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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 29, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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all the details are in the news right now, but it was 60 minutes, all the best to you and goodbye. the russian tv channel is broadcasting news , i greet you, maria sittal, hello, in this battle we have four attack aircraft, the enemy has 60 soldiers, he does not know that mine are crawling, absolutely not visible at all, the iron attack aircraft are restoring strength, the soldiers are living underground, in such fortified dugouts, but in fact inside there are almost all the amenities, experimental...
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research institutes of the ministry of defense checked by minister sergei shaigu in the moscow region. finland will undergo a second round of presidential elections. with a turnout of 80%, no candidate received 50% of the votes. agricultural machinery on armored cars against sheep. this is how the gendaria of paris reacts to the blockade of farmers. today a new challenge is opening in togodrog. museum! the birthday of the russian writer is celebrated in anton pavelovich’s homeland. in the donetsk direction over the past 24 hours, our troops repulsed three attacks by ukrainian attack aircraft in the area of ​​the village of shumy. the enemy suffered losses nearby andreevka, klyucheyevka, kurdyumovka. in total, over 300 soldiers were killed and wounded. in the kherson region, tankers from
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the marine corps of the black sea fleet destroyed camouflaged enemy posts on the right bank of the dnieper. the combat work in one team was brilliantly performed by the latest reconnaissance drones and the time-tested t-62 battle tank. in the krasnoliman direction, in the area of ​​the serebryansky forestry, our hail struck a large concentration of manpower, mainly soldiers of the ukrainian national guard. this already footage from the south donetsk direction, an attack in the shelter area was repelled. artillery and heavy flamethrower systems destroyed positions near novomikhailovka. the ukrainian armed forces lost a grad combat vehicle and several armored vehicles. the enemy is actively attacking our assault groups. the situation on this sector of the front. in the report of voenkor news from eduard punikov. look. you can clearly see how they are crawling towards them,
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coming, coming, coming, coming, look, look, the wing is coming, these unique shots were taken in the southern donetsk direction, on an assault unit is working at the forefront , the 394th regiment of the fifth army from primorye, they thought that we had left our positions, but they don’t know that we are sitting on the right, i say two of my fighters, walk quietly, carefully, without making noise, throw a grenade, come in into the trench, if possible. the legendary commander saval is in charge of the attack aircraft, his unit has dozens of strong points taken, in this battle there are only four attack aircraft on our side, the enemy has about 60 soldiers, they don’t know that mine are crawling, it’s absolutely not visible at all, you see, i’m starting them with a kamikaze tease, one hit will not explode, i did it so that they would not understand that i was heading for...
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and here is another battle of soval’s unit: 20 attack aircraft against 200 ukrainian armed forces soldiers. the battle lasted 5 days, eventually the enemy threw down their weapons and fled. the stormtroopers are now on vacation, recuperating in a camp a couple of kilometers from the front line. the camp where the assault troops are located is a mini-town, hidden in a forest belt, soldiers live underground, in these fortified dugouts, but in fact there is almost nothing inside all the amenities, since they are located along the entire forest belt. generators that produce electricity. the dugouts reliably protect soldiers from any shells, and they fly here almost every day. this is our medical center, equipment for providing medical care. the first aid station has everything you need. stocks are replenished every week. in winter, of course, cold medicines and vitamins are most in demand. a bathhouse was also built in the center of the camp. soldiers are allowed to heat the bathhouse any day. one condition is to chop the wood yourself.
