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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  January 25, 2024 11:25pm-2:06am MSK

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hello, hi, i can’t right now, i’m at work, listen, call me back, please, later, call me back, please, or i’ll call you back if possible, oops, khazikov. come here, stand, so, here, so, wait here, early, i 'll be back now, choose the right, i'm an investigator, i'm an investigator of the prosecutor's office, i'm at work, let me go, dragging, dragging, forward, forward,
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home, handcuffs, handcuffs , quickly, come on, forward, 6.65, how did you end up here,
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i sent you home, khaziks, drug addicts, drug addicts, volodya, excuse me, please, i i won’t do this again, honestly , kindergarten, why did you go there, okay , i forgot the narcotics, i came back, they fucked you in this, anyway, that’s the best case scenario, yes, i wanted to detain him, but you all left , i went on business, keep in mind for the future, let the aper be detained. the investigator must sit in the office and wait for the detainee to be brought to him. why? because if you become a victim, then your case will definitely be taken away from you. it's clear? yes, well done, comrade captain, this is for you. thank you. volodya, yes, but you are more like me do not be angry? lord, no. thank you. volodya, you see, when i was going to the brothel, i met a man. very interesting. you see, a piece of paper fell out of his pocket while i was at the fitness center. which fitness center?
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well, when i was in a web, what a web, well, there was a girl in the toilet, listen, i don’t understand anything, in general, i got the coordinates of an artist-designer who did nails from a corpse, so i went to him and he told me, that there was also a guy with the girl, i went to the bar and left my phone there on this the piece of paper itself, and this piece of paper fell out of the pocket of the dude you met, oh well, yes, i just picked it up, and what was i supposed to do? well, of course, i ran after him, i tried to detain him, but he fell through the ground. oh, my god, it’s good, at least you didn’t detain him, maybe if i had detained him, we would have solved the murder? what kind of murder, based on a corpse taken from the water, this is rejected material, fedenka, did you hear, the prosecutor’s office initiated a dull murder based on a corpse from the water, i’m shocked, but no... i haven’t initiated it yet, not yet
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aroused, no, i’m just getting ready, now it’s not easier to ooze, you know, by the way, since you’re already stuck, get busy with this slaughter, what should i do with them, well, what does the investigator usually do, interrogate everyone, everyone, well of course, it’s not for you to wander around the dens; it’s better to ask everyone for something. “here ’s evgenia atol’evna’s office for work, here are the people, let me digress now, the rescued girl could have put it down, but maybe we won’t wait for mercy from nature, well, let’s see what’s on my credit card, no thick, listen, what is this? man, our
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little neighborhood, it’s a cool place, by the way, let’s go, maybe we’ll hit the road, huh? vasek is on duty today, let’s do a test purchase , let’s go, damn it, okay , nothing is alien to you, human beings, but we won’t interfere, no, why did you come so late? vasily has been around, they won’t trop them, then beer for the fish, damn beer, will drink tequila, a real drink for real men, it relieves fatigue and increases potency, all day long
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the short mexican women climbed off with crooked knives, and the men? to do, it’s easy, real mexican, i ’m like this now, where are you going, buddy, well, sit down, where are your keys, and your coat, here we have a business proposal for you, our beer is your delivery, you’re the best dressed, the driest, and we
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're just not from the pool, we're not having a great time, there's a black wrangler in the trunk, can you make kebabs for all of us? why are you so scared? well, something unexpected, excuse me, take a beer, warm yourself up in the bathhouse, otherwise you’ll get a bad case, you need to leave urgently,
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go, go, otherwise you’ll get sick, what are you talking about, we’re just getting started, well, excuse me, we need to urgently leave. valot, i saw a lot, what are you talking about, fedya, well, in the car, with this very nervous one, you know, he noticed that i saw him, he immediately rushed, you were hypothermic, you understand what i’m talking about, a nail from a corpse, where did you see him, well, in the trunk of this same dima or whatever his name is, nikolai, it’s a serious matter, what kind of guy is this guy? alec is a drug addict, no, he's a drug addict for life , he knows, yes, the dog knows you, he got out of the web after us, oh, it's awesome , what's his last name, yes, he doesn't have a last name, does anyone know any of these, well, fagot, ask, let's go, damn it, well
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come, follow me, do you know which alik and which alik is behind us? stuck out of the web, well, first of all, it wasn’t he who followed us, but we followed him, he said that everything here is conceptual, and the dog is with him, who is so-and-so, who the hell knows, i know that his dad sits at the antique dealer, and what ’s his name, alik or lyokha, alexander, or something, or sasha, listen, you say, he hangs out on the web, but he doesn’t hang out, he’s there, well, i’ve seen him a couple of times, you never know who hangs out there? you don’t recognize everyone, i don’t know you, you don’t know me, and i don’t know him, hello, the interception didn’t yield anything, the traffic police file was broken, you said
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that he left in a black jeep, and according to these numbers, if fedya remembered correctly, afedya remembered correctly, the white nine belongs to margarita suvrova, who is margarita suvorova, student? university of the humanities, so we need to go to her and interrogate her, seriously, where? yes, how about where to go to college? she hasn’t shown up for classes for a month and a half, so she’s going home, ha, home, but where is she registered? the hostel has not been there for a year, so what now? you better yet, tell me, a case has been opened, but not yet, i haven’t reported to the boss yet, but what are you going to report to the boss, like fedik kurochkin found a fingernail in the trunk of one car? evgenia anatolyevna, you yourself are not funny,
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but i understand that i cannot say that this is kicking a corpse, well, i especially can’t say this, i was mixing mud with beer, yesterday i was talking with drug addicts from a brothel about this guy, wow, that is , another person involved appears when our respected investigator goes to a drug den, please, too much,
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listen, tell me, who did you give the note to, barmaid? maybe it makes sense then to ask them who they gave the note to? this is the idea. fedya, we need to go there quickly, not at night, a normal investigator will be normal, over time, a person of fine mental organization. let's see, detectives. we know what is now on the scales, and what is happening
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now, dmitry shestakovich’s seventh leningrad symphony has become a symbol of the steadfastness of the defenders of the besieged city. i say, we, the citizens of leningrad, will not be shaken by the roar of canadas, even if there are tomorrow.
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skleposovsky, look at rtr on monday. and soon, we will watch new episodes. there are changes in my personal life, at work, i won’t say yet. yuri belyaev and tatyana abramova. i had different situations and i perceived them as a disaster, as a collapse. i had a period in my life when three psychologists helped me at the same time. it's amazing. how long and what paths did you take to each other? we understand perfectly well that it was not we who suddenly decided
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that we were husband and wife, god decided everything for us a long time ago. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday at rtr for the anniversary of the great artist. collect a parcel for the children, little blue ones, and it can be delivered with a conductor. leonid yarmolnik, as we love him. i have respect and attention. honor, diplomas, i have a medal, i am a soviet person, odessa as we know it, farshmak, why is it necessary forshmak, i don’t understand why these stereotypes are needed, you have a conscience. says this, thinks this, the film is a winner of the golden eagle award. microva kills everyone, you don’t drink, grigorievich, i don’t drink, but i ’ll already drink if they want it that way. odessa, in friday on rtr. hello dear, you can
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only get through here with my punching si. vinokurov is resting. has vinokurov come? yes, he is sitting there in the corridor. i didn’t bring you any fruit today, well, that’s okay, but i bought you this bra, thank you, admin to the skin or what? well, of course, what do you think, some kind of junk, but i won’t give it to you, well , because, firstly, i like him myself, and secondly, i have a date today, well , i’ll need him more, i wonder with whom , shower her with whom? well, how good? okay, okay nice, ah, yes, what do you understand about this, you need to ask someone else, vinokurov, alya, you will ask vinokurov, oh my god, where are you going, can’t you see, i ’m naked, well, i’m confused, no, masha, okay,
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okay, i don’t have time, i flew, distillers, where are you going, come in. why are you standing there, please tell me, your stomach has already sunk, uh-huh, come on, don’t be scared, don’t feast, i ’ll take a look tomorrow, that’s all for now, why are you standing here, come in, hello, thank you, mash, wait, i just on the way nails from a corpse stuck it in. i actually came to consult , consult, yes, in general, we found a corpse here, girls in a swimsuit, it’s too late for swimming, but no, there don’t seem to be any bruises on her, so death by drowning, well, what are you missing, you, in what sense, well, in the sense of a normal investigator, but this girl
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doesn’t moo, doesn’t calve, they made a water intake, what a fence, volodya, if the corpse is on... in an open reservoir, then take a bottle, pour water into it, take it to the mork on examination, if death occurred from drowning, then accordingly it will be found diathmic plankton corresponding to the fauna of this reservoir, as i understand it, you think that it was just thrown there, yes, well, now i’m starting to think so, okay, thank you, mash, no problem, i’ll go.
