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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  January 30, 2024 5:00am-8:58am MSK

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so, let's, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don't forgive me, the main thing. allied support, ensuring security, expanding the integration of russia and belarus were discussed at meetings of the supreme state council. the vzo fired eight missiles in a salvo attack on donetsk, there were dead and wounded. paris is under siege, the prefectures are covered in manure, farmers have blocked the entrances to the city to blockade.
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to the russian segment of the international space station and this event is planned for the spring of this year. home the task in the industrial sphere is to intensify cooperation in the field of import substitution. a lot has been done here, we understand a lot of things that we didn’t understand 2 years ago, they couldn’t bring us to our knees, on the contrary , we mobilized and did a lot.
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support was collected by 2.5 million signatures in 89 regions of the country; in accordance with the law, 315 thousand signatures were submitted to the cec. three people were killed, three more were wounded in donetsk, the vso fired at least eight rockets from a multiple launch rocket system into the city . most of them fell in kalininsky area, a private car caught fire, and windows in residential buildings were broken by the blast wave. in the south of the dpr, a priest was wounded in the village of nikolskoye. in the lugansk republic , two people were injured as a result of shelling of a residential building. children. in
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the kharkov region, troops of the west group liberated the village of abaevka from the vzo. three enemy attacks were successfully repulsed in the same area. 34 drones were shot down on the territory of the lpr, as well as zaporozhye and kherson regions. a haymars shell was intercepted. on the right bank of the dnieper, our troops managed to hit the location of the ukrainian armed forces marines in ukrainian rear north of kherson. the total enemy losses per day are about 700 militants. in the capital region, weather forecasters predict march-like warm weather, with classic winter in the south. in the rostov region , snowstorms and ice practically stopped the m4 don federal highway. the day before, a traffic jam of skidding trucks stretched for almost 20 km, and the groundwater level near rostov itself rose dramatically. on sakhalin, even several days after the powerful cyclone , heavy equipment had not yet reached many populated areas. some schoolchildren are still remotely. on social networks. impressive shots,
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some of them lifting their cars out of the snow captivity, more, more, more, wow! and other daredevils jump into snowdrifts from the roofs of high-rise buildings. the court of arbitration for sport has disqualified russian figure skater kamilla valieva for 4 years for violating anti-doping rules. the verdict clarifies that the period is counted from december 25 of the twenty-first year, when a doping sample was taken at the russian championship, which aroused suspicion. according to kas , the athlete could not prove that she took a prohibited drug "in this regard, the team russia's figure skating team may lose gold in the team tournament of the beijing olympics and the americans, who received silver 2 years ago, will automatically become the winners. the white house called constructive negotiations in paris with the participation of the head of the cia and representatives
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of israel, qatar and egypt to discuss a deal to release hostages in the gas sector. but there are no specific agreements yet and israel’s military operation continues. rafa hanyuni was fired upon again... travel was difficult on all highways leading to the capital. previously, the federation of agricultural trade unions announced that she intended to organize a complete blockade of paris to prevent the supply of any goods to the capital. the farmers also plan to lay siege to two paris airports, as well as europe's largest food market, rungis, south of
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the city. police forces have been reinforced in the market area. the protests have been going on for several weeks. farmers flood the prefectures with manure. thus, they condemn the government's agricultural policies. the list of demands includes 120 points, including a refusal to import cheap ukrainian agricultural products and abolition of fuel tax. this is a message, don't switch. unique equipment appeared in the perinatal center in khabar. venolocator, with the help of this new generation device, doctors see the exact location of the veins in newborns, and nadezhda lyakh’s report. here we see the vessels, see how purple they are, this is where we will perform the function. although the device fits easily in the hand,
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the process always requires two people: while one specialist works as a pig locator, the other holds the baby’s hand. the little patient is only a few days old, a needle is inserted into the vein without such turnover. the task is not easy, even for an experienced doctor. in newborn babies, in premature babies, the vascular wall is underdeveloped, and we cannot palpate it, we cannot see it, so vascular access was difficult for us, perhaps not even the first time. the device uses infrared light, emitting it onto the skin, the vinolocator receives the necessary information, gives a contour drawing like this, so now specialists give injections or place a catheter the first time. another novelty of the perinatal center in the intensive care unit therapy, where children who have undergone surgery are observed, this is an intensive care bed with temperature control and built-in scales, it has several standing levels, which is comfortable for the staff, a thermal curtain
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is created across the entire width of the bed, which is very comfortable for the child, because they are thermophilic, they depend on the ambient temperature. in total , equipment worth 6 million rubles was purchased in 2023. including at the expense of the regional budget. operating tables, in the obstetric department, monitors for monitoring the condition of patients, equipment for laboratory department and others. this helps us meet all standards of medical care and ensures the quality and safety of this medical care. meanwhile, in 2023, about 300 children went through intensive care alone; in total , over 4.00 babies were born within the walls of the perinatal center. nadezhda lyakh, alexey shabelnikov, lead khabarovsk. this is the message for this moment, all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website, meet the morning on the russia channel. let's start!
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let's go, let's go crazy, more, more, more, excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don’t forgive the main thing, good morning, hello, vera kraso, vladislav zavyalov in morning of russia, january 30, tuesday and something is missing from this day, magic is missing in the morning, let’s add, an artist from italy creates. mechanical wooden barrel organs, you just twist the handle and the robot flies a
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kite, the mouse is immersed in reading a cheese encyclopedia, and a viking girl with flowing hair pierces you with her gaze. the designer not only posts his work online, but also sells the most simple mechanisms from 150 euros 1500 in rubles, one of the latest creations, incendiary shrimp jazzb, breaks records in views, it has already received 2 million likes. avocado normalized my weight both during pregnancy and after pregnancy, it returned to normal quite quickly, and
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accordingly the cholesterol level itself decreased very quickly. it’s hard to believe, but once you look into the details, everything falls into place. as you know, there are two types of cholesterol in our body: good, the one that fights the formation of plaques, bad, one that accumulates after 40 in men and after 55 in women. it just promotes the formation of plaques. if the balance of bad cholesterol is disturbed, it becomes more, dangerous for us, and atherosclerosis develops. scientists have noticed that this ratio can be changed not only with the help of drugs. mexican scientists and doctors have found that eating avocado daily for a week reduces bad cholesterol levels by 17%. and this happens due to monounsaturated fatty acids. these are vegetable fats, they should be 2/3 of all in our diet fats, they are the ones that have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. these fatty acids have been scientifically proven to resist the development of cholesterol. bad, on the contrary , it increases good cholesterol , and it’s worth using, doctors say, but alas, not all
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of our citizens heed such advice, i even know that i have high cholesterol, well , i don’t control it yet, you know what’s more bad than, well there is no time to keep track, but all you need to do when going to the store is to choose the right vegetables and fruits, to help us not only avocado, but all the dark greens, including leafy greens, spinach, broccoli, these products contain important... tenoids, luteins, they improve lipid metabolism, as well as microelements such as potassium, magnesium, folic acid, they are needed for good functioning of blood vessels, all this will support the level of good cholesterol, citrus fruits will help remove bad cholesterol with the help of pectins. soluble dietary fibers act as absorbents in the bloodstream itself, binding and removing all unnecessary substances from organisms, including heavy metal salts, excess cholesterol, which naturally, from the perspective of our conversation... it leads to a decrease in blood cholesterol levels. the ideal option to make from all of the above is a salad, for example, with
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cabbage, broccoli and avocado, adding brightness to the taste using the same oranges. however, there is a whole field for experimentation, because all these vegetables and fruits combine well with each other and enhance each other’s positive effect. but it is important to understand that such a diet is not a panacea; if the doctor has already prescribed medications, they should not be ignored. herbal help it acts gently and works more like a preventative, which is also so tasty. tasty and low-calorie food, which is also important, against the backdrop of more than 400 thousand new cases of obesity identified in russia in the twenty-second year, such data were provided by rosstat, and this is 36 thousand more than in the twenty-first year, but our science has solution to the problem. scientists from saratov state medical university have proposed an effective method for treating obesity using electromagnetic influence on the brain. brain. let's talk more about this with one of the authors. what is the reason for the increase in obesity cases
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in the first place, and can i also give a link to the head of the ministry of health, over the past 5 years the proportion of russians suffering from this diagnosis has increased by a third? and this is absolutely true, because the number of obese people and especially obese children is steadily growing. two things that lead to obesity: the first is overeating, that is, a person receives more calories than he needs, second, he does not move enough, he does not spend all these calories.
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they are not friends with you, what is the technique ? electrodes are applied transcronially along these electrodes, it runs transcronially, that is, here on the so-called headband, a magnetic flux runs transcrenially, which has a number of very interesting parameters: firstly, it is a vasodilator effect, secondly - this is an effect in general, you know, regulating regulating. these systems that determine appetite, a person no longer experiences such cravings for food. at this time, when his appetite decreases, he begins to be satisfied with less food and the food that we teach him. and when do you need to repeat it? you need to do 10-15 procedures and take a break, because
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this effect lasts for about 3 months, is it only for children? and adults, of course , adults , say: well, this can’t happen, because it doesn’t exist abroad, since it doesn’t exist there, it means it can’t happen, but these are our developers, you understand, sarawak developers, well, you and the ministry of health are in close contact, no, no, not in close contact, although we went out to, well, i i want to say that in saratov clinics
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there is this equipment, but they don’t deal more with obesity, they deal more with neurology. yeah, and neurology is going very well, well, you understand that we will have to return to this topic, that we will have to come to saratov, no, we’ll just invite more guests on this topic, thank you, we talked about methods of combating excess weight with professor, doctor of medical sciences , honored doctor in russia nina bolotova , to take such risks, don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice three soon, the more people, the less oxygen there is, so there’s no... the bigger the sound, the brighter the performance, the fiercer the competition. the most ambitious project, come on, all together, in unison. friday at 21:30. an extra day, extra troubles, according to a survey,
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every third russian agrees that a leap year, this being the twenty-fourth, brings trouble. but the vast majority don't think so. men and women believe in the popular sign almost equally; the largest share of those who agree that a leap year is a year of difficulty is for category 60 plus. fear, a reason to be on the safe side. last year , kaska insurance contracts were concluded by 40% more. daria tyunova will tell you how to choose a suitable, profitable policy. hard hat with a franchise or in installments, mini, micro or full hard hat options to take out a policy. there are dozens of voluntary car insurance today, the demand for such an insurance product among russians is growing every year, there are several main reasons: the demand for cars has grown very much, and cars are expensive, expensive, so you need to somehow protect yourself, the price has increased these cars, the price of spare parts has increased, and the cost of repairs has accordingly increased; in this situation, the helmet policy somehow protects the person. the popularity of helmet policies
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has increased with the advent of dozens of more profitable options for such policies, for example, the cost of truncated or partial insurance compared to standard full casco can be cheaper from 10 to 70%. the most popular product now is the mini helmet. recently, the most popular products have become the so-called mini-helmet, when there is not full car insurance, for some individual cases or with some restrictions, and this allows you to make this policy much cheaper and more convenient for a person. the main advantage of such a policy is that the risks against which the car owner wants to insure the car can be set almost manually... for example, select only those that are not covered by liability, theft, theft, fire, the price will depend on the final set of risks , on average it will be 30% cheaper than a full helmet. for example, for an experienced driver standard policy for 1 year on a five-year policy. a foreign car can cost about 80,000 rubles. for comparison, a mini-helmet under the same conditions will cost 56,000. this is suitable for motorists who are confident in their driving skills or the owner of not very expensive or
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not very new vehicles, since in cases not specified in the insurance , they will have to pay for car repairs themselves. another popular type is the franchise helmet. policies with a deductible - this is when a person, including in the event of an insurance in the event of an accident or some other damage to the car, he partially pays the cost himself. damage or vice versa, when the deductible limits small damages, so that for every scratch or some small damage a person does not contact the insurance company, for example, if regular car insurance costs 40,000 rubles, then the same with a deductible will cost 20,000, while , if a person drives without accidents, then he does not pay extra and saves 50%, but if an accident occurs due to his fault, he will pay another 20,000 to the full cost policy. for the second year in a row, a helmet from the franchise has been issued by car enthusiast maxim from ryazan . the young man has been driving for 8 years, but the car. it’s new and doesn’t want to take risks, and besides, with this insurance option you can save money. if there is no accident on the car for a year, then with a deductible i will not pay
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an extra 15,000 for my helmet, that is, if i took a full helmet without a deductible, it would cost 15,000 more. in general, there is no reason to refuse the casca policy, as was previously the case due to its high cost. today you can choose the optimal insurance product for any car, experience, and most importantly budget. and then, who will be responsible for the icicles? will utility workers clean up? annushka has already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought it, but even bottled it, vulenda was seen again at the patriarchs, you are a historian, i am a historian, today there will be an interesting story at the patriarchs, black marg, yes. the posters will now be a millionaire. margarita again picks up the yellow flowers. with yellow flowers, i came out so that you could finally find me. the master burns his novel again.
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trouble will happen to me. i do not want you to died with me. so, citizens, now the famous foreign artist monsieur woland will perform before you. true history in a new quality. let it be so. master and margarita. midnight is approaching, sir. today on rtr it’s already on the platform, we’re watching all the episodes right now in the app or on the website. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. have you already figured out which one? u the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers. taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is.
