infiltrated here, it was altai that they were the first to drop in, oh look, it went beautifully, so there was a tanker, he became an infantryman, but i had to change the profile a little. well, he also served, when he was a tanker, he served in a motorized rifle regiment, that is, commander azod always devoted himself to the infantry, family, children, wife , two children, awards, three orders, all men,
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yes, that’s already half a step to a hero, yes, as the command will appreciate , but if the team was not appointed by the legendary chief of staff... connection, it means they value it, our task is not to let them down, hard work as a chief of staff, it’s not just hard, it’s interesting, but if i give it to me, i went through it as the fourth chief of staff military base, and i just liked it back then and i really liked the battalion chief of staff, what kind of war it was, in the caucasus they did it that way. syria and, accordingly, the second one is the first guy for syria, the first one is for the lugansk republic, the second one i went to friendship avenue, and the third one is already the commander for the district, not for this, well, for
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completing the events in the marinka, that is , it turns out i got 30 right now, yes a week ago it turned out, well, it’s nice, well, listen, well, well, it’s beautiful, it’s probably unrealistic for the family to be proud. yes, probably, as if my parents are alive, i try, my mother is alive, i manage to get in touch, then i succeed, i myself am just like that, so to speak, a scoundrel, i rarely call, i rarely write, when it works out for me all the time, well, at least call, write there, at least just send me a plus sign. my wife deals with all these issues , so to speak, the bottom line, well done, tell me, well, you are a brave person, excuse
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me, yes, it sounds funny, in my opinion, you guys here are all brave, and i’m pawning, working, working in the yellow zone now, now we are in the yellow zone, with the red zone they are bringing us guys, here is the first pre-hospital help. that is, they bring them here to you , you stabilize them and send them on , so exactly, yes, we do what we can in such conditions, in order to avoid infection, we set, accordingly, maybe the yellow zone is located in the marina itself, that is, stabilization occurs there, being in building, somewhere in the basement, they stabilize it, dig it up and , accordingly, exactly what is going on with us, well, so as not to interfere. but no longer, well, look, it’s not a serious wound, but
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no, during the evacuation of the wounded man he flew in, said hello, so the medic saves the medic, that is now you have self-service, a medic saves a medic, yes, and what kind of combat kit is this, this is my traveling backpack, an emergency aid bag, it has changed a lot since the beginning of the war. to improve or constantly, well, is it a trophy one or yours , no, this is our russian standard , yes now, i just see it’s made like a human being, and it’s so convenient, well done guys, you did a good job, that’s how you went down in history, that you’re here you can do just the primary or something else, primary processing, but there’s nothing else serious, those in mostly. well, the fragments, yes, the main task is to stabilize, especially since we have a mine explosion
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facility here, there is no point in building a multi-profile hospital, you understand, now i went to save others, well, they patched up the doctor himself , the filsher, the assistant filsher, and were you mobilized or yes, mobilized where before? the twentieth city hospital, rostov, so now you have as many internships as you want, and i also worked in the red room, now here, well, here in marinka, where you liked it better, well, here it’s more interesting, more interesting, that is i just needed to get the red zone out quickly, but well, here i just found myself and am slowly realizing it. what did you find, that is, in medicine, in tactical, that is, you realized
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that this is yours, yes, yes , you will go on to study, but i don’t want to stop at , well, even at the svo, so to speak, i want to continue further, especially with well, with such experience , i want to continue further, what was the most unusual thing you had, an open head injury, a skull on the brain, saved, yes, if they get to you, will they leave you alive? i think yes, i am a doctor of general hygiene, epidemiology, but for the last 2 years i was a therapist at city clinical hospital no. 40, a commune worker with a protsenka, and well , yes, a good man, yes, i agree, where it was harder here or there, there morally, there are old people, somehow , well, like a son, like - yes, yes, like a son, like a grandson, i felt sorry for the old ones.