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evgiin anatol, you tried the water, i didn’t upset you, i missed it, i didn’t guess, but how did you guess, oh, it’s elementary, any opera knows what it is. god wash who, what do you need? yes, open up to the police, captain of the distilleries, now, now,
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it’s been a long time since you saw the neighbors from the top floor, from the eighteenth, yes, from the eighteenth, it’s been a long time since i saw them, you didn’t see them at all, you will be an attesting witness during the search, okay, who else can you call, you are my galya, my neighbor. sorry, who killed her? here, wait for now, okay, well, who killed it? ask! evgenia anatolyevna.
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“well done, it’s a pity they didn’t find the documents, but they established the identity, they decided on the guy
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, he’s clearly on business, and you were right , it’s wet here, of course, i’m listening, hello, this is the investigator, evgeniy anatolyevna, yes i am, you were with rita suvorova, yes, who is it, let's meet." i want to talk to you, who is this, what is your name? why do you need this? let's meet let's talk. where? i'll go to your prosecutor's office now. just you alone, come out. fine.
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excuse me, will the investigator be there today? i don’t know, zoya, where is your intern? wait, and you , imagine, called a whole corridor of witnesses, got into a black jeep and drove off.
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damn, and her phone was turned off, as if on purpose , that you were nervous, maybe it’s just a coincidence, what the hell is a coincidence, the black jeep where she was carried away again, it wasn’t enough for the investigators to bang, more punishment, okay, that ’s right, it’s my fault, let’s do more once, per she didn’t show up to fitness today, didn’t go to the bar, didn’t go to suvorova’s apartment either, no, where could she? also, well, leave the phone alone , yes, volodya, masha, volodya, ah, hi,
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hi, how are you, yes, everything is fine. what are you doing, we’re working , happy birthday to you, thank you, it’s my birthday today, i forgot, and you forgot, but there’s a lot to do here, how about you, say hello to her, hello to you from fedya, what ’s the problem, khazikov, mashenka, i’m sorry, thank you for your congratulations and kisses, bye, bye.
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where is alexander? alexander, where?
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let's go, sasha, you fool, i would have given it that way, and why are you nodding, what are you nodding? well, tomorrow is the report to the prosecutor, to hell. to my mother, i don’t have enough problems with my own , and you also said everything, what are the problems , why do you think it’s possible to yell at the heir to the prosecutor’s office, we sat quietly, you burst in, didn’t let me find out important circumstances, and do you even understand
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that are we not hopeful? to see you alive, and this is your problem, where can i interrogate a person? this is your problem, it seems you work in the prosecutor’s office, your office is there, and why are you suggesting that i drag him to the the prosecutor's office? i’m embarrassed to ask, but until i came to the kabak and violated your confidentiality, you were collecting. to interrogate him there, volodya , in my opinion, this is demagoguery, i ask you not to express yourself here, thank you very much, thank you for your help, goodbye, dear comrades, okay, you will interrogate him here, but first i’ll talk to him,
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national academy of cinematography... the art of sciences of russia presents the main film events and film characters of 2023, achievements of luck, discoveries and shocks. everything that is worthy of an award, a solemn ceremony golden eagle awards, live broadcast on friday on rtr. in november of forty-one, stalin ordered anyone.
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was a tough person. ivan zubkov, the savior , was a very cheerful person, at the same time, he was from leningrad. film by alexey denisov. on saturday. on rtr. a nightmare, just a nightmare.
11:57 pm
why didn’t you leave, ver? give birth under a car, not on the road. we are putting together an orchestra. you see everything yourself. he died 3 days ago, i can't. they met in... so far so lonely, karl ilyich, that karl leningrad, why do you need this soldier, you ilyich, you are young, it seems to you that this is forever, nadezhda dmitrievna, let ’s talk like woman to woman, you love me, you know everything yourself, you play without...
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beer, you were still in the jeep, yes, there is, great, the car is yours, you didn’t let anyone ride it, no, you’ve had it for a long time, yes, six months or?
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let's talk about how, by the way, your full name is alexander, why do they call you alik? that's what my mother called it. where do you work? are you temporarily unemployed? i don't work all the time. how long have you known margarita suvorova? a who is this that you don’t know at all? how come you don’t understand russian? what can you do? am i still an investigator? what the hell kind of investigator are you? she dragged herself to the pub with me, and now the investigator? this
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means nothing, and i ask you to behave decently! oh, i scared you! so you claim that you are unfamiliar with margarita, i’m not saying anything, and yet you are depicted in... photographs seized from her house, but it’s not me, but how come it’s not you, who don’t know, well, look, well, this you, maybe you’re stupid to deny obvious, but in my opinion it’s not at all stupid, what else, you remember, we ran into you in the passage, a note fell out of your pocket, i’m with you in the passage, what is it? this is a note with my phone number, i left it at the bar of the fitness center? yes, it’s your problem, what and where you left, i have something to do with it, this note fell out of your pocket when we ran into you in the passage, however, that means you took it from the bar, oh, what are you talking about, fussing about
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some papers for me, i explained who saw it, me, but i didn’t see you, yes, yes, yet any questions? it’s stupid to deny meeting margarita, especially since you were seen together in the fitness center of the artist who did his nails. what artists, what a fitness center. okay, they'll bring it now. and he will confirm, yes, at least 10, just keep in mind that i demand a lawyer, only detainees are entitled to a lawyer, and why am i not detained? not yet , great, then i went home, everything is fine, i need help, volodya, we need to bring an artist from the fitness center, what kind of artist do you still need, the one who did
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suvorova’s nails, let him come and identify alexander will confirm that he was with suvorova, that he doesn’t take drugs, it wasn’t so simple , who would have thought, since he’s shooting, bring the artist, evgenia anatolyevna, you know what time it is, i said something unclear, no, no , no, everything is clear. you know this person? where? and you? well, yes, of course, this is the guy who came with the girl i did a manicure design for. by the way, you looked very good together with her. did you hear the witness's testimony? what are you talking about? what are you driving? how good it is in you there is something? should i listen to this? wait, dear, i’m saying this in a purely aesthetic sense. now you know how hard it is to find a real man. “i’m tired of this, i’ll sit down, i’m detaining you,
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what, oh, how interesting, there in the zone you’ll meet a real man, now we have it very simple, it’s not criminally punishable , yes, yes, please read the protocol and sign, what kind of nonsense, i suspect, what a class, so he stole this girl, i knew it, no, there is something so fatal about you, hot, it suits you very well, very cool, volodya, volodya, call the convoy, i’m delaying him. however, it all had to
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end like this, why? roz is without a mother, i have an eternal job, i never have time, so i looked after my son. why without a mother? my wife died early, sasha was 5 years old, but i never got married. did you live together? “no, i bought him an apartment, thinking that he would have the opportunity to hide from his father, his girlfriend, that’s all, you talked often, but how can i tell you, lately he, he came to ask for money, he didn’t work, but so what who are you?" "will keep a drug addict, but you haven't tried
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treat him? i tried, but he thought that everything was fine with him, although you know, it has gotten worse lately, he began to talk about treatment himself, what was the reason for this deterioration? as far as i know, there's something wrong with the girl. either they quarreled, or she left him, but you knew the girl, no, why did you say you knew, something happened to her, she was killed, is it sasha?
