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tv   Pyatero na odnogo  RUSSIA1  February 3, 2024 9:25am-10:11am MSK

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so ocher, they blend very well with the environment and it is not for nothing that they are called the queen of camouflage, it is very difficult to see it in the forest, it does not pose any danger to humans, there are all these myths, supposedly the lynx climbs onto tree branches and from there jumps on people its prey, these are just myths, so it hunts like any cat , it first made an ambush, it can wait for its prey for a very long time, sometimes up to a day, then with a lightning throw and...
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then they find themselves in a very difficult situation, people, i mean, because after 6 months, the baby already begins to climb everywhere, tear everything up, when he begins the period of growing up, he chooses, as a rule, one person, a family member, and he can attack the rest and bite hard, then we must not forget that in nature lynxes scream very loudly, very loudly, and call their partners , the same thing happens in the apartment, well, that is, you know how march cats scream,
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now multiply it by 10, this is how lynxes scream, and males and females, now i urge not a partner, you people, leave us alone, don’t take us out of the forest, a real lynx will not be happy in your house, and will not bring you happiness, i can’t help but agree with the last furry moratorium, there is definitely no place for a lynx in an apartment, not in the house, but for those who have always dreamed... there’s still no need to despair about a little lynx, there are options , and they’re very cute, please meet cats, caracats and alla nechaenka, hello alla, hello, these are just incredible animals with whom you came to us, i i’m a little afraid , please introduce me to your friends, hello, this is the oldest girl, this is bastet, the second girl is kasia, cassandra, kasia, yes, yeah, she’s just... very young, so she
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’s eager to play, who are the caraquets? caracal is a hybrid cat that was created , not by itself, but by man, it is an artificially bred breed that is obtained from crossing, who is crossed with whom, and as the name suggests, yes, a caracal with a domestic cat, a caracal is who such, a caracal is a lynx that exists in nature, yes, basya, that's what she does. when she's scared , it's not an attack, it's just that she's worried , so she hisses, yes, kastya is very, kastya is very young, she wants to go, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, i must say frankly, it doesn't look like that this is a domestic and calm soft cat, well, in fact, she is a cat of one owner, she is a cat of a family , this cat loves the bed, loves the sofa, loves her audience who knows us, yes, really, yes, yes, maybe... katya let's let
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you play, let's let you play, it's a joke, no, no, let's let it go, no, we'll let it go a little let's send her to rest , let's send her to rest, yes, because she doesn't feel well, that's it, that's it, we're sweet, yes, that's it, that's it, that's it, everything is in the house, yes, basya is swearing, well, you'll lie with us , yes, i know that there is another cat behind the kolis, maybe it will be more comfortable with her, no, you can try, she is just like that, more... but please bring us a smaller cat, and no one will notice the change, it’s just this girl, she’s already accomplished like that, yes, she’s 3 years old, she’s like that, just lying there, little darling, she’s just not gray, perhaps because she’s still small, and no, a year old, this is a kitten, this cat looks more like a cat than a caraquet, or is it just because she’s very small, she’s still very small, her tassels should grow, but if you stretch her out, yes, she is already quite large in size, and this is... the second generation, that
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is, she already has a smaller percentage of wild blood, this is f2, and her caracal is her grandfather, not her father, yeah, and grandfather, f1, f2 is an indicator of wild blood, wild blood. f1 - this means that one of parents, dad, this is a wild cat, if f2 , then, accordingly, it is no longer dad, but grandfather, and there is less wild blood in the animal, just like f3, f4, yes, the caracal is simply moving away and the percentage of wild blood is decreasing, listen, you still, you claim that this cat is suitable for keeping at home, let's talk about it, because so far what i see is quite alarming. but it’s not suitable, as one might say, for everyone, yes, you need to be passionate about it and want just such an animal, because it will still need very, very good upbringing a lot of time, attention, that is, this is practically another child, tell me about raising a cat, because before this , what i knew, cats are not raised,
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they live on their own, what about these, here the whole training of raising is love, care and patience, some say that you can spank, she will understand, no, don’t spank. you can’t, you can’t stomp , you can’t raise your voice, everything here is just like with a child, so if something needs to be done wrong, they just took her away, said she couldn’t, distracted her with a toy, and that’s just, well in some cases it comes to automatism , then she understands it all, the main difference between a corakete and an ordinary familiar cat, the main difference, of course, is the size, that is, yes, you won’t be able to easily pick it up under your arm and run somewhere with it, how much it can weigh karoket, different f1 reach. weighing 17 kg there are such individuals, yes, these are large boys, since we have girls here, they are still smaller, boys are even much larger, but what do these cats eat? and they eat quail, chicken wings, heart, we give this pork, beef, that is, in principle
