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tv   Master i Margarita  RUSSIA1  February 1, 2024 2:55am-3:50am MSK

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thank you, goodbye, everything always went to moscow, another life has begun, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, we also have an anniversary, 10 years of marriage, dad, dad, hello, for... what is this? lyanka grill. i had the right to know you had a child. this is a painted doll, your misha no longer lives. dmitry mazurov. i couldn't leave him alone at home. where is his mother? she left. well, let me sit with him. raisa rezanova. and you can somehow let the nanny go without you. so that's all i am. i'm confused, well, between
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it’s all over for us, now forever, someone else ’s child, mother, premiere on saturday on rtr, it seems to me that i was sent to you by fate, it seems so to me too, but i don’t know for what sins, i sang stas mikhailov, without you, without... you, he’s as deaf as a dinger , my father told me, he talked, but i didn’t listen to him, what he told you, i don’t know, i didn’t listen, fun time, premiere on saturday on rtr, you know, different there are ways to get into the record books as a professional kite surfer. patrick mclaughlin
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caught the highest wave for this, approximately 22 m, it took a year to recognize this as the best achievement, kitesurfing is a sport where extreme sports enthusiasts use a kite. as for ordinary surfing, the unsurpassed king here is the german sebastian steudner. he conquered a wave more than 26 meters high, this is taller than a nine-story building, a giant wave. and we are waiting for victories on ice, the most romantic film ice 3 has every chance ... box office records, the film will be released on big screens in 2 weeks, my dad and i went here as children, we also lay like that, were silent, i’m really looking forward to the third film , i grew up with it, i’m very glad that i watched it, i fell in love from the first minute, i’ve been waiting for this film for so long, 2 years have passed since the last one, i can’t wait for the release, millions of viewers dreamed of a continuation of the popular hit, in the film let 3 hockey sasha gorin takes part in the most difficult match of his life, acting as an adult father and daughter, this plot... the move
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opens a new chapter in the life of his favorite characters, well, you guys just have a wonderful relationship, you guys mean nothing to each other tell me what you mean if you want me to say, no need to say anything, ice three is a story about how important it is to find common ground with older children, learn to trust each other and not confuse care and control. nadya, who is passionate about figure skating, defends the right to do what she loves, but the character of alexander petrov is against her career in the sport of her ice partner in love. we understand that, well, it’s a daughter. will grow up, but this happens very unexpectedly, since wait, you’ve already gone somewhere alone, already gone somewhere alone, already fell in love, no, no, no, let's slow down time, i don't want to, it was all clear to me before, but you're not ready for it, this is what the conflict is based on, significant changes have occurred in the fate of the heroine maria aronova, irina shatalina’s categorical coach gets the opportunity to take a fresh look at her life, what kind of coach is this and what kind of...
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person on the ice we know, but what kind of woman we are studying, this is very interesting to me, now we we see what shatalina with family is like, there are new manifestations there this iron lady, there is a new quality of her, there is a revaluation of values, ice does not tolerate fear, pretense and insincere feelings, therefore figure skating in our country is one of the most favorite sports. a new champion will grow before the eyes of the audience. nadezhda gorina's incredible skating makes her the main contender in the fight for the upcoming ice cup. colorful musical numbers, an incredible love story, spectacular performances on the ice of lake baikal. the authors of the film preserved the atmosphere of the previous parts, while creating an original inspiring movie. the painting will be an ideal gift for february 14th. the best way to spend this day is with the one you love. and then the adventures will be adjusted. a guest has appeared for quests.
