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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  January 29, 2024 2:55pm-3:50pm MSK

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numerous blunders, ordering the restrooms to be cleaned, and then secretly smearing large chunks of peanut butter on things before calling us in for inspection. but apparently, fighting in a minority, only 17% of britons would happily go to fight in a war if it happened. 14% say they would go to war if they were forced, the majority - 30%, would use every possible move to avoid fighting at all, and what has happened to our great british fighting spirit, it is simply impossible. keep up to date world, while we have entered a more dangerous phase of modern history, we must be prepared for the unexpected, look, no one wants a war to break out, but this does not mean that we should not be prepared for it, but you can no doubt if things really came to pass. before this, i would have been there in
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the dugout, along with general sanders, and i am sure that many readers feel the same, do not think that war is impossible, or that the present period of relative calm will never end, the best the way to deter the aggression of people like vladimir putin is to be strong. i have absolutely no time to discuss the statement of boris johnson, who says: of course, i would go to war if i was called up, our viewer writes. firstly, boris johnson is 59 years old, secondly it is very... doubtful that he would pass a fitness test , so it is very easy to say that when there is no possibility of it happening to you, thirdly, what is more important total boris johnson elite, if he had actually been drafted into the army, he would have worked in headquarters, deciding the fate of other people, that's what history has taught us, and that would be us - quote: normal working class people who would become cannon fodder, i would cut off my leg, i would google, i would cut off my leg.
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before going to war and if we had to go through a situation with a war against nato, would i get eec citizenship after the war, i would die for nothing. what would have happened if everything was in 1939, so to speak? i believe that the situation then was completely different, then there was a threat. but who will he go to war? will these be those people who cannot decide what pronouns to address them with? these people will cover your back in payouts, no matter how many people there are. the stifling political correctness that makes our lives miserable, the economy in shambles, crime on the streets, excessive charges for basic products, lousy public services, would you be willing to take a bullet for that? boris johnson says he would go to war, do you believe him? oh, come on, you believe him, i would never go to serve. to fight with
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by russia, i mean the war in ukraine, i would refuse to participate in it, if i was forced then caught by russian soldiers , they would probably torture me, i would tell them everything they wanted to know, i don’t care, well, remember, politicians the usa and the eu have constantly insisted that russia is not a reliable supplier of energy resources, depending on which it threatens the energy security of europe, despite the fact that gazprom still regularly fulfills contracts, despite all kinds of sanctions, we remember 17,800 of them. and here the reliable biden the day before turned off the export of american lng, on which europe now officially depends, turned it off due to political intrigues within the united states. i hope the stakes in this game will only increase.
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at the same time, europe’s growing dependence on american lng is becoming increasingly risky, as bloomberg writes, mockingly hinting that washington has put europe on an lng needle from which europe will definitely not be able to get off, and paris may be left without products. the french farmers' union announced that today it begins a blockade of the capital. now angry farmers are blocking the roads to paris, along with the city's supplies. for macron and his newly minted homosexual prime minister, this is, of course, the first serious crisis. gabriel atal promised to restore rising diesel prices and not remove tax breaks for farmers. however, no one believed these promises, including macron himself, who started it. armored vehicles to the city to
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prevent a food blockade not only in paris, this is what they look like right now french cities, farmers release hundreds of sheep on the streets. they block roads with their tractors, set fire to trucks with ukrainian goods, including sugar and chicken, dump wine in stores, and also pogroms in wine departments. there are 1,500 gendarmes standing in a chain around paris, the goal is to prevent the farmers from blocking the charles de gaulle airport from entering paris itself. an army of tractors is trying to take over all the roads leading to paris, as
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promised by the national farmers' union and organizations, young farmers want to blockade the capital, their goal is transporting goods, even though they know it will impact millions of local residents. at the entrance to the capital, at the rygiy market, barricades are lined up, armored vehicles, gendarmerie were sent here in advance, against the backdrop of how farmers have promised to completely strangle these economic lungs of the ilde france region, another threat is outposts like this one growing around paris, their main goal - transporters of goods. they intend to stay here as long as necessary. i understand that in paris some people had doubts that we are capable of this, thinking that when they wake up, they will not be disappointed in us, we are not playing a game here. seven federal highways were blocked in the region to put pressure on the economy and
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government. protesters are also targeting france's second-largest city lyon. roads on the outskirts of the city were also blocked last week. today. thousands of farmers blocking the highway building the protest movement mobilized about 55 town halls and warehouses across the country. they complain to harsh climate regulations, unfair competition, a lot of paperwork, pressure on selling prices from supermarkets on buyers. newly elected prime minister gabriel natal visited barricades and farms in the south of france, the place where the protest movement began. gabriel natal wants to impress everyone with his style, breaking into a smile, he goes into the thick of things to reduce the tension. farmers are waiting for him with determination. if
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you had not come here, i think the department building would have been already destroyed by this morning. if it's been planned, we would have greeted you with a twinkle. we had a debate about should i f?
