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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  February 6, 2024 11:25pm-2:05am MSK

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three times you’ll have time to go to court, but what’s going on, a series of murders, a maniac is getting hooked. why does his mania worsen on saturdays? in any case, if this is a maniac, you must first decide when he started, why did he miss two saturdays?
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sorry, i just wanted to help you.
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excuse me, i pushed you, i felt that someone pulled the bag, yes, yes, yes, you just have a very decisive hand, you are either a doctor, or a lawyer, you have a good understanding of people, and you are either a seller or, either or a journalist. my surname is staroseltsev, newspapers world crime, read, where there are naked women on the covers, offend us, we have a serious publication, girls are invited from madam agencies to take staged photographs, in my opinion only maniacs count, i’ll tell you more, maniacs work in it. by the way, do you know
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that a maniac walks around the city killing women, every saturday, at 3:00, are you absolutely sure, my stop, so can he see you off, no, no, that’s all, thank you, all the best. i can tell you something interesting, what’s your name?
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who's there? mash, it's me! mash, i just i looked at the vodka, stopped on the way, just finished. is it okay that i came in? come on in. yes. oh! masha, you’re waiting for someone, right? i'm not on time. sit down. wow, why? for what? well, let's drink to
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everything going well in your personal life. in personal? yes, i don’t care about my personal life a thousand times. the main thing is that everything goes well at work. that's what you're saying now. masha, i looked at the reports for six months, there is another similar case, on saturday, on saturday at 3:00 in the afternoon on the back stairs of a homeless person with knife wounds, in the chest, in the back, six blows, i just didn’t i understand where he finds them, he meets them on the tram, offers to bring them a bag, something was stolen, we don’t know for sure, but i called the morgue and they...
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zhen, you know, there is such a golden rule of forensic science, look in the daytime, because it’s better to see , here it was, volodya, shine here, blood stains, here. you see , something shines, yes, there is something, a piece of a chain, silver, aluminum, in general, guys , we shouldn’t have come here, why, the inspection needs
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to be arranged with witnesses, everything should be photographed as it should be, a report should be written, but what are we now, with this chain, are we going to bury it back? evgenia, where did you get the luggage from, tomorrow we’ll come with witnesses, yeah, let’s go, right, rita antoniecheva, housewife ivanova, artist cherkassy homeless woman from this front door, one saturday is missing, i don’t know, i looked at all the photos, there were no more murders committed in the front doors on saturday, i need to see for myself, don’t you trust me? maybe you just don't know what to look for? forgive me, what do you mean, i don’t know, murders committed in the front doors on saturday, and if not in the front doors, you need to interrogate mamurit antonichov, it’s time, margeevna, meet the
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staroseltsev journalist from the mir-criminal newspaper, he’s interested in the murders of women, please, my friends, have a seat. viktor ivanovich, for now this is not for the press, yes, but then i will have to look for information elsewhere, and you never know what i can write, so you better keep the situation under control, under control, okay, come to my office, i i’ll interrogate you, how do you know about the murder of women, you know me, yes, but i can’t tell you where? i get information, because we don’t hand over our sources, but we have to, if it’s needed for the investigation, maybe you learned this from the killer, or maybe you’re the killer yourself, i was joking, i was joking, sergei alexandrovich, i mean, anton alexandrov,
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let’s go, my secretary has coffee i have prepared for you, now i have a few words, and you sit down there, make yourself at home. well, what are you doing, just now we didn’t have enough to quarrel with the press, you need it, yes, let them shout on every corner, a maniac is running around the city, the prosecutor’s office is inactive, yes yes let be. okay, then let's use him for a long time, let him write in the newspaper so that women should be careful, on saturday afternoon, we don't need this, then they'll definitely mix us with dirt, everyone will scream, the prosecutor's office admitted, a maniac is wandering around, they i’m not able to do anything, but if there is even the slightest opportunity, to try to prevent the next murder, the city will let us down, it’s not too expensive a price for a saved life, that’s it, we’ll close the discussion, no announcements, i said, let him write... you be careful, burst into tears, okay, i understand
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, come to my office, what a miguera, she ’s a nice woman, who’s a miguera, yes, there she is, i ask you not to talk about her like that, and you are an employee of the prosecutor’s office, yes no , why am i a former accused, and you speak so warmly about this migra? be kind, i asked you, that’s it, i’m a journalist, the world of crime newspaper, you call me later, there will be cool material, how were you unreasonably attracted, yes, hello, yeah, the thing is that i was acquitted, i would like to receive their things back that were seized during the investigation, you know, yes, i have an inventory, you come back in a week, okay, fine, i’ll come in a week. can maria sergeevna get it here? the thing is that i would like to thank her, in court, she is always in
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trials, but here she is extremely rare, so often she is here, here she is, yes, now she is here, but now i can’t, well, come in, when it’s convenient for you, there’s a schedule, let me, yes, my name is anton, your name is maria. sergeevna, what is your middle name? well, what are you doing? possible without a middle name. you can’t, please call me marya sergeevna, but poke me unilaterally, i’m not used to it, please. i, alexandrovich. great. let's agree. i'll be with you.
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what is this? this is a subscription to non-disclosure of preliminary investigation data. you can familiarize yourself with the criminal code, article 310. arrest up to 3 months, correctional work up to 2 years, fine up to 200 murod.
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figure it out for yourself, okay? volodya? well, is there a murder in our series? are you saying that zhenya and i looked through it? no, you were just looking at the wrong thing. mash, this saturday there was no murder in the front door. yes, but i mean murder or abramon.
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why did you divorce? does this even matter? do you suspect him? is this just absurd? no, no, it’s just that everything is important to us. can you tell me why you got divorced? think? that now she wouldn’t get divorced, she would endure it, in his youth everyone was a maximalist, he drank worse, he played, he played, he went to the gambling den all night, he lost everything, even his clothes, he lost everything, his and mine, and his daughter’s, once he lost her gold earrings, but he lost 5 to her
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years ago he gave me such, such small balls, so after that i got divorced, and what about him? he repented, cried, asked for forgiveness, said: i can’t live without this, i’m simply losing my mind, if not for this, what a man he was, handsome, kind, talented, excuse me, of course, for asking, but what about him with this destructive did you make this career for yourself through passion? you know, he played at the house of his friend from the institute, he lived somewhere on fontanka, this house had already been resettled. and an acquaintance, as i heard, shortly after sergei and i divorced, crashed his car, so sergei felt having no one to play with, he went to moscow, where he quickly went uphill. it's strange that riten papa didn't come to the funeral. you probably think he forgot about rita. he always treated her well. did they see each other
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often? no, he saw her only three times during this time, but she always sent money. “abramovna shik lived luxuriously, yes, on foot, we took the elevator, it’s unlikely that she walked on foot, after all, the fifth floor.”
