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tv   Morozova  RUSSIA1  January 23, 2024 3:55am-4:50am MSK

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they met in besieged leningrad , why do you need this soldier, you are so lonely, karlich, what a karlovich, you are young, it seems to you that this is forever nadezhda dmitrievna, let's talk like woman to woman, you love me, you know everything yourself . you play without black keys, as if from a blank slate, in music this is the beginning, the beginning, the seventh symphony, on saturday and sunday, on rtr, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend , tear off everything that was ours that was together, what do you have... left, they went against
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god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, the fairy tale drizzly, remember, here it is in a separate swedish village, every year a hotel is built here. snow and ice, which can easily be equal to five snowflakes, sparkling neimhols, richly decorated with sculptures, rooms with all the ice amenities, there is even a sauna with cold water, although for a price tag of 70 thousand rubles per night , there are plenty of people who want to relax in the frosty scents , the hotel books in advance, but they don’t stay for long, in this palace of the snow queen it is rarely warmer than -10, so down pajamas and brushed pants will be useful, because the furniture is in hotel
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, chairs, tables, beds are also made of ice, you can sleep by the refrigerator, we also have ice, ice three, this picture comes out on the most romantic day of the year, february 14, the favorite characters of alexander petrov and maria aronova will return to the big screens, but with a new exciting one plot, the completion of this beautiful fairy tale awaits millions of viewers, it’s all for you, great love has taught you the loss of a loved one. the loner will continue to protect his daughter, not from her passion for figure skating, but from a brave, loving ice partner, like he once was. well, you guys just have a great relationship, you don’t...
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don’t tell each other anything, what do you want me to say, but you don’t need to say anything, you, dad, how old were you when you and your mom met, today day it is a very relevant, very important topic and difficult, of course, when a daughter grows up, how to make sure that she is not lost under any circumstances, but on the other hand , let go, on the third hand, and being the closest person and friend is a difficult task , but i can do it. another important theme of the new film is the relationship between the hero petrov and the character maria aronova. coach irina shatalina has repeatedly proven that even the harshest woman also has a soul. yes, this cannot be, well, you are powerful. but in the third part of shatalina’s painting you have to finally throw off your armor and accept the love of all the gorins in order to understand that the main thing in life is not to win medals, but to find a family. there are new manifestations
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of this iron young lady, there is a new quality of her, there is a revaluation of values, and there is a different relationship between shatalina and gorin. viewers of the third part of the film will experience dramatic rivalry, a lot of humor, ice dancing, first-class musical performances and stunning views of lake baikal. the permanent hero of the film, and also, as the creators promise, the film will surprise you with the unexpected the finale. the most romantic and beautiful fairy tale is back on the screen, watch ice 3 in cinemas from february 14th. and then an accurate diagnosis. artists, because they go to the theater, are sleuths, malingerers. crossbow, here, wow, how did he
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know, is it possible to make a diagnosis so quickly, well now yes, with modern rapid tests, yes, i wonder what kind? diseases can be identified using these rapid tests, so we will find out from an expert very soon, maybe even from inflammation of the cunning, we need these, for sure, zelensky’s peace formula is the way to nowhere, sergei lavrov at the un security council meeting on kiev’s attack on donetsk. on sakhalin. the cinema distance in vladivostok blocked a bridge, and an avalanche covered children in samara. weather in the region. new levels of medicine for expectant mothers and babies. since this year, chukhodka has its own anchor perinatal center in khabarovsk.
