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tv   Pryamoi efir  RUSSIA1  February 9, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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commander in chief, president zelensky decided yes. zelensky announces his decision on social networks, posts a joint photo with zaluzhny, writes a rather strange post, not a word about resignation, but the term renewal is used three times, they say it is renewal and the ssu is needed, absolutely.
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in the army, the list is duplicated by the office of the ukrainian president in a separate telegram post. syrsky must equip every brigade on the front line with western weapons. all generals must know the front, rotation is necessary. zelensky blames zaluzhny for stagnation front, they say because of him, ukrainians began to talk less often about victory. raitor believes that a change in commander-in-chief will completely undermine the morale of ukraine. the agency calls the decision a banking adventure against the backdrop of russian successes.
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he does not have the popularity of his predecessor; soldiers say he held them under fire for too long during the battle of bakhmud, but he has the confidence of the president. in the ranks of the wsso , ukrainian journalist taras berezovits says that the call sign of the local volunteer syrsky bars is typical of the reaction to these posts. under the post about the tinned heart , thumbs up, and the post about the cheese one. accompanied by clowns and vomiting emojis. the soldiers allegedly call the new commander-in-chief exclusively a hearse, not a bars, a general 200 and a butcher. he earned call signs en masse by sending fighters to slaughter. it was under the command of the syrsky vso that they ended up in the bibaltovsky cauldron in 2015. ordinary
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soldiers, unlike their commanders, admit that they can leave here only along one road, it has long been targeted by the militia. on the other side they say that there’s a cauldron here or a pocket , what do you call it? quickly pass, the only way out of here, this is the only way out of here. syrsky is responsible for huge losses in the ukrainian armed forces in the battles for solidar and artyomovsk. until the very end, he did not want to withdraw units from the abandoned fortified areas. to somehow improve the reputation of the new commander-in-chief, before his appointment he was given a tour along the front line. on january 27, he visited military positions somewhere on the eastern front. on february 4, i talked with the military near kupinsk , and the day before i arranged a whole photo shoot in the artyomovsk direction. the accompanying text of the ukrainian ground forces tells.
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su syrsky was born in russia, his small homeland is the village of novinki, vladimir region. syrsky graduated from the moscow higher combined arms command school, after the collapse of the ussr, he remained in ukraine, where he graduated from the academy of the armed forces of ukraine, and then the national defense academy ukraine. the internet is now discussing a photo from eleven years ago. in the thirteenth year, major general syrsky celebrated his birthday, hugged russian officers and ate a cake with a tricolor and...
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this is what the social networks of syrsky’s mother lyudmila look like. she wishes putin good health, likes zhirinovsky’s quote about ukrainian servility to the west and russophobia, and memes about how ukraine has gone crazy. she calls russian military men real men, and great
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patriotic war veterans superheroes. grandfather of the new the commander-in-chief died in 1941 near stalingrad. brother of the new commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces, alexander. oleg, who lives in vladimir, has not communicated with his relative, who spent his entire life in ukraine, for many years. oleg syrsky himself spoke about this. i don’t communicate with him, i don’t even know where he is, i don’t know anything about him. a long time ago, a very long time ago, he went there, he’s been there all his life, he started his service there and continues it. he has family there. sirsky's appointment caused a storm of indignation on social networks. zelensky's instagram is flooded demands to return zaluzhny and resign himself . shame, you've lost your last clue. trust - this is the worst thing you could do, ukrainians are indignant. the deputy secretary of state of the united states was also dissatisfied with the change in the commander-in-chief of the vcu. nulland writes the times. military sources told the times that zelensky first asked zaluzhny to resign on january 29, but he refused. then zelensky
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said that he would sign a decree on his dismissal, but after the leak of information he abandoned this decision. the couple publicly expressed their differences views on the course of the war, with zelensky being more optimistic. approach, and the general called it a stalemate. zaluzhny considered zelensky’s orders unrealistic and directly negotiated with allies on supplies, excluding the ministry of defense from this process. zaluzhny publicly stated that the country needs to mobilize another 500,000 soldiers, to which the president responded with public refusals. do you have any reaction to the fact that president zelensky fired his commander in chief? this is the sovereign decision of the ukrainian government and i leave it to them talk about it. prosho.
