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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 28, 2024 5:00pm-5:51pm MSK

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president putin is putting things in order with all social payments to sbo participants and their families. this is news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. good evening, watch now. the largest nato exercise since the cold war. we must arm ourselves when there is a threat of invasion. why is it being inflated in europe?
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and that western sponsors, massive strikes on ukrainian military targets and brutal battles at the front, faster, faster, no calm is expected, no nato equipment can detect a target with the range with which we discovered it, why songs from the times of the great the domestic one is back in action, this is some kind of power, this is some kind of land, this is some kind of smoking.
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these days, the country is celebrating the important date of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. on friday , president putin arrived in his hometown. on saturday, the head of state took part in mourning events at the pekarevskoye cemetery and on the nevsky patch. about filled days alexey golovkov. shestakovich's immortal seventh leningrad symphony sounds over the filled arena; this music contains all the pain, all the struggle is all the hope of the leningraders for victory. yuri bashmet is at the conductor's stand. this is a requiem concert dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the hero's city from the siege. wartime lorries are driving around the stage, cars are replaced by locomotives, and spectators. among them there are many veterans, with the help
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of words, light and sound, they literally immerse themselves in memories. for cloudy leningrad, mitron sounding from radio stations was the pulse of the city, reminders, its defenders, its population, although they are dying, are alive, despite the bombings, for portions of bread of 125 g, for forty-degree frosts, those 872 days of clouds. a decade later, a difficult memory for present-day st. petersburg and on january 27 at the peskarevsky cemetery there are always endless streams of people with flowers, because as is carved here on the wall, and these are the words of the poetess olga bergolts, it is about leningrad that no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten. bread and sweets appear on every tombstone of mass graves almost immediately after the opening of the cemetery. now it’s hard to imagine that such a small piece of bread could have saved even a few human. leningraders per day; in total,
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half a million victims of nazism are buried here at the pekarevsky cemetery. for the last few years, vladimir putin has always entered this cemetery along a side alley; as search engines established in 1919, this is where his brother victor is buried in mass grave no. 27. a two-year-old child died in a besieged city in 1942. the lifting of the blockade and the victory over the nazis for the president, as for all leningraders, is, of course, a very personal story. another page
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in the history of putin’s family and tens of thousands of others soviet families - bloody battles on the nanevsky patch, the bridgehead from which the red army tried to release leningrad. it was hard there. the president's father , vladimir spiridonovich putin, now marks the site of the battle as a milestone stone, and the head of state lays red roses on it. the days in the leningrad region are short; already at dusk, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko, who arrived on special occasion , arrive together in the gatchina region. here they open a new memorial dedicated to the inhabitants of the ussr, the victims of the nazi genocide. in the years war. the mass murders of unarmed , defenseless old people, women, children , and the disabled were well-thought-out systemic punitive actions. there was a death camp here, in gatchina, and not far away there was a camp where
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they kept children, very small children, from whom the nazis literally... pumped out blood for their soldiers. it is no coincidence that stella, 47 m high, is crowned by the figure of a woman trying to shelter her children. at the foot of the monument there are monuments to the dead people, in whose palms you can place a lit lozenge. its light must preserve the memory of the victims. in in some countries, they not only rewrite history and justify the executioners. revanchists and neo-nazis adopted the ideology and methods of the nazis. hitler and the ss use terror against
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everyone they dislike. in a number of european countries, russophobia is promoted as a state policy. we will do everything, everything to stop and completely eradicate. belarus, in this fight against historical unconsciousness, is an ally of russia. the memory of the victims of that war, of the heroism of our fathers and grandfathers, today prevents many from living, especially the ideological henchmen of murderers and traitors. they feel this today and honor the executioners in their parliaments. it was they who started the war with graves and monuments in poland, the baltic states and ukraine, complete madmen. 80 years ago, leningraders celebrated their victory with fireworks over the neva, and now cannons are roaring again at the petropalovskaya fortress.
