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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  January 23, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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drive to understand your sensations from driving a specific car, there are a lot of nuances in the ergonomics of modern cars, so it’s better to measure seven times, and then the price goes up, but not everything, what products have unexpectedly dropped in price, what is the reason and is it worth hoping for new discounts from the manufacturers, we'll find out. zelensky's peace formula is a road to nowhere. sergei lavrov at a meeting of the un security council in kiev for donetsk. on saccharin, schoolchildren blocked a bridge at a distance in vladivostok, in samara, an avalanche covered children in the weather in the regions. new level of medicine for expectant mothers and babies. since this year, chekotka has its own anchor perenodal center in khabarovsk.
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they are starting to broadcast a new day on the russia channel. the main news in the studio karina ilyina. hello. russia is ready to resolve the conflict diplomatically, but this does not imply the retention of power by the criminal leaders of the kiev regime. sergei lavrov stated this at a meeting of the un security council in new york, which moscow requested in connection with the terrorist attack in donetsk. according to the russian minister foreign affairs, we are talking about overcoming the severe consequences of the coup and... the merchants of death are not at all embarrassed that their weapons, including cluster munitions and projectiles with combined uranium, are methodically, mercilessly and deliberately, deliberately hitting purely civilian targets, as was the case during attacks on residential areas of belgorod on december 30, yesterday on the market and shops of donetsk.
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the day before, the kirov district of donetsk was attacked in usa, and a textile worker came under artillery fire on the territory of the market in the microdistrict. according to the latest data, 27 died people, 26 more were injured. workers of public utility organizations, together with volunteers , are still eliminating the consequences of the shelling. russians who survived a plane crash in the mountains of afghanistan were brought to kabul; two pilots and two doctors are being treated in a hospital; their condition is not alarming. total on board. six people got out,
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a married couple died. it was previously reported that a resident of volgodonsk, who became seriously ill while on vacation in thailand, was taken from thailand to moscow. falcon 10 landed for refueling in india, then had to... tashkent headed to the dzhukovsky airport near moscow, but deviated from the course and disappeared from the radar. previously, the cause of the disaster could have been the failure of two engines at once. relatives of the israeli hostages broke into the knesset building. they interrupted a meeting of the parliament's financial commission and demanded that deputies return their loved ones from captivity. in particular, protesters proposed the option of ransoming hostages; some called for dissolving the government. a demonstration also took place outside the parliament; activists demanded early elections. schoolchildren on sakhalin are being transported remotely due to a new cyclone. in the south of the island there is strong wind and snowstorm. fifty cars were trapped in snow on one of the roads.
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drivers and passengers had to wait for special equipment for more than four hours; due to strong waves , the ice began to crack off the coast. fishermen are urged not to go out into the bays. there is a storm warning in effect in vladivostok. squally winds with gusts up to 40 m/s. literally blows people away. the bridge to russky island had to be partially closed. it is currently prohibited for trucks and buses. another snow cyclone in novosibirsk, the city was stuck in dense traffic jams, and roads were practically covered with thick fog. traffic lights were literally covered with wet snow. a disturbed traffic in samara. this avalanche hit the children, right in the center of the city. australia is preparing for the arrival of a tropical cyclone. it could reach the northern regions of the country tomorrow. much of queensland is expected to experience heavy rainfall with wind gusts in excess of 60m/s. the storm and isha are raging in europe. he
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has already adjusted the plans of twenty passengers at dublin airport. hundreds of flights are being canceled every day, rail services have been disrupted: 170,000 homes and businesses have been left without... and landslides have hit southeast asia, leaving almost 50 people trapped in a chinese province. the bodies of eight dead were recovered from under the stones and mud; the fate of the rest is still unknown. the death toll from the landslide flood in the southern philippines has meanwhile increased to sixteen. chakota district hospital begins cooperation with the perinatal center of khabarovsk, now there will be guide expectant mothers with a difficult course. third level in vladivostok and khabarovsk. centers: federal in moscow and two centers since this year
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, the perinatal center named after professor postol in khabarovsk has been assigned to chukotka. it will become an anchor medical institution for pregnant women in our district. we have close relationships with the khabarovsk territory. the regional government is further developing proposals from specialists from the kulakov center to further improve the quality of medical care, in their including the re-equipment of the obstetric hospital of the hospital and its belibino branches, the creation of a non-natal, remote consultation center on the basis of the chukotka district hospital, the organization of monitoring
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of high-risk pregnant women with regular transfer of information about their condition to the remote consultation center of the khabarovsk regional perinatal center. it is important to note that chukotka has not been admitted over the past 20 years. not a single death among women giving birth, the infant mortality rate is at the level of the russian average. anna martyashkina, roman malykhin, alexander khrymov, lead chukotka. this is news, we are monitoring developments. in orenburg, it’s sometimes a plus, sometimes a minus. such contradictory weather has established itself in the region thanks to the natural phenomenon elneny. it creates sudden temperature changes. which does not really affect people's health. oksana boricheva will continue. during these changes , shortness of breath is generally annoying, that is, breathing is interrupted. the reason for this is sudden changes in air temperature, as in early january from -30 to +1. weather disasters undermine
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the health of orenburg residents. number of patients the cardiac dispensary of the regional hospital has increased significantly. vasospasm occurs, and our patients’ blood pressure rises. rapid weather changes affect ... mental health can cause depression and anxiety. this can be expressed in the form of apathy, in the form of reluctance to strive for those goals that were set yesterday, a desire to lie down more. 2024 began abnormally warm; according to all weather stations in the region, the air temperature in the first days of the new year was above the climate norm by 9-16°. for the first time in the history of constant mid-video surveillance. and elniño is to blame for this, as scientists call the natural phenomenon. which causes weather disasters throughout the planet, ilnino reached the orenburg region and brought abnormal heat in the last days of december and the first days of january. after the abnormal heat, in the first working week of the new year there was an abnormal cold, the region was overtaken by an arctic invasion , the weather became violent again,
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snowstorms hit the region, the situation on the roads worsened sharply, dozens of accidents, including fatal ones, the highways were blocked, heavy trucks were stuck in traffic jams. last year was also marked by climate madness. 2023 for orenburg became the hottest year in 100 years; all these weather disasters have an explanation. we can, of course, talk about global warming; this is most likely the human factor, including emissions or exhaust emissions. according to weather forecasters, until the end of january the weather will not give rest, the same jumps in air temperature and atmospheric pressure. according to preliminary forecasts, february will also be hot. above normal snowfall is expected and it seems they don't have any problems due to the weather . people in the buzuluk forest are enjoying this winter. oksana boricheva, gleb kolugin, news of the orenburg region. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website the news is following developments . the daughter of the famous football player alexander kirzhakov, eighteen-year-old
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daria, spent the last two years in a rehabilitation center, where she was treated for addiction, but recently escaped from there and is now wandering around moscow. well, like a good family. dasha wants to reach out to mom and dad, but for now cannot meet them, where are her mother and father now, confession of the daughter of a legendary football player in our program. today at 16:30, good morning, hello, it’s already january 23 on the calendar tuesday, elena nikolaev, denis stoykov are spending this morning with you , well, to your alarm clocks, we’ll somehow be here in time for breakfast, but not we will come alone with bamboo, this is... from the fluffy internet stars pandas dindin and katyusha: the freshest young
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bamboo is delivered to the moscow zoo straight from china, no panda substitutes they don’t recognize it, so these twigs without exaggeration can be called a delicacy, when a panda mother’s full stomach makes her sleepy, until churka wants to stay awake and play. having failed to achieve attention, brave katyusha sets off to conquer a ladder made of logs. it’s not difficult to climb up, but it’s more difficult to go down, so it’s better with... exception, kristina sorokina found out what food products you can now save on. i have to go shopping often, i have a big family. an ordinary evgeniy ivonin goes to the supermarket two to three times a week, spends on a grocery basket of one and a half to 200 rubles. the list always contains favorite products that are purchased most often. i buy pasta, cereals, i love buckwheat. oatmeal at least in the morning, well, some sausages, cheeses, recently
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i noticed that some products, especially cereals, pasta, have become cheaper, somehow some kind of savings have appeared, most noticeably, the men say, the prices for buckwheat have changed , experts confirm this, a kilogram of one of the most popular side dishes among russians on average across the country costs 80 rubles, which is almost 19% less than a year earlier; we produced buckwheat, just 1.5 million tons, this is almost a record harvest, which is 10% more than a year earlier. for the same reason, due to the record wheat harvest, prices for pasta have fallen; today a kilogram can be found on the shelves for 84 rubles. their cost compared to last year decreased by 6 rubles. the difference is small, but buyers noticed and began to buy vermicelli for types of spaghetti more often by about 4%. they seem to have started to get cheaper, the prices actually have decreased a little, yes they are good and... the price of pasta, delicious pasta, and almost any other dish cannot be prepared without vegetable oil, which, by the way, is also
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pleasantly priced. in 2023, the country harvested about 17 million tons of sunflower, this is more than usual and could not but affect the retail price of the product and its derivatives, for example, mayonnaise, which more than half consists of vegetable oil. now the difference per kilogram will cost about 235 rubles. and our price fell by about 6% compared to last year with... increased the same thing grew there by about 5-6%. and so that the dressing does not languish in the refrigerator for a long time, you can prepare your favorite salad, for example, herring under a fur coat; the price tags for the main ingredient of the dish have also fallen. now a kilogram of lightly salted herring can be purchased by weight for 285 rubles. a year earlier it cost a little more than 300 rubles. experts note that this is thanks to new year's supplies, which were purchased at a low price and good poutine last year. in december alone, 36,000 tons were caught, this is almost 390 in a year. experts
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they expect that this year changes in the cost of products produced in our country should be within the limits of inflation, and the main factor restraining price growth will be the same good harvest, which is expected in 2024. banks will take care of citizens' money; now on july 25 of this year a law will come into force, according to which banks will be obliged to reimburse clients for funds transferred to scammers. the financial institution must do this within 30 days after the client writes the appropriate application. however there is nuances, we will discuss them with the chairman of the state duma committee on the financial market, anatoly maksakov. anatoly gennadievich, good morning. hello. let's understand what the nuances are, let's say this is how the system will work, a person transferred money, the account turned out to be fraudulent, does this mean that all victims will be able to get their money back. the central bank has a database of... accounts of unscrupulous clients, which have already appeared in the transfer
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of unscrupulous, that is, dubious, when money was stolen, well, that is, a black list there is a certain blacklist, an anti-fraud system has been created, and when transferring money, banks will have to check this database, why don’t they block these accounts if they have been on the blacklist for a long time ? well, this is also a question, it just obviously takes a certain time, this happens, it gets blocked. such accounts, but maybe they don’t have time to simply block the accounts, and since they are not blocked, they can be used for these dishonest transactions, if the money has been transferred, the bank still...
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in this way we reduce the risks that money will be stolen, the situation can be, especially in 30 days, when the money has already gone to that account, moreover, it was cashed out from there, in any case, as i understand it, the bank, if the operation takes place proven illegal, will have to return them, won’t this place an additional burden on the shoulders of other investors who did not perform such transactions? this
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time will fall on the shoulders of the credit institution at the expense of its resources, at the expense of its profits, this is actually... well, and its non-compliance law, as if then this organization would not begin to reinsure itself for servicing cards, charge some higher tariffs, well, in general, impose so many restrictions on our money that you would think 10 times whether to take it to the bank at all, we have powerful competition between banks for clients , now practically, well, almost all banks do not charge commissions for interbank transfers, so the process is moving towards the client, this is the result. competition for this client, this will be the only punishment if, say, a bank, well regularly sins by poorly checking these dubious transactions, if the bank regularly creates problems for its clients, then obviously the central bank can apply the most severe sanctions against this credit organization, we will make an appointment for you here in the summer, when the law will already be
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in effect, we will understand how it works, thanks, how will banks return money to defrauded customers? i spoke with the chairman of the state duma committee on the financial market, anatoly oksakov, good luck to you, have a nice day, thank you, do it now surgery, this is a big risk, i’m ready to take the risk, and you the operation is already underway, i could n’t stop them, hello, hello, we’re having dinner at my place today, and you and bragen are great , they stuck me here, and you’re like crazy at my place twisted, something urgent, urgent, personal, today at 21:20 on the russia channel. a little about statistics: the share of russians who smoke vapes has more than tripled since 2020 , while scientists are identifying more and more negative consequences of the addiction. well, for example, recent studies have found that breakdown products vaping liquids can cause
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heart failure. why is this dangerous and is it possible to stop the craze for dangerous gadgets? sergey egorov found out that six months ago he decided to go in for sports and quit smoking, and decided to find an alternative ; he found vaping as an alternative. at first, vaping turned out to be not only a safer, but a much more pleasant replacement for a cigarette; after vaping, instead of a tobacco smell, a fruity aftertaste was felt in the mouth. the situation began to change after 2 weeks, when the dyes began to have no effect only for the taste of the steam, but for the complexion. alexander attributed the situation to allergies, but after a couple of months he began to have difficulty not only jogging, but also getting up. up the stairs, when i climbed the stairs to the third floor, i felt as if i was 100 years old. alexander was lucky in many ways, natalya from izhevsk acquired a web device 2 years ago, as a gift from friends. all this time , the woman’s body fought with varying success against the vapor products entering the body, but on new year’s eve the number of allergens exceeded the critical mass, natalie began to have swelling of the vinca. my arm was completely swollen, it reminded me more, for some reason, of an elephant’s
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foot, and then it spread from the top to my chest, began to move to the larynx, everything happened, it was very bad. natalia was quickly saved by a promptly arrived ambulance and a double dose of a potent drug, but a fifteen-year-old teenager from saratov, who seemed to have had very little soaring experience, could not be saved. investigators and doctors are still wondering how an e- cigarette could lead to the death of a schoolboy. a minor used a previously purchased electronic cigarette, after which his health sharply worsened. the minor was hospitalized in a medical facility, where, despite the assistance provided, he died. the systems turned out to be so serious that even artificial ventilation of the lungs could not save; the doctors were struck by the serious condition of the heart muscle. however, recent studies have proven that the main muscle of our body suffers from vaping no less than the lungs. when. bape affects the body, the heart does not contract smoothly, as it should and rhythmically, and not rhythmically, this, of course, leads to
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the fact that it cannot make a good release of blood into the aorta; the release decreases. by the way, the not always predictable, but always destructive effect on the human body has already become the reason for the ban on vaping in more than forty countries; in thailand, vaping can get you up to 10 years in prison; in china, a huge fine. in our country , the ban has so far been limited. for advertising and open display of devices on shop windows, if we want to preserve the health of citizens , to preserve the health of the future generation, we must completely, one-time ban the use of vapes, and we see that in countries that banned the use of vapes and electronic cigarettes even 4-5 years ago, in these countries the number of bronchopulmonary pathologies has decreased, in these countries , the incidence of cardiovascular diseases has decreased; new sales restrictions will come into force in march this year. veps, they will primarily touch liquids containing harmful aromatic additives, here is a complete ban on vaporizers in our country still exist only in the discussion plane, then
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minors on the roads, how to maximally protect children at minimal cost in a few minutes about this. this is for you, well, got some sleep, gentlemen , a moment of attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, daring, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, in them fell in love, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, publish?
