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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  January 24, 2024 10:20pm-11:26pm MSK

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can turn it around, they won’t give him this, well, it’s doubtful, well, i don’t believe it, what trump will do, and if necessary, they will kill, shoot everything , they won’t even blink an eye, like they shot kennedy, like they even shot at reagan, like they, this is so typical, so you shouldn’t count on the fact that if trump wins, something might change, it’s quite possible it could get worse, trump is good, he’s had six ministers in four years. defense, well, actually five, but the expert came in twice, the man who brought the whole the country, well, from the point of view that it will lead the whole country into chaos, maybe, but count on it, you know, we always count on someone doing something for us, trump will lead the whole country into chaos, this orban will help there, he brought the whole country into chaos, but under trump all the main sanctions were introduced, a law was passed about... he
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passed the law, and volodya, volodya, the economy grew with, by the way, and not ours, yes, their advertising . in november of forty-one, stalin ordered to break through the road to east and break the german noose. strangling leningrad. the command decided to entrust this extremely difficult task to ivan zubkov. the man who built the road to victory. the first branch of the polyana-shliselburg railway passed just a few kilometers from the front line. this road saved hundreds of thousands of lives. comrades leningrad. the first belt of the mainland. residents of the blockade recall that even such cards appeared.
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amazing, cards for meat, cards for fish, it was impossible to win, he was like a father, he was a very cheerful person, at the same time, he was a tough man. ivan zubkov, savior of leningrad, film by alexei denisov. on saturday, on rtr. i refused.
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and we don’t know each other, you didn’t give birth to me? no, she has children, she has just returned to her homeland, my memory did not let me down, having taken the first step, she will go to the end, you came to the city to find your son, why were these games of love needed, why, svetlana on saturday nart, here it is. the man had no idea about the existence of the artist tatyana abramova, yuri belyaev and tatyana abramova did not know, and for some reason he passed by me i put my finger into the hole in my jeans, which was just above the knee, and a day later i asked for permission to kiss her, and two crazy people met, 10 years like one day, a guy, you call it that, tatyana alberta.
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throw in yes, i’m interested in how much you have gotten to know each other really well over these 10 years, after all. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr.
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they say in a second: russia is to blame. you'll have to say what kirby didn't say. a few words about the defeat of our l-76 military transport aircraft by anti-aircraft rocket fire from the ukrainian armed forces. we will start with military-technical details, and then we will move to the operational level, perhaps even the political one. the military-technical details are as follows: by the district technical troops of the aerospace forces. the armed forces of the russian federation have precisely determined the launch site of anti-aircraft guided missiles, that is, where the launch position was. why, because standby radars, they are usually meter-long, they, if we speak in the jargon of air defense warriors, see anti-aircraft guided missiles very well
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missiles, because the geometric dimensions of the missiles are comparable to the wavelength of these locators and are clearly visible, well, i myself have repeatedly observed this on circular indicators... now, probably , fragments of ukrainian anti-aircraft guided missiles have also been found at the crash site, why? because even when a warhead is detonated, such a complete atomic disintegration of matter does not occur, and fairly large fragments of missiles fall to the ground. you can determine both the serial number and serial numbers, even for most units. i think they already defined. now about what this is from the ukrainian side. this information has already begun to appear, like, yes, this is some kind of amateur activity there, almost the head of the crew or the commander of the battery of the armed forces of ukraine, he made an independent decision, without agreeing with anyone, well, firstly, in general, how does combat work take place here, here is an
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anti-aircraft missile units of a battery or division, uh, the commander, for example, reports to a higher command post, i am escorting target 34, the target is approaching the zone, please confirm the task, the senior commander is in charge time says, i confirm the task , that is, the task was set initially, initially, in some cases, in a decentralized control mode , the division commander himself makes the decision to fire at the target, but this is in the conditions of repelling a massive missile and air strike and even in all combat documents as the rule is written to open fire on suddenly appearing targets at extremely small... the rest is only in the centralized control mode, but here the range is 98 km, at this range the lower limit of the zone defeat, well, 7-8 km, no less, well, what a suddenly appearing target, the next moment, apparently