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this week the work schedule of the presidents of the northern capital was varied. the most important meeting with students, participants in a special military operation. the people are all young, but already experienced warriors. knowing that your... loved ones, relatives, with one both sides are proud of you, on the other hand , they are very worried about you, they are praying for you, there is no doubt, uh, i want to thank you for this decision, and bow low to your parents for raising such, such young people like you , and this is generally in the character of our people at a difficult moment for their homeland,
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well, that’s it, that’s it, no, after all, ukraine has always been the de facto owner after the collapse of the soviet union, the de facto owner. nationalists and those who represent them, who would not be elected with the help of the south and east ukraine, with the help of voters who live in the southeast, still this nationalist platform, its representatives very quickly subjugated everyone to their will, because they are active, energetic and aggressive, everyone immediately looked into their eyes, we are nevertheless very patient, relying on the pro-russian part... of ukrainian society, of course, we built relationships only through peaceful means,
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there were no other thoughts, but apparently our geopolitical enemy realized that it would be easy to turn the whole of ukraine with this population upside down the southeast, with a russian-speaking population, will not succeed, so in 2014 they carried out a coup d'etat, began to exterminate, physically exterminate everyone who was inclined to normal... and the development of relations with our country, in addition, after the coup, as we know, events began in the donbass , the extermination of people in the donbass, i understand that they are defending their country and doing a common cause, soldiers, officers, the russian army are always ready to come to each other’s aid, well , this tank alyosha flew around us via the internet and so on, when i met the guys i think the commander just told me when he was not yet a tank driver, but simply served in the infantry. in motorized rifles, here he was sitting in the compartment and arrived,
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a comrade was sitting next to him, he covered him with himself, i say who he is, this is your friend, that’s it, no, he was just nearby, and i, he says, lost him, he’s in hospital, help me find him, just next to him, a man was sitting next to him in the ward, took him and covered him , just like a comrade in arms, not knowing his name, this conversation with young people, apparently, seemed so important to vladimir putin that... he came to him came back later at a meeting on the economic development of the st. petersburg agglomeration, i met with students who interrupted their studies, many of them went to the combat zone, it is from these people that we must form the country’s elite in the future, not from those, sorry, who are there they expose their genitals or show their butts, well, we also need weirdos like that, let them too. but the real elite of the country, into whose hands russia can be transferred,
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needs to be formed from these people. the venue for presidential events this of the day became the st. petersburg state marine technical university. known among his students as korabelka. it trains engineers who develop marine technology from warships to drilling rigs. the famous university has been modernizing its entire infrastructure in recent years. the secretary told the president about this. patrushev, chairman of the supervisory board of the all-russian volleyball federation, himself regularly goes to the net. these days, as
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part of the federation team, he took part in tournament dedicated to the memory of the inhabitants of siege leningrad. volleyball is also the main sport of the entire famous university. this is for you from the entire team in the hall. thank you very much, hello, i wish you success in sport. including thanks to graduates of the marine technical university. russia is building and building. new ships, i ask you to give permission to install a laying board on the first compartment of the future nuclear icebreaker, leningrad. i ask you to. a new icebreaker for the first section is being laid down at the baltic shipyard shipyard the ship is attached with a foundation plaque: the name leningrad, the future conqueror of the arctic ocean, was assigned at the request of veterans of the siege. and this is already the sixth icebreaker of this project; it will be able to operate at sea, on the river. in russia today. unique, i want to emphasize this, unique, the largest icebreaker fleet in the world, and this is our
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huge competitive advantage, enormous opportunities for the development of logistics, industry, the creation of new jobs for the comprehensive development of arctic cities and towns. previous icebreakers of this type were called arktika, siberia, yakutia, chukotka, after leningrad the tradition seems to change. we'll lay another one in twenty.
