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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  February 5, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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let's take on this role, i suddenly discovered that the aircraft carrier queen elizabeth is broken, so the aircraft carrier will not be able to lead the largest nato exercise, although it should. literally before going to war with putin , the united kingdom's ministry of defense wrote to bloomberg, and the information was confirmed by the daily mail. the newest £3.5bn aircraft carrier has developed problems with its mushroom shaft. it has rusted, so victory over moscow seems to be postponed again, the british media apparently understand this, at least the front pages of british newspapers, right on the eve of nato exercises , they are literally shouting with one voice that britain is not ready for a total war now.
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questions the united kingdom's readiness for war, 72 pages, everything is noted here, shortages of weapons, ammunition and personnel. the uk's armed forces have deployed beyond their capacity in response to the deteriorating security situation, but they are all running short on stocking capacity and losing men faster than they can recruit, the mp said. however, it's all about choice, namely that's why defense is in...
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having increased spending on defense equipment to £288 billion over the next decade, with the specter of failure still nagging at their heels, plans for britain's flagship aircraft carrier to lead a major nato exercise have been put on hold after... there was a malfunction. the royal navy said the queen elizabeth would be replaced by another aircraft carrier as soon as possible. nato does not hide how... the aircraft carrier of the royal navy of the royal navy on canceled sailing due to problems with propellers, queen elizabeth's departure the largest nato exercise since the cold war was canceled at the last minute after a scraper shaft problem was discovered during final checks. this happened 18 months after a ship of the same class, the prince of wales, broke down off the isle of wight. after sailing to the usa
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due to malfunction of the starboard propeller. the £3bn aircraft carrier was expected to play an important role in the alliance's exercises alongside with other forty warships. this is just terrible, there are four questions you need to ask yourself and answer to understand how bad it is. the first is when, when we see that russia, if it is a constant threat, will fight with us. admiral rob bauer. from nato said that we should not expect that we will live in peace over the next 20 years, the media are now saying that this will happen in 3 years, presumably in eastern europe, the baltic states, maybe in poland, but this is of course subject to that russia will succeed in ukraine, and no one will expects this to end until at least 2025. the reason is that politics between nato and russia is truly at its peak of seriousness. the navy, of course , is also not in the best condition, because if on...
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but the bad news for the white house is ahead of trump biden by 5%, for the first time in 5 years according to the results of the last 16 polls, while such sociology is presented by pro-democratic news. according to their data , there will be elections for the former president right now , 47% would vote for the current one , only 42% for biden. they also speak in favor of donald the latest polls on cnn, here the result is 49% to 45. however, there is an interesting option in
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which joe biden could win. to do this, trump must be convicted of a felony . well then, any republican candidate loses to the current owner of the white house, but as taxa reports, the hearing on federal investigations against trump has been postponed indefinitely. lawyers have filed a lawsuit to recognize trump's presidential immunity, so all legal proceedings are stopped until election day, and after that they are no longer available to anyone. will be needed. democrats in this one.
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at the beginning of biden's presidency , millions of illegal immigrants entered the united states, so since traditional, ordinary americans do not want to re-elect biden, new, so-called import-substitute americans are needed. here's what elon musk wrote about this. biden's strategy is very simple: first, round up as many illegal immigrants as possible, second, legalize them to create a permanent majority. exactly. therefore, illegal immigration is now being encouraged. politico, at the same time, reports that the burial place is at meetings with the inner circle. strina joe is worried about himself, about the future elections and publicly calls trump sick bastards, we are a damn asshole, this, to
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put it in censorship, what biden actually said is the vocabulary of a neka. political observers in the us see this. so we’re waiting for trump to start releasing t-shirts with the slogan, for example, i’m proud to be a sick bastard, according to biden. and he laughed, what a sick person, my god!
