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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  February 5, 2024 11:25pm-2:06am MSK

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thank you, what are you doing here anyway? yes, well, i'm meeting you. is it true? the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth. how are you doing? i don’t know yet, the fact that kolobkov killed lugansk doesn’t bother me. but if the subject, during a sudden burst of rage, kills someone, then he does not drag his hands into the basement, the killer left. do you have any candidates for the role of customer? not yet, but my experience is correct.
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to a very important businessman, how did you stay in the basement dying, and how i carried currency to the exchange bears, here i am standing from left to right guards, looking like a wolf in a blue uniform prosecutor, behind bars there is a two-story apartment with a barbed wire brown fence, they are snooping along the streets...
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for refusal to testify, for giving false testimony, criminal liability arises, go to the secretary and sign. dear lawyer, a witness has been called to characterize the personality of the defendant, please ask questions, but i don’t know anything, please tell me, do you know this handsome young man, i know what kind of relationship you were in, in what kind, we were friends, nothing else i can do i don't know, but you know why was nikolai arrested? no, it looks like he
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killed someone, but i had nothing to do with it, but how can you characterize nikolai kolobkov? answer the question and stop living, but he never beat me, that means he behaved decently towards you, what else? and what else? he always gave money, vobor immediately gave it for a leather coat, and in general he was cool, what do you mean cool? funny, that means cheerful, he always tells jokes, that means he’s kind, cheerful, generous, that’s it, thank you, i don’t have any questions, so what questions does the prosecutor have, witness, tell me, have you ever heard the name lugansky from kolobkov? i
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told you, i’m on business and don’t know anything, but why did you decide that this is relevant? your honor, i protest, the witness has been called for characterization, so let the respected prosecutor ask about... the identity sheet of my client, what other questions does the prosecutor have? did you communicate often? often, where did you go together? well, at discos, we also went to turkey together, we were going to spain in tenerife, we didn’t go, we would have gone, only kolya was arrested, and what kind of salary? salary, but he never worked, what income were you going to go to spain with? should he have been paid for some work? for which, but how do i know, and in general it’s none of my business , you never know, a question for the defendant, yes, please, during the preliminary investigation you indicated that you worked as an assistant in a commercial company, but your friend didn’t even know if
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you were going for work, you actually worked, well , you were listed in this company, what did you live on, well, in general, i have a human... one was selling at the market, your honor, i protest, my the client is not being tried for tax crimes, thank god, in our country there is no responsibility for tuning, so i ask the respected prosecutor to ask questions on the merits of the case, the prosecutor still has questions, no, well then it’s a break, we’ll continue after lunch,
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let’s go talk, well, how are
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you, you don’t want to tell us anything, guys, i ’m here with a friend, his wife was killed, fear god, now there’s no time for my problems, listen. it’s no longer your problem, but the people you set up, who am i, you, you, people took a loan for you, on parole, in short, i i smile at you today, for the last time, tomorrow we’ll talk differently.
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i don’t understand what they want.
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he called me, i drove up right away, they began an active search somewhere around 5, they called the police the next day at 11, when all means had already been exhausted, i dialed ina’s mobile phone number, but they hadn’t called before? they called, of course, but no one answered. so, you called the next day, so what? i called and a man answered. i said that i had lost my phone, offered 300 dollars, he agreed, we agreed to meet, met. and kolobkov came. and kolobkov came. we, of course, immediately detained him, talked a little and brought him to the homicide department. then he swam. i have a question for the defendant. kolobkov, you confirm the testimony of the witness about how you were detained. yes confirm.
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the detention of kolobkov is essential for the case. i want to find out what kolobkov did after committing the murder. okay, find out. if the witness cannot tell the exact time, we turn to the case materials. the file contains a printout from a mobile phone company telesystems, which contain information about incoming calls to the lugansk handset on the day the crime was committed the next day. volume two is only sixty-three. i strongly object. i don’t understand a damn thing, comrade prosecutor, you need this, you look into it, there’s something i don’t understand,
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allow me a question for the defendant, yes, please, kolobokov, did you call from the victim’s phone? i didn’t call anyone, but why didn’t you answer calls on the victim’s mobile phone on the day of the crime, and did you answer the next day? how do i know, answered everything, comrade prosecutor, how much can be poured from empty to empty, we have limited time, in other halls they are waiting for a convoy, what is still unclear to you, now there is a lot, defendant, what time did you commit the crime, i already said, at 3 o’clock , that is, after three, the victim could no longer use the phone, well, of course, tell me again about your actions?
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yes, but it’s not july 1st yet, so, comrade prosecutor, justify your petition, i ask you
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to send the case for additional investigation, due to the incompleteness of the investigation and the need to charge the defendant with a more serious crime. sorry, on what basis? so, mr. lawyer, don’t interrupt the prosecutor. there is reason to believe that kolobkov committed a crime in a group by prior conspiracy. this is confirmed by documents in the criminal case, if they are compared with the testimony of witness pligin. with whose with mine. what nonsense? this is not nonsense. the last call received on luganskaya’s phone was on the day of her murder; the next day no one called luganskaya’s phone. and what? i'm ready to take off mine petition, if you explain to me, this is a discrepancy. this means that the testimony of witness pligin about how kolobkov was detained is unreliable.
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yours, well not mine, of course, the company of dmitry sergeevich lugansky, dmitry sergeevich, where the phone is installed and used, this is really the phone of my company , i can’t say who uses it, because it is installed in the lobby, anyone, more moreover, this telephone number is listed in the telephone directory, as the telephone number of my company, what do you say to this, comrade prosecutor, i’ll say that we need
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to find out through investigative means who is calling whom when, okay, i understand the prosecutor’s position, sir... do you object? of course, this is speculation, it points to something, this, this is funny. so, i categorically object to the victim’s opinion. yes, everything is clear to me. a break is announced until tomorrow, until 10 am. thank you, everyone is free. it turned out that he was like that. who's there? who's there? well, why did you arrange all this? what?
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well, further investigation, what? why, can you be quieter, you will wake up the children, here are the children, you have children, but i will never have them, i won’t, no, because i don’t have a beloved woman who could give me these children, you know, she was killed by some freak, a kolobok, an idiot, you know, i’ll never have that it will be, you have it, why did i come, why did you organize this stupid investigation, this petition, dmitry sergeevich, don’t you understand that the investigation will not spoil anything, if kolobokov worked for a group, he will receive a more severe punishment, i want to help , i want the perpetrators to be punished. just don’t punish those responsible for this , that you are pretending as if you are interested in what is happening to me or to my wife, who is now deceased, that you are pretending, dmitry sergeevich, in my opinion, you don’t understand what i don’t understand , i understand everything perfectly well, yes, you want to help me, of course , you want to help me, so if you want to help, help me, take away this stupid case, this is a petition, further investigation, take it away,
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recall it, i don’t know , how do you like our bird language, take it, then you will help me, i i don't understand why i should refuse. “everything was explained to me well, how much, now , dmitry sergeevich, went, yes, of course, you don’t understand, but this went, good night, children.
