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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  February 13, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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transformational policy changes by passing the secure our borders act, since then, including today, the senate has failed to meet this point. instead , the senate foreign aid bill is silent on the most pressing issue facing our country. the mandate of the additional national security legislation was to secure america's own border before sending more foreign aid around the world. this is what the american people demand and deserve. now in absence.
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these various weapons are being tested not only by representatives of the us military-industrial complex, but by large ones, for example, media giants such as microsoft and so on , a facial recognition system, this is how to catch someone evading service, the system helps, of course, they are introducing these systems , and through them there is funding, as it were, for the development of security systems, something goes and, as they say, for military assistance to ukraine, that is , they have the ability to finance the ukrainian regime.
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what is 2% for germany of its gdp? approximately 80 billion dollars, this is the budget, the defense budget of germany, that is, double the price, but if i raise it to four countries, it will be 160 billion, but not only, there is also france, it was not in vain that i was going there... and
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to go to france, you need to go ask where the promised missiles are, where else is there that was promised, this whole process is led by great britain, by the way, it is led very strictly, this goulutter, who says, this will be strict control, if you remember the entire history of british colonial rule, when they interacted there with rajas, shahs, subishahs, but there was a representative of the crown, who was a person whom no one touched at all. and he led these shahs, did with them what he wanted, at the same time they seemed to personify national power and did not spare their own population, the same model awaits ukraine in the near future, therefore the appointment of these military leaders who will carry out everything is they have brains, yes, there is no need to belittle their military experience and so on, they are just lucky in some places, unlucky in others, they will be given everything, well , there is no need to accept the soviet military school military
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syrsky’s butcher is not just like that, that is, it means that he solves a combat mission at any cost, any, somewhere he succeeds, somewhere he fails, this is another question, that is, he failed only because that our military personnel turned out to be stronger, our combat experience, our fighting traditions turned out to be better, our weapons, as always, turned out to be better, if he had fought with such methods somewhere in africa, then of course he would have achieved these results, but here is a completely different question and... that's why there will be more bloody ones
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skirmishes, they will try, they will climb, they will climb from defense, there will be these mobile groups, when they cry that they do not have armored vehicles, they are lying. there are armored vehicles, they just hold them back, because their appearance on the front line, we have learned very much how to knock them out with various means, the fp of drones begins before the action of anti-tank weapons, which are installed on attack aircraft. it’s clear that it’s difficult to restore it, but we need to fight, we need to fight until the twenty-sixth year, as cameron said, no matter how long he’s going to support ukraine, because europe needs to be sorted out before 26; america, let’s say, is plundering europe. by and large , they are robbing, but soon the german industry will collapse, there is a large industry there, which is technological, all technologies will go to america, maybe the next one will be france and other countries, so the americans will acquire three levers that will personify their power, this is finance , these are
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cheap energy resources, which they sell to europe at four times the price, and the military technologies, other technologies that they organize on their territory... which defense belts are building, i have already said that the ran corporation has published more than once reports on the need to create several defense belts around the united states. the leading edge is eastern europe, the next edge is old europe, then the atlantic or the border, and then only the united states of america. they are building the same thing in the asia-pacific region. they keep the most expensive things in the center, that is, on their territory. there they will have the main they also have a production base. the reserve base is australia, that is , the americans are determined to play the long game, that is, to fight for the long haul, so the conflict in ukraine is one of the episodes, and it’s not for nothing that rent corporation says the following, guys, let’s measure it there somehow, that is, this is reminiscent of the history of the united states in the past, when they
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supported the first world war, both sides of the conflict ended in the second world war, when the war was clear, one country was losing, they immediately became allies. she is crying that the armed forces of ukraine no longer have armored vehicles, but looking ahead, let’s say that the lady represents the armed forces of ukraine , of course, the armed forces of ukraine have equipment, these are just requests.
