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tv   Po sekretu vsemu svetu  RUSSIA1  February 12, 2024 2:20am-4:04am MSK

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-273° celsius, severe frost is necessary to create the effect of superconductivity and test the elements of the future quantum computer. the quantum processor is located behind five screens, just like the death of the immortal koshchei, only in an egg, in this case not a needle, just such a chip. create a computer capable of replacing all computers at once. the idea was proposed back in the 1980s by soviet mathematician yuri manin. scientists around the world are still working on its implementation, including in this laboratory of mrs. a quantum processor can be made with using different elements, we make it here in superconducting qubits. our latest achievement is an eight-qubit processor. qubit is short for quantum bit. it is a basic element for storing information; unlike a traditional bit, which can only store a zero or a one, a qubit can store two states at the same time. just imagine a globe, and if you were a qubit, you could be in a little bit at the same time...
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and 300 can store as many classical bits as there are atoms in the entire universe, for all this to work, we need a temperature close to absolute zero, we cool down to the superconducting temperature, and then even below this temperature, it turns out that our working temperature. another 100 times lower than in space. only under such conditions can information be written to qubits and then read back . the researchers are confident that someday the machine they created will replace supercomputers; with its help, for example, they will instantly create formulas for new drugs or finally accurately calculate the weather forecast. it’s a pity that even a quantum computer cannot name the date when this will happen. and we can tell you not only the date, but the time, the airing of sklifosofsky’s new episode. today.
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21:20 a patient with a dangerous infection arrives at the clinic, they remembered the recent pandemic, they shuddered, don’t be afraid, doctor bragin will cure everyone, this evening at 21:20. klifosofsky in previous episodes. oleg mikhailovich, you need to learn to be more talkative. but i am a surgeon, not a diplomat. bragen is blacklisted by the chief physician. fire me for a month suspended. can't even change the situation. pavlova, neither i appoint nor i dismiss, our business is people, that’s right, a conflict with the administration threatens disaster. i ask you to prepare a dismissal order, because the lives of patients are at stake. my wife is dying, but things don’t seem to be going well for us, with whom are you going to operate? with bragin, of course.
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we won't find anything better. sklefosovsky. we are watching new episodes today on rtr. favorite songs are played in our studio. go! birthday. favorite music never gets old. real songs sound, wonderful.
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treasures, we're going to look for mom, we're looking at the weekend, so look at me. you confuse me, you are the most wonderful girl in the world , i miss you, kesha, everything is fine, we are going, my husband on the kent is not going anywhere, only new love can melt the ice in my heart, hello, i’m not alone, matvey, how good, that you
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found me, we won’t let you go anywhere else. oops, what are you doing here? and you? frost, on sunday. on rtr the floor is threatening, the hay is shaking, big changes have come, into the new season with new renovations, light with a movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without a face, the ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, we... plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants , i am generally a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom near our heroes' living room. after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams
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become reality. yes, look, let big changes into your home. visit the most famous concerts venues, hear masterpieces of classical music performed by the most famous musicians, all this in your hometown, all this thanks to the national project of culture in russia, virtual concert halls are being created, now there are already more than 400 such venues, by the end of the year up to 500, what events can be... the magical sounds of the great rachmanin literally make the hall freeze for a moment and it seems that the boundaries between the screen and
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real life are erased, thanks to correctly constructed light, and most importantly powerful sound equipment, an effect is created, like it is fashionable to say, full presence. here we create quality. in accordance with the recommendations of the national project culture, the ministry of culture, everything that corresponded to the virtual concert hall, and the audience really notes that going to the virtual concert hall is practically no different from the usual one, only for masterpieces of classical music in brilliant performance one would have to go to the capital or wait tours, today it’s enough to choose a program to your liking and... of course, dress up, which is very wonderful for us, for for pensioners - this is a way out, this is communication , this is just a holiday of the soul, well, what could be better, good music, accompanied by video, good sound, by the way, the audience themselves also participate in choosing the repertoire, we
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periodically do surveys so that they would like to watch our we include spectators and these events in our plan; moscow virtuosos come in with a bang. some may watch several times. in just a few years of the existence of virtual concert halls in the orenburg region , more than 80,000 people were able to join the beauty. and these included concerts, theatrical performances, and live broadcasts of various regional events. and today, twelve city districts, and this is 100% in the orenburg region, have their own virtual concert halls. today in russia , thanks to the national project culture, more than 400 virtual concert halls have already been opened, by the end of the year their number will grow to 500. at this art school in the ivanovo region, the most important spectators in the hall are almost all future artists and musicians, and for them the opportunity to visit on
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a good concert, even a virtual one, is worth its weight in gold. these artists help me, i look at them, i already play the pieces that are played at the concert. only in the ivanovo region. the new open online platform will only grow, because this is truly a unique opportunity to hear and attend, albeit virtually, the best concerts and performances throughout russia.
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come on, let's get off the ground. more, more, more, great, good, yes! morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, the news will tell about the main thing about russia abroad, in the studio of vera tarasova, hello, new attacks were carried out on infrastructure facilities that the ukrainian armed forces used for military purposes; explosions were heard in the central and southern regions of ukraine, including in kiev. eyewitnesses. reported massive geranium hits on targets in the odessa region, where a large fire started after the attack.
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according to local authorities, several industrial enterprises were hit in nikolaev. a cell phone tower was destroyed in the sumy region. 850 ukrainian mercenary soldiers were liquidated over the past 24 hours at various special operation areas. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the assault troops occupied advantageous positions in the vicinity of donetsk. the enemy tried more than ten times to regain the lost territory. strikes. the nationalist fortifications were attacked by vks pilots. in the krasno-liman direction, fighters from the brave group suppressed 50 firing points from which militants were firing at our positions. a ukrainian infantry fighting vehicle, which was on its way to help ukrainian units, was blown up by minefields. in the kherson region, lancets knocked out an american howitzer. more than 150 kg russian guards delivered humanitarian aid to large families in the dpr. the cargo includes food packages with canned food. the military also distributed gift bags
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to pensioners on the street; soldiers regularly provide similar support to the civilian population in the special operation zone. snowfall and freezing rain covered several regions of the country at once; disaster is expected in the capital; motorists are advised to switch to public transport. meanwhile, over 40 thousand residents of the lpr remain without electricity due to sleet and rain. the bad weather has already taken its toll troubles in the rostov region, they are under the weight there. trees fall, including on the road. there are about 200,000 consumers without electricity. passenger trains are delayed, there is a difficult situation due to ice on the m4 don highway. power engineers have been transferred to an enhanced operating mode. cyclone olga reached the volgograd region, where utility workers are eliminating the consequences of bad weather. wet snow covered the streets and roads, and the number of accidents was in the dozens. according to forecasters, strong winds will be added to the snowfall and rain today. on monday weather. the orenburg hydropress plant has today become a leader in import substitution; the company produces
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equipment that is unique for russia, including for the construction of military equipment. vladimir popov learned about the prospects. just 2-3 years ago, this enterprise was barely making ends meet. today the situation has changed dramatically. currently, 700 people work here. no one is offended by the salary, but i get about 100 a month. the conditions are excellent, they feed me for free, they give me clothes, free water, clean drinking water. orenburg presses operate in forty-five countries of the world, despite the fact that in recent years, including due to sanctions, the geography of supplies has changed dramatically, the orenburg enterprise today is not only alive, it has received a new impetus for its development. from bankruptcy, the hydraulic press turned into the flagship of domestic presses and the leader of import substitution. we made there , let’s say 200-250 million a year, last year we made 3,600 products, and with the receipt of
