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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  February 9, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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we look in the app or on the website, and the news continues to follow developments. in ukraine, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, who held this position for almost 3 years, was dismissed; his place will be taken by alexander syrsky, who until now commanded the ground forces of ukraine. the high-profile dismissal occurred against the backdrop of the crisis. with western
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funding of the zelensky regime, our columnist alexander khristenko talks about how the reshuffle in kiev may affect the west’s willingness to fork out cash. the beast of volodymyr zelensky, the axis is straight crooked yogo official page. fired on second try. the resignation of commander-in-chief zaluzhny, rumors about which had been circulating all week, did take place; zelensky himself announced it on social networks, immediately after the meeting with the general. i informed general zaluzhny about this and that. i suggested to the general. zaluzhny will continue to be on the team of the ukrainian state, i will be grateful for his consent. today , a new management team begins to lead the armed forces of ukraine. i want our soldiers in rabotina and iliovdeevka to have the only vision of war, general staff and headquarters. the now former commander of the ground forces, alexander syrsky, the former commander-in-chief, was appointed to replace zaluzhny, and wrote in response that an important and serious conversation had taken place. in the photo together, both look happy. first.
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zelensky made his approach to the scandalous resignation on february 2. then rumors of impending reshuffles caused a strong reaction within the country of confusion among western patrons. they feared that the conflict between zelensky and the much more popular commander-in -chief amid the cancellation of the presidential elections could lead to a split, including in the army. zelensky received calls from western capitals . zaluzhny then held out, but not for long. his replacement, syrsky, was nicknamed the butcher in the ukrainian army because he did not spare the soldiers.
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the only government airbus a350 took the presidents of the rg steinmeier on a visit to mongolia. scholz had to be content with a smaller plane, the a321, which does not reach america. we'll have to land in iceland to refuel. europe doesn't have enough kerosene to throw on the fire. ukrainian conflict, in the united states the bill to allocate money to kiev was again rejected, and this is the senate, where the republicans have a minority. having swept through the eu, the tone of disappointment was clearly expressed in a tweet by polish prime minister tusk. dear senators and republicans of america, ronald reagan, who helped millions of us regain our freedom and independence, must be turning over in his grave today. shame on you, satisfying kiev’s weapons appetite is not an easy task; zelensky and kuleba met with barel. getting louder
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complain of insufficient diet. we are suffering from a shortage of ammunition. we really are suffering from a shortage of ammunition, and the main goal, of course, is to ensure that the shortage of ammunition never turns into a shortage of ammunition. barel walked through the ukrainian military workshops, which for a person holding the position of the eu's chief diplomat, in itself is nonsense, posted photos with drones, which, however, he soon deleted, and concluded: kiev has plenty of drones, but there is a problem with ammunition.
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preferring the role of washington's assistant. donald trump promised that if he wins the election, he will end the conflict in ukraine in 24 hours. this implies a cessation of american supplies. polish president duda warns that what trump said is a very real scenario. based on my personal experience as a president who once worked with president trump, i can say that what he promised me was delivered. trump keeps his word, if he says something, he takes it seriously. in the white house. the owner has not yet changed, they are looking for a way out, no matter what it became, to arm kiev, among the options is to still force europe to pay with third countries. the united states is even considering barter. the possibility of a comprehensive arms exchange is being discussed, similar to what japan and south korea did by supplying their artillery shells to the united states, giving
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washington the ability to give more to ukraine, or perhaps forcing european countries to pay for american weapons and send them to ukraine. biden and scholz will have a lot to discuss in light of the july summit. usa and germany. donald trump is being tried expelled from the election race, accusing him of preparing a rebellion.
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in his head in helmut kohl, who
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died 4 years before the conversation, even communicated, or still communicated with kohl, who knows. and then helmut kohl turned to me and said, what would you say? for what kind of ruler of germany can biden take olaf scholz, who is in washington today, will think scary, but about the dead it’s either good or nothing but the truth, but in the case of biden, it’s everything is more intertwined with fiction, listen to the american president, then... the summit in west wales was a haunted summit; the head of the white house had bilateral contacts with other high-ranking dead people. i sat down and said, “america is back.” and meteran from
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germany, i mean from france, looked at me and asked: well, how much has she returned? americans,
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joe biden snubbed an audience of 100 million americans and skipped the traditional pre -super bowl interviews for the second year in a row, it seems easy to get his re-election message across in a huge way. home to brooklyn to escape all this, it's going to be crazy here and i'm trying to get back because you never know how it's going to end. it so happened, next to the place where the american president was collecting money for his stalled election campaign, a protest against the bombing.
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the outcome of all presidential elections will depend on voting in several states at once, maybe the united states. supreme judge. it is necessary to decide whether trump can be disqualified for the january 6 event during the storming of the capitol, the plaintiffs
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consider him an insurrectionist, taking into account the fact that the law in america is case law, finally and civil harmony in the country, even barack obama's former adviser, is uneasy. i'm trying to imagine what would happen if the supreme court ruled that we were eliminating the leading republican candidate from the ballot, essentially telling the american people. there won't be an opportunity to vote for him, and i think it will be very, very destructive for the country, it will cause a huge reaction, that's what worries me, it increases the negative outrage from the double standards of american justice. republicans in congress have received new evidence of biden family corruption. using the name of his older brother joe, james biden earned $600,000 from the troubled medical company americor health. but from biden, as usual, smooth bribes are reliably covered up by the prosecutor general’s office.
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the investigation, his guarding of secret documents at the estate in dellavera, was completed without a sound of dust. this is about the boxes that were in the garage next to the vintage corvette. trump will be tried in criminal court in florida in may for the same thing. in in biden’s case, no criminal cases are expected even against his assistants. and the report of special prosecutor robert hood will only be published. after he is first checked and then re-checked in the white house. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and evgeny samsonov, lead the usa. a new twist in the high-profile case of the so-called black realtor pavel zlabinsky. we have already talked about this fraudster, who is accused of appropriating the apartment of an elderly muscovite. he was sentenced. but it turned out that his accomplices at large are continuing his work, and there are others victims. denis met them.
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canceled after the plaintiff ended up behind bars, but right now in several courts in moscow, zlabinsky’s accomplices are continuing the litigation he previously started for other people’s square meters, the main gang.
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an organized group of lawyers recently took possession of a two-room apartment of the shevchuk family, there was already an auction, it had already been bought, but we sabotaged leaving the apartment, because well , we have nowhere, simply nowhere, me, my husband and our two sons remain on the street. the damage in each case is measured in six figures in numbers, in total these are tens, even hundreds of millions of rubles. zlobinsky, according to the verdict, paid a fine of 300. and taking into account the time he spent during the season. a dangerous criminal may be released in just a couple of years. denis voskovsky savishchev, pavel letnikov, veronika magazeyshchikova, news. the largest multidisciplinary medical center in russia has opened in the leningrad region. the beloostrov high-tech clinic can receive up to 100 thousand patients a year. a world-class commission on an area of ​​30 hectares includes an oncology center, an operating unit,
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ambulance station and laboratory complex. about high-tech medical. doctors show off their medical center with a great sense of pride, from the intensive care unit to the rehabilitation department. every square meter of the new clinic is filled with technologies that save lives and put people on their feet. the beloostrov medical center has no analogue in russia. honestly, and i think there are only a few, if any, of this level in the world. this is already the medicine of tomorrow, but it is here today, this... in my opinion, is such convincing confirmation that despite russia does not stop its development despite any sanctions. this is the largest medical complex in russia, built with private funds and equipped with the most advanced equipment to date. here is a biplane angiograph, which makes it possible to examine the affected area in two projections.