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rejoices in the misfortune of others, according to statements from three people who heard the president use obscene language, another a source who spoke with the president said that biden recently said about trump, what an asshole he is, it was funny , everyone laughed, politico noted that he finished this sentence behind closed doors, and if you covered the president’s activities and communicated with his team , you know he swears like donald trump, like no, don't swear, ever, so it's not surprising, but i think what's interesting is that this is one of those
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moments where he communicates with people like an ordinary person, as if off-script, as if this is the joe biden we knew when he was in the senate or when he was vice president. biden reportedly lets loose when talking about donald trump behind closed doors. trump's success appears to have made biden very angry. according to politicians, biden recently called trump, i quote: a sick motherfucker and a fucker. we're talking about perception, and these stories are leaked to the press, like joe biden
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is passionate, he's involved while he's behind closed doors, to the point where he turns into samuel jackson, who swears in front of his subordinates. the goal is to portray mr. biden as a scranton joe, a guy in a hat who is as cool as trump, he has the authenticity to show for it. by the way, you saw that this article in politico was more than four lines from four. it comes out behind closed doors, i think you'll see more of that, but it was more than
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anything else, everyone was laughing and it was off topic, but it was real. president biden said something that, by the way, i'm not. doubt with closed doors about trump, what is important for me to note in the reporting, what is not always said, is that his disappointment was caused by the fact that trump is so narcissistic and does not care about the american people, so he used the words that i won't use it on tv because... mom will be angry, but what did you get out of it? do you think the democrats were a little pissed when they read this? so we know joe biden, we know he's one of the most famous people, and i i think that's what really bothers him about trump, it's the way trump treats people and the way he talks, the way he calls people who serve in the military losers and suckers, but unlike trump, biden doesn't talk about this out loud in public, and i think that's kind of the key difference between the two. let's recap the polls where we asked, what if
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there was an election right now and trump ran against biden? so, trump is ahead by five points at once. compare with the poll we conducted in november, then trump was leading by only two points, but even more significantly, if you look here, in all the 5 years that we've been doing these polls, starting in 2019, when we compared biden to trump, biden was leading and leading by a wide margin in every one of our poll, and only in november did trump begin to lead by two points.
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the united states, in response to the attack on the american base in jordan , directly accused biden of incompetence , saying that old joe is not his own master ; someone else makes decisions for the president’s doll. apparently, it is these gray cardinals from washington ordered another air attack against targets in iraq and syria. reuters reports that the fire is nocturnal.
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iraq, syria and somalia, this is if you do not take into account the missiles from the patriot air defense system, which shot down the russian military il-76 in the sky over belgorod. on cnn , a former obama adviser said young voters were calling biden "jonocide." adding fuel to the fire is another american eagle, senator lince graham, who switched from ukraine to the middle east. in an interview with fox news, he calls for resorting to the much-loved western the world's tactics are to launch missile strikes on iran on the ground. by the way, graham is a republican and
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the best friend of the deceased mccain. at least at the moment, trump is the only one maintaining sobriety. among other things, donald said that the president of the united states, along with him, the entire planet, may simply not survive until the elections. trump believes that in the remaining 9 months of his term, biden can start world war iii. and he says that he was the only american president who did not start a war.
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the phrase that best describes us foreign policy in the middle east over the past 15 years can be borrowed. explosions occurred in iraq and syria at night. today the us assessed its operation. the pentagon said there were 85 strikes using 125 precision-guided munitions, but local media reported that the us strikes killed 40 people.
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the syrian-iraqi border targets were strongholds of iran-backed rebels who are to blame.