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the defense order, the hydraulic press started working in three shifts, the enterprise today is also at the forefront, produces unique equipment necessary for our army. vladimir popov, dmitry pustynnikov, lead the orenburg region. british farmers are threatening to completely paralyze the port of dover, along the roads of england's key logistics center. right now, tractors are running slowly to slow down traffic, but in the near future, agricultural machinery may become completely abandoned; farmers are outraged that, due to cheap imports , they have to sell their products below cost. in spain to unlock the authorities have already used the national guard unit twice on the main highways, but farmers say they have nothing to fear, since their future is at stake. in italy , agricultural machinery has entered the ring road around rome, farmers are warning if their demands. will continue to be ignored, they may head in columns to the historical center. in france, another painting masterpiece
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suffered at the hands of vandals. in lyon, two young environmental activists poured soup on claude manet's painting spring, and then, concerned about climate change, young people chanted slogans about the coming crisis. the painting was not damaged, it was behind protective glass, but experts will examine it just in case. at the end of january , the mona lisa herself, leonardo davinchik, was subjected to a soup attack. don’t switch gears, it’s being developed in st. petersburg. technologies that will make it possible to entrust the dirtiest work, waste sorting or street cleaning to artificial intelligence, in the near future plans to build a waste processing plant where only robots will work, report by yulia vasilyeva. these six waste recycling plant employees capable of working without rest 24x7,
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their task is to notice and snatch plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and waste paper from the continuous flow of household waste. etc. in total, the iron sorter database contains 15 useful fractions. before putting a robot to work, it, or more precisely, the neural network that controls it, must be trained like a child. on average, in order for artificial intelligence to remember what, say, a plastic bottle looks like in a garbage stream, it needs to be shown 20,000 photographs. on each bottle first a person identifies the marker. he places the required object with a red square. the neroset calculates the coordinates and gives an order to the robot. to go there, taking into account the fact that now the labor force is trembling enough in factories, including this work is very hard, uninteresting and dangerous, and accordingly, all the prospects for installing robots there, they are generally emerging. the first sorting robots from st. petersburg are already being tested at several factories in the country, quite successfully, according to
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the developers, although not without difficulties. for a mechanism to show maximum efficiency, it still needs human help. although, according to experts, it would have been cheaper without people. ideally, all the dirty work would be entrusted to robots. artificial intelligence is already involved in transporting garbage in the northern capital, and you can also teach it to clean the streets. and at the st. petersburg polytechnic university they created a utility robot. the multifunctional assistant is equipped with a snow blade at the front and a broom at the back, but the main thing is its electronic brain and sense organs. we have ip cameras, with the help of which either the operator looks , or... we use them to recognize objects, then, accordingly, this is an inertial navigation system, gps, antennas for it, uh, in general, and an on- board computer. now the iron utility worker is undergoing maintenance and is just getting ready to go public. from the robot's point of view, a passerby on the sidewalk is a dynamic obstacle that must be overcome. but no matter how hard it is for
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a robot to be with a person, it is still completely without him. can not. this is what the experts are doing now. training a new generation of robots. we are talking about a whole autonomous waste processing plant, where a person will have only one function - control. such a complex may appear in st. petersburg this year. the land for it has already been allocated. yulia vasilyeva, lead st. petersburg. a school of bell ringers was opened in the tambov region. classes are held on the territory of the troitsky monastery. they teach all adults and children who want to. elena khodanovich saw how forgotten skills are being revived. a skill that is rare these days, they master it units. in the troitsky monastery of mechurensk there are two bell ringers, and this is considered a lot. novice kirill recently mastered the art of bell ringing, studying with roman tugarev, who in turn studied at the danilov monastery. during services , the bells are rung in turn, and since the new year they have also
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been teaching at the school of bell ringers, opened at the monastery. zvanri are needed because there was once an idea to organize electronic ones. sing an electronic bell ringer, but somehow, when a person calls, it is he who puts his soul, love, and prayer, most importantly, an activity on as a rule, a miniature belfry installed in front of a church is not carried out, these shots are rather an exception, the voice of its bells is usually heard during services, it has become a kind of alternative to the once destroyed bell tower , and the basics of bell art are learned by novice bell ringers in a classroom at a training belfry. interestingly, the educational belfry with... was created by the hands of a teacher, roman tugarev assembled it from pipe transitions used in the installation of main pipelines, selected it according to size, sound, material, and then i polished and installed the steel tongues so that the sound was as similar as possible to the ringing of real bells. the ringing bells, the ringing bells and the evangelist, it all repeats the real bell, just in
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a reduced size. the teacher notes on mastering the rules of bell ringing, is that enough? please note, the temple in honor of the dormition of the blessed virgin mary has already been restored; it contains the icon of st. paul the merciful, who is considered to be the founder of bell ringing. elena khadanovich, to vladimir. andrey tolstov, lead tombov. all news is always available on the media platform. let's watch, stay on the russia channel.
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come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more. great. so good. morning of russia , don’t miss the main thing, good morning, good , happy monday, february 12th, it’s hard to start a new week, it’s very cold in most territories, once again no one... will smile, especially since we must try to be useful and friendly to each other , and we are not only talking about loved ones and not only about people, well, about those whom we have tamed, now stuck between buildings, in a formidable
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emergency situations ministry employees dismantled the wall to get the dog out of the trap. passers-by heard a plaintive howl; it turned out that the pios had climbed into the narrow opening between the shops, but could no longer get out. the rescuer had to make a hole in one of the buildings to get to the poor guy, but the dog escaped. with a slight fright, many russians feel in almost the same cramped conditions in their own apartments, every third would like to live in an area of ​​80 km, but the market today offers something else: small cramped apartments in densely populated high-rise buildings, why? reality is so inconsistent with the desires of russians, let's figure it out: there is a drying rack with things on the hallway dining table in the room, there is simply nowhere to put it in the kitchen, and even though now anton and his wife have a place in a new apartment in... enough with the advent of a child, says moskvich, we'll have to come up with something. it seems to me that ideally such apartments should be considered as a kind of stopping point, but when you are young, when you are students there, or just
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a couple without children, this is wonderful. but for the rest of our lives, of course , we probably wouldn’t want to consider we'll probably sell it and try to exchange it for something bigger. and similar thoughts most likely occur to many, because the housing offered to russians by developers is becoming smaller every year. just 10 years ago it was an average of 60 square meters. there are hundreds of them, and next to build another high-rise and another and another, here is a portrait of a modern small apartment in one building, you can make a city microdistrict, now almost all of them are similar to each other and the problems are also the same: overcrowding, lack of space in kindergartens and schools, small surrounding areas, narrow internal passages, lack of parking, the problem with parking is that there are few parking spaces, you know, even in the toilet, when suddenly the door opens, the window next door, here you go, you can. wave even if desired, but the native roofs and walls should be as comfortable as possible, psychologists say, the place in which he lives has too much influence on the human psyche, dissatisfaction with this
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place in the future can lead to various problems. a person, for example, cannot see for himself some resource states, may not see for himself a way out for the future, for some prospects, of course, this can lead to very serious mental illnesses, such as depressive disorders, it would seem that the solution to... problems on surfaces, developers just need to change their approach to construction, build smaller houses in microdistricts, build larger apartments, but in this area, as in many others, supply depends on demand. in recent years, there has been a tendency that the demand for small apartments is increasing, then there are studios and one-room apartments, real estate prices are rising, and the capabilities of our consumers are also gradually decreasing, and very few can afford really large, spacious apartments in business-class residential complexes. so in this sense , the position of the developers of the buyers is understandable, but this does not mean that ordinary microdistricts cannot be made more comfortable for russians; experts believe that
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the state should take the situation into its own hands. the developer will always be guided by his profit, he it is profitable to build a larger number of apartments in a smaller place, so the only limitation can be legislative, that is, it is precisely by population density, territory, or by the number of houses or by the number of floors of houses. in such a microdistrict it will obviously be easier to breathe, but if at the same time...
