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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  January 31, 2024 5:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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south of the capital in clermont in firan, activists have welded up the gate at the entrance to the land office, officials are taking revenge for blindly supporting the ruinous green policies of the european union. in addition, on the borders with spain and italy, protesters are preventing the passage of more cargo and even gutting trucks carrying imported agricultural goods. trade union leaders gathered for a meeting with prime minister atta. it is on it, on its results, that it depends whether the protest action will end or become indefinite. vesti continues to monitor the development of major events in russia and abroad, stay tuned us. once again we return to moscow, to gostiny dvor, meeting with vladimir putin.
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from this area of ​​​​activity, not all, however, now i will not say who works and who does not work, but not everyone refuses, some work, we must give back to them, despite all the contradictions in the field of politics or in the field of security. russia's energy system is being updated. today a significant event took place at the kursk npp. the second power unit was shut down. the reactor has served reliably for almost half a century, and will be replaced by new generation power units being built by the kurdish as2. instead of. standard thirty, they are designed for at least 60 years. reporting by elizaveta boukreeva. attention, block jester, power is decreasing, the rods have gone into the zone. turning the key is a point in the operation of the power unit, the sound of the siren is a sign that the reactor is shut down and is no longer supplying electricity to the network. it's 4:01 on the clock. the stop was successful. the second power unit of the kursk npp was connected to the country's unified energy system in january 1979 . in the non-generation mode, the reactor will be
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cooled, then specialists will begin unloading of nuclear fuel and removal of radioactive elements. this year it is planned to unload 300 fuel assemblies, modernize the protection control system for further unloading, and within the twenty-fifth year we will completely unload. from the reactor to near-reactor spent fuel pools. power unit number two worked for 45 years , which turns out to be 2 days. over its history, the power unit has generated over 256 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity. this amount is enough to provide the region with current expenditure for 30 years, but time does not stand still; soon the nuclear giants will be replaced by equally powerful colleagues with a new type of reactor. the construction of a replacement station with wwr toi reactors means. one story of the rbmk-1000
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is coming to an end, time is approaching dawn , symbolically we are greeted by the site of the two-unit koos2, which should ensure the energy security of the region for at least 80 years to come. elizaveta bukreeva, alexander azarov, host korsk. back to the special operation zone, where productive work is underway to improve anti-drone weapons electronic warfare directly on the front line. report by vynkor, grigory vdovin. this group, moving along the forest belt, is armed with the most variety of weapons, you can notice not only a hunting double-barreled shotgun, in addition to standard small arms, one of the fighters has a so-called drone striker, it is necessary for shooting down uavs, fpv drones, the process is very simple, the group detects an unmanned aerial vehicle device, the drone striker is aimed at this sector, you press the trigger and press it
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with the range until it lands or will not encounter obstacles. in the immediate vicinity of the contact line , control of the sky in the area of ​​movement has already become a necessity, moreover, of life. nichka loses control, that’s all , you can follow her into the bushes, while a shotgun is a full-fledged component of the arsenal that you now need to have on the front line, this group also has one, ordinary hunting cartridges, it doesn’t always
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work out after work take it all away, because very often they fall into minefields, and you don’t know where the product fell, therefore, it’s quite dangerous right away and... communication channels with the owner and the so-called maviks for reconnaissance of discharges on batteries, cannibalistic inscriptions, which is normal for today’s ukraine, created with love for the nobles of russia, well, the inscription speaks for itself, our conversation with the drones began work long before the northern military district and in general even before the events in donbass, then all this still happened.
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our artillerymen destroyed the donetsk direction; the command post, three tanks and four armored personnel carriers were liquidated in the krasno-limansky direction. every day russian artillerymen defeat enemy personnel and cover our forward units. from the zaporozhye region, military correspondent anton stepanenko. western
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armored vehicles are burning in the fields of zaporozhye. another attempt at a counteroffensive in the orekhovsk direction failed. the enemy's armored vehicles did not even reach the landing point. they are burning. the howitzer of the 292nd self-propelled artillery regiment of the southern military district worked accurately, as taught. we were green boys who didn’t understand why they brought us where. now you look, this is a brave warrior who is not afraid of either the enemy or death, the body will be done in any case. alexander, one of the mobilized, served in the internal troops in the northern caucasus. for supporting the infantry in battles to repel the kiev counter-offensive in the summer on orekhovsky.
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30 years, my grandchildren and children will say for me that i fought just like my children, we are all afraid, well, we have to work, so work is work, there is an order. anton stepanenko, valery venokurov, lead the zaporozhye front. the state duma postponed the introduction of compulsory health insurance in new regions until 2025, so residents of the donetsk and lugansk republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions have a year. vera yatskova will continue to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy. the law extending the provision of free treatment to residents of new regions without compulsory health insurance will be in force until january 1, 2025. both those who
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do not yet have a policy and those who have already signed up for compulsory medical insurance will be able to receive medical care. compulsory health insurance policy is a document giving a person the right to receive. free medical care in the scope of the state compulsory medical insurance program, primary medical and social care, specialized. including high-tech medical care, and receive emergency medical care within the program. the compulsory health insurance system guarantees all citizens equal opportunities to receive medical care throughout the russian federation, and the compulsory medical insurance policy confirms that its owner is insured and has this right. take out a compulsory insurance policy medical insurance is available at the clinic on the territory of the institute of emergency reconstructive surgery. there is a special place where you can fill out documents, but how do you fill out the documents?
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samples are posted here. to submit documents for registration of a policy, you will need a copy of your russian citizen’s passport and snis number. i fill out a form specifically for a child along with a copy of the form, it turns out, then i give it there and they give me a policy. did they tell you how long it would take? i just made the cross, by the way, i already received it, that is it's fast, fast, yeah. victoria came from different districts from petrovsky, she says it’s more convenient for her here, she fills out documents for a policy both for herself and for
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her children. here everything will happen quickly, everything will happen, i submitted the documents and left, everything, children are required in schools, in kindergartens, so i had to come here, well, my passport, cnils, psychocopies, everything that is needed for this, nothing more. without a compulsory medical insurance policy, a citizen has the right only to receive emergency medical care. this refers to cases where there is an immediate threat to the patient’s life. injuries, various somatic pathologies are also included here, an indefinite group of high-tech care, and emergency care for pregnant women, it is provided both under the compulsory medical insurance policy, and also without a policy, these are the two groups of patients who receive assistance regardless of whether they have a policy. issue a policy for free. validity period is unlimited for all russian citizens, except military personnel. they have their own medical
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program. for foreign citizens and stateless people, the policy can be issued for one year. in the donetsk people's republic , as of january , more than one and a half million people received compulsory health insurance. vera yatskova, vladislav medyanik, lead donetsk. tyumen neurosurgeons performed the operation using unique exoscope equipment. with robotic controls. there are only a few such devices in russia. report by alexander lishchenko. there is a fifteen-year-old teenager on the operating table; the guy has epilepsy. the head of the neurosurgery center , albert sufianov, admits in a conversation that the operation is extremely complex, and it is extremely difficult to get to the pathological focus. new generation equipment, an exoscope with a smart robotic control system, comes to the aid of tyumen neurosurgeons. this unique one is the only one in russia. the device allows neurosurgeons to penetrate the most inaccessible areas of the brain and perform
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unique operations. the capabilities of this device are enormous. the main advantage is that the exoscope can be transferred to any operating room at the federal center for neurosurgery in a matter of minutes. the entire team of doctors now he can see, using special glasses , detailed images of brain structures in high quality, without distortion of the real color, and on several monitors at once. whereas a regular microscope allowed us to look. the image is provided only to the operating doctor; the device’s 3d mode function allows you to accurately perceive the depth of the pathological focus and select the most effective method of access. here something happened that we had dreamed about for many years, not only we dreamed, but in general the entire medical community of temenskaya region and the russian federation, russia as a whole, we finally received a device called an exoscope, and this is a completely new optical device that has a fundamentally new optical vision of the surgical field. and of course, this greatly facilitates the work of neurosurgeons. one of the advantages of the device is its
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maneuverability; if the tumor is in a hard-to-reach place, then thanks to the 360° rotation of the exoscope it can be directed to any part of the brain, which is extremely important, this reduces the risk of damage functionally important brain structures that are responsible, for example, for body movement or speech. this is fantastic, of course, any angles are available and the most important thing - well, let's call a spade a spade, the surgeon's head is not tied to the microscope, the exoscope head can move as desired, while the surgeon stands looking at the screen, this is absolutely fantastic, the resolution. 3d picture, picture quality, well, this is aerobatics, you can only dream of something like this, while the operation is going on, the patient’s mother is worried about her son, they will see each other soon, says that they turned to the neurosurgery center for help from orenburg, has high hopes for the tyumen doctors, because the guy had frequent attacks of epilepsy, which took a lot of his strength, they did not refuse us, this is good,
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we were happy, so now... today the operation, thank god, everything was fine, i hope that at least there were no attacks , it became a little calmer. new equipment was purchased for the federal center for neurosurgery thanks to the implementation of an interregional cooperation program. the corresponding decision was made by the governor of the tyumen region alexander mor and the head of yamal dmitry artyukhov. neurosurgeons use a unique exoscope every day, as they do today, having successfully performed a complex operation on a fifteen-year-old boy from orenburg. now he faces a serious rehabilitation period. alexander lishchenko, yuri zelenin, news: tyumen. specialists from the krasnoyarsk forest fire center have begun preparing for the new season. this year , almost 2.0 professional firefighters will fight fire in the region, of which 660 are paratroopers and paratroopers. report by alexander usatenko.
