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tv   Po sekretu vsemu svetu  RUSSIA1  February 10, 2024 8:35am-9:00am MSK

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the tourist route to the country of chosun has the status of a trial, taking into account the season, primarily it is aimed at those who are used to relaxing on snow-covered slopes, the massikryon ski resort is ready to welcome russians, with a dozen ski slopes, modern ski lifts, hotels and restaurants, it was built quite recently, it corresponds to the highest international standards, they say that its construction was supervised by the head of the dprk kim chin-in himself, but first they promise to show tourists the capital pyongyang in all its glory. in addition to these places, there are also routes to...
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another beach resort is currently being built on the korean coast, which can be visited next summer. by the way, the koreans want to acquaint guests with the progress of its construction during this trip. andrey kolesnikov, denis yunak, dmitry popkov, lead the far eastern bureau. in buryatia, on the eve of sagalgan new year according to the lunar calendar , a traditional cleansing rite was held in all dotsans, which is attended by many people every year. report by alexey kilevro. parishioners are preparing for the osna ritual.
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st. petersburg scientists brought from an expedition to antarctica ice samples that are a million years old; their study is of great interest to science; they contain not only data on how the climate changed in the past, but will also make it possible to predict the future. dmitry pishchukhin for more details. specialists from the russian antarctic expedition take out the ice block as carefully as possible. from the glacier above lake vostok, this sample is more than 1 million years old, and it contains unique information about climate changes on earth. before us ice kerm obtained from a depth of 3.513 m, we assume that its age is 1 million years, and it carries information about climate changes during this period of time, and after we study it, this data will be included in the climate models and will help us predict climate change in the future. for scientists, ancient age ice. about a million years is
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of great interest; it was during this period that an increased concentration of carbon dioxide could be observed in the earth’s atmosphere, and presumably during this period on the planet there was a restructuring of the climate system, any information from inside the continent about the geological structure is, well , worth its weight in gold - that's putting it mildly, that is , in any case, it is information about the subsoil, about what is hidden , about how antarctica developed, about what can there may be prospects, including the geological structure, including some mineral reserves. subglacial lake vostok is one of the largest on earth; it was discovered at the end of the 20th century in antarctica, in the area of ​​the russian antarctic station. on today, this is the least studied place on the planet; for several million years, the lake vostok ecosystem has been isolated from external influences under layers of ice, at a depth of about 4 km. when we have more than one sample, there are several, many of them, then it is already possible... to clearly draw some conclusions and
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really close such a large white spot, what we assumed, or what scientists argued about, can be unambiguous. expect answers to many questions in terms of geology. what secrets do ancient ice samples hold will become clear after research on isotopic analyses, it is impossible to carry them out in antarctic conditions, so scientists are waiting for more correct data after studying climate change in the laboratory in st. petersburg. in the near future, the samples will arrive at the scientific laboratory of the arctic and antarctic institute. any materials from the continental part of antarctica are of great interest to science, and the study of the ice... core from the depths of the glacier above lake vostok will allow us to better understand the geological structure of the sixth continent. dmitry pishchukhin, alexey sasyrin, dmitry mishchersky, alexandra kolkova, galina orlova and vladimir minyailov. northwestern news bureau. the seguschaya population is rapidly declining;
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urgent measures are needed to preserve the unique rookery of petropavlovsk-kamchadsky, one of only three places in the world where sea lions can be seen within the city. people come close to animals and this neighborhood is not always favorable. for animals, why - report by alexandra ostrikova, they definitely don’t eat meat, now, this video a few years ago caused a great public outcry, after that the owner was given an order to surround the most popular rookery in the makhovaya area with a high fence. the pier turned out to be not the only place where animals were located, and the winter public zoo moved to the seaport area. there is an unobstructed entrance here, anyone can approach the animals. this is an information banner, which spells out all the rules of behavior near the rookery, and this is a fence that should serve as an obstacle to the red book animals, but as we see, it does not cope with its function. on the sign contains all the information, even a note that there is video surveillance, but guests simply do not pay attention to it. there were
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cases when people were really barbaric towards animals, they shot at them with weapons, and now even their colleagues say that they throw them. breathing in order for the sea lions to react somehow, very often people start feeding the animals with fish, ice cream is often fish, because it is clear that in winter you can’t find fresh fish anywhere, and of course this can be said, the sea lion kills the animals - a huge marine mammal that can weigh up to a ton, if the animal decides to make some kind of lunge towards a person who has gone beyond the fence, this can be dangerous, so such close interaction needs control. i don’t think it’s necessary to fence it off so that people don’t see it, but it’s still very interesting , educational, and i wouldn’t want to protect people from this completely, but people also need to understand how to behave with sea lions, sea
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lions - specially protected animals are listed in the red book, although in the second place, these are this means that the animal is not yet rare, but in the future it faces complete extinction. back in the twenty-first year, at the initiative of the governor, the ministry of natural resources formed a working group that developed rules of conduct for observation near marine mammals. according to this document, you cannot make noise, block the animals’ path to the water, feed them, or throw any objects at them; in total, there are about 30 restrictive points on the list. everything that is in the red book of the russian federation is exclusive.