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pukhin and andrey sorokin. news of the week from st. petersburg. at a meeting with vladimir putin, student participants of the svo raised the most important social issues that require an urgent solution. president vnik promised to restore order. the first question concerned property tax. now
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only svo participants are exempt from it, but not their family members, wives and children. and then they get it. what if, for example, minor children or wives or spouses , they are the owners of residential premises, then they must pay, well, in fact, you have to pay for them, this is a property tax, this is a local tax, not a federal one, i will also instruct the ministry of finance , to the government as a whole, i will ask... our colleagues in the regions to work on it in the near future and solve it. there are problems with credit holidays for svo participants. one of the fighters shared his story. while he was at the front, he didn’t pay the mortgage, but the interest continued to accrue and the total amount owed increased by 200,000. what happens is
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that a person returns from his zone, he begins to pay off the body loan. and the current interest, when he pays everything off, after that comes the moment of paying the interest that accumulated during the period of time when these credit holidays were going on, it turns out that a person pays this interest twice, you didn’t go on vacation, you went on war, so of course this issue must be kept in mind. must be resolved. on the same day, after meeting with students, the president instructed the minister of finance to sort out the situation with property taxes and credit holidays. from the point of view of a financial organization, they gave a loan, banks, money always costs something, you have to pay for it. but the situation is special.
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the guys go to war, risking their lives and health. some don't come back. institutions, it should not work, a different logic should work here, the logic of supporting people who risk their lives in the interests of their homeland. anaton geonovich, please work through both questions with colleagues , let me know about the decision in the near future, we have it, we’ll do it, well, let’s return to...
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the exhibition, everything is here, sculpture, painting, graphics, originally from the besieged city, together with the russian museum, for the first time , such artists as other leningraders are holding could defend.
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after all, she entered the entire film chronicle of the blockade. a dispassionate testimony to a terrible time. chronicle footage. the leningrad documentary film studio lendog did not stop working for a day. here we see how the famous klott bridge is being removed from the anichsky bridge equestrian group. the bridge was popularly called “god bring it over.” it was often bombed and in order to save the sculptures, they had to be buried in the ground. here's the announcement: someone is trading the bed and viennese chairs for food. and this is the same one. "the terrible first blockade winter , trams frozen into the ground, bodies on sleds, the time when there was the highest mortality rate, the lowest food intake, before the november holidays,
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for some reason my mother decided to do some cleaning in the buffet, they found an onion , a dried old onion, it was a holiday for us, so they boiled it, kind of like soup with onions, but there was some kind of smell, but..." you understand what a dried onion is. the wehrmacht command attracted scientists who calculated how long it would take to exterminate the entire population. people physically cannot live on such rations, they reported those, you shouldn’t risk german soldiers. leningraders will die themselves. one of these scientists said after the war: “i’m still an old food specialist, i don’t understand what kind of miracle happened there.” the doctor came and told my mother: “tenant , she won’t survive, so what, what to do? people helped each other of course, very good, and then bread, crumbs
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of bread, he says, will bring extra, then in this , well, apparently, he says, in this way, and we said, we survived, one day my mother lost her cards, and there were no cards in the besieged city we were recovering, so our flatmate used his work card for a whole month. yourself, mother and me. and the siege bread with fire and blood in half, as oberholtz wrote, and food cards and personal diaries will later be included in the exhibition of the siege museum. the museum of defense of the siege of leningrad began to be created even when the war was going on, it was huge, 37 halls, and the residents themselves replenished the collection. until 1949, almost a million people visited the exhibition, but in the same year, as part of the leningrad affair, the museum was closed, and its director... was repressed, they were accused of distorting the course of historical events and creating a myth about the special fate of leningrad during the siege. here they are, the first custodians; the collection
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they were so proud of was ruined. some, for example, tanya savicheva’s diary were transferred to other museums, some were disposed of. among the absurd there were also accusations: at the exhibition there were weapons to seize power. the creator of the siege museum, lev rakov , was sentenced to death. like the former leaders of the party elite in leningrad, but then his sentence was commuted to twenty-five years in prison. after this, the topic of the blockade as a whole was kept under wraps. the blockade was an indicator of a certain independence, well, how would the city itself live, and the role of stalin there or the role of the center, it was weakened, as was believed in all these, you read the resolutions of the all-russian communist party of belarusians and so on, that is the background was very pro-blockade no. the president's father.
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all the commanders of the leningrad front visited his communal apartment on the theater square, he published a collection of their memories, which no one had done before. it was valentin kovalchuk, in collaboration with gennady sobolev, who were the first to write that the number of victims of the blockade is underestimated. at the nyurmer trial the figure of 6,000 people was announced. their article leningrad requiem says at least 800. subsequently they proved at least a million. in order to publish.