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this point of view has already been expressed here, that after all , the fire was fired by the patriot anti-aircraft missile system , well, judging again by the range, because other systems have much less... a decision was made to redeploy this anti-aircraft missile battery, that is, to remove the cover from kiev from the points of the highest echelons , imagine at what level the management of the most important objects of the state was and send this battery to front line. at what level was this decision made? this decision was made at least at the level not even of the commander of the ukrainian air force, but of the general staff and commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. well, this is the only way i imagine the situation, that is , by and large, it’s almost an operation, again
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, to carry out a redeployment from near kiev or from dnepropetrovsk, i call it in the old style, of this anti-aircraft missile system near kharkov, but this is - first, along the entire route it follows, it is necessary to ensure. ah... security, defense, security, at the starting position from where she fired, well, almost a third of the ukrainian army needs to be involved in this, again the price of the issue is high, well, try it. to lose this patriot during, let’s say, a violation of some security measures or enemy fire. further, fire was fired at a military transport aircraft, an experienced commander, and he is probably experienced, because they sent the best to their patriots, who, moreover, had undergone training abroad, at the target mark he must immediately determine immediately from the moment it goes on air whether it is... a military transport aircraft or a passenger one, because this can be seen from the speed, the altitude,
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the nature of the mark, and in general , well, there were no military operations at that time , that is, all this, again, does not suggest that this was a plan, but there was such a thing that it was to redeploy, it was there at that moment that this military transport plane would appear, open fire on it, probably all the seniors were there bosses at the appropriate level were present, not the crew commander there controlled it all. business, well, again, again, we achieved such an effect, now it is extremely unconvincing, now we are moving on to some political, i would say, conspiracy aspects, i am not a fan of them, but nevertheless, well, as was indicated, that in the message of the main intelligence directorate that this military transport aircraft transports either anti-aircraft guided missiles or the s300 system in general, well, the s300 system, of course it can be transferred by military transport aircraft, but... not the il-76 yet attract, but the an-124 and transport it there with
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shelves, because there are elements that weigh 70 tons in size and exceed the dimensions of the cabin of the l76 military transport aircraft, and missiles are now being transported by military transport aircraft, well, what it makes sense to urgently deliver something to the launch position, well, there is no such need now that more than a few missiles won’t fit right there, since the 70.6 aircraft was originally created for the needs of the airborne troops, again, missiles than better to carry gondola cars 62 or an unloading station, there to reload them on a tbm , transport-reloading vehicles are already driven to the starting positions of non-missile divisions, what’s the point in transferring them there by plane? so here somehow this plan also looks unconvincing, so excuse me, gentlemen ukrainians, this is your operation, with clearly defined goals and there is nothing to blame there on some crew chief who
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carelessly made some decision, you made this decision at the highest level, i’ll say it again, at the highest, strongly, mikhail mikhailovich, please, i would like to return to this question that arose here about the russian-chinese military alliance, and also about the involvement of countries such as iran, north korea in this alliance, i should note that, in general, the chinese are absolutely unwilling to somehow formalize the currently existing, quite close by any international standards, military, political and economic ties between china and the russian federation.
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and there are certain reasons for this: china is not gathering, a military alliance is needed for
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waging war, this is the only purpose for which this kind of agreement is actually concluded. the chinese are not going to wage war with the united states, with the united west, despite very serious problems and contradictions in relations. the chinese proceed from the fact that the natural course of events, so to speak, will sooner or later allow china to achieve its goals in the international arena. without resorting, so to speak, to the force of arms and using, so to speak, this very force of arms only to pursue a policy of restraining the collective west from any rash actions.
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in recent years, we have been able to ensure that iran, which until recently was a rogue country, is now a worthy, respected member of the international community, a reliable partner, so to speak, of the arab world, and relations between arriyadh and tehran have been restored with chinese mediation , so the system works, why, so to speak, should we introduce any more nuances, i’ll explain, yes, well, that’s what it’s about, i’ll explain why to introduce it.
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well, probably, maybe the united states will somehow be able to get a foothold there, so to say, in this big ten, everyone else simply won’t be there, and this also applies to changes in the strategic balance at the present time, if we compare, for example, what happened 50 years ago, when all this détente was just beginning, yes, then america had very significant military-technical and geostrategic advantages over the soviet union.