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every federal center in our country dreams of having such a machine, such an angiographic complex. a model, a virtual model of this patient, which accurately reflects what the surgeon is operating on, the surgeon can twist it image, the surgeon can look at this anatomical object from any side, the doctors themselves took part in the design of the center and inspected the progress of construction, the result was not even a building, but an entire medical city, with an area of ​​30 hectares,
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thought out to the smallest detail, one of them is the system pneumatic mail, which allows you to send a blood test to the laboratory in a couple of seconds. the other is domestic air purification technology, which virtually eliminates the spread of hospital-acquired infections. in a single architectural connections of all departments, including the oncology center, which allows its patients, without leaving the ward, to quickly receive help for concomitant diseases. i would like to bring here all the patients whom i could not, once could not help before, to this clinic and tell them boldly: today i can help you. in the future it is possible here. will use such an innovative method as flash therapy, which is when almost any tumor is irradiated in one session, with the greatest efficiency and safety. adoptive the restroom was built according to the most modern international standards, then the ambulance arrives, then the so-called medical traffic light. the green zone is for the mildest patients, yellow for those who are
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conscious but cannot move independently, red for the most severe patients. in miniature, so we have here almost all the most modern devices for resuscitation and emergency operations, and a few floors above the children's department, like an adult, it works both in outpatient mode and inpatient facilities, single rooms, folding chairs for mothers, as well as a classroom, playroom and recreation room, it doesn’t look like a hospital, regardless of the program. per year, it is included in health insurance programs, both voluntary and compulsory, it is treated, including free of charge under compulsory medical insurance, residents
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of all regions of the country can here, but first of all, of course, st. petersburg and the leningrad region, where the clinic is located . we have already made calculations, and we clearly see that that part of the medical care that cannot be provided our budgetary institutions, here our leningraders will be able to receive, and this is very important. this is a flagship project. useful experience, which in the future can be distributed throughout the country, movement towards medical sovereignty, its own high technologies on its territory. salemazarev, alexey sasyrin, sergey ishchenko, dmitry lukashevich and dmitry mishchersky. news: northwestern bureau. for the first time in history, ekaterinburg doctors performed a unique operation, grew the missing section of a vein in the patient’s body and thus restored the mobility of the arm. all irina truskova found out the details. but now i can only press my hand this far , well, this is already a big progress, just a month ago ivan vakhrushev couldn’t feel his hand at all, all because of an accident, in a garden plot
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a young man stumbled and fell on a broken glass, as a result he was completely crossed, it turned out to be an artery and nerves, the guy was given help in his native place, but the functions of the limb were never restored, after the operation, let’s say for several months, my arm basically didn’t work. and i was examined, that is, no matter how the nerves responded, so to speak, there was no squeezing reflex and also no sensitivity in the hand. ivan came to the ural capital for help, here the doctors of the fortieth clinical hospital discovered a 20-centimeter occlusion due to the blockage of the brachial artery, because of which blood did not flow into the forearm and hand. at first there was a search for what to make a new vessel from, that is, the whole difficulty was that the person did not have enough. i haven’t used it yet, but it turned out to expand the diameter of the vein inside the patient’s body, we sewed a superficial vein with an artery, destroying the valves, after
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two or three weeks we achieved that the diameter of the vein increased by 2 seconds, the operation went without complications, and ivan almost immediately...
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specialists from krasnoyarsk are restoring the residential infrastructure in the sponsored lugansk people's republic, they repair elevators in high-rise buildings, update equipment and electronics. report by mikhail ermishkin. work is in full swing in the cast mine ; installers are laying a six-hundred-kilogram counterweight on each new doors were installed on the floor ; the electronics were completely replaced in the machine room. in one of the houses, such a modern elevator control panel has already been installed; work is currently underway to replace the old winch with a new one; all that remains is to do some minor work and the elevator will be ready for launch. specialists from the krasnoyarsk territory began restoration at the beginning of january, now major repairs are being carried out on 11. immediately before the start of work, when we arrived, the winch was not working, the engine was stolen, the brakes were stolen, and it was not working condition, we installed our equipment,
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brought it, installed the engine here, restored the brakes, connected the installation revision and were able to go about our business. the destroyed infrastructure is being restored from scratch, what is left of the old equipment is removed, new equipment is immediately installed, the results of large-scale work today can be seen by everyone... at home, the cabin has already been installed , it constantly runs between floors, although so far only workers are moving on it, but after completing all debugging work, a new the elevator will be accessible to all residents of the building. press up, let's go up. soon the lift will be connected to the wires and the station will be programmed, people will be able to get to their homes in comfort, this is especially important for residents of the upper floors. and that's almost it. olga panina lives on the ninth floor, the apartment given to her was once a gift of fate, but due to the negligence of the ukrainian authorities for many years it turned into torment; now the destroyed
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elevator shaft is coming to life. before her eyes, the elevator worked for us for a year, probably only four, that's it, the rest is all 30 years of the rest , we've been walking, all with water, with furniture, with everything, sick, lame, crawling, come on, walk, 30 years old pishandra, or did you sit down and go, and in general, i i don’t know, to be honest, we ’re waiting, we can’t wait, it’s hard to lift water and food in the hands of even young people, not to mention pensioners and people with disabilities, i have a disabled daughter, first group, she’s already... for 5 years she hasn’t been able to come to me come to visit, because there is no elevator, she will not go upstairs. now i am with great joy waiting for my my daughter will come to visit me. today , more than 30% of elevators in apartment buildings in sverdlovsk do not work. the shevsky-krasnoyarsk region has already replaced 15 mechanisms last year. this year, siberians donated another 24 new kits to the city. we are now replacing elevators that were either, that is, either they did not work, or they were in disrepair
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. it is clear that they need renovation. the fact that they need to be changed for the convenience of citizens, for normal life, from the moment the house is built, well, elevator equipment is not repaired, not carried out, well, the installation of some components for it, belarusian-made equipment was purchased with funds from the budget of the fraternal region, by march 10 specialists will have completely completed the installation in fourteen entrances, now the work is 30% complete, according to the contractor. mikhail ermishkin, egor pavlenko, maria bulgakova, lead lugansk, in the dpr, a music school in the city of kirovskoye received new instruments worth 16 million rubles, as teachers say, this has not happened since its creation this educational institution. they now shared their plans with vadim topalov. a student of the kirovskaya music school, daria sinichkoy, is mastering a new violin, despite her young age, she has a lot of creative experience behind her. i performed at...
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various competitions in moscow and st. petersburg. help came through the federal project “cultural environment”, as well as the ministry of industry, the arsenal of the educational institution was replenished with musical equipment worth 16 million rubles. so that you understand the scale of support, these are not just cases, and musical instruments. violins are included, new guitars, folk wind instruments, and the piano in the classrooms has also been updated. zlatochka, let's play a play now. tatyana shulga has been teaching children for 30 years; she does not remember such support in her entire working career. there has never been a replenishment of musical instruments at all, as far as i remember, i studied at this school before, and now i have been working for 30 years. previously , there were not enough tools even for existing teams, now there is an opportunity to create something new, they will begin to prepare for the conquest audience sympathies, a whole orchestra of boys.
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in addition, the publication of the educational institution was updated thanks to the help of the region-chief of the republic of sakha yakutia, new windows were installed, the heating circuit was closed, new furniture was installed in the octagon hall, there is still a lot of work, there are even more plans, but with state support, the children of the music school.
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ceilings standing on temporary supports, so metal structures, iron beams and now one of the unique parts of the structure looks like, the console that will hover above the ground, it is metal structure of the truss, the weight of each truss is more than 150 tons, the entire structure hangs more than 2100 tons, two auditoriums with 1300 seats, a hold of a seventeen-story building, concert halls, a picturesque observation deck. a unique architectural project was created specifically for sevastopol. for example, not a single detail of the metal structures is repeated here. the material used is domestic, everything necessary has already been delivered to the construction site. despite the difficulties with logistics and weather conditions, they are not behind schedule. the builders have already started interior decoration of the lower tiers. this is putty, laying porcelain tiles, and...