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as my mother says, you'll lose your mind. this world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet. for your master, in confidence to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, tell me, son-in-law, have you ever been jealous of my daughter? no, look at the weekend, angel, for what deeds of mine did you send me an ambassador? "you not just a beautiful woman, you are absolutely amazing, you love her, but she, she and
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my father are having an affair, for some beauty is a ticket to a happy life, you will definitely like it, for others it is a test of fidelity, why are you silent? " what should i say? well , something, shout, hit, i don’t know, when your husband is having an affair, where does he take his chosen ones? too beautiful wife, on saturday on rtr. yuri kuznetsov, it was in this very makeup that ira met you for the first time, she came from filming, and then doubts, from filming is it? and we began to communicate, there was this feeling that i was needed here, by that time you were already what, 40-something, it’s the nineties, cinema stopped, the ninety-fifth year began
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filming in the lanterns. for the first time in my life i paid off my debts, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov is on friday on rtr, we’ll fly around, but without a trick, crew, guys, close the curtain, on friday on rtr. let's congratulate each other, today is mosfilm's 100th anniversary, experts analyzed audience expert ratings of specialized publications and services and compiled the absolute top best paintings. in the top five, vladimir menshov's oscar-winning film moscow doesn't believe in slicks and ivan vasilyevich is changing his profession. the third and second ones are also in the films, the diamond hand is an operation. well,
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this is the undisputed leader. comedy by alexander sirov, gentlemen of fortune. the legendary star factory celebrated its anniversary with a grand concert, which can be seen on air on our channel on february 2, so don’t miss it. the history of mosfilm is itself a multifaceted film masterpiece, in which many worlds exist in parallel and eras. in the workshops of this film city you can build a spaceship or travel back in time. over the course of 100 years, the studio has gone from a modest film factory to a giant film concern. first impression of the mass film. i had 80 years ago, when esenstein brought me as a six-year-old boy to the set of ivan the terrible, i remember only huge structures, esenstein’s hand, me and his very wide pants. the anniversary of the film studio was an excellent occasion to bring together several generations of actors and directors to remember the history of the domestic dream factory.
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to the sounds of your favorite melodies , frames from films by sergei izenshtein, andrei torkovsky, ivan pyryev and many other great directors flash on the screen. some of my best films were shot, of course, at mosfilm, and there are dozens of them with wonderful, amazing directors, this is like my home, and i crossed the threshold of mosfilm in 1960. this year, in the sixties , comedy flourished at mosfilm, almost every one became a popular favorite. at the concert they remembered georgy danelia, ildar ryazanov, leonid gaidai, whose films are still reviewed and analyzed for quotes by viewers of all ages. we are in the most terrible hour, we are in a magical catwalk. the most dear guests of the festive evening are mosfilm veterans. it was they who wrote the history of cinema. among
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them is the sound engineer of the film the cranes are flying, igor. he had to stand on roller skates to convey the movement of the waltzing couples. the equipment was very heavy, the camera was more than 100 kg, i tried to come up with all sorts of ways to make the camera as mobile as possible. i rode these rabbits, got to the crane and transplanted, such a find. people have been living here with this feeling for 100 years, costumes, props, and scenery change, but the main thing remains, the unique magic of cinema, erasing the boundaries between the viewer and the screen. and then, it’s sushi cold at deumova, she didn’t pay for the heating, but no, all the bills are paid, but in this bunk, no matter how much you pay , the mole puts everything in his pocket, yeah, what if we calculate that too? business, but they won’t have
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to count for long, there are gaps left, they are going to start an audit system for public utilities, so it will help, you think, yeah, and we’ll find out from the experts very soon, we heard with appetites, yeah, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, that’s the main thing. the news will tell you about the main thing in ver tarasov's studio. hello. russia and belarus provide each other with genuine allied support and will work together to ensure security. the approaches of moscow and minsk to current global and regional problems coincide, vladimir putin spoke about this at a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state, which was held at the konstantinovsky palace in st. petersburg.
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as a result of the meeting of the supreme state council, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko signed a resolution on the creation of a media holding of the union state. in the kharkov region , troops of the west group liberated the settlement of obaevka from the ukrainian armed forces. three enemy attacks were successfully repulsed in the same area. over
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the territory of the lpr, as well as the zaporozhye and kherson regions, 34 drones were shot down, and a hymers shell was intercepted. on the right bank of the dnieper, our troops managed to hit the location of the ukrainian armed forces marines in the ukrainian rear to the north. kherson, total enemy losses for day about 700 militants. the court of arbitration for sport disqualified russian figure skater kamilla valieva for 4 years for violating anti-doping rules. the verdict clarifies that the period is counted from december 25 of the twenty-first year, when a doping test was taken at the russian championship, which aroused suspicion. according to kas, the athlete could not prove that she took the prohibited drug trimetosidine by accident. in this regard, the russian figure cat team. cannot lose gold in the team tournament of the beijing olympics and the winners americans who received silver 2 years ago will automatically become eligible. in the capital region , weather forecasters predict warm weather for march, with classic winter in the south. in
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the rostov region, snowstorms and ice practically stopped the m4-don federal highway. the day before, a traffic jam of skidding trucks stretched for almost 20 km, and near rostov itself, the groundwater level rose on the dana river . on sakhalin even after a few. in france, protesting farmers began blocking highways around paris; by monday evening, travel was difficult. all highways leading to the capital. earlier , the federation of agricultural trade unions announced that it intended to organize a complete blockade of paris to prevent the supply of any
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goods to the capital. the farmers also plan to lay siege to two paris airports, as well as europe's largest food market , rungis, south of the city. police forces have been reinforced in the market area. there have been several protests going on already. farmers throw manure into the prefectures, thus condemning the government's agricultural policies. don't switch. altai ornithologists lead waterfowl census, for this, scientists use drones with photo and video cameras, and then carefully study high-resolution images. how the number of rare birds in the region has changed. nikolai poteshkin learned, but how not to get lost, if they either dive or fight, when there are more than a hundred birds, count them with your eyes, ornithologists say, and there is no point in trying, there are almost a thousand red book whooper swans this year on lake svetloe. climbing to a bird's eye view is
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the only opportunity not to miss a single beak, especially since up to some the corners of the lake cannot be reached otherwise. the pictures are of good quality, then ornithologists will study them centimeter by centimeter on the monitor. have grown more than 100 times, well, last year, in our reserve and near the youth village in biysk , over 1,400 swans wintered, in 1967 there were 12 of them. we winter here, uh, mostly whooper swan in small numbers and not every one the little swan, the mute swan, still winter for a year , the mallards, goldeneyes, big bastards winter a lot, all the waterfowl in the region, together with the whole... country, is considered to be the tenth winter in a row, the gray neck action helps to understand in what
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quantity, where and what species of birds winter in russia; along the way, ornithologists assess their health, whether the birds have enough food, whether the conditions for breeding have worsened , for example, bobbers fly to altai with two or three chicks, but there are large families with six families, for schoolchildren this includes biology, ecology, and geography, they also help scientists, the club is called i am a researcher, so our task is to learn and... there are different sizes in several other villages, just birds there less, but every individual is important for science, so volunteers are always welcome in the russian bird conservation union. besides sparrows, some people don’t see anyone at all; in fact, in the altai territory we have something like 350 species of birds , so there’s a lot to see, and it seems. to sincerely cherish
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what is so important for a modern person. nikolai poteshkin, lyudmila vidmir and vladimir zhdanov, lead altai. the complex for yamal aircraft was opened at the tyumen roshche airport, it took 2 years to set it up, using the most advanced technologies, taking into account the high requirements for aircraft maintenance. our correspondent, yana pustovskaya, will continue. in new hangar it is convenient for everyone, both people and aircraft. now there are four winged aircraft, two airbuses and two superjets in service here, half of them are undergoing basic repairs, which are carried out once every 2 years, the ship is literally rebuilt from bone to bone. for this purpose , the hangar has a modern laboratory for technical diagnostics and non-destructive testing. not the slightest crack will slip past him. next door, paint shop workshop room where batteries are checked and charged. after 500 years of sediment, parts of the chassis arrive at the wheel and brake repair shop and are disassembled bolt by bolt. during flaw detection, the device produces
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something like a cardiogram for the part. this plane should take to the runway in early february. the work must be completed on time. an engine is installed on its wings after a major overhaul. this is the first time such work has been carried out within the hangar walls. the engine is the heart of the aircraft. replacing it is one of the most difficult types of work. previously, it was carried out outside, and for this it was necessary to wait for favorable weather conditions. now they do it at any time. in comfortable conditions. the work, which is done under one’s own roof in 2-3 days, used to take a week. severe forms of maintenance were often carried out in third-party organizations and even spent a lot of money abroad. today, due to the fact that we have such a good hangar complex, which is equipped with modern technical equipment, we can completely complete the entire cycle technical district vessel to perform here, uh, without resorting to third parties. which will allow us to save money
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for the airline, expand further activities, expand flights, flight geography at the expense of saved funds, and at the expense of earned funds, they will also inspect and repair aircraft of other airlines in the hangar complex. the building area is almost 19,000 m2, this is the largest modern hangar in the urals, and there are only a few of these in russia. the capacity allows us to carry out the work. on three simultaneously superjet 100 or two airbus a320, and they are also among the first to plan to master the entire maintenance cycle of the domestic ms-21 airliner. yana polustovskaya, alexey volchik, lead yamal. all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website. see you. let's start!
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t forgive me, the main thing. hi all. good morning. we continue to wake you up with this. this morning we, vladislav zavyalov and vera krasova. today is tuesday, january 30th. well, wake up recharge your batteries in the morning with us. well, by the way, regarding vivacity, where it’s certainly invigorating both in winter and in summer. two residential blocks, laboratories, a medical center, a recreation area and a dining room, a new vostok station complex has been put into operation in antarctica. it is located
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on the ice dome of the south pole, at an altitude of 3,500 m, and can accommodate 35 polar explorers in the summer. the station was founded more than half a century ago, during which time it went deep under the snow and was completely worn out. when constructing a new building they used modern heat-insulating and fireproof materials, but it itself stands on steel legs, away from the icy ground. but cleaning icy balconies may soon become a concern for public utilities. this proposal was submitted to the state duma. now this responsibility legally lies with...
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the climbers themselves, contact the management organization so that they provide access to these industrial climbers, if they knock down snow, then a fence would have to be put up below, but it’s easier said than done, it is not surprising that there are few people willing, and yet, the water poured on the canopies of balconies today poses a real threat. creepy footage was recorded by a video surveillance camera in one of the moscow courtyards, a block of ice fell on a carrier with a young child, now a one-year-old girl is in the hospital, we heard that a block of ice fell on a young family with a child, but according to the official data? the investigation will determine where exactly the block fell from the roof or balcony. based on the results of the inspection, if there are grounds , prosecutorial response measures will be taken. manager the companies disowned it, the residents are to blame, and the balcony canopy was installed illegally, they say. after the tragic incident , snow and ice removal began to receive great attention. while we were here, snow removal
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equipment passed by, these fences indicate that they recently knocked ice off the roofs, and notices like this were hung on the entrances so that residents would be there. be careful, whether they clean this well every time or not, also recently, such cases happen every year, in december in st. petersburg, after going to aldi from the balcony a thirty-one-year-old man died, the owner of the apartment became a defendant in a criminal case. after this, district management companies decided to help residents clean their balconies. they can submit a request for help in clearing the balcony of snow and icicles. after receiving requests, we acted on them accordingly. in order to protect life and prevent another emergency. the state duma proposed to instruct management companies to clean balconies on an ongoing basis. citizens can apply to the management company with a request to clear the snow from the balcony. but now
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this issue has not been regulated in any way, so the work may not be carried out, or it may be very expensive, for example, for the apartment owner. in addition, not all of our fellow citizens can adequately assess the degree of threat from snow accumulation. if the initiative is approved, then these works will be included in the list of public services. perhaps, as the industry believes, this will lead to an increase in payment numbers, but obviously this is not the highest price to pay for security. in state oak they are planning to launch a system for auditing public utilities in the regions after the collapse that happened on new year's days, when people were left without heat, without water, without electricity, this is about...
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about the audit, of course, we mean not only the number of leaky pipes, we are all... today we must evaluate the effectiveness of those concession agreements, all businesses operate in this market, we must evaluate the effectiveness of this, we must evaluate the effectiveness of using tariff funds, whether it is worth painting them separately, so that they cannot be used on another, in any case, these are completely regional powers, but seeing today we naturally feel what is happening, now we are taking this work ourselves together with our colleagues from... we will build it in the near future, what will be the result , now the audit has taken place, what next, the report is sent somewhere, some measures are being taken, this work needs to be divided into two components, the first is so global.
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the approach to control over the functioning of this entire system is really changing, it is necessary change the approach to control, functioning,
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it is necessary to change the approach to relationships within the system, including business power, power, people, i mean the consumer, we must now speak throughout the chain , try to find the maximum efficiency of investment, if we are talking about government money, thanks sergey. we talked about communal audits with the chairman of the state house committee on construction and housing and public utilities sergei pokhomov. accurate diagnosis is my strong point, i tell you for sure. watch new episodes of sklifosovsky on the russia channel. sklefosovsky. new episodes from february 5 at 21:20 on the russia channel. we stand up for what we have, we believe in what is dear to us. we talk about what is important to us. and every word we say is a step. evening with vladimir solovyov today at 23:25 on the russia channel. make an appointment with
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a doctor in two clicks without leaving your home. computer software was developed by tula it specialists to save time. and young entrepreneurs from kemerovo came up with a unique service that allows them to manage hundreds of cctv cameras. this became possible thanks to the national digital project economy. hello , please take a seat, i have analyzed your questionnaire, do i understand correctly that you are worried about stabbing pains, your medical history is clear at a glance, tula doctors are testing a remote form of communication with patients, thanks to a new computer program, tell us what hurts can be done in a couple of minutes at home on a computer; the patient initially enters all his symptoms into this program before the appointment; the doctor has the opportunity to analyze it. the same questions i would have asked if i spent half a day going to hospitals, now that’s it doctor at the appointment, konstantin used to spend
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extremely clearly and specifically. i like this opportunity to think about my answers and fully describe my condition, because in real life i can’t always remember everything. initially , the developers created the interactive program for people with hearing impairments, but it turned out that the new product was useful everywhere. after the accelerator we had.