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they are starting to broadcast a new day on the russia channel. the main news in the studio karina ilyina. hello. the united states is implementing a profitable business project in ukraine to support its defense industry and undermine the competing one. the old one is being disposed of in ukraine. most of the large ukrainian factories and companies, including lithium production,
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were sold to the same americans. fertile lands were leased to them for an indefinite period, as we say, at a cheap price. one of the most striking examples is the receipt by soros structures of chernozem soils for the disposal of waste from the western chemical industry. the kremlin called the strike on donetsk a monstrous act of terrorism, as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said. vladimir putin listened to reports on the situation in the city and gave all the necessary instructions. the day before, the ukrainian armed forces attacked kirovsky district of donetsk. a textile worker came under artillery fire into the market area in the microdistrict. according to the latest data, 27 people were killed and another 26 were injured. workers of public utility organizations, together with volunteers , are still eliminating the consequences of the shelling. in moscow, the memory of the victims was honored by activists of the young guard of united russia and the volunteer company. they laid flowers at the representative office
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of the donetsk people's republic and declared a minute of silence. trade unions must approach social issues from a state perspective. position, vladimir putin stated this at a meeting in the kremlin with the head of the federation of independent trade unions, mikhail shmakov. the conversation turned to the results of the activities of the organization and its chairman, who has headed the federation for 30 years. a congress is planned in april; the organization itself has about 20 million people. it turned out that i have been heading this organization of ours for 30 years.
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government positions, of course, primarily based on the interests of workers, issues of a social nature, and whose interests you must protect according to the law, within the meaning of... trade unions itself, but in general the state approach is, of course, very important, i hope that this will continue to be the case in the activities of trade unions. vladimir vladimirovich, the interests of the state and the interests of the workers generally coincide, schoolchildren on sakhalin are being transported remotely due to a new cyclone, there is strong wind and snowstorm in the south of the island , fifty cars were caught in the snow on one of the roads, drivers and passengers had to wait more than 4 days for special equipment hours. due to strong waves , the ice began to crack off the coast; fishermen are urged not to go out into the bays. a storm warning is in effect in vladivostok; squally winds with gusts of up to 40 m/s are literally blowing people away. the bridge to russian island had to be partially closed. currently , trucks and buses are prohibited from entering it. another snow
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cyclone in novosibirsk. the city was stuck in dense traffic jams, and there was almost zero visibility on the highways due to thick fog. disturbed traffic in samara. wet snow. literally covered up the traffic lights, and this avalanche fell on the children, right in the center cities. chukotskaya. the district hospital begins cooperation with the perinatal center of khabarovsk; now expectant mothers with a difficult pregnancy, as well as babies who require special care, will be sent there. report by anna martyashkina. over the past three years, six women with severe pregnancy pathologies were sent to three different specialized centers: federal in moscow and two third-level centers in vladivostok and khabarovsk. since this year , the perinatal center named after professor postol in khabarovsk has been assigned to chukotka. he will become.
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remote consultation of newborns in severe and critical condition using telemedicine technologies, the regional government is further developing proposals from specialists from the kulakov center to further improve the quality of medical care, including re-equipping the obstetric hospital of the belibin hospital and its branches, creating on the basis of the chukotka district hospital nonnatal remote consultation center, organization of monitoring of high-risk pregnant women with regular transmission of information about their condition to the remote advisory center of the khabarovsk regional prenatal center. it is important to note that in chukotka over the past
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20 years there has not been a single death among women giving birth, the infant mortality rate is at the level of the russian average. anna martyashkina, roman malykhin, alexander khrymov, lead from chukotka. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website this is to lead. we are monitoring developments. in orenburg it’s sometimes a plus, sometimes a minus. such inconsistent weather established in the region thanks to the natural phenomenon "elneny", it creates sharp temperature changes, which does not greatly affect people's health. oksana boricheva will continue. during these changes, shortness of breath is generally annoying, that is, breathing is interrupted. the reason for this is sudden changes in air temperature, like in early january from -30 to... alone. weather disasters undermine the health of orenburg residents. the number of patients at the regional hospital's cardiac clinic