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this one was an excellent rocket in the eighties of the last century, but they are going to keep it almost until the middle of this century, just like that what the situation looks like now, and uh, in general , here i could name a number of areas in which this arms race is taking place,
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including nuclear strategic weapons and non-nuclear strategic weapons, like hypersonics. america, its western allies, they are clearly losing it to both moscow and beijing, so this current situation, in general, at least now it looks quite acceptable for this very collective non-west, and i think that this in general, she will stay, i will object alright, china is undoubtedly making the bets. or else i wouldn’t have invested crazy amounts of money in rearmament of the army, in the creation of national islands, in the creation of the world’s largest fleet, in the creation of the most powerful nuclear triad, which before... it would seem that it was never dreamed of, that is, based on the logic that you proposed , these would seem to be completely non-productive costs; they do not lead to trade. our relations with china have reached
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the level of joint military exercises, and we are not afraid to upset india by this, our arms trade relations with india are very important, but let me remind you that india has quite seriously increased the volume of trade with america, america also has influence there, which we undoubtedly see, therefore choosing a geopolitical strategist. understanding the conflicts that exist between china and india, it is easier for us to resolve within the sco, but this does not mean that, seeing a threat from russia, we will sacrifice our relations with china for the sake of india, or vice versa, that is, we are balancing quite confidently here, why china does not at all count only to trade because the philippines showed china that it could be attacked at any time, after the americans said that they would defend the philippines, including in the area of ​​the disputed islands. china does not want to be left alone with taiwan, because there is no one-on-one with taiwan. china understands perfectly well that aucus is directed against it,
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having next to it a partner like russia, which, let me remind you, is also located in the far east, they really need us to provide their flank, including with our air defense systems, the ability to accommodate our attackers systems on the islands that the japanese for some reason they think naively. another delegation to taiwan
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, china understands that the dragon is pulling its whiskers, so china will consider all options when we talk about what will happen in 10, 20, 30 and 50 years, let's look at the forecasts that were 20 years ago and what countries were named among those that will rise, it will be clear that... everyone understands this perfectly well, that is why world war is inevitable, it is brewing, everyone realizes this, therefore new realities will
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offer new forms of alliance, they will be called military doctrines alliance, or they will be called a family contract, who knows, but what is going towards this is obvious, by the way, mongolia has now suddenly proposed holding such a large summit of russia and china, seven land ports, so i think we will see a new series. i’ll add two words , i said everything correctly, you know, your reasoning is very good, very convincing, i think, about the same way american analysts reasoned 10 years ago russia, russia, a vanishing empire 20 years ago, yes 10, 10, the fourteenth year once was, just the fourteenth year, they have nothing, they won't be able to. they are mired in corruption, all the children are in the west, it does not and will never pose a threat, i am absolutely
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convinced that some john smith reported this in washington, who was the president then, you know, well, the situation changes all the time, naively to think that she is, i ’m talking about this, we don’t need to be complacent, we don’t need to, first of all, i’m not dasun’s senesu.
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when we talk about china now, we are too exaggerating the fact that china is guided precisely by its own interests, he is here now, while we are fighting with the united west, they have time to run out of time, they don’t have time, look what is happening, the level of militarization of japan
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is increasing at what speed. so what? look at what , nothing, this is a direct threat, that means, so what , the chinese just think, you understand what it is, you understand what it is for china, japan, no, you understand in principle, no, you understand that this is for the chinese in japan, not korea, for them it is more, namely japanese, who destroyed, who destroyed 50 millions of chinese, koreans, or something, japanese, that’s right, so excuse me, for them it ’s like the german language is for me for a jew, and for the chinese, japan and militarization. japan , it’s not just a red light there, it’s also a siren at full power, so china is preparing for this, which means it’s no longer about trade, when they look at what’s happening at their borders, they think completely differently, i don’t think so , that china is ready to allow another 50 million gesture, as a result of the fact that it will not be ready for the stench announced, oh well, but i love german language, i hate nothing, i can’t
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help it genetically. immediately after the tragedy it came out with a headline that ukrainian troops, most likely, they wrote like this, supposedly shot down a plane with 74 people on it, well then after some time, literally after half an hour all this had already disappeared, except for the trick almost no one wrote anything, but it was very symptomatic, because the focus is according to the old tradition, this is an organization, everyone in germany knows this, this magazine, which is affiliated with the service.
