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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  January 10, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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priyuudy says: baby, feed the dogs , lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, support them in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived , only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from tuesday to thursday on rtr. so, damn anadar, interesting footage is coming from there right now. the president said that he goes in for sports every day, every day he finds two, 20 hours for the gym and the pool. the president doesn't like it. foreign
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cartoons, pashka, he says, falls off after watching, is it our business, domestic, our cartoons, putin said, are of a completely different quality, and the president also spoke in chukotka, at some point he said, and what does yes mean, look how it was, vladimir vladimirovich, we have already said hello to you. in russian, i want to say hello to you in the chkota language, go, eat, go, eat, and if translated literally, then i asked you, you came, you must answer and, and, yes, yes, and if there are a lot of us, i say hello to everyone, well, everyone answers and, yes, vladimir vladimirovich, we have a lot.
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first quarter, here’s the problem , listen, where are some statistics that will appear in such a serious conversation, where we, who froze to death from the cold because the heating was turned off in someone’s home, as happened in the usa, i i’m telling you about this in texas, not flooding, that is, the problem is, well, this is important, why then are you scaring the people of the population, what? statistics will appear in the first quarter, we have data will appear in the first quarter, somewhere at home someone is frozen from the cold, and i say at their house, because we have -30, and they have -2, a disaster, they have -30, they have and - 40, but they die at minus two, once again , they die in all countries from this, the question is different, we don’t have such statistics, they don’t die due to lack of heating at home, which they don’t die, in short, the meaning is this, the meaning the problem is that energy consumption is growing, gas energy consumption is growing. this leads to certain problems
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difficulties, why? 67% of all gas, for example, the usa is the largest exporter of liquefied gas in the world, now at the moment, specifically last year, it’s clear why, because of course they blew up a pipe. now well done, well, accordingly, how would they supply lng , accordingly, and rely on lng, how would europe be flooded with lng, approximately 67% in august was the peak consumption, it was accounted for by the european union, first of all, they supply mainly to europe, this is the main channel supplies. so, what is the problem, the problem is that, taking into account the fact that prices for pain and complex economic components are rising inside them , they have to supply gas to the domestic market, this is the first, second, most interesting question: such priorities, why they are important, are much more important than geopolitics, outwardly . this year there are elections in the united states, in connection with this, accordingly, the united states is changing, apparently, its climate agenda a little, because the left will vote accordingly for biden, this weekend, in this saturday, to be very precise, the climate consultant met with representatives of the respective energy companies, and he told them that, in principle
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, the process of issuing lng licenses could be seriously complicated in the near future, it is already the longest among all us presidents for the last three presidencies, i remind you that for trump it was about 49 days, for obama it was... it was 150 days, here 330 days are needed to obtain one license for lng, well, in the sense of, as it were, for the export component. accordingly, negotiations have now taken place , taking into account the fact that the left is starting to advocate for the climate agenda, they are also gathering, this is for export or for production, gas production in the usa occurs accordingly in different ways, either shale gas or conventional gas, respectively gas, then lng liquefies it accordingly, lng is supplied to the foreign market only, lng is not needed inside the usa, because how can they supply it there accordingly. conduct all other things in directions, we are talking about export licenses, we are talking about the creation of factories , respectively, export terminals for exporting gas to the external perimeter, this requires permission, in fact, both here and throughout the world in principle, so, but the point is this: now on against the backdrop of a difficult economic situation, against the backdrop of a difficult political situation, against the backdrop