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the legendary an-2 gained a height of 1 km; each jumper needs to perform 12 jumps in order to practice all the elements of landing. sunny weather, light frost and complete calm, contrary to general opinion, it is windless weather that creates difficulties for the precise landing of a parachutist. here you need to accelerate the dome and disperse it to catch this time, to detonate, as we say, to detonate the dome, so that it settles on its feet, well. if it doesn’t work out, then do it yourself you see, they can fall this way, or they can fall in different ways, the exact date of the fire season is impossible to predict, so the aviation forest security specialists prepare for this in advance, the goal of the training is to land at the designated point, experienced instructors are watching what is happening below, so what? you do it, well, practice your target here, go
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here, during such training the landing conditions are as close as possible to real ones, after the jump the parachutist... has only a few minutes to orient himself in space and determine the wind speed the landing point is practically invisible from a height. the main thing for us is to get into a 40 by 40 area in the forest, so the way the personnel landed, i think it’s very good. in order to get excellent results in the air, you need quality preparation on the ground. after each jump , forest firefighters carefully fold their parachutes and prepare for the next flight. each one is important. first you need to separate the lines, strip them, put them in the backpack, secure it, check everything and take it to the senior for inspection, there he checks everything himself, looks, if everything is fine, then he allows you to jump. the safe flight and landing of parachutists is ensured
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by observer pilots, their task is to calculate and select the correct place for the firefighters to descend, all this needs to be done. as quickly as possible right in flight. the observer pilot finds and selects the most advantageous site suitable for landing paratroopers. the observer pilot calculates this jump, makes all the correct calculations, and the parachutist just makes it and arrives at the goal. in total , there are 52 specialists in this field in the region. learn you can do it here in shushinsky, on the basis of the aviation training center. a lecture is currently being held for future pilots... in 2024 , two young specialists will join the squad. the difficulty is that you will have to combine such qualities as forest rangers and aviation qualities. and that is a very responsible job. forest fires in russia occur mainly in hard-to-reach places where ground equipment cannot reach. such areas occupy 90% of
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the total forest area. they are the ones who are protected from fire every year. aviation forest protection specialists. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva. news: krasnoyarsk region. a criminal case under the article of hooliganism was opened in bashkiria after a detailed study of night drift in the center of ufa. the dangerous maneuvers of launching fireworks from car windows were specially filmed on several cameras, but such driving not only outraged social networks, but turned out to be extremely unsuccessful. report by murat zaripov. foreign cars drive into the intersection at high speed, skidding synchronously , passengers lean out of the cabin, fireworks are set off, spectacular video, which was filmed for social networks is interrupted by obscene language when one of the cars... flies into the fence, and these are the first seconds after the accident, the driver leaves the car through the window, it is clear that
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there were at least two more people in the cabin at the time of the collision. the incident occurred exactly in this place, this is the very center of the city, there are practically no residential buildings around, but the serious consequences of the driver’s injuries were saved only by this rather flimsy metal fence, which city services managed to quickly restore. behind the foreign car was driven by a local blogger, coach and businessman. judging by the fact that the video on social networks was published by the participants in the events themselves, even the accident did not become a reason to cancel the race for likes and views, i bought this car 3 months ago, most of all i was afraid of driving somewhere, and this happened, this is an appeal to subscribers with an explanation and apology, talkhin recorded immediately after the accident, but published only when the authorities and law enforcement officers from the race drew the attention of...
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for the blogger this is clearly not the first experience of dangerous driving along city streets, on his pages on social networks, there are many similar videos, if this content has so far remained unnoticed, then his most spectacular ride is being carefully studied by police and investigators in relation to... from belarusian babruisk, whose soloists emigrated to israel last year , a week ago they gave an illegal concert in thailand and ended up in a migration prison there. there is a message that the frontman of the band leva bid2
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still left bangkok and flew to tel aviv, but the rest of the group members, who entered the country on russian passports, it is unlikely that such a route will be built. alexander khristenko understood the situation. always having fun with incessant music. a night in a cell, then a trial, payment of a fine, but immediately after the musicians were detained by
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the thai immigration police. from phuket they were transported to the capital bangkok and placed in this temporary detention center for deportation. outwardly everything is calm, next to a high fence, with coils of wires, religious buildings. inside, according to fans of the group, everything is different, a crowded cell. in the open air in the heat, it was unexpected that the group was there at all; oppositionists sympathizing with the group immediately blamed russia, so the topic of sb-2 became important on cnn. a year ago the group already came to thailand, everything was okay, a year ago, in principle, like with any artist, if you don’t have a work permit, you just pay a fine, or a bribe, it’s usually a small amount of money, everything ’s fine, but this time, immediately after the concert , about 30 people burst into the artists’ venue, now the musicians are under... consular assistance, but they will meet
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workers who went to visit the musicians refused to provide assistance. this is how he commented on the situation . and this despite the fact that russian diplomatic relations and the nature of moscow’s relations with bangkok, the russian ambassador to thailand. it is not our practice to tell someone, it is the americans who can do this, we do not behave this way and do not make such requests. double and even triple citizenship, including israeli, so we were waiting for help from there, i already had four migrations, so i’m not afraid of anything, then my family and i migrated to israel, and i lived here for a year and a half, karoslev came, unlike you, lyuva still managed to serve here in the army, but yes, here i am just now ...
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what happened in thailand then? all foreigners, without exception, who plan to work in thailand need to obtain a work visa and then a work permit. i can probably guess why the musicians didn’t receive such visas, because it takes some people. for some time today , b2 frontman leva was eventually deported, took a flight to israel, his band so remains in a thai migration prison. alexander khristenko, polina gomzikova, vesti. at two capital stations, the schedule will change until the end of this winter. the reason is the construction of another transport hub in the north of moscow. it will become the intersection point of two metro lines, a suburban line and bus routes. well, it will also be able
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to receive high-speed trains from snk. with details alexey knr. work does not stop for a minute. the outlines of the first passenger terminal are already visible. you can see from the concrete supports where it will appear. a passage that will connect the platform with the station of the future. builders are engaged in work on reinforcement, installation of formwork, concreting of the main structures of the distribution hall, descent to platform number one, and are also engaged in the installation of vertical transport, excavators and elevators. the platform itself.
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networks organized special technological windows at night. the future petrovsko-razumovsky railway station will become one of the largest transport hubs. it will connect the stations of the same name on the two metro lines lyublinsko-dmitrovskaya and serpukhovsko-temerevskaya with the first and third moscow diameters and will even be able to receive high-speed trains from st. petersburg. convenient when there are large transfer nodes. well, the fact that your feet are dry and that you are not walking in the rain and that you conveniently immediately find yourself in these transitions. such roofs, exactly the same transport hub appeared on nizhegorodskaya, and many city stations are becoming not only convenient transfers, but also business centers with offices, apartments and retail space. major transport hubs are leaving from the central zone of moscow, the nizhny novgorod and okrug ones have already been built, now many more will be built, the third interchange circuit has already been formed, these are the mcc and the bcl, the task is to form large
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transport hubs on them. old moscow stations are concentrated within the garden ring. previously, to get from lyubertsy to sokolniki there was only one option through the kazansky railway station. now you can transfer to the big circle line and get there comfortably without wasting time. alexey knory novikov, sergey minin, lika dzhevakhishvili, lead. the capital's prosecutor's office began an investigation based on a complaint from clients of the italon fitness club, respectable at first glance. the establishment where people from all over moscow came to train suddenly closed, the exercise equipment was taken away, and the management was unable to communicate. meanwhile, before the new year, club managers were actively selling season tickets, luring customers with attractive offers and prices. report by dmitry blinnikov. there are dissatisfied customers at the entrance to the etalon fitness club, the establishment closed without warning, and, of course, no one is returning the money. they walk inside
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only two watchmen, the rest of the staff packed their things and disappeared, the equipment was taken out , and this is what the halls look like now, and this is not some modest fitness club, we are talking about a large separate building in southern butovo, a kind of sports palace in which they can simultaneously hundreds of people are involved. he worked for more than a year, looked respectable, the subscriptions were well worth the money , people came here from all over moscow. at the end of december, even once i came straight to the gym... there were no locker rooms available, i went back home, but for external well-being, as now it turns out that serious problems were hidden , the club made good money, but did not pay rent, this is what the representative of the owner of the building says about this, the subtenant of this club owed 140 million rubles for rent, this is the etalon fitness club, that from january 1, etalon was going to be closed for debts, the club owners undoubtedly knew, but before the new year, as if nothing had happened, the managers sold season tickets and entered into
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asset agreements. tried to contact them by phone, it was immediately especially unpleasant for regular customers, their cheated twice. there used to be another club here, which also collected money and closed, leaving empty premises. etalon became the new tenant, here is the story as a carbon copy. the fitness center
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has closed, citizens who bought memberships cannot visit the gym, and their money will not be returned to them. upon receiving the request , the prosecutor's office initiated a procedural investigation. another thing is that you will have to forget about a good fitness club near your home for now. dmitry blinnikov, egor vyshletsov, ilona agasieva, news. restoration of mosaic panels has begun in dubna, created by the legendary artist nadia leger. this is part of a large series sent from paris as a gift to the soviet union, for the centenary of vladimir ulyanov lenin. it was damaged in the open air. from temperature changes, precipitation and careless restorers, whose mistakes have to be corrected today, report by maria temnikova, the main thing is to respect the character, the character of the masonry, the character of the masonry for a mosaic pono is like the character of a person,
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each has his own, the restorer mikhail polikov got to know him well over the months of work . portraits gorky, maikovsky, cheikovsky and shestakovich are already ready, now he is working on radion shchedryan next to may plesetskaya. gray, this is not the original, and it was not done quite correctly, because the color is closer to the complexion and from a distance it is read as a silhouette of the face. the recognizable profile was spoiled by the previous restoration, and in some places plastic or ordinary glass was inserted instead of smalt. 14 panels by artist nadya lizhe, the pride of dubna. and this is only part of a large collection; in total , 70 portraits of outstanding figures of the 20th century were created century. she knew many of them personally.