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, your own is obligatory, there is no way without it, do you walk with your caraquets or do they spend all the time at home, our caraquets walk as if with me, yes, but not on a leash, because they are trained, right? outside the city, in the sense of nearby , yes, you’re walking down the street and your caraquet is walking next to you, well, again, this is only in a country house, and on its own territory, but let’s say, here’s basya, she’s already like an adult girl she has no interest in seeing what ’s going on behind the fence, she’s generally very clearly right next to her all the time, here is kase , whom we saw, she is still so young , her blood is boiling, she is of course interested in what is going on with the neighbors, climb a tree to look, but this is an aggressive animal, no, no, not aggressive, even like neighbors , yes, and you are my sweetie, yes, that’s it, they scared each other, scared, no, hissing is a defensive reaction, in fact, yes, yes, yes, yes, and if she jumps on my head she will start gnaw my eyes out, what will you do,
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no, if she jumps on my head, he will have lick you, but they don’t jump on your head , in fact, this is more typical of the wild ones, when they say, a serval, a caracal, but in fact - i also have a caracal, but he is very calm, and i also expected , they told me that there would be jumping, and you’ll watch, no, nothing like that, oh-oh , oh, everything, everything, everything, what are you, i got nervous, that’s it, yes, well, their games can be like that too , yes, which we have now seen, yes, i am looking at your hands with great interest, and i expect to see that they will all be scratched, but your hands are fine , no, they don't scratch, they don't bite , well, you see, yes, i don't... i see that the little cat is tired, and i think that she will be more comfortable backstage , now, probably, this is what we will do, while she is leaving, i want to invite our expert, zoologist, maxim shchugarev, to this studio, please, maxim
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shchugarev, zoologist, veterinarian, expert on exotic animals. hello, maxim, hello, welcome, glad to meet you. well, she's happy too, hello, honey, that's it, that's it, that's it, i'm with you, i'm with you you, i’m with you, my sweet, well, i’ll start with a simple question, what do you think about our guest cat today, a caracat is, accordingly, a cat produced, artificially from a caracal and an ordinary domestic cat, of different types that fit in size, according to in fact, why was this done at all, why was it necessary to breed this breed, i don’t know, i don’t know, just like the savannah.
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i have several caracats, i have a caracal, and they also told me that in 2
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years, when he matures, he will throw himself and , well, it will be terrible, i don’t know, nothing this didn’t happen, but what i ’m trying to understand for myself is when you get this kind of cat, it’s a lottery, it’s a certain risk, or absolutely nothing like that can happen, you know, it depends, of course, on what kind of owner, and what about a cat, it ’s any animal, just like yours... because it’s wild, i had a patient, a caracal, he walked around the house, he was tame, beautiful,
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he allowed himself to be examined, get annual vaccinations, and so on, now the caracal is in dagestan in a nursery, and his little the owner almost died because at night the cat got out of the enclosure and tried to gnaw her trachea, a terrible story, terrible, well, what do you connect this with, why did she do this, and this is a wild cat, everything is the same, this is a wild cat. .. in f1 it is unknown how wild a cat she is, what comes to her mind, and another example, not a single breeder of savannas, caracals, caracets, who has large males, to the question, do you have an enclosure, the answer is yes, but the domestic cat doesn’t have an enclosure, i want to now take alla’s side and give the following argument, but a dog can also attack a person, of course, if you have the same one?
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yeah, while f6 can be big, just a domestic cat, yes, f3 can be considered,
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with f4 for children, but no, from a kitten, you know, well, also look from a kitten, exactly a specific kitten, to a specific family, what can i say , a rather exotic hobby that requires a lot of involvement and a lot of time, a person has a childhood dream for a lion to live at home, yes, yes, here, here is a smaller version of a lion, yes, yes, that’s it, then yes, i don’t mind, just don’t have lions at home. this is wrong in relation to them, and please, only all of them, all the epithets that have just been listed must be taken into account, this is an animal that requires great attention, and either it will become wild and destroy your apartment, or maybe you, well, it will show, thank you very much for your expertise, maxim, yes, very interesting, we will be glad to see you again in our program, well, good health, we have a gift for the caraquet, let’s say we’ll ship now, yes, yes, yes.