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over these 10 years each other has gotten really good found out, i’m three years old, so i’ve been in the camp for 30 years, who was the first to confess
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their love? the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. winner of the golden eagle award. at the factory, there was talk that there was nothing to live on, and the salary was cut by a third. if only there would be no panic. we live in a democracy. freedom, assembly and demonstrations. what's this? these people, they harbored a grudge against the soviet regime, give them the freedom to arrest and judge. and the instigators. extreme punishment, i have a daughter, a girl, i can’t be a teenager, it’s not human,
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dear comrades, a film by andrei konchalovsky, on friday on rtr, the daughter of a famous football player. eighteen-year-old daria spent the last two years in a rehabilitation center, where she was treated for addiction, but recently escaped from there, and is now wandering around moscow. well, like a good family, a pretending family. dasha wants to reach out to her mom and dad, but she can’t meet them yet. where are her mother and father now? confession of the daughter of the legendary football player in our program. malakhov, today on rtr. to have surgery now is a big risk. and ready. lord, and you, the operation is already underway, i could n’t stop them, hello, hello, we’re having dinner
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at my place today, and you and bragin are great, they stuck it here, and you, the guys behind me, are doing something urgent, urgent , personal , skleposovsky, today on rtr, a fairy tale of frost, remember, here it is in a separate swedish village, every year a hotel of snow and ice is built here, which can easily accommodate... five snowflakes, sparkling neimhols, richly decorated with sculptures, rooms with all ice amenities, there is even a sauna with cold water, although for the price tag, from 70 thousand rubles per night, there are plenty of people who want to relax in the frosty aromas, the hotel books in advance, but they don’t stay for long, in this palace of the snow queen it is rarely warmer than -10, so down pajamas and fleece pants will not be out of place, because that the furniture in the hotel, chairs, tables,
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bed... a loving father and an example for his little daughter. let's never be afraid again. in the third part of the film, the relationship between sasha and his now adult nadya again comes to the fore. this time the strict single father will continue to protect his daughter, not from her passion for figure skating, but from a brave, loving ice partner, like he once was. well, you guys just have a great relationship, don’t you
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tell each other anything? today this is a very relevant, very important topic and difficult , of course, when a daughter grows up, how to make sure that you don’t lose her, but on the other hand, let her go, on the third hand, be the closest person and friend , a difficult task, but gorin can do it. an important theme of the new film is relationships the hero of petrov with the character of maria aronova. coach irina shatalina has repeatedly proven that even the harshest woman also has a soul. yes, this cannot be, well, you are powerful. but in the third part of the film, shatalina will have to finally throw off her armor and accept the love of all the gorins in order to understand that the main thing in life is not to win medals, but to find a family. verina sergeevna, it’s there. new
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manifestations of this iron young lady, there is something new - her quality, there is a revaluation of values, and there is another relationship between shatalina and gorin. viewers of the third part of the film will find dramatic rivalry, a lot of humor, ice dancing, first-class musical performances and stunning views of baikal, the permanent hero of the film. and, as the creators promise, the film will surprise you with an unexpected ending. the most romantic and beautiful fairy tale is back on the screen. we are watching ice 3 in cinemas from february 14th. and then, an accurate diagnosis. artists, art theater, mutritsy, malingerers,
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crossbows. here, wow, how did he know, is it possible to make a diagnosis so quickly, well now yes, with modern express tests, well, yes, i wonder what diseases can be detected with the help of these express tests, so we will find out from an expert very soon, maybe even from inflammation of the cunning, we need these, for sure, this is the news of the morning, we will tell about the main thing in russia and abroad. in the studio of karina ilyina. hello. russian air defense forces shot down a ukrainian su-25 aircraft in the kharkov region. the ministry of defense reports this. also during the day, six stormshed cruise missiles and 76 enemy drones were intercepted. in the kupinsky direction nine ukrainian armed forces attacks were repelled. the main battles took place at makeyevka, novoegoryevka and senkovka. five tanks and four
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artillery pieces were destroyed. and up to 200 militants, even greater ukrainian losses near donetsk in the klicheevka and krasny areas, 10 tanks were knocked out, including a german one. polish prime minister donald tusk came to kiev for the first time after his appointment; he had already held negotiations with zelensky, following which he stated that poland would no longer supply weapons to ukraine free of charge, but was ready to provide military assistance on a commercial basis. basis. the visit takes place against the backdrop of numerous disagreements in the economic sphere between.
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usa. now trump's only internal party competitor will be nicky haley. let me note that when leaving the distance, desantis made a mistake. on his social network page , the governor quoted the words of winston churchill. success is not final, failure is not fatal, what matters is the courage to continue. but the former british prime minister never said them. the fact that this quote is fake was stated in the international chercheli society. competitions were held in the khabarovsk territory winter open water swimming. more than 100 athletes from all over the country took part in the second stage of the russian cup. about how the rivals covered the distance in the january frosts. report by kirill rogachev. the ice hole
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is almost always covered with steam. the water is near zero, the air temperature fluctuates to -30. this means that not all swimmers can be clearly seen, but those who have already covered the distance are unanimous in their opinion. beautiful, neat, i want to live, the most important thing is to conquer myself, i have been conquering myself for the seventh year now in a row and a very successful legend of khabarovsk cold swimming. lyudmila zhuravleva , who serves the public, overcomes the twenty-five-meter distance, despite the fact that in almost 85 she is the world champion and various international competitions in her category. forward, come on, come on, forward, after the butterfly , lyudmila alekseevna hurries to one of the four tents, there soldiers from the ministry of emergency situations keep the heat of the stove warm, and they are on duty nearby.
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the festival was interesting not only for the participants; visitors only had time to look around. poseidon celebrated with a trident this frosty day on the shore. poseidon is used to it, he is poseidon in africa poseidon. it will be cold in the water at home, there we will warm up again ahead. you can warm up by the lake with honey sbitn according to an old russian recipe. kirill rogachev, yuri zolotarev, vesti khabarovsk. in india, after 3 years of construction, a temple dedicated to the birthplace of god rama, the main character, opened. the epic ramayana and one of the incarnations of the hindu god vishnu. the opening ceremony was personally performed by prime minister nariandra modi. it was he who took the initiative to construction of the temple. in the 15th century , a mosque was built on the same site, which by the end of the 20th
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century was abandoned and not used for prayers. and in 1992 it was destroyed by nationalists, which led to clashes between hindus and muslims in different parts of india. more than 2.0 people died. this is news, we are monitoring developments . warming points operate in the liberated territories of the lugansk people's republic. volunteers from tatarstan, perm and rostov-on-don provide everyone with hot tea and food. also deliver products provide targeted assistance. about the work of a team of concerned people. in the morning, volunteers from the young guard prepare everything to welcome visitors. today we are preparing rice porridge with stew for the local
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population for civilians. volunteers from rostov-on-don and perm work here. local residents come to their aid and set up the station like home. if children come, there are crayons, coloring books and paper for them to draw on. sweet and soft. the children's volunteer
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center in lesichansk is decorated with balloons. here the townspeople often celebrate holidays. young guard volunteer azesbek sunatuloev, originally from the chief region of the republic of tatarstan. in the front-line city for six months already. he adapted quickly to his new conditions. he doesn’t know how to act in dangerous situations from a textbook. if there is a threat of shelling, the point is closed, and the volunteers themselves go to help the victims. january 1 is also here - this house. tatiana dubovaya, egor pavlenko, maria bulgakova, conduct lugansk, lesechansk. 120 years since the birth of the children's writer arkady gaidar. especially a memorable date. honored in his homeland in the kursk region, after
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the story timur and his team spontaneously arose a social movement that embraced millions of boys and girls. they proudly called themselves timurites and provided assistance. today the movement is being revived, reporting by svetlana gerasimova. today, timur’s detachments are being revived throughout russia within the movement of the former. some of the most active in lgov, the writer’s small homeland. at school number one , high school students have united and work after lessons for... a large mass grave, the liberators of the city and a monument to the unknown soldier. there is no need to force us, because all the guys work with enthusiasm. we must show the younger generation that is growing up that they need to remember this and keep it in their hearts, because the enemy never sleeps. there are only 12 people in the rural school of alshanki, but there is a timurov detachment here too. today the guys are going to see their great friend, great patriotic war veteran, grigory grishin. dear grigory aksenovich, please. we give you this flower so that he always made you happy, thank you for our
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happy childhood and peaceful skies above our heads, thank you, peaceful skies are a special wish for a front-line soldier, his anti-aircraft crew accounted for many downed enemy aircraft. grishen received his baptism of fire during the crossing of the dnieper, as part of the third ukrainian front, and reached austria. my calculations included vyyskaya, khakhol, urdmur, tatar, jew. disunity of once fraternal peoples, the front-line soldier cries when it comes to together, having overcome fascism, the region of the timurov detachment work all year round, their concerns simple ones, bring water from the well, chop firewood, clean the house, weed the garden and even organize a concert. on the eightieth anniversary of the battle of kursk, the timurites went to the widows of veterans to sing katyusha and other soviet war songs together. this is the meaning of the timurov movement, helping with small deeds. already 2/3 of lgov schools have joined the timurov
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movement, and the rest promise to join the new school year. of course, if the guys themselves want to do something obligatory, no, but there are so many good and necessary things that everyone will find something to their liking. svetlana gerasimova roman fedorkov, news kursk. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website this is to lead. we are monitoring developments. “pavlova offered me a place as a deputy, wow, what are you doing, well , i think, well, no offense, sklefosovsky, today at 21:20, and soon we’ll watch new episodes, an urgent meeting with the best team, for the anniversary of leonid yarmolnik, mom, where's dad?" such things? what is it,
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dad? it’s already happened this way, you can’t change everything, you know what i think, we have to move on with our lives, the film is a golden eagle award winner, odessa, in friday at 21:30 on the russia channel. good morning, hello, elena nikolaeva. stoikov, we are glad to welcome you, on tuesday, today january 23, and in the morning , according to tradition, we have been trying to be kinder and fluffier, but today we want to put in a word for the prickly hedgehogs, although the prickly ones are really animals, but in front of self-propelled robots, lawn mowers, they absolutely defenseless, when meeting with a buzzing gadget, with sharp
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knives, they do not run away, but curl up into a ball, and this is their roaring mistake, the mower runs into his stomach... it becomes him irreparable harm, but hedgehogs are more important to the lawn ecosystem than a haircut. the university of oxford wondered whether the situation could be changed and conducted a series of hedgehog crash tests. the scenarios were taken from garden and country life. instead of a live hedgehog , a 3d mannequin was used. now british scientists are proposing to label lawnmowers on a hedgehog safety scale. horrible story, heartbreaking. well, how can we keep our children safe on the roads? they happen every year in russia. road accidents involving minors, hundreds of injured, dozens dead. and often accidents happen in the dark, because children are simply not visible. alexander blinnikov found out how to make young pedestrians more noticeable. these stories are always similar to each other. road darkness, then a sharp impact and a pair of orange headlights flashing in the darkness. even not all drivers immediately
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understand that a tragedy has occurred. it turns out i knocked her down. i thought that there was a dog or something that got run over. i stopped immediately. a twenty-one-year-old guy from dagestan killed a teenage girl, says he wasn’t driving fast, but didn’t have time to react , the driver in moscow couldn’t press the brake pedal in time, everything happened before alexandra’s eyes, the schoolchildren were walking along the sidewalk , and then suddenly ran across the road, she saw how the girl, who was extremely offended, hammered by a taxi driver, she was completely dressed in black , over the past year, 41 children died in evening traffic accidents, more than one and a half thousand were injured, and the drivers are not always clearly to blame, because even at a given speed, the braking distance is often longer than the light capabilities headlights when driving along the road , drivers with low-beam headlights see a pedestrian without retroreflective elements at a distance of 25-50 m. if the pedestrian has a retroreflective element, then this distance will increase to 50-100 m. a retroreflective
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element is an inexpensive thing, not at all exclusive, but for some reason , not everyone has it, but such a small piece of material is enough to stand on the road behind... returns the light to the source, the light enters the reflective material and returns back through a system of microprisms to the driver. it is safest to wear a jacket made of such material in the evening, but so far it has not been possible to oblige manufacturers to provide at least children’s clothing with luminous elements. opponents of the idea say that not all trousers or sheepskin coats can have retroreflectors sewn into them. in addition, the material must be of high quality and not lose its properties after washing; when we calculated all this on the calculator, we gasped. sewing a reflector onto a jacket can increase its cost by 25-30%. and it turns out that our products will be completely unclaimed. for now, it’s much easier to provide your child with glowing accessories. the elements can be hung on clothes, on a backpack, and to make it more interesting for children, experts suggest making them with their own hands during labor lessons. here you can
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make a game story like this, and then move on to the production process. and then, strictly speaking, the people who produced it, right? naturally, if it’s well done, why not use it? i especially think it would be great for younger grades. parents should also be interested; a lot depends on them, they say specialists, it is mothers and fathers who must first of all explain to children why it is important to wear reflectors and, perhaps, a personal example is better than any words. in order for reflective elements to be useful, they must be worn correctly at the level of car headlights. for an adult, this is the belt area, and for a child, this is the shoulder area. and for a greater visibility effect.