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he’ll bring her something, recently there was a raincoat in germany, he brought it, and it was, you know, funny, such a keychain, that’s why she keychain, by the way, no luck at all, what kind of keychain is that, you know, big, round, in the shape of a playing chip, and she was spinning it in her hands all the time, and i kept telling her not to
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waved it, why? well, you know, we have drug addicts hanging out here, they will take... they will rob the apartment, that’s how it happened, that’s how it happened , the keychain was stolen, the keychain was stolen, yes, i was a witness, and the keys are in my hands, there’s no keychain, just a chain, and excuse me, which apartment i’m from, i’m from number thirty- five, just opposite tsilya, uh-huh, thank you, please, “i noticed a blood stain in the elevator , uh-huh, yes, right here, look, this is the blood of the celebram, are you absolutely sure, we need to call the doctors and remove traces, which means she was stabbed in the elevator, she managed to run into the apartment, she only closed after that she fell , the bleeding on her clothes and body was vertical , respectively, she was moving around even after
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the wound, and why didn’t the criminal finish her off, well , that means he got everything he wanted, i wonder what..." i received a keychain, hello, hello, hello , evgeniya, this is still a maniac. we found another murder, now we have we have all saturdays covered. how did you find it? i looked at all the reports, but there were no more killings of front door people on saturday. and i looked at the reports for a murder that, in principle, could have been committed in the front door. so, while i was interrogating, you were inspecting the scene of the incident. did you interrogate, mother antonevich? yes, she asked, nothing interesting, can i see, it means he called on sunday morning, who is antonnichev’s father. “listen, how did he find out about the girl’s death, do you remember, he arrived at the scene before we carried out the inspection, yeah, assuming that
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rita was not satisfied with the monthly handouts from her high-ranking dad, and she wanted something not excessive, then death at the hands of a drug addict was very timely, and then the dad happened to be in town and had the opportunity to personally supervise the fulfillment of the order. lord, what are you saying that the father ordered his own daughter? zhen, don’t forget that he hasn’t lived with her for 10 years, then men often forget the children they don’t live with, so if he’s the customer, then rita for him was just an ordinary stranger, but in that case, this is not a series, where are the rest of the corpses? what to do, the question is, we are releasing something very important, we need to go to the morgue, will you come with us? viktor ivanovich sent me to a criminologist , right now, well, when, on saturday 3 days later, let's go, bye, bye, zhen, bye,
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in at least two cases there is only one method, and the height of the criminal is also the same, and what is your height ? they determined, well, by the location of the wounds, i mean the corpses of ivanova and the minor girl antonnicheva. the height of the wounds from their soles is completely the same, up to a centimeter, but it was clearly the same one who acted, his grip is so sporty from behind, with a bend elbow, yeah, his approximate height is from 165 to 170, and in other cases it’s an ambush, as for the grandmother, the old woman and the artist in a white cloak, it’s hard to say, but the one who killed the homeless woman is clearly above 180, but what about you you determine this, well, by the location of the wounds, so... minosh, so what, hit me, oh, you see where his hand landed, well, if he had been lower, then the blow would have been lower, early,
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logical, try you, come on, come on, be bolder, here, the height is the same as your criminal, and the location of the wounds is the same as on two corpses, but yours... by the way, a good woman's height, not a man's, so there are different killers, different killers, the weapon is the same, in what sense, the knife is the same in all cases, there is a characteristic notch on the blade, it is imprinted in all the rivers there are all the corpses, listen, it’s strange, but all the corpses are on saturdays. yes, on saturdays, that’s the point, the handwriting is the same, but you say the killers are different, no, the killers are different, it’s probably the devil who transforms into different shells, the brain is the same, but the hands are different, and if
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it’s the devil , then science is powerless here, consequence, even more so. carefully, okay, at least they pumped out the water, be quiet , who are you afraid of, you never know, go home, go, why did we come here? you and i
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didn’t actually examine the scene of cherkassova’s murder, we got a corpse, homeless people pulled it out, damn, it’s a draft, and what are you afraid of? i'm not human, am i ? come on, zhenya isn’t afraid to climb into basements, but she’s pretending, i did the same before... but what, what do you want to find here? oh, shine a light, it looks like homeless people were playing here, hold it, go ahead, take the cards, then you’ll ask them, by the way, you need to interrogate parents of this artist, and in general , you and i need to analyze what was stolen? i agree, it turns out to be a strange set. ivanov’s scarf, it was stolen, it’s an analogue, her husband brought two identical ones, i
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took this one from my daughter. look, the second earring of rita antoncheva, the same as the one that was stolen, and this is what was taken from the homeless woman, zhenya, well done, i found it behind the battery, a button from cherkassy’s coat , well, the same thing, what’s missing, a tsilishik shelf, playing chips, in short , so, i have some lying around here... so what, does this give you any ideas? not yet, listen i’m free tonight, me too, well, let’s go to the cherkassy parents and interrogate them, yeah, let’s go.
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tell me, is this svetlana? yes, this is her self-portrait. i can’t imagine how sveta could have ended up in that area, she had... acquaintances there, no business, no one at all , she wasn’t into portraits, she liked landscapes more, but you can see her work, of course, she was a very talented girl, people with such talent don’t live long, you are probably interested in her latest works, let’s start from there, i was always very afraid
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for her. and she didn’t even have a boyfriend, she lived only for this, and this was apparently her last work, some kind of strange still life. how did cherkassova know all this, do you remember the homeless people who pulled the corpse out of the basement, yeah, i swear that
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they saw it a few days before the murder. the day after tomorrow we need to do something. what can we do? let's wait and examine the next corpse. that's all. until we find him, he will kill on saturdays. he or she or they. do you remember what panov said about a woman’s height? i have a feeling that we are not we might catch something. mash, if this is a sick
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person, a maniac, then the logic is there. doesn't work, but there must still be something else, some detail of the handwriting, something without which he cannot commit these murders, or something that provokes him to kill, hi, boss, hi, so what , hello, we're playing solitaire, hello, it 's me, yes, what do you have, do you have a photo table of ivanova, yes, why didn't you pay attention to this, because i was there, how come i didn't understand it right away, what i didn't understand, marya sergeevna, so in the entrance where they killed rita antonicheva, the wall there was an ace of spades, you see , an ace of spades on the wall, yes, a keychain in the form of a playing chip, a handkerchief with card symbols, a deck of cards in the basement, well... and what, nothing yet, i don’t
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understand how to explain, okay, that’s it, bye . the agents started talking, well, i talked to lenka korablev, uh-huh, people knocked on him, recently there was an order from moscow for murder, murder, who, they didn’t say who, from whom, are you hinting at anton, well, they didn’t mention their names, but about a high official the situation was said, so after all he ordered the murder of his daughter, but no, on the contrary, they mentioned that the customer’s daughter had recently been killed. so, it means that antonichev ordered the killer of his daughter, it turns out he knew him, yes, well , what proposals will there be, have you ever
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tried to imprison a government official, tried, well, what do you think, thank you, they didn’t fire you, thank you very much, what are we brought here? ears, ears, ears all around, but it’s a matter of national importance, trees and sticks, but i don’t look like a camelfo now, in the headquarters of the chiefs they don’t cut like dogs, don’t understand , so that means i have one little man, in touch, knocking on line organized criminality, he immediately came running with information that an order had arrived from moscow, vinokurov told me this, do you think it’s antonichev, exactly, i’ll check everything, everything matches him, and his daughter was recently killed. in general, they say that he seems to be a decent guy, he often visits st. petersburg almost every week, on business trips, goes on weekends, lives alone in moscow, it turns out that this murder is not political, a man’s daughter was just killed, he is looking for a killer,
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first, what suggests itself is to avenge his daughter, but of course, in fact, he wouldn’t to deal with political problems means he knows the killer, so what to do next. we wrap him up, take him, put him in a cell , stab whomever he ordered, and you get your ripper on a watch with a blue box, and if he doesn’t crack, our generals cry like children, no, there’s no point in recruiting him now, the order is mythical, if we had real evidence, do you really think that i would drag him straight from the plane’s ramp into the cell, we would screw him. let's check his connections properly, okay, stop, let's hang on the phone, hello, okay, yes, okay, from the fight, here you go, he has already
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left for the airport, they said from moscow, yes, he is under our surveillance, we won’t get through, but here we will meet him, and if he doesn’t communicate with the performers, it’s very simple , the performers will kill the maniac and report for... and we have his means of communication under control, well, after all, you know how it will be, antonichev will sit, the maniac will walk, saturday the day after tomorrow, he... he flew to st. petersburg, meet him.
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you can be happy, we won’t detain anyone. what is it, are you afraid of trouble? worse, he simply didn’t arrive in st. petersburg. oh, he returned from the airport? he completely disappeared. oh damn. so, can you explain to me what happened? he drove to the airport in his car with security. muscovites.
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zhen, please dial antonnicheva’s phone number. this means where he is here in moscow is unknown. uh-huh, thank you, hello, i’m listening, natalya ivanovna, hello, is it investigator shvetsova that’s bothering you, i’m investigating the murder of your daughter, yes, the girl came to see me, she, yes, yes, we work together, please tell me called today sergei ivanovich, he called, yeah, he arrived, he arrived, he arrived, yes, and you don’t happen to know where he is staying, no, he didn’t inform me about this, natalya ivanovna, please, if he calls again, please tell me , my coordinates, give them to you. left evgenia anatolyevna, or call yourself, goodbye, we have to wait, yes, zhen,
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i’m going to the scene of the murder of a homeless woman, will you come with me, we were there, but we were at night, and the crime scene needs to be inspected during the day, so ship us and will give you a lift, damn it, it’s fine, yes, why should i spend your personal gasoline for the needs of the prosecutor's office. it seems like it’s great here, guys, great, great, but at night everything is different, but in my opinion, everything is the same, i wonder what we ’ll see here that’s so important,
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stationary, or what? uh-huh, every single day , now a minute, fathers, and how did you kill a woman here last month, it’s not scary, but we’re not women, strangers are running around here, like you, why are men like that, with knives, hello, girls, hello, hello, lucky fish. "grandma, it was spinning around us, we were throwing small colonies, recently two of them came to her they rushed over, yeah, she was a success , you should have seen her, they were just decent men, yeah, what they looked like, but i won’t recognize you tomorrow, well, maybe someone remembers, well, at least your height what, one is taller
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"? well, one is lower, the other is taller, they could very well be your clients. well, korablev, well done, please, don’t smoke, please, at the scene of the incident, what? where, look in the corner, well
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, a poloroid cassette, well, god knows how much crap is lying around, and where did it come from here, well, someone was taking out the trash, so it fell out, ship... find it we will confiscate the witnesses. marya sergeevna, why did you lose your shit, or what? well, really, are you like a child, now we’re going to confiscate everything that’s lying on the floor? aren’t you wondering who took photographs in this stinking front door, especially with a poloroid?