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a unique jupiter mining dump truck, now a person is teaching equipment to independently move around a coal enterprise, this is an operator-driver system that allows you to remotely control a mining dump truck, monitor when it is in autonomous mode and switch if something happens. thanks to a smart unmanned dump truck, unnecessary loading maneuvers will be eliminated, fuel costs and expensive tires will be reduced, the amount of funding under the clean coal-green kuzbass program is 250 million rubles. 45 researchers are working on the project, 150 students and graduate students. we are
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currently developing a new fire extinguishing system, which will be used on dump trucks and in different areas of loading capacity. the system will independently initiate an ongoing fire, after which spot extinguishing will occur. we have reduced the development time for the mining truck included in our project due to the fact that we already have the competencies and the team. coal quarry, mechanical engineers of the region within the framework of the kusbass scientific and educational center have already developed prototypes of a self-dumping platform, hydraulic cylinders, and motor wheels for an unmanned vehicle. representatives of a large concern today appreciated the scientific activities of the scientists of the arts of the state technical university, they work quite efficiently, quickly, tests at one of
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the kuzbass open-pit mines, next year they plan to assemble 125 and 240-ton machines. andrey toropov, pavel chernyagov, host kuzbas, kemerovo. today is the new year according to the lunar calendar. it is also called the eastern new year. in china, this is the most beloved and longest holiday. get ready for this the event in china began a few months ago so that the celebrations would turn out grandiose. and the task was completed even beyond the plan by the report from china by our own correspondent alexander baltsky. now it has definitely arrived. the new year of the green wooden dragon and the streets of the celestial empire turn into a continuous open-air festival, with obligatory dances, of course, of the dragon. the year of the dragon is absolutely perfect for the chinese. especially, this is one of the main symbols of the entire celestial empire. such figures are now in... everyone chinese cities, as if they were competing to see whose dragon would be brighter and longer. there are all
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shades of red everywhere, lanterns, decorations, hieroglyphs of fu, that is, happiness, there is never too much of it. new year in china is a spring holiday, chundze, the most important and most beloved. it says here: we wish you a lot of money in the new year, in general, plenty of wealth for everyone. the dragon, they believed in ancient china, is a descendant of the emperor, and after him all the inhabitants of the celestial empire. we are chinese, descendants of the dragon, this is our patron amulet. and the main quality of this mythical animal, wisdom, nobility, strength and power will definitely make the new year successful, not only astrologers are sure of this. the dragon not only symbolizes the five-thousand-year-old spirit of the chinese nation and persistent movement forward, but also carries the strong will and good wishes of hundreds of millions of chinese people to help build a strong country. decided to have time to come to their hometowns, this is even called the all-china great migration, it’s just customary here to celebrate the new year with
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family, and even at a large festive table, and this is also a ritual, the more noodles there are stretch, the longer life will be, fish in chinese sounds like prosperity, and of course dumplings, without which the new year in china is like in russia without olivier, even the taikonauts prudently took them into orbit especially for a festive dinner, there is another one in china new year's tradition, so similar to ours, the blue light, the festive gola show of china's central television, is even in the guinness book of records, more than a billion television viewers watch it simultaneously. congratulations from the russian ambassador with the hieroglyph moon dragon also attracted many likes. moon, yes, that is, the soaring dragon is a bright future, no one doubts it. people bow down to the symbol of the new year according to the lunar calendar these days. and this
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concludes our issue, oksana kuvaeva was with you, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website see you. we've arrived. on november 17, 1970 , the soviet union's telegraph agency issued an emergency message to the whole world. at 6:47 moscow time, the automatic station landed on the surface of the moon at region of the sea of ​​rains.
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the lunakhod-1 lunar self-propelled vehicle is installed on the landing stage of the station. for the first time in history. astronautics delivered a controlled earth apparatus to the moon and began scientific research. lunokhod is a remote-controlled self-propelled vehicle for exploring the moon. the message shocked not only ordinary people, but the scientific community. it was hard to believe that a certain vehicle was right now traveling somewhere on the lunar surface, but at the same time it was still controlled remotely.