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good morning, well , this pandemic has given us so many good things, and we now have rapid tests for everything, but are they that accurate and should there be a doctor? it is equipped in general in... all sets as literally a fan of cards. you know, today those rapid tests that are available and widely available, of course, have a fairly high sensitivity and specificity. well, for example, for diagnostics. viral respiratory diseases, such as coronavirus infection, and influenza a and b , the sensitivity is more than 99%,
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the specificity is more than 95, so of course these rapid tests can certainly be trusted. i think there was an increase in incidence last year i have a record cough, shouldn’t we expand the line of these rapid tests? every year this line is certainly expanding today; for example, we very actively use such a rapid test for diagnosing the betagenetic strebtoko antigen. and this is a pathogen that belongs to bacterial infections, just like whooping cough, and is the causative agent of sore throat, so indeed, today we carry out rapid testing not only for viral infections, but also for some bacterial infections, in the future, and we in general, we will know about all diseases immediately by spitting, literally, or because they will quickly take our blood and drip it somewhere, and you know, in 2023, specialists of the central non-epidemiology of rospotrebnadzor have already developed an express test. god forbid, yes, and this is also all included in the list of things that a doctor comes
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to the house with, or he gives a referral, if they find out that a person has returned and complains of being unwell, he does not attribute this to acclimatization, but says: listen, you need to go to the clinic, very nice with a fever go to the clinic, somewhere else, or maybe a special one will come to you. can this also be determined by test? well, unfortunately, unlike infectious diseases, heart attack, myocardial infarction, stroke are, of course, diseases that we cannot
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establish only on the basis of rapid testing; in order to make a diagnosis of myocardial infarction, it is, of course, necessary to perform an electrocardiographic study , and for diagnosing stroke - these are imaging methods, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography brain, then they have already listed measles, rubella, poop, arvi, influenza, covid, and what else needs to be expanded? rotovirus infection, maybe even rapid tests for certain toxins, because i think that in toxicology , rapid testing will also be very actively expanding and this is a very interesting direction in this area of ​​medicine. thank you very much, our questions were answered by aidamanova, professor of the faculty of therapeutic university of russia. all the best. i'm so sorry, you can't understand this. heaven already necessary. we already need heaven. odessa on friday at 21:30. watch a special episode of
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60 minutes today. don't miss all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. 60 minutes. today at 11:30 and 17:30 on the russia channel. russia morning. don't forgive the main thing. almost 27 thousand objects in 87. russian regions have been improved within the framework of the national housing and urban environment project, this is just the past year, these include courtyard areas, streets and public spaces, both in large and sparsely populated areas, and where and how exactly does the face of your hometown or village change, as suggested by the most interested party, the residents? the cosmic forces are eager to fight, judging by the numbers. this is uranus or neptune. on the new pshchekin playground you can playfully study the structure of the solar system. for this reason, grishin's love brings his
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boys from a neighboring area of ​​the city. there is, of course, one more nuance. while they are playing, you can relax here, sit on a bench, and watch them. after all, everything is nearby after large-scale improvement, the old square became pedestrian and adjacent to the park. there is a children's playground, benches, and swings - all the delights of nature. in the summer , the skate park fountains will work, and the main one is not yet visible. beauty, say the locals. previously, it was just a boring, gray asphalt square, broken asphalt, now, now, of course, it is covered with snow, they put beautiful tiles, stylized, since we are grundchemists, under the periodic table. all thanks to the national project housing and urban environment. as part of it, the city won the all-russian competition of small towns and historical settlements, received state support for the implementation of an ambitious, but warmly approved by the residents, improvement project. the work has been carried out on a large scale. everything that was initially envisaged in the project was implemented; there is no such project anywhere in all of russia; residents of vladivostok
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can also boast of a unique new park. there is definitely nothing like this anywhere, this is eagle hill, it is a cult place in itself, and now there is also an intricate multi-tiered area for walking and relaxing, with stunning views of the golden rock bay, now it’s not a shame to invite tourists here, but the locals are already mastering the benches, paths in the frosty weather, we live in this house and come here every day, it’s sunny here, it’s very nice here, because there’s a slide, because there’s a slide of course , but the rest of the project is already pleasing to the eye, local residents say. we lived for many years and observed an overgrown hill with an abandoned weather station building, by the way, a cafe would open there in the summer and we were worried, we really hoped that another house would not be built in front of us, we tried in every possible way interact with the authorities, conducted a dialogue with various parts, and our administration there, in order to create here exactly , let’s say, a social facility, and
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the national project housing and urban environment was heard, allows citizens to be not just passive spectators, but participants in positive changes, because they clearly know better where your support will be used for the truly common good. residents of our city, they voted, well, overwhelmingly for this site, 9,500 people, and throughout the country over the past year, participation more than 14 million people took part in the selection of improvement objects within the framework of the national project in their home cities, in 2023 26,800... 84 objects were improved, by the end of this year in 60% of russian cities, thanks to the national project , the quality of the urban environment will improve, while in 2019 year there were only 25% of such cities. we know what is now
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on the scales and what...
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a poke with greetings to shestakovich, the seventh symphony, on saturday and sunday on rtr, every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down in a passer-by on the floor she said: “i had to inform the military here that animals were simply dying there, danetsk was being shelled very heavily, but we decided to do it out of spite, to have a wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon ours, with monday to thursday on
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rtr. look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for once, two, three, sign up and watch, watch, maybe we’ll go to my place and just watch a movie. he who renounces the past cancels the future, we do not betray our memory and do not renounce our words, we are responsible for every word, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. manure for strategic
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purposes. japanese scientists have learned to obtain highly efficient fuel from cows and bread. first bench tests. have already passed, the engines have worked on aromatic fuel for the required 10 seconds, so it’s an experiment, but by scientific standards it’s possible considered successful. liquid fuel is obtained from a neighboring farm, where every day cows produce 50 tons of waste, from which biogas is produced; after processing, it can be used to fuel spaceships that will set off to roam the expanses of the universe. what are you riding on, yes, yes, on flat cakes, but what can you get from glass, various decorations, they tell us. internet users, how to create this fragile beauty with your own hands, now we will see it, come on, a couple more blows and we will definitely break it, well, it’s a pity , of course, but what can i do if i need broken glass for creativity, by
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the way, breaking glass and glass objects in itself is already a trend on the internet, users admit that there is something peaceful about it, it is not surprising that the video where different types of bottles are lowered from the stairs received hundreds of thousands of likes, some filled with water and colorful liquids, others are filled with smaller bottles, resulting in an endless cycle of breaking. or you can treat breaking as an artistic process, it’s simply incredible how this guy manages to create realistic portraits using ordinary glass and a hammer. each crack is a line of a human face, the portraits turn out to be extremely alive. so, how else to use the fragments, of course. create beautiful decorative items from them, glue pieces of glass onto the mold, wait until everything dries, we get a wonderful vase, bowl or lampshade, but if
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you have a lot of glass accumulated, you can use whole pieces of fittings, for example, make a beautiful glass table with your own hands , it turns out interesting, one was broken, the other created. well, where would we be without jewelry, of course, glass pieces are not diamonds, but when used correctly they sparkle no worse. by the way, most of all craftsmen love to look for glass stones on the beach; stones already processed with sea water really become unique. by the way, some of them are already many hundreds of years old, so it’s hard to call them ordinary glass, however, beauty can be made from modern material. but no, can you imagine, they make decorations in the microwave, but please tell me so that it’s such a beautiful ring to make, how many glasses do you need to bring, well, that’s all for today, it’s time for us to say goodbye to you and
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, as usual, wish you a good day, and as usual remind you, see you tomorrow, see you soon , bye. hello, oksana kuvaeva is on the air in the studio, the main thing for this hour. ukrainian nazis are vilely taking revenge for their failures at the front, just as the world is playing out from... the murder of defenseless residents. a russian combat drone destroyed an ukrainian armed forces tank in the donetsk direction. at krasno-limansky, an army helicopter
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aviation hit the enemy's stronghold with manpower. convergence of interests of the workers' state. at a meeting with the chairman of the federation of trade unions, the head of state outlined a key approach to protecting the rights of workers. pulkovo airport is closed. due to bad weather in st. petersburg, a snow storm, an avalanche hit children in the center of samara, hurricanes are blown off their feet by the wind in primorye. the only thing on the map in chukotka in recent years has not been a single case of death during childbirth, as anchor perinatal centers help. a monstrous act of terrorism was called in the kremlin was hit by the ukrainian military in donetsk, as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov noted. vladimir putin received reports on the situation in the city and gave all the necessary instructions
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to the relevant services. workers of public utility organizations, together with volunteers , are still eliminating the consequences of shelling from a city that has experienced a new tragedy, reporting by grigory vdovin. donetsk utility workers are permanent and constant witnesses of everything. the horror that ukraine has been bringing to the city for the last 10 years, after each shelling, people in orange uniforms immediately begin to repair damage and destruction. but the huge blood stains cannot be washed away , they are firmly absorbed into the dirty snow, and no matter what the ukrainian regime declares, now this will be an indelible accusation against nazi artillerymen and politicians forever, i know these, he traded here, he traded lightly here, i can’t do it all, all the time it is unknown whether it will arrive in the center or on the outskirts, it flew to...
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sit down at the store, and then it flew here. one of the shells flew straight onto a busy sidewalk, along which there were boxes they traded in what was called pickles and jam. its length is only 10 meters, and there were 10 dead. in order to understand where they were shooting from, you don’t need to be a great expert in ballistics. here is one of the most eloquent hits, you can see the direction from which the shell came, and there is a street across it.
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markets to strike such a blow, well , there are no comments, nazism, it manifests itself in all forms exactly like this. those injured during the shelling are now in hospitals in donetsk, there are more than twenty of them, many of them are in serious condition. u we were hit by multiple injuries, additional operating rooms were deployed, reserve teams were brought in, and thus assistance was provided to everyone at once. during the ukrainian attack on the market , it is still in a deep state of shock , the first arrival was, we heard, it was across the road not far from us, the second arrival did not hear me, i was just dust, asphalt, that’s all, i was thrown to the side , then i stopped feeling my leg, lost consciousness, when i raised my head, i looked, my friend and her husband were crawling, and the girls were dead lay, with a general lack of success at
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the front, the ukrainian army is again taking revenge on the peaceful donetsk region, when the line of contact from the city is moved away, such monstrous things will finally cease to be possible. the mercury market is now another point on the map of war crimes in ukraine. never before have such a number of civilian deaths occurred in all the years of conflict. grigory vdovin, oleg makarov, gennady korneev, andrey rudenko and oleg bondarenko, news from the donetsk people's republic. the un secretary general strongly condemned ukrainian armed forces strike on the market in donetsk antonio guterres stressed that attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure are prohibited by international law and must be stopped immediately. western media reacted to the tragedy with a delay, supposedly waiting for confirmation, and then tried to remove it from the main news. the cnn television channel called the attack on donetsk ukrainian, and noted that the attacks on the city are taking place against the backdrop of the failure of the ukrainian...
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offensive. the german welt published a statement from the russian foreign ministry that this the terrorist attack was carried out with the help of the united states and its allies. the new york times, on the contrary, calls donetsk a ukrainian city and writes that there is no evidence that the strike was carried out in the ssu. journalists from the british guardian talk about shelling by ukrainian troops and cite the words of a local resident that there were no military installations near the market. listen carefully to the position.
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and deliberately, consciously, they splash the blood of dozens of dead civilians on purely civilian targets, on the hands and conscience of those who arm the regime of the green.
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buildings in the middle east, where recently, due to us actions, the situation is also becoming more and more critical. valentin bogdanov and ivan utkin, news from new york. now, to add to the general situation in the zone in the ivanovka region, kharkov region, russian air defense systems shot down
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a ukrainian su-25 attack aircraft. three attacks by ukrainian armed forces militants were repelled in the krasnolimansk direction. there, army aviation helicopters hit the enemy stronghold, resulting in the loss of neo-nazis in one day to 180 militants, five tanks and other armored vehicles. and this footage of attacks by russian airborne units on ukrainian positions in the chasovo yar area. the assault groups are supported by the fire of the airborne combat vehicle. but in the same area , an fpv drone hits a t-72 tank belonging to the ukrainian armed forces. in total, in the donetsk direction, the enemy lost ten tanks in one day, including a german leopard. over the course of a day, the total losses of neo-nazis exceeded a thousand people killed and wounded, with an advanced report from military correspondent vesti mikhail andronika, crew of a d-30 howitzer. a group of center troops fires at an armored vehicle of ukrainian militants, in which they are trying carry out a rotation
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of personnel, shells fall very close, piercing the bump with shrapnel , spotters report a successful hit to the gun commander, the commander rejoices at us joyfully, but we, like children, jump for joy, as they say, when we hit the target, i don’t know why this is so affects us, but it ’s almost home-made cabbage rolls for lunch today, after work the artillerymen invite us to...
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especially those that we are corrected directly by our gunners from the assault detachment. central military units districts in the krasnolimansk direction are moving forward. kiev is constantly making attempts to regain lost positions, probably sending more and more of its militants to death. mikhail andronik, sergey eliseev, conduct the lugansk people's republic. domestic trade unions approach solving social problems from a government position, although at the forefront.
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since 1993, it turned out that for exactly 30 years i have been heading this organization of ours, during these years of work, well , one might say, joint work, after all, you for the government it is often an inconvenient partner, but yes, but still, in general, you approach solving social issues from a government perspective, of course, primarily based on...