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and then the wiring, as i said, utility networks, installation of equipment, also utilities, ventilation, plumbing, electrical, sewer systems are there. there are certain places where we must join the city networks, we will not have problems with this. the peculiarity of the cluster is not only in architecture, but in construction technologies. for example, the theater buildings are serviced by eight tower and crawler cranes, two of which increased load capacity up to 750 tons. they were used for the construction of the vostochny cosmodrome, a large industrial facility in chelyabinsk, and are now used to install trusses. builders are installing the ceiling of the main auditorium. in the hall of the opera and ballet theater, these iron beams are installed , the roof of the entire building will be supported on them, this is already the fifth truss out of eight, they are fastened together with reinforcing metal connections so that the structure is reliable, the specialists are ahead of the stage
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of installing the roof, it will rest on the lower part of the structure at thirty-six points , 30 of them are ball bearings, which were designed specifically for this object and manufactured at russian enterprises, while at the same time working... on the future museum complex, the builders still have to fill 600 cubic meters with concrete, and then they will begin installing the facade, the building of the academy of choreography is at the highest stage of readiness. test work is now being completed there, the installation of engineering systems is being completed, the installation of process equipment is beginning, i think in the near future this building will be put into use operation and we will be able to accommodate 250 children who will study choreography. in addition to the main facilities , it is constructing on the territory of the complex. residential buildings for employees, as well as production and storage facilities. the construction of the cluster is carried out around the clock. in total, 2.0 people work here, these are specialists from different regions of russia, as well as from foreign countries. the plans are to fulfill the president’s instructions
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to complete all work on time by the end of 2024. anna kirshcheniya, eduard novozhilov, inna lesenets, lead sevastopol. climate control system, satellite navigation, connectors for charging gadgets. usb connectors for charging gadgets, the ability to pay for travel by card, information boards
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with stops, will also be comfortable for people with disabilities. the driver's cabin was also equipped with the latest technology. the driver's cabin is comfortable, the steering wheel is adjustable, the driver's seat is comfortable for a long time. the uniqueness of this model of electric transport is that the car does not need a connection to the contact network, so the transport will be on the move even at extreme temperatures. the main thing before the trip is to charge the electric bus. ultra-fast stations were installed in the atp at several stops in the city. now the electric bus is under the charger, it will be charged. taking into account the fact that now one charges from 15 to 20 minutes and a full battery charge will last it, well , 90 kilometers. with a full charge, we leave the volgodonsk electrical laboratory and hit the road. now we are moving
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around the city itself on an electric bus, it travels almost silently, and there is no such characteristic sound as in other buses motor. not only without noise, but without shock we get from the new part of the city. this is the third time i’ve taken an electric bus, i like it, especially there where it’s not dangerous to hold on with your hands, you know, how different from those buses in which you can fly, it’s good that it’s environmentally friendly, we are for clean energy, like the workers of the rostov nuclear power plant a bigger station would be great. indeed, not all of the ten electric buses reached the lines, officials note. how only four large cars ply on two routes, fifty-second and fourteenth, which is why this delay is due to competitive procedures, routes, we must determine which routes go on, and competitive procedures take
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a certain time. the remaining six electric buses are planned to be launched on the line in the near future; they will be delivered to the most popular destinations of volgodonsk. pre-blue large electric cars can be seen on the third fifty -first route. causes anxiety in animals, which is very important for research, the drone is capable of operating even in the harshest conditions, reporting by anna leonova. the position of the drone was established, it flew after the sensation, the electronic bird immediately tries to fit into the taiga flavor and takes the trail, a smooth path falls into the lens, it was an elk exploring the territory, the owner of the hooves is not yet visible, the flight range. 15 km is a good distance for the far eastern
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taiga, so such a video camera will definitely catch tigers and ungulates, and such a zoom will also allow you to see clearly traces of the inhabitants of the far eastern forest. such a picture gives the specialists of the protected area a thrill, despite -36 today in the anyunsky national park, the drone can still withstand such cold and humidity and carefully collects the soil for further reflection by scientists, traces again fall into the lens. alberta, why is there
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a male wapiti, yes, but i see his horns, he’s feeding, it’s very cold, he doesn’t hear us at all, doesn’t see us, doesn’t even react, well , we’re far away, i look at the distance, about 500 m before him, and our altitude is 120 m. using thermal imager, of course, we quite effectively determine the presence of an animal, where it stands, batteries with an increased capacity of 45 minutes can stay in the air, this is the first thing, it has a zoom, the zoom increases by almost 60 times, that is, let ’s say when we film an animal, we don’t even fly up to it, so the scientist... reads that the inhabitants of taiga will accept the electronic bird into their circle, there will be much more similar shots, but how can i make friends , he is very welcoming, friendly, at such a height no one knows him can't hear it, doesn't smell it will feel that the quadcopter is a gift from a charitable foundation, which will make it possible to conduct research on the animal population in protected areas of the region at any time of the year and in any weather. the dream is to see a tiger, well, of course, it would be interesting to see a tiger, but i think it’s just a matter of time, just a matter of time, to lead khabarovsk. according to ancient descriptions and ancient
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technologies, the most important stage of the restoration of the old ascension church was completed in sskov. today the domes were illuminated by crosses. the architectural monument often burned, well, even in the middle of the last century was used as a prison. about what will happen here. valeria gorkaya. old ascension church of the 15th century. a traditional meeting place for miraculous icons and rulers and princes. after reconstruction here. today the new domes are illuminated by crosses, in the name of the father and son of the holy spirit, and a year ago the temple was in a deplorable state; instead of a roof, the clergy say, there was a real bathtub, water flowed inside and dripped onto the parishioners. we were faced with a number of unforeseen circumstances, yes, because the autopsy showed hidden defects, it was difficult to dismantle the old bulb. the roof of the temple was completely redone, including rafters and elements. made of metal , both heads were dismantled, in the smaller of them the drum was replaced, from
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wooden to stone, as it should have been historically, the boards and sheathing were laid using ancient technologies, we are witnesses to the fact that miraculously, within the set deadlines, people were found, like god, by providence god, takes care of his places, where people , uh, where people get to know him, where people live with him, where people meet him with communion in confession, an object... of cultural heritage of federal significance, the church often suffered from fires, was destroyed in the 20th century and was closed, then a prison was built in the place of the temples, executions were carried out, and after restoration they made a zaks. this is a feature of the temple, parishioners say, a bright center of events that has long awaited its revival. this is happiness, this is such a miracle of god, because we were present at an event that, well, very rarely anyone can attend, well, of course, what happened, we wanted to believe, but these. the domes that have already collapsed,
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that’s all now, they are light, they are warm. there are more than a hundred parishioners in the church, mostly families with children. it is planned to continue the restoration of the temple, now to restore the facade so that future generations will be even warmer and more comfortable. valeria gorkaya, ivan pavlov, vesti, pskov. in the alleys of the era, an exhibition of artists from group 13 opened today at the museum of russian impressionism. guests will be able to find out more. gulya boltaeva will tell you what else is interesting about the exhibition. project called group 13 in the alleys of the era excited moscow. still at the preparation stage , three hundred paintings from three dozen collections , private and public, including the museum of arkhangelsk, kaluga, nizhny tagil, constellations of artists that erupted at a great distance from the search for the russian avant-garde and proletkult, as the curator put it, where together, but each in his own in a way, they depict old moscow, in its kind of sadness,
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a little in its outlying version, yes, leaving, but on the other hand it seems to be under construction, that’s through their eyes. a young man in the thirties who worked as a teacher drawing. she looks like a conductor, not only in appearance, but also in her manner of communication. waving their hands, they place emphasis, share understanding, knowledge and even discoveries. the exhibition also includes paintings attributed to her, which nadezhda plungyan found in private collections. an exhibition about the moscow group 13, the backbone of which was formed in the editorial office of the gudok newspaper from friendly conversations between vladimir miloshevsky, nikolai kuzmin and daniil doran. one of the most interesting museums in russia knows how to surprise. the previous exhibition offered to look to the paintings, to evaluate them, without knowing the era or even the name, the author is unknown, then in the current exhibition, the context, the time in which the artists lived, is very important. like a reporter , the artists recorded the reality here now, turning the sketch into art, not only in peacetime, sketching streets,
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parks, but during the war at the risk of mavrin’s life , leaving for posterity temples that seemed to be blown up, with painting they comprehended the realities of the thirties and despite the closed nature, they kept pace with world artistic processes when they interfered ideology, tried to realize themselves in book illustrations, the group itself did not exist for long, but the artists who lived very eventful decades left a great legacy and understanding this is extremely interesting for us. the museum traditionally shares the joy of opening with everyone, and the first excursionists are blind visitors, they can see the paintings with their hands with the help of special... the pre-christmas bustle, in some places it’s like
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its own, and in other places it’s just such a cold courtyard, and that is enough such a full-fledged interesting impression is created among blind people, as always around. other regions who want to move to the moscow region are compensated for rent. maxim apalin will continue. pediatrician anna ochirova
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has been working at the dubaninsk city hospital for no more than six months; the job offer came from the chief physician. anna moved to the moscow region with her family from the kalmyk republic. it turns out that in the middle of summer we came to him for a big reception, but the oak tree was blooming here, it captivated us with its paints, a courageous surgeon, now also works at the dubna hospital , says that when the conversation came up about moving, it turned out that in the moscow region there is a program under which the regional government compensates doctors for part of the cost of renting housing, the ochirov family with a two-year-old son and a jack russell terrier i settled down perfectly in a spacious three-room apartment. this question was, of course, one of the most important, since often the main amount. spend money on rent, and this family moved from kursk, anastasia, oncologist, artyom, ringenologist. we received job offers immediately after our residency training in moscow. with the money allocated for housing, we rented a two-room apartment with good repairs. they helped us a lot, it was precisely under our conditions to rent, well, a euro, well, a two-room apartment, in short,