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no, i forbid you to come from here, the premiere on rtr, where you were in the police, what i accuse the game of the key of, murder, yes, lezhechka, how are you doing there, we are treating, we are fighting, i can’t, you know, i ’m out of breath, please do something, kleposovsky has new episodes on rtr today, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself, we
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’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how... an air compressor can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, that's how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, happy. i don’t guarantee, but you’ll definitely get better health, dr. myasnikov, on saturday on rtr, i love you very much, yes, but i can’t give birth to a child for you, what kind of family is without children, anton
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madelyane, 12 years old, surname angela madelyane, still licking heart wounds, you will treat me, yes i will. i invited you here, which means i am responsible for you. do you like our doctor? like. me too. it's a pity that i don't have such a dad. who sent, who is this woman , choose, either me or her, they are very easy to inflict, healing them is much more difficult, you spend your whole life healing other people’s hearts, but you can’t deal with your own heart, heart wounds on saturday on rtr. in the extreme north-west
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of russia, beyond the arctic circle is located a real treasure trove of nature, the kola peninsula, sometimes called russian lapland, the nature on the kola peninsula is surprisingly diverse, including the taiga. and the tundra mountain ranges, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north, the kola peninsula is washed by the barintsevo sea, warmed by the warm atlantic current; it does not freeze all year round. in the east and south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by white ice. sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle
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of humanity is the legendary hyperborea, was located right here on the kola peninsula. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. conquer. the order is ready. explore. nature, mother, dear. simply incredible beauty. have you already figured out what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is? there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it. oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is. as my mother says, you'll lose your mind. this world is worth seeing. the snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india. they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, secretly to the whole
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world, on saturday on rtr. vera was an orphan all her life, then suddenly her mother showed up, something is wrong with her, can you get through her through your channels? on saturday. i woke up, an ambulance , i said: “daughter, where have you gone, daughter, and i have some kind of black hole in my memory, wait, where did it come from, you will never be alone again, everything will be fine with us, you she called me faith herself, who she wants to believe too much, even her heart will deceive him, she wasn’t playing too much, maybe you should have acted theatrically, but she would have said quietly, ber, i just want to understand,
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i live here, i will already live, i have a house here, i have children here , i have hips
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, my dad, so - for me - the feeling of this rear that you give to us is very important, you are the opportunity that we will have everything, but for now about love, why you are so cruel, leaves your dreams, in a circle why not?
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from the song philip bedros to the usa we will be transported igor naimmushin on direct connection ria novosti correspondent in washington. igor, hello, of course, i am interested in the fate of the democratic candidate in the elections for president of the united states. it is obvious that biden, at least , no longer has all those 100% chances of occupying this post. evgeny, hello. moreover, even vice president kamala haris said that she was ready to take the helm of the state if necessary, and this statement was given exceptional importance by the american media, which in itself is strange, because in general the vice president of the united states should always be ready to take over the helm of the state in the event that the first person resigns or passes
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away, it’s just that few people actually take haris seriously in a post, a potential post of leader. nations write to the media that recently even haris ’s range of responsibilities has expanded significantly, but the fruits of her labors have so far been barely noticeable, again according to the same media reports, because the vice president is not officially assigned any specific powers and some specific ones projects, but they write that she was involved, or at least should have been involved in resolving the crisis on the border, which , not only has not been resolved, is now in the most ... advanced stage in the entire history of the united states, all this, of course, is accompanied by the fact , that the white house itself spends every day, literally every day , more and more time, trying to explain to journalists and through them to the americans that everything is fine with biden, if last week karine jeanpierre literally said that she was not going to get into down the rabbit hole, explaining that
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everything is fine with the president of the united states, then yesterday on monday she spent a fair amount of time on this. and of course, against the backdrop of sociological polls, which now show that biden is too old to run for a second term, 80% of americans share this opinion, all this looks completely not funny and even serious, but the fact is that biden really has no competitors among other democrats, he is essentially the only such priority chief candidate from the democratic party for re-election, and if trump... is now really in the lead, gaining a huge number of points, not only points from potential voters, not only as a potential candidate from the party, but points among other politicians, he is very actively supported in congress, and not without reason congress is again blocking those legislative initiatives proposed by the democrats, with the hands of
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republicans loyal to trump, but as far as real support for biden is concerned, there is no here yet. senators, but then he slides into the chamber representatives, and a warm welcome awaits him there, nothing awaits him there at all, because the speaker of the house mike johnson said that no, this bill is not passable, this is currently the position taken by the republicans, again loyal and donald trump. thank you very much, exhaustively, igor naimushin, subcorrespondent of ria
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novosti in washington on direct communication from the american capital. here we already have a political expression. culture sounded today when we talked about americans, presidents, senators, congressmen, in general , we are talking about the american political system, we must not forget that there is a completely different political culture, they think in completely different categories, strictly speaking, even the most stubborn of us, you are a liberal, remember that if you fight inside, the insidious enemy will capture you, well if it’s not a liberal, openly bought by the enemy, but we also have such people, as probably everywhere else, but...