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yes, or it’s far enough away, it’s important to understand that people don’t live in square meters, you and i don’t live in houses, we don’t even live in apartments, we we live in the area with you and have the same square footage, but conditionally the same apartment layout in the city center and on the outskirts of the city and on the periphery there are completely different living conditions there, and when choosing an apartment there is the concept of resident mobility, but how do we go about the process?
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which are required, how many of them are being built and how then it is observed whether a sufficient number of these parking spaces have been built, again two courtyards without cars appear, new forms, in fact in moscow - it is simply no longer possible to solve everything by the number of simply parking spaces, and this is a city for that simply not adapted, we need in this sense to move much more actively to what are we like in fact, we are now working on public transport, that is, in general, the level of development of public transport in... in small towns, yes, this is possible, but regarding the fact that they are building, they scare everyone with pictures of human settlements, where people see each other from if we are talking about the largest cities in russia there are windows, well, not only they exist , there is also another type of building, since it is low-rise, it is less noticeable, but it
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still exists, but... here it is important to understand one more point, with there over the past 10-15 years, maybe even more, it has changed after all attitude towards housing among users, and even in the videos that were shown to us, there is a family planning to change their place of residence, that is , a comfortable living environment, we spoke with kirill pozanov, associate professor of the faculty of urban regional development of the vysokovsky higher school of urbanism, thank you, thank you very much. “winter is the best time for a herbal collection, here is azer tea, hibiscus, chamomile, rose hips, cinnamon, richness of taste , benefits of vitamins, morning is the time to brew azer tea, i know everything, i didn’t tell her anything, what didn’t
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you tell me?" , further. the most necessary option in a car is power steering, according to the vast majority of drivers. another necessary thing, in their opinion, is airbags. next with... central locking and air conditioning or climate control, power windows are also included in the rating, fog lights, heated seats and adjustable steering wheel, i would also add heated steering wheel, yeah, well , ivan zenkevich will tell you what’s new among compact hatchbacks, what they are equipped with. compact city hatchbacks are ideal transport for a metropolis; they are economical and won’t take up much parking space, so manufacturers continue.
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produce such models. among the latest innovations are both well-known brands with traditional solutions and still unknown players promoting modern technologies. debuted in the japanese market. new generation hatchback suzuki swift. the body acquired more sloping, smooth lines, the suspension was modified, but the main innovation was the engine. an naturally aspirated engine with a displacement of 1.2 with a return of 82 horsepower, has three cylinders instead of the previous four, as well as a variable valve timing system, which increased efficiency. five-speed manual transmission or new v-belt variator. the swift is offered with both front-wheel drive and all-wheel drive. for export. the model will go on sale in the spring in our area , another five-door kia rio is much more famous, subsequently received the prefix x, but now this entire family is becoming a thing of the past, it will be replaced by a model with the simple name k3. the sedan came out a little earlier, and now
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the hatchback is also on sale. the basic version is equipped with a 1.6-liter naturally aspirated engine, known from the outgoing rio , with a capacity of 123 horsepower. in addition to the advanced gt-line configuration. the body kit will include a two-liter naturally aspirated engine with a capacity of 152 horsepower, as well as quite decent equipment for a budget employee, climate control, touch screen, wireless charging for a smartphone, system auto braking, lane keeping and blind spot monitoring. for now, production has been established in mexico, but k3 will soon appear in other markets. well, our third hero decided to follow the path of new technologies. the company's young subsidiary brand donfenk nami presented. inexpensive electric hatchback with an index of 0.1. an electric motor with a power of 95 horsepower is installed on the front axle and allows you to reach speeds of up to 140 km/h. but you can choose batteries. there is an option with a power reserve of 330 and 430 km. ultra-fast
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charging in just 8 minutes will add about 200 km run. so far, the new product has appeared in chinese showrooms, but expansion of the sales market is possible. i'm glad that the manufacturers are leaving it to us. freedom of choice and a new hatchback can be purchased by both a connoisseur of old , proven naturally aspirated engines and a supporter of new technologies. further , forewarned means forearmed. from february 1 , credit institutions must notify clients about the end of the deposit agreement. we will find out the details of the procedure soon.
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crossroads of fate, i’ll go with you as a spare, the subscriber is temporarily unavailable. why shouldn't my husband do you answer? i don’t want him to be nervous for nothing, for me, she is ready for any turn, the whole village knows that you don’t play checker with karbysh, and you believe, and i believe, queen of the roads, on friday on rtr, we gathered in the first group of about ten people, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when i come running.
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support various people in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, i love you very much,
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very easy to apply, heal them much. who is this woman, choose, either me or her, they are more difficult, you spend your whole life healing other people’s hearts, but you can’t figure it out with your own heart. heart wounds on saturday on rtr. dementia, courage no less, a voslo man was caught on video deciding to use a small island of ice in the city galan to go kayak riding. the question is how he got there and how he planned to get out after his arrival,
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there are no boats or water skis nearby, it doesn’t matter why, needless to say, the action is too risky, the water temperature there is +3 in total, and don’t try to repeat this here, even if the reservoir seems to you to be completely covered with ice, it will crack, it won’t seem a little, but the plot of the new russian drama of hoffmann’s fairy tale is also amazing, the life of the main character, a modest dresser from district library, is changed by one fleeting meeting, or rather even a glance at her hands. the film will be released in march. our film crew talked to the leading actress. to be honest, i’ve wanted to try something like this for a long time. i wanted to try it, i would really like to film without makeup at all. usually dreams come true only in fairy tales, but for ekaterina vilkova, vlasny the sorceress from the last hero and the determined business woman from the 1993 film, it came true at work. her heroine from goffman's fairy tale is an inconspicuous,
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awkward, timid woman with the telling name nadezhda strakhova with magical hands. wow, this is all hands on deck, right on both sides, mostly for the truth. a modest girl is accidentally noticed by a director who urgently needs in the frame there are beautiful female hands, and the career of a library and theater wardrobe worker is going uphill, along with a special attitude towards her hands, her attitude towards herself is also changing, as an assistant or something in finding herself. in fact, because suddenly through this part of the body they paid attention to it, for the first time in their life, probably, the title of the film of hoffmann’s fairy tale immediately tells the audience: you shouldn’t take literally everything that happens on the screen, here are all the characters and nadia with her fantasies, and her unpleasant husband vitalik played by maxim stoyanov, and even forever tired garik with the face of evgeny tsyganov, who may seem like a handsome prince, they are all a little grotesque, call dublisha, hope is your way out. hope dies last, joke. and the sad intonation is the signature technique
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of the german storyteller, which the debutant director was able to translate into the language of cinema. even if you haven’t read hoffmann’s fairy tales, it seems to me that any person has certain associations, just from the set of sounds in this title. and it seems to me that these are instructions on how to consume this movie. those same ones look fabulous here. her skill awakens interest in a not-so -popular type of theater, shadow theater, but most importantly, it forces us to pay attention to what our own hands, a good hand, are capable of. among the spectacular blockbusters and love stories that cause delight, hoffmann's tales may be considered philosophical cinema, but this is certainly a benefit performance for the beloved actress, who was not afraid to be ugly in the frame in order to become clearer and closer to every viewer. and the plot... to inspire not to heroic deeds, but to look at yourself from an unusual side,
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after all, any change starts small, so why not with the hands that buy a movie ticket. next, tricks, osaga. why, in the event of an accident, drivers with a policy pay extra for the repair of someone else’s car, insurance companies calculate amounts less than the maximum. we'll discuss it with the guest after the news. russia morning. don't oversleep the main thing. the russian military is pushing out ukrainian armed forces units in the donetsk direction. new attacks were carried out on military installations of the ukrainian armed forces. almost 2,000 people remain without electricity. houses without power in the rostov region due to bad weather, cyclone olga was reported in volgograd. now it’s still spring, in lyon environmental activists
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doused the famous painting by claude manet with soup. the news will tell you about the main thing, in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. new attacks were carried out on infrastructure facilities that the ukrainian armed forces used for military purposes. explosions occurred in the central and southern regions of ukraine, including kiev. eyewitnesses reported massive hits by giraniya on targets in the odessa region, where a large fire started after the attack. several industrial enterprises at once, according to local authorities. wives in nikolaev, in sumskaya a cell phone tower was destroyed in the area. 850 ukrainian mercenary soldiers were liquidated over the past 24 hours in various areas of the special operation, the ministry of defense reported. the assault troops occupied advantageous positions in the vicinity of donetsk, and the enemy tried more than ten times to regain the lost territory. air force pilots carried out strikes on the nationalist fortifications. in the krasno-liman direction , fighters from the brave group suppressed 50 firing points from which the militants were firing at our positions. a ukrainian infantry fighting vehicle, which was traveling on
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to help ukrainian units in the kherson region, lancets knocked out an american howitzer. more than 150 kilograms of humanitarian aid were delivered by the national guard to large families in the dpr, including food packages with canned food, pasta, cereals, vegetables, fruits and sweets. the military also distributed gift bags to pensioners on the street. soldiers regularly provide similar support to the civilian population in the special operation zone. in other news , what is happening in ukraine is a catastrophe that must be stopped, donald said trump. speaking at a campaign rally, us presidential candidate.