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lectures, expert consultations, and also work with trackers, that is, mentors, intensive participants build a successful business model, are trained in sales tools and ways of communicating with clients. during the project, more than 400 teams were trained, they managed to attract more than 100,000 new clients and receive 580 million rubles in revenue. we get additional expertise from the people who lead us, but for the team, first of all, this is a quick leap to get together here. jump very far after 3 months of training, kemerovo entrepreneurs made a real leap, revenue, client base tripled, now siberian it specialists are improving mobile application, adding more and more new functions to it. we have integration with tsd, tsd is a data collection terminal, warehouses also use this, that is, you pick the serial number, for example, of a product, your
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camera immediately understands that at that moment the product was under the camera, in fact. a server that remotely controls hundreds of cameras , instantly analyzes all the information received, the developed original video surveillance system has already found new customers abroad, thanks to the experience gained at the accelerator, it was possible to further reduce costs and attract new investments. by the way, applications from potential participants for the tenth anniversary competitive selection will be accepted until february 16. oh yes. nylon tights turn into rugs, blankets and even a cable for a car. we'll show you how to do this in a few minutes. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs. he could become a pharmacist or an athlete. we took the gto standards
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for 30 - 34 years old, we can pull up as a taster, i always like to eat a lot or a rescuer, but he is a doctor.
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someone else's child, mother, premieres on saturday on rtr. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open,
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look. russian channel. all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch them, watch them in the app or on the website, because you’re right, so what, i don’t need to operate anymore, well, the bosses are asleep, let’s get started, let’s go, we’re doing it several patients with the same symptoms, yes, an epidemic?
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on social networks, videos from hot spots teeming with pests, subscribers liked this series so much that they wanted to see everything with their own eyes, a strange hobby, but now kenny has no end to clients. he is even called the rat daddy, this is what it means to see business prospects literally under your feet. well, you want to know a thousand and one ways to use nylon tights. he turns them into home decoration, hair accessories and even biceps. we look and we need to lie down like this. well, firstly, put it down, and secondly, here they are, so where are my tights? yes, on there hasn’t been a single clue yet. did not have. so it will appear, the result of each nylon pair is quite predictable, the threads once go astray, here it is, the most useful life hack with women's tights , now i'll show you, with circular movements in
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a spiral, lo and behold, by the way, recipes for extending the life of tights from the very beginning seem much more magical, you can place the tights in hot water for about 30 minutes, or after wetting them with cold water, put them away overnight... according to bloggers, after such manipulations you can not wear tights for at least a year taking off, which i personally am not at all sure of, but as they say, trust, but check, you know what the advantage of tights is, there is no sag, yes, life is often more surprising than any advertisement, and after all, we have reached our destination, this is true for tights , i’ll never show off on my legs again, which means without any regret, but no, no, i want to show you how to make yarn out of tights. to make whatever you want from this yarn, rugs, blankets, capes, bedding - everything that you have enough imagination and skill for, materials even in excess, only in our country, every year girls buy about 720
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million pargots and kochelovkas, and this is almost 35 tons for a minute . you can knit eight life-size blue whales, or an infinite number of flowers, for example, also blue ones, so we put them on this blank, well, to make it more economical , pull it a little, it’s nylon, so we take the threads and start wrapping it, long, painstakingly, but certainly stunningly beautiful, it can be a great gift for a girl, for boys, however, nylon tights also come in handy, the main thing is to know the right life hacks, well, here you go a completely different look though. well, what are you going to do and here there are only solid arrows , so girls, we don’t throw away tights, who knows where else they will come in handy, that’s what it was
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this morning, we don’t know about your plans for tomorrow, but we will be here from the very morning, just in case case, and may today be eventful and interesting for you, see you, goodbye. hello, this is news from alexander gefrenov in the studio. briefly about the main topics of our issue. the historical record trade turnover between russia and belarus was a response to sanctions. meeting of the supreme state council. union state vladimir putin brought alexander lukashenko behind the wheel. signatures were even verified using artificial intelligence. vladimir putin was the first self-nominated candidate to be registered as a
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presidential candidate. advancement in the kharkov direction, another settlement was liberated , 200 militants were driven out in zaporozhye and zapornika. armored cars against tractors, farmers blocking the roads of france, what they demand and how the authorities react. russia and belarus managed through joint efforts to minimize the effect of illegitimate western sanctions, and moreover, close cooperation allowed both countries not only to maintain the economic status quo, but also to achieve tangible growth in many areas. such statements were made in st. petersburg, where a meeting of the supreme state council of the union took place.
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belarus from the nazi invaders, in may 2025, the eightieth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. these are the most important memorable dates, significant for our two fraternal peoples, firmly connected by a common history, a segment of international space stations. and this event is planned for the spring of this year, the two units of the belarusian nuclear power plant in ostrovets, which have already been put into operation, can provide 40% of the country’s electricity needs, but this is only the beginning. there was a question about considering a third block, possibly a fourth block in the country; this could be linked to the existing site in the city of ostrovets or a new one. territory,
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each ministry and department carries out its work to bring states closer together for the convenience of residents of the two countries, integration of financial systems, budgetary, tax, one of the elements of the overall plan to bring our economies closer together, so it was very important to bring together tax approaches, tax systems, what is being done, the plan and schedule that we have developed with the belarusian country is being implemented 100%. relations between russia
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and the decisions of the supreme state council of the union state, which both presidents signed today, then work begins on implementing the next three-year plan; russia and belarus will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the union state in december this year.
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can you imagine, we haven't opened it yet tour guides, but you haven’t been able to park your car for 2 days, after your opening people come with their whole families, they even sent a video. there is a huge, huge interest, the blagaralniki veterans asked me to say, thank you, well, thank you for choosing a good place. vladimir putin became the first self-nominee whom the central election commission registered as a candidate in the upcoming presidential elections in march.
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for the first time in history, signatures in support of a candidate for the highest government post were checked by artificial intelligence. aleksey petrov's election chronicle. at the meeting, the chairman of the central election commission.
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i will do this, for vladimir vladimirovich it is fundamentally important to see the support of russians, regardless of what political preferences citizens have. the collection of signatures for the candidacy of vladimir putin began on december 23, the rejection was minimal, they were checked using artificial intelligence, so errors at this stage are excluded. 91 signatures were declared invalid, this is... 0.15%, that is, our candidate is registered. the reasons why these 91 signatures were eliminated are different. there are cases when a voter did not write down his last name, first name and patronymic in his own hand, which is a requirement of the law, or forgot to indicate the date,
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for example, a signature collector would add it because of him. the violations are minor, but the law requires that a signature not be counted even if there is the slightest inaccuracy. in addition, the central election commission today approved the second part of the list of the candidate’s proxies. for the position of president vladimir putin, there are 198 names in it. the first part of the list was published on december 28, then it included 346 people, the total number of trusted persons, thus amounted to 544 people. there is almost a month and a half left before the elections, candidates are now increasing their activity, campaigning in different regions of the country. ldpr candidate leonid slutsky met with large families in blagoveshchensk, including those raising children with special needs. there is no rehabilitation center that would deal with inclusive education and socialization of such children yet, but a project has already been developed. slutsky was also shown a bridge over the amur river, which leads to china, the presidential candidate talked with builders, discussed the work of the customs service, and also met with the head of the region. what we have to do is to ensure that people do not
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leave here, but come here for high salaries with a professional career, to participate in creative, innovative, large-scale projects. which will make up the future of russia. the candidate from the communist party of the russian federation, nikolai khiritonov, as well as the leader of the communist party gennady zyuganov, today in st. petersburg. a ceremonial meeting right at sapsan. syuganov is the victory party of the zakharitons. from the station communists went to petrovskaya embankment to lay flowers at the memorial plaque in honor of the outstanding scientist fellow party member zheres alferov. another item on the program is a concert dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the siege. my relatives also participated in the red army in the liberation of leningrad, i am a novosibirsk, siberian, leningraders and vacuir people were met in siberia, we welcome leningraders, veterans, those who defended, survived and proved to the whole world that multinational russia is invincible, in northern capital today and
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the presidential candidate from the new people, vladislav davankov, as well as the party leader alexey nechaev, they visited the kirov plant, one of the largest enterprises in st. petersburg, we saw how a new one is being built. the division liberated the settlement of tabaevka in the kharkov region, and near senkovka, six attacks of ukrainian militants were repelled at once, six more in the donetsk direction, and it was also possible to improve the situation along the front line with... footage of the heroic battle at the junction of zaporozhye and the dpr. 5 days
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assault groups knocked out the enemy from a strong point. as a result, thanks to the coordinated work of artillery and advanced units, only 20 of our attack aircraft forced about 200 ukrainian armed forces soldiers to drop their weapons and flee. we replenish along the way, the commander runs away. the strong point was occupied within 45 active minutes. in the city, at least eight rockets from a multiple launch rocket system were hit, residential buildings and exclusively civilian objects were hit, a private car caught fire, windows in buildings were broken by the blast wave, in the south dpr in the village of nikolskoye, a priest was wounded,
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battle headquarters , terrorist training complexes, communication points, military intelligence publications, a large missile production facility, offices of many high-ranking officials, as well as the office of the head of the radical palestinian movement hamas in the enclave. the russian military discovered and destroyed hundreds of entrances to underground tunnels that were used by palestinian radicals. in addition, hundreds of terrorists were killed underground, both in contact battles and as a result of airstrikes. martovsk promises to be warm february in the capital region, but so far even in the south of the country it is a classic winter. in the rostov region, snowstorms and ice practically stopped the federal m4 don. at night, the traffic jam of skidding trucks stretched to almost two.
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more, more, more, others with jumping into huge snowdrifts from a height, participation in the games of the future starting in february in russia was confirmed by 277 teams from 107 countries, the organizers stated this, the competition will be held in...
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you definitely need to have concentration, that is , much higher than when you play real hockey, so it will be interesting, this is for everyone has something new, something that is not yet entirely clear, something that is known, which is why these games are interesting, but increased attention to our games of the future is focused in the west, as the russian foreign intelligence service reported, the united states is intensifying efforts to disrupt events, they want act through president wada. banku, whose powers are expiring. washington can put pressure on him so that the official intimidates athletes
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planning to come to russia, promising them the end of their olympic careers. the court of arbitration for sport disqualified the russian figure skater kamilla valieva to 4 years for violating anti-doping rules. the verdict clarifies that the period is counted from december 25, 2021, when the suspicious doping test was taken at the russian championship. at the rate. world and european champions, who won in the 2021-22 season. the fate of russia's gold medals in the team figure skating tournament at the beijing olympics is not specifically mentioned in cas's verdict. the international skating union will release a statement on the possible redistribution of medals on february 7. sports lawyers call the verdict. very strictly indicate the possibility of appealing it to the supreme court of switzerland.
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presidential press secretary dmitry peskov called the decision of the court of arbitration for sport politicized and called for protection. athletes to the end. the russian olympic committee, against the backdrop of the decision in the valieva case , said that war had been declared on russian sports, and all means were good. vesti monitors developments in russia and abroad. stay with us. there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again, set up everyone, this is an incredibly charming face to which you forgive everything, they are not bored at all, and then i clean up, i ’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, a secret of dreams, like you!
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agreed to this, we first shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr.
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i want everything to be without drills, arranged, where is the photo client, i understood you correctly, absolutely, no tears are visible in the rain, in sunday on rtr, says it shows the first pavilion of mosfilm. mosfilm celebrated its centenary. i would like to sincerely congratulate all massfilm members. the main people, the main film studios in russia. without them it is impossible to imagine the history of world cinema. and the history of the country. these people - their energy, their
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devotion and love - this is massfilm. ever been jealous of my daughter? no, we'll watch it on the weekend. angel, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? you are not just a beautiful woman, you are absolutely amazing, you love her, but
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she, she is with my father, she is having an affair. for some, beauty is a ticket to a happy life, you will definitely like it, for others it is a test of fidelity, why are you silent , what should i say, well, shout something, hit me, i don’t know when your husband is having an affair, where is he the chosen one, too beautiful wife, takes her to the air on saturday on rtr, we continue the broadcast. french farmers blocked eight highways on the outskirts of paris. the siege of the capital, the protest movement of agricultural producers is trying to force
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authorities to negotiate. in response, the head of the french ministry of internal affairs announced the transfer of 15 thousand gendarmes for support. this is how the ageneau tractor drivers are simply seen off in a rustic way on their march to paris; they come from all over france, along the way they are joined by trucks of construction sector workers and foresters. the capital froze in anticipation. the farmers' march on paris is already a red line for the french authorities. the ministry of internal affairs is tasked with ensuring safety and mobility on the roads. tractors are not allowed into the city center, ideally, prevent it. chaos at airports, taxi drivers suddenly joined the protests, they are also blocking highways and holding mass demonstrations in many large cities; due to
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innovations, they are losing part of their profits. the task of the police is not easy - to avoid unrest and preserve the image of france, which plunged into another social crisis just 5 months before the start of the summer olympics. farmers will not storm paris, at least not today. for now, traffic is blocked at eight main entrances to the city. reserve reinforcements will arrive to us in the coming days. i know that similar things are happening all over the country, so we decided to continue protesting. the strategic point is the largest wholesale market in europe, through which about 3 million tons of fresh produce passes per year. it feeds, among other things, 30 thousand restaurants in the capital every day. in the event of a total blockade, paris will be without food. it will only last 3 days. the ministry of internal affairs withdraws the armored cars of the gendarmerie and surrounds the market . the market in rengis should continue to operate as well as the capital airports of roissia and
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arly, as well as other airports and markets throughout the country. 15,000 police and gendarmes were mobilized. prime minister ottal, after yet another visit to yet another farm, decided to meet with the leader of the strikers. they are outraged that 10 years ago france imported 10%. we need time to decide which norms can be simplified, and then this is a european issue, the french president will raise this topic, i myself will also go to brussels for negotiations.