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speaking in tehran, the iranian president said that his country will not start a war, but if any power decides to oppress tigiran, then the islamic republic of iran will give a decisive response. they took us aboard the uss amphibious, an amphibious assault ship that patrols the eastern mediterranean. there are approximately 2,000 marines and sailors on board. we see and hear them working at any time. we're on deck, in the middle of the night, the marines are still here, this exercise could be a show of force in the region. we were told with confidence that
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the marines and sailors who are based on this ship, are able to complete the mission in 6 hours. the purpose of this entire presence is to prevent a wider war. in your opinion, retaliation should include attacks specifically on iranian territory? yes, they demonstrated. red lines, this applies to hitting any targets on their territory, but they crossed the american red line by killing americans, until we cross their red lines, they will not consider this as a serious problem. there are bases inside iran, there are many targets, the same air defense systems and others, which it would be good to destroy. look at the history of the last 3 years, it is a symptom of a larger problem. we have withdrawn troops from afghanistan. and the taliban came to power in the twenty-first year, we showed weakness and putin invaded ukraine in the twenty-second year. this is the twenty-fourth year that iranian proxy forces have been killing americans in
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the middle east. they provoke us everywhere. our national security is in free fall. this work is amazing. they value only one thing: suleymaniy was killed with one blow. after the attacks by american ships, nothing remained except a smoldering car and a ring finger. this is exactly what worked. well, the financial times writes that the stability of the russian economy stunned experts who believed that western sanctions would lead our country to economic collapse and disaster, the publication reports that western minds hoped for the collapse of the russian economy after the introduction of the first thousand sanctions, so they thought it turned out exactly the opposite, the sanctions have already imposed 1800. according to financial times experts, the kremlin somehow miraculously got out of the recession and right now all western financial institutions
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are observing the steady growth of moscow, and it was growing not only due to the sale of energy resources; the west calls putin’s policy military keynesianism, that is, when other industries pull out the military-industrial complex with which we're completely fine. in tula on friday, putin said that almost 4 million people are already involved in the military-industrial complex, promised workers of military enterprises workload for years to come, the so-called handshake fugitives in berlin were already sad at the rally of the domestic regime shakers self-exile, chichvarkin, abundantly scattered just some form of hate, says that the hope for ukraine’s victory is everything, more... no, even they have hope, they say russia has enough rupees and yuaniya, reals, rubles, to be independent, independently, and even the loss of 300 billion reserves stolen by the west
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did not and will not affect the kremlin’s goals , moreover, the crisis is now in the west, for example, fresh, obvious, absolutely incredible from bloomberg, retail sales in germany in december and january fell by 4.5% compared to the same period last year, this means that even christmas sales have failed, and this is london, supermarkets, in the british capital hide meat in plastic containers so that free, civilized citizens did not devour steaks without paying, and a completely unexpected, rather creative, but at the same time somewhat insane way of dealing with the economic crisis is offered by this family... usa, jennifer and daniel, a poor married couple, they have two children, never not there was enough money, but, they say, all the problems
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ended when you... a third man appeared in the social unit, that is, in the family, the american dream began to come true, now the husband and wife pay for food, and household expenses fell on the shoulders of the new member of the family , finances say they're on the upswing, so polygamy, a new mortgage opportunity woman lives with her husband and boyfriend to... in her revolutionary revelation about the modern approach to relationships and solving financial problems, jennifer martin spoke about how she, together with her husband daniel, found a non-standard solution to the problem of the ever-increasing cost of living,
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they decided on a polygamous relationship. this trio consists of jennifer daniel and jennifer's boyfriend ty. these relationships not only challenged social norms, but created a harmonious environment that made living expenses much easier. jennifer is 35 years old and lives in richmond, virginia. her thirty-six-year-old husband, daniel, struggled to make ends meet due to constant rising housing prices. against the backdrop of rising rental prices, the couple decided to try an alternative relationship. in 2015, they decided that their... unique relationship not only made financial time easier, but also contributed to the development of a supportive, cozy
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atmosphere. jennife, a freelance editor, joined forces with daniel, a private school teacher , and ty, a bank manager , to earn about $155,000 a year. this joint income is not only allowed them to pay the current rent but buy a four-bedroom, three-bathroom home last december for $325. jennifer admits that ty played to'. i don't think we could have bought a house without ty's help. she compares their situation to the financial struggles many millennials face, especially as they struggle to pay off student loans. navigating the intricacies of the polygamous lifestyle, the trio established a daily routine according to which jennifer alternates spending the night in daniel's bedroom and ty's bedroom. jennifer
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claims that this will continue... after they move into the new house they purchased. such a routine may look unconventional to some, but for this particular trio it turned out to be effective, they are open to communication, full of respect for each other, their relationship has a strong foundation. in addition to the financial benefits, jennifer emphasizes the positive impact on her children, she notes their desire to support family members. jennifer was born in a conservative protestant family and wants her children to be more tolerant. against the backdrop of the norms accepted in society, jennifer is... a proponent of the idea that polyamory is not some passing trend, but a growing, robust principle in modern relationships, her call for a variety of relationship models forces critics to adapt to an evolving social landscape that continues to redefine traditional norms and values, i.e. more invariably to his wife, it can now be formulated this way, you you are adapting to the social new...