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we’ll figure out how much safer this entertainment will become after hearing the news. let's start! come on, let's smile, morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing, sovereignty and independence in all directions, vladimir putin met with his confidants in the living room. 195 russian soldiers were returned from ukrainian captivity. arab countries participated in the negotiation process emirates. farmers are on strike in france, belgium and germany. tractors block roads, piles of manure grow. the news will tell you about the main thing in
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the studio of iver tarasova. hello. russia is going through an important stage in strengthening its sovereignty and independence in all areas. vladimir putin spoke about this . as a presidential candidate, held a meeting with his confidants at the moscow gostiny dvor. there are over 500 people on the list, including military personnel, scientists, cultural figures, athletes and entrepreneurs. vladimir putin emphasized that a lot has been done in recent years, including the social sphere, economics, technology, and healthcare. it was possible to achieve success in improving defense capabilities, security and positions in the international arena. the russian leader thanked his trusted representatives and set a task: to establish feedback at meetings with voters in order to understand. not only will you talk about what we have all done in recent years, a lot has been done, although not
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all of them may have the results that we consider important, we managed to achieve, but also no less, there is something to show the country and people, but the most important thing in my opinion is that in... in the course of living communication with people, the so-called feedback is established , so that we hear and not just hear, but take action in the future what people expect from us. the topics raised varied from the development of the pharmaceutical industry, the organization of ethnocultural festivals, to successes in aircraft manufacturing and the situation with the decision of the wada officials regarding our athletes. in addition, putin was offered to create a code of childhood, which would allow us to build. into a single system, all laws relating to the development and future of children, the president noted that this issue must be approached carefully and emphasized that he is against extreme formal justice and interference in family affairs, since it is the family that begins the homeland. of course, we need some fundamental
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reference points that will be uniformly understood and that will be perceived by society as having no alternative; here is... in the best and most literal sense of the word, love for the motherland, in other words, patriotism it’s called, well, it’s like not loving your homeland , it’s the same as not loving your family, not loving your mother, your children, the same with the homeland, there are things that should be, well, embedded right in the subcortex, then of course you can and should say , probably about those structures that will promote this, but education is multi-vector.
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the professionalism of our military, who successfully control the territory, was appreciated by russian drones, which effectively solve many military tasks. another important topic of conversation is the crash of the il-76 plane. experts concluded that he was shot down by the american patriot system. putin stressed that moscow insists on an international investigation. the head of state also added that the country will not stop the exchange of prisoners with ukraine after this incident. 195 russian soldiers were returned from ukrainian captivity. reported to the ministry of defense on the territory controlled by the kiev regime, as the department emphasized, they were in mortal danger. the exchange took place as a result of the negotiation process. mediation participation the united arab emirates provided humanitarian assistance. in exchange, 195 prisoners of war were transferred to the ukrainian armed forces. the released russian
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military personnel will be taken to moscow and will undergo treatment and rehabilitation in medical institutions of the ministry of defense. now the nazis tried to break through to the situation in the northern military district zone six times in the kupinsky direction. but each time they failed, almost 900 ukrainian militants were killed or wounded, a tank, three cars, a british self-propelled gun, and an american howitzer were destroyed by fire from our units. three more attacks ukrainian attack aircraft. repelled by our fighters in the krasno-liman direction. the enemy was driven back, our advanced units took up more advantageous positions. in the kherson direction , after an accurate hit, a warehouse of missile and artillery weapons of the ukrainian armed forces burned down. in other news: farmers’ protests are not abating in europe, in france the police have already begun to detain them, 18 tractor drivers were detained for obstructing the movement of transport, but this did not particularly affect the situation. many roads leading to paris remain blocked in a number of places.
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torami blocked several roads, including the passage to the port of zeebrugge. and today a rally of farmers is planned at the eu headquarters in brussels before the summit of the union leaders. the palestinian ministry of health provided the latest data on the number of people killed in gas attacks by israel: 26,900 residents, 66,000 injured. israeli ground attacks continue in various areas of the palestinian territories. the day before, the israeli military. conducted a raid on the site of the radical group islamic jihad in the western khan-yunisi, dozens of radicals were eliminated.
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the israeli army also reported that weapons and explosives were found in the gaza strip in the bags of bapor , the un agency for the middle east to assist palestinian refugees, kalashnikov assault rifles, warheads for hand grenade launchers and other weapons were seized. this is on the rossiya channel, switch over. the altai republic is hosting a stage of the russian alpine skiing cup. all-russian competitions take place on the slopes of the mancherok resort. more than 200 athletes compete in giant slalam. from the snowy slopes, reporting by christina bandura. participants are 16 and older, there are no beginners here. members of the russian national team who are part of regional teams.