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under the motto, hand in hand for our country, about 10 thousand people demonstrated in munich against the policies of the federal government. 2 weeks ago, farmers already held a large protest here regarding diesel subsidies. the sme farmers alliance and various trade unions have called for another major rally. organizers expect up to 50 thousand participants. what exactly does not suit the protesters, because how do they they say they have serious questions due to the fact that enterprises are suffering losses, it all starts with energy, energy prices, labor resources and, above all, bureaucracy. there are many individual problems that have nothing to do with emotions, but can simply be
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solved objectively. what criticism would you like to express to our government, because this entire demonstration is generally directed against such work by the scholz cabinet. everyday life, this is just one of the reasons why they don’t listen to us, we already post several weeks, individual associations do not contact us for negotiations, supposedly we, the citizens, do not understand anything about this. everything is now twisting in america. texas ultimately did not obey biden’s ultimatum and is ready for a clash with the us army. the governor of the state of ebat activated the first article of the us constitution, which allows... to declare martial law and act without regard to federal authorities. abott considers
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the influx of migrants an invasion of his state and blames joe biden and his liberalism for emigration to the united states for the invasion of texas. totally agree last year, the number of illegal crossings of the southern border broke a record, with more than 3 million migrants entering the country through it. the lion's share.
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this is zelensky’s dream, they will transfer him to the southern border of america. all this equipment belongs to the texas national guard. in addition, self-propelled artillery units have been relocated to the southern border; it is clear that all this is being brought not to fight migrants, but to prepare for a possible real conflict with the federal authorities. but texas will not be alone here. 10 more. republican states are also pulling their national guards to the border with texas, in oklahoma
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they are talking about a possible clash with the us army, south dakota is openly calling to protect the country and get rid of the broken joe biden, so they say. in general, a civil conflict could break out at any moment, and in texas there are 30,000 machine guns in the hands of the population. you and i have only one thing left: to support freedoms. the beloved people of texas in an effort to protect the borders from the bloody biden and once again may the texas people's republic surrender to tnr. bank on the border with mexico. the state is defying feds' demands to allow border patrol into eagle pass.
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national guard soldiers block off the park with military vehicles and fences topped with barbed wire. it's the razor wire that's at the center of the intensifying political battle between the state of texas and the biden administration. texas says it prevents migrants from crossing the border illegally, but the biden administration says it prevents grant agencies from doing their job. while white. house called actions with texas inhumane local government officials supporting them, governor abbott is doing what the federal government should have done long ago. i'm not talking about barbed wire, but about stopping the flow of migration to the united states. if this had happened years ago, we would not be in this situation now. almost all republican governors support eboto. and his actions on the border. 25 republican governors wrote a letter in support of abbott, arguing the state
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has a constitutional right to defend itself. governor abbott says he believes these states want to send troops to the border if necessary. border patrol is trying to enter the park through the rio grande to process migrants, but the state is not letting them through because it has its own troops, the national guard. yesterday i saw the national guard set up new barriers, barbed wire down the rio grande, and a whole slew of police bills as the state continues to arrest migrants and...