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this is for you, thank you very much and bon appetit, thank you very much, thank you for your time, glad to meet you, we have a very appetizing program, because we sing and talk about food, as a child we made lollipops with my brother, i remember, just in a frying pan, these are molds. bears, pinocchio, three more days, three nights ahead, and barbecue, wonderful atmosphere, so many pies! hi andrew!
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look first in the application or on the website. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs. he could become a pledge or athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 -34x. years, we can pull up, a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a lifeguard, but
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he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be. if you are self-medicating, you should contact a specialist. doctor myasnikov. today on rtr. he's a great match. he is the only thing that connects me with his mother. i assured you with this. not only did he cheat on me, he also lied to me all these years. you need to move on with your life. tomorrow you go to work with your head held high. next time i suggest give us lunch. restaurant, we agree , someone else’s child, premiere, today on rtr, we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly
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convenient, why are there cameras in the elections, today i found myself in a new place with my dad, he i wanted... to vote, to choose a candidate , we came in, i immediately froze, dad, why are there so many cameras here, monitoring the progress of fair elections by the people guarantees the law of our rights on guard; if there is a suspicion that a violation has occurred, it will record the moment, this case , observation, choose in the country free, important, honestly comfortable. today in the section i want to introduce terriers, but not ordinary terriers, with the most silky, soft beautiful coat, they are called wheaten, please, pay attention to the screen, that 's a good girl, ah, okay, come on, come on, come on, ah, well done,
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yes, here you go such, such a girl, such a clever girl, wheaten terriers appeared in ireland a very long time ago. this is a farm dog, which was quite unpretentious in care and ate a little, the dog guarded the territory - like a bell, they also herded livestock, the dog of small average height, a companion for children, the dog will go sledding with them , swim in the sea, and also play in the sandpit with children, digging out various tunnels, that is, this is a dog for the family, like... a very convenient companion, i confirm, even i get along with them, and you will agree, this is a rarity , in short, these wheaten terriers are extremely smart and friendly dogs, girl, you are my sweet, such a child, like this, like this, like this, such an affectionate child, wheaten terriers, dogs that bark little, no, well, it’s not that we don’t
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they barked, if there is any danger, then i know, as best i can, i just... i’m on business, but if i’m not doing anything, why bark? the dogs are quite active, even a dog at 9 years old looks like a junior, that is, she is quite mobile, as she maintains her cheerfulness throughout her life, but i cannot say that this is a hyperactive dog, she is quite balanced, she does not run out like many schnauzers, a companion dog that will walk with you as much as you want, well, gentlemen, the wheat interior is, first of all... it’s beautiful, but look how our wool is, how it shines in the sun, you can’t tear it away to the touch, it doesn’t get a little worse with age, on the contrary, it gets even better. the dogs are very elegant, very pleasant to the touch, easy to comb, all that remains on the comb is this soft fur, which you
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won’t find even on the floor in apartments, a little affectionate miracle, just like that, well done, well done, ah bravushki , oh good, well done, neighbor, yes, yes, yes, well, after such compliments addressed to wheaten terriers, i’m not at all surprised why my next guest 6 years ago... you know how scary it was, you just can’t imagine, but now you came right away everything was fine, you’re very nice, well, girls, how are you, good, i’m glad you’re
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here came to visit, do you like our studio, yes, great, enjoy, tell me how hector appeared in your family, oh, once upon a time, my wife and i really love the movie gladiator, and also in general in general historical films, one of the films we watched was called the film of troy, that's when... achilles shouted: hector, we realized that if we have a dog, wait, he called him to fight, so we are like that, if we have a dog, we will call it hector, and somehow we laughed so much, agreed, in some way the moment a desire came, and the eldest daughter wanted us to have a dog, we began to consider options, my wife had one of the options, or rather, not that it was not an option, an indication, let’s say, that he said he would have one.. .he will shed, it will be dirty, he says, but i need to clean it all up, i say, okay, let's look for dogs that they shed the least, this is a very important story, that is, you don’t have hair coming out of you