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of the competition participants, there are many athletes, the strongest athletes in the country, who at one time participated in the olympic games, in sochi, in hyunchkan, and in other olympics, we also have many judges who officiate at these competitions, experienced judges, just like those who have already passed two or three olympiads, worked as judges at the olympic games, that’s how it is now. in total, let's say, should pass at a very good level. athletes will test themselves and their strength over four days, disciplines with lal with lal the giant. a sports track was prepared especially for competitions of this scale at the all-season resort of montzherok. firstly, we hope that thanks to such teamwork and a well-prepared track, the athletes will be able to show, so to speak, good results, despite the starting number, because well, in alpine skiing, the starting number is number. is of such great importance, and thanks, as i already said, well-prepared tracks, all athletes
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will have the opportunity to show their best qualities, well, win worthy places and medals. enormous speed and safe descent are the key to success. the sports track is one of the most difficult, its length is 1,100 m, and to conquer it, you need to be a trained athlete. the slope is in excellent condition, the track is ready for all weather conditions, i think everything is great. what time did you arrive?
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. good morning, good morning, you are welcome today. namrovina and andrey petrov, it’s very nice that they joined us, they will drop all their business, although the cat has probably already been fed, the dog walked, the children ready for school, and if it’s not possible to have a cat, we don’t have allergies, for example, kids, then what , then craftsmen like this craftswoman from krasnoyarsk will help, she creates very realistic toys, guests in her apartment are greeted by a wolf, mainkun and code bayun, from
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the real ones, well, look, well, they are almost indistinguishable, and these works are not stuffed animal... not made from padding polyester and other artificial materials, first the artist imagines the future image, then studies the body structure in detail and carefully selects the exterior, cool, in general, children really like such toys, but they love quests even more, will such entertainment become safer with a new guest, let 's figure it out, the daughter has a physical wound, the mother has an emotional one, it all started as an ordinary trip to a birthday party, however, instead of gatherings at the table, the young guests were prepared for a horror quest. two girls are already at the start from they refused him out of fear, but amelia, not a timid one, decided to take a risk. they opened another door, in which the actor was standing, the light flashed, we saw him and he suddenly crawled and ran after us. out of surprise, the idiot rushed in all directions. amelia fell and ran into a sharp object sticking out of the wall. the doctors stitched up the cheek, but
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the quest organizers just shrugged, saying it happens. then the parents contacted the police. children may get scared and run somewhere, if you have such an unsafe premises, then there must be a person with children who directs them where, where they should run. the direction of movement of some quest organizers is quite clear; this is the path to profit at any cost. here's a big story from moscow: a guy imagined himself to be prometheus and brought fire to children. the animator repeatedly sprayed open fire near a closed cage in the cutting room location, in which minors were present at that moment. the number of such stories is growing, the number of victims is also increasing, especially among children, eliminate all dangers planned with the help of a new standard, the document introduces the concept of a quest into the legal field for the first time and regulates its organization from all sides. someone uses axes rigidly attached to the wall, they cannot be taken, this is an entourage, someone runs after guests and waves them, accordingly, in the current
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guest this is all clearly stated as a ban. scenes of violence are prohibited in children's quests. demonstrate alcohol, smoking and eroticism. in addition, all tests will be recorded on camera and stored. there are requirements for premises. in the atmosphere of the quest is immersed not only by the script, but also by the competent surroundings. here, for example, is a medieval castle. there is armor, a throne, no electricity, of course, but there are candles, but there is no open fire. real flames must be replaced with artificial ones and all dangerous decorations must be removed. and only professional actors with a certificate will be hired. from drug and psychodispensaries, while for some reason they are not required to possess medical rescue skills. the state standard specifies very stringent requirements specifically for the very configuration of, say, a quest, yes , that is, the premises that are used there , therefore, based on this, we assume that the quest itself becomes safe, there will be no need here, that is, no one
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will swing an ax over the child’s head. the deputies add that the standard is flexible, it will be possible to make changes to it, and for... today businesses and supervisory control authorities can use it in their activities, huh, what is the most important thing written in this guest? this standard, it can be including giving parents such basic information, what to pay attention to, because in this standard the most complex cases are described, what should be there,
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for example, what information should be provided, this is the basic standard for all... quests says that no matter what kind of quest you organize , it should be safe, yeah, that is , this is how you should approach the level of difficulty, this is how you organize the space, we plan in general, in principle , to reach the point that every 5 years due to with with the use of some new technologies or something else there, the standards will be revised and updated, but now i want to clarify, it will still be prohibited to use fire there, i don’t know electricity, why so... in what documents, but for the inspector, this is a state standard, it is the basis for checking a given entrepreneur for compliance with these standards, that is, this is
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a certain bar below which you can no longer fall, but again, gost is the first step towards the normalization of everything, obviously some more serious steps must be taken, because the state must also enter into some kind of legal document, support measures are needed, that is, there must be an agency that will implement state policy in the field of development of a... recreation and children’s leisure time, who and how will double-check everything so that there is no fire , an emergencies ministry employee will look there, no, it’s a business, that’s how it was said in the story at the end, you can’t check it that easily, but with checks, or rather with a warning, and so on , see how it will be controlled, today, scheduled inspections are prohibited, so, for example, our position is that we believe that everything related to the safety of children should be subject to inspections.
