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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  January 22, 2024 11:25pm-2:06am MSK

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can’t do anything, some men, wine, once even about drugs, you should have seen her eyes during these stories, she didn’t name any names, but many, of course, different ones, several times she spoke about some uzbek, his name so strange, no, no, i can’t remember, katyusha, help me find an uzbek, but where can i help you find him, i ’ve never seen him, well, you know... you know those places that alice visited in time of my travels, because you know, well, what now now, okay, then i’ll go change, i’ll call, okay, yeah, fedya, hi, listen, it’s good that i found you, we need to go one by one.
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i came up to you, i realized that we need an uzbek, you are an uzbek, well, i am an uzbek, and that you know this girl, well, i know, so what? i’m not talking to you, but who are you?
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sister, something doesn’t look like me, but i’m a yurot, well, you know it or not, i know if she disappeared, maybe i heard something about her, i didn’t, and don’t be afraid, she always disappears, she’s generally a strange little sister of yours. sometimes she walks around every day, sometimes she hasn’t been heard from for months, the last time i saw her, she actually passed by, i’m calling her, she doesn’t seem to hear the language, it’s actually strange, it was a long time ago, well, you can’t remember her right away, last year, what last year, last week? thank you,
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so are we just going to make eyes at each other? god, albin, you scared me to death, what are you doing here? what am i doing, sitting in ambush, huh? what happened, fedya fell through the ground somewhere, you didn’t see him, albina, fedya is also in ambush, you understand, she really has a lot of work, now i’m starting to understand your andrey, make your face simpler, inhale, exhale, i see, you you’ve already exhaled, now you’re sleeping alone, but i don’t want to, this is contraindicated for my body, why are we standing here, get in the car, let’s go to your place. albin, don’t smoke here, okay,
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listen, why are you twitching, you have nothing to do, where are your children, the children with the nanny, why is it that you can’t smoke now? masha, are you pregnant? mash, this is great, i congratulate you. who is the father? dentist? who? really andrey? i always knew you were a fool, but not to the same extent. why are you crying? okay, idiot, don't give birth yet got ready, can you imagine, he thinks that the child is not his. what did you want? what, are you
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going to return to him? don't you dare do this. even if you crawl to him on your knees, he will reproach you for the rest of his days. man, don't make a mistake, huh? “tomorrow we’ll go to my gynecologist and have an abortion, why are you crying, lord , you’re lucky, girlfriend, fool, lover, male, well, at least there’s one, dentist, hello , hello, masha, it’s me, dentist, hello , mash, i always think, well, whoever it is father of the child, it doesn’t matter, i want us to be together, that you are silent, do you hear me, i hear, andryusha, this is very noble of you , no, you misunderstood, masha, i meant, no, i i understood everything, thank you
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very much, i don’t need anything, goodbye, goodbye, that’s what i wanted, i officially offered to restore the family on the basis of my pregnancy. when he calls next time, you tell him, andryusha, with such an asshole like you, i don’t want to have anything in common, especially children, understand?
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yanokinti eduardovich, please wait, hello hello! shveytsova, marya sergeevna, senior investigator of the central prosecutor's office, operative commissioner vinakurov, vladimir vladimirovich, what do you need? we have several questions for you, but i don’t have answers for you. can we talk in your department? no, i don't want to talk to you at all. and throw on eduardovich.
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listen, if this is an interrogation, formally summon me to the prosecutor's office. what difference does it make where we talk? talk? i have nothing to talk to you about. they were already looking for my wife, so what, what? i'm asking you eduardovich, go to krutisky, ask, you are working on their instructions, but calm down, what have you got to do with the krutisky, you lived with the saint’s own daughter, and now they are pretending to be in grief, that god, when will this all end, leave me alone, i don’t know anything, you know , and don’t touch me for god’s sake, okay, if you want it official, take the summons. not a nerd, but would you like him to be calm, like the sphinx? and you know, marya sergeevna, how you are similar, not similar, but on the other hand, uh-huh, posture, gait. hey,
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where can we find alice, alive or dead? and you what do you think? honestly, yeah, you can’t deal with devilry without devilry. in any case, volodya, i want to warn you that i don’t believe in all this, not even in any psychics. hello frida. popchik, hi, hi, hi. hello, hello, dear. introduce us? this is frida, the most mysterious woman i know. this is marya sergeevna , my boss and friend, it’s nice, coffee, although in your situation i wouldn’t recommend it, you can, you can, are you on a visit or on business, frida, volodya said that you can from the photo
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i can find out whether a person is alive or not, if you want to try, i want to. uh-huh, this girl is alive very well. feels good, a good girl, this man died just recently, and this man is between life and death, he’s in the hospital, right, and these?
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when were these pictures taken? this was five years ago, but i don’t know. and here is the same woman, you know, i would say that in this photograph the woman is alive, in this one she is dead, it turns out that she was resurrected in order to steal her own medical documents and deprive the investigation of information about her own group blood, that is...
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“i take a person into trances, i immerse him in the personality of the missing person, but this person sees everything that happened to the disappeared person, as if it were happening to him, and you can hypnotize any person, yes anyone, but only of course “if a person wants to go through this, if not, i can’t do anything.”
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"hello, hello, maryaevna, this is fedya, hello , i checked alibia on kenti, on the day of alice’s disappearance, he went to practice with students in vyborg, well, as usual, we walked all night, only walked with someone on kenti, no one remembers, great, theoretically from the base to the city. it’s quite possible to get there by car in a few hours, but where’s the car? well, you want everything at once, could you catch a ride? i could check it out in 2 years, you flatter me, i appreciate it, well, thank you, bye, please, bye. the structure was borrowed from christopher wren's montferan at st paul's cathedral in
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london, but there it was made of red brick. when designing the kubala metal frame , a static calculation of the structures was carried out. when using a new method, a new method, with the participation of french engineers, clayperon and lanburn.
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further. what's next? well, my husband says, let’s celebrate my return from the zone, we’ll invite a neighbor. well, they called the neighbor. did i buy a bottle, set the table, well, we drank, sat, and everything was honorable. how did you end up in combination on the street? yes, i went to see my neighbor off, and this stupid husband got jealous,
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chased me for something, and we just stood there and talked. half naked in the pouring rain, it was warm, but this fool freaked out, he started waving a knife, but the neighbor i decided, 10 times with a knife and in the back, in the chest, people poured out, then the whole yard ran out to look at you in combination, at the corpse, at levka’s corpse, and the husband, and what about the husband? the husband immediately surrendered when the police arrived, he immediately surrendered, and, by the way, he also got into the car himself. it's clear.
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alli, maria sergeevna, this is ina kintii, you can hear me well, i just saw alice, you see, i just saw alice. “i just saw my dead wife, she came to the institute, i’m not crazy, absolutely sober, for now, i understand that this all sounds like nonsense, well, it’s true, calm down, please, and don’t do anything, okay, as soon as i
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’m free, i’ll come straight to your institute, just wait for me. read, if everything is written correctly, sign each page , write, i read it, from my words it was written down correctly, but what to read, you wrote everything down correctly, and you realize that it is actually because of you alone. the person is no longer here, and will another one be released in 10 years, well, maybe i’m worth it, goodbye,
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why are you looking at me like that, why are you looking at me like that, what are your complaints against me? i may have suffered mentally, he’s still looking.
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thank you, you'll have an orange one, yeah, please, how did you find me? your colleagues suggested, good evening, kind. i'm drinking whiskey, you should take something, better tell me what you saw, what i saw, i myself would like to understand what i saw, but do you want a scary story? once upon a time , his dead wife came to a lecture for a loser. please, calm down, you
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understand, if your wife were dead, she would not have come to you, which means either she is alive, or someone else came to you. in any i'm scared, i'm afraid of her. “i was always afraid of her, i could never imagine what she would do next, you know, it’s very dangerous to meet a person on the road who drives without any rules, but for her, there were no rules, first she drove herself to death, and now she wants to drive me into a coffin. but nevertheless, i loved her, no matter what they whisper to you, but
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the fox’s parents, they made her mentally ill, the facade should be elegant, photos from the maternity hospital in the family album, happy young family, well i... not guilty.