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i left here as a completely poor girl, without any money, without knowing the language, it’s even hard to imagine such a risk in life. at the age of 16, she ran away from home, studied with malevich, entered the warsaw academy of arts, and soon found herself in paris, where she became the assistant and then the wife of the pioneer of cubism, the famous artist and sculptor, fernanand liger. she was a great friend of the soviet union, she was an ardent communist, she was a prominent figure in...
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the historical and pushkin museums, but in they don’t want to part with their collection in dubna, where world-class mosaic panels are presented on the streets, only in dubna, not in
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a gallery, not in closed spaces for citizens, every day when little schoolchildren go, they see these heroes, when the restoration of six panels is completed , these banners in the park will be replaced with... the first premiere was presented on the stage of the novosibirsk academic opera and ballet theater. the artists tell the story with music,
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voices playing, accompanied by an orchestra. rimsky korsykov's opera became the first premiere theater this year. the opera is quite complex, of course, we tried to adapt it a little for family viewing, for children’s perception, but nevertheless, this is one of the most complex operas in the russian repertoire in general. here you need, well, quite strong, high-quality voices , musical and dramatic works are given in an abbreviated version, on a small stage, to fit the scenery into the space, the task was not easy, i walked straight across the stage, just like you and i are walking now, and imagined the sitting musicians, like them on one side separate from the singing artists, on the other hand.
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for complete immersion in the atmosphere of a fairy tale, interactivity in the auditorium. it is important for the actors not only to correctly perform the most difficult parts, but also to convey all the drama of the story to very young spectators, because many of them are not yet familiar with the fate of the tsarevich, locked in a barrel, and the trials that he has yet to endure. my heroes are driven by one goal, he wants to meet his own. father, to understand why his father punished him and his mother, to reunite
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the family, as in a good fairy tale, where can i get the arrow? the tale of tsar saltani was staged in innovation on the eve of the 180th anniversary of the great composer rimsky kortsekov. a performance for family viewing will be one of the best reasons for introducing children to the theater. ksenia klimina and sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva, news. novosibirs. there are new additions to the sochi mountain park. a female alpaca named caramel gave birth to a baby. he is only 3 days old, but he or she is very confident on his feet. it’s cold in the mountains now, and they made a warm jacket for the newborn. while the cub is on quarantine, lives in a separate enclosure with his mother, he will soon be allowed out for walks, but will not be released back to the herd no earlier than in a month. the name will be chosen a little later, socially. and then we
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will conduct regional ones. residents of kotelniki in moscow complain about illegal taxi drivers who block street entrances to their yards every day. they collect passengers to take them to the nearest metro station and do not allow locals to pass. sheets and emergency vehicles. the traffic police regularly fine violators and even confiscate cars, but this does not solve the problem. report by denis voskovsky. the yard is blocked by illegal taxi drivers in the yuzhny microdistrict. a similar picture is observed every morning in almost all the kotelniki microdistricts. passenger cars without special markings collect passengers in yards, stop in the middle of the roadway and wait until the cabin is full. route to. the nearest metro station, an attempt to communicate with the driver almost ends
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in an accident; at the sight of the camera, the car takes off right while boarding. disgruntled passengers insist there's nothing illegal not happening. 100 rub. 100 rub. man, but guys with licenses, with documents, naked, have you seen? well, their zhai checks here all the time. the moment of truth comes in a minute, we take the next gray cab driver by surprise. passengers were taken. well, i was traveling for work, the driver of a completely rotten sedan insists that he gives people a lift solely out of altruism, that we are standing here in the cold, i took them to take them there, for free. okay, let us tell you that one of his so -called traveling companions just talked about tariff for services, we just talked to the girl, this is not a camera, without any pause the driver cancels the trip and unceremoniously kicks out the passengers, you go to work, they completely block the entrance to the area, neither the fire department, nor
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the ambulance, nor the residents themselves will enter the area they can neither enter nor leave, nor to work, nor anywhere, periodic paths are blocked, chaotic shuttling between residential areas. the houses look wild and, to put it mildly, unsafe. minor accidents, local residents watch directly from their windows. recently, one of the gray carriers did not yield road and rammed another car. at the time of registering the accident, the traffic police officers surrounding the participants in the accident were surrounded by a group of people, i don’t know if they were also migrants, or from another country, and began to be very aggressive, which means they were trying to prove that their comrade was right, although he was absolutely right.
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an ear that has no analogues in the world, it compensates for all functions and is practically no different from a real organ. participated in the development. from laryngologists, orthopedists and programmers, maria pechenova visited the scientific laboratory. here is the color scheme that displays skin colors. gleb balyberdin faces an important task: he needs to paint the artificial ear so as to match the skin tone of the person who will wear it. there are other nuances. to add porosity to the skin, you can use, well
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, orange peel, which will be applied to create, well, let's say, skin pores. applying color is the last stage of work . ear specialists, this is where the new development of a bionic ear implant will be introduced, this will allow people with congenital or acquired pathology of the auricle, start hearing and adjust the aesthetic appearance. the ear itself is made of hypoallergenic biocompatible silicone; if you touch it, it feels almost indistinguishable from a real ear. they test a bionic implant on a pig’s skull, the structure of these bones is similar to human ones, they say the results are excellent, the signal graphs are displayed on an oscilloscope, we attach a special recallo. we hold the pattern with a vibration emitter, with the help of which we can apply vibrations to our skull that imitate sound. the implant itself small, it will have bluetooth to remotely set modes, for example, when you are in noisy places, you can control your ear from a smartphone, all the electronics
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will be in the earlobe, in this electronics we have a vibrator and electronics, electronics, that electronics.
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100 linear meters of products, the enterprise’s turnover is still small, about 70 million rubles per year, but the materials are very necessary in the conditions of active restoration of the republic; in the summer, the queue of customers lined up several months in advance, we would like to reverse this situation and sell sheets, produce and sell them in the shortest possible time at reasonable prices in order to provide the lugansk market with good quality sheets at a good price. now the enterprise has. this opportunity, the company has become a resident of the free economic zone, is already preparing to modernize production. located in this room. the steel sheet dissolving line, it is this part of the production process that will be updated. plans to update production are large-scale, due to
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automation of processes is being prepared to improve the quality of products, and to double production volumes, they are modernizing the profile sheet and metal tile rolling shop. borrowed funds from the development fund - if this is additional equipment, this is a program for 7 years at 1%, this is a very good percentage, just an excellent condition. the construction materials produced are in stable high demand among individuals and organizations, for example, in lugansk, the company's products were used for the roof of a new customs building. on the territory of the lugansk people's republic large-scale global restoration work is underway, the key aspect is that the company is a leader in construction panels, a manufacturer of building materials. today , there are already 43 enterprises of the ss participant in the lpr, and there are 75 residents in all new territories. in addition to the construction company, among the pioneers of new industries are the zaporozhye meat processing plant, the largest in novorossiya, and the donetsk
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cable company, now they will also be able to direct their own development, freed from tax deductions means to take advantage of favorable loans for participants in the free economic zone. vitaly bryksin, dmitry pyrkh, yana aleshina, dmitry korshikov, conduct lugansk. at kostromskaya gres , the updated one was solemnly launched. unit, thanks to the replacement of equipment, it was possible to increase the capacity of the unit. today, he alone is able to more than cover all the electricity needs of kostroma. report by maria golovkina. dream employees call this power unit a real cool one. over the 55 years of his life, he worked more than 300,000 hours, without weekends and holidays. today, the updated kostromskaya gress power unit began life from scratch. team. the director of russia at vdnkh presses the symbolic button to launch from moscow from the exhibition, given by the minister of energy nikolai shulginov. volgorechensky
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branch of kostroma aggression interrao-electric power generation andrey nikolaev and governor sergey sitnikov. this is the largest generation unit in the central federal district, a station that steadily supplies the surrounding areas with electricity. in three shifts. first the power unit, and its height almost the size of a five-story building, dismantled to the very foundation. concrete structures were strengthened
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and new equipment, entirely domestically produced, was installed. more than 500 tons of mechanical parts for the kostroma power unit were manufactured at factories in st. petersburg and taganrog. more than 40 km of cables were installed to control all systems. and they tested the updated power unit almost like astronauts with maximum loads. we dispersed. turbine, we reach an operating speed of 3,000 rpm or 50 rpm of the turbine rotors, after after this, the unit is connected to the network, picks up the full load, in our case it is 330 mw, and it must work for 72 hours at this load. the unit passed the test successfully; this is the third unit of the station that has undergone a complete modernization; each of them can cover more than half of the electricity needs. our region, there are a total of eight such power units at the station, according to the presidential program, all of them must be updated by 2028, but something has remained unchanged,
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this is a seagull circling over the volga, in due time this sign was drawn by the first builders of the kostroma grest, the current employees have updated the bird. maria golovkina, denis votkalenko, hosted by kostroman. aviation lessons will appear in vladivostok schools starting from the new school year. high school students will be taught not only how to operate, but also how to construct and repair unmanned aerial vehicles. elena shtylina will tell you what other discoveries and undertakings will please the children of their parents. at first glance, lifting a rotorcraft into the air is not difficult, but to masterfully control a drone you need knowledge and skills, the guests are convinced. on an open day at the nevelskoy moscow state university training center , government officials acted as drone operators. today, being able to set up and repair such equipment is promising and useful; such
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competencies are needed by rescuers, firefighters, geologists, and every year there are areas of application. is becoming more and more numerous, so aviation lessons should appear in vladivostok schools, the head of the city is convinced. we would sincerely like for students to have this opportunity in our technology lessons, there was an opportunity to touch this large block, independently with my own hands, to not only manage, but also construct and repair. the initiative of a new educational program for schoolchildren was supported by a state duma deputy. prepare teachers and provide recommendations for such lessons. we are actively introducing aviation, yes, this is the use of drones and gliders for the tasks of the maritime industry. and accordingly, we are expanding the line, also integrating our
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scientific developments. the sphere of real business , the inclusion of these developments in educational process. high school students will begin to study the basics of aviation work technology in the new school year. but young residents of the leninsky district will start playing volleyball, basketball and chess in the new space very soon. by the end of february , a modern sports complex will be operational at vatutina 24. the commission notes the high pace of its construction. we will be able to use this site all year round. regardless of the situation on the street, so such a facility should or should have existed, it’s great that the federal government made such a decision, and the city of vladivostok received such an honorable responsibility, the opportunity to implement such a project. the general construction work has been completed to a fairly good standard, but of course there is still work to be done, such as light and
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ventilation for the gaming rooms. it was convenient and comfortable to spend time, so in order to raise a healthy generation in the far eastern capital, all conditions are created within the framework of the federal program sports is the norm of life, last year they completed the construction of sports halls in schools number 65 and 70, more than thirty school stadiums were renovated and built. elena shtylina, danil kostin, vesti primorye.