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joe biden threatens our sovereignty state, and if he does federalize
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the texas national guard, that would be unprecedented, it would actually activate the federal guard and become. look at yesterday, at all this obscenity that is happening, we continue to move forward. trump slammed president biden and condemned the border crisis. this is a disaster, this is a terrible situation, nothing like this has ever happened before. this is the worst border in the history of the world, including any other country. there has never been a country where millions and millions of people could enter without checks, without prohibitions, without knowing anything. trump slammed president biden and condemned the border crisis. texas governor greg evatt prepared a letter addressed not just to the presidential administration, but to the entire world. here's part of what it says. under president biden's lawless border policies, more than 6 million illegal immigrants have crossed our southern border in just 3 years, more than the population of 33 different
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states. are you worried about the governors, the possibility of conflict between state forces, be it serving states?
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but a little more about the first superpower. an american base in northern jordan was hit by a uav. as a result, three american soldiers were killed and 30 more were injured, the central command officially reported. biden has already placed responsibility on loyal iranian groups, although there has been no response from the united states. apparently it won't follow. before the elections , biden will not make any sudden moves, he has no strength, a third, maybe even a fourth, if everything calculate carefully, there won’t be a fourth war. ukraine, taiwan is on the way, the middle east only lacks aid for israel - iran. well, that is, tehran will continue
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to mock the united states and give the hegemon even more slaps. against this background , it was natural for do to attack biden. trump. after the death of american troops, he said that america simply could not survive with biden as commander in chief. donald called the blow to the us base a consequence of joe biden's impotence and weakness. they say that if trump had been at the helm, then not only this blow in jordan, hamas would not have attacked israel, and the russian special operation would not even have begun. and in general on earth. iran object was addressed by senator linzi graham, the same graham who calls the murder of russians a successful investment by the united states. according to fox news, washington is still
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thinking about how to respond; biden himself is getting worse every day; the day before, joe called trump the current president of america who wants to bring down the us economy. in general, according to freud, biden's rating is at least 33% of everyone. he said he wants for the economy to collapse this year, the current president, god forgive me. joe biden called donald trump the current president of the united states during his speech on the economy in north carolina. the white
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house published on its website prepared talking points for the speech, in which it indicated the president's verbal gaffe. the 81- year-old president spent much of his speech attacking donald trump.
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he's a loser. biden is far from the best among those who can exert psychological pressure with insults. for example this the insult came immediately after biden ad-libbed that trump was trying to end the presidency, which, as we know, is not what trump was trying to do. this is exactly what he tried to preserve. biden probably meant that he was going to end democracy, but now he at least told trump more harshly, more directly, he was sounding out possible attack options. at private fundraising events, and now at the risk of saying it publicly, apparently what is called a loser is starting to get on trump's nerves, it's all just
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incredible, even if it was just your grandfather, it would all be embarrassing enough, but this is the president of the united states, all these numerous videos with awkward joe biden do not cause calm at all, it's terrible, and it was it would be bad if that was joe biden’s only problem, he falls off his bike, off the plane. can't put his own words together, and joe biden's approval rating has hit another record low of 33%. no president has ever won re-election with such ratings are low, and democrats know they have serious problems. the whole country is falling apart, that's the main problem for the democrats. not only do we have this misunderstanding in the president's seat, not only do our enemies laugh at us, not only do our allies no longer respect us because of this guy. also, gas prices are sky -high, inflation is sky-high, right now it seems that we are on the verge of the third world war, this guy at the helm is responsible for all of this, well,