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always, well, in our case it is considered that if there is licensing, then there will be order, in our case today in the field of child safety, this is the legislation that is developed , these rules so that they are implemented, that is, we must have an implementation stage now it’s built on a completely different level, you can basically write, but you work according to gost, i i assure you, as soon as business hears that they are going to those centers.
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it seems so to me too, but i don’t know for what sins, i sang stas mikhailov, without you, without you, he’s deaf as a horn,
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my father told me, he talked, but i didn’t listen to him, what he told you, i don’t know , i didn’t listen, it’s fun time, the premiere is on saturday at 14:50 on the russia channel, tell me, what kind of spy would not dream of such a camera, in germany they came up with an invisible camera, all its parts are absolutely transparent, the device looks like a piece glass technology is based on use components that connect, separate and direct light. experts have already said that such devices have great potential for use in various fields, including smart glasses, windows and cars. actually great. well, now look at the truck, in which the driver is not visible when moving. i carefully studied the unmanned development of our scientists. colleague, andrei negru. from a distance it may seem like an ordinary truck is moving through the territory of the technology park, but upon closer examination it turns out that
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we took it for a cabin and it is not at all. no matter how hard you want, a person cannot fit here, but this is not required. the car can do without a driver; all you need to do is tell it where to deliver the cargo, and then it will do everything itself. to do this, she was first taught to assess the situation. the sense organs are, of course, precise high-tech ledars, cameras that are installed , including on the sides of the vehicle, of course, sonars and, of course, the gns module, a receiver that combines various satellite systems. information from technical vision organs enters the control unit, where neural networks operate; they classify objects by comparison, so the robot understands what exactly is in its path and how to behave. what a car should notice is a person, now you will see how he copes with this, i admit, i have participated in similar experiments before, but most other autonomous cars, having noticed
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me, simply... stopped and honked, waiting for me to get out of their way. as you can see, this car does not waste time, preferring to go around obstacles. here not only cameras and sensors help, but also the so -called digital tunnel. essentially, this is a map of the area on which the developers showed the car the boundaries beyond which it should not be driven. this is not difficult to do, because this truck is for use in closed areas, such as industrial enterprises. we determine traffic rules for vehicles on site and speed limits. and then the car determines the safe detour angles, the safe speed , and in general these boundaries, and it falls within them or doesn't hit. by the way, the car runs on electricity, which means that it is significantly cheaper to operate than a diesel car, and there are no harmful emissions from it, but you can choose this option using hydrogen. the use of energy from the traction battery allows for a range of up to 200 km, using a hydrogen system. increases
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this figure several times. today , the assembly of cars with autopilot has been established here, 50 are already working for customers, and their work is constantly monitored by dispatchers in order to immediately provide technical support if necessary. they say they have never been approached with serious problems. and then, christmas trees, sticks. beauty from ordinary branches. more on crafts made from this material in a few minutes. one of the largest studios in europe. stars lit up here, masterpieces were created here , creative destinies turned, portraits of the great masters of soviet cinema, for the centenary of the film studio, mosfilm on the winds of history, a film by boris dobrodeev, on friday on rtr, annushka
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has already bought sunflower oil and more. seen on the patriarchs, you are a historian, i am a historian, bought it, but even bottled it, wuland again today there will be an interesting story at the patriarch's sheh, in chernimak, yes, the posters will now be a millionaire, margarita again takes yellow flowers in her hands, i came out with yellow flowers so that you can finally find me, the master burns his novel again , trouble will happen, i don’t want you to die with me. so, citizens, now the famous foreign artist monsieur woland will perform before you. true history in a new quality. it will be like this. master and margarita. midnight is approaching missir. today on rtr. and already on the platform, watch all the episodes right now in the app or on the website. once you get a pet, life
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will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face that forgives everything, they don’t get bored at all, and then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, trynk, the secret of dreams , as you agreed to this, at first they shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, tell me, have you ever...
