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tv   Kandagar  RUSSIA1  January 9, 2024 12:40am-2:31am MSK

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welcome , dogs, they are not spoiled by civilization, thank you, petrovich, maybe a seagull, no, you need to run, to the brisk, come in, dear guy, please, what is your name, i don’t know what... your name is, i say, egor, dear, i ask you, but call yulia , and persuade her to come out, i won’t persuade her, well, please, okay, if she doesn’t go, you tell her that so that she doesn’t do this stupid thing, you understand me, well, persuade him , persuade him, let him come to me, come, come, yul, hi, do you have a textbook on
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biochemistry again, i have a test tomorrow, excuse me, thank you, oh, yul, do you have something to eat, chips, yeah, take it with you, thank you, your mother is standing downstairs waiting, well , let her wait,
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let’s sit down, let’s talk , please explain to me why you are meddling in my affairs , who asked you, mom, why did you go to the clinic with your colleague, but i not only went to the clinic, i was also at his house, i told you, sit down, otherwise you will fall, mom, why is he like that with me, but i love you, yulka, i love you, but this doesn’t make it any easier for anyone, neither you nor me, it turns out he’s just easily bad people, your oleg, don’t... you know him, that she knows everything about his walk, and she ’s happy with everything, i don’t understand how she’s happy with it, she’s happy with it, where else would he find such a fool, so he’ll never he’ll abandon them, their dog brought a mongrel puppy, that’s how they wanted it, i didn’t give it to you, and neither did i, mom, it’s my child, and i’ll decide for myself. what should i do? can you hear me? that’s what i
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want, daughter, that’s what i want, for you to come, okay, okay, yes, okay, that’s it, thank you very much, woman, i told you, you can’t come here , move away, i told you, borrow from me for 5 minutes, oh, here she is again,
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veronique, bring coffee, you’ve been promoted, mm, it really suits you to be a boss, just another person, well, no another, the same, only so to speak, in a new configuration, my own office, yes, well, more precisely like... the office is not mine, my boss’s, he’s not there yet, and then who are you? thank you, i head the credit department in our department, so to speak, acting, so i have to serve 3 months, don’t break any wood, then, but you still remember that you fulfill the duties of a father and husband, already only a father, why did i come? i caught this
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katka's trainer. i respect you very much, but this is no longer interesting to me, isn’t it interesting? i have a new life, i will give you a new life, what do you mean? i'll give it to you, what do you think , you put on your pants, you've got your hair in your hair, now it's all over the place, pasha, you can make a smart boss , you can make a fool a boss, that's why you can't make a fool smart, that's why so, pasha, hello, yes, viktor andreevich, yes, yes, yeah. yes soon will. ledia vasilievna, my boss is calling me, so excuse me. yes, please, i 'll wait for you there. it’s clear, that’s all with you, pasha. with coming. yes yes.
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you’re not soon yet, in the evening, thank you, girls , hello, how did you manage to straighten it out, no, i’m fighting like a fish flying around, they don’t understand me, and where is the bonnitsa, who’s resting at home, i ’ll take him out later, everything will work out for you , you are so
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energetic, as soon as the snow doesn’t melt next to you, the snow doesn’t melt and my girls don’t give up, well, they took after you, why be surprised, all my life i dreamed of meeting a woman like you, this is what you need now, but there’s no need for anything, don’t be alarmed, i like strikers, and you’re certainly the queen among them, the queen will say the same. yes, please, hello , hello, hello, hello, here you come, thank you, thank you, we were almost late for you , it’s okay, you’ll get bored, let’s go
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, well, you’ll help, yes, with pleasure, but i don’t understand why you needed it so quickly exactly to this restaurant. pasha, son-in-law, home, yes, their bank is running, well, with people’s money, but i need to persuade him to return to the family, you know, maybe it would be more correct to have him tomorrow persuade, petrovich , with whom you will spend the new year, you will spend the new year, if they don’t make peace before the new year, then that’s all, write it’s gone, but it’s clear , listen, you need to distract the guards, you know, well, tell me, robbers, there’s a service passage , well, or something else, and i... walked quickly, yeah, great plan, hold on, how, wait, how am i?
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well, please, just wait, come here , that's it, that's it, well, moscow is not without good people, thank you, petrovich, i'll be quick, i 'll be quick, stock up and back, hello, hello, please come in, let's go, stink , please pass. and where is the general , yes, he’s sitting over there, thank you,
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thank you, hello, i need to talk to you about a personal issue, you don’t know me, but i ’ll explain everything to you now, that’s the most important thing? in life, and i’ll tell you, family, family and home, this is not all right in your team, you have. employee, pavel bilov , you promoted him, but what kind of boss is he, if he and his wife are getting a divorce , what responsibility, how will he think about work at work, no, he will think about where to go in the evening, and this is his neighbor she’s already looking at the party, how to lasso pasha, no, don’t think like that, he’s good, he’s very, pasha is very positive. but you can’t make him the boss, you know, he must return to the family, make peace, and
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then make him the boss, we agreed, but are you drunk or something? yeah, dear friends, i am pleased to announce that now the general director of the bank, viktor andreevich shcherbakov, will deliver a new year’s address, question! let's call the snow maiden, snow maiden,
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snow maidens, i didn't understand something, dear, but you're like a snow maiden, i'm worse, i'm her mother, yes, yes, it seems the lady has moved on, i congratulate you, of course, on the upcoming new year. “i wish you all happiness , health, a strong family, this is the main thing, why i came here, here is my son-in-law, there he is, hiding, pash, pash, i beg you, come back, pash, the children are waiting for you, katya is waiting for you, you understand, i have no one, i know that for sure, she has a lot of nonsense in her head. it’s like that among women, well , it happens, but there’s nothing more valuable than family, not
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friends, not not work, but actually, some kind of work something, to rip people off, pasha, come back, i’m sorry, tykaterina, but get her out of here, who are you anyway, i, i’m bilov’s mother-in-law, and i want to stay with her, what are you doing? get this crazy thing away from me! pasha, what have you done?