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this is sasha, excuse me, yes, no, no, i 'm busy right now, and what is the proof? forgive me, for god’s sake, that’s what i’m doing later, i can’t be busy right now, i have problems, my son has been arrested. please read the protocol and sign here and here, tell me, can i hire him a lawyer, yes, of course, you must do this, because
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without a lawyer i cannot interrogate him, the lawyer will be there today, and i can write a note write to him, yes, but only i will have to. read, of course not, i didn’t understand that, really, let’s go with him? you see, he called and insisted on a personal meeting, i thought it was a confession, a confession, a confession, this is when they come to us, and not us with them, in jeeps we’re driving around, we have to come up with something like this, why didn’t they come to me, why didn’t they consult with me, i didn’t have time , i didn’t
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have time, i got to the police station in time, but didn’t have time here, you can’t take a woman’s inheritance, she’ll either end up pregnant, or even worse, viktor ivanovich , we have done a lot of good work, much more, of course, where we need to. check it out, if the law school didn’t teach you, read it, refresh your memory, yes, yeah, the indictment must indicate the time, place, method, and motive, what do you have from this set? yes, in general, nothing, no reason for
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there is no arrest, well, viktor ivanovich, who are you? here, have you received a report on the cause of death? yes, drowning, maybe the conclusion says who killed her and how? no, of course not , that means there could have been an accident, well , in principle, it could, it could, but what about my note that fell out of sasha’s pocket, what sasha, well, suspect olenikov, well, so m... lord, wonderful, simply wonderful , good, at least you didn’t have time to sleep with the suspect, which means you have no evidence, but you are convinced that he killed her, well, why isn’t there evidence, because the connection between him and the girl is not
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proof, but a nail in the trunk, and a nail, i don’t know myself, it could have been there in any way, well, in general, the most realistic thing when transporting a corpse, but you don’t have any grounds. the main thing you don’t have is that the fact of murder has not been proven. viktor ivanovich, if olenikov denies even his acquaintance, it means he is hiding something. well, today i will give him permission, and tomorrow he will tell that they were just swimming together, she unfortunately got away, and then what? what then, then a reprimand to you and me for an unjustified arrest, you want to start with a reprimand, what does that have to do with it? and what does it have to do with it? so, by the way, it was necessary to issue an arrest warrant. i refuse, it is not discussed, first prove the fact of murder, freely, olenikov, released by the prosecutor, get up to go out, oleinikov, deaf or something,
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let's go out. volodya, yes, vinokurov, yes, listen, olenikov is your client, yes, what’s not going away, what’s not going away, what about, listen, come down here, okay, i’ll be right there. i’m waiting, oleinikov, you were released, prosecutor, on your way out, this is the first time i’ve seen this, oleinikov, is it really like this with us? liked, olenikov, you have been released on a written undertaking not to leave, go ahead, sign for the exit, if
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you want to talk, go to our department, no one will keep you here. fide. follow him.
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what's the matter that you look at me like that for dating.
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how’s my mood, i committed a murder, seriously, what should i do, let’s go, i’ll finish it, let’s go.
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i met rita last year, fell in love, we even wanted to get married, she was unhappy that i was using drugs, had a row with me, got me, i him... go swimming in the bay, we swam, then i hit a joint, she started screaming, then i was already under the influence, i dragged her into the water, she fought back, screamed, if you will, alec, pull yourself together, tell me everything clearly, you fought, she... resisted and you drowned her, right?
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alexander, tell me, how did you end up with her nail in the trunk? well, did you take them for a swim in the trunks? excuse me, was the nail removed? yes, seized. yeah, well, that means, probably, the late margarta suvorova was looking for something in the trunk of the car, and simply didn’t notice how she had protected her false nail. there was beer there, she drank it. it's clear. when it was? i don’t remember, approximately , i don’t remember, according to the conclusion of the examination, the corpse was in the water for 3-4 weeks, well that means so , but at that time they don’t swim anymore, it was warm , we swam, well, how did you fight, fought, well, yes, fought , grabbed her by the arms, by the neck, or in some other way, by the arms,
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by the neck, can you show me? yes i can. suspect, oleinikov, i suggest you show how you committed the murder of margarita suvorova. we invited master of sports in swimming lyudmila to participate in the investigative experiment romanovskaya. please come in. show water how you overcame suvorov’s resistance.
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evgenia anatolyevna, this needs to be stopped, i drowned her, can’t you see, he ’ll drown her, you idiot, you’re completely stupid, i
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’ll sue you. well, i don’t require you to learn the code of criminal procedure by heart, well, well, at least before carrying out the investigative action, well, look at the relevant article, that’s all, but the result justified itself, ah. anatolna, if you saw yourself in the mirror, you would now see a lawbreaker. what, what? the life and health of the experiment participants must not be endangered; this is strictly prohibited by law. that's why? why didn't you consult me ​​again? but you weren't
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there, were you? this is a lie, i was there. and anyway, why did you start this?
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so this morning you insisted on arrest, right? yes, now you have the same data as before, plus one more thing to admit. tell me, last time you said that sasha’s mother died when he was 5 years old, and what did she die from? maybe this is important, i wouldn’t want to touch on this issue,
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believe me, this has nothing to do with the case, after all, my heart became bad and that’s it, tell me, are you not going to arrest alec? not yet, okay, tell me, do you know any of sasha’s friends personally? he moves in such dubious circles, to put it mildly, although i remember one more or less decent one. kulya stepantsova. what kind of relationship are you in? alexander alenikov and i, of course, we were friends with him since childhood, but lately we’ve really separated for ideological reasons, for what reasons? according to ideological ones. did you
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know rita suvorova? yes, it's all because her? did we find her body? yes, i heard. so what do you think, alec is guilty? and what do you think? “i have a hard time believing this, olig is not a villain by nature, nervous, twitchy, but he couldn’t raise a hand against a person, but you know that he is a drug addict, who is not a drug addict now, but he admitted to what, murder , and you didn’t talk to him after that? after what? how could i talk to him? he’s in prison? no, he confessed to the murder while
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free. strange. tell us something about his character. he and i grew up together, we know friend friend almost since birth. his mother died early. everything with her was not easy, he couldn’t give her everything she was used to, as i thought, then something happened between them, they stopped dating, he was very worried when this happened, two or three months ago ,
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that is, you want to say that they didn’t see each other for two or 3 months, i don’t know, they really had some kind of strange love, she really fell in love at first, they even swapped car numbers as a joke, how is that? it's like fools. well, good if it works, but if not, then i'll call you later. yeah, well, for now, that means you insist that you drowned margarita suvorovo in the bay when you went swimming with her. insists, insists. yes.
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please read the expert opinions. a particle of chlorine was found in the lungs of the corpse, but there is no plankton contained in the reservoir from which it was extracted. please. good evening, hello, how are you? this. we need everything, well, yes, we still have to work, we’ll have a snack so that we don’t have to suffer in the restaurant, in which restaurant, in the web, we’ll hang out there today, because after the web he went to the bridge, that means something happened there, listen, if you wouldn’t get involved in an operational event, it’s none of your business, no, i want to control everything myself, in the end i warned, okay, guys, you eat, please tell me
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what you have left - old employees who worked 15-20 years ago? in my opinion, mikhalych stayed. yeah, yes, only mikhalych. by the way, you're on duty today. i have already sent the outfit, the twenty-fourth is supposed to go there. now write down my words in a journal, work out the group in full. hello, i need mikhalych. thank you. so the group work out.