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dispose of his real estate, the special guardianship judge chose such measure after an appeal from the lawyers of delon and his daughter anushka about the need to assess the actor’s health due to possible
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manipulations by his partner, herami rolen. three adult children, alain delon, anthony annushka and allen fabien have already publicly quarreled over their father's future inheritance, and his last love, otherwise known as a thief adventuress. they don't call it. police blocked roads on the roads in turkey, where record- long snowfalls hampered traffic in istanbul and covered it with two-meter snowdrifts eastern province. we managed to save the driver and passenger, they barely got out, we had to block the road, there are traffic jams everywhere and the snowfall does not stop.
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all news is always available on the media platform, we look in the application or on the website, that’s it by this time, we... we are following the developments. see you! something happened here. premiere on rtr. nina, what's going on in the department? what's happened? what's going on here? it's up to me to understand what's going on. it happened.
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our boss is just as stupid as this you showed, in vladivostok, theatrically, you will meet your first wife, valentina, she was given roles, you went from one rat to another, then the first role, chaos, god, after 25 years we separated, well , it’s hard to talk about it, i came december 30, took
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the bag, said thank you, then goodbye , everything went, always to moscow, another life began to help, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, this is for you, i feel bad without you. forgive me for my flight, love is like a flight, please love and favor, our replacement co-pilot, flight to unknown, kanwu island heard, they just reported there was an earthquake there, asks for help to evacuate the victims earlier, it ’s really bad there, the ship is sailing soon, sasha, everyone
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aboard, quickly. the engine is completely out of order, i’m running on one, the second engine is on fire , i’m reducing the speed, get ready for the nearest airport, the nearest one, i don’t see the runway, i don’t see the runway, go by instruments, the crew is on friday at rtr, every time i cry, it’s very it’s hard to remember, i went into my house and sat down in the hallway. on the floor she said: i'll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, danets was under heavy fire, but we decided to be at the wedding out of spite, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon ours, from monday to thursday on rtr. does she really read minds or
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not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has a special gift. who do you look at all the time? there you go, girl. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. look, just no amateur performances. it seems to be in place, no move. for some reason i believe in you. anna is a medium. let's look before everyone else. in the application or on the website. we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our job is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr.
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“my heart is now free, and i feel very good, alone, really very good , ” the famous actor konstantin solovyov said shortly after his next divorce, but just recently it turned out that he was truly happy with his third wife and two daughters, for millions of women the screen heroes of konstantin solovyov are like the embodiment of a dream about '. everything is fine, everything is over, we are russian, you understand what i’m saying, he himself entered the theater school, having already worked in the police and even managed
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to study to become a nurse, but only in the acting profession did konstantin finally find himself, but in his personal life everything did not work out so smoothly, first the first short marriage that brought him to america, then a happy meeting with him... he spent personal mistakes, this is life and fate of konstantin solovyov, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning , happy birthday, happy anniversary indeed, thank you very much, when such a date,
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you probably think about a lot, but before i ask about it, how celebrated, celebrated in the performance with colleagues, then there was a small semantuychik in the restaurant after the performance, well, it’s... the best thing that can happen when you’re 50 years old, well, it’s also nice when you go on stage, then you get applause, then with colleagues, it’s nice, but i can’t believe it at all, i can’t believe it, to be honest, it’s so it’s strange, in general age is such a strange thing , it seems like you’re already 50 years old, well, not an old man, but you already seem to have a certain pressed experience, you have experience, but you don’t even want it, not that they feel that you’re 50, that is, it’s like time has flown by so much that everything is just so chic. it seems like it was there, i entered the school there , it seems young, it seems like this, it seems like everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, that time 50 years, so you think, how is it, how is it, how can all this be stopped , well, no way, you give me a gift for
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this anniversary, i know about your two passions, in life, but they told me how you shared about them, so i decided to combine these two passions in this gift, open it, well, well, well, then look, here, take these oven mitts, cool boxing and yes only boxing mitts, that’s cool , i guessed it right, you really love boxing for cooking, boxing and generally a thrill, and also konstantin, this is also in the continuation, he’s also such a culinary expert.
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thank you very much, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, by the way, let's take a look a film that was such a success on our channel, compare recently i am responsible for everyone, and then we’ll move on to how you have to be responsible for everyone in your life, put what happened, they got into trouble with sergei again, yes, no , that’s not the point, i went to the journalist. i need a refutation, she gave me an audio recording of sergei valeeva’s conversation, this is incriminating evidence on valeev, there will be no sanatorium, and sergei went to reassure valeev, i’m afraid that valeev
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will kill him, so i didn’t understand anything, where are you recording, it ’s on my phone, come on , serki, i took him, you went to valeev, yes, so... you need to go to this journalist again to get the recording, go to the police, so i wanted to call, or maybe ask her to take the recording to the police, this is a bad idea and it will be more significant if i go to the police, so let's go to my office, call me, the police are generally present in your life, they always pass by, you really are responsible for many, just recently last year. a sad event, in fact, you broke up with nastya, with your third wife, but what happened? happened, well, as if it happened, how life happened, well, that means we need to re- maybe rethink your life, maybe you need to do it in a new way somehow. move on, well, something like this, but, unfortunately
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, it happened, i can’t do anything about it, it happened, happened, happened, everything, it hurts, it’s unpleasant, but what can i do, you really, i ’m watching you social networks, you really somehow comprehend or rethink, now both life and what happened, put one of your recent posts, literally this month, how you talk about what happened to you, what a metaphor this heavy one?
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period of life, it’s all together, because when all this falls on you, you want to somehow lie down, get sick, so that someone can come to you to cure you, but this is not and will not happen, so you have to somehow, like in wenhausen , pull yourself out of pulled out of the swamp by the hair, so you have to treat yourself, 50 years is such a rethinking of your whole life, in fact, you sum up some results, small, but you understand the results, where have you been? wrong, right, you understand that
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you can’t change this, that it’s your responsibility, that you , well, how did you grow up too ? my daughter was wonderful, she was sick when everything started to fall apart, yes, when they began, that is, what you created, well , until the age of 50, suddenly it all started to fall apart, and you understand that, in principle, this is life, well, maybe this is actually good, because then there is a moment of further moving forward, that is, i have nothing to lose, just move forward, you didn’t think about it now during this period, that maybe you had to endure it somewhere, well, keep silent somewhere a little bit, fight for the brah, for relationships, for your family there, for your children, for your girls, i will say this, you know, what happened, what happened, it happened even for the better, the girls are with me, they love me, i adore them, but what happened.. . we have, well, well, with nastya, well, what should we do, it
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happened, i’m grateful to her for of course for girls, i’m incredibly grateful for the girls, they are my happiness, love, and how does lena eliza experience this in general, they probably love you, of course, but they still love their mother, well, they understand everything, they understand everything, of course, but they are happy to be with me anyway, and kind of happy that dad is nearby, well, when he’s not working from... yes, as soon as i arrive there from a tour, from filming, i pick them up, and i’m with them all the time, that is, i miss them, and i take them, they are with me all the time, forgive me for talking about it like that i asked, simply, because, firstly, it just happened, and secondly, we saw each other some time ago, and before that there, i remember there at timur kizikov’s, lord, you seemed like an ideal family, put it, well my dad, um, can i say, he was already gray, no, i’ll say.
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relationship, how do you remember it now?
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for me, it ’s still a slightly painful feeling when i start to remember, well, i probably need to go through all this, go through all this, and then ... you can already think about what’s wrong with me i did it, i did it wrong, or something we didn’t do well, it didn’t work out, well , maybe the time has really come, maybe we need to move in different ways, maybe she’s grown up, maybe i ’ve grown up there, too- so, what does it mean to have grown up, matured, by the way, you really have a significant difference of 15 years, a big big difference, big, speaking, grown up, matured, meaning that once upon a time when it all just began, she was still just a child . of course it’s very small, but this difference is not 15 years for you then frightened, no, but did you feel it at all, no, i didn’t feel it, while you said somewhere recently, that you had such a relationship according to the father-daughter model, as if it were something, you know, she as if, well, naturally, of course
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, in all relationships, when in all relationships there are models of father and daughter, especially if it’s a man, especially if it’s... but i wasn’t so, you know, if i were just such a model of relationship daughters and dad's daughters, then i would probably just take the whole situation now and let it go like that easy, well, as if a girl grew up, a daughter grew up, and maybe she should go her own way, you know, but that’s not what i have, it wasn’t just that kind of relationship, naturally it was... it was my love, naturally, it was a relationship as with a woman and of course, as a daughter , naturally, because i protected my family, my wife, my woman as best i could, well, and you never thought that this could be, well, a boomerang, what is called in life, you know , as it happens, because
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your once happy relationship with nastya grew, well, in general, out of misfortune, out of there may be a serious break in your guarded situation. you see, life is so multifaceted that it can be like this, it can be like this, or it can be like this, boomerands can come back, fly as much as they want, there can be any number of twists and turns, that’s as many as you like, but if you want to be a human, you will be a human , in any case , you will forgive, but you kind of know, but you don’t want to be a person, that’s all, well, there’s no desire, that’s all, then there’s nothing else, that’s all, that is, it’s clearly clear to me , she took it hard then, yes, you know, well... how can i tell you, that period was difficult for everyone, in fact, that is, that period, i do not relieve myself of any responsibility for what happened, well, that is as if i understand everything perfectly , i say, here i am saying, these are the results that i am summing up for the fiftieth anniversary, that is, that’s all, but that’s how it was, that’s what happened, i say, this is life, and zhenya is really great, she’s with with
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two boys, she’s like a mother, well, that is , she’s great actually, i’m just glad that she’s like the boys. her, well, that is, they are with her, she’s great, honestly, with the sons danilo and timofey, who appeared in your marriage with your wives, and you with them, just like with the girls now, you communicated and communicate, it’s just, again, this is all for objective reasons, again i’m saying nothing, i’m not absolving myself , i’m saying that this is so, that i’m not absolving myself of any responsibility at all, everything could have been done differently, but at that moment i thought that it was probably more correct, that is, you then it seemed that it was probably wrong to communicate?
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remember how, what kind of situation it was, why at some point, well, i don’t know, they picked up the phone and made this call, or what happened, that you started communicating with your sons again? zhenya gave me dani’s phone number, i asked, well, yes, i asked for dana’s phone number and somehow i don’t remember whether he wrote to me, or whether i wrote him hello there, how are you, and we started quietly.
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so for now it works out, then rewinding back to your separation with zhenya over these 10 years, or maybe now? at this point of yours, where you are now, and have you ever regretted that you did that then? you left then, did you fall in love with nastya then? regret, well, this is the wrong word , in fact, everything could have been done differently, everything could have been done correctly in a human way, maybe i did something wrong, regret, regret is already pointless, then it all happened, but nothing still not sewn. back, well, what am i doing, it just seems to me that i think, no, it won’t work out, i’m sorry, for some reason i can’t put a full stop yet,
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maybe, you know, to be honest, here i am after all these events i understand that of course, well, of course i’m a fool, i don’t understand anything, i don’t understand anything in life at all , you see how we really had a conversation, we started with my birthday with an anniversary, everything seemed to be happy, but the conversation turned out like this... sad, heavy period in your life right now, i want to wish you peace in your heart, peace that will not be in your heart if it is not in relationships with those dear to you, first of all with your children, with the mothers of your children, let your brothers and sisters get to know each other , they already recognize each other, let them i have enough strength to sew it all together, at least so that everyone has good relations, i hope that everything will be fine, well, i hope, i know that everything will be fine in any case, and that everything will be fine, happy birthday.
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the floor is shaking, the resources of the walls, big changes have come, into the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are out of this room. are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, the plans are turning into three different functional zones, ideas for projects, i adore plants, i in general plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams will become.