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so we don’t live in cramped conditions. when you come home, the first thing you want to do is rest, and rest is much nicer and... and more comfortable in conditions that completely satisfy you, where you rest not only with your body, but also with your soul, this is a measure supported by doctors near moscow already working several years, in order to take advantage of it, you must be employed full-time, do not own housing or have social rent, in order to process the payment you must submit an application through the website of the state services of the moscow region. in 9 months , 33 doctors and 107 nurses have received such payments and are now receiving them. compensation 20,000 rub. monthly, it can be increased if there are both doctors in the family. over the past 2 years , thousands of doctors have taken advantage of this opportunity. and today there are already 11 recipients. this is not the only measure to support doctors in the region;
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the preferential mortgage program, the land program for doctors, as well as the zemstvo doctor and zemstvo felcher, which guarantee a one-time payment to a specialist of up to one and a half million rubles for doctors and 750 thousand for paramedics, have long proven themselves. hello, vladislav sergeevich, is it possible? vladislav korotkov worked for a year in an ambulance in moscow, when he learned about the zemsky feldger program, he returned to his native village of novosel. manufacturing bionic limbs. one of
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the russian leader in the field of development and enterprises in shchelkovo was visited by the chairman of the foundation, anna tseveleva, about new rehabilitation opportunities. olga mishcherikova. the bionic hand confidently grasps the part, metal fingers, and a palm made of elastic polymer. hello, strong handshake. is it actually a convenient thing? yes. this is a convenient thing, our russian development fully performs its functions, roughly speaking, it helps to do everything around the house and in production. own design bureau , patented developments, production completely russian, localization - 90%. this is what the knee module looks like, this one , for example, is used in a bionic prosthesis, quite heavy, but considered optimal, wearable, very comfortable, this is the foot module, the lightest, made of carbon fiber, the most modern model, the latest. development. the state fund defenders of the fatherland, created on the initiative of the president in april last year, begins interaction with
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the largest russian manufacturer of components for prosthetics, a group of companies nitis. the foundation provides comprehensive support measures to the northern military district soldiers, including medical, social psychological rehabilitation, and legal assistance. for everyone who applied, we are ready to collect the necessary documents, apply for benefits and payments, send an application for sanatorium-resort treatment and, of course, provide technical support... the head of the fund , anna tseveleva, and company representatives are discussing prospects for cooperation right in the production workshop: for the fund, defenders of the fatherland it is very important now to understand the register of the manufacturers themselves, domestic manufacturers of prosthetics, because guys come for whom it is very important to receive prosthetics on time, a comprehensive service and to compensate for the lost functions that they received as a result of injury, we have a huge reserve, huge potential for... prosthetics from the simplest cosmetic
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to technically complex bionic ones, taking into account individual parameters, right at the factory and are taught how to use them, and they provide consultation even at the postoperative stage and before the first fitting of the prosthesis. this is new modern generation of prostheses. which , as they say, refers to high functionality, it allows you to provide a high level of comfort and mobility to patients, that is, it is actually like a leg or like a hand, well, it’s very close, and the goal of cooperation is to provide for all those injured during combat operations in north-west zone with modern means of technical rehabilitation. angelina kovaleva, sergey ukhvaryonok, sergey kuznetsov, news! actor in mobile phones and laptops. modern malfunction of agricultural machines using smartphone, an engineer from the amur region finds
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digital technologies that reduce the likelihood of diagnostic errors and speed up equipment repairs. diana polonets visited the special workshop. here we see what errors occurred at what engine hours. engineer roman manakov begins diagnosing the combine using a laptop. it is recognized that this process saves effort and simplifies the work. at this time , his... colleagues are studying equipment parts that may be faulty. we check the battery with a load fork, photograph the readings and send them to defect sheet. in such a statement , the program itself will indicate problems. systematization allows craftsmen to make fewer mistakes. this is the first year that service employees have been working in digital mode, but they have already managed to appreciate the advantage. this program is very important because it shortens the time in troubleshooting. in ours and provides information about the entire machine to the client himself. farmers cannot always repair their vehicles themselves, so they deliver combines,
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tractors, balers and other equipment to specialized repair shops. workshops, such centers in the amur region is about ten, on average, a complete inspection of a unit using new technologies takes about 5 days, specialists work with domestic and foreign equipment, although the share of the latter in the region does not exceed 15%. repair of engines, gearboxes , axles, transmissions, as if for an electrician, about twenty tractors have arrived, more than half have already been given to customers, we carry out repair work not only at the base, but we also have a service... service that, well, goes to the location of the breakdown, right in the field and we fix the problem on the spot. specialists they claim that there are no problems with spare parts, but sometimes logistics fail. despite this, work is going according to plan. the masters promise that they will have time to prepare all the equipment for the sowing season. and it is planned to repair 1,700 tractors, 1,300 soil-cultivating machines and 700 sowing complexes
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, about 50% have already been prepared. cents with the attraction of preferential investment loans and also short-term loans, farmers purchase repair parts and finance services for the maintenance of agricultural equipment. in addition to preferential loans, omor farmers they also receive warranty service from the service. high-quality equipment, the key to successful work in the field, accurate diagnostics and repairs have become even more accessible. severe frosts have returned to moscow, the temperature has dropped by 10° in a day, at night it is predicted to drop to -20, the sun and arctic cold have replaced a swift cyclone that has filled the city with tons of snow. about how record snowdrifts are raked and where they are taken, alexey karev. the line of loaded
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dump trucks to the capital's snow rafting points did not end. protect from debris, special sand traps catch fine fractions, in addition, carbon filters stop trapped oil products. there are 35 such stations in moscow , they work around the clock, cars continue to remove snow from roads, courtyards, roofs, from everywhere, and this can be said to be a transfer point where they bring snow from the center of moscow and unload such a huge mountain the height of a four-story building, all this was done for in order to
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clean moscow streets as quickly as possible. the snowdrifts have grown over the past night. by 15 cm, like this they were not high even on february 8, 1999 , the previous maximum. motorists also felt the depth of the snowdrifts; they got stuck and skidded, and neighbors came to the rescue. back, come on, the residents come out to help and work as a janitor, that’s how it’s necessary together, a shovel these days is man’s best friend, that’s how you can see, the bridge water canal crew is working, they came to the aid of moscow communal workers. the sidewalk has been removed, now i’m using a tractor to unload everything into a dump truck, and in the museum of military equipment on poklonnaya hill they put the shovels aside, the snow was blown off the armor and carefully cleaned off so as not to damage the paint; these are museum exhibits, after all. on the capital's roads today you could find equipment of completely different calibers, for example, golden pens, as they were popularly called, 1,400 units of special equipment
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went out for a big cleanup. pets , without waiting for the yards to be cleared, dive into the snow, sunny and frosty weather is ahead, and the cyclone has gone to the east, our weather is getting better, but in the rear of this cyclone there has been an influx of cold air, friday night is expected to be -18-20°, by still on days off it will get colder, next week the temperature will swing again, but without snowfall. alexey karev, alexander chukanov, alexey podstrelnov, news! new license plates with codes 250 and 550 will appear in the moscow region, as reported by the ministry of internal affairs. this is due to the fact that more than 3.5 million cars are registered in the region. more than 600,000 vehicles are registered annually. let me remind you that numbers with the combination 790 have been operating in the region since 2020. this year
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, waffle markings will appear at thirty-two more capital intersections. they will. her on those areas where drivers most often violate traffic rules, drive beyond the stop line, blocking passage, resulting in traffic jams. how effective is this method of combating violations? and it gets more complicated, well, i would say that it’s not particularly convenient, because not every traffic light indicates how many seconds are left, if you stop, the green light will be on, the rear ones will just
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go crazy, they’ll signal, you know, i’m personally starting to get nervous in such a situation, at the same time it is unclear how fast the traffic jam will resolve, stopping at the waffle markings for more than 5 seconds is a fine - 100 rubles, but only if the red light has already turned on, while the traffic light signal says you can get up, but you can get... a fine is easy, you didn’t calculate the time and speed of the flow, get ready to pay. in this situation, experts advise not to rush and not react to the urging signals of other drivers. if you can visually see that the body of your car will not pass the yellow markings and it will remain on it, then you should stay. this is exactly what this marking is for. in fact, he has now done the right thing, he will not hit the yellow markings, because he sees that the car has stopped here and there is no point in driving further. with waffle markings, motorists need to be very careful. sometimes the reason for a fine can be a trivial situation on the road. here is a vivid example, a small accident right in front of the yellow markings, it turns out that drivers driving along this road
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from my right shoulder may not see that there is a traffic jam here stop at the markings. this marking really relieves the congestion at intersections. according to statistics, in areas where it has already been applied, travel has become 15% faster. how it works? let's simulate the situation. here. a dense stream of cars begins to move at a green traffic light, then the red light turns on, the cars stop right on the other roadway, resulting in a traffic jam. and in theory, upon seeing a waffle iron, the driver should not rush to enter the intersection, so they only apply it on major highways. there are already over 250 in the city places with such markings, they are done at intersections with heavy traffic and where there have been cases of blocking of the intersection. new markings will appear in the west, in the east of moscow in tsao. an example at the intersection of leninsky prospekt and opakovo passage or soltykovskaya and dmitrievsky streets, it will be applied in the near future. igor yaroslavtsev, nikita shchyuchkin, maryana pepanyan. news.
