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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  January 16, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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to the belt, let's go, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don't oversleep, the main thing! the head of the ministry of education told the president about major renovations throughout the country, about the construction of reconstruction of schools, including in new regions. there is no subsidy money, the german ministry of finance was not impressed by the large-scale protest of farmers that paralyzed traffic in berlin. eight meter waves. flooding the french
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island of riunion was badly damaged by the cyclone, which is now heading towards mauritius, there are hundreds of our tourists there. the news will tell you about the main thing. in studio vera tarasova. hello. russian air defense shot down three ukrainian tactical missiles in one day. 25 drones were destroyed in the skies over the lugansk and donetsk republics, as well as the zaporozhye region. the southern group of troops is actively beating the enemy in the donetsk direction. the enemy lost two hundred soldiers and an artillery ammunition depot. tank, armored personnel carrier, infantry fighting vehicle, 13 vehicles at once. the total enemy losses are about 600 militants. in moscow, they said goodbye to the artistic director of the small theater, people's artist of the ussr, yuri solomin. he died january 11 at the age of 88. yuri solomin was buried next to his wife at the troykurovsky cemetery. earlier, there was singing in the cathedral of christ the savior and farewells on the historical stage of maly. remembering him, those gathered called solomin their knight. theater and
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comerton of the era of soviet and russian cinema, vladimir putin expressed condolences to the relatives of yuri mikhoyevich, noting his selfless service to his chosen cause , inner dignity and decency. programs for the repair and construction of schools, including in new regions, vladimir putin discussed at a meeting with sergei krovtsov. the head of the ministry of education noted that 1,500 educational institutions are updated annually. all schools, including rural ones, are equipped with modern equipment, the head reported.
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we overhaul 1,500 schools every year, and your order to repair 7,300 schools will be completed on time. let me say a few words about new regions, we provide the supply of buses, school repairs, 683 schools have already been renovated, new regions are included in the national education project, we are planning within 2 years, achieve maximum integration into the russian education system. ok, thank you. russia is increasing the production of its own aircraft; the government will allocate more than 280 billion rubles to develop the aviation industry. mikhail mishov stated this at a meeting with deputy prime ministers.
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implementation of large-scale tasks that are now facing the russian automobile industry, the industry is gradually growing, last year production increased by 16%, over 1,3000 new cars were sold on the domestic market, in the future the production of domestic cars buses will be increased. new weather swing from scratch. up to -18 are expected in the capital region, for the next 2 days a yellow level of weather danger has been declared in moscow due to wind and ice, blizzards, snow drifts, in some places there is a solid skating rink on the roads in the krasnoyarsk territory, the northern regions were covered by a snowstorm the day before, visibility dropped to zero , on the routes of a massive accident, a similar picture is now on sakhalin, in the south of the island a blizzard is raging in the capital of the region with speeds up to 25 m/s, the roofs of several buildings and a new year's tree were blown off, on the routes of zatora, the airport yuzhno-sakhalinsky. reschedules flights. a large-scale
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farmers' strike has swept germany. more than 10 thousand farmers from all over the country came to berlin and their equipment paralyzed traffic in the city center. the tractors also arrived in the government quarter of the german capital. for a week now, people have been protesting against the authorities’ plans to cut subsidies and cancel benefits for agricultural producers. the authorities save their own citizens, but provide assistance to ukraine. german finance minister christian lindner told the strikers that there was no money for their subsidies no. the minister's words were met with condemning whistles. in the indian ocean, the destructive cyclone bellal came to mauritius. where several hundred russian tourists are now vacationing, it brought eight-meter waves, torrential rains that caused flooding, and in the coming hours the precipitation and wind will only increase. a few hours earlier , the french island of riunion was at the epicenter of a tropical storm, where at least one person was killed and several were injured.
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the epiphany festival of angels and archangels opened in izhevsk. three dozen sculptors they carve transparent skies out of ice. army report by elena lebedeva. at st. michael's cathedral the figures of angels and archangels are already clearly visible. sculptors turn ice blocks into works of art. almost 30 sculptors saw, cut and polish, carving real masterpieces from fragile ice. the festival has long been interregional. the popovs are from kungur and are participants in many russian competitions in izhevsk for the first time. they built an ice town on the central square, and now they are creating an angel with an eight-pointed square. it's a very beautiful place, very beautiful atmosphere, these angels , flogging, flying, ice, they are just like crystal ones, the festival of angels and archangels has been gathering artists in izhevsk for the thirteenth winter, this year artists came from moscow, samara, chelyabinsk, perm territory and
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sunny sochi . this year the material is durable , 35 cm thick. for sculpture, the thicker the ice, the better, so the larger the piece, without any joints, what will happen... we see at baptism, how long the figures will stand depends on the weather, however, this year only the summer heat can melt such a mass. lina lebedeva, yuri afanasyev, news from udmurtia. don't switch. on the platform , russia is a land of opportunity. the competition is currently ongoing. this is our family. more than 70 thousand applications were submitted. family from all regions of the country. the competition will end in the summer in moscow, and now our kemerovo correspondent alexandra berdnikova has met one of the families. for the old new year, drinking is already a tradition , another reason to gather around the table with the whole
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friendly family. the prislupsky spouses have 19 children, six have already grown up and moved to different cities, given two grandchildren, and dobrynya’s youngest son will turn seven the other day. at that time our second daughter was born, she was still small, we all decided when we went for the girl, it turned out that she and her brother, where there are two, there are three, where there are three, there are four, the small house was rebuilt and expanded , the head of the family himself did this, there is a female and male part, and spacious rooms and a living room, the best friend is an assistant - grandmother, roman’s mother, herself a mother of many children, dreamed, so that i have many grandchildren, otherwise why live in the world, you need to leave something behind, i am proud, of course, of my son and daughter, of course i am proud, they are great, and i will always be there to help, family of prislup winners , winners of various district and regional competitions,
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last november decided to test themselves at the federal level, submitted an application to the project, this is a family affair, the struggle is serious, more than 100 thousand participants, all the children are father, mother and grandmother. we are like creative activists, we are interested in everything, here somehow we probably paid even more, in 2 months of the correspondence stage we completed 30 tasks out of thirty, creative, sports, intellectual, culinary, even on the basics of first aid, on january 17 there will be famous names of semi-finalists, the circle will narrow down to one and a half thousand families, the prislupsky ones are determined to win and the main prizes - a certificate for improving housing and traveling together. alexandra bernikova, sergey sardaryan, vesti kuzbas. all news is always available on the media platform, watch, greet the morning on the russia channel, we’ve started,
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so. morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing. good morning , hello, we are glad that you spend time in the morning with us, tuesday morning, vera krasova, denis stoykov, today we are responsible for a good mood with useful information, we will start with useful information on january 16 on the calendar, the cold is harmful, here is more useful information, it is harmful to youth, scientists have found that... extreme climatic conditions and adaptation to them affect the rate of aging
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of the indigenous population. we are, of course, talking about the northern regions, their inhabitants are approximately 3 years biologically older than the inhabitants of the european part of russia. the reason for this is long-term adaptation to harsh weather. too much energy goes into maintaining life. now experts will monitor those who have recently arrived in the north; if they also begin to age faster, this will become a reason for... medical research. and, by the way, cocoa is perfect for maintaining health and keeping warm. the main thing is to cook it correctly. and in the intricacies of preparing this drink, let's sort it out right now. almost no child can resist the sweet aroma and sweet chocolate taste of a slightly steaming cup of cocoa; kindergarteners know this very well. i really like it because it's onosuke. the drink is given to children from 3 years old, no more than twice a week at a strictly defined time. they usually drink it in the first half of the day, because cocoa is rich
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in caffeine, and to avoid overstimulation of the nervous system, the mother of two sons, muscovite svetlana komkova, carefully follows her recipe from childhood. we we cook for children, my mother also cooked for me when i was a child, she prepared one for two for me, that is, one spoon of cocoa, two spoons of sugar. pour milk into the dry mixture and cook for a couple of minutes. however, svetlana tries to maintain a balance and does not prepare a sweet drink, but essentially a dessert. too often , but for himself he makes a choice in favor of less calorie drinks, so even i can say from myself that as an adult you try to drink cocoa less often, precisely because the drink turns out to be very high in calories, more somehow you lean towards coffee. indeed, today cocoa is rapidly losing popularity and is on the list of advocates of healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition . doctors insist in vain, because in fact cocoa is one of the healthiest drinks in the world, it is a champion in the content of vegetable fatty acids, 60% saturated... fats - palmetic, stearic, lauric and myristic acids. 35% monounsaturated fat is
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aleic acid and 1% polyunsaturated fat is linoleic acid. they are engaged in the introduction of any toxic elements accumulating in cells and thereby counteracting the likelihood of inflammatory neurodegenerative processes. at the same time, you need to remember that due to its composition , cocoa is a high-calorie product, so i recommend drinking it. without sugar and with low-fat milk, or without it at all , the correct choice of the drink in the store is no less important, because in fact they now sell two completely different options, the instant cocoa drink is sweet and prepared in a minute, but has no benefit, it is easy to determine on the label in composition, sometimes even granulated sugar is listed in the first place. in the correct version , the list of ingredients should only contain ground cocoa beans and nothing else. cocoa powder is obtained by pressing cocoa butter here. when our cocoa butter is squeezed out, the so-called cake appears,
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and from this cake, by first removing a small amount of fat and grinding, cocoa powder is obtained. the taste of natural cocoa is chocolate, but unusual, with a bitterness. unusual, and i can say that with home-baked goods it’s quite good. you can drink this cocoa every day; it can be an excellent alternative to the usual cup of coffee in the morning. what could be an alternative to going to the doctor? experts say patients can and should be taught responsible self-medication. this position is also supported by who. a striking example during the pandemic, the ministry of health issued a memo, clearly describing how a patient should behave with a mild course of the disease. then this helped save the strength and resources of medical institutions. it would be useful now, when the queue to see a specialist can last for days and weeks. let's discuss with the guest. with us today is a member of the council for the protection of patients' rights at rosdravno. how to be treated according to past
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recommendations from doctors, experience, acquaintances, your own experience, information on the internet, does this mean that doctors have realized that there is no point in fighting this, they need to be led, well, this should have been led a long time ago, of course, because in addition to acute patients there are also chronicles, who all self-medicate, they were prescribed pills, then sometimes they don’t go to the doctor for years. this may be wrong about the year, but essentially it is so, these are patients with diabetes, patients with hypertension, how can we find that golden mean so that a person, a person is not left to... his fate, at the same time, there is enough control over him. well, firstly, we must admit that there is a problem and the possibility of solving it. as of today, this is not the case, while official mistrav does not want to hear about any self-medication. but in fact, of course, this should be, there should be corresponding governing documents, excuse
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the phraseology, where it is written what, when, how accept. often a person comes to the clinic. for a basic prescription, just so that he can once again be given a prescription for this or that drug that he is taking, this problem can somehow be solved, maybe this can be delegated to pharmacies, no, it’s impossible, this is a qualification, this has been going on for thousands of years separated two positions, pharmacists, doctor, pharmacy worker, does not have a medical education, he has a pharmaceutical education, he does not know medicine at all, and if we are guided by the same principle, if not... many, many years ago we have already discussed this problem, there are pharmacist consultants in the world , this is a separate special medical education, this is a person working in a pharmacy as a consultant, but he is not a salesman, but a
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physician, we do not have such a specialty, but maybe then it needs to be created , let's. 20 years ago we proposed this, but in fact i think that now in the modern world, of course, it technologies, telemedicine, like telemedicine, are coming first, this is how it will help in introducing this responsible self-medication, oh which we are talking about, if we take non-chronic cases, for example, the flu, well, here we are, uh , since we started talking about covid, we made a diagnosis remotely and made suggestions. treatment for people, they went to the pharmacy, took medications and were treated, and this will now help with - scaling this up, then yes, at the legislative level it should be accepted that self-medication exists, after which the ministry of health should prescribe instructions for some specific diseases, probably , yes, these should be standards or recommendations for use
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for various diseases, how likely is it to happen, one hundred percent, that they will take it for... decided that her daughter has the right to inheritance, but the decision to enter into a battle for property opened the floodgates. not only the widow and mistress of boris tenin, but also the only recognized son timofey decided to tell their truth. would a normal daughter do this ? the recognized son and unrecognized daughter of boris tenin. confrontation. malakhov, today at 16:30. russian companies successfully solve
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the problems of import substitution in a variety of industries, including in the field of educational technologies, moreover. domestic developments in this area are of keen interest abroad. the national project international cooperation and export helps russian companies monetize and promote them on the international market. we increase friction forces to increase speed. coming from the lips of a fourth-grader who has not yet even begun to study physics, such words, of course, sound a little unusual. well, artemy aman himself and his classmates easily operate on adults terms and concepts, all thanks to classes in robot technology, where the children design, program, and even invent themselves. yes, i plan to develop robots in the future to such an extent that people's lives can be made easier. six-year-old
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ivan kishchak also dreams of making people’s lives easier through more and more robots. he masters the basics of programming in his own kindergarten. for now, let the commands be indicated using pictograms. he just still has difficulty reading, everything else is adult. yes, i beat a cool dragon which can drive in mode two. and all these designers for creating robots, their programming, educational complexes for getting acquainted with neurotechnologies for studying the basics of artificial intelligence are invented and developed by domestic companies. each age has its own technologies, depending on what technology we give, a certain set of techniques is given, certain equipment is given and the children can study it. this technology is already being successfully implemented in russian kindergartens and schools, but this is only the beginning of the journey, we are sure developers, they are already ready to displace foreign manufacturers in the global market of educational technologies, we really... want our educational complexes, of course, to be exported, they will be in great demand today, well, in countries, at least in africa ,
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in asian countries, and also in the cis countries of turkey and the emirates in cyprus, for example, this domestic development, a video studio for recording online classes, is wanted in germany and norway. in addition to this wonderful board, here automatically a presentation is inserted, maybe from some kind. interact with graphics , and what’s remarkable is that the filming is carried out on several cameras at once and is automatically mounted, individually similar technologies exist in the world, but russian computer scientists were the first to guess how to put them together , it’s a simple matter to become exporters, the state helps developers with this, within the framework national project international cooperation and export, the russian export center and its branches throughout the country operate, access to the international market is of course it’s not easy, but... in this regard, we are helped by the russian export center, which organizes business missions, business meetings, we can rely on legal support from
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them, including educational programs, which help to better understand the market in which we let's go out. almost all services can be obtained online on the my export digital platform. more than 100 services are available to users today, and the number of companies registered on it has increased almost 10 times since 2020; within 2023, the platform will be available through government services. mosfilm. the main film studios of russia are celebrating their anniversary. andrey konchalovsky, svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev , ivan bessonov, oleg basilashili, svetlana
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nemolyaeva , stanislav lyubshin, sergey shakurov, fedor dobronravov, irina kubchenko, alexander zatsepin, alexey rybnikov, sergey bezrukov, alexey kravchenko, nikita kologrilov, irina pegova, pavel derevyanka . yuri bashmet and the state symphony orchestra new russia daria zlatopolskaya andrei malarov and karen shakhnazarov in a grand concert for the first 100 years, the anniversary of the mosfilm film studio. broadcasts from the first pavilion. on friday mrtar.
