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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 23, 2024 10:20pm-11:26pm MSK

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that we exist , others had to join this process, everything was leading up to this, it infuriated the americans, the fact that russia can form a new inclusive security system in the region, break not build, bang, that means in this regard, the first is responsible russia’s position, the second is our interaction with key powers and actors in the region. we do not interfere in affairs, as the americans do, and for this we are respected in the region.
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i close my eyes to everything, sklepasovsky is coming to rtr tomorrow, and soon we’ll be watching new episodes, since the war, i ask you, i just returned, such changes are coming in my life, in november of forty-one, stalin ordered to break through at any cost.
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i remember that even such cards appeared, amazing ones, cards for meat, cards for fish, it was impossible to win at pritsaki like my father, he was a very cheerful person, at the same time, he was a tough person, ivan zubkov, the savior of leningrad, a film by alexei denisov, on saturday on rtr. winner of the golden eagle award at the factory and there was talk about how to live and how much to earn a salary they cut it by a third so that panic wouldn’t arise, we live in a democracy, freedom, assembly, demonstrations, what are these people, they harbor a grudge against the soviets.
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give them the freedom to arrest and judge the instigators to death, i have a daughter, a girl, i can’t find her, this is not human, dear comrades, andrei konchalovsky’s film on friday on rtr, we know what is now lying on scales, and what is happening now, dmitry shestakovich’s seventh leningrad symphony has become a symbol of the steadfastness of the defenders of the besieged city. i say us citizens leningrad will not be shaken by the roar of the cableway. and if there are barricades tomorrow, we will not leave ours... residents of the besieged city showed
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that there is something more important and eternal than cold, hunger, fear, and even their own lives. leningrad symphony on... well, i’ll say a few words about europe before i move on to the united states of america, well , indeed, we are now seeing, on the one hand, an attempt by the hawks in europe to increase military spending, and there to somehow increase production capacity to produce the same the most shells, missiles and so on, and pressure from the americans.
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gdp, and if we take large economies, only in general three countries are the united states, they were able to increase their military spending above 2% , the united kingdom and poland, the baltic states, the czech republic, slovakia, of course, they also have above 2%, but still, given that the gdp of these countries is small, these are not such significant figures. and we learned that just the other day, yes, that nato countries are planning to spend 1.5 billion and 1.1 billion euros on just firing more shells, but that’s also somewhere else for now goes the wrong way. yes, of course, they produce more shells than they did before the start of the special military operation, but not a single new plant has appeared, for example, but rainmetal, let’s say, yes, this german military giant, whose capitalization has tripled for a second , well, now it’s probably already 2 and a half times since the beginning of the conflict, and his income has grown by about 10%, he hasn’t
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built a single plant, and they probably have some programs for the production of next-generation armored vehicles, the same ones there armored vehicles, pumas and so on, have now accelerated, that is, they will try everything... to increase production, well, there is also a date there, about finally the twenties, when german politicians publicly predict some kind of big conflict, it is clear that this is in many ways still and pre-election populism, but here i think that experts on germany will tell you better, given that this year there will be important elections in several states, and boris pistorius is turning into such an unofficial leader of the social democrats, which have a very low rating, and pistorius, the german minister of defense, is the only one in the current cabinet of ministers who has a positive rating, that is, his rating exceeds the anti-rating. and most likely he will lead his party to the current elections in the lands already there, the next big national elections in the year twenty-fifth, so with this militaristic rhetoric he is of course trying to support the positions of his party, well, but there is a certain conviction of the establishment that a big clash maybe that's why it's worth visiting there is also preparation, another thing is that nothing seems to be working out, but it is quite possible
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that this story is for the future, that is , the americans are at least trying to somehow produce a little more weapons now, but this is also still at the level of what they have we worked one or two shifts, now three or four shifts. works in factories, no new production facilities are appearing, well, yes, there are twice as many shells, but still, of course, the numbers are not that big. now, regarding the situation in the united states of america, well today, how we see that the second state is voting in the republican primaries - this is new hampshire, and we are not expecting any special sensations here, well , we'll see, there may of course be some surprise, but i think that donald trump gets about 65%, and his main and only competitor niki haley will receive a percentage there. march-april , the supreme court will not make a decision on withdrawing from here, i think that if there really are elections or he is not imprisoned somewhere