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mom, where are you? was, pasha, pasha , what are you doing, i came home, are you drunk, well, we had a corporate party, kitten, i want to tell you, i’m so glad that you don’t have anyone, whom i don’t have, no one , i know this from reliable sources. you've never gotten drunk, so plow, get out of here, we agreed on everything, he drives you away again, and
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kitten, i want to tell you, this is not serious, yes, let’s agree, this is nonsense , it will pass, i know this too, from unreliable sources, it seems to me now, or is it you who are mimicking, mom, what is this, what does this mean, it doesn’t mean anything , doesn’t mean anything, listen, i, you know, i don’t drink, but when i hit viktor andreevich in the face for... hard, viktor andreevich is, this is our general director, the former, well, that is, it’s me, the former , because he fired me, you understand, to hell with this bank, mom? "what was this at pasha's corporate party? no, wait, stop, let's not offend people vasilyevna, because she said wonderful words to me right from the stage, lady vasilyevna, i didn’t understand them at first, can i let you go, pashenka, about yes, no, pashenka can’t wake up here it will be, little boy will leave here, he wait, what did you say
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, get out of here, i almost fell, you know, mom, this..." is already too much, you ruin everything you touch, yes, yes i wanted- what’s better, what’s better, that pashka was fired, where will he find you a job, that work, the main thing, so that you stick to each other, what kind of kids we have, and look how you are worried that he was fired, i’m worried that he was fired because he won’t have anything to pay child support with, that’s enough, mom, leave,
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health, great, it’s great, like a horse , that i don’t know myself, i’m a paramedic myself, you have my health, i wouldn’t want yours, you have synocardia, apparently, you said goodbye to your family out of worry, i can call your family, if you don’t mind, what happened , let the patient? gives an injection, we'll talk to you, what's wrong with her? i won't hide my condition complex, pre-infarction, maybe go to the hospital, she refused to be hospitalized, but we stopped the attack, outpatient treatment is possible, buy medicine, i will write a prescription, but the main thing is to ensure a stable emotional background without worries, okay, the patient told me that you
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are going to get a divorce, yes, but i don’t recommend it. mommy, i baked you pancakes , your favorite with sour cream, eat it, i ’ll take the boys and come back, invite me, please, i want to apologize before i die, mom, what kind of death, what are you talking about, invite me, tell me, i’m calling him, okay, i’ll say that’s it, i ran. kostya, denis, where are we going? bye, grandma, bye, get well soon. petrovich, it's me, lida. listen, i need you urgently, come, third floor,
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apartment fifteen, just hurry up, okay, these are the points. shovich, come here for a trip , why did i fail, i failed completely , now i have the last chance to fix everything, otherwise everything will break up, you won’t get back together, but don’t worry, valediya vasilievna, what do you need to do, remember, i have a purse they took it away, but didn’t take it away, you helped the liberation, and now you need to take the purse from someone, don’t worry, from my daughter, ledia vasilyevna, for some reason i don’t like it very much, but you won’t have time to rob her, i’ll break you first, like who? my brother -in-law, pash, he will jump out of the corner and hit you a little, a little, i can pay, no, no , petrovich, i don’t, i have no one else to turn to here, and if it’s discovered, it won’t be discovered, she won’t knows you can pull this black hat over your face for
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camouflage, so you run up to my daughter and snatch it? handbag here pasha runs out, he listens to you, without this, this is absolutely impossible, impossible, quietly , someone is coming, damn it, lady vasilna, pasha, come here, what are you
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thinking about doing, but to relax, i’m thinking of going to thailand. what the hell, it’s scary, so i doubt that you, vasilyevna’s people , are more alive than all the living, so, listen to me, pasha, we are preparing an attack on katka tomorrow, and you will save her, no, lady vasilyevna, i’m not sure, i’m already sure that you will be our hero. pasha, let her know, you are not an office rat, you are a hero, pasha, it’s not true, you my dear, oh, he’s treating grandma, come on, come
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on, oh, that’s enough, grandma forgot her pills, but that’s necessary, well, let’s bring me some more water, yeah. bring me your little paws, oh you are my sunshine, yes, come on, come on, that’s who it is, denis, it’s me, hello, you’re not...
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but a job, and i want to get a diploma to work in my profession, you’ll have time, i i’ll help you, mom, go ahead and play, you’ll come for the new year, leave me alone, well, at least i’ll come in for a while, we’re also getting ready in the dorm, i’m tired of it already, take this, the guy who helped me, a good guy, grief, or something, why grief ? because his name is yugor
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, why give it back, give it back to the bitch, open the door, open the freak. give me the bag, kadina , help, katya, are you okay, what happened , yes, he stole the bag, all the money is there, where, where is he, he ran there, wait, wait, wait, wait, that’s it, that’s it, greetings from ledia vasilievna, and to her! tosha, be careful! are you crazy or something? yes, there was no agreement, what are you doing, leave me alone, you’re a fool or something, someone help
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me, thank you, good luck, look what my dad gave me, right now we’re not launching this. hey, come on, put it on the table, please, feel like you’re in a hostel, pasha, well, i asked you not to give anything radio-controlled, but he wanted a helicopter for the new year, well , since he wanted it, but he’s okay, cute, katya, you’re worse than mom, she does it more delicately, so what? , what i think is what i say, but why do i like him, well, at least for that reason, it’s okay, it was there, please!
