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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 2, 2024 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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there can be no opinions, because we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal , to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, two when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here, how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just take a look, let's go.
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it was edible, i had in mind, of course , a bear, when such a stinking little one said, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the most strong love for the game, this is a five -on-one program, i'm oops, five-on-one on saturdays on rtr, who will be in charge on... dr. bragin, if you don't mind, the premiere on rta, the city falls asleep, wakes up, mafia, bragin's 11 friends , this is an amazing person , he just has talent, to always be in the center of the event, the main thing is that they are digging under you, let them dig, there is time for a friend, i need to cry, well, things aren’t going very well for us, you can stay with the children, and tomorrow , and then? see you tomorrow, i'm here, help,
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please, make her get up, who did he say, that we are doctors, and you are not doctors, i am a plumber, and he is sick, with you, dear colleagues, you are saboteurs, the eleventh season of your favorite series, where this matter is needed, especially the reason for clefosophism, from monday on rtr. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes in hot pursuit. the russian defense ministry reported that russian troops have improved
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positions in the krasno-liman direction in donetsk and have occupied more advantageous positions. the total losses in the ssu in all directions are more than 800 human. it is especially difficult for ukrainians now on the kupinsky front, after the liberation of tabaevka and the dominant heights of the western village of tobaevka. the russian army launched an offensive in the direction of peschany and perestou. the ministry of defense shows how camouflaged dugouts and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces are destroyed by operators of ftv drones of the west group of forces. and here is another video from our military department and also in the kuppinsky direction. here ukrainian militants are literally incinerated by our gods of war , crews from 152 mm towed guns, hyacin would be wiped off the face of the earth, strengthen the armed forces of ukraine. gunner with call sign. lubert
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says that experienced artillerymen place high-explosive fragmentation shells precisely on target from a distance of almost 20 km. the offensive of russian units in the kharkov region is covered by aviation. these cinematic shots show the work of our combat helicopters. k-52 alligators operate at ultra-low altitudes and cover entire squares with enemy infantry. they don’t give rest to the tacked ones. forces and russian lancets are clearly visible in the video from the artyomovsk direction defeat of a ukrainian tank: location in the chasov yar region, where the russian army also continues its offensive.
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basically everything they have that flies, well, the air is also theirs all the time, the air is always theirs, they want to go through this village for an hour, through bogdanovka i’ll just go out to the watch shop. and that the asphalt there is good to go, that if you go out through the farm, i went through the village for an hour, they are walking in a circle, it turns out they want to go around, and the road is straight to bakhmud, you yourself understand, if it is blocked, there will be no supplies even with us, discounts resets flynn, most of the fp resets are simply
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saturated, we finished off the boys, the 300th left under his own power, walked with his own feet, then it became heavy, the reset is all, lying down, now yes... they don’t regret it, one person is walking along it, they can even walk on it from the futur shoot, rifle skirmishes, battles happen all the time, received the task of striking an enemy strong point, carried out the task as a pair, scraped the strike, carried out anti-missile maneuvering, left the strike area, returned to the take-off airfield. front line in eastern ukraine, here on the azov brigade is fighting on the side of the ukrainian army, trying to stop the breakthrough of russian forces. as along the entire front line, the situation is changing very quickly, and this requires a large amount of ammunition, but
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for now ukraine is getting by with little, but the situation can still turn around. eu countries have adopted an initiative of 1 million artillery shells, half of which are promised by the end of march. usa. may finally withdraw from the ranks of the main suppliers of military aid to ukraine, soldiers at the front are trying to hold on to the fact that left. right now, the fiercest fighting is taking place in the east and south of ukraine. bsu are on the defensive, and the russians constantly manage to make small breakthroughs. thank you for saving me. this is what this soldier says. i hope to survive the serious injury. he was brought straight from the battle, horror reigns all around. roman was brought here in their arms, but he didn’t care. i wanted to help my comrades, i see that a drone is flying, i did not want to leave the body of my soldier, and then he dropped a grenade, it exploded not far from us, and this is sergei, he was wounded in the same place as roman, russia is using its entire arsenal of equipment, says the thirty-eight-year-old soldier, this is very scary,
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there is no one at the front who is not afraid , many were seriously injured, even more killed, we need more people in order to hold off the advancing russian army.
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supplies and people, the commander-in-chief, who now has nothing to lose, publishes, in essence, his programmatic article, declaring that ukraine needs to create a completely new state system, and he is a loser, capable of doing this in 5 months by the summer in
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radically change the situation, according to the general, his opinion is shared by his partners, that is, zaluzhny has already agreed on it. stepping over zelensky. another insight confirming the general’s new political ambitions is provided by american journalist seymour huor. he said that the main reason for the resignation of the commander-in-chief was his secret negotiations on ending the war with the united states, which, according to hershey’s sources, zaluzhny has been conducting since last year and bypassing zelensky directly with the white house staff, that is , the commander who lost the war , zaluzhny he clearly didn’t want to become, according to the washington post. that the commander-in-chief, in a conversation with the leader of ukraine, made it clear that he would not
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be upset if he was fired, wished everyone good luck, but still refused to sign at his own request, mockingly clarifying that the rapid improvement of the situation on the battlefield, even after his resignation, would still it is impossible how the newspaper received information about the conversation in zelensky’s office, one can only guess, of course, that...
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the strategy follows a unique logic. it is now well known that the main driving force of this war is the development of unmanned weapons systems, these unmanned systems such as drones, along with other types of modern weapons, provide the best way for ukraine to avoid being drawn into trench warfare in which we do not have the advantage, but while mastery of such technologies is key, it not the only factor influencing the current strategy. we must fight the cuts.