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, which is still unlikely, in my opinion, well, in general, he will be a candidate from republicans in the elections of 2020, well, it’s quite possible theoretically we will see a second term for trump, there was already one in america. the president, as we know, yes, who lost the election, then 4 years later passed and already won, well, this is president cleveland at the end of the 19th century, well, let's see, maybe trump will be able to repeat all this, given that biden's ratings are, of course, quite low , there are a lot of problems inside the country outside, so of course there is a common agenda here, a general background, he is rather on trump’s side, so as for what we can expect if trump comes, today we looked at different scenarios, but there is some kind of large-scale management crisis, collapse. countries and the tdp, well, in general, we remember the 4 years of trump , but there were a lot of problems, yes, he really butted heads with congress for a long time, both with the republicans and the democrats, so, but some kind of direct large-scale collapse did not happen, yes, there has been degradation, but in general it has been going on under all the recent us presidents, starting with bush
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the younger, obama, trump, biden, possibly trump again, so here, well, we’ll see , of course, i wouldn’t rule out a radical scenario , but we shouldn’t hope that trump wins tomorrow and america will immediately fall apart, well, in my opinion, it’s also not worth it. this is some kind of a hat-trick. today, by the way, there was a decision by the supreme court of the united states, where it prohibited texas from sending its national guard to take control of part of the border. it’s clear that this decision was not understood in texas, but i think that there is some tension contradictions may be reduced, especially if in the coming weeks congress manages to agree on migration reform , but there is the main problem - the flow of migrants is endless, it is unclear what to do with them, and congress cannot agree, well, some progress is being made to ensure that they do we agreed, i mean there are republicans and democrats, so somewhere in february we will most likely see something, well then, in that case , the issue with the ukrainian tranches will be somehow resolved, yes. i think that kyiv will not be allocated some really super colossal money, or maybe 11 billion, 12 billion, which
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some ukrainian lobbyists in washington are now talking about, in particular mrs. markarova, but the ukrainian ambassador in washington, perhaps it will be larger amounts, 20 billion euros, 20 billion dollars, but this is still , of course, much less than the tranches that were allocated in 22-23; the european union will pay to a greater extent, as was correct today. it is said that there is the same norway, the same japan, by the way, yes, which is now in a rather serious crisis in the financial sector , inflation is growing, they don’t want to raise rates there, so they need to put the money supply somewhere, by the way, the only country that will allocate some kind of large tranche to ukraine for the remaining days of january, it will be japan, and i think they will allocate one and a half billion dollars in the twenties, this of course does not solve the problem with the budget crisis in ukraine in general, but i think it will somehow allow them somehow stall for time there for the coming months. look, as for what to expect from trump in foreign policy, well, here i think you shouldn’t expect any surprises at all, so
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we see that the mood of the western establishment is slowly changing, whereas last year there were a lot panic, alarmism, such statements mean that trump will come, he will surrender ukraine, there will be a total collapse of the liberal world order, he will surrender taiwan, i don’t know, gayan, anyone, but now, of course, the mood is changing gradually, and he begins to remember: some of the hawkish actions that trump performed indicate that if we influence him, yes, if his administration manages to place the right people in place, i can directly see boris johnson influencing trump, well, to be honest, he had these talents remains, they had a good relationship, only on the contrary, trump influenced the fact that american officials, it’s not just boris johnson in fact, but lystra said this not so long ago, by the way, about the same thing as 44 years old, 44 spent the day. no, well, trump is just them openly despised them, he ditched them all
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, well, well, well, he ditched boris johnson on the trade agreement, well, on the trade agreement yes, but he helped him resolve the northern ireland issue, get out of there, we are giving you a free trade agreement, no , they hate him and are afraid of him, listen , i think, by the way, yes, that this is some kind of general pressure, not only boris johnson, not only lee strass, they are just public speakers, it will ultimately lead to that the administration.