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when he spoke, he gave an example about the fact that the russians do not surrender, as the ukrainian military shout, and that we are still alone, we have the same roots, and this will eventually make itself felt, of course, that is , this is really a kind of civil
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war , in which common sense must prevail, that’s what putin called for, his interview was, of course, for the americans first of all, of course it’s such an incredible gap there. repaired in an active way, but this was also addressed to the ukrainians, so that they understand why we are fighting, what we are fighting for, when they are abandoned as cannon fodder by the western masters, when their generals, cheeses, butchers, nezelensky and so on do not spare them, we really try to do everything for this. .. by goading ukraine and kiev at that time they only achieved one thing, that the slavs kill each other, what
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is happening now is the slavs killing each other. putin gave an example of a story when the russians said, “come out to the banderaites,” and they responded. don’t give up, everyone died on the spot. putin said, that is, they are in the trenches, fighting against us, identifying themselves as russian. and 2 days ago i embroidered it on tsn. a similar story, when a tanker told how he participated in the battle against his father, that is, the son is for ukraine, and the father is russian, we have an incredible number of such stories in the donbass, he was killed, while his son was saved by his ukrainian, and the russian was killed, let's come back . we put the news of the week without the noise of dust on the shelves. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov.
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resurrection on rtr. alice, i have character. i’ll tell you right away, it will be difficult. well, i i can handle it. my daughter, my beloved beauty. nastasya samburskaya. i need a completely uncontrollable little beast. how you all got me, and you break something , take it easy, i hate you, it’s clear, you stole my dad, you hit me in the face, what are you, i ’m also a person, alla yuganova, no one but us will protect alisa, you you will live with your mother, she is alive, you abandoned me, i read the statement, you are a traitor, hot. i have to continue living, i can’t forgive you, i hate dad, but it will pass, it’s just necessary
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time, in spite of all the winds, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea have you drunk, how many stories? says, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i start, then mark anatolyevich zakharov suddenly leaves, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i am like a man , a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad represented imagine that i will have a completely different husband, and how much more ahead, i foresaw my fate, now i’ll just fulfill everything. i all give up with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with
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timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, watch, love is when you look in the same direction, look, look, look, do you want to see? let's look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look , sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, we sign, look, look, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, catch, jerk, big or little one, well, in general , you chose the right place, have you ever thought about why people consider spirit? fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins: can something tasty be
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healthy? i try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant, science fiction, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, and rolling stone writes based on the results of tucker’s interview, it’s not tucker, they say, he interviewed,
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this is putin, he told exactly what he wanted to tell. russia's victory in the information war is recognized by cnn, while many western the media deliberately ignores the interview, does not publish it, and people in the kremlin are surprised. the world interest is simply insane. by this minute, almost 84 people had already watched the interview, while the coordinator for strategic issues , biden, literally asked the americans not to watch in the interview, and if they watch, then at least they don’t...
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american journalists are giving , american journalists are scolding, who said what? yes, olga, hello, regardless of which of them suffers, which of them scolds, vladimir putin’s interview with tucker carlson without without any doubt, it literally blew up the information space in the united states, no matter how much the white house and the national security council tried to dissuade the americans from watching non-american media. mainstream ones, who in every possible way suppressed the interview , even half an hour after it came out, in fact they failed to do this, you mentioned the figure of 84 million practically, i would add here more than 35 million views from elon musk, who personally supported the interview and published it even on my page, this is
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literally a huge gigantic gap with with the numbers that all the interviews show... they can’t do it and it’s basically impossible to talk about it. the wall street journal draws attention to the fact that carlson became the first, generally speaking, foreign journalist who was able to interview the russian president, first of all. rolling stone, a popular magazine that covers politics and public life, writes that the russian president demonstrated ease,
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controlled the tone and pace of the conversation from the very beginning, but none of this went well. no comparison with how he appears in public the american leader in recent days , unfortunately, the contrast here is simply incredible, with how the russian president shows himself with what he says and what the american president looks like to americans lately, the list of publications that have reacted one way or another goes on , here and the washington post, which writes that this interview could increase the chances of the american former president. donald trump for re-election and convince republicans to block american aid to ukraine, that is, here politics is also already beginning to influence the mood, the minds of the american population, because they see, they cannot simply ignore what is now really the main sensation in the information space, again a simple
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number, and the publication of a publication on a social network x, the main information network now social. networks in the usa tagged with the surname of the russian president are gaining an absolute record compared to any other topics that are currently being discussed on the former twitter on the social network x. thank you igor is huge igor naymushin , riya novosti’s own correspondent on direct communication from washington, of course, i liked cnn’s position most of all, they couldn’t not publish it, they published it, but without sound, just short excerpts, like...