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abbot said he was sending additional troops to the border with mexico. units of the indiana national guard are also heading there now. this is the fourteenth state to provide military assistance to protect the country from illegal migrants. on the other side, there are tens of thousands of barbed wire who want to get into the united states. many are heading west toward the open borders of arizona and california. now it is through these states that most illegal immigrants enter the country. there's power there biden's fellow party members, the democrats, are there. british farmers are threatening to completely paralyze the port of dover. tractors are now plying slowly along the roads of england's key logistics center to slow down traffic. but in the near future, agricultural machinery may completely stop working. farmers are outraged that, due to cheap imports, they are forced to sell their products below cost. in
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spain , authorities have already used the national guard twice to unblock major highways, but farmers say they have nothing to fear. because their future is over. in italy , agricultural machinery entered the ring road around crema. farmers warn that if their demands continue to be ignored, they will send columns to the historical center. in france, another painting masterpiece suffered at the hands of vandals. in lyon, two young environmental activists poured soup on claude monet's painting spring. and then, concerned about the climate problem, young people chanted slogans about the coming crisis. the painting was not damaged, she was in favor. protective glass, but it will be examined by experts just in case. at the end of january , leonardo davinci's mona lisa herself was subjected to a soup attack. snowfall and freezing rain covered several regions of the country at once. disaster is expected in the capital. motorists are advised to switch to public transport. meanwhile, over 40 thousand residents of the lpr remain without electricity due to
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sleet and rain. the bad weather has already caused trouble in the rostov region, where trees are falling under the weight, including on the road. no electricity. about 200 thousand consumers are delayed passenger trains. difficult situation due to ice on the m4 don highway. power engineers have switched to an enhanced operating mode. cyclone olga has reached the volgograd region, where utility workers are eliminating the consequences of bad weather, wet snow has covered the streets and roads, and the number of road accidents is in the dozens. strong winds are forecast to add to the snowfall. the first competitions in fitgetal sports were held in novosibirsk and were presented. two disciplines interactive basketball and drone racing, with details anastasia putintseva. this is a mix of real game and virtual, for example, basketball. the athletes' task is to score 30 points, 15 in cyberspace, and 15 in the real ring. there are no periods or breaks; in a virtual game, manual dexterity and ingenuity are important;
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in a real game, good physical preparation is important. now gamers have moved to the real site and here they are already having a real competition. referee only at the sports park. young men. it’s great that this sport has participants of different ages and children, adults, raises the guys from behind the computers, which are constantly sitting, and gives them the opportunity take part in events where they can express themselves as gamers, at the same time play real basketball, and improve their physical skills. in the next hall, the air space is being cut by copters, the novosibirsk drone races are top competitions, according to eminent athletes. the best cyber pilots from all over siberia came to us. at the first festival of sports in novosibirsk, the organizers limited themselves to two technological types, drone racing and basketball, and the list of future competitions may be expanded. anastasia putintseva, evgeniy chezhevsky, lead novosibirsk. in iceland
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, there is a new volcanic eruption on the rykanes peninsula. a large crack that arose due to the eruption stretched more than 3 kilometers from the mountain. lava flows have a special effect at night. passengers on airplanes arriving at the avik river take impressive footage. but the situation on the ground is difficult; in some areas, traffic is blocked, the pipeline is damaged, and several settlements are left without water. they tried to stop the flow of hot mass with excavators, however, without much success. not switch. more and more foreign students are choosing to study in the trans-baikal territory, coming from china, mongolia, tajikistan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan, even from cameroon. how residents of a hot continent settle in a new place and what specialties they choose, victoria nikolaeva. peanuts, pistachios, spices and even smoked fish, varest shabifor unpacks his suitcases with gifts from distant cameroon,
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all the treats for himself are already settled in with his classmates from africa, as they say, study is study, and lunch is on schedule, even they buy more food and try to cook dishes in the national style, for example, dried fish and chicken. we have known some of our classmates even since childhood; they invited me to study at the chita and praised me. come to study russian in order to then engage in entrepreneurial activities , russian education is highly valued in cameroon , living conditions are also highly valued, two or three people live in rooms, in their free time they prepare for classes, play sports and even perform at student festivals, almost always in national costumes, they decided show off to our film crew, luxurious fabrics with patterns, bright jewelry, that’s how beautiful, the first group of cameroonians arrived in the couple back in...