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maybe you remember, this guy lived here , my girl, i remember everything here, this oleinikov lived here, an artist, of course, the owner of newspaper steamship factories, you know him, well , he’s a stranger by the hand, he went to visit the corpse of his wife, though, but from why his wife died , drowned in the bathtub, then we made sure to go to every corpse in the apartments, and why did you... remember, but how can i tell you, it was my first visit, well, i remember it, because i looked with all my eyes, and what was it, a heart attack? i don’t know, i can’t say for sure, she’s in lay in the bathtub, a beautiful, young, luxurious figure, i feel sorry for the woman, after her there was a boy of about five years old, uh-huh, the corpse was definitely not criminal. there was no damage on her
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, for sure, well, a couple of bruises on her ankles, that’s all , here you go, two for 200, okay, we’ll do it, good evening, hello, alec wasn’t there today , hasn’t been yet, but philip olisan is here, thank you. and what next, what, what, that i cried like a little child, and that they released me, arrested me, and you know why alika, her mother died, what will we drink, tights, please,
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i want to tell the truth, i didn’t drown rita in bay, and where in?
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you know what your mother died from, a heart attack, your mother, this is not relevant, your mother, a healthy young woman, drowned in the bathtub, there were no injuries on her body, only bruises on her ankles. viktor ivanovich, what is this? this is the resolution of borista olenikov. well, well, finally. wait, what is this? i ask you for permission to
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arrest oleinikov’s father on suspicion of the murder of margarita suvorova. it’s like this six months ago oleinikov took his son’s bride away, they appeared together everywhere, everywhere confirm their connection. on the day of the murder , he found out that rita was cheating on him, they were in the pool, he rented the whole complex for the evening, they were there alone, well, he made a scandal, she laughed, then he pulled her ankles when she was lying on the water, ah... she choked, he naturally got scared, called his son, asked him to hide the corpse, where did this data, the son’s testimony, come from,
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it was already snowing at the beginning of november. this is the kind of town we have, it’s going to rain in the new year, guys, i called the maternity hospital, masha gave birth to a girl, let’s go, let’s go to my place, you too will have a drink, let's go, let's go. agents are always on the lookout for the summer, they need the sea, the sea, the sea of ​​fresh news from leningrad, from leningrad, there is one answer to this,
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someday, maybe there will be an olympics here, yes, yes, yes, who can wait. i am the sun in the sky like on a flag, the japanese in yellow rays, the smoke of the oven, the sun is breathing, falling from the roof , skis are creaking outside the city, uriki is closer, fast skates, who will put on the winter sun,
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listen, well, these endless meetings, i i don’t understand when we have to work, i understand, ksyusha, hello, hello, why are you here, i wanted to drop by and see you, but you’re not here, can you imagine, i would have called, but somehow i didn’t realize, and you’re at work all the time, i actually wanted to ask for money. a little money, keep it, yeah, of course, that's enough, more than enough, thank you, yeah, but you can touch it,
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of course, it's pushing, it's cool. so don’t forget to choose a name without me, of course, of course, only with you, well, that’s it, i ran, let’s go for now, everything is happy, call, okay, you didn’t even ask why i need money, listen, well, somehow i don’t speak turned, you know, never thought about it, if are needed, that means they are needed, it’s called, so we’ve finished the screws? but you still don’t understand,
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right? i don’t know, they dragged me here right away, i seemed to be arriving soon, it’s not an ambulance, it’s a corpse truck? m, what do you say to this? who could the screw bother? yes, i don’t know, but i swear, you played cards with screw and jokes, but are you laughing, or what? yes. i burst out laughing at what kind of conflict they had there, and you, come on, try to remember everything in detail, and don’t be shy, they definitely won’t be offended by you now, that’s how it was, max didn’t go to the game alone, he’s always there to cover he took strong guys, paid them of course, that time, who was for cover, do you know their names, where to find them? so i was, well, the player that time was not so-so, you could just
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sit for the furniture, hang around a little for show-off, so you make me a guard, like a jam, a bullet, lukich is max, max is lukich, vint, why are you without discord, huh? for what? i invited you to my territory, i know you, and even vasya and artyomka. artyom, the class can sit down. as they say, complete trust. so he knew exactly that well. how good. he i attended the games a couple of times. as who? well, it’s a stretch, you can say so,
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well, money, money after all, well, it’s nerve-wracking, but this third player, you know, i’ve seen for the first and last time in my life, and by the way, vasya has never met this muzzle guy before either no later, look me in the eye, that’s for sure, huh? why take it, max isn’t there, no, there’s no screw either , i have someone to blame, okay, what happened next, they didn’t play for long that time, a few games, but everything was as usual, yeah, it’s not my day today. well, let's open it up, 7, 7, 4, 4, and
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two, congratulations, max, you're in the air, 9, 9, 6, six, tus, vin, where did the second nine come from? three nines came out, finish it, max, pull yourself together, you were mistaken, this happens, wine, and if max is right, vasya, what are you doing today, let him go already, what do we have here? that's it, gentlemen, i give up. i confess without being confused , divide the bank, it’s yours, shustov left
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it, lukiche did something there and there, well, he paid me like a brother, well, that’s it, we parted ways, i didn’t see him again, and lukiche, what do you know, lukchepa, but i i don’t think that lukich would go hunting because of this incident to arrange, especially for max, he... didn’t offend in any way, well, you never know, no, well, he looks more like a sucker, he didn’t really know how to play, so it’s just a show-off, oh, the whole gathering, well, borisoch, tell us what’s on the fingers... here’s the conclusion, it may very well be that the killer’s fingerprints are on the lighter, but there
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are definitely no fingers there, nor the fingers of this late citizen vinakuru. in the plain of evint, not this witness of yours, popyrin. it was also established that the blows to the ear area with a thin sharp object were inflicted by the same person. depth angle of the rhone channel are absolutely the same in both cases, so i think the work will be hit. mysterious gambling addict lukich. we don't know anything about him. don't think. well, let's say he had a motive in the case of the screw. why would he kill the smart guy? “a witness, a witness of what, playing cards , elena evgenievna, so you’re saying that the blow was struck in the ear area with something thin and long, yes, either a thin awl or a knitting needle, but most likely a homemade sharpening, borisych,
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that’s quite a murder rare, yes, exclusive, so to speak, what? i heard this somewhere, it’s just spinning in my head, i can’t remember, remember, borisovich, i’ll have to dig into my bible, what kind of bible is it, borisoch, dig around there, dear, okay, just find it. hello, did you call me? yes, hello, please come in, have a seat , uh-huh, by the way, why are you a reaper
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and not a buffoon, and we weren’t scheduled with him, we didn’t have time, it’s clear, it’s clear. okay, let's first deal with personal belongings, look, you recognize some things here, they could belong to your civilian to my husband, the buffoon maxim? yes , he smoked such cigarettes, keys, yes , i recognize the lighter, you recognize both lighters, yes, this is his, well, more precisely , no, or not, this is his lighter, uh-huh , this is it, yes, this is his lighter, but he i gave it to my son, well, i don’t know, he could have taken it that day, you need to ask hermann if it ’s important, of course, yes, by the way, about that day , they didn’t talk, shustov and german, no, they
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rarely do germany saw each other, you know. boy, how can i say this, not without problems, that evening i asked maxim with talk to him, herman seemed to respect maxim, i hoped that maybe he would listen to him, you know, yes, i understand that he might guide him somehow, maxim did not refuse, but the meeting never took place, yes , never took place.