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the army against napoleon and in their armitage ancestors and relatives hang in the gallery of heroes of 1812, so history repeats itself, relatives have become enemies. and now, regarding the interview with our president, if we take, probably, in my opinion, the key idea, i would say this: this is the end of a certain era. this is what our president says, that a certain era in international relations has ended. what era was this? if you listen carefully, it seems to me that the first thing our president says is that she was not at all the way the americans paint her for us, and the way our liberal media paint her for us. as they portray it to us: after the cold war, a wonderful, wonderful liberal order came, america offered everyone to unite, but with
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problems, and with difficulties, the bad putin came and destroyed everything. what does our president: how many times have we proposed creating a common security system, we even proposed our entry into nato, it really was an idea to transform nato in 1995. in another, let's say, a political alliance that ensures the euro-atlantic security system. russia has made unilateral concessions many times, signing documents without creating such a system, but nothing has helped, the west has still chosen the path of confrontation and russia, our president says, will no longer make such concessions. the second moment, actually. what is our president talking about, that the cold war , as he said, was understood back in the nineties, would simply resume on a line more eastern than berlin, indeed, already in
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ninety-seven with the expansion of nato to the east, they talked about this openly, by the way, not the last person, not even brzyzinski, but secretary of state christopher, said back in ninety-five that since russia does not agree with the expansion of nato to the east, it has no business.
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physics, chemistry are a set of headaches, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, nikita, you will marry me for 3000, half a million, a million, i want a family, but a real one, not a fictitious one. i fell in love with your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you for her hand in marriage, which the deputy arranged, i agree, don’t hesitate, listen, hear,
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little brother, live your life, don’t interfere with mine, let’s do it for now, what are you, twins or something? , something like that, you fell in love, oh, granny, you can’t hide anything from you, butterfly, you married the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, but you turned out to be the husband of a daring, unemployed girl, his took off, congratulations, you're pregnant, without love , today... you don't need to make an appointment with him, just kidding, he'll come home, we'll start, he'll always help, we'll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he'll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how
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an air freshener can lead. sikasmi , how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a lard of fried potatoes, a knitting needle, that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will be there for you happiness, well, i don’t guarantee happiness, but health. will definitely increase. doctor misnikov. on saturday. narter. russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great. so different. but dear
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to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. so, the publication of the interview with the russian president has already received almost 85 million views, plus the lanamaska ​​social network has another 35.
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yes, but he is financing the war that you are waging. well, yes, he finances, but when i talked to him, it was before the start special military operation. naturally, and by the way, i told him then, i believe that you are making a huge mistake of historical proportions, supporting everything that is happening there in ukraine, pushing away russia, i’ll limit myself to what did he say? can you please ask him what he has? call , talk about something, or ask for something, are you going to put such and such a weapon in ukraine, oh-oh, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, please don’t set me up, what to talk about? well, in china today they celebrate the new year, the symbol is a green wooden dragon, this happens once every 12 years, in chinese the holiday is called chundzi, the spring festival, the capital of russia doesn’t smell like spring, the frost is -15 right now, but from... the atmosphere
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of a chinese holiday was created . for the first time, the streets of moscow were decorated with traditional paper lanterns and red garlands. watch the news, bye! thank you dear friends! of course, topic number one, today is a big interview with vladimir putin. you are watching the news. hello. conversation between the russian president and american columnist tucker carlson the whole world is now carefully studying it. the main topics of the two-hour conversation in the kremlin were the most difficult relations with the west and the conflict in ukraine. as putin emphasized, russia protects its people and its future. she doesn't attack anyone. at the same time, the west
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arrogantly thinks that. relations between modern russia and the president talks about the history of the western world. the end of the cold war did not lead to the end of the confrontation. the west considered itself the winner and russia’s vital interests were of no interest to anyone there.
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he remembered a meeting with us president bill clinton in 2000, i told him, asked a question: listen, bill, what do you think, if russia raised the question of joining nato, do you think it would be possible? suddenly he said, you know, this is interesting, i think so, and in the evening, when we met for dinner, he said: you know, i talked to my team, no, no, this, this now, this impossible. and if he said yes, would you join nato? if he said yes, the process would begin rapprochement. and eventually it could happen. moreover, american intelligence services actively supported the separatists in the north caucasus. once with my
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colleague, also the president of the united states, i understood this question, he said: “well, it can’t be, you have proof, i said, yes, i was ready for this conversation, and i gave him this proof, he looked, and you know what i said, but i ’m asking.” forgiveness, yes, but that’s how it was, i’ll quote, he says: well, i’ll kick their ass, we waited, waited for an answer, there was no answer, i say to the directors of the fsb, well, write to ceruto, as a result, there is some kind of conversation with the president, i wrote once, twice, and then we received an answer, we have the answer in the archive, the answer came from the cia, we worked with the opposition in russia, we think that this is correct, and we will continue further.