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what’s on your hair, what is it? braids? today, 19 students from cameroon are gnawing granite in zabga, after completing the courses they will receive certificates, some are already planning to enroll in a bachelor's or master's degree, many of them are interested in mining. victoria nikolaeva, nikolay shunkov and daniil yakovlev. vestita. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application. ru welcome the morning on the russia channel,
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let's start, let's go with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so. morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning everyone, good morning, well, monday, february 12, it’s great that, in principle, you are celebrating a new working week with us, a morning in good company is a great guarantee. the russia-northern forest rally raid took place through the forests of the fields in the leningrad region. off-road racers conquered difficult snow-covered
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tracks. on sharp turns and slippery sections, many experienced technical problems. difficulties, some got stuck in snowdrifts, cars broke down. only 21 out of 28 crews reached the finish line. for a long time, these races took place in kareli, but now they have moved to st. petersburg. from the blow, i tried to take it to the right, but i still crashed into her. the accident was registered, the cars were stolen, osaga’s insurance was supposed
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to cover the repairs for the victim, but the other day the situation changed dramatically. this situation could happen to any of the 50 million car owners in our country and the reason is a loophole in the law on asaga victims
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to negotiate a fixed payment, he agrees for this amount to get the money here now, then the repair costs a much larger amount, and he goes to court, that is , he demands from the culprit a delta between the payment from the insurance and the real cost of the repair, lawyers are sounding the alarm, this scheme is undermining the very basis of insurance is a saga, in this case the insurance company a avoids repairs in its services, b and therefore avoids litigation, thereby reducing its legal relationship. in the union of auto insurers admit that there is a problem, some companies abuse their rights and advise car owners to go to court with a counterclaim . if you are held liable for material damage as the culprit, but the insurance company does not reimburse the insured amount in full, then you must
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request that the insurer also be involved in the consideration of this dispute. however, experts say, the courts will then be overwhelmed with identical lawsuits, and this is certainly wrong. in the case of osaga, no additional payments can be made, everything that is repaired up to 4000 by the insurance point. that is why it is time for regulatory authorities to intervene and strictly punish those companies that, by dodging, find new schemes and do not fulfill their direct responsibilities. there is something to discuss with our guest in the studio , the expert of the group of the popular front for the rights of motorists, maxim. hello, maxim, i have been working in this program for so long, even when the compulsory insurance policy was just discussed and adopted, we were assured that, at least within the limits of the compulsory insurance policy, insurance companies would cooperate with each other agree on payments, at first it really was like that, everything went more or less, but now, recently , the courts are simply really inundated with claims from
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the victim of an accident, which osaga demands in addition to what the insurance company paid. a certain amount, it’s all about the methods , that’s because the insurance company, it calculates according to a unified methodology, what a unified methodology is, this is a large database of spare parts, which contains the cost of spare parts for all cars that have ever been sold on the territory of the russian federation, and the insurance company is obliged to take this amount, and we have the concept of market value, market value is how much we will buy spare parts in a store, and these are completely two different figures, but if before it was approximately the same amounts, now what the insurance company pays. and the market value difference reaches 40-50%. and no one has any questions about what kind of additional agreement this is, contracts between the victims of their insurance, for a smaller amount here now, and then a claim against the culprit. well, uh, the goal of the insurance company is this is not to help everyone, but to earn money, yes, including minimizing some losses, so insurance companies offer agreements, as all this usually happens, the victim
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contacts the insurance company, the insurance company says: we figured it out , here we go... we’ll pay you 100,000, we’ll sign the agreement, if you don’t want to, then we’ll just pay you later in 20 days, and if you sign the agreement, then as a rule the money arrives on the same or the next day, the person agrees, goes to the service center, he they say it will cost 200,000 and he goes to the culprit of the accident, and the culprit , quite rightly, asks, why then the osaga, if my policy says 400, well, it’s a strange practice that people go all the way to the supreme court, maybe it’s necessary tweak something in the law...
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here is the culprit, he is essentially on a park barrel for 3 years after the accident, he has no idea whether it was repaired there or an agreement, maybe a fine is needed then for failure to fulfill the agreement, here is a huge fine companies. there are penalties, that's why insurance companies most often offer all these agreements in order, firstly , to minimize their losses, and secondly, to quickly resolve this case and simply forget about it. and who gets the fines? fines go to the consumer, the insurance company did not send for repairs on time, did not pay the money on time, did not meet the repair deadlines, then the victim will receive fines from the non-performing insurance company, the insurance company does not need this, that’s what people do in every possible way. so what advice should we give to our car owners not to make additional agreements with the insurance?
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companies read what to sign this is such elementary advice and of course get the insurance company to send you a referral for car repairs and completely bring the car into a trusted state thanks about the need to reform the osaga system, we spoke with an expert from the popular front group for. motorists maxim edryshev, thank you, it will be now, go home, it won’t be easier for anyone if you are here next to me, i ask you, sklefosovsky, new episodes, today at 21:20, watch today’s special episode 60 minutes program, all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world, don’t miss 60 minutes today. 11:30 and 17:30 on the russia channel. 8 years of life, experts from the guinness book of records reconsidered their decision to disqualify the record of the frenchman richard
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pladois. he built a seven-meter ephel tower using 76 thousand fires and 50 kg of glue. but the work was not counted because he used boxes of wooden sticks not from the store, purchased directly from the manufacturer. check, he manually removed the igniting tip, it was counted a serious violation, but then they agreed, because a lot of effort was spent on the construction - 4,200 hours, it’s strange that he didn’t freak out in the end, didn’t destroy his creation, didn’t set it on fire. another difficult decision is whether to leave the money in the bank or withdraw it. from february 1, credit institutions must notify clients about the end of the deposit agreement. previously, this requirement was advisory in nature. daria teonova found out. details of the procedure. alina nozdrikova has been using bank deposits for more than 13 years. this type of income girl considers it not only profitable, but also safe. now, for example, the bank has 200,000 at 15% for 1 year. during this period, the girl’s income
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will be 32,161 rubles. securities, investments, brokerage accounts, and there there are risks of losing your funds, because there you invest in securities, and they can both grow and grow accordingly. it’s cheaper to be a deposit - it’s a more reliable way to save money and, well, increase it a little in terms of interest income. the main thing to warn an experienced user is that it is important to monitor the deadline the end of the deposit, otherwise after this period you will no longer receive any income. in accordance with the terms of the bank deposit agreement, if a person does not come on the day the deposit expires to re-register it, then credit institutions transfer the funds either to a demand deposit, where the minimum rate on this deposit is charged on average. for 6 months at 15% by the end of the term you will receive 22,500 rubles. moreover, if
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the deposit is not reissued and it is extended at the demand rate, then from this amount the depositor will lose 120 rubles per day. and this only benefits unscrupulous financial organizations. some kind of abuse, the bank’s interest in ensuring that the money remains in the bank at... there it is at a minimum percentage, of course, there were such key players, the main ones, they had previously informed, since customer loyalty is important to them, but not all financial market players acted so conscientiously, but now such unscrupulous credit institutions will not be able to profit from citizens, find out when it has become easier to run out of deposits; changes came into force on february 1, according to which banks are obliged to inform people about this period no later than. than in 5 days. the credit institution will have to notify clients free of charge via sms, call, email or push notification in the bank's application. these five calendar days are given to the person so that he can decide what he
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will do next, re-register this deposit in the same bank, withdraw funds, leave them in the current account, transfer them to a plastic card. thanks to such a reminder , according to experts, bank clients will save their money, a situation where funds at the end of the deposit period reach the account until... and then, a gift with a soul, what can you give a man so that he will first be touched, then be ready with ... how the operation went, they lost the patient, polonsky’s mistake occurred , you understand how this looks from the country, if not an accident, you want to say that i killed him, the premiere on rtr, the results of the analysis , brayden, i feel bad, so he's still scared never happened, i'm afraid of it.
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i don’t even know what i should prepare for, i can’t breathe , you know, i’m home, i can’t, help, skleposovsky, new episodes, watch today on rtr, watch the special episode of the 60 minutes program today, all the latest news about the situation on ukraine in the world, don’t miss it, vera was an orphan all her life, then suddenly her mother showed up, something is wrong with her, you can get through her through your channels, on saturday, i want an ambulance, i say, where is my daughter, where have you gone, daughter? where did she come from,
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you will never be left alone again, everything will be fine with us, you yourself called me faith , whoever wants to believe too much will be deceived even by the heart, mother, you didn’t play too much, maybe you had to act theatrically, but quietly said, take it, i’m just i want to understand, no, you just want me to start suspecting her of something. he wanted to kill me, his own stranger ’s daughter, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, you’re watching 100 to one, what’s our task to open the whole board, we’ll cope, if you ask, then there’s a catch, the name of which character from everyone knows pushkin's works. how many will it be
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7.8, 7.8, 7.8, as many as you like, whoever is at work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer with humor, i would cut down oak, not pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t i know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, a set for headaches, god forbid, now beep, if you win , treasures, we are going to look for mom, we look at the weekend, it looks like that on me, i’m embarrassed, you are the most wonderful girl in the world.