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of the fact that the left, as it were, because of the middle east, because of everything else, on the one hand there seems to be an ethnic component moving away, on the other hand, the leftists, who are the representative of the climate change , are very dissatisfied segment, and this is a very important electorate for biden. and after the decision that was made at the end of last year, i remind you that we had a summit, respectively , on climate change, decisions would have been made there, and so it was already discussed then, now they have met for the first time, they are most likely beginning to slow down the provision of these licenses, and why is this important, who will primarily suffer from the fact that gas imports begin to decline, the european union, now the situation is more or less normal, why, because the houthis do not attack qatar, which accordingly supplies its gas carriers to the territory of the european union, but what will happen when it happens? accordingly, the weather is also quite good in china, it should be noted , well, it is relatively warm, that’s why, as it were, but what will happen, respectively , when the temperature rises, what will happen when , accordingly, the situation with the electoral component is closer, when additional preferences will be necessary with the left give, the us will have to reduce or
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in extreme cases, pretend that they reduce , and therefore the contribution to warming, for example, methane, which is active, which is a gas to a certain extent, which... the question now is different, if they won, that’s it, no, well, thank god , thank god , that’s how it is, at least thank god that you don’t claim this when victory is still far away, well, i know very few people who, accordingly , seem to believe that, so to speak , everything happened, it turned out as planned, so no matter how many ministers there are
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okay, the question is that everything seems to be happening there in a completely different part of the world, so you need to decide or somehow do something in any case, in short, the point is that it’s already a matter of economics and therefore the biggest... achievement , respectively, since last year , is how our economy turns out, that's why this is important, because the price of gas, the price of oil, the price of grain, the price of coal - this is the very fuel that provides, respectively , ensuring conflicts, geopolitical interests, in individual areas, but if this ends, everything else will also end, war is expensive, but war must be earned, but at the same time one must understand that the country will not be able to fight for so long and so expensively, but some people can no longer fight so. so expensive, so from this point of view , the question is, who will last longer and more effectively, which is most important, this question will be completed, therefore, from this point of view, countries are already beginning to see, even in principle , this is what we have according to bloomberg, there already pressure begins, as it were, from the front , and especially taking into account the fact that the situation in the middle east is in lebanon, the situation there
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is very serious, tamrah announced that he was going to withdraw american troops, by the way, how long did they leave there, biden promised, by the way, during the elections that he would bring him out, and now other countries are making this decision for him, by the way, that’s why from this point of view, of course, this is a very serious situation in the middle east, much more serious, and this will very seriously definitions of all these tracks, so from this point of view, of course, energy, economics, they are kind of... important, fundamental, from this point of view it is very interesting that in the near future china, by the way, has resumed military consultations with the united states , yes, a few days ago, i remind you, who got through, if austin is in the hospital, everything is not tied up with the minister of defense, it was not so previously reported that the axis minister of defense personally could not get through, the problem there was that they the leadership was demolished, the chinese side did not take the phone, the chinese leadership, they have long since demolished the leadership.
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that’s why, from this point of view, apparently , this suggests that the fact that in the united states, with a high degree of probability, the americans will not overwhelm, but will put pressure on taiwan before january 13, before the day, well , judging by the fact that they opened the negotiation track, in as a last resort, and the fact that he discovered them, that this means that... no one wants to lose 10 trillion, as it were, everyone really needs them, we’ll be back in a minute, we too, in principle, i want to go to college what institute should i go to, philfa , oh, my god, throw it away, so i’ll say that you have cheat sheets, i need to enroll, i really need to, you know, two friends, one believes in fairy-tale princes, i hope my gray will come to me and takes me to his home , there are no grays, there are entrepreneurs
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, the other believes in herself, you are the best girl in this dorm, married, no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i want to be happy, and what do you need for this all you need is to become a businessman, buy an apartment, transport me to the sea? take action! great hopes on saturday and sunday at rtr. it still hurts here, it hurts here, it hurts here. this disease never manifests itself acutely and creeps up gradually. to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle. this is an officer, by the way. proper nutrition is proven, how to properly eat stress?