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there will be an interesting story, black mark, yes , the posters will now be a millionaire, margarita takes yellow flowers in her hands again , i came out with yellow flowers so that you can finally find me, the master burns his novel again , trouble will happen to me, i don’t want you died with me, so, citizens, now the famous foreign artist monsieur volland will perform before you, the true story in a new capacity, will it be like this, the master and margarita, midnight is approaching miss, today on rtr, already on
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the platform we are watching all the episodes right now, in the application or on the website, are you used to watching videos online? stopped working, install, open, look, russian. channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website, favorite songs are played in our studio, let's go, birthday, favorite music never gets old, what i have in life. real feelings don't know
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borders, i’m sitting here and can barely hold back my tears, my soul, my trepidation, the words of love are clear to everyone without translation, on rtr: you’re right, so what? i don't need to operate anymore. well, the bosses are asleep, let's get started. go. we end up with several patients with the same symptoms, yes. the epidemic understands what unites all these people. with such a high
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risk, i would stop. let's continue. sklitosovsky today on rtr. posters on the tv channel culture. theater, music, visual arts january 30. in the large hall of the conservatory, the central military orcet. performed by sofia yakovenko, maria zaitseva, philip lynov of the russian symphony orchestra named after svetlanov, conductor nikolai khamdinsky. petrachaikovsky's opera evgeniy anegin is given in the center of galina vishnevskaya's opera singing, production by vladimir vasiliev, set design and costume by yuri cooper,
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conductor dmitry yurovsky. in the house of culture dawn, the housewarming ensemble with the program lament of basalament, which will feature music from different eras, from monteverdi, persela and bach to björk’s songs and compositions radiokh group. the play the seagull, based on the first author's version of anton pavlovich chekhov's plays, is performed in the theater of the school of dramatic art, directed by pavel kartashov. the cinema museum invites you to see the universe of ilionin gaidai’s character. the exhibition our people united for the centenary of the director’s birth. in the exhibition space of the heroes of the diamond hand , operations and paintings, ivan vasilyevich is changing his profession and it cannot be, i propose to look at them in a new way. our exhibition, it represents such an imaginary house, according to which visitors pass through, pass through all these zones, apartments, they get some kind of impression of what the world as a whole, the cinematic universe, consists of, we have each zone has its own name, there is a zone there, conventionally,
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i’ve successfully entered, it’s dedicating... it’s dedicated precisely to the film 12 chairs by ostap bendru, first of all, everything that was acquired through hard work, it’s dedicated to such, say, heroes of soviet life, who somehow thus, they saved up a little more for themselves than the rest. leonid ballet theater yakobson is presented on the stage of the alexandrinsky theater by the ballet shilkunshchik, to the music of tchaikovsky , choreographed by vasily vainon and edited by nikolai tsyskarinze. the parade of stars festival at the slovtsov opera continues in krasnoyarsk. opera and ballet theater names of hvorostovsky chamber program pictures from the exhibition reboot to mussorsk's music soloists natalya petrazhitskaya and dmitry suev (conductor dmitry yarovsky). the exhibition catherine i , heir to the affairs of peter the great, is taking place in the center of the hermitage ural. the theme of the exhibition was the life and work of the wife of the confessor of peter i, in whose honor the city of yekaterinburg was founded in 1723. among the exhibits are
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paintings, graphics, and decorative items. art from the collection of the state hermitage. the royal shakespeare company stage of the barbicon theater continues to show the performances my neighbor totora based on the animated film hayayumiya with music by jo kisaishi. premiere at the thalia theater in hamburg , luke percival staged the play based on hans allada's novel a wolf among wolves, about the events of the first world war and the weimar republic. works by bach and mozart will be performed at the hamburg elbe philharmonic by the andrea bark kapella chamber orchestra. conductor and soloist and shif. an exhibition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the birth of rock singer and composer johnny holiday continues at the porte deversal center in paris. 3.00 km of exhibition space in the shape of a huge guitar accommodates stage costumes, concert instruments, videos and personal belongings of the musician.
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good morning, says dr. vesnyakov, showing, we are starting the program, about the most important thing, you know, i need it now. well what can i do say something new? yes, the program is about the most important thing, about our health, yes, look, yes, it will, yes, i will really tell you a lot of new things, as always happens, so let’s do it. sit down, we’ll talk now, let’s start. today the program is about the most important thing. hobbul is a chronic obstructive
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pulmonary disease. who is at particular risk? why can those who don’t smoke get sick, how do viral infections and excess weight affect its development? he understands that it’s hard for him to breathe, he’s working, that’s it. 10% light as a mouse, unhappy love, how can she affect the functioning of the heart, how often does diabetes develop in people of normal weight? questions from the doctor, alexander myasnikov asks, you answer, i always like everything about women, they always say no, then yes, or yes, then no. glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. how to suspect the development of this disease in time, what examinations are important to undergo and how the appearance of glaucoma is affected by hypertension, the optic nerve is compressed, its atrophy occurs, 5.5 million
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patients are blind in both eyes. we're pretty we know well that there are chronic bronchitis, a chronic illness in a person, and millions and millions of people in the world suffer from it. what do the lungs do? it is clear that gas exchange occurs in the lungs, we inhale, oxygen and air
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pass through the walls of the capillaries into the blood, it is picked up by red blood cells, combines with hemoglobin and distributes oxygen to the organs, but we live the way we live, smoke, breathe, i don’t know.
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it is largely hereditary, this is shown by a study on twins, we know which genes, in which in some places there is inheritance and predisposition, so it’s understandable that someone
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smoked for 5 years, his lungs and to hell, someone’s grandfather lived for 96 years, smoked makhorka like a locomotive and nothing, died from being hit by a tractor, yes, but genetics, genetics, genetic lottery. in china, and not because they smoke, they burn with coal, where they burn with coal, they have copd, and after it cancer jumps up many times, which is another predisposition.
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wait, well, here is the second blood group, in fact there are 35 blood groups, and we know that many blood groups due to the fact that they carry genetic information , in fact, certain diseases, in particular copd, okay, copd, covid, covid people are more likely to get sick from the second group of people, less likely to get sick from the first group, that is, the hereditary assumption encoded in the blood group, of course, takes place, well yes, this is the western model of nutrition, but this is why obesity, high diaphragm, we eat a lot, but whoever has a big belly, he understands that it’s hard for him to breathe, there’s nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, this is what we see on cyopedia, this is this short neck, big belly, blue fingers, blue lips, but they die hard, in fact, if you can give hormones for asthma, you can give different drugs, it can be treated. that is, opd, when it gradually
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degrades, a person simply begins to choke, he is on oxygen, he constantly measures his blood gases and in general it’s such a sad thing, the crucifixionists think about it, look how they die patients with copd, it’s a hard thing, really hard, vitamin c deficiency is not just about c. in fact , copd is very dependent on the presence of antioxidants. he is very susceptible to the effects of these atoms of free oxygen and antioxidants , if their deficiency leads to increased, because even so it seems that this is a tube, it is not a tube, that’s why a newborn has problems when he is born earlier, and there is a certain chemical substance that lines the lungs of the bronchi, and he doesn’t allow them to subside, and if this substance is not there, he has nothing to breathe, and we drive him and so on and so on... this substance is very dependent on the presence
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of antioxidants, so it is important, but this does not mean that you should take vitamins, k unfortunately, vitamins do not help with copd , a balanced diet helps, but again, all you have to do, and the main thing is prevention and infections, prevention of the virus, flu, covid, this acute respiratory infection, why? but because what the orz is doing is stuffing up, it’s impossible to breathe, you’re coughing up sputum, but you’re still breathing. so i cough and it’s like i’m tearing my lungs, it’s like it’s hard for me to exhale, and this is one of the risk factors. yes, this is a problem of big cities, a problem of big cities, bad ecology, we can’t do anything about it, but one of the factors the risk for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is physical inactivity, well , it’s clear why, the girl sits and breathes.
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are you breathing? do you know what she breathes? 10% of her lungs work, like a mouse, when you work out intensively, your lungs work, your pumping goes on, your bronchi clear, your length goes on, of course, this is a big help, so if you want not to get chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, do aerobic exercise... the roe deer walks with big sad eyes, comes up to you and says: give me something to eat, you her you scratch behind your ear, well, yes, you understand, we live in the world in which we live, and you can say anything, but... 90% of all illnesses
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are due to the fact that we live a boring life, we live poorly, we eat poorly, we don’t move, and so on and so forth, it’s all an anthill. whether you eat a sandwich or don’t eat, move or don’t move, but it’s better to move than not move, let’s be attentive to our health, everything will be fine, further, how does strong emotional stress affect the heart ? does normal weight protect against sugar? type 2 diabetes, questions from the doctor
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, asks, should i cry, well, things don’t seem to be going well for us, you can stay with the children today, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, i’m here, help, please, make her get up, who did he say, that we are doctors, and you are not doctors, i myself am a technician, and he is sick, dear colleagues, you are saboteurs, the eleventh season of your favorite series, especially the reason for sklefosovsky. from february 5 on rta: there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, squad
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ready, explore nature, dear mother, simply incredible beauty, you are already... a real amulet for your owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, this is for you, i feel bad without you, forgive me, i have a flight,
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love, how flight, please love and favor, our replacement co-pilot, flight into the unknown. i don’t see the runway, i don’t see the runway, follow the instruments, the crew is on friday, on rtr, hello, dear friends, your
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favorite program is on air for 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, in a hurry, to place nuclear weapons, i’m already demanded, give me back the nuclear weapons. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. guys, they act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight, equipment, and we have domos, the second tank, vkropsky, a hero of russia, flew in, he will be natural, we all today, including myself, to the end, what an image he is victories for you? will destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, i’m not a wimp, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by facts, watch twice a day, see you, section questions from
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the doctor, we ask questions to you, based on previous programs, you come out here to show your knowledge, if... show, go to practice, who is ready to come out here under these conditions, well, come here, who, what is your name? hello caroline, carolina, what is caroline doing? i’m a fitness trainer and business analyst, it’s clear, well, twist it like this, but how else can you twist it, so your heart can break from unhappy love? yes, write, well, technically no, but if this can provoke some. illnesses, yes no, that’s what i always like about women, they
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always say no, then yes, or yes, then no, she said yes, what are you writing, no, well, i just thought then i realized that, well, technically, how can she break from unhappy love? in fact, not only from unhappy love, from any stress, well, in particular, the death of a loved one, separation, something else causes such a rise in hormones. that the heart seems to be paralyzed, it stops contracting, there is such a takatsu syndrome, broken heart syndrome, in principle, but this is mainly in women, a person can die, although the heart is absolutely healthy, so that’s it it's called broken heart syndrome , wow, i didn't know, well now you'll know, is it possible to get the flu twice in a season, probably yes, you can, you know, now we're somewhere, yes, no, here...
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the flu is circulating, covid circulates , others, it all depends of course on the state of immunity, types of coronaviruses, other viruses also circulate, and of course, it is rare for you to become infected twice, most likely it will be one infection, the flu, and then you become infected with another infection, general... what, if you have been seriously ill with some virus, then you, as a rule, immunity is reduced, and you easily get sick with another disease, it would seem, on the contrary, you have been ill, you should have a strong pronounced immunity, yes, this is what spurred me on, on the one hand, if a person is healthy, he has innate normal immunity , this is what happens, it produces the same interferons that do not allow another virus to get closer, so to speak, there is already one, we won’t let you in, but if you don’t have enough mucasal immunity, there aren’t enough interferons, of course another one can land
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virus, by the way, influenza, including if you have had a flu virus, you can theoretically become infected with another virus, that’s all, but we know very well that if a person has been seriously ill with one infection, then he has a high chance of getting another, and it is also difficult to bear another infection, so you need to get vaccinated against the flu, one of the few vaccinations that is available today, it more or less works, because the flu, diseases that die with the same frequency as from coronavirus from coronavirus, if a person is hospitalized, the mortality rate is 3.5% today, if he is hospitalized, a person with severe complications with a risk factor from influenza, there is 3.1%, in general 3 and something percent in those, a serious illness that can lead to tragedy, so you need to be vaccinated against the flu , not now, because now what? in the meantime, you will get vaccinated, until it starts working in two or three weeks, the season there is already epidemiologically over, but you
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know how long i’ve been walking here on this stage, it’s the same thing, you still don’t vaccinate and in february you suddenly realize, come on - where am i i’ll get vaccinated, but what about getting vaccinated in february , in february it’s frankly too late to get vaccinated, now, well, we repeatedly say, if you want to protect yourself from viral infections, use interferon alfa2b, it doesn’t cost anything to administer it, it’s in the form of drops or a spray. drops in the nose, don’t think that these are just drops, which you will think, drops in the nose, now let’s say the flu shot is also in the form of drops, we have new vaccinations against covid, which are now being done in the west, they also come in the form of nasal drops, why is that because they are trying to pass the barrier exactly where the virus gets, so by instilling it into the nasopharynx, you get to where you need it, well, it’s clear that you need to consult a specialist. can diabetes develop at normal weight? yes, maybe, yes,
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write, i don’t believe you, why? well, it already was, because it was already yes, no, write until you write , uh-huh, faith, no, okay, well, yes, of course, of course, this is a disease more, who, so to speak, is overweight, metabolic syndrome, increased waist size, but it may well be in people with normal weight, so what... we got it, yes, yes, no, one , no, well, two keys, let's go, choose, maybe you'll be lucky, choose, turn out the right key. no, yes, no, hurray, lucky , open it, choose a gift, i would really like your book, please sign it,
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thank you very much and sit down, eh... let's move on, as ordinary people see the world, clearly and brightly, this is what people with glaucoma see: first the image decreases, and then disappears completely, pitch darkness sets in. more than 100 million people around the world have already gone blind due to glaucoma, because often the initial stage of the disease occurs. this form. you may not know that you are developing glaucoma until you begin to lose your vision, but there are specific symptoms that will help you suspect glaucoma at an early stage and avoid going blind, and it is important for everyone to know about them. how do you know if you are developing glaucoma? who is at risk for this disease? how
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do hormonal drugs affect the development of glaucoma ? and how is this disease treated in our time? directly. now the ophthalmologist will talk about this. girgana stoyanova, my old friend, doctor. come on, gyurghama, burn. glaucoma is an insidious disease, it leads to a slow loss of vision, up to complete blindness. why is this happening? because there is an imbalance between the production of intraocular fluid and its outflow. what happens? we can look at the example of an inflatable one.