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another eco-related incident happened in the louvre, there two women poured pea soup on mono-lisa, leonardo da vincia. the work of art, as usual, was covered with a protective cover. glass, so there will be no consequences from brown-yellow splashes on giaconda’s face. crazy activists said that they are not fighting against oil extraction, as is often the case, they are not fighting for nature conservation, the food response was written on their t-shirts. the slogans that the women shouted were about food, that the french... ecosystem is sick, and even that everyone the third frenchman, you see, regularly skips meals, the schizophrenics are not
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far behind and... the usa at a distance of more than 450 m. although the girls even from his team opposed the participation of the trans-swimmer converted into a woman and asked to remove the trans-swimmer, no one heard them. finland is still more interesting, there are presidential elections taking place there, according to local
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tv channels in the country there will most likely be a second one. both possible candidates for the presidency are fiercely and naturally russophobes, but one of them distinguished himself much more, the former the head of the midcountry, peka hasta , who is also a presidential candidate, is also openly gay. next door to finland, germany on television no longer knows what to show and how to surprise. peredachulant 2024, which is published on the state. german tv channel, there is no age limit, the program is the most popular in germany, according to official german ratings, they showed this woman, the woman works as a surgeon’s assistant and in her free time she likes to play games flute, plays the flute, she has genitals, in
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general, zelensky’s new competitor... and we welcome you to the super talent show 2024, what great guys, hello, we are a bomb trio, we are a real sports team, we are the best beach sports team . so
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you say that you are the best team, what is your talent? we will just show you now and you will understand everything. that this cannot happen, they are naked,
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my name is dr. beatrice makuev. why, doctor? i trained as a general practitioner, now i work as an assistant surgeon and what have you prepared for us today? i devote my free time to my hobbies, namely acrobatics and music. today i would like to demonstrate my talent. how long have you been doing this? i've been doing this for 10 years. i have a unique playing style. well, i don't play the flute the way
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they usually teach it in school, okay, you can start the show, thank you. i've already seen more than it's worth,
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oh my god, no, oh my god, no, oh my god, no, the stove seems to be stuck, this is exactly what i meant by unique style of play, once again for understanding, german state television. there are no restrictions on watching the program, the program is the highest rated on this tv channel, and these people tell us about their values, or
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rather , god forbid, they are trying to impose these values ​​on us, i think, as much as we can, we must try to resist, but at the same time we we know where the lady is... progress on the front line, what about the kupin direction, where can we record our success? the russian army is now leading offensive actions and develops success
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south of kupinsk in the area of ​​tabakeevka. there is progress towards beristovoe and peschanoye. there is information about the destruction of a number of dugouts, oporniks and... other important objects of the armed forces of ukraine in the kupinsky direction , russian crews of kamika fpv attack drones were working against the enemy, in general it should be noted that the skill of these guys is simply increasing every day, as is the quantity and quality of drones , which is also improving, which we see from the results of their combat work. whether there is a feeling that the enemy is really running out of ammunition is now being reported by the times.
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in fact, in parity conditions , that is, to respond to one of our salvos with at least one of our own, now for every five to six shots from a russian gun there are only one or two return shots at the ukrainian armed forces, here in the kherson region this is felt by the density of terrorist shellings that the kiev regime loves just a couple of weeks ago they poured misfortune upon the peaceful people.
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there is simply nowhere to get the ukrainian army’s ditch shells, and the production of soviet there are either no 152 mm calibers, or there are extremely insufficient of them, that’s the principle. in general, this is the sad fate of a country that finds itself in colonial bondage; the forces of the countries turn into a nato proxy army and simply do menial work for washington, well, let’s say, cheaply, when the owners no longer need the services of the aborigines, they are simply removed from pay and abandoned with what to eat, that’s actually shell hunger, and meat assaults, pay for... thank you very much,
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rianovosti military correspondent andrei kazakov is in direct communication with the front line. what concerns the ukrainian army, zelensky gave another interview with a beggar, where, firstly, interestingly for us, he announced new figures, admitted that about 30 million people now live in ukraine, remember, there were times when...