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i miss you, kesha, everything is fine, we are going, my husband is not going anywhere to kenti, melt only new love can bring ice to the heart, hello, i’m not alone, matvey, it’s so good that you found me, we won’t let you go anywhere else, oops, what are you doing? you will do it, and you? frost, on sunday on rtr. the love is gone, the gifts remain. the supreme court clarified that it is not necessary to return gifts given during an unregistered relationship. as the judges specified, the valuables were donated during?
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courtship is part of a personal relationship without the existence of civil obligations between lovers. the reason was the story when the man, after a breakup, filed a lawsuit with the intention of returning everything that was donated. i didn’t regret it, because i didn’t return anything, i didn’t return anything, i didn’t return anything, gifts still have to be given free of charge, that is , for nothing, in preparation for men’s day and not only for the twenty-third, well, yes, too, that’s what makes his friends happy favorite bloggers, well, here’s my favorite. this is how you need to give gifts, and not like your socks and shaving foam, but i forgot to put a necklace, we also love gifts, men all over the world want to scream, for some reason many people believe that only the fair half of humanity needs unusual surprises and all sorts of pleasant things. by the way, your viking also wouldn’t mind receiving something tender and touching as a gift. just look at these emotions. this girl
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decided to present her boyfriend with a memory of all the best moments of his life and spent several months collecting photographs for an album. the work is exactly that. and about photographs, if everything is in order in a couple with a sense of humor, then you can pay attention to this option, it’s mine, it’s easy to tell everyone surrounding this set of clothes, and how nice it is to fulfill the childhood dreams of your loved one, for example, her husband almost dreamed of a dog in his childhood, i can’t even believe that serious brutal men are capable of such... tender feelings, by the way, emotions in the case a gift, no matter to a man or a woman, is always much more important than any material things, watches, phones, clothes - these are all good, of course, but sincere feelings are generally priceless, as is the realization that somewhere nearby there is a person who loves you and knows what exactly will affect
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strings of the soul, or the simplest and at the same time. “i know everything, i didn’t tell her anything that you didn’t tell me, ice three, come on, all together, okay, a show of unprecedented scale, seryozha, my
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jacket fell off, you just smashed the table, let’s all watch together, in friday at 21:30 . okay, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, the news will tell you about the main thing in russia abroad, in vera tarasova’s studio, hello, new attacks have been carried out on objects, structures that were used in the ssu for military purposes. explosions were heard in the central and southern regions ukraine, including kyiv. eyewitnesses reported massive hits by geranium on targets in the odessa region, where a large fire started after the attack. according to local authorities, several industrial enterprises were hit in nikolaev.
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a cell phone tower was destroyed in the sumy region. 850 ukrainian mercenary soldiers were liquidated over the past 24 hours in various areas of the special operation. this was reported to the ministry of defense.
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snowfall and freezing rain covered several regions of the country at once and the disaster is expected in the capital, motorists are advised transfer to public transport, meanwhile, over 4,000 inhabitants. lpr remain without electricity due to sleet and rain. the bad weather has already caused trouble in the rostov region, where trees are falling under the weight of the lady, including on the road. there are about 200 thousand consumers without electricity. passenger trains are delayed. there is a difficult ice situation on the m4 don highway. power engineers have been transferred to an enhanced operating mode. cyclone olga reached the volgograd region, where utility workers are eliminating the consequences of bad weather. wet snow covered streets and roads, and the number of accidents is in the dozens. according to forecasters, strong winds will be added to the snowfall and rain today. the first physical sports competitions were held in novosibirsk, two disciplines were presented. on interactive basketball and drone racing, with details by anastasia putintseva. this is a mix
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of a real game and a virtual one, for example, basketball. the athletes' task is to score 30 points, 15 in cyberspace, and 15 in the real ring. there are no periods or breaks. in a virtual game, manual dexterity and ingenuity are important, in real good physical fitness. now gamers have moved to the real site and here they are already having a real competition. referee only on the sports floor, participants. of different ages and children, adults, young men, the great thing is that this sport lifts children up from behind their computers, which they sit all the time, and gives them the opportunity to participate in events where they can express themselves as gamers, at the same time play real basketball, improve your physical skills. in the next room, the air spaces are cut by copters, novosibirsk drone races are top competitions, say eminent athletes. they came to us. the best cyber pilots from all over siberia. at the first
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pofital sports festival in novosibirsk, the organizers limited themselves to two technological sports, drone racing and fidital basketball. the list of future competitions may be expanded. anastasia putintseva, evgenia chizhevsky, vesti novosibirs. british farmers are threatening to completely paralyze the work of the port in dover . the roads of the key logistics center of england are now, on purpose, slowly running tractors to slow down traffic. but in the near future, agricultural machinery may come to a complete standstill. farmers are outraged that, due to cheap imports , they are forced to sell their products below cost. in spain , authorities have already used the national guard twice to unblock major highways, but farmers say they have nothing to fear because their future is at stake. in italy , agricultural machinery entered the ring road around rome. farmers warn that if their demands continue to be ignored, they will may head in columns to the historical center. in france, another painting masterpiece
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suffered at the hands of vandals. in lyon, two young environmental activists poured soup on claude manet's painting spring. and then, concerned about climate issues, young people chanted slogans about the coming crisis. the painting was not damaged; it was behind protective glass, but experts will examine it just in case. at the end of january , the mona lisa herself, leonardo davinci, was subjected to a soup attack. this is a message, don't switch. they are developing in st. petersburg technologies that will allow you to entrust the dirtiest work, sorting garbage or cleaning streets, to artificial intelligence. the nearest plans include the construction of a waste treatment plant where only robots will work. report by yulia vasilyeva. these six employees of the waste processing plant are able to work 24x7 without rest.