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there is a field kitchen nearby, meals here are three times a day, the menu changes every day, we are given this stew here, pickled, tekka zucchini, attack aircraft regularly receive... identify biological threats in the shortest possible time and develop vaccines against dangerous diseases, this is the task of the new scientific cluster of the ministry of defense in the moscow region, it will appear on the basis of the fortieth central research institute. today sergei shaigu checked how the construction of new laboratory buildings is progressing. in addition, the head of the military department. new the experimental base of the institute allows for testing as close as possible to real conditions. yemen's houthis hit an american warship with a missile. this statement
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was spread literally about an hour ago by representatives of this radical movement. we are most likely talking about the floating military base lewis spuller. formally, it is an auxiliary court. but essentially it is a small aircraft carrier with a deck area of ​​5.00 km, on which four cargo helicopters can land. a floating base is used for delivery as military cargo and landing troops. lewis pooler was reported to be in wadan bay. the united states may strike in retaliation against iran. the bloomberg agency did not rule out such a development of events after it became known about a drone attack on an american one. the media notes that for the first time since the beginning of exacerbations in the middle east , americans suffered military losses; three servicemen were killed in a drone strike, 25 people were injured from washington with details from dmitry melnikov. will the killing of the three
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us military personnel whose photographs show americans have red line tv channels for a direct war with iran. these are the first casualties of the us army in the middle east. conflict in gas. the kamikaze drone strikes took place late saturday on the small tower 22 base in northeastern jordan on the border with syria and iraq. the us army uses this outpost to train militants of the magavir group from tower. in addition to the three dead soldiers , at least thirty-four more were reported injured. the president of the united states learned about the death of military personnel in campaign trip to south carolina. he blamed the attack on loyalist groups. at iran's sunday service, biden announced a minute of silence in memory of the dead and promised retribution. we had a tough day in the middle east last night, losing three brave men in an attack on one of our bases. we will answer. washington
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has not yet announced who will bear retribution. responsibility for the attack on the base and the killing of american troops has not yet been claimed by any of the regional groups. pentagon chief lloyd austin, who continues treatment. coalition forces in iraq and syria have been attacked one and a half hundred times, but there have been no military casualties before. donald trump also calls biden’s capitulation this blow to the american base. a drone attack on a us military facility in jordan that killed three us troops and
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wounded many more marks a terrible day for america. this brazen attack on the united states is yet another horrific, tragic consequence of weakness and joe biden's capitulation. not wanting to be drawn into escalation, jordan hastened to declare that there was no attack on its territory. terrorist strikes by militias resulted in the death of three american soldiers and the wounding of several others. everything happened outside jordanian territory. amid statements from washington, iran is putting its army on high alert and its air defense forces at maximum. at the same time, the head of iran's foreign ministry arrived in pakistan to resolve the conflict after the iranian ones. strikes on the territory of one of main us allies in the region. tehran is focusing and preparing. washington is now considering several options for responding to the murder of its military, including conducting a secret special operation against iran, and this could be a fatal decision
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for the biden administration. a small victorious war will not work, but world war iii is more than possible. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. texas military authorities have announced a call for volunteers to guard the border with mexico. local residents who will help texas guardsmen promise to reimburse food and lodging expenses. these regular units were sent by the government of texas and 12 other american states to protect the borders from the influx of migrants. in washington, the measures are called unconstitutional and excessive. the conflict between the joe biden administration and governor greg abbott, after which there was talk of texas' imminent secession from the united states, arose due to the cancellation of the decision to build a wall on the border with mexico. the author of the project, let me remind you, was donald trump. over the 3 years of biden's presidency, the number illegal immigrants have increased significantly.
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a record 302,000 migrants crossed the border in december. the second round of presidential elections will take place in finland. none of the nine candidates managed to get 50% of the votes. former prime minister stupa is in the lead. he has just over 27%, and is the former head of the ministry of internal affairs, haavista. he has about 26%. and this despite the turnout. a boy appeared who was destined to become a classic of great russian literature.
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stories, novellas, and plays by anton pavlovich chekhov have been translated into dozens of languages ​​of the world, played in hundreds of leading scenes, and filmed. more than 300 times. veronica bogma visited the house where the future writer’s journey began and where a museum is open these days. latest news. today a new thing is opening in togodroge. the house of the father of the writer pavel egorovich in the place that is called the family nest of the chekhov family, before the restoration of the mansion was bought, the residents were resettled , the redevelopment and unauthorized construction were removed, it was built by pavel egorovich chekhov, he was the one who conceived the project, he prepared the project together with the designers, the family happily moved here, but unfortunately. life turned out in such a way that together with with joy came anxiety, and losses came. while building a large house for a large family,