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bombed syria twice and there was a decision about the murder of general suleimani in january 2020, that is, as it were, operations that everyone else had for a reason, by the way, specifically him. for the republicans and for trump, they will actively influence him here, so i admit that escalation in the middle east is even
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more likely, there he will certainly supply weapons to taiwan, and there will be an intensifying escalation with the philippines, japan , south korea, myanmar, where there is a civil war , everything else is going on, but in the middle east it is more likely that there will be some the greater world, as it were, he will still remember for the europeans, but he will remember everything about zelensky, no , well, as for ukraine, it is of course not a priority for him, but i just don’t think ukraine is for him. priority, because he was impeached because of ukraine, at the same time with the personal suggestion of zelensky, so i think they hate, after all, the attitude is more likely towards zelensky specifically, not towards ukraine.
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of course, that’s it, but the story about how trump comes and we immediately have the collapse of the liberal world order is of course nonsense, yes, it’s about the same alarmism, how many publications somewhere in daily mao or in bid that we have discovered a secret plan for russia’s invasion of europe, that is, of course there they are cheating each other, trying to partially help biden, saving their rating, etc., etc. well , the point is that no matter how much we should just wait for it, the inertia of all these institutions remains, and trump will change something there, force some countries, but not fundamentally.
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this is the situation where madmen lead the blind, but continues to quote shakespeare from hamlet, i will say that the madness of the strong should be under supervision, this means that under any madness there can be hidden a certain system, a certain plan, and of course, the american military-industrial complex, investment companies, various transnational corporations, they profit from these conflicts, that’s all just like there is this... a predatory insect in the desert , the antlion, we talked here about funnels that are created in the region, here and there, the larva of this insect creates a funnel into which other insects fall, are food for her, in the middle zone we also have it in the middle zone, you know this region well, i remember there is something like that too,
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but a funnel is created and food falls in there for... it burns, but what they do is for example, with the yemeni houthis, with this unification of tribes, well, they will beat, yes, they will beat, periodically they will beat, but they do not cause them much damage, today one american specialist from the institute of the middle east, gerald fershtein, wrote just about that that the biden administration is not really
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knows what to do next, because they only have two options, one option is... it is very well said to hit or not to hit, but they will hit until some stage, and then in his opinion they will come to that line , we have already talked about balancing over an abyss, this is a long-standing concept of secretary of state dalis, and a very dangerous concept, so they will come to this line and what next, very soon they will come to it, then there will be an abyss and... which will look into them us all, the longer we look there, and here's what to do on the edge of this miss.
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he is a former american ambassador to yemen, and i know that he is a good specialist, he says there is a second option, this is to negotiate with iran, but will the americans be able to negotiate with iran? there were such proposals before, many american analysts wrote that this was inevitable, but i very much doubt it, i very much doubt it. alexandrevich, can i compare the story for you, yes please, i’ll insert it, just for me personally, no,
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we must protect our people, and then the military and then the russian side will say: we will give you a specific scenario, for example, in countries in the baltics, where the russian uprising will begin , perhaps tanks will appear, fighting minorities will fly, then baltic helicopters will get in the way. this is exactly the moment when the german brigade in lithuania will be involved, isn’t it? that's the thing, that's why we're setting them up to have that crew there. it will be commissioned by 2027. this is exactly how long it takes to create a brigade. that's why we always say that, according to military experts , it will take several years before russia can recover, this is only an estimate, no one knows for sure, and we must
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use this time, namely the next 3-5 years, to intensively arm ourselves, that is , we need to take the baltic states and take berlin by twenty years, i understood correctly, davich, there ’s just a leader, she’s not exactly a plan this one was announced, there are also plans to say that not just the russian minority will start an uprising, but a specially sent one...
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back then, even in the existence of the soviet union, there were the last such large exercises, in which 125 thousand people took part, now 90, well, they say 100, there there were 12,500 people, there was also an interesting moment that few people know about, i talked about it, this is when the americans gave such an introductory message to the germans, let's carry out nuclear bombings of the cities of leipzig and dresdon, but when i talk about this here, not everyone understands that 1980
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.at the moment he was acting minister of defense and he simply refused, he refused , by the way, since then the united states of america has not been lucky, they cannot forgive him for this, then it has not passed, well, for many years now, now other people, such as helmut kohl, how wimer, unfortunately, in the german government and in general in the german political circle, there are no such people, probably they won’t appear in the near future, but now to pistorius, i myself have said all the time that pistorius is so pure. who can
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now, who can now be dumped, no, it seems like a figure has come who, with a certain rating , could count on a political, serious political career in germany, but in germany, unfortunately, many russian experts evaluate germany from the point of view of external , and there is more certain internal rules that exist, in germany there are very clear rules that relate to a political career, i’m not saying now...