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for any money, do you hear me, get me a weapon, where can i get you a gun? i beg you, you promised? calm, calm, rest, rest, now i’m opening it, so , here -
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olya, what happened, the court was mined, no one is allowed in, now the dogs will check and let everyone through, dog handlers. come on in, it’s blocking, at apartment 364 , we come here, forever, damn it, these were it. come on in, listen, so, yeah, let's stand here, it's unclear, it doesn't matter, no, not yet,
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not yet, not yet, next, to the wall, what? comrade prosecutor, come on, it’s not a day, it ’s an adventure, i still didn’t have enough to arrange a murder, right in the process, in my opinion, you can understand him if you stand in his place, but what kind of nonsense? the court should not stand up. in whose place should the court administer justice, you know, if you walk into the courtroom with a gun, people don’t believe in justice, they are ready to punish the criminals themselves, marya sergeevna, but what the
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you’re bringing me the crap here, you’ll also remind me about the lynching, valery nikolaevich , god forbid you end up in the place of our victims, hello, detective officer of the distillers, what happened here, tell me, just like that, who was attacked, the victim seized? apparently he wanted to kill the defendant right in the courtroom, it’s good that today the court was mined, even though riot police were installed with metal detectors, otherwise she would have started shooting in the process. well, are you preparing the material? let the riot police write a report and give it to us, the villain. and you we are sure that this will be right. what’s the right way to give him the gun and let him go free? thank you. that he didn't kill anyone? yes, his beloved woman was killed, the investigation lasted 3 months, and not very well, as you yourself noticed, and now he goes to court for a whole week listening to the details of how his wife was strangled, yes, this is
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natural, this is legal proceedings, this is the case, this he understands that kolobkov will not be sentenced to death, and this is not provided for by law, you and i understand this, but to the person who lost, your honor, my, my honor, then, formalize the voluntary surrender of weapons. well, as if he gave it away himself , so there is no corpus delicti here, well, let’s quickly, quickly draw up, well , it’s already clear, clear, lugansky, lugansky, sit down, sign here, what, what you voluntarily gave up, what you found by on the way to court the gun, by chance, is not wet. in what sense? well, i mean, you haven’t killed anyone from him yet? no, but before you, where did you get it from? why did you bring the gun to
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court? sorry about earlier. i would have suffered anything, i would have killed this bastard kolobkov, i ask everyone to stand up, the trial is underway, please sit down, so what kind of petition did we have from the prosecutor? i asked to send the case for additional investigation, but this is ridiculous, i object, mr. lawyer, your position is clear to me, so the court retires for a meeting,
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this is the most important thing for you. dima. dima, i ’m sorry, of course, but this is very serious for me. i did all this just for you. what am i doing because of the money, or what? they can put me in jail. that's how we should have thought before. yeah, that's gratitude. what kind of gratitude do you need? which one do you need gratitude and yourself calmly. you want the three of us to be seated next to the kolobok, right? you must behave in such a way as not to arouse suspicion. it's clear? fuck you. don’t
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pay attention, we need to save our own skins now. well, here they lived, in short, in lugansk , lugansk, so, well , i dragged her through this gate, i covered her mouth first, and she screamed, blathered something, i closed her mouth, well , in short, i dragged her here , dragged, in short,
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here, that... she lost consciousness here, i dragged her further, so in short, i dragged her here here, here, here he went to this barn, basement or shed, he opened this basement, and her, in short, her here, the testimony of the main witness pligin contrary to the case materials, isn’t this a reason for further investigation? it turns out that the whole story of kolobkov’s detention is a myth, a mystery, it turns out that kolobkov had contact with lugansky, with lugansky, yeah, that’s it, either with aslamov, or maybe with pligin, they all had access to a phone that they called from a mobile phone
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the victim. after her death, yes, it’s all one gang, well, after all, the husband ordered, or who? whispers, hello, yes , hello, zhenya, let's go for a walk, zhenya, today is a day off, see you tomorrow, hello, come, yes, ready, listen, the weather is fine, i'm waiting, zhenya will arrive, we'll have to wait, nothing, nothing, room for everyone that's enough, we'll take her with us, get dressed,
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collect bark beetles, oh well. masha, i wanted to consult with you about the case , and about one more issue, well, let’s start with the case, i still want to arrest lugansky, zhen, in my opinion, you’re in a hurry, you’re thinking , huh, but it seems to me that in the cell he must to split, but it seems to me that this...
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will say, they will start discussing and blurt out something, yes, oops, to mom, to mom, to mom, run, run, run, run, the ladies want ice cream, what are you saying, aqualera too, let's go , kosik, masha, you will help me during the interrogation of aslamov, everything will have to be played out like this, right, lugansk is afraid that the investigation will last too long, or that... they will let him out, it was because of the door that was broken, masha, you’re friends with vinokurov, yes, yes, but now he has someone, in what sense,
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but i know that he got divorced a long time ago, but how is it now, but i don’t know, but you like him, yes, well, he’s good, but you understand what i mean, zhenya’s path is clear, i don’t lay claim to vinokurov, yes, the problem is in him, he lays claim to you, what nonsense, marya sergeevna, where is your intuition, well, not an investigative one, but at least a woman’s, men have no luck with me, or i with them, so let’s not put ourselves in danger, all that remains is to convince vinokurov of this, oh my god. oh, hello, maria sergeevna, if i’m not mistaken, yes, don’t be mistaken, we’re like name? tu-tu-tu, hello, excuse me, we have to go
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, yes, yes, of course, maria sergeevna, i want to apologize for dmitry, why apologize, and for that stupid visit to your home, i came with him, i tried to dissuade him as best he could, but he still went to you, and you could dissuade him, but well, you can... you wouldn’t wish on your enemy what happened to him, and one after another, and what happened, well, the death of his wife, he i loved inna so much, i was afraid that all this would end badly, what happened was not what you were afraid of, well, and even then it’s not what you have in view of death in lugansk, no, forgive me, i spoke to you, it doesn’t matter, goodbye, i’ve already told you a lot, all the best to you, all the best. kostya, just be careful, okay? masha, who is this? the same aslama, a close friend of lugansky. what did he want? nothing, just a polite person. that's all. sock. he hinted that not everything
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was so rosy in the lugansky family. yes, there is a skeret in the closet. yeah, but back then she was a conspiracy genius. i've already combed through her private life. nothing. to the best friend. your lady bat, well, you’re a master of the ladies, give it some more , listen, bun, i just can’t understand one thing, are you generally like a normal guy, or are you still a maniac, what are you, no, i would understand if you the woman was stolen, but then they asked for money for her, yes, just like that... to kill an unknown woman, not a camelfo, that’s okay, so it turns out that you’re an unreal guy, and you’re drinking vodka here, i won’t fix it, well, yes,
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you you’ll still teach me, we were supposed to fuck the grandmothers, so why didn’t we fuck, just this, well, this guy, yeah. well, the customer in short, well, well, well, well, well, well, in general, he ordered the woman to be dragged into the basement, but he didn’t say what to do with her, i said, i’ll come , but i’m not there, and no, and she’s screaming from... well, you strangled her, well, strangled her, but what could i do, and this guy didn’t even pay me for the work, for what kind of work, what kind of work, i stole the woman, i called him when i had already buried her, in the basements there are also telephones, you fool, i picked up the phone from her, she was ringing there, that’s all... you also called from her phone,
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well, you’re a sucker, you’re a sucker yourself, this one also started yelling, customer, but i also told him, be healthy, listen, little bun, and what did you tell him, and i told him, i’m a fool, yeah, i should have thought it through better, yeah, but my business is small, you ’ll do my job give me the money, hear? and where did he find you, such a fine fellow, and my woman worked as a nurse, where this customer’s wife was being treated, but he was there too, saw me, and then asked my woman if i knew him, he was a real guy.
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well, hello, sanya, hello, how are you, good, client, good, well, take it, nothing don’t deny yourself, guys, come here, take me to twenty-five, please. tell me, who knew that inna would be waiting for her husband at 3:00 at the house, but the whole office, everyone knew, so here we are at a dead end, i don’t even know whether the city prosecutor’s office will extend kolobkov’s detention for me , and what they might release, well so how do we free him, the main thing is to establish for us.
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customer, yes, but how will you install it? there are different ways, for example, my defendant sent a statement that he wants to talk with the investigator, he’s waiting, maybe he’ll tell something interesting, yeah, but we digress, tell me who could want inna’s death, no one, she had no enemies. do you think inna loved her husband as much as he loved her? well, probably yes, she didn’t cheat on lugansky? i don't think so. i understand that you don’t want to talk badly about the deceased, but in the interests of the investigation, you must tell everything you know. yes. yes, so what? they had a problem with children, they really wanted children,
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but she couldn’t get pregnant, she was undergoing treatment, she was even going to undergo therapy abroad, well, after the murder it turned out that she was pregnant, wait, that means inna didn’t tell lugansky that she was pregnant, why, well, i don’t know, maybe she didn’t have time. yes, although i didn’t have time, it’s somehow strange, what’s strange? well, that is, perhaps the problem of childlessness was not in inna, in dmitry, perhaps inna decided, solved this problem somehow differently, how differently? no, wait, wait, i don’t want anything bad for dmitry, you’ll start to figure it out now, he’s already feeling bad, after all, god forbid you find out anything else. "i wouldn't want it to appear in a case like mine testimony, this is just my stupid
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speculation, okay, it’s our business to turn facts into your speculation, do you know where inna was treated? yes, of course, in the same place as my wife, they were together, they were examined together, here you go, the doctor’s business card.
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well? nothing, the same questions as in ovkeplegino, who knew, who wanted, who waited, in general, everything was as usual, and they asked your son, well, what are you doing, nothing, he told everything, how it was, that she i also asked, she said that the prosecutor would not extend nikolai kolobkov’s detention, why?
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they will establish the person who ordered the murder, they will establish it for six months, then a year, well , in general , it’s useless, i’ll find it myself, yes, today i’m meeting with him, everything will be
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fine. hello, how is dmitry, looking for a killer, to kill the kolobok, where is the guarantee that the kolobok will continue to be silent, personally, i’m not going to live on a powder keg, yes, it might split, that would solve all the problems.
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hello, i only have 3 minutes, how is this kolobokov doing? nothing, he talks a lot, uh-huh, clearly, i don’t even know how to say, okay, okay, okay. got it, got it, got it, we should know, it wouldn’t interfere with humanitarian aid, the wiring in the crosses is weak, old, zaki chefir is cooked, it shocks some, maybe to death, memory, well, look what it is, the summary
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of secret audio recordings, lugansk orders the murder of a stake... wow , but the jackass never said yes or no, here ’s the plugin, i was going to take action even without their advice, volodya, i’m running for a sanction, just catch your breath, yeah, you understand what you ’re suspected of, dear girl, this a waste of time, my client doesn’t want to communicate with you, write about it protocol, finish the investigation. but i must interrogate the suspect, of course they must, write that he refuses to testify in accordance with the right granted to him by the criminal procedure law. dmitry sergeevich, i still advise you to give evidence, in case you can clarify the suspicions that have arisen around you.
