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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 25, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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in the news, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye, thank you very much, on the russia channel, evgeniy rashkov is presenting in the studio. hello, this is what we will tell you about. memory of the pilots who heroically took the falling il-76 away from residential areas. a spontaneous memorial appeared in orenburg, where they served. we have already requested an urgent meeting of the un security council. tsavbes will discuss today the terrorist attack carried out by ukraine.
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region, what else did sergei lavrov talk about at the final press conference in new york? new combined strike on the ukrainian military infrastructure. explosions thundered in the odessa region in kharkov. on sakhalin , entrances to houses and electrical substations are being dug up. the snowdrifts have reached 2 m in some places and the snow continues to fall. and how tatyana’s day and the student’s day go in russia. it has just become known that at the site of an il-76 military transport aircraft shot down in the belgorod region , both black boxes were found. this was reported to emergency services. and, as the kremlin emphasized, the investigation into this crash should become an international investigation into the criminal actions of the kiev mode. in the orenburg region, where the crew served. today is a mourning event.
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churches hold services for those killed in the terrorist attack; a spontaneous memorial in honor of the pilots who showed courage at the very last moment and took the damaged aircraft away from residential buildings appeared in the airfield. local residents, cadets and colleagues of the deceased bring flowers to the memorial with the plane. i knew every single one of them, more than once - i flew as part of the crew myself. naturally, very worthy people, very worthy, they were worthy people, during the period of their work, they still decided to improve their qualifications, they trained and studied well, so today we , when we have an academic council, we will remember them and have a minute of silence, as soon as it became known that the downed il-76 was transferring ukrainian prisoners of war for exchange , propaganda of the kiev regime...
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right from the questions and answers, again a surprise that i speak russian, and russian is the working language of the un, but the translators are there and with their help from sergei lavrov, the western media will learn about the circumstances of the disaster under belgorod. as a result of a ukrainian terrorist attack
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, an il-76 with ukrainian prisoners on board was shot down. we requested about an hour and a half ago for an urgent meeting of the un security council at 15:00 new york time. and we very much hope that the french presidency will conscientiously fulfill its responsibilities and schedule such a meeting.
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again under the banner of the nazis, now in the person of zelensky, she has gathered all of europe, very carefully making sure that no one takes any steps to the side. republicans oppose aid to ukraine, especially in the lower house of congress, where there are many trump supporters. the crisis in relations between russia and the united states broke out after his victory in 2016, when democrats, who had not accepted his success, accused the forty-fifth american president. in working for moscow, it seemed that all this was behind me, it seemed, i would like to know if you were able to meet with former president donald trump or a member of his campaign headquarters in these couple of days. you already wrote about this, right? not yet, well,
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thank god, because i haven’t met him. yes, it’s not about party affiliation, no matter what new president ends up in the white house, but significant ones.
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well, it was a shame, but then the little ones grew up quickly enough, the issue was resolved. so that no one is offended later, both those who are stronger and those who are weaker must equally comply with the un charter; it is precisely on the defense of its principles that russia stands in the world organization. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and polina fedorova, news from new york. a new combined strike was launched against the military infrastructure of ukraine this night. in the odessa region, eyewitnesses reported multiple during the arrival of geraniums, objects in kremenchug and
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kharkov were hit by missile weapons. on the kupinsky front , drone operators destroyed camouflaged dugouts and were discovered by scouts. at krasnolimansky, crews of grad rocket systems disrupted the rotation of ukrainian forces. serebryansky forestry. near artyomovsk, the russian military noticed a heavy enemy drone bomber baba yaga in the air. our operator sent his drone to taran to save the soldiers and equipment on the ground. in the south-donetsk direction, units vostok groupings thwarted nine enemy attacks in the areas of velikaya novoselka, vodyanovo and green field. the united states is going to reconsider priorities in the middle east and withdraw. troops from syria. several western publications came out simultaneously with such headlines today, including chain
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politics. the reputable magazine, citing four officials at the state department at the pentagon , claims that the white house is no longer interested in the mission, which it quotes as unnecessary. the american department of defense immediately rushed to refute the rumors messages, in our miz they recalled that once there was already a similar situation when moscow was asked. help establish contacts with damascus, but after a couple of days washington changed its mind. today in russia they celebrate tatyana's day, the most favorite holiday of students. according to tradition , a festive liturgy was held in the home church of the holy martyr tatiana at the faculty of journalism of moscow state university. at the ural federal university, students who bear the name tatyana are given snow-white roses, and everyone is treated to mead. all students in the country.
