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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 9, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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all the events of today in the news right now it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye, thank you. on the russia channel, evgeniy roshkov hosts in the studio. hello. russia today defends itself, its people and its common future. she doesn't attack anyone. at the same time, the west arrogantly thinks that it can defeat us on the battlefield. vladimir putin stated this in an interview with american journalist tucker carlson. the main topics of the two-hour conversation in the kremlin were the complex relations with the west and the conflict in ukraine. all details at alexey glovko.
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then this will be understood by the so-called civilized west, already in quotes, as a proposal for cooperation and alliance, this is what russia expected, but the end of the cold war did not lead to the end of the confrontation, the west considered itself the winner and russia’s vital interests were of no interest to anyone there. after 1991, when russia expected that it would be taken into the fraternal family of civilized nations,
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a security task, the world would change, then secretary of defense gates came here, to this office where we are talking, former director of the cia, and secretary of state rice , here at this table, opposite, you see this side, they sowed from this side, me and the minister of foreign affairs, the minister of defense of russia from that side, they told me, yes, we thought and we agree, i say, thank god, great.
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union republics, we agreed with this , but we never agreed with the expansion of nato, much less never agreed that ukraine would be in nato, we did not agree that there would be nato bases there, without any conversations with us, we just begged for for a decade, don’t do this, don’t do that, the events on the maidan in 1914 became clear confirmation that for the sake of their interests, those who wanted to make ukraine anti-russian would stop at nothing.
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the beginning of military operations without the loss of crimea, and we would not have lifted a finger if there had not been these bloody events on the maidan. the minsk agreements were an attempt to protect the interests of the russian-speaking population of donbass. the western participants in those negotiations are now admitting it. this was all
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just a ploy to stall for time. you we spoke with the secretary of state and the president. maybe they were afraid to talk to you and you told them that if they continued to pump. ukraine with weapons, then you will act , we constantly talked about this, we appealed to the leadership of the united states and the european parties so that this process stops immediately, so that the minsk agreements are implemented, i sincerely believed that if we manage to persuade those people who live in donbass, they still had to be persuaded to return, as it were, to the framework of the ukrainian statehood, then gradually, gradually the wounds will heal. no, no one wanted this, everyone wanted to resolve the issue only with the help of military force, but we could not allow this. ukraine has always been a multinational state; certain territories were transferred to it along with the population. for example, there are many hungarians living in the west.
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vladimir putin was convinced of this while traveling around the ukrainian soviet socialist republic. they pass through some village. men are sitting near the houses. in three-pieces in black suits three-piece in top hats in black i say are you some kind of arty people telling me no , this is not arty stuff, these are hungarians, i’m saying what are they doing here, why is this their land, they live here in soviet times in the eighties , they hungarians feel like hungarians, you told orbán about this that he can take it back part of the lands of ukraine never. yes, he and i didn’t even have any conversations about this, but i know for sure that the hungarians who live there, of course, want to return to their historical homeland. some episodes of the current special operation, known to the president, only confirm: eastern ukraine is the original russian land. ukrainian soldiers were surrounded. this is
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a concrete example from the life of combat operations. our soldiers shout to them: there is no chance, give up, get out, you will be alive, give up. suddenly from there they shout in good russian, the russians don’t give up, everyone is dead. russia is ready for negotiations with ukraine; moreover, they almost managed to achieve a result in istanbul, but then british prime minister boris johnson ruined everything. where is mr. johnson now? and the war continues? that's a good question. why did he do this? fuck knows, for some reason i don’t understand, there was a general attitude, for some reason everyone had the illusion that russia could be defeated on the battlefield. from arrogance, from a pure heart, but not from a great mind. do you think zelensky has the freedom to negotiate a resolution to this conflict? i don’t know,
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there are details, of course it’s difficult for me to judge, but i think that there is, at least it was, my father already fought with the fascists with the nazis during the second world war, i somehow with him i talked about this, i said what you are doing, why are you supporting neo-nazis in ukraine today, when your father fought against fascism, he is a front-line soldier, i won’t. it is the denocification of ukraine, where hitler’s minions are still celebrated, that is one of the main tasks of the special military operation. hitler has been dead for 80 years, nazi germany no longer exists. you want to put out this fire of ukrainian nationalism, how to do it? you say there is no hitler, for so many years, yes, 80 years, that means, but his work lives on people. which exterminated jews, russian poles, are alive, and
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the president, the current president, today 's ukraine applauds him in the canadian parliament, applauds while standing, how can we say that we have completely uprooted this ideology if what we see is happening today, that's what this is denazification, in our understanding, we need to get rid of those people who leave this... theory, practice in life and try to preserve it, that’s what denazification is, but in any case, everyone understands that the key to resolving the ukrainian conflict is not with zelensky, in washington. with vladimir putin did not call biden at the beginning of the special operation, and there is nothing to talk about yet . we are informing the us leadership that if you really want to stop hostilities, you need to stop the supply of weapons, everything will end within a few days.