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given a bribe to my daughter? no, we'll watch it on the weekend. angel, for what deeds of mine were you sent to me? you’re not just a beautiful woman, you’re absolutely amazing, you love her, and she, she ’s having an affair with my father, for some... beauty is a ticket to a happy life, you’ll definitely like it, for others it’s a test of fidelity, so what? you are silent, and what should i say, well, something, shout, hit, i don’t know when your husband has an affair, where he takes his chosen ones, too beautiful wife, on saturday on rtr. russia is
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traditional, modern, technological, original, open. great, so different , but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, you woke up early, turned on the lights, but you had to wake up even earlier, like our hero, this is... plot: thousands hot torches illuminated the streets of the capital of the scottish islands, they are carried by residents in viking outfits, this is how the abhelio festival takes place, it has been held since the end of the 19th century, glorifying the scandinavian ancestors who landed on this shore 1.00 years ago.
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this year, for the first time , girls tried on the clothes of warriors, even led the processions; in the finale, according to tradition, they burned the drakar, the symbolic wooden ship on which the vikings sailed to the island. well, if the material that we show in our story: keep away from fire. you can make a lot of interesting things out of it, but it looks like just branches, branches, well, the new year has already passed, but i still haven’t thrown out the spruce branches, and it’s not for nothing that you look how beautiful it turned out, and most importantly, it’s very environmentally friendly, although and a little bit prickly, clothes made from branches are no longer so easy to surprise today, okay, of course i ’m exaggerating, but here are clothes hangers made from branches, and this is really a real internet trend, it looks very aesthetically pleasing, takes up... very little space, it can be done absolutely anyone can do it, choose a suitable branch, paint it and insert it into the prepared bases. here’s another practical idea: if you’re lucky enough to find a branch large enough, and even with
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interesting knots, you can make a whole shelf out of it. of course, there are hardly any books on it they will hold on, here are the trinkets dear to the heart. all you need to do is wrap the tree in paper and choose a suitable location. i really like this idea of ​​decorating with paper leaves. but small twigs are an equally valuable tool for creativity. the more brushwood you collect in a vacant park or forest, the more decorative elements you can make for your home. for example, here’s a cat, we just glue dry twigs onto a plastic bottle. you can also make decorative hot coasters a vase and even... lamp on the table, however, in the latter case you will have to tinker with electricity, but you will get a unique thing. would you like me to show you how to make beautiful branches from branches? it sounds funny, but in fact, even the thinnest branches can be
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twisted, painted and placed in a vase, such a bouquet will delight you forever. in general, you can make anything from branches, for example, guys, what is this anyway? if it’s winter outside, it means new episodes from klifosovsky are coming soon, everything is coming together, you’ll see in 4 days. sklefosovsky, new series, already on monday, at 21:20 on the russia channel. watch a special episode of 60 minutes today. all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. do not miss. 60 minutes. today at 11:30 and 17:30 on the russia channel
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, let's start, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing, the news will tell about the main thing in russia abroad, in ver tarasova studio, hello, russia is going through an important stage in strengthening its sovereignty and independence in all respects. management, vladimir putin spoke about this, who in as a presidential candidate, he held a meeting with his confidants at the moscow gostiny dvor. there are over 500 people on the list, including military personnel, scientists, cultural figures, athletes, and entrepreneurs. vladimir putin emphasized that
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a lot has been done in recent years, including the social sphere, economics, technology, and healthcare. it was possible to achieve success in increasing defense capability, security and positions in the international arena. the russian leader thanked his trusted representatives and set the task at meetings with voters. not only will you to talk about what we have all done in recent years, a lot has been done, although perhaps not all the results that we consider important, we managed to achieve, but nevertheless, there is something to show the country and people, but the most important thing is my opinion is that in the course of living communication with people, the so-called feedback should be established, so that we hear and not just hear, but accept it for implementation in the future. what people expect from us. topics