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“have you already talked to your son, tamara? not yet, we can’t find him, he doesn’t show up at home , remember, the neighbor told me that this often happens to him, well, sprees and so on , yeah, yes, i remember, a variant of that, that he was running until you looked at him, in any case, i need him, i think about the fingers on the lighter, if they turn out to be his, then the non-traveling son will have to explain how the lighter ended up" next to the body of the murdered smart guy, listen, if we already know that it was a murder, it turns out that someone walked in and out of the entrance, approximately at the same time time that you checked the video camera , which i told you about, that you are silent, there is something,
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at least naturally. yes, yes, yes, yes, i understand. take him straight to marozova’s laboratory, right now, i i'll be there soon, who did you send to my laboratory just now? midnight is approaching, and german is already here, the last one, that’s all, dear, dry yourself, borisovich, on which computer can i watch the video, and on mine, what’s an interesting movie? i hope this is very interesting, so we
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took the finger marks from citizen german zhnetsov, now we will process them and compare them with the samples we have. give it here. well, let's see. come on. oh, look, shustov comes in, now attention, attention, where is this video from, this video from a camera, cctv. you enter the entrance at 2 minutes before shustoy’s death, here in this jacket , and a couple of minutes later, you come out, also in
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this jacket, not you, where should he go, to me to formalize the arrest, morozov will send a conclusion a little later, then arrest in court, but at least you tell my mother, look, he remembered about his mother , how to hang around for weeks on a spree, he didn’t remember that, it’s on you, and i have the right, by the way, to make one call, just a minute, he hasn’t called anyone yet, but it seems like no, well yes, let him call him, well , let's go, yes, hello, sorry, at work, no, everything is fine okay, in a hat, of course, in a hat, yes, and socks, it’s me again, anna mikhailovna, come in, borisich. “i thought this was very interesting, sit down, see what
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an interesting result we got from the prints on the lighter, yes, andrei petrovich, let’s go in and sit down!” yours, where did you get it from? found where you lost it? this is where you remember, but i don’t remember, i was swollen that evening, well, i couldn’t, max, i couldn’t, why would i need this, for example, in a day, but no, this can’t be, imagine the state i was in , yes, even if i wanted to, i couldn’t would be, this is your phone number, well, mine, so what? you called him, you called shustov about an hour before his death, what did you talk about, but i don’t remember, well, honestly i don’t remember, i stayed in the tavern until closing, but ask
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anyone, i wasn’t at all then , we’ll ask who specifically, who will confirm , yes, that’s it, it’s all no one, a specific name, purnov , purnov can confirm where to find him, he works in a car repair shop, he has business there ... light, music alarm, write, address, phone number, what kind of workshop, how to get there, how to find, in short, addresses, passwords and appearances , write everything down, it’s yours, valya, not mine, write, write, i said, burners.
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the bonus was enough, but this is at the end of the quarter, if they become generous there, but they are generous, there is only thunder and lightning. this celestial being of our concern doesn’t care about the drum, to show off, how come, wait, the lighter is metal, not plastic.
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oh, ksenia! i’m running, i’m running, that’s it, one second, uh-huh, oh, ksenia, forgive me, please, forgive me,
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completely. i was working, if you are so late, you will lose all your suitors, this is a statement, i actually no one is needed, anya, good evening, and good evening, this young lady, i believe, ksenia romanovna, yes, lieutenant colonel mayevsky, viktor sergeevich, very glad to meet you, how... my crew is at your complete disposal, and we in general -we were going to go for a walk, yes ksenia , yes, the evenings these days are wonderful, aren’t they, mr. lieutenant colonel, absolutely right, well, we’ll probably go, have a nice evening, thank you, mom, he’s so cool.
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“let’s go, let’s go, how did this happen, who did it, well, it’s his ex-boss, the situation is like this, i’m out of my mind, i’m already afraid to stay with elyusha, grandfather, what was it, era, crypt. we watch on monday on rtr, and soon we’ll watch new episodes. skrif, i can’t live without you. 80 years ago, unconquered leningrad was liberated from the terrible clutches of the blockade. 80 years later, on this great day, the famous masters of russian culture, the brightest actors and performers.
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world-famous stars will pay tribute to the memory, perseverance and courage of leningraders, the courage and valor of heroes and liberators. concert requian to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. live broadcast from st. petersburg. on saturday on rtr. for the anniversary. leonid ermolnik, mom, where is dad, dad, he went to the delivery, you know, he goes on his own, otherwise i won’t buy it, paradise, what do you understand about such things, what is dad, it already happened, that’s it, no change, you know what i think, we have to move on with our lives, the film is a golden eagle award winner, odessa, on friday on rtr, yuri belyaev and... tatyana
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abramova. i had different situations and i perceived it as a catastrophe, as a collapse. i had a period in my life when three psychologists helped me at the same time. it’s amazing how long and what paths you followed for each other? we understand perfectly well that it was not us who suddenly decided that we were husband and wife. the lord god decided everything for us a long time ago. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. well, let's spend a lot of money on beautiful things, i want to buy myself a stunning dress, well then go ahead.
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why didn’t you choose anything, and well , somehow nothing fit my soul? listen mom let me give you some money, and then i’ll choose something for myself, whatever you say, how will you pay, card or cash, give me the cards, okay, oh, i’m showing up, where did all your guys go, you took that what’s his name, auto electrician , whatever it is, we arrived at the closed gate, the watchman said, the working day is over, do whatever you want, but don’t get it, even if you bite the ground with your nose, but get it, i understand, right now. yes, right now, oh no, that means, in the morning you go to the auto repair shop, right to the opening, don’t come back without it, now it’s too late, yeah,
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sometimes i also need to show up at home, why do you need it, i would ask, you understand everything, no, i understand, i’ll get you this shot, you can grow up somewhere, bye. oh, bye, here
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, hello, oops, listen, there are so many incomprehensible words in your medical newspapers, the devil himself will catch his foot, i made you some tea with herbs, thank you, thank you , you can’t break the remote control, it’s mine, mine, sit, sit, i i'll bring it. oh, it's for work, sorry, yes, mikhailov, what happened? listen, avdeev, is your surveillance camera video far away? this jokingly, or what? well, yes, just a second,
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bring the flash drive in your pocket in your jacket. where can you hear me? now, i'll just open the computer. well then, first of all, you have news from borisych. hermann's lighter has someone else's fingerprints on it. that is, the last thing i held in my hands was not herman and not the murdered shustov. it’s not easier for an hour, but my personal opinion is that this infantile german is not capable of such a murder, but he’s loaded, what to look for? so scroll to the moment when herman enters the entrance behind the shust, he was right a few seconds before that, scrolled, wait, i didn’t... but yes, oops, well morozova, you’re a gene. you noticed that too, yes, he
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straightens his hair, our german has short hair, well, yes, it wasn’t german, then well done, good night, good night, well, i guess i’ll go, yeah, wait a minute. so you, so what, maybe you'll stay? no, well then i’ll accompany you, no need, the minibus stops right under the house, you better rest, you have to get up early tomorrow, but why should i get up early tomorrow? do you remember your promise? well, repeat, do you remember your promise? i promised i'll rent it out i'm the devil!
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great, great, i need an earring, is it you, purnov, or something, yeah, no, i'm in mechanics. is there something wrong with your electrical system or
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do you need to install something? i’ll go there and have a look, i have a different question, who cares, the police or what? like that, so where can i find it? should he be here now? i was here tinkering with the car, installed the alarm, now i’ve gone somewhere, but here he is, citizen, can i ask you for a minute, where should i stand? wait, idiot, i'll shoot you when you try to escape, well, you're smart, and thanks for the help, let's go, herman, of course, the guy is complicated, but he couldn’t kill , i thought about it all night, no, he couldn’t, even because of money, as far as i know, he’s a lover of...
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he’ll help with money, and then he disappeared completely, there ’s no alimony they gave me, no , i didn’t want to on principle, well, there’s no need for a father , i haven’t seen him since then, yes, i haven’t seen him for 10 years, although no, i haven’t seen him for probably 15 years, but i recently met him. he now works as a loader in a supermarket, as i understand it. did you
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talk to him or did you pass by and he didn’t see you? well, why, in a few words exchanged words, but i haven’t had any feelings for him for a long time, ever since he raised his hand against me, i don’t want to remember it. he didn’t even ask about his son. i asked. i said that herman has long considered another person to be the father. collected, well, to stop everything right away, yes, i almost forgot, your son has been walking around with a short haircut for a long time, mm, in what sense, well, has he ever had bangs? well, i was at school, and then he cut his hair more like a clipper, but what? yes so. nothing, just clarifying. our pass.