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has increased significantly. there is a spasm of blood vessels in our patients, the arterial blood pressure increases pressure. rapid weather changes affect psychological health. may cause depression and anxiety. this can be expressed in the form of apathy in the form of reluctance to strive for the goals that were set yesterday, the desire to lie down more. 2024 started abnormally warm according to the data. at all weather stations in the region, the air temperature in the first days of the new year was 9-16° above the climate norm, for the first time in the history of constant medical observations. and elniño is to blame for this, as scientists call the natural phenomenon, which causes weather disasters throughout the planet. so ilnino reached the orenburg region, bringing abnormal heat in the last days of december and the first days of january. after abnormal heat, in the first working week of the new year, abnormal cold overtook the region. arctic invasion the weather became violent again, snowstorms hit the region, the situation on the roads worsened sharply, dozens of
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accidents, including fatal ones, highways were blocked, heavy trucks were stuck in traffic jams. the last one was also distinguished by climate madness the year 2023 for orenburg became the hottest in 100 years. there is an explanation for all these weather disasters. we can, of course, talk about global warming; this is most likely the human factor, including emissions or exhaust emissions. according to weather forecasters , until the end of january the weather will not give rest, the same jumps in air temperature and atmospheric pressure, according to preliminary forecasts, february will also be hot, snow is expected above normal, and it seems that only wolves in the buzuluk forest do not experience problems from the weather, enjoying this winter. oksana boricheva, gleb kolugin, news of the orenburg region. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website the news is following developments. famous football player alexander kirzhakov, eighteen-year-old daria
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spent the last two years in a rehabilitation center, where she was treated for addiction, but recently escaped from there and is now wandering around moscow. we're like a good family, a family that does offense. dasha wants to reach out to her mom and dad, but she can’t meet them yet. where is she now dear mother and father, confession of the daughter of the legendary football player in our program. malakhov, today at 16:30. good morning, hello! elena nikolaeva and denis stoykov, we are pleased to welcome you on tuesday, today january 23rd. and already in the morning, according to tradition, we are trying to be kinder and fluffier, but today we want to put in a word for the prickly hedgehogs, although prickly hedgehogs really are animals, they are absolutely defenseless in front of self-propelled robots and lawn mowers. when meeting a buzzing gadget with sharp
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knives, they do not run away, but curl up into tangle, and this is their fatal mistake. mowing - lawn ecosystems are more important than mowing. it caused irreparable harm, but the hedgehogs at oxford university thought about whether it was possible to change the situation and conducted a series of hedgehog crash tests. the scenarios were taken from garden and country life. instead of a live hedgehog , a 3d mannequin was used. now british scientists are proposing to label lawn mowers on a hedgehog safety scale. horrible story, heartbreaking. well, how can we keep our children safe on the roads? annually. there are thousands of accidents in russia involving minors, hundreds of wounded, dozens of dead. and often accidents happen in the dark, because children are simply not visible. alexander blinnikov found out how to make young pedestrians more noticeable. these stories are always similar to each other. road darkness, then a sharp impact and a pair of orange headlights flashing in the darkness. even not all drivers immediately
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understand that a tragedy has occurred. it turns out i knocked her down. i thought that there was a dog or something that got run over. i immediately stopped, a twenty-one year old guy from dagestan hit a teenage girl to death, he says he wasn’t driving fast, but didn’t have time to react, the driver in moscow couldn’t press the brake pedal in time, everything happened before alexandra’s eyes, the schoolchildren were walking along the sidewalk, and then abruptly ran across the road, i saw how a girl who was extremely offended is beaten by a taxi driver, she was completely dressed in black, over the past year, 41 children died in evening traffic accidents, more than one and a half thousand were injured, and the driver is not always clearly to blame. after all , even at the permitted speed, the braking distance often longer than the luminous capabilities of the headlights. when a driver moves along the road with low beam headlights, he sees a pedestrian without retroreflective elements at a distance of 25-50 m. if the pedestrian has a retroreflective element, then this distance will increase to 50-100 m. a retroreflective element is an inexpensive thing, not at all