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when he came there, he promised to put an end to color revolutions all over the world, but somehow that didn’t work out either, uh, so no there is no reason to hope that the americans have given up, they are changing tactics, they know how to do this very well, they know how to shift responsibility for wrong decisions onto the previous administration, you know, they were bad, they made the wrong decisions, and now we will make the right ones, but the goals this doesn’t change their tasks at all; it really doesn’t matter here.
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the krats want to win it, just like the republicans, which is why we are watching this fuss, which will inevitably end in the allocation of funds to support the pants and to confront russia to kyiv, and we will return. where are we going? on a treasure hunt? what kind of treasure pack? we're going to look for mom. let's see on the weekend. look at me like that, you're
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embarrassing me. you are the most wonderful girl in the world. i miss you. kesha, it's okay, we're going. my husband is in kinta, not going anywhere. melt the ice in your heart. only new love can do it, hello, i’m not alone, matvey, it’s so good that you found me, we won’t let you go anywhere else, oops, what are you doing here, and you ’re drizzling, on sunday on rtr, i thought that was all here. you sit and think, this is not about think, this is all here, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there
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can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, right here there are questions about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go... it was edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, hint in general, the most passionate team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the most strong love for the game, this is a five- on-one program, i'm oops, five-on-one on saturdays on rtr.
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it seems to me that something is happening to me, as if i, not me, were premiering on rtr. and we
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’ve never met anywhere before, why are you looking at her like that? yes, she’s normal, so pretty, i would burst into flames, it seems to me that our mother has gone crazy, money to find out the criminal, that sleepyhead, she’s sick, you need to think like a criminal, no, he has possessed me, i look at women exactly just like him, he inspires me with his thoughts, you abnormal. how are you coping? you are probably very tired , you want to rest, somehow relax, it’s just written all over your face, are you sure that you are not having these, not hallucinations, anna is a medium, and you know who the killer is? yes, from february 19 on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, i chose the right place. have you
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ever wondered why people count proteins fats as carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can delicious food be healthy? we try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can useful things be pleasant? fiction, can science be understood? and you make a wish? yes! yes, yes, yes, yes , once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula for saturday on rtr, get ready for weather dependent people, today
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the earth will be covered by itself. a g1 class magnetic storm, strong since the beginning of the year, which arose due to a powerful solar flare, this can cause interference in the operation of electronic systems and infrastructure, and even worsen the well-being of people. doctors warn of magnetic storm may affect people with chronic diseases and diseases of the cardiovascular system. people with low blood pressure, anemia, bronchial asthma and old injuries also often complain of unpleasant symptoms. and on february 11, large masses of matter were ejected from the sun, which will come to the earth on the night of monday to tuesday. according to the preliminary forecast , a prolonged deterioration of the geomagnetic situation is expected, lasting about two days, which will affect the thirteenth and fourteenth of february. during strong magnetic boules, people may feel headache, weakness, pressure surges, and experience insomnia. scientists attribute this to the fact that when the magnetic field fluctuates , capillary blood flow slows down and oxygen
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starvation occurs. well, winter, then ice rain, then magnetic storms, well, nothing, we’ll break through, look at the news, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye, thank you very much. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i welcome all viewers, i am maria sittel. hello. enemy losses over the past 24 hours exceeded a thousand. firepower the solntsepek system leaves no chance. a package of 24 missiles, it fires in just 10 seconds, no more. and the soldier’s uniform often helps out.
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this is an incomprehensible thing, we have protection for infantry, cargo drones on the moscow-st. petersburg highway, it brings logistics between. joe biden was lost again, he did not immediately find his place behind the back of the king of jordan, in the seventy-second year of his life, the hero
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of the soviet union, general valery vastrotin, who commanded the ninth company in afghanistan, passed away. over 1,100 mercenary fighters liquidated in the special operation zone over the past 24 hours. this data is provided by the ministry of defense. 325 military personnel were destroyed in the donetsk direction alone. having improved their positions, units of the southern group repelled five attacks by ukrainian attack aircraft, in particular near kleshcheevka, georgievka and krasnogorovka. 63 enemy unmanned vehicles were intercepted over the donetsk republic, as well as the kherson and zaporozhye regions.