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we must focus our main efforts on three areas: creating a system
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for supporting our armed forces high-tech assets, creating a new philosophy of training and warfare, which takes into account limitations in resources and ways of using them to quickly develop new combat capabilities. we already have the ability to destroy the enemy and ensure the existence of statehood. the thesis is important, this is from zaluzhny’s article: we must fight the reduction of military support from outside.
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and under what sauce he will do this we will find out after the fact, when we see this presidential decree. well, since february, many people have had headaches ukrainians, and not only they , are guaranteed to be greeted, and not even from the conflict between zaluzhny and zelensky, the sun
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is unexpected, they are preparing a geomagnetic storm for us. which will start literally in a day , the program includes, in addition to headaches, a bad mood, so get ready for weather addicts, while weather storms are still flowers in the ground right now, an asteroid the size of a skyscraper is flying, today a cosmic bole with a diameter of almost 500 m will fly right near ours planet, only this was not enough, god willing, to miss the planet.
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agree that it resembles the beginning of a blockbuster about an alien invasion. alarming. at the same time, if the third world war is destined to happen someday, then the victory in it will be won by the country that can capture outer space. fox news writes that russia and china have finally found the achilles' pet of the us army, this is its huge constellation of spy satellites in space.
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today, unexpectedly, the magazine economy also writes. they say, despite the official ban on placing weapons in space, satellites are capable of carrying nuclear and thermonuclear weapons warheads, as well as electromagnetic installations and lasers. according to ikonomis, russia launched the cosmos 25-70 satellite into orbit, which is a kind of motryoshka. in the sense that the satellite consists of three satellites. the first satellite released the second, which then released the third. for the american command, such things look like testing a killer machine, that is, a projectile for destroying satellites. in general, star wars is real and no longer a joke.
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the united states has produced more than 100 there were more space launches last year than china and russia, but the moon mission was plagued by cancellations and delays. and now about the race in space, our next guest is here. at the forefront of this race. pem melroy, deputy head of nasa and former astronaut. she is one of only two women to ever fly the châtelet and is also a former military pilot. is there another race happening now? in space, the us has dominated space for the past 50 years. and at the same
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time, countries like india, china and japan are celebrating their own achievements in conquest of space. whether you're worried about space being filled with weapons, it could become just another platform for war. said that nasa, on the one hand , is worried, but on the other hand, it intends to do everything to prevent this from happening, which is why we are creating an international coalition to follow us, especially as we send people into deep space. the first shot in a future war between great powers is believed to be fired in space, as countries strive to develop new capabilities in space, some of them also create weapons forces to fight beyond the atmosphere. in the end of january. iran said it has launched three satellites into space. footage published by iranian state media shows the successful launch of three satellites: the first mach -
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a research satellite. keyhan-2 and hatef-1 are both nanosatellites that are responsible for radiodetermination communications. according to media reports , the simurgh rocket was used to deliver satellites into orbit. iran's satellite program is constantly criticized west. the us and some european countries are puzzled by the idea that iran could use space technology. the us is china, which is seeking to match, if not surpass , america's primacy in space. space has become our most important warfighting domain, said vice chairman of the joint chiefs of staff admiral christopher grady. for a long time, china kept its space weapons secret, but now beijing is open about it. why does he do this? maybe china is hinting at use of space weapons in the future? china has already tested how space weapons can be used in water warfare.
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this simulation featured an american aircraft carrier with fighter jets on board, accompanied by a strike group. china decided to attack this flotilla by launching missiles from a distance of 1,200 km. the missiles first rose 200 km into the sky and then fell on american ships. despite the fact that the ships are equipped... chinese experts explain why the missiles could not be detected. which jams radars. when we talk about china using electromagnetic weapons, space weapons, we are primarily talking about satellites and signal jamming systems that can instantly interrupt radio communications. in a real war, such a situation threatens disaster. chinese scientists claim that two or three such satellites can provide. the destruction of an aircraft carrier strike group, and 28 satellites - a strike anywhere in the world. space is not just a place of peaceful exploration, but also an arena for future military operations. control over
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space has become as important as dominance on land, at sea and in the air. space technology makes the military stronger in all other areas. lose primacy in space and you risk losing wars on earth. foreign affairs asks the obvious question of why nato is needed. when star wars are ahead, ukraine is generally needed. the alliance is seriously preparing to transfer europe to a full-fledged military footing, and the lion’s share of weapons will pass by zelensky’s hands. about who will actually win in arms supplies, with a satisfied look, reported nato secretary general stoltenberg. the norwegian with a blue eye said that in 2 years the american military-industrial complex has enriched itself by $120 billion. of course, at the expense of europe. germany is now fighting on two fronts, as the german tv channel ntfa reports, right now a batch of leopard-2 tanks is heading to the country, the first part of which
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will go to ukraine, the second - to fill the holes in its own army. according to the publication, the swiss reserve has 96 leopard 2.4 tanks, most of them - german defense minister pistorius wants to deploy baltic on the border with russia, by the way, today, february 2, marks the 81st anniversary of the defeat of the nazi troops near my native stalingrad. the battle, which became a turning point, a great national battle, a real shock for the whole world, dispelled the myth of the indomitable. at stalingrad , hitler lost a quarter of his strength. operating in the eastern theater of military operations. the battle of stalingrad lasted exactly 200 days and nights over an area of ​​approximately.


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