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good morning, dear tv viewers, we are glad to welcome you to our tv channel, we remind you that today is saturday, july 8, the news broadcast is on air at 3 o’clock. on duty. “it’s you, investigator shveytsova, i’m listening, who established, no, we only know that she doesn’t live in this house, there are no documents with her no, but we didn’t fumble too much, we were saving it for you, it’s still warm, well, she’s not a beauty,
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of course, but there are cosmetics on her face, there are witnesses, no, masha, look, the masks are running all over the front door, but where was she hit? there are no splashes anywhere, masha, yes, come here, you see, drips down, she was still coming from where with damage, she appeared, look, cuts, blood, obvious self-defense, 9 mm, makarov or stechkin, so no one heard anything,
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how do you a crime scene, a place as a place, but are you missing something? yeah, crosses of spades, queens of jacks, masha, that's not a woman, who? urgently inspect the front entrances , in the front doors look for signs of a struggle, possibly broken glass, in the courtyards and down, look for a knife and a pistol, where you can call, where you will call, the duty department of the headquarters, yes the traffic police, let him go around all the courtyards, streets, cars, so korablev tell me the number of antonichev’s car , please, uh-huh, write it down, it’s shvitsova, i’m on
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the corpse, urgently bring a group of criminologists with paper bags to pick up the clothes, yes, warn me, i’ll schedule an examination, let them be ready to pick up the material. explore, of course, while the guys, yuri yuryevich, this thank you, i’m waiting, i’ll call the head of the morgues , shvetsova, organize an autopsy, i know that saturday is very necessary, the corpse can be picked up in an hour, thank you, i’m waiting, take it, so come here, that means, look in all the yards, in all the wells knife, look, little girl, what is this? “bite marks, carefully bend the elbow, if you close the girl’s mouth with such a grip, and she resists, you understand, he killed antoniecheva ivanova, it looks like which of you two will write the protocol, i ’ll write it, and what am i going to do , and you wait, i
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i hope that a pistol and a knife will be discovered very soon, you will go to inspect the place of the struggle, the journalist is asking you there , they don’t know the starosel residents”? such a jacket - yes, they’ll kick you out, but no, let them through, well, why, you have cordons here, oh, and you can take pictures, if the criminal does not object, take them off
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. please sign, why is this no, no , look, somewhere you got into something is the most reliable, it’s blood, fresh, that’s the devil, but the jacket was ruined, why? you were hanging around the corpse, there was no point in interfering, marya sergeevna, we found an interesting place, a front door, so exactly, there are blood spatters, there are two 9 mm cartridges on the stairs, the wall is damaged, probably by a shot, far from here, three yards away, uh-huh, so what? i could, quite easily, have run from there, but here i collapsed, uh-huh, zhen, come on, good luck, marya sergeevna. okay,
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then i'll finish and we'll go. evgeniya anatolyevna, there is a print on the outside of the door, a mark left by a bloody hand, shall we take it? but what about it? take the trace carrier and cut out a piece of the door trim along with the imprint. yes, walk all the way through the door. why won't the whole door fit into the car? means the shooter came down from above and aimed at a man going up the stairs, look, there are traces of bullets, and they shot from above, and then a struggle broke out between them, here on this platform, here the knife entered the entrance, do you see drops of blood? yes, march, you have cartridges from the corpse’s pocket with you, come on, let’s compare them with the cartridges that were lying around here, i compared them. siri numbers match, i called experts on prints from the palms of the corpse and on the cuffs of clothes, traces of gunshot products,
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we had information that antonichev ordered the murder, but we didn’t know who, it was assumed that he knew his daughter’s killer, and that he himself decided to deal with him, no, it is clear that today you examined the corpse of the man who killed our two victims, well, we can assume that it was father antonich who ordered it. can i say, viktor ivanovich, maybe antonechev ordered someone, but he killed this person himself. wait a minute, i thought that the fight was the disguised executor of antonchu’s order. volodya, don’t you understand, it was a fight between antonichev himself in disguise. wait, are you saying that you killed the guy in disguise? antonichev? of course, he killed him in self-defense, because they wanted to kill him himself. yes. you agree that the man in disguise is the perpetrator of at least two murders of women. but the rest of the murders were committed by another person, which means, well, it’s clear, yes, yes, i understand, it means that if the murder is part of a series, then it means
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, maybe, yes, there is one organizer, two perpetrators, yes, lord, who needs to organize all this , if these women didn’t even know each other, but that’s another question, so, if antonnichev ordered disguised, why did he have to bother killing him himself, no, not like that, not like that, just once, once he killed. why did he need to order it, and how did it happen that the disguised man met with antonichev, volodya, well, think about it, the disguised man was going to kill antonichev, wait, who ordered antonichev in disguise, and ordered the disguised one, the organizer of all these murders, no, now, now earlier, that means, the person in disguise was instructed to kill women, yes, but now to remove antonnichev, the organizer instructed to remove antonnichev, to get ahead of him, because the organizer found out that antonnichev himself ordered it, himself, i mean, and
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the organizer, of course, viktor ivanovich, and now we need antonichev, because he knows the organizer, zhenya will be offended that you went to see me off. “koralyov will take her, well, okay, do you want to sit somewhere? i’ll go to bed, the phone is probably ringing, andrey, wait, don’t leave, so you need to answer the phone, it’s your ex-husband calling, you still love him, volodya, well what does it matter, okay, don’t you like it?” do you have anyone? well, you know, it’s clear, i have
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no. listen, i don't know how to talk much. well, well, you'll regret it later. i will regret it all my life if i don’t tell you, don’t you understand anything? i think you've been drinking. “ of course, you can, come to me, volodya, well, well, don’t be angry, i have to go. hello, hello, masha, hello, you’re not spending the night at home again, andryush, i’m just late, i
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haven’t been able to find you for 2 days, masha , how are the children? everything is fine, everything is fine, the weather is fine, they are swimming, sunbathing, but they don’t ask you at all, by the way, masha, please explain why i have to stick around telegraph to tell you about the children, it feels like they don’t interest you, it seemed to me that a normal mother should show more interest in her children, we are not strangers, after all, masha, why are you silent all the time, masha . masha, everything is in color. did you give us the corpse card? well, yes, dressed as a woman. do you know where his fingers went? on a polaroid cassette, where did you get that? she is no longer there. listen, there are bloody prints on the front door. alas, they do not belong to the murdered man. yes, probably antonnichev’s prints. did they find this guy antonichev?
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so both he and the car fell through the ground. there is a photograph of him, well, show it on tv, let them say that a dangerous criminal is wanted, it’s a good idea, but at the same time you need to look for another place of work, and you don’t say that this is an employee of the presidential administration, say that this is sidorov ivan ivanovich, an escaped convict , you need the face to be identified, but what?
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i think it’s so beautiful, yeah, you can’t give it away in the morning, ready, now we’ll see, they have to dry, with makeup, without makeup, and he’s got a couple of t-shirts for identification, for you, masha, anything. take those who are looking at you, take it, uh-huh, you recognize someone , blind man's buff, or something, and you take a closer look, but why look, i saw this one more than once, walked up, down, where he walked, where, my front door, where are the bills,
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who did you go to? you asked, but i can’t see from the basement who he goes to, okay, so you identified the girl in the white cloak, and this man, and the girl in the white coat, and this guy, this girl was later found in our basement, and the guy - apparently they sewed it somewhere else, i don’t know anything else, thank you, well, a seagull, listen, you changed your fingers to the information center, gave it, gave it, here... gulko viktor mikhailovich is on the federal wanted list for banditry and, interestingly, he was wanted along with his accomplice, the accomplices were taken a week ago, he is sitting in crosses, do you want to talk to him, he is 83 meters tall, i checked, so why are we sitting here, let’s go, i think there was another
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investigator. “i want to talk to you as a witness, it’s a pity that you’re not with me, my investigation is not that interesting, tell me, do you know this person, yes, tell me, what do you know about him, what’s wrong with him, where did you film him?” he’s alive in general, that’s it, i won’t say another word, i want to go to the camera, i want to go to the camera, to the camera, i want to go to the camera, i want to the camera, i want to go to the camera, hey, hey, guy, why are you so excited, listen, guy, stop
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fidgeting in nature. and so i ’m rebuking you in my eyes, butter, you’re an authoritative person, you should get some heroin, why are you crazy? , or something, guy, he doesn’t use it in our house, i don’t need it for kumar, get me to... so that i’ll shoot and die, i want to commit suicide, how are you doing with your head, or did you catch the little one? i feel bad in my head, dad , i feel bad, you know, bad, i can speak and i can remain silent, i ’m still not a brute, i have only one way out, before they start cutting me into pieces, finish it all myself, and you tell me, what are your problems , and we will decide together, maybe you can’t help, but i can’t, dad, you know, i can’t, i need to get rid of my problems at night, get me a dose, please, and we will get it, don’t ask, guy, tell me how it was, but i can’t tell you, you know, i can’t, if i tell you, i ’ll quickly tell the cops everything, if you don’t get the hero, i’ll hang myself, well, hang yourself,
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and what’s the matter, the crucian carp hanged himself, he’ll live, but he’s not talkative yet. any other news? and the fool also messed up where she could. more details please. i kept thinking about the symbolism of the game. even a homeless woman was drenched near the table where they were playing dominoes. so. i knew that antonchev was a player. i even knew who he was playing with. with a friend from the institute. so he was killed in a car accident, comrade, as far as i remember. who told us that he fell to his death? and in the entrance where cherkassova was found, there is a disabled person living on the fourth floor, right? the homeless people spoke. that they repeatedly saw a killer in disguise coming to this entrance, who did he come to, well, what do you want to tell me, that the organizer is disabled, or what? there are no such coincidences, he graduated from the same institute in the same year as antonichev, by the way, we
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have nothing to do with the search for antonichev, there is nothing in the hospitals for him, although there is a lot of his blood at the scene, viktor ivanovich, i’ll go i’ll hang around a disabled person, only together with the operatives, but there’s no such thing , i’ll take this journalist as a security guard, then right away... okay, victor, okay, i’ll report everything , report everything to me, that’s it, for sure, well, thank god, you’re still alive , komen sent me, god forbid, he says that, but i’m not alone, well , you’re jealous, why not, let’s go. office
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, how sorry for him, he committed suicide, cut his veins, and that’s understandable, he ’s been in pain lately, and there’s no medicine... yes, his pipe was leaking, he agreed with our plumber that he would come, let's see what's going on? well , of course the guy came, called, knocked, no one opened, but he got worried, of course, he’s disabled, who knows what, they called the local police officer, they opened the apartment, and
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he was lying in blood, on his left arm, just like that, the veins were cut, in a blade in my right hand, i was there, horror, how much blood, horror. here is evgeny leonardovich, recently drawn, please put it back in its place.
