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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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excuse me, a loving woman does what she does from her beloved, i’ll tell you here myself, you’ve already spoken here, let others speak, it’s so big, please help me, let’s start everyone who just turned on the tv during the commercial gulnara joined us, tell me, that’s what you’re saying you think, as i understand it, one says 26 years of happiness, the second brings all the love, and in good terms, as i understand it, you’ve been collecting for at least a long time.
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that’s what i call it, he helped me a lot, us, let’s say, and even gave you the nickname shoo, because you and yes, it took hold in the theater, in the theater of satire, well, that is, our whole life for the most part was, well, let’s say, connected around creativity, that’s how it all developed, you know, when a man is beautiful, well, how he is persistent courted, so i would say, and he was everywhere all the time, well, sort of on his own, well , practically everywhere with me, and you knew that he lived with another woman and your neighbor.
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well, which is heard, before that i didn’t know anything, she says: you think he’s so good, and he has a daughter, but i became to find out, and he told me this story , that in fact it was the initiative of the light, that you wouldn’t get married before that, that is, here is what was said, you understand, it’s very convenient to say when a person died, and why the light didn’t come for the program, i was pregnant, and you didn’t understand what my problem was? i have proof of light duplicity, even me. today , taking into account our, well, brief communication, in the correspondence that she sent to me, i specially screened it and sent it even to the editors, and where does she write to me, and you don’t think about it, although nothing and didn’t ask, i won’t apply, i won’t give any scandalous interviews, on any tv shows, however, and who asked me, you write to me there, why didn’t it work out for you, that’s all you tell me now ?
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if such a daughter, no, and the main thing is that having so many women, relatives of all , he dies, you know, practically alone, yes, you know, this is not true, lena, this is the person who, yes, i couldn’t stand it, to be honest, i had a feeling of guilt, and i understand that before everything happened, i could no longer be with him, well, that was everything is so bad, i couldn’t, well , how could i be, lena, yes, to some extent, maybe i had to, but you all understand that any person where... concerns alcoholism,
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this is a painful story, somehow that’s how he came home, he didn’t lie anywhere under any fence, he came home, went to bed , he wasn’t a brawler, he didn’t slur his tongue, he didn’t break dishes, no, that’s probably how he hid it, but i’m like - i missed that later, when he and i were already running to the doctors, in one place the doctor told me, and you know, do you even know how much he drank, he drank more than you think, - the doctor said, he began to feel bad, timofey went to school, at that time his neighbor grisha came, as i now understand, they were having fun, but if grisha maybe he could drink a barrel, then bori, apparently, would have had enough, and he would have an attack. timofey was 14 years old, suddenly
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tim called me and said: mom, the woman is feeling bad, i ’m coming, when we called an ambulance - we finally understood the diagnosis; it was already alcoholic epilepsy, he was treated, boren ’s dad paid for everything, it was the seventeenth year, he felt better, we celebrated the new year , everything is fine, the eighteenth year has begun, i come home, he is in a jacket and says, but i need to go to the theater, i have a performance today, and i know that he was fired, that is, he quit from the satire theater 12 years ago, i say, “ you quit the theater, what theater are you going to, what other theater are you in? and i’m at the satire theater, i need this, i say, wait, and he, he is going to go, firstly, i understand that he is not himself, he might get lost, it’s february, these are snowdrifts, i don’t know what what to do, i call an ambulance, i go with him
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, we arrive, it’s dark, there’s some kind of yard, so i get out, i say where we’ve come to anyway, they tell me, and this is a psychiatric hospital, i’m struggling under the white hands, they took me away. a professor, a wonderful professor, sits and says: we must have a month, because you simply won’t get out of here, the man is not himself, we must help him. i call my grandfather and say: mikhail borisovich, let’s at least pay for them, there is a free one, it’s even scary to think what’s in the free psychiatric hospital. they put borya, i say: borya, you go, don’t worry, i’m here, if anything happens, i ’ll shoot everyone here, blow everything up and save you. i understand, i say, go ahead, don’t be afraid, i’m with you. this month is ending and i understand that they are pushing me away and saying that borya is doomed, this is a lifelong boarding school, well, it was obvious that we were not scheduled for preparations, dad is 90
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years old, these are two apartments in moscow, these aunties immediately grew up from care in front of us and they said, we’re like, yeah, who are you anyway? go, cohabitant, there they forced him to take some kind of drug, when the man starts talking, he says: listen , i have to take the unified state exam, i need to take the unified state exam, bring geography, english, i don’t remember anything at all, now everyone is taking it, i say , do you remember how old you are, what unified state exam, and we steal i’m fighting with dima lazinin , with his friend, he has a car, he guards at the entrance, we gave him water, fattened him up, and he says, these are...