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we need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat, the right medications, run to the doctor, medicine is like a crutch for us and the right habits, but shouldn’t we slap some kefir, and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, about the most important thing tomorrow on rtr “i ’m 40 years old and i’m a lonely loser, we decided to rent out your room, and i’m alexey, your new jerk, mom, how many children do you want, and this is somehow connected.” nice rooms, decent women, you want to get to know me better
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, please, don’t give up so easily, admit that you just don’t like him, or vice versa , you like him, i’m not in the mood for romance right now, i can’t answer your sympathy, but i don’t have a crush you have no sympathy, lyosha. who is this? and this is alexei’s legal wife, a decent family will rent out a room on friday at rtr. happy birthday vastorok. valentina telechkina. frankly about the secret. in kindergarten i sang chestushka. i’m small, neat , and of course, there was applause
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, i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow, how it received you, you didn’t regret it, they sent articles about me, that i had an affair with korolkov, with pankratov black, with zaradik nakhopetov, not a single novel, or rather one, which is for a long 50 years, here it is my golden one, the kingdom of heaven is my huge loss, i’m not leaving yet, i’m still with i talk to him all the time, it’s difficult, so i ’m giving you an interview, my first in 10 years. the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look , look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, sign the agreement,
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we sign at the same time on 1, 2, three, our own correspondent, businessman, ekaterina murkas, is transferred to washington via direct communication, hello, we were joking many times about the fact that one manages from a nursing home, the other is now from a hospital ward, the congressmen excited. they are investigating here, what are the prospects, resignation or what, because of this austin prostate cancer? well, judging by, hello , olga, judging by joe biden’s comments, most likely there will be no resignation, and the prospect of resignation with a democratic senate as part of
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the impeachment procedure is also almost impossible, of course, they will scold, but they are unlikely to lag behind. because the fact is that we have entered the election year, and the election year is even already, and, of course, the resignation of the minister of defense in such conditions, especially in a tense geopolitical situation, could practically, well, hit joe biden’s cabinet very hard, of course, they will not allow this, niki halley said a very important thing at one of the town halls, she i noticed that there still remains... the question about joe biden himself, how could this happen, that the commander in chief had virtually no contact with the minister of defense for almost two weeks, and well, there is complete discord here, completely obvious, now, of course, they will study the procedures , perhaps they will issue some kind of warning, but it is unlikely that this will end in resignation, well, that is
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, on december 2 he was hospitalized, on january 9-8 it became known that...
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in the basement, and the other in the hospital, well, both are already here people who are responsible for the defense of the united states, they seem to be alone to comment, what is there to comment on , it’s very sad, well, yes, ukraine is the middle east on the nose taiwan, we proceed from the fact that biden does not care about all this at all, and there is some another shadow manager who is in charge of the situation the us is in control or not in control of the situation.
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it doesn’t matter that he has no experience , it doesn’t matter how he made his career, but he’s handsome, i
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just literally don’t know for a second, the guys will quickly find a photo on the internet, macron, congratulating him on his appointment, posted on his social networks such an unequivocal, they go off into the distance, and he, macron, with all his reputation and questions, hugs a gay man. the waistline they are walking in was filmed from behind, as they accused the russian media of allegedly promoting during the first macron's election campaign , these are the most unpleasant rumors, now all the french media are saying that he is a so-so double, in fact , he drew a double, there was already a cartoon published in one of the french newspapers today, where macron paints macron's dummies, which means he is drawing this very young one, but. .. what am i saying, look, everyone is happy, young, inexperienced, can’t do anything, knows nothing, now in ecuador the situation you spoke about is also a consequence of the fact that
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an inexperienced, thirty-five-year- old president came, the youngest in latin history america there and so on and started there, which means cutting from the shoulder, without understanding it, agentina, ecuador, you know what is happening in ecuador now, well, well, here, here is the result. 2% rating, well, by some miracle, thanks to the fact that his dad is a banana tycoon, yes, he became president, now we are seeing the consequences of all this, these are really the consequences of these young, cute, beautiful people who know nothing, know nothing capable presidents and prime ministers who come to power. that is, everywhere, but i’m talking about zelensky i’m silent, he’s handsome, he’s young, look , he has no experience, what he’s done in his country, i think i can disagree with the handsome guy, listen,
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you’re saying it now, i remember the arguments when he was elected in ukraine, when he played for roy , when he played at the royal, he was liked on our talk shows, mind you , he performed in a very active way in all sorts of ways, that is, many people liked him, so in the end it was ukraine. not to martynov in the mud, well, it’s clear that you came to finally drown him, you stupid fool, you have something to add on the merits of the matter,
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there is sklefosovsky, today on rtr, the floor is expensive, the walls are shaking, big ones have arrived. changes, in the new season with a new renovation , a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans for eyes turn into projects, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, from the living room of our heroes... real stone flowers will soon bloom, after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look,
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let it into yours. big changes, every sunday on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday.