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that's it, that's it, andrey petrovich, your order, oh, sergey purnov, in person, accept it and sign it, just like that right away, payment in cash. or you’ll take it from the accounting department’s map from life, and what are you wearing in bracelets, and we were really fast trying to hide, wow,
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we rolled our fingers, no, like they took us right here, but what are you thinking of running from the police or? you don’t value it, you’re scared, you’re scared, okay , i’m in the oc now, let ’s roll off his fingers right away, so as not to run twice, just a second, and your forelock is beautiful, come on, come on , come on, it turned out? well, there borisovich, it’s over expertise? yes, everything is as expected, these are his
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fingers, on the lighter, on a pack of cigarettes, so what, so what, it also asks, for you. didn’t save, max was killed, otherwise you didn’t know where, from a camel, but why did you run away then, i thought it was max, well, i stole his money, i didn’t know that he was from him then cognac or i smelled something like that, i thought he
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just went overboard, more details, well, how it was, then we... didn’t calculate it and hera completely lost his head, i thought he had money, yes, but what , friends, pay are we going or what, what are our options, why are you laughing, moron, you said that you will pay, sulfur, well, help me, i have the truth, in my pocket... he’s a lot of dough, take it, and look for it i’m already, you’re empty , damn it, bro, what can i do, i have to look for money, stop, i know, take it from max, he won’t refuse, on the phone, take it, call me, i
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can’t, i can’t, let me i’ll quickly grab it now, i’m holding the jacket as collateral for now. i’ll leave it, so this one will remain here, and what will i take from this ungenerous person if you don’t accept, but for you'll definitely come with such a jacket, but no , but we won't be left in the red, and what am i going to wear, undress him, we were just going to relax , we didn't plan for lech's house, the guys there are completely wasted, okay, let's come to the entrance, and i 'll be there in about half an hour , yeah, i’m already running, you don’t have to rush, but if i’m not there yet... call the apartment, just don’t say anything to tamara, there’s no point in upsetting her because of this fool.
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let's come to us now, on the way out, so look what a wonderful picture he gets... alebi, the fact that he fell into the the cafe is drunk, the waitress confirmed the security guard. i think my friend is telling the truth too. so what do we have in front of us now? right? a four- letter russian folk word that means a dead end or simply a hopeless situation. can? yes, yes, come in, borisovich. what is this major?
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strogach near arkhangelsk, something familiar
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, wait, i made inquiries about the reaper family, tamara’s ex-husband, the father of her son, hermann, he served time there, recently retired, by the way, he met with her, she gathered for him that german considers shu to be his father, well to. i got rid of them, in short, we need to take this ex-husband, and then we’ll figure it out. are you looking for someone, young man? i 'm looking for tolik, he works as a loader for you, it seems, tolik, tolik, tolik, you, viva, who is
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tolik, the reapers, or what? yes, yes, anatoly the reapers, who is this? no, new guy, what about the light? where is he now? so today is a day off, at home somewhere? could you please tell me where he lives? and... what suddenly? who are you to him? almost a relative, only distant. oh, i see sveta is lucky. yes. so, which one of you won't tell me where he lives? oh, so he is now lives with svetka, she works with us as a mower. she’s lonely, and you know, he probably just got free recently, yeah. well, well, as an employee, he’s normal, it’s me... i’ll say right away, you give me the address, where to go, let’s go, i’ll write it down,
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well, ready, ready, hide for now. who's there? svetlana viktorovna pilipchuk, lives here? what do you want? and you pay for garbage removal for one, and more live with you. so no one lives here, but who are you anyway, where are you from? and who do you have there? guests, let's introduce ourselves or am i calling now? police, light, who is this? run away, your hands are covered in sleep, everything is in order, criminal investigation,
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criminal investigation, yes he is, yes he is... that he was freed, and you have already crippled your whole life, calmed down, calmed down, you are interfering with the work of the law enforcement agencies in the execution, give him to me, let him go, how long can you mock a person like this, but calm down, he said, i’m going into the cell, there’s no need for light, there’s no point in explaining to them, get up. and you’re cool, don’t cry, don’t, he left, well, he’s a good man, so what, he served time, what is my happiness, yes well, happiness is that you understand about my life.
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when i sat back, i began to look for tamarka, who else was left in my freedom, besides her, well, before that i got a job in a store, well, for a while, and why for a while there were other plans, there were, of course, a citizen, a boss, it’s a shame for a normal thief to carry heavy things, but as far as i know, you’re not really... bortal, you ’d better tell me about the joke, why did you kill him? when i found out who was now living with my tamarka, i realized that luck itself had come into my hands, in what sense? he is with he lives as my woman, my boy calls him father, it turns out he left my family alone, which means he’s in debt,
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an interesting twist, how’s that? you wanted to collect a debt from a dead man, you know that he is a famous swindler? well, let’s say, they guessed, they guessed, but you give it, they actually raised the screw normally, i even wanted to join them, hmm, and something went wrong, right? yes, yes, they just laughed at me, beat me to the bone, never took a share, for this you killed them. “no, i just lost them later, i won’t tell anyone, but me now i’m wondering again, why do i need all these difficulties, that is, that is, as correctly as they lose, so i lost, i do n’t know what kind of graters they had there, but this player offered to put them on the line, it means that
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they have such a suluba "? then i have nothing against him, in this environment there can be a lot of such players, but how did he end up at the entrance, well, he knew the address of his ex- wife, he went in in advance, and it was a matter of seconds to stab him, so he could leave the entrance unnoticed, his friend prevented him herman, he left through the attic, i don’t understand, just lose like that?
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well, really, i wanted it in the morning, but then it completely slipped my mind, well, yes, tomorrow is like a bayonet, promise, promise.
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good evening, igor strakhov is broadcasting from st. petersburg, in the news studio, briefly about the main thing. the most severe sentence against a woman in the history of modern russia. prayer for a diploma tatiana's day in st. petersburg began with a liturgy in the smolny cathedral. zakharan lace is back in fashion, as in kirishi they preserve traditions and teach the wisdom of the ancient craft. in st. petersburg today the verdict was announced in the case of a terrorist attack, the victim which became military correspondent vladlen tatarsky. on the eve of the hearing
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, enhanced security measures were taken at the first western district military court. dozens of journalists and people who suffered from the explosion on the university embankment came to hear the verdict. the main accused, daria trepova, was tried on three counts: terrorist attack, illegal trafficking in explosives and forgery of documents. the total sentence turned out to be one year less than what the state authorities requested, but at the same time it became the most severe sentence for a woman in the history of modern russia. the court sentenced trepov to punishment of 27 years in prison, to be served in a general regime correctional colony, with a fine of 600,000 rubles. and also with a restriction of freedom for a period of 2 years, which she will serve after. main punishment event. dmitry kasintsev also received a year and 9 months in a general regime colony. he hid the chatter in his home after the explosion. the girl’s defense team announced that it would appeal the verdict. let us remind you that the terrorist attack in a cafe on
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the university embankment took place on april 2 last year at the military correspondent’s creative event. vladlena tatarsky. according to the prosecution , trepva acted on the instructions of ukrainian curators, brought a figurine with a bomb inside and handed it to the journalist. he was killed and dozens of people were injured. the condition is extremely serious, doctors are doing everything possible to save the people who were run over by the bus the day before. four people are in intensive care, all with terrible injuries. the heaviest twenty-five-year-old patient, he suffered a severe head injury and may lose his vision. they pulled it out from under the wheels of a multi-ton vehicle. sixty-two year old woman. she has fractures all over her body and a lot of blood loss. a sixteen-year-old teenager was also seriously injured. creepy. let us remind you that it happened the day before at the intersection of bering and nalichnaya streets. a regular bus on a turn, without slowing down, flew off the road onto the sidewalk, where it hit pedestrians. the driver was detained, he says he felt sick while driving. two
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criminal cases were opened, articles of violation of traffic rules, resulting in serious harm to health, provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. heart of the besieged cities of leningrad, donetsk. an exhibition with that title. in more detail: every medical worker in besieged leningrad had such a canvas bag, it contained everything needed to provide first aid, besieged doctors saved leningraders right on the streets, such a simple surgical procedure was performed, for example, primary surgical treatment of a wound after penetration of a shrapnel, in order so that he would not go further, so that even more bleeding would not open, clamps were placed, a tourniquet was placed, and then the person was in this... state was taken to the nearest medical station, where he received further treatment. in the first months of the siege alone , more than 17 thousand people were wounded in the city, the majority.