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chekhovo’s father took out a loan, but was never able to pay it off. it may not have had two entrances for a long time, but the house was completed, and this is the only housing that belonged to pavel igorovich in taganrog. the exhibition is virtual, all original items disappeared from this house, even when anton pavlovich lived in it, he himself sold them. i sent money to a family that went bankrupt and went to moscow; from the age of 16, chekhov lived. alone, renting a corner in this empty and already alien house, they fled from debts, and he remained here as a lodger, in his first house as a lodger, and he gives lessons, earns money, and his mother writes letters to him, why are you writing about studying, but you don’t send us money, i haven’t had coffee for 2 days, now, having arrived in taganrok, you can see the full picture of all 19 years of life here of the future great writer. come to the gymnasium where you studied, to lavka , where you helped your father as a child, which is why
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you stayed in the second year twice, how much for a pound, half a pound, half a pound, good, wonderful, you can, like 150 years ago, be in the role buyer of colonial goods brought on high-speed ships, what is not a home, then a museum, then a history, chekhov’s shop is also very wonderful, you can really feel it here, something is in the air, this atmosphere is from chekhov, very noisy. and even fun at the house where it all began, who is louder, the sparrows clinging to the siren bush, or guests from the most distant corners? we call ourselves the antonovka club, like those girls who followed anton palch when he was still in health, all taganrov museums different and alive, you see how big the samovar is, how interesting the dishes are, we don’t have anything like that at home now, and the clock is still ticking, do you see? the hours are so beautiful, the flow of tourists here is growing, and the locals are celebrating the writer’s birthday, like a close
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relative, i wanted to come here, yes, but have you read, heard anything from chekhov, what characters are they talking about, who do you know about, about the koshtanka kashtanka , veronica bogma, eduard petrenko, dmitry belyshev, and vladimir shamakov, takonrok reports from the sverdlovsk region about a major accident, a bus carrying a children's hockey team collided with a car. at the moment, four people are known to have died, the number of victims is currently being determined; there were 18 teenagers aged 15-16 years old, as well as their coach, in the cabin. according to preliminary data, at the bus. the tire burst and it was carried into the oncoming lane; after the impact, the car and the bus flew into a ditch. you are watching the news, these are the topics that will be discussed next in our issue. at these moments, the central election commission is considering the issue of registering vladimir putin as a candidate for presidential elections. security measures have been increased in france, where local farmers are ready to begin a blockade of paris. and
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the final draw of the future games tournament took place in moscow. we'll be back on air with details in a couple of minutes. you are to blame, i apologize, well, if you think that i will write a letter of resignation, then i won’t do it, today on rtr, there is an idea to undermine the foundations of russian statehood, from different sides, but you know what i’m afraid of, that all these fantasies will not turned into reality due to our connivance the feeling that it will all somehow resolve itself, the poison has already been launched, the fuse has already been removed, this cannot be taken lightly, if the enemy does not surrender, he must be destroyed, we
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are considered enemies, those whom we consider enemies are destroying today . dad, dad, hello, this is for slavik, what is it , lyanka griu, i had the right to know that you have a child, this is a painted doll, your misha is no longer living, dmitry mazurov, i couldn’t leave him alone at home, but mom
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where did he go, well, let me sit with him, raisa rezanova, and you can already let go of your little girl , we... are already without you somehow, that means i’m just a nanny, well, i’m confused, well, it’s all over between us, now forever, someone else’s child, mother, premiere on saturday on rtr,
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burns his novel, trouble will happen to me, i don’t want you to die with me, so, citizens, now the famous foreign artist monsieur woland will perform before you, a true story in a new quality, so be it, the master and margarita, midnight is approaching mister, today on rtr, already on the platform, watch all the episodes right now, in the app or on the website, everything about the elections, russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote while traveling, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we to the village to relax, but... our grandfather thinks that the vacation can wait, because he wants to vote these days, but his mother told him, vote directly in the village, be a mobile voter,
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dad, mom supported, i’m already on this, by the way , i wrote a statement, the whole family is going to the village, animals, adults and children, in nature relax and choose mobile, choose in the country freely, important, honestly. comfortable. you watch the news, we continue the release. at these moments, the central election commission is considering the issue of registering vladimir putin as a candidate for the presidential elections in russia. the current head of state runs for election as a self-nominated candidate. 2.5 million signatures were collected in support of it in all 89 regions of the country. in accordance with the law , 315,000 signatures were submitted to the cec. now my colleague alexey petrov is broadcasting live from the central election commission. alexey, hello. well, did you have time? the cec verifies all submitted signatures. maria,