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well, because she fell in love, got married , gave birth to children, and he also had another life at work, but it’s not fair, it’s not his fault , i said everything, i’m done, mom, you never threw her away, why, i i'll try to fix it, yeah everything quickly, run, run, everyone to the table , great, go ahead, let's spend the old year, come on, come on, my dears,
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katyusha, pash, wait a minute, so, i would like to say thank you to lida vasilyevna for collecting us all, new year, family holiday, here we are all together. and so tell fate, wow, great, denis, well, i asked you to take it away, but i asked you not to give it to me, mom, look, pills, what kind of pills, come on, kostya, mom, what is this, these are pills, what? you don't drink them, mom, this is how you got better, became, because
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that you are all gathered here, those who should be together, mom, we shouldn’t be here, we are all here just for you, bah, so it turns out that you deceived us, yes, denis, you deceived us, how is that possible, mom , you 're making yourself look like you're dying, we don't know what to do , what are we, dolls, egor, let's get out of here, yulka, yulka, where are you going, i'm not going to stay here. yul, you know, mom , i’m not surprised at all, you’re all in this , shame on you, you came up with an ambulance, let’s go, we’ll celebrate the new year on the street, katya, katya, why are you sitting, go, run faster , chimes soon, they just made up. well, happy new year,
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bonya. i'm the first, no, i'm the first, i won't catch up. i’ll catch up, now you catch up with me, look, it was this guy who attacked me, oh well, it can’t be, maybe, maybe he doesn’t have a third button, here it is, oh well, he was young, he’s old, you keep an eye on him , and i’ll call the police, katya, no need to call anyone, hello, grandpa, hello, who is this? this is grandma's friend,
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ivan, grandma's friend, how can we live here without her? so it turns out that no one robbed me at all? katya, were you the one who deceived me? well, like this it turned out, let's go, that's it. don’t you dare follow us, the holidays are over, i’m filing for divorce, no need for a divorce, congratulations to you, happy new year, ledia vasilievna, happy new year, petrovich, here’s the thing, they’ve declassified us, katya knows everything, well, now it’s all over , you can’t
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move me, i’ll talk to her, i’m still a stranger, she’ll listen to me, well, what kind of stranger are you already, where are you going? station home, okay, come to my place, let's warm up, new year, after all, no, thank you, it's time to go home, nothing can be done here, thank you hello to you, ignat petrovich, i want grandma’s pancakes, and i want pancakes, no grandmothers, no pancakes. everything is clear, then i want grandma, i won’t eat one, well, let ’s give yours a telegram, don’t you dare,
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i’ll lose myself, this is stubborn, but they won’t believe it, think that i came up with it.
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i have everything, i have everything, but there’s no point , she has a mental problem, and there’s something else connected with it, well, in a scientific way, it’s on tv, there was a program yesterday, psychosomatic, but maybe so, did you
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come, like what, came to visit you, well, i wanted to say thank you, personally , you know, you turned out to be right, i met my friend here, that’s what i wanted to say, there will be a child, i decided, mom, why are you silent, i’m not silent, i’m happy, mommy, what are you doing, katya, katya
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, katya, katya , what are you doing, did tanya betray me, no, friend, yours , please get off, “mommy, how i love you, i love you all, mom, and you know, dad is here , what dad, you see, the jacket is hanging, you see, the jacket is hanging, here he is, mom, what is he doing here, dad, hello, who has arrived, great, great, my crocodiles have arrived , great, dears, hello, what handsome guys, why did you come to my mother, and why
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can’t i come, because vasily is a dear person to me, dad, let’s make a little crocodiles, come on, why? no yes? horse, jump, good, good, good, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on! local, where am i from , where are you from, together with you we didn’t pick flowers , together with you we didn’t meet the dawn, we didn’t torment a daisy, yes or no, and now, and now you came through my door, and now, and now you! walked through my door,
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where i’m from, where you’re from, where we burned bridges behind us, where we turned tragedy into laughter, to teach us to believe in success again, that means to write out, well, we did everything we could, then on our own, you really don’t want to go back to work , irrevocably, decisively, listen to me, you will put zabragin nikolai yurich on me, accused kulipov, you admit your guilt, no, i don’t admit, this is my wife marina, and this is tamara, my new boss, now it’s very nice, very sreposovsky , colleague on rtr, she looks like an intergirl, you saw yourself in the mirror, i will never marry you, i need another wife. i want to marry a city man, be happy
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, do you think that there is happiness in the city, this is for you, beautiful, we will play a wedding, why did you even think that i would marry you, high hopes on saturday and sunday on rtr, i’m late , you should already be here to catch her. having finished work on the film uncle vanya, director andrei konchalovsky could safely count on staging tolstoy, pushkin, and griboedov, but he couldn’t get his mind around it. there was one script coming out called romance of hearts in love, which screenwriter evgeniy grigoriev seemed to accidentally hand over to him during the editing of uncle vanya. to take his mind off work, konchalovsky... read a few pages and thought it was some kind of nonsense. the characters
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speak in blank verse, and they say obvious things. it all looked fake and at the same time fascinating. andrei kanchalovsky could not stop. he read the script all night and cried at one scene. 3-4-5 days passed there, something just couldn’t leave me. then i began to understand that this is a very deep, terrible thing, very similar to the work of grigoriev, everything in general, passion, feelings, and i agreed, called him, and we started working, there is a boy , there is a girl, they love each other, he is called to army, i said goodbye.
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while saving a man, the guy remains on the broken barge, she is carried out to sea, and my beloved girl received information that i died saving someone there, so she, well, marries someone else, then it becomes clear that i remained alive. you, me, me, and this is you, guy he suffers, he does not feel life in himself , step by step he is reborn, but there is another one nearby, everyone is suffering and no one is to blame, he is my beloved, he is my husband, he is my beloved, he is my husband, i hear.