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girl, here is my wife, samoelova, i can see her, and my neighbor, khomyakov, vitaly, i want to support him, girl, here is my daughter,
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ulyana ramashova, please, i don’t know anything about her, tell me what... brintsev mikhail yurievich, he called me from here, can i at least do something, ulyana romashova, wait, not all at once, all your relatives are with us, i’ll tell everyone everything one by one, but you can’t go to them now, they’re in quarantine, this all at once, yes, like this, everyone is being examined by doctors, so please let the doctors in, hello anya, hello girl, i feel bad, my stomach hurts, san, i’ll take it, it’s not dark in the eyes, the second one is free.
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listen, i’ll go and jump and find out what they have, come on, you wait, the doctor will be right up. romashova’s mother, where is romashova’s mother, what is romashova, i’m a mother, i, no, no, i’m very sorry, no, be careful, hush,
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hush, no, mothers, come, no, no,
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why are you silent, there are difficulties, it’s not that difficulties arose there, but this is a failure of the operation because you were not ready for it huge volume. hello, dad, she's sleeping, she's sleeping somehow. she sleeps amazingly beautifully , it’s called love, yes, i proposed to irina alekseevna, but did she
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agree, congratulations, dad, something crazy is going on in the waiting room, we have a massive intake of patients with poisoning after x-rays, after x-rays? yes, i haven’t figured it out myself yet. okay, i ran, but if anything happens, i’m next to you, lie down, please take off your shoes, why did they order an x-ray of your stomach, that no one prescribed anything, i went with my hamster neighbor, for company, who knows what they’ll find an interesting approach to health, well , what kind of one is there, complaints will appear after the study, well, actually, well... “well, yes, sort of, but i was sure that it was a magnetic storm, don’t do it here, uh-huh, eh what does it have to do with a magnetic storm , what does it have to do with it, and not always what has it to do with it, ah-ah-ah, well, listen, i understand, we
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just need to breathe, why breathe, we need to breathe on the street, are you stunned, or what?” lie down in your place, come back to your place, come back, come back, i'm telling you, breathe, we need it, it hurts here, a lot, yeah, we need help, yes, we need a chair, let's go to the review x-ray of the plush cavity, why need an x -ray, me, i was already there, we need to understand the reasons for your condition, okay, get dressed, you know what’s going on , let’s go, i took the card, okay, several patients were admitted with the same symptoms of poisoning, it turned out, that everyone had
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an x-ray with contrast in the same hospital, they called the head doctor of this very hospital, now we will look into it further, wait, what is the patient’s condition, moderate severity, they lost one patient, they couldn’t do anything, i understand. that's soothing take it! do you think this will help me? well, i ’ll put it on, tell me, what is this? what's going on here? why don't they tell us anything? listen , the woman’s daughter died, which means that my boyfriend, maybe he’s also already dead, no, he’s not dead, be patient, give us one doctor, at least he needs to explain, the doctors will come out and explain everything to you, but when it’s possible, when it will be possible, there is no information, we need to be patient, we are already waiting, how long can we wait, i understand, hello, my last name is demitov, i am the chief doctor of the world of clinics plus, right? i understood who you are. excuse me, what
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's going on here, why were we called? my wife was at your clinic yesterday, world of clinics plus. my boyfriend was there yesterday too. wait, my daughter also had an x-ray done at this clinic yesterday. i do not understand what are you talking about? what don't you understand? what don't you understand? i 'll explain everything to you now, you bastard! this is the dog that died, my daughter, do you hear, be quiet, calm down! i don’t know, i’m here on a completely different question, where should we go, but galya, hold the meeting room with lazarev, i’ll come, i’ll accompany you, let’s go, that’s it, quietly, okay, that's it, that's it, calm down, and how are we doing, and where is your neighbor, i don’t know, he got up and left, i mean he got up and left, where, but i don’t know , he said to treat us badly, and what should he i need it for
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the first time in my life, i’m absolutely sure that i didn’t see it at all. oh, lesh, how do you get them with etching? there were no new ones, but the last ones admitted to the patient are being examined for x-rays, zakharovo is studying, and irina alekseevna, she is still under anesthesia. bragin doesn’t say anything, i don’t know what this means? yes, this doesn’t mean anything, it means that it’s necessary wait, so i'm waiting, okay, i ran
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a lot of work, yeah, yes, when the x-ray is done, show me volodya, okay, vitali, sergeevich, what happened, tan, patient, no hamsters passed here, and the one with poisoning, no , of course, vitaly sergeevich
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, khomyakov, i don’t know anything, but what do we have to do with it, you are the head doctor of this clinic where all these patients were, the cause of intoxication, the contrast that the patients took in your clinic when performing x-rays, explain how this could happen , i'm just a nurse, i am yes i am every day i give this barium to patients, why did you decide that the problem is barium, because it’s obvious, everyone took barium, everyone has the same symptoms, and you don’t have to be charlot consot to put two and two together, wait, i don’t understand . and you want to say that i deliberately poisoned these people, you want to blame the death of this girl on me, now we’re not talking about you at all, we have several seriously ill patients, but what the hell happened with that barium, vitaly sergeevich , vitaly sergeevich, what it happened, vana igoryevna, you didn’t come out, the patient didn’t leave here, it’s clear who left.
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“i’m with you, where is he, here he is , we’re running around here, we’re already looking for your legs, so, we need a stretcher, who let you out of the stretcher, why are you talking , but twitch, something, oh my god, you, oh my god, oh my god , now, wait, they’ll bring it now.” yeah, count three, 1, 2, 3, oh, he has convulsions, spaina igorevna, anti-suture kit and defibrillator, quickly, defibrillator and anti-shock kit, please, urgently, what do you think can be done now, so what here can be done, only standard detoxification therapy, listen
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, let's do dialysis, why, there are no signs of kidney failure, so why should we wait, dialysis will speed up the removal of toxins from the blood, wait, how do you know about... "actually i categorically against office romances, well, i understand that you understand, that’s it, i ’m off, genna, genna, gena, i won’t take
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your last name, i woke up, i improved.” “well done, it wasn’t scary at all, but you were afraid, i’m the enemy, yes, they’re all waiting there, irina alekseevna woke up, come quickly , well, thank you, lord, so come on, come on, what’s there, how do you remove it, remove it, oh, so, help untie his false hair, yes, you
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’re on the other side, take it off, untie it, come on, clazy, prepare a defibrillator, defibrillator, 70? discharge, discharge, give , listen, yes, i don’t mind dialysis , let’s do this colonoscopy right away , why do colonoscopy, i’m saying, just in case, let’s do a colonoscopy, that’s how the doctor prescribes the treatment, in this case, it’s massive ... dzintoxication therapy and hemodialysis sounds very convincing, well , let’s treat me as soon as possible, prepare the patient for dialysis, okay,
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well, thank you, i understand what you did. everything we could , thank you, sanya, tell us, yes, you come , i’ll tell them, you need to check everything, i signed,
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girl, listen, that’s not possible, we ’ve been here for several hours already, we don’t know anything about ours relatives, your doctors - what, why did they drive you around, what are you saying, are the doctors working?