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happens very quickly, a package of 24 missiles, it fires in just 10 seconds, no more, here is footage of the combat work of the sunburner, the thirty -ninth regiment of the rkhbz, the eighth combined arms army sends greetings to the other side of the front line, the greeting turns out to be warm and one might even say fiery, combat vehicles that have just left the battle are put in order in this hangar, additional armor is fixed on the sides, and welded around the towers.
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so, in honor of one of the directions of promotion of this unit, from cook ivanovich, we ask about the main secret of his recognized
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skill: you need to love, cook, love, and i have loved cooking since childhood. grigory vdovin, oleg makarov, gennady korneev and andrey rudenko, news from the donetsk people's republic. in russia, since the beginning of a special military operation, it has been prevented. 19 terrorist crimes. this figure was announced at a meeting of the national anti-terrorism committee by fsb director alexander bortnikov. according to the head of the department, the growth of terrorism and extremism is directly related to the large-scale disinformation campaign carried out on the internet by the collective west, spreading false information, encouraging nationalist mood cult of violence. the severity of the current situation requires strengthening measures. to protect the russian information space, an integrated approach first allowed a special military operation to detect and remove more than 360 thousand terrorist and extremist materials on the internet, of which over 37 thousand
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were related to the activities of ukrainian special services and neo-nazi organizations. today, the fsb announced the prevention of sabotage in the leningrad region. citizen, ukrainian by nationality, was going to blow up a gas distribution station. the man was caught on surveillance camera trying to place a package of bombs under a pipeline junction through a fence. in total, during his arrest , operatives seized five ready-to- use explosive devices from him. during interrogation , the attacker admitted that he arrived in russia and acted under the guidance of curators from the ukrainian security service. extend the preferential mortgage program operating in new russian regions to the secondary housing market. this is one of the instructions that vladimir putin signed following a press conference on december 14. for the development of healthcare in donetsk and lugansk republic. on the territory of the belgorod
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region, the russian government has been instructed to create a special economic zone, including the city of shibekina, together with the executive power of the far eastern district, to expand the geography of routes along which subsidies are provided for air transportation, and with the participation of the state. avtodor company, the government should determine optimal tariffs for travel on the east of moscow, to kazan. the idea of ​​exchanging the remains of pyotr stalypin for prisoners of the ukrainian armed forces is blasphemous and it is impossible to discuss it seriously. this is the reaction of state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin to the absolutely discouraging proposal of the new leadership of the kiev pechersk lavra, where the outstanding reformer of the russian empire is buried. well, the main topic is simpler.
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dances to the tune, performs all the dances of washington, what should we do there, but the worst thing in this situation is that we also pay money, and one of the largest payers, so we have to go out, stop, transfer funds and proceed from the fact that they will not come to their senses until they come to their senses. there is nothing for us to do there. russian enterprises have successfully
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adapted to new working conditions. mikhail mishustin spoke about this today at a strategic session at the government coordination center. the prime minister emphasized that it was possible not only to rebuild the chains of cooperation and logistics, but also to significantly increase capacity. in addition, domestic companies are actively occupying production niches that were vacated after the departure of a number of foreign manufacturers. significant progress has been made in the area of ​​unmanned vehicles. systems, they are now being actively tested when transporting goods both on our roads and by sea, in particular, on the basis of kamaz , the production of highly automated trucks and organized traffic along the m11 highway, moscow -st. petersburg has been established, which, well, actually brings logistics between the two the country's largest cities to a completely different new level. due to snow and ice, poor visibility in chelyabinsk region and bashkiria in... the urals,
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huge traffic jams from trucks formed there. traffic has now been restored, but the snowstorm does not stop, so the roads are being cleared continuously. in the stavropol region, three districts are behind thick fog. visibility on some roads is no more than 100 m. traffic inspectors urge drivers to be as careful and attentive as possible and, if possible , not to use personal vehicles. a thick shroud also shrouded ryazan and voronezh. freezing rain hit several regions at once, including. capital in moscow this morning roads, cars, lawns were all covered with a thick icy glaze, and residents of residential areas skate on the sidewalks, how it works, in bryansk pedestrians use improvised means to avoid falling on slippery streets, in saratov it turned out to be difficult to move even in polish, a similar situation in lipetsk , there the utility workers and communications could not withstand the surges in february temperatures, a hot pipe burst... a geyser burst out of the ground,
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miraculously no one was hurt. today, a draw was held at the electoral commission center, which determined when presidential candidates will be given airtime for election campaigning. in accordance with the law, free time will be allocated by the federal television channel and radio stations. the solicitation for print media will take place tomorrow. let me remind you that four candidates are vying for the post of head of state. vladimir putin as a self-propelled activist, vladislav. dovonkov from the new people party, leonid slutsky from the ldpr and nikolai kharitonov representing the communist party of the russian federation. the total amount of airtime provided is free.