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exploits of leningrad. in front of you is the interior blockade-bakery. many children under the siege, now grandparents, no matter how painful it is, still often remember the events of those terrible days. and then i learned to say the letter r. grandmother tied the rose. i said, grandma rose, just don’t throw it away. i'm still picking up crumbs from the table. i can't let one little one remain. i can't stand stale bread. i don't allow bread
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to be thrown away.
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in all directions on all fronts , the russian army is gradually pushing back the enemy and the advance is quite confident. armored vehicles hit uaf strongholds almost point-blank and the results of each shot are immediately clearly visible. southeast of kupinsk liberated. village of krakhmalnoye, the enemy lost more than 740 troops, seven tanks, seven infantry fighting vehicles and 14 guns here. the russian armed forces have gained a foothold on this platform and are moving towards berestovoy. the msta as self-propelled gun with a large caliber finishes off enemy equipment remaining on the battlefield. polish crabs and american m113 bradleys hit. they were advertised in ukraine as the best means of fighting russian
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tanks, now in zaporozhe. our t-80s reign supreme in the steppes. the car is very fast, playful, due to the gas turbine engine, it is trouble-free in the cold. a cavalry attack on an enemy stronghold, which is being fired upon with direct fire , rare footage from the cockpit. this week the ministry of defense is conducting a unified state acceptance of weapons, that tank is acquiring its formidable, formidable weapon. and progress is immediately noticeable, such protection from drones. on the tank are now installed directly at the ural carriage plant, where they are produced. every weapon is required is undergoing testing, each vehicle is being run-in at the training ground, although the production of military equipment in russia has increased significantly over the past year. the k-52 helicopters are equipped with new anti- aircraft sighting and navigation systems and an enemy detection system. with twice the removal of the regular k-52, a lot of improvements have been added. but the ministry
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of defense, of course, is restoring residential buildings destroyed during hostilities, here are the brand new nine-story buildings that have just been commissioned in mariupol, but the main task is piers, berths, and airfields for armies. use, short deadlines while maintaining the high quality of the work performed, objects were commissioned for the needs of special operations, military and special purposes. and the most important thing, sergei shaigu emphasizes, is the creation of new types of weapons, even more accurate and long-range. particular attention should be focused on the development and production of promising weapons, increasing the range, accuracy and noise immunity of high-precision weapons. improving electronic warfare equipment, unmanned aerial vehicles, security and survivability of the supplied equipment, here i emphasize that we have a serious, big task to continue building up especially
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popular weapons. the russian army has created entire units of drone operators. so they interfere with the planned rotation. near novomikhailovka, reconnaissance detects the movement of infantry and combat drones immediately fly out to intercept, destroying enemy soldiers one by one, and then another enemy stronghold. this is kharkov, the consequence of a massive russian missile attack, and such according to our ministry of defense, ukrainian military infrastructure was damaged 13 times in a week. oh my god, look out the window tomir lam. kyiv authorities. they admit that all the destruction in the city is the result of the work of ukrainian air defense. according to preliminary data, according to preliminary data, about twenty missiles flew towards kiev, they were all hit by air defense systems, and these were all fragments that fell throughout the city. these frames clearly
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show how a russian missile, which was not shot down, fires off heat traps and hits somewhere far from the residential sector, a gas pipeline is on fire, and this is a hotel where foreign mercenaries were quartered. shrapnel full. gun, shot! russian artillery does not leave its position around the clock, we work 24/7, we are constantly on duty both night and day. and in avdeevka its hits are clearly visible, there are lancets coming in, and another enemy tank and drones were destroyed by loitering ammunition. these shots show an example of masterful use of a drone, which a ukrainian soldier unsuccessfully tries to dodge. intensity of fire at forward positions. our troops continue to hold the part beyond the border in the north-west of artyomovsk bogdanovka, from it it is already very close to kalinovka and the seversky donetsk-donbass canal,
