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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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the anti-aircraft locator is working, that is, it could be a homing head of a missile, this narrows the circle of searches, and the way the ukrainian media reacted, which reported that supposedly there were not prisoners of war on board this plane, but did not immediately say, s-300 missiles, with which kharkov is being shelled , that is, it was a preparation that was impossible to write so quickly, they immediately abandoned it, but honor and praise go to our ministry of defense, which immediately came up with an official...
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i think that most likely the british did not put it in the well-known ukrainians, so here such is the silence of trying to find some version, they delayed for a very long time, did not come up with anything smart, that it was we who killed the ukrainian servicemen, then they will come up with the same thing that they did with the malaysian boeing, there the version will be doubled, trinity will be distorted many times , there will be some witnesses there and something else like that. how they lie from the element base that they show, so they showed that supposedly our missiles come with these kind of microcircuits, i was at the production facilities of our defense complex, we have completely different microcircuits, completely different boards, that’s what they show, it could be from some samples of a soviet product, which were partially equipped with some microcircuits that were produced abroad, to the contents of a refrigerator, it looks like, no, absolutely.
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and there is no microwave, besides , besides, maybe it’s a toaster, oh, you know, most likely it’s an iron, but in fact, when our missile hits the target, these are all the electronic components that are responsible for guidance, navigation, then they are destroyed together by an explosion and from those fragments, from those pieces , it is impossible to establish where this elemental base came from, so this is such a lie multiplied by a lie, is that what they are scripting there?
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the second one was inattentive , so he said that not 30 would die, even less, only 20, 20 million, but he recalculated, apparently, he had his own algorithms, but the phase in which he drew the wars, at first there would be an ordinary encounter weapons, then waste, and then only at the end nuclear weapons, by the way, this is a scenario that, well, more precisely, a gradation of military clashes, which was given to the corporation in 2019, they said that in the beginning there will be a hybrid war. then a conventional war , then a limited war with the use of nuclear weapons, and only then a total war with the use of nuclear weapons, but this artificial intelligence did not read our doctrine, our well-founded policy in the use of nuclear weapons, there will not be a conventional war with nato countries , they ’ll just poke their noses in, we have such a point there with the use of conventional weapons, he will immediately respond in full to the places where the decision was made, where... this all crawled out,
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you don’t scare the people of the population, i’m right now by this minute, god willing, this is really a nicer version of minister lavrov, who at that the press conference itself in new york at the un, said that no nato, no western allies, or our opponents are most likely preparing for war, it is rather about a creative approach to trying to extract. money for ukraine, they are just trying very hard look a little ridiculous in this regard. peskov also just commented on the nato exercises: russia knows, in defiance of whom they are being held, we have never worn rose-colored glasses, well, peskov is flying to kaliningrad, putin is going to kaliningrad on tatyana’s day, student’s day, and said that the terrorist attack was carried out by kiev.
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the first footage from the il-76 crash site, the wreckage of the plane and the bodies of the dead are scattered over many hundreds of meters, the fusel can be seen from the hole from the striking elements of the ukrainian anti-aircraft missile, investigators and vks commission. breaking news, a russian military transport plane crashed in the southwest of the country. the russian military says that there were 65 on board
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. the psu will continue to take measures to destroy delivery vehicles and control airspace in the belgorod-kharkov direction, because shelling of ukraine is connected with this. missile launch points and logistics, their deliveries using military transport aircraft are monitored. 5 hours later , the first version appears in kiev, which denies wine of ukraine, gur actually refutes the general staff, saying that it was the russians who staged a provocation. hid the route of the il-76. the failed tribal exchange was supposed to take place today. according to the russian side, this happened as a result of the downing of the russian il-76 aircraft, which was allegedly transporting our prisoners. now we do not have reliable and comprehensive information about who
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exactly was on board the plane in what quantity. ukraine was not informed about the number of vehicles, routes and forms of delivery of prisoners. it is known that the delivery of prisoners is carried out by air. by rail and road transport. the il-76 takes off from the chikalovsky military airfield at about 10 am, this is the moscow region. at 11 am 15 minutes, when only 70 km remained to the destination of the city of belgorod, from the territory of the kharkov region from the settlement of libtsy, the ukrainian armed forces were struck. they fired two missiles at ukrainian prisoners. something was probably shot down, right? in total there are 65 prisoners from ukraine on board, 12 militants from azov taken in mariupol, and the remaining 53 are ordinary officers. one of those killed turned 28 the day before the terrorist attack. terrorist defense fighter mikhail gladyr surrendered in april 22
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during the liberation of mariupol. the youngest deceased was twenty-one-year-old ivan roy from chernigov, the oldest, fifty-eight-year-old yuri lobush. 50 people died on the spot, almost 200 ended up in the hospital, around the same dates, one of those killed in the il-76 crash, danilchenko, reports that soldiers in kiev are treated worse than meat. why did you decide? give up? i wanted to live, they consider us meat.