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install and return students just in time a computer class is also opened for the holiday. we are trying to recruit our students to our estimated capacity, so let’s call it, it’s already up to 10,000 students. at moscow state university, those who pass the exam with excellent marks are the first to try mead according to the rector’s secret recipe. happy holiday. they started brewing the drink back in september, then insisted for several months. the mead was poured into these 20 liter jars; in total, more than 800 liters were brewed.
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operations, they are creating material for electronics that will work in the new communication format, 6g. now we can say it's coming some kind of race to see who can quickly find this best material and become the most...
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in november of forty-one, stalin ordered to break through the road to the east at any cost and break the german noose that was strangling leningrad. the command decided to entrust this extremely difficult task to ivan zubkov. the man who built the road to victory. the first branch of the polyanachelburg railway ran just a few kilometers from the front line. this road saved hundreds of thousands of lives. comrades lening, the first train from the mainland. residents of besieged veningrad they remember that even such cards appeared, amazing ones, cards for meat, cards for fish, it was impossible to win, presaki, like father. he was a very cheerful
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person, but at the same time, he was a tough person. ivan zubkov, savior of leningrad. film by alexey denisov on saturday on rtr. winner of the golden eagle award. we started talking, there was nothing to live on, the salary was cut by a third. if only there would be no panic, we live in a democracy. what, these people, they harbored a grudge against the soviet regime, give them the freedom to arrest and judge, and instigators to capital punishment, i have a daughter, a girl, i can’t find her, this
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is not human, dear comrades, andrey’s film. konchalovsky on friday at rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us? yes, when my soldiers came running, they carried me away, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we have something. it's cold, here comes grandma, she's hungry, but she's carrying this kurba, shelters and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, support me in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you wouldn’t survived,
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only ours can, honor and praise. what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent beings in our family, orientalism, that's... why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in our new issues. and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation, the first
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podcasts we watch. 80 years ago, unconquered leningrad was liberated from the terrible clutches of the blockade. 80 years later, on this great day, the famous masters of russian culture, the brightest actor... and performers, world-famous stars, will pay tribute to memory, perseverance and courage leningraders, the courage and valor of heroes, liberators, requian concert for the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade, live broadcast from st. petersburg on saturday on rtr. on air, we continue to broadcast urgent messages at these minutes coming from the orenburg region,
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a state of emergency has been introduced in the city of novotroetsk, a pumping station collapsed there, one employee died, three victims were hospitalized in the orsk hospital. emergency services are clearing the rubble, where, according to information from the ministry of emergency situations, they can there are six more people. according to preliminary data, the cause of the emergency was... explosion of a gas cylinder. about a thousand people cannot fly from khabarovsk to sokhalin, where due to the ongoing snow cyclone , planes are not accepted or sent. the island was cut off from the outside world. sea traffic has been stopped, trains are not running, roads are closed, and it is almost impossible to drive along them. fifth kilometer novaleksandrovka.