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there is a mortgage in this family, these are not just some perverts, there are also two children growing up, we need to somehow try to get off this topic now, because the news is really important, well, first of all, peskov commented on the terrible terrorist attack, the ukrainian armed forces struck a bakery, it would be better for kiev
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to remain silent, as it has done for the last 2 days. for some reason, this morning they reported that a bakery is a legal target, because bakeries bake bread, and this bread can be purchased at a bakery, among other things. repeated the words of the russian president , who said the day before that, probably, no one is hiding anything here anymore, in this regard, we need to go to the end, push back, suppress, destroy the armed ukrainian forces, because that’s all they are capable of
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right now, having recognized defeat in the war , these are terrorist attacks, they practice terrorist attacks, lesechansk, new confirmation, 15 people are still in the hospital, and the woman who... died, came to the bakery with her daughter, the woman was pregnant, she was on her last term, probably, in this regard, we can say that not 28 people died, but 29 people, including an unborn child. we are transported to the front, in direct communication with the head of our lugansk bureau, nikolai dolgachev. kohl, hello, let's really start with lesechansk, what about the wounded, injured, what's on the spot? did they clear the rubble and prohimers, this is confirmed information , they hit with an american missile, nikolai says, obviously the sound doesn’t reach us,
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let’s start over, there was some kind of technical glitch, you said the words, but before the sound didn’t reach us, once again, kolya, over to you, start, yes, ulya, i hope you can hear it now, i hope. yes, according to the data that we now have, it really was hymers, they struck lesichansk, 28 or 29 people died in the bakery, if you count, as you correctly noted, the unborn child, 15 people are now in the hospital , but these are also those people who were pulled out from under the rubble, 10 people from under the rubble, five people who were near the building, but were also injured, four are in extremely serious condition. condition , two more are in simply serious condition, in one patient the doctors noted improvement this morning, and he was transferred to the intensive care unit from the operating room, but still
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, several people are still essentially on the brink of life, death, rubble have already been dismantled, there is no one under them, uh already... the ministry of emergency situations in this sense has completed the operation, checked the territory, the specialists of the ministry of emergency situations have already completed this work, and the fighting continues, that is, now the doctors are monitoring the condition patients injured in the lisichansk bakery, and intense fighting continues along the entire front, it is clear that the enemy needs to be pushed back and hit at those military targets that can strike in this way, at the same time.
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from lisichansk to kramatorsk and slavyansk , well, to this agglomeration, there are only 60 km, to the nearest city of the donetsk republic, which is now still under the control of ukrainian neo-nazi formations, to the city of seversk, from lisichansk only 30 km, and
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the front line runs, well, approximately in the middle yes, these cities, roughly speaking, 15 km to the front from the lesechanskaya front-line city, that is, this republic still turns out to be along the front line, taking into account. the main task is still set - to break the enemy’s military machine, to deprive him
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of the ability to deliver any blows, and this is exactly what our army is working for now; there have been significant noticeable successes in a number of areas. let's talk about significant noticeable successes for the russian army and at the same time how to treat the words, well , let's say the same zelensky, who almost this is not the first time he has described what is happening in the war for ukraine as stagnation.