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evgenia anatolyevna, write, write. well, where are you in such a hurry? an hour of my work costs $200. do you think that i am interested in the investigative actions continuing as long as possible? i think yes. that's right, you think, but i'm not going to make money from pointlessly sitting in a temporary detention center. won’t say anything, well, we’re not a girl, that’s right, well, i mean, i’m an investigator, i mean, after all, so what happened, well, i’m not an investigator, i’m the dog’s tail, so you see, i overestimated myself, it happens, shvetsova refused to help me, this can’t be, asking lugansko herself, frivolity, and of course, a complete failure, it’s okay, he refused to testify, nothing, yes i, i wanted to fuck
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it’s based on contradictions, not fatal , right, not fatal, that ’s it, we’re working, we’re continuing to work, look, you’ve investigated the situation with the child’s paternity through investigative means, yes, ah, this is the only possible motive we have so far, so to speak, right , i didn’t have time, well, you see. bad , this is bad, this should have been done, and not interrogated, yes, but the experts told me that the genetic examination would be ready only in a month, and that i should wait a month, take it away, this is very important, it needs to be taken away medical documents from where luganskaya was treated , you can interrogate the doctor, thank you, good health, here, here... so, you see, here, so, what i want to say is that you already have enough data
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to attract lugansky, prepare for the murder of kolobkov, i i mean, yes, but what is seen from the report, i would rather characterize as a discovery of intent, and not as preparation for a crime, no, i beg to differ with you, lugansk about what proslamova, find me a person who will kill kolobkov. klopkov died, so, here you go, we
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they practically hadn’t even touched him yet, how did it happen, how did it happen , he was brewing some coffee for himself, he was knocked down, you know in the coristas , the wiring is weak, it might even give a good tug, yeah, the pipes were discovered a long time ago, 2 hours ago, they called you right away, and the cellmates they asked, but what, but what? basically, he was messing around in front of their eyes, hello everyone , i haven’t picked up checkers for a long time, i haven’t been in isolation for 100 years, i’ll come up now , well, they killed each other, yes they killed, listen, but it’s warm, light, like in good times pro-union sanatoriums. please, no need to smoke, forgive me, please, nothing, well, what, what
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suspicions will there be, cia, fbi, massad, i mean, well, if this is murder, then it’s very witty, you see, he has a mark on his hand, yeah, yeah he ’s got a boiler lying around, he wanted to make some tea, so he was fucked up, for which i congratulate you all, well, that’s good, evgenia anatolyevna, you, in fact, have nothing to worry about... we ourselves are at our best here, everything is fine, wonderful let's formalize it, i'll draw up a protocol myself, here it is for you, and i was getting ready to go home, well, i mean, to the base, so we’ll work to the fullest , well then call an electrician here, otherwise god forbid he’ll fuck you up again, you don’t feel sorry for me, i’m an old horseradish, to hell with me, here’s a young girl, beautiful, let’s not mess around here , otherwise it will fuck you up.
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ina luganskaya was treated with us for a long time, her doctor is now abroad and will return soon,
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but i know everything, and was the treatment successful? yes, it is quite. “you know how it happens, she lives with one husband, no children, marries another, gives birth to two in a row, can you imagine, that is you want to say that she had, no, no, i, i just wanted to say what i said, however, a very handsome man was always waiting for her, by the way, here are the lugansk cards, as you asked, these are drugs, there is lugansk blood her husband..."
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yes, here, this man came with inna luganskaya and was always waiting for her. what? what are you talking about? how are you, aren’t you dry, aren’t you ashamed? look, they’re still insulting me here. please! and i will remain silent, shame on you, i remembered you right away, moreover, when lugansk said that she pregnant, he was so happy, he picked her up in his arms, can’t you see, she ’s crazy, so please sign here, yes, yeah, with pleasure.
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mash, how did polygin appear to you in court, hello, volodya, sorry, i didn’t say hello, zhenya and i just had an identification ceremony, who identified whom, we identified the polygin as a possible lover of inna luganskaya. and the father of her child, it can’t be, in my opinion, even better.
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what was your relationship with inna luganskaya? “i repeat to you for the thousandth time, not in any way, but why were you so happy about her then? pregnancy, caught it, why do you believe this senile woman, i repeat, my son has never been there, but you know the nurse, no, then explain to me what is the point of slandering you, what do i care, it’s your problem, it’s your job , explain, i don’t intend to explain anything to you, but you understand,
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nothing, listen, can i talk to lugansk? are you kidding me? in that case, i have nothing more to tell you. so, that means plegin was her lover. well then , logically, lugansky should have killed him, and not wife. volodya, deceived wives kill their rivals. if he accompanied her to the doctor, and before her husband found out that there would be a child, inna wanted to leave lugansky for pligin, this
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is the motive for lugansky, well, nothing, he is silent, like a partisan, he must ... consult with the boss, in in a slavish sense, well, send him to the cell, let him consult there, i’ve already been to the prosecutor, he says that there are no grounds, then what will i show him? yes, it’s a pity that we don’t get jailed for lying to investigators, especially since the suspect is not responsible for false testimony, what to do, check, and how? well, well , if the witnesses do not agree with each other, it means that someone is lying and... making a mistake, and not necessarily the lie, well, thank you, for whom you
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lit a candle in the church, that is, you followed me, what's the difference we know, well, then in the church they still hand out papers for the repose. with names, yes, we know, you submitted a piece of paper with the name nikolai, who of your friends with that name died recently, that is, i could collect it, but you will still find out, okay, i lit a candle to remember the soul of nikolai kolobkov, listen , lugansky asked me to help him kill kolobkov. yeah, no, no, don’t get me wrong, inna for dmitry was the only meaning in life, the light in the window, he just breathed only her,
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suddenly some ghoul kills her, some non- human, i don’t know what to call him , kill kolobkov in a humane way, wait, what kind of murder? kolobkov died from an accident , how do you know? suddenly the next day he dies, in general some kind of materialization of thoughts, i just went out of harm’s way and lit a candle, that’s it, you will confirm what you just said on confrontation with lugansky, about the candle
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, about lugansky’s intentions to kill kolobkov, no, i won’t confirm, but i can read out your testimony to lugansky, he will find out about it anyway, please, everything is different there , let him read, you want me to help should you make lugansk? this will not happen, dmitry sergeevich, read, i am bringing charges against you. what is in organizing the kidnapping of your wife, and you have evidence, we have evidence of your connection with kolobkov and your intentions to kill him, and you think that this is enough, but the wife is here what does it have to do with kolobokov - the perpetrator of the murder, your client - the customer, what is not needed, nothing , they are bringing absurd charges against you, and you say: no need, i don’t care, i
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won’t say a word more, that’s it. zoya, shvetsova has returned from court, i need her urgently. it’s okay, marser, hello, tired, tired, tired, to be honest, i’m more tired of the trial than of investigative work, that’s it, sit down for some tea, don’t ask for it, i have some candy, it’s more chocolatey. viktor
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ivanovich, you want to burden me with work for the candy, yes, you still have to thank me for that will you, viktor ivanovich, i refuse lugansky’s case for, sit down, well, bring this matter to the end, well, you started it, now the situation here has radically changed, exactly... as you assumed at that trial, evidence has been collected on lugansky, let indirect, but they still form a fairly well-organized chain , we charge him with organizing the kidnapping of his wife, we established the motive, lugansky found out that his wife would not have a child from him, aslamov told, aslamov, geneticists, what they say, well, mar serge, well, no we don’t have money for genetics means and biology? biology answers only
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one question: is paternity excluded or not? so what? neither lugansky nor plevin are excluded. what does lugansky say? doesn't say anything, unfortunately. evgenia anatolyevna did everything she could, eliminating the most dubious episodes. kolobkov did not even charge lugansky with preparing for the ubis. okay, viktor ivanovich, we persuaded you. chunnenko. only then, no matter how you regret it, it’s wonderful, i’m convinced, i’m convinced that the accusation will be supported at a very high level, i’ll tell you warned, go, please stand up, lugansky, stand up, dear court,
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my client wants to exercise the right granted to him by law, and refuses to give any testimony, i ask you to respect his decision, thank you, thank you, we have taken note . “this can’t be, i don’t believe it, i don’t believe that dima could cause any harm to inochka, this is absurd, i know, i’m her mother, the prosecutor has questions, no, but i found out from my wife, that inna luganskaya." expecting a child from someone else
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men, i couldn’t tell my friend about this , i was very tormented, apparently, dmitry learned about this fact from someone else, the prosecutor will have questions, no, daina luganskaya was my patient, all laboratory preparations were transferred to the investigation, apparently they were examined expertly. investigated, lugansky's paternity is not ruled out, maybe he, or maybe not him, the prosecutor has questions, yes, what kind of man came? to you and lugansk, man? no, she came alone, well, why alone, well, there is evidence in the case that she came with a man. yes you know there was a misunderstanding. i have already scolded olga, our nurse. the fact is that i was
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away, when i returned, olga told me everything, both about the identification and about the man. i explained to her that this was a mistake. this man always came with another woman. with his friend’s wife, she was also observed with us, what do you mean, excuse me, but i got everything mixed up, but you signed the protocol, well , this happens in life, it happens to an old woman, it really happens, the thing is that i was thinking about a completely different woman, me they asked, i said about another, just a minute, you even gave such a detail that he picked it up...