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you think i’m crazy, i ’m hallucinating about stalking, i
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saw with my own eyes how she entered the entrance, and the door to the apartment was open, the light was on in the bedroom. this is her medallion, this lion, her father gave it to us for our wedding, your face is covered in blood. who do you think it could be, besides alice, who needs this performance? what
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performance? it was alice, and here is the medal. maria sergeevna, can you stay? can you stay? in terms of? well, if you can’t, at least. stay with me some more a little, i want to drink, you will, let’s have a drink, a little, it’s beautiful here, but of course, the apartment. dacha, old song, old and stupid, let's have a drink. for my wife
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alice, so that she forgives us all , you see, an attempt to divert suspicion from oneself does not yet prove kentius’s involvement in the murder of his wife, of course, but one would have to follow him, and the guys, it’s difficult, but possible, for that matter . “i would have stuffed a video camera into the apartment, but why so quietly, well done, marya sergeevna, you said something, well, louder, in a whisper, because they are vowels
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events, come on!" well, to be honest, while she was alive, it was more of a pity, just don’t get me wrong, she’s just an unhappy person, but why is she unhappy, mom and dad are great people, a child, wealth, a loving husband, what else? it’s necessary, well, it depends on which way you look at it, a husband, yes, a loving husband, a very loving husband, you have in...
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and it’s a pity for women like alice , there are only a few of them, beautiful, smart, housewife, what a such a wife needs to be prayed for. dasha, do you think alice could have left home and lived somewhere else? hiding from whom? from no one, purely theoretically. no, to abandon the child to go somewhere to the ends of the world, no, but why? although, what? “you know, sometimes i would also go to the ends of the world, it’s strange, you just said that suddenly alesa ran away, but sometimes i have the feeling that she is alive, i even recently thought that i saw her, they saw her, but where you don’t remember, but not at all...” it seemed that she
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was leaving the pulpit on kentia. ina canti, hello, this is shveytsova. we need to talk, when can we meet? not i know, maria sergeevna, i don’t know. to be honest, i wanted to go to a friend’s dacha, i want to relax a little. i'm tired of something. where is your friend's return? where do you need to go? i'm in pushkin, the sorting platform, uh-huh, great, we're on the way, i'm also going to the dacha, let's meet on the platform in an hour, okay.
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the leek pulled away, and i was waiting for who? alice, have you
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seen her again? no, but i feel it, it ’s somewhere here, somewhere nearby, and stop it, you don’t believe me as much as you want, then you’ll understand everything, but it’ll be too late. that's how it should be, i'm in charge of everything i’m guilty, but you know, maria sergeevna, she ’s right, i can’t blame her, she has something to take revenge on me for, something to take revenge on you for, and for everything, quietly, quietly. it’s clear, let’s go home , to you, to you
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, feel at home, although i myself don’t always feel at home here, especially lately, doctors recommend in stressful situations, do you think, my situation is quite stressful, or let’s wait a little longer... something, but i won’t be able to howl at my wake, throw it on, do what you want, but i would advise you to go to bed, this is a proposal, friendly advice, friendly only, what
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should i pour for you, wine, whiskey, cognac, no, thank you, i don’t want it, but stop it, you’re not at work, finally take off your uniform, i mean, yes, i mean figuratively... although, perhaps , it’s not only that, you love music, don’t leave, stay with me , you want this too, it’s written in your eyes too, but don’t touch me, this is in vain. these are illegal methods of investigation, well, write a complaint against me, come on, maria sergeevna, i ’m to blame for everything, go home, that’s all with me
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will be good.
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oh, man, i’m still amazed at your patience, if it weren’t for my patience, i would have sent you away long ago, uh-huh, who would tell you the truth then? he said, well , if you are so patient, then listen to one more piece of my advice, if i were you, i would give up on everything and disappear somewhere, then you know, everyone will immediately appreciate it, get nervous, get scared, but then they will fall in love, yes, it’s interesting. how long do you have to hide to be loved? i don’t know, but not for long, so that later you don’t get used to it, but
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two years or two years, maybe a woman will go away for a year two and then come back, what kind of woman? well , just a woman, she left for 2 years, but there is a child? uh -huh, it’s clear, i missed my child, why didn’t i take him with me then , i fell in love that you don’t know men, well, who needs other people’s children now, by the way, about children, andrei didn’t call you anymore, no, why did you need him, talk about the child? or maybe you were joking,
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but no albina, i don’t joke about such things, but i can’t do it as easily as you, everything is easy for me, i really envy myself, the husband is a suicide, the children are bastards, the lover, the scoundrel, the girlfriend, and... well, okay, sorry, in the end everyone loves you, yeah, you survived well with victor. vitka is the biggest bastard in my life. albin, come on, come on. and then, if a man kills himself with a living wife and small children, then he is either crazy or selfish and a bastard. good night.
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katyusha, hello, sorry it’s so late, could you call nakenty, what’s wrong? the thing is that we saw him in the evening and he, he wasn’t okay, or what? no one is picking up the phone, i’m at the dacha now , i can’t talk for a long time, i’m calling my friend from my mobile
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phone, call katya, okay, why , well, he’s in bad shape now, and you close people, in general, would go and stay with him, i need to check, i can’t promise to go, it’s very late, i’m scared to go out, but to call, of course, okay, fine, thank you. so write down the address, urgently send someone to check if everything is okay, well, well, it seems like no one called from there, no signals were received, when will i be there?
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sorry, sorry, who will this person be
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well, what can i tell you, the situation is unstable, we are doing everything we can to fall from such a height. not a joke, yes , god loves drunks, if he were sober, there’s no hope, but so, let’s see, you can talk to him, that’s out of the question, that is, you can’t talk to him at all, he’s at least able to nod, just nod he’s definitely not able to, he has a broken spine, no, no, there’s no way to go to him today, but tomorrow. we'll see tomorrow, i'll call, excuse me, can i see you for a minute, could you provide such a service, please, from the window, go to the deputy in charge of operations,
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let him organize a post at the hospital, yes, i understand everything, well, let them at least assign some kind of guard for a couple of days, okay, until i call. “i saw her, who, it was alisa, well, marya sergeevna, i told you that zhivana, it’s not a fact, that’s not a fact, how could i not...” couldn’t fall out, he’s not that kind of person, i’m i’m not saying that he jumped out, an accident, for example, in his condition one wrong
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movement is all, maybe it’s like that, but i don’t know, goodbye, in any case, just guess we need to go to the prosecutor's office. what for? good afternoon marya sergeevna, good afternoon, by the way, marya sergeevna , here’s the thing, just don’t get me wrong, we are grateful to you for everything you have done for us, and for our part we are ready to compensate, you will now say too much, pavel fedorovich , we are very grateful to you, but we no longer need your services, how is that? well, we just have our own reasons, what can we find out? does this matter, marya sergeevna? we have a prosecutor's office here and we are conducting consequence, and do not provide any services. don’t worry, i will resolve all issues with your guidance. i have no doubt, but first you will have to solve them with me. not
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sure if this is necessary. maybe not necessarily, but then i can start thinking. that your reasons are of such a nature that you deliberately hide them from the prosecutor’s office, i don’t even know what conclusions i will draw from this, pasha, i said that they would ask for an explanation, ok, then 2 years ago, my mother and i took leshka from inoketiya, i had just returned to... permanent work in the country, and 2 months ago, inaketi filed a lawsuit to determine the place of residence of the child, he decided to sue us, but he is the father, and where was this father, when then i told him everything that i thought and think about him, he began
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to shout that this his child, who supposedly has to give him a lyoshka, is the only person to whom i owe something, so... since i was being treated for alcoholism, because a normal person would not think of solving problems in this way, stop, in a word, after what happened today, he has no... no chance, it’s unclear why you they didn’t talk about this before, but we didn’t have any evidence, now we have
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, you see, no matter what happens, this case ceases to be your private matter, perhaps for you his fall makes everything easier, but for the investigation it’s quite the opposite, but what the prosecutor's office has no more important things to do, the drunkard fell from the balcony, but even if he didn't fall, he threw himself out, he was a loser all his life. i couldn’t even commit suicide, perhaps you don’t know, but the prosecutor’s office has opened a criminal case for attempted murder, god bless you, marya sergeevna, why was it necessary? kill, and who should need it, are you serious, more than that, i didn’t expect to meet you here, but so much the better, katerina vasilievna and i were going to look through. video recording, what other recording? hidden video filming was carried out in inakente's apartment.