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trembling! the whole brigade! we only look at the platform. favorite songs are played in our studio. go! birthday. favorite music never gets old. they sound. real songs, wonderful, real feelings know no boundaries, i’m sitting here and can barely hold back my tears, the words of love are clear to everyone without translation. hello, andrey,
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andrey malakhov's evening show on saturdays on rtr, you're at work, so let's take you, the premiere is on rtr, i carefully studied your case, your husband took care of everything, including the appearance of spomina, and he faces no more than 5 years. mom, it hurts you that you need money for the protest , they collected it, there are only a few hundred thousand left, it’s my own fault, today on rtr, what was left behind the scenes, how i would marry for love, i really wanted us to be together, give birth i was looking for children for love, just let’s see, frankly with gracheva. so, putin
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said that he is already an adult, but the strength and he feels the energy to solve the tasks facing the country, for this we should say thanks to exercise, and not thanks to pills - the president said and said that every single day he plays sports in the gym for 2-2 hours, and there is also a swimming pool, i i do this every day, well... at least 2 hours, a lot, well, yes, well, approximately, but it happens a little more, so there’s a gym, a swimming pool, all this together, a shower, well, 2 hours a day, thank you, but this , you just need to make it a part of your life, it doesn’t necessarily take 2 hours, but at least an hour, at least half an hour is necessary, of course, every person should know that he
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must have... this time, look, bye! vladimir putin sweated for the first time at night, drug cartels developed carnage on the streets of the cities of ecuador and boeing. knew the poor quality of the assembly of his newest airliner. on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the rina rossius studio. hello. the donbass militias, who defended the interests of russia with weapons in their hands even before the start of the special operation, should be equal in rights to the current participants of the northern military district. about this today in onadar vladimir putin said. the president makes his first working trip to chukotka , focusing on the tourism potential of a harsh but unique region. its transport
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accessibility and economic prospects. nice district of onadr. getting from the airport to the city is a real northern adventure. the sun sets already at one o'clock in the afternoon. all-terrain vehicles, called predators, are walking along the frozen gulf of anador. i'm literally walking across the bering sea right now. the ice on this condiment is about a meter thick. now in chukotka, as the locals say, there are only -30°, but winter has just begun, it will be -50 and maybe higher. and such a reliable crossing exists here from january to... march: the president for vladimir putin also reached anadra on one of these all-terrain vehicles. this is my first working trip to chukotka. the district remained the last region where he had not yet been. the main event of the day is a meeting with the residents of onadr. on the table next to the microphone are traditional figurines -
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walrus ivory carvings. and although this is the farthest region from the special operation zone, among the participants in the conversation are svo soldiers. dmitry yudin volunteered at the front and has questions for the commander-in-chief. after injuries, federal payments do not always take a very long time, vacations after injury, but as far as i know, this situation is being corrected and people have the opportunity to go on vacation, and if for some reason the vacation did not take place within 6 months, then it is not must disappear in the next... months, a person must receive the right to take a vacation for the current 6 months, for the previous ones, this is already a rule of the ministry of defense is being implemented, you specifically have problems with payments, in principle, my
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payment came, well, after four or five months, there was just a delay, a delay yes, but there are people who, since the beginning of february of the twenty-third year...