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you will meet the morning with urbech and there will be no problems . to get to know the country, how beautiful it is. just taste it. and there we will add kiwi and enthusiasm. it's just crazy taste. what's next? honey in norinsk , tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes, do you know why people count proteins, living carbohydrates in order to happily jump through life, an unusual answer, i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health, food formula for every saturday on rtr, life no, we need to go to the capital. and why did nashakhta seem to explode like nashakhta? misha is at work, we'll watch it on the weekend. valya
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, you’ve gathered far away, we’re going to moscow, val, and you’re burning bridges behind you, other people’s houses, other people’s lives, but your own hasn’t worked out, i so want to look back, i can’t believe my eyes, you’ve come back at all, but not i know. i was looking for a new life , some kind of happiness, and found nothing, happiness, it turns out , is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness? on sunday at rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us, yes, when? my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say,
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is my trophy, with us. there was something hungry, here comes a grandmother, she is hungry, but she is carrying this kurba, i come and say: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys with us, i came across people like that, caring, support in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived , only ours can, and praise to you, what you are doing is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, they broke the tradition, starting from the 2nd century bc, the dragon boat festival is held in china, these spectacular competitions always took place at the beginning of summer, but this time the residents of harbin could not stand it and staged a race.
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in winter, and they were not at all embarrassed that at this time of year it was problematic to find a suitable body of water, but the ice of the frozen songguan river was quite suitable, and the winter option turned out to be no less impressive, really not bad, but powerful full-size crossovers attract attention at any time of the year, especially when they are new models, and ivan zenkevich will tell you best about them, full-size crossovers even in our cramped metropolises... in these models, manufacturers do not skimp on anything finishing or equipment. let's see what 's new in this segment lately . let's start with the updated chingan cs-95. under the hood is a turbocharged two-liter engine with a capacity of 226 horsepower. all-wheel drive, gearbox, eight-speed automatic transmission, ground clearance - 190 mm. the list of equipment includes: all-round parking sensors plus a 360 camera, panoramic roof with
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sunroof, electric. adjustments, ventilation and massage of the driver's seat, three-zone climate control, multimedia with voice control, video recorder, security system, recommended retail price from 4,200,000 rubles. and this is a newcomer to our market , the hongci hs7, under its hood is a three-liter turbocharged engine with a capacity of 337 horsepower. all-wheel drive, gearbox, eight-speed automatic. included includes a panoramic sunroof, contactless trunk opening, suspension, auto parking, atmospheric lighting, screens for the second row, three-zone climate control, multimedia with a dvr, the price starts from 6,990,000 rubles. the xsit vx, already well-known in russia , has recently undergone restyling, although the engine remains the same. this is a two-liter supercharged engine producing 249 horsepower. all-wheel drive, eight-speed automatic transmission, ground clearance 200 mm. the base
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has a retractable tray. leg, panoramic roof with sunroof, all-round visibility system with function transparent floor, video monitoring of blind spots, valet parking, three-zone climate control, multimedia with voice control and video recorder, audio system with active noise reduction, price starts from 6.5 million rubles. so, chingan is the most affordable of all of our three, and much more; it has only one equipment, but it’s quite decent. exсit is positioned as a premium brand, hence why it is so significant. the difference is in price, but the equipment is also comparable, you can choose a six or seven-seater saloon. hongchi is even more expensive, but it is already a full-fledged luxury with the appropriate equipment, decoration and high transport tax, but we think it will find its buyer. and the strengths of all three models include all-wheel drive and a classic torque converter automatic, both of which are highly valued in our market. and then the housing question: what are you grieving about, little stunner?
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even lawyers and notaries can’t give a 100% guarantee against scammers, so why is there no control in the forest for scammers? the news will tell you about the main thing in russia and abroad from ver tarasov's studio. hello. russian air defense shot down three ukrainian tactical missiles in one day. 25 drones were destroyed in the skies over lugansk and the donetsk republics, as well as the zaporozhye region. the southern group of troops is actively beating the enemy in the donetsk direction. the enemy lost two hundred soldiers, an artillery ammunition depot, an armored personnel carrier tank,
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b. 13 vehicles at once, the total enemy losses were about 600 militants. the program for the repair and construction of schools, including in new regions, was discussed by vladimir putin at meeting with sergei. are equipped with modern equipment, the head of the ministry of education reported on work in new regions. there , more than 1,300 copies of fiction were donated to libraries. primary school students are provided with hot meals, and excursions are organized for high school students. issues of personnel development were discussed. i suggest you start. we have a program that concerns many people in our country, and it is difficult to overestimate it, this is a major overhaul, in general the repair of school buildings and structures, we have allocated enough decent money for these purposes, the work
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is progressing as it is going, dear, thanks to your support, the school overhaul program and the construction of new schools is going according to plan, without fights, no sanctions can interfere with this, we have 1,500 overhauled annually schools, your instructions for the repair of 7,300 schools will be completed on time. let me say a few words about the new regions: we ensure the supply of buses, the repair of schools (683 schools have already been renovated), new regions are included in the national project education, we plan to carry out maximum integration into the russian education system within 2 years. ok, thank you. in komsomolsk, on the sea , construction of a plant for the production of light aircraft baikal begins. they plan to produce 20 aircraft per year. report by lyudmila smirnova. you and i have a unique opportunity to see from the very beginning how the new
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russian light-engine aviation is being born. the tsh plans to build here by the end of this year, and next year to begin producing new aircraft for baikal. the task is to complete construction on six months ahead of schedule. despite the harsh far eastern climate , truly greenhouse conditions have been created for the creation of new production. we are talking about the benefits of the priority development territory. and the resident of the baikal site as part of tor khabarovsk will receive them in full. these are primarily tax benefits and social insurance. this is all provided and will be provided, including to our residents. well, one of the important benefits, yes, is the building itself that will be built. at the expense of funds from the ministry of eastern development will be transferred to a preferential long-term rental rate to our resident. the new vehicle, named baikal, will be able to carry out cargo and passenger transportation, rescue flights and even agricultural work. the first seven to
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arrive in the khabarovsk territory will serve in air ambulance and forest protection. it is planned that the first winged aircraft will fly to the far eastern regions next year. lyudmila smirnova, alexander garelov, maxim nazarov, lead. khabarovsk. new weather swings from zero to -15 await the capital region. for the next 2 days in moscow announced yellow level of weather danger for wind and ice. blizzards, snow drifts, and in some places a solid skating rink on the roads in the krasnoyarsk territory; the northern regions were covered by a snowstorm the day before. apparently it has dropped to zero. on the highways of a mass accident. a similar picture is now on sakhalin. a blizzard is raging in the south of the island. in the regional capital, gusts of up to 25 m/s. several roofs were blown off. buildings and christmas tree. on the highways, emergency situations ministry employees rescue snow-covered cars from snow captivity. yuzhsalinsk airport is postponing flights. schoolchildren were transferred to distance learning. in in iceland, lava flows have already destroyed at least
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a dozen buildings. a volcanic eruption near the city of grendavik has become the strongest in the country in half a century. previously erected fence barriers do not help. they collapsed under the pressure of the fiery mass. the local residents were caught in time. a hole about a kilometer wide has already formed in the middle of the streets, rescuers are working without sleep and rest, to predict how the volcano, which woke up 3 years ago, will behave next, after sixty centuries of hibernation, scientists cannot yet, do not switch, the first shipment of ammunition in the new year for soldiers from... were trained by volunteers and insulated belts, body armor, camouflage nets and amulets were sent to the front line in the volginsky region. bolzhanima dombaev watched the training camp. with the start of a special military operation, three volunteer centers at
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valginsky datsan are sewing ammunition for soldiers. tactical mats, balaclavas, knee pads, elbow pads, doors to dugouts, knitting camouflage nets. a conveyor belt has been deployed in the agricultural sector; work does not stop for a second. in one room the cutting is done, the next one is sewn by machines. seventy-seven-seven-year-old handama danjaeva, along with thirty other women, comes here with one thought. i want to help the guys. mother's duty, of course, we are warmly, with prayer , we are sewing all this, so that they quickly return alive, healthy in another room, ribbons for camouflage nets are being cut , they are knitted right there, how many were sent to the front line and he does not remember, lost track counting, cutting and sewing are taught here to everyone, even those who could not even sew on a button in a short time. sit down at professional devices and this happens in each of the three workshops,
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here they sew a unique product for the russian army, insulated belts. the uni belt is unique in that it is waterproof inside , that is, it can be worn on a naked body, the fleece helps retain heat in this, the fleece itself does not allow moisture to pass through, the wool is inside, it protects heat at the same time removes inflammation, fur. and here they sew unique amulets, in which special prayers are embedded, the prayer is so that the guys there will have protection, these heroic women constantly need fabric, sewing machines often break down, they need transport to take away the sewn goods, they will not refuse this kind of help, each of them has close people in the combat zone, their names are heard in the buddhist traditional sanki temples of russia. every day, and this has always been the case, when the most devoted
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and fearless go into battle, and spiritual and material support strengthens faith in victory and the confidence that they will return home victorious. dambaev, valery muratov, leading buryatia. russia's largest nuclear power plant in important changes await the leningrad region; there are plans to decommission two soviet units, and new russian ones will be installed in their place. their construction is already underway. ilya korelin visited the site. the leningrad nuclear power plant lights every second light bulb in st. petersburg and the region, and also provides a third of the energy for the entire north-west of the country. today it is the largest nuclear power plant in russia in terms of installed capacity and the only one that operates on two different types of reactors, uranium-graphite and water-water. behind during its half-century of service, las generated more than 1.115 billion kilowatt-hours of energy. this. would be enough to provide electricity to the whole of russia for a whole year; the control panel, the brain
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of the power unit, the reactor, the turbine, the pump and the operation of all systems are regulated from here. this is the central hall of a working reactor , right under my feet, the biological protection from ten meters below is the active zone, where a nuclear reaction is taking place right now, thanks to which the coolant is heated up and enters the turbine, this is what happens electricity generation. the leningrad nuclear power plant is a real city within a city. the energy complex is so large that you have to travel by bus from one part to the other. the soviet construction of the century began 56 years ago, in complete secrecy. the first of four power units, the most powerful nuclear power plant in europe, was launched on december 23, 1973 . today the leningrad nuclear power plant consists of six power units. two of them, the oldest, have already been stopped for subsequent decommissioning. generation goes on four. two more power units are under construction, we have begun construction of the third, fourth unit of vvr
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1200, this is a program that provides work for our people, a source of energy here in the north-west for the next 100 years, this is of course the main task, new reactors should replace two historical ones: water-water technology according to according to experts , it is much safer, graphite uranium, although it does not allow the production of valuable floods, reloading of cassettes here occurs only once every year and a half, historically in these frames... event, the process of physical start-up of one of the new reactors, these power units are not only safer, but 20% more powerful than the old ones, in 2032 las will completely switch to water-cooled reactors, which will be another significant milestone in the history of the leningrad nuclear power plant. ilya karilin, alexander loginov, dmitry dolgov, alexey chubko, conduct the leningrad region. all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website, stay with us.
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let's start, let's go with a smile, more, more, more, excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. hello, good morning to everyone who joined us, today is tuesday, january 16, we are cheerful, cheerful, what do we wish for you, recharge your batteries with us, denis stoykov, vera krasova, play the piano scorching in the sky, the british performer has selected an impressive video to his new song called flight. he
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sang while sitting at a musical instrument tied to a paraglider. the guy's friends pushed the complex structure down the mountain, and he tried. simultaneously play manage camera, filmed a video from a copter , it certainly turned out spectacular, but the musician himself admitted that it took 2 years to prepare a complex video, the landing still needed to be seen, but let’s return from heaven to earth, in russia about 4 million transactions are registered annually on the secondary housing market, if choosing a suitable apartment is easy, then checking its history is much more difficult, why the buyer is in no way protected from scammers - alexander damn it found out. if new buildings are apartments with an unknown future, then secondary housing is housing with a dark past, and if you do not find out about it in time, then in the present the transaction may end in irreparable consequences. feel at home, don’t forget that you are visiting, humor helps vyacheslav and olga stay afloat, but there are few reasons for jokes.
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they are now truly guests in this apartment. the young family dreamed of their own home for a long time. i have been saving for a first mortgage payment for many years , so i carefully studied it as much as i could. biography of the future purchase, here is an extract from the unified state register of real estate, that is, that no one is registered in the apartment in our hands, well, that is, that we they did everything that a person could do, but it turned out that there was a small nuance in the history of the apartment: a few transactions ago, this housing was stolen from a patient of a psychiatric clinic under a forged contract, and the local registry office, apparently, did not notice the catch then. according to notarial agreements.
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risks, it is impossible to avoid them in principle, there is a danger in the possible occurrence of these , but nothing is impossible for swindlers, here, for example, is a story from moscow: people stole an apartment, but did not hesitate to come to the notary. the said applicant's passport was valid. an ordinary transaction for mikhail ended with a call to the police; he simply decided to check the seller more carefully. the documents were in order, and the passport was even listed in the register of the ministry of internal affairs, then a response came from zaks. the real seller of these apartments. died, and from what i could conclude that there was a fraudster in front of me. fraudsters behave defiantly and brazenly because they know that the state cannot fight them, or apparently does not want to; the same state registrar, according to lawyers, only checks the legality current transaction, and other specialists, apparently, are not able to study in detail the entire
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history of the apartment, therefore they are not ready to take responsibility for mistakes, no lawyer, no, that means a realtor. it doesn’t even have the proper tools to thoroughly check the legal cleanliness of the apartment; we can’t even get an extract with the name of the owner. experts advise thinking about creating a special government bureau with broad powers. such a body, for a fee, could not only check the legal cleanliness of housing, but also insure all risks. let's continue this topic. in the studio , vladimir, first deputy chairman of the state duma committee on construction and housing and public utilities. real estate transactions are increasingly fraught with a huge number of risks, sometimes the contract is some kind of forged, sometimes they sell it in the name of someone who has already died, why is there no clear system for checking the cleanliness of the apartment, who should do this anyway, today we have there is no such
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preventive legal regulation in the legislation; in general, in general, in our country such a concept as realtor, in our country, by and large, anyone can become a realtor; in our opinion , there should be a register of realtors, a register of realtors, and mandatory lists of the services that realtors provide, including this check of the cleanliness of the apartment, including, but if we talk about checking the frequency of an apartment, this can do it. and a realtor should do a realtor, but there is a fairly good effective mechanism, as you now saw in our story, when we turned to a notary, a notary office and notaries have full powers.