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pavel fedorovich, who is on this tape? are you
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sure? by what signs did you recognize her? not alice. then who? why don’t i recognize my own daughter? no, it's alice, but her face is not visible. and thank god. no, marya sergeevna, it’s her. and i’m not sad, i just became a father, a daughter killer, but a living daughter, so what we have is a living alisa krutitskaya, volodya, this has not been proven yet, mash, but identification by parents, husband and housekeeper is not enough for you, after all, marya sergeevna, maybe she is alive, but man . it was so convincing, even for a ghost , well, alisa krutiskaya is alive, but not very much,
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alive, conditionally, but the mental deviations that arose in childhood made themselves felt, these deviations one way or another progressed into a serious mental illness, who knows what crazy lady will come to mind, mash, do we need to look for it, or am i wrong? it just seems to me that with the search for a living alice, we need to continue the search. alice, but not alive. marya sergeevna, this is nonsense. and yet, fedya will definitely need to go to the file cabinet of unidentified corpses. dasha, please be kind if this goes on. good afternoon, this is shveytsova, marya sergeevna. dasha, i need the address of the gynecologist alisa krutitskaya. remember what you told me? yeah, i'm recording. okay,
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thanks. say hello. uh-huh, goodbye. come in. hello. hello. i'm from prosecutor's office. “i know , i know, they called me, take off your clothes, why take off your clothes, you don’t understand, i don’t, yes i understand, take off your clothes, what kind of masquerade is this, what are you wearing on your feet, shoes, just what a beauty, in what sense on your term in shoes like these, you can only walk in one case, if tomorrow you have an abortion, i don’t understand at all how you can take pregnancy so lightly”? which of us is going to give birth, i already reflected mine, it turns out that you, i’m wrong, yes, that yes, that is, no,
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you don’t understand, i... the prosecutor’s office, so what, since both men and women work in the prosecutor ’s office, which means sooner or later one of them will give birth, sit down, i’m an investigator and i came to you on a case, yes, sorry, i didn’t understand right away, and you’re definitely not pregnant, do you remember alisa krutitskaya, she came to you a couple of years ago, and... no, that’s why i came to you, we don’t have her blood type, you know, this complicates the search for the corpse, maybe you still have her
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medical record, oh, no, no , no, no, “i had it unofficially, i didn’t even get a card, yes, i remember it well, such a sweet girl, a little strange, strange, uh-huh, it’s true what they say, don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy, it won’t go well from birth, so what do you mean, well, what about such a girl?” unhappy, she gave birth like that wanted , she and her husband seemed to have some difficulties, well, that’s why she came to me, she didn’t want to get formal treatment so that no one would know, i didn’t even tell her friend anything, i remember her well, she had incurable infertility, alisa krutitskaya,
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infertility, are you not confusing anything? infertility and nothing could be done, perhaps you are mistaken, because alice’s son is now 5 years old, yes, this is alice, how strange, but it couldn’t be like this, alice gave birth to a child, and then became ill with infertility, alice could never have children. she had a congenital pathology, but whose child is it then? how should i know? you are an investigator, and i’m just a doctor, thank you, goodbye, just a minute, i definitely don’t need to look at you, uh-huh, goodbye, well,
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good luck? do you have a blood type? no, i don’t understand, what is it? is there any information worthwhile? what do you think say? alisa krutitskaya could not have children; she suffered from infertility. well, hello. do you have a job? soulful , why should i be afraid of you, a woman with an ax, for me it’s better with an ax than with a scythe, no, well, still chop off heads, heads, these are not heads, these are goods, what are you doing yourself, who is that, a dancer , dancer, what do you think, it’s easier to kick your legs, ruin your health, well , it’s beautiful, beautiful, this is beautiful, it turns out, you earn money with your legs, and
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i’m with my head , marya sergeevna, just for a minute, i’m i want to catch the train. viktor ivanovich, i visited the gynecologist. so, see the gynecologist alisa krutitskaya. marachergia, so, so, so. and what? alice could not have children. so, what is next? honestly i do not know. i mean, everything points to alice being alive, but i know she's
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dead. she loved the child very much. therefore , she could not leave him, well, as far as i understand, according to the latest data, the child is not hers, but so what, this does not prove anything. "in any case , i can’t give up the version of murder until i turn over all the unidentified corpses, okay, the hidden recording didn’t convince me, it’s too intrusive , i don’t believe in the resurrection of the dead, don’t you think that you’re too carried away by one version, maybe, but we’re also looking for a living alice, so we’re looking for a living one.”
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did you go out alone? no, she's walking next to me. you still can't see her face? no, she says that everything will work out with my husband, that he wants to be alone with me. we are driving, there is a river, a house on the outskirts, next to a church, a cemetery. it’s beautiful, i go into the house, the door creaks, i can’t stand this sound, she says that the cape will come now,
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i need to change clothes, she goes out to another room, funny rug, guard 's room, i take off my hat, hair, someone comes in , they hit me on the head, i fell, they take off my chain, amulet, i'm being dragged somewhere, lord, they just killed me, it's not you they killed, it was alice who was killed, poor girl,
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why did this happen to her? zainka, do you remember what you saw under hypnosis? i remember, can you show me the way? yeah, do you recognize the house? yes. hello, hello, hello, say.
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hello, mash, are you home yet? listen, albina, did you call just now? no, what? no, nothing, everything is fine. mash, come on quickly, we are we are waiting for you. yes yes. yes, i, i’m going out, i’m getting out , maybe you’ll take a taxi, it’s scary on the train, i’ll pay, but stop it, i’m not little, so you have to travel on evening trains , you never know, okay, nothing will happen to me.
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mashenka, hello, pedya called us to you. hi all. oh, man, thank god, i was
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starting to worry, how did you get there? almost without incident. marya sergeevna, the kebab is ready. oh, barbecue too. marya sergeevna, 100. and ahead is mine. not yet evening. is he really drunk, or is he pretending to be. yes, as usual, when i need him, we need to go on business. what are you going crazy about? mash, everyone has gathered, they were just waiting for you. but this is already disgusting. marsegevna, it’s true, i’ll be there tomorrow.
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man, what’s your situation? where did you get it? why are you so scared? i wasn't scared of anything. let's go, let's go again with them, let him go. mash, i’m sorry that i didn’t leave on time, albina gave me permission, but if you’re against it, i’ll go. can i wait for you? of course, how can i forbid you? look, he's either standing on his feet, of course he will go, but how will he go, your health , masha, yours too, and how well it all started, well, well, well, do what you want, okay, is it really not necessary,
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let's go see, marya sergeevna, well, no sand i can’t decide, what is it, feni? oh, marya sergeevna, we’ll have to postpone the operational event, it’s a shame, marya sergeevna, where are you going? here, hedenka, you see where, because of your drunkenness, you have to commit official crime. marya sergeevna, maryaevna, what are you doing? maryaevna? quiet, you, do your
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what? well, what was i supposed to do? data for i don't have enough searches. you can’t write in a resolution based on a hypnosis session. how did this come to your mind? this is a crime, you understand that this is a violation of the inviolability of the home. i understand. i should fire you, damn it. viktor ivanovich, first of all, don’t swear. and secondly, don’t worry, no one saw me. thank you, i calmed you down, the girl was impudent, smart enough not to talk about it, no one knows, well, at least she got off with some benefit,
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with a chip from under the floorboard, blood, and most importantly, in the very place where alice hit on the head. so what to do with this now, it was received non-procedurally, how did it come to your mind that this is that house? zoya told under hypnosis that alice was killed in a country house, i began to check the defendants, we only have two country houses, one is the house of alice’s parents, the other is this one. that is, my investigators, without fortune-tellers , are no longer able to put forward a version. viktor
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ivanovich, well, you yourself, shveytsova, why do you have everything with twists, with psychology, with psychics, contortions and jumps. rogue? well, okay, okay. that means you will come there officially, and that you still need to look for the body, until they point your finger at where it is buried, i know, you need to split it up, come on, no, well, you have to be there, otherwise we ’ll cut the cable at one o’clock tomorrow, that’s it. she will, well, let's go out of town for a picnic, boys, take me, actually, we don't decide, but we will do our best.