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hello, popul, hi, i'm arriving today at 2:00 pm, will you meet me? wait, how? anyut, oh, i would miss you so much, and you? of course i miss you, i just need you tell me something, oh, dad, i can’t talk, my batteries are running low, let me text you the flight number, okay? wait, you're russian, yes, i'm late for my
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plane, hurry up please, okay, we 'll make it in time. anton grigorievich, you have been approved for a loan in the amount. 3 million rubles for a period of 5 years, excellent , please read and sign, i have already read it, and where to sign, maybe you can read it, sign where, on the last
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page, where the checkmarks are, yeah, whatever, it ’s ready, turn it on. so tomorrow morning bar the equipment will be delivered, we need to finish the electrical work today, well, we need to finish the gap with me. by itself, well, finally, what kind of people are in hollywood, hello, bro, i can’t drag you for a week, work, work, not a wolf, work not a wolf, but he’ll run into the forest, you won’t catch him, well, tell me what you’re wearing again to the forest, kamon bro, why go straight to the forest, it’s a sure thing, adend go, well, nice, but nothing? it’s so clean,
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you fool, you don’t understand anything, this is where the main hall will be, all that’s left to do is decorate it here, well , it’s clear that there’s a bar, yes, we’ll have a vip area here, let's put sofas and tables, i want me to have everything at the highest level, the best club in the city, the top djs, the top girls, well, where would we be without girls, you anton grigorievich, well me, what are you twins, whether? like that, read it, so guys, let’s do it tomorrow, i don’t have time now, okay, the owner of the premises has signed an agreement with you, this premises belongs to another tenant, what other tenant, let me read, i don’t understand, it doesn’t matter that tomorrow you weren't here, but you guys, what? what the hell, i poured money here, i took out a loan from the bank, and now to another tenant, why are you smiling, and calmly, calmly, all without... “we understand everything, oh,
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forever, antokha, you’re looking for easy ways, as i understand it, there won’t be a prostale today, how come, kita, i’ve already paid for the furniture, i have to make an advance payment for the bar equipment tomorrow according to the contract, so call me, cancel the advance payment, they didn’t teach you how to read, fuck you, yes igor sergeevich, nikita, my daughter is arriving today, i need to meet her, it’s accepted.” hurry up, okay, i'll be there right away, you're at it today is a day off, i need to jump to the airport and meet you, this is your igor sergeevich, he sat on your neck and just dangled his paws, oh well, he’s a good guy, remember when they turned me down, he hired me as a driver without any recommendations, so i need to help , and you stop drinking and call the equipment from me, but i’m already calling.
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got it, no, it’s fine, san francisco , the plane is right up your sleeve, here it’s like the aborigines, some kind of bus is full of people, nothing changes, everything is the same, anna, anna, welcome, father in the car, igor sergeevich asked to apologize, he was late at work, of course, take your suitcase, let's go. my
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name is nikita, my favorite name is igor sergeevich, she arrived, it’s strange that he didn’t call me, hello, angel, hello. can you imagine, i was gone for a whole year, and he couldn’t even meet me, he also sent some weirdo, uh-huh, keep an eye on the road, which of ours is in the city, hi anton, great bro, why did you meet your vip there - yes, i met the client, she’s pretty, pretty, and most importantly kind and friendly, hang him up. "i didn't understand something, what it was, you
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you shouldn’t talk at all until i ask you, well, take her in your arms and come to me, i rented an okatach here for a day, no, i’ll be busy all day, angela, i’ll call you back, listen, behind the wheel, who are you, me nikita, you drove, you should watch the road and not chat on the phone.
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" anya, anya, we have been waiting for you for a long time, i am very, very glad to meet you, my name is rita, oh, we switched to you, well, hello , rita, i'm anna, i, i'm an alcoholic, breathe out, it's a joke. yes, anna igorevna, hello, welcome, thank you, we'll eat, but did i give team, sorry, anya, igor, i really wanted to celebrate your arrival in the restaurant, but i thought and decided that you missed
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home, oh, i really missed home, i missed the old way so much, before the renovation, well, yes. yes, you noticed correctly, we changed a lot here, the previous walls, the design was old-fashioned, we did a small renovation, the kitchen, living room did not fit into the concept, you can see for yourself, of course, i see everything perfectly, the difference is obvious, margarita alexandrovna , take the suitcase to anna’s room, but i still have a room here, that is, in this house i have my own room, yes it is there. and thank you, thank you very much, an, i, of course, understand that you are not very happy to see me in this house, because a whole
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year has passed since the death of your mother, just, just a year, yes, but you are already a grown girl and... i must understand that your dad and i love each other , honey, don’t be nervous, i’ll be home soon, as we agreed, of course, yes, i’ll have dinner, wait, well, nikita, everything’s fine there, right?
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enough, there are some vases here, this is a mirror, where are our photographs, where is my mother’s portrait? anyuta, well, he had to be removed, and apparently he didn’t fit into the concept of the house either, let ’s maybe even have a snack, where is he now? in your room, anya, in my room, right , girls, listen, i'm terribly hungry and hungry, i propose a toast to a certified doctor, although no, let's better return to our native pinatas, come on, let's drink, let's drink,
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right, anya . oh, one, two, three, where is the fourth device, where is grandma? grandma is gone, you got rid of her, listen, stop talking nonsense, you bring this one up first. rita, then you kick out grandma. dad, what are you doing? listen, well, first of all, no one kicked out my grandmother, she herself wanted to go to her place. to the village, then rita, not this, i’m going to my grandmother,
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so, come on, wait, if you really want it so badly, then nikita will take you tomorrow, i think our meeting was at the highest level, thank you, dad, great , anya, verochka, serve it hot, it’s time for me to go... this is no longer my home, don’t forget that you live on my money, butterfly, i remember it perfectly, i’m calm i’ll live without them, that’s it , that’s it, we’ll see, we’ll see, wait, anya, anya , stop, igor, stop, hello, i want to order a taxi, we need, we all need to calm down, especially you, you can’t be nervous, she’s a grown girl, i have my own head on my shoulders, she’ll come alone and come back, everything will be fine. okay, hello, yes, i
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ordered a taxi, the village of yablochnaya, yablochnaya, oh, what a country, the village of yablochnaya, looking at night, no one will go, why won’t anyone go, even? the roads are washed out, you might be stuck all night, so why am i crying? double, or even triple, no one will go, the trip is inexpensive, and there is a lot of chance of getting screwed, let's go, i mean, you work for your father, let's go. what are you slowing down, hurry up,
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hurry up, well, amazing. beware of elena, although she is your father's wife, she is your enemy. well, that’s it, let’s start with the blood, you are nothing to me, i’m not going to listen to you, her task is me. will destroy me, she hates me, it was you who persuaded him, looking for the motives of the culprits is not here , we will find out that i am somehow dishonest, i will kill, in spite of all the winds, premiere on saturday on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on ordynka, on ordynka,
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morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr. from the first note, beauty, repeats, from the first phrase
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, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, your braid floats finely, with the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, belov, or something, we first class together, we are also responsible for everything we do together. and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the brigade, i’m running out of the car, the whole brigade, only on the platform let's look.