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due to bad weather, 18 planes next to st. petersburg were sent to alternate airfields, in the region a real snow storm, a yellow level of weather danger has been declared, people are being blown away by the wind, vehicles are getting stuck in snowdrifts, and the construction of bridges planned for tonight for the passage of two icebreakers has also been cancelled. schoolchildren on sakhalin are being transferred to remote work due to a new cyclone, which has already led to a sharp deterioration in the weather. we hope they will save us while there is gasoline. strong winds and a blizzard, fifty cars were trapped on one of the roads in snow , drivers and passengers
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had to wait for special equipment for more than 4 hours, due to strong waves the ice began to crack off the coast, fishermen are urged not to go out into the bays, another snow cyclone in novosibirsk, which arose in dense traffic jams, and outside the city due to thick fog on the highways there is almost zero visibility, traffic is disrupted traffic in samara, wet snow literally covered the traffic lights. and this avalanche hit the children right in the center of the city, miraculously no one was hurt, unlike in vladivostok, where people were blown away by a squally wind with gusts of up to 40 m/s. at sea there is a storm warning. report by ksenia kolchina. we were expecting snow, but in vladivostok today there is a column of dust, a crazy wind knocks you off your feet and blows through you. due to the strong wind, 13 below zero in vladivostok feels like 30 below zero . the past two nights were the coldest in january and even golden rock bay was covered
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with an ice shell, although it usually does not freeze, a rare occurrence, the wind speed on the coast is 40.2 is 140 km/h, so today only cars travel across the bridge to russky island. the wind is so strong that traffic on the bridge to russky island is partially closed; trucks and buses are now prohibited from entering it; because of this, many residents of vladivostok cannot return home, because taxi drivers have significantly raised prices. far eastern federal university offered teachers and students spend the night at a hotel on the island. those who managed to catch the bus waited. like this, holding each other, it’s very cold, very cold, oh, on the square in front of one of the shopping centers in vladivostok, the wind knocked a pensioner and a woman with a child off their feet, they were able to get up only with the help of passers-by, it was far from possible to stand that day everyone, the wind was terrible, my child was blown away, she took him to a circle, she was knocked down, he rolled head over heels, he barely caught him, some kind of nightmare, the wind
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was incredible, the hurricane left destruction, roofs and façade cladding were flying across the city. it’s just blowing away, i don’t know where they’re taking it, whether they’ll deliver it, but it’s clear, no, it’s not clear, the sheets of metal profiles are swaying like paper, this morning it was the roof of a car service center, it’s not possible to remove the roof from heavy trucks until the wind subsides, another car was used for a concrete shower , a container with a solution fell from a construction site and sprayed parked cars, the island of priests was without communication, a cell phone tower was knocked down onto the island part. vladivostok. popov island is considered quite inaccessible, and now its inhabitants are temporarily lack a stable telephone network. the wind did not give mercy to the residents of vladivostok for a minute. forecasters have already promised that these weather conditions will continue tomorrow. on tuesday, elementary school students were allowed to attend freely, and citizens were asked not to leave their houses unless necessary; with such a hurricane, it is dangerous on any street. ksenia kolchina, denis
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yunak, dmitry popkov, ekaterina bakhtova. far eastern news bureau vladivostok. news. follow the development of the event, stay with us on the russia channel. there are places that they are fascinating because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history. conquer! the order is ready! explore nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. have you figured it out yet? what is the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation? there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that
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a properly made bukhara knife became ... to the hospital as a volunteer, and you have children, you have experience in volunteer work , you won’t be able to run away, it’s difficult to decide to change your life forever, and what’s difficult , you take it, change it, and you and i are strangers, you didn’t give birth to me, no, he has children , now i just returned to my homeland, my memory did not let me down, having taken the first step, she will go to the end, you
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came to the city to find your son, why would these games of... love be needed, why? svetlana, on saturday on rtr. you will meet the morning with urbich and there will be no problems . to know the country, what a beauty it is, just taste it. and we will add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just crazy taste. what's next? honey in norinsk? tireless gourmets in search of healthy products and unique recipes. do you know why people count proteins as fatty carbohydrates in order to have fun jumping through life. unusual answer. and i make a wish that all
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our tv viewers have good health. food formula. every saturday on. rtr for the anniversary of a great artist: collect a parcel for the children, little blue ones, and it can be delivered with a conductor. leonid yarmolnik, as we see him love? on friday on rtr, where is your
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homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that was ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, toured all over liberated territories, what impression does it make, russia comes and... boris kovchevnikov’s program life and destiny lives from monday to friday on rtr. houthi targets in the yemen province have been subjected to new attacks by the united states and great britain. explosions were heard in the area as well airport in the capital emina saniya. earlier , the ansar allah movement announced an attack on an american cargo ship in the gulf of adam. in response to previous shelling of his positions from washington and london. an earthquake occurred this night on the border of kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. the epicenter was in
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china. the magnitude of the tremors was seven. shaking was felt in almaty, chandeliers swayed in apartments, furniture moved, walls of houses were covered with cracks. people ran out into the street in panic, eight were reported injured. tremors were felt in bishkka. according to the ministry of emergency situations of kyrgyzstan, victims of destruction after earthquakes. relatives of the israeli hostages stormed into the knesset buildings, they interrupted a meeting of the parliament's financial commission and demanded that deputies return their loved ones from captivity, in particular, the protesters proposed the option of ransoming the hostages, some called for dissolving the government, a demonstration was also held near the walls of parliament, activists demanded. the complete liberation of leningrad from the siege is taking place in schools throughout russia
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open lessons in rostov-on-don. the students were told about the most difficult trials that befell leningraders and were shown a documentary film in which those who survived the encirclement shared their memories. participants of the victory volunteers movement conducted a lesson. in the center of the city, students of the don technical university, the chukotka district hospital begins cooperation with the khabarovsko perinatal center, now expectant mothers with a difficult pregnancy, as well as babies who require special care, will be sent there, anna’s report martyashkina. over the past three years, six women with severe pregnancy pathologies were referred to three different specialized centers. in moscow and two third-level centers in vladivostok and khabarovsk. since this year , the perinatal center named after professor postol in khabarovsk has been assigned to chukotka. it will become an anchor medical institution for
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pregnant women in our district. we have a test relationship with the khabarovsk territory. our high- risk pregnant patients are hospitalized in khabarovsk perinatal center this baby's name is valentina. she appeared ahead of schedule, in the thirty-third week. now the baby is still receiving close attention from the locals. neonatologists, whose high professionalism was appreciated by moscow specialists. during this time , positive changes have certainly occurred in neonatology. the practice of remote consultation of newborns in severe and critical condition using telemedicine technologies has expanded. the regional government is further processing proposals from specialists kulakov center for further improvement of the quality of medical care, including the re-equipment of the obstetric hospital of the belibin hospital and its branches, the creation. high-risk group with regular transmission of information about their condition to the remote
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advisory center of the khabarovsk regional perinatal center. it is important to note that in chukotka over the past 20 years there has not been a single death among women giving birth, the infant mortality rate is at the level of the russian average. anna martyashkina, roman malykhin, alexander khrymov, lead from chukotka. snow shavings in all directions, blank. began at one of the fish factories in the west of malaya, summer navigation will be used to protect the catch during transportation, the work was observed by evgenia nikolaeva. the ryen sawed off in the glacier did not spread for 2 days, that is how long the next layer of water froze, the severe frosts played into the hands of the employees, the freezing work naturally went faster, and the cut layers will become part of the side, the snow serves as cement for the water blocks, everything will freeze overnight they'll turn it on again tomorrow the pump will be flooded for the next 5-7 cm, cutting it out from the river will be quite problematic
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and difficult, it is physically... it will be impossible to drag it here, but here, when it is filled with one monolith, and it melts less, and accordingly, it stands until the fall. 5 years ago, two wooden buildings were replaced by one, modern room - a real thermos, metal panels prevent the ice from melting, 1,700 cubic meters are prepared by pouring water before navigation, the fish is stored in crushed ice until transferred to subsequent processing and shock freezing, so that it does not ... survive, that is, ripen, then the fish comes in, spawns, grinds must again, let's say, which is lifting, for example, must go into etis, walk in the summer, when the seasonal drop in water is already begins in the autumn period
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, well, let's say august - this is the month of july, the middle of may, then nikolai norvatov will boil, in this way the building will be saved from ice drift , so that the wooden persian does not collapse, there is a crane for receiving live silver, the workshop employees are now building an ice dam, there's a lot of work here. evgeniy nikolaev, which will approximately take place in the hills in yamal. this concludes our issue, oksana kuvaeva was with you, all news is always available. on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, see you, having surgery now is a big risk, i ’m ready to take risks, and you? the operation is already underway.
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i couldn’t stop them, hello, hello , we’re having dinner at my place today, and you guys are great sbragins, they stuck it in here for me, and you yourself, like the guys behind my back, something urgent , urgent, personal, skliposovsky, today on rtr, and we’ll be watching new episodes soon, wow, what kind of people are they, with or without a medical insurance policy? they accept everyone with tea, manenka, manenka, how do you need to love a person in order to take him and come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question, of course, is interesting, based on love , what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, this is what a person lives for, it should have a continuation, what is a good conversation based on trust, i am so contradictory, wisdom has turned on me
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and.. .cut, just so that panic doesn’t arise, we’re in we live in democracy, freedom, assembly , demonstrations, what are these people, they harbored a grudge against the soviet regime, give them the freedom to arrest and judge, and the instigators to capital punishment, i have a daughter, a girl, i
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can’t find her, you. .. and humanly, dear comrades, a film by andrei konchalovsky on friday, on rtr. the kamchatka peninsula is one of the most environmentally friendly places on the planet. the nature of kamchatka is unique. geysers, hot springs, glaciers, giant faults. lakes, but the main pride of kamchatka is its ice volcanoes. stone, fire-breathing giants. the most powerful of them are included in the klyuchevskaya group. the majestic klyuchevskaya sopka is the highest active volcano on
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the eurasian continent. volcanoes of kamchatka are a world natural heritage site. here in pristine purity. the natural life of the kamchatka peninsula has been preserved, i bought your sweets, my love, just don’t eat right away, let’s hang a little on the christmas tree this year, and the risky mouse, karl ilych, finished the symphony. tck with greetings shestakovich, seventh symphony, on saturday and sunday at rtr.
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a doctor who plays on stage in films, an actor who helps people get out of the most difficult situations in life, this is what the famous actor alexander raport says about himself. today he has about a hundred film roles under his belt. but he played his first role when he was already 57 years old, in the famous film “my cleaning up.” before that, he was a psychotherapist and worked at the famous kashchenko clinic. recently. alexander raport appeared in the film "nuremberg" "the many shapes of evil", based on real events. the role in this film seems to be connected all the roads of his destiny. he plays the famous soviet psychotherapist evgeny krasnushkin. in 1946, krasnushkin had to work with
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the commandant of the auschwitz concentration camp, one of the most brutal nazis, rudolf hoes. in search of the nazi virus, rapaport's hero puts him into a trance and conducts psychological tests. you are a killer, yes, what is the highest rank you have reached in the sss. lieutenant colonel, what is it like to hear the revelation of a mass murderer in detail, and what struck the actor most during the filming of this film. that's life.
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the dimension of evil, i understand that it is simply phenomenally relevant for today, it just contains answers to a huge number of questions about what is happening to us now, what kind of film? and my good friend valery
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kurasov called me and said that there was a certain director who was planning to make a film about how a group of psychiatrists in nunberg worked during the trial... with nazi criminals with the accused and he said that actually, well it is a well-known fact that the soviet union was present at this trial a group of psychiatrists, in particular, one of them was the famous psychiatrist evgeniy konstantinovich krasnushkin, he is generally one of the co-founders and co-founders of the serbsky institute, and he suggested that alex platt offered me the role of krasnushkin, they were looking for an actor for the role of rudolf hoes for a long time, in the end. we settled on an actor, this actor simply looks like hyos, fyodor shlemov, when you started this work, what did you know in principle about these people? about krasnushkina about hessya, tell me, you
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know, my mother is isum, my father was born in simferopol, my grandmother in melitopol , well, in general, my mother lost everything, simply, everyone died in the occupation, my mother never talked about it, but i know that they named me alexander in honor of my mother’s mother, she was alexander, my father fought from august '41, the war ended on may 8, '45 in prague, i was born in bulgaria.
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did not accept happiness, he ordered
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, there was blood on his, on his hands, of course, but, but he constantly emphasized that i didn’t do this, i was ordered, i ordered, into what darkness, terrible darkness you needed both, and fedor too, of course , well, imagine, these people in general, these criminals, these defendants, these accused and theirs, in particular, says that if you do not exterminate the jews, then it would be very difficult for me as a person and as the psychiatrist should restrain himself in this conversation, because inside, well, you can imagine what was going on inside, let’s watch a fragment of a film that the whole country will soon see, a film that is really very necessary. put, what do you mean by
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being shocked by those events? i'm i personally didn’t kill anyone, i was just the head of the liquidation program and, well, those like him, well, these orders were given by hitler through himler, and eichmann gave me the orders regarding the trains with the condemned. do you ever think about these executions, about executions, gas chambers, burning corpses, do these thoughts ever come, they haunt you, no, i don’t have such thoughts, that’s what you told us to do this picture for so that people understand what is happening, how much all this is now lying on the surface and can flare up at any second anywhere, what kind of psychology of nazism is this?
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who entered into this business, accepted became part of this az machine, so a fairly common type of people, a fairly , i repeat, a common type of people, and today such people also exist, you need to be able to recognize these people all the time, looking specifically at this person in hoes, this dna, this virus of nazism, you... as it was defined, a person, everyone, must catch
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the beginnings of these traits, these symptoms, these some not yet...
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if we talk about german nazism, aka , it is very large, it was mainly based on huge masses of uneducated people, to whom one could simply say, without explaining why krasnushkin used these methods in order to, well, dissect
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the psychology of hoes, hypnosis was among these methods, or is this already your invention, i i at least. i have no information on this topic about whether krasnushkin used the technique, elements of hypnosis, elements of hypnosis, but hypnosis is not only what people are used to seeing, when they say there, close your eyes, listen to my voice, there to sleep, there, well, there is erekson’s hypnosis, when people talk, in this, in this hypnosis, certain techniques, metaphors, some stories, some ... questions are used that return the interlocutor to peaceful life, to normal environment , in childhood, so i decided to do it, i suggested to alex plat, the director, let me try to do it now, we decided not to tell fedya this, because if we told him, he would have started, well, he would have started to resist
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subconsciously, i saw that fedor was a man very emotional... let's say, with a good imagination, i admitted this, but the fact that it would be 17 minutes, 17 minutes a person stood like this with his hand raised, 17 minutes, well, just try to stand up, raise a hand or two hands, she he didn’t tremble, you know, he went into hypnosis very quickly, then he didn’t remember about it, because... because there was a moment when i said, now the session will end, you will remember something, but something... then you don’t remember what happened at that moment, who answered you, shlemov or khyos, it was fedor who answered shlemov in the shoes of hyos, in the image of hyos, well, somehow it turned out that it all
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coincided, well, there is some kind of script, text, dialogue, this was not in the script, this was not in the script, this was , this was. which i used to make hös relax and fede to relax, you know? then, when the stop shot command sounded, you told fedor what happened, but he himself, he couldn’t, he couldn’t believe it for a very long time, he only believed it when they showed him, put on this scene, let’s see, once. okay, i opened it eyes, continue to sleep, answer my questions calmly and evenly, don’t be afraid,
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nothing threatens you, you’re a killer, right? has your wife ever been a party member? what is the highest rank you have achieved in the bcc? lieutenant colonel, did you have any mistresses? yes, jewish women too, yes. in my opinion, this is the first case in world cinema when a person was actually put into hypnosis. well , they told me that this had not happened before. i was
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happy, the director was happy, fede was happy in the end. understand? at the same time , your character did have the right to vote. task krasnushkina was able to understand what kind of phenomenon fascism was. because this is so much on the surface today that we are not just walking through a minefield, we are walking through a carpet of mines, you
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understand, both what is happening and what can happen, it is so, right here , right here, here it is, right here, we’ve somehow gotten used to the fact that nazism is a european disease of the past, but no, when i listen to borel, i ’m in charge. from the european union, he says: europe is a blooming garden, and the rest of the world is a jungle, this is already a sprout of what you are talking about, this is already an idealist, well, if he said so , then yes, this is sprouting nazism, fascism, again, and in general any person who says such words, no matter where he is, yes, this is the very symptom of the same sprout, of course, still i understood one thing from talking with you, that what one generation could not complete the treatment, another has to complete the treatment, this... what has now fallen to our lot, that’s why the film that you made, it is so timely and
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answers so many questions in this film as a translator into english, well, the subtitles are in english, my grandson , alexander raport ii, who is now 18 years old, took part , you know, and i’m very glad that he will naturally see it, but he has already seen it and he, at least, and this generation, you know? this generation needs this, this cannot be, should not be, we must do everything to suppress it in the very, very, what is called the embryo, thank you for the fact that with all your destiny, all facets, your professional life, being a psychotherapist and actor, you managed to benefit people, like this film too, in which these facets of your destiny. so we crossed paths, thank you for this , thank you, bori, thank you alex, who invited me to everyone who took part in this,
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thank you, this is the life and destiny of alexander rapoport, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see - this is a door scratched by dogs, he could become... zalod or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 dash 34 years old, we can do pull-ups as a taster, i always like to eat a lot or as a lifeguard. but he is a doctor that everyone needs,
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treatment should not be self-medication , you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov , every saturday on rtr, on the anniversary of leonid ermolnik, mom, where is dad, he went to the delivery, you know, he goes himself, i also don’t dust , raya, do you understand such things? what is it, dad? it’s already happened, everything has already happened, you can’t change it, you know what i think, you have to move on with your life, the film is a laureate. odessa on friday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a photo parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as
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not to miss anything, subscribe. listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we watch. i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think. there’s no need to think about it here, that’s all here. to play or not to play? yes, yes, that's it. there cannot be two opinions, because we have five of them. this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here, how is everything it’s neglected, i really want to check it out, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see , let’s go, it must be the only thing, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team , if
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there are not 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what many use, the national academy of cinematographic arts and sciences of russia represents the main film events and film characters. 2023 - achievements of luck, discovery and shock, everything that is worthy of reward. solemn ceremony
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golden eagle awards, live broadcast on friday on rtr. posters on the tv channel culture. theatre, music, visual arts. art january 23. laureate of the 17th international tchaikovsky competition ravil islyamov performs as a soloist with the vivo music orchestra in the zaryadye concert hall. music by richard strauss and mendelssohn will be performed. conductor alexander rudin. at the new opera theater , as part of the epiphany festival , premiere performances of sergei prokofiev's opera war and peace natasha and andrei in a semi-stage performance continue. directed by alexey martynov for
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conductor timur zangiev. performance by ivan pachin. the forty-first, based on the story by boris lavrenev, plays at the moscow provincial theater. scenography and costumes by olga galitskaya. the taganka theater is showing the classic play duck hunt based on the play by alexander vampilov in the space on fakelny. directed and choreographed by anna zakusova. the cinema museum invites you to see the universe of leonid gaidai’s characters. the exhibition our people, on the occasion of the centenary of the director’s birth, united the heroes of the diamond hand in the exhibition space operations. paintings by ivan vasilievich.