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oh, and there should be mushrooms here in the fall, and mashenka, when i get really old, i’ll give up on everything and buy myself a house here, quiet, calm, nice, like in a cemetery. there's a cemetery nearby, what are you saying, well it’s just wonderful, and it’s not far from the decision to retire only here, oh my god, it’s beautiful! what are you, cold, fedya, find the district police officer, it will be
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done. hello, ekaterina vasilievna. hello, mara sergeevna. hello. you will try it on kakaterina vasilievna. why ? just for me, now we’ll pack the hat and dress hermetically, we’ll send it for examination, we’ll establish
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that you were wearing them, and geneticists will prove that you ’re alyosha’s mother, show the corpse yourself, or we ’ll look for it, of course, lyoshenka herself, just don’t touch it, thank you. platinum blonde, you they didn’t deceive you, you’re golden, i loved alice, i was a little jealous, it’s true, but i still loved her, now i love you, they were jealous, which means that’s how she gets everything, money, husband, work, is that fair in your opinion, i’m like a serf she held it, used it, what a piece of cloth, it was your idea with the child , but no, what are you, she came up with all this when the fox was told that she had children...
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here it is, i didn’t bury it deep, the limestone here is difficult , but the church is nearby, what happened next, i became attached to the child, fell in love, dear after all, but i’m offended it became very bad, she fed the breasts herself, nursed her, was next to him all the time, but he was not katya before katya. and he calls alisa mom, is it fate or something
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, everything is hard and ungrateful for me , well, i decided to take alisochka’s child, this is my child, that i have no right, i told her so, but she doesn’t rock the boat, you and i have an agreement they concluded, you’re money... life and decided to take the sin on your soul, yes,
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then pavel fedorovich and antonina petrovna returned from abroad, they always didn’t favor them, they took lyoshka to themselves, well, for fedorovich with his connections it’s spit out, me of course, no one asked, you understand how i felt, life was just starting to get better, again. yes, the fence, here i started drinking on kenty, i say, you’re sitting, go, this is your own son, you can’t imagine how much effort i spent so that he would get up and go to paul fedorovich, but he’s a fool and ruined everything , he began to threaten him with court , i say, what have you done, who did you threaten, pavel fedorovich, of course, he sent him to hell, i really didn’t know what to do, i say, how can this be, my dear... the father of my own child they don't give it away, but he says, pavel fedorovich said, if
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he would give it to anyone, it would be to alice, well, that’s what i thought. if he gives it to alice, let him give it back, of course, if you want alice, it will be time for you, alice, marya sergeevna. marya sergeevna, write, a naked corpse of a woman was extracted from the ground, the soft tissue of the face
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is practically absent, the corpse is naked, partially skeletonized. the skull tissue of the scalp has damage below the right parietal tubercle. a traumatic weapon, most likely an axe. the blow was struck with considerable force from behind when the victim did not expect the attack. the wounds are approx. 5 by 0.8 cm, with uneven edges
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, i couldn’t resist, the friendship line was broken, merciless tears in delirium, i’m unnecessary for everyone to jump onto a stone bridge, oh, fyodor andrevich, where are you going, i beg your pardon, death is so stubborn, i’ll jump from a cliff, into viduka straight, what for, where my friend and my mother are alive, there is no light, no sound, there is darkness without deception, that my friend and my mother are not alive, there is no light, no sound there without deception. hello, jackdaw, come on, pick up the phone, i haven’t talked to the answering machine yet, so, you’re late without showing off, you’ll go to take the test alone for the sixth time, that’s it.
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can? evgeny petrovich, good day. we are like you on retakes for the fifth time. evgeny petrovich, wake up, it’s already dawn. evgeny petrovich, get up. well, wow, how much blood? miss, what happened? did you guys fight again? not the basis again, call an ambulance.
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give me a thermometer, give me a thermometer, oh, and pop.
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don’t worry, dmitry sergeevich, i have everything under control, this is a province, for local officials to quickly sign papers is lose face. okay, i’m still ready to wait 3 days, then i’ll have to change either the province or the officials. “i think that it won’t come to that, let’s hope, good afternoon, hello, this beauty is not coming to you
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by chance, but this is morozova, please, by the way, police major, i’m in serious trouble now, i promised to help, how are you doing here? everything is not simple, hello, anna mikhailovna, hello, allow me to introduce you." dmitry sergeevich, tumanov, anna mikhailovna morozova, very nice, mutual, well, i have to go, i’ll tell you i’ll leave, thank you, anna mikhailovna with you , we hope to see you again, i’m waiting for your call in the morning, of course, of course, please allow me my coat, no, no, i’ll just be a minute, here’s everything i managed to collect. at one time ivanov and his partner rented premises from our company for a car service and technical station, then
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something didn’t work out there, the partner stole ivanov’s wife, his wife, as far as i know, not only his wife, but also money from the sale of more than fifty cars . ivanov at one point found himself deep in debt, but somehow got out. all financial documents are here. i i didn’t really delve into it, so you think these cases from long ago are somehow connected with, i don’t know yet, but i’ll definitely find out. thank you very much, all the best. so how did you find the body? and i say, how did you find the body? yes how how? i walked in, and gnedov was sleeping at the table, and soundly
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, wake him up, dead in a general sleep, sit here, calmly, take your time, tell him, i ’m crazy, like this is the fifth time i’ve been here, zero reaction, i see he’s bleeding, well, i keep thinking, that means hypercrisis, that is, did you immediately diagnose him with hypertension? this is all they know, when he gets mad, he opens the windows in the classroom, it’s a pity, of course, that he glued his flippers together, well, yes, but you don’t have to retake the exam, yes, that’s for sure, what are you talking about, he ’s of course an animal, he tore three skins from our brother, well, no to kill for this, sit, it means you immediately saw blood from the pale one, but well, hypertensive patients have nosebleeds as a common thing, my mother often had bleeding, then what, next is my jackdaw, she’s about to give birth, let me go, i ’ll tell you everything later, i should be with her, no, now it won’t work, that means you saw the blood,
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and i started shaking him to make him smell, and he he collapsed on the floor, i sat him down in a chair head first so that he wouldn’t choke on his blood, i reached into my pocket to fill my pocket with some glycerin, you even knew where it was, i’m telling you, everyone knew, then a jackdaw comes in, and i’m in the grave in... all my hands, in general, it’s creepy, the ambulance, the cops, excuse me, the jackdaws started having contractions from a fright, maybe she’s already given birth, but listen, colonel, mine, it doesn’t matter, you’re in vain to attack me, you’re looking for a movie here, or something, that guy found the rupak, that one killed it , let me go to my wife, aren’t you a man or something, you want to check, well, i wish you good health, andrey petrovich, great, borich. and this is a witness then, aside, aside, young man, we’re handing over the jacket, preparing the packs for
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examination, well, let’s get started? hello, ilya, yes, hello, ilya, did you manage to find out who ivanov’s daughter was pregnant with? but it seems to me that there is a difference, i would like to inspect ivanov’s apartment again, can this be arranged? yes, i understood. okay, go ahead. we’re done, so i guess i’ll go
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away, or something, it’s not my month, i’ll get sick to answer you, this is not for me, so i can go, unfortunately, we have to detain you, i knew that i don’t need to retake today was, let me at least call how she is , yes, we’ll do that now, bill, call the maternity hospital, find out how the girl is doing, we’ll find out now, what the doctor will tell us, and the doctor will say that death occurred about one and a half to two hours ago, and oh, look, what a hat, wow, pareg, did you think, skype, petrovich, are you
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doing something? i became sensitive, yes, i ’m always sensitive in the spring, yeah, amorous, well, tsets, boys, and i’m not bothering you, which means the wig absorbed almost all the blood, so the student didn’t immediately see the rada, he tried to revive friend, well, he could have just imitated first aid, but what are you saying, what is the cause of death, fracture, occipital bones, painful shock and instant death, i think that before that there was a fight, well, i’ll be more precise later, yeah, but they hit - then with a blunt heavy object, a hammer, perhaps, but at first glance there is nothing like it here, uh-huh, the murder weapon could have been thrown off, we need to comb the institute, the nearest courtyards are garbage dumps, god help us, oops. now this is interesting, but what
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is it? valer, come here, this is a piece of a yellow metal chain with attached to it, apparently, a case for needles, but i know that this is called a sewing chatelaine, camping tools are attached to it, these sewing tools, scissors, needle cases, thimbles, it’s from him. don't close it, please, thank you, please, hello, i saw you from the window, hello, come in. from the very morning i
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was stuck in the workshop on the floor above, doing a project on hats. alesya, tell me, you didn’t hear anything strange at the department of costume history, you never know, maybe they moved furniture there, made noise, made scandals, no, our building is old, the sound insulation is such that you could even scream, no one will hear anything, uh-huh, but he shouted, yes, and maybe the other students heard something, no one heard anything,
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i should take it for you, let's go to the department, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, they left, really , why look, maybe there’s something missing there, what’s missing, well, i don’t know what you usually have there, let’s go, an, are you looking for something specific? when ivanov’s daughter was brought to the hospital, he demanded that it was morozov who operated on her and... they said that he and his daughter were skiing, and a day later ksenia was kidnapped. do you think it's a transfer? guilt, and he wants revenge for what happened to his daughter. don't think.