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yes, they are stuck tightly. well, what are we standing for? here? mm, it’s cold, please, push the car , we rest our shoulders and rock, uh-huh, i ’m crazy, find someone else, then we’ll stay overnight in the car until the morning, why, no, go to the village for a tractor, as you say, 10 km there, 10 km back, i’ll be back in the morning, but what am i doing? i’ll stay, yes, but if the wolves come with me, 10 km, at night, i’ll get tired, i’ll freeze, don’t you understand that?
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irishka, hello, nikita, where are you, i’ve already prepared dinner, it’s getting cold, that’s it, well, sorry,
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baby, i got wrapped up, didn’t call back at all, i’m on a business trip here. formed and why was it so hard to call? i'm sorry, i'm stuck in the forest, please turn on the video, nikita, nikita, where are you going? hello, can you hear me, there's a bad connection, hello, hello, you see me, what 's going on with you, i mean? nikit, who's in the jeep, hello, hello, can you hear me, hello, niki, who's in the jeep?
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knock knock! men are dying out like mammoths, oh, i wish i could leave 40 years old now, oh, how i would have an old lady with him, who needs him, no, you better tell me, what are you doing there? i built a performance at home, i organized it, well , grandma, my mother told me that my father, as you
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say, got hooked on this rita, and maybe because of her, my mother got sick and died, and now... you’re stupid, we’re going to the city, but here it’s just a stone’s throw from the apple store, and it’s a 2-hour drive to the city, okay, i’ll get there myself, come on, don’t worry, valentina petrovna, so
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be it, i’ll take you to the city and look after her, let’s go back. i myself, hello, angel, hello, you’re home, i’m coming to see you. goodbye, valentin petrovna, let's go, angel, how could he, how could he bring his own to our house mistress, it was because of her that my mother got sick, how? wearing heels, remember from shakespeare? she couldn’t even wear the shoes she
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wore to follow the coffin, it’s from hamlet, okay, let him stay with this rita, she’ll ring the bell for him, that is, if they get married, rita will be your stepmother, huh? you ’re with cinderella in front of her, you need to get out, sit still , no, you need to go to america, seriously, yeah, i wish i could go with you, i don’t have money, money is not the problem. so let's finish dinner and we'll be done, that's it, i canceled the order, only they demand 10%, wow,
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what is this for? well, according to the contract, if the customer refuses, then he is obliged to bear 10%, as if you didn’t learn to read at school, well, help me out, bro, okay, i’ll see how much i have in my account now. nikit, can i have a moment? anton, make sure it doesn't burn. nikita, nikita, the owner asked not to delay payments this month, she needs money, her mother is in the hospital. got it, but why haven’t you forgotten that you promised me a new jacket? jerunchik, let's do it. so, i’ll pay the rent, and we’ll buy you a jacket later, in a month, we agreed, uh-huh, otherwise, well, antukha
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needs money now, he always needs it more, you ’ve already given him so much money, you could have bought your own apartment a long time ago, ir, but something burned down there, and you couldn’t look, i asked. well, did you translate? yes, maybe next time i should immediately ask ira for money, i also quarreled with my grandmother, now where is she? we met in a cafe with a friend and were planning to go to the kayot club at night, probably a samzhel, yes, they met there. all over again, these clubs again, deangela,
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masha and i got married when we were young, at first they didn’t want a child, and then masha couldn’t get pregnant, they turned to doctors, psychics, here anyuta, just a miracle. “of course they spoiled her, masha didn’t let her get away with it, that’s why anyuta got used to the fact that she could do everything, almost not according to her, she immediately became hysterical, she wanted to go to study in america, i dissuaded her, forbade her, so she arranged such things that i remember it’s scary , things didn’t work out, and then i decided, if you want to go to study in america, go, maybe you’ll grow up, become wiser,
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but no, now you’re ready, we’ll go for another minute, retulya, maybe we won’t go anywhere, yes, come on. yes, let’s really not go anywhere, we’ll stay at home, i, i’ll call seryozha now and tell him to go see someone. then he gave it away, which was so hard to get, it doesn’t matter, right? ok, ok, you 're right, anya is no longer a little girl, she'll figure it out, let's go, nikita, i want to ask you, could you look after it, yes,
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of course, igor sergei! i'll take a look now, let's go, we're already late, thank you, baby, you're the most beautiful in this club, do you want a boiler, yes, yes, today. here you go, thank you, look what we have, let's go, so who are you, come on, immortal or something, this is a girl, my sister, she will go with me, angela, meet me, this is my brother.
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what's going on, are you going with him, i'm not going anywhere with you, well, go ahead, i don't understand, you want to talk, let's go out and talk like men, let's go, well, let's go, otherwise i'm not going anywhere, what are you doing, where are you going , security, security. and if you remember, brother , we’ll meet again, i’m not your brothers, i also have a good memory, and you’re cool, what’s your name, the mammoth is his name, all the others are extinct, but this one is still strong, oh you’re cool, listen, can i kiss you, that’s enough, let
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’s go, let’s go? wow, you have a car, don’t drive, this is my dad, cool, let’s go, mamon, i’ll kiss you, can you please. angela, angela, angela, oh, water. thank you, good man,
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actually, it’s me, be a person, once again, please give me the magic word, i already said, please, that is, now i’m a person, not a vadila, open. in such situations, a hot shower usually helps, a wealth of experience, it was the case, but i have a rich dad, and where is angela? i took her home, sure mom, igor sergeevich, number 221, yes, i’ll open it now. i sold it for 30 pieces of silver, get out,
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traitor, thank you, nikita, then i’ll do it myself, no one is home. what, get ready, let's go, i need to take a hot shower. i’m waiting for you, i need you urgently, my wife was brought in in serious condition, the premiere at the rdr, what do you think, it’s bad, the operation
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is going to be very difficult, what is your plan, but i don’t have a plan, this is a hopeless idea, and you decided to put me in this come in to drag in who will be in charge of the operation, dr. bragen, if you don’t mind, i don’t, but so that bragin doesn’t objected. sklefosofsky. we watch new episodes on monday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code. because they contain power, beauty and history. conquer. the order is ready. explore. nature, mother, dear, simple. incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try it, oh, your eyes run wide, how
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delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, the snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say, a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, razumovsky listens, anyuta is alive. who are you anyway? i’m your husband, we buried you, should we come back? hello, why are you, you should have already died to get yourself back, and she has amnesia, how
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i died, that is, how i disappeared, you were with the driver, your car fell into the river, just don’t fall in love with your wife , i only need you, i think someone set me up, right away after... the funeral you appear, what are you hinting at, unforgotten, did you remember something, sunday on rtr, anya, let me take the suitcase, i myself, listen, we need to talk to you seriously, talk seriously? dad, i'm sure you have a wonderful speech prepared. where's the mammoth? are you talking about nikita? i let him go. anya, what are you doing? i'm okay, i
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'm just skating. let's go home, i'm already late for work. i went home on my own. anya, where are you going, anya? bye-bye, she’s not at the club, maybe she’s rushed to grandma again, i think she’s important right now, so, well, i'll take it all. is it good or is it better to buy a new one there? listen, it's cold there, should i take a fur coat? why do you need a fur coat? are you flying to san francisco? oh, there’s an ocean there, oh, yes, something like that,
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you’re lucky, you can just fly, fly, arrive, hello! hi, hi, is anya there ? yes, well, she won’t bother us, anya, look who came, what are you doing here? daddy sent you, and you're smart, stop muttering, he's cool, he's cool, a mammoth is a mammoth, you don't understand anything, guys, to be honest, he has little time, your father is looking for you, and that’s all. great, but now we’re in pain, you don’t want it and you don’t give it to others, yes... i need it, mm,
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but i wouldn’t refuse, hi, hi, well, should i give you a ride somewhere, we can manage without you, to the airport , please, we are flying to san francisco, yeah, great, dad knows, no, well then i can help you pick up your suitcase. from the house so that dad wouldn’t notice, otherwise he wouldn’t think that he’d let you go so easily, okay, if you help, i’ll pay, close the door, nikita, such a caring man, the man of your dreams, yeah, not a dream either,
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i’m not, well, let’s go, and this is for you,
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welcome to the world of cinema, engine, camera, let’s start, come on, come on, come on, run, run, run, run, run. stop, cut, next scene, cut, move on to the next scene, and finally, as much tea as you can ask for, you’re so cool, it’s dirty here, i think i ’m in love with you.