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when andrei konchalovsky announced at musfilm that he wanted to stage yevgeny grigoriev’s stale script, everyone was happy. it turned out that for more than two years the other directors refused this script. it was not only original, but difficult to stage. 24 objects on location, eight in the pavilion, six more scenery with completions. 10 combined objects, a total of 48 objects, and in terms of the plot it was impossible to refuse any of them when moscow joked that konchalovsky was filming. cherbourg tanks, and there are a lot of tanks there, and it felt like i wanted a poster, a soviet poster, and they also added rock and roll to it, in this sense it was a very modern picture, it was impossible to make
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a domestic drama based on a romance about hearts in love, neither a comedy, nor a realistic story, when andrei sergeevich suddenly emerges from dust and cobwebs... are you filming something like alexander’s spring? the script required the director to create a different world, a different reality. this is what konchalovsky liked. i want to sleep and my head is spinning. the director did his previous works in cinema without especially looking back
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at the viewer. it was important for him to win the opinion of his fellow critics and gain authority among professionals. he did it. the moment came when andrei konchalovsky wanted to make work for the most complex, young public, so that young people there would recognize themselves, so that every girl could exclaim, i want this kind of love, so that every guy can say to himself, i want to love like this, so that there are kilometer-long queues for tickets, and he decides to read his future viewer to calculate: the future success of the film. we, and above all, andrei sergeevich, had the task of a sincere dialogue with the audience. the director set this task for cameraman livan paatashvili. konchalovsky was under
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40, the cameraman was under 50. it was necessary to shoot as if there was a very young man behind the camera, albeit somewhere. this is a marriage, i say, no, here we are to film the way we film, that we are making a movie about love, they had to film that happiness falls on lovers, how it should look on the screen, when a person comes out of a dark room into the harsh light, he
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squints, so they decided to film in contrast , from very dark to almost overexposed frames. why hesitate and he began to improvise
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no how to say. impression, lenochka came, swollen, from tears she had some kind of unsuccessful romance, she looked into space like that. in general, she did n’t care, i looked at her, i thought, what interesting girl, usually actresses
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come, they want, she was sitting like that, but they still decided to try her, suddenly a miracle happened, in every gesture, in every phrase, elena koreneva turned out to be absolutely natural, i’m always with you, well, that’s something coincided, either childish or something. some girl with some kind of girl with some kind of inner maturity and at the same time very fragile as an actress, i scared her terribly, she was playing, i was rehearsing something, i said, now play, that’s how stanislavsky was, mom, mom, how scary, i heard it. when someone knocked and called me by name, so that the actors in the frame would open up like flowers from the morning sun, i had to work with them subtly and
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sensually, no other film director directed the performers to the desired intonation, he gave the tone as if dialogue, maybe he said one small remark, and we must understand in what tone we communicate with our partner, with lena,
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understand what a person thinks, how expensive it is to wait for what he will say, this is all human communication, of course, then it affects
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in the relationship between a director and an actor, as i say, life is too short to spend your entire job being irritated or hating, so i want to love the people i work with. at first, no one considered him for the main role; he was supposed to play a hockey player, who was eventually played by alexander sbruev. andrei konchalovsky imagined a completely different actor, vladimir konkin, as the hero. konkin was a young, capable, very lively boy. twenty-one-year-old vladimir konkin was then starring in a drama about how stalin was tempered. it all started with the cover of a soviet movie screen. where i am in budenovka, a magazine was published for the november holidays of the seventy-second year. the cover of this magazine replaced konchilovsky's
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photo test for the main role. here he is, one hundred percent soviet romeo. konchilovsky decided not only to film konkin, but to persuade him to quit the role of korchagin in the film as the steel was tempered. but konkin did not take this adventure. konchalovsky's proposal seemed secondary to the young actor. he has it now. this is your other, this, this is another stage of creativity, but i haven’t passed this one yet. konkina it was necessary to wait, but as the novel with lovers
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was put into production, the picture was tough. konchelovsky had to go through an official deception, it means he invented a disease for himself, he supposedly had an ulcer, so that the picture could be made, it was necessary to hold out this story until spring, but when spring came, vladimir konkin already knew that he would not be able to act in film, he was exhausted, and i didn’t know how to tell him that i couldn’t act, and i still said it, i said, forgive me, please, i can’t do it with you, i don’t have the strength. what does it mean to be left without the actor on whom you placed your main bet? it’s difficult to survive this, and he turned away from me, which means he was looking at the window, he was looking at something there , there was his back, there was such a pause when moklov’s sword was hanging on this thread, so he said, oh well, that is, he lost in vain time, i
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say: well, little brother. you will do, i say, the younger one, yes, because the volume is small, andrei konchalovsky could be offended, angry, say goodbye forever to the person who let him down like that, but life is life, anything happens, you have to forgive people have their own shortcomings, we are all basically the same, i don’t count them among people who don’t have shortcomings, i have plenty of them. i am happy to see them in others. konchalovsky had to return to the tests that he did with other actors and remember about evgeniy kendinov. well he had a nice sculpted face. i tried many artists then, i couldn’t figure out what i should be like, so somehow he came with this, he has this, like a sculpted face, chipped, heavy, such
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a jaw, he’s like some kind of granite, and he... i really liked this, in general, he was a gentle person, seryozha, well, hello, kendinov was inspired, managed to fill his character with energy and passion, he was soulful when he played love, when he played a man who had lost his happiness. he says: “zhen, you don’t need to create an image of anyone, no, it’s you.” open up so that you can be open with us.
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he even stopped coming to the set, we felt in andrei sergeevich’s mood, we felt that the screenwriter somehow, something to him, somehow his didn’t suit me, and he left, yes, not right away, but after a while he stopped appearing. in addition, evgeniy kenzinov was older than romeo from the script, about 10 years. here is a small problem, evgeniy, you are, of course, older than the hero sergei nikitin in my script. so let's do this, now we'll film you a little, and then let's go for a few days, well, how can i say, lose weight for a few days, so that you'll be a little younger, it will always be like this, at the beginning of the work, the creators of the film could not imagine that in their film
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there would be so much music, it was planned... to use several songs, everything changed when i met an extravagant, long-haired young rock singer. on the days we met, he was recording at a recording house and in his voice konchalovsky heard the expressive tension that was needed for the film. he decided to try it. the director asked: can you write music for a movie? the musician replied: of course, have you ever written scores? no, but everything is easy for me, i’m a genius, the twenty-four-year-old genius’s name was alexander gradsky, i met him, but he i’m just a boy, so i don’t know how to orchestrate, so to speak, i say, it doesn’t matter, let ’s write melodies, so sasha wrote his first orchestral scores for this film,
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an unprecedented case at that time, not a member of the composers’ union. received an order for music for a two-part musical film. gradsky generally lived outside the generally accepted laws, and everything was forgiven for his talent. sanka was so tongue-tied. like a razor, sending three letters didn’t cost him anything, to konchalovsky, not konchalovsky, that’s all there, so then we we became very friendly with him, he lived on mosfilmovskaya, sasha’s brother, we were young, he already had an ensemble, they played in a cafe on the new arbat. world cinema star gina labrigida, especially for the city, looked for some special devices in european music stores and brought them to moscow. sasha said, we need this, there is such a machine, a wow-wow for kitara, wow-wow, we don’t have it in moscow, well, no, i called labrigina and she
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brought us these two machines to the festival , wah-wow, pedal, sashka was delighted, and the music started playing, the guitar remained the companion of the main character, sasha his original music and his wonderful voice... this is, let's say, at least 50% of the film, because yes, there were good shots, filming, wonderful actors, all this is wonderful, but if we say, as it were, melodrama, melodrama, drama, which means that in the first word, this melody should be, there should be a melody of a serious heart, and his chosen one, and sanka for sure... he did all this and just a big filigree, zagu, spree, spree, spree, boy, you're a guy,
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young, young, a song about a spree konchalovsky wanted to make the boy an emotional climax, to film it in such a way that first the film crew would cry, and then the audience would cry, even the little ones, he did take after take , suddenly he saw that he was thinking... right, it seems like everyone in the frame was crying, but something not like that, oh, comrades, hold me, then i started watching the material, after 2 months, when we take this last take, it ’s terrible, i say what to do, we missed it, i say, let’s do the previous one, a little better , i say, and the first one, let's go first, which he said that he was bad, look, here he is, the first, without snot, without these tears, and this is an amazing thing, the audience should have tears, not
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the artist, when lolovsky received the script, it all ended with the death of the hero. well, how can i say, sincerely rejoicing at the rapprochement, suddenly such a breakdown occurs when my hero dies, the death of the hero in the romance of lovers is the death not of the body, but of the soul, this happens when love leaves the heart, i go to my beloved.