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so yes and no, so no, glaucoma is damage to the optic nerve, irreversible damage to the long-term nerve, including due to increased eye pressure, but glaucoma is not a synonym for high blood pressure, absolutely correct, not always true.. .at
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an early stage it can be quickly fatigue of the visual load, yes, it can even occur in a myopic, normal seeing person, simply because his eye is tired, patients begin to feel that they see poorly in the dark, do not distinguish details, there are eyes on faces, on more distant objects , your head may hurt a little , one eye may be a little redder, but i would really like to warn you... to warn you that when you check your vision, you see that you are a little better or a little worse, always do it alternately, close one eye, check how your right one sees, then close the right one, see how the left one sees, this is very important, only then can you notice small differences that may alert you, rainbow circles,
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they write a lot about this that patients with glaucoma, when they look at... a light source, they see rainbow circles around this light bulb, i would like to say that for the patient to see rainbow circles, he must no longer have the initial stage of glaucoma, this is already a good increase in eye pressure, which gives swelling of the cornea, actually then people see rainbow circles, but this is not the first symptom to look for, and if you don’t see it, it doesn’t mean you don’t have high eye pressure. what is the first symptom, but there isn’t one, that’s the point, when you need to go to the doctor for an examination, how often, this is a very good question, glaucoma can even be elevated. happens in a newborn child, we know that there is congenital glaucoma, but in the first place, and let’s say who is at risk of glaucoma,
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this is the age factor, if you are 45 years old and you have never had your eye pressure measured, you should visit a doctor and have it done, if your first-degree relatives (mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt) have glaucoma, you should... definitely at the age of 45 visit an ophthalmologist and measure pressure, so the ophthalmologist measures the pressure and it is slightly higher than normal, this is the so-called autothalmohypertension, this worries us, but we monitor such patients more, well , such careful monitoring, not always high eye pressure turns into glaucoma, somewhere in about 50% cases, if you have visual anomalies, metropes, people who have plus glasses, or myopic people, they should also be more wary, but systemic diseases are diabetes, hypertension, not every hypertensive person
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will have glaucoma, we know this, but nevertheless, you need to check, especially for diabetics, further, if you have a history of diseases such as inflammatory diseases of the eyes, such as uviitis and rhidocyclitis, people who suffered from this, they... well, as a rule , they know about it if they were some injuries operations, these patients experience high blood pressure, but it has a slightly different mechanism, well, unfortunately, they can also experience so-called secondary glaucoma, by the way, if you suddenly have high blood sugar for the first time, go immediately to an ophthalmologist, because type 2 diabetes , we’ll definitely find something there, as a rule , statistics show that... your sugar is elevated, it’s never been discovered in you, but for two or three years now, you just didn’t know about it, in 2-3 years it’s already there traces, therefore the diagnosis diabetes mellitus sugar 7 times twice,
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implies an immediate visit to an ophthalmologist. next, what to do to suspect the development of glaucoma and how is this disease treated in our time? we look straight at me, i will touch your forehead, this person must visit a doctor in a very... quick time, but you’re right, what’s next, i don’t need to operate anymore, well, the bosses are asleep, let’s get started, let’s go , we get several patients with the same symptoms, yes, it’s an epidemic, we need to understand what unites all these people, when such a high risk, i would stop , let's continue, skritosovsky, today, on rtr , if you come to my house, the first thing you
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will see is the door scratched by dogs, he could become an asshole or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 dash 34 years old, we can do pull-ups. a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a rescuer, but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact him. specialist dr. myasnikov every saturday on rtr, we also have an anniversary, 10 years of marriage,
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dad, dad, hello, this is for slavik, what is it, lyanka griu, i had the right to know that you have a child, this is a doll, dmitry mazurov, i couldn’t leave him alone at home, and where did my mother go, well, let me go i’ll sit with him, raisa rezanova, and you can already let the nanny go, we’re already here without you somehow, that means i’m just a nanny, well, i’m confused, well , it’s all over between us, now forever, get up, someone else’s child, mom! premiere on saturday on rtr.
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subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation first podcasts that we watch, i don’t know how much i have, how much taxes i paid, in our program we began investigations in the field of modeling business, many dissatisfied clients of the modeling agency accuse its founder maria babkina of a major scam, we began our investigation
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and implemented it. to the company’s office, what will maria babkina herself say to the offended failed models? confrontation: you are not ashamed, i am not ashamed. malakhov, today on rtr. the program about the most important thing continues, we talk about glaucoma. i would really like to show you that measuring blood pressure is not scary. this is what our assistant is doing now, it exists in modern conditions very much. there are many ways , as a rule, these are non-contact methods, they do not require the instillation of any drops, it is literally a matter of seconds, and you remove a huge layer of problems from your shoulders, that is , you understand that you have high blood pressure, you need treatment, and you don’t need look for no rainbow circles constantly look for symptoms and be alarmed whether glaucoma will occur or not, after 45 years you still need to do it once a year
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visit an ophthalmologist and have your blood pressure measured. absolutely painless - a technique , just keep this picture in your memory, from here, to here, this is not years, a person can lose sight, and one stage can pass into another, within six months, if she has high blood pressure, it is in the first stages stays moderately elevated for a long time and he doesn’t notice, then a more aggressive period begins, when literally over the course of there... six months to 8 months , vision can sharply deteriorate, if this picture happens, neither drops nor surgery, unfortunately, come back we can't anymore. you need to understand that glaucoma is a slowly progressive disease. here i would also really like to note how we treat it? today we have in our arsenal a huge variety of good medications, instillation.
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it’s absolutely not difficult, there are several groups of drops, they are included in the list of free ones, but they need to be dripped, patients very often think that i’m dropping drops, but it seems like the glaucoma is not going away, why am i doing this, but you need to clearly understand, what if you don’t drip drops, well, absolutely after some the number of years and a person will arrive at this stage, we measured for some, for many, we managed to measure, we received a reliable result. using a tonometer, in this case we have a patient with increased intraocular pressure, we have already measured and can show how this happens live, look straight at me, i will touch your forehead and make six clicks, according to the results we have received intraocular pressure, which was 27 mm of standard column, which
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indicates... an increased, well, this patient is young, because we can ask, does anyone in your family have glaucoma? but no, there is no glaucoma, the pressure is high, measured by a method that measures the true pressure without taking into account any subjective factors, there is compression of the eyelids, this person should visit a doctor very quickly and be completely examined, and...
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objects became blurry, i couldn’t read the text, the letters all blurred together, so the doctor examined me and found that i had intraocular glaucoma. afraid and came to us for advice, i came to dr. myasnikov to find out do i really need to urgently undergo surgery with hospitalization now, or are there any other more modern methods
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of treating glaucoma, what do we have here, hello, hello, hello, well, i talked to this patient, i know that she already has she has had glaucoma for several years, she has been taking medications, but according to her, these drops do not help her. what question do you have for us? my question is this: the drops really don’t help me, now they suggested that i have surgery, well, i’m very scared to have surgery, i want to find out, maybe it’s possible some other more modern ways to bypass this procedure, look, any normal person is afraid to have surgery, and especially eye surgery, we all understand you perfectly well, if your doctor has exhausted everything with you...
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he won’t do the surgery to preserve his vision for a long time time, they offer me to do it on one eye, and then on the other, god, do another operation. glaucoma is a bilateral disease, but it always damages one eye more, glaucoma surgery is never performed on both eyes at once, you are absolutely correct. they suggest that it is not a fact that the second eye now needs surgery, but the intraocular pressure there is less than. okay , you sit down, the topic is very important, it concerns the safety of our vision, 45 plus, come to the doctor, actively measure your blood pressure, because such
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a gift from god as losing sight simply because we were too lazy, didn’t go, didn’t know, were afraid, this is wrong, we must be attentive to our health, then everything will be fine. time for the section questions to the doctor, that is, you ask questions to me, and i’ll try answer them, whoever is ready, raise your hands, good morning, doctor, and i had an attack similar to a stroke, and from the outside people say that it was a stroke, as far as i know, i had a tomography scan, the clinic was told that it was nothing serious, soon at that moment i'm fine. i couldn’t give any reasons, i lay in bed for about 10 days, well , practically motionless, i couldn’t get up, then i slowly came to my senses, but my left leg doesn’t work well, my hand and diction completely changed, but
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since i don’t have a disability, i get settled and i can’t go to work, and that is, existence in general, i don’t know what, based on my diction, people often take me for drunks. and because of this i have problems, i don’t really understand why you say the diagnosis is a stroke compared to how old you are, i was 54-55 , i had hypertension, i have high blood pressure, what other diseases, the vessels are twisted, there was a narrowing there, yes , i’m also on pills, yeah, you clearly have neurological symptoms on your face, what, what’s the question, well, people from the... outside, who are connected with medicine, in general, are paying attention attention, okay, no, well, this is how it will be , now either for life, or it will be residual effects of a stroke, they can go away, they can take a very long time, they may not go away at all, i hope you understand
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the pills, yes, but is, and it is prevention, yes, of course, because you yourself will say, you have a wall for you, a classic stroke, yes, you suffered it, now you need to try not to have a second one. i understand, thank you very much, good morning, doctor, good, but i have had this problem since childhood, if i don’t eat in the morning or at lunch, i have severe headaches, well , it’s kind of chronic, as i understand it, you’re not feeding yet, but you’re not feeding, what’s the problem, well , the problem is that it can interfere with me at work, because it’s not always possible to eat at work, and what kind of job am i where you can’t eat, well... it happens that you can’t eat,
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my sugar is normal, but my mother had diabetes, the question is what, the question is what, it can be cured, this is so well, it wasn’t a problem, there’s no way to cure it, it really happens, a headache can provoked by various factors , including hunger, you yourself name the cure for this, well, that means have breakfast, that means take dried fruits with you, something else, what’s the problem, well, i associated it with the fact that sugar is falling sharply in...
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never mind, well, listen, we have so many problems, you understand, you’re 60 plus, it’s unclear what’s ahead of you, that i’ll be fine with everything else, how many different problems there will be, god forbid that this is the biggest problem , folds on the ears, uh, well, you’re not a cat, not a dog, who looks so beautiful, you can’t even be seen there, for a prognostic purpose, but no, no, you had pierced ears there and it’s clear that the skin’s turgor is simply lost over the years and how wrinkles appear. that’s it, with questions, that’s it, if you want
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to review us, this is a platform, look at the application or the website, good luck to everyone. next in the program: formula for calm ltryptophan, what kind of amino acid, what is it for? says shows the first pavilion of mostfil.
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a bit complicated, then simple, that’s it, the first 100. from my own experience i can say, the first 100 years years, anniversary of the musfilm film studios, broadcast from the first pavilion on friday on rtr, annushka has already bought sunflower oil and not only bought it. but even divorced, vulenda was seen again at the patriarchs, you are a historian, i am a historian, today at the patriarchs there will be an interesting story, black margrue, yes, there will be a millionaire in the posters now, margarita again takes yellow flowers in her hands, with yellow flowers i came out so that you finally found me, the master is burning his novel again, something bad will happen to me... yes, i don’t want you to die together with me. so, citizens, now
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the famous foreign artist misya woland will perform before you. true history in a new quality. it will be like this. master and margarita. midnight is approaching, missir, today on rtr. and already on the platform, let's look. all episodes, right now, in the application or on the website. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking. big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different ones from this room absolutely without glee... ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and there is a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, real stone
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flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, just look. let big changes into your home, every sunday on rtr. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, look. russian channels - all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs. look, look in the app or on the site, good morning, hello, apathy, anxious thoughts, nothing makes you happy, the whole world seems to be in some gray-black tones, this
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state is probably familiar to many, but quite often this state can indicate... six pairs per day, that is, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm i give lectures, come home , work again, make work programs, rating plans, fossas, reports, and also write a dissertation, which i am about to receive to go to defense, and also the house, children, worries, and so on, because of all this i am very
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i don’t sleep well, before going to bed i think about what i haven’t done yet, i often have the feeling that i don’t switch off at all, drink some strong drugs... i have a very long teaching leave, 56 days, 56 days i wrote phos and working program, without giving up, because there was accreditation, and the new year holidays, the defense of a dissertation, and on top of everything else, you have children, a family who also require attention and care. nadezhda, do you sleep well at night? i sleep disgustingly because i keep
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replaying in my head everything i haven’t done. this is how you try to help yourself, what are you doing? i tried some, well, calm down my lungs. tryptophan, what is it? tryptophan is andrei nikolaevich, nadezhda spoke about an absolutely natural remedy, and it exists in evolution, even more than humans, it is part of protein foods and is
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an essential amino acid in nature, that is, you and i cannot synthesize it. so let’s just andrei nikolaevich, now we ’ll see how, strictly speaking, it affects our mood. tryptophan formula: synthesis requires vitamin group b, vitamin b6, under the influence of vitamin b6, through long biochemical reactions, this amino acid promotes the synthesis of serotonin, and serotonin, as we know, yes, yes, everyone already knows this, in turn, serotonin in the evening, when we have to go to bed rest , sleep deeply, is again transformed through... many biochemical reactions into the sleep hormone - melatonin, which is based on this most essential amino acid , el-tryptophan. if this chain. is not disturbed, then we are cheerful, cheerful, if we have enough of the main substance, tryptophan, the fact is that, my friends, most
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of our reactions to the world around us, our internal state, depends directly on the concentration of some active substances, and if they are missing, the processes will proceed either at the wrong time, or with a delay, or weakly , which is why we need to always keep el-tryptophan at the right level, at concentration. if there is tryptophan in our body, let’s say, andrei nikolaevich, there are such happy people, for example, you and me, we have enough of it, then our mood corresponds to this picture, the fact is that when we mean the work of serotonin, this is also concentration, this is a great mood, an internal state of such happiness, vigor and energy , by the way, tryptophan from serotonin plays an important role directly in ours... yes, and, of course , immunity. it is for this reason that we should always try to ensure that our diet contains
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enough tryptophan. eltryptophan has been known for quite a long time, in europe, the united states, and japan, and it is prescribed quite often, doctors recommend it as a good antidepressant. yes, of course, it does not replace synthetic antidepressants, which are indicated for the development of a serious pathology. such as clinical depression, but as a basic remedy, for such borderline conditions, yes, initial ones, el-tryptophan is prescribed. he has one more unique thing, but in relation to synthetic substances, he is absolutely harmless, well, with the exception of some individual intolerances, he practically never overdoses, and he is very organic, as we have already shown, is integrated into our metabolism for the synthesis of both serotonin and melatonin. el-tryptophan is also useful. eltryptophan affects the quality of our sleep, which is very important,
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because anxiety, borderline depression is such a continuous process, and it affects the entire state of our body. and during the day and of course, during the night. the synthesizer, the stimulus for the conversion of tryptophan into serotonin and subsequently into melatonin, is such an important b vitamin as vitamin b6, without its participation, like... nothing happens. and one more positive property tryptophan: appetite control, is it true? yes, my friends, absolutely right, it is eltryptophan, being part of protein foods, that gives the feeling of that same saturation, and the body, when it begins to lose tryptophan, it tries to find it, forcing us to eat. this is a protective reaction of our body. among other things, how we treat our stress on our own, we take it for...