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get military veterans action, well-trained, many awards, but they don’t give him, i have two comrades who cannot participate as a veteran, because he received these
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injuries before he started, yes, yes, this is the first and second, he was not a member of the armed forces, and he was a volunteer and not falls into these categories, they all do. should be equated with those people who defend the interests of their homeland with weapons in their hands now. the military personnel here also have regional specific problems; due to the weather and distance, they do not always have time to return to their unit after leave in the units ; if they have documents, they should treat this with understanding. i was planning to fly to yakutia now, well, the plane can’t land there, i had to cancel the trip to yakutia, well, i ’ll go anyway, but here it is. specific failure due to transport schemes with private by a person, all the more so this can happen suddenly nearby, especially at such distances in such in such zones. there are quite a few parents with many children in the hall; three, four,
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five children are not uncommon here. you know what makes you happy, it makes you happy not only that you have five children, which is very good, and we congratulate you all, it makes you happy that it is becoming fashionable to have many children. according to public opinion polls in 2020 , 60% of men in russia and 70% of women in the country would like to have one. two or more children, this is the mood for a large family, he constantly is constantly strengthening, growing up, very healthy, but still, state help will never hurt, parents with many children are offering new support measures, consider the issue at the federal level, and about freeing large families from manure for a single home, not only parents, but also children number. if we talk about large families. far east, then, in my opinion, this
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is not that much money for the federal budget, and the federal budget, of course, could support the appropriate levels of budget system in order to provide this benefit, i just just finished a conversation with the minister of finance, the country’s budget system feels confident, calm, and is developing actively, so of course there is such an opportunity - i support this and say it to the government and the relevant specialized commission the state council will work on this, i think that this decision will be made in the near future. one of the fathers of many children, it turns out, had already met putin in suzdal at a christmas service, but fate brought him to far east. under your leadership is a large multi-million dollar country that needs to be monitored, protected, ensured, how do you cope, maybe you have some secret?
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then darkness, so, so, so the army was called,
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darkness. residents of onadr began to continue to take advantage of this opportunity, for the first time to directly ask the president a question. do you currently have time in your busy schedule to exercise? i do this every day, at least 2 hours, sometimes a little more, because there is a gym, a swimming pool, it just needs to be made part of of your life, it is not necessary that you need 2 hours, but at least an hour, at least half an hour for... of course, every person should know that he should devote time to this, we must say thank you to exercises, they thank you to pills, pharmacology they will be dissatisfied , nothing, nothing, will not be enough, pharmacology is a branch in which the rate of profit is like on drugs, so they will not become poor there, everything will be fine, they asked about how vladimir putin relaxes, there is a well-known joke about this , how you relax, i don’t tense up.
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well, of course this is not true, because life makes you tense, you need to love the work you do, i love it. were you interested in what other professions the president has besides carpenter? special squad of the kgb of the ussr, then special training in the line of illegal intelligence, then special squad in the line of legal intelligence. now it’s called a university or an intelligence academy, but then i got my dissertation when i was already working as a civilian in economics, a candidate in economics. everything and even tried to teach the head of state the basics of the chukchi language. i want to do it with greet you in the chukchi language. go. eat. go. go. to translate it literally, i asked you. you came? you must
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answer and. and and yes. yes. and if there are a lot of us, i say hello to everyone, that’s it. and everyone answers. and as parents, some anadorians were interested in why soviet cartoons are better than modern foreign ones, these modern western-made cartoons, everything shoots, jumps, runs there, after half an hour your head will fall off from this film, how can children stand it, ours soviet cartoons, of course, are of a completely different quality and the emotional impact, aesthetic impact, is completely different on the developing person. and , of course, the president could not, at least briefly, but not talk about the current results of the confrontation between russia and the collective west, they are sitting there behind the cordon, they all have problems beyond the roof, incomparable even with ours, even the leading economies, europe is going through hard times , we are growing, and they are falling,