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most likely, the fact that the best surgeon was not there was the last straw. ivanov’s psyche could not stand it and he lost it. but if we know the whole chain of events that led to what happened, then perhaps we will understand why he acts this way and not otherwise, i don’t even know what to say, he dragged half of the visual aids into the assembly hall for a creative contest. according to the historical costume, what kind of animal is this? every year a circus with horses, senior students are tearing each other's throats out for this internship in italy, papa ignedov is all about acting, who is papa? so rector ilin, of course, on wednesday 15
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people failed the exam, but there was no exam and no admission to the competition, volgin failed and they didn’t even spare a pregnant jackdaw, so what? and i know, we sew these damn suits ourselves, this fabric ourselves... it’s really rude, i wonder how long volgin has been absent? you know, alice, take me to the nector, oh, wow, you ’ll arrest him, or better yet, shoot him when he tries to running, here
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, there, there, yes, sit down, anatoly vladimovich will come up now, thank you, oh, what a grief, and, well, firstly, he’s still very young, and secondly, such connections... and what kind of brought? evgeniy petrovich was a recognized authority. who do you think was invited to be on the jury at the largest festivals, competitions, and shows? some were in london, as if they were at home, some gave lectures in barcelona, ​​milan. what are you saying? he also graduated from st. patrick's stake in london, connections from there. his help to our institute cannot be overestimated. christian lavnten himself at a festival in paris. admired his lecture on surrealism elzi schiaparelli, do you know who she is? this is the eternal rival of the divine coco, fashion designer and writer. oh my god, of
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course, chanel. yes, so what are you saying, elzarelli? schiaparelli. and how , please tell me, gnedov’s acquaintance with the work of elsa, schiaparelli, helped the kaluga textile university, gnedov’s authority attracted sponsors, grants for our foundation, helped organize foreign internships for students, yes, an equivalent replacement for gnedva will be found it’s simply impossible , after all, our teachers are all of age, and have families, and gnedov is single, well, probably the students were crazy about him, a man is a man at any age, i won’t lie, sometimes first-year students were carried away by him,
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but they quickly saw the light, so what? is that? well , the character was not sweet, frankly speaking, he had a bastard character, well, if he favored anyone, well, at least this story with the blessing, what kind of story is this about, but about this? ivanov, who went crazy and kidnapped someone. so, with his daughter natasha, gnedov was very friendly, yes, and even promised to help her enter the london college of fashion. well, here you go, please, in more detail. gnedov said that she was a very talented girl, it’s a pity that she couldn’t pay for her studies. well, that's all i know. i have documents for my internship, this is a friend from the police, i told him everything, in general, everything we know about gnedov, hello, i still can’t come to my senses, it’s not the right time, death is always at the wrong time. yes, yes, yes, yes, evgeniy petrovich has so many things
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to do, students, and an internship, i’m in the administration is waiting, can we talk on the way? yes, of course, thank you, no photographs together, no love letters , there is nothing on her tablet, it was not from the holy spirit that she became pregnant, she was supposed to give birth in almost six months, but there is nothing here that would indicate this. what should it be? well, you see, when a woman is preparing to become a mother, she seems to subconsciously immerse herself in the world of motherhood, but there is nothing here that would talk about this, and his friends were enemies, his rivals, he has one friend.
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second floor of a communal apartment, here’s his phone
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number, what can you say about a student, a c-grade student, from the roots, he makes money by repairing old fur coats, he signed here recently for a flight with our student, also a c-grade student, now they walk by the hand, in the eyes of a friend they look at each other. well, you can’t spread love on bread, right? well, yes, then i’ll go, yes, thank you very much, happy, happy, michalna! there is information? i don't know, i hope
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it's useful. what do you say his last name is? nits? yes, i understand, andrey. thanks, come on. a teacher was killed at the textile institute, gnedov, his last name. according to avdeev, he knew natasha ivanova and even promised to help her enter the london college of fashion and design. i saw a booklet here somewhere. hold on, but i don’t think that ivanov was involved in the death of this teacher, i don’t understand, if she planned to go to this london college of fashion, then where was she going to take the child? and here.
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i’ll tell you, i’m at home, listen, it seems to you that a booklet from the english fashion college has arrived again, imagine, i don’t want you were creating illusions, but this kind of training... so try something else right away. natasha, natat, daughter, daughter, what’s wrong with you? hello , what, doctor, tell me, but with her, everything will be fine, we’ll do everything possible, but you should n’t have allowed her, in this state... yes, i had no idea what she was going to wash, wait,
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in what state, pregnant, what else? you're coming, aren't you? yes , dad, i'm sorry, i was just dizzy, why didn't you tell me that you had a child, i didn't want you to know, it's not for me child, i’ll give birth to him, i’ll give him everything , what are you saying, you yourself... said that you have to fight for a dream, so i’m fighting, it’s not your fault, that this is the only way to earn money for study, that is, well, not like that in the same way, it doesn’t matter in what way, it matters whether you fulfilled your dream or not, i don’t want to be a loser like you in life, oh mommies, how
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painful it is. and i remember at the academy i took corporate law four times, at least you got it for free, now the costume historian is catching up with his own money, well, don’t kill him because of this, competition, money, personal motives, well, i understand that, you say personal motives, but what did i look at when i entered. there are such draft girls on the scoreboard, and most importantly, everyone is dressed like the pictures in a glossy magazine, this is chaos in nature, how long will they keep me here, i am not guilty of anything, the jackdaw can give birth any minute, but don’t worry , i’m not worried, they’ll take care of it in the maternity hospital, let ’s do it again, that means you came for a retake, i
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already told you everything, i forced everyone to retake it, who had skipped at least once, and we daw missed five classes. hmm, why so much? his seminars coincided with courses for young parents. galka and i went together. she has crazy taxi fever. but they say that you were kicked out of the exam for wearing the wrong costumes. all the nitpicking. the jackdaw ’s russian shirt turned out to be the wrong cut, and my fur cape had the wrong collar instead of a stand. yes, that’s not the point, they would have kicked me out anyway. it's a shame, right? you probably wanted to this summer. should you go to italy for an internship? what kind of shishi? we should pass the exams before childbirth but doesn’t the institute pay for the internship? the way back there, and practice, and housing, and food? well, what the hell, i’ll get promoted with my furrier, i’ll choose where to do my internship. this is right, this is
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right, but you know what? tell me, without hesitation, what things...... were always on ugnedov’s table, a log of examinations, pens, mobile chalk, and maybe some tools, maybe some pins, but you, when you approached gnedov, you didn’t noticed that the back of his head was broken, no, blood was flowing from his nose, but not from there, so our experts say that if blood was still flowing from the nose, then no more than half an hour had passed since the murder; no one else came to the department except you, before or during the exam, no one came. but i didn’t kill, well, the fatal blow was dealt once, with great force, with a heavy blunt object, and
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it landed between the parietal occipital bones in the soft fascial tissue, principles.