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i can ask you to come over, there’s blood, maybe the doctors washed their hands, but they didn’t wash their hands, they arrived. they didn’t even check your pulse, they wrote a piece of paper, they left, the master must leave you, i need to make a material out of this, but for god’s sake, it’s an elementary case, a typical suicide, there are fragments of a blade, what is this blade, lying next to a corpse, a suicide weapon, this can’t be, the blade that... had cuts, just
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crumbled in his hands, uh -huh, the wound is full of fragments, you mixed up something, when the conclusion is ready, well, you want a lot, i still have criminal corpses lying around, not written off from last month, and you want me to commit suicide to you through i gave out 3 days, although i will upset you, not for any reason suicide, but murder in its pure form, hmm, that’s not upsetting, murder for... under suicide is not so common, i ’ll make such a joke out of this, masha, there’s an iron box here, it’s so heavy, it’s an infection, open it, the lock doesn’t matter, come on, let me...
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so, witnesses, come on, come on, let’s work masha.
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yes, is this marya sergeevna? yes, i’m listening, my wife, natalya ivanovna antoncheva, gave me your phone number. me, antonechev, sergei ivanovich, can you come now? of course, where? one condition, come alone, and don’t be afraid, i’m not i'm afraid where should i come, you know where the twenty-second part is, the fifth floor. hospital,
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of course, hurry up, may sergeevna, you are leaving, come, yeah. to the intensive care unit, let me in, hello! just please, not for long
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, he’s in a very serious condition, are you surprised that i called you, frankly speaking, yes, you could, of course, call a priest and confess, but my revelation is more important to you, of course, i’ll turn on the recorder, do as you please you are comfortable. i'll probably start from the very beginning, because i started playing early. even when i was young, zhenko trubnikov got me involved, i got involved with pleasure, the game became the meaning of life, i lost everything, my wife, daughter, money, friends, then zhenya got hit by a car,
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the doctors either pulled him out, i was confined to a bed for many years, during this time i came to my senses, went to... i thought that was it, i forgot about the game, but 3 years ago i suddenly came up with zhenko and started playing again, we played with him, who the players were, the devil knows who they were, but we weren’t particularly frank, there was no need to shine in such matters, because , because the game was aimed at people, yes, you see, i've been playing for so long that the joke games for money are already gone, even big money is won or lost. they weren’t impressed anymore, zhenya offered to lose people, and a month ago he lost some kind of auction, we agreed on the conditions in advance, but when he got the queen of spades, he broke down and said that he couldn’t kill, but zhenya was an excellent psychologist and foresaw this option,
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so that the murder would be carried out by his bodyguard for money, yes, zhenya offered to pay the merchant 10,000 dollars for what he was obliged to pay. the duty will be fulfilled by another person, his guys, victor, and this other one, with such a funny surname, from some kind of fish , crucian carp, so his guys had to find a woman to kill her, why a woman, because the queen of spades, and on what basis did they choose the victim, by chance, just to the woman herself, or near the scene of the murder
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must... kills , or they pay money, everyone paid money, last friday you lost, yes, that friday i lost, and the guys chose a victim, and then showed me a photo, your daughters, a monstrous accident, and you decided to order the murder trubnikov, and he understood this, wait, sergei ivanovich, was there also a corpse of a girl in the front door, an artist, where trubnikov lived? it was zhenya's idea. he ordered her a drawing, all the evidence of the murders. she came to him, drew, and
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visited him three times. the last time he asked next to objects, he asked for an imaginary object. draw, it seems they are scared by her coat, i was still surprised then, but then i realized that he was preparing it in case he himself lost, continue, i ordered the murder of trubnikov, but zhenya betrayed me, and zhenya sent your guard to kill me, and how did you end up in that front door, zhenya called me there, i... went there, ran into this clown along the river, i recognized him immediately, when he started shooting, i had a hunting knife with me, his cartridge apparently jammed, and he fired everything at me a couple of times, but he hit, then
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i felt bad myself, i got to the wife, first stunned him, and then killed zhenya, why did you replace the blade? i cut his veins, only the blade crumbled in my hand, so i put another blade in his hand from the pack, that's all, you absolve me of my sins.
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take the magazine, take it, it’s very interesting, people are maniacs at cards. lost, why? i lost on my own, does this really happen, in life i played with interest, horror, and one, one even a daughter has not yet had this happen, horror, parents kill children, children, parents, here, here it’s all written, thank you, thank you.
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mom, don’t you understand, she ’s left all alone now, in your opinion, this is a reason to bring her to our home, but what’s wrong with that, tomorrow. i can put things in order for her apartment, but today let her stay with us , mom, what are you doing, please, you know how
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difficult it is for her now, ksenya, okay, i’ll probably go, goodbye, so, stop, looking at the night, no one will go anywhere , and tomorrow, and tomorrow will be tomorrow, now we’ll go have tea, yeah. nina, may i give you a treat? is there enough money? tykilo is not included in the corporate account. enough, you gave me a quarterly bonus yesterday? well, go ahead! two tykilas, please, yeah, what shall we drink to, yura? borya, forgive me, borya,
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i would like to drink to you, come on, come on, continue, why continue, well, that’s all, let’s continue, but i’m interested in how provincial suitors hook up, or as you say, they peck, huh? they're filming, well , you're getting me soldered for this purpose, what are you, i'm not getting you soldered, i just meant that i like you, i like you, that means, um, yes, very much, well, what's next, well, next - what , well, you like me, so you think, lonely, pretty, works, but flew out of moscow, to this
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hole of yours, which means that there are problems with men, yes, that means i haven’t found a man in moscow, no i got excited, i don’t think so at all, so just so you know, no, i have problems with men, they have problems with me, why? you are so beautiful, every time i see you in the office, it seems to me that life is not so sad, it’s you, it’s you who wrote everything to me, every time i think about you, life becomes easier, your shoulders , neck, hair, your smell, and why did you smell me, secretly? you have an amazing perfume, wow, i
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’m getting goosebumps, wait, put your hands away, boring frame, yura, ciao, ciao, nina, let me give you a lift, oh, what a car yes, yes, this, this, yes, this is not a car, and you are not a man,
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oh, how cute, will you give your aunt a ride, yeah, that's it, bye, yura. ksenia, you definitely did everything, okay, if natasha checked, then everything is fine, come on, see you, kiss you. well
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, what do you have here, a woman of about 35-37 years old, the cause of death is strangulation, the clothes are completely missing, the hair is also completely missing, listen , i’ve been wanting to ask for a long time , shaving her head is something like fashion, i don’t know about fashion, yes it's not about fashion, judging by the leather cover, she was shaved for the first time and recently, her nails were also cut, but her manicure was fresh. mascara ran, maybe she was crying, but no, mascara is waterproof and won’t run from tears, because of the rain, it rained at night, and not because of the rain, and in general i don’t like all this categorically, i didn’t give birth either , she was not pregnant
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, did not have abortions, other operations , by the way, no traces of sexual violence were found... nothing interesting was found at the autopsy, except for a high level of alcohol in the blood, the woman was healthy, strong, went in for sports, along the edges of her nails there were fingers, one can assume that she did not cut her nails herself, well, you see, unevenness, cuts, regarding the acquisition, i would say the same thing, listen, why would he kill himself to do this, i don’t know, maybe he’s a fetishist, maybe this that there was a cut, she was found in the ruins , she was barefoot, so it’s not surprising , what’s surprising is that there’s only one cut, and her feet are clean, which means that she didn’t walk in the place where she was found, and that means she could have cut herself in another place, where she was killed, let’s say, please check this cut more closely, yes, good, thanks.