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yes, here at all, and they even let me go on vacation, i come home myself, i sleep for the first 24 hours, i just come there in the evening, have dinner, go to bed, get up in the evening the next day, and in the evening i don’t know what to do with myself, but there since the kids, everyone seemed to be playing there, when you get there, for example, when they are at school and that’s it, that’s how where, why, then there are also residents, peaceful, yes, yes, there are, what are they? filmed, what do they live on, mostly i raise it, they all go there, go to
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the city, well, we help, we share, so to speak, like now with food, in general there are no problems, and even all these daily dachas, there are sets the products that are issued are so worthy, yes, everything has changed, everything has changed, that’s the most important thing, it’s for the better. they generally have a decent product, bmp3 too, it’s
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generally a super car, it surprised me, well, this one... they took bradley, climbed, looked , well, you can’t compare with ours at all, it completely sucks, something else surprised me about bradley, she’s ugly, clunky, yes, but the technology shouldn’t be ugly, and not only is it not beautiful, it’s also for some reason , it’s even kind of unintimidating, that is, these... the flags are yours, right? yes, these were the guys who set up the flags when they reached the western outskirts of marinka, of course , not everyone went out into the streets at once, these are the same flags that were there, but i see they did a great job on the flags, they attracted a lot of attention, caused fire on themselves, very
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the enemy loves it when they rise up, that is, it greatly offends them, yes, that ’s right and let them worry, you had a chief general here. so that yes, that is, right here right here, we reported to him on the situation, he deserved it, gave instructions accordingly, awarded the guys personally , nicely, just like that, he handed over the watch, well, the guys are happy, and of course everyone is happy when they award it, not well, actually, to note the merits of vladimirovich, well, that’s how it is commander, i talked to the commanders though. it is a sign, so to speak, to give, oh, two flags, thank you big, it will be in our museum, we immediately, it’s a great honor, it was hard, with difficulty, there were difficulties, overcame, overcame, where
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will you go next, what tasks, strictly to the west. exactly, well, the ngs came, was the report intended to please the ngs, or was it so harsh and clear to her? no, problematic issues were also voiced, everything, the main thing is that the information is absolutely accurate, verified, reliable, otherwise the decision cannot be made, yes, of course, that’s it. it will be even more difficult to fix it later, of course, but if you compare the army, it’s the beginning and the army now, this is the fundamental change, from the very beginning we were all theoreticians, now at the moment we have already become practitioners, a good answer, a strong one, somewhere
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there was a correct theory, somewhere not quite correct, somewhere in fundamentally wrong , accordingly here in... in practice we have already understood everything, the enemy is also learning, of course, so the question is who learns faster, yes, and he learns a little, so to speak, with a different background, a little with a pro-western view, so to say what is the difference, in battles , well, even in battle, they have that the standard that we put in is theirs, they come here with it, it usually doesn’t work here. they don’t see their commanders or something like that, they were brought in, left in positions, the commanders are somewhere behind, so the soldiers begin to adapt themselves, we have all the commanders, everyone is with them, they are in line, and so accordingly , these decisions, they will be made much faster and will adequately respond to the immediate
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situation at one time or another. wishing you hello. so far there as a team will do this that less was visible, everything is fragmented, we work , we load something else, if you need something, as a rule , work is always going on from a closed firing position, but of course.
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well, at least the infantry hit somewhere, they are correcting, they are calling out all the fire. the crew is mobilized, yes, our battalion is completely mobilized, we are newcomers, the entire battalion is completely mobilized, the mood is like, fighting, well, look, we were at the command post and there, that means, the names , descriptions, portraits of those opposite are ukrainians same...
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aerobic has arrived, almost all of them were trained there, so which training is better, ours or english? yes, as they say, their training there consisted mainly of theory and with several exits to the training ground, it seems to me that they are not interested in spending a lot of resources on them there, there is such a widespread opinion that these are meat assaults. don’t take care of soldiers, that this has always been the tradition of the russian army, when i started looking up statistics, it turns out that it’s pure lies, that is, just the opposite,
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you need to take care of soldiers, because you don’t have any new ones give birth and will not be trained, of course, quickly , at least this way the soldier’s very attitude will immediately develop such a negative attitude towards the commander, and the task itself will be carried out without taking care of the soldier if he does not feel that he... will end up in some kind of situation, if he does not feel that the commander will help him, but what kind of task is accomplished, of course, i wish you, how are you, good, craftsmen, well, super, so true, here is the workplace itself , here the birds are equipped, preparing for combat use, well, the birds na... that's right, that's it there are also german birds, we are restoring, it was you who took the enemy, but we shoot them down,
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just like that we restore them and send them back with gifts, from where we ourselves, from taganry, mobilized, yes, mobilized, what did we do at home, everything, well, that is, the same or no , i’ve already mastered it here, yes, well, yes , i was an attack aircraft, i was a senior group, well , after the concussion i’m a little bit like this , damn it, well, i’m still here, yes, i was awarded, yes, than for the dump, also mobilized, exactly, we’ve been doing this for six months, about eight months, how do you like it? in general, it got carried away, i just liked it , that’s right, yes, i liked it, and we decided to pay for our, so to speak, dream into reality, that is , i also did this at home, started, read, watched, there was no opportunity to do it there. but every couple of weeks there is an update , that is, in general, how quickly everything changes, it seems to me that it changes every day, how long does it take
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to train someone, that’s all, a month, a month , yes, i’ll tell you to myself, this is a month so that’s good, that’s right, every day i studied from 9 am until 5:00 pm you got up, you worked for a month, that’s right, and how much can you work in a day, you can work 30 in a day, a whole. yes, there is a question of attention, at what point does your head start to go away, 10-15 pieces, reality 10-15 pieces, 20 is possible, this is the maximum, you fly yourself, you go out, now not, i was flying before that, i stopped, i’m in i was in such a unit, i was a camera operator, an optical operator, yeah, who i captured, well , the task was for the tank, that’s all, we had to work the tank, then we worked on the tank, several missiles jammed, but we got this.