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injuries, fragmentation in this display case are parts of shells that surgeons removed from wounds, there were not enough dressings, bandages were washed and used again, the work of doctors was complicated by the inhuman cold, it was so cold that the ink on the tables froze, and the doctors worked fully dressed, writing in mittens and pencils, in such conditions it was even impossible to examine a patient who came to you to listen to a standard story, and to touch and examine and... because you would simply endanger an already exhausted body. in the pavlovsk auditorium of the military medical museum there are about a hundred exhibits that tell about the feats of doctors during the years of the siege. these declassified archival documents are shown for the first time; from them, for example, you can find out how the evacuation system for leningrad residents worked. here are documents about the awarding of orders and medals to medical workers of the besieged city. on pages of the names of those who saved lives. this is
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a story you can touch. through selfless work, often at the cost of their own lives, leningrad doctors brought victory closer; it is no coincidence that objects from donetsk are next to exhibits from the war years. we opened an exhibition dedicated to the blockade for the younger generation, for the younger generation that does not know what a blockade is.
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the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade is celebrated by the medical community with a large scientific conference in the center of almazovo. she's dedicated the work of doctors, nurses, paramedics who saved the inhabitants of the besieged city. among the guests are doctors of medical sciences, residents of besieged leningrad. they talked about scientific work, which did not stop even in the most difficult days of the war. for example, even then they began to study the genetic characteristics of people who survived the siege. research. many sections of diseases such as arterial hypertension, heart failure, myocardial infarction, they stem from that time, because the city lived in conditions isolation, under stress, the effect of stress on the development of many diseases was studied by doctors at that time, it seemed very useful for today. about 200 people took part in the conference. congress
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of the international association of public organizations of siege survivors of the hero city of leningrad. the ceremonial meeting took place in smolna. 130 people became delegates, including those who specially came from abroad. in a video message, governor alexander biglov noted: despite all the trials, people then fought without losing human dignity and faith in victory. and on january 27, 1944, as a result of operation january thunder, the blockade was lifted completely, and minutes of silence were honored in memory of the fallen defenders. veterans and residents of the besieged city recalled their family stories; many were saved thanks to the road of life. my mom and i were taken out by my dad, dad, he was on the northwestern and kalinin fronts like that, in the area of ​​staraya russa. mom was already dying, he put her in borovichi. to
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the hospital, she died there immediately during the operation, i was with my dad at the front for almost a year, there on the northwestern front. chairman of the city legislative assembly alexander bilsky and vice-governor of st. petersburg natalya chechina presented the veterans with badges of honor in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. the delegates have a busy program ahead, concerts, excursions and, of course, a solemn funeral ceremony. at the peskarevsky memorial. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast, the leonid petrov studio will return minus, it will look out with the sun, no precipitation at all will not be. on friday in st. petersburg and the region. according to the hydras of the center of st. petersburg , on january 26 in the leningrad region it will be cloudy with clearings and in the daytime the field
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will be from 6 to 8 ° below zero, twice as warm, maybe in tikhon baksitogorsk, about -5, weather forecasters also promise volkhov, kirishek, gadchin and vyborg in st. petersburg during the day it is dry, slightly cloudy and almost windless, in the northern capital it is no colder than -4 during the day and already up to 8° with a minus sign on saturday night, a good day for your mood, in any weather. in the morning, some of the st. petersburg students universities went not to the classroom, but to the temple. a solemn liturgy was served in the smolny cathedral in memory of the great martyr tatiana, the heavenly patroness of students. the service was conducted by the metropolitan of st. petersburg. getting in the mood for proper study, and the presence of prayer in church also helps, so that we pass the exam now, but we will still have studies, to thank god for
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passing, how much we have learned, the most active young parishioners were given a memorial badge of the saint tatiana, this year the award was presented to 48 students and cadets. to preserve traditions and develop tourism, this task in the kirizhsky region is solved by non-profit organizations, vladimir olekhov knows what is known today about zakhara lace, which was recently included in the hundred masterpieces of the intangible cultural heritage of the peoples of russia. today kirishi is known throughout the country as a powerful center of the petrochemical industry; local residents not only develop science, but preserve centuries-old traditions for hundreds of years. back on the banks of the volkhov they continue to weave zakhazhsky lace. today the art of lace making is active develop non-profit organizations. there is a family support center on the main street of the city, lenin avenue. there anyone will be taught an ancient craft. for a masterpiece you need a roller, bobbins, wooden spools where
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threads are wound, pins, in modern terms, technological maps. the lace was woven along these pins, along the holes that remained from the previous weaving. local historians are still arguing about how lace making originated on the banks of the volkhov. according to one of the legends, residents of remote villages of zakhazhya vologda craftswomen who came there with their mason husbands taught the craft. the local museum has a different theory. it can be said with a high degree of probability that most likely this craft appeared in the noble estate of one of the local nobles. for example, in panikhina, just in zakhozhye, there was the estate of ivan petrovich. hence the telling names bear paw, cockroach eyes, chicken paw. over time, zakhash lace was appreciated by collectors and art critics. several works were included in collection of the russian museum. at the beginning of the 20th century
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, a whole artel worked on the banks of the volkhov. during the great patriotic war, much was lost. the germans actively exported the treasures of kirizh lacemakers to germany. at one time, women who possess this lace-making skill began to come to us , brought us their works, showed us, and at the same time took food packages from us, and we realized that, probably, this situation was somehow not entirely correct, when women have such a unique skill and cannot earn money for yourself, so at the support center. received a presidential grant and began organizing excursions, quests and master classes for children and adults. they staged the play zakharskoye matchmaking, a devoted bride, where they talk about the marriage traditions of the region
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and peasant life. in ancient times , girls began to weave lace at the age of 6, so that by the age of 18 there would be four hundred openwork items in their chest. those who couldn't cope were named. that the snow patterns, her towels, napkins, and valances, for her lacework, they pay in advance not in copper coins, and a silver ruble. the center recently won a new grant from the governor of the leningrad region; they will create 10 different projects about history and culture. few people know that our region used to be a pearl region, a lot of pearls were mined here, river pearls were called rolled pearls in the chronicles. local non-profit organizations have a lot of ideas, they believe in
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the great tourism potential of the kirishi region, of course, to establish a tourist flow, investments are needed, but the foundation for the development of industry and hospitality has already been laid now people are going to kirishe. this is a piece of russia on every
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screen on the planet, they flew, the loudest premieres , how did i get here, and you’re having a corporate party, or what, what are you, and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for murder using cunning, that it was on the strip , i don’t know, i think it’s a dog. exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra , we will perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony , those who don’t take risks will not be lucky, we will succeed, i will do the surgery, i ’m scared, as if it were me, not me, unfortunately, there is no motive for the murder, no connection between murders, but she exists, and we will find her, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, a dizzying show, and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head?
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i don’t even know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music blogger, hope, it rests on the song of russia, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, poured a basin of hot water on gave birth to himself. i'm leaving, i looked around, she already had my things collected, meetings with the stars, and what is more difficult to become a good person or to remain? the question is certainly interesting, both difficult and different, you are the most understanding program about animals, circle of friends, when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not betray anyone, no matter what happens, live the story of a mysterious disappearance, the whole studio discusses: advanced
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documentary, now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. liberation to the peoples our soviet people brought europe. breaking news, political investigations and impartial analysis. live program 60 minutes. the news goes on air. hello. key events, what will this day be remembered for? when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth. vladimir putin sits in this chair and, as we remember, enters the hall through these doors. everything you can’t imagine russia without. only on the rtr planet channel. my planet tv channel presents. winnie the pooh got the first part of his name from a real toy.