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“there’s nothing on the fingerprints , there’s no such woman in the missing person’s report either, i’m afraid all the signs of a classic hanging are on my face, i’m offering a deal, i’ll tell you the identity of the murdered woman, and you’ll do me some kind of favor, even if the moon flickered from the sky, i don’t need the moon, i need a list. similar cases in russia, but why do you need work or something? well, he thinks that i have a sporting interest, is it itching here, well, it’s a business matter, what exactly interests you? corpses of young women with similar details: violent death, hair removed, nails cut. i don't think there will be many such cases. well, it depends on
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how long? for six months a year, i think it will be enough. uh-huh, okay. we agreed, yeah, and nina borisovna efimova , born in her eighties, is the chief accountant. oooh, sphere. the answer came from the dental clinic; a month ago she was given two crowns and whitening . did witnesses testify that you pestered citizen efimova at a corporate party? yes, i didn’t bother you, i wanted to talk, to get to know each other closer. why grab hands? and that touching a woman is already illegal, in our country it is not yet, but you were the last one who saw citizen efimova alive, you were seen leaving after her, you did not
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return to the restaurant, the next morning she was found dead, i said that i put her in the car , or rather, she got in by herself, and i drove home, well, why didn’t you give her a lift yourself, she didn’t want to, car number, make, color, signs of the driver, i didn’t see the driver, but the car...
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you, of course, are smart a woman, maybe even the smartest woman. thanks, i'm aware. please, but not the only smart one in our investigative agencies. if there was such a connection, then someone besides you would have noticed.
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but if this connection is confirmed, it means that a serial killer is operating in the central federal district. the investigative committee is considering the need to combine these three cases into one. i have been entrusted with studying the circumstances. your case and expert analysis, a strange task, the suspect has been detained, we are working on it, consider this an official request, i need all the materials of your case, and i would like to talk with the suspect, some people like to rake in the heat with the wrong hands. anna mikhailovna, if i’m not mistaken, did you conduct a forensic examination? we will provide all materials you request in accordance. with the approved procedure , very good, but i want to remind you, i would like to talk with the suspect as soon as possible, give him all the conclusions that you managed
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to do there, general examinations, autopsy, give everything, and let him roll if the investigative committee takes this case for itself, no one grieve it will become, well, how can i say it, you’re talking about avdeev, but he doesn’t care what he does, no, i’m talking about myself, anh, tell me honestly, are you interested in this business or the opportunity to do it together with the defense officer, what do you think? i think i’m jealous of you to the teeth, listen, jealousy is a suspicion, i’m either innocent, or i admit my guilt right away. “well , i never give reasons for suspicion, you should know this, she raised her hand , some kind of car drove up, nina drove off in it, i didn’t remember either the number or the brand, i got into my i drove the car home, i don’t have an albie, but i already told you all this, yes, yes, yes, yes, tell me, did you like anina, yes, in general, yes.
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“she was attractive and many of us liked her, when she got a job with us after moscow, our ladies’ men tried to approach her, but she quickly got them, so everyone began to consider her a bitch, everyone except you, you weren’t afraid to approach her at a corporate party , i felt sorry for her, she was sitting alone, so i came up, but you don’t have a girlfriend, no, and never had one, huh?” what does it have to do with it? there is no girl and never was, do you live alone? now after the death of my mother, i live alone. you are not used to living alone, but you are afraid of women, you are afraid, but you cannot live without them, so you chose the object of love , knowing in advance that he is unattainable, 7 years older, independent, sexy.
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you feel the need to love someone, but you are afraid of reciprocity, i don’t understand why you, last night a moth flew into my room, the light of a lamp was flying, and it hit me in the eye, so i waved it off, touched it with my hand, it fell on the table died, and i suddenly felt so sorry for it, and i thought that i too, when i look at you, walking through the office, you mentally push me away from your eyes and move on.
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emotional attachment excludes such circumstances, you loved the letter from his smartphone, you quoted them like that, but what if it’s a fake, i mean, well, if he specifically wrote so that we would think so, we are not any, we are mine. and most importantly, hey, we don’t have any, he says, it’s a circus with horses, your voronin just beat out a confession from a humble man, he himself disavowed him, well, firstly, he’s just as mine as yours, and secondly, smirnov is not a murderer, that’s it so, you are all so smart, and i am so young and stupid, will there be any more news?
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yes, vrana found sand on efimova’s foot. and what? the body was found on the sand that was scattered here, what’s strange? and the fact that it is pure river sand. and where did he come from? how do i know? well, you are our experts. are you our investigator? i love these discussions on professional topics. okay, i have an idea, i want to check it out. no, thank you, if anything happens, i'll call you.
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avdeev, i’m at the construction site where you discovered ifim’s case, there’s someone here, come here quickly! so calm, i’m a police officer, put down your weapon, step away, and i won’t think, damn ilya , you’re joking, what are you doing here, and besides, alone, i’m walking here, what are they afraid of, you fit into his type, listen, i wasn’t going to rationalize anytime soon, well, you don’t think they cut their hair like that themselves, but i don’t think so, of course, damn it, avdeev, why are you here anyway? i have one hypothesis, i want to test it, can you share? yes,
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sand was found on efimova’s foot in bran, pure river sand, but this was not in the report. oh, sorry, this is very recent data. now it's your turn, what are you doing here? try to understand him, who? killer , trying to understand how he did it, why, what he felt , what caused these feelings, sand, the crime scene , the nature of the wound, the weapon, the murders, this is all important, but it is not the weapon that kills, it is the person who kills, yes, but we are looking for something a criminal based on evidence, but we prove his guilt?
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okay, men's shoes, size forty-two, the tread pattern is embossed, but not deep, i think these are about sports shoes, youth, sneakers, these are not sneakers, that is it’s still a test, no, but i want you to find out, you know, ilya, it will be much easier for all of us if you and i combine our knowledge, like that of the squeaks of a lie. well, like, hey, you raised your hands, two steps to the side
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, move away, i said, here is our gallant major, this girl is standing in short, yelling at me, yelling, yelling, i just, oh, hello, anna
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mikhailovna, hello , mom, good evening, and mom, can you imagine, natasha and i cooked borscht cutlets with buckwheat, oh, what are you talking about, but we ourselves had dinner, well, natasha persuaded me to wait for you, and... imagine, we didn’t manage to get into the apartment today, everything is printed there, and the district police officer will only be there tomorrow, okay, tomorrow, that means tomorrow, now let’s go to dinner, i’m hungry like ok, me too, hello, hello, hello, and i’ll come to you again , isn't it a little early? oh, thank you very much, ksenia, i couldn’t be happier. you have no idea, we thought they were thrown away, they are her favorites. armen
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sirenovich, i have a question for you: you ’ve probably looked at a million soles, there’s nothing remarkable in these shoes, it’s very remarkable, these are special shoes, no, there is no need to argue with me, i give you 2 days, everything and report to me personally, hello, viktor sergeevich, good. andrey petrovich, i wanted to ask you, how do you work with major voronin? nothing , no surprises, he is of course a strong professional, i made some inquiries with the investigative committee, no one is going to connect those two murders with your case, this is voronin’s personal initiative, but why does he need this? i have no idea, maybe i’m tired of
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going to the majors, if you catch the villain, then hang on he has two more corpses, the problem is not great, those are the series who guessed, the same, in general, you keep his ear to vastra, yeah. someone in central russia is killing single women of the same age. kills in cold blood and cruelly, these three
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deaths are just the beginning, i’m sorry, i entered without permission, everything is fine, that’s what this is , an upsider, formerly the shoes of sailors of their shifts, now they are worn mainly by fashionable youth, they have a specific pattern on the sole, to prevent shoes from slipping on a wet stick.
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in the first two cases there are symmetrical knife wounds to the lungs from the back pleural cavity , in the third case there are no such wounds, there is also a difference in the causes of death: in the first case it was a heart attack, in the second - open pneumothorax, in the third asphexia, all this is in the reports, i read them too , so what do you want from me, i know how you... think, surprise me, they were all drowned, i'm sure, yes, these knife wounds, the pleural area, these are not wounds, this is an operation, drainage of the lungs, the killer tried extract water from the lungs of blood to hide that the victim has... or the place where they drowned?
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perhaps that's why they were shaved. well, of course, diatomaceous plankton gets stuck in the hair, making it possible to determine the body of water where the victim was drowned. yes, all the signs of drowning, of course, cannot be hidden, but the investigation can be confused. so, he took them out of the water as soon as they died, did all this, took away the landfill. so far it’s only a hypothesis, i just don’t understand why everything is so complicated, the method of murder points us to the killer, but he couldn’t choose another or didn’t want to, and the third victim is ifimal, i don’t know yet, but maybe she refused to get up, by some miracle she got to the shore, tried to escape, then the killer had to resort, there was nothing to remove from
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the lungs, but there was a cut on the foot. there is river sand in it, sailor's shoes, river sand, drowning, all ends go to the water or into the water? anh, i didn’t tell you that you were smart , but of course, i knew ninochka, her mother and i lived on the same staircase, it was in an old house that has now been resettled, yes, i know, that’s why i actually turned to you , tell me, have...