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people who have been working in this market for decades, yes, they do not have a single problematic transaction, and the real estate community itself comes
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to us - with this proposal, guys, we need government regulation - it is clear to those who have the right to engage in real estate activities i repeat once again, it should include the entire list of actions that a realtor must perform, describe the full depth of verification of all transactions for what, so that our... transactions with citizens are protected both from the outside both the seller and the buyer understood you, thank you very much, our questions were answered by the first deputy chairman of the state duma committee on construction and housing and public utilities vladimir koshelev, thank you, why are strangers in the operating room, dr. bragin, get out of here immediately, and i will carry out the operation myself , i can’t, a patient is waiting for me, sklifosovsky, today at 21:20 on the russia channel. watch the special episode of the program today. 60 minutes, all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world, don’t miss 60 minutes,
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today at 11:30 and 17:30 on the russia channel. coffee lovers prefer a new style, it's called latte art. in order to master it perfectly, you need to be not only a baristo, but also a 3d artist, then the fragrant drink will not only invigorate, but also amaze aesthetically. it’s true, all these works of art are made of... of course there are their own tricks, the designers prefer not to reveal them, but the clients have a problem, because they are forced to destroy such beauty, wait until at least half past nine in the morning, experts advise, then the effect of the drink will be the maximum, which cats, but you can extend the effect of the new year's fairy tale at the trapinino museum, where there is an exhibition of obramtsevo art or life, rare ceramics in ruble sketches, the famous alyonushka vosnetsov and other works of participants:
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for creative people they put an equal sign between art and life. if we talk about evgeniy and nigina as an encyclopedia of russian life, then abramtseva is a kind of encyclopedia of russian art. abramtsev became a creative laboratory first and foremost. the main treasures of the estate, which came to moscow this winter, are sketches, models and experimental work. everyone knows the paintings that were created in abramtsevo, for example, vasnetsov’s painting alyonushka. the artist met his model in the nearest village and through her image wanted to express purely russian sadness with a fairy-tale plot. because i
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really really liked it, i missed such pictures. design of performances, participation in them, design of books, architectural projects and complete interior content, including furniture. the artists of the abramtsevo circle knew how to do everything, everything was interesting to them. so at the sketch competition the church at the estate was won by this project by vosnetsov. the interior was created by vasily polenov, the iconostases were painted by the entire abrams world. in other types of art they were absolutely free. so, that is, here they could create, no one would criticize them. they will not be taken to periodic exhibitions, this whole atmosphere, it is with and indeed the freedom that was given, it contributed to the emergence of innovative works, we are talking about the emergence of such a direction as landscape mood, the nature itself around the estate is not bright, restrained, but at the same time it was emphatically russian, she dictated to the artists what to write and how, so as not to miss the moment, polenov, for example, carried tablets on walks instead of a modern notebook, his handheld painting is one of
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abramtsev’s prides, a wonderful exhibition, huge... thank you abramtsev for they landed such a wonderful landing party, come and get extraordinary emotions and pleasure from a truly work of art. a true russian spirit reigns at this exhibition, the snow maiden is frozen in ceramics, the window of a hut on chicken legs glows in the depths of the forest, and the carved furniture seemed to have been taken out of the mansion, this whole fairy tale on eve is one of the main symbols of our russian art. and then, the menu for ositrov. our scientists have developed the right food for gourmet fish. we'll tell you more soon. you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then there is a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be 7.8, 7.8,
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7.8, how much it will be, who ? oops, every saturday and sunday on rtr. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. we look, we look, in the application or on the website. it still hurts here, it hurts here, it hurts here. this disease never manifests itself acutely and
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creeps up gradually. to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the three-point principle, this, by the way, has been officially proven , proper nutrition, how to properly manage stress, you need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat, the right medications, run to the doctor, medications are like crutches for us and the right habits, shouldn’t we slap some kefir, and i won’t be afraid of it words, our health, about the most important things: today on rta. what can you say about the tank: white tiger? this white devil is too much for you. the germans have the only one like him. it has no crew. white tiger movie. karen
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shakhnazarova on friday on rtr. valentina telechkina. why at some point do you feel despondency, a state of depression, when the movie is over just as it’s taking off? i started having very severe headaches. this was a doctor who treated in an unconventional way. and he gave me the task of making a watercolor drawing. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. mathematics and nature. a professional photographer used a drone to capture incredible footage in antarctic waters. his camera captured the logarithmic fibonacci spiral, the golden ratio. the artists turned out to be humpback whales.
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in fact, this is a hunting trick that uses. the feeders work in cooperation, one whale dives under a school of plankton and fish, inhaling and exhaling air creates a bubble network, the second drives the school into a trap on the surface, where they become easy prey, like this whale fishing, well, it’s beautiful in any case, and for the sturgeon family, high-quality food is important, it will help increase the population and make the fish tastier. various russian laboratories are working on creating the right menu and health monitoring system. the inhabitants of this aquarium don’t even know it, not for the first week, they are participants in a scientific reality show, scientists are watching the fish from their monitors, and the main thing here is not the video image, but data from special optical sensors. located in the adipose fins of trout, specifically using this sensor, we can monitor the parameters of changes in the ph of the blood, that is, this is how acidic their blood is, but this parameter actually affects how
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comfortable it is for the fish to breathe, and whether it has enough oxygen. during hypoxia, carbon dioxide, in particular, accumulates in the blood, which leads to a decrease in ph. it is recorded by a sensor sealed in microcapsules with a gel with a special fluorescent dye (the illumination depends on environmental parameters. the sensor is implanted into the fish through a syringe, and information from it can be obtained if shine a laser on the tip and read the response using a spectrometer. if the ph is more acidic, the fish is not getting enough oxygen and is suffocating. optical sensors can be inserted into each individual and obtain information without resorting to invasive methods. this will prevent outbreaks of infectious diseases in fish and better control the conditions under which they are kept. another important component in aquaculture breeding is food, and our scientists are also involved in its development; this is how food for sturgeon is created in rostov-on-don. the main suppliers for asitrovyh, in particular, these were either danish or dutch producers, and
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due to the fact that they have now left our market , there is such a definite boom right in this production, because the niche turned out to be very free, the basis of the feed is fishmeal, in the composition there may also be plant components, minerals, vitamins and probiotics, just probiotics, which are responsible for health and growth, are now being tested by specialists, the supplement is tasted with interest by local pets, for example, besters, hybrids of beluga and sterlet, this is grind, it is about about 20 g, for younger age groups , starter feeds are used, they are distinguished by their high protein content, scientists are interested not only in the composition of the feed, but also in its physical parameters, asiters have no teeth, so it is not immediately clear how the fish cope with the granules of modern food, while the testing continues, i live... a new diet, but we have a morning program, so
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the main thing for us is to have something in the morning, a cup of coffee, or tea, whichever you prefer. the time has come for us to say goodbye and wish have a nice day and good mood, see you tomorrow, bye-bye. hello, this is from the studio by alexander efrenov, briefly about the main topics of our issue: cornet burned an armored vehicle of the armed forces of ukraine at a record distance, our anti-tank complex accurately hit the target. attempts to rotate ukrainian fighters were thwarted. most children study in the first shift, and the third no longer exists in principle.
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minister of education krovtsov told vladimir putin how the renovation of schools and the construction of new ones are progressing. roads turned into skating rinks in kemerovo region, they were flying heavily in the krasnoyarsk territory; on sakhalin, the cyclone stopped traffic on the highways and interrupted the work of the main airport in the region. fonzi is against the new us military base, large-scale construction will disrupt the ecosystem of akinawa island and destroy coral reed. the kiev regime lost over 340 militants in one day in the donetsk and yuzhnodonetsk directions of a special operation in the area of ​​the settlement of kurakhova. missile and artillery weapons warehouse. this is footage of the work of our su-25 attack aircraft, which
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launched aircraft missiles from a nose-up position. units of the western group successfully repelled an attack by a mechanized assault group in the kupinsky direction. kostroma paratroopers, using the carnet anti-tank system, hit the target at a record distance, almost 8 km. having destroyed the enemy infantry fighting vehicle, they thwarted the rotation attempt, and this is footage of a strong point already captured by our fighters in well-fortified trenches and dugouts, the weapons were entirely foreign.
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enemy kamikaze drones are operating near donetsk, ukrainian aerial reconnaissance militants, so the artillery crews are carefully camouflaged, all the work takes place in the trenches, even the gun is installed below ground level. with us, well, as they say, everything is buried, dugouts, cellars, shelters, everything is buried with us, that is, we basically have nothing on the surface. d-20 howitzers do not operate in batteries here, the guns are dispersed along the front line, and firing positions are constantly changing.
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vladimir putin held telephone conversations with the prime minister of india on renri modi, the leaders discussed the development of a particularly privileged partnership between the two countries, noted successes in interaction in trade, economic, scientific and technical spheres, energy, transport cooperation in the far east. putin and modi wished each other success in the upcoming presidential elections in russia.
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and parliamentary in india, in the context of russia’s current chairmanship of brix , expressed their readiness to coordinate approaches on the international agenda. the heads of state also discussed the current situation in the world, including ukrainian issues. thanks to the massive construction of schools in russia, children in most students now study in the first shift, the third is completely a thing of history, and only 15% of students attend classes in the second. the minister of education reported this to vladimir putin.
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this allowed us to eliminate the third shift; today we have about 15% second shift, and all schools are equipped with new equipment. new regions of the lugansk and donetsk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions are also being actively included in the russian educational field. within two years the process should be completed. it is important for the sovereignty of russia: improving the quality of education, introducing an educational component into training.
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the quality depends on the teacher. putin is worried. the number of teachers is decreasing in mathematics, physics, and computer science. we see that today teacher education is the second most popular. this year, 100,000 more applications were submitted to pedagogical universities of the ministry of education than last year. therefore, we are confident that these problems will be resolved, especially since there are your instructions to change the law when fourth year students can already work at school. solving personnel problems. by attracting young professionals, this is already more than 50,000 students and seniors actively working in schools today. what specialists are this for? this is about pedagogy, about working with... with children with disabilities, natural scientific subjects, including mathematics and physics, the guys are coming, young people are coming, who are then focused on working in schools, we have created 5.00 pedagogical classes, this is such career guidance for future teachers, and
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we see that a very good percentage of admissions come from pedagogical classes. over the past few years, the number of russian language teachers and speech therapists has increased, a new program will soon be introduced for... but warming has not reached the urals and siberia in the kemerovo region, difficult road conditions have caused numerous accidents, the hololet has turned the sidewalks into improvised ones. skating rinks, and in some places the camera lenses were caught by thunderstorms, rare for winter. from krasnoyarsk to bratsk, snowstorm, massive accidents on the highways. in one of the areas under in krasnoyarsk, 12 cars collided at once. and in
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the irkutsk region the wind checks.
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weather at night, then spend the night accordingly. the cyclone also added work to the energy sector; power outages occurred partially among residents of aniva and yuzhsalinsk. bad weather made adjustments to the work of the main air harbor of the island. flights from khabarovsk and vladivostok were delayed; the flight from novosibirsk was diverted to the city
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of khabarovsk. the forces of municipal services in yuzhno-sakhalinsk have been deployed to clear courtyards; entrances have to be literally dug up. elena zhinchenko, alexey ketchik, host sakhalin kuriles. poland is ready to deploy a military contingent from germany on its territory near its eastern borders, which is calculating options for a clash with russia. this peace formula is being discussed in davos, where zelensky came to remind europe of himself, while scientologists are being rounded up in his country. evgeny reshitnev will continue. the swiss city of davos, together with ukraine , is holding an international conference to gain support from kiev. formulas of the world, they don’t say it out loud, but everyone understands, that this zelensky peace formula is pure populism, it is impracticable in its semantic part, since it essentially requires the surrender of russia, but this is only one point out of ten, the rest contain empty formulations, like the quote return of justice, this is
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what representatives of 83 countries are forced to seriously discuss , their presence is the main achievement of the meeting, says the head of the brussels bureau. for western national security officials who attended the ukraine peace talks in davos, the main achievement was a group photo with a large number of participants from a larger number of countries. among these countries there was no, for example, china, but the main thing is that all these conversations are meaningless without russia and everyone understands this, but it is voiced by the head of mid-switzerland, kastis.
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the goal, as i already said, is to go beyond the 1991 borders . in europe , the bilt newspaper also began to work out utopian scenarios, although the tabloette refers to sources in the bundeswehr, which, according to the publication, are preparing to repel an attack from russia. this is stated in a secret document, according to to which a possible escalation between nato and russia could occur as early as february of this year. according to the scenario described by the newspaper , russia already wins in ukraine in the summer , after which they provoke conflicts in the baltic states, in response to... pulls 3,000 soldiers to the border, of which 3,000 are germans, then, however, the authors
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of the publication explain that this is just a legend for military exercises, which supposedly has no relation to reality. in the real world , it is not russia that is preparing aggressive plans, but germany at its training grounds continues to train ukrainian soldiers, on the one hand, on the other hand, there are regular attempts by the bundeswehr to place its army contingent in poland, the situation now...