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immediately behind it, just 3-4 km away, is a large fortified area of ​​the ukrainian armed forces. here is a helicopter group led by a k-52 alligator successfully destroying enemy equipment on the ground, and this is what the attack looks like. let the installation shoot like this, 2 km from the line of combat contact, a well- masked self-propelled artillery installation 2s1 gvozdika is preparing for combat work 194 take your time 194 target 82:12 the infantry
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is covered now, mostly they work more at night, maybe they do rotations and bring beech, but still, night is not a bird’s day, now we also have more drones. for safety, the crew asks us not to leave the combat vehicle, so as not to attract the attention of enemy aerial reconnaissance, or here i interfere, as necessary, for a full sight 518, level more than five, after adjustment from the air, our aerial reconnaissance detects the enemy’s transport, the crew is given a coordinate. gvozdika is working at the command post , trying to work with unmanned aerial ukrainian militants, where the enemy vehicles are coming from. the positions recaptured from the enemy
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are examined by sapper groups. first we must pass, then the infantry follows us, that is , until we check some section of the road or path, there is no point in moving there. we mostly work at night or at dusk in the gray, as we call it. we can see it, but it’s not so noticeable on us anymore. the work of sappers to clear mines from these streets of artyomovsk begins early in the morning, we take explosive means, that is, 400 grams of waste. checkers, everything that we find that are dropped there from drones, or unexploded shells, we destroy all this with an overhead charge. among the items neutralized in artyomovst there are many anti-personnel mines of american and european production, this is an m18 anti-personnel mine, a fragmentation mine, like our mon-50. ukrainians often left a so-called mine barrier here, that is, these are simply anti-tank mines that are either placed on the road.
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pieces fall on the path, cassettes are poured when cluster shells, there are those that don’t explode, they just fall to the ground and lie, that is, if a person touches them, it explodes, we pull once two, three times, so, come on, second, while the sappers are working, our engineering units are covered artillery, not allowing the enemy to carry out a rotation. the crew of a self-propelled artillery
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installation, after completing a combat mission , camouflages the vehicle, an hour after receiving new targets, the crew moves to another firing position. stanislav nazarov, vitali kadanovich, andrey rudenko, valery gorikov, news of the week, donbass. last tuesday , president putin solemnly proclaimed. putin held a separate meeting with participants in all-russian family competitions, in detail about all other important events of the presidential week in pavel zarubin’s telegram channel in the moscow kremlin-putin program immediately after our release, a fragment right now, a family of families and a family living in the tundra invited putin to golden wedding, we'll take you on a reindeer ride, the grandson is great
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at reindeer rides, the deer goes fast, what a speed, at high speed, 70, it gives, the fastest deer, 70 km/h, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, okay, they run so fast, well, they run, this one doesn’t get tired, the deer walks day and night, like athletes on ski boots. there's no safety train, right? no, it’s not needed, but there’s a rope there, you’re going to use a rope to secure the president there, right? and i also showed that here is a rope, this is a steering wheel, right, left, and this steering wheel is a rope, and grief is speed, yeah, daughter, this is the smallest one, i have the one, the very last one, the smallest one, but dad has you are always so fiery, yes always? he’s just not a tv
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star, i worked as a prigadier all my life, i was a commander, but it’s understandable, but that’s why, but you always commanded with a smile, apparently, of course, the prigadier still loved me, that’s who else he loves there, the atmosphere of the meeting such that he addressed putin as you, he loves you very much, tuntri, they also received an invitation to the golden wedding, knee-breeder. let's take a walk, get ready, we're already reaching an agreement with the president, almost an agreement, yes, i remember that you will rush together on reindeer early in the morning, let's rush straight to the reindeer, so if we go, let’s cooperate, i’ll definitely help you get there, then i promise you that, thank you, we brought two completely new button accordions here, you won’t tear up the button accordion at the wedding there, no, no, no, how do you know, well, how will it turn out, and we’ll take a spare and the last frame, uladimirov.