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their task is to notice and snatch plastic bottles, aluminum cans, waste paper and the like from the continuous flow of household waste. there are a total of 15 useful ones in the iron sorter database factions. before sending a robot to work, it, or more precisely, the neural network that controls it, must be trained like a child. on average, in order for artificial intelligence to remember what it looks like in... the first sorting robots from st. petersburg are already being tested at several factories
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in the country, quite successfully, according to the developers, although not without difficulties, so that the mechanism shows maximum efficiency, he still needs human help for now, although, as experts considered, it would be cheaper without people, in ideally, all the dirty work would be entrusted to robots. artificial intelligence is already involved in transporting garbage in the northern capital. you can also teach it how to clean the streets, they created it at the st. petersburg polytechnic university. the multifunctional assistant is equipped with a snow blade at the front and a broom at the back, but the main thing is its electronic brain and senses. we have ip cameras that either the operator watches or we use to recognize objects. further, accordingly, this is an inertial navigation system, gps, antennas for him, in general, an on-board computing computer. now the iron utility worker is undergoing maintenance and nothing more. preparing to go out into public, a passerby on the sidewalk from the robot’s point of view is a dynamic obstacle that
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must be overcome, but no matter how hard it is for the robot with a person, it cannot yet do without him. experts are now teaching this to a new generation of robots. we are talking about a whole autonomous waste processing plant, where a person will have only one function - control. such a complex may appear in st. petersburg this year. the land for it has already been allocated. yulia vasilyeva 200 petersburg. a school of bell ringers was opened in the tambov region. classes are held on the territory of the troitsky monastery. they teach all adults and children who want to. elena saw how forgotten skills are being revived. this skill is rare these days; only a few master it. in the troitsky monastery of michurensk there are two bell ringers, and this is considered a lot. novice kirill recently mastered the art of bell ringing and studied with roman tugarev, who in turn is in the danilov monastery. during services , the bells are ringed one by one, and starting from the new year they also
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teach at the bell-ringing school opened at the monastery. bell ringers are needed because, well, when. this is an idea to arrange an electronic one and buy an electronic bell ringer, but somehow, when a person rings, it is he who puts his soul, love, and prayer, the most important thing, classes on a miniature belfry installed in front of the temple, as a rule, are not carried out, these shots are rather an exception , the voice of her bells usually sounds during services, she has become a kind of alternative to the once destroyed bell tower, and beginning bell ringers master the basics of bell art in a classroom at a training belfry. interesting: the educational belfry was created by the hands of a teacher; roman tugarev assembled it from pipe transitions used in the installation of main pipelines, selected it according to size, sound, material, and then polished and installed steel tongues so that the sound was as similar as possible to the ringing of real bells. the ringing bells, the ringing bells and the evangelist, he repeats everything
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a real bell, just in a reduced size. to master the bell charter. the teacher notes that even four months of ringing is enough, but you can improve your skills throughout your life. by the way, the monastery has a rich history and is preparing to celebrate its four hundredth anniversary. the soviet years were destructive, and the majestic bell tower did not survive. the bell tower looked like this. that is, yes, it was not preserved. it has not been completely preserved, that is, even the foundation is not visible. we will now, of course, yes, carry out the necessary excavations in order to recreate, yes, when preparing a project. who is considered to be the founder of bell ringing. elena khodanovich, vladimir padyachiy, andrey tolstov, lead tombov. all news is always available on the media platform let's watch. stay on the russia channel. come on, come on with a smile, more,
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more, more, great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. good morning everyone, good morning, well, monday, february 12, a new day by the way, a new working week, we meet vladislav zavyalov, era krasova, wake up, get ready to meet new achievements, ahead, the main thing is to put on warm clothes, while it’s winter, we need to take advantage of this, ice and technical progress in petrozavodsk, the competition
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of snow and ice sculptures of hyperborean 2024 has ended, according to myths, that was the name of the country. on the other side of the north wind, this time scientific achievements became the source of inspiration for the sculptors. this year the festival was dedicated to the three hundredth anniversary of the russian academy of sciences. about thirty teams competed and one of the most striking works was a robot figure with a butterfly on his finger, a connection with the nature of technology? yes, this winter we fully felt this connection; nature constantly tests our strength with everything that provides us with comfort in life. but let me remind you, it’s already the twelfth. that in february there is not long left to torment us, but the question of our masha, good morning, but it’s not for nothing that february is called such a contradictory month, then frosts will hit, then spring will blow, here is the most amazing weather this time in the south of european territory, in krasnodar today it’s +20, in sochi about that, in crimea too, but this such a rehearsal for spring will not last long, on thursday
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it will already be 10° less, by the weekend it will be zero, but still today. warm weather. in the crimea and kuban , the thermometers will be able to rise as if in the mediterranean to +13 +18, and in some places up to 20°. and only on thursday-friday will arctic air begin to enter the region, so that in the lower reaches of the volga and don it will get colder to -3-8, in the black sea region to +2, +7. on the middle volga there will be snow at the beginning of the period and by tuesday the daytime temperature will rise to 0-5. then the snow clouds will disperse the arcti. along with the improvement of the weather, a sharp cooling will come, even during the day it will only be -13-18. in the north-west of russia, the background atmospheric pressure will be elevated, so
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sunny and frosty weather will prevail in the region. during the day in the north and east -13-18, in the southwest up to -5 -10. and only on monday and tuesday it will snow in the southwest and become a couple of degrees warmer. it will break into central russia at the beginning of the working week. cyclone, snowfalls turning into rains, sometimes icy in some places, are expected here; along with the bad weather, warming will come to -2 +3, but already from wednesday the influence of the arctic anticyclone will begin to affect itself, so that precipitation will begin to subside and the temperature will drop to -9 -14 during the day. in the urals , there will be snow at the beginning of the period, so it will still not be very cold, but then the weather will improve and the daytime temperature will no longer exceed -15-20. in southern siberia, in the first days without precipitation , it will be moderately frosty, then snow clouds will break into the region, bringing warming, at the end of the period the weather will improve again, even stronger frosts will hit in the afternoon -17-22.
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well- warmed air will enter the south of the far east, resulting in daytime the temperature in the amur region will rise to -2-7 in the south of primorye to +1 -6, only on thursday-friday it will become sharply colder by 6-7°. thank you, so what do we do? consciousness, fans of dana borisova have long been sounding the alarm because of telezda’s strange condition and her constantly shaking hands, dana’s family suspects that she has taken up her old ways, the whole
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truth about the condition of tv presenter dana borisova about her addiction, what doctors found in the blood of the famous blonde. malakhov, today at 16:30. it’s interesting, family with family, but the money is in dew, the number of russians is growing practicing a separate method of management. family budget, however, the majority still believe that spending should be agreed upon between spouses, and only every ninth person is in favor of independently managing their finances; in 2020, only 5% thought this was correct, so who is the main breadwinner in the family? almost an equal number of women and men believe that this is the husband, but approximately the same number are sure that the one who does it better should earn money. you can't argue, but there are more and more families in which they practice various diets, for example, gluten-free, but experts warn about the dangerous consequences of such a diet. this is exactly
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what my diet looked like when i was on a gluten-free diet, when i excluded pasta, rye bread and cereals from my diet. then it seemed to muscovite sofia voinova that it was for her own good, because of the appearance of acne , he advised the girl to go on a gluten-free diet. a cosmetologist without tests, taking her word for it, sophia radically changed her diet, gave up her favorite oatmeal, and varnish cereals, bread and pastries, everything that contains gluten, but after a couple of months it became even more difficult to recognize myself in the mirror, i had constant redness, my hair became dull, it lost its shine, and began to fall out profusely. the girl, of course , did not immediately understand that these were the consequences of a health-improving diet, only after taking tests, when it turned out that she was not allergic to gluten at all, but there was a lack of b vitamins due to the lack of the same cereals in her diet. these products contain a large amount of b vitamins, and this again, the effect on the nervous system, on the hematopoietic system. the condition of our
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skin, nails and hair directly depends on these vitamins, but people who go on such a diet simply because it is supposedly healthy do not think about it. for some reason, they are more afraid of gluten itself, the same gluten that gives the dough its viscous texture. it is believed that once this plant protein enters the body, it is not completely broken down and can inhibit the absorption of vitamins and nutrients. but in reality. and this only happens to those who has a genetic predisposition to this. they are unable to digest it, as a result of which they develop inflammatory changes, local in the intestines and systemic changes. such people make up only 2% of the planet’s population, in our country there are no more than 1.5% of them, it was for them that doctors at one time developed a gluten-free diet, and as a rule, such patients are always treated with additional vitamin, mineral complexes or special biological additives, because scientists have long they know that a gluten-free diet, unfortunately, has its drawbacks: it deprives the body of vitamins and minerals that are important for humans, and moreover, it can lead to spikes in blood sugar, since you and i remove protein, but