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"thank you boys, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, okay, that they didn’t crap, yuri mikhailov , what an expression, they crap." well, dear friends, i want to remind you that without me you wouldn’t have succeeded, great,
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great, great, great, with a bottle of cognac, better than two , and by the way, i only drink very expensive cognac, however, well then we have a counter-offer, how much do you love expensive elite cognacs, let's drink it with us, i agree, so be it, let's drink together. yuri, culturally, well, that's how it goes, okay, don't be upset, you can't, you have a heart. you were joking, sorry,
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joke, it turned out, how, i’m proud of you, please, come to your senses , please, dear god, help, please , lord, lord, for us, well, who looked at it, oh, bastards, bastards, well , discharge, wake up, well, i'll punish them all, and you just wake up, please, springs, please, wake up, please, lord, lord, help, that's all, that's all, come on, what are you, you , he died right on the street under the cliff, why did you shut it, why did you do it? help us
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answer why, why did you come out, what? what are you doing, why are you all acting without permission, who let you out? so, let's take it in order, in a bar you always buy from one supplier, well, yes, according to the law, you must do so. tender, as it was this time, answer the question, kostya, wait, yuri borisovich, i beg you, if you know something, please tell us, we have chosen a new supplier, yeah, i don’t understand what the problem is, tender carried out, not really, they just signed an agreement on favorable terms, there is a sulfate license, well, yes. practically in what i mean, practically, what a horror, why
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didn’t you help him, why was i alive then, everyone’s body reacts differently, you were neighbors, how will i be without him now? so, explain again why you bought this particular barium, yes, because it is cheaper, the supplier assured that he said, you can answer, i killed people with this barium, he said that barium is cheaper because it is not sulfate, but another salt, but it is also not absorbed, only sulfate in the bar is included in the list of medications, there are no other compounds, in general you understand that you they did, well, i didn’t... i thought barium and barium , you have a medical education, you’ve actually heard about severe poisoning with barium salts, i
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’ve been in the administrative service for a long time, everything is clear, that is, you want to say that i killed these people, yes you nothing to do with it, you were just doing your job, sorry, but it was i who gave them this poison, so, let ’s not distract the doctors, come with me, in general, we carry out massive detoxification therapy in a volume of 2-3 liters per day, control. blood electrolytes and diuresis every 4 hours, well, if indicated immediately we are starting dialysis, we are working, what kind of poisoning and what kind of bari, i don’t understand anything, your wife did an x-ray yesterday, yes she said, and so did my boyfriend, so, for some relenological studies , the patient is given a contrast drug barium, his patient either drinks, or receives through
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an enema, and this drug, it allows you to better see the organs, in general... yesterday your loved ones were given the wrong barium, it’s like it’s wrong, what is the right one then , correct, certified, about what happened, we found out after talking with the head doctor and nurse of the clinic where your relatives were yesterday, they wanted to poison them, but no, this is negligence, and now the investigative committee will deal with this, tell me, can i see my wife? and i’m misha, yes, yes, but now they are undergoing the necessary examination, treatment, after a while you will be able to see them, thank you, doctor, thank you, yes
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, here, wait, seal, please, it’s all your fault, bastard, let me in , this is not a conversation, i’ll show you the conversation now, and you you won’t restore order, well, you yourself said that these are their relatives , so you go for x-rays, and i go for x-rays, and my family goes, and people suffered from this bastard, stop it, you’re adults, someone help , that’s enough, we separated , i’ll sue you, this is violence, you saw me being beaten and did nothing, i didn’t see anything, i was busy with documents, you saw, you saw, i didn’t see, my guilt still needs to be met prove, but in the meantime i ask you to record
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the beatings, come with me, we won’t record it there. lord , what happened ? on the contrary, i wanted to separate them, so they flew in , well done, but you can understand the relatives , i feel sorry for my sister, because she was clearly not guilty of anything , there was no face when he... well, the main thing is that you survived, a superhero, that’s it star for you.
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you watch so much alone, what is our task, open the whole board, we can handle it if ask. who is with a side skirt, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would cut down an oak tree, don’t pinch, problems with water, light, heck, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for headaches, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, we also have an anniversary, 10 years
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of marriage, dad, dad, hello, this is for slavika, what is this? lyanka gruu, i had the right to know that you have a child, it’s a doll. painted, your misha no longer moved in, dmitry mazurov, i couldn’t leave him alone at home, he’s his mother, where did she go, well, let me sit with him, raisa rezanova, and you can already let the nanny go, he’ll go on without you somehow , that means i’m just a nanny, well, i ’m confused, well, it’s all over between us, now forever, get up, someone else’s child, mom! premiere on saturday on rtr, everything about the elections in
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russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, honest convenient, why cameras in elections, today my dad and i found ourselves in a new place, he wanted to vote for a candidate. choose, we walked in , i immediately froze, dad, why are there so many cameras here, monitoring the progress of fair elections by the people guarantees the law of our rights on guard; if there is a suspicion that a violation has occurred, it will record the moment, this case, observation, choose freely in the country , important, honestly convenient, filled everything out, signed everything, thank you,
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he deals with cryptocurrency and offers to invest with a large income, niki, you grown-up boy, you understand that this is a scam, you just don’t understand this , people really make money, this is a reliable business, well, how much is needed, 250,000, 250,000, i’ll give it back in a month, okay, nikita, what happened, you like they didn’t want a wedding , they just wanted to get married, christina’s requests changed, dad, why are you sorry or what, but i don’t feel sorry, nikita, i don’t have that kind of money , but take a loan, take a loan yourself, you work, yes , i already took it, they don’t give it anymore, and now i’m already taking out a loan for an apartment, i mean, you won it, yes i won , each prize has its own tax, it turns out, well
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, there is an apartment, there is an apartment, i saw the house, i saw the entrance, i saw the apartment door, i even met a new neighbor, okay, i’ll have to take out a loan for a larger one the amount, i will pay for two more lives, thank you dad, you are the best father, yeah, okay, i have to go, yes, where to, but what about as a father?
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“anka, what are you doing, nothing, i’m just offended, i put my whole soul into her, all of her, she just doesn’t trust me, she loves you, let me call her, call her, we’ll agree on meeting so that we can all meet together and discuss.
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calling a doctor, thank you, quickly, please , that’s it, hear, the doctor is already called, sergei anatolyevich, yes, income certificate, just a second, we have a patient with a facial injury. that’s it, i ’m going, i’m going, how long will decisions on the loan be made? how many? what are you talking about? do i need to call back or will you let me know? that ’s it, he’s a doctor, i understand, thank you, so, hello, i’m sergei anatelevich kulyakov, i’m your doctor, how it happened, we know, yes, it’s all because of me, roman stood up for me, because he’s against me two guys attacked and started dragging me into
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the car, in general, he... pulled one and he roundhouse hit him right in the jaw with something heavy iron, it seems to me that it was a cassette tape or something, yes, i understand, so we’re on ct , let's go, i'll warn her, and where should i go, well, if you want here, wait, tanya, find me a free doctor, unless of course he's not available today, i 'll try, so, girl, you can wait for the appointment, but just don't interfere work as a doctor, yes, for a minute, come on in, i found out that the operation was completed. they talk about it, yes, everyone knows, so i came to congratulate you, congratulations, and dad also loves you very much, yes, that’s it, you ran, i’m not distracting you, lesh, wait, i’m right now, yes, well, how are things with the patients, dialysis helped, yes, it helped, it’s already much better, true, we lost another patient, so the head physician follows.
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i brought it, that’s it, i understand, dad, congratulations , thank you, that’s it, i’ll run, now tell me what happened here when i wasn’t there, okay, romance, be patient, we’ll finish now. "hello, she said, you asked to come in, yes, thank you, nevermind, oh, sorry, where is he was so threatened, he stood up for the girl , in general, of course, you’re right, the picture is not very good, well, what do you see, a complex injury, multiple fractures of the lower jaw, most likely one operation will not be enough, but i’m afraid
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jaw prosthetics will have to be done. ” that's it, we're finished, well, the novel , unfortunately, the news is not very good, sit down, you need an operation, perhaps more than one, given the prevalence and nature of the damage to soft tissues, your face will not be completely restored, there will be a violation of facial expressions, in general, prepare consent for operation, will i need to sign it, who to call, parents, relatives?" "lenya, lena, this is the bride, the bride, what have i done, trugna, in general, roman, of course you are a hero , girl, well, don’t worry so much, our doctors will take care about everything, i understand, it’s all my fault, he saved me from bandits, he himself
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suffered, how could i leave him? one, his girlfriend ran away, people around were filming on their phones, well, at least someone quickly called for an ambulance, well done, you did n’t leave a stranger, in our time, when everyone leaves each other, this is rare. dan, we took pichurino to the first operating room, okay, but this is dangerous. your fiance has multiple fractures and a long operation is ahead, how long do you think the operation will take, no one will tell you now, hi, hi, the doctor cleared it for a few minutes, i’m so
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glad you came with... yes, it’s all over already, now the main thing is to recover, you’re a smart girl, everything is fine, i’m with you, you’re my sunshine, i’m for you too. i thought you weren't coming, why? yesterday we had a fight. yes, and you were wrong. ok.