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excuse me, excuse me, but the fact is that you showed it to me yourself, i thought that he was to blame, personally i i reasoned, mash , what happened, volodya, i have very little time, i don’t like everything about the case, well again, in short, what is needed, so, so, now i’ll say, you find a hedgehog, kolobkov’s roommate, do everything. whatever you want, she must tell the truth, but why do you need it, well, we can’t interrogate kolokov anymore, maybe she’ll tell us something, okay, just for your sake, come on, bye, i
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’ve already told you everything a million times, i’ll have to repeat it, for the millionth time, stand up decently, stand up, you’re in court, the prosecutor can... interrogate, tell me, tatyana mikhailovna, because you were the closest person nikolai, yes, that’s right , you understand that your testimony will not lead him , he probably told you what kind of work he was going to get money for, yes, he said that he was assigned a job, he would pay well for it, what kind of work, remember that you are criminally liable for making false statements testimony, yes, yes, moreover, now is your last opportunity to avoid it. responsibility, according to the law, a person who lied in court, but managed to declare it before the verdict was passed, is exempt from criminal liability, so what, well, so what, you were already insincere with the court, but then there was no verdict, yes, yes , make up your mind,
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okay, he, well, i mean, he had to. kidnap why? on the order of one person, that is , nikolai had to hand over the woman to this man, well, yes, and kolya said that this customer, well, man, he didn’t tell him where the woman was to hold her, so kolya strangled her, but what could be done, and what, kolya later told me, this customer wanted to ask for a ransom of 50,000 for her, well, kolya promised five for this money, when she found out that kolya strangled the woman, she began...
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i have a question for the witness pligin, pligin, stand up, tell me how you detained kolobkov, just the truth? well, that means when we were looking for ina, artyom, aslamov, said that he had connections, that his people would find the kidnapper. the next day he brought kolobkov, well, he said that his people did not want to shine, so that we could come up with some kind of version, and you came up with a version with a phone, stupid version, there was no time. tatyana mikhailovna, have you seen this man? well, of course, i live and introduced kolya, i work in a medical company where this woman
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was treated, and his wife is a man, but here he is, come in, let’s go, why didn’t you say this before, but because you didn’t ask me about it. they only asked bad things about the bag.
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please, acquaintance and roll call, without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how much stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo and i begin, then mark anatolyevich zakharov walks in my hand, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad represented to myself that i will have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i give up everything, with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday, nр: they said , who? i asked you not to talk
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the main thing is that he is healthy. let's see on the weekend. we're having twins, girls. what girls, you promised me that there would be a son. oh, when double happiness becomes a burden. “i lost a child and i don’t want to lose my wife yet, i will pay any money before it’s too late, do a good deed, i have to share, but where is the second girl, i heard her screaming, where is my child, and i’m still thinking, well, how well, we’ll find a boy, but a girl was born, what miracles, she’s completely different, her character doesn’t resemble either you or lera, and our son will be just like you, deceives, but don’t you think that this
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is somehow too much, nothing is too much, two shores of hope, on saturday on rtr, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor, when... you seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge of health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? each risk factor must have its own tablet. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit everything. body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation
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, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent. take care of your body comprehensively, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr, so what? death was almost instantaneous, there was hemorrhage in the connective membrane of the eye, cadaveric spots, violet-cyanotic, diffuse, time of death, 10-12 hours ago the body was not moved, the cadaveric spots were distributed evenly, i think she was sitting here,
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working with documents, chairs were thrown over, papers were scattered, rinsing, so that this... what is actually happening, rather like this,
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calm down, don’t interfere with the experts’ work, who are you? i work here, what happened? do you have any documents? roshchin, maxim vadimovich, second deputy editor-in-chief. what's happening? yul? karina died. oh! hello, morozov, did you play football in your youth? marin, what kind of football?
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what are you saying, i’m not a team player, i’m a loner, well, who did he turn out to be like that, he already often pushes. my unfortunate liver, but he very delicately hints to us that we will see each other very soon, if this is delicate, i’m afraid to imagine what it means to be unceremonious, by the way, you invited ksyusha to my bird cherry cake, what’s the problem, i’ll call and invite ksyusha to your bird cherry cake, why didn’t you invite me now? i mean, didn’t she come to see you, i just saw her in the hallway, why are you looking at me like that? with your own... no, nothing, ksyusha, marina will be making bird cherry cake on saturday, you ’ll come to us and ask, well, that’s it, i can’t talk anymore, bye,
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bye, it seemed, it seemed, oh, you’ll just watch, it always gets stuck , you are already finished, we have just begun. open, please, thank you, but tell me, please, is this a 24-hour post? no, why, i work from eight to eight, uh-huh, yesterday, when you were leaving, the tradesman was boasting at his place, maybe one of the employees was still late, but
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why did they all run away like sleeping hares, i when he left, karina sergeevna was still there, well, this is the norm for her. worked like a horse, and after you left, could anyone come back here? well, there’s definitely no one through this entrance, firstly, there ’s no record of this in the system, we need to clean it up somehow, secondly, there’s peace and quiet in the video, while i was waiting for you , i looked at everything quickly, it’s clean, no one came here at night , uh-huh, and you said that through this entrance, that there is another one, so, stop, stop, stop, stop, i’ll look first, move away, who else has it?
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then they left the key at the post and left, yeah, yeah, there are no signs of a break-in, but what is this on the handles , some kind of miti, so you say this entrance is rarely used, and almost never, now only by workers who are doing repairs. how neat your workers are, they select everything, even their own
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fingerprints, well, the handle is clean, there’s something on the door, you’ll have to take the fingers of the workers, of all the employees, on you... nobody canceled the statistics . what statistics? statistics show that the other spouse is often involved in the murder of one spouse. you're the first. open, please. thank you.
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yulia valentinovna, maybe just yulia, okay, yulia, as a secretary, you probably know more about meshchnikova than anyone else, what she was like, well, how can i tell you, you know, it wasn’t easy with her, she’s such an ulcer. but for her strong professionalism they forgave her everything, with whom, these employees, she had conflicts, conflicts, with max roshchin , friction arose every now and then, and this is roshchin, who rushed to the office, well, yes, our chief editor here is leaving soon, so karina they secretly competed with max over who would take this place, but karina squeezed him in all respects, and what is this troshin? there were such high relationships, career intrigues against the backdrop of an office romance. a couple of months ago, karina started dating rossin, and then left him. and how did ruchi
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react to this? calmly. it seems to me that he did not give up hope of renewing the relationship. yesterday i invited her to a picnic. karina. yes. in short, i sorted things out with the advertisers. dimka will prepare the photos for tomorrow. it seems that's it, i'm already there. where have you gone? karin, what are you talking about, we agreed, i have a day off, guys we’ve arrived, we haven’t seen them since demobilization, that’s it, i’m gone until tomorrow, you hear, have a conscience, we’re on fire, we have two empty lanes and we need a blind eye, last time he confused the ram with sulfur, karen, relax, breathe, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, by the way, a day off won’t hurt you either, otherwise you’ll burn out at work here. maybe it's true? come with us, barbecue, inishka, everything is going on, do you suggest we relax? of course, i already know that after a good
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relaxation, you solve problems with your left hand? rosshin, you understand russian, fuck off, find yourself a woman already, spare me yours. hints and invitations, i have already found it. you don’t know who used the editorial office’s back door? yes, anyone, everyone used it, so the guard claims that the key is only available at the post, well, that was the case before, and then they installed this stupid turnstile that constantly jams, well, max came up with the idea that they need to make duplicates of the emergency response key for the crossings, for lunch break, we walk through it, yeah. very interesting, at
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the moment the picture is this: time of death between 10 and 11 o'clock in the evening, the reason is mechanical asphyxia, all the signs are visible, congestion of the internal organs, minor hemorrhages under the pleura and the right half of the heart is overflowing with blood compared to the left, so she was strangled and strangled most likely by hand? between the shoulder and forearm, strength is needed here, it means a man was strangling, and there are different women, i had one friend, pretty, everything was with her, an athlete, a weight lifter, so borisovich, let’s talk about your romantic exploits, then, then, then, reminded, by the way, please note, the girl’s nails are broken, which means
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he resisted. yes, and what's under the nails? this means that, alas, there is no epithelium under the nails, but there are fibers from the killer’s clothing. compare these fibers with the ones you found on the doorknob . well done, thanks. and i myself would never have guessed it. there is one more point. i think you'll like it. shortly before her death, the girl had sexual contact. followed? no, i think so. in this case , everything was by mutual consent, but we have a dna partner. oh my god, what is she from? died? it's still unclear, but experts are working. experts mean they will cut her, but she
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can’t be cut, that’s how she was. what kind of relationship did you have? everything was difficult for us. more specifically, please. well, you've probably been told all sorts of things about her. and, his visionaries had such a unique approach to relationships, very, so to speak, masculine. well, you know, as they say, he quit as a sailor, this is about karina. you had an affair, you can’t call it an affair. "no feelings, at least on her part, just sex, nothing more, she lived separately, no, but at home she didn’t spend the night often, she stayed at work, at work or somewhere else, she was, she was, where she was a hunter, collecting cloven hooves.
