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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 6, 2024 2:30pm-2:55pm MSK

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half a million thousand, a million, i want a family, but a real one, not a fake one, i loved your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you for her hand in marriage, what did you arrange for the deputy, i agree, a million is not worth it, listen, antokh, the same you can’t, listen, little brother, live your life, not all of mine, let’s go for now, what are you, twins, or something like that, your grandma fell in love
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with you, oh, grandma, you can’t hide anything from you, daddy, you married the daughter of a rich businessman , yes, but he turned out to be the husband of a daring, unemployed girl, he took him off, congratulations, you are pregnant, without love, in friday on rtr, we go to the doctor , we take up a lot of his time with... empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health . we dispel myths, help you find out the truth, how to act? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? all you need is. five ingredients
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that will benefit the entire body, from the onset of the disease takes two decades before it manifests itself, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources: take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing, from monday to friday. on rtr. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program 60 minutes is live , hot on the heels, starting with breaking news from the front. avdeevsky quarry. yes,
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russian attack aircraft broke through the day before, today they are completely under control russian troops. right now, in full force, the fighting is already taking place within the city and in front of the ukrainian armed forces garrison, which is trying to hold the next fort, as they say, there is a threat of dispersal into several parts and a complete cessation of supplies to the group. nevertheless, of course, there is a lot of work ahead, so we are not in a hurry. and don't rush. in the kupinsky direction. during the counter-battery fight, russian artillery destroyed the polish sal krab, the american m3 seven, and worked out the crews of 152 mm self-propelled guns (25) c. the enemy’s observation post was also hit, and positions in so were hit not only by russian drones, but also by s-25 attack aircraft, combat rooks, as they are called. they struck with unguided missiles
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on the accumulation of manpower of the armed forces of ukraine and continue to instill horror in the ukrainians, their western partners. decorating my report with this staged photograph of three guys, somewhere in avdeevka. the new york times writes that the ukrainian armed forces have begun to plug holes at the front with reserves from deep in the rear. about the counteroffensive. there is no talk of new things anymore, the main task right now is to hold on to what is left, in general, just another story, this is how we treat it, in the sense that , whatever one may say, the front in the ssu, unfortunately, is not crumbling yet, however, this does not change the fact , that ukrainians are having a hard time right now, to put it politely, but even in patov, as zelensky himself now says, the west will always help the situation, if not with weapons, then to return. today
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, the head of the working group for coordinating assistance to kiev using the german defense freuden from...
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everyone must serve in one way or another, it is our duty to defend our land, our relatives and our homeland, azmot, azmot, what have you got for 36 months,
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everyone will fight, everyone will fight, the war will not end tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, they will fight everything, to all citizens i know, i advise, guys, train, study, study, study, and also to help ukraine, your dishonor will forever go down in
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us history, that’s exactly how former cia officer john safer commented on the decision of us congress speaker johnson , reject the agreement along the border of assistance to ukraine. reached the day before in the senate; moreover, johnson accompanied his refusal with the phrase that if the agreement does include assistance for ukraine, then the agreement will be stillborn. in general, at this moment, as part of the election fight with biden, not out of love, of course, for russia. republicans again blocked aid to zelensky. to understand, this is already the fifth month of lockdown. from the trump party, something began to reach the adviser to zelensky’s office, the main adherent of the soros sect, leshchenko, he unexpectedly announced that ukraine is in american battles are no longer the main factor, and the republicans
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will not give in to biden until they receive the keys to the trade cabinet, that is, on the eve it is not even the border with mexico, but 4 years of trump’s rule, and the democrat is also not going to give up. senate majority leader chuck schumer decided to shame his opponents by saying that the republicans will go down in history as traitors to the united states while they wait... for trump to win the election, postponing 61 billion to zelensky, putin will trample kiev and ukraine will simply disappear, this direct quote sounds attractive, well, in kiev itself, today new checkpoints have appeared, right on the roads, but not for catching the so-called hijackers, but for identifying russian drgs, that is, sabotage and reconnaissance groups, in kiev. considering ongoing. the fight between the two main kiev spiders, zaluzhny and zelensky, it can be assumed that zelensky is paranoid, there is still
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no resignation itself, which makes the situation look more and more comical, right now, and on zelensky’s orders an audit of the actions of the armed forces of ukraine over the past 2 years is being carried out; based on the results of the audit, imprisonments and personnel changes cannot be ruled out, said the adviser to the head of the office of president zelensky podolyak. the most popular commanders are those who are here at the front, who sit in the trenches
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with us. before you fire someone from such an important position, you need to make sure that you already have a replacement and that his vision for the future matches our situation. it is important that he knows what to do next and how to improve the situation. if our government wants to change someone, then these changes should improve the situation, not worsen. it all depends on who will replace zaluzhny. in general, we have. there are no complaints about him, i think that now is the worst time to change the commander-in-chief, because commanders do not change during battle. zalenskaya and, most likely , uzhlensky are also probably thinking about replacing the head of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, sergei shaptala. ukrainskaya pravda learned about this publication from several informed interlocutors in the president’s team in military circles. one of these interlocutors said that for...