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seversk, the same one, which is located not far from lisichansk, it is also already in half-pincers, we see on operational maps, but this is in principle and the enemy also sees this, that from the north and south, the city is gradually already bypassed by our units, the same the situation itself, in an even more acute phase in the avdeevka direction, and avdeevka as the most important, one of the most important very fortified points - the front line on the enemy’s side, there on the flanks of the advance
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of our units, and the enemy suffered significant losses in the southern direction, precisely in the zaporozhye region, but at the same time , yes, the enemy still has enough, while there are funds left, to balance, balancing on the brink of this catastrophe, still, the situation has decreased significantly. the use of artillery systems, but the use of drones has increased significantly in a quantitative and qualitative sense, and already moving along the front line, it is now more and more difficult for our units to organize there are logistics, supplies for advanced units, because after all , unmanned aircraft, kamika drones are a serious threat and a new serious factor in combat operations. needed, necessary , used in the electronic
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suppression system, they are now extremely relevant , but the nature of the war in this sense has changed, and the enemy uses all the opportunities, tricks and some, so to speak, windows, yes , he still uses the opportunities, and that work , which our fighters are carrying out, it is not easy, heroic, very difficult, nevertheless, i i repeat, there is progress in many sectors, and our artillery is working much more actively, aviation is working, it is obvious that
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this bloodshed is senseless from the point of view of holding the front, it will be obvious, sooner or later, given the systematic work of our units, the enemy’s front will crumble, here in this sense, we see this prospect, the enemy, apparently, as we understand, does not see this prospect as positive for himself, so well, it’s already cracking morally, but how will it be... happening at the front, now depends on the active actions of our units that we observe. thank you very much, kolya, nikolai dolgachev, our war correspondent, head of lugansk. kurpunkt is in direct contact with the front line , as for the enemy’s enemy, who really either doesn’t realize what’s happening, or doesn’t understand what’s happening, or is invigorated, or has simply gone crazy, i’m not even talking about zelensky, with this everything is clear, he is trying to sit, but in relation to danilov, a funny, unthinkable statement, when everyone around them
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says that the khan, weapons, no, human the resource is at zero, the law of mobilization is so cruel, but... it has not been adopted either, the head of the national security and defense council of ukraine says that he will push the front line to st. petersburg, and maybe to moscow, the children of this, by the way, live in the past of a lugansk bandit in america, they don’t go to the front, he himself doesn’t want to fight , the only thing that can be said in his defense is that he’s so crazy , it’s connected solely with the fact that he’s reading for the zaluzhny in his place, so he’s fidgeting, trying to at least something creative like him it seems like a suggestion, but it turns out stupid , look, i can say, this demilitarized zone will be at least as far as moscow, up to st. petersburg, the stench can croak there, but it’s not closer than the urals
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, the only place where they can croak is no closer than the urals, believe me , this will definitely happen, i emphasize once again that this zone will run along completely different meridians and completely different parallels. and it will be exactly on the territory of the russian federation, and not on our territory; exactly on the territory of the russian federation, and not on ours territories. danilov, he’s completely gone crazy , please, you know, you showed a plot with a lady, her two partners, financial, not only, but in fact, of course, the plot is entertaining, but when you look at ukraine, at zelensky, zaluzhny and the visiting mrs. noland, too a feeling is created.
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they denied, as a result , the americans come to the forefront and say that the issue is being discussed, we are aware, we just haven’t decided yet who will...
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fire zaluzhny, but he cannot fire zaluzhny, who is this person, the president of ukraine, zelensky , why is he this person? indeed, it would be very funny if these people didn’t give the order and didn’t have the physical ability to kill in such terrible numbers, and zaluzhny could probably successfully carry out a military coup, but he also can’t do this, because he has no gold reserve, the gold reserve is found in a completely different place, in these conditions, of course, the nazis continue terrorist attacks, we remember the attack on
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the skating rink of civilians in belgarad, the attack on the market in donetsk, many other crimes, now lesechansk is, unfortunately, an indicator of this inhuman, bestial cruelty of the fascist regime, which is in a very difficult situation, based on the actions of our russian army, gennadi and i last week. met with guys, fighters who are carrying out, undergoing rehabilitation, are in hospitals, on vacation with their relatives, the guys have a tough, determined attitude to complete a special military operation and actually wipe out this fascist regime from the face of the earth, because cruelty, she's incredible, and cruelty both to civilians and donbass , kherson, lugansk region, to civilians of russia, and to their own data from the guardian, yes there are 8. prisoners who are generally simply dealt with, mocked, i think there are many more of them, they got a tattoo, well, yes