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several monthly norms of snow fell. security, only in yuzhno-sakhalinsk the transport on the line again did not come out for the sake of the sidewalks are littered with meter-long snowdrifts; in order
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to get out of the entrance and get to the store, sakhalin residents need to literally make their way through the snow captivity to get onto the road, this is the only way to get around the city now. emergency crews try to resolve electrical problems as quickly as possible. so in the village of sokol, repairmen had to dig out an electrical substation. here is 566 on the other side, we somehow crawled here, here is the roof, here is kolya below, there, in conditions of almost zero visibility and a powerful snowstorm, operational services are on duty, for example, there are 18 ambulance teams, the information is controlled by the regional control center, so i start the morning with this service reporting to me, who is addressing what issues, whether these tasks have been completed or not, which ones? questions cause difficulties, help every person. due to bad weather , the island's main air harbor is closed. on the third day
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, a cyclone is raging at the yuzhny-sakhalinsk airport, many flights have been delayed ; a decision has now been made to close the yuzhny-sakhalensk airfield until 10:00 am local time on january 26. on january 26, the airport will begin accept flights, but access to its territory will be closed for personal transport. for passengers. will organize special shuttle buses, all buses will go in metro mode to victory square, those who need to go to the airport will be able to board buses, go to the airport, those who need to go back will go to victory square and then continue on their own places of residence. regional authorities again called on enterprise managers to transfer workers to remote mode if possible, and distance learning in schools will be act on friday. weather forecasts are still cautious, a snowstorm is expected. they choose the safest route, calculate
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the ship's course, even in cases where they refuse. devices, professional holiday today is a rare occasion when corvettes are celebrated by naval navigators, how they train specialists from primorye, indispensable for the fleet, report by andrei kolesnikov. these are the pacific fleet stationed at the pier; they usually carry out combat duty in the coastal zone or on long voyages. now the ship's crew hero aldar tsudinzhapov is again preparing to go to sea. the commanders of the main navigator discuss the features of the future navigation area. all navigation and tactical calculations. issued for precise aiming of weapons, hits, roughly speaking, on the target, they are carried out by the navigator. last year , aldartsipov was recognized as the best in the maritime training of the crew in the pacific fleet among ships of its class. the navigation service made a great contribution to this victory. by the way, in the list of combat units of the ship, it is the navigators who are number one, the detail that without further ado, it conveys the importance of the unit. the navigator service does not forgive mistakes, be it a junior navigator, or
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the commander of the navigation service. this is the person who is responsible for navigational safety. varshavyanka, petropalovski kamchatsky has just returned to base after successful shooting, the cadets, future navigators are already on board, solving problems and gradually getting used to them. i want to serve in this brigade on a diesel electric submarine, project 636.3. so far the most important test of the navigators' skill the submarine began crossing the southern sea route in 2021. in 3.2 months from the baltic to the sea of ​​japan, having overcome over. liberation - the path to victory - a large-scale project with the same name, which is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the blockade and de-occupation of the ussr territory from the nazis , was presented today in moscow. its goal is to form and develop the historical unity
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of all. that now we are to some extent in a similar situation, an exhibition of the muse of the unconquered has opened at the museum of contemporary history of russia city, more than 350 photographs, paintings, posters, books and multimedia materials, talk about the preservation of the cultural heritage of the city on the neva. in addition to moscow, a project organized by the presidential fund for cultural initiatives and the russian
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historical society. presented in kaliningrad in ryazan. the connection between generations and patriotic education were discussed in the rostov region, at the sambeg heights military history museum. there was a meeting between members of the young guard of united russia and the heroes of the special operation. arrived 250 students, volunteers from the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, as well as zaporozhye and kherson regions. with their living action, living... participation in the life of our country, they show an example of how to be, how to be patriots not in words, but in reality in deeds, and looking at them, at their burning faces, i understand perfectly well that our future in safe hands. in the new episode of the program, our story is about two volunteers who went to a special operation zone. saslan fedarov, actor who played in the famous film the ninth company and nikolai lazarev. he served in the ninth company in real
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life. watch today. organizes a party in honor of the anniversary of working as an orderly in sklif, and nina ’s department, but the holiday turns into disaster, two new episodes at 21:20, the news continues to follow the developments, so stay with us. a moscow court arrested for 2 months one of the participants in the brutal attack on residents of southern butovo. it all happened in the entrance of a residential building. a verbal altercation between teenagers and a neighbor ended in intensive care. details of this story are from dmitry blinnikov.


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