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dear women, i want to tell you one thing , you are united by two things, all three of you, two things: first, you love the same man, second, boris is very wonderful
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taste, all three of you are damn beautiful women, and i don’t think that you are each other’s enemies, honestly. when you love a person, otherwise you love every part of him, there are at least two women here who left a piece of him, moreover, i’ll say, i’m sitting here on the couch and caught myself thinking: i think, god, what incredibly beautiful children he has, it’s not their fault that their father had a lost soul, he didn’t find peace for a second in this life, and it’s not your fault, it was already his way, when a man feels this loss of soul, he immediately goes, looking for this peace in the arms of a woman, he first finds one woman, does not feel this peace, then another woman, a third, and then he understands
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that it’s nice that the women he loved are fighting among themselves, especially adult women from whom he has children, if we are talking about an inheritance, and here the question is, there are castles, estates, stables, you should have seen that apartment, which i don’t know, lena, how did she even manage to sell this apartment , in which when he comes there, then yes, while our trials are going on, they are still going on, she has already sold the apartment, well done, i understand, so you say, friends.
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especially in the seventies , it was not welcome to talk about the fact that this is your adoptive mother, how many films there were other people’s blood, and so on and so forth, i myself lost my mother when i was a year and a half old, i was brought up in that relationship 10 years later, so to speak, i learned that then the question of the reason for the remedy arises now, i would like to tell you, dear ones, you know, i respect everyone, but you are shifting the responsibility to the child, that the child did not come to his father, and i would here... shift the responsibility to the father, who knew that he had a daughter, and all this time he did not come and did nothing
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to communicate with the child, i children, the children are not to blame for the fact that the parents separate, the children are not to blame for the fact that some fathers, who cannot always be called men, do not communicate with their children, and this daughter, if she really is his daughter, this needs to be established in court, has the right, albeit to a small part of that. calm down, skrif, let's go, when he fell, he
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hit, all this is very strange, the main thing is that he survives and recovers, and if he doesn’t recover, skletosovsky, today on rtr, the ox is trembling, the walls are shaking, big ones have come. in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, from this absolutely faceless room we make three different functional zones, ideas hit through. we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone ones will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes flowers, after dismantling much will become clear, and
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dreams become reality, as you look, let them into your home. big changes, every sunday on rtr, there is no family where its hero is not remembered, and the eyes of young soldiers with a photographer.
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film officers, on sunday on rtr, your favorite song is played in our studio, let's go, birthday, your favorite music never gets old, they sound real.
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hello, andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturdays on rtr. once again, good afternoon, confusing relationships between women, star actor tv series margot's kitchen by boris tenin, who left.
