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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  January 30, 2024 2:30pm-2:55pm MSK

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took the girls to paris fashion week and we will see these photos and videos from the catwalks as she prepares and brings tax returns in her name, the name of her mom and dad, that’s how we do it.
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tea, manya, yes, how much do you need to love a person in order to take him and come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question, of course , is interesting, based on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, for the sake of this...
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a person lives, he should have a continuation, what is a good conversation based on, trust? i'm so contradictory i have wisdom and cunning, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, when everyone is at home on sundays on rtr. tell me, son-in-law, have you ever been jealous of my daughter? no, we'll watch it on the weekend. angel, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? you are not just a beautiful woman, you are absolutely amazing. you love her, and she, she and
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my father, are having an affair. for some, beauty is a ticket to a happy life. you'll definitely like it. for others, it is a test of loyalty. well, what are you silent? what should i say? well something, shout, hit, i don’t know.
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hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes in hot pursuit. so let's begin. with the main sensation, who exactly is leading ukraine at the front is unknown right now, whether a palace coup happened in kiev or will happen today is not exactly reported, but there are rumors that zelensky did fire zaluzhny , there is no official confirmation of the news, but a harmonious chorus of endless sources, as it were makes it clear that there is no smoke without fire, three deputies at once, birch, goncharenko, and four newspapers, including zerkalo tizhnya, which seems to be respected in ukraine, report that zelensky called zaluzhny and offered to retire, write of his own free will to leave as ambassador of a distant country, he refused.
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the first at least some official refutation comment appeared in the telegram channel of the ukrainian ministry of defense, no, it’s not true, it’s short. they then wrote the news about the resignation about the inspection, also for some reason in writing and also for some reason on social networks, the president’s press secretary nikiforov himself did not sleep at night. 1:30 posted photograph, he and the chief of the general staff shaptala. both are wearing military lights with the inscription ukraine, that is, both are apparently on duty. deputy defense committee of the verkhovna rada bezuglaya, who has been seeking the resignation of the commander-in-chief for many, many months, believes that the failure of the offensive contour is his fault, wrote that the dismissal actually
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took place, the reason, you won’t believe. zaluzhny went on a drinking binge because of problems during the war and posted a photo of zaluzhny, allegedly swollen and drunk. budanov was appointed instead, but this news is still confirmed no. we really like the chaos going on with the enemy, we wish him good luck.
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they seem to be referring to a source in the national security and defense council, we quote, he, that is, zaluzhny, was called and offered another position, perhaps you will go somewhere as an ambassador, he refused, there is no decree, end of quote, it’s true that zaluzhny was fired, look , i have information from a person who deserves this, he said it himself, he said it himself, yeah, yeah, we can name this person’s last name or not, no, no, no, this is not a public person, let’s say so. who can replace valery zaluzhny valery zaluzhny they said for a very long time that kirill budanov, yeah, but i still don’t believe it, i think that it will be tsirsky, general tsirsky, will general tsirsky go into
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politics, i don’t know, i don’t rule it out that they will try to hold presidential elections in a short time, yeah. by the way, there is such information from our sources. president vladimir zelensky met with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny to personally discuss issues of his resignation.
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zaluzhny's resignation shot in the top ten national unity, such a decision is not motivated by military-strategic considerations; it is based on emotions and jealousy, which cannot be guided during a war.
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a one-year-old, twenty-four-year-old woman and a twenty-four-year-old man were injured at the hospital. in the west , they continue to play the game; in ukraine, they have run out of ammunition. today, the financial times, citing a senior nato official, writes that western manufacturers will need 2 years to provide ukrainian soldiers with ammunition for level of putin's army. at night, the head of the state department blinken after the meeting. with the nato general secretary said he would try to convince congress to unblock the aid. according to him,
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the lack of arms supplies to kiev has already had a noticeable negative impact on the course of hostilities . they say the front is crumbling right now. and if congress does not meet joe biden, all of ukraine’s achievements will be at risk. congress is still in no hurry to help ukraine and is now waiting for the go-ahead. peace, and if trump really wants to end the war, the only way to convince
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putin’s point is that he will not achieve anything on the battlefield, but there the situation is exactly the opposite: in the zaporozhye direction, the russian army inflicted another defeat on the armed forces of ukraine near the robots of verbovoy and kamensky, as a result of which the enemy lost about 70 soldiers in this area alone. we need people, we need more people. more ammunition, more drones. in order to fight, we need a lot of such equipment. the russians almost freely use a wide range of weapons, from heavy artillery to guided bombs.