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fuck, this is no longer my business for a long time, and you weren’t jealous at all, what jealousy, we ’ve lived in perfect harmony for the last five years, everyone with whomever they want, only now we’ve decided to divorce, because i realized it’s time to break up, the last question is, where are you? were there last night and evening? at home, watched tv, then fell asleep, alone, yes, this is bad, for an alibi, yes, go, thank you, goodbye, stop, what, what is this stain you on the course, i don’t know, i got dirty.
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don’t touch it with your hands, take it off, take off the jacket, i ’m forced to confiscate it as material evidence, just don’t say that you suspect me, take off the jacket, hang it here, this is just an investigative measure, what else can i provide you with, a shirt, pants, underpants , drink some water. what else? go, roshchin, don’t tempt fate. mikhailov, please send me one of yours, i have the dna of the suspect
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, a jacket with a very interesting stain of paint, yeah. hello, my dear, borisovich, we see you already, it’s not me, michalna, it’s me , alkyd enamel pf-133, oh, you’re already talking to uliki, but what about, uh, i ask, they answer, they say, for example, that alkyd enamel is from a suede jacket , which avdeev provided, exactly matches the alkyd enamel that was painted on the back door to the editorial office. vitaly borisovich,
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have you already talked to the particles of fibers from under the victim’s nails? of course, similar to the threads from the door handle. and now self-unity. nabuzke was killed. i found marks in the chest area black dusty substance, what kind of substance? microporous, high-carbon products formed as a result of pyrolysis of wood. charcoal, or what? exactly, interestingly, it turns out that the killer entered through the back door and entered the office. well, ass with menchnikov sex. and what about nk? well, not everything is in the process at once, in which case we cannot yet say that it was the killer who engaged in sex work. we can’t say for sure, bernard shaw also said that whoever stole the hat killed his aunt. oh, don't be smart, borischi. so,
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karina was sitting at our table. yeah, the killer snuck up on her, grabbed her with one hand. checked, can you imagine, a nightmare? so don’t be tormented, there is a coincidence, there is, so guess in which daktamap the coincidence was found? forty, bingo, well,
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who is the winner? someone, roshchin maxim vadimovich, mikhalna, and i with a gift? ah, no, no, no, not here, no, no, no, no, well, what are you doing? andrey, why did you bring him here? and what? is this coal? yeah, i'm glad, they were taken from the trunk of the rossins' cars. well, why did you bring him here? need to in the laboratory was immediately carried. oh damn, i look like a coal miner. oh, do you have more? there's still a little bit left. now it’s good , but now it’s clear where the murderer got his hands dirty with coal, some kind of troschkin here turns out to be an exceptionally slob, he messed around in the coal, put a stain on his jacket, like all the beads were like that, but he, by the way, didn’t i could have
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gotten it dirty with paint another day, no, you said it yourself, they started painting the wall the day before the murder, from five to seven the workers weren’t allowed in there, uh-huh, uh-huh, but how much? not tolkid enamel, but i think after 7 hours it doesn’t get dirty anymore, that means the paint was dry by the morning, uh-huh, in the morning roshchin couldn’t get dirty, somehow everything is going very well for you against that roshchin, no , yes, everything is going well, mikhal, don’t start, don’t start, it’s going well, you have to take everything, yeah, you have to take it. on what basis did you detain me? sit still. until what time did you remain in the editorial office on the day of
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mechnikov’s death? like i said, i was in the office from morning until lunch. and then, then he left on business, what? personally. when did you return? in the morning, in front of you? does not work. the paint has already dried. what's the paint here? the fact is that the night before the painters were painting the back door. there are traces of this same paint on your jacket, your fingerprints on the door, from which we draw a number of interesting conclusions, what? well, for example, that you arrived at the editorial office at night, entered through the back door , you were wearing a fluffy dark blue sweater, in the office you found swordsmen having sex with her. and then you had a quarrel, and you
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strangled her, that’s all, in general terms, yes, so, i didn’t see mechnikov, in her office i didn’t come in , i don’t have a dark blue fluffy sweater, i didn’t kill karina, of course, but you left your fingerprints, fingerprints, i don’t know, maybe that means you were there, listen, i was in the editorial office, but even kariny’s office didn't come in, why? because i heard something, she really had sex there, you are right about that, but not with me, with whom, i forgot to ask, traces of coal dust were found on mechnikova’s clothes, please tell me, on the day of mechnikova’s death, did you have dealing with coal? i'm not, what kind of coal?
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well, why are you lying? in the trunk of your car? and wait, wait , stop, stop, there was coal, my friends and i were grilling kebabs, and in the evening on the way home i came past the editorial office, saw the light in the office window, thought that karina was working and decided to come in, that’s all, but they found her with lover, so what, as if it were a rarity, she changed them like gloves, everyone knew this for a long time, but considering your... quarrel the day before, it sounds quite, wait, understand, she was an unusual woman, she made a scandal when she didn’t like something, or vice versa, if she liked someone, she would attack her own, but it was simply impossible to hate her for this, she was like that, that’s all, and yet she’s no longer there, maxim vadimovich, i ’m forced to detain you. walk
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away, go away, the feeling just came to please me , let's unload what you dug up there, number one, the dna of the victim's last sexual partner does not match the dna of roshchin maxim, well, that means roshchin is not a lover, but a jealous person, he came, he saw, yeah, no, yeah , why, but we cannot prove that he was part of the editorial office and met with mechnikova, well, he is. stained my blouse with charcoal, uh-huh, number two, charcoal on the blouse and charcoal for kebab from the trunk of roshchin, they do not match in composition, well, in short, on the victim’s clothes the coal is not from the roshchinsky bag, morozov, well , you cut it directly without a knife, and why suspect anyone else, i heard the character was no longer sugar, there should be a full editorial , no? and what, should i now suspect
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the layout girl whom meshchnikova fired the day before? well, imagine, rodionov and you will be fired for being unsuitable, and in the evening we will come to kill her for this, but before that we will wash ourselves with coal for the barbecue, but not for kebab, i didn’t understand, well, there was willow charcoal, the kind that artists use for drawing, artists, well, yes, artists, yes, for drawing. moroza, let me tease you, we have a suspect, wait, so it’s all so fast with you, but a thought, you know, it’s faster than the wind, especially if it’s the right thought, guess what you do for a living, the husband of our corpse, the meshchnikov, viktor petrovich, come on, surprise me, petrovich.
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well, maybe you just say what you are looking for, and of course you will immediately provide us with everything, yes, but i have nothing to hide, i was going to come to you myself, oh, i found it.
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by all means, yes, with a single malt , yes, no, no, thank you, but i need it, i’m not sure why, we ’ll need some of your saliva, if you don’t mind, well, that’s what we should have started with, but it’s all not... to why , i’ll tell you everything myself, you confess to the murder, that’s why i didn’t tell everything to your boyfriend, i knew that you would cling to it, you don’t care who actually killed, it’s important for you to check the box, now you’re not improving yourself at all ,
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the situation, and what can be improved here, she died, i still can’t understand it, so okay, i went to my laboratory, uh- huh, yes, and you will return the drawing to me, well, then, when the investigation is over, what a drawing, what a drawing, yes, i was there that evening as edited by ukarina, we had sex. and how often do you make such visits? previously, often, lately not so much, as i already said, my relationship with my wife has become rather friendly. why did you come to talk that evening? i realized that this can’t continue like this, it’s time
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to get a divorce, you know? that is, you came talk about divorce, instead ... we had sex, you know, she was sitting like that, such an angle, such soft lines, i started drawing her while talking, well, excuse me, but how often do you go over drawing to knu, and each artist has his own creative method, what happened after nui, do you see, vitya? we can’t get away from each other, this is our fate, it’s not fate, to eat each other for years, i’m tired , you know, i want a normal family, we have a great family, this is not a family, this is, in general, i
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’m filing for divorce, the decision is final, you i'll change my mind again. “this was the last time, i won’t come back, finally, hey, for the sake of urgency, what happened, in general, i saw that...” susha goes to ivanova’s ward, ivanova to ivanova’s daughter? for what? how do i know why? i didn't ask her. i came right away and told you. can you hear me? our girl communicates with the daughter of this scumbag who kidnapped her. so, calm down roma and don’t panic. what do you mean don't panic?