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all that remains is... solid carbohydrates, please don’t forget that grain is a carbohydrate and protein, but if you and i buy gluten-free oatmeal, then we are consuming solid carbohydrate without protein, it turns out that more insulin is released, so before you prescribe a gluten-free diet for yourself, you should think 100 times i don’t know about its consequences, i think that here everyone chooses for themselves what they need, it ’s probably not worth it just by yourself, i think that this gluten is necessary for the body, of course, it is a building material for our muscles and bones, more all this healthy vegetable protein is found in wheat, manay cereal, pearl barley, rye, pasta and bakery products, and if you eat all this in moderation, the reflection in the mirror will definitely not disappoint. here's what turned out: mutant wolves exposed to radiation obtained in the exclusion zone help scientists in treatment oncology. researchers have found that animals have developed the ability to resist cancer. biologists from the usa put collars with
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a dosimeter on them and... they froze it, created a quantum processor with eight qubits, which at low temperatures produces impressive results, andrei alekseenko learned how a smart machine works and what these qubits are. and now we finally got to the last casing, we remove it from inside our quantum processor. -273° celsius, severe frost is necessary to create the effect
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of superconductivity. and element testing future quantum computer. the quantum processor is located behind five screens, just like the death of koshchei the immortal. only in the egg, in this case not a needle, but a chip. create a computer capable of replacing all computers at once. the idea was proposed back in the 1980s by soviet mathematician yuri manin. scientists around the world are still working on its implementation, including in this laboratory of mrs. a quantum processor can be made using different elements, we are making it beyond that here. quantum bit is a basic element for storing information, unlike a traditional bit , on which only a zero or a one can be written, a qubit can store two states at the same time, imagine a globe, and if you were a qubit, you could be at the same time a little bit in moscow, a little bit in vladivostok, that is, for one quantum
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bit the space is dimensional, for two quantum bits in space it is four-dimensional, and for three it is eight-dimensional. simply put, 33 qubits are enough to record a gigabyte of data, and 300 can store as many classical bits as there are atoms in the entire universe. for all this to work, you need a temperature close to absolute zero. we cool down to the superconducting temperature, and then further below this temperature. and it turns out that our operating temperature is still 100 times lower than in space. only under such conditions is it possible to use qubits. record information then read it, the researchers are confident that someday the machine they created will replace supercomputers; with its help, for example, they will instantly create formulas for new drugs or finally accurately calculate the weather forecast, it’s a pity that even a quantum computer cannot name the date when this will happen, but we can tell you not only the date, but the time of the airing of sklifosovsky’s new series, today is 21: 20, a patient with a dangerous infection is admitted to the clinic, remember the recent pandemic,
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are you startled? don’t be afraid, doctor bragin will cure everyone, this evening at 21:20, is she really reading minds or not? premiere, anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee, she has special gifts, who are you all looking at, well, the girl is worth a living, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without doing anything on your own, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you. anna medium, look first in the application or on the website, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve? former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program,
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life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, i love you very much... yes, but i can’t give birth to a child for you, what kind of family is without children? anton madelyane, 12 years old, last name angela madelyane, you are still licking your heart wounds , you will treat me, yes i will, i invited you here, which means i am responsible for you, and you like our doctor , you like it, i do too, it’s a pity, that i don’t have such a dad, who? sent, who is this woman? choose, either me or her, they are very easy to apply, much more difficult to heal, you all
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in life you heal other people’s hearts, but you can’t figure it out with your own heart, heart wounds on saturday on rtr, your favorite songs are played in our studio!
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visit the most famous concert venues, hear masterpieces of classical music performed by the most famous musicians, all this in your hometown, all this thanks to the national project of culture, virtual concert halls are being created in russia, now there are already more than 400 such venues, by the end of the year up to 500, which you can attend the events now, let's take a look. the magical sounds of the great rachmaninny they literally make the audience freeze, for a moment, and it seems that the boundary between the screen and real life has been erased, thanks to properly
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constructed light, and most importantly, powerful sound equipment, the effect of, as it is fashionable to say, full presence is created. here we create a high-quality picture, display it on the screen so that it is colorful and interesting, and the sound engineer makes the sound. equipment was purchased in accordance with the recommendations of the national project of culture, the ministry of culture, everything that corresponded to the virtual concert hall, and the audience really notes that going to a virtual concert hall is practically no different from the usual one, only to see masterpieces of classical music brilliantly performed you would have to go to the capital or wait for a tour, today it’s enough to choose a program to your liking and of course dress up, which is very wonderful for us, for pensioners , this is...
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various regional events, today in twelve city districts, and this is 100% in the orenburg region, and they have their own virtual concert halls. today in russia, thanks to the national culture project, more than 400 virtual concert halls have already been opened. by the end of the year, their number will increase to 500. at this art school in the ivanovo region, the most important spectators in the hall are almost all future artists and musicians. and for them. the opportunity to attend a good concert, even a virtual one,
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is worth its weight in gold. these artists help me, i look at them, i already play the pieces that are played in the concert. in the ivanovo region alone last year , 320 events took place in virtual concert halls, which was visited by more than 30,000 people. each performance is a real sell-out; in fact, it is not only a cultural, but also an educational project. indeed , the program is selected depending on the development of the children, as in ours. in children's art schools, children from 6 years old study, so the concert program is selected depending on the creative potential of the children. the revelation of the creative potential of children and adults will only grow with each new open online platform, because this is truly a unique opportunity to hear attend, albeit virtually, the best concerts and performances throughout russia. i need you urgently. my wife was brought in in serious condition, the premiere on the russia channel, what
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do you think, it’s bad, the operation will be very difficult, what is your plan, but i don’t have a plan, this is a hopeless idea, and you decided to drag me into this idea, who will be in charge at the operation, dr. bragen, if you don’t mind, i don’t, the main thing is that bragin doesn’t mind, sklifosovsky, we’re watching the new episodes today at 21:20 on the russia channel. the russian military is pushing the ukrainian armed forces units out onto donetsk direction. new attacks were carried out on ukrainian armed forces facilities. almost 2,000 people remain without electricity; houses in the rostov region are without power due to bad weather. cyclone olga was noted in volgograd. now it’s still spring in lyon for activists.
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central and southern regions of ukraine, including kiev. eyewitnesses reported massive hits by girani on targets in the odessa region, where a large fire started after the attack. several industrial enterprises, according to local authorities, were hit in... nikolaev in the sumy region a cell phone tower was destroyed. 850 ukrainian mercenary soldiers were liquidated over the past 24 hours in various areas of the special operation, the ministry of defense reported. the assault troops occupied advantageous positions in the vicinity of donetsk. the enemy tried more than ten times to regain the lost territory. aerospace forces pilots carried out strikes on the nationalist fortified area. in the krasno-liman direction , fighters of the brave group. we suppressed 50 firing points from where the militants were firing at
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our positions. a ukrainian infantry fighting vehicle, which was traveling in a assistance to ukrainian units. in the kherson region, lancets knocked out an american howitzer. in other news, what is happening in ukraine is a disaster that must be stopped, said donald trump, speaking at a campaign rally; the us presidential candidate stressed that the us should be involved in the settlement. he called zelensky the greatest huckster in history and offered to help kiev only after paying previous debts. at the same time, according to trump, ukraine can still deceive the states at any time. in white at home they called these thoughts terrible and crazy. trump ruined the weekend for officials in brussels. the republican favorite reminded nato allies that if he were elected president, america would not protect them for free. and in texas, the governor. republican abbott said he was sending
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more troops to the border with mexico. units of the indiana national guard are also heading there now. this is the fourteenth state to provide military assistance to protect the country from illegal migrants. on the other side barbed wire, tens of thousands of people want to get into the usa. many are heading west toward the open borders of arizona and california. snowfall and freezing rain covered several regions of the country at once. the elements are expected and. in the capital, motorists are recommended to switch to public transport. meanwhile, over 40 residents of the lpr remain without electricity due to sleet and rain. bad weather has already caused trouble in the rostov region, where trees are falling under the weight of ice, including on the road. there are about 200,000 consumers without electricity. passenger trains are delayed. difficult situation due to ice on the m4 highway. power engineers have been transferred to an enhanced operating mode. clone olga reached the volgograd region.


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