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he is loved by the people, he doesn’t have this trail of some kind of compromising evidence behind him, and this has absolutely nothing to do with his chances has no chance for the chancellorship, because the chancellor is not elected by the people, but the chancellor is chosen by the bundestag, the bundestag will choose depending on which political groups will occupy these political seats. i would say this: if we talk about pistorius's chances, let's consider it azazel, this is such a sacrificial goat. well, not in relation to pistorius, but this is a sacrificial goat who will definitely be thrown into the abyss as soon as the time comes, he will not be chancellor, he will not be able to do this for one simple reason: first, he leaned out too early, second, he exceeds according to their rating of those people who would like to claim leading positions in the party and in the state, and this envy is a terrible thing and not only in love, but in politics too
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and... one of the most, one of the most serious the problem is that the current leadership of the social democratic party certainly does not see pistorius as a leader, they simply do not like him. mr. klinkbeil is one of the chairmen of today's party, who believes and openly says that pistorius has stretched himself too thin, he allows himself too much, therefore the political elite, in particular the current government coalition, is very beneficial from pistorius's aggressive policy.
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that it’s unlikely to happen to him, well, i’m sure, i’m afraid to say 100%, 99.9%, i’m sure that he will fulfill her role , she will leave, completely different people will remain in the arena, and i think that probably in the near future a woman will no longer lead germany, but i would like to draw your attention to the figure who is very loved here in russia, annalena bärbock , in 2 years, it will be... a woman who will serve in office for 4 years, if, of course, nothing happens before that, as minister of foreign affairs, she is ideal for the position of chancellor, she has no education, she has nothing knows she is controllable, she can live according to the laws that will be imposed on her, she is green, in the end , in fact, she is missing a couple of other things, but i won’t have them, but she will work on it, but she will work on it , well , one more piece, one literal moment, it’s
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very interesting, you started. russia, what they are talking about in germany, i’ll just tell you what they were talking about in germany last week, one kindergarten in bavaria came up with a proposal to open a special room in the kindergarten so that children, who wanted could masturbate. i won’t comment on this, there was a terrifying reaction to this in german society, but the very fact that this issue is being raised openly and this idea comes to someone’s mind is, of course, terrifying, and this is just for understanding the problems that are being solved at the moment in some society, but to complete, well , firstly, i must say that for me the word feudalism is a non-abusive
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definition - it is a certain political, historical regime in which, in my opinion, optimally, after socialism, which failed to be built in the soviet union. until the end, the optimal balance between the rights and responsibilities of individual citizens, this is the first, second, i don’t like the word feudalism, humanism, well, the middle ages, it wasn’t marx who used the name middle ages, when today many gave examples, confirming what i mean i wanted to say, national pogroms, religious pogroms, national, there will be russians in germany, it wasn’t me who said that this is possible.
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this is a very rational thing, this is when you don't you can defeat an enemy whom you consider mortal, an existential enemy, you go for it, because power, people give their lives for it, for power, not everyone, not the population, that ’s the top of the government, so that’s ukraine, today’s ukraine is the medieval one country, this is that republic, a quasi-republic that was langsknecht, they...