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have you seen your father? no, he's in his office. and this? rita, i almost caught you. well, now to the airport? yes. let's go to the restaurant first, i'm terribly hungry. let's eat at the airport. it takes 2 hours to get there in traffic jams, i’ll die with hunger. nikit, tell her. okay, okay, don't start. by the way, i know a cafe along the road. are they filming movies there too? no, but the food there is very tasty. i agree.
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let's go, it's cool here , it's cheap, well done for stopping by, sima, hello, here are the pies with cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, it's real, oh my god, everything is real, sima, sit with us, i forgot the honey, real sofrola, who is she to you, we grew up together in an orphanage, she fed us since childhood, the boys were constantly hungry, she was friends with aunt any, our cook, i helped her, brought us pies and cutlets. now he has his own cafe, so eat it
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while it’s hot, you’ll be stunned. what can you try with, well, cranberries, for sure, alright, try it, i’m not hungry, what a bore you are, you’ll see in your eyes, i can see that he wants, but this character, angel, you can keep quiet, give me a glass, you’ll immediately have an appetite , nikit, what? what did you dream of as a child, he and antoshka wanted to save people, but my grandfather and brother got into trouble when we were 9 years old, a gas tank exploded in our neighbors’ house, we were saved, but our parents weren’t, we suffocated, what a horror, plum, your favorite,
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thank you, and you, angela, what did you dream about, i, i... read, ah, what did we dream about? i dream of being in america in the evening. oh, listen, can we take this with us on the plane? of course, are you going to make us angry? maybe his dream will come true? what are you doing? let him marry? didn't understand? who will he marry? igor sergeevich and margarita alexandrovna have a wedding week. i thought you know, i know, of course, of course, i know, so we should definitely stop by to congratulate the newlyweds, get ready, where are you going, what about me, what about
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san francisco, angel, what san francisco, are you going to tver, do you have a visa, no, well... you know how difficult it is to get an american visa, so why did you invite me with you, i don’t know, just for fun , this is offensive now, don’t be offended, look, you have a wonderful groom, he will marry you, and will take you wherever you want, wherever you want, to america, she wants to go to america, and i want to go home, me first , an angry, jealous major. so who are you anyway without your daddy, pies, eat it yourself, my daddy and rita are getting married, great news, but that’s what i’m talking about for some reason i don’t know anything, it turns out that i don’t mean anything to them at all, and why didn’t you immediately tell me about this wedding, i thought,
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this is none of my business, not your business, cool, it will become yours. i mean, keep an eye on the road , then you’ll find out, don’t worry, i’ll prepare a list of guests, everyone’s ready, celebrate, congratulations, i wish you happiness, health, more kids, and live and not worry about the wedding, maybe first you’ll take off your jacket, dad, don’t you think it’s strange that only your weddings... i didn’t find out from you, i tried to talk to you, but you don’t want to listen to me, margarita aleksandrovna, yes, how did you manage to do this, what a magical place, so maybe stop being rude, dad, but i’m not
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being rude, i also have an official statement, i’m getting married to ... because of whom, if not a secret? dad, i never had secrets from you. nikita, come here, good afternoon, sit down, this is my fiance. anya, i, don’t worry, nikita, i hope you know, of course, you see how happy he is, igor sergeevich, sorry, sorry, but modest,
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dear, dear, god, may she take me. it hurts me, what kind of circus have you created, and what is he allowed, i can’t, he’s not allowed, he’s your father, but relax, what? how tense you are, exhale, you think, i want to marry you, i don’t need you, well, let’s get married, fictitiously, then we’ll separate, and me, but i forgot to ask, oh, yes, i forgot, i’m asking, nikita, will you marry me for 3000, half a million.
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hello, yes, what happened, of course , of course, yes, i’ll be right there, give me the car keys, what happened, grandma, it’s bad, give me the keys, let’s go, watch the show
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, they said who? i asked you not to talk the main thing is that he is healthy, we look at the weekend, we will have twins, girls, what girls, you promised me that there will be a son, oh, when double happiness is a burden, i lost a child and i don’t want to lose my wife again, i will pay any money, before it’s too late , do a good deed, you have to share, where is the second girl, i heard her screaming, where is my child, and i’m still thinking, well, how can it be , there’s a boy, but a girl was born, what miracles , she’s completely different, her character doesn’t resemble either you or leroy, our son will be just like you. olga is deceiving you, but don’t you think that
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this is somehow too much, nothing is too much, two shores of hope, on saturday on rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call, you can build without building, i’m very glad that you came to me at guests, how much tea have you drunk? i tell so many stories, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i start, then mark anatolyevich zakharov disappears into the pile, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined what i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now only... everything is coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday
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on rtr. “grandma, granny, anyuta, i’m here, granny, you’re better, you’re fine, i came, well, of course i came, why are you on your feet, let’s go to bed, it’s not better, i deceived you, hello, valentina petrovna, how are you? how are you feeling?" “there was no attack, you wouldn’t have come, but i would have come, arrived, six months later, and then you you ask who i am, so, i
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’ll probably say for the suitcase, come on, oh , anka, you’re missing, somehow i’m missing, you’ve fallen in love, girl. oh, grandma, i can’t hide anything from you. hello, ira, hi, where are you? listen, i've been waiting for you for 4 hours. well, i have one for work, irochka has some kind of graphics at work. no, there is no schedule and there never will be. what do you mean it won't happen? well, well, we already need money, right? yes, but i need you too. that's it, i'll be back tomorrow, i promise.
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it’s okay, everything’s ready, sit down. and at the table,
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but she was stubborn. "god forbid, if what’s not for her, she’ll climb into the attic, maybe sit there until the evening, granny nikita isn’t interested in this, why is valentina petrovna very interesting when her soul is light, she shines with a siranda, like a takha, down dad.” field across the grass , scattered runs, arms outstretched, screaming , well, i knew it, now it won’t be until morning, i think the evening of memories is over, so i made a bed for you in one room, they promised frosts, it’s cold on the veranda, and there’s a sofa there is a bed that will cover a huge space.
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when i was little, i lay in this big bed, dreaming of meeting a prince, cool, that's clear.
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good morning, good morning, time for breakfast.
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hi, how was your sleep? “grandma made some cheesecakes there, maybe we can have breakfast and i’ll just have some tea, what’s wrong with your voice?”
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and i usually don’t care about anything, but when i have a fever, i can’t do anything, nothing , i’ll just beat you up, and i brought you milk, and what are you looking for, grandma, do you have some kind of antipyretic, but i’m just like this at home? i do not see. m, i don’t know, aspirin, well, what happened, and nikita, where - he’s sick, he has a fever, he’s pounding him, but you're a granny, don't worry, trust a professional doctor, who is
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the more professional of us, and granny, the pharmacy is only in the city, it's already 8 km away, it's okay, i 'll get there, okay, stop, that means it's like that, vinegar, water, yeah, you undress him, rub him to lower the temperature, uh-huh, oh, you shouldn’t have kicked the guy out into the yard at night, while i prepare my herbal medicine, my grandmother also gave me the recipe, i understand, quieter, quieter, quieter, quieter , lie down, your grandmother gave you roots and herbs to drink, you’ll be like... i need to call, i’m divorced, call from mine,
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hello, yaronchik, hi, it's me, how are you? listen, my business trip seems to be dragging on, and i’m also sick.
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give me your hand and don’t let go, remember this moment, now i know what heaven is, you are my not... heaven, keep silent about the main thing, hugging you, i don’t dream of more, forever connected like the earth, and you are my sea, that’s all i want to share what is in this world with you, you are everything i need, i will love you. so much, so tenderly, my infinity, i will love you, so much, and so honestly, you are my
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eternity, i will love you. hello, hello, nikita, no, nikita, he’s sleeping, what, who are you, i don’t understand, i’m anna, what anna? wait, i'll explain everything now, what? you explain to me, nikita, call me, don’t fool me, yes, you spent the night there together, in general, what’s going on there, but just wait , nikita’s phone was dead, so he called from mine, he said: what’s going on?