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borisovich, and for nail tests, it means that under the nails of this boy volgin there are no particles of foreign skin, but a qualitative reaction with hydroxy. copper showed that there was glycerin alcohol on his hands, well, furriers use glycerin to moisturize the flesh of animals, under gnety’s nails i found pieces of pressed skin, perhaps the killer was wearing gloves, so borisovich, we need a detailed analysis of the circuit composition, i’m already doing it, do it, i do, i do, elena evgenievna, but this is what i don’t understand. if gnedov’s killer fought, how did it happen that gnedov’s head was framed? did he bend over for some reason during the fight?
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did shitlen take away, that seamstress? what if it fucking behind? either from behind or from the side? it all depends on what was used and how tall the killer was. one thing i can say for sure is that gnen died from a splinter, depressed fracture of the bone. pressed somewhere into the brain, with a blow to the back of the head , the brain was compressed, death was instantaneous, but what did they hit him with? there’s nothing like that at the department, but the opera, all the trash heaps around the institute were searched, it’s empty, this chatlin bothers me in the hand of the murdered man, the woman’s thing and the chain were clearly torn during a fight, i wish i knew how... second part remained, and his friend this fede ulanud, but he disappeared into the ground, he is not at home , the phone is not in the zone, we are looking, comrade
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investigator, comrade investigator, i didn’t reach you, hello, hello, i know it was volgin who killed, jackdaw she gave birth and sent me a photo, look, wow, look at how red, cheeky, chubby he is, and you see the mole, the mole , ink-blotted by gnedovo’s son, he has the same one, uh-huh, the jackdaw has been running after gnedov since his first year, and he, and he ran from her, well, he humiliated her in front of everyone, he failed her in exams, when she and mitka got along, and mitka started, but the jackdaw was tolerating it, when she and volgin taxied to the zak, then gnedov completely rotted them. wait, volgina, they didn’t marry for love, you will also say for love, to spite maximova. tr, who is maksimova? well, inga, volgin has been in love with her since school. yeah, she's a beauty, the queen
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of the house and all that. and recently. how are you feeling? fine. aren't you tired? no. oh, i forgot to buy a magazine with patterns. wait a couple of minutes. well, let's quickly be a couple late. yes. yeah, that’s it, mom, that’s it, i’ll call you back later, come on, oh, listen, well, congratulations to you, and inga,
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evgeniy petrovich, it’s really great that you submitted an application, thank you, alita, girls, let’s go to a restaurant somewhere, drink all the champagne, which is there, oh, let's go, oh, hey, gnedov, wait, volgen, what do you want, then, tygalka's child. pastured, dragged to the zak singa? maxim, are you completely stupid, or what, don’t you understand who you are marrying? lolkin, what are you talking about? zhenya, what child is he talking about? galkinogo? you didn’t know, what a bastard! this really, you slept with a jackdaw? i ’ll explain everything to you now, is this true? jay, alesya, go! inga, wait, why did you believe him, are you already out of envy, or bought her lies, already a loser, i’m a loser, volgen, evgeniy petrovich,
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evgeniy petrovich, you made a fool, or what, lord, you’re not here yet enough , if you're a man, get married like... you should, get married, but i'm not involved there at all , ask her yourself, you bastard, you slept with her, why confess, volga, to me it still seems that you are driving, no, i i think she knew. you're an asshole, but not like that, zhenya, inga, inga, wait, inga, inga, yes, forget about them, you need it, fuck them, get married, marry me, i'll go, oh, i don't know what volgin was counting on , but ingion was
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forever violet, the beauty you say, she fell in love with him for some reason, and he loved her, and he her, so what, volgin is reliable, fish-hungry, he has, you know, the only drawback, he is a football fan, well, that’s possible re-educate, naive child, but what, in inga all the males rolled their necks, and as gnedov saw her, so disappeared, they had a real romance
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without fools, but anyone knew about this, only me, i called her, she said that she could only leave tomorrow, i don’t know how she will survive all this, okay, i’ll go, okay , goodbye , wait, do you happen to know this natasha ivanova, she seemed to be friends with gnedov too, oh, i don’t know, well, inga said that some little girl asked gnedov to give her a recommendation to london, well
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, i don’t know the details, i'll go, yes of course. it turns out that volgina has a double motive for the murder, well, firstly, gnedov will soon get married on maksimova, volgin’s unrequited love, and secondly, at the jackdaw, the child turns out to be also from the nest, there is something to take revenge for, you need to talk to this young mother, you think they will let you in, they will let you in, but only me, well, let’s go, what ... mommy, we will be back for the procedure in half an hour. hello, galina, congratulations on the birth of your son. and i’m morozova, anna mikhailovna. are you from the police?
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what about mitya? “detention of circumstances, it was aleska who told you that he beat uzaksan’s bay face for me, but it was definitely for you, and not for himself, when i ran up, he shouted to gnedov to marry me because of the child, and to mitka, you need it, you should marry him, it didn’t bother you that there was maksimova, whom you coveted, you coveted her, forgive me, please, the son from whom, from gnedov, of course , i ran after him, i thought he was extraordinary, and i achieved it, we slept together, only once , gnedov apparently didn’t like it , you are an inexperienced fool, you were probably worried, suffered, and how, as soon as this gnedov
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made fun of me, he pinched me. in any way, but mitka, he was sorry, he understood, i fell in love with him, we filed an application, only after that for the first time, you know, and you tried to tell gnedov about the pregnancy, he didn’t want to listen to me, mitya and i worked in the same workshop, he repaired fur coats, and i altered them according to fashion, but about this is a workshop... why did they tell you? well, we united and the profit immediately increased by one and a half times, and if mitka had not married me, my son still would not have gone hungry. listen, volgin is so young, how can you accept someone else’s child at that age? mitka grew up without a father,
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and his mother recently died, and he was like, well, no maybe without a family, he needs to take care of someone, clearly, but how did your relationship with gnedov develop in the future? yes, i hate him, dog of the canopy. his goal was to kill mitka and me to death, but to spite him, mitka gave me a wedding gift, copied a shoe last that always stood on gnedov’s table, with the maestra’s autograph, and ordered shoes for me for friends. wait, you just said that on gnedov’s table there was always a shoe last with the autograph of this master, well, yes, lavantin himself gave it to him.
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this is the contents from under gnedoy’s nails , that’s it, that’s it, that’s enough of low-temperature polymerization, yes, there’s magnesium , there’s rosin, yes, well, well, glue, glue, shoe glue, that’s it,
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they hit him on the head more than once, here is an untreated traumatic brain injury, only death, only hell, this is my verdict, i have to leave, that at the very beginning of the journey, hey, guy, don’t be stupid, they won’t collect 30 m here, this is fedya, ulan ude, so you know him, well, rapper, hear me, fedya, stop fooling yourself, get off, what have you done for rap, and rap doesn’t require bread! let's jump from the bridge without a pantol, the boys won't say that, it's all crap, i demand the trail doc, i killed a friend, kill me or i'll jump, i don't have the strength to hold
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on, roma, why are you here? something happened? i don’t know, i’m waiting for you, will you let me in? what is drunk? well, i drank. anh, i, i can't do this anymore. it’s all my fault , come on, come in, come on, come on, morozov, come in quickly,
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you know, i haven’t taken these days off, i haven’t taken them for six months, since the fall, right here... it’s like they whispered in my ear, take the days off, take them days off, but i can’t stand these skis, you can’t you know, that’s what rom, it’s just a coincidence of circumstances, that’s all, but if i was still in the hospital then, if i was operating on this girl, that you fixed everything, if only, well, why talk about it now, why, why, what should i do? do something, how can you not understand it, what? well, i can’t just sit with folded hands, this man has ended our life, he will turn everything upside down. upside down, and well, i
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have to do something, otherwise what the hell kind of father am i anyway? i already hate myself, oh, ah it was open there, marin, come in, hello, marina, marina, well, well, why are you alone, you can’t, you never know? i , i'm in a taxi, morozov, you're in a daze, anya, i'm sorry, please, i don't know where he got so much, let's go home, i, i have to do something , i'll do it, please, you'll do it, you'll do it, let's go home, a taxi is waiting for us, and not... once, i'm sorry,
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please stop, marin, can you help, we can handle it, well, well, well. so where does this amount come from?