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this is a different question, but happy people experience hurt, love, but falling in love - this is different, i believe that falling in love is a young feeling that makes you younger, but love does not make you younger, it gives confidence in life, in my opinion, happy people are those who understand what they love, and not everyone is so lucky
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that they truly meeting a person who makes them better, this is rare, i think, therefore, the romances of lovers in themselves are... this is ode, this is such a commendable word of love, together with the cameraman, the director requested the entire set on musfilm. to power powerful camera lighting. on there were only seven studios. the camera department was grumbling. we didn’t even take so many lichtwagens for war and peace. they sent a special person to check whether the lichtwagen is being used for its intended purpose, or who knows what? the inspector saw that powerful lighting devices and digi were standing on the bridge, all working, but shining into the camera, and not one of them was on the main character. in these visual ideas.
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no one could understand konchalovsky, the result could have turned out to be a masterpiece, and a resounding failure was not excluded. you know, there is such an expression, art is a lie that helps you understand the truth of life, and there are very high lies, shakespeare, you read, you think, in general how to compare, and then it turns out. and this is possible , so this is the truth of life, which passes through such a sublime picture in which, and it was a huge danger for me, it could all turn out into some kind of terrible linden, who took care of me here when i fought there, for you, for everyone who is less than you? after the hero's death scene, the film
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fades to black and white and the heroes begin speaking not in blank verse, but in prose, this was a director’s move, because the picture of the lovers’ romance was dedicated to love, love illuminates this life, unhappy love too, while it lives in the souls of the heroes, the world is full of colors, even if the lovers have already parted, but when love leaves from the heart , dies... all the poetry of this world, in general , a person in love, he sees everything differently than a person whom no one loves, and who does not love anyone, this energy is endorphins, there is a lot of things there, it lifts a person into such a state exaltation, this is me now i say, then i didn’t quite understand, but it seemed that it was necessary, this... this is the world
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of lovers and the world when the color disappeared, when the feeling of everyday life, the love boat crashes, is often commonplace. the black and white world can remain a person forever, and even end prematurely, like an old film in a movie camera breaks. that's when a person stops loving or love is gone, that's it. this black and white piece was written in torment, although it is very simple, and it was very important, the editor-in-chief of the association helped us, lena and the good ones who came, and we they sat and talked about how to make an elementary piece of a metro bus there, marrying me there, and kupchenka appeared like this is life after death... the screenwriter’s
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path to the revival of the hero was spelled out a little differently: in the bustle of the city, one day he found himself in in a record store and listening to the song of mire mathieu, he met the saleswoman to whom he was to propose in the future. but for konchalovsky it was too beautiful, he wanted hopelessness and prose. he wanted the viewer, empathizing with kendinov’s hero, to receive his blows on...
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i am grateful to you, one of the main characters of the film moscow courtyard, there is so much sun, music, delight in life, so much.
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know how everything will develop and how it will end. with his trumpet , he communicates to everyone the joys and pains of his sensitive heart to the entire arbat courtyard. among the strange and whimsical heroes of the film, you cannot miss this man, the poet nikolai glazkov, the one who coined the word “self- published”, and then it was transformed into samizdat. first of all, he is a poet, and a poet from sochi.
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komen: these are small books, often collected from notebook sheets, sometimes taken from magazine covers, he stuck them on, wrote the year on them, wrote a name on them, came up with his own, put them inside each other and gave them to friends, because he was not published. it was torkovsky who filmed him in andrei rublev in the prologue of a man flying by. come on, pick it up.
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he played a russian warrior, this, he had this, so to speak, russianness in his blood, colorful, original, natural, he was a well-known character in the creative community, an eccentric, whom everyone they knew, i constantly met with him in the house of writers, where we drank alcohol with torkovsky, having a snack, of course, he was always there, he was funny, he was a walrus, he walked around in a shirt in the winter, open, he had a blue nose. that everyone had walruses, blue noses , and he was charming, in general absolute originality, pure yurodeva, holy eyes and the same naive, amazing poems, because i liked it so much, how i
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met him often, i think i need to insert him into the picture , inserted, in the lovers' romance there is a song about birds by nikolai glazov, and he plays old mattress man arrives. hunters shot at them, killed the birds of the sky, the birds fell to the ground, died in an hour, sadness, hunters shot at them for entertainment and fun, when the picture was released, all the director’s expectations were met. the halls were overcrowded, and film critics quarreled among themselves, young people broke into the screenings, there was a lot of whispering about an incredible scene for soviet cinema with a half-naked heroine, girls and boys of the soviet union were now dreaming of
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such love, in educational work groups there were discussions about what you would do in the place of the main characters, and how accurate the director was. showed the image of our contemporary , and mosfilm, and television, and the director’s personal mail were inundated with thousands of letters from viewers, they wrote different things, but the position of many was expressed by one very short letter with the following text: my name is sergei, you know the rest, you showed the rest in film , thank you, i mainly remember how... towards the theater, towards the end of the performances where i participated, a, well, not a group, i would say, a large, large group of young girls gathered, women, ten...