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we will definitely do nothing on our part to extradite these people, ukraine must turn to the people here to ask them return to help their homeland. in their homeland they continue to take revenge on everyone , now mainly in public transport and just on the streets, this is footage from odessa, where military commissars go on raids every morning, this is what the governor says. than in death during a doomed assault. evgeny rishetnev and maxim shchepilov,
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lead. forced reclamation of the japanese coast, destruction of coral reefs, protests of american soldiers and residents of akinawa dissatisfied with aircraft noise. in such conditions, the reboot of the main far eastern outpost of the united states began. the new american base in japan will take 9 years to build. but the japanese, judging by sergei mengazhev’s report, are not ready to wait; they are already storming the pentagon construction site on land and on water. man on canoe desperately trying to hold on balance and avoid an oncoming coast guard boat. a diver jumps on top of him. the fight lasts a matter of seconds. in the background, giant pincers on a construction ship dump multi-ton handfuls of soil into the sea for the construction of a new american base off the east coast of akinawa island. the evasion of this pentagon facility is a new surge of protests, in response to a court decision that
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the okinawa administration no longer has the right to obstruct the construction of a floating heliport. this is what it looks like from above bird's eye view: on the site of a coral reef with a unique ecosystem , another facility of the american armed forces is being built, surrounded by concrete blocks and barbed wire. as a result, nature is dying , including, for example, rare species of animals, the almost extinct sea cows dugong, now you can... ... only in the form of protest propaganda, of course, the base builders are not interested. the american base futemma is located right in the center of the city of ginawan. osprey tiltrotors are visible on the airfield. extremely dangerous cars, in the sense that problems with them happen too often. recently, one of them crashed off the nearby islands during a training flight. all eight crew members were killed, after which the operation of these half-helicopter, half-plane aircraft was suspended indefinitely. however. they demand not only to remove this base away from the city, but, in principle, to move it to another part of japan, since the island itself
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is already overloaded with us military facilities. we board the boat at dawn at the furthest one. where the protesters are now, the task activists on these plastic boats get as close as possible to the construction site and express their protest, our boat should be nearby in case of unforeseen circumstances. the main focus is now on the deepwater part, where work is just beginning. here you can assess the scale of the project; we are now sailing around the perimeter of the future base. at the moment, the work is
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approximately 30% complete. the total area of ​​the pouring surface should ultimately be. about 140 hectares, while the sea depth here reaches 70 m, it’s hard to imagine how much for this will require land. here, as expected, there will be a pier and a runway. there is an opinion that the americans chose the place precisely because henoko bay is located on the opposite side from taiwan; the greater depth provides ample opportunities for submarines. several protesters were still able to break through the boundaries of these barrier buoys, and the coast guard is trying to detain them. attempts to appeal to conscience, not to disfigure nature, to think about future generations, people in black boats perceive in silence, and then the detention of activists who illegally entered restricted territory begins. to build this base , large-scale earthworks are currently underway on the island. mainly in the southern part, exactly where during the war years most of the japanese died in
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the battles with the americans for akinawa. local residents told us that the remains of the dead are often found in the ground, which are then ... sent to trucks and become part of the foundation for an american military airfield. according to the plan, the national work in this will continue until 2033. sergey mengazhev, alexey pichko, east asia news bureau, akinawa island, japan. vesti monitors developments in russia and abroad. stay with us. happy birthday. frankly about the secret, in kindergarten i sang a chestushka, and i’m small, neat, and of course there was applause, i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow, how it received you, you didn’t regret it, they sent
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articles about me that i had an affair with korolkov, from pankratov. black saradik nahopetov, not a single novel, or rather one, which is for a long 50 years, here it is, my golden one, the kingdom of heaven - this is my huge loss, i’m not leaving yet, i still talk to him all the time, it’s difficult, so i’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr.
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tell me, is this cool guy of yours, what is he all about, and sergei nikolaevich, oh, he’s a star. “i feel so bad without you, we’re going to get married, and damn, i forgot, you have a pregnant wife, what are we going to do, that’s it, robin, rest assured, i won’t do it that easily i’ll leave it at that, you both will regret it, but do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail, doctor snail on saturday on rtf. mosfilm, the wonderful film studios of russia, celebrates its anniversary. andrei konchalovsky , svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev, ivan bessonov, oleg basilashvili, svetlana
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nemolyaeva, stanislav lyubshin, fyodor dobronravov, irina kubchenko, and the new russia state symphony orchestra, daria zlatopolskaya, andrei malarov and koren shakhnazarov in a grand concert, the first 100 years, anniversary of the mosfilm film studio, live stream. from the first pavilion on friday at rtr, there is no life , we need to go to the capital, what is it in a mine, it seems to have rushed, like in
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a mine, misha is in the mine, we look at the weekend, valya, you are far away, we are going to moscow, val, and you , i burn bridges behind me, other people’s houses, other people’s lives. but my own didn’t work out, i so want to look back , i can’t believe my eyes, you came back, completely, i don’t know, you were looking for a new life, some kind of happiness, and found nothing, it turns out happiness is waiting for me here in our village, but is it possible to find lost happiness on sunday on rtr. we're on the air, we're continuing the show. the pentagon is developing viruses to create
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controlled epidemics, ukrainian biological laboratories are involved in this, this is evidenced by new documents presented by the head of the rkhbz troops, igor kirillov. among those included in the military biological dossier are individuals involved in the spread of covid-19 and who received financial benefits from the promotion. research,
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the involvement of the american military department is given . the corresponding document showing slide. this situation clearly demonstrates the american administration’s disdain for international biosafety standards. such work can provoke an epidemic emergency on a global scale. construction of a production complex has begun on the amur river, where baikal light aircraft will be produced. work to create a light multi-purpose aircraft is being carried out on behalf of the president of russia. what is the current need for machines of this class when the first planes spread their wings in the sky, lyudmila smirnova will tell you. the frozen ground gives in reluctantly, but this swarm of special equipment knows its business so that the native far easterner baikal can spread its wings as soon as possible. heavy equipment is already working at the site, you and i have a unique opportunity at the very beginning to see how the new russian light-engine
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aviation is being born. the tsh plans to build here by the end of this year, and already next year, to begin producing new aircraft in baikal. the goal is to complete construction six months ahead of schedule. from january 2, no holidays cavalka to dump trucks. so, around the clock. the work is going on around the clock. 24 hours day and night, due to the fact that the ministry of industry asked us to increase the pace of construction, so we provided them with a schedule for completion of work in december twenty- four. the new complex is being built near existing aviation enterprises, this is the yuri gagarin plant and the yakovlev production center. there is all the airfield infrastructure here, and the builders watch the air show every day right from the site. it must be said that today we are fabulously lucky with a thermometer of only -23, but still, despite the harsh far eastern climate
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, truly greenhouse conditions have been created for the creation of new production. we are talking about the benefits of the priority development territory, and the resident of the baikal site as part of tor khabarovsk will receive them in full. first of all, these are tax benefits, this is social insurance, this is all presented. on behalf of russian president vladimir putin, the new vehicle, named baikal, will be able to carry cargo and passenger transportation, rescue flights and even agricultural work, the first seven that will arrive in the khabarovsk territory will serve in air ambulance and forest protection, where this function is currently performed by the an-2. each time must have its own aircraft, of course
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this aircraft has new avionics, it... the issue of reducing deadlines is coordinated by the regional government. the new plant will be able to produce at least 20 aircraft per year. it is planned that the first winged aircraft will fly to the far eastern regions next year. lyudmila smirnova, alexander gorelov, maxim nazarov, lead. khabarovsk. the most serious volcanic eruption in iceland in the last half century. after hundreds of
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small earthquakes, lava rushed towards grendavik. at this moment, the city continued to urgently build a protective embankment and footage of a dramatic evacuation a few meters from the hot streams was released. no one was hurt, but under the pressure of the elements, some of the barriers fell. then events developed like a catastrophe in a film. aerial photography captured the instant burning of houses and the destruction of asphalt on the outskirts a large, no longer populated area. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website and by this time that’s all. we are monitoring developments . see you. happy birthday. and how cool lenikov is, and
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she arranged such a surprise. i loved you, he’s beating, it means that calmly, we’re going to scratch, when he fell, he hit himself, it’s all very strange, the main thing is that he survives and recovers, and if he doesn’t recover, skletosovsky, today on rtr, you’ll even see the morning with urbich there are no problems . to get to know the country, what a beauty it is, just taste it, we’ll add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just crazy taste, what’s next honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes, and you know why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates in order to have fun jumping through life, unusual answer: and i
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make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health. food formula every saturday on rtr. what can you say about the tank, white tiger? this white devil is not your kind. he is the only one like this among the germans. it has no crew. it seems like like some kind of ghost even. all these games got stuck in the swamps, but he didn’t.
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hero and the eyes of young soldiers , looking from photographs of faded ones, this look is like the highest court, for the children who are growing up now, and the boys cannot help but lie, not deceive, turn the bottom of the path, anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovoy, legendary, beloved, film officers, on sunday on rtr.
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the creator of stirlitz cannot leave his homeland, the famous writer and journalist yulian semyonov answered when he was asked why he did not go abroad, having every opportunity to do so. in 2023 , it will be exactly 30 years since his death, and exactly 50 years ago the cult film 17 moments of spring was released. yulian semyonov went down in history not only as the author of a novel about fate.
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history of the ussr, private media, a top secret newspaper, and the first employee of the editorial office was evgeniy dodolev, at that time already the star of the program, they worked together for many years, according to dodolev, yulian semyonov became his teacher. the latest investigation of yulian semyonov was a mystery missing gold parcel. how close he came to solving why evgeniy dodolev believes that his death was not accidental. this is life and destiny.
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i run around like a son, but how did it happen , such is your relationship, because you, lord, you were then a very, very young journalist, yulian semenovich semenov, then i don’t even know who the lump is to compare with today, but how did it happen that he became your professional dad, well, to be honest, in my youth i had no authority at all, well, in general, this is a characteristic of youth, this happens, so the first time he invited me to come to his house to meet him, i , frankly speaking, simply didn’t come that day, i preferred the company of my musician friends,
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i’m not proud of it, well, the second time i already came and was completely amazed by his charisma , it was simply interesting to look at him, even when you didn’t understand everything that... her murder, huge material, then the assassination of president kennedy, here at the end, the non-musical adventures of alice, evgeniy dodolev, this is your first publication. this newspaper eduard limonov, a clipping from his
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novel, and without any censorship, something incredible, at that time it was, at that time, yes, but how did this even become possible, he was fearless, he managed to outwit everyone, the fact is that he was really not a systemic , but people in the special services believed that he had a roof in the central committee, that he had a very prominent...
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pass, we went to the lubyanka, it was some kind of fantasy, so what without, they just let him in without a pass, moreover, once he sent me on a business trip to america in 1989, and they made me two passports, green, diplomatic and blue, and he said, when you leave the country, show your blue passport, when you enter america, show it diplomatically, because visas are not needed, i still... remember that when i border control showed
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me this blue passport, handed it over, then the warrant officer who was sitting there, he stood up and saluted me, because apparently there was some kind of, well , some kind of series or some kind of number, i still have it this passport, i still have it, this blue service passport, how he did this, i don’t know, in this office where you were with kryuchkov , another powerful man who would later become general secretary was sitting at one time - this is andropov, but they say that andropov himself handed over the materials for the tas to yulian semyonov personally, a story, or did it really happen? semyonov told me that when he was trying to clarify certain things related to the documents, he called yuri vladimirovich and said that i don’t have enough for the storyline , so i would like to get these documents, to find out more about this, to which vladimirovich told him. you are such a talented writer, you can probably
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come up with something, it will be much better and much more interesting for readers than if you use the information that we provide you, that is, i got away from this, but in principle, of course, the special services helped, here in in particular, here is a photograph of zoya fedorova, this is from the materials of the criminal case, it was transferred for the first issue, a photograph of the murdered legendary soviet actress, i don’t even know how soviet reader. ready for such shocking , scary content, you probably received a sea of ​​criticism with this newspaper back then, or not, or vice versa, it was considered such a swallow, no, i don’t remember the criticism, on the contrary, people somehow generally perceived everything new with delight , in stupid times it was easy for us journalists, because there were a lot of forbidden topics, completely unexpectedly, windows and doors opened and it was easy to make sensational materials... well , to be honest, it was easy, that is, i was lucky
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that i came to journalism at that time . well yes, nitas is already authorized to say, this is some kind of thing. this is a completely different intonation, put it on, let’s remember, nevertheless, this film that we are talking about is a small fragment, which, as far as i understand, turned out to be tragically prophetic in your life, for our common cause, boss.
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you understand why i said about the prophecy of such poisoning, most likely this is an assumption, well, maybe you will tell me more now, they killed a person very close to yulian semenovich, shortly before the departure of his very... important person for this newspaper, who was he and how did he really die? sasha pleshkov was the right hand of yulian semenovich semenov, he was a journalist for mpn, here he is next to yulian semenovich in this photo at our headquarters, headquarters, top secret, here he is with glasses, yes, yes, yes, this is
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sasha, yes, well, everyone generally assumed that he was an employee of the gru, in fact many
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, for example, some undercover agent, a person who worked in the west, was given money so that he would open some company through which it would be possible to carry out certain operations , or in general somehow he was legalized , they watched him, if it turned out that a person was stealing, relatively speaking,
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they transferred him 10 million dollars, he put 7 million into business there, organized a chain of pharmacies there somewhere in the east. the united states of america, the eastern states, and sent 3 million to offshore companies, then a conversation was held with him , they said, we are aware, we are aware that 3 million went here, everything is correct, everything is fine, we understand that you are a progressive person and promising, that you are a person of a new formation, you are a person who understands that money rules the world and we will work with you, and from these people this pool was then formed. he put all the money into business, well, he received another star or medal, but he was removed from this scheme, he was unpromising, these were not only slubyanka people, because
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they collaborated with intelligence officers from other countries, with massad, with french intelligence with ... that is, it was such a large supranational group of people who acted in their own interests, and not in the interests of, say, america, the soviet union. some kind of collective west, people simply understood that the circumstances were like this, that you could make very, very good money, you could make money there, not a million dollars, not a billion dollars, but you could make money in entire industries, how could this happen with state money, everything there - control from all sides, the money that went to help developing countries, the so-called billions of dollars went to help african and other countries, this money was not taken into account by anyone counted down. our editorial office had another maro, he worked in the french edition
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of vsd, this is friday, saturday, sunday, it was a very popular publication in france in those years, the same as ours, at some point frons moro said that they had documents in the editorial office about this scheme, about the withdrawal of gold, there were some... something related to platinum and he offered us to buy them, well, this is generally normal practice in the west when they trade materials, he just didn’t take into account that we didn’t have those capabilities pay hundreds of thousands or millions of francs for information, nevertheless, sasha pleshkov went to somehow discuss these details with him, because he didn’t discuss them on the phone, and he talked to the frenchman,
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that is, he jumped right in the hotel lobby literally half an hour after calling the embassy, ​​when he tried to call doctors , he was brought in a zinc coffin from paris, and none of us, not even yulian semyonov , managed to obtain the conclusion of the french doctors who came to the hotel; we never saw these documents , that is the cause of death...