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be patient, daughter, will it all be over soon? anna mikhailov, an, your door is open here, can? victor, come in, sit down. anya, ivanov sent a message via email through a journalist. he wants to receive a ransom and promises to release ksyusha.
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st. petersburg news on the air of the russia channel, olga rostova is with you, hello, the topics of this issue. with a bomb death in court , daria trepova's last word was heard; she faces 28 years in prison. oil, to protect health, st. petersburg scientists have developed a unique technology for the production of medicines. their feat will not be forgotten; employees of the russian guard laid flowers at the monument to the military dog handlers. the intelligent, charming people's artist larisa malevannaya is celebrating her anniversary. the first western district military court today heard the last word of daria trepova. the girl is in danger. 28 years for the terrorist attack on
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university embankment. she conferred with the lawyer for a long time, and began her speech with an apology to the victims for the pain and horror that they had to endure. at the same time , trepova did not fully admit her guilt. the defendant noted that her gullibility led to such consequences. about what's going on encounter with explosives, the girl allegedly did not know, and she herself was sent with a bomb to death. dmitry kasintsev, who sheltered trepova afterward, also gave the last word. explosion, he expressed his readiness to bear responsibility for what he had done, but asked for leniency to be shown to him. we want that, if these people are guilty, they receive a fair punishment, including so that other people who hold the same radical views as daria think about their future. let me remind you, a terrorist attack in a cafe on university embankment took place on april 2 at a creative evening of the military correspondent. the man went
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to catch his catch alone near the village of logi in the kengesep district. due to the strong wind of the waves, the ice cracked and the man on the broken block began to be carried away. the krasnaya gorka rescue squad received a distress signal. the ministry of emergency situations hovercraft was transported to the scene of the incident by a trailer. the ship was unable to navigate the water area due to high hummocks. the rescue operation ended up lasting 6 hours. the man was carried a kilometer from the shore. his returned safely to earth.
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the project for the team of st. petersburg chemists became a real challenge; scientists had been practically living in the laboratories of the technopark lately, there was no other way, the deadlines were running out. the scientists faced a complex and ambitious task: in just 5 months, through chemical synthesis , they could create in the laboratory an active substance for the production of medicines. we are talking about kitoprofen. analgesic is the basis of many drugs for pain and inflammation. such medicines have been produced in russia for a long time, but the components are still imported and this counts.
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was completely independent with us, absolutely independent, that is, we can now produce fez quito profena without turning to foreign countries to purchase raw materials, this is very important. the development of scientists is one of the important stages in the implementation of the import substitution program in the russian
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pharmaceutical industry. after the official registration of the technology of st. petersburg scientists, it will begin to be used in practice in the production of drugs on an industrial scale. mikhail markov, andrey romanov, lead. on vasilyevsky island by the end of the year there should be a road will appear for the luckiest, just its length is 77 m. this was also discussed today at a working meeting of the governor of st. petersburg with members of the government. the city will provide the developer with a plot of more than 400 km from the baltic square to the future school and kindergarten. asphalt will be laid on this land, and upon completion of the work the object will be handed over to the city free of charge. the price of the new street is 45 million.
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now every fifth adult resident of st. petersburg is officially employed in science and education. this year the measures will be especially expanded support for students, graduate students and young scientists. the title of honored scientist of st. petersburg will also begin to be awarded. in one formation, people and dogs, on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad in sosnovka park, laid flowers at the monument to military dog ​​handlers. during the war , the nkvd nursery school stood on this site. service outside.
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more modern preparation methods have changed, but the basic principle remains the same. employees of the russian guard, four-legged sappers have plenty of work, many dog ​​handlers went on a business trip to the northern military district zone. over the past year alone, dogs have discovered over a thousand shell mines in the donbass. linid petrov will tell you about the weather for tomorrow. hello, with the weather forecast from leonid petrov studio. precipitation in some places will continue the thaw, weather forecasters promise in the st. petersburg region. on tuesday, according to the hydrameter of st. petersburg on january 23 in the leningrad
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region, cloudy, sleet and near zero in the afternoon in the field, the same temperature without precipitation in tikhilny, boksitogorsk and volkhov up to +2, it may warm up in kirishi, gadchin and vyborg there will be bars at positive marks. thermometers during the day and in st. petersburg, the northern capital, +13 cloudy without significant precipitation, and it may also be windy, on wednesday night wet snow is already possible and will become only a degree cooler, have a good day in any weather. she played more than 50 roles in films, and served for another 30 years in a large dramatic theater, where tovstanogov himself invited her. people's artist larisa malevannaya celebrates her anniversary. olga conveyed our congratulations. these are my great grandson's drawings seryozha and my great-granddaughter lisa. children's
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drawings, fakes, gifts from grandchildren and great-grandchildren. larisa malevannaya’s apartment does not at all look like the house of a national artist. he hides his own portraits and award posters in the closet. doesn't allow hanging on walls. natural modesty. i give thanks and let go. i live for today. and the actress does not hide her age - she turns 85, although the years look similar. walks by her side, beautiful and energetic, the people’s artist’s phone doesn’t stop ringing, invitations, meetings, and so on all her life without stopping, she doesn’t take breaks on vacation, sets goals and achieves them , despite contradictions, became an actress, they told me not to apply, you won’t get in, so i first went to the pedagogical institute in krasnodar, we lived in poverty, but then 3 years passed and... and when absence, again, the ongoing lack of money, i still
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went, that my friends from the pedagogical institute, walked around the faculty, collected money for a ticket for my suitcase, then leningrad, a theater university, several years of work in the krasnoyarsk youth theater, finally film, the first one immediately main, not want lies between us, do you hear, misha, go. i’m letting go , but the viewer couldn’t let go of the actress, the fragile, slender beauty with huge radiant eyes captivated everyone, immediately after the release of the film, film experts predicted fame for larisa malevannaya, the largest theater directors tried to lure her into their hands. she says the words, and you guess more about the meaning behind these words and what she doesn’t say, she knows how to play fantastically, she is very soft, very feminine, but she sometimes has...