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in such moments it ’s like trying to jump and someone manages to see something that
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is not expressed either by the plot or by any state taken together, the best luck is when the viewer feels at least part of what you i would like to tell him that when the time came, director andrei konchalovsky invited bernard bertolucci to watch his film romance of lovers. he assumed that the great italian would not be able to correctly understand the meaning of some features of soviet reality, but was not ready for ideological dressing down. after watching it , bertolucci said: “you disappointed me.” we, leftist artists, are fighting in italy against all this american standard, motorcycles, long hair, guitars, all this bourgeois vulgarity. and you? you sing her praises, he left in his luxury car, which konchalovsky
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could not even dream of in those years.
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the m11 highway is blocked, a terrible accident in the novgorod region, four dead. massive missile strike on the military infrastructure of ukraine, worked hypersonic system dagger and coastal complex bastion. 90 thousand tons of fish and seafood, a world record for the fishing trawler peter i. a new day begins on the russia channel, the main news in the studio.
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hello. 50 cars collided on the m11 highway in the novgorod region. people were killed, including a child, the head of the region, andrei nikitin, said. according to him, 10 more people were injured and were being evacuated to nearby hospitals. emergency situations ministry helicopters flew to the scene of the incident. they are currently working in the accident area 15 units of equipment and 45 specialists. a heating point has been deployed, traffic towards moscow is blocked. a detour is organized via the m10 russia highway. according to preliminary data , the cause of the accident was bad weather that covered the region. the check has begun. today at 14:40, at the 525th kilometer of speed on the m11 dneva road, a massive accident occurred as a result of a traffic accident. according to preliminary information, four people, including one child , were killed, and six people were injured. state traffic inspectors are on site, the investigative team,
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the ministry of emergency situations, the ambulance, the circumstances and causes of the accident are being clarified. region, massive accidents blocked the m4 don federal highway, a snowstorm with strong winds also came to the region, the road was covered with an ice crust. one of the accidents occurred near kamensk-shakhtinsky, the driver lost control, a collision occurred with another car, and two more cars crashed into them in a chain. the accident blocked traffic towards rostov-on-don, the traffic jam stretched for 5 km. another accident occurred on the highway towards moscow, as eyewitnesses report, there for... at least 8 km, guys, i’m standing on a mountain, visibility, heavy snowfall hit the luhansk people’s republic, and we noticed winds of up to 15-18 m/s . the local ministry of transport recommends that people refrain from traveling. earlier, the ministry of emergency situations announced a storm warning in the region.
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a new massive missile strike was carried out on the military infrastructure of ukraine. explosions thundered in krivoy rog, zaporozhye and nikolaev. odessa and kharkov regions. in khmelnitsky region starokonstantinov airfield was hit. the russian ministry of defense confirmed that the kinzhal hypersonic system and the coastal complex were used for the attack. improve the situation at the front line, in the kupinsky direction, where nine attacks by ukrainian armed forces assault groups were repelled. over the past 24 hours, the enemy has lost almost 500 people in the krasno-limansky and donetsk directions. in addition, air defense forces shot down a ukrainian su-25 near dnepropetrovsk and a su-27 near krivoy rog, and a mi-8 helicopter was shot down in the kherson region. 13 more regions submitted a signature. to the central election headquarters of presidential candidate vladimir putin, among them tatarstan, kirov region, bashkiria, mordovia, chuvashia, as well as penza region, samara and ulyanovsk. after carefully
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checking the signature sheets, specialists will begin counting them. previously, the headquarters received signatures from 45 regions. according to the law, a candidate must submit 3,000 signatures to register with the cec, but much more have already been collected during the campaign, which started on december 23. collapsed in the litsky region of belarus span of an unused bridge over the neman river. this was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. two workers were injured and were hospitalized. the footage shows rescuers evacuating a driver from an excavator that has fallen into the water. the causes of the incidents are being established. the investigative committee opened a criminal case under an article on violation of construction safety rules . they clarified that the incident occurred during the dismantling of the structure. heating for schools and kindergartens in the klimovsk microdistrict, podolsk near moscow, where the accident occurred at boiler house, they expect to submit it within
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2-3 days. lessons for schoolchildren will be conducted remotely for now; duty groups have been organized for children in other kindergartens. governor andrei vorobyov announced this; he also asked volunteers to help lonely people and, if necessary, bring them medicine and food.
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those who distinguished themselves are given thanks and valuable gifts, but the main reward, perhaps many fishermen will say today, is to feel solid ground under your feet and meet with loved ones, after almost 6 months of fishing had passed. of the far eastern seas , the fishermen of the vessel completed the 2023 fishing year with a world record, they raised over 90 thousand tons of catch from the depths of the sea, the freezer trawler worked in the vohoto sea expedition, the bering sea, in the pacific ocean and in the southern kuril islands. this type of vessel is considered the most efficient in the world; in one trolling alone, fishermen lift over 200 tons of fish, and in a day of continuous work they can catch over a thousand tons of seafood. fishermen caught mackerel, sardines and wasitih ocean celtic. main fishery object. on board the ship processor the fish are frozen directly in the sea and delivered ashore in this form, and they also produce fishmeal and oil. from the start of trawling to the processing
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of the catch during fishing, almost the entire crew works, that’s 130 people. a large, well-coordinated, constant team has been going on flights for the sixth year. today the ship goes to sea again. the team is confident that they are going for a new record. andrey kolesnikov, sergey svistilnikov, dmitry popkov, yulia egorova and platon volkov. news from the far eastern bureau. all news is always available on the media platform look in the app or on the website the news is following developments. a new freezer was installed at the irkutsk regional blood transfusion station. it will allow specialists to increase plasma supplies and also help ensure its safety. always supportive inside. temperature -30°; in case of power outages, the camera is connected to a diesel generator. more details, vlad baronenko. entrance with an individual key card,
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anti-slip floor, walls, ceilings, stainless steel racks. this is what the new one looks like freezer of the irkutsk regional blood transfusion station. the temperature inside is constant in winter and summer. doctors joke that now you can warm yourself from the frost here, although the difference from the street is small. this is our plasma. they started filling it with plasma, and at the same time they are testing the equipment. by the way, the cell door has dual-circuit electric heating to prevent freezing. the sensor system allows you to fully control the operation of the camera and prevent emergency situations. it is very important. an analogue of such a camera has been operating in kaliningrad for about 10 years. in the plasma is kept in quarantine for at least 120 days. if the donor did not pass control
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tests, then such plasma. cannot be issued to medical organizations and must be disposed of; in general, plasma can be stored for 3 years. this chamber is more than three times larger than the one already at the station. up to 8.00 liters of plasma can be stored here. currently, the station has a six-month supply of 7 tons. the new camera will allow it to be increased if necessary, and will also help ensure safety. you need to understand that equipment may fail, cameras in some other cities, refrigerators and so on. this will allow if necessary. promptly move stocks to save them from loss. now the station is actively preparing supplies of blood and its components, donors are invited to donate, but they are advised to pay attention to the donor traffic light, which is posted on the station’s website and on social networks, it indicates what kind of blood, depending on the group and rh factor, is needed now first of all. vlad boronenko and andrey vorobyov, lead irkutsk. all news is always available on the media platform look at
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app or website look. news are following the development of events, see you, let's start, let's, let's smile, morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing. good morning everyone, good morning, we miss you, here we are, the new year holidays are over, today is january 9, we are coming out of the holidays smoothly but confidently, well, the mood, on the first working day of the new year we will provide you with this morning, we will spend this morning with you and vladislav zavyalov and vera krasova, new year yes...