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we are not happy about it, we are not mocking it, but the fact, the fact remains a fact, and it is such that it turned out that their dependence on us is greater than... on them, and the main thing that we showed to ourselves, well, to the whole world, also important, is that russia is a self-sufficient country. very strong people really live in this climate, life here does not take away even after sunset in the frosty darkness, children and adults walk among the colorful houses, and the favorite breed of dog here, of course, is the frost-free husky. chukotka is a region with great economic potential. here he fishes, mines gold, silver, tin, tungsten, molybdenum, chromium, but of course, the main treasure of the region is the people living in such difficult climatic conditions, the population of anadria is 14,000 people, the population of the entire chukotka autonomous okrug is a little more than 40 thousand. one of the residents is engaged in a business unthinkable in these latitudes, natalya
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makatrova, runs a huge greenhouse where vegetables are grown in extreme permafrost conditions. the new year has passed, there are not enough cucumbers now, because... there was a rush of demand, they had already eaten, yes, of course, they had eaten, few, a lot, well, they are, yes, here here we have a svetogogor cucumber , let’s go to another greenhouse, there will be meva, it’s such a good, hard cucumber, right, yes, right, it’s growing, yes, the mother of nine children supplies the anadar market with 20% of cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs, without you can’t get fresh vitamins in the north, but it’s expensive to bring vegetables and fruits here, as they say, from the mainland. for the end customer, our cucumber costs 500 rubles in the store. a tomato is 650, ours, and an imported one is 1.200, 1.100, 1.200, yes, of course, it’s all because of logistics, imported vegetables, all residents of the extreme agree the north tastes like glass, here, the president could be convinced, everything has a real smell.
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basil, i just let everyone smell it, it’s simple magic, it’s very tasty. i even held it a little, it’s already beautiful, yes, fresh vegetables, of course, are especially in demand in winter, in summer, thanks to new air fares, more and more chukotka families can fly to the south, thank you very much, cheap tickets, for me, the kluski tariff, yes, the owner of the greenhouse complains that it is difficult to lure agronomists to anadr, the conversation again returns to the bay, which for some reason, the city is divided by an airport, to get there, the airport is on one side. what’s the problem, i don’t know who it was 130 years ago, who thought to make a city here and make an airport there, well, it’s somehow strange, strange for us, well then it was probably nothing, some- then, there was probably some sense, after all, the attention to chukotka is colossal, the region is heated and
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its inhabitants are given light by two floating nuclear power plants, nuclear power plants are working, nuclear, yes, they are working, it won’t be alone, as i understand it, we we will... chukotka. while vladimir putin is making a trip to chukotka from this region to moscow,
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signatures were delivered to the central election headquarters in support of his movement in the upcoming presidential elections. collection points operate in almost every locality; representatives of indigenous peoples who specially came from the tundra left their signatures. the signature sheets and swamp walkers were brought to onadare airport and then sent to the capital. in every locality. created a meeting point and almost every day, well then not only that, we tried to collect these signatures by every scheduled plane, and by any equipment that was involved, that is , they were delivered to vanadars, everything was double-checked, there were a lot of signatures, so boxes with signatures in support of candidate putin were also brought from other regions today far east, including the magadan, sakhalin regions, khabarovsk territory, calculations and verification of signature sheets
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are ongoing. an air raid alert was declared again throughout ukraine today. our armed forces have struck new a comprehensive strike with missiles and drones on military infrastructure. in the donetsk direction, up to 280 militants were eliminated per day. su-25 attack aircraft destroyed a large defensive point of the ukrainian formations. in addition, two enemy tanks and two bradley infantry fighting vehicles were knocked out. an artillery ammunition depot was hit. in the kupinsky direction, four attacks by ukrainian formations were repelled. in the kharkov region, vks pilots destroyed hangars in which multiple launch rocket systems were stored . well, in the kherson direction the enemy lost up to 50 people there, as well as an american mms howitzer. snowfall is approaching the capital, which will be accompanied by strong gusts of wind. the