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he built the world's first automatic stations that landed on the moon, venus, mars and transmitted to moscow the most valuable information about the atmosphere and lithosphere of these planets of the solar system. it was his apparatus that was the first to deliver lunar soil to earth... and finally created that legendary lunar rover, the world's first vehicle to travel on the surface of an extraterrestrial space object. georgy babakin
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was left without a father early on; the difficult financial situation in the family forced the orphaned guy to leave school after the seventh grade. find yourself a job. in 1932, young a specialist was invited to sokolniki park to manage the radio center. from there he was drafted into the army, but was immediately discharged due to heart problems. even in sokolniki, babakin established himself as an intelligent radio operator, so they immediately found him a position as a senior technician at the radio center in gorku park. at the same time, he takes the ten-year exams as an external student. enrolls in correspondence studies at the polytechnic institute, however, babakin will graduate from the university only 20 years later, already being a leading designer of missile systems. georgy had no time to study, he was always i worked, introduced and improved something all the time. after the war, while defending another project, babakin accidentally met
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sergei korolev, who immediately noticed a promising designer in the young engineer and took him to his place. the battle of who would be the first to reach the surface was the most worrying about the moon, a real launch to the moon and venus unfolded between the americans and venus failed, but the natural satellite of the earth, to enter into this battle was now ordered by babakin to the design bureau named after him lavochkina. the first
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interplanetary automatic station, luna 9, built in khimki , brought unprecedented success. came up with a number of original solutions for it. and the most important unit is the landing module. it consisted of fuel tanks, engines with adjustable jet thrust, especially durable and lightweight shock absorbers. luna 9 successfully launched from the baikan cosmodrome on january 31, 1966. and on february 3 delivered a one-kilogram device to the surface of the earth’s satellite, then this device sent a television signal with a panorama of the surface to the mission control center. 3 months later , the next automatic station set off for lunar orbit: babakin was almost six months ahead of the united
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states, sometimes he had to work 18 hours a day and spend the night right in the design bureau. but georgy nikolaevich constantly received dispatches from the party central committee demanding that at least some lunar soil be delivered to earth as quickly as possible. the united states was already preparing to land on the moon. our work on creating a heavy rocket for a manned flight to the earth's satellite was hopelessly behind the american project. and then babakin decides to send an automatic device on a proton rocket to collect lunar soil. this will be much cheaper than a manned flight and will completely eliminate the risk for astronauts. but for this it is not enough to send a station to the moon and force it to pick up soil. the station should. return back to earth and make a soft landing. this happened on september 24, 1970.
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a device called luna-16 successfully landed in the kazakh steppe along with a container containing lunar soil from the sea of ​​abundance region, only 105 g. but this lunar soil was delivered by our spacecraft. and after another 2 months there will be a telegraph. agency of the soviet union reported about the lunar rover. when babakin began creating this device, he did not have the slightest idea what a vehicle should be like to conquer another planet. and the most important question is, what is the structure of the lunar soil? yes, it has been received, but has not yet been studied. therefore, scientists argued. some believed that the moon was strewn with large and small stones, others said it was all over it.
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based on this, they began to design lunar rover, until data from the previously launched luna-9 spacecraft confirmed korolev’s version that the lunar surface is solid. wheel or caterpillar? the caterpillar began to think about which propulsion device to choose: more passable than the wheel, but in the end they decided to settle on the wheel. why? the wheel is much simpler and more reliable. in addition, to turn the caterpillar, more power is needed for space transport, these are additional solar panels and additional weight in the end, which is unacceptable for such an expedition and, finally, that what to do, if the caterpillar breaks, who will repair it? on the moon. the choice of the wheel was confirmed by experiments in crimea at a specially created lunodrome, where scientists tried to create conditions as close as possible to the lunar
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firmament. there in crimea they began to test the strength of the landing platform. by the way, the original designers, under the leadership of babakin, thought about creating an automatic planetary reconnaissance rover, working according to a given program, but compact and powerful electronic computers at that time... and here georgy babakin turned on all his experience in creating automated control systems for spacecraft. a television camera was installed on the lunar rover, which transmitted the image to the mission control center. this picture was received by the so-called crew, consisting of a conditional driver, flight engineer, navigator, antenna operator and commander. the commander was responsible for the general
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management of the crew and made the final decision, based on information received from the navigator, flight engineer and driver. the driver directly controlled the lunar rover, the navigator performed navigation calculations, the flight engineer monitored the state of all systems of the device, and the antenna operator monitored... the officers successfully coped with difficulties and even tried to improvise with the control of the lunar rover, as for example, this happened on march 8, 1971. the device was forced to use its wheels to draw the number 8 on the lunar surface. and then the pilots sent photographs of this number 8 to their wives.


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