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this attack on russian interests on all fronts led to the conflict around ukraine; this neutral country began to be actively drawn into nato. we never agreed with the expansion of nato, much less we never agreed that ukraine would be in nato. we
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did not agree that there would be bases there nato, without any conversations with us. we just begged for a decade, don't do this, don't do that. the events on the maidan in 1914 became a clear confirmation for their own sake. the interests of those who wanted to make ukraine anti-russian will stop at nothing. it was said that you will calm yanukovych there, and we will calm the opposition. let everything go along the path of political settlement. we said, okay, we agree, let's do it this way. yanukovych did not use, as the americans asked us, unarmed it was not the police forces, but the armed opposition in kiev that carried out a coup. with the support of whom? with the support of the cia, of course. it was the bloody coup, supported by western intelligence services, that launched the entire further chain of events. a colossal political mistake, why did this have to be done? everything could have been done, in fact the same thing, only
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in a legal way, without any casualties, without the start of military operations, without the loss of crimea. and we would not have lifted a finger if there had not been these bloody events on the maidan. an attempt from... to protect the interests of the russian-speaking population of donbass became the minsk agreements. the western participants in those negotiations are now admitting it. this was all just a ploy to stall for time. with the secretary of state, with the president, maybe they were afraid to talk to you and you told them that if they continue to pump ukraine with weapons, then you will act, we constantly talked about this, we turned to the leadership of the united states and european countries to this process stopped immediately so that the minsk agreements could be implemented, i sincerely believed that if still, it will be possible to persuade those people who live in donbass, they are needed.
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we never even had any conversations about this, but i know for sure that the hungarians who live there, of course, want to return to their historical homeland. some episodes of the current special operation, known to the president , only confirm: the east, ukraine, is the original russian land. ukrainian soldiers were surrounded. this is a concrete example from the life of combat operations. our soldiers shout to them: there is no chance, give up, get out, you will live.
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the president of today's ukraine applauds him in the canadian parliament, applauds while standing , how can we say that we completely uprooted this ideology, if what we see is happening today, this is what denazification is in our understanding, we need to get rid of those people who they leave this theory and practice in life and try to preserve it, that’s what it is. fication, but in any case, everyone understands that the key to resolving
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the ukrainian conflict is not with zelensky, but in washington. vladimir putin is not with biden i called the special operation first, and there’s nothing to talk about yet. we bring this to the attention of the us leadership. if you really want to stop the fighting, you need to stop the supply of weapons. it will all be over within a few weeks. that's all. and then you can agree on some conditions before you do it and stop. in the usa and europe they are increasingly talking about the direct participation of western troops in the conflict; if someone has a desire to send regular troops, this will put, will certainly put humanity on the brink of very serious global conflict, this is obvious, the united states needs this, why do it thousands of kilometers from national territory, you have nothing to do, you have a lot of problems on the border, problems with migration,
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why do we need this, we simply have no interests, only threats, in the united states, they considered a gas pipe at the bottom of the sea, the explosion of the nord stream, the largest act of maritime terrorism, who blew up the nord stream, you, of course, i was busy that day,
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i did not blow up the nord stream, you personally may have an alibi, you have it personally, but the cia has one there is no alibi.
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by this moment, the interview with the russian president had already received almost 100 million views on the american social network x alone, and the putin hashtag immediately topped the search query rankings. for obvious reasons, the foreign press could not help but react, but each publication tried to shift the emphasis in its own way. the french monte and parisien
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emphasized the impossibility of defeating russia, and the spanish elpaiz called the conversation an information bomb. and indeed, much of what is no longer news for russians has become a real revelation and cause for big headlines. well, for example, the breakdown of the peace agreement with kiev in the spring of twenty-two, behind which british prime minister johnson is, is being presented by the daily mail as a sensation today. another london-based tabloid, the mirror, does not mince words in describing all those involved in the interview as enemies of washington and the european powers, in turn the german journalists. of course, the topic of northern flows excited me. berliner zeitung writes about the incompetence of germany, whose interests, according to the russian leader, controlled by the collective west. the germans know their nato partners did it, says the former fox news host. why are the germans silent, why don’t they say anything? the russian president laughs and says:
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this confuses me too. in warsaw, attention was drawn to a supposedly shocking statement. complains about the failure of all attempts not to notice moscow’s position even within the united states, and cnn clearly recognizes the victory in the discussion as the president of russia. preparations for the season of floods and wildfires are being discussed today by permanent members of the council security of russia. the meeting was chaired by vladimir putin, this is how he himself outlined the topic. we are discussing various topics in this composition, but unfortunately, no one has canceled floods and wildfires, they cannot cancel them, but you and i must think about this in advance and do everything to
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minimize the consequences. let's talk about this today, over to alexander vyacheslavovich kurenkov. russian forces occupy more advantageous positions in most directions of the northern military district, sergei shaigu spoke about this at a meeting of the headquarters of the western group, head the ministry of defense thanked the group’s commanders for skillful leadership of the troops, and the personnel for successful offensive actions; in the last 24 hours alone , the american hymers missile system, the s-300 complex, an ammunition depot and the m-3-7 artillery system were destroyed. the objective control personnel were reported to the minister. he set the task of additionally allocating reconnaissance and attack assets to the units, and this was personnel from the front, the assault by tula paratroopers on a strong point in the donetsk village of vesyoloye. raspberry, raspberry, go straight straight to the end of this building, to the end of this building, then go around and you'll go into the back. our fighters threw
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several rockets into the enemy dugout and then cleared the fortification. the border came under the control of russian troops. and this is an airstrike on the location of the ukrainian armed forces in kurakhovo in the dpr, where they use especially powerful fab 1500 guided bombs. now there is a short advertisement, after which.