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good morning, indeed, the meeting has just begun, i have the agenda in my hands, a meeting of the central election commission and the first question here is the registration of a candidate for the post of president vladimir putin. apparently, now, probably, it is being considered, obviously some statements are already being made, we also saw representatives of vladimir putin’s headquarters here, this is... ramashkov, head of the union of theater workers, one of the co-chairs of the headquarters, as well as viktor balazheev , trustee and rector kutafievskaya academy, a famous law school, they are now there, on the fourth floor, where the central election commission meeting is taking place. i will add that the central electoral commission has already checked, there have already been reports on this matter, it has already checked 60,000 signatures out of 315,000 that were submitted by representatives of vladimir putin’s headquarters, as the central electoral commission noted, they are distinguished by a very... high quality of signatures, putin really goes like self-nominated, what you, what you already talked about, maria, and you really need to score from 300 to 315
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thousand signatures, according to the law, 315 have been submitted , the collection itself began on december 23, now many statements have already been made, let's see what ella pomfilova said, vladimir vladimirovich putin from a group of voters, today we will... this process is quite complicated, i ’ll talk about it a little later, well, here’s ela
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pomfilova’s statement, which was just made, pomfilova also emphasized how complicated the signature verification process itself is, how much attention the central electoral commission pays to this process, and i’ll add, for my part, that here’s another the question on the agenda is the question of registering a list of vladimir putin’s proxies, this is the so-called second part of the list, the first part has already been registered, there... 46 people, in total, according to the law, there can be no more than 600 people among the proxies, but really support , significant support, today the second part , which will be considered at the meeting , which, let me remind you, has now begun, and we will, of course, follow it, marya, thank you, alexey, alexey petrov was live from the central election commission, france has introduced increased security measures; in the very next few hours, local farmers are preparing to begin the blockade of paris. an additional 1,500 police officers, armored vehicles, helicopters, and drones were involved in the work. the agricultural workers' union announced that today at 14:00 local
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time, it will close all eight highways leading to the ilde capital region of france. the airports of charlie and arly and charles de gaulle, as well as europe's largest food market, rungis, in the suburbs of paris, will be under siege. protesters promise to keep the capital under blockade until the end this week, hoping this will happen to the hungarian economy if it again blocks aid to ukraine, the financial times reports. according to her, brussels will take measures to collapse the exchange rate of the hungarian
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forent and reduce it. one of the symbols of the region, its recipe is passed down from generation to generation, about why you can cook ironed sausage only in winter, daria grigorova. the town of pirot in southern serbia lies at the foot of an old mountain, from here begins a national reserve with untouched forests, and thanks to nature this the region is famous for its culinary traditions. in the fertile expanses of stara planina
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, cattle have long been raised, and there are meat shops in the city. more than any other, with the onset of january frosts, unusual flat sausages begin to be produced here. here is our ironed sausage, which we make only in winter. the technology is that it dries naturally in the frosty air and wind . pegla nakobasitsa, that is, a flat sausage in the shape of a horseshoe, is known throughout the balkans, it is produced once a year, ideal the ripening temperature is from minus to +5, and the sausage is smoothed... by hand with an empty wine bottle, this is a culinary secret tested by generations. our sausage is a product that we smooth out exclusively with a bottle of wine, like this, from bottom to top, the meat inside is well mixed and we need to release the air that has accumulated inside. when the sausage has already been ironed and dried, an annual fair is held in the pirate. there is no single universal recipe for pirate sausage,
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the main requirement is only natural ones. ingredients: meat, hot pepper and garlic. how many types of meat are there? two types: beef 70% and goat 30%. the finished salami sausage is cut into thin slices and traditionally served with spirot cheese and serbian rakia. this is the upper part of the boiler, pour the pear juice here and close it with a lid. nenat zdravkovic, a radiologist by profession, works at a local hospital. cancers are just a hobby.
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games of the future are a unique format that combines traditional and computer sports. we had 16 disciplines there, in due to the fact that we saw huge demand , popularity and growth of interest, we, i already spoke about this, in fact, six months ago, we expanded this, we got a basic sports program and an expanded sports program, the so-called... sp, we we had to include five more disciplines there, that is, we now have 21 disciplines, and we most likely have more, we have a queue of teams that want to get into the tournament with us, and we are now very seriously thinking about the fact that we will have an additional tournament. today at 16:30 on our channel the malakhov program. twenty-six-year-old maria babkina, a successful businesswoman, maria's main business is the large modeling agency mary
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wei. future models are promised dizzying. career in the fashion world, but as it turned out, many clients were left with only promises of huge loans. our editorial office received many requests for help and we began our investigation. is it true that maria babkina is deliberately misleading people, or is this all an order from competitors? and tonight continuation of the tenth season of the medical drama skrefosovsky. we will find out what new challenges and big changes, both personally and professionally, await the heroes in 21:2. right after the big news was released. we continue to monitor the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us.


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