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understanding the situation that is developing today, understanding that russia will
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fight for its interests to the end. as provocations, there are also calls to protect nato borders from a mythical russian invasion. can you imagine a scenario where you will you send russian troops to poland? only in one case, if there is an attack on russia from poland. therefore, why? because we have no interests. do you have evidence that nato or the cia did this? in such cases they always
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say: look for someone who is interested. but in this case, we need to look not only for someone who is interested, but also for someone who can do it, because there may be many interested, but not everyone can climb to the bottom of the baltic sea to carry out this explosion. but even in this situation, russia is ready to talk from kiev.
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the interview was taken by well-known people, which is important for independent journalists from the united states, another attempt to break through the information blockade of the western media, which during the entire military special operation never tried to hear russia’s point of view. alexey glovko, maria radimova, sofia petrosyan, andrey netreba, lead. by this moment, the interview with the russian president had already received almost 70 million views on the american social network x alone, and putin immediately topped the hashtag.
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the west does not have such an interview with the president of russia i saw in advance i was afraid, carloson himself explained why in a separate video, which he recorded immediately after the conversation in the kremlin. russia is not a force that strives for expansion, excuse me, the state department is lying. american television channels stubbornly ignored this information bomb; the us public was prepared in advance for the appearance of the interview at the highest level. don't look, you don't need it. i think that anyone who watches this interview, again, i haven't seen what it says, should be convinced of this. remember, you are listening to vladimir putin, and should not be mistaken for honestly, everything he says, it’s impossible not to react, the american media has exploded. putin's appearance underscored his tactical confidence while his opponents face a vulnerable
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circumstance, what consequences this interview faces at home for an independent journalist, just yet...
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it's even mentioned that i don't remember when my son died, like hell take it, he dared to raise this question. having left in anger, biden returns to negotiate about the hostages in gas, immediately names the president of egypt, and sisi is the president of mexico. the memory is really not very good, and biden leaves completely. the interview with the russian president continues to gain millions of views, and it is already obvious that america, and the west as a whole, will see it. many times more viewers than any of biden's speeches. a two-hour conversation is an impossible task for an american president. but in the white house , of course, they will also watch this interview and, of course, they will look for signals: moscow has made its move, how will the united states respond. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. russian forces occupy
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more advantageous lines in most directions of the northeast military district. sergei shaigu announced this at a meeting at the headquarters of the united unit. thanked the group commanders for the groupings of troops. the head of the ministry of defense skillfully led the troops, and the personnel for successful offensive actions. sergei shaigu also listened to reports on the current situation and set the task of additionally allocating reconnaissance and strike assets to the units. another 100 russian military personnel returned safely to their homeland from ukrainian captivity. this exchange became the result of negotiations mediated by the united arab emirates. 110 prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces were transferred to kiev. our soldiers have already arrived in moscow, where they will receive all the necessary assistance in treatment and rehabilitation. on native soil. the most important thing is, well, even the air is probably different, in general, you know, honestly, in general, i can breathe, our frost is good, russian, thanks to everyone who took part in
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this exchange, we, we are going home, hurray, hurray, hurray, in a couple of minutes about a large fire in the north of the capital in a high-rise building that was being extinguished all night, don’t go anywhere, we’ll see you again, we’ll show you more than others , hello, hello, moscow, the kremlin, putin, every sunday on rtr, alisa, i have a character, i’ll say right away, it will be difficult, well, i can handle it, my daughter, my beloved beauty, nastasya samburskaya, i need an absolutely uncontrollable little animal, how you all got me, and you spread something, take it easy. “i hate you, it’s clear, you stole my dad, you hit me in the face, what are you, dekarka, i’m also a person, dad, allaganova,
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no one but us will protect alice, vladislav sacristan, you will live with your mother, she is alive, you abandoned me, i read the statement, you are a traitor, leonid gromov, so don’t sue hotly, this is how i should continue to live, i can’t forgive you, i hate dad.” but it will pass , it just takes time, in spite of all the winds, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, the hall is treasured, the walls are shaking , big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room , ideas are flowing through. we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i
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adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams will become reality, as you look, let us in your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in ourselves. orientalism - this is this is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform we are watching,
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the first podcasts we are watching, i need you urgently, my wife was brought in in serious condition, the premiere is on rtr, what do you think, it’s bad, the operation is coming it’s very difficult, what is your plan, and i don’t have a plan, it ’s a hopeless idea, and you decided me into this...