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see these women? yes , yes, i saw them for the first time, the day before yesterday boren’s dad, who is 92 years old, who is dying, a bedridden man, went to bed, it’s good that his niece was with him, on duty, there were fists and feet on the door, screaming, mikhail , it’s okay that you are 22 and he is 92, you had to find out your middle name, let me finish. “mikhail, i’m yours, this granddaughter, i came to get acquainted, guys, you know how everything was, there are shores, let’s see how it was, how - masha went to get acquainted with grandfather." i have now come to meet
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my grandfather, to try, in any case , to do this, i hope now, at least, so that he will open the door and see me. see you for the first time, i really want to, i have wanted to for a very long time and i hope that it will work out, i’m very worried, very much, i don’t know what reaction to expect now, hello, hello, my name is masha, i’m your granddaughter, that my name is masha, i’m your granddaughter, i really want to meet you, there’s no mating , how no, well, it’s very simple, i only found out about this when i was 18, i know about it they told only 18, no, you know, i’m not even dressed, i... feel very bad, but i’ve wanted to meet you for a very long time, i didn’t have time to meet dad, i want to at least meet you, i really, i’m very sick,
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i just don’t even open it to anyone, why are you sick, i’m sick, do you need any help? no, it’s not necessary, there’s no need to talk to mikhail, he’s a sick man, he’s lying in bed, i didn’t expect such a reaction, i thought that after all, he... it would be possible to meet him in person to talk, i still, of course, thought , which will still open at least for a second, at least to see each other, but the thing that upset me was that he doesn’t know about me at all, the first thing he asked was what kind of granddaughter, maybe he’s just not ready at the moment to accept the fact that he, it turns out, has , there is also a granddaughter, i just remember what emotions i felt when they first told me, i found out about it, and how long did it take me to digest it, did i even assimilate, what did he just experience? i can’t imagine at all , i really hope that he will accept this, i really want to see him after all, i don’t i’m losing hope that this meeting will happen in any case, squeaks for 3 million to the old
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man, but i didn’t come to get acquainted myself, we have the papers, show me, do you agree that she is the daughter of boris , does she have the right to inheritance, does she have, according to legally has, what problems, let’s
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then from a moral point of view, maybe she doesn’t have it yet, but she has it, why can’t i get acquainted.
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because there is no one else relative, these people are dear to me, this is my relatives, this is my family, of course, but this does not mean why girls refuse to establish their relatives, yes so i think, i came here to ask this question, that’s why i started all this, that goly i said, i don’t want, but i started this because there are people who really believe that masha has no right, no right , that is, you have an inheritance , of which this is one
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, everything is on my mother’s share, my grandfather’s share and my share, we agreed with the family that they would completely transfer the apartment to me, at the moment when we submitted all these applications to the notary , everything like that, we received a paper, something like a lawsuit, they say there is some other heir, at first i thought they were scammers, we were all over, we re-signed them, the apartment
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became completely mine. after that moment i put it up for sale, my aunt, she called my mother, said that a bundle of papers had arrived from the court, they started sending letters to my grandfather all the time, that you are obliged to pay some money, they didn’t give boris’s inheritance, with whom -they didn’t share it there, i only know her name, everyone’s name is masha, she claims to be daddy’s daughter, supposedly she’s my... half-sister, weren’t you interested meet a potential sister? no, why? that i excluded this option, why? dad didn’t tell me everything, dad told me everything, he never talked about his sister, do you have a grudge against your father because of this? no, under no circumstances, i’m not going to be offended at him for this in any way, if it’s true, of course, i’d like to know if it’s true that she’s your sister? no, why? i don’t want to deal with this, why
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should i go. i mean, if she really is daddy’s daughter, then it’s somehow ugly, i lived with my father all my life and never saw her live, she wasn’t at the funeral, what is this, a person with a heart of stone, would a normal daughter do this, after such an attitude, there can be no question of any inheritance, no share, she is not my... sister, and i can andre, tell me, why did you, why really didn’t you come to the funeral, if you knew about and i didn’t have it in moscow at that moment, i didn’t live in moscow, i found out about it when i lived in crimea with a young man, and my mother called me, completely unexpectedly, it hurts me to hear from a boy, and a handsome boy, smart boys and the words “i don’t need a sister, i do, everyone needs a sister, okay, adults don’t know how to listen, mash, i’m turning to you,
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you.” well, look, you’re a damn beautiful girl, you have a cool brother, you have the same father, so i’m turning to you, they tore up the apartments, then what, destroyed everything, what next will we build, listen, you haven’t proven that you’re a daughter, you if we could take timofey to the studio, let’s do it, let’s separate two issues, the issue of inheriting an apartment.
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if in the presence of such a stormy life, we do not after the broadcast we will learn about several more children who may appear, call the editorial office, we are following the developments, friends, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye, tea, manenka, manenka, yes, how? to love a person in order to take him and come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question is certainly interesting, on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, for this a person lives, it should have a continuation, what is a good conversation based on, on trust, i am so contradictory, wisdom is included i also have cunning, my eye is on fire, that is...


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