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exclusive, but for some reason, not everyone has it. in this case, such a small piece of material is enough to be noticeable on the road, returns the light to the source, the light enters the reflective material and through a system of microprisms it returns back to the driver. it is safest to wear a jacket made of such material in the evening, but so far it has not been possible to oblige manufacturers to provide at least children’s clothing with luminous elements. opponents of the idea say that not all trousers or sheepskin coats can have retroreflectors sewn into them. in addition, the material must be of high quality and not lose its properties after washing, when all this is calculated on the calculator. gasped, putting a reflective patch on a jacket can increase its price there by 25-30%. and it turns out that our the products will be completely unclaimed. while it is much easier to provide a child with luminous accessories, the elements can be hung on clothes on a backpack, and to make it more interesting for children, experts suggest making them with your own hands during labor lessons. here you can
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make such a game story, and then move on to the production process, and then, in fact, the people who. they produced it, yes, naturally, like, if it ’s done well, why not use it, especially it seems to me that it would be great for younger grades, it should be interesting too parents, a lot depends on them, experts say, it is mothers and fathers who must first of all explain to children why it is important to wear reflectors, perhaps better than any words - a personal example, in order for reflective elements to be useful, they must be worn correctly at the level of car headlights, for an adult, this is the belt area, and for a child, it is the shoulder area, and for greater effect... visibility, the element must be secured on both sides. safety comes first, and not just on the roads. according to rospotrebnadzor, mid-january was marked by an increase in the incidence of influenza and o. compared to the first week of the year, the number of cases increased by 78%. almost a million cases have been reported across the country. at the same time , the number of covid cases increased
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by more than 12%. this is 27 cases. according to the specialist, identify all these diseases. in general, with the whole set, like a fan of cards literally, you know, today those rapid tests that are available and available quite widely, they, of course, have a fairly high sensitivity and specificity, well... for example, for the diagnosis of viral respiratory diseases, such as coronavirus infection, and influenza a and b, the sensitivity is more than 99%, the specificity is more than 95,
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so of course these rapid tests can certainly be trusted, there was an increase in the past in a year with a record incidence of whooping cough, isn’t it worth expanding the range of these rapid tests? this line is certainly expanding every year; today, for example, we very actively use such a rapid test for antigen diagnostics. this a pathogen that belongs to bacterial infections, just like whooping cough , and is the causative agent of sore throat, so indeed, today we carry out rapid testing not only for viral infections, but also for some bacterial infections, in the future, and we generally talk about all diseases we’ll know immediately by spitting, literally, or because they’ll quickly take our blood and drip it somewhere, and you know, in 2023, specialists from the central non-epidemiology department of rospotrebnadzor have already... developed rapid testing eight particularly dangerous infections, these include the measles virus, and sanimania and maleria, this exotic thing that you mentioned, malaria or dengue fever,
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god forbid, yes, and this is also all included in the list of things with which the doctor comes to the house, or he gives a referral, if he finds out that the person has returned and complains of being unwell, he does not attribute this to acclimatization, but says: listen, you need to go to the clinic, it’s very nice if you have a fever to go to the clinic somewhere else. let's say, special, special the team will check for these exotic diseases; it’s unlikely that a doctor will go to everyone’s house with such tests. of course, you are absolutely right that, of course, all our doctors do not go from house to house with such tests, but if there is a certain epidemiological history, of course this doctor will immediately give him a referral to identify these specific infectious diseases. well, over the past couple of years , a lot of tests have appeared in pharmacies to determine various diseases, stroke, infect. myocardium can also be determined by test? well, unfortunately, unlike infectious diseases, heart attack, myocardial disease and stroke are, of course, diseases that we cannot establish only on the basis of