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do you have any idea how this communication could end? that's why she goes to her? how do i know? that's for sure? i'm mine. eyes i saw, i don’t know what she’s up to, but we urgently need to stop this communication before they do something stupid, let ’s first try not to do something stupid ourselves, i ’ll try now. find out something and let you know, okay? i am amazed at your calmness, i just know how to control myself .
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no, no, ksenia, i’m calling again just like that, but my voice is normal, i just missed you, and you’re having a change, yes, i hear, hear, the call, come on, run, that’s it, i kiss you, mikhal, oh, i exclusively for good news, bad news is prohibited today, so what? that swordsmen don’t give up like that, we’ll do without his recognition, unless of course the dna matches and the coal matches. michal, tell me that they coincided,
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i beg you, they coincided, but this is not enough, why? because we can only prove that mechnikov was at the editorial office in the evening and had sex with his wife, so he doesn’t deny this, well, he would still deny it, he knows that he... okay, what is the motive for the murder, the motive, m, motive, motive, motive, the wife didn’t give a divorce, what’s not the motive, i didn’t want to drag myself through the courts, so i cut the proud knot in one fell swoop, auji, what a recitation you are, gordian knot, but as i said, only the desire to get a divorce is not enough, not enough? “you’re also tired of painting a portrait of the same woman in different poses, and that everyone has gone crazy, if
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you weren’t, you were, sometimes it seems to me that you look so deeply that you don’t even understand what you see, yes, in the sense that mechnikov actually had a mistress, well, it seems to me so. do you remember the portraits in his studio? also? there, by the way, in one of the portraits there was no mechnikova, a completely different girl. are you serious? i did not notice. of course, you weren’t looking at her face, listen, there’s someone like that, but i noticed it, and it seems to me that i even recognized her. how are viktor petrovich feeling? it's okay, i feel innocent. yes. why did they
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tell me that you were having an affair with yulia nemytova? where are you from? what does this have to do with the matter? so how? yulia worked under your wife, you are having an affair with yulia, but is that really it? standard for murder, what are you talking about, i didn’t kill karina, and yulia certainly had nothing to do with it, but i didn’t tell because i didn’t i wanted to involve her in this, it’s enough that i was involved up to my ears, tell me more about your novel, what can i tell you, we met yulia two months ago, when i stopped by the editorial office, i wanted to paint her portrait, then you you know how it happens, well... i’m not very good at all, not an expert, well, in general terms you understood, but you didn’t understand anything, i love yulia,
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what an interesting idea of ​​love you have, love one, spend the evening with another, i came to karina to set the record straight nada, you know that she fired yulia, allegedly because she was constantly late, in fact, she found out about us on the morning of her... death, i saw the portrait i was working on, threw a tantrum, i said, that i want to get a divorce, she’s not what, you know, as they say, the dog is for today, that’s what it’s about... but at that time i firmly decided to leave, so you had to kill her, but no, last time you said that you came in the evening to the editorial office to talk about divorce, well, if you already talked about it this morning, i came to finish the conversation, i ended it, when i left, karina was alive, well
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, of course, he denies everything? and what remains for him is all the evidence against him, indirect evidence , we never found it from the video, he’s not a complete fool, he guessed to get rid of it, well, it doesn’t add up, there’s something here , that’s what the calculation is for, the calculation is usually as logical as possible, but here some kind of spontaneity, passion, because this is a murder motivated by passion, he realized that his wife would never let him go, she would keep him on a leash, he killed her, everything is simple, okay, but...
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help from an expert, borisych, yeah , borisych, where the evidence in the mechnikova case, well, everything is here, yeah , listen, there should be such an interesting piece of paper, but i know, this one, yes, it is, and
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why is it interesting? and look for yourself, thick paper, density 200 grams, clearly non-printer consumer goods, which looks like pastel paper, no, looks like a scrap of a piece of paper from this notebook, you see, yes, but you see marks along the edge, it seems to me that this is the same coal , which you found on the victim's blouse. and what is logical, the killer is an artist, and this is a piece of paper on which he drew, uh-huh, only this artist claims that when he left the office, the drawing was unharmed, which is lying, and we ’ll check this now, although it will require a considerable amount of luck.
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so lilya, i’m listening, what do you think, boris, what is the likelihood of that? that there will be fingerprints on that particular piece of paper, eh?
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and you have an interesting face, a hidden passion, i would draw you, just for this reason. want to order a portrait? come back in a few years, how much they give us for murder, with a sincere confession to an innocent person,
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the investigation acquits the innocent, but this is not your case, you will be jailed for 10 years, well , come back in 10 years, only it will be a completely different portrait, you will become wiser, i will lose the lightness of my brush, let’s talk. some other time, viktor petrovich , tell me if you can repeat the drawing you made that evening, why, whether you can or not, i would like to put you in a cell and then ask you to draw, i would see how you can do it , perhaps this... will help remove the charge from you, in a few words,
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what are you doing, i think i’m doing your job for you, my job is to put this artist in jail, and you seem to be planning to drop the charges against him, your job is to put the murderer in jail, so stop. you dug up something, but you’re not telling me, or what? yes, i’m not telling you, but i’m trying, you’re not listening, okay, i’m listening, why do you need a drawing? what are you showing me? this is a piece of paper from a notebook in which mechnikov drew a portrait of his wife, again you are on your side, you are mocking the house or something, you admit that meshchnikov he’s not lying, and that he really left the drawing on the table, and we found a scrap. with the fingerprint of a probable killer, who most likely tore up this drawing in anger, well, he admitted it, well done, why did you ask this to repeat the drawing, it must, it must, okay, let’s go
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, well, then, viktor petrovich, you can draw it. she was so beautiful. yulia valentinovna, please tell me where you were from 9 to 11 pm on the day of karina mechnikova’s death. can i just julia? no, you can't, please answer the question. i was at home. who can confirm this? i live alone. i didn't think i'd need witnesses. that is, it is quite possible that at 10 pm you were not at home. what are you implying? why didn’t you mention that mechnikova fired you half a day before her death? somehow there was no need for a word? you don’t think i killed her on
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the spot, do you? you also didn’t say that you had an affair with her husband, but why? she fired me for being systematically late? yes, by the way, about being late, according to your colleagues, you have never actually been to the editorial office before 11 o'clock. and what suddenly raised you up at the crack of dawn the day after mechnikov’s death? i just wanted to get the payment quickly? what do you think of viktor mechnikov’s drawings? and what does this have to do with the drawings? yes he is an amazing artist. how do you like this job? don't want to break up the kluckiks? i already tore them off, yes , and then collected the pins and took them away from the crime scene, we are aware, we even found one fragment that you did not
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notice in your haste, and the fingerprint on this fragment belongs to you, yulia valentinovna, what if we right now we will conduct a search in your apartment, we will find there the dark blue fluffy sweater you were wearing for the day. he was very sleepy, he said that this can’t continue like this, it’s time to put an end to it, he went to the editorial office, yes, and i’m for...
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emotional, like all creative people, they used to almost get into fights with the shifter, i i wanted to keep an eye on them so that everything wouldn’t end badly, i immediately ran away, they didn’t notice me, they were very busy, i walked for a long time, came to my senses. and then i decided to go back and talk to karina, why don’t you just let him go, why should i let him go, you don’t love him, but he doesn’t love him, it’s not true, you think that he loves you, but people like you, a bundle on a market day. it’s not even his taste,
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yes, girl, that’s how he draws when he really loves. yes, it's good for you to vent your rage. you know what, go to him now, listen to a bedtime story about how he will soon get divorced, well, get your portion of female happiness, i don’t mind, you don’t want it, as you want, the main thing is leave me alone, you are our man free, but i have another room to rent out tomorrow. ksenia, hello, i'm home,
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ksenia, ksenia, hello, anna mikhailovna. hello, where? ksenia? nikita, you will marry me for 300,000, half a million, a million. i want a family, but a real one, not a fictitious one. i loved your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you. her
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hands, what did you arrange for the deputy skar? i agree, there’s no way around a million, listen, antokh, you can’t do the same, listen, brother, live your life, live mine, come on for now, are you twins or something, the old lady has fallen in love , oh, grandma, you don’t care hide it, daddy, you married the daughter of a rich man a businessman, yes, but he turned out to be the husband of a daring, unemployed girl, and he took him off. congratulations, you are pregnant, without love on friday on rtr. as you forgive me, we've reduced your freaking leg by two sizes. thank you, they will finally be in time for me, the history of a big country on friday on rtr.