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zelensky himself appeared in public 13 hours after the terrorist attack, saying that he had held an emergency meeting with defense minister umerov and commander-in-chief zaluzhny shaptala. the head of the general staff, who has already taken the blame himself, and budanov, who will later refute the shaptala, there are no details, mourning, zelensky does not announce the version of what happened, i can’t come up with it. it is obvious that the russians are playing with the lives of ukrainian prisoners, with the feelings of their relatives and with the emotions of our society. it is necessary to establish all clear facts, so as far as possible, given that the plane crashed on russian territory, beyond our control. facts are the main word now. zelensky released the appeal after midnight, that is, on his birthday. evidence that he was suffering, asked not to congratulate him on the holiday. lavrov simultaneously requested
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an urgent council, but presiding france at first refused altogether, and then began to delay so that kiev could come up with at least some explanations. as a result, sofbest will meet only on friday. saw how the guys was this plane taken away? well, yes, in principle he was falling sharply, so of course they went there a little, took him away. heroic crew members, ship commander bezubkin, his assistant shmerev navigator, vysokin flight engineers. sablinsky, all pilots of the orenburg 117th aviation military transport regiment. already outside the village, in the field, not a single settlement was damaged, although the plane fell here, you see, here is a school,
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a temple, streets, houses, people live, today we served in part of them, i knew every single one of them, more than once, i myself flew in crew, naturally, very worthy people, very worthy, they were worthy people, during the period of their work they also decided to improve their qualifications, they studied and studied well, so today we, when we have an academic council, we will remember their minute of silence, holy shit , something was shot down , probably yes, i saw at the last moment how the wing was on fire, it turns out the left one, so the wing was on fire, the left side was piled down, and the right side was up , a photo appeared on social networks, supposedly a trace from a rocket, which could hit the il-76. the fact that
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the ukrainians shot down their citizens, who should have been home within 24 hours, is a monstrous act. no one can say now how the disaster will affect the further exchange of prisoners. the exchange of prisoners is a process that takes place in silence. an international investigation into the crimes of the kiev regime will definitely follow. well, the ukrainian security service. what became known, they opened a case about the crash of l76 under the article on violation of the laws of customs of war, the ukrainian bbc service tells us, tubish opened a criminal case against themselves about that the plane was shot down by a fake missile of the armed forces of ukraine, they have already started talking even in ukraine , ex-deputy of the verkhovna rada, the unknown maseychuk, said that he knows about this from his sources on... he called for the immediate start of arrests of those people in kiev who gave the criminal order shoot down a plane with captured
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military personnel (il-76", i remind you, was transporting 65 people, 12 azov soldiers, all other privates, officers, career employees of the armed forces of ukraine. in new york , journalists asked lavrov. about the deployment , including tactical nuclear weapons in belarus, the head of the met reminded that it has been there for six months and somehow it is taking too long for the american authorities to reach it, especially since everything has already been explained in as much detail as possible by both putin and lukashenko. lavrov said that this was a response to the us violation of the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons; washington , long before moscow, placed its missile in five non-nuclear nato countries and then categorically refused. the americans, together with their satellites japan and south korea,
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and the dprk, are provoking them to go home. lavrov said that washington, tokyo and the sioux are putting together a military bloc that is conducting exercises in preparation for war with pyongyang. well, comrade kim, of course, is not going to tolerate this, the main directorate of rocket science of the dprk, industry, dprk, military, as you know. destroyed, tested for the first time a new type of strategic cruise missile, watch phot publishes stack, the korean central telegram agency is called a weapon.
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another bhinyan missile provocation, the south korean unified command said north korea fired several cruise missiles at 7 a.m. on wednesday.
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they fell into territorial waters north of the western sea. the command added that the south korean army has stepped up intelligence activities. usa. the last missile provocation was 10 days ago. on january 14 , the regime announced that it had successfully launched a hypersonic, solid-fuel, medium-range ballistic missile. this video footage provided by the south korean navy shows a special forces unit taking part in a training exercise on the east coast, near the north korean border. this annual exercise lasts 10 days. their goal is practice penetration into enemy territory and neutralize it.