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rapid testing. in order to make a diagnosis of myocardial infarction, it is, of course, necessary to perform an electrocardiographic study, and to diagnose a stroke, these are imaging methods, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography of the brain, you have already listed measles, rubella, pooping cough, arvi, influenza , covid, and how? rotovirus infection still needs to be expanded, maybe even rapid tests for certain toxins, because i think that in toxicology , rapid testing will also be very actively expanded and this is a very interesting direction in this area of ​​medicine. thank you very much , professor of the department of faculty therapy at sechenov university of the ministry of health of russia aeda tarzimanova answered our questions. all the best to you, have a nice day, thank you, thank you, where can you take a shower, and where can you wash in the river? halob 2, well, you know, so that. water was pouring from above, rain, class, come on, all together, in unison, a show of unprecedented scale, what
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is happening, well, this is something incredible, let's all watch together, february 2 at 21:30, almost 27 thousand objects in 87 russian regions housing and the urban environment have been improved within the framework of the national project, this is just the past year, this includes the courtyard areas, streets and public areas. space, both in large and sparsely populated areas, and where and how exactly the face of one’s hometown or village is changing is suggested by the most interested side, residents. cosmic forces are eager to fight, judging by the amount of snow, it is uranus or neptune, on the new playground in shchokina, while playing you can study the structure of the solar system, for this reason grishin’s love brings his boys. from the neighboring area of ​​the city there is, of course, one more nuance, while they are playing, here you can relax, sit on a bench, watch them, because everything is nearby after large-scale landscaping, the old
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square has become pedestrian and is adjacent to the park, there is a children’s playground, and benches and swings, all the delights of nature, in the summer there will be fountains and a skate park, and the main beauty is not yet visible, local residents assure. previously, it was just a boring, gray asphalt square, broken asphalt, now, now, of course, everything is covered with snow. laid beautiful tiles, stylized, since we are a city of chemists, under the periodic table, all thanks to the national project housing and urban environment, within its framework the city won the all-russian competition of small towns and historical settlements, received state support for the implementation of an ambitious, but passionate large-scale work was carried out on the improvement project approved by residents. everything that was initially envisaged in the project was implemented. there is no such project anywhere in all of russia. residents of vladivostok can also boast of a unique new park, as if there is nothing like it anywhere else, this is an eagle hill, it is a cult place in itself, and now there is also a multi-tiered area for
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walking and relaxing, with a stunning... view of zolotoy rok bay, now you can’t come here it’s a shame to invite tourists, but the locals already they are taking over the benches and paths, despite the frost, we live in this house and come here every day, there is sunshine here, it’s very good here, because there is a slide, because there is a slide of course, but the rest of the project is pleasing to the eye now, local residents say , the old-timers for many years observed the overgrown hill of the abandoned weather station building, by the way, a cafe would open there in the summer, and they were worried , they really hoped that... another house would not be built in front of us, they tried in every possible way to interact with the authorities, conducted a dialogue, with various, parts, and there our administration, in order to create here exactly , let’s say, a social object, and the national project housing and the urban environment were heard allows citizens to be not just passive spectators, but participants in positive changes, because they clearly know better where
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government support will go really... the common good of the residents of our city, they voted, well, the overwhelming majority of 9,500 people voted for this site, and throughout the country over the past year, participation in the elections of improvement objects within more than 14 million people took part in the national project in their hometowns, 26,884 objects were improved in 2023, by the end of this year in 60% of russian cities, thanks to the national project , the quality of the urban environment will improve, while in 2019 there were only 25% of such cities. favorite songs are played in our studio, let's go, birthday, favorite music never gets old. everything i have in life.
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real songs, real feelings know no boundaries, i’m sitting here and barely holding back my tears, the words of love are clear to everyone without translation. hello, andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturdays on rtr. the national academy of motion picture arts and sciences of russia represents the main one. film event and film characters
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of 2023, achievements of luck, discovery and shock, everything that is worthy of an award, golden eagle award ceremony. live broadcast on friday on rtr. it still hurts here, it hurts here , it hurts here. this disease never manifests itself acutely and creeps up gradually.