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, no, he’s hypoallergenic, our guy, he doesn’t shed, so in general, we looked and decided that this breed is very cute, we got to the nursery and said: show me we need some boys, because in my family there are only girls, i think, well, at least the dog should be a guy, that’s why... we got a guy, that’s how a guy appeared, well, it’s your doing, tell me , please, you persuaded me, please get a dog, i want to walk the dog, yes, i will follow it i will clean, i will feed her, but dad does all this, yes, that’s right, i know, i know, that’s how it was , okay, come here, nastya, uh, you got this dog as a birthday present, that’s right, yes, how old are you? years old then, tell me about that first meeting of yours, i’m probably seven, no, yes, no, five. i mean drinking beer, i don’t remember what time, but i remember when i didn’t sleep before my birthday, yes, at that time i was still alone with my grandmother,
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when my parents came with a gift, i heard the door open and i went out , and there dog, i am like this, and this is for me, so what happened next, then he, well... he was so afraid at first, he walked, and i was like, come to me, to me, yes, the guy was very worried, we took him with him to the cafe to celebrate , and for him, of course, it was torture, there were so many people, so at some point his mother-in-law sat and said, let me pick him up and take him home, let him lie at home, i got used to it , of course it was exciting for him, yesenia, please tell me, well, it turns out that you live with this dog all your life, it turns out, that you can even imagine life without a dog, right, but you beg your parents to get another one, or this one is enough, enough, you think it’s enough
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, well, you probably would like a cat, but you play with this dog, tell me, well, not so often, well, that is, a cat is better than a dog , of course, well, this is a hint to parents, when the birthday was recently, oh, wait a whole year, yes, yes, well, never mind, let’s be patient, okay, but we had you have some problems with raising hector, you were involved in his training, some kind of socialization, one or two times they called a dog handler, more as if for themselves than for him, that is , such an introductory story, and he gave some simple commands to sit there, lie down, stand, run, and so on, he told and showed how to behave with him , uh, but in his childhood, he was always such a friendly guy, in childhood at some point out of jealousy, the neighbor jack rusl 3.
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sometimes he will turn dogs on some guys, not on all of them, but how does he choose them, i i don’t know, but we’ve already paid for treatment a couple of times, that is, he and the girls are making out with everyone, he he also starts spinning like that to show what a fidgety and charming guy he is, that’s what concerns guys, then he turns on the alpha male trying to show that i’m actually in charge, yes, yes, well, i hope that i’ll deal with our next guest will help us with this problem of hector, this is a dog handler, vyacheslav zabelin, please meet him. vyacheslav zabelin, dog handler, animal psychologist, specialist in dog working qualities, has been training and correcting the behavior of these animals for more than 8 years. secret successful work with dogs calls play and affection. hello, please have a seat with us. i think you heard behind the scenes, yes, that there was a conflict with jack russell and now
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it’s here all the time. so this young man proves that he is the boss here, and is this a common problem among terriers in general? well, here i would say that not specifically terriers, just for socialization, that is, such a problem happens when there is some kind of unsuccessful experience, not with another dog at all, he was bitten and he remembered it and can even remember the color, the size of the dog and even the breed, yeah, so he already calculates them accordingly and can actually show aggression even at a distance. how does he show aggression, tell me, he growls, he immediately starts growling , that is, we have a rottweiler in our house, he lives on the other floor, he has never done anything bad to him, he is generally so healthy , overfed and very slow, this one is not his loves, i don’t know why, but he looks at him as an enemy of the people, what to do, well, as for the wheaten terrier, here you need to work through the handler, that is , through the dog’s owner, if the dog is confident in its handler, but how
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can you achieve confidence? this can be done using the same commands, this can also be done using the so-called unloading game, this is a very strong trigger , these dogs, cables, and accordingly you need some kind of very serious counterweight, how can you relax it? very simple, you need to establish order in his life, that is, you need to add to some commands, such as for example a short distance, for example, nearby or forward, and long distances, commands to walk, but you need to do it with emphasis, prompt him, that is, do it. so that he understands exactly that this is a command coming from the owner. my understanding is that you need to make sure the dog is focused on the team and not on the other dogs he meets. yes, but just don’t distract him, that is, if you switch him to a treat or game while he sees another dog, that is, this should be done exactly at the moment when he has already increased the distance from this dog, then you can will switch. well, in general, as i understand it, this problem can be solved, you just probably need to study a little
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then. everything will work out, let's talk a little about this breed, because i think that the coat is not the only advantage of this terrier, well, yes, it has an advantage, it is an active dog, so you definitely need to add loads, play, add game, movement, that is dogs, like any interiors, love - in principle, walks, and the need for information is great, that is sniff everything, of course, that’s the need for movement, if he maybe sees someone running or someone is running sharply, he can...