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and he died, his mood deteriorated very much, because he understood that, well , relatively speaking, the noose was tightening around the entire editorial office because of this investigation that we were trying to conduct. you know, the life , fate and investigation of yuliana semyonov’s death cannot be put into one program, let’s continue tomorrow, and we’ll probably come to the most terrible and most important thing, let’s talk about why you think that your teacher, the cult soviet writer and journalist yulian semyonov killed, this is life and fate
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yuliana semyonova in the memoirs of evgeny dodolev. we'll continue tomorrow.
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it still hurts here, it hurts here, it hurts here. that this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, in order to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the principle of t, this, by the way, is officially proven, proper nutrition, how to properly eat stress, you need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat, the right medications, let's run to the doctor, medicine is like
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crutches and good habits for us, should we hit some kefir, and i'm not afraid of this word, our health. about the most important thing, today on рrt. mosfilm and the main film studios in russia are celebrating their anniversary. andrei konchalovsky, svetlana zakharova, denis matsuev, ivan besson.
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yuri bashmet and the new russia state symphony orchestra, daria zlatopolskaya, andrei malarov and karen shakhnazarov in a grand concert, the first 100 years, the anniversary of the mosfilm film studio, live broadcast from the first pavilion, on friday mrtr.
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the eye is on fire, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, when everyone is at home on sundays on rtr, posters on...
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arts niko ilya gaisin, pavel dombrovsky and evgeny rumyantsev with a program without words from works by schubert, mendelssohn and schumann. the new jerusalem museum is hosting the exhibition formula of russia 1720, the theme of which is the image of pre-petrine russia in the art of the silver age. the exhibition includes art monuments of the 16th century.
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kobylin was directed by anton svit. the alexandrinsky theater is performing a play by nikolai roshchin based on shakespeare's tragedy atellus. the main roles are played by sergei mardar and ivan volk. the exhibition "the life of cinema" dedicated to the ninety-fifth anniversary of the birth of vitaly melnikov is being held at lenfilm. exposition combines photographs from film sets , stills from films, memories of actors, the entire
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creative path of the master who shot the film, the chief of chukotka, the mother got married, the eldest son, marriage, the seven brides of efreyt razbruev , hello and farewell, and many other films. in the digital concert hall of the berlin philharmonic orchestra you can watch a recording of... an exhibition has opened to mark the eightieth anniversary of the birth of rock singer and composer johnny haliday. 3.00 km of exhibition space in the shape of a huge guitar, accommodating stage costumes, concert instruments, video recordings
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and personal belongings of the musician. good morning, says dr. besyakov, we are starting a program, well, yes, about the most important thing, that is, about our health, watch us, it will be informative, it will be interesting, let’s begin. today in the program about the most important thing, health ghosts, tinnitus , dizziness, leg cramps, why these symptoms occur, doctors cannot
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diagnose, and what to do to get rid of them, a panic attack, or maybe the first signs of a heart attack, and you're healthy, go hence how using the phone can lead. instantly the size is now 47 mm , and of the ascending section, this is already an indication for surgery, you know, let's talk about some
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symptoms that are quite widespread, but at the same time we can little influence them, well, or rather, how there are such self-tophoric disorders when a person complains, he may have convulsions, most often these are pains, attacks, spasms, whatever you want, vomiting, blurred vision, shaking , and so on, name any symptom, but the doctor finds nothing, it arises problems between the doctor and the patient, the doctor says: you are healthy, get out of here, and the patient says: but i feel bad, and the fact is that the patient is right, he really feels bad, he really feels bad, he really hurts, but the doctor is right, she says, i don’t see anything, here’s the problem: what, that each of these conditions can hide a serious illness, right? so we say, tinnitus, well, tinnitus cannot be treated, but in order
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to simply brush it off, say that there is a blood vessel passing close to you, you hear, how the blood flows, you still have to check, do an audiogram, sometimes an mri, because sometimes it can be a tumor of the auditory nerve, schwanoma, and there already needs surgery, it makes noise and will continue to make noise. this is lifelong, why, who knows, sometimes a medicine, you said aspirin, a few aspirin tablets are enough for lifelong tinnitus, a lot of medications, diuretics, antibiotics, this is atherosclerosis. changes in the vascular wall,
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god knows what, the only question is that we can’t do anything, the only thing is real the cure for this is headphones with a different noise and you walk around for a month in these headphones, then they take you off, you are happy with your noise, it seems like just retuning, fortunately, this is a completely benign thing, fortunately over time you forget about it, if you don’t get hung up , here
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, let’s say, you need to understand what exactly is behind this, there’s a lump in the throat, it could be hysteria, a panic attack, or maybe the first signs of a heart attack, but it’s clear that if a person comes on his own feet, there not an acute heart attack and so on, but diffuse spasm and so on, or there are other problems with the esophagus, we must understand this.
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before letting a person go to work with a psychotherapist and so on, weakness is probably one of the most common symptoms, because yes, it can be depression, it can be physical detriment, but it can be a symptom of a serious illness, there are two diseases , where chronic fatigue is the leading symptom, this is if i was bitten by a tick barliosis, if there are no infectious pains, there is nothing, there is... that's all barliosis falls from my hands systemic lupus erythematosus, this symptom may be present long before anything else, and if you don’t check it, you will make a medical mistake. leg cramps are also a very common question, yes, it could be a lack of iron, maybe a lack of magic, a lack of some microelements, maybe flat feet, insufficiently correct distribution of the load during the day, it sometimes helps.
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drugs such as magnesium, hidin used to help without any options, but it causes problems with a drop in platelets, so now they don’t give it, but in any case this is a common problem, but again it shouldn’t be solved with drugs, they do special exercises at night there, sometimes they massage the lower leg with ice, sometimes on the contrary they run hot water, that is, it’s easy and simple to take the medicine, here we have there are guests, but where, are you guests, tell me about your sorrows. valentina zhadova, 64 years old, fryazino, moscow region. the woman worked as a teacher all her life, for the last 25 years she was a school director, valentina mikhailovna loved her profession, she didn’t want to retire, but she did i had to leave, the woman began to constantly be bothered by dizziness and tinnitus. my tinnitus never goes away. it's like some kind of transformer is working for me.
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surroundings, tinnitus, how to get rid of it, because doctors cannot help me. good morning, doctor, good, i have such a problem, here are two symptoms: tinnitus and dizziness, and since 2016 , my tinnitus has never gone away, no, well, it won’t go away, we have already decided ourselves, yes, but dizziness , now it’s like, well , dizziness, but it was when i had indeed, the ceiling changed with the floor, and i was quickly hospitalized because i couldn’t.
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has changed, i would like some advice , well, they maintain the pressure, but as for the noise and dizziness, i have no reason, no help, i passed the examination that the doctors prescribed, i take tests every year at the day hospital, well, they dig in, and what do you think? you do it there, they dig, there were ent specialists, yes, they checked the ears, they checked the ears, yes, everything within the age range. you see, why do you need a day hospital and put something in there? well doctors instinctively understand that there is nothing special, well, blood pressure, well, everyone has blood pressure , take medications, but they write there about vestibulopathy, well, that’s a word, although it
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is similar to the vestibular apparatus, treatment, we just found out, treatment for noise no, maybe the time will come there. it’s easier, maybe, maybe not, but even then this is probably more of a parade effect, this is dizziness, it’s necessary to go to a lawyer, and so he invited the person to the day hospital, admitted him, gave him an iv, you know how my loved one friend went to my after the reanimation, he comes back, laughs, i say that, and misha says, he says, he suggested me , he says, will you have coffee, i say, no, but tea, no, maybe they can put you on an iv? i say, why? well, just in terms of hospitality. this is all a real story , because everyone loves, you know , we blame everything on the doctors, that for 12 minutes he doesn’t have
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time to figure it out, but he really doesn’t have time to figure it out for 12 minutes, but you know, that’s what’s interesting about outpatient medicine, that you have to know a lot and think very quickly. think quickly, you know, in the department is good, the head can ask you, and a computed tomograph, and one, another, a third, the patient is lying there, not going anywhere, here you have what 12 or 15 minutes, when i arrived for residency in america, i just ended up on this one the primary practice of primary care, and that’s where it’s all about these symptoms right away, you don’t have to solve the patient’s problem, you know, like triage, you just have to understand what to do, where to refer him, when to come. what standard initial tests to take, so that you can decide later, it’s like working out scheme, movement algorithm, there are also 12 minutes per person, only there is a slightly different algorithm, there are several rooms, i say, you go for analysis, i’m going to another room, so yeah, you’re for a cardiogram, so show me
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what you’re taking, then i come back, yes, that is, i have 15 for each, together 45 minutes, but i completely, excuse the expression, covered three patients, so you understand, how to use ivs? better showed the exercise on how to escape, because these are the principles of vertigo, when you said they would be, they can be repeated, they are repeated in 70% of cases, and you should know what to do, it often turns out that we go to the doctor, take a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, therefore, we are already doing sorfart, with advanced oncology, we need to put things in order. next, how can using a phone lead to the development of cancer, and what should be added to the diet to compensate for
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iodine deficiency? questions from the doctor. alexander myasnikov asks, you answer, what then you poke? habit. great , don’t force it, on saturday, since our women love to sleep, let’s not waste time, bitches, you won’t get bored on vacation with such colleagues, then polina and i are happy to host you here in our home, a romantic date, i love you i beg you, don’t move, we ’ll fall, i’m afraid of heights, i’ll run back and forth to the embankment, okay, i have a meeting there, but more details. and what will we do? are we leaving? how are we leaving? take it and carry it? sea, sun, sklifosovsky. on saturday on rtr. there is
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places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer! the squad is ready! explore, nature, mom , dear, just incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes run wild, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing , this world is worth seeing, snake charmers, this is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner , everything is a secret...
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all these games are dirty in the swamps, but he is not, you believe in mysticism, he is here, you think, he will appear, he will appear, he is looking for me, the white tiger, a film by karen shakhnazarov, on friday, on
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rtr, how many animals are there in your family? 16, and why stop, he offered a goat first, a goose, there were ducks, ducklings, turkeys, he’s not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog , leva, well, i beg you, leva, well, be you a man. among friends, a program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. heading questions from the doctor. if you have watched our programs, you will easily cope with the questions that we will offer you. who's ready to come out here, raise your hands. come here. what is your name? hello, my name is yaroslava, yaroslava, an uncommon name, what does
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yaroslava do? yaroslava is now a film and television student from st. petersburg. it's clear. were you born in st. petersburg? no, she moved. but i was born there. then he also moved. well, spin it. so. well, our questions are simple. wonderful. drugs for sharp reduction. no, it’s abbreviated as yaro, yasya, and yasya, yasya,
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no, in fact this is a mistake, a sharp decrease in pressure can lead to a drop in perfusion pressure in important organs of life, kidneys, brain, heart, causing the so-called shock kidney, heart attack, stroke, sudden death, so these tablets under the tongue are only possible in conditions hospital under the supervision of a doctor. who knows that if the pressure collapses, he will put in an iv, this will restore everything. okay, next about seaweed, is seaweed a leader in the content of what, we don’t have iodine, right, so it is the leader, write, well done, well done, well, because to say that no, this is probably stupid, but there is no such person who does not know that it is seaweed, great, right? using mobile phones before bed , why did i look, he probably uses them,
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probably lies there and pokes and pokes, yes , and this increases the risk of developing cancer, and what then do you poke, a habit, a habit, well, yes, because it reduces the production of melatonin, i ’ve already told you more than once that the retina has receptors for blue light, and when it’s irritating, melatonin production drops, low levels of melatonin, a risk factor for some types of oncology, well, what do we have, one, one task, well, yes, let’s do it, two keys, thank you. and one task , take out the keys, suddenly you get lucky , oh, it doesn’t work, there’s another key, oh, well done, well done, so let’s take it, oh, since my
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grandmother is 87 years old, she loves you very much, i want to give her yours a book with yours. yes, good job , get up, how? so, what are you doing? but i don’t, that’s it. it's my first time, i don't know. it's clear. so, well, this book is great for her. let's sign, what's grandma's name? lyudmila filippovna. thank you very much. yes, but that's part of it. you'll pick up the book a little later. let's go, let's see how... you, to better remember about the acute decrease in blood pressure, get out of here, what's here, that's written in your destiny, uh-huh, that's intense running in place for 30 seconds, run, run, run for a book, while she is running, i want to say that
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if you want to reconsider us, this platform, look, life... website and we move on. and you run to your place. we know that we are all invited to clinical examination. come, because it is better to prevent a problem than to treat it later. i'm trying to find it in the recommendations. screening for aortic aneurysm , not a single person told me that someone invited him, you are a man, 65 plus, smoke, we need to do an ultrasound for you to measure the diameter of the aorta, come, it’s free, medical examination is scheduled, that’s if anyone -
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the country who was told this, directly invited, write to me with the address, even to this doctor... i’ll say thank you, but meanwhile this is the standard, and meanwhile from a ruptured aneurysm, of the aorta, quite a large number of people die, moreover, and aortic neurisms are found in 13% of men, 10-13 in 6% of women, but this is a lot of 6%, and 13% is a lot, and 10% is a lot, 10% every tenth, and you know, what else is the absence connected with, that people somehow medicine, doctors... they don’t really know exactly what they are talking about, look, here’s this poster taken from medical sites, let’s talk about diabetes, let’s talk about atherosclerosis , almost everything is a mistake, and neurism, as i said, is many times more common in men than in women, well, the difference is twofold, but
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in women it ruptures more often, and let’s give the parameters of the aneurysm, an aneurysm here... here we ’ll see, we have renal arteries coming off, and a neurosis, when between the renal arteries there is an expansion of one and a half times is normal, although this depends on age and gender, the diameter of the aorta in this place is 3 cm, which means that there is an increase of 50%, approximately 4 cm, this is already.
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months, you noticed, i said 65-75 years to people who have ever smoked, the strictest, most serious factor associated with a neurosm of the abdominal aorta is smoking, the connection between the disease and smoking in this case of this disease should be luckily more closely only lung cancer, here in the first place are smokers - this is lung cancer, in the second is an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, so the man is a smoker or he smoked... in the past automatically means measurement, then observation, because we have to look, is it growing, is it not growing, we look for 3 years, every 6 months, because if it is growing... slowly or not growing, and if it is growing with this one speed, then this is already an indication of cooperation, because the risks of a gap are quite large.