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been moved, here is nina’s mother’s apartment got it, only we were now on different floors, she was telling me something, well , at home, we were dragged here from the old one and why she moved to kaluga, how she lives here, it seems to me that she was unpleasant to communicate with me, i think i reminded her about my mother about that story, what kind of story, you ’ll forgive me, of course, it’s just that any clue is important for the investigation, but these were just rumors, they say that ninochka and... with her friends , some girl lived together until she committed suicide they brought it up, yes, but in more detail, please, well, that’s all, just after these rumors, varya’s relationship with ninochka broke down, then she left for moscow,
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but not very often, the last question: have you ever seen nina with a man, well, maybe someone came to her or near the entrance? met, this never happened, varya, she told her 20 years ago that she would see him with a guy with her own hands, maybe ninochka was afraid from old memory, but how can it be that a young girl doesn’t meet a guy, so they had such a relationship, so ninochka left for moscow, i i think so, i woke it up, of course, my good one, my beauty, my girl, yours... the conclusions allow us to look at the identity of the killer even more broadly than i expected, if they are true , i think that is true, the killer is a man, about forty years old, typical appearance, most likely, at first glance, quite charming, but this is only at first glance, he has some kind of hidden
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defect, most likely physical, which causes in him a feeling of inferiority and repels women upon close acquaintance, in revenge he wants show that... woman means nothing to him, it’s just garbage, but many men speak like that about women, but few people store their corpses in landfills, the careful nature of the death speaks of composure and basic knowledge of criminology, oh well, maybe he just watches a lot of detective stories, you’re yourself she said that early is an operation , you can’t learn this from films, you understand it... they are very superficial, if there were more than two murders by drowning, then any expert would have guessed it, despite the drainage, the chemical composition of the blood, so the killer is most likely has an incomplete higher technical or medical degree and he does not shine with success at work, he is able to quickly learn something, but is not
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able to immerse himself in knowledge deeply, he is forced to organize himself, and this requires effort, it is very difficult for him.
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but does it really matter in which body of water one drowns one’s victims? just imagine, he had to bring them to us, drown them, then pull them out of the water and take them back. this is very risky, risky, but for him we don’t just give it away, for him it’s a courtroom, it’s important for him that everything happens in the same place place, if we establish this reservoir, we will be able to catch it, if this hypothesis is confirmed, how to confirm it, we need to request moscow for additional tests of internal organs and bone marrow for the presence of diatum.
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in his version, by the way, there is a rational grain, it allows you to establish a connection between the murders, despite the fact that there is no connection between the victims, and what did you assume that it is absent, well, as you said and voronin also assured, voronin, voronin, somehow we lived without voronin, we’ll still live, here you go, don't you recognize anyone? this is efimova, or what? efimova? here you go, is this the second
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victim, or what? where did you get the photo from? i got it from the teacher. of course, we didn’t graduate from academies. how so? ninka. thank you, i worked here half my life from a waitress to a hostess, maybe you want something? no, thank you, we don’t want anything , please tell me how long ago you saw efimova, she probably came to see you in kaluga, she came, however, only once. before that , we hadn’t seen each other for a year since my visit to her in moscow, strange, school bosom friends
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haven't seen each other. marya ivanovna simply said that you were no strangers, you also had a third friend, marina, i think her name was anisina, but i probably haven’t seen her for 20 years, she’s not from here from moscow, from nina we kept in touch, that is, you don’t know that anisina was also killed 3 months ago. no, but these murders, are they somehow connected? and so, we are trying to figure it out. why didn’t you and yafimova see each other here in kaluga? we parted on bad terms in moscow for the last time. sore, she never forgave me, don't forgive me same. because of a man? yes , but we broke up because of money, i just bought this cafe from the previous owners, i was looking for someone to borrow money from, nina had her own savings, but she
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refused me, but in this situation it would be more logical for you to be offended, and the man is here moreover, i wasn’t offended, i found an investor later, but her man liked me, he came here from moscow and said that he left nina for me. and you? nothing, we lived together for six months and then separated; at our age, all these sudden crushes don’t end well. well, yes, what's his name? dmitry kosachov, you don’t think that he somehow took communion? let's figure it out, first of all it would be nice to find him? please take a look, this is a psychological pro-lover, read it, maybe something will seem familiar to you. lord,
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is that him? kosachov, here in kaluga he works as a mechanic at the pier. it’s a naval officer who beats us, he has such a quirk, and what i personally like, in general , i know everyone here, especially the new ones, i live here in that lackey, dimon is a mechanic, golden hands, and even a boat motor, special found us to work quickly, now he’s here, he’s always here, just like the woman kicked him out, there he is,
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hello, hello, let’s go for a ride with you, let’s follow the wire, what’s wrong, what happened? “you see, the sample does not correspond to running water, most likely it is a lake, that’s what we need to find out exactly, well , this is our kaluga lake, it’s very possible that we have hydrogen sulfide bacteria in the lakes, but we need to do an analysis, anya, i came from moscow “answer, diatomaceous plankton was found in the stomachs of both corpses, so if your hypothesis is confirmed, avdeev
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has detained a suspect in the murder of efimova.” and how did he find it? based on your psychological profile, he fits it perfectly. so, who is it? former lover of yafimova, in the recent past her friend lyudmila gonchakova. and by the way, the second victim of our killer marina anisina is their third friend. len, please compare the dna of this hair with efimova’s dna, and check whether it fell out or was cut off? this is from kosachev's car. if they were cut, then specify how long ago. yes. wait, what about this homeless woman's first victim? not all at once, avdeeva is already bursting like a cauldron under the pores? no, this cannot be, if the victims are related, then my psychological profile is not correct, and nevertheless, as long as it is fully consistent, a forensic examination will confirm these suspicions, i am sure, and the motive, yes, i took her
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grandmother from ninka, but this is all fair, she lived for 5 years in an apartment that i paid for, i didn’t take a penny from her, so maybe she should also take money from you, well, for what women usually take money from men for in this kind of relationship, they would be even, and so this is theft, no, this is payment for housing, we were not married, i did not promise to love her until the grave, and if she accuses me of theft, then where is her statement to the police, where, show me? you fooled her into thinking, ran away with her money to her friend, and citizen efimova was waiting for you, waiting for you to return, waiting, waiting until she decided to come, find you and present you with a bill, then you and i touched her with your finger i didn’t touch you, i didn’t even know that she was in kaluga, but citizen ganchukova claims that they knew, she told you, some kind of nonsense, her words against mine, that’s it,
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do you have anything else? besides this, and you claim that you bought your car here, in kaluga, six months ago, and what to say, everything is written down in the pts, and citizen efimova was not met in kaluga, no, then where did you get hair in your car, what other hair? the examination says that judging by the dye, this hair is no more than a week old, i don’t know. they planted this hair in my car, you will tell this in court, at the time of the murder he did not have it, moreover, it was at that time that he went to moscow, allegedly ordering boat motors, but for some reason he didn’t order anything , it can’t be, he just can’t, the connection between the victims changes everything, this is the profile
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of a completely different person, listen, details, yes, but overall you hit the nail on the head, even with the injury , gonchukova said that kosachev had a unilateral archietomy, he experienced it quite painfully , had complexes, believed that he was not quite a full-fledged man, no, it’s not him, i ’m sure, you know, ilya, by the way, you discovered something for me in criminology -what i didn’t really not know, but rather didn’t understand, new the instrument is very thin, and i am grateful to you for that. in vain, if the profile is incorrect, then avdeev was arrested by an innocent killer at large, and if he is free, then he will kill again. or maybe you should still talk to kosachev, huh? i have nothing to talk to him about, if the victims are connected, then the killer looks completely different, he’s just half the age of kosachev, why ilya, i don’t understand, i have to think, sorry.