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are now taking place in europe in the united states, indeed the ukrainian conflict, the special military operation has a near and far rear on the ukrainian side, as for the far rear of the united states, historically the will to start the conflict came from there, there was a checkbook with which the americans paid, now it’s all political will, and especially the checkbook disappears, and accordingly a very interesting thing is happening period, changes in the position of the united states in relation to the conflict. in any case , there is such slight uncertainty caused by the elections, this year is the year of presidential elections, in the previous 100 years only three times has a candidate who, actually the president, who was re-elected for a second term, lost these elections. the most famous case is the older bush, who
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felt like a winner in the cold war, did not engage in the election campaign at all, and in the end bill clinton won. with the slogan it's the stupid economy economics is the main thing, a fool, this is what the slogan actually looks like , what slogan the republican party will go to the elections with now, i find it difficult to say, but it is obvious that the will to continue the conflict on the current scale is completely absent from the republicans among the democrats, it is actually in question, then the story of europe arises, europe is a more, perhaps, even interesting story, now because europe, traditionally, in general, knew how to get out of various kinds of crises, after forty-five year, it recovered quite quickly, after the crisis of the seventies, the eighties, which were quite luxurious for europe , followed, after the crisis of 2008, what was economically called lcis began, in the shape of the latin letter l, the economy fell and itasi
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still cannot really do push-ups, in this situation europe is certainly not ready to replace the united states, in any case. from the point of view of the checkbook, but because europe has a different model for making decisions about spending money, europe has seven-year budget cycles in the current budget cycle , which ends in 2027, everything is planned down to the last euro, europe borrowed a huge amount of money to fight covid, followed the path of the federal reserve, issued bonds, these bonds, due to europe's high credit rating , were sold out , right now. europeans are faced with the need to spend funds on ukraine that are generally comparable to american ones, here we can observe, well, this is what... can even lead to, well, at least to what europeans themselves call eurosclerosis, that is, a period when european integration is not moving either wider or deeper, it has frozen, and europeans are waiting,
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trying to get through this difficult period, in fact, these are the demonstrations that we are seeing now on the screen, this is just evidence that the social and economic model of europe is under enormous pressure and the ukrainian conflict is one of the main drivers of this crisis in europe. and if europe is frightened by the fact that putin will attack europe and so that he does not attack, it is necessary give money to zelensky, a suitable scheme, all the talk about a third world nuclear war indicates that this is the plan right now. yes, that’s it , we’re talking about convincing european citizens that money needs to be spent, where the money will come from, and european officials in brussels have already come up with bonds, but...
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during covid, china’s economy has quadrupled, economic states by 70%, european only by 20%, suggests that europeans, now is the time to think about their
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own economic model, about how precisely to relate to this hierarchy in relation to the united states, we must somehow support them, at least say that we are here nearby, maybe somehow finance it, perhaps announce that we believe in this protest, macron, by the way, he flew away from france, he has... years to leave, turning old age into a personal risk for an increasing number of people. a recent survey by the inza institute shows how concerned people are about poverty
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in old age. 75% of respondents fear that they will not will be able to afford the costs of care in old age. only 17% do not experience anxiety. about a third of respondents are most afraid of a bad financial situation. 33% illness, 17% poor care and 9% loneliness. 4% did not want to answer. this makes providing care an even more important issue, but many people apparently can no longer afford it. when asked whether they take out private supplementary pension or private long-term care insurance, the vast majority, 58%, answered no, 36, just over one in three make appropriate contributions. at the same time, stepping on a sore german callus, i can’t say anything, but scholz, you have no money, put 8 billion euros on... so feel free to go to the bundestag, and we will support you. we know what
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is now on the scales and what is happening now. dmitry shestakovich's seventh leningrad symphony became a symbol of the steadfastness of the defenders of the besieged city. i say, us, citizens of leningrad. the roar of cannonades will not shake, and if there are barricades tomorrow, we will not leave our barricades. residents of the besieged city showed that there is something more important and eternal than cold, hunger, fear and even one’s own life. leningrad symphony on the banks of the niva. sunday on rtr. winner of the golden eagle award. there was talk at the factory that there was nothing to live on? salaries
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were cut by a third. if only panic would not arise, we live in a democracy, freedom, assembly, demonstrations, what are these people, they harbored a grudge against the soviet regime, give them the freedom to arrest and judge, and the instigators to capital punishment, i have a daughter, a girl, i i can’t find her, it’s not human. rosary beads, dear comrades, film by andrei konchalovsky on friday on rtr. in november 1941 , stalin ordered to break through the road to the east at any cost and break the german crush that was strangling leningrad. this extremely difficult task is a team.
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this road saved hundreds of thousands of lives. comrades leningraders, the first train of the mainland. residents of besieged leningrad recall that even such amazing cards appeared, cards for meat, cards for fish. it was impossible to win betsaki like a father, he was a very cheerful person, at the same time, he was a tough person. ivan zubkov, savior of leningrad, film by alexey denisov, on saturday on rtr. i was pavlova, she offered me to organize an anniversary
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corporate party for splif, class. so, the sbu opened a criminal case into the crash of lsm26, on board of which there were 65 ukrainian prisoners at once, as reported by the rbc ukraine agency with reference to the sbu, the case is classified under the article of violation, god forgive me, of the laws of customs of war. since he does not
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know for sure whether there were prisoners of war on board the plane at all, well, that is, he disowned his own, while the ex-detail of the verkhovna rada masyachuk already demanded arrest those who gave the criminal order, zenith, battery. open fire on the il-76. the strike, as is known, was delivered from the territory of the kharkov region. the rocket, he says, is ukrainian; ukraine, naturally, knew about the exchange. il-76 was shot down by ukrainian missiles. there were indeed ukrainian prisoners of war on board.
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3 hours later, a statement from the general staff actually about checking the guru of ukraine, budanov said that ukraine did not strike the il-76, zelensky was silent, was silent all this time, he appeared after midnight on his birthday, and said that well, there’s such a tragedy here, don’t congratulate me today, and he also said that he had
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a meeting with zaluzhny. we know who he is.


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