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so, what is a risk factor for an aneurysm, as it is correctly written there, heredity, we show that if a non-twin brother had work , the brothers were studied, there are aneurysms of the abdominal aorta. then the second brother will have it with a probability of 40%. heredity, well, as i already said, gender of a man, more women , age, this is something that we cannot change, this is what god gave, well, yes, that’s how many years a man with such and such heredity, then there are modified risk factors, as i called smoking, the strictest association. then it’s strange, let’s say hypertension , it would seem, yes, well, it’s clear, if the system is larger, so we pump up the wheel, so it sticks out, if
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it’s in a very weak place, in fact the connection is not statistically confirmed, in hypertensive patients the aorta is not more common , than in normatonic people, higher cholesterol, yes, but you must understand that... it protects, well, roughly speaking, diabetics have a abdominal aneurysm, and...
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it’s also important what you eat and how you move, but you can’t lift weights, you can’t run marathon distances, you can’t walk high in the mountains, but swimming, jogging, walking, and athletics exercises help prevent aneurysm rupture, while heavy exercises and lifting and so on, reinforce, it is important what you eat, we can share. foods that cause inflammation and those that relieve inflammation, those that reduce inflammation are vegetables, fruits, whole grains, this is low-fat cheese, this
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tea, coffee, it all prevents inflammation, it's a moderate amount, moderate red wine, oh joy. beer , too, in moderation, chocolate, dark chocolate, chocolate, nuts, well, roughly, but what increases inflammation is red meat, cooked meat, all sorts of sausages and so on, these are chips, any soft drinks, sweet, from here it is clear, how to eat, by the way, risk factors include doctors, who knows, i asked my own, no one knew, antibiotics, antibiotics in the toroquinolone series, this is ciproflaxocin and so on, so
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when you prescribe second quinolones from right to left, for men under 70 years old , for a smoker, you should ask, you first look to see if he has aneurysms and an aorta, this is very easy to do, just put it on a banal ultrasound, not to mention the fact that in 30% you have it you can feel increased pulsation, every third one can be diagnosed with a careful examination, provided that someone examines you at all. next, what to do if you are diagnosed with an aneurysm? what size? the size is now 47 mm, yes, the ascending section, enter mm, a prosthesis that works like this from the inside, birthday, and what a cool olenikov, and gave such a surprise, i loved you, it hits, it means that... what, calmly, creaking, let's go, he, when he fell, he hit himself,
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it’s all very strange, the main thing is that he survives. he could become a zoologist or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups. taster. i always like to eat a lot. or a lifeguard. but he is a doctor that
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everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, doctor myasnikov every saturday on rtr.
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they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade, only on the platform we watch, hello, dears!
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the second tank flew off vkropsky, the hero of russia will be on the tour, we will always go to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, yana is a rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by facts, watch twice a day, don't miss, there is no family in russia one where its hero would not be remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers, with photographs of faded ones , look, this look, like the highest court, for the children who are now growing up and boys. you can
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neither lie, nor deceive, nor turn aside from the path, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovoy, the legendary, beloved, film officers, on sunday on rtr, a program about the most important thing, continues, we are talking about aneurysms. but now we have a patient. svetlana popova, 59 years old, moscow. the woman was always active, danced, traveled, raised her grandchildren i always looked after my health. but 2 years ago, after a planned medical examination, her life changed in an instant. at the heart connection they told me that, you know, you have a problem, you have
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an aneurysm, that’s why. moment we stop all physical activity, walk quietly, do not lift weights, do not lead an active lifestyle, because any active action can cause a rupture, and neuritis. since then , svetlana has lived in fear, every day like the last, because an aneurysm can rupture at any moment, and this is instant death. doctors they said that you can have an operation, but you need to wait until the aneurysm grows, how can this be, is this really the only way out, just wait? svetlana addressed us with this question. i came to dr. myasnikov to find out if i could have an operation somewhere now, or...
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the size is now 47 mm, ascending, descending, well, we are now talking about, we can look at abdominal avorta. well, you have a little in another place, you have here, here you have what 4.7, well, critically, as i already said, 5, 5, 5, here a little, she in different sections, well, it expands, then narrows, so the norms, diameters are different, but everything is the same, 50% larger than the norm, this is already a neurosm, which means...
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by chance, i was sent with hypertension just to do an ultrasound of the heart and there and they discovered it for the first time 2 years ago 2 years ago she was
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45 now for more than 2 years now 47 height is when in six months half a centimeter is 45 47 well be on i say again i don’t see any urgency. you have time, watch, see what you decide with the doctors, do it, i just went to several centers, here’s one for me they suggested doing the operation right away, in others they tell me, while you are in a borderline state, we are waiting, i agree, i agree with these people, well, i hope you heard some interesting things, everything will be fine with us. ask questions, because now the column: ask the doctor. raise your hands. good morning, alexander leonidovich. alexander, i would like to hear an authoritative opinion on
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this issue, now they are often sold, which means there are various grains in stores, and it is suggested to cook them in salophane packaging. i would like to know, this is your opinion, how acceptable this is for health, especially. that it is clear that this is convenient and acceptable for business, and if we talk about the most important thing, about health, how acceptable is this in general, well, it’s actually not such a stupid question, because firstly, in these bags, well, you understand how, if you will eat several times in bags of one thing, but we understand that today micro i am worried about nearby micro plastic particles today this is a serious problem, to micro plastic particles are tea bags and bags. for cereals, these are tires that wear out on the asphalt, these are masks, and we are already finding microparticles of plastic in the blood of people, in kvari, even penguins, you know, that is , this is a global environmental problem,
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it is believed that this can provoke oncology, and so on , but this is again a global problem, it’s not like this, and then why, there’s still cereal there, it’s still faster-cooking cereal. the porridge should be cooked for at least 40 minutes, but if the porridge cooks in 10 minutes, it means it’s not porridge, which means there’s no fiber, it’s pure starches, no benefit, that's all, you want porridge. that is, it’s not just a headache, the pressure has increased or something else, the quality
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of life, of course, this changes very much, every year they happen more and more often, if before it could be once every four years, i want to know who i can contact to solve this problem, or maybe there are some methods, because i also do tomography, look, the simple question is that you have diagnosed yourself with migraines. and this is fundamentally important, that you have a tension headache or a migraine, because if it is a tension headache , these are some approaches, but if it is really a migraine, then today there are, in addition to standard treatments with triptans and so on, there are quite active means, this is a neurologist, he must first diagnose diagnosis, the neurologist says, you have problems with blood vessels, everything is according to age, so tell him the phrase that dr. myasnyakov always gives the well-known... a good doctor will never attribute the patient’s problems to his
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age or the weather, speak to someone else a neurologist, there are some, they are called cephalologists or something like headache specialists, if you lose a few days of your life, yes, yes, this is already abnormal, then you need it, you need to give it, or it’s a severe headache tension, you need to put it in the main line, or establish a diagnosis of migraine, then it can even end in a stroke, it needs to be treated there , right up to... botox is coming and monoconal antikels, now now there is something to treat, but for this you need to first make a diagnosis, what if you want grandma 60 years old, how much 60, what, what, where are my 60 years, age, good morning, alexander leonidovich, my name is natalya, i’m 62 years old, i have a history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and from the beginning of this year my health began to fall sharply. in february i was 22, now i’m 18
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, i had a dencytometry test, they do osteopathy there, but they prescribed me vitamins, i take them, yes, well, they said to start with 10 thousand international units, maybe this is not enough, maybe i need to add or change something, tell me please, do you still understand what’s going on here? we think that how long is the last one you have there? 16 16 well yes, that's it anything less than twenty is considered a deficiency, less than 12 is already pronounced hypovidaminosis, the shock dose is 10,000, no, why is this a shock dose, usually we take 800-dash one thousand of these units, i always forget everything, because they are there in micrograms, is in international units, at our age it is 800 to a thousand, so you were given a loading dose, right? there is such a thing, you give it to you, and it’s like
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making bread from an ampal, no, no, i ’m digging in a bottle, no, i’m just with water, uh, i encountered it, well, france, europe, but they do it like we once did they gave us in kindergarten, that is , quite seriously, the prescription, i read, i brought a glass ampoule, it says, take a piece of bread, you, i say, oh, i say, how did you do this in the soviet union, this is advanced medicine, well, in general, here you go. .. huge, it was a section “ask the doctor, ours is already slipping, uh-huh, thank you, i hope i answered all your questions, so i wish everyone good health, what’s next in the program”? blood pressure, drugs to treat orv or
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the virus itself, how to properly treat colds hypertension? a real drama played out in the family of actor boris tenin . svetlana agureeva, who in her youth decided to give birth to a daughter from him, now after the actor’s death decided that her daughter has the right to inheritance, but the decision to enter into a battle for property opened the floodgates. not only the widow and mistress of boris tenin, but also the only called son timofey decided to tell their truth. is your daughter normal?
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he is looking for me, white tiger, film by karen shakhnazarov, on friday on rtr, happy birthday to vastorok, valentin telechkin, frankly about the secret, in kindergarten. i sang the song, and i’m small , neat, and, of course, there was applause, i liked it so much, i was ready to sing all the time, and moscow, how it received you, you didn’t regret it, they sent articles about me, that i was having an affair i was with korolkov,
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with pankratov the black saradik nakhopetov, not a single novel, or rather one, which is for a long 50 years... “here he is, my golden one, the kingdom of heaven, this is my huge loss, i won’t leave yet, i’m still with him i talk all the time, it’s difficult, so i’m giving you an interview, the first in 10 years, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, come on, save your strength, everything will be fine, this..." ulitina kira vladimirovna, tell me, what about this cool guy of yours, what is he even like, and sergei nikolaevich , oh, he’s a star, i feel so bad without you, and we’re going to get married, and
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damn, i forgot, you have a pregnant wife, what are we going to do with her, well, that’s it. bengot, rest assured, i’ll do this i won’t leave you so easily, you both will regret it, but do you even know that in the hospital they call you a snail, doctor snail, on saturday at rta, good morning, hello, people suffering from arterial hypertension know that any factors can cause an increase in blood pressure. increased blood pressure is affected by stress, overload, atmospheric pressure, sun flares, and, of course, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. how respiratory viral infections and influenza affect blood pressure numbers,
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whether hypertensive patients need to be selective in the choice of medications, we will talk about this today. but first, let's find out. good morning, the program is about the most important thing, my name is golovanova, galina nikolaevna, i am 59 years old, i have been suffering from hypertension for many years, the numbers rise to 180 upper and i have encountered such a problem, i often began to catch colds, for the last year i have been taking hot drinks based on paracetamol, apparently there is something... it also includes added, in general, from some thresholds my blood pressure rises, others do not help at all, and from third drugs my sugar began to rise to 67, which for me is well, it’s simply unacceptable, because it creates
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a lot of problems, i would like to ask for advice, maybe there is something to pay attention to when buying such drugs, in our studio, please come to us, good morning, good morning, galina, how often do you you are sick, you start catching colds very often, and this is a big problem, because well , i don’t want to take sick leave, so i’m trying to force it somehow, so what do you usually treat besides hot drinks, i try nothing, because after all, you know, well, age, extra medications, how long ago did you start noticing this? after this, after some time?
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patient, general practitioner, nutritionist, leading specialist of the department of clinical gerontology and dietetics of an autonomous non-profit organization, gerontology research medical center. elvira vitalievna, good morning, good morning. i still suggest starting from the beginning, how viral infections, and the flu is also a viral infection, affect our blood vessels and, accordingly, blood pressure. due to rising temperature. the load on the sinus node of the heart increases , that is, our blood vessels, our sinus node,
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heart rhythm are normal, they work harmoniously, even in people who suffer from arterial hypertension, but take all the medications prescribed to them on time, everything is fine, a virus appears , the temperature rises, and this in itself affects our vascular bed, the vessels spasm in response. so, with an increase in temperature for every 0.5°, the myocardium produces an additional 10 beats per minute more, this is exactly the mechanism when vascular spasm on stage of increasing body temperature, precisely ensures an increase in blood pressure during a cold, that is, a viral infection itself increases the pressure in our body, a greater influence, of course, is exerted... by body temperature, that is, if the normal heartbeat is from 70 to 80 , then 37.3 is already
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more than 80, 38 is already more than 100, this is such a characteristic sign for an increase in temperature. galina, do you generally get a fever when you are sick? yes, it’s rising, my heartbeat is actually speeding up. with arvi, as with under stress, the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system is activated, this is the system that is responsible for fight and survival, and under the influence of adrenaline, our heart beats more often, stronger and blood vessels narrow. among other things, in response to the activation of the sympathetic nervous system, there are several more characteristic signs: dilation of the pupil, dilation of the bronchi, depression of digestion, increased secretion of adrenaline and a host of other signs, returning to the disease. increase temperature, and what happens when we take a hot drink? first of all, what the hand reaches for is to lower the temperature
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, it quickly helps, gives relief, the person becomes cheerful, can even go to work if the temperature is not too high, but any remedy has a downside, this hot drink most often contains a vasoconstrictor , finil and frin. many people notice that after taking such medications it becomes easier to breathe. because swelling in the mucous membrane goes away, the vasoconstrictor affects systemically not only the blood vessels nose, and on all our vessels, our vessels are already spasmodic due to the temperature of the sympathetic nervous system, and we add even more spasm to them and, accordingly, our blood pressure has increased. what else is included? many remedies for influenza and arvi actually contain caffeine, it promotes the release of the hormone adrenaline, under the influence of this substance the heart rate increases
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, blood pressure rises, and of course sugar, but this is perhaps the most unpleasant and most harmful thing, why the level increases blood sugar, and in any case, symptoms arise, first of all, this is dry mouth and thirst, and because these drinks usually contain a large amount of sugar, drinking them is pleasant, tasty, but... the less the risk of complications, the less the risk protracted process and, accordingly, less load on the cardiovascular system.