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raised at the meeting ranged from the development of the pharmaceutical industry, the organization of ethnocultural festivals to successes in aircraft manufacturing, the situation with the decision of wada officials regarding our athletes. the president raised the topic of a special military operation. putin noted the professionalism of our military, who successfully control the territory, and appreciated russian drones, which effectively solve many military tasks. another important topic is the crash of the il-76 plane. experts concluded that he was shot down by the american patriot system. putin stressed that moscow insists on an international investigation. the head of state also noted that the country will not stop the exchange of prisoners with ukraine after this incident. now to the situation in the northern military district zone, six different nazis tried to break through in the kupinsky direction, but each time they failed. almost 900 ukrainian militants were killed or wounded by fire from our units; a tank, three cars, a british self-propelled gun, and an american howitzer were destroyed. three more. attacks by ukrainian attack aircraft were repelled by our fighters in
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the krasno-liman direction. the enemy was driven back, our advanced units occupied more advantageous positions. in the kherson direction , after an accurate hit, a warehouse of missile and artillery weapons of the ukrainian armed forces burned down. our air defense intercepted more than 80 ukrainian drones. sergei shaigu demanded to increase the volume and increase the rate of production of artillery pieces. the minister of defense checked the progress of the state defense order at the ural transport vehicle plant. ukraine, where they produce, modernize and repair the entire line of modern self-propelled howitzers, from these workshops they send acacias, tulips, hyacinths, revenge, and soon the newest coalition of the sv. the long-range complex is capable of hitting targets at a distance of 80 km; the first guns should arrive to troops as early as next month. farmer protests continue in europe. in france, the police have already begun to detain them for obstructing the movement of the detainee’s transport. 17 tractor drivers, but this didn’t really affect the situation.
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many roads leading to paris are still blocked; in a number of places, farmers have set up camps, set up tents right on the highway, are preparing food and even treating policemen standing nearby. in in germany, a large protest of agricultural workers took place in stuttgart. the participants blocked the roads with tractors, and then went out to a rally of thousands, making life even more difficult for the germans. a strike announced today at german airports is threatening. will be cancelled. more than a thousand flights were delayed. in belgium, protesting farmers also blocked several roads with tractors, including blocking access to the port of zeebrugge. the usual rhythm of life has been disrupted for many belgians. and it's planned for today action of farmers at the eu headquarters in brussels before the summit of the union leaders. in britain , the shetland islands hosted the viking festival, an annual celebration in the city of lerwick during which locals dress in ancient costumes and walk around. ancient dances are performed around the city with torches. according to
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tradition, the main event of the festival is the ceremonial burning of a life-size model of a viking ship. this year, women took part in the torch procession for the first time in a century and a half. history of festivals dates back more than a century and a half, and it has long been part of the local cultural landscape. don't switch. the operation was performed using unique equipment, the only one in russia, by tyumen neurosurgeons. an exoscope with robotic controls allows you to perform manipulations in the brain with pinpoint precision. details in the report by alexander lishchenko. the operation is extremely complex, and it is extremely difficult to get to the pathological focus. new generation equipment is coming to the aid of tyumen neurosurgeons. extoscope with smart robotic control system. this unique device, the only one in russia, allows