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these tears invisible to the world, hiding somewhere... then in deep down in her soul, this is the love that she carries throughout her life and passes on to her children and loved ones, well, she was sitting in this closet. for more than 30 years, the actress served in the large drama theater, shone in dyadivan, the quiet don, summer residents, and an optimistic tragedy, her monologues fell into the very heart of the audience, and the silence was perhaps heard. even louder than a thousand words, inside the volcano, outside, it doesn’t
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come out, only you see it in the eyes, in some facial expressions, and it’s so subtle and deep, without these bad acting effects, she larisa malevannaya once again captivated the audience with her mastery of performance, and the artists with her directorial talent. without putting pressure on the actor, very gently, incredibly intelligent, a combination of amazing softness and clarity of flight. goals, this is a very rare combination, it means a person knows what he wants to do. the big dramatic thing in malevanny’s creative biography is not a period, but only a comma. she continued to act in films and staged plays in the krasnodar theater. i’ve written several books, now i’m waiting to start filming the film according to her script. there is a computer in the room, constantly turned on, so as not to lose the lines of a new story in your head at
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the moment when sudden inspiration strikes. olga skripkina, denis mirnov, vyacheslav rakov, andrey roman. news. petersburg. this is heredity. an amazing story of saving a dog from a garbage factory in st. petersburg. the living dog was found by accident in a mountain of compressed waste. literally seconds before they are sent to the shredder belt. a strange movement in the pile of garbage was noticed in time by the installation operator. quadruped the foundling turned out to be a thoroughbred, no longer young and clearly domestic. he is well-groomed, trimmed and not afraid of people. the plant employees immediately surrounded him with care, clothed him and fed him. the fact that... frost in a garbage container , which survived a trip in a garbage truck, inside of which a press operates and compresses the waste six times, this dog survived the unloading of waste, and of course it would not have survived the further stages of waste sorting,
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so the fact that it survived - it's a miracle. concerned plant employees called. the lucky one was taken to the see a veterinarian to check your health and presence of a chip. by the way, it was not found, the mark is no longer readable, so it has not yet been possible to find the owners. the doctors also talked about the patient’s health, all his ailments were a consequence of age-related changes, but the trip in the garbage truck still did not pass without a trace and added broken ribs to the four-legged sufferer. in general, rest and medication are recommended for the dog, and they will probably look for the poor yorkie. a new home and loving owners. this was the news from st. petersburg. all the best and see you meetings. doing surgery now is a big
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risk. i'm willing to take the risk. and you, the operation is already underway. i couldn’t stop them, hello, hello, we’re having dinner at my place today, you guys are great from brigen, they stuck me here, and you, that the shura-mura are behind me, something urgent, urgent, personal, skaliposovsky, tomorrow on rtr , yuri belyaev and tatyana abramova, i had different situations and i perceived them as a disaster, as a collapse, i was going through a period in my life. i have never had three psychologists help me at the same time, it’s amazing how long and what paths you took for each other, we understand perfectly well that it was not us who suddenly decided that we are husband and wife, god decided everything for us a long time ago, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, on the anniversary of a great artist, collect a parcel for the children,
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little blue ones, and it can be delivered with a conductor. odessa on friday on rtr. the daughter of the famous football player alexander kirzhakov, eighteen-year-old daria, spent the last two years in a rehabilitation center, where she was treated for addiction, but recently escaped from there and is now wandering around moscow. we're like a good family, a pretending family. dasha wants
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to reach out to her mom and dad, but she can’t meet them yet. where are her mom and dad now? confession of a daughter. scythians, sarmatovs and alans, who at that time inhabited the territory of what is now southern russia, and then experienced the influence of the turkic peoples. legends about narts exist among most
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peoples of the north caucasus. the most popular hero among the narts is soslan, nachi sasruku. this mythical hero can probably be called a contemporary of prometheus and hercules. and, probably, only in those epic times is it possible was to be born the way he was born. this is certainly an incredible story, if not shocking. one day, the tank-browed, dark-faced beauty satan was washing clothes in the river; on the other bank, a young shepherd from the nart village was grazing cows. he saw the beauty and was overcome by an unprecedented passion. and this passion was so strong that the shepherd sat down on a stone and impregnated him. i saw it. all this to satan, she took the stone home, and after 9 months the stone became hot inside , a terrible rustling was heard, then satan ran to the
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blacksmith god tlepsha, he broke the stone and came out he was a red-hot iron boy, sparks were flying from him and the park was splashing over him, then tlepsh grabbed the child by the huge pincers... the boys named him sasruko, born from a stone
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, in the ossetian version soslan and this means son of a stone. since childhood, he surprised everyone with his intelligence , cunning and strength. he had the strength of three mountain falls and the cunning of the smartest sledge. it is spoken about in the epic. the older soslan became, the greater his fame became. he found wonderful iron, from which he forged an extraordinary sword. he managed to find and tame a winged horse. when the horse flew up to hit the hero the sky, he hid
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under his belly. when he hit the ground, he quickly jumped into his circle. and when his side hit the mountain, the hero moved to the other side of the horse. dzhigitovka is on her own, she left the battle. it was born on horseback by men who, in battle, tried to hide from arrows, spears, well, all sorts of different weapons, let’s say, this is generally a military applied art, but it was invented, let’s say, by a hero with a clan. together with the horse, soslan right away i got fire for the sledges. one day the sledges set off on a hike and began to freeze in the icy steppe. the hero shot down a star from
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the sky with an arrow, but it went out as it fell to the ground and the sledges were unable to warm up. then soslan and his faithful horse decided to take the fire away from the one-eyed giant inyzh. sosruko saved people, but unlike his famous colleague prometheus, he was not punished for. it is by the gods, on the contrary, that his fame and influence have only grown. so. before us is a hero endowed with obvious supernatural abilities, the usual this is the case for heroic myths, but in myths the fairy tale is often intertwined with historical reality. let us again recall the story of
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how the wounded warrior bequeathed to the ancestors of the kordanov family a towel that was used to bandage his wounds. there is no doubt in this house that it was really bequeathed to their family by the famous hero. the kardanovs talk about the unusual properties of this fabric. in 1948, when there was a big drought, everyone in the village wore this scarf, and after that it started to rain. a lot of.
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but what can be said about it from a materialistic point of view? fashion designer madininap creates unique dresses in her creative workshop using national adykh motifs. being a specialist in the history of circassian costume, she knows well all the properties of local fabrics, the features of embroidery, and the main meaning of traditional patterns.
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meeting of the un security council on the obudar of kiev in donetsk. on sakhalin, schoolchildren blocked a bridge remotely in vladivostok. and in samara, an avalanche covered the children's weather in the region. a new level of medicine for expectant mothers and babies. from this year chikkotka has its own anchor perinatal center in khabarovsk. new day on the russia channel. they begin to lead. main
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news. in the studio of karina elgina. hello. russia is ready to resolve the conflict diplomatically, but this does not imply the retention of power by the criminal leaders of the kiev regime. sergei lavrov stated this at a meeting of the un security council in new york. moscow requested in connection with the terrorist attack in donetsk. according to the russian foreign minister, we are talking about overcoming the grave consequences of the coup and dictatorship in ukraine. merchants death is not at all embarrassed by the fact that their weapons, including cluster munitions and shells with combined uranium, methodically, mercilessly and deliberately, deliberately hit purely civilian targets. as was the case during the strikes on residential areas of belgorod on december 30, yesterday at the market and store of donetsk, the blood of dozens of dead, civilians is on the hands and conscience
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of those who arm the zelensky regime, and at the same time officially declares that the kiev authorities themselves have the right to choose targets for strikes . the day before, the ukrainian armed forces attacked kirovsky district of donetsk, the territory of the market in the tekstilshchik microdistrict came under artillery fire. according to the latest data, 27 people were killed and another 26 were injured. workers of public utility organizations, together with volunteers , are still eliminating the consequences of the shelling. strike at ssu. un secretary general antonio guterres condemned the donetsk market. he stressed that attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure are prohibited by international law, they are unacceptable and must be stopped immediately. western media also failed
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ignore the crimes of ukraine, but tried to remove it from the list of main news. allegedly, they are waiting for some confirmation and reaction from kiev, which is not there. cnn, however, calls the attack on donetsk ukrainian and reminds. usa and its allies. and the british garden cites the words of donetsk residents that there were no military facilities on the market. trade unions must approach solving social issues from a state position, vladimir putin stated this at a meeting in the kremlin with the head of the federation of independent trade unions, mikhail shmakov. the conversation turned to the results of activities. it turned out that for 30 years i have been heading this organization of ours, i want
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to say that over these years of work, well , one might say, joint work, after all, you are often an inconvenient partner for the government , but so far, yes, but that’s all -in general. schoolchildren on sakhalin are being transferred to distance learning due to a new cyclone; there is a strong wind and snowstorm in the south of the island; fifty cars are trapped in snow on one of the roads. drivers and passengers had to wait for special equipment for more than 4 hours, due to strong excitement
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the ice has begun to crack along the coastline, and fishermen are being urged not to go out into the bays. a storm warning is in effect in vladivostok; squally winds with gusts of up to 40 m/s are literally blowing people away. there was a bridge to russky island. it is now blocked from entering trucks and buses , another snow cyclone in novosibirsk, the city is stuck in dense traffic jams , there is almost zero visibility on the roads due to thick fog, traffic in samara is disrupted, traffic lights are literally covered with wet snow, and this avalanche hit children, right in the city center. the chukotka district hospital begins cooperation with the perinatal center of khabarovsk, and now referrals will be made there. mothers with a difficult pregnancy, as well as babies who require special care. report by anna martyashkina. over the past three years, six women with severe pregnancy pathologies were sent to three different specialized centers: federal in moscow, and two
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third-level centers in vladivostok and khabarovsk. from this year.


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