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4,000 calories, with our mobility this can be critical for excess weight, which is why it’s still worth trying to gain eltryptophan from foods nutrition, more from the biologically active additive eltryptophan. and i also want to add that, unfortunately, el-tryptophan will not be synthesized in our body on its own, that is, in any case, it comes from outside. in addition to the fact that it is irreplaceable, that is , it is not synthesized, no more than 3% only... of this eltryptophan is converted into serotonin, can you imagine what a deficiency, how much of it do we need to eat? in principle, the dose is clearly defined. when you
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choose the dietary supplement eltryptophan, pay attention to then the dosage should be a total of two doses of 1.00 mg daily dosage, but as my dear colleagues have already said, it is important to pay attention that that capsule contains not only eltryptophan, but also b vitamins, well, in particular b6, is a must. it is in this combination that eltrypitofan, firstly, will be maximally absorbed, and secondly, it will be synthesized into serotonin and then into melatonin. and, of course, it’s good if there is vitamin b5, which reduces the activity of the stress hormone cortisol, and cortisol in its turn contributes to increased consumption of el-tryptophan. thus, it is the combination of these substances, tryptophan, vitamin b6 and b5, that is being actively created. we have serotonin and melatonin itself, but it is important that they are present together, and not separately. and when you choose products in a pharmacy or online pharmacy, be sure
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to give preference to well-known ones. all illnesses are caused by nerves, and today it seems to me that we have given you a very good hint, like thank you very much, of course, there is a phrase, what to do so that this phrase never gets you concerned, and we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, there was a program with you about the most important thing.
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hello, this is alexander efremov’s news from the studio, briefly about the main topics of our issue: the scorching sun is destroying entire units of the ukrainian armed forces. how do crews of heavy flamethrower systems work on the front line? figure skater kamilla valieva was disqualified for 4 years. why do experts call the decision political? armored cars versus tractors, farmers blocking the roads of france, what they demand and how the authorities react. underground tunnels were destroyed, israeli troops raided the south of the gaza strip, hamass training complexes and
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missile production workshops were discovered. baikal met with sunny weather. it’s very beautiful, it’s really exciting, children from the belgorod region came to the irkutsk region. vladimir putin held a working meeting with the governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov, they discussed the economic development of the city, the social sphere and the environment. i looked at this official one for st. petersburg, it’s good. the city is developing, the pace of industrial production in st. petersburg is three times higher than in the country, a good indicator, there are not many accidents, and the level of financial security, the developer is at a minimum level, a good indicator, there are, of course
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, environmental issues that require special attention. street network, road network, intrago, well , there is something to do, a large farm is large, unemployment is the lowest in the country, 1.5, 1.7%, our poverty level has decreased by many percent, as they set us the corresponding task, of course, certainly, what we have always paid attention to is the focus of the budget on social reforms and social services. vladimir putin also met with the governor of the leningrad region, alexander drozdenko. i wanted to start with the fact that on behalf of all our veterans, siege survivors and veterans of the great patriotic war, there are not many words left, words
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of gratitude for participating in world politics, believe me, it was very important. during the special operation, the russian army repelled 10 attacks in the ssu, more than half in the donetsk direction. ukrainian formations per day they lost almost 700 more soldiers and mercenary officers, a tank and two armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as five howitzers and other artillery pieces from the line of combat contact, report by military correspondent eduard punigov. when ready, immediately one fire, heavy.
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the solntsepek flamethrower system is one of the most formidable weapons of the twenty-ninth army of the vostok group. this installation is on duty not far from the coal mine. in one salvo , it destroys entire enemy units and burns out any. the crew had just returned from the battlefield to reload the gun. the car heads towards the forest belt, where the base camp is located. sonntsepeg is a heavy flamethrower system that is designed to destroy enemy defensive structures; it is impossible to escape from its attacks in any dugout. combat missions are carried out both day and night, but it is clear that it is most dangerous to do this during daylight hours. the installation works relatively well. at a short distance, approximately 5 km. the success of any operation largely depends on the driver’s mechanic; his task is to quickly drive to the position, and after shooting , immediately drive the car away so that it is not attacked by kamikaza drones.
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the handling is very good, the cross-country ability is also good , sometimes in the mud you can shift into lower gears somewhere, because it doesn’t always work, it gets stuck a little, but it’s normal, we drive everywhere, even after a hard battle, soldiers. in a great mood, willing to make contact. commander santsepek came here from transbaikalia, signed a contract for a year and a half on the front line, was seriously wounded, but still came back. the hails worked out from theirs , there were cluster shells , it turns out that the wound in the back was serious, well, what do they say, it almost got to the heart, it didn’t get it, well, nothing , here’s zborov, it almost got to the heart, well, i’m alive and well, here we are at war again, what should they do, you tell them with such a smile, but why should anyone grieve? i was right there when i was wounded, they brought me, put me on the table, they said, well, everything is fine, the shrapnel went into my back, it’s fine, you’ll live. the flamethrower system carries 24 charges, they fly out
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in just 6 seconds, since the sancipes work in in the immediate vicinity of the line of combat contact, of course, they are a priority target for the ukrainian armed forces, for example, next to this vehicle, just recently a mortar shell exploded, shrapnel cut the entire left side, fortunately the equipment. the crew recharges the installation and goes into battle again. eduard, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the israeli military carried out raids in the town of khanyunisi in
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the south of the gaza strip. hundreds of objects were examined, including battalion headquarters, terrorist training complexes, communication points, buildings military intelligence, a major missile production facility and the offices of many high-ranking officials, such as the head of the palestinian radicals. in addition, hundreds of terrorists were killed underground, both in contact battles and as a result of airstrikes. us president joe biden, who believes that iran is responsible for the deaths of american troops as a result of an attack on a base in jordan, has instructed his aides to prepare options for responding to tehran, including. military man, the publication reported this to the politician, citing options the pentagon is considering include targeting iranian personnel in syria or iraq or targeting
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iranian naval forces in the persian gulf, officials said. once the us president gives the go-ahead, retaliatory measures will likely begin in the next couple of days. the strikes will be carried out against a range of targets, the policy says. air defense systems confused an enemy drone with their own drone, so they were unable to repel an attack on a military base in jordan, the wall street journal found. by according to the publications, at the base they were waiting for their uav to return after completing the mission; along with it, an alien drone appeared in the air; the military could not determine whether it was friendly or hostile; they allowed the drone to freely enter the base. as a result, three soldiers were killed and more than forty were injured. this is the latest information from the pentagon. french farmers blocked eight highways on the outskirts of paris, besieging the capital, the protest movement of agricultural producers is trying to force the authorities to negotiate, the head of the ministry of internal affairs responded
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france announced the deployment of 15 thousand gendarmes to maintain order around paris. our sapkor anastasia popova met with the demonstrators. they accompany the tractor drivers of agen on their march to paris, they come from all over france, along the way they are joined by trucks of construction sector workers and foresters. the capital froze in anticipation. the farmers' march on paris is already a red line for the french authorities. the ministry of internal affairs has been instructed to ensure safety and mobility on the roads, not to allow tractors into the city center, ideally to prevent a prolonged blockade of the city. chaos at airports, taxi drivers suddenly joined the protests, also blocking highways and holding mass demonstrations in many large cities. due to innovations, they lose part of their profits. the police's task is not easy.
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it handles about 3 million tons of fresh produce per year and supplies, among other things, 30,000 restaurants in the capital every day. in the event of a total blockade, paris will only last 3 days without food. the ministry of internal affairs withdraws the armored cars of the gendarmerie and surrounds the market. market in rangis must continue to operate, as do the capital's airports and arly, as well as other airports and markets throughout the country. 15 were mobilized. prime minister ottal, after
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another visit to another farm, decided to meet with the leader of the strikers, they are outraged that 10 years ago france imported 10% of food, and now it’s already 20. half of the chicken comes from abroad. today, mainly from ukraine. 70% of fruits are not french, a third of vegetables and meat are imported. belgian farmers are joining european farmers. the road leading to brussels. operation snail. all the cars slow down to a complete stop, how long this will last, no one here can say. protesters light fires in the middle of the highways, block the border with france, block logistics centers, and erect barricades. the requirements are the same, there are still no answers. anastasia popovyabernadsky, news, france, belgium. american authorities are putting pressure on international sports bodies to prevent russian athletes from competing, especially under the national flag. and also want to rip
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major sporting events in russia, this is how our embassy in washington commented on the russophobic decision of the sports arbitration court to disqualify figure skater kamilla valeeva. all this fits into the mainstream of the hybrid war unleashed by the west against the russian federation, the diplomatic mission emphasized. so, the court of arbitration for sport in lozan disqualified russian figure skater kamilla valieva for 4 years for violating anti-doping rules. term. counted from december 2021. gold of the russian team in the team championship figure skaters at the beijing olympics can now be given to the americans. report by alexandra perfileva. this is the legendary program with which kamilla valieva caused delight in beijing in the twenty-second year. the most difficult triple axel to the music of kiril richter. later an athlete.
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any protection. according to lawyers, the decision is disproportionate and is one of the tools to oppress russia in the international sports arena. the decision is absolutely inadequate, biased and apparently politicized, which absolutely does not take into account that the age of the athlete who is at the time of detection of a prohibited substance , he was 15 years old, he was a protected athlete, he was a child. in such a situation, in accordance with the world anti-doping. according to the code , disqualification is maximum possible in extreme circumstances, when doping was deliberately used for up to 2 years, indicating that this is another element of russian persecution. it was clear to the team right away, but despite everything, valeeva does not give up figure skating, but at the time the verdict was announced, the athlete was in training. published in the telegram channel of the team eteret biridze, coach kamilla a post that once again proves that her subordinate did not intentionally take
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a prohibited drug. kamilla valieva did not dispute the fact of the presence of trimetozidine in the positive doping sample, while during the hearings her side had to prove that the violation... firstly, for some reason it took a month for the sample to travel from st. petersburg to stockholm, perhaps even specially held until the end of the team competition. secondly, the swedish anti-doping laboratory, which carried out the analysis, had already lost its accreditation for unacceptable methods, but in general this medicine itself
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cannot help skaters in any way. such figure skaters are born once every 100 years, so the coaches say, fail it. after the beijing olympics, she continued to perform and prove to everyone. but first of all , i can’t break it for myself; i even included this difficult moment in my life in my program, already at russian competitions. on the ice, valieva covered her head with a hood, as she once hid from journalists’ cameras in beijing, she will continue to fight, she has the right to appeal to the federal court of switzerland. alexandra perfileva and olga olyukhina. news. you are watching the news. we are working live, stay with us on the russia channel, well, you ’ve been waiting for a whole year, well, be patient for another 6 days. sklefosovsky, new episodes, from
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february 5, on rtr, you are watching. what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the underside, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would cut down an oak tree. don’t pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for a headache, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every
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saturday and sunday on rtr. will you die? thank you! it suits you very well! it’s as if these 12 years didn’t exist, i missed you so much, we won’t part again, you have to put your unfaithful wife to rest. this is our personal matter, sonya, you understand me, i want everything to be without training, we’ll arrange where the photo client is, i understood you correctly, absolutely, no tears visible in the rain, on sunday on rtr.
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“we work in the interests of our country , our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, this is for you, i feel bad without you, forgive me, i have a flight. love is like a flight. please love and favor. our replacement co-pilot. flight into the unknown. we heard, they just reported, there was an earthquake, they are asking for help to evacuate
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the victims earlier, it’s really bad there, lava is coming, sasha, all aboard, quickly, the engine is completely out of order, i'm going to one, the engine is on fire, i’m reducing the speed, get ready for the nearest airport, the nearest one, i wonder? a lieutenant colonel from the street of broken lamps, a real policeman tells me, you are there for such a death, he will give it, so the boss is the same fool as you showed, in the theater you will meet your first wife, valentina, she was given roles, you are ranked from one to another,
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then the first role, chaos, after 25 years we parted ways, well, it’s hard to talk about it, i arrived on december 30, took my bag, thank you, then goodbye and everything went to moscow. started so far another life, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, we also have the anniversary of 10 years of marriage, dad, dad, hello, this is for the slovik, what is it, lyanka griu, i had the right to know that you have a child. this is a painted doll, your misha no longer lived, dmitry mazurov, i couldn’t
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leave him alone at home, and where did his mother go, well, let me sit with him, raisa ryazanova, and you can let the nanny go, we’re already like this without you something, that means i’m just a nanny, well, i’m confused, well, that’s all between us it's over, now forever, get up, someone else's child, mom... premiere on saturday on rtr. watch a special episode of 60 minutes today. don't miss all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. 60 minutes. today on rtr.