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neurosurgeons to penetrate into the most inaccessible areas of the brain and perform unique operations. the capabilities of this device are enormous and the main advantage is that the exoscope can be transferred to any operating room of the federal center for neurosurgery in a matter of minutes. the entire team of doctors can now see, using special glasses , detailed images of brain structures in high quality, without distortion of the real color, and on several at once monitors, then a conventional microscope allowed only the operating doctor to view the image. the device’s 3d mode function allows you to accurately perceive the depth of the pathological focus and select the most effective method. access from here, something that we have dreamed of for many years has happened , not only we have dreamed, but in general the entire medical community of the timen region, and the russian federation, russia as a whole, we have finally received a device called an exoscope, and this is a completely new optical device that has a fundamentally new optical vision of the surgical field, and of course this greatly
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facilitates the work of neurosurgeons, one of the advantages of the device is its maneuverability, if the tumor is in a hard-to-reach place, then thanks to the 360° rotation... of the scope it can be directed to any part of the brain, what is extremely important is that it reduces the risk of damaging functionally important brain structures that are responsible, for example, for body movement or speech. this is fantastic, of course, any angles are available and most importantly, well, let's call things by their proper names, the surgeon's head is not tied to the microscope, the exoscope head can move as desired, while the surgeon stands looking at the screen, this is for... conventional fiction, resolution, 3d picture, picture quality, this is aerobatics, about that, about one can only dream of something like this. new equipment was purchased for the federal center for neurosurgery thanks to the implementation of an interregional cooperation program. the corresponding decision was made by the governor of the temen region, alexander mor, and the head of emal , dmitry artyukhov. unique exoscope
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neurosurgeons use it every day, as they do today, having successfully performed a complex operation on a fifteen-year-old boy from orenburg. now he has to. serious rehabilitation period. alexander lishchenko, yuri zelenin. news: tyumen. in two districts of the sakhalin region, an avalanche danger regime has been declared , and experts not only warn about possible risks, in order to find out where the precipitation that fell during the winter can fall on houses, social institutions and roads, experts regularly study the situation. how a phone, a thermometer and a sheet can be useful in this papers, the pretty natalya found out. to find a hazardous area, an engineer. you need eye to eye. in most cases , specialists rely on their own visual acuity and only sometimes use a telephone instead of binoculars. the camera allows you to examine the necessary sites in detail, the observation is immediately recorded in a notebook. in general, the dolinska dolinskaya weather station is giving a lot of precipitation this year, that is,
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snow is constantly observed here. in january , 3 and a half normal precipitation fell in the dollinsky district, because of this, a huge amount of snow has accumulated in the hills. for steep slopes. the conditions for avalanches here are ideal, in bykov there is such a site right at the entrance to the village, even the trees that usually hold back the snow cover are not ready to withstand such pressure, so avalanches occur here regularly every year. on january 26 , an avalanche occurred on the only route to the village of bykov, fortunately no one was injured, judging by the slats, now the snow height varies from one and a half to 2 m. an avalanche is dangerous; this slope can be considered in the event another snowstorm or extreme thaw. twice. per month, the center’s engineers travel to avalanche-prone areas in south sakhalin, in addition to the height of the snow cover, experts check its stability, for this they make a snow sample or pit on the slope, immediately check the thickness of the layers, which is recorded with a pencil, this is better felt, the engineers note, without wasting time in vain they measure the density, temperature and size of crystals; for
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the latter there is specially elongated paper, in general for january in the region almost fifty avalanches were registered, 41 avalanches were recorded. all of them fell in january, during the snowstorms that occurred on january 12, 15, 24, 26, and this means avalanches predominantly in the nevel and khomsky areas; when crossing avalanche-prone areas in these areas, tourists, as well as snowmobile drivers, are asked to be as careful as possible, experts will continue to monitor the slopes of the south island; the next update of the snow cover is planned by experts in 2 weeks. natalya is pretty, alexey. lead sakhalin kurillas. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website. stay with us. let's start.
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come on, come on with a smile. more more more. great. okay, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning, hello, new morning, new meeting, anastasia chernobrovina, andrei petrov greets you today, so what?