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german foreign intelligence service bnd, they very often leak their information to the focus, so we can assume that this information from the focus is not just some editor who read it in styletype or from some other tape, but this is some kind of information that they had it by definition, they seemed to use it, well, throughout the whole day, you know, if we read the german press, then i will have to repeat what i said yesterday the day before yesterday, there is nothing at all about what the armed forces of ukraine are ruling in their this region in general there is nothing, each of the twelve , here are the last ones, i looked there a couple of hours ago, out of the twelve news that german television, state television gives, six news about how many ukrainians were killed by russian troops, and not a word about the corresponding actions of the ukrainian the ukrainian armed forces, well, this is kind of one
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side of it.
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the fact that the russians did it, that the dpr, lpr did it, all these other things were always all these links were to american data, and they always said, they do this everywhere wrote: they wrote from a security point of view, the united states of america cannot openly show all this data, but nevertheless they did there, let’s say references to the fact that there was supposedly an anti-aircraft installation here, sorry, comrade colonel, i’m not all i call it in the correct language, there was an anti-aircraft installation, then it left, we have satellite images that prove that it was here and then moved to some other place, all this evidence was accepted by the court and was used for...
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we can draw two conclusions: the first conclusion: either we must forget and throw out all the evidence, because case law, if you did not observe now and could not observe, then what grounds are there to believe that you represented normal in the past evidence, or the second option, and you are lying, because as you correctly said, most likely, if you get all these documents, now it will be clear from them who committed this crime, it was committed by the ukrainian armed forces, in all likelihood that’s why. confirm what reasons the court has to believe in to remove them, because now they can’t , the fact that these documents were correct then,
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that they were not false documents, from this point of view, it seems to me that this is a very interesting point that is definitely necessary, well, i don’t know there in the investigative room the work of journalists, in work... after all, in fact, what he said in 2014, these are all his words, this is an absolute rehash from rosenberg, that is, we can completely one-to-one translate what rosenberg wrote in relation to
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subhumans, in relation to the slavs, according to in relation to the jews, to what this one said about man in general, let’s look at man, these are the kidneys, this is the heart, and roseny said the same thing, and someone else said, i free you from... these words - this is a complete denial of the divine, this is a complete departure, that is, even if we say that the world was created by the word, and god breathed the soul into the human body, then what he is saying now, then in principle this means in harari he exhaled , i think, more than once, yes, maybe even several times, but...
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see you tomorrow.
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hello, my friend, hello, hello, my goodness. bap, marya
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, meet the guests, oh, alvina, my girl has arrived, and where are your kids, the children are in our camp, don’t worry, the camp is good, but i still took one with me, hello, boy. you’ll have a sharp tummy, you think, let ’s go, yes, i know for sure, take it, take your suitcase, take everything and go, albin, you take masha to old semyonova, your mother is a reakira, she ’ll be better than any consultation, they go to her from all over russia to give birth , though it costs a lot, you have money, yes we have money, we have masha, you know what she works for, an investigator in the prosecutor’s office, oh, poor girl. how many other people’s sins hang on her, you’re baptized, so
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be sure to be baptized, and baptize your little boy, i thought, be sure to drink milk, oh, girls, run to the monastery right now, maybe you’ll get some more, so let’s go and sort out your things, bye you and i are going to the monastery, pope maria will sort it out, it’s not far from the monastery, we’ll go down the river right away. it will be oh, why did you eat it, and if five petals, i need to make wishes, i made a wish , yeah, mash, and you could go to the monastery , but what suits you, a black dress, a white headdress, a monastery is not a home, a model, please look at the flowers, wait
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a second, go here, covid people, apples, that's it, buy, buy, for god's sake, how much is 25. two for 40, and where do you live , hold on, go straight to the right, past the monastery, and often they come to you to give birth, it happens, just now the young woman came, apparently to grandma marshla, but you can’t rent out housing, masha, why are you, andrey,
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i'm sorry, you will be the hostess, well, me, and who are you? i, yes, i’m going to that one of yours, they went to the monastery over there. hello, wait.
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“oh, manka, what a blessing, no, i’ll still go to the monastery, but in the monastery there are men’s and women’s, they won’t take you in the men’s, there are no men in the women’s, but how can they be without men? they can live, it ’s harmful without health, but they are the flesh and make peace, and how interesting it is that they make the flesh matter,
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girl, excuse me, but can you go to the monastery and see what’s wrong with you, maybe, maybe maybe i can help you? no, thank you, everything is fine. take a handkerchief. thank you. what's wrong with him? went. do you really want to see the monastery? well, if possible. well, of course, it’s possible, you just need to ask the abbess for permission. no, manka, i won’t go to the monastery. and what? everything is too serious here. okay, at least something is serious somewhere. let's go.