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we're on the air, we're continuing the show. unique equipment appeared in the perinatal center of khabarovsk, this is a vein locator. the new generation device helps doctors see the exact location of veins in newborn patients. report by nadezhda lyakh. here we see the vessels, you see, so purple. this is where we will produce puncture. about the new device p. anesthet nurse marina volosnova proudly tells us that even though the device fits easily in the hand, the process always requires two people, while one specialist works with the vinolocator, the other holds the baby’s hand. a small patient is only a few days old; placing a needle or vein without such equipment is not an easy task, even for an experienced doctor. in newborn babies, in premature babies, the vascular wall is underdeveloped, and we cannot palpate it, we cannot see it, so we use vascular access. we have was done with difficulty, perhaps not even the first time. the device uses
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infrared light, emitting it onto the skin, the vinolocator receives the necessary information, gives a contour drawing like this, so now specialists give injections or place a catheter the first time. another new product of the perinatal center in the intensive care ward, where children who have undergone surgery are observed, is a resuscitation bed with temperature control and built-in scales. it has several levels. standing, which is comfortable for staff, thermal curtain they are created across the entire width of the crib, which is very comfortable for the child, because they are thermophilic and depend on the ambient temperature. in total , equipment worth 6 million rubles was purchased in 2023. including at the expense of the regional budget, operating tables for the obstetric department, monitors for monitoring the condition of patients, equipment for the laboratory department and others. this was the initiative of our government. regional, this helps us meet all standards of medical care and ensures the quality and
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safety of this medical care, because what we work: confidently, we work with high quality and try to ensure that this quality improves. meanwhile, in 2023 , about 300 children alone passed through intensive care; in total , over 400 babies were born within the walls of the perinatal center. nadezhda lyakh alexey shabelnikov, leading khabarovsk. 72 schoolchildren from belgorod region came to the irkutsk region for vacation. a rich program awaits them. the children have already gone on an excursion to lake baikal, and they also...
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a good one opens, that’s excellent, right on the shore of lake baikal there is an astrophysical observatory, few people know about it, but these schoolchildren have a happy day today, they are given a detailed tour, the secrets of the cosmic depths are revealed, 250 m above the level of lake baikal, the height of the top point of a unique vacuum telescope, there are only two of them in the world, they combined business with pleasure, enjoyed the beautiful views of baikal and gained new knowledge, here at the baikal observatory they study the most complex...
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they refer to each other on them, from an early age they study military disciplines in the youth army and other patriotic clubs, and the alarming proximity predisposes to such a model of communication, some were assigned some kind of history, some were simply given a call sign, some came up with it for themselves, i personally have a nicknamed ghost. in the ethnographic museum of wooden nobility in toltsy, the children mastered a hanging swing, learned about the life of ordinary villagers of past years, about their life and entertainment, their own... so that everyone’s fish turns out to be unique, and later they met a seal live in the baikal museum. the authorities of the irkutsk region decided to brighten up the troubled everyday life of teenagers on a long journey. not
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only our region accepted children from the belgorod region, many other regions did this too. an opportunity, probably, during this period to create conditions for the children to forget about what happened. 72 teenagers are resting on lake baikal from the tense situation in their native land, shelling in the border area does not subside, one of the strongest attacks on civilians occurred on new year's eve. everyone goes shopping, walks, then in the city center, right where we have a christmas tree, a huge cat, that is, it was very scary, there were small children, throwing strollers, running away, someone even took other people’s children.
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irkutsk region. vesti monitors developments in russia and abroad. stay with us.
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i think that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have them. as many as five, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here, how everything is running, wow, i really want
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check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously , just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear when i said, such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not it will be, zhenya will add his own, and what many people use. the strongest love for the game is the five-on-one, five-on-one program on saturdays on rtr. hello, dear friends, comrades,
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your favorite program is live for 60 minutes, and most importantly, let’s start with urgent news: the valiant russian army today occupied the populated areas of starch and tabaevka continued to develop its success in the kupinsky direction. the ukrainian armed forces are faced with a choice right now. recapture positions and erase reserves, or stabilize the situation on new lines, moving even further back, that is, beyond the oskol river. the head of the general staff of the estonian defense forces assures that in the next week russia may attack the border area of ​​kupinsk, which will result in losses for the ukrainian armed forces in manpower and territories in these personnel? russian strikes tornado s jet systems in hangars with equipment from...
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in the kherson direction, the aviation of the dnepr group destroyed the positions of the dryers in the area of ​​​​the village of kozatskaya. to hit targets, they exchanged fap-500 gliding bombs, but in the artyomovsk direction. american propaganda is hitting ukraine. the washington post writes that zelensky is having a hard time hiding his feelings of despair; his chances of regaining the territory have definitely been lost. german editor-in-chief spiegel writes that ukraine will not win and advises looking for a compromise, as no matter how painful it is. this is a direct quote. chief european diplomat barel also surrendered. remember, last week he threatened
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to defeat putin. and today he said that the european union does not see light at the end of the tunnel. in this regard, the most popular joke, of course , from the internet is why the place where zelensky ended up is called a tunnel. he says anti-russian sanctions have not worked. moreover, russian arms production may leave behind the entire nato blog, the british news agency writes about this today, and scares the west with new,
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we are heading towards an artillery position, the troops here are carrying out the task of containing the advance of the enemy from the captured city, over the last hour we have heard several shots from the ukrainian positions towards the russian ones, you can hear them, the gun we are near is waiting for the order to shoot, every soldier, with whom i spoke, repeats the same thing, we need more shells. total...
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they are often run by civilians who have voluntarily signed up for service. ruben used to be a soldier, but returned to serve after russian invasion. he showed us how the drone works. for ukraine, the issue of service is very acute; when a war breaks out, it affects everyone. last training before heading to the front.
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we need more weapons, shells, artillery ammunition, rifles and machine guns. while we were talking, we received a real reminder that the front line is only a few kilometers away. this footage shows the arrival of a russian anti-tank missile, which the russians launched from a combat helicopter, most likely from k-52. this thing. called elmur and this is one of the best modern multi-purpose missiles in the russian arsenal, it can be controlled via satellite and its maximum launch range is 14.5 km, here you can see how one such missile arrives at a ukrainian position, here is the explosion itself from another perspective: elmur weighs 105 kg and delivers a high-explosive fragmentation warhead weighing 25 kg to the target, that is , it is a rather large missile, these frames show how at the very last moment the russians change elmur’s flight path, this is what similar missiles do
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truly special ( this landscape changes from arrivals, shooting, shooting, how do you like the forest, how do you like the forest, i write forests, i don’t like forests anymore, it’s 100%, 100%, shooting, shooting, attacks, we sit, like this
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, 11 arrivals arrived at us, four of them arrived, so you understand, stupidly, stupidly into the trench, two were generally carried in. for example, the settlement of tabaevka was under their control. and the russians advanced quite seriously in this direction, by 6-7 km to the west, on a front section 4 km long. in conditions of trench warfare, this is a lot. wherever possible, russian troops
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are increasing pressure. the russians occupy all the territories they can. these now include the kharkov region. yes, so far the russian army controls only 2% of the territory of the kharkov region, but the pressure of the russians there is now very powerful and thereby, among other things, they are pushing back.
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kiev will also regain the territories of uzhgorod and mukhachevo. the hungarian radical torot sky let slip about territorial claims to transcarpathia. one could probably relate to territorial dreams. to agree on the allocation of a new aid package for zelensky, according to the publication, brussels is going to collapse the exchange rate of the hungarian forint , reduce the investment attractiveness of hungary in order to harm jobs and
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the growth of the country, that is, an outright blackmail threat. the hungarian minister for eu affairs said that brussels has long used access to union funds for political purposes. pressure, while he promised that budapest would not succumb to this blackmail anyway. the summit of eu leaders itself, at which the package blocked by hungary will be discussed assistance will take place in brussels this coming thursday, so we are waiting and believing in comrade orban. well, this is fresh footage from uzhgorod, where today there was a meeting between the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of hungary, szijart and the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. kuleba and the head of zelensky’s office, ermak. judging by the tense faces, the negotiations did not go very well. in the sense that exactly before the meeting. smug yarmak
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published this post: they say we are waiting for a breakthrough, or perhaps we even agreed, look at the handshake, and then immediately after the negotiations he deleted this post, well, that is, the hungarians really came with an ultimatum to transcarpathia in exchange for military assistance. uzhgorod accepts the idea as reality. uzhgorod hosts events of international significance. the ukrainian diplomatic corps said that it was fighting for a thaw in relations with hungary, which one way or another remains both a member of the european union and nato, and regularly complicates life for many ukrainian initiatives. a few days before his visit to transcarpathia, piotr szijarta received threats. the letter arrived by email at the hungarian embassy in ukraine. ukrainian diplomats confirmed this fact to the public publication. about nothing. is worried, sziyarta himself wrote on social networks, commenting on this story
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and also added that he is interested in the hungarian community returning its former rights, this is a quote from his post, this is a quote from his post: in ukraine the ugric minority in ukraine the hungarian minority is incredibly much has more rights than the ukrainian minority in hungary, i think mr. szijjarta should be reminded of this, it would be necessary to tell fortunes tomorrow, you know, do you see the likelihood of this? hungarian far-right party our motherland
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ukraine is at war, leader lasla tarodskay said this during a party conference in budapest. let me remind you that last year, hungarian prime minister viktor orban called the carpathian region an ancient hungarian land, which now belongs to ukraine. what kind of information basis is this for the meeting? obviously, such a policy is unfriendly towards our state. they would it looks as if they sat down, held their breath, watching how ukraine would lose or not lose, perhaps even they are rooting for ukraine to lose and for them to get another piece of our land, but orban has a price, this is not a secret, orban wants this too, in general many in hungary want it, i personally, when i was there in almost all the restaurants in budapest, saw a map great hungary, which includes not only ukraine, but also slovakia, by the way, part of croatia and romania, they also have conflicts there, there are revanchists there.
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that three us inspector generals were sent to ukraine at once, from the pentagon, from the state department and the organization that called usad. officials from washington will monitor the effectiveness of the use of money and ammunition allocated to kiev, but that is, american officials will catch the hand of ukrainian bribe takers who are trying to steal this aid. coincidence or not, it happened today.
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they would have started the ssu with weapons, as he put it , right away, and there would have been no war, and it’s just an absolutely brilliant idea from such a caring father of the entire ukrainian people, zelensky proposed no longer paying benefits to refugees, the money should be sent to ukraine to him, and he himself will decide what to spend it on themselves... zelensky is asking men of mobilization age
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to urgently return home from europe; supposedly nothing threatens them in ukraine, and in general zelensky condemns them. barbaric actions of military commissars who grab people right on the street, he promised to mobilize everyone in a civilized manner, putting them in an electronic queue, he immediately said the army: we have a small army, only 80 thousand soldiers, everyone will have to serve anyway. not without the classic act of intimidating europeans with the russian threat, this time the stand-up was especially outstanding, in particular zelensky said that putin is not just a last name, putin is a threat, he explained his thought: if ukraine falls, russia will attack germany and start the third world war,
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so it is better to give taurus to kiev than putin to hit with iskanders in berlin, very funny. chancellor of germany, but also the leader of europe. in addition , scholz now allegedly realizes that he is not only that, the president of ukraine warned that russia could approach german borders. scholz's predecessor, angela zelensky criticized merkel for the fact that
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after the annexation of crimea to russia, germany continued to do business with the russian federation and thereby financed it.
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the first is the shortage of weapons and finances in ukraine, the second, i think that the alliance between the united states of america and europe will be lost, the third, europe itself will understand. that this is a signal, if ukraine does not hold out and putin goes forward, this is a signal to the united states that europe remains alone to confront russia, that is, this will be a serious threat, putin will take advantage of this 100%, and this signal will also say that nato will not be so strong without being like this, well , the russians are joining the general hysteria on the topic , even australia, seemingly far from russia, decided to join, yes, which doesn’t care if something happens . flies local authorities are calling for thinking about the return of compulsory military service, conscription, because the threat of
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all-out war with russia looms over the country. in this regard , i would like to remember that the last time australia fought on its territory was almost a century ago, in 1932. then the local military were opposed, you will never believe it, by ostrich “emo”. it is generally accepted that they lost against. large birds began to raid the fields of australian farmers, but soldiers with machine guns were sent to destroy all the birds. the shooting of ostriches did not go well. the emos ran away at the sound of gunfire and skillfully avoided the ambushes of the australian warriors. the soldiers lost one lewis system machine gun in the battles. it simply went out of order, but it was possible to avoid casualties in personnel, the commander of
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the operation, mayer, proudly reported at the time. in his reports he complained about the amazing maneuverability of ostriches, which are difficult to hit. some time later, the ineffective military was recalled, and e continued to terrorize. in general, ostriches, win. they couldn’t, but now they are going to fight with russia , the other anglo-saxons have the same plans, the telegraph writes about the intention with the united states for the first time in 15 years to place its nuclear weapons on british territory, a plan to deliver weapons to the lakenfit military base, found in the pentagon documents in the ministry of defense the us has so far refused to comment, like this americans.
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on the karikar there is a poster with the text "british people, your party needs you." and the marching tors in the front rows are the best friend of the ukrainians, boris dzhensonyuk, walking with untied shoelaces and poking a mop in the face of his neighbor in the ranks. in the backpack, as you can see, there is a bottle of red and two crystal glasses. johnson himself officially said that if putin attacks. he is personally ready to take up arms and fight the russians in the ranks of the royal armed forces. at the same time, he is not a good soldier,
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johnson himself admits. when boris studied in his youth combined cadet force, he failed the rifle test. for this, says boris. the commander even forced him to clean british toilets. well, for the sake of defeating putin, borya. i'm ready to try again, sir, efreyter johnson has enlisted, i have answered general sanders' call for a citizen army and i want water.


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