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same weather is expected in siberia, where storm warnings have been issued in nine regions. in the omsk region, where a snowstorm began at night, the roads were closed to passenger transport. the state traffic inspectorate asks people not to travel due to extremely low visibility. in altai, employees of the ministry of emergency situations form special groups that, in the event of an emergency, will be able to come to the aid of residents. it's already snowing. crashed into the northern kuril islands, the bad weather does not subside, it will not subside there until the end of the day. in dagestan, due to large amounts of precipitation, travel through the caribbean pass is closed, and an avalanche danger has been declared in the mountains. the russian exhibition at vdnkh resumed work after the holidays. sochi week began there, but today’s focus is on the achievements of the ivanovo region, where industry is actively developing and tourism is also gaining momentum. presents a rich program. well , for those who visit the stand of the tula region, they will treat you to tea from a samovar with the famous printed gingerbread cookies and introduce you to the latest
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weapons developments. today, the region, fulfilling state defense orders, makes a significant contribution to special operations. we got the job done in no time. this means that i controlled this together with the ministry of defense, we met with workers, identified the problems that depended on the fulfillment of tasks that were at the level. president to the federal center, the president came, these issues were discussed behind closed doors, the president got involved, gave instructions, today, both the state order and the additional measures that are being implemented today are carried out in full and with virtually no delays. this is the news, this is what will happen next in the program. the streets of ecuador have turned into a battlefield , drug cartels have declared war on the state, and a state of emergency has been declared in the country. boeing admitted the poor quality of the assembly of its newest aircraft and the verkhovna rada. appointed zelensky’s friend as head of the accounts chamber, more about this and not only after the advertisement, wait, i’m pleased that in front of me is not
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just a good doctor, but a real man, come to my job as a deputy, it’s like a knife in the back, clearly, to martynov, not to martynov, but burdino, well, clearly, you’ve come to finally drown him, you stupid fool, do you have anything to add on the merits of the matter? there is sklifosovsky today on rtr, i still have pain here, here it hurts and here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, in order to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle, by the way, this has been officially proven. nutrition, how to properly eat stress? need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat,
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the right medications, run to the doctor. habits, shouldn’t we slap some kefir , and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, about medicines for us like crutches, and the right ones for the most important thing, tomorrow on rtr, you’re going to work, so let’s take it, the premiere on rtr, i carefully studied it’s your business, your husband has provided for everything, including the appearance of spomina, and he faces no more than 5 years. mom, are you hurt? goroshov needs money for the protest, and they collected it; there are only a few hundred thousand left. you are the one to blame? today on rtr, what's left for frame? how i would marry for love, i really wanted us to be together, give birth to children for love, searched, pursued, just let’s see, frankly with gracheva,
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valentina telechkina, why? at some point you are visited by people in a state of depression, when the movie ended right at takeoff, i started having very strong headaches, there was a doctor who treated me in an unconventional way, and he gave me the task of making a watercolor drawing, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov in friday on rtr. i want to go to college, which one? institute? oh, my god, throw it away, start by saying that you have cheat sheets, i need to apply, i really need to, you know, two friends, one believes in fairy-tale princes. i hope
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my gray will come to me and take me to his home. there are no grays, there are entrepreneurs, the other believes in herself, you are the best girl in this dorm, are you married? no, then let him marry, i don’t want to marry him, i want to be happy, and what do you need for this, that’s all, all you have to do is become a businessman, buy an apartment, take me to the sea, act, high hopes, on saturday and sunday on rtr, every time i cry, it ’s very hard to remember, i went into my house , sat down on the floor of a passer-by and said: i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, danetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be evil in the wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours do not abandon ours. from