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labor, it is dedicated to such, say, heroes of soviet life, who somehow accumulated a little more for themselves than the rest. the krasnoyarsk opera and ballet theater named after dmitry hvorostovsky is performing a ballet, kator siisdante, to the music of modern composers, directed and choreographed by nikita dmitrievsky. yulia belyaayeva's play pinocchio is shown at the coma permyat national drama theater named after gorky. at the marininsky theater as part of the festival.
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the sweet table can be seen in the alexander palace of tsarskoye selo. this is the name of the exhibition, which combines the symbols and attributes of the festive table. postcards, easter porcelain eggs, christmas gift boxes, confectionery packaging, dishes. and even a toy phonograph with chocolate records produced by the ein partnership. the digital concert hall of the berlin philharmonic is broadcasting a recording of the concert that took place on december 22 last year. performed by martha argerich and the berlin philharmonic orchestra directed by denmark barenboim, they performed works by rams and beethoven. the schawhausen art museum celebrates its 175th anniversary with a large-scale exhibition. more than 200 exhibits, works, paintings and photography, tours and installations, prints and drawings demonstrate the extensive collection of the museum, founded in 1848 by a small society of art lovers and which over time has grown into the largest art collection in switzerland.
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good morning, says dr. misyakov, we are starting a program about our health, that is, about the most important thing for us. by the way, in this program we will have a survey of you viewers, because you know, they say, the heart will tell you and... these questions about heart health will be asked to you, then we will discuss this, but not only that, we will talk about many more interesting things , watch us, it will be educational, it will be interesting, we are starting,
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today in the program about the most important thing, cytokinogenetic therapy, how it changed the lives of those who faced cancer, was it scary at all? at the very beginning, of course, when the diagnosis was made, she goes to the pool alone, another book he writes, you are raising your granddaughter there, how holding back the urge to go to the toilet affects the development of cystitis, and which grapes are healthier, dark or white, questions from the doctor, alexander myasnikov asks, you answer, quickly strain, do not write ahead of time, of course, the heart will not... tell you, we understand popular myths, how many beats the heart is programmed, how does sleeping on the left side affect its work, and what fatty foods are good for the heart?
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which side do you sleep on? on the left, well, how normal, he died suddenly, not suddenly, but unfortunately, for almost a year and a half now we have been telling real stories of people. in whose life trouble came, and now i have a tumor in me , their diagnosis is cancer, but they did not give up, i want to thank the doctors, they tried to get me out of this state, and in general i am very grateful, thank you very much, in the fight against cancer they cytokinogenetic therapy helped, and after it, when they came to our studio... people smiled and made plans for the future, i have plans, in general i’m working on a book about my mother, but that was a long time ago, so what?
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now with these patients, how have their lives changed? today is the first program of the new year about cytokinogenetic therapy, and we invited patients whom we have not seen for a long time, along with an oncologist. well, yes, well, first of all, i want to say right away that we are not here for, you know, some kind of magical treatment method, an absolutely normal treatment method that complements all other treatment methods, when you treat oncology, you don’t you can concentrate on one thing, this is surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy, or in this case, slukinogenetic therapy is a complex treatment, but it’s probably important for us. living people, the main thing is, you know, how i believe that everything is in the hands of god, how much is allotted to us, so much is allotted to us, but the most important thing, besides that, is... the quality of life,
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how are you in general? well, we live with pleasure. olga lykova, 72 years old, in december 2021 she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer - stage three. the operation is contraindicated; chemotherapy is prescribed, which has to be canceled due to side effects. olga begins a course of cytokine-genetic therapy. as a result, the assessment quality of life rises from 50 to 100, and the tumor according to mri results. completely disappears, grandchildren continue , vegetable gardens, and dachas, and vegetable gardens, and dachas, and canning for the whole year, something that was not expected at all that year, and physical activity, well, maybe not at the same pace, but that’s all they showed, it’s like i’m swimming in the pool, you continue to sit, it was just on monday, and then chemistry, i was in chemistry yesterday, today it’s already here. that's all, and you are a rocket engineer,
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svetlana pavlova, 86 years old, in august 2022 she is diagnosed with breast cancer, if an operation is performed to remove it, then the risk of complications is very high, so the woman refuses it and begins a course of cytokine-genetic therapy, the tumor stops growing, and the disease becomes chronic. have you started writing a book about your mother? i didn’t start then , but continued, well, i’ve progressed a little, but very little, because not enough time has passed, well, yes, you were just recently, but how are you doing, good, lidiya erzunova, 52 years old, in december 2022 it is found by lung cancer and metastases in the brain, the left arm fails, the diction of the gait is impaired, the operation is contraindicated, only chemotherapy...
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not just some stage after a course of therapy, as we usually imagined patients, precisely during the treatment of the past year, maybe an additional year, without worsening the stabilization of the which is what 3 months in the twenty-first year achieves for you, by the way, this is a very important indicator for me, she was only on chemotherapy yesterday, look at her, and remember from history that chemotherapy was canceled for her due to the indicators,
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“this, by the way, is one of the advantages, kinogenetic therapy helped improve well-being so much that it became possible to use previously canceled chemotherapy. i know you have some statistics on patients, our doctors are observing 400 patients who are undergoing both the first and more than courses of therapy, each patient is observed individually, that is , this is the uniqueness of not only the application of the method, but also the use of observation of the patient, because..." is adjusted according to the condition, according to the results of those examinations that represented by patients. if we talk about the results, here it says 90%, where we achieve a positive response to therapy, this is stabilization of the process. of these percentages, 90% , 50% is stabilization, 35 is a partial regression of tumor foci, secondary foci, that is, if there were multiple secondary foci of metastases, then in control studies, after three to six courses of therapy, we observe either a decrease. their
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number, not the appearance of new foci, we observe more than 5% in patients who have had complete regression of foci of secondary the origin of the oncological process, and most importantly, our main patients, 87.5%, have stages of the disease three and four. as far as i remember, our patients had severe oncology with pronounced metastases in all of them, and how long ago was the diagnosis? december twenty-one? 2 years, 2 years, and you have a year, it turns out, 3, 2, 1, year, people with metastases, yes, in general, and look at them, and look at them, yes, they are presented here on the pledge of oncological diseases , this is breast cancer, cervical and uterine cancer, kidney cancer, melanoma, primary multiple cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, these are diseases that in percentage terms prevail in percentage terms and have a good clinical result. are you continuing treatment? of course,
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continue treatment. here i would like to note that given the tolerability of therapy, the absence of its toxic effects, at the same time, the possibility of its use in patients who may have somatic symptoms. disease, some general condition that allows them to carry out radical treatment, then when with cytokine-genetic therapy there is no depletion, on the contrary, a resource appears, an energy resource that allows you to fight the disease and live a quality life, and when these indicators improve, you can additionally include those treatment methods that were planned and were canceled for some reason, yes, chemistry is perceived not as a nuclear war, but as already parallel. that there is the use of cytokine-genetic therapy, chemotherapy, breaks and starting
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chemotherapy again, and there is the use of cytokine-genetic therapy in mono mode, where we see not only stabilization, that is , the patient has a breast formation , it has decreased in size, but also no... foci, secondary foci have been identified, that is , it indicates that the tumor is not spreading, she’s lucky, she’s lucky, yes , a provocative question, do you even understand what they are doing to you, what it is , what they are doing to you, what they are injecting you with, a pill, an injection, of course, we do it ourselves, we were told that this means that one injection marks cancer cells, and another injection, there are other molecules, they devour cancer cells, i i feel like you’re there. so, let’s remember how the cytokinogenetic therapy method works: our body produces tumor necrosis factor or tnf, these are special proteins that fight cancer cells, but in some people tnf is not produced enough
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or its effectiveness is reduced. during cytokinogenetic therapy , tumor necrosis factor is added to the human body from the outside. this helps activate anti-swelling. metastases, stabilization and does not cause any toxic effects, that is, it transforms the disease into chronic, a non-aggressive form of the disease, and, of course, the quality of life is preserved. you know, i’m very glad that you came, i’m very glad that you live an active life, one
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goes to the pool, the other writes books, forgive your granddaughter there, what advice would you give to people, to live fully with joy. strength of spirit , thank you, doctors, we wish our guests, thank you, thank you, thank you, so everything will be fine for us, thank you, further, how does holding back the urge to go to the toilet affect the development of cystitis, and which grapes are healthier? dark or white? questions from the doctor. alexander myasnikov asks, you answer. tighten up quickly. don't write ahead of time. surely. having surgery now is a big risk. i'm ready to take risks. and you?
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the operation is already underway. i couldn't stop them. hello. hello. we're having dinner at my place today. and you are great, sbragena, they stuck it in here for me, and you yourself. that the shura-murah were playing behind my back, something urgent, urgent, personal, skleposovsky, today on rtr, and soon we’ll watch new episodes, for me the injury has been absent from work for a long time, everything else is nonsense, let’s go to meetings. morning with urbich and no problems why, to get to know a country, what a beauty , you just have to taste it, we ’ll add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just madness of taste, what’s next, honey in norinsk,
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tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes, and you know why people do you think squirrels are alive? to have fun jumping through life, an unusual answer, and i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health, the formula for eating every saturday on rtr
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we know that today is on the scales, and what is happening now, the seventh leningrad. dmitry shestakovich's symphony became a symbol of the steadfastness of the defenders of the besieged city. i
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say: we, the citizens of leningrad, will not be shaken by the roar of the cable lines. and if there are barricades tomorrow, we will not leave our barricades. residents of the besieged city showed that there is something more important and eternal than cold, hunger, fear and even their own life. leningrad symphony on the banks of the neva, sunday on rtr. time for the section questions from the doctor. we ask you questions based on previous programs. if you are guessing the correct answer, and you should not guess, but also explain why this is how you get a prize, if not, you exercise physically, whoever is ready to come out here, come here. good morning , my name is irina, irina, what are you doing, and
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i work as a manager, and by education i am a pharmacist, yeah, that is, we are almost colleagues, almost, excellent, and that means a pharmacist, what institute did you graduate from? rudden, ruden, please twist, well then it will be easier for you to answer, i hope, if i haven’t forgotten anything, the herpes virus can provoke it? just think, the whole trap is that there are a lot of lichens. one of them is encircling lichen is pain and rash on the body. it is called lichen because it is vaguely similar
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to real lichen. in fact, this is an infectious disease that is caused by zovstar herpes. so the answer is: yes, of course. provisions? yes. can holding back the urge to go to the toilet lead to the development of cystitis? i, and i don't know the answer to '. urine lingers there , it turns out that if an infection forms there, yes, then it’s possible, well, write, in fact, i don’t see a connection, we have two types of cystitis, yes, infectious cystitis, which is caused coli and non-infectious cystitis , which is not associated with infections, here we are talking about irritable bladder syndrome, the infection must get there, let’s say you are holding back, which means, here you are, i don’t know, here you are standing here, you have here's the filming, do you want to go to the toilet? is it dark in your eyes? but what do you have to endure, and what if you get cystitis? you will not have cystitis,
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because even if urine accumulates for a long time, there is no infection there, there is no bacteria there, that is , hypothermia, if not, there is no infection, hypothermia, alcohol, stress - this is not infectious cystitis, that is , irritable bladder syndrome, but it’s the other way around, you’ll have the urge all the time, so you’re taught to endure it specifically so that until the last moment, but at the same time... not to disgrace yourself , so you have to endure, hold back, and so on, so holding back the urge to go to the toilet cannot lead to cestitis, at least infectious, the answer is no? dark grapes are healthier than white ones, the pharmacist should know what is retained in red grapes that is not present in white grapes, which year finished, flavanoid there, well done, well done, i remembered the word, write, well, yes , resverotrol, flavanoid, which is actually useful in any case for preventing
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heart attacks, strokes and so on, well, go, choose the key, because if not, i won’t forgive you for herpis, i graduated a long time ago, really , a long time ago, in the twelfth year, oh, really, a long time ago, now a woman can’t decide how many relets , yes, in my opinion, you were born on the 19th, which didn’t work, well, let’s go there, choose further, it happens with us that you can choose a prize there, a place loads, read, make five five. burpee, what is a burpee? this is a terrible thing, well , tell me, i will understand, but you won’t be able to do it, well, because in a dress you won’t be able to do it, because this exercise looks like this, and so on, you will do it, it won’t work, it won’t work,
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ok, let's replace it with cool out. do you want to review us? platform look at the application website, it would be better if you did it like that. well done, please sit down. and we move on. the topic is myths about the heart. we interviewed people who are now in studio, right there in the corridor.
