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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 15, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] that a very serious enemy, but how could it be otherwise? that they suddenly began to see clearly, this is just that part of the new ideology under the new strategy that is now being implemented, that we are fighting against a very dangerous enemy, the enemy is very skillful, so we must all unite as one, we
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must, as they say, pump up and... i think that at the moment, well the appearance of equipment on the line of combat contact of military equipment without rep systems should already be considered a serious war crime, because people spend, the state spends hundreds of millions on each unit, people work day and night in factories so that this equipment goes to the front when it comes to the front and is exposed without protection, in fact,
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this is, well, this is sabotage... there is no other way to call it, in this case we still need to mobilize, we need to solve the main problem that we are talking about here on the last 2-3 months, for sure, the problem of seizing dominance over the battlefield, in the sky above the battlefield, because when we can solve this problem, we will solve everything else , well, not playfully, but skillfully calmly, because without this problem we we will be doomed to fight the same way we fought 80 years ago. when every huge operation means tens of thousands killed, hundreds of thousands wounded, and if we can solve this problem, we will solve it, the only current hope of ukraine, the ukrainian army is the hope that with the help of heaven and the west, they will force the russians, what is called washing with blood. our task is to finally unite our rap into a single whole, sew it together with the troops, into this
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single battlefield space, only... after that we can really do what we want, two comments, don’t be offended, bogartion june 23, that is, the operation was in the summer, and january 27 is leningrad, well, novgorod leningrad, well, that is, it’s no big deal, the second point about the reba, i absolutely agree, now ours have begun to do a lot, moreover, in two directions, as if officially, that is, the military-industrial complex of the military, that is. fought, the rap system worked, so they evacuated the tank, the tank stood still for several hours , the pivi couldn’t get into it, they kept falling all the time, and then the guys pulled it back, restored it, everything was fine to fight,
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that is, it should be like that not only ... to provide as quickly as possible, our ministry of defense is here, we have the main advantage, we have industry, of course, well, some other industry, and by the way, i would like to take advantage official position and petition for the line of labor awards to be returned to us, as it was in soviet times, that is, a medal for valiant labor, the order of the red banner of labor, well, where the pinnacle is the hero of socialist labor, well, he appeared in soviet times, that
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is... to me it seems that the people who are now forging weapons of victory should have their own line of state awards to distinguish them, because what they are doing is, of course, beyond all praise; in general, calling it a formula for peace is a formula war, this document, 10 points are written in such a way that there is not even the slightest hint of any compromise, well , you know, a compromise in reality is when both sides get up, leave
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the table, both sides are dissatisfied, that’s this document, in the form in which it was written, completely satisfies exclusively the ukrainian side, well, tell me, who will sit down at the negotiating table and say: let us finalize this document. this formula, how can the formula of war be modified so that from it the result is a formula for peace, but this is an unreal story, and many are already beginning to understand this when they present information, what can i say, look, at the last forum there were 60 there were six participants, 80 came to this forum there was one participant, solely because that their interest in ukraine has increased, in fact this is not so, well, or not entirely so, but from other achievements, at least according to the results. the summit of national security advisers, which has already taken place, and zelensky will still speak there today on the results, in fact, nothing was possible it is impossible to come to an agreement,
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by the way, i looked at one of the telegram channels of ukrainian millionaires, and regarding the involvement of russia in this process, i conducted a survey with myself, whether it is worth involving russia in the negotiation process or not, votes? divided 43% to 43%, and i looked, the further from the front line, the higher the patriotism, here in the lviv region, there patriotism is off the charts, i started to figure it out, i think, let me see , i started flipping through, reading, watching, you know what it turns out we're just not fully we understand the migration processes that took place in ukraine, because some of the people, residents of western ukraine, especially young people, are in the first stages of the war. they left the country for europe, because for them it’s about the same as, say, residents of donbass going to the supermarket, they sat down and left the country. after the special military operation began, missiles, all that, and so on,
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some of the residents of the eastern regions left for the western regions, they rented out apartments to these people and moved outside. begins the mobilization process, you know how it goes, well, what is being whitewashed is one topic, we... discussed it, if a person of mobilization age is caught, he comes from western ukraine, he can be released, but if he comes from eastern ukraine , they will drag him to the military registration and enlistment office, it turns out that they are driving residents of the southeast, there in these territories, and those who left for western ukraine are catching them in these territories, showing the results of mobilization in these territories, to war... they are driving exclusively russian-speaking people , and one last thing regarding funding, today literally the republicans came up with a proposal to the democrats regarding unblocking the ukrainian issue, the democrats rejected their proposal, i don’t know what the essence
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of these proposals was, but they rejected these proposals, yes, that is, the importance of the ukrainian issue, the importance of financing, i think whether zelensky will speak at this forum, or whether he will not speak there, what he will speak with is his business. but i think that the general mood that dominates the world today, and in many countries of the world, at least, i think, he won’t be able to change, too many conclusions have been drawn from everything that has already happened, the deception that zelensky, ermak and his gang tried to promote all over the world, just one phrase, i’ll just correct myself, i’m really very wrong put it, the battle for the liberation of belarus began, mozyre was liberated on june 14, the result of the battle was. these days, on christmas days, on the days of the old
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new year and on the days of vodkhreshcha, now this greeting practically does not sound, because it was replaced by this, thank someone and then there is glory, this moment , which, you know, when... always, especially in western ukraine, on these holidays people came, from where, who, who were visiting, who were working, always came home, this is how they greeted each other, set the tables and so on, now no one... this is against the backdrop of the fact that the verkhovna rada
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was considering a bill on mobilization, they sent it to the government, that this law of mobilization, what is it all about we are talking, and i’m not talking about the essence, because the essence no, nothing has been adopted yet , but zelensky’s begore, what is he doing, when he visited the baltics, you know, yes, that these days he was first in estonia, latvia , lithuania, he blackmailed biden, he said: biden , what are you doing? look, you keep 70% of the money you send me. secondly, i have 11 million pensioners, if you don’t give them money, they will die, they will die. he publicly confronts his boss. further, now he arrives for delivery, before that, there really was, there was this party that ermak collected, and the photo is large, what ermak said, ermak said that zelensky is all his... the team
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will not accept any freezing of the conflict, and arma says: we will fight, we will fight in 24, we will have in twenty fifth year, this is what blackmail looks like, that zelensky says: in this formula, not zelensky, in the formula in the contract with the west, where the west gives weapons and money, and zelensky gives people, he says: now i’m already mobilizing, but if you don’t give me money, weapons, then you, yourself, yourself, please, then russian tanks will be on the border with poland, on the border with slovakia, the czech republic, and so on. but i don’t know, i’m sure that he will not succeed in this blackmail, because the blackmail after it was voiced on behalf of ukraine, here under empty papers, you understand, volodya, these are not empty papers, zelensky says: you are the west, this is the idea was, it was your idea, that the money that you took from russia, yes, this is
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the reparation that will be given to us in ukraine, then and... and now the usa and nato only call it this way zelensky’s formula, says: let ’s look at it, i don’t understand, lavrova and listen, i’m saying that the written appeal of the russian federation, which was there, it’s not, it’s not even close to what she has, look at what i’m talking about that there is lavrov’s formula, and there is zelensky’s formula, well, it makes no sense to even discuss it, because
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lavrov’s formula is based on demands. enchanted, and he says, you know, it’s interesting, at some initial stage we could exchange the dead, now they don’t even want to talk, it’s not profitable for them, they abandon their two hundredths, continue to receive money for them, they take them, but they don’t want them, and
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lastly, look at the ukrainians and


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