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, this, this is here, and how many painful deaths were there, how many of them are there, 8 or 20 ? historical parallels. look - february of the year forty-three - march , the beginning of march, the volyn massacre, the beginning of the volyn massacre, which means the year forty-four, by the way, i wanted to give an example, uh, german troops are retreating, acting as the puppet estonian government, calling on citizens to mobilize estonia and sign up - that means to the twentieth division of the ss, the german army, yes, hoping to stop the red army. but another event was also february, and forty-fifth year, and the famous
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village of barysh, near ternopil, 135 peaceful the poles were destroyed, that is, what happened? the red army is already on odor, 70 km are left to berlin, it is obvious that resistance is useless, the german fascists and their accomplices will be destroyed, but the closer the defeat, the more cruel. these massacres and destruction of people are taking place , so, of course, this bestial ascal is visible, by the way, in the ukrainian wikipedia there are no events at all, everything is crossed out, it is everywhere, in world history it is, the poles, we know this massacre , ukraine has cleared everything out, that's how they try deal with history, but i think that historical truth will definitely triumph on the territory of ukraine, and the guardian also wants us to read this... as if the answer to the question: should we appeal to the west, appeal to conscience, sometimes try to tell something
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, prove something, ask the question, is it really not clear to you , is it not visible, there is no need to appeal to them, they can see everything, it’s clear, they are aware, they know and give these commands on the main page, once again a man with an orc tattoo on forehead, this is a real tattoo, it was done on his... ukraine, judging that this person is an occupier , we are talking about people who, for example, worked in kherson, there is a story of a woman, a geography teacher, she brought leaflets for a referendum, residents of slavyansk, there is also no evidence, but, the guardian writes, they were on the territory during the occupation of the orcs, therefore they are collaborators, they should be punished, the british write, they should be punished so that the rest would be discouraged,
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look, the sbu reports that... it has opened more than 8,100 criminal proceedings related with cooperation and aiding the aggressor state, and ukrainians convicted under these articles are kept only in certain prisons, where they are kept separately from other prisoners. many of those questioned by the guardian insisted that their innocent activities had been misconstrued and then pressured into signing a confession. valentin maroy, a fifty-two-year-old resident of slavyansk, said he simply took photographs of the warehouse where he worked to prove everything was safe and sent them to his boss. who was in russia. the sbu took this as evidence that he was sending classified information to russian intelligence, he claimed. konstantin valin, a 34-year-old geography and physics teacher from slavyansk, was detained while driving across the front line near bakhmut, he said, because he wanted to contact friends in crimea. he said life was more peaceful and stable on the other side, but said he had not shared any information about ukrainian army positions. according to him, he admitted guilt under pressure. some, however, were
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open and irreconcilable supporters of russia. my parents. raised me to fight fascism and there is fascism here,” said fifty-seven-year-old yuriy tsibulsky from bakhmut, who was sentenced to 13 years in prison for high treason, he admitted that he shared information about the movements of ukrainian troops. we'll be back in a minute. i don't deny myself anything. do you want a premiere? received. sklefosovsky. new episodes. today! narter: you will meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing, to get to know the country, how beautiful it is, just try taste it, we’ll add kiwi and enthusiasm,
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it’s just crazy taste, right? tireless gourmets in search of healthy products and unique recipes. do you know why people count proteins as fatty carbohydrates in order to have fun jumping through life. unusual answer. and i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health. formula food every saturday on rtr. did they say who? i asked him not to talk, the main thing is that he is healthy. let's see on the weekend. we 're having twins, girls. what girls, you promised me that there would be a son. oh, when it's double happiness is a burden, i lost a child and don’t want to lose my wife again, i’ll pay any
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money before it’s too late, do a good deed, i have to. where's the second girl? i heard her screaming: where is my child? and i still think, how can this be? there's a boy in the bond, but a girl was born, what miracles, she 's completely different, her character doesn't resemble either you or leroy, our son will be just like you, olga is deceiving you, but don't you think that this is somehow already too much, nothing is too much, two shores. hopes on saturday on rtr. voting by location. mobile voter. if you
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find yourself far from your polling station on voting days, you can vote locally. long-livers on the air, i chose my job correctly, karigina dubovitskaya and her empire of humor, this is a typewriter, it’s true, you are still, the script for the arshlag is being printed , the sound is still in your apartment, when everyone says that she’s all on work at work, this is not entirely true, the most important thing in my life
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for me is my husband, my dad took me. i boarded the train to travel in a dry one, the passenger of this train was yura, i looked at him, and he fell for me, for some reason i saw him? i immediately said that this is what i need, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. well, a huge scandal in poland, president duda recognized crimea as russian, historically, does not believe that kiev is capable of returning it, the president was supported by the head of the lower house of parliament, saying that attempts are underway in poland... who represents the opposition coalition, immediately said that warsaw recognizes independence ukraine within its internationally established