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remedies for influenza and arvi must contain. antipyretic components, and as a rule, this is paracetamol, and here it is very important to pay attention to the dosage, it should be at least 500 mg of paracetamol for for an adult, if the dosage is lower than these values, it will simply be ineffective, and the temperature will not decrease, this remedy can be taken again only after 4-6 hours, it is also important to note that such medications can be taken no more than four times a day... , and for people with kidney disease no more than three times a day. if after 3 days of treatment there is no effect, then you should immediately seek help from a specialist. and the second important component of such remedies is an antihistamine against swelling, with nasal congestion, runny nose and so on. indeed, during acute respiratory viral infections, a so-called
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autoimmune process always occurs, that is, this swelling of the nasal mucosa and throat mucosa. it is not always caused simply by the penetration of a virus, but quite often it is caused by the reaction of the immune system’s own cells, its own mucous membrane, this is the antihistamine component, it relieves this excessive swelling, nasal congestion, and upper respiratory tract. it is very important that such drinks include, of course, lemon and ginger. lemon and ginger are natural remedies that stimulate the immune system. system and contain high doses of vitamin c. they have an additional therapeutic effect. lemon and ginger are natural immune boosters. it is better to always keep such hot drinks for flu and arvi in your home first aid kit. yes, i need to stock up on this product in advance, i’ll go looking for it today. not long ago , a new russian development appeared in pharmacies: a medicine in the form of
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a hot drink based on paracetamol for... for the treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza, and this hot drink, this remedy can be taken even with high blood pressure and diabetes, it does not contain vasoconstrictor components and does not contain sugar. pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturer and the price; as a rule, domestically developed ones are more profitable in price. thank you, now i will approach treatment correctly. galina thank you. thank you very much for coming to us, i hope that you will be treated correctly without harm to your sugar pressure. and thank you very much, thank you. velira vitalievna, thank you for were with us today, both people suffering from arterial hypertension and people suffering from diabetes suffer from viral infections. and here the choice of antipyretic agent is very important. we wish you
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a good day and a great mood. be healthy. there was a program with you. and most importantly , hello, this is alexander efremov’s news from the studio, briefly about the main topics of our issue. the artillerymen begin, the tankers continue, the assault groups complete, how the crews of the acacia gun mounts work and the crews of the modern t-90m breakthrough on krasnolimansk direction. ground routes and tunnels leading into the raf have been cut. israel promises to soon end intense fighting in the south of the gaza strip; in the north, the main hamas units have been suppressed. the roads
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turned into skating rinks in kemerovo. region , strong snowstorms in the krasnoyarsk territory, on sakhalin, a cyclone stopped traffic on the highways for the first time the main airport of the region opened. heavy equipment paves the way for light aircraft. in komsomolsk on the amur , a plant is being rapidly built to produce promising baikals. detect the disease in the initial stage will be helped by the latest equipment in the children's regional hospital of irkutsk , an x-ray diagnostic complex began operating and... the kiev regime lost about 600 militants per day in the donetsk and yuzhnodonetsk directions of the special operation. the russian army repulsed all attacks of the ukrainian armed forces. in the krasnolimansky direction in the serebryansky forestry, assault groups
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of the central military district operate with powerful fire. support for tankers, the weakest areas in the enemy’s defense, as well as the exact location of strong points the armed forces of ukraine are identifying deep reconnaissance units. report from the line of combat contact. news from alexey baranov soon. one of the last pontoon crossings on the way to the line of military contact, to the section that runs through the kremen forest. the closer to the front line, the busier the traffic. military trucks delivering ammunition for artillery and tanks, vehicles transporting howitzers to new firing lines. infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, which both deliver assault groups to the front line and provide their cover during the battle. and, of course, more and more often here, in serebryansky forestry, we meet
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the most modern russian t-90 breakthrough tanks. the trenches on the line of contact must be full height, and of course, they are made broken to minimize the scattering of fragments in the event of a fire. possible hit by mines fired by the ukrainian military. the front line in the serebryansky forestry, the positions of the units of the central military district, from here to the enemy is about 400 m. the assault groups begin to work after a massive artillery barrage, meter by meter, moving already inside the enemy stronghold, under the cover of those units that have already managed to gain a foothold in the trenches, those that... the enemy recently occupied, but farthest behind the line of combat contact here in the krasnoylimansky direction, of course, there is already reconnaissance of the central military district, operating in extreme conditions,
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but despite this, the reconnaissance battalion commander with the call sign owl tells us, the task of protecting people remains the most important, in reconnaissance units every soldier is a separate combat unit, he must think well always so that i can replace it. even when performing any task, there is a selection , most of them with combat experience, from various units where they previously served, the ministry of defense, of course, in the neighboring sector of the utora ledge, assault groups are just getting ready to start work, but for now , at enemy strongholds, completing massive artillery barrage, hit by tankers of the central military district. for camouflage, after they set off to replenish spent ammunition, they must set up a smoke detector. veil, during the fighting each crew has already developed its own actions, what is called a preference, a tanker with the call sign kovsh, for example, tells us that
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he prefers risky actions in the direct line of sight of the enemy to work from closed firing positions, goiter is safer, there you don’t wait much for answers when you receive direct fire you leave, you can tell they are already waiting for you, they quickly worked out the tackle, of course with an adjustment. i prefer direct fire to the enemy, he is an enemy, no matter what nationality, even leaving the front line to replenish ammunition, the crew does not move the barrel away from the front line, and the tank carousel method, when several groups of vehicles replacing each other at once can deliver continuous attacks on the enemy for many hours, has already become traditional.
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first, i tried to shoot down the drone with machine gun fire, when the aircraft with ammunition was already dived straight at him, deftly left the line of attack. the hero of the video remained safe and sound. the israel defense forces have completed active offensive operations in the north of the gaza strip. soldiers suppress remnants of hamas resistance in area. this was stated by the head of the israeli ministry of defense. in the south of the gas, the intensive phase will also end soon, he said. however , he did not specify when exactly this would happen. according to him , thanks to the actions of the idf, hamas militants have partially lost their combat capability. he also said the military had cut off land routes and tunnels leading to the city of rafah. the head
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of the ministry of defense noted that at the end of the war there will be no military threat from gaza. hamas will not be able to control the sector and function as a military force. army israel will have complete freedom of action. it may take a lot of time, but in one scenario it will end in complete victory, he emphasized. the capital region is faced with a temperature drop of almost 20°, but there is no warming up to the urals and siberia. arrived in the kemerovo region, difficult road conditions caused numerous accidents, icy conditions turned sidewalks into makeshift skating rinks, and in some places, rare winter thunderstorms were caught on camera lenses. from krasnoyarsk to bratsk there is a snowstorm on the highways and there are massive accidents. at one of the sites near krasnoyarsk, 12 cars collided at once.
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and in the irkutsk region, the wind tests the strength of lake baikal lovers. in some places, going out on the ice is already prohibited. it is unusually snowy in the south of the country, in crimea, in the krasnodar territory and in the rostov region. but the bad weather hit sakhalin the hardest. report by elena zhenchenko. the main new year's tree in the village of troitskaya was knocked down by the wind in a matter of seconds. fortunately, the structure was nearby when it fell. there were people , wind gusts reached a destructive force of 25 m/s, it was unsafe to be on the street, south sakhalin residents move in short dashes , structural elements on the facades do not support, due to poor visibility , movement on intercity highways is limited , they are not allowed, no, registration is required, we are not registered there, but we live there, as if there is an address, not everyone listens to the recommendations , trying to slip past the crews. due to
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zero visibility, as well as strong gusty winds, two passenger buses ended up in a ditch on the dolinskaya highway, no one was injured, and the cars were sent along the highway to be escorted by the ministry of emergency situations. was a convoy of cars was organized along the south sakhalinsk-dolinsk highway and back. the approximate number of cars is 50. heating points have been set up in several villages at once; anyone who is caught in bad weather can come here. it will be possible to have lunch and, accordingly, if the bad weather drags on into the night, then accordingly we will spend the night. the cyclone added work and power outages partially occurred to residents of aniva and yuzhsalinsk. bad weather made adjustments to the work of the main air harbor of the island. flights from khabarovsk and vladivostok. reiska from novosibirsk went to the reserve in the city of khabarovsk. the forces of municipal services in yuzhno-sakhalinsk have been deployed to clear courtyards, literally the entrances have to be cleared. dig up.
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elena zhinchenko, alexey kedchik. news sakhalin kuriles. in russian regions , banners began to be placed in support of presidential candidate vladimir putin. elections for the head of state will be held in march. propaganda posters have already appeared on the streets of moscow, st. petersburg, and yekaterinburg. the current head of state runs for election as a self-nominated candidate. by according to the law, candidates must collect at least 300,000 voter signatures to register. the latest data has already been collected. six times more, more than 1,800,000. all 89 regions of russia delivered the first batches of signature sheets to the election headquarters in moscow. in the run-up to the presidential election , candidates are working in the regions to support their agenda. nikolai kharitonov from the communist party of the russian federation is now in the khabarovsk territory, working on agricultural issues. he visited a farm where 15 types of dairy products are produced. report by elizaveta yurova. cast
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cows, white swiss and sementals in stalls under the rays of the sun, the most productive cows on one of the largest farms in the khabarovsk territory with a working trip nikolai kharitonov, russian presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation. the cows are large, well, the cattle are very good, the long-eared calves gain strength for a few days on pillows of soft sawdust, twins and even triples of black heads are often accustomed to high performance, the gene pool from the best bulls is rich. brown swedish.
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kharitonov discusses the development program agricultural industry of the far east. we would like, and i think that the government will support it, the ministry will also support it, and we are already planning for february, we are planning a committee meeting in february with an invitation to the head of the regional-eastern federal district to express their opinions and considerations on the creation of a special program for the development of the agro-industrial complex. at the end of the product tasting, a fresh wheel of cheese. elizaveta yurova, egor koncharov, news! khabarovsk. in the regions of the country, united russia began to open headquarters of public support. they have already appeared in amur, chelyabinsk, bryansk, and kursk. these are platforms for open dialogue between the authorities and residents, a very flexible tool for prompt and large-scale assistance to people; according to her, this tool can almost instantly
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be adapted to any task. it seems to me that today it is important to gather active people who care about the future of their region in such open areas. similar to discuss any topics, here there will be courses, competitions, here there will be seething, here there will be the very boiling point of our a subject that will help you and i not only believe in the future, but create this future with our own hands. according to deputy secretary of the general council of the party anna
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kuznetsova, now, when consolidation is important, active residents of the penza region are given the opportunity to join forces. kuznetsova clarified that they can meet at the newly opened headquarters.
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fell, he hit himself, all this is very strange, the main thing is that he survives and recovers, and if he doesn’t recover, skleposovsky, today on rtr, and soon we will watch new episodes, urgent meeting with the best team.
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you look 100 to one, what is our task , open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the swelling, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who at
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work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor. i cut oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 k alone, every saturday and sunday on rtr. we watch movies and tv series, watch opera, watch ballet, watch theater. we watch concerts and festivals, we watch competitions and
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master classes, we watch films about history and art, we watch educational lectures, we watch programs about science, we watch interviews and talk shows, we watch news, we watch documentaries, russia culture on the platform we watch. there is no family in russia where its hero is not remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers look withered from photographs, this look is like the highest court, for the children who are growing up now, and boys are not allowed to. not to lie, not to deceive, not to turn aside from the path, on
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the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of vasily lunovoy, legendary, beloved, film officers, on sunday on rtr. we gathered about ten people into the first group , there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us , yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet to is still in me, this is, let's say , my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this chicken, says: baby, feed the dogs, extend your hand.
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we're on the air, we're continuing the show. in komsomolsk, on the sea, they began construction of a production complex where baikals will be produced. work to create a light multi-purpose aircraft is being carried out on behalf of the president of russia. what is the current need for machines of this class when the first aircraft spread their wings? the frozen ground gives in reluctantly, but this swarm
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of special equipment knows its business so that the indigenous far eastern resident baikal can spread its wings in the khabarovsk sky as soon as possible. on heavy equipment is already operating on the site, you and i have a unique opportunity to see at the very beginning how the new russian light-engine aviation is being born. the central hall plans to build here by the end of this year, and already next year. begin production of new aircraft to baikal. the goal is to complete construction six months ahead of schedule. since january 2 , no holidays. cavalcade of dump trucks. so, around the clock. work goes on around the clock , 24 hours, day and night. due to the fact that the ministry of industry asked us to increase the pace construction, so we provided them with a schedule for completion of work in december of twenty- four. a new complex is under construction. near existing aviation enterprises, this is the yuri gagarin plant and the yakovlev production center, there is
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all the airfield infrastructure, but the builders watch the air show every day right from the site. it must be said that today we are fabulously lucky with a thermometer of only -23, but still, despite the harsh far eastern climate, truly greenhouses have been created to create new production conditions. we are talking about the benefits of the territory. all this is and will be provided , including to our resident, and one of the important benefits, yes, the building itself , which will be built at the expense of the ministry of eastern development, will be transferred to our resident at a preferential rental rate for a long-term period. work to create...light multi-purpose aircraft is being carried out on behalf of russian president vladimir putin. the new
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vehicle, named baikal, will be able to carry out cargo and passenger transportation, rescue flights and even agricultural work. the first seven that will arrive in the khabarovsk territory will serve in air ambulance and forest protection, where this function is now performed by the an-2. each time must have its own aircraft, of course, this aircraft has new avionics, it has different economic parameters, it has different safety parameters, well, in particular, let’s say , it’s hard to imagine that our an-2 could descend by parachute, baikal could descend by parachute, this is a unique aircraft in the sense that it is a lykomotor aircraft. because since an2 the russian federation does not produce modern powered aircraft, and the need for them among the far eastern regions is high, 105 light multi-purpose aircraft by 2030, the issue of reducing the time frame is being coordinated by the regional government, the new plant will be able to produce at least twenty aircraft per year, it is planned that the first winged aircraft
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will fly to the far eastern regions starting next year. lyudmila smirnova, alexander gorelov, maxim nazarov, vesti. khabarovsk. admitted to the irkutsk regional children's hospital new x-ray diagnostic complex and computed tomograph. the total cost of this most modern equipment is 83 million rubles. its purchase was made possible thanks to the national health care project. alexey baklanov found out what range of studies the complex allows to perform. this x-ray diagnostic complex is controlled remotely from the control room, has... it is customized individually for each patient, and most importantly, it gives significantly less radiation exposure to the child’s body than devices of previous generations. due to the fact that here there is an amplification of x-ray radiation in the image processing itself,
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much less radiation is required here in order to, well, roughly speaking. educate the patient and identify his pathology. the cost of the complex is 23 million rubles. but this msct device for 128 slices, another recent acquisition of the medical clinic, already costs 60 million. it also allows obtaining high- resolution images, helping radiology diagnosticians quickly decipher the results. the multislice computed tomograph is equipped with a complete software package for evaluation all organs and... systems, including pathologies of the cardiovascular system and oncological diseases. according to doctors, this technique makes it possible to diagnose, and therefore treat , dangerous illnesses in children at the earliest stages of development. pediatric oncology and oncohematology have always been an acute health problem. year, 80 children initially diagnosed with malignant neoplasms, this is
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a figure, it is wavy, but year after year, if you carry out large statistics, it... throughout russia, in principle, throughout the world, it the x-ray diagnostic complex and the msct apparatus are approximately the same. the children's regional hospital received thanks to the federal program for the fight against cancer; in general, under the national health care project, medical institutions in the irkutsk region received 175 units of high-tech medical equipment in 2023. alexey baklanov, viktor tagmitov, lead irkutsk. festival of angels and archangels, three dozen sculptors carve a transparent heavenly army from ice, report by elena lebedeva. at st. michael's cathedral already the figures of angels and archangels are clearly visible, ice blocks are transformed by sculptors into a work of art. if we just make some kind of plane, then it seems simple, it seems too nometal, too
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flat, when we break it up with lines like this, especially the smaller the better. this is where it gets really interesting. every winter valentin semyonov changes his qualifications as a designer to an ice sculptor and each time he gives free rein to his imagination. this year , a master from izhevsk decided to create a flying angel, so that a miracle would happen, they use building tools. this is a catfish for harvesting the main mass, that is, throwing off some large volumes. the catfish is smaller, it is already larger for this final type of ice processing, it creates an interesting texture. almost 30 sculptors, sawing, cutting and sanding, carving. brittle ice are real masterpieces. the festival has long been interregional. the popov couple from kungur. participants of many russian competitions in izhevsk for the first time. they built an ice town on the central square, and now they are creating an angel with an eight-pointed star. a very beautiful place, very beautiful atmosphere, these angels, yes, flogging, flying, icy, they are just like
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crystal. the festival of angels and archangels has been gathering masters in izhevsk for the thirteenth winter. came this year. perm region and sunny sochi. in addition to st. michael's cathedral, the sculpture of the urodnik on korlutka, on podborinka, it was bought on izhevsky pond. that's where they brought it from. ice blocks, this year the material is durable, 35 cm thick for sculpture, the thicker the ice, the better, so the larger the piece, without any joints, the bottom is clean and there is no silt, no gas formation occurs, so the ice is good enough, we’ll see what happens at the baptism, how long the figures will last depends on the weather, however, this year only the summer heat can melt such a mass. elena lebedeva, yuri afanasyev, news from udmurtia. vesti monitors developments in russia and abroad. stay with us.