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what would you like to see? tell me, do you sell anything here? well, i mean. maybe some unusual icons, sketches, crosses. yes, of course, mother blesses, and we, in general, do you want to buy? yes, i want to give my friend a gift. did you come here to give birth? you know, many people here give birth and then baptize their children right away. no, we're visiting. man, let's go to church here. come on, i'll tell you everything.
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and soon we will watch new episodes, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it, so i warn you about the premiere episode of strifosovsky, the best prevention. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we from this room. on the faceless ones we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are in front of our eyes... they are turning into projects, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, in living rooms
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real stone flowers will soon bloom for our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams will become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, golden eagle at the factory, negotiations passed that there is nothing to live on, salaries have been cut by a third, if only panic doesn’t arise, we live in a democracy, freedom, assembly, demonstrations, what is this? these people, they harbored a grudge against the soviet regime, give them free rein,
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arrest and judge, and the instigators to death, i have a daughter, a girl, i can’t find her, this is not human, dear comrades, film by andrei konchalovsky on friday on rtr. in november of '41 , stalin ordered to break through the road to the east at any cost and break the german crush that was strangling leningrad. the command decided to entrust this extremely difficult task to ivan zubkov. the man who built the road to victory. the first branch of the dilburg railway. located just a few kilometers from the front line, this road saved hundreds of thousands of lives. comrades
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leningrad, the first train of the mainland. residents of besieged leningrad recalled that even such amazing cards appeared, cards for meat, cards for fish, it was impossible to win, presentations like father. he was a very cheerful person, but at the same time, he was a tough person. ivan zubkov, savior of leningrad. film by alexey denisov. in saturday. on rtr. and for what reasons do girls more often go to the monastery? the lord brings everyone differently., can i go as a pilgrim to a monastery? you can go to the men's, but you're better off to
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the women's. can i light a candle? yes, sure. oh, masha, i feel this is a holy place, this is fate. everyone is telling you right, let ’s give birth to your baby boy here, we ’ll baptize him right away. excuse me, are you expecting a boy? please take it, don’t be afraid, this is an ancient illuminated cross, take it for the boy. i can't, i'm asking you. olya, i have to go. maybe i'll see you soon, masha, have you gone crazy or what?
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don't you know that you can't take other people's crosses? what is it? and the fact that you, along with this cross , took on other people’s troubles and other people’s sins. go ahead, i'll give it back now. yes, it’s somehow inconvenient. you saw how she cried, she might be in some kind of grief. she sincerely gave it to me. yes, she sincerely shoved her sins onto you. come on, give it to me here. but in general. handsome, listen, let's take a photo of you with him, no, then let's put it on your palm, like this, here, here so, i’m filming, thank you, please, thank you very much, please, give me the cross for a second.
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it’s probably worth a lot, i don’t know what business it is, where you got it from, it’s a gift, but what’s your business, it’s my cross, sell it to me , i can’t, it’s a gift, sell it with any money, but i would give it to you like that , there's a girl, this is her thing. “hey, woman , where are you going, wait, give up the cross, where are you going, mashka, why are you standing there, they stole your cross, citizen, don’t be impudent, stop, now, mashka, why are you standing there like a fool , you have a golden chair they stole it, wait, what are you waiting for, it’s floating away, thank god, firstly, it wasn’t stolen, it was bought for a very decent amount, and secondly, you yourself
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said that you can’t take other people’s jewels, it’s gold, you need to go to the police call soon. you need to call somewhere, oh, you were stunned , there was a problem and there is no problem, it means the sky decreed it, but you understand, it’s not like there’s something with this cross, i wouldn’t wear it for my child anyway, well, it’s a pity anyway, everything, god gave, god took.