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zaluzhny agreed to the post of ambassador to great britain, most likely he will go there, and we know that the people who were sent as ambassadors were a political pension, that is , no one ever returned back. valery zaluzhny is making kiev’s western partners nervous, said two officials from the g7 countries, whose governments
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supply weapons to ukraine. according to one of them, fears are caused, among other things, by zaluzhny’s popularity among ordinary soldiers in the general population. the dismissal of the commander in chief may cause a backlash when unity is critical. also in the west , they are worried about the possible appointment of kirill budanov as the head of the ukrainian intelligence service. his famously brazen tactics make kiev's western partners nervous. this is black mriya, this is mr. zelensky’s blue dream or green dream to directly remove general zaluzhny from the post of commander in chief, zelensky’s task is to remove zaluzhny. because zaluzhny is significantly more popular than zelensky. in addition, zaluzhny is inconvenient for zelensky, because zaluzhny asks a lot of questions. who can become the successor of sirsky and budanov, as western media wrote. they tested many people, and first of all, the test is not so much on professionalism, but on loyalty and silence. if
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the president has lost confidence in his best advisers, generals and commanders, then he... must fire them immediately. journalists immediately begin to hallucinate as soon as they realize that the country's main military leader may resign. i think that the fact that this has gone on for so long is actually much more harmful than if the president said: “hey, thank you for your service, you saved kiev, but we are moving to a new phase of the war, now it’s time for new leadership in ukraine.” after visiting the southern front, ukrainian president vladimir zelensky announced to the italians. that he not only plans to dismiss the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, but it is possible to carry out a serious reshuffle in the government. another candidate to succeed zaluzhny is a defense intelligence boss known for his brash attacks on the russian military. and infrastructure facilities of budanov. zaluzhnye,
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zaluzhnye. now yogo dedi.
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moreover, according to budanov, the card is worse than according to zelensky, by the way, it falls, the devil ’s card falls, the devil’s card falls, so the shelling clearly shows whether zelensky communicates with the poor man at all, well, spilkuvannya, that is, the two of cups falls, there is 100% communication , by the way, look, the three of swords, a broken heart, conflicts, quarrels, quarrels, in this regard, of course, it’s funny and curious, when total mobilization begins in... ukraine, reconnaissance companies will be formed from these fortune-tellers, which, for example, with the help of tarot layouts, will determine whether there is an enemy in the landing and whether it will be possible to land successfully, for example, in crenton. this is, of course, an obvious irony, but there is a reason for it. the armed forces of ukraine began issuing the first military
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uniform adapted for women. and these are shots from the truck that the woman is driving. subdivision for positions in the ssu. the girls smile, laugh, and sing bandera’s anthem chervona-kolyna. it is unlikely that they, of course, understand what they will have to face at the front end. there are more and more videos like this on the internet. on them the girls who enthusiastically went to defend zelensky’s interests also smile and make eyes at their subscribers. they leave autographs on machine-gun cartridges so that they can hit the occupiers more accurately. they send air kisses to their relatives, but there is one important nuance: all these warriors will never return home. all of them were eliminated, some as a result of artillery shelling, some caught a sniper’s bullet, some were blown up by a mine. so, they have to be buried in closed coffins. so, for example, this german mercenary, savita diana
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wagner, she was 36 years old, she entered the service in the ukrainian national battalion. at the very beginning of the special operation, and on january 29 she met her death near kramatorsk. well, this is another valkyrie. the well-known ukrainian propagandist, natalka moseychuk, is from a warm studio, not from a cold trench. natalka calls on ukrainians to fight russian women. he promises that the revenge of the ukrainian people will find everyone who marries russian military men. in particular, pilots, promises that russian women will remain widows, the children of pilots will become orphans, here we must, of course, understand that her... own eldest son anton escaped from mobilization to germany and is not going to return to defend his wife now, it turns out that he is scared of
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rats, that’s what he called all the draft dodgers, this overly well-fed man, the former commander of the national battalion aidar, evgen dikiy, proposes to clean up, in the literal sense of this word, to cleanse, that is, to destroy those who...
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maxen, maxim tries not to leave the house. i live in constant stress and anxiety, i look through telegram channels to understand how best to get from point a to point b and not receive a summons. they chase people like dogs, and now they also offer to block bank accounts, that is, you either won’t be able to buy bread, or you’ll have to go to the front, where they seem to pay you, but no one knows when you’ll return home, if you return at all, they take ordinary people without military experience, and it is impossible to train someone in a month. he has been here for 3 months, he joined the service of his own free will, but he says that he knows many in his hometown who do not want to do this. there are videos where military commissars
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forcing people into trucks. this is not good for mobilization; an ordinary guy looks at this and becomes even more scared. we have started recruiting, we have launched a company to attract recruits on a volunteer basis, we want to attract those who want to join the army on their own.
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as she once was, but she is not alone , many politicians have taken the same position, and this upsets roman lazinsky, a ukrainian mp who himself serves in the army, every time i return to kiev, i don’t want to hear such talk, talk about postpone the discussions for another month, ukraine is fighting for independence, and there are no simple solutions here, like sending police officers or prosecutors, many police officers are already at the front, we cannot afford to play political games, fight for ratings, politician. in order to raise their ratings, politicians say that in 36 months there will be an order for demobilization, that is , those who have been on the front line for 3 years already, friends, do not deceive
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each other, this will not happen, because if there is now an outflow of personnel, experienced officers, there will be no one to fight for sergeants, soldiers, people capable of carrying out combat missions and taking responsibility , and new reinforcements that have not been fired upon are less resistant to enemy actions due to lack of experience, so we must say honestly that each of us, despite ... on the fact that what form of relationship he chose with the defense forces, mobilization or contract, will fight until the end of the special period. at the other end of kiev we meet oksana, whose husband is at the front. the couple is expecting a child in march this year. andrey hasn't yet saw me pregnant, only on video. of course, i would like him to be present among the people, but no one will give it that way. we haven't seen each other since the summer, they won't even let him come over for the weekend because they... don't have enough people. andrei's unit is fighting in the bakhmut area.


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