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and against the elements the trenches, cold, damp, the only warmth comes from the candles, the soldiers are huddled around, gathering strength to withstand the overwhelming russian firepower, they shoot with a canopy, they shoot with a canopy, shoot with direct fire, attack aircraft are constantly flying, in general, they have there is everything , the worst thing is probably a tank, the worst thing is when they shoot, you can’t even hear them,
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you can hear the planes when they fly over us, but the tanks at that moment are in the hands of the lord. must keep distance between us cars, but at the same time we must move all the time. we believe that a russian drone spotted us and was adjusting its artillery fire. here you have to save ammunition. and those that exist are not always of high quality. ammunition launched at the enemy may not explode. there are no gaps yet, i don’t
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see them. there was more artillery from the russians, they began to shoot more and we shot less, we shot less. following recent russian successes south of kharkov, ukraine claims to have stopped russian advances near the village tabaevka, but russia continues to apply pressure. moscow is sending new waves of infantry and tanks in an attempt to crush the ukrainian armed forces, hoping that individual units will still manage to break through or that ukraine will run out of ammunition. ukrainian troops at
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the front are adapting to reduced supplies of military aid. in order to make sure that our idea continues, that we all step forward and do everything necessary to ensure that ukraine develops success and russia experiences strategic failure, it is extremely important that congress accepted the request for an additional budget provided by the president, otherwise all that was achieved.
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let me remind you that the day before, as a result of a uav strike on a us base in jordan, three american soldiers were killed and 34 more were injured, as the wallstreet journal writes , the first military army in the world could not prevent the attack of the strike drone, because. confused an enemy drone with one of our own. according to the publication , the enemies of the united states took advantage of the moment. during the strike, their own american was returning to the us base. and at the same time, but already with territory of iraq, another uav was launched, which dealt the same cancerous blow. well, neatly at the beginning, as
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the americans themselves say on msnbc, another damn war , lloyd returned to work after being hospitalized with prostate cancer. according to doctors , austin will make a full recovery in the coming months. it is noticeable that the boss. pentagon has lost weight. spokesman patrick ryder said austin continues to undergo physical therapy for lingering pain, now in his leg. at the same time, austin met with stoltenberg on his first day of work. and discussed the power of nato and ukraine, as they wrote on the website of the us military department. republican hawks are now indignant about what nato is like and what ukraine is like now, when americans are dying on... after the attack on the us base, the stakes have skyrocketed, and at the helm of the country’s army are two sick people who cannot show
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america’s enemies power. however, instead of a show of force, the biden administration again disgraced itself; biden’s press secretary, karine jean-pierre, was unable to articulate what kind of soldiers died in jordan and who these soldiers were for. served, in the end i got confused and said, that three american soldiers died, not for the united states, exclusively for the biden administration, oh, karina said at the end of her speech. in general, dementia is apparently transmitted by airborne droplets, but look here, biden, menacing and stern, put on camouflage for the first time, makes a decision surrounded by generals, photo at the same time,
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minister austin returned to work today in pentane, for the first time in almost month. austin was working from home and was in the hospital for two weeks due to complications from prostate cancer surgery. today he met with the nato secretary general. the meeting marked secretary austin's return to the pentagon, where he last visited on december 21. as he spoke to the press, austin shared his furious sadness over the deaths of three soldiers in jordan, and i would like to express my outrage at the deaths of three american soldiers in jordan and the other soldiers who were wounded. the president and i will not
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tolerate an attack on our forces, and we will take all necessary measures to protect american troops. thanks to all. comment on the blow, did you discuss this with president? press, thank you, thank you. austin was widely criticized for failing to immediately announce his illness and absence from the white house, a breach of protocol that has baffled officials throughout the government, including at the pentagon. on monday, austin met with nato secretary general jens stoltenberg and senior defense department officials, including gen. charles brown, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. house armed services committee the force asked austin to testify next month about why he and his aides. kept his illness secret. the committee's chairman, rep. mike rogers, an alabama republican, said congress needs to understand what happened and who made the decision to hide
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the secretary's whereabouts. a hearing is scheduled for february 14. general, we know that lloyd ossin returned to the pentagon today. can you update us on his health, since he was absent for almost a month and did not appear at the pentagon? i wouldn't say he was missing, we knew where he was, yes. he's back at the pentagon today and we'll work from here. he is recovering well. the doctors' forecasts are excellent. he continues to undergo physical therapy for lingering leg pain, but is doing very well. fox news starts with breaking news. american foreign policy is turning deadly in the hands of president joe biden. defense secretary lloyd austin is at the pentagon for the first time after spending two weeks in the hospital. then he got better at home, he claimed that he could working from home, and his first public appearance.


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