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control, this is digitalization, yes, only with help, that is, it is bad, if you control everything you do, then forget about freedoms, vitalich, what do you call freedom? you have something strange
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representation, that is, the freedom to steal, or something, yes, it will be deprived, yes , i just, although you seriously think that you cannot steal, i believe that digitalization has nothing at all to do with what you are trying to describe, that is you, i just. changes a person, because you are now quoting shakespeare, that a person has changed since the time of aristotle, although how many technological explosions have occurred has not changed, so every time you come up with something that has appeared now, they don’t change, but they change social conditions, it’s one thing when it doesn’t they know what you’re doing,
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tanya, don’t drink, you’ll smell like beer, and there are serious people there, we need to make a good impression on them, we’ll do it! yes, marya sergeevna, please come in, listen, hello, hello, ladies, hello, please, introduce yourself, sir! prosecutor, they invited us to visit like decent people, set the table,
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we also had imported lotion, great , we drank, naturally, ate like people, but passed out when i woke up, neither ivanova nor my expensive things, you want to say that some things were stolen from you, a mink coat, three gold rings, a set of cosmetics, expensive, very expensive, this is ivanova, there is no one else, mine. passed out, he slept until the evening , only woke up in the evening, okay, why didn’t you go to the police, you already know the procedure, but how come they didn’t, of course they did, the duty officer vasilyev drove us away, he said, go away drunken faces, aren’t we drunk? , well, are we drunk, mr. prosecutor, you’ll figure it out, well, why did they drive us, figure it out, because that’s why we came to the prosecutor’s office, okay. so
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where do you mean you live? we live in the attic, house number 20 on razhkova street 20, do you work? temporarily, no, i’ll explain how it happened, we invited a friend, vasily, from kharkov, to visit, well, we sat down like a human being, the lotion was imported, imported, imported, he also came with his wife. nastya ivanova, do you know where this kharkov lives? yes, of course, they are our neighbors, they live at the address, and the address, and the address, and they live at, they live at the attic roshkova street, house 18, on roshkova street. so, well, they came to us, and then these bastards, in general, at tania’s shubu rings, and my japanese music center was stolen. gold
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tv lighter, so beautiful and expensive, zip, let me know where you got the japanese stereo and tv, i found it, and i found a gold lighter, zip, that’s the point, you ’ll have to take action, it’s a disgrace, we how people came to the police, they wanted to sort things out in a human way, she was with a filthy broom, they say, go away, homeless people, uh-huh, is it possible to do this to people, okay, okay, let’s check the reasons for refusing to accept the application. thank you, thank you sir, here you go thank you, thank you, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, you see, by the way, marya sergeevna came in, i’ll instruct you to check the legality of the police’s refusal to accept an application,
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viktor ivanovich, these are not my duties, but those of police supervision, you are not they forgot that i’m still an investigator for now, so it’s time to transfer to light work. investigative intuition doesn’t tell you anything, you’re not interested in where homeless people get gold things, where they get japanese tvs, what else, well, they stole it somewhere, if they stole it, they wouldn’t come here come, okay, i’ll give it to the police supervision, let me sort it out, well... well, it’s good to hear, yes, shveytsova is on duty, you’re on duty today, yes, what a jerk, yeah, that’s clear, okay, i’ll come later myself, i have a reception,
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well, we have a murder, a woman in the apartment, a gunshot, well, you’ll figure it out together, call me right away, okay, the woman lived in the apartment, alone, did not officially work anywhere, neighbors. for men who came, but not often, what she lived on, it is unknown what she did, too, valuables were clearly stolen from the apartment, perhaps money, equipment, jewelry , but what exactly, no one can say, since the owner lived alone, she has no relatives , hello, mash, there’s nothing to breathe there and you can’t see a damn thing, there’s so much smoke, it’s just terrible, let’s go have a look, typical robbery, but the sunburn was accidental, i wouldn’t say. here in the corner they were burning some paper, photographs, the fire apparently went out at first, but a spark fell on the upholstery of the chairs, in one case it could smolder for months, and today you know what a strong wind this morning, a storm, the window opened and the fire flared up with renewed vigor, we come, and here corpse, ladies about three days old, gunshot wound,
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one to the head, beautiful. can i give you a disclosure? today , two homeless people came to the prosecutor’s office and said that they had stolen a mink coat and gold televisions, so they destroyed it, we need to take them, calm down, i’ve already run to take it, it ’s a shot in the goal. so, volodya, we must first identify the victim’s acquaintances and find out what was missing, do a door-to-door tour. empty, the girl led a very secret lifestyle, all the neighbors know is
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that they sometimes came to her at night very well dressed men with bodyguard. mash, don’t smoke here, we need to find these men. to work with homeless people, the attic of house number 20 on roshkova street, okay, well, let's start with blessings, okay, these shots are a funeral.