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leningrad tulip in one of the largest greenhouse farms in the region began to plant flowers for st. petersburg. a conflict with dire consequences. a resident of gaccina faces up to 8 years in prison for a devastating knockout. 42 men were caught on camera. in serious condition he was taken to the hospital, his forty-year-old victim with a head injury , his thirty-three-year-old offender was detained, he was convicted several times, a criminal case was opened
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under the article of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm. the children, who lived in the same house with their father's mummy for 4 years, are now in the hospital, their mother too, the woman will undergo psychiatric treatment... this was announced today by the commissioner for children's rights of the leningrad region, tatyana tolstova. she took part in a large meeting in the administration of the gaichensky district, where discussed this shocking story. let us remind you that in the village of siverskaya last week , representatives of the guardianship authorities discovered the mummified body of a man in the bedroom of a private house. experts suggest that this is the father of four children who allegedly disappeared several years ago. his wife then assured that he had gone to tibet and never returned. all this time imperfect. two girls of eight and 17 years old and two eleven-year-old twin brothers not only lived in this house, they also studied without leaving its walls, on demand mother. that is why guardianship officials periodically visited the family, but never noticed anything suspicious. the children were neat, they were involved in creative
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clubs, they were involved in extracurricular subjects in the educational process, so the family did not give the impression of being socially dangerous, they did not... receive benefits, because the mother did not declare either, she did not need it, the mother worked, the mother was engaged in veterinary practice. however, the family was recognized as being in a socially dangerous situation, now their mental and physical condition children will be checked by doctors. a number of examinations and checks have been appointed; based on their results, a decision will be made on the future fate of the minors. in the pushkinsky district , the construction of the southern latitudinal highway is in full swing, this is one of the key transport projects. ilya korelin, more details. its own machine screen displays an industrial melody. to this accompaniment, a new route is being born - the southern latitudinal highway. road work is in full swing in the area of ​​the petersburg highway near pushkin. builders are strengthening
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the weak soil with piles, it will have to withstand a serious load, because here the estocade track will begin to lift off the ground. an overpass will be built in this place, it will separate the car. by the way, this highway will also be extended for the construction of an interchange, while it ends earlier, the length of the first stage of the southern latitudinal highway is 7 km, on this modern road, four lanes wide on one section and six on the other, there will be three large interchanges at once, it will pass from volkhonsky highway, that is, in the area of ​​​​savetskaya street there will be... an interchange, then it will go through the st. petersburg highway, under the st. petersburg highway, a tunnel -type overpass will be built, then it will go to the podbelskoye highway, and just in the area where the podbelskoye highway intersects, an overpass will be built across the railway tracks in the vitevsky direction. the new route is of strategic importance
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for the south of the city; existing highways can no longer cope with the traffic load; during peak hours, congestion occurs on the ring road, on the st. petersburg highway, and on other roads in the pushkinsky district. designed to solve the problem. the traffic intensity will be about 40,000 cars, i think. that is, the traffic here is quite serious. trucks will bypass the city of pushkin. that is, for the street. road network, of course, this will be such a good load reduction. while preparatory work was underway at the future construction site, almost 800 different shells from the great patriotic war were discovered. during the siege, the front line of the defense of leningrad passed here. just recently, while developing a excavation near the seventh support of the baltic direction, we found the remains of a fighter, a soviet fighter, well, in accordance with our friendly organization pulkovo heights were called, further. police, examination, well, the remains will be buried in the cemetery, naturally.
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it is planned to complete the construction of the first stage of the southern shrotnaya highway in 2027; in the future, it will connect the volkhonskoe highway with petrozavodsk and even reach the kola highway, then it will be a full-fledged backup of the ring road in the south of the city. the exact dates of execution have not yet been determined, but the current fragment of the highway is called one of the main projects for the development of the transport framework of st. petersburg. nikita sokolov, nikolay shvedov, vesti petersburg. st. petersburg is transforming; this year 12 new public spaces will be built and dozens of existing walking areas will be improved. this was discussed at a working meeting of the governor with members of the city government. last year, st. petersburg won the russian national award for landscape architecture. among the most notable implemented projects is a recreation area on the coast of the gulf of finland in strelna, an area with light musical fountain in kolpino and a number of others. plans for this year. construction of popular beaches in the resort area laskovoye, dune and severny, and construction of
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new sports grounds for extreme skiing and outdoor physical education. as alexander biglov reminded, according to the new general plan of st. petersburg, a third of the total area of ​​the city should literally be buried in greenery. st. petersburg today is among the leaders of pepper cities with a favorable and high-quality urban environment, but we need not only to maintain, but to increase this bar. to the recent one. the meeting that took place with the president, he specifically asked about replacing the lighting, and i would like to note that we are massively replacing sodium lamps with led lamps, it will become noticeably brighter in the petrodvortsovo district, they are modernizing the old electrical substation in lomanosov. today smolny approved an agreement with the russian networks. after the reconstruction of the facility , the energy supply will become more reliable with additional power reserves. and in the pushkinsky district a modern football and sports complex will be built. inform
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information about the upcoming voting in the presidential elections will be targeted: a new project is starting in russia; from february 17, members of election committees will begin door-to-door visits to st. petersburg residents. olga skripkina will continue: we introduce ourselves, say hello, and say that we are the chairman of the precinct election commission, this introduction will take place a month before the elections, contrary to the practice of past years. for the first time, st. petersburg residents will see representatives of election committees in advance, and on the thresholds of their apartments. the country launched a new project inform uik to tell russians about voting procedure and new opportunities for the electorate. this work, which is now going to be a walkthrough, yes, it will help to attract and inform more and more people, so that everyone can visit, so that the civic position is indicated. this is not their first meeting; the election commissions are training the algorithm.
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they will be able to attach themselves to the polling station. communication with the lineman will take no more than 5 minutes. everyone has equipment with election symbols. snow-white vest, identification, as well as information leaflets. you can distinguish a member of the election commission by a special badge, which indicates who is in front of you, the name and surname of the attendant, as well as the number of the polling station he represents, all data must be certified by a seal. no campaigning, just information and a few questions. about where the voter is going to vote and in what way. the answers will be recorded in a special mobile
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application. we will be able to clarify the list of voters to see if any data has changed. plus, if a person needs any help in the form of a volunteer or a portable trash can, we can record all this in the mobile application. now members of the election committees are working on a route that will allow them to quickly get around the houses, as well as a plan of action if no one is answering at the door. first round. hello, with the weather forecast in the studio leonid petrov. insignificant precipitation, noticeable frost, weak wind, all this awaits residents of st. petersburg and the region on tuesday. according to the hydra data of the center of st. petersburg, on february 6 in the leningrad region it will be cloudy with clearings about 11° below zero, weather forecasters promise that during the day
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it may get colder in tikhin, boksistogorsk and volkhov, up to -9, a couple of degrees warmer. in st. petersburg during the day , light snow in places, partly cloudy is expected, exactly a few hours of sunshine in the northern capital during the day -6 on wednesday night already 13-15° have a good day, mood in any weather. what is the secret of the persistence of the leningrad tulip and where does it come from on the streets of st. petersburg? in general, flowers are taken, yulya vasilyeva found out everything and is ready to tell. yellow dragee balls - these are clove seeds in a voluminous shell. they themselves are black and flat, so small that an air seeder cannot pick them up. a large, bright capsule solves this problem. in the ladka, the seeds are suctioned, then when the comb is above
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the seven-wire, on the contrary, the seeds are blown out, and they are blown out in the opposite direction. with air, the seeds fall through the seed tube into each cell, in each such cassette there are 264 cells with seeds, they are unloaded onto a cart and driven into the germination chamber, where after 5 days at temperature of 20° and one hundred percent humidity, the first seedlings will appear, as soon as they turn a little green and get stronger, they will be sent to the so-called school of seedlings, in this school it is quite cool, watering according to a schedule, here the future stars of city lawns will pass their first exam,
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someday ... he is quite active, he flies, runs fast, moves through plants, he catches thrips, eats them, eats mites, 150 thousand seeds are planted per shift at one of the largest greenhouse complexes in the leningrad region, they germinate and survive almost everything, so a million scarlet roses is a figure... no longer a fabulous figure for the landscaping of st. petersburg, its suburbs and regional centers here, by the beginning of the season , 6 million flowers will be prepared. we did not increase the area, we were able to develop a technological process that allows us to accommodate such a large volume in the existing areas. we achieved in 2023 that our season as a