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okay, we’ll choose an apartment one by one, but i won’t wash the dishes. and then i 'll vacuum. so, i'm sick, i need a head. and i’m so happy that everything is okay with you, you know what i want most now, what to go home with you and live with you, for one day like this you go out of action, anything can happen, by the way, this head doctor they took me to the investigator, well, you see, listen, you can remove this stroller, but i can’t see it? mab, it’s unlikely that you’ll get to your feet right away, what if you need it again, i’ll get up without even doubt it, i’ve already thought of everything , i have a walker, crutches, whatever, but i can’t see through it anymore, okay, that’s it, i’m already putting it away, thank you, gene, gene, thank you very much
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for putting up with me and tolerate it, thank you very much for not throwing me in the trash, i love you, thank you, what a trash heap, so the main thing is to lie down and rest , gain strength, yeah, that’s how they beat him like that, bones, cattle, how many fragments, there is generally something to collect from, but i think it will be possible to collect. the main thing is that the jaw function is preserved, we are stable,
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good evening so seriously , yes, dr. kulkov sergey anatolyevich is dealing with him, why did he get into this fight, listen, his nose is broken, tell me how his nose is, this is really very important, we’re just having a quick wedding, i really need a girl, wait for the doctor, he will come out, tell you everything, and you are here, it’s all because of her, so because of her, my fiancé suffered, what are you doing here, who called you here? so calm, this is a hospital, no scandal, sit down, girl, sit down, we're bringing you in, you're
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already awake, yeah, that's good, three, four, how are you feeling? no, no, you don’t need to touch anything, and you won’t have to talk for a while, yeah, well, everything went better than i expected. dim, please bring me a pen and paper, despite multiple fractures, we managed to put everything together, yes, but so that the bone melts and heals, we put a splint on the jaw, so what will we do x-ray control studies, if everything is in order, we will remove the splint in two weeks, yes. but you’ll have to communicate like this for now, and what if you want to write something, come on , your fiancée is in the reception room, uh-huh, well
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, relax, i’ll run to you later and see you, that’s it, sergei anatolievich, let me talk to him. yes, please, go ahead, go ahead, and i’ll call your bride? nanya, are the bechurins still waiting? yes, oh, go, there are already two of them, i mean, let’s go, bichurin’s girls, please come over. i'm actually a bride, and this is no one, because of her, my fiancé ended up with you, like roman, please tell me, the operation went very well, we managed to assemble the lower part in one stage.
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hello, handsome, hello, how are you, thank you very much, it's all because of me, i'm so ashamed, your fiancee is very lucky to have you, you are a real hero, so, you can't put your bag here, i'll introduce you, you know, i'm a violinist , i would like to thank you somehow. can i play for you a little, are you crazy, this is a hospital,
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what kind of play will i play, everything is on the way out, time is up, you are grateful to him, he is grateful to you, ship you name it, thank you, yes please, please, that’s it, bye, you have 5 minutes, okay, listen, you need to change somehow. wait, wait, and excuse me, i usually don’t do this, but i would really like to hear you play the paperclip, do you want to meet me, well, yes, vika, dumb, very nice, i can leave you a number to invite you to a concert , if you want, yes, yes, it would be great, yes, and so, describe it directly on your hand. i play in an orchestra, oh,
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cool, but as a child i dreamed of playing the violin, really, but why did you become a doctor? to unfortunately, the lack of hearing for music cannot be cured, you are great for coming with it, it seems to me that this is really important, thank you, i will call you, yes, don’t erase it. “someone took a bald cat out of the basement, he got all dirty, then i need to help my friends with a car, otherwise i was left without a car, but why did i stand up for her, it’s none of your business, we’re having a wedding soon, you should look great, you know?" uh, what? and hold on,
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hold on, yeah , i left, but i didn’t leave, i ran for help, because i know how this altruism of yours always ends. what do the doctors say? when the bandages are removed, the scar will remain, no, are you crazy, this is impossible, what does it mean to postpone the wedding, no, this cannot be, this will not work, listen, i ’ll talk to the doctor now, find out about your
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health, i i’ll be right back, that’s it, you lie down , doctor, i need to talk to you, tell me when the novels will be discharged, you see, we’re having a wedding soon, i’ve already sent all the invitations , that’s it already, wait, he can be discharged in two weeks, but it’s necessary ...
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i forgot my bag, that’s it, sleep, listen, oleg, if you wouldn’t hit me, cut me off, i’m in i hit you, let’s try , let’s hit you, come on, tell me, why are you so lucky today, you’re lucky in the operating room,
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you’re lucky everywhere, the most important thing is that you’re lucky , you have a beautiful and smart wife, i have a wife. what about your wife? i have a wife , but the worst thing is not my wife, the worst thing is her mother, an old bastard, they love me very much, you know, no, they don’t love me, they really love the money that i bring them, because they have a dacha, they have a house, you have a house, but i don’t have anything anymore, that’s all written on them, you poor nikita, and i also have neither a home nor a wife, how... are you married? i ’m married, we can, we don’t have a wife, mom, for love, a personal moment, you can’t sleep on it, the feins
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will see everything, the fine is a million rubles, you know, yes, you can’t, it somehow happened by accident. yeah, it was a crazy day, come on, i ’ll sit next to you, come on, lie down, don’t be afraid of anything , it’s just as comfortable as long as no one sees, come on. that's it, guys, i'm off, i have to work early tomorrow, come on, stop, guys, you and i just have to drink to your health, pavlova, great, i agree, let's be healthy,
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yura, for your hands, for your generosity , for your... dentures, yur, yes, no, i don’t have dentures, no, well, you handed over your dentures for surgery, well, hand over your dentures, come on, that’s it, i ’ll go , that's it, come on, brother , come on, thank you, thank you, thank you, yu, come on, to be honest, well, don't cry, don't cry, what are you filling in, do you have protata, there are four and seven, wait, come on,
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come on, come on, come on, come on, take exactly this one , the goats got it, come on, me and i are a fool, my darling, handsome, he was born so smart, so white, he’s called an island, he said onusha, part of the land washed by water. accept, a fall from a height broke my arm, okay, let's go to the examination room.
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tomorrow, tomorrow, and what beauty, maybe you also
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dispersed the clouds? yes, today the weather is changeable, the wind is moderate, there is occasional short-term rain, and today we have a day off and we will go for an ultrasound scan, i have already agreed with sasha, i am so happy. that i stepped on a rake for the second time, i’m not a rake, i hope i’m not a rake, i love you,
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it’s me who loves you, god, very much, i waited, i thought i wouldn’t make it, isn’t it lyoshka? exactly, lyoshka, congratulations, where did you get the corn, from your grandfather’s apartment, and this is for you, newlyweds, hurray, what are you doing here, how did you find out, well, i listened to your conversation, i realized that he listened, and this is my gift to you. did you give it for a car? no, i paid you for 3 hours, come on in, oh
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, thank you, take a seat, hello, hello, hello, hold on, okay, that's enough, i'm stalling, crazy, that's all up to you, dad, dad, take the forge, this is for fun , come on, well, advice love, thank you, see you, yuri kuznetsov, it was in this very makeup that ira met you for the first time, from the set i came, and then i doubted whether it was from filming, we began to communicate, this feeling that i was needed here, by that time you were already what, forty -something, it was the nineties in the cinema. in ninety-five, when i started filming on lanterns, i paid off my debt for the first time in my life. the fate of a person with boris
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korchevnikov on friday on rtr, this is for you, i feel bad without you, forgive me, i have a flight, love is like a flight, i ask you to love and favor ours. engine, slow down, get ready for the nearest airport, the nearest one, i don't see any pauses, i don't
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i see the runway, follow the instruments, the crew is on friday on rtr, good morning, my loved ones, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, not only songs are performed in this program. but also a desire, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porshkan after the wedding, my wife says: you don’t understand, you borscht horseradish, what have you done, how could you.