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that was far from the last shot, and it looks like this is a general photo of the alevod, closer, it looks like we’ve already said goodbye, thank you. but immediately, as if nothing had happened, after that the president’s plans for the next few minutes. were already predetermined by children, parents with children, even parents with children, thank you, but
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how could it be otherwise, relatives, loved ones, the all-russian forum with this name is the beginning. its status is established indefinitely, social support is provided to children under 18 years of age or up to 23 years of age if they are undergoing full-time education as university or college students, the children here are the masters of the situation approached putin, large large families, the family... happiness took a photo and quickly i ran to show my parents, it turned out to be a good photo, we are from dagestan, please, we are the kindest wishes at the most crucial moment, the sands are high, it was decided to rise a little.
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brothers from another family argued slightly over the microphone and even showed it to dad. it is the family that should be at the center of all state policy, but we are trying to do so, the government continues to count, but they will count correctly, we will extend this measure, this is putin about the payment of 450 thousand rubles to pay off the mortgage at the birth of
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a third child, preferential mortgages for families with children will also continue, despite the fact that they issue it at 6% per annum, and real bank rates. with an increase in the key rate, budget expenditures for subsidizing preferential mortgages will double to a trillion rubles, we are doing this without canceling anything and will continue to do so. everyone talks in detail about their families . they asked putin how to raise a worthy person? i never, i want to emphasize this, never saw my father drunk, i’m not even talking about my mother, i never heard a single word from him. in general, you know, responsibility manifests itself in the little things, i remember how my father was on such a ladder, we lived in communal apartment, the electric meter was on the site, i remember how he crawled and wrote out , you know, everything that needed to be paid for electricity was down to the penny , he did everything on time, paid, at exactly 6 in the morning the anthem played, he
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left for work, then i remember, how he met his comrades in battle with a friend who pulled him out... from the battlefield saved his life, putting his life in danger. this is all together, an atmosphere of goodwill, and an atmosphere of love, this is what educates, this is what lays the foundation when a child sees how parents live in the first years of their lives, he copies, simply copies us, this is not to lead. next in the program. a barbaric terrorist attack in the skies of the belgorod region. our plane brought in ukrainian prisoners for exchange. the first conclusions of the investigation and which ethnic ukrainians did zelensky intend to protect in the russian south? nato members are scaring
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russia and starting major military maneuvers in europe. for what? she really wanted to look at ukraine exclusively. liberal, how did daria trepova commit political murder and what was the verdict? we know that now lies on the scales and what is happening now. seventh leningrad symphony by dmitry shestakovich. became a symbol of the tenacity of the defenders of the besieged city. i say: we, the citizens of leningrad, will not be shaken by the roar of the cannon. and if there are barricades tomorrow, we will not leave our barricades. residents of the besieged
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city showed that there is something more important and eternal than cold, hunger, fear and even their own life. leningrad symphony on the banks of the neva, today on rtr. the kamchatka peninsula is one of the most environmentally friendly places on the planet. the nature of kamchatka is unique. geysers, hot springs, glaciers, giant faults, lakes. but the main pride of kamchatka is its volcanoes. icy. stone, fire-breathing giants. the most powerful
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of them are included in the klyuchevskaya group. the majestic klyuchevskaya sopka is the highest active volcano on the eurasian continent. volcanoes of kamchatka are a world natural heritage site. here in pristine purity. the natural life of the kamchatka peninsula has been preserved, every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down on the floor and said: i’ll stay here, military it was necessary to make it clear that animals were simply dying there , donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided... ours, ours don’t abandon their own, from monday
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there will be evil in the wedding, the main thing is that we are together, until thursday on rtr, he is a wonderful match, he is the only thing that connects me with his mother, i believed this, not only did he change me, he also lied to me all these years, you need to move on with your life, tomorrow you go to work, from high... . next time i suggest we have lunch at a restaurant, you agree, someone else’s child, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, it still hurts here, it hurts here, it hurts here, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle. this, by the way, has been officially proven. proper nutrition, how to properly eat stress? we need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat
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, the right medications, run to the doctor , medicine is like crutches for us, and the right habits, and shouldn’t we slap a little kefir, and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, and most importantly from monday to friday on rtr, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. how did this happen, who did it? well, this is his ex-boss,
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the situation is like this, i survived from...


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