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lyudmila igorevna, hello, this is morozova, we need to meet with you. yes, right now. when i found out where dima got his money, which he owed me at the cafe, i immediately withdrew everything that was from the account and did not give it back. but she told me that she wasn't done with him yet. but it turned out that he himself was done with her. “you understand, something doesn’t work out in this case, your and nina’s friend anisina, that’s why kosachev would kill her, and you can’t even imagine what kind of demon sits in him, when
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he left nina for me, he said: “i i've been looking for you all my life, we're destined to be together, 40 years man, without, what do you mean? i told them that this had already happened between us." when we were girls, also a man didn’t share it, all three of them didn’t see happiness later , now it’s again, but could you tell me more about it, what can i say about it, so much time has passed, and there’s nothing special to tell and there’s no need, but how can i say it if kosachev doesn’t seem to killer, then it is likely that the next victim could be you. when i told him that i didn’t want this to happen again, he just attacked me and said we need to strangle such people, i
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thought it was figurative after all, well now he’s a murderer, i’m sure, okay, but if you still, if you decide to tell me, call me, my number... yes, goodbye, goodbye, lyudmila igorevna, in general, we’ve already finished, we’ve finished, go home, as you say, goodbye. guys, set the alarm, yes, okay,
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free. good evening, igor strakhov is broadcasting from st. petersburg, in the news studio, briefly about the main thing. hot on the heels of a new episode in a series of ordered arson attacks on st. petersburg front doors. a chance to live. five-year-old angelina needs proton therapy. all together, we can help. in
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estonia, now on foot, the automobile checkpoint at the border was closed for reconstruction. hundreds of believers in smolensk. orthodox cemetery celebrates the day of remembrance of xenia of st. petersburg. an accident in the central district of st. petersburg killed a fifty-six-year-old electrician at work; he was crushed by an elevator door. it all happened in a hotel on professor ivashentsev street. investigators are studying the circumstances of the tragedy. at the moment when the misfortune occurred, the man. was busy transporting water bottles on the hotel floor. the cabin was open when he defended the towel, according to one version, bent down to pick it up, but at that moment the elevator doors closed. left behind by the fatal... a new episode in the series of ordered
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arson attacks on st. petersburg front doors. now there was a fire in the frunzinsky district in a high-rise building on budapestskaya street. people got hurt. the police detained the suspects and meanwhile there are more and more cases of burning tires. tatiana konakhovich will continue. i still can’t breathe in this front door. the plastic frames melted.
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the second time this happened, well, just recently completely, at 5:00 in the morning, i smelled smoke, i was scared to open the door, because the first time there was a fire, i opened it, such a black curtain entered the apartment, and this is the last case in a series of similar cases, tires were burned in front of the apartment doors in different parts of the city and region, from december to february, tires were blazing in the front door on the fontanka embankment, and twice the wheels were set on fire at the door. apartments in novy devyatkino on repishcheva street. petersburg detectives in particularly important cases took up the investigation, and it immediately became clear: arson is not the work of hooligans. hired performers left black marks for recipients. the crimes were committed in an identical manner. performers are sought through the internet who, for a monetary reward of $5,000 or more, will set fire to car tires using gasoline. these actions are near
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the entrance doors of the apartment, which are indicated by the customer. the executors of the order on budapest were quickly identified, these were two young men, and then their probable accomplices were detained, two sixteen-year-old teenagers, we found three tires, sent them to the address, after which they went to set fire to the entrance, and we went to the neighboring yard to wait for them, the next day i received a monetary reward, in total there are already 19 defendants in the case of the scorched front doors of st. petersburg. among the mercenaries were eight teenagers, most of them were in custody, all were looking for easy money, but were charged with a particularly serious crime. the main investigation department warns everyone who is looking for income about the need to find a legal source of income, because all persons who commit arson in residential buildings in st. petersburg, all such persons will be found and exposed as soon as possible. the person who ordered the arson remains the same for now. they are looking for him in the shadows. fires in
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the entrances of apartment buildings can lead to the death of a large number of people. that is why the investigative committee classifies a series of contracted arson attacks as particularly serious crimes. under the article , attempted murder committed in a generally dangerous manner by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. the punishment for this is up to life imprisonment. tatiana konakhovich, maxim lapin. news petersburg. city medical college.
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students who will be able to undergo practical training . the new building is designed for approximately 600 on the basis of the ninth city hospital. the orthodox church celebrates the day of remembrance of xenia of petersburg. in the morning , hundreds of believers came to the smolensk cemetery to bow to the saint and ask for help. the festive service was held in the smolensk church of the icon of the mother of god. the liturgy was led by metropolitan arsanofy of st. petersburg ladar. in his pretentious speech to the parishioners. he reminded ksenia one of the most revered women saints at the end of the service, the bishop presented icons with the image of blessed xenia to the chairman of the legislative assembly of st. petersburg , alexander bilsky, and the city governor , alexander beglov. and no matter what hardships fell on our city, on our citizens, she was always next to us, now she is also next to us, hears our requests, hears our prayers, protects our city, our families.
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company and one of the largest charitable organizations in the country , rusfond. now five-year-old angelina needs help, the child brought several courses complex chemotherapy, two operations to remove the tumor, a stem cell transplant, but to defeat cancer we need proton therapy. vasilyeva will continue: once upon a time there was a king and a queen, and they were childless, it upset them so much, it upset them so much that it’s impossible to tell. angelina was born cheerful. a conscious child up to 3 years old seemed healthy, but one day in july the girl had a fever, her throat was red, she complained that her throat was red, this temperature, well, we go to the pediatrician as usual, we are prescribed all sorts of medications, we we are being treated, everything seems to be fine, it’s going away, then
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i noticed she has bloating in her tummy, according to the results of the research, doctors identified neoplasms in the abdominal cavity, the diagnosis was nephroblastoma, a very aggressive tumor that comes from breaking kidney tissue. at the krasnodar regional children's hospital , angelina immediately began chemotherapy, which lasted a total of 27 weeks. the left kidney was removed. in a state of remission, the girl was discharged home, but six months later, at the next follow-up examination, a relapse and metastasis were revealed. liver lungs. angelina was transferred from krasnodar to st. petersburg in non-pediatric oncology, where she underwent a course of high-dose chemotherapy and transplantation of her own stem cells. i paid for all the treatment. budget. there was a state quota when we underwent high-level stem cell transplantation. no matter how wonderful everything was, the state paid for it. now we are succeeding, we need to undergo flow therapy, but radiation therapy, well, there is no quota. angelina and her mother have been living in
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st. petersburg for 3 months, all tried methods turned out to be ineffective, stop the growth of cancer cells has not yet been successful. all hope lies in proton therapy, unlike conventional ones. their father died the same year that little gelya fell ill. a girl who loves winter, her dog ada, dressing up in black dresses , listening to scary fairy tales, looking at pictures. what is your greatest wish? i am this paints, coloring books? yulia vasilyeva,
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mikhail markov, andrey romanov, lead st. petersburg. to help angelina, you need to send an sms with the word children to number 5542. the cost of the message is 75 rubles. all collected money. will be used to pay for complex operations and medications on the website of our television company, on the website of rosfond, the addresses are on the screen, you can find out how much money was raised and which of the children they saved. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with a media forecast in the studio leonid petrov. precipitation is still insignificant, but the minus is already significant, forecasters in the st. petersburg region promise. on wednesday. according to the hydrological center of st. petersburg, on february 7 in the leningrad region it will be cloudy with clearings -15-17 thermometers will show during the day in the property field, only a couple of degrees warmer, maybe in tikhin and baksitogorsk, not cool -14 in volkhov and kirishi, from 10 to 13° below zero
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is expected in gatchina and iborg. in st. petersburg there will be a little snow somewhere, a moderate north-east wind will blow and... in the northern capital -10-12 on thursday night to 20° below zero, have a good day in any weather. the border checkpoint on the banks of narva was closed for large-scale reconstruction. the checkpoint in ivangorod is now inaccessible to vehicle traffic. the border with estonia can only be crossed on foot. vladimir orekhov will continue. white swans that live in the reeds on the banks of narva cross the russian-estonian border dozens of times. for cars , they hung a red sign on the bridge that said: the passage is closed, the border complex has been under repair since february. today, the checkpoint continues to operate around the clock, every day, its exclusively pedestrian component, that is, female visitors can
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walk through the checkpoint and go in the adjacent direction. residents walk across the bridge that crosses the state border ivangorod and narva, plus 30 buses arrive at the checkpoint every day. from st. petersburg to tallinn and riga and back. passengers arrive at the checkpoint, the closest place we considered, then the passengers walk, accompanied by our driver. well, that’s it, our second bus is waiting near the narva border checkpoint on petrovskaya square. the carriers allowed 2 hours for the transfer; they promised that if anyone was delayed, they would definitely call him. on the russian coast , a special parking lot was set up for transport to the checkpoint, about a kilometer on foot. physical activity, normal, like let's go , something, something like that, of course, unusual, unpleasant, a little, but normal, something not hard, fast enough, i even thought it would be worse. in fact, that’s why, to be honest, i wasn’t even tired.