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in the extreme north-west of russia, in the arctic circle, lies a real treasure trove of nature. peninsula, sometimes called russian lapland, nature on the kola amazingly diverse, including taiga, mountain ranges, tundra, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north is the kola peninsula. washed by the barintsev sea, warmed by the warm atlantic current, it does not freeze all year round. in the east and
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south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by an ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity - the legendary hyperborea - was located right here, on the kola peninsula. there is no life, we need to go to the capital, it seems like she rushed to the mine, as if to the mine, misha is in the face, we’re looking at the weekend, it’s far away, you’ve gathered, we’re in moscow, val, and you, i’m burning bridges behind me, other people’s houses, someone else’s life, but my own hasn’t worked out, i so want to look back, i can’t believe my eyes, will you return it? or what? i don’t know, i was looking for a new life, some kind of happiness and found nothing, happiness, it turns out, is waiting for me here in our village,
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but is it possible to find lost happiness? on sunday nart. hello! dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things. let's start with sensational news: germany and nato are preparing for war with russia. the german publication biel refers to some secret bundeswehr document that considers a scenario that involves the deployment of hundreds of thousands of nato soldiers on the eastern border of the alliance, and in the summer of twenty- five the inevitable outbreak of
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a russia-west war. at the same time, first moscow, according to the forecast of analysts of the german military department, will carry out a successful offensive in ukraine and will immediately begin first a covert, then an open attack on the west, including cyber attacks and other methods of hybrid warfare, the target will be primarily the baltic countries, then, according to bilt, large-scale russian-belarusian exercises will begin, russia will begin in october 2020. throw military contingents and medium -range missiles into the kaliningrad region in order to provoke hostilities in the suwalki corridor area. the belarusian army will help cut off the baltic states from the alliance. in a word, preparations for what the germans are so afraid of have apparently begun. look, today the belarusian military came to russia for an exercise. then they, as instructors, will pass on this experience to the entire
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belarusian army. and minsk, apparently, will wait for signals from moscow. what he will do, if you believe the bundeswehr leak immediately after the presidential elections in the united states, when america will be left virtually without power for several weeks, then russia will be able, with the help of belarus, to annex this territory, well , when nato decides to contain it in the spring of twenty-five, transferring about 300,000 troops to the eastern borders may begin and polnomash. moreover, the department confirmed that it takes threats from russia very seriously. the bundeswehr believes that within a few weeks
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there will be an escalation between nato and russia. in february 2024, russia will carry out a new wave of mobilization and conscript another 200,000 people into the army. in the spring, putin will launch a large-scale offensive in ukraine and defeat the ukrainian armed forces, which are faced with a lack of assistance from western states. the german ministry of defense expects that after this ethnic clashes will begin in the baltic states, against the backdrop of why the russian army will transfer troops to kaliningrad in order to attack the suwalki corridor. the german squadron at the air base in romanian constantia was given an extremely clear task: to support the ponata allies in the air on the eastern flank, to be on the alert to intimidate russia. if enemy air assets approach romanian airspace, german fighters immediately take to the air and, if necessary, go to intercept. within 15 minutes after the alarm was announced, the germans should.
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nato will deploy 300,000 troops to the eastern flank for reliable containment. at a time when the united states could be left leaderless for weeks after the elections, russia, with the help of minsk, will invade the territories of the border nato countries in the suwalki corridor. since the baltic countries joined nato in 2004. the alliance
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protects its airspace, which estonia, latvia and lithuania cannot do due to a lack of their own fighters. the mission has expanded since 2014 as a response to what is happening in crimea. eurofighter fighter, which participates in air patrols of the baltic airspace, is one of several german aircraft participating in missions on nato's eastern flank. the battle group is stationed in lithuania. in poland, the airspace is guarded by anti-aircraft missiles, just like in slovakia, where i visited. infantry has been redeployed from bath reichenhall, the navy has repeatedly provided ships to patrol the baltic sea, but germany's main focus has been on lithuania, where since 2017.
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ukrainian boys continued fearlessly die at the front. the general staff of the ukrainian armed forces showed a miracle weapon transferred by the pentagon. perhaps for the first time, the american m1 a1 abrams tanks, equipped with a standard first-generation arrad dynamic protection kit, were spotted. it is alleged that abrams is already somewhere on the first line. will the american machine add motivation to the armed forces of ukraine? perhaps before the first battle with the russian army, but... then everything will be exactly the same as with the german leopards. to understand the mood in the ukrainian armed forces, look at the commander of the first rifle battalion of the fourth tank brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, reads out the order to move to the forefront . afterwards, he gives the command
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to those who refuse to carry out the order to break down. 90% of the mobilized assets are out of action. moreover, the story is that without preparation they are thrown to the front. there are more and more untrained recruits, for example, this guy with the call sign spider says that he went to buy himself a hat during the holidays, but ended up in the armed forces of ukraine, where in just a week he allegedly became an atgm operator and is already working on the front end. the new york times writes that seasoned bandera supporters complain about poorly prepared brothers-in-arms, they say they live on the front line for an average of a week, many of them are no longer young, the average age is 40 plus. some suffer from alcoholism, well, all the western media are screaming , kiev has a harsh winter ahead, although exactly half of the winter has already passed, and the prospects on the battlefield look gloomy, and the news of the last minutes is that the russian army is 5 km from
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the chasovo yar, behind which the opening direct road to kramatorsk and slavyansk.
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i have to monitor any takeoffs and movements day and night. as for the russians, they are less than 50 km away from here, near kupinsk. all this takes place on a section of the front, for which there are intense battles and the natural conditions here are extremely difficult. this morning the temperature dropped to -10. it’s tiring, the guys can’t do it anymore, it ’s raining, then mud, then snow, add to this the losses. losses are much more important, especially against the background of the constant pressure of russian soldiers.
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fingers on hands to computer cables, these guys say that mice gnaw everything from the times of high technology starling satellites, they are waiting for an effective means to combat rodents. those cats we took them with them, ran away, the rats scared
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them, sometimes a ferret comes to us and helps with rodents, to be honest, i don’t pay attention to mice, they are quite harmless and at least somehow distract attention, because of russian drones in the sky - this a unit of ukrainian artillerymen essentially lives underground all the time when there is no need to hit targets, about a dozen men live in a dugout dug a few meters under the frozen ground, thanks to the internet they are mo... soldiers, does not exist, there is no point in sitting
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at home , say that you are sick or that you was not born for war, no one was born, you learn everything on the battlefield, and if you don’t learn, then the war will not forgive you for your mistakes, here you go, friend, we need to get you, it will hurt, legs, legs, legs , legs, but...
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to plug the gaps in the defense of the armed forces of ukraine, the kiev regime is desperately looking for cannon fodder , they are even going to send disabled people to slaughter, so in the new mobilization bill they plan to abandon deferments for disability groups and move on to issuing deferments for specific diseases, reports about this people's debate elena mashenets confirms this information and another mp. she is stupid, she said that the list of diseases with which you cannot go to the front line will be determined by the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, that is, disabled people whose diseases are not on the list will be sent to the trenches. nikolaev gouleiter kim approved the actions of the ukrainian military commissars, who are catching lads on the streets, and said that those who are hiding from mobilization should stay at home. quote: if you are a cheater, that is, a cunner, you do not have the right to live life to the fullest and get high, so says kim, who supported. the idea of ​​limiting deviants' civil rights. this is what
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the military registration and enlistment office employees' hunt for cannon fodder looks like. footage from odessa: on monday morning, military commissars begin raids on public transport. recruiters stop minibuses and look for men of military age among the passengers. local women are trying to defend them, arguing with the military commissars and preventing them from forcibly taking future stormtroopers into the army. and this is footage from ivano-frankivsk. body armor designed with women in mind the ministry of defense of ukraine has already approved special anatomy. on ukrainian television they show a story about how an atelier sews women's military uniforms. 50,000 sets are ready. the goal is several million.
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thank you, go, wait until you get it,
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we laughed a little, they said no, the call was specifically for stas, but it came to him. in the summer there was no summer uniform yet , the girls didn’t have it at all, there was nowhere to even buy it, it was impossible to find, and we started sewing, this is our workshop, we have a table here , an ironing table there, and this is my favorite machine, which makes buttonholes, here our girls sew
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the jackets themselves. last summer the girls didn’t have uniforms at all, i designed this uniform and started sewing it. light industry has never been easy; why it
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was called that is unknown. we give it to military girls absolutely free of charge. 100 relatively speaking jackets - that's 3.5 million needed, and the women in the troops are 50,000 girls, hello, i came to visit, i came to visit, undress, let's undress, now we'll try on the jacket, don't button it up right away, i'll tell you i’ll show you, look, here - the puff was delivered, damn it, cool, i told my commander,
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i also said that the republicans and trump personally will have to pay for a lot if they do not approve the allocation of more than 60 billion dollars to ukraine, although blackmail from the elderly us president has already doesn't scare anyone. trump said at a campaign rally in iowa that joe is completely incompetent. the only thing he knows how to do is threaten to persecute competitors and also cheat during voting. donald stated in plain text that because of sleepy joa the world is on the brink of world war iii. and only trump... is able to prevent it, judging by the ratings, americans share donald’s position; trump is already favoring biden by 5%. 62% of americans are ready to vote for trump. today, donald, despite the terrible frost standards of the usa -17° in a white shirt, without a tie in a black coat,
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arrived in iowa and declared that he would win not only the nomination from the party, but also the presidential elections themselves. biden's approval rating is now just 33%. this is an anti-record, and both for for biden personally, and for any other sitting president over the past 15 years, in order to at least somehow change the numbers, the statistician is a political strategist. the only thing that the administration did not teach again was joe’s progressive dementia. and, in fact, trump supporters who were waiting for biden at the bicycle store. amid the cries of a loser, biden was advised to go home to washington. then joe decided to go to a coffee shop for coffee and the first thing he said was: my name is joe biden, i.
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regular cruise missile strikes, what their goal is not very clear: the military wing of the yemeni kussites continues to attack
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tankers in the red sea, and the world is getting even closer to a new big war in the middle east. and a schmuck loser hey my name is joe biden i work for the senate are we in a de facto proxy war with iran will you continue to bomb the houthis if the attacks don't stop sir will you continue to bomb the houthis if the attacks don't stop will they stop, sir? look, we'll obviously have a chance to talk after visiting the fire station, so instead of...
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i hope that poor girl got extra points for sitting there, now just as we see the deterioration of our
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immigrant crime ridden cities, we see the deterioration of biden himself with every day, just getting from air force one to his car is a herculean task for him. one of the main challenges facing president biden is his age, you have been an outspoken advocate on this issue, this week the first lady went as far as far from calling biden's age an advantage, but voters didn't buy it, what should the company do to solve this problem? first, there is something to be said about age and wisdom, and i think the results are much more important. just 28%
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believe president biden has the mental acuity to effectively win another term. your husband is 81 years old, at the end of his second term he will be 86. since you have been his companion for 46 years, is there a part of you that worries about his age and health, whether he will be able to do? he can do it, i see joe every day, i see him traveling this country, i see his strength, i see his energy, i see his passion every single day. he can no longer do his job, he positioned himself as a link to the next generation, and now he has become a liability. johnny loves routine, he loves the beach, he clings to the pomp of the presidency while the whole country suffers, no attention to detail, he didn't even know his own secretary of defense was in the hospital in
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within a week. his working days start later. briefings held at 9 am. there are days when the american people don't even get a glimpse of the commander in chief, and we look around wondering if he's doing the best he can. we didn't hire biden so he could retire peacefully in the white house. in the white nursing home, our residents feel at home. our vibrant establishment offers delightful activities , excursions around the clock, professional care and gourmet home-cooked meals. preparations. i eat whatever is put in front of me, mostly all italian food and ice cream and gelato.


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