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but these guys can also be a good help in the household, at least scare away the crows for sure , you had situations when he began to drive away crows or show himself as a shepherd, something you noticed in him were his talents, but no, well, he once saw a cat, i think how he will react to it. dogs usually chase cats, for a long time he could not understand what kind of creature this was, he approached sniffed, and therefore began to hiss, this scared him off, but in no case did he show any aggression towards her. i know that you had other dogs as a child, i’m wondering what they were, and if you can compare them with your current pet, what has changed? when i was very little, my mother gave it to me for my birthday, not for my birthday, i don’t remember, but in general i got a boxer, but i must
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say. i didn’t have any more boxers, but according to my recollections, it was probably difficult to find my best friend, because there i playing like a boy there with some pistols. i give him some kind of tasty treat, i gave him something tasty every time, but at some point i wanted to joke, i started giving him onions, lemon, that was for him, of course, he always accepted it with pleasure, and then he bought it as a provocation, what can you say to those who would like to have a wheaten terrier,
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but now look at it from the outside and think, well, if people really want to get one, then there is one for girls who are mostly involved in housekeeping farms. the plus is that he does not shed at all, he is hypoallergenic for children, so that this dog plays more and shows attention to children, probably a girl is more needed - a wheaten trier, because he is normal with children, he calmly tolerates them as he is they pull the tail or the ears, well, he doesn’t play with them too much, he plays with me, vyacheslav - who would such a dog be suitable for, what should be the treasure of character, what should be the lifestyle of a person who wants... to have a wheaten terrier, well, for me, any dog ​​who wants to have a in principle, it is important to have free time, and of course financial support, because the dog still requires attention, a walk, a trip, that is, some kind of
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vacation even with you, if you take it, that is, this also needs to be taken into account, therefore in principle , an active, kind dog, a dog that, in principle, you can sleep with and you can. communicate with children, well, in childhood they are generally very gentle, they are just very fluffy, cool dogs, and what’s important is that you really want to touch this dog, he’s also a wonderful friend, what could be better, thank you for coming to visit me to tell me about your wonderful friend, i don’t want to leave empty-handed, bring gifts quickly, girls, i’m very glad to meet you, glad to meet you, vector, there will be a gift for you too, no don't worry in any way. thank you very much for coming to visit us, i am very grateful, thank you very much for your expertise, i will be happy to see you again, i don’t want to be banal or too
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sentimental, but as the host of the kindest program about animals, i think this forgivable, the only thing that will definitely warm you up in cold times is love, so don’t be afraid to get yourself pets, there will definitely be more love in your home, until we meet again next time. all the best for the week, bye.
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the situation before the disaster, how to behave correctly during a hypertensive crisis, but suddenly under the influence of some factors the situation changed dramatically, the main thing in this situation is not to harm yourself, yes , your blood pressure has dropped, but now you have a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, how and why the butcher doctor beats a chicken, today let's talk about the benefits of chicken meat, in order to cook chicken well , you need to have it, we can... give it for frying, why is it that chickens, chicken can be poisoned to death, so you can eat red meat no more than three times a week, and chicken meat. hello, says dr. myasnikov, showing, you are in my clinic on the belarusian
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channel russia-1, what we will talk about today, but everything will be very interesting, as always, yes, the eternal topic, hypertension, hypertensive crises, how to deal with hypertension. crises, how not to harm yourself in this state, why do they beat chickens so cruelly and in general how do they help and... squeeze out colds during the season, we’ll talk about the spread of mycoplasma infection, what is it in general, what kind of animal is this , are we in danger of an epidemic, in in these shorts we will go to new heights, we will climb, and i will invite you with us, as you understand, there will be a lot, a lot of interesting things, in general, we are starting. the topic of this section is how
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to behave correctly during a hypertensive crisis, well, here we are frying a little man, the very in fact, this is an allegory of how hypertension , high blood pressure, does not have a beneficial effect on the body, someone keeps it in check, someone does not regulate it strictly enough, but in any case, even if it is normal due to the effects of medications, it is still negative - the effect of blood pressure, it affects, but suddenly under the influence of some factors, which we will also talk about, the situation has changed dramatically, everything is on fire, what to do? this is where we all start making mistakes, and you and we are doctors, let's talk, what needs to be done and what not, so , it would seem, the fire needs to be extinguished, well, first of all, let’s move on to the initial point, it’s always easier to prevent than to
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deal with it later. when i worked in america for several years, well, i saw hypertensive crises, well , once a week, once every two, once twice a week. in moscow , about 30 people per night are admitted to my hospital by ambulance with hypertensive crises. why is that? the difference, but because there arterial hypertension is treated continuously, constantly under the supervision of a doctor, but here, oh, i’ve run out a prescription, but these pills make my tail covered with scales, but i don’t know at all, but i’m on the internet, i decided that and so on, we’re all talking, we easily come off the medications, we easily give ourselves a vacation from the medications, from hypertension, this is where the situation begins.