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jaan havi travels through estonia to his native finland to work. in st. petersburg, he has a family and children, an entrance, a business. i used to get to the country of a thousand lakes in 4 hours. now the journey takes a day and a half. walking a few hundred meters between russia and estonia is less of a hassle for him. i i was going to the bus station this morning, now i'm catching a bus here. go to estonia, there is another bus to porto, there is a boat to helsinki, a train to kodka, there is no car there. the repair of the border crossing was divided into stages. first, the old buildings will be completely destroyed, then new ones will begin to be built, which will be compatible in style with the vongorod fortress. they are even planning to erect a round tower. particular attention to transport infrastructure. after reconstruction it will appear here. 16 lanes for traffic, eight for entry and the same number for exit, as border guards
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say, the capacity will increase by a quarter, that is , the checkpoint will be able to serve 100 buses, 210 trucks and 1,550 cars per day, the repairs are promised to be completed in 2026, in the meantime, tourists and cargo carriers will use alternative routes through automobile checkpoints in the pskov region, these are shumilkino and kunichina. vladimir orekhov, vyacheslav rakov, kirill kovalenko and galina rumenskaya, news from the leningrad region. the architectural symbol of st. petersburg shone in a new way, at the gostiny dvor, they replaced the lamps in the street lamps. instead of sodium lights, along the pedestrian zone near the famous hotel, energy-efficient led lights are now lit. they illuminate the space more evenly and are very economical. they consume half as much electricity. in addition, the service life of leds is several times longer than that of old lamps. the stylized cast iron supports and cable lines themselves remained. they are successfully integrated into the historical interiors of the center, and the new, soft, warm light emphasizes the beauty
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architectural ensembles of st. petersburg. in addition to the gostiny dvor, modern decorative lamps already decorate decembrist street, smolny embankment and horse guards boulevard. this was the news from st. petersburg, all the best. not all venus statues are alike. the temple of the ancient roman city of aquileia housed a unique sculpture of its kind. the goddess there was bald. thus, the men expressed gratitude to the women of the city who donated their hair to string bows and catapults during the defense against the pononian tribe. erupting volcanoes,
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earthquakes, harsh climate, the inhabitants of the village of klyuchi live in truly extreme conditions, in addition to everything, the kura missile range is located nearby, which is often called the main target of russia. military unit 2552 was built for a parade review. deputy commander of military unit 2552 for energy supply , lieutenant colonel makeevnik, hello comrades, the main task of this test site is to receive warheads of ballistic missiles after training launches, as well as control the parameters of their entry into the atmosphere hit accuracy.
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the heart of the test site, the command post, the forty-third separate scientific testing station, the workplace of the head of the test site, from where management, fundraising , communications are organized, personnel, and combat crews of the command post are on the ground, receiving information in real time that comes from measuring instruments shown on the monitor. real combat work, which is launched from the first state test cosmodrome, warheads are in the air, expected to arrive at the battlefield . kamchatka. the test site received its first rocket in 1957. in total, during its existence , more than 2,500 missile launches were carried out, from the very
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first soviet ones to the modern topol-m and bullava. we see the end result, the warhead arrived at the kura battlefield , left a mark, as a result, a crater with a diameter of 12 m and a depth of 6 m. at the bottom of the crater we see the remains of the product, and well, such a unique case, which i see for the first time, is when there is a fox. i managed to make a hole for myself and lived this place. alexey, you and i have arrived for field work, which is being carried out by the field detachment of the kamchatka volcano station. here they measure heights; this work is needed
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in order to determine deformations. 15.7 97 so the station reported that
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the nakleż tremors were greatly increasing, that is , most likely an eruption had begun, and here we are now... asking how you got here, they were shooting, the same thing, i always end up there , as a rule , where the movement begins or begins, look, a stone, oh, be careful, small, and
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here you walk not with your feet, but with your hands. volcanologists were never able to contact alexey ashichanin’s group to warn about the eruption that had begun on the highest active volcano in eurasia. but the intensifying rockfalls and threatening roars from the mouth of klyuchevskaya sopka themselves prompted the climbers to make the right decision. guys, i think that it’s not worth going further, you hear the hill rumble, you saw the stones falling, it will be even stronger further, but there seems to be some strength left, i think we could continue, but it’s very dangerous, well,
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she is our beauty, this... the volcano consists of many layers of volcanic ash , its own production, lava too, yes , by the way, you can see how the layers advance from the very top, it is very huge, the diameter at its base is 15 km, the crater somewhere from 500 to 600 m, healthy, ideal shape, he is very beautiful, my tv channel. represents the daughter of yaroslav the wise, anna was a very educated person for her time. she mastered literacy and knew several languages. in 1051, anna was married to the french king henry i. in marriage she wrote her name on the contract, but her husband
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could only put a cross. the russian north is truly famous for its people, precisely for the unification of people who once developed these lands, conspired with each other, learned to live together, adjusted things.
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fortunately, the wind has picked up and tonight there is no threat to the seine, and yakov’s long-awaited vacation home, apparently, will take place, come on guys, relax, fish , have a happy rest, say hello to everyone there in 3 days, don’t forget to come back. i'll rest for 3 days and don't get bored last of all, probably, yes, that’s it, it’s time for us to finish
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even, more, come on, guys, say goodbye for a long time, not for long, everything is fine, happy, yuri o... first on a tractor along the shore, then wait for several hours for full water and then on a boat to koida itself. the first inhabitants of the ancient village of koeda, located at the confluence
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of the river of the same name into the white sea, were refugees from other pomeranian villages. at the beginning of the 16th century, during the northern war, the lands of the pomors were constantly ruined by the swedes. people lost everything and were forced to move to more hard to reach places. so they appeared here in 1701. in a ravine place near the sea for better nearby lard and fishing. with only houses on an empty buirach malygina is the most common surname in koida. this family, starting with the father of the village founder ivan malygin, has grown. so much so that, perhaps, all the inhabitants of koida, without exception , are relatives of each other, albeit distant ones. nikolai klavdievich molygin
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is known to the villagers as a jack of all trades. nowadays you won’t find such people like this, possessing a natural gift, he built houses, sewed boats, made furniture, and laid stoves. unfortunately, they are heavy. there have always been many children in pomor families; history knows many glorious representatives of this family; nikolai klavdievich’s great-grandfather was a wealthy and enlightened man. people
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, there was a large family, in a former house , there was a school for many years, which has been preserved for many years, a two-story building, in this school, he put his ships on steam, went to norway and brought norwegians to study russian in this school before school, in norwegian speech sounded in his house , which they studied in... having gone to the russian language, eternal memory, enlightened, literate people were, diligent, hardworking, nikolai klavdievich malygin’s grandfather served as a boatswain on the diana chair in the russian-japanese war, and his father was the best in the area shooter, eyewitnesses said the father shot very accurately at the hunter and to prove his mark they placed
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an empty bottle on the ice with a forge. koida was one of the centers of the old believers. here, separated from the world by impassable swamps, the old believers felt calm. now votive crosses remind us of those times.
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the humanization of legislation was discussed by the president about new bills introduced in the state duma. chairman of the supreme court. shelling of the belgorod region, a ukrainian armed forces drone hit the city of gubkin, there is destruction. killer whales send a nipple, activists turned to the russian authorities for help to save the scavengers in the sea of ​​japan. a new day is starting to be broadcast on the russian channel. the main news in the vera tarasova studio. hello.
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infantry vehicles and the m-777 artillery system. militants, as well as a bradley tank, two combat ones, and the enemy lost more than 700 in one day . the defense department added that russian air defense was shot down by two khaimars missiles and 30 drones, and the crew of a su-34 fighter destroyed the nationalists’ control center in the kupinsky sector. the attack was carried out with high-explosive, smart bombs. two tu-160 strategic missile carriers completed a planned flight over the neutral waters of the arctic ocean and the laptev sea. the ministry of defense reported this. the flight lasted more than 10 hours.
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as noted by the commander of long-range aviation , lieutenant general sergei kabalash. kabylash, the flight was carried out in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace. he added that long-range aviation pilots. regularly fly over the neutral waters of the arctic, north atlantic, black and baltic seas and the pacific ocean. the supreme court, on behalf of the president, introduced a number of bills to the state duma aimed at humanizing legislation. the chairman of the court, vyacheslav lebedev, spoke about them during a meeting with vladimir putin. the goal of one of these initiatives is to prohibit the detention of women who have committed minor crimes .
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of course, there are questions related to the protection of this information, the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, but how is this work developing today? indeed, last year, the number of various documents you mentioned were submitted electronically, but in addition to this, we now widely use multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services in our work in the consideration of cases. by the one-window principle, suffice it to say that 4,000 cases were considered in this mode per year, but russians most actively apply through the automated justice system;
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in a year alone, the supreme court of russia received about 11 billion applications through this application. the belgorod region was once again attacked by ukraine, this time with the help of an unmanned vehicle. the white snow on the property turned black from the falling clods of earth and soot; the snowman standing by the road could not withstand the blow and crumbled onto parts, a powerful explosion shook the outskirts of gubkin at about 4 in the morning, a loud bang, the whole earth shook, the house began to cower, so my wife and i ran out, look. there’s a crater half a meter deep there, or something, so, well, everything around there was blown apart, in total, after the fall of the uav, eight households received various damages, none of the residents were hurt, now they are putting things in order in the courtyards,
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collecting fragments of the drone stuffing from the gardens. the drone fell on the side of the road, on the edge of the roadway , an explosive device detonated and the destructive elements scattered across district, it starts here literally a few meters away. residential buildings , it’s good that the time was very early and there were no people or cars on the street, basically all the damage was from the blast wave, it bent metal fences, tore off the covering from the roofs of houses, despite the large scattering of fragments, the windows were practically not damaged , but the builders will conduct a detailed inspection of each one for hidden damage, our first priority is to measure the amount of damage, order building material and begin work at the scene of the incident with utility workers promptly restored order, the crater was already filled in, now it’s up to the builders. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, news: belgogorod region. record snowfalls in...


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