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morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday at rtr, so, why is there no furniture at all? come on in, i’ll show you everything, there’s a kitchen, there’s a toilet, there’s a sink, by the way, too, wow, that’s cool, yeah, well buy furniture or win again, but i’m afraid, after i took out a loan to pay your extortionate money. tax, credit for everything else will no longer be given to me, this is not my tax, but the state one, it is supposed to be paid when you win, but i bought an apartment, we are neighbors, about neighbors, you don’t know who lives opposite, your door is open , margarita semyonovna, hello, greetings, anton, well, i’ll probably go with the housewarming party, sergey anatolyevich, thank you,
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all the best, goodbye, goodbye. and that means you are my neighbor, yes, but you are not me remember, we met a few months ago in the winter, no, oh, what kind of repairs do you need to do here, oh, oh, it’s stuffy, you feel bad, yes, you have nothing to sit on, no, just lean on your elbow. do you have hypertension? yes, let me take your pulse, what do you know? i'm a doctor, but just age? well, i don’t know, your pulse is good, good, and that means you’re a doctor, yes a surgeon, oh, how good, i’m lucky, my name is margarita semyonovna, yeah, you’re
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better, margarit semyonovna, better? better, thank you, i’m sergey, sergey anatolyevich, very nice, last time you weren’t particularly happy to see me, oh, sorry, but i remembered, i received you from the gate, i think there’s some guy walking around, eavesdropping, sorry, sorry, sergei anatolyevich, but come to me, to drink tea, come over, yes, i have a pie, well, let's go, let's go, let's go, and your repairs have been done, how... of course, we can have a look, of course, i'll show you everything, let's go, your dog won't bite me, yes no, no, no dog, it was my friend who asked me to look after her, everything worked out for me,
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i’m so great, i... organized everything, that’s it, hello, hello, firstly, i wasn’t late, and secondly, i blew, what were you blowing, to the pioneer town, by the way, you were a pioneer, no, i wasn’t, when pioneer day you know, no, 19 may, remember, very interesting , very, so, what are our plans, we’ll go to your mother, she called me yesterday, she told you, yeah, that i’m the best in the world oh, i live alone, i don’t have anyone close to me no, for me it’s a problem to screw in a light bulb once again, sit down,
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let alone sort out the socket, well, about the light bulbs, you can come to me. i can do this, oh, how good, god sent a reliable, positive neighbor, you won’t gather noisy companies, no, i don’t think so, but sometimes colleagues will come, and also doctors, yes, oh, how good, help yourself, irina fedorovna, i filled out the discharge forms, good , i 'll deal. yes, i’ll break it down, don’t worry, yeah, do you like music? yes, i love it, and what a good one, because. the girl is old-fashioned, i love classical music, oh, sorry, i read this letter from my son, it’s better to read at work, i cry less, irina fedorovna, i
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wanted to ask you something, ask me, i have a girlfriend violinist, she has a concert soon, oh, great, and maybe you want to join me , go to a staple concert, i’m, yeah, dima. it's my pleasure, right? that's it, have we agreed on when? i’ll check with vicki and tell you everything in detail. wow, think about the outfit. yes, you are my golden one, thank you. good afternoon. fire inspector, novikov, ruslan igorevich. oh, it looks like nothing is on fire here.
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step away from my post, i can’t show you this, i ’ll find someone now, a good solution, a deputy, or just a little mentor, wait here, lord, i used to live in kuzminki, the apartment was good, but the neighbors were very terrible drinkers , they led some dubious companies, i put up with them, put up with them, put up with them, and then somehow at one moment i just got scared, i think , they’ll take me and kill me, just like that... but here this place is good and i’m very happy, very sergei anatelevich, and if i ever ask you to take something from the store
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, grab bread, butter, milk there if you refuse, yes of course, you write down my phone number and call me, that’s fine, thank you thank you very much, foina igorevna, tell me what happened, pavlova won’t be there today, lazarev won’t either. beauty, help, someone, what is it , what happened, help, the evacuation plan has hit its head, people in a fire emergency, now let's go look at all these
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shields and fire extinguishers, let's go, quickly, quickly, now, now i'll call the doctor, now the doctor will come, sit there, right here, pasha, everything is fine, be quiet. where, where is the doctor, he’ll be right up, pasha, pasha, thank you, they gave me something to drink, something to eat, but you’re welcome, you’re welcome, well, you have children, sergei, yes, your adult son is going to get married, he won’t live with you , no, he has his own apartment, and, but a fiancée, you have a fiancée, no, i don’t have a fiancée, i i recently got divorced, but it’s great, oh, i expressed myself incorrectly, i wanted to. it’s wonderful to say that we are neighbors , here are two lonely people, we’ll stick together, yes, yes, well, it was nice to meet you, thank you for the tea, for the pies, that’s it, i ran to duty, you’re welcome, yes,
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please come in, goodbye, goodbye, where is all the management, everything? he’s getting married or something, but no, not everyone gets married , they work, for example, the deputy head is now in the ministry, i’m... the head nurse, so i can answer all the questions completely competently, everything, uh- huh, uh-huh, hello , you have a head injury , we have, my name is khanin, mikhail ginovich , don’t worry, i’ll examine you now, but it’s not me that needs to be examined, not you, but who, pavlik, this is my best friend, i don’t understand, why? you don’t examine him, maybe he ’s dying? who should i inspect here, i should look at you, as i say, with me everything is fine, look at pavlik, he fell and hit his head, this is a mannequin, he is my friend.
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if you don't help him, but i don't know what i'll do, pavlik, quiet, quiet, quiet, i'll help, i 'll help, i'll help, you hear me, look at me, look, i'll help pavlik, don't believe you, we'll help him we’ll inspect it and everything will be fine, why are there no seals on fire extinguishers, but we’ll install them, or can you take them apart? who is responsible for fire safety? lozovoy, and lozovoy sergey nikolaevich, he was the one who worked before, now we’ll put up my new name differently. let's go look at the brushes? why is the shield open, but the other door is where the key is? and at the post, i ’ll bring it now, now. bobro, you said, you
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’re not married, and i’m not married, but a handsome young man sits with you from five to eight, who is he? ning, can i see you , i’ll be right there, that’s it, help me to the operating room today , i really need to leave early, yes, i also need to leave early, goals, a date, wow, with whom, with my son, well, it’s a holy thing, okay, what an operating room, third , removal of the gallbladder, thank you, i haven’t been to the gallbladder yet, nina, thank you, go ahead. go for a walk! bobrogo, your handsome guy gave me candy, well done, well, i wish i could leave him until nine, so i don’t kick him out, i approve, oh, hi, great, waders, hi, listen, if you went out today, maybe i’ll leave early, what’s this, i went out, i came , i have a family event today, i came with my beloved wife to do an ultrasound, let me help you, thank you very much, come on, well, how are you...
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novasel is squeezed, like an apartment, like neighbors, the house is old, the apartment is small, there is almost no furniture, uh-huh, well, i'm too greedy, you know how people live, hello, yes, of course, i learned something it happened, well, on a personal level, i’m courting, curious, in more detail, well, she’s 73, they feed me pies. seryozha, you have embarked on a terrible path. i realized, okay, i'll come. who is this? producer. oh, come on. here's the key. where are the operating instructions? every employee is trained annually on fire safety and every employee knows what. what to do in case of smoke or
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fire, god forbid, but still there should be instructions, there will be, the key should hang here, yeah, thanks, comrade, so what kind of relative, dad’s sister, aunt or something, well, something like that, but i didn’t hear anything before, where she was hiding, oh, my god, once upon a time she and dad were very close, then as soon as he began to have multiple sclerosis, she actually abandoned him, stopped communicating with him , not only with him , but also with me, well, now she needs what, right now she needs help, money, family happiness, i don’t know, some kind of medical issue, please don’t even think about it, i’ll move out after the ultrasound , i’ll find out everything, you have nothing to do, tell me, and this is
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us, okay, hello, come in, hello, little things drop it, yeah, let me hold it, thank you, settle down, yeah, well, let's see, hello, hello, i'm your doctorevich kulyakov, tell me what's bothering you, my head hurts, it's just such a pain, you know, it's clear, look at the jacket. “especially the back of the head, doctor , you just know, not with a needle, but like a red-hot steel armature, it hurts, it hurts, then it goes away, it hurts again, ah, why did you come , volodya, what is it this time, yes, honestly, nothing, just shiya gets a little crazy, after which, after nothing, who are you, this is my wife, i think, right, there’s nothing to think about, but so be quiet, please, don’t interfere , yes, when did it start? headache, i don’t know
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, maybe an hour ago, maybe a little more, suddenly , or something happened, yes, 100% something happened, blood pressure 120x80, oops, my stomach hurts, my arm feels numb, no, my legs are not numb, i generally feel fine, doctor, it’s just that when the reinforcement leaves my head, everything is just like normal, but what happened , they were playing sports, they turned their heads sharply, but for sure something... then i ate it again, tell me, i didn’t eat anything special, doctor, give me some kind of painkiller, we'll go home, but of course we can give painkillers, but this will only relieve the symptoms, we need to find out the reason, let's start the narrowing, take your things, come with me, and you wait in the waiting room, what are you doing? oh, so, mikhail evgenievich, yeah, they asked for help, yes , yes, tanya, please help us, so why are you delaying, do you believe that he is feeling bad, help us, please, yes, help us,
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tanya, well you, tanya, this is pavlik, we will examine him, that’s right, yes, please, please. yeah, i get it, you're above me you’re kidding me, why are you doing a cg on him, if he hit his head, you’re bad people, you’re deceiving me, why are you saying that, we ’ll do a cardiogram now, and then an mri, mri , maybe pavlik, if necessary, i’ll persuade him, please talk , and we’ll wait, pasha, pasha, don’t worry! sanya, help me, you see that the patient is prone to aggression, we need to take him to psychiatry, the main thing is that nothing is suspicious, okay, but we are ready, great,
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well, everything is in order, thank god, and now i ’ll show you our beauty, again, well, well, take pictures, take pictures, you see the instructions, so, well, parents, we ’ll find out the gender, you wanted it, but i came up with an idea, well, let it be a surprise, no surprises , girl, well, a girl is a girl, sasha, i’m a professional, i’m a girl, ok, well, what do we have there, everything is fine, yes, everything is fine, the pregnancy corresponds to the term, i don’t see any threat, everything is fine, beauty, you see, belly, everything is fine with us. cut off, uh-huh, let's wait, well, get up, let's go, i don't want to, can i lie down a little longer, no, no, i didn't, it's for us, it's for us you need to save your kinship, and what, are you going to go with me, of course, seriously,
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yes, come on, go to ranik with me, that’s great, thank you, god, hey, hey, stop admiring , i have a patient there, let’s go. favorite songs are playing in our studio, let's go, birthday, favorite music never gets old, real songs are playing, wonderful,
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real feelings know no bounds, i'm sitting here and can barely hold back my tears. try it on, thank you, it suits you very well, well, it’s really cool, it’s as if
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these 12 years didn’t exist, i missed you so much, but... where's the photo client? did i understand you correctly? absolutely. no tears are visible in the rain. on sunday on rtr. help me with what to suffer? lay out one thing at a time like this, carefully. you understand, i love him, but... it’s just becoming unbearable, he doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, he’s even great,
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he takes part in some idiotic endurance competitions, you know what it’s like, well , not yet, lie in bed for 2 hours ice, then vice versa in a very hot sauna, what a horror it is to eat nettles, that there is nothing to do, do you think they will save him, of course, everyone here they are saving us, well, everything is fine in our stomach, wipe yourself off, thank you, let’s check the vessels of the head and neck below, come down and get a t-shirt. i’m holding it, and the doctor, my head hurts, it’s literally tearing me apart, and oh, my head, oh, what a beauty, what’s there, the lumen of the artery is narrowed, wipe yourself off, yeah, well, vladimir, tell me what happened, but i can’t tell them anything, his wife is getting divorced, we need to find out the reason why you came to us from, oh, from a competition for... not hot peppers, great, i didn’t eat anything unusual, how many we ate five of them, it’s the carolina reaper variety, tin, but
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the rest of the contestants, they said , but they were just lucky, well, everything is clear, pepper contains an alkaloid, copsaicin, it causes a pronounced spasm of blood vessels in the brain, hence the headache, doctor, this is of course all very interesting, my head is about to explode, do what well, this is me just for reference, it’s just that animals don’t eat pepper, they understand that it’s spicy and tasteless, but people... can persuade themselves to eat something tasteless, i beg you, just don’t tell your wife anything, don’t say that you ate pepper , yes about the competition, i was somehow during eating donuts, i almost choked, but promised her that i would never participate again, oh well, we will relieve the spasm with medications within 24 hours, the headache will go away, but tomorrow i will have to suffer some more, as you said, everything will pass, i said that the headache will go away, what kind of headache will come, you know, they say that the pepper bakes twice, the first time at the entrance, the second at...