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borders, then he tried to justify something there, called the peninsula occupied, but the word here, of course, is no longer a sparrow, and crimea, of course, is not ukrainian. will ukraine be able to return it? how their election campaign is going, i wouldn’t make such quick predictions about who will win, it’s just that my experience of observing the last election campaign led me to the conclusion that the only source of power in the united states of america is the mail,
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and how this mail will behave , for example, i don't i don’t really understand, but i understand what is happening today in the relationship between the post office and the dead, remember, they voted, what is happening in the relationship between the americans, the american ukrainian authorities, in general, you know, i consider this a complete mockery. when it means that representatives of the white house did not support or object to the planned removal of zelensky, well, are you kidding me or something, our sovereign will be torn apart, you will decide there, you are yes or no, because even based on this, how- that plan personnel changes, now regarding the possible removal, i am sure that it is impossible to normalize relations between the supreme commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief, i think that the idea... personnel changes, i think we are talking about the resignation of the government, and under the guise of these general personnel changes, he will try
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in this way to get rid of the inconvenient commander-in-chief, whether zaluzhny will have a political future or not, i don’t know why, because we have a lot of generals, including those who aspired to a big political life, in fact, they sold it for a small... sop , including for the position for which, in general , they were offered, the position, so to speak, of the secretary of the national security and defense council, we had such an applicant marchuk came to power, remember, there was a general, yes , well, they offered the position of smbo, he went there, that’s it, and his political career, in general, stopped there, it was the peak, so to speak, of this general, if zaluzhny goes along with it way, there is no future if he is ready will continue his political career with...
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please, danilov’s madness, by the way, has a source, and it is in great britain, this warlike spirit of the british, who demand to assemble an expeditionary force and send it to ukraine, has a clear historical background, here is the newspaper, which the daily express, which recently published an article, sheds light on this, there is such a historical, well, specialist in ancient history.
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russia failed; the second option suggests that this also requires this nato countries, just this army corps, which should go to the right bank of the dnieper, will help ukraine, because without crimea , russia is everything, nothing, a black sea. becomes an inland lake, it’s strange, then these are, as they say, great britain’s plans, while two aircraft carriers have broken down, two of the four nuclear submarines are under repair and are not leaving. one of them, by the way, should launch an intercontinental ballistic missile after 2016, let me remind you, in june 2016, when trying to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile triden 2 an emergency occurred, it was the rocket that twisted like this and thank god that the self-detonation mechanism worked, otherwise it would have flown towards florida and further there with all the consequences, and we are listing the signs of weakness in the uk, which one do we want? from this, i want to make
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the following that we are not ready now , that we will win anyway, no, that we need to go ahead and shy away, the fact is that we are hinting that great britain is now the very instigator of europe, which is pushing it further into confrontation with russia, here they are the successes that the eu demonstrated in the 50 billion dollars that they allocated to ukraine, it can be said that this is the merit of cameron, who carried out a kind of massacre in european capitals, but this one, as they say. which ukraine has received and will continue to receive ammunition, it is necessary to pay for them, and the states of america, because from all warehouses, we also have to pay for consultations of military experts from the united states of america, who gave the go-ahead for this, and if we remember borel’s words that they will send 530. of which
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there will be a lot of 155-caliber shells, here the numbers don’t seem to add up, because all of europe believed that they fired somewhere around 400,000 shells in a year, that is , this figure is much less, and where else is 130,000, and 130,000 is exactly those warehouses that are now being freed up for new shells that the united states of america will produce, that is, for whom is war, and for whom is mother , this, let’s say, offensive policy. over the past week, over the past week, the enemy has launched 83 attacks, that is, they are not sitting on the defensive, they continue to go into meat assaults, why, because great britain said to attack, you may not be as bad with ammunition as we say if 83 attacks, which was a temporary period when it was bad. that is
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, they mainly worked with 105 caliber, but there is information that they received two new sauzans, this and this sauzan, which just works with 155 caliber, maybe 152 is bad for them, but with 155 they are gradually getting better , but the question here is this: if they actively take offensive combat actions, then the consumption there will be more shells if there are fewer defensive shells, and here, by the way, this issue is hampered by the hostage. who says that guys , everything needs to be done rationally, but they want to remove the tinned one, and i think that one of the reasons will be precisely the l76 disaster, they will blame him for not following up, which is why 65 ukrainian prisoners of war died, and not zelensky, whom they called the murderer for this, the polish political newspaper has already announced this figure, not politico, then politico, which is american, the polish political newspaper, and there is a separate...


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