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but she still answered incorrectly, okay, okay, so to speak, young people, what you said, well, in general, i think that if you eat a lot of fat, cholesterol will still be out of order, those fats that are harmful, those , which flow, those are useful, we say omega-6, that is, vegetable oils, useful, useful, reduce bad cholesterol, increase good, why do we say: marine fish, because polyunsaturated fatty acids only help fight cholesterol metabolism disorders, increase good cholesterol, which clears the blood vessels of bad , lowers the bad, while animal fats, he was a man talking about animal fats, he says correctly, if you eat a lot of animal fats, it’s probably not healthy, although today
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animal fats are also being reconsidered in the development of heart disease, that is for 20 years we were told not to eat meat. there will be a bad heart , but today he says: you know, well, yes, don’t eat meat, there will be colon cancer, we don’t really know about the heart, maybe we were wrong, that’s what’s downright harmful - these are trans fats, this is what cooking, our food industry, not ours around the world, adds to baked goods from here, it, it doesn’t dry out, it’s beautiful, it’s tasty, to many varieties of sausages, which makes it possible to classify them as carcinogens and.. . no, in my opinion, no , if the heart is healthy, then, probably, it will not harm it, well , probably yes, probably yes, i agree,
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because the heart is on this side, it is somehow pinched and advises sleeping on the other side, even healthy people are undesirable, i think not, because i i often sleep on my left side, there are no problems with my heart, you can sleep on the left or right, well, you can sleep as long as you can sleep, i think, it doesn’t matter on... which side you sleep on absolutely, which side do you sleep on, on the left, so what? ok , ok, that’s who pleased me this time, didn’t please me with fats, but says, what’s the difference, well, seriously, well, these are the ribs, these are the cage, the chest, well, sleep like this, what do you think, your heart sinks here hitting your chest?
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blood, it’s not god that’s important here, it’s important, we advise you to raise the head end, you you sit down, you feel better , your blood flow from the lungs to the heart decreases, and accordingly it’s easier for you to breathe, this is a diagnostic technique, when i ask a person if he has shortness of breath, does he have shortness of breath at night, yes or he will say no, i don’t know, i’m asking, but is it more comfortable for you to sleep lying down or on a big one, i use two pillows, yeah, why do i immediately start thinking, the man... doesn’t shoot himself yet, but it’s easier for him to breathe, he rises higher. go ahead. orv can harm the heart. maybe there could be
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complications because it's respiratory viral diseases, something is probably going on in the heart too. yes, maybe from year to year the complication can cause harm. since it is a virus, it gives rise to heart disease. well, this is a disease, all diseases, they affect all our organs. if there are any complications. if, for example, a sore throat, then naturally, it, she, it gives a complication to the heart, you know, i think no, a urvi is a urvi, and a heart is a heart, a urvi cannot harm the heart, depending on what stage of the urvi , easy, no, i’ve never heard of that, that’s it you walk somehow unevenly, it goes like this, then like that, then again, well, of course, it’s trivial, it goes away without any problems, but there are meocarditis, pericarditis, there are viral heart diseases, we are not talking about situations where they worsen
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heart attacks, strokes, why in severe forms of influenza, in severe forms of covid, increased thrombus formation can lead to these things, but even with a banal infection you may be unlucky, you had the flu, you sneezed, coughed for 3 days and forgot, and somewhere about two weeks later i go up to the third floor, shortness of breath, pulse, pulse 110, you go to the doctor , he sends you for an echo, and your heart is contracting, it’s bad, yes, it’s temporary, but we know that the vaccine against covid, western ones, those that , vaccine messengers, yes, there is a certain percentage of myocardial damage, myocarditis, that is specifically associated with this, with this vaccine. we don’t have our vaccine, our vaccines didn’t cause this, but so, therefore , the answer is yes, the answer is yes, the answer is yes, then what
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symptoms, besides pain, can one suspect that the heart’s function is impaired, there is a heart attack, and pain no, it means that this is a cry from the heart for help. 80 years ago, unconquered leningrad was liberated from the terrible clutches of the blockade. 80 years later, on this great day , the famous masters of russian culture, the brightest actors and performers , world-famous stars, will pay tribute to the memory, perseverance and courage of leningraders, the courage and valor of the hero-liberators, a trequiem concert for the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the nazis.
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i refused, i refused my child, how can i find him? watching on weekends, 17 years old back, a boy with a serious diagnosis was admitted to your center, whether he is alive or not, two operations were performed successfully, the doctor who operated on him had golden hands, i can’t forget, i want to get a job at the hospital as a volunteer, and the children have experience in volunteer work, run away it won’t work, it’s difficult to decide to change your life forever? you take, change, and we are strangers , you didn’t give birth to me, no, she has children, now she’s just returned to her homeland, my memory didn’t let me down, having taken the first step, she will go to the end, you came to the city to find own son, why were these games of love needed, why, svetlana, on saturday on rtr.
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the floor is trembling, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room with absolutely no faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and there is a lot of work, plans are being transformed before our eyes. i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let big changes into your home, every sunday, on
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rtr. the national academy of cinematographic arts and sciences of russia presents. the main film events and film characters of 2022. achievement. good luck, discovery and shock, everything that is worthy of an award,
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the golden eagle award ceremony. live broadcast on friday on rtr. the daughter of the famous football player alexander kirzhakov, eighteen-year-old daria, has spent the last two years in rehabilitation center where she was treated for addiction, but recently escaped from there and is now wandering around moscow. we're like a good family, a pretending family. dasha wants to reach out to her mom and dad, but she can’t meet them yet. where are her mom and dad now? and... the confession of the daughter of a legendary football player in our program. malakhov today on rtr. the program about the most important things continues. let's understand the myths about the heart. if your heart doesn't hurt, it means it's healthy. i think not, it can, well, secretly hurt. well, if it doesn't bother me, i'll
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i won’t go to the doctor to check him, that’s why. i think she’s healthy, i read somewhere that this is not so, you still need to exercise and get checked, yes, she’s healthy, most likely yes, if the heart is a little bit unhealthy, then a person begins to have arrhythmia, shortness of breath, if there are some deviations, then this is reflected on the physical level, if there were problems, then the heart would give some signals, it’s healthy, but you always need to listen to the world of pressure, if it doesn’t hurt, that means... but it’s great, no, not necessarily, actually, a young student i was very surprised, it was a book published in the fifties, one of the few translated books by an american, and there were symptoms of stenocardia in the entire chapter, there were two words symptoms of stenocardia pain, death, that is, you may not feel
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anything, run, jump and... this is what your misconceptions lead to, sometimes the heart can only get sick. at the moment of your death, how many times in my life, in your life , was there when someone neighbors, you know, vasya from the fourth floor, and he died tonight, imagine, he is 38 years old, he died, who would have thought, in fact, he suddenly died only for himself and for his relatives, he did not know that he had high cholesterol, he did not know that he had high sugar, he did not know that he has a genetic predisposition to heart disease, he still didn’t know much , he didn’t know that his kidneys were already slowly shrinking, he didn’t know this, but his heart didn’t hurt , i’m not struggling, i won’t go, but you won’t go, then what? , when your heart hurts, it’s not interstitial neuralgia, it’s your heart that hurts, that means you you have had atherosclerosis for 15
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years, this means that you already have catastrophic narrowing there, this means that this is a cry from the heart for help, moreover, it happens that everything is already bad there, everything has been clogged for a long time, but there is no pain, there is a heart attack, but there is no pain. why, and the nerve ending loses the ability to give you a signal, this is very dangerous, because such people, if there was pain, they would call an ambulance, take them to the operating room and do it, but he dies suddenly, he died suddenly, not suddenly, unfortunately, and because you have the wrong idea about this, remember, you must regularly go for a medical examination , check these risk factors: sugar level, blood pressure level, good cholesterol, bad cholesterol,
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and again i don’t know how we are made, okay, the heart can burst from fright, let’s not ask what you’re saying there, half will say no, what did you say, no, so he says maybe, but you can, why is takaba syndrome, a trap - a spinologist is like this, because the heart under stress, often in a woman, an excess of hormones begins to paralyze and just maybe. okay, well, in general, here we are be attentive to your health, everything will be fine, section “ask the doctor.” this
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section is probably the oldest among this program, always my favorite, so raise your hands, let's talk. good morning, i was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but i really love it when i come to the dacha to steam at high temperatures, first in the sauna 120°, and then in the steam rooms 80-90, and then dive into the pool, is it harmful for me or not, and what kind of sugar, well, when i went to the hospital, i had 25, then i sleep. i went from five to six on pills now, yes yes, well, insulin and a pill, uh-huh, now it’s increased a little, uh-huh, six, six and a half sometimes there is no heart disease , my legs walk, you know what, it’s not because,
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like you know, one person here said how much i love you, you don’t prohibit anything and say, everything is possible, but you understand what’s going on, look, they found it, immediately put him on treatment, in general, it’s enough, so to speak, a good time him. such sugar, but of course they scared you, you're about to have a heart attack, stroke, everything is bad, the kidneys are bad, the brain is bad, everything is bad, and chick, i like to go to the bathhouse, well, what can i tell him, everything is so bad with your blood vessels, are you? something will happen, but it’s unlikely, because he has this sugar that hasn’t been detected, he’s been at least closer to ten years now, it’s diabetes, that’s absolutely true, and all these 10 years he’s been walking around, pouring himself and feeling great, what a sugar rush , he is adapted to this, i know a lot of diabetics, like you, on insulin, we go to the taiga, they take out snowmobiles, they steam in a sauna, swim in an ice hole and they feel great. i feel great too, what’s your name? sergei,
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send them all to the bathhouse with you. thanks a lot! good morning, alexander leonidovich, every year i undergo medical examination, for the last 3 years a clinical analysis of my blood shows total hemoglobin, an increased number of red blood cells, but the hematocrit, accordingly, here is the dynamics. three in the last 3 years, that is, the rest of the indicators, the leukocyte formula, everything is normal, in general, smoke everything, don’t smoke, no, i don’t smoke, that’s how dangerous it is, in therapy , it’s not clear how much thickening of your blood you have, but i don’t see, there is a therapist who says other indicators are normal, sometimes this happens, sometimes it can be a consequence of certain hematological diseases, but there are also platelets, reikocytes, if we are talking about polycythemia vera and so on, and this is in general. if this is not blood thickening, if you are not a smoker, if
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you do not live, you are in mountainous areas, i see, i see, it is increasing, i don’t see any problems, go to a hematologist, well, contact, so to speak, you can always have doubts, only if he prescribes you, what if aspirin, you will think 10 times before you drink, because as long as it’s all within reasonable limits, drinking, it’s not dangerous, don’t strain, you know that god forbid that there was only this. good morning, doctor, good, my husband had coronary artery bypass surgery in 1998, here is coronary bypass surgery, 2 years ago he had his oral valve replaced, now he walks 1800 steps, does 250-300 push-ups from the parapet, he comes , takes a shower and lies down, lies down tired, does he need such loads now? they are harmful, how old is he? 75, well, you know
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how he tolerates them, if it doesn’t provoke pain, well, yes, firstly, his shunts were pierced for a very long time and well, it turns out 25 years, that’s a lot, so to speak, then in 25 years they changed the oral valve, well , they changed it, usually even when in arterial coronary artery bypass surgery they change it together, a very common operation if he walks and does not cause pain. does not cause discomfort if he does this, you know, like of course, like anyone a person will say, take care of yourself, certain reserves, the heart is already unhealthy, this is on the one hand, on the other hand he trains the heart muscle, trains the coronary reserve, and maybe only thanks to this he lives like this, that he is active, maybe he would otherwise 15 years ago they would have changed the valve and they would have said that your shunts are not working, this could also happen, so i recently asked his lifestyle, how he does it. but tired tired, but in any case if he
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controls himself, if it doesn't cause him pain, weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations, then i think that probably, well, it’s significant , in short, let him walk, set him free, i answered all your questions, this was a section, ask the doctor, i wish everyone good health. next in the program is strabismus in children, when surgery is required and how quickly the child’s vision will be restored, doing surgery now is a big risk, i’m ready to take the risk, and you the surgery is already underway, i couldn’t stop them, hello, hello, we’re having dinner at my place today , you guys are great, they stuck it in here for me, but you yourself, what are my thoughts on... something urgent, urgent, personal, skeleposophical, today on
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rtr, and soon, we are watching new episodes, it’s starting to make its own, i ask you, i just returned, such changes are coming in my life, we are defending ours, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory, this is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my the cat is the most intelligent creature in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. what do you need nerif? continuation
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of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe! listen and watch on the “watch” media platform. substation. the first podcasts we watch. yuri belyaev and tatyana abramova. i had different situations and i perceived them as a disaster, as a collapse. i had a period in my life when three psychologists helped me at the same time. it’s amazing how long and what paths you followed for each other? we understand perfectly well that it was not us who suddenly decided. that we are husband and wife, lord god is all for we were decided a long time ago, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, a nightmare, just a nightmare, why didn’t you leave, i’m sure you’ll give birth under the car, there’s no road, we’re putting together an orchestra, you can see everything for yourself, he died 3 a day ago, i can’t, they
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met in besieged leningrad, why do you need this soldier, you’re so lonely, kings? what's karlovich? you are young, it seems to you that this will last forever. nadezhda dmitrievna, let's talk like woman to woman. do you love me? you know everything yourself. you play without black keys, as if with clean slate. in music this is the beginning, the beginning. seventh symphony on saturday and sunday on rtr. good morning. hello. eyes are the mirror of the soul, especially if they are the eyes and soul
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of a small child. when any vision problems arise, of course, this reduces the quality of life. young children and their parents, but today there are medical technologies, there are wonderful hands of doctors who allow us to cope with these problems. let's find out the story of tamerlan and his mother dasha. kind morning, program about the most important things. my name is daria, i am the mother of seven children, two of whom are our youngest, twins. ramzan - tamerlan were born prematurely, in connection with this they have certain health problems, in particular tamerlan has problems with vision. from the age of one and a half , we noticed how strabismus began to develop in him, and closer to the first grade it became clear that the problem was getting worse. in the summer
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of twenty-three, we met igor erikovich, and by october two operations on a. corrections strabismus after the operation, the child recovered very quickly, could immediately attend school, and actively participate in all activities, while the visual effect after the operation was clearly visible , including the functional one, we still have another operation and we really hope that we have glasses will remain in childhood only for... dasha and tamerlan are in our studio today, please come and see us, hello, good morning , hello, well, tell me, dash, when did you notice the first problems with vision, with your eyes, around the age of one and a half years? that is a period of verticalization began and, of course , we ran to look, look for solutions
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from the doctors, now, as you can see, everything is normal, but everything is in perfect order, the most... the main thing is to survive the very last difficult operation, but i think that you can handle it, everything should it's good to be, right? yes, tamerland, please tell us, do you remember your doctor? his name is igor erikovich. and now i want to invite igor erikovich to our studio. igor erikovich aznauryan, autothalmologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, academician academy of medical and technical sciences. ophthalmic surgeon, refractive surgeon. good morning, good morning, igor erikovich, what is happening, what are the causes of strabismus in children? well, there are a lot of reasons.