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how much a man decorates with a gun is also a decoration for me, no masha, don’t you understand? just a man is boring, a man plus something, i understand that, plus what? well , for example, a man plus a dog, plus a gun, plus cars , plus money, no, money for a man, sorry, this is a primary sexual characteristic, but for a woman, and for a woman , a man with money, but in general i don’t have any male hunters yet it was, cool , greetings, beckoning, hello, baba marya , listen, if a guest comes to us today, do you mind, man, or something, let him come, man, only the mosquitoes will eat you here, it would be better to go into the house, yes oh girls, you are a woman someone asked, you haven’t met her, i told her, you went to the monastery, what kind of woman is this, well, this woman with her hair, in
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a pink suit? i told her that you went to the monastery, didn’t meet me, nope, didn’t meet me, strange, i even thought who she was to you, hello, wow, what guests, i came to visit my nieces, beauty, this is for you, merci, mori, damn, gay, is it him or something, they were waiting for him with candles, yes, oops, ah... beauty, you ’ll come to my mother, i’ll come, i’ll come, i’ll come, i’m sure, i’m tired of this midwife, what, she’s got you now won't give birth, no, she has now there is a client, yes, there is a client , here, but in 2 days it’s free, thank you, thank you, but for now there are few mines, oh, it looks like it’s going to rain, listen, let’s really go into the house, let me help you bring beauty to the house, i’ll bring the beauty myself i’ll tell you, i’ll take it away, listen, do you remember last
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year, here it is, let’s go, let’s go, the house stood next to... the monastery and there was a thunderstorm, it burned all night. why is there a ghost here? i haven’t heard of anything like this in a lot of work. tell us about your ghosts. but don't languish. so that's it. this was before the war, before civil. came to the monastery, a young novice, where she came from, who knows, not all of where she came from, and she prayed harder than anyone, she prayed and cried, the people began
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to talk among themselves, it’s not enough to see, her sins are very serious, since she prays for them like that, it’s true that other people’s sins don’t atone for their own like that, but she kept running away from confession, and finally mother superior brought her to confession and confessed it herself. and after that he ordered to leave the monastery, how come a man came to the monastery, i think everyone is accepted there, that’s just how it was, as i say, what she said there in confession, no one knows, but apparently, something so terrible that even god. didn’t want to forgive her, it’s somehow strange, i don’t know, in a word, they told the girl to leave the monastery, her mother took her cross, and the novice cursed, he volkhov
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drowned, but her body was not found, but she began to come to abbess, on stormy nights , throw up your cross, so she didn’t drown, but she drowned, just as she didn’t... drowned, and mother died soon on a stormy night, they entered in the morning, she was all cold, and the water on the floor was river water, the cross, the cross was never found, and from then on the monastery began to decline and collapse, and the novice began to leave the water on stormy nights and... why? and ask her, when will she come to you? maybe looking for a chair?
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she’s restless, they didn’t give her a proper burial, so she’s tossing around, looking for her corner. darling, go and see who’s there. anyone masha? i was so scared that the young people are scared, okay, i’ll go home, oh, otherwise i want to sleep, bye, bye, ala, let’s go to the river,
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today at the monastery they gave me a cross, and you can look at this cross, but we don’t have it, where did it go? the aunt stole it, what kind of auntie, and some kind of crazy person, at first she wanted to buy it, and then she snatched it and ran away, well, really, the money was left, yes, and we donated this money to the monastery, is it that the child is crying, come on, man, you it seems that you are just very tired, so you dreamed, well, how does it seem? well, you miss the child, so your subconscious gives you the cry of a child, well , what kind of subconscious, if just now i heard my ears, kir, you heard, and
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i didn’t hear, we also have ears , we’re not deaf, that means you’re imagining things, i never imagine anything, but of course, you’re a staunch materialist with us, well, that’s right, but what’s bad, i generally think that everything the strange thing has its own explanation, uh -huh, so come on, explain to me now about... the refraction of light with a holographic effect, quietly, again you can’t hear, the child is crying, and why the novice threw herself into the river, cyrus, maybe this is somehow connected with the child’s crying, suddenly she gave birth, well at that time it was not a problem, before it was traditionally next to orphanages were built by monasteries.
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by the way, there was also an orphanage in that building , next to the monastery, everything was very decent, the child was handed over to the orphanage, and then the mothers themselves raised him, under the guise of charity, this is how nuns spit, yes, they are people, and nothing human is alien to them, it’s cold, i still don’t understand how you can abandon your own child. throw it at someone, and that's a ghost, the result of a specific refraction of light with a holographic effect...
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