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yes, come on, tell me, i’m telling you, marya sergeevna, i’m reporting the results of working with the homeless, the two you know said that in the evening, when they showed up in their attic, they found a tv and gold in a chain, it looks like things from a burnt apartment, fingers they took it from the homeless, honors, congratulations, protocol, fingers, yes, but experts. they didn’t find anything, and they still can’t find nastya ivanova, what nastya, who allegedly stole the gold, murder.
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from the terrible grip of the blockade. 80 years later, on this great day, the famous masters
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of russian culture, the brightest actors , performers, world-famous stars, will pay tribute to the memory, perseverance and courage of leningraders, the courage and valor of the heroes of the liberators. concert by trekviant for his eightieth birthday. liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. live broadcast from st. petersburg. on saturday on rtr. i refused, i refused my child. how can i find him? let's see on the weekend. 17 years ago, a boy with a serious diagnosis was admitted to your center. is he alive or not? two were carried out. the operation was successful, the doctor who operated on him, golden hands , you can’t forget, i want to get a job at the hospital as a volunteer, and
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your children have experience in volunteer work , you won’t be able to run away, it’s difficult to decide to change your life forever, but what’s difficult, you take it, you change, and we don’t know each other, you didn’t give birth to me, he doesn’t have children, now i’ve just returned to my homeland, my memory did not let me down, having taken the first step, she will go to the end, you came to the city to find your son, why were these games of love needed, why? svetlana, on saturday at rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us? yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me away, another shelling began, they put me down.
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and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, nightmare, it’s just a nightmare, why didn’t you leave, i believe i’m giving birth under the car, i’m not on the road. “ we are putting together an orchestra, you can see everything for yourself, he died 3 days ago, i can’t, they met in besieged leningrad, why do you need this
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soldier, you’re so lonely, karl ilvich, what karl ilitch, you’re young, you it seems like this is forever, nadezhda dmitrievna, let's talk like woman to woman, you love me, you know everything yourself, and you play without black keys, as if from scratch, in music this is the beginning of the beginning, the seventh symphony, on saturday and sunday on rtr, you will all be fired, come on, come on, go. see you, that's good, they'll fire you from this damned cop, i'll live like a white man,
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you haven't yet... uh-huh, why should i, well, he really asked me to come over, but it's not far here, go, feddy over there will show you off, mashenka, hello, hello , listen, how glad i am that you came after all, is that , yes, at first i tried to wake her up, but she
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only grunted, so it was hard to drag her by force, i decided... to put her here, let her snore, well, why should i do you need it, did you find something scary? no, nothing terrible, we have aspiration of vomit, but there is some kind of suspicious scratch on the nose, although it is possible that it just fell off, i got drunk, that’s it , fillon, damn it, you can’t figure it out without me, are you bored or what? yes, listen, well, i’m not fantasizing, you tell me now, thank you very much, tell me, friend of the philos, look. fedya, help me. oh, i saw you have such equipment at home?