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to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember principle 3p. this, by the way, is officially proven to be proper nutrition. how to properly deal with stress? you need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat. the right drugs. medicine is like crutches for us. and the right habits. shouldn't we slap some kefir? about the most important things from monday to friday on rtr. for the anniversary of a great artist: collect a package for the children, little blue one, and it can be delivered with a conductor. leonid yarmolnik, how do we love him? i have respect, attention, honor, certificates. i have a medal i am a soviet person. odessa, as... we
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know it, farshmak, why is it necessary to farshmak, i don’t understand why these stereotypes, you have the conscience to say such things, to think such things, the film is a golden eagle award winner. kotseteli kills all microbes, you don’t drink, grigorievich, i don’t drink, but i’ll already drink if they want it, odessa, on friday on rtr, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov today on... strategically used manure, japanese scientists have learned to obtain highly efficient fuel from cows and
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flat cakes. the first bench tests have already been completed, the engines were run on aromatic fuel, 10 seconds were allowed, so the experiment, but by scientific standards, can be considered successful. the fuel is obtained from a neighboring farm, where every day cows produce 50 tons of waste, from which biogas is produced. after processing, it can be used to fuel spaceships that will set off to roam the expanses of the universe. what are you driving? yes, here you go yes, on flatbreads, but what can be made from glass, various decorations, internet users tell us, now we will see how to create this fragile beauty with our own hands. come on, come on, a couple more hits and we'll definitely break him. well, it’s a pity, of course, but what can i do if i need broken glass for creativity? by the way, breaking glass and glass objects in itself is already a trend on the internet. users admit that there is something peaceful about it. it’s not surprising
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that the video showing different types of people coming down the stairs bottles, received hundreds of thousands of likes. some are filled with water and colorful liquids, others are filled with smaller bottles, resulting in an endless cycle of breaking. and you can treat breaking. as for the artistic process, it's incredible how this guy manages to create realistic portraits with just glass and a hammer. each crack is a line of a human face, the portraits turn out to be extremely alive. so, how else would you use the fragments? well, of course, create beautiful decorative items from them. glue the glass pieces onto the mold, wait until everything dries and we get a wonderful vase, bowl or lampshade. well, if you have accumulated a lot of glass, you can take a swing at entire pieces of fittings, for example, make a beautiful glass table with your own hands, it turns out interesting, one was broken, another was created. well, where would we be without
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jewelry, of course, glass, these are not diamonds, but when used correctly , they sparkle no worse. by the way, most of all the master... likes to look for glass stones on the beach, already treated with sea water; the stones truly become unique. by the way, some of them are already many hundreds of years old, so it’s hard to call them ordinary pieces of glass. however, beauty can be made from modern materials. no, can you imagine, they make decorations in the microwave. please tell me, in order to make such a beautiful ring, how many glasses do you need to bring? further sleight of hand, have you seen his grip, we would like someone like that for the team at the gate, no,
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we need to get him to the airport, sort the luggage, come on manually, maybe with his speed the sorting will be twice as fast, oh, now all the luggage in the car specially sorts, but what machine can compare with it in speed, well , accuracy is also important, about new sorting machines? this is news in the morning, we will tell you about the main thing in russia and abroad, in the studio karina elina, hello, russian air defense forces shot down a ukrainian su-25 aircraft in the kharkov region, the ministry of defense reported this, also within 24 hours.
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drone operators tracked and destroyed gun emplacements from the air. at the center, the electoral commission delivered signatures in support of vladimir putin. he became the first self-nominated person to... provided the necessary documents. from the central election headquarters brought 95 boxes containing 315,000 questionnaires. large-scale data collection work with the participation of volunteers was carried out in all regions of the country. as a result, it was possible to collect 10 times the required level of signatures, three times more than in the 2018 elections . polish prime minister donald tusk came to kiev for the first time after his appointment. he has already held negotiations with zelensky, following which he stated that poland. will no longer supply weapons to ukraine free of charge, but
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is ready to provide military assistance to on a commercial basis. the visit takes place against the background of numerous disagreements in the economic sphere between the two countries. previously, warsaw banned the import of ukrainian agricultural products. the ban included, in particular, seeds, grain, fruits, vegetables, meat, and poultry. in germany , one of the largest strikes starts this evening. road blockages throughout germany have spread to france. local farmers have paralyzed the highway leading to spain in perpeñan. and on monday night, farmers in oksetania blocked the entrances to the nuclear power plant. galshev power station. relatives of israeli hostages burst into
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the knesset building, interrupted a meeting of the parliament's financial commission and demanded that deputies return their loved ones from captivity. in particular, protesters proposed the option of ransoming hostages; some called for dissolving the government. there was also a demonstration outside the parliament. activists demanded an extension to the early elections . the police tried to disperse the protesters. open winter swimming competitions were held in the khabarovsk territory water. more than 100 athletes from all over the country took part in the second stage of the russian cup. kiril rogachev's report on how the competitors covered the distance in the january frosts. the ice hole is almost always covered with steam, the water is near zero, the air temperature fluctuates down to -30. because of this, not all swimmers can be clearly seen, but those who have already covered the distance are of the same opinion. beautiful. smoothly, i want to live, the most
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important thing is to defeat myself, he has been defeating himself for the seventh year in a row and the legend of khabarovsk cold swimming is very successful. lyudmila zhuravleva, the audience's favorite, overcomes the twenty-five-meter distance, despite the fact that at almost 85, she is the world champion and various international competitions in her category. go ahead, go ahead, go ahead! after the butterfly, lyudmila alekseevna hurries to one of the four tents, where soldiers from the ministry of emergency situations keep the stoves warm, an ambulance is on duty nearby , but a seasoned one...