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tuesday to thursday on rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. our embassy in ecuador recommended refraining from traveling to the republic or through its territory. after the riots hostage-taking in prisons, the country is in a state of internal armed conflict, and president naboa has ordered the destruction of criminal gangs. neighbors have already responded to the gang uprising. states, the peruvian authorities are sending special forces to the border, argentina is ready to transfer its security forces to restore order, reporting by dmitry melnikov. in just a matter of hours, ecuador plunged into absolute chaos, thousands of armed bandits and members of criminal drug cartel groups are holding the entire state in terror. and without that
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a troubled country in the northwest. america is now a battlefield between the police and the army simultaneously with two dozen of the largest organized crime groups. the trigger was the escape from prison of two crime bosses. juse adolfa villamar, nicknamed fita, leader of the los choneros gang and fabricio picco, head of the los lobos crime family. in response, ecuadorian president daniel noboa, elected the day before, declared war on the cartel. i gave clear instructions to the police. military command to gain control over prisons. i have just signed a decree declaring a state of emergency so that the armed forces could receive all political and legal assistance. i appeal to all citizens. this fight concerns everyone, so they too must lend their support to the armed forces. the gangs accepted this challenge and during the live broadcast they seized the studio of the tes television channel. the employees were taken hostage and demanded to appeal to the president to withdraw the police and
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army from the streets. countrywide. dvorezov began hunting for police officers, while they were on camera forced to ask the president to stop persecuting criminal groups. cars are on fire in the streets, and militants with grenade launchers control intersections. several attacks on educational institutions at once. the commander-in-chief of the ecuadorian army declared all criminal clans a military target, promising that there would be no negotiations with any of them, and the national assembly declared that it was ready to pardon in advance any police soldier who carried out his work by any means, regardless of instructions. one of the first successes was the release of hostages and the arrest of the captors. solidarity with the ecuadorian authorities in suppressing the rebellion of criminal groups was announced in neighboring peru, where they also declared a state of emergency and sent special police
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forces to the border, just in case. what is happening is being monitored in the united states. the state department said that washington is ready to provide the ecuadorian authorities with the necessary assistance in resolving this conflict. dmitry melnikov and nikolay koskin, north american news bureau. the russian education system must become more modern and competitive, stated mikhail mishustin during a strategic session on the development of universities, but under the conditions of sanctions, domestic enterprises are in dire need of developers of promising equipment, engineers, programmers and specialists who are necessary to strengthen the industrial potential of the country; the task for the education sector is expanding the implementation of projects in a variety of industries. thanks to government support measures, industrial companies were able to adapt to difficult conditions. in many areas the production of scientific products is now increasing, effective innovative solutions are being created to reduce dependence on foreign components and equipment, the government
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has decided to launch large projects for the development of its own production in a variety of industries, from machine tool building to the development of aviation technology, radio electronics, pharmaceuticals, all these areas seriously expand the horizons of tasks for the education sector . but they increase the responsibility of our leading universities, which serve as an example for all other educational organizations. on the shelves of chain stores there should be products from local manufacturers, lyanets lutsky announced this today in stavropol, where the leader of the ldpr visited as part of the regional week of the state duma. there he visited the largest dairy plant in southern russia, where he talked with farmers and discussed the development of the industry at the stavropol state agrarian university. the outflow of rural youth to cities, we need to cope with the creation of empty spaces between megacities, we already have a sixth of the landmass, but only 2% of the world's population
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, we need to occupy the villages with creative people, young people. the ukrainian consulate in london today urgently asked its citizens from 18 to 65 years of age to register for military service at the embassy. about everything, footage appeared from poland, where vynkom was handed a summons with an order to leave the republic and arrive at a unit to be sent to the front. at the same time, the kiev regime is intensifying house raids. new footage from odessa shows the search for recruits in public transport. well, against the background of the latest corruption scandal in the ministry of defense, the verkhovna rada, before considering the law on mobilization, appointed the head of the accounts chamber , zelensky’s longtime friend from krivoy rog. by the way, he himself went today. ready to admit a mistake with the 737 max aircraft


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