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christopher robbin, son of the writer milne. the toy was named after a london zoo bear named winnipek, who came there from canada. the sun is slowly setting. the acoustician closely monitors the instruments , it is almost impossible to find schools of saur in the ocean without a sonar, the equipment helps to determine the exact fishing location, search for fish in the sea, his leg extends, the antenna is under the bottom, well , he also looks, the antenna rotates, so to speak, so... it breaks through schools of fish, we already then set a course for the school, set or
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a trawl or a trap, when you have eyes under water, it’s very good, the echo cold of kalinovka discovered a large school of sai, work was in full swing on the deck on the bridge, while luck is smiling, you need to have time to set a trap and catch as many fish as possible. time after time , the fishermen lower and raise the heavy trap, eric the dog. as a full-fledged member of the team , he takes an active part in the process, he’s good, this is the moment for which you need to see the catching of saira, thousands of children in the light of a red spotlight jump out of the water, raising
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millions of splashes, there are several tons of prey here.
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the shift also improves the morale of the team. cold, damp, tired, nothing matters if the holds are full. and the profession of a fisherman will probably be needed for many years to come, because it will be needed, and humanity will need fish, as they say, which are caught only in the oceans and seas, without the profession of a sailor, they will probably not get by for many more years years. early in the morning kalinovka approaches the floating base bay. east, here fishermen hand over their night catch, tons of fish are washed off with water into a special bag and sent to the refrigerator. in better times, kalinovka handed over 50 tons per day, now at the very beginning of the fishing season the catch is much more modest, but the voyage has just begun, the fishermen have a whole six months ahead of them. there is a sea,
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which means there are fish, the sea, always. they were catching something, every fisherman sooner or later thinks about the day when he will have to go ashore forever, someone drives away these thoughts, someone on the contrary wants to give up everything and live a normal life, the sea will always mean separation between a fisherman and his family, i would never wish it for my grandson, for him to go to the seas, it would be better to let him somewhere... sit in the office in the warmth, where there is no wind, the waves do not rage, as they say, calmly, every day he was at home, with his family, with children, this lifestyle and romance the ocean first fascinates, then draws you in so that the ship becomes a second home, and the crew becomes family. the sailor ilya, who went fishing for 3
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months, his... young wife, waiting on the shore, has yet to find out what the words “the sea does not let go” mean. to be honest, i’m not yet ready to agree that it will happen at all. constantly go sailing for six months, or even more, in fact , no matter what kind of money he earns, but it’s his choice, that’s how he is my husband, well, first of all, a friend. good, i respect his choice very much, if he wants to be a sailor, he will be a sailor, the fish in vladivostok are always rich, kalinovka goes into the vast expanses in search of successful fishing,
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every day on the ship will be similar and at the same time different from the other, monotonous... of the pacific ocean will be replaced more than once by a riot of colors of light fishing and stormy skies, until spring this team will not return to their native shore, the fishermen will continue to do their difficult, dangerous work at the end of the world, where waves and harsh sea winds reign. my planet tv channel presents. astronauts cannot cry.
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such piles of stones in the eastern sayan can be found on many passes, but this one is considered the most important, from here you can see the entire todzhensky region. the hostess
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greets us warmly, but somewhere she’s crying, it’s raining after all, that means she’s crying and rejoicing, well, we’ve received a blessing, after all, it’s heaven you see, everything has already become clear, then everything, no rain, nothing, everything, which means that tomorrow the weather will be clear, the road ahead will be white. the road ahead is not only white, but also long. the driver drives over potholes, not sparing the suspension from the kyzyl itself. he promised to bring passengers to the village before dark. the women are in a hurry to get to the reindeer herders' camp before they head off to the mountains. then it will be almost impossible to find them in the taiga. there are 2 days of travel ahead, but when svetlana first traveled this road, it took much more. previously on the same on the road, our grandfathers rode on reindeer to exchange furs for flour, everything that could not be obtained in the taiga, it took about
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a month to travel one way, in soviet times it was possible to get to our area by plane , there was shipping, now there is nothing of this anymore, tuvans -todzhins are part of the large tuvan ethnic group, they have been living on the territory of the modern republic for one and a half years, since... turkic-speaking tribes from central asia came to the sayan mountains and mixed with local keto-speaking, samadian-speaking and indo-european tribes. in the 13th century the tuvans were conquered by the mongols, and in the 17th century their lands became part of the chinese qing empire. over the centuries, the todzhin people have experienced various influences, while creating their own unique culture. today, only 15 families preserve the ancient way of life. nikolai ag, the elder of the small kachevye, together with his cousin
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svetlana demkina, they are trying to restore the population of todzha deer, i read the deer, all that is to write numbers, now svetlana, the owner of the herd, lives in the city and is in charge of administrative issues, nikolai, together with his wife.
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they spend most of their lives in a very close circle, but soon aldymna will have to rebuild. well, she went to enroll , she entered, she chose agriculture herself, she is for technology, maybe veterinary medicine in the future, after graduation she is this profession, which was useful, she will help her parents, aldymna’s parents do not yet know that they have a daughter. entered college, the girl brings them a real surprise. the village of iy is a kind of outpost of civilization. most todzha residents now live in such villages. iy stands on the border of the wild territory where the ancestors of the current inhabitants once roamed. now there is almost no one left in the taiga. aldymna has spent her whole life here, so it’s hard for her to part with her friends. she tries
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to talk while she catches her cell phone. svetlana had to climb this river many times, she remembers how during her childhood, in the spring, a whole scattering of fires burned on this bank, there was a welcoming camp, todzha residents from the camps came here to pick up children from school, from the village not just one boat was approaching, as now, but several dozen.
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vladimir putin spent time in kaliningrad at the kant university, the president discussed the problems of education and the construction of new campuses. daria trepova received 27 years in prison, this is the longest sentence for a woman in the history of modern russia. all he remembers is constant hunger. on the day of the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the siege of leningrad. our correspondent talked to someone who passed along the road. a new
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day begins on the russia channel, the main news is in karina ilyin’s studio. hello. an inspection of the crash site of a plane with captured ukrainian armed forces servicemen near belgorod suggests that the plane was attacked by an anti-aircraft missile from the territory of ukraine, this was just reported by the investigative committee of russia, which opened a criminal case under the article on terrorism. and earlier it became known that both flight recorders were also found; they will be deciphered in the laboratory of the ministry of defense. the kremlin notes that the investigation into this terrorist attack should become an international investigation into all crimes of the kiev regime. the day before, residents of the orenburg region, where the crew served, they paid tribute to the fallen pilots, who at the last moment managed to take away the downed ones.
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rubles per year to be extended exclusively to residents of the region, regardless of the category to which the people living here belong, only to residents of the region permanently residing here, including, of course , students, some other specialists who work on a permanent basis and are formally here...
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we we are starting this experiment on the transition to a new education system, this was done by law in accordance with the decrees, but it was done according to strong recommendations from people
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who work in this field, in the expert community, and so on, this makes it possible to better immerse oneself in the future profession, creates an opportunity for... obtaining a flexible education, depending on how and what changes in the labor market, while of course, there will be no discrimination in relation to those people who have already received diplomas, bachelor’s degrees and so on, all these documents will be absolutely equal when applying for a job, and just after inspecting the layout of the new campus, vladimir putin began a visit to kant university, a unified educational space... the space will be located on an area of ​​110,000 km and can accommodate up to 7.00 people. darya trepova, the perpetrator of the terrorist attack in which military correspondent vladlen tatarsky died, received 27 years in prison. this is the longest sentence for a woman in the history of modern
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russia. the court made a corresponding decision. let us remember that in april last year there was a terrorist attack in st. petersburg. during a creative evening organized by vladlen tatarsky, a figurine with explosives exploded. presented to military correspondent trepov. he died on the spot, 52 more were injured. another person involved in the case is dmitry kasintsev, who, who sheltered trepova, received 1 year and 9 months in prison. 80 years have passed since the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad. then 640,000 people died of hunger, some of them tried to be saved and were evacuated along the road of life to other regions. approximately 5.00 children were brought from orphanages in leningrad. to altai, elena tarasova met one of them. nina andreevna has no photographs of her children, they don’t know when her birthday is, they don’t know where home is, in which they lived with their parents, they don’t know what their mother’s name is or what she looks like when the war began and it was the fourth year, but
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she remembers the bombings well, and how she wanted to eat all the time, in her personal file.


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