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this is news, we are following the development of events. warming points operate in the liberated territories of the lugansk people's republic. volunteers from tatarstan, perm and rostov-nadno provides everyone with hot tea and food. they also deliver food and provide targeted assistance. about the work of a team of concerned people in a report by tatyana dubova. the volunteer warming center in severodonetsk opens its doors at 8 am. volunteers from the young guard are preparing everything to welcome visitors. we are preparing rice porridge from stew for
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the local population, for civilians, volunteers from rostov-on-don and perm work here, local residents come to their aid, they set up the station like home, if children come, there are pencils, coloring books and paper so they can draw. for almost a year at the volunteer center, people have received not only material, but also moral help, they are going through difficult times together, their son died, my husband died after that, i am one pensioner. from the water, its volunteers deliver it to points from the local temple, crystal clear and illuminated. in total, volunteers have organized four tents, two of them are located in lesichansk, one for adults and one for children, where a teacher works with a developmental program. we try to spoil the children gifts both sweet and soft. the children's
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volunteer center in lesichansk is decorated with balloons, and townspeople often celebrate holidays here. young guard volunteer azisbek sunatuloev, originally from the chief region of the republic. tatarstan has been in the front-line city for six months, he quickly adapted to new conditions, and knows how to act in dangerous situations not from a textbook. if there is a threat of shelling , the point is closed, and the volunteers themselves go to help the victims. january 1st is also here - this house arrived at the entrance, the windows were falling out, we also arrived the first time around 10:00 am they immediately started helping out the garbage. volunteers also provide regular targeted assistance to those residents who cannot come to the volunteer station. tatiana dubovaya, egor pavlenko, maria bulgakova, conduct lugansk-lisichansk. 120 years have passed since the birth of children's writer arkady gaidar. the memorable date is especially honored in his homeland in the kursk region. after
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the story of timur and his team , a social movement arose that embraced millions of boys and girls. they proudly called themselves timurovites. report by svetlana gerasimova. today, timur’s detachments are being revived throughout russia within the first movement, one of the most active in lgov, the writer’s small homeland. at school number one , high school students have united, they work after school behind the school, a large mass grave, the liberators of the city and a monument to the unknown soldier. it doesn’t force us, because all the guys work with enthusiasm, we have to show the young ones. we give you this flower so that it will always
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make you happy, thank you for our happy childhood and peaceful skies above your head, thank you, peaceful skies for... a special wish on account of his anti-aircraft crew having shot down many enemy aircraft. grishen received his baptism of fire during the crossing of the dnieper, and as part of the third ukrainian front he reached austria. i had a russian, a khakhol, an urdmur, a tatar, a jew in my calculations, but they were all slugs. the front-line soldier cries when it comes to the disunity of the once fraternal peoples, who together defeated fascism. in the area of ​​the timurov detachment, round ones are working. their worries are simple: bring water from the well, chop wood, clean the house, weed the garden and even organize a concert. on the eightieth anniversary of the battle of kursk, the timurites went to the widows of veterans to sing katyusha and other soviet war songs together. this is the meaning of timurov’s movement to help with small deeds. already two thirds of lgov schools have joined
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the timurov movement, and the rest promise to join by the new school year. of course, if the guys themselves want to, nope, no, but kind and... today at 21:20, and soon we will watch new episodes, an urgent meeting with the best team, for the anniversary of leonid yarmolnik. you
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know, he walks on his own, but i don’t have a bag. raya, what do you understand about such things? what is it, dad? you can’t change everything, you know what i think, we have to move on with our lives, the film is a golden eagle award winner, odessa on friday at 21:30 on the russia channel, good morning, hello, today is tuesday morning , january 23rd on... well and more girls will appear now, one girl, you should look at her, and you look, driving a heavy truck, a girl in pink, and her... truck is noticeable from afar due to the glamorous coloring. subscribers call this internet celebrity nothing less than romanian barbie. the truck driver
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always leaves her shift dressed up like a doll, wearing high heels and provocative makeup. she is accompanied by two cats, who star in an endless stream of popular videos. many girls want to be the center of attention, but, according to foreign statistics, every fourth representative of the fairer sex has been subjected to... but i haven’t forgotten the methods of a kind of hybrid war, they use espionage, attacks psychologically and even biologically.