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no, well, these are only a few of such long-lived people on the air, i chose my job correctly, regina dubovitskaya and her empire of humor , this typewriter, it’s true, you are still, true, true, printing for a full house, that sound is still in your apartment, when everyone says that she’s still at work at work, that’s not entirely true, the most important thing is of my life for me this is my husband. my dad took me, put me on the train to ride in a dry one, the coupe of this train was yura , i looked at him, and he fell for me, i...
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for some reason i saw him and immediately said that this is what i need. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov today on rtr. broadcast news we continue production. a large fire in a residential high-rise building in the north of moscow took several hours to extinguish over an area of ​​4,000 m2. to prevent the fire from spreading to others. buildings, water was dropped from helicopters, our correspondent, alexey karev, talks about what could have caused it and what is now happening on the spot. at the scene of the fire, emergency services, fire rescuers , and experts are working at this moment, so they examined the house and the residents, who had a difficult night, were able to briefly return to their apartments to pick up documents and things. now we're up, well, the whole apartment is in water, well, i must say that,
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in principle, of course. so to speak, to give credit to the firefighters, which they rather did with slight fear. at the time of the emergency, many were still sleeping, everyone was evacuated. it is reported that 10 people were injured in this fire; of course, all necessary assistance was provided on the spot by doctors. initially, people were placed in a shopping center directly opposite their home; later they were offered a hotel, but some moved in with relatives and friends. there has never been such a fire in a residential building in the modern history of moscow. 400 km the whole roof was on fire. the fire spread to a neighboring building, the roof collapsed, two k-52 helicopters had to be called in to extinguish it, instead of dropping 50 tons of water, the fire was localized only at 3:00 in the morning. it is becoming clear what caused the fire; a short circuit is among the main versions of what happened. a group of investigators is working on the site today; they interviewed fire victims and conducted a thorough inspection of the house. and here on the roof you can judge the force that was at
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the time of the fire, nothing... diplomats always were one of the pillars of russia, sergei lavrov stated this today. on the eve of the diplomatic worker's day, the minister of foreign affairs laid flowers at the memorial plaque in the meade building. and speaking at the ceremony, lavrov recalled the lessons of history, how the country’s isolation was overcome.
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experts will select the best of the best among vocal groups. anton demidov found out who is going to surprise sophisticated pop stars and with what. the most popular vocal competition has become even more powerful, even larger and brighter. the jury members will be oh so it’s not easy, because they will have to evaluate more than one vocalist, many stage choirs at once. more than two hundred singers will take part in the next qualifying round, with the main prize at stake - 5 million rubles. for us, this is, first of all, a challenge, to prove to ourselves what we are capable of, that we may not let our teachers down in the first place, in this issue the variety of musical genres is amazing , from folk tunes to acopelian performance with unusual accompaniment.
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the space was redone and increased especially for this season, because usually there is one person was preparing to go on stage, now there is a huge group, but it’s a little cramped on stage, it’s a little unusual for us to speak in front of a jury of 100 people, because there are always 100 of us on stage, or even more, what are you, a golden little girl. singer valeria will open the release with her hit, she will help choose the best, she is not a newcomer to hundreds, she understands all the responsibility, someone’s creative destiny may depend on you, on your voice to one degree or another, there are many of us, we all need to be taken, here 100 people, you just need to take it and don't let go, the white night has fallen like a cloud the wind.


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