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will there be an overnight stay at the hotel? what hotel? such a hotel? no, we are not at the hotel. yes, everything is clear. hello hello! anyut, where are you running, well nikita, that’s it, god bless you, thank you, valentina petrovna, you’re going or stay, i'm going, ira called me, she called you. also from mine, if you want, dial
7:36 pm
, hello, little irony, hello, so what, wait , yes, i’ll explain everything, come on, it’s very interesting, i have...
7:37 pm
i agree, good sex and nothing more, by the way, my proposal remains valid, a million for a stamp in a passport, what kind of person are you? i’m all unlucky like my mother, she also met me 2 years ago. one thing, mom, i thought that
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prims had fallen in love, like a seventeen-year-old fool, mom, i asked igor for a divorce, i didn’t do it, i say that i thought, well, what’s up lived for a year. the prince, so what next ?
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you can’t blame him, even though masha is my daughter , but she herself is to blame, she destroyed everything, i didn’t know about it, grandma, why didn’t you tell me , you wanted to and didn’t tell me, i didn’t want you to think badly about mom, so more after her death, blabul, why is everything like this, why, because it ends with...
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yra. i'm going to my mother, goodbye,
7:41 pm
i warned my heart. the jokes are bad, i see deterioration, dad, oh, what are you doing here, yagoza? uncle lesh, what's wrong with him? tachycardic! oh, it's okay, i'm just tired! he doesn’t hear me, i told him 11 times, he needs to rest, he needs to relax. dad, you have to listen to uncle lesha. fine. then maybe for relaxation grams of 50 nicknames, i’m talking to the wall, to the ceiling, to anyone, but not to a person, come on, lesh, come on for the return of my prodigal daughter, what about
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me, come on now i’ll bring it, i didn’t know that things were like that with your mom. come on daughter, everything is fine, so the train to pirem is in 3 hours, that means she went to see her mother, you will follow her to pirem, in general , what kind of irka gave you up, anyone will run after you in a hurry, yes, she already offered me a million for a stamp in a passport, oh well, a million for a fictitious marriage, huh? who is she, let me introduce you, i agree to such a deal, danilov’s daughter , real lyam, yeah, that’s it, that’s it, i’ll live with you for now, go ahead, replace me at danilov’s work, easy bro, especially not
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the first time for me, i’ll be back in a couple of days, yes, and give me your passport too, i’ll work for you, and you get mine. the driver's license is in the passport, well, brother, bye-bye, i hope you come back without a driver, i don't hope how the operation went, we lost a patient, polonsky made a mistake, you understand how it looks from the outside, if not an accident, you mean, that i killed him, premiere on rtr. analysis results. vraygin, i feel bad, so scared, he’s never been before. i'm afraid of it, i don't even know what to prepare for. i can’t breathe, you know, i’m going home, i want to, i don’t
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can. help! skleposovsky. we watch new episodes on monday on rtl. you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he will come to your house himself, we start, he will always help , we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly? will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes for lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust for
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100%. you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. dr. myasnikov on saturday at rtris, my character will be difficult right away, but i can handle it. and mother, she is alive, you abandoned me, i read the statement, you are a traitor, leonid
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gromov, and you don’t sue, you are hot, that’s how i should continue to live, i can’t forgive you , i hate my dad, but it will pass, it’s just necessary time, against all winds, premieres on saturday on rtr. vera, i asked for my juice, yes, you can’t , you can’t, yes, daddy, drink empty tea, it’s very useful, okay, that’s it, i have to go, please have a moment of attention, good morning, igor sergeevich, i’m on an official visit. “the fact is that i fell in love with your daughter with all my heart, i can’t live without her, and i want to ask you
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for her hand in marriage, well, i guess the flowers are lovely, if i didn’t know you, nikita, i would think that this is another prank of my daughter, come on, igor sergeevich, everything is very serious.” can i have a minute? excuse me, what kind of masquerade did you stage? i agree, do you agree? well, you, you wanted to get married? fictitiously, for money, a million fights it doesn’t work, it’s irrelevant, i mean it’s irrelevant, i changed my mind, do you have iras, there? ira and i broke up, she went to stay with her mother in perem, and what’s more, ira never
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understood me, do you think i can understand you, well , of course, by the way, revderich, i love you, i love you, i just wanted to check if you love me you me, or for you these are all games for a million rubles, well, besides... men don’t shout about their feelings, dear igor and margarta, i ask you to exchange rings.
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i declare you husband and wife, you can kiss the bride! dear nikita and anna, i ask you exchange favors, i declare you husband and wife, you can kiss the bride! congratulations, today is a very important day in your life, not one, but two new families were born, love each other, appreciate, protect, dear relatives, friends, you can congratulate the newlyweds, congratulations, thank you, thank you, congratulations, at the same time we will do it together.
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why are you volunteering?
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grandfather, what’s wrong with him, a massive heart attack, it ’s my fault, don’t be stupid, he’ll get better, you’re a doctor yourself, you should understand. what kind of doctor am i? i was expelled a year ago for university, when mom died, uncle lyosha, ask me to bring bed linen, i want to be close to dad, of course, i
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’ll give orders now. bon appetit, yeah, good morning, good morning, it’s okay that i’m here, everything’s fine, thank you, right? bring me my juice, okay, you’ll take me to the hospital, of course, but not now, have breakfast first, you’re a strong man, you need even more strength, yes, bon appetit, thank you. “i didn’t know,
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my mother told me that you cheated on her and asked for a divorce, but now we will talk, we will talk a lot, a lot, i 'll tell you everything, hello, i miss you, me too, do you need my help?" "i myself, alex, don't reassure me, tell it like it is, he can come to his senses tomorrow, maybe in a week, in any case, if he doesn’t come back in a month , i’m afraid, it’s clear.
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i’m in the car, wait, how is he? still, i don’t understand why you’re on duty here, this is an excellent clinic, wonderful staff, i want when he wakes up, there was a native... person nearby, that's how we started talking, that is, you want to say that i don't pay proper attention, my girl, didn’t you think that it was all because of you, i don’t want to talk about it, honey, come on...
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get well, i’m waiting for you, okay, i’m waiting, that’s it! home, margarita alexandrovna, call me aunt erita, of course, home. god, how i hate these hospitals, me too,
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or another case we had, once the boys and i climbed into an apple orchard, and there was a watchman, but... it means we gave der, and nikitos led him in the other direction , you’re nikita, and well, yes, we had another one in nikita’s grandfather’s house, well, vtorush to him, that means he loaded it with a pneumatic gun right on the butt, sorry, on the soft spot, and in our lessons the trudovik liked to repeat, sit, i’m sorry, straight on the butt, he says, nikita, and that means he’s not like standing... he’s not sitting quietly i can, but what were you doing in the garden? uh-huh, yes, in the orphanage i was always hungry, i wanted to eat, but verochka , you can be free for today, thank you,
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thank you, well, i wanted to eat, uh-huh , she constantly fed us, she now has her own cafe, she bakes such pies, it’s crazy , you should definitely try it, let’s already agree, not on in, on you and let's change the pie, you have a figure, any girl will be jealous, nikita, nikita, what would i do without you alone in this house, hm? alice felt that she was falling, she sank lower and lower. at this point you always fell asleep, and i never found out what happened to alice, so you learned
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to read on your own, folder, hush, dear, you’ll choke me so much, you’re so prickly, i ’ll shave you tomorrow, okay. “i’m that grandfather lyosha, wait, wait, i want to tell you something, i love you very much, forgive me daughters, it’s you who forgive me for everything forgive me, forgive me, dad, dad, god, dad, dad!
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just recently we were gathering joyfully . and now, excuse me. hello brother, how are you doing there? hello, antokh, i seem to be stuck here for a long time.
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it's clear. irka, yes, is causing problems? yes, everything is complicated. listen, about the passport. if you need yours, i can send it. i am completely satisfied with your passport. what does satisfied mean? listen, antokh, you can’t do the same. listen, brother, live your life, don’t interfere with mine. i work for danilov. by the way. igor sergeevich died? yes, they buried us today, now it’s time for a funeral. tell anya my condolences. and about anya, everything is serious with her, more serious than you can even imagine. therefore, live your life, don’t interfere with mine. okay, let's come and sort it out. there is no need to come anywhere. for the porists , try some cheese for happiness.


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