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the atmosphere in the coming week will not be able to fully recover, that is, we waves of either heat or cold are waiting, and the distance from thaw to frost is only one day, let me go tell you, arctic air masses are now breaking through to the south of russia, as a result, the rains here will turn into snow, tomorrow the daytime temperature in the black sea region will be... will not exceed zero -5°, but at the end of the working week the region expects warming, in the lower reaches of the volga and don up to -4 +1, in the crimea in the kuban up to +1, +6°, in the middle volga more frosty weather is expected with daytime temperatures -10-15°. the cyclone will begin to pump into the north-west of the country air mass warmed by galfrem,
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small ones will pass here. precipitation in the southwest of the region, even local thaws are possible, but from thursday it will become cold again, in the western regions to -8-13°, in the east to -15-20. the snow clouds of the cyclone will also cover central russia, here the peak of warming will occur on wednesday and thursday in the daytime to 0. -5°, from friday the daytime temperature will immediately drop to - -15°. moderate frosty weather is expected in the urals with daytime temperatures of -18-23°. but at the end of the working week it is possible. warming on average 5-6°. very unstable weather awaits residents of southern siberia; here the main temperature background is -15-20°, but it will not do without sudden warming. in the west of the region this will happen -
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on wednesday, in the east, on tuesday and thursday, on these days the daytime temperature may rise to -1, -6. in the south of the far east the atmosphere is more stable here. only on thursday there will be light snow in some places, it is possible that the temperature will rise by 3-5°, this trend is either plus or minus until the baptism, the fact is that now in the west of europe there is a blocking anticyclone, until the normal western one is restored.
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250 episodes of the turkish series, everything that i don’t do, i’m instant in everything, and voice, holob 2, let’s see each other for a while, for a while - how long? klifosovsky, today at 21:20. not only to save life, but to literally revive the population and return it to its natural habitat. rare animal birds, the population of which is now in danger of extinction, among others, are amur tigers, polar bears,
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prozhivalsky horses, siberian cranes and bison, as rescued their lives in our story, you see how the forest has changed here. compared to when we went to the nursery, that’s because the bison, all of their growth, basically ate everything. it’s hard to believe that these formidable, harsh, nave animals are actually vegetarians and are also good-natured, so dad zubar teaches two-year-old baby amanita to find the most delicious twigs, however, even in the most severe frosts, there are no problems with adequate nutrition, rare animals here no. in the priegsko-terasny state reserve , each animal has 4-5 hectares of green pastures, in winter, of course. they will not find food in such a small area, over the summer we prepared hay, bought root vegetables , that is, carrots and beets, which means they begin to feed the bison intensively, but regardless of the season, they are also given
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several kilograms of feed in the morning and evening, such care allowed the bison did something that no one in the wild had ever managed before, being on the verge of complete extinction; 70 years ago there were only 48 individuals left on earth; the animals were able to do it. central bison the nursery is designed to support 50-60 animals, 20-25 bison live and breed here constantly, young animals are raised until they are one and a half to two years old and are exported to create new free-living areas. according to the national ecology project, similar strategies are being developed to protect the rarest species listed in the red book, these are the far eastern and central asian leopards, amur tiger, snow leopard, zubor, saiga antelope, prozhivalsky lodge, argolit, grain, white. after all, the siberian crane, as well as the sea of ​​okhotsk populations of bowhead and gray whales. unique natural areas receive the status of protected areas; by 2025, 25 new specially protected natural areas will appear; 19 of them have already been created. the unique
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siberian crane birds in the oka nature reserve in the ryazan region are in a special position; everything is the best for them, including the menu. there are a lot of things there besides this horn, including, for example, dried nettles. and some greens, eggs, shell rock, gomarus, so we roll these balls out of this bag, so that it would be convenient for the crane to take this ball and swallow it right away. white crane or siberian crane - one of the representatives of endangered species, its number is slightly more than two dozen individuals; the staff of the reserve are making titanic efforts to raise as many of these beautiful birds as possible. in winter , caring for cranes is a little more difficult than in summer. the water supply system froze, thanks to the national project
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, it was possible to improve the infrastructure of the nursery, make more comfortable enclosures, complexes and utility rooms, the staff of not a single reserve in russia is not going to stop there, only through such joint efforts can it be preserved the precious lives of all these beautiful, but so rare animals. at the behest of the pike, according to my desire, the stove became self-propelled and not in a fairy tale, in... life, an unusual minibus for children was built by craftsmen from rostov-on-don, santa claus and the snow maiden were contracted as conductors, during the production of the stove they clearly thought about the environment, used only recycled materials, simply scrap metal, the vehicle does not smoke while driving, and at the same time meets the requirements of the latest automotive fashion, the autopilot seems to be advanced and takes you there, wherever you want. the car is one-piece, domestic, most of the new models are in car dealerships. and as a rule, under the hood there are turbocharged engines, which many consider
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quite capricious, whether this is true or not, ivan zenkevich sorted it out. there is a lot of controversy around modern turbocharged engines, they are capricious, fuel quality is not as durable as naturally aspirated engines, but they are dynamic and economical. let’s look at the weakest points of these engines so that you know what to be prepared for when buying a new car. most often, such units are installed by chinese ones. manufacturers, due to strict environmental standards, make engines small-displacement, but add a turbine to them so as not to lose performance. the most common problems with a turbine are the ingress of foreign particles from the air path and also the contact of the compressor wheel or turbine wheel with the body of the turbine itself. to avoid problems, fill only high-quality oil, and after dynamic driving, do not turn off the engine immediately and let it idle for at least a couple of minutes . until the turbine cools down. another trend, instead of durable ones that are resistant to overheating