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and he is a man, although this the goal is unattainable, it is already obvious to everyone, the west does not view ukraine this way, the west does not care about its territorial integrity at all, absolutely, literally, the west is concerned about the possibility of a way out of this situation, so that an obvious military defeat can be converted into battlefield into his political victory. the west is concerned about the preservation of ukraine in any form, within any borders, but as a sovereign state, and it doesn’t matter that there will be 5 million people there. they are not interested in the issue
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of territorial integrity, they will easily agree to negotiations with part of the loss of part of the territory of ukraine, be it bukovina, be it transcarpathia or the lviv-ternopil region or novorossiya or along the dnieper, it doesn’t matter, they will even be satisfied one street in the western region, but for them it is important it is important that they can record the fact of preserving ukraine as... a sovereign state, zelensky cannot understand this, no one will invest money in restoring the territorial integrity of ukraine, this is like a pretext for war, yes, and the last thing about the british, the british have been for a long time they hate the russians, and i even know why, because the russians interfere in the internal affairs of the british around the world, irritate the british, prevent them from pursuing their colonial policy, in fact, which we have been fighting against for so long, they they still consider themselves imperials, they still consider themselves...
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statistics in london have become increasingly louder, every third person in the event of the outbreak of war is ready to join the british army, preliminary decoding of flight recorders, an important message: a military transport vehicle shot down by a ukrainian missile near belgorod aircraft i-76 has been completed, experts have begun studying the data received, riya told the news, a representative of the emergency services received: preliminary data was said by the agency’s interlocutor, noting,
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that in fact, a maximum of half an hour is deciphered, then comprehension comes. let me remind you that putin said on friday that several days are needed, he said 2-3 days, in order to approximately understand the type of missile that hit the russian military transport aircraft, two versions, or an american missile. patriot or european production, putin said so, but clarifications have already appeared, there is a high probability that this is a french rocket, the so-called sam, let’s wait. please, what we just saw are these here are concerts, playing with the help of genitals and so on, this is what we ourselves observed for some time in the nineties, but it didn’t even get to that extent in the nineties, but they don’t only get to this point,
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that’s the feeling , that the whole west in these nineties is ours... it is sinking, it is sinking for a reason, we ended our nineties when putin came, and ukraine continued them and now also reached the point of playing the royal, as zelensky performed, and then ukraine, which went to the very extreme, yes, it’s like a vampire in the movies about vampires, bitten this europe, bitten this america, yes, now they are all , as they say, going crazy, just this degradation that we only see, it would be nice if it only manifested itself in these things, it... it manifests itself, well, so to speak, in social terms and in everyone else, now it is really close to civil war - in america in europe. that's the thing about america and texas. well, uh, i was there, i have friends there, we are now corresponding with them, so i’ll tell you the situation, as they say, from the place.
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first of all, i’ll tell you that when i was there visiting them, the first thing that was done when i went to the texan’s house was that they showed me a huge one. a closet in which there were probably a hundred weapons, that is , there were rifles there from the civil war, and the latest, just the latest pistols, rifles, and so on, you could shoot with all of this in the backyard, which we did there with pleasure and so on, but every texan has such a cabinet, in every texan’s home, and there’s all kinds of weapons there, it’s not like there are 3000 machine guns there, everyone there... a person considers himself a cowboy, a man , and so on, and everything there is armed in this sense, but if there is a fire there, they say so themselves, then there will be such blood and the life will begin in such a way that no one will find it enough, now weapons are moving there, and they are tracking
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the railroads, which were abandoned in texas for a very long time, that is, they exist, but no one drives on them, everyone usually drives these trucks. now weapons are transported by railways, and how federal and local guards , that is, they are pumping up, well, how can i say, it comes from both sides, this is the pumping, which is also, as they say, an injection, not some kind of spark will begin, while the texans themselves all fully support their governor, now there are already jokes on the internet. these started, i’m a houstonian , i’m the daughter of a cowboy, don’t believe it, everything is not so simple here, no one wants to secede, yes, but in fact , texas is ready to secede right at any moment, they believe that they are the largest, most powerful economic state in america is one of the largest economies in the world
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in general, they will live without everyone else, but our humorous resource panorama has long been news... i addressed and invited them to go to russia, and i, for my part, would go to all these farmers , generally speaking. we have no taxes on land compared to europe,
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the difference is 10 times. in general, our tax burden is one and a half, two times less than in europe. we have constant subsidies for farmers, we have two. boris johnson naturally will not save the army by this minute, really not seriously 100,000 according to official information in this very they expand connections. contingent, it is in this regard that they are officially preparing to recruit military personnel for terrorist defense, exactly how an ordinary terrorist defense should help.