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he keeps track of how many photographs i sent to the police department, i did not make 30 complaints, there are many times more of them, if you raise them, probably closer to 50. the police, however, counted less, 24. all requests were checked with procedural decisions, in accordance with the procedure established by law and the corresponding legal assessment of the supervisory authority. that's just the dock, the offended lover got caught only once for a mutilated car, and escaped with a slight fright, an arrest for 10 for a day and at the same time not even approach the girl, but only her apartment. a resident of the moscow region, ekaterina, would be happy even with such an outcome, she says that for almost six months she has been stalked by her former common-law husband, watching, threatening, doing nasty things and feeling complete impunity, you are not groundless. in total, more than 15 statements were written, but as it turned out later, the first few statements were written.
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so throw the treatment into the trash bin, the police do not have the right not to accept such statements and do not have the right not to react, this is the speed of reaction and tools for influencing stalkers, abusers and bullies that need the attention of legislators, this is exactly the case when tragedies could have been prevented. it is necessary that the reaction be immediate at the initial stage, so that the pursuer can be stopped, for this there must be wording, precise wording must be given.
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so why not at least prohibit not accepting an application, let there be a refusal later, but at least on the number of applications, they are registered, then there will be statistics, because if they are not accepted, then there are no statistics, it turns out that everything is fine with us, some isolated cases, and you are absolutely right, because if every application was really studied, we would at least have this article. the life of another wad, well, that is , some kind of reaction should probably come from the state this year, as one of the speakers says, why doesn’t the state
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react, really, why? i don’t know, we had a lot of bills, which? enough, yes, that it’s all about it prevention, because sometimes for a man they found out, this is the first thing, it’s shameful, it will still
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happen, yes, that you are an aggressor, that you are mocking your family, your loved ones. time he manages to think, yes, psychologists will work with him in order to understand, maybe he needs to fight his aggression, that is, of course, there is prevention, but in order to engage in this prevention, again we need these the very measures that would allow this, we need these centers, yes, where the aggressor would be placed, but we need people who could we need to work with them, yes, we need centers where a woman could be placed against whom aggression is directed, where to start, because well, there’s probably enough empty talk already, take all the bills that we had, review them , rework them, take the current legislation, and some of our friendly neighboring countries, for which it all works, and try there, well , make your own model anyway, but still start at least with something, at least so that this bill appears and at least we started movement, let it be progressive, some norms will be introduced there immediately, yes,
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others that require the construction of these centers there a little longer. at the same time, we know very well who is at risk, these are , as a rule, women who raise children, who do not work, who are excluded from society, there is no one to complain to, which means, well, we need to start with the aggressor, that is , firstly, i say , yes, start with the aggressor, secondly, still think about ensuring that the woman has decent maintenance when she is, yes, on vacation to care for the child, so that she would not run faster to work, abandoning her child, yes, because he does not want to depend there on her husband, who is an aggressor, after all, she could dedicate this child. how important it is for the baby that his mother is with him, they understand you , thank you very much, about the fight against persecution of women, we spoke with anastasia ragulina, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor at kutafin moscow state law university, all the best to you, thank you, my dad and i went here in childhood, they also lay like this, silent, figure skater, yes i’m not skating, just skating, focus on training, did you read?


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