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that there were problems with writing, with reading , in general, he was a fool before the first grade, that’s why he couldn’t catch a line, plus he’s left-handed, well, that is, this added a lot of stress, but after the operation there is, in general, positive dynamics, he catches lines, this is obvious, the only thing left for us is that he says to survive the most difficult operation, she himself in fact, it’s not the most difficult thing, he will already live without glasses, let’s talk a little.
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in such a way, in order to place the visual senses of both eyes in parallel, and you also need to think about how one eye works with the other, so that they move in a synchronized manner and provide tracking movements, we did all this thanks to this innovative mathematical model , which we developed and implemented, this is our pride, because it allowed...
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so the mother knows, and after that we program it and put it on the child, he is 6 hours he walks in them, and this replaces
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almost all the long trips to the clinic, as i understand it, they are put on after surgery, but for rehabilitation, let’s see what ’s going on, igor erikovich, how do you do it, yes, this is a radio wave knife , like this, we were talking about low-traumatic surgery, but let me do these. a cut with scissors, this is before, yes, how operations were performed before, and i want to show the roughness of such cuts, look, they are chewed, you see the surfaces and scars form, that is, this is enough traumatic defect, and now look how we can do this with a radio knife, for example , right next to it, and there’s such a thin line, and you see, it doesn’t diverge, but it’s minimal and neat, here’s the cut and here’s the cut we made with scissors, you see here. accordingly, they converge edge to edge and even with a fivefold magnification , then under a microscope the incision site is not visible at all, everything heals beautifully very quickly
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, the main thing is that it heals and there is never purulence. this technology, and after the first operation, we really had an operation during the day, in the evening we were at home, and no red eyes, the next day, and cartoons and everything , that is, no discomfort, nothing itched, pinched, did not hurt, just ordinary life began exactly at that the same evening, judging by the way tamerlane reacts, that in general he is already completely calmly disposed to the third operation, which will be laser, so
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it’s not a big deal for him at all, please tell me, he’s worried about the question: when to do it? are there any time limits? very important understand that treatment must be started as soon as possible. children have a certain, so -called sensitive or plastic period, when the foundation of all systems is laid before the age of 3. this is what concerns strabismus, if strabismus is congenital or early acquired, you and i see the world in volume, yes, imagine that we lose the ability to see this volume, so the eyes are very important. put it symmetrically before this age so that we can turn on this very reflex in time, plus, a squinting eye, he doesn’t look because he doesn’t look, he doesn’t see, because he doesn’t see, his vision begins to deteriorate even more, so as soon as possible, well, if we talk about the fact that it might be worth putting it off somehow, but there are types of strabismus that don’t need
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to be operated on right away, they develop at 5 years old, at 6 years old, but in... 95% of cases, as i already said, this surgery is a mandatory step in the treatment of strabismus, then comes rehabilitation, restoration of these reflexes like this, and more to the question of whether strabismus returns if it is well cured, let us note what it means to cure strabismus well, yes, it is to have high visual acuity without glasses, it is to have a symmetrical position of the eyes, to have the ability for three-dimensional vision, so if you have rehabilitated a little man, then nothing to do with him anymore. tamerlan, i sincerely wish you with all my heart that everything will be wonderful for you, the last operation was extremely successful, but i am sure that you are in good hands, you will definitely succeed. thank you very much for coming to us come, thank you, igor erikovich, thank you very much, first of all, for what you do, because the opportunity to return peace to children is worth a lot. we wish you a good
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day and a great mood. be healthy. there was a program with you about the most important thing, hello, on air from the oksana kuvaeva studio, the main thing for this hour. artillerymen destroyed the bsu control center on the right bank of the dnieper. in the kupinsky direction , tankers hit fortified regional dugouts in the mtr. usa uk strikes again
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according to yemen. in israel, relatives of the gaza hostages broke into the parliament building. the earthquake on the borders of kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan was felt in almaty. people ran out into the street in panic. we felt it strongly, we are afraid. pulkovo airport is closed due to bad weather. petersburg, a snow storm has hit. and the hurricane wind in the seaside does not subside. due to strong winds, 13 degrees below zero in vladivostok feels like 30, restoration of the republic’s gold fund, russian museums will help the burnt-out national art gallery in sukuma. our national culture has suffered irreparable damage. the fire destroyed more than 400 paintings. in the kherson direction
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, artillery paratroopers destroyed a branch of the ukrainian armed forces in a strong point on the right bank of the dnieper. the fire was adjusted using an unmanned aerial vehicle, which recorded a hit on the target. and in these shots the working crew and t-80 tanks of the western group of troops in the kupinsky direction. tanks fire from closed positions according to coordinates received from reconnaissance and spotters. by destroying the discovered strengthened regional dugouts and tank crews. leaving the firing line. in zaporozhye and the kherson region, russian guard servicemen conduct special operations to search for caches of weapons and ammunition and identify sabotage groups of nationalists, sbu agents. the main task is
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to ensure the safety of civilians and prevent terrorist attacks. and in the krasno-limansky direction, the artillerymen of the central military district disrupted the transfer of nationalist reinforcements to the front line. on the work of self-propelled vehicle crews and volunteers. battalion bars southern group of troops. report by alexey baranov. it’s deep night, right now an operational meeting is taking place at the headquarters of the volunteer battalion bars-12. of course, we do not show the map. a communications officer must be present at the meeting. it is to him that all the information flows about what is happening at these moments on the line of combat contact. the battalion, part of the southern group of forces, operates on the outskirts of lisichansk. the task force has just arrived. received information from the front line and is now determining the locations for the construction of fortifications on more advantageous positions and decides where exactly to organize new firing points? this position will go here, that means there are two cells here
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, the signalmen have their own worries, the exchange of information, vital in combat conditions, should not be interrupted for a minute, they cannot reach me, i need to check the antenna with a device, the commander of the volunteer communications unit..
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alexey boranov, alexander malyshev, khalit tankiev. news: line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansky direction, serebryansky forestry. deputy head of the minister of defense
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viktor gremykin awarded the distinguished servicemen of the military group center. the ceremony took place at the positions of a tank unit near the line of combat contact. gremykin congratulated the tankers, thanked them for their service and presented the soldiers with zhukov medals for courage and the st. george cross. the successful actions of our military personnel on the front line are achieved through the exchange of experience and regular training and study with soldiers at the training ground in the zaporozhye region , igor pikhanov talked. shot. fighters crews from the tour of the southern military district hit targets at a training ground in the zaporozhye region. classes are held in strong winds and frosts. the instructors say that personnel must be able to work in... their conditions, because the unit’s specialists perform an important task; they are called hunters of enemy tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. the first thing we do is aim, aim, see the target, take it a little
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higher. the fighters have destroyed dozens of military equipment of ukrainian militants. in the zaporozhye steppes , german leopards and american humves are rusting. in during training, personnel study the weapons that the enemy has, its strengths and weaknesses. we have good ammunition, well, we’re working, we know our job, we’re building up our skills, it’s impossible without this, it’s equivalent to the fact that a sniper needs to be constantly built up, work, work, it’s advisable to hit the target, which... immediately then get ready to leave. soldiers from a flamethrower platoon of a radiochemical defense company are working at the adjacent site of the test site. the military uses a flamethrower system. with its help , attack aircraft destroy fortified dugouts enemy firing points. the unit recently returned to the front line for rotation. studying does not stop even on vacation. technique, tactics, it must be honed, it must always be improved. it needs to be sharpened like, like water, water sharpens a stone, constantly, constantly, constantly, then yes.
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you will reach some maximum. at the training ground , instructors and fighters share the experience they gained at the front. new tactics are being developed for conducting assault operations on the front line and countering the enemy. according to the military, western weapons the enemy was unprepared for the changeable weather of zaporozhye. it is more difficult to use and repair in field conditions, while russian equipment has proven itself well at the front. this affects combat effectiveness. divisions. thanks to regular training at the training grounds, the units successfully carry out tasks on the front line, thwart an attempt to break through the defense line, and protect the residents of the front-line region from ukrainian nationalists. soldiers destroy enemy artillery, which strikes peaceful villages and cities. for courage and professionalism, many russian military personnel have been awarded state and departmental awards. igor pikhanov, konstantin pionov, vesti zaporozhye region.
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colleague from iran, both spoke in favor of an early ceasefire in the gas sector and expressed concern about the tense situation in the red sea. in a conversation with the lebanese foreign minister, lavrov emphasized the inadmissibility of lebanon’s involvement in the palestinian-israeli conflict. at a meeting with a turkish colleague, we discussed joint projects in energy and the schedule of upcoming bilateral contacts. in addition , meetings were held with the permanent representative of the united arab states. yemen was subjected to new attacks by the united states and great britain, using tamaga cruise missiles and precision-guided bombs. explosions were heard, including near the airport in the capital of yemen, sana'a. the main target , according to washington and london, were underground warehouses, launch pads, missiles and... radars earlier, the ansar allah movement
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announced an attack on an american cargo ship in the gulf of adon in response to previous attacks on his position by the united states and britain. relatives of israeli hostages who were captured by hamaselnik militants staged a protest in the evening at the residence of benjamin netanyahu. or the prime minister for doing nothing to bring their loved ones home. earlier, protesters broke into the building, they interrupted a meeting of the parliament's financial commission and demanded that deputies return their loved ones from captivity. an earthquake occurred this night on the border of kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. the epicenter was at territory of china. the magnitude of the tremors was seven. shaking was felt in almaty, chandeliers swayed in apartments, furniture moved, walls of houses moved. covered with cracks,
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people ran out into the street in panic, eight people were injured, three of them jumped out of the windows. we felt it strongly, in general, we were standing on the street and we were all afraid. underground tremors were felt in bishkek; according to the ministry of emergency situations of kyrgyzstan, no victims of destruction after the earthquake were recorded. pulkovo airport has suspended operations for sending and receiving flights due to bad weather. 18 aircraft flying to st. petersburg sent to alternate airfields. a snow storm has broken out in the region, a yellow level of weather danger has been declared, people are being blown away by the wind, vehicles are getting stuck in snowdrifts, and the construction of bridges planned for tonight for the passage of two icebreakers has also been cancelled. on sakhalin, schoolchildren are being transferred to distance classes due to a new cyclone, which has led to a sharp deterioration in the weather. we hope they will save us while there is gasoline. in the south of the island there was a strong wind and a snowstorm; one of the roads was trapped in snow.
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and this avalanche hit the children right in center of the city, miraculously no one was hurt. in vladivostok , transport services that were interrupted due to strong winds were resumed today. communication with russky island, gusts reached 140 km/h, blowing away not only people, but also cars. there is a storm warning in effect in primorye. report by ksenia kolchina. we were expecting snow, but in vladivostok today there is a column of dust, a crazy wind knocks you off your feet and blows through you. due to strong winds, 13 degrees below zero in
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vladivostok feels like 30 below zero. the past two nights were the coldest in january and even covered golden rock bay. the far eastern federal university invited teachers and students to spend the night in a hotel on the island, those who managed to catch the bus waited for it, holding each other, very cold, very cold, on the square in front of one of the shopping centers in vladivostok, the wind knocked down a pensioner and a woman with as a child, they were able to get up only with the help of passers-by, not everyone was able to stand that day, the wind was terrible, my child was blown away, she was taken to a circle, he was right along... the hurricane left destruction, roofs and façade cladding were flying around the city. the wind is blowing away, i just don’t know where they are going, whether they will carry it, but it’s clear, no, it’s not
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clear, the sheets of metal profiles are swaying like paper, this morning it was roofs and a car service center, it’s impossible to remove the roof from heavy trucks until the wind subsides, with another car laid concrete. stable telephone network. the wind did not give and now its residents are temporarily deprived of mercy for the residents of vladivostok, not even for a minute. forecasters have already promised that these weather conditions will continue. for younger students classes on tuesday were free to attend, and the townspeople were asked to attend unnecessarily.
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winner of the golden eagle award, at the factory there was talk that there was nothing to live on, wages were cut by a third, just so that panic wouldn’t arise, we live in a democracy, freedom, assembly, demonstrations, what are these people hiding? soviet power, give them the freedom to arrest and judge, and the instigators to death, i have a daughter, a girl, i can’t find her, this is not human, dear comrades, a film by andrei konchalovsky
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on friday on rtr. in november of forty-one stalin ordered to break through the road to the east at any cost and break the german stranglehold that was strangling leningrad. the command decided to entrust this extremely difficult task to ivan zubkov, the man who built the road to victory. the first branch of the polyana-shliselburg railway passed just a few kilometers from the front line. this road saved hundreds of thousands of lives. that even such amazing cards appeared, cards for meat, cards for fish, it was impossible to win prizes like his father, he was a very cheerful person, at the same time,
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he was a tough man. ivan zubkov, savior of leningrad. film by alexey denisov. on saturday. on rtr. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before you. how can i find him? we'll look at the weekend. 17 years ago
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, a boy with a severe diagnosis was admitted to your center. is he alive or not? two operations were carried out successfully, the doctor who operated on him was in gold. impossible to forget. i want to get a job at a hospital as a volunteer. and children do you have experience volunteer work? you won't be able to escape. it's hard to decide to change your life forever. what's so complicated? you take it, change it, and you and i... it’s familiar, you didn’t give birth to me, she doesn’t have children, now she’s just returned to her homeland , my memory didn’t let me down, having taken the first step, she will go to the end, you came to the city to find your son, why these games of love were needed, why svetlana on saturday on rtr. we gathered about ten
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people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when, my soldiers, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this kurba to the crowd, she says, from monday to thursday at rtr for the anniversary
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of a great artist, collect a parcel for the children, little blue one, and he can be delivered with a conductor, leonid yarmolnik, as we love him, i have respect, attention, honor, certificates, i have medals, i am a soviet man, odessa as we know it, mincemeat, why does it have to be minced meat, i don’t understand why these stereotypes? you have the conscience to say such things, to think such things, the film is a winner of the golden eagle award, kotseteli kills all microbes, you don’t drink, grigorievich, i don’t drink, but i’ll already drink if they want it that way, odessa, on friday on rtr.