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all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, this is for you, i feel bad without you, forgive me, i’m in trouble, love is like a flight, please, a flight into the unknown, an island. they heard the convoy, they just reported that there was an earthquake, just help evacuate the wounded, it
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’s really bad there, lavan is coming soon, sasha, everyone on board, quickly, the engine is completely out building, going on one, engine fire, slow down, prepare the nearest airport, the nearest,
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broadcast from the first pavilion on friday on rtr. this is the center of the electoral commission that registered putin as a candidate for the presidential elections in russia. registration time was 11:23. the co-chairman of his campaign headquarters received a presidential candidate certificate addressed to vladimir vladimirovich putin. “together we are strong,
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we vote for russia. look, it is proposed to register a candidate for the post of president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin , issue a certificate of a registered candidate." and publish our resolution in the prescribed manner. let us put to a vote the draft, the resolution on the first issue on the registration of a candidate for the post of president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. who is for? who is against? who abstained? accepted unanimously. registration time? 11:22.
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i would also like to emphasize that our candidate is running as a self-nominated candidate, he had the opportunity to run for the party, but for for vladimir vladimirovich, it is fundamentally important to see the support of the russians, and you know, regardless. depends on what political preferences citizens have, and the fact that 10 times more signatures were collected than required
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by law speaks volumes of course. about many things, but the most important thing, probably, is that we saw in the places where signatures were collected , we observed the unity of citizens when they came to cast their votes, signatures for our candidate, they came with their families, they came from the most different regions and the most remote ones, a huge thank you to thank you. please, unlike russia, ukraine, the fact that it hopes for some kind of support, i will support the words of speredon, yes, that the ukrainian territorial integrity, in fact , stopped worrying the americans at the end of twenty-two, at a time when ukraine, ukraine was swelling from the fact that they allegedly won a victory there near kharkov,
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american analysts recommended the administration. to get out of this conflict, while it was necessary to shift the conflict onto european shoulders, and territorial integrity was specifically stated there, should not have been a sticking point, that is, they don’t care how the united states should get out, what we are seeing, it came out, handed it over to the ukrainians, this is the friction over military assistance to ukraine , which biden and his administration are fighting for, as we see, she can’t decide, she has to decide everything. europe, europe has a kind of dual task: on the one hand, to help ukraine, on the other hand, to prepare for war, both require money, costs, material resources, time, and so on and so forth, and what, than europe can boast, finally , in 2023, i will clarify the figures that were carried out here, rheinmetal and all the companies there that produce ammunition made incredible
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efforts. we were able to reach the figure of 400,000 shells per year, 400, that’s it, then the limit is already reached, the americans immediately thanked them for this, they said, now you won’t have lng, and if you do, it will cost a lot of money, well, allies, what can i say, at the same time, the american company reid on reached the figure of 720,000 shells per year, this is what they spent 2 years reformatted their military industry to provide assistance to ukraine, as is clear, this is not enough, but... these shells are not for ukraine, because what is now being supplied to ukraine continues to be supplied from warehouses , with the possible exception of mortar shells that we saw on the screens, new ones are coming, but this is one of the simplest productions, well, it’s clear that mortar shells, like drones, are a close-range projectile that does not work, and for serious defense or for
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serious offensive operations it is required completely different technique. also problems, while our minister of defense talked about how we have increased the production of military equipment and weapons, he also visited the twelfth research institute of the ministry of defense, where he inspected the latest developments related to both ammunition and protection against them , at the same time, this institute is our leading one, not only in the production of various types of ammunition, but means of protection against these ammunition, therefore... our scientific and technical activities keep pace over time, even ahead of it. at the same time, what can the west boast of? yes, they are going to make england a storage facility for nuclear weapons. i'll say those b61 nuclear bombs.


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