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as the seller is in bankruptcy proceedings. the house was seized by court decision and sent to the so-called bankruptcy estate. it turned out that the previous owner of the country
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house owed the bank a little more than 27 million rub. immediately after selling innie's property , the seller disappeared. i lost my home and my money. new residents of this high-rise building in balashikha were also left without a roof over their heads. more than a hundred owners found themselves hostage to the developer’s company. the company went bankrupt, its leader was imprisoned for bribes, and for some reason the court failed the usual ones. renovations, people moved in and started living, suddenly a topic arose in a local chat about our apartments being taken away. to achieve justice, the owners of problem apartments intend to go to the supreme court, alas, but proving your case in such disputes is not so easy. the law allows you to cancel all suspicious transactions made by a bankrupt over the past 3 years. over the past 2 years, well, the volume has increased almost 100% . cases of applications to challenge transactions in bankruptcy proceedings, this is about just under 20,000 similar cases, it turns out that the presumption
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of innocence does not work in this case, the injured owner has to prove in court that he is a bona fide buyer. responsibility for verification your counterparty is your responsibility, no one will check it except you, for this you can resort to the services of specialists who will prepare a legal opinion for you, or you can check it yourself. however, how can you predict? something that doesn’t exist yet, therefore, you will have to transform into sherlock holmes in order to conduct a thorough investigation before the transaction, find out everything about the seller, and his judicial credit history, at least from open sources, must be legally introduced in order to protect conscientious purchasers, perhaps some kind of single a form, that is, to receive a certificate, or i don’t know, there is a notice, permission from financial authorities, that well, it is not prohibited for us to buy an apartment from those from whom...
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he knew that in a month he would declare himself bankrupt, so come on, give it apartment, this is the diagram. i assure you, if the transaction is carried out correctly, there is no certain malicious intent on the part of the buyer, namely, if he showed all due diligence, then the court will certainly make a decision in favor of a good faith benefit, what is due diligence, tell us what the buyer must do so that this is a whole set of actions, they are now available to ordinary citizens, even without the involvement of specialists, you are conducting a dialogue, buyer-seller, you can ask him again: there is a certificate of solvency, and ask there he has an extract from the igrm, you just need to be
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responsible for your decision when you purchase real estate, well, people certainly try. but to be responsible, because after all, it’s not every day that an apartment is purchased, you see, on the other hand, this three-year period, it must be preserved, which can be looked at later , rewinding the entire history of the attention of creditors or not, this is the law that works according to this design, in principle, i also say that not enough law enforcement practice has been developed, of course it will be necessary to adjust if i i saw a proposal that after the sale of real estate there might be some kind of moratorium on bankruptcy. cost, well , it seems to me that this is the case, i’m just drawing a conclusion from the fact that banks are still refusing to insure these transactions against this type of fraud, it means we understand, or rather they understand, that there is some gap here, and most
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likely the insurance will have to be paid, they just never do anything like that. a large number of players are generally involved in this area, realtors, notaries, banks , insurers, aggregators, now and so on, that is, a large floor, but nevertheless everyone participates in their piece of the pie, earn money from their service, but no one bears full responsibility, so either we find someone and build legislative structure, who will be responsible for this as much as possible, then rosreestr, so rosreestr can become responsible in this case, i believe that this would be the right direction.
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chairman of the state duma committee on construction and housing and communal services nikolai alekseenko. thank you very much. sometimes you really want to hurry up time and bring this important event closer. which? we have the premiere of the new season. skalifosovsky, new episodes, already on monday at 21:20 on the russia channel. come on, all together, in unison. a show of unprecedented scale. the girls are so naughty, i kiss their hands, one says. maybe higher. let's watch it all together. tomorrow at 21:30. grow more fruits and vegetables. the national labor productivity project helps our farmers. let's see how competence center specialists manage to increase product output with the same human and material resources.
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a modern winter garden looks unusual. the apple trees are not at all like the ones we are used to, and the work here does not stop even under the snow, just now the time has come for pruning the trellises so that the trees - developed normally - in order to get a good harvest, the harvest itself takes almost 4 months, from august to november, each variety of apple ripens in its own time, but the most difficult task comes after harvesting, the apples must be preserved, packaged and delivered to stores. with cream from refrigerators, apples go into sex... sorting, then they go through three stages of processing, and the apple is automatically calibrated for quality, the quality of the fruit is determined directly on the conveyor by a computer, and the packaging line too automated, but even modern technology does not guarantee a good result; it was possible to set up production in this area only after contacting central committee.


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