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where is it happening, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i am in the first person, you just tell me that there should always be connections, moscow, the kremlin. putin, we will see again, we will show more than others. thank you very much, come again. on sunday on rtr. razumovsky, listening. anyuta, alive. what the hell, i’m your husband , we buried you, come back, hello, why are you here, you just had to die
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to get yourself back, and she has amesia, how did i die, that is, how did i disappear, you were with the driver , your car fell into the river, just don’t fall in love with your wife again, i only need you, i think someone set me up, right after the funeral.
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it was necessary to live in this, russian science, as it was, is one of the most powerful miles: thinkers, the premiere of the documentary film on sunday on rtr.
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how the operation went, we lost the patient, polonsky made a mistake, you understand how it looks... you want to say that i killed him, the premiere on rtr, from the analysis,
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briger, i feel bad. so scared , he’s never been before, i’m afraid for her, i don’t even know what to prepare for, i can’t breathe, you know, i want to go home, i can’t, skleposovsky, new episodes, we’ll watch it on monday on rtr. you see the news, we we continue production. a new military satellite of the ministry of defense was launched into space orbit today. the soyuz launch vehicle was launched from the plesetsk cosmodrome in the arkhangelsk region. the launch went smoothly, and as reported, the device has already been accepted for control by ground- based videoconferencing assets, and communication has been established with it.
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the officers of the main center for reconnaissance of the space situation have already received from...
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the military commissars are acting especially harshly in odessa, where tcc employees broke the window of a car because the driver did not want to stop, and another potential conscript instead having received the summons, he decided to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the commissars. diplomats have always been one of the pillars of russia, more about that today.
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western countries, which are once again trying to isolate us, to cancel the parity of these attempts is clear to any even more or less normal observer or specialist. a blacklist of youtube bloggers will be created in russia. this was discussed today in the public chamber, the list will be made publicly available and the first part will include those who work for children's audiences. this step is part of the incentive program transition of bloggers to domestic ones.
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stated today the presidential candidate from the new people party, vladislav davankov. according to him , in russia there is a whole army of inspectors who slow down the economy and prevent business from developing. expenses for them.
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there are many stage choirs at once. more than two hundred singers will take part in the next qualifying round. on kanu the main prize is 5 million
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rubles. for us, this is, first of all, a challenge, to prove to ourselves what we are capable of, that we can and first of all not let our teachers down. this issue has variety musical genres amazes with folk melodies. before the akopel performance with unusual accompaniment. the backstage space was redone and increased especially for this season, because usually here one person prepared for the stage, now there is a huge team, but it’s a little cramped on stage, it’s a little unusual for us to perform in front of a jury of 100 people, because there are always 100 of us... on stage, otherwise, why are you buzzing, oh golden bee, the singer valeria will open the issue with her hit and help choose the best, she is not new to the hundred, she understands all the responsibility,
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maybe someone’s creative destiny depends on you, on your voice to one degree or another, there are many of us, we all need to be taken, here are 100 people, you just need to take it and not let go, like a cloud, new episode, come on, all together in chorus today at 21:30. anton demidov, natalya kurkina, lead. you can always find all the news on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website, and the news continues to follow the developments. stay with us. in ukraine. commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhnye was dismissed, held this position for almost 3 years. his place will be taken by alexander syrsky, who until now commanded the ground forces of ukraine. the high-profile dismissal occurred against the backdrop of the crisis.


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