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cast iron cylinder blocks use aluminum. this engine is lighter, consumes less fuel, and it honestly expires during the warranty period. so what is next? how will you fare next? many options are literally disposable, so before purchasing it is better to clarify the design of the unit. it all depends on the architecture of the block. if, for example, you have an aluminum block, the design is closet deck, that is, the so-called closed. decks with closed sleeves, ideally, if the sleeves are cast iron, then this would seem to be a more repairable design than a cylinder with an alusil or non-coated coating is not repairable at all. finally, the third controversial solution is direct injection. it provides good traction, but the injectors easily become clogged, and deposits form on the valves and piston rings. therefore, approximately once every 80,000 km, with city traffic jams, and once every 50,000, the injectors need to be cleaned and monitored. the condition of the air filter, it directly affects the health of the turbo engine.
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the conclusion is simple: you don’t need to be afraid of turbo engines, but you need to know how to handle them, watch the temperature regime and the overall health of the cooling system. for many units, overheating is a death sentence. change the oil more often in the city every 7-8 thousand kilometers and use only proven oil. now, in cold weather, don’t be lazy to warm up the engine, don’t spin it above 2,500 rpm . the first 10-15 minutes after the start, when hot air begins to flow from the stove, then you can add gas, hold on, it takes time, you will no longer be able to operate than it becomes when, as i understand it, no, you think carefully and go back to work, we see. you're running away from problems, they can't do it without you, and you can't do it without them,
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finger, where are we, this is not a joke, you really want to cooperate with us as an ordinary local doctor, why are you walking around, undress completely, what are you undressing, you you don’t even know what’s hurting me, but i’ll find it now, the cat is in pain, the dog is in more pain, my boss isn’t in pain, i want a divorce, oleg mikhailovich, let’s meet, from time to time, in what sense, pripasovsky, today on rtr, happy birthday to vastorok, valentina telechkina, openly about the innermost, in kindergarten i sang a joke, and i’m small, neat, and of course there was applause, i liked it so much. i was ready to sing all the time, and
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moscow, how it received you, you didn’t regret it, you sent articles about me that i had an affair with korolkov and... with pankratov black with zaradik nakhopetov, not a single novel , or rather one, which is for a long 50 years, here he is my golden one, the kingdom of heaven is my huge loss, i’m not leaving yet, i’m still with i talk to him all the time, it’s difficult, so i ’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in
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me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she brings this kurpa to the crowd, baby, feed the dogs , lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the boys in, i came across such people who care, support them in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, they can only ours, honor and praise to you, what you are doing is simply amazing, from tuesday to thursday on rtr, i want to go to college, what institute is this in philfa, oh my god, throw it away, start, say that you have cheat sheets for you, i need to apply, i really need to, you know, two friends, one believes in
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fairy-tale princes, i hope my gray will come to me and take me to his home, no, no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i want to be happy, and what do you need for this, that’s it, all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the seaside, go ahead, have high hopes on saturday. and sunday on rtr. a student, an athlete, and finally, just a beauty. your competitor emily pilligrini has appeared on the vera network. in a couple of months
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, more than 200,000 people subscribed to the rising star’s block. they dream of meeting her, they invite her date, the most desperate are ready to get married.
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the only difference from the olympics is only the office environment, and the emotions are the most genuine, water sports lovers are not stopped even by the lack of water, the main thing is resourcefulness and good preparation, look at these synchronized swimmers, what clear and practiced movements, what grace, this is a new office record, let's go ! and if you have empty cans for the cooler and a couple of fearless colleagues, then you can go bowling like this before the workers get seasick, transfer them to office chairs and rush to finish like seinbo. the main rule of the race on office chairs is a clear track, if
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a curious colleague suddenly looks out of the office, the result of such a sprint may not be a letter from management, or a sick leave, so here’s a safer one for you. but an equally fun option, similar to a twister, but here the main difficulty is not to show miracles of flexibility and explain to the caretaker the inappropriate use of office paper. paper is generally an excellent tool for office games. use crumpled paper to check accuracy, and with stickers glued on, agility, a sense of rhythm, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is fun, but the office is not only chairs on wheels, a4 paper and pencils, but also tea and cookies during the lunch break, although it’s not sporty to just drink tea, it’s better we’ll throw them on the cap, we’ll run the cookies along the original track, the start is on the forehead, and the finish is clear in the mouth, guys, take me to the football league too, i’m as good as i can in the office. i trained, but the fact that the form is unsportsmanlike is not to be ignored, i’m just a champion office for eating cookies, champion, you
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are looking for champions, the entire south-east of ukraine will return under russian banners, what vladimirich says in 2017: russia will be the number one state, russia will remain the only superpower in the world. vladimiranovsky's former adviser continues to sort out his personal. malakhov, today at 16:30, this is morning news, we will talk about the main thing in russia abroad, in the studio olga meshcheryakova, hello, the number of palestinians who died. gaza since the beginning of the escalation between israel and the palestinian hamas movement exceeded 23.00 people. this is data from the enclave ministry of health. in
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turn, the un reports that since the beginning of october , 1,900 thousand palestinians have become displaced.


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