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and you use it like when there is shelling, you need to supply ammunition, so yes, definitely, put safety first.
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velushka is here already, i’m no longer, well, you can immediately see our boys here, i’m not going to say it now because everything is already all the men are visible there, they’re empty, they’re not driving, they’re so serious , here’s our old local, the old most local , the oldest oleg, how old are you 42 40 35
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33 at the highest. everyone is all adults, and you are 39, 46, 52, that is, you are the oldest, it turns out, yes, well, except for me, i’ll tell you how many, 48, 48, that is, your boys are only local or, there is no longer an understanding of the local, no matter how everyone is already mixed up, there is no such thing anymore, we are all local, on the twenty- second, the second year, he said that everyone is now local , so everything is fair, there are no strangers, well said. now the boys here will have a little rest, they will go on to work , that’s right, now the wounds that are there will be healed, now they are working on the training ground, let ’s say, it’s like now, so far we have a procedure , for now they, let’s say, well, let’s say wounded, they are of limited use, let’s say they pass on their experience at the training ground, now they are recovering there, they already choose a team for themselves, accordingly, they already know that let’s say new ones come, this one does well, this one runs well, this one shoots well, they are already forming new groups, so
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thus, now they will literally return there as long as they recover, they are still. they’re seriously resisting, of course they’re resisting , they’re resisting, but there’s nowhere to go, that’s how it is, well, i see they also took these prisoners, that’s what they’re like, the 109th brigade uh, airborne, then they also have the forty-sixth , well, you look at these paratroopers, we’re also talking, we just caught the guys on the street, that’s just on them, well, this is not the same level as the paratroopers, well, i had a position, they took the factory stronghold, four of my infantrymen were killed by 12 paratroopers, because it’s clear that their level is no longer the same, they already have... i look at the programs on ukrainian television, well, on tiktok, they have there, i don't know when this chaos, when this bomb will explode already, i just don’t understand, they already have everything, it’s as if no one wants to join this army, because that’s the attitude, that’s all, well, you know, that’s the most interesting thing, how long we don’t fight, the beginning of our , we have never had an officer like this, so that i found an officer of some kind at the position who was with the soldiers, there was no such thing, let’s say we have the same guy
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who hangs the flag, he is a platoon commander , senior lieutenant. here he is, you know, he’s with the fighters, it’s very important for the fighters when this last throw is like that serious, there was about 100 meters of open field, probably even 150, so they rushed, as if under artillery, under our artillery, under their artillery, respectively, they ran there, so it turns out they entered three against four, took one prisoner and three they killed there, they awarded a man, all this , well, with what they awarded, a medal behind a combat bolt, sacrifices for... these people, well, well done, but not the right word, well done, they resisted strongly, and also, well, they are supported by artillery any other small arms, more than others calibers, they resisted, but the guys were confident , they went for themselves, did their business, reported at 15:00, 15:15, in my opinion, it seems to me that it was at the kmt that he said that he reported to the battalion commander, kambats
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to us, sasha troshin, who just went awards ceremony at 15:15 today. that's all, see you on sunday.
10:00 pm
sigh verochka, verochka, behind the sucker’s back, girl, girl, and beat off the legs, bitch, bitch, oh how she carries herself.


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