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the pressure seemed to be normal, normal, normal and suddenly so, so, so went, then a crisis begins with horror, headache, weakness, shaking, nerves, breathlessness, you measure the pressure 220 to 120, ambulance, pew, pew, pew, then you understand what happens, the main thing is sublingual, look on the internet for its
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trade name, you know it all by other names, but as long as i’ve been alive, all hypertensive patients take this medicine under the tongue, the pressure drops sharply, and what happens, look, you have... blood pressure: here you have the pressure that supplies the heart, here you have the vessels that supply the brain, here you have the vessels that supply the kidneys, in the vessels of the heart, in the vessels of the brain, in the vessels of the kidneys, there are certain stabilizing mechanisms, even if the pressure decreases , coming self-regulation within.
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the outcome of a sharp decrease in blood pressure, once again, i will not be lazy to all those who take tablets under the tongue in order to sharply reduce blood pressure. during a crisis, oh , sanechka, i called you at night, i woke up , i was so worried about something, it was hard to breathe, and my blood pressure was 180 to 100, i just didn’t know what to do, but then i took a pill, i gave birth under my tongue and then i got 120 to 80 and good, i didn’t call anymore, it’s the same thing every time, remember what you’re doing, you and
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the young woman are relative, you have everything ok, you have anxiety, a panic attack, you measured your satisfaction 200 to 100, bad, bad. but then what do you do? you take it and suddenly lower the pressure uncontrollably. and from a situation that is generally unpleasant, but with which you can live, you dramatically disrupt the perfusion of the heart, in the brain, in the kidneys. so, the conclusion is very simple: if you have hypertension, neither the patient nor the doctor should. sharply reduce the pressure, the ambulance does not have the right, the intensive care doctor does not have the right to reduce your pressure in the first 3 hours by more than 25 -30% of the original, you have 220 to 120,
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the maximum you should reduce to 160 in the first hours, and then this is the maximum, and then... you cannot take pills under your tongue at home, this is not only not the philippines, you sometimes you are taking clonidine, you are taking coptopril , they do not act so quickly, but they also quickly reduce blood pressure, sometimes the doctor can give you tablets under the tongue in order to quickly relatively reduce the blood pressure, but... in a clinical setting, under observation conditions, the doctor does not have the right on the phone to tell you, take a pill nefedipine , but forget about nefedipine once and for all, take this object. coptopril under the tongue has no right, why in your presence of a doctor, you can give a pill, understanding that if the symptoms go away, if
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the person’s lip drops now, the lip begins to babble, or she begins to pain behind the sternum, or her kidneys have stopped, he will give you an iv. so, with hypertension , you cannot quickly reduce blood pressure during a crisis. what then, doctor, is it possible? you will be surprised, just put the person calmly on the bed, calm him down, turn off the light, close the curtains, close his eyes, put a piece of ice on his head, give it to him. unfortunate valerians, yes, yes, or corvalol, which is cursed in villages, which, so to speak, is not allowed in case of heart pain, because it contains phenobarbital, but in case of a crisis it is possible, it will calm you down a little, it will relieve a panic attack, and you, in general, if just put
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a person in a dark, quiet room, systal pressure decreases by 10-20%, in half an hour, this itself has been tested many times. so, understand, persistently high blood pressure will not kill you, but it can sharply reduce your blood pressure kill and make the situation worse, there is another situation, like with the woman i was talking about, she had no symptoms, well, a panic attack, blood pressure, and often high blood pressure, but there are no particular symptoms, but it happens when they start symptoms develop when... the arm begins to fail, when severe shortness of breath begins, a wild headache, all this can end in a stroke, well, doctor, here too do not reduce the pressure, but the approach is the same, reduce it, but again no more than 25-30% of the original in the first hours, uses the drug...


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