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hello, hello, hello, hello, look at the jewelry store, tatyana sergeevna’s property, and nasya ivanova is waiting in the corridor, so volodya, i need a person interrogate, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, please, i have a passport. marya sergeevna, what kind of passport is there? where were you born? in leningrad, education, higher mining institute. have you not worked in your specialty for a long time? for a long time. i want to warn you about the penalties of perjury. here,
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please sign. in article 51 of the constitution. yes, you have the right not to testify against yourself and your loved ones, there is no one left for your loved ones, it seems that you and your husband came to the prosecutor’s office, but we are not scheduled, well, in general, girl, i understand what is needed from me, when we arrived at our home in the attic, we looked and there was a tv lying near the crawl space. further along is a music center, a folded fur coat and some kind of box, and there are gold items in bulk and some trinkets, who was with you, who, and who, kolya, and me too, in the evening
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nastya ivanova came with her boyfriend? where do you think those things in your attic came from? so what is there to think about? they killed a woman in the fourth house, took her out of there, probably hid her so as not to bother anyone with her clothes, they wanted to come back later. yes. everybody is here? well, except that nastya stole it. no, you’re actually with sanya, look, take a good look, she’s going crazy. how about communicating with her? can? well, of course you can, sometimes she ’s normal, but sometimes she falls into a trance, mutters, and imagines some kind of cliche. dayucha came, her eyes widened and she said: “the claw is here, i saw him, she doesn’t say anything else.” what kind of claw is that? god knows, she’s actually not from st. petersburg, she’s a stray from somewhere. 5 years only here. the square was lost and i had to
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become homeless, like a bonus on my chest, so... he talks about this claw, but nothing intelligible, and how she lost the square, she told, and like everyone else, the bullies came, swept it off properly, and threw her out of the apartment, that’s all. what did you just throw away? well, it’s not that simple, of course, she started to spend the night at one time, as if she had gotten into debt, but because of her debts, her apartment was taken away from her brother, it was as if she was killed. tatyana sergeevna, for god’s sake, forgive me for asking such a question. how did it happen that you ended up in such a company? what's not suitable? for you it seems to me that no, you won’t take me to live in your house, they took me, for which they are very
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i’m grateful, but how did it happen that you, well, that you have nowhere to live, and the girl, it’s a long story to tell, her husband died, i began to drown out my grief with vodka. i was fired from my job , i had no relatives, and i didn’t have children, i sold my apartment, i had to live somehow, so i sang it all, thank you, the homeless people warmed me up in their company, since then i’ve been hanging out with them, in basements, in attics, together it’s not so scary , and you can get hold of a glass, you can find something from it, and then that’s how many... i met, because, please, go to the store, buy, something to eat, call me nastya ivanova
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, don’t fuss, you girl, don’t fuss, thank you, of course, only who cares about women’s tears now, damn it, nastya ran away, well, well, i told you, tatyana sergeevna, where looking for your friend? well, how do i know, maybe i was imagining something again, in fact, she sits on the porch all the time, the claw will pay me for everything, for a new face, for a new bed, she will give us money to live on, but i’m wondering, just why you don't believe in such things, you have to believe, you have to believe, because if you don’t believe it, you won’t have things, just look at who you look like, we’ll give you new boots, yes... we’ll all buy boots, we’ll be with you with boots, like people, we’ll live normally, but if you don’t believe it, you’ll be without boots
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, i don’t like this city, dampness, slush, during the day... rain at night as during the day, like a frog in a swamp, and you can’t even get home, and so boys, come on, get up, you need to sit down at the victim’s apartment, you watch the clock look, it’s 13, the bridges are still open, well, they’re just about to open, let’s go, listen, why do you need there now, because it took a long time to identify the victim’s acquaintances, i wonder how you are? you will install them in the apartment , and there you will see, fedya, a rise
11:21 pm
, hello everyone, today i’m lucky as a drowned man, not only did i put a homeless person on duty today, so it’s a complete rape, the rapist was found, but these two need to be identified.. .to look for them, the rapist is young, yes young, and pyro in the full department , choose to suit every taste, oh, but it won’t work, what’s the problem, a detained black man, that’s the difficulty, i look like a black man, but i don’t look like blacks, where are you, at 5:00 in the morning i’ll dig up two blacks, hey, where did you go? m apartment on the embankment, you will go fishing, you sleep, and someone can’t sleep now, someone is now tossing around in bed, and tomorrow i’ll go
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buy myself a bed, we’ll go to the bathhouse, i have a good figure. i used to be beautiful, and in principle i’m still beautiful now, for some reason i... i moved over today, i won’t drink anymore, i don’t need this. let's begin. numbers went, volodya, write it down,
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we’ll have to check it, fedya, fedya, look for the documents for the equipment, and the gold tags, look in that room. it’s a good morning, as they say, on such a morning, it’s good to die, i wanted to get attached to us , probably the second boys to the circus, the windows are tinted, there are no numbers, to atone for sins.
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11:25 pm
what was there? what happened? was nastya ivanova shot? yes, my case is in progress. contract murder of anastasia ivanova. you are my main witness to the crime. masha, are you absolutely sure that he didn’t want to kill you? probably if he wanted to bang. do you know who it was? who? yesterday i saw a discharge how they pushed him into the cell.


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