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on the eve of the anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the siege , open lessons are being held in schools throughout russia. in rostov-nadon, participants in the victory volunteers movement told students about the most difficult trials that befell leningraders they showed a documentary in which those who survived the encirclement shared their memories. downtown. students of the don technical university, activists of the first movement and members of the young army lined up the number 900. this is the number of days that the city remained virtually in complete isolation. russian restorers will help restore exhibits from the burnt-out national art gallery in abkhazia. the fire destroyed more than 400 paintings about the scale, loss and causes of what happened in sukhumi. pavel melnik. on the asphalt, meetings the national art gallery of abkhazia no longer exists. with every step, the consequences of the night
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fire become more terrible. this staircase leads directly to the second floor to the gallery collections. there are ashes everywhere here, this is practically all that remains of the collection of paintings and graphics, it was collected over decades. more than 400 works on fire. the first images after the fire show that rescuers are doing everything possible. 11 crews, many urgently arrived from neighboring areas, but the flames were already there. the entire second floor was enough, the characteristic smoke when paper burns, you can even see it now, after two days after the fire, it is still smoldering here. works priceless for the culture of obsny have been lost, including about 300 from the pencil and brush of alexander chachba shervashidze, a student of professor fernand carmon, who cultivated a sense of composition in vangoga, he embodied the most refined images, serenity in working in the garden, and also bright original works of the avant-garde star (and valery bogatelya, his abstract composition charged with energy. most of the works will be preserved only in
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photographic memories. president of abkhazia aslan bzhzhanne regrets the irreplaceable loss. irreparable damage has been caused to the national culture , what can be saved somehow, we, of course, will save, we will turn to collectors, we will turn to our russian friends, if anyone has works by famous artists in private collections or state art galleries , natives in abkhazia, then we will ask them to be collected here with us, individual works from the burnt gallery may be able to be restored, we are ready to provide any possible assistance, we are now forming just a group of restorers that will go to the site needs to understand the problem, well, just the number of damaged monuments saved, if you start working.
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large museum complexes in russia have already offered their assistance in restoration. the team will set off in dry land in the near future. on behalf of the president of abkhazia , the prosecutor general's office of the republic is working to ensure that what happened does not happen again. pavel milnik, nikita kalchenko, daria podobedova and ekaterina bakhtova. news from abkhazia. chukotka district hospital begins cooperation with prenatal center of khabarovsk. now
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expectant mothers with complicated pregnancies, as well as babies who require special care, will be sent there. report by anna martyashka. over the past three years, six women with severe pregnancy pathologies were sent to three different specialized centers: a federal one in moscow and two third-level centers in vladivostok and khabarovsk. since this year , the perinatal center named after professor postol in khabarovsk has been assigned to chukotka. it will become an anchor medical institution for pregnant residents of our districts. we have a test relationship with the khabarovsk territory. our high-risk pregnant patients are hospitalized at the khabarovsk perinatal center. local neonatologists, whose high professionalism was appreciated by moscow specialists. during this time , positive changes have certainly occurred in neonatology. the practice of remote consultation of newborns in severe and critical condition using
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telemedicine technologies has expanded. the regional government is further working out suggestions from specialists at the fula center. to further improve the quality of medical care, including the re-equipment of the obstetric hospital of the belibin hospital and its branches, the creation of a non-natal remote consultation center on the basis of the chukotka district hospital, the organization of monitoring of high-risk pregnant women with regular transfer of information about their condition to the remote consultation center of the khabarovsk regional renatal center. it is important to note that there has not been a single death in chukotka over the past 20 years. among women in labor. the infant mortality rate is average.
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winter open water swimming competitions were held in the khabarovsk territory. more than 100 athletes from all over the country took part in the second stage of the russian cup. report by kirill rgachev. the ice hole is almost always covered with steam. the water is near zero,
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the air temperature fluctuates to minus 30. because of this, not all swimmers can be clearly seen, but those who have already covered the distance are of the same opinion. beautiful, bloody, i want to live, the most important thing is to conquer myself, i’m already conquering myself for the seventh year in a row and very successfully, the legend of khabarovsk cold swimming, lyudmila zhuravleva, overcame the public’s demands. winter on lake draga is not just a long-standing tradition, it is officially the second stage of the russian cup, it takes place with the participation of 100 swimmers from all over the country. this year we were also expecting our friends from the people's republic of china, but
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due to certain circumstances, unfortunately they were unable to come. it turned out to organize a whole festival out of cold swimming, interesting not only for the participants. visitors only had time to look around. poseidon with a trident celebrated this frosty day on the shore. posidon is used to it, he is posidon, he is posidon in africa, it will be cold in the water. to our home, there we’ll warm up again, forward, you can warm up by the lake with honey sbiten according to an old russian recipe, kirill rogachev, yuri zolotarev, vesti khabarovsk. we receive new reports from our correspondents; they will tell about the most important news in the country and the world.
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you look hundred to one, what is our task, open the whole board, we can handle it if asking, then with a trick, the name of which
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character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would chop , no, pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid, now we’re faking it, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday, on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen,
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just a minute, pay attention, we have a big one today day, a big holiday, nah, it’s been a long time since we ’ve seen each other, cocky, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one. fell in love with them, but who is dearer to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, only we look at the platform.
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hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things. donetsk came under the bloodiest shelling since the beginning of ukrainian aggression in 1914 . 28 people were killed, another 30 were injured, 18 people. in serious condition, two teenagers aged 16-17 years were injured of moderate severity. ukrainian artillery struck the textile workers' market in the donetsk microdistrict at exactly 10 a.m. on sunday, as people were shopping for groceries ahead of the coming week. that is, once again the target was not a military facility, but a market. a total of 27 blows were struck. the head of the dpr pyshilin said that the ukrainian armed forces beat microdistrict and cannon artillery of
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152 and 155 mm caliber. moreover, it has already been established that the so-called democratic peace helped to strike the ukrainian armed forces. the salvo in donetsk was fired, among other things , by american-made cluster munitions. once again, the ukrainian armed forces hit a peaceful city with cassettes. presumably, the shelling was also carried out by two american m-109 self-propelled guns from the kurakhov area. at the same time , the ukrainians did not limit themselves to one blow to the market; they dropped ammunition from a uav onto a repair crew. fortunately. no one was killed, a worker was injured, the excavator burned down. ukrainian propaganda, as usual, called its terrorist attack a typical russian world. almost simultaneously, the nazi authorities in kiev rushed to assure that they had nothing to do with these crimes. zelensky at night accused moscow of self-fire and cynically expressed condolences to the victims. there is silence in the west. apparently, for the sake of decency, employees of the un
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human rights monitoring mission only. this morning we condemned the terrorist attack by the ukrainian armed forces. there is neither a wave of indignation nor condemnation in the world media. on the contrary, the german bilt strikes the ssu calls it humanitarian bombing. they say putin forced ukraine to kill civilians because the ukrainian armed forces cannot respond to the russian military. in connection with the shelling of donetsk, russia requested an emergency meeting of the council of foreign affairs with the participation of foreign minister sergei. who arrived in new york today in person. the meeting will start any minute. let's probably go home. come on, come on. yes, straight to the market.
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ukrainian missile strikes russian-occupied region in eastern ukraine, killing 27, injuring 25, un decisively condemns the attack, terrible footage, people came. trade, so buy. the russian-occupied city of donetsk in eastern ukraine has come under artillery fire. video from the scene shows numerous dead bodies on the street, as well as broken store windows and kiosks, and damaged cars. the russian foreign ministry called it a barbaric terrorist act, accusing the west of complicity. already 15, at
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least. a child himself, kremlin authorities accuse ukrainian troops of shelling a busy area with many shops and a market, from there has been no word from the government in kyiv yet. no comments,
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this is terrible, no man
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can continue fighting without forced mobilization. at the front , a noticeable shortage of people is increasingly noticeable. probably for the first time in his life budanov told the truth. at the same time, the western media have already come up with a new information canard for the ukrainian public. sin writes that we won’t have to wait long for the next counter-offensive in the ssu. by the twenty-fifth year, the militants will have formed a new strike force and will march on melitopol. if, of course, by the twenty-fifth, the senior military leadership will be who are you? tymes right now is asking how the ukrainian army will be able to keep putin at a distance if the average age of a soldier is 43 years old, and there are fewer and fewer people willing to fight for zelensky in ukraine. in this footage of uzhgorod,
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a man is trying to escape from military commissars of police in a car, but he loses control and does a double somersault in the air. despite this, the ukrainian lad immediately got out and ran as fast as he could. further fate is unknown. according to the telegraph, right now ukrainian militants they are hastily trying to copy russia’s summer strategy, setting up their own defensive line, but in kiev they are unhappy with this too. secretary of the rada defense committee kostenko believes that playing games with nato instructors did not help. and to how commanders at the front build defenses. quote: i have some questions. meanwhile, our troops are expanding the zones of control near artyomovsky at these moments. the russian army storms belogorovka with the support of heavy artillery, tactical aviation and controlled factories, in the suburb of chasov yar, right in the center of bogdanovka, our fighters raised the russian flag. the russian ministry of defense
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today publishes footage of the assault by tula paratroopers on a stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine during the liberation of the village of vesyoloye. you smoked ukrainians straight from the trenches. the ukrainian armed forces are not at all happy about the work of our drummers. plaa lancet, even the military propagandist nezalezhny tseplienko from the dugouts reported that 700 units of armored vehicles and artillery were destroyed by lancet strikes in a year, which means they put on twice as many. you can go to a position near rabotin only at night, a step to the left or right is inevitable death, there are mines, yes, from left to right, yes, yes, yes, here we are already following the tracks of cars, during the day all approaches to work are continuously scanned by drones, a shell arrives
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almost immediately as soon as the enemy detects the target, but the fighters say there is something worse here than mines or artillery, planets, plantets, when you drive, you watch the sky, and a little hearing, the word lancet,
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in their dreams, sometimes they even bite the soldiers. look at the rats and mice that swarm in a few weeks ago, military intelligence ukraine has reported an outbreak of a disease it calls mouse fever. nobody knows when negotiations will begin, and apparently, russia will put pressure, which gives them a clear advantage in the fight with ukraine, which is also not going to give up yet, but of course the situation is difficult for the ukrainian armed forces, because they are not getting it.
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putin does not need peace with ukraine,
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zelensky said in an interview with the british channel 4. according to him, moscow’s main goal is not negotiations, but the forceful seizure of all of ukraine. at the same time, zelensky’s recipe for peace is actually means the beginning of the third world war. they say that only its defeat will help stop russia. but this cannot be done without the help of the west. moreover, i honestly admitted that without nato weapons, the time of kiev’s resistance is measured in weeks. trump's return to the white house could be trump's horror in the elections, he says that the main counterattack, since donald will literally trample all the interests of ukraine, coincidence or not, but zelensky brightened up right after returning from the pre-vos, where.
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join the attack on trump. zelensky said that what is most annoying about his quote is that trump makes all decisions on ukraine alone. at the same time, the two-faced kiev murderer is preparing a reserve airfield for himself. he, however, in a mocking manner, invited trump to kiev so that he would fulfill his promise to end the ukrainian conflict in 24 hours. the former us president himself is confident that he can. bring peace to ukraine without even waiting for the official inauguration. immediately after the announcement of the election results, which he, of course, expects to win. trump says what will help him is that he knows both vladimirs, putin and zelensky well, but the ex-head of the white house did not smooth out the details. his main competitor , fellow party member ron disantes, added additional points to trump. the governor of florida said he was withdrawing his candidacy.
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the famous future predictor and graphamaniac of the usa, yuvalnoe harari, said that trump's re-election would be a fatal blow to the remnants of the world order, and this is driving the kiev gang into shock and awe. this ukrainian soldier is training to defeat vladimir putin's army, but the russian the leader is not the only
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one who has... a difficult period for the usa, but if this is some kind of formula, i should know about it, i am only worried about our people, our budget, we have a budget gap due to the war, at that time like russian soldiers received in moscow, ukrainian soldiers,
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make a deal, we will resolve this terrible war between russia and ukraine before i take office as president of the united states. now the republicans have one less candidate in the presidential election. desantis, who previously wanted victory over former president trump, now supports his rival. trump is superior to incumbent joe biden. it is obvious. joe biden, who probably doesn't even know what's going on, is surrounded by communists and fascists, young, smart, vicious, and these incompetent idiots will start world war iii. we are witnessing several challenges to the rules-based
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international order that has carefully served humanity for decades. in europe, the bloodiest war on the continent. seen since the second world war war that threatens to overwhelm its security, but many allies fear america may decide in november that enough is enough. if trump wins the election , what will happen to american allies who stuck their necks out to cooperate with washington? . if trump wins in november and changes this broader view of america and the world, a retreat could create a power vacuum, leave allies exposed and encourage adversaries to accelerate their attacks. ambition. and that's why foreigners are nervously watching the iowa election this time.
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that if he becomes president, he will not allow a war between washington and beijing over taiwan, even if china attacks the rebellious but own island.
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it's about dollars and jobs. according to trump, taiwan took business from america, and therefore taibay does not deserve protection. trump's victory does not bode well for europe. reuters predicts that one of trump's main decisions as president will be to cut defense aid europe. true, this is not the last step in preparing for a direct war with russia. stop. capture of the kaliningrad region, holding a cordon sanitaire from vilnius to odessa, nuclear strikes on the leningrad, arkhangelsk, murmansk, smoletsk and pskov regions. destruction of russian ships in the waters of the barin and baltic seas, attack on belarus. these are not zelensky’s sick fantasies, although they are too, this is a program of nato exercises, a staunch defender of 24. the largest alliance maneuvers since the cold war will take place from february to may to. throughout europe, they involve over 90,000 soldiers, more than 50 ships, from isminets to queen
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elizabeth class aircraft carriers, fighters, helicopters, drones, at least 1,100 combat vehicles, including 133 tanks and 533 infantry fighting vehicles. not only current but also future members of the organization will take part in the war games ; sweden, which is just on the threshold of nato, has been invited; the swedish authorities have already praised the swedish authorities for such activity. the legend of the exercises states that nato members are going to fight with some fictional state of equal strength, but the fact that in fact, the collective west is going to fight with us - it’s an open secret. german defense minister boris pestorius said that, according to the german defense department, a direct armed clash between the alliance members and russia will take place within 5-8 years. the russian foreign ministry emphasized that despite the risks of military incidents associated with the exercises, our country cannot be intimidated by such provocations; russia has reliable allies, nuclear deterrent forces and belarus.
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in this regard, minsk stated that they were ready to repel any attack. according to lukashenko, russian tactical nuclear weapons are already in belarus. there are s-400 and iskander missile systems, and most importantly, the missiles themselves. the president of the union state personally holds his finger on the red button. lukashenko even prepared a special one.
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nato has not conducted such maneuvers since 1980, the atlantic alliance is about to announce the mobilization of 90 thousand soldiers for large-scale military exercises, an operation in which 50 warships, 80 aircraft, and 1,100 combat vehicles will also be involved. operation stadfast defender 24 is a stalwart defender. will be a clear demonstration of our unity, our strength and determination to protect each other, to defend our values ​​and the international order. the exercises will take place from the atlantic to nato's eastern flank.
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and finland, or even poland. military exercises will begin this week and end in may this year, which could reassure vladimir zelensky about the western support that has not stopped. the norwegian f-16 is on fifteen-minute readiness 24 hours a day. every time they spot russian warplanes, these pilots rise to intercept. the videos they take show nuclear-capable russian bombers flying all along the norwegian coast.


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