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flower producer is not 4.5 months, but 9.5 months. last year was a year of great experiments for the enterprise, as a result of which the assortment was increased to 900 items, mainly due to the introduction of perennials, now they are in great demand in urban landscaping, as for traditional seasonal crops, they are growing, tulips for the main spring holidays in the leningrad region are grown according to the most stringent standards, the stem length is not less than half a meter, and a glass with a diameter of 8 cm must stand firmly on this leg, for which flowers are given daily... strength training, as exercise equipment - ordinary household fans, than the stronger the air flow, the stronger the flower stem. yulia vasilyeva, sergey skripkin, mark polukhensky, lead st. petersburg from the leningrad region. traffic will be blocked on sadovaya street; one of the main highways in the central district will be closed tomorrow, february 6. due to the repair of tram tracks, cars will be prohibited
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from traveling from the moika embankment to engineering street. the site is scheduled to reopen on march 15. also for 10 days. borders traffic along the swan canal embankment from millionnaya street to embankment moika pomillionnaya street from the swan kanavka embankment to suvorovskaya square. drivers are asked to be careful and plan routes in advance. these were the st. petersburg news. all the best. tv channel my planet presents. he left his grandmother and left his grandfather. it turns out that the bun was not the only fugitive in the history of literature. and culinary, different peoples have similar tales about fleeing food supplies, for example, in addition to the kolobok they ran away from their owners, a pie - norway, a thick
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fat pancake - germany, an oatcake - scotland, johnny donut - england, gingerbread man, usa and pie runner - ukraine. veliky novgorod is one of the oldest russian cities, the embodied history of the country, without exaggeration, because russian statehood was born here many centuries ago. novgorod is proud and carefully preserves the buildings of every era, the oldest dates back to the 16th century, although, of course, the city is much older. the official date of its foundation is considered to be 859, and these kremlin walls are remembered a lot. but i 'll get to them a little later if the kremlin here, then there should be a blue square,
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yes, how to get here from the station, i found out thanks to a very convenient application, a mobile guide to veliky novgorod, which can be downloaded on the tourist portal, in general , everything in this city is so modern and accessible to tourists, by the way , it’s very good that the first thing i came to was syanaya square, and the largest concentration of souvenir sellers. of course, i understand that they are usually bought at the end of the trip, but stereotypes can sometimes be broken. what's not here? jewelry from brass, wooden products, knitted, wicker. but the most important novgorod souvenir is all kinds of birch bark things. and it’s clear why birch bark, because it is in the swampy novgorod soil that archaeologists find many famous birch bark letters. without valuable documents about life in ancient russia, among other things. and here we are, continuing the conversation about the advancement of veliky novgorod. the townspeople never wore bast shoes;
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instead, they wore leather boots. the streets here began to be coated even much earlier than in london or paris, and correspondence between each other the townspeople wrote letters like these on birch bark, even though they were also magnets, right? this is also a magnet, a visiting card of our city, birch bark letters, and bast shoes. live recommendations and i will receive them here in the red hut, this is an information center for tourists, by the way, the first to open in russia, hello, good afternoon, what
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a beauty you have here, thank you, please help me find my way around the city, for getting to know the city, it is best to take our... free guide, here you will find maps and all useful information, well the best way to get to know the city is with the mayor sbslav, and that is, a real mayor, he will guide you through everything, he will tell you, the mayor, he was the head of veliky novgorod during the time of the clothing republic, and he will tell you about how life was organized here. tell me, where is the best place to stay to make it more convenient to move around the city? you can choose a hotel in the center of veliky novgorod, and you can also choose one of the many guest houses where... more budget accommodation is offered from one and a half thousand rubles for a double room or hostels, quite a lot of which have opened in recent years and can accommodate you for only 500 rubles per person. without thinking twice,
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i went to the hotel that was closer in the very center of the city, and i was right; the price for accommodation turned out to be quite affordable; as a bonus, on the way to my room i discovered an unusual museum, a museum of forgotten things. of which , over the several decades of the hotel’s existence , a lot has accumulated, there’s so much of it, people forget money here, and documents, and here you can also trace the evolution of household appliances in all these display cases, oh, the first thing left in the hotel, fifty-nine , imagines more than half a century ago. the thing is called a botala, yes, these used to be hung on the necks of horses and cows, and what if they even
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managed to forget the weighty cow bell here? then our modern skinny gadgets, or even worse , freshly purchased souvenirs, don’t cost anything at all to fall under the bed and stay there, you need to be more careful, but what if you leave your bracelet here? it will be funny to return to novgorod in a few years and if you find your thing in that window, i’ll do it, great one... from time immemorial, novgorod has been divided into two parts: on the right bank of the volkhov river there is a trade side, on the left there is sofeyskaya. the heart of the city has always been there. kremlin, detinets. the total length of its walls is 1,487 m. and their dimensions will impress anyone, thickness from 3 to 6 m, and height from eight to 15. initially, above the fortress
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walls... there were 12 watchtowers, but only nine have survived to this day. the novgorod detinets is such a time machine. once inside it, in an instant you are transported to the distant past, not even to the 15th century, when these stone walls were erected, but much further.
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vladimir putin called the results of the intero company’s work for the twenty-third year impressive. a cargo with explosives from ukraine was stopped in time in georgia for carrying out terrorist attacks on russian territory. revival from chaos in shebek in the belgorod region, builders brought more than 4.0 objects back to life, how to work here now in the report. this. news on the russia channel,
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the main news in karina ilyina’s studio. hello. in georgia, a cargo of explosives was detained, which were imported from odessa to russia to carry out terrorist attacks, similar to the attempt to blow up the crimean bridge. how. as the state security service of the republic reported, explosive devices were brought from odessa through romania, bulgaria and turkey to georgia on january 19. the final point was to be voronezh. the bombs were disguised as car batteries and were discovered during a search at a checkpoint. the transportation of containers was organized by ukrainian mp andrei sharashidze. the georgian special services believe that that the involvement of northern local citizens in the transportation indicates the plans of the organizers to blame for future terrorist attacks. exactly tbilisi. interau managed to replace revenues lost due to the cessation of electricity supplies to western countries. energy workers began to develop engineering and it business divisions, which at the end of last year
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brought them more than 23 billion rubles. the head of the board of interrau, boris kovalchuk , spoke about all this during a meeting with vladimir putin. the president called the results of the campaign impressive. does not have, militant, you have one of the largest energy companies, i looked at the results of work for last year, they are very impressive, i would say, both the growth in electricity generation and the growth in the number of personnel and net profit of 135 billion, yes, yes, absolutely exactly, which is important, among other things , we have created a large financial cushion, the company has no debts, has a serious reserve of funds in its accounts and... at the moment, we are starting an active period of investments for 2024, they are planned in the amount of about 160 billion rubles. one of the important issues is generation since 2009 group built almost 10,500 megawatts of new
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capacity. invested 650 billion rubles in this. much attention is paid to the construction of the novolenskaya tes in the sakha republic. the project is due to be completed in 2028. international activities also continue despite all restrictions. last year, exports amounted to about 10.5 billion kilowatt-hours. in a number of countries , there are historical records, supplies that previously went to unfriendly states are now going to those who really need electricity. russian armed forces near donetsk, three mechanized and two armored brigades of the armed forces of ukraine were defeated near kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka and andreevka. reports this. defense, in just one day , enemy losses amounted to about 900 people. in addition, in the kupinsky direction , artillerymen destroyed the polish self-propelled gun crab and the american m-777 howitzer. crews of d-30 howitzers hit
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a ukrainian infantry platoon point from a distance of 15 km; drone operators leave no chance for the enemy to evacuate the damaged equipment. in this footage, zaporozhye explodes a ukrainian tank a precise hit into the hatch. also a stormtrooper crew. su-25 launched a missile attack on enemy strongholds in the donetsk direction. lpr minister of emergency situations alexey poteleshchenko died during a terrorist attack in lesechansk. this was confirmed by the head of the republic leonid pasechnik. two local deputies were also killed. in total , 28 people were killed in the building attacked on saturday from the american hymeros rocket system, including a child and a pregnant woman. six more are in hospital. doctors in the kremlin are fighting for the lives of the wounded, calling the shelling a monstrous terrorist attack, noting that the special operation continues precisely to ensure that such crimes stop, and the kiev regime finally admitted the fact of the strike, justifying itself by the fact that the bakery allegedly worked for the needs of the front,
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the civilians in it were collaborators. restrictions on the supply of bananas from ecuador to russia are coming into force; as reported by rosselkhoznadzor, ecuadorian companies supplied bananas to our country that contained larvae of insect pests. the russian side has repeatedly identified violations and warned suppliers, but they have not taken any action, so as of yesterday, the certification of their products should be suspended. in shibeki in the belgorod region , the restoration of houses damaged by shelling of the ukrainian armed forces continues. since last summer, builders have brought more than 400 objects back to life. reportage. after massive shelling of the village , practically nothing was left of the old house ; a new box is already rising in its place, and in the yard there is a chaos of piles of bricks, slate, charred boards and household belongings.


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