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no one warned me about this, no one warned me about this either, well, are we all
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right? what are you writing? i am recording a violation that i discovered during inspection, comrade fireman, believe me , we will fix everything, please! so what, are you satisfied? not finished yet. rit, why are you destroying our family, huh? why this humiliating divorce? humiliating. i had to agree to all the conditions. reid, you know very well that i will never agree to them. who will ask you? i am the injured party. this is my proof of your betrayal. and then the judge is a woman. and a woman will always understand a woman. iron logic. are you still presenting yourself as a victim of shit? a friend sent hers to me mistress , so that she can persuade me, fantastic, it’s you,
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you’re just behaving disgustingly now, you’re disgusting, that’s what, you’ll never see your children again, never, i understand what you’re saying, what you’re saying, what you said, what you are you saying what you said, now, what are you saying, what are you doing , calm down, move away , i’ll kill you now, come on, and they’ll put you in prison, i’m planting you, i beg you, please don’t scream, calm down, i ’ll take him now, that’s it ok, please, who are you, another whore, congratulations, you got involved with a youngster, well done, you know what the ritual is, go, rit, well, why did you do that, you understand that now it will only get worse, you heard what she said, i
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have never laid a finger on a woman in my life, she made me into a bastard, now she’s definitely going to miss your children, she i called you out like a fool. and you bought it, you’re a grown man, you act like a child, listen, invite me to your place, okay, let’s go, but only to visit, i understood, i understood, let’s go, but i was scared, you’re a fool, and they said, that’s it it's okay, it will go away on its own, let's go, let me talk to the doctor, which doctor, you look at you, here he is, guys, here he is, alive, congratulations, volodya, congratulations on your first place in the red pepper eating competition, anka, your husband is a hero, wait, did i win, yes, oh, here’s
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a certificate for you, wow , here's a cube for you, wow. here's a medal for your brilliant husband, and a drum roll, 20,000 rubles. guys, guys, guys, i 'm happy for you, but there's a hospital here, please, go outside, let's get in the way, boys, boys, guys, boys, boys, do you hear, do you hear, are you crazy, are you a circus here? arranged, who are you? come on, it's the same i’m the fire department, and you ’re shooting something here, why does the smoke stink, okay , we’re leaving, that’s it, that’s it, let’s get out of here quickly, what’s wrong, i just told them the same thing, he’s standing there, watching the concert, this means that this is the case, faina igorevna and i looked at everything, photographed everything , recorded everything, you found a number of violations, not gross ones, but even a minor violation can
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lead to the death of people, oh, hi, hi, oh, what are they for moldova did you find a beautiful one? this is pavlik, he is sick and we are going to treat him. pavlik? yes, pavlo, you know that you are on time working day pavlikov, removed his hands , hit him with his head and it hurt so much, apologize to him, seryozha, apologize, but i won’t apologize to him, apologize to him, what is it, young man, apologize , i say, don’t make it worse, apologize, what a madhouse, mish, i won’t apologize, i apologize, pasha, pasha! pasha, let's go to the sofa , to the sofa, to the sofa, everything will be fine , we need help, yes everything is fine, tanya, tanya, go get a psychiatrist and a security guard, uh-huh, what are you doing, seryozha, oh, why are you doing this, and we they took him to the psychiatry department and they were waiting for us there, so what? you didn’t warn me that he was crazy, but i’m not crazy,
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everything is fine, everything is fine, you’re not crazy, like pavlik, by the way, you weren’t hurt, how long ago?
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security, second corridor, urgently. nothing, i went, i went, of course, i didn’t expect such a volume of work at all. no, well, i understand why bragin refused this position so easily, they just really took him and found the last one. i'll add it to you, sorry. today i was going to take ilyushka to school, i forgot how to tie a tie, well, i don’t even know how to tie a tie, you see, i go without it, but he knew how... i forgot, well now, what are you you want from me, but don’t involve your boss with me, i’m just informing you about a new circumstance, that’s it, i understand you, okay, i
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’ll leave early today, i need to get to the clinic, early, yes, early, this is not good, but i i'm not letting anyone down. how is our peacock feeling, waders, well , only you could have been beaten by a muneken, i have a headache, so what , he hit you hard, really hard, but it was his own fault that he climbed, so i’ll now bring a gurney, what a gurney, let me stop embarrassing myself , i’ll ride along the script here, faster, here, faster, here comes the doctor, now they'll take you to another department and give pavlik a full diagnostic, let's go, let's go, i'll take him myself, bye guys, it was nice to meet you, this pavlik has some kind of cast iron head, no need, what, sit down, what are you doing, come on, stop, don’t, what do you mean don’t, you’ve seen your pupils,
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you at least need to get an x-ray, what kind of x-ray, what am i going to say, that my mannequin was beaten up, sit down, come on, in the x-ray we ’ll leave the cause of your injury a secret , let's go to the doctor, it's open, i'm here, i thought you wouldn't come, lord, it's still who, this is my husband oleg. what is he doing here? he is also a doctor, what happened to you? i fell, broke something, i can’t get up, vera writes, lie down, it will go away on its own. vera, who is this?
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vera is my pen pal, she is my only one. okay, now we ’ll examine you, just open the window really, do n’t, don’t open it, i’ll catch a cold. i can’t breathe, well, i asked. okay, too many conditions. what is it? run where it hurts, what, you can’t see, or what? extensive hematoma, symptom of a broken heel, hip, no options, i’ll call soon, no need, i won’t go to any hospital, i need to consult with vera , wait, zoya sergeevna, what kind of zoya sergeevna am i to you, i’m your aunt, okay, aunt zoya, if you don’t come with us, you’ll stay here, you will lie down , you will have pneumonia, then swelling will begin, you know how it ends, that’s why you ’re scaring me now, why did i call you for help, but i don’t need anything from you, accept the challenge soon , broken hips, woman,
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zoya sergeevna, zoya sergeevna, surname norochinskaya, zoyagenna rachinskaya, age, so i told you, say 64, yes 62, i’m 62 years old, yeah, pushkin street, building 7, we’ll take sklif, no, i work there, i... so i’m not going to any sklif, cancel your ambulance, we’re still waiting , we need to warn faith, oh , well oleg, let her die here , we have fulfilled our duty, dear, that’s it, goodbye, marina, oh, something doesn’t feel good, it’s dark in my eyes, i have this pressure, probably now i’ll measure it, give me your hand, wait, vera, i need to warn you. then complain to your faith, give me your hand here, i'm not complaining, just faith they’re taking me away, i’m a hardened man, what can you say, i
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’m very confused by this area, yes, a darkening without a clear outline, what could it be, i’m even afraid to think, you remember his history of cancer, what’s all the fuss here, but they were joking about pavlik? i need to do a ct scan with contrast, what’s the matter? mish, i have symptoms of a mild concussion, why do i need a ct scan? in short, klyukov, there’s a blackout here, we need to figure it out. well, let's cats. come on, will you have some tea? and coffee. i don’t drink coffee anymore, it’s harmful, how did you get so smart that you forgot, well, let’s have some tea, what do you have there?


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