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this is wonderful, amazing people who live in such harsh conditions, contribute to the successful development of their native land. philip kirkorov visited the participants of the special operation who are undergoing treatment in the gorlovka hospital in donetsk. the artist performed several of his
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songs, talked with wounded soldiers and gave gifts, and not only to the military. kirkorov brought computers, printers and other necessary equipment for the local children's center. the singer promised to provide other necessary assistance. this is news, here are the topics covered in our issue: damage to the fire alarm is the preliminary cause of the emergency in the federation tower in moscow city and did not become a legendary hero of the soviet union. general valery vastrotin, more on this in just a couple of minutes. i forbid you to come here. premiere on rtr. where have you been? to the police? what does igor yakolich accuse of? in murder? yes, lezhechka, how are you doing there?
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we are healing, we are hurting. i can't, you know, i'm suffocating. do something please. new episodes today on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task to open the entire scoreboard, let's cope, if you ask, then with the swelling, the name of which character from pushkin's works everyone knows.
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geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, a set for headaches, god forbid now, if you win. that hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, well, for now, quietly, on friday, i got into a blue accident, everything will be fine, everything will be the same as before, it won’t be like before, i just have no one else, what? i’ll go with you as a backup, the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, why don’t you answer your husband? i don’t
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want him to be nervous for nothing, but me, she ready for any turns, the whole crowd knows that you are playing tricks with karbysh, and that means you believe, queen of the roads, on friday on rtr. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet to is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she takes this trigger to the village and says: baby... and dogs , lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i
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came across such people, caring, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived , only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, vera has been an orphan all her life, then suddenly her mother showed up, something is wrong with her, you can help her to give up on my channels on saturday, i woke up in the ambulance, i say, ah where is my daughter, where have you gone, daughter, and i have some kind of black hole in my memory. where did she come from? you will never be left alone again, everything will be fine with us, you yourself called me faith, whoever wants to believe too much
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will be deceived even by his heart, you didn’t play too hard, maybe you should have acted theatrically, but quietly, i would say, i just want understand, no, you just want me to start suspecting her of something, he wanted to kill me. someone else's daughter, premiere on saturday on rtr. we work in the interests of our country. our work - to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. the broadcast is live and we continue the broadcast.
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belgium joined the european farmers' demarche today. early in the morning , more than 500 tractors blocked the entrances to the port of antwerp. this is the second most important port in the european union. several major bridges are blocked. farmers are seeking inclusion of their profession in the category of critical ones along with port employees and are demanding protection from price fluctuations agricultural products, reduce. china, canada, the netherlands, the united states of jordan and other countries are calling on israel to end its military operation in rafah. it will worsen the humanitarian catastrophe in the gas sector, where the already unprecedented situation, the king of jordan said, has hit the second. with joe biden. the head of the white house himself is against the operation. well, it’s true that biden couldn’t decide who exactly is in charge of the operation in the enclave. washington or tel aviv. from usa.
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denis davidov. there is no hope for the owner of the white house, so the protocol service has laid out pieces of paper on the carpet so that they don’t get confused about who is standing where. protocol photo of the bidens with the king, queen and crown prince of jordan. the press bombards the president with questions, but he doesn’t say a word in response. the first lady persistently pulls the queen by the hand in order to quickly hide from the annoying reporters inside. negotiations behind closed doors for about an hour and a half, then they go to the press, and biden talks about what they have been gossiping about all 3 years of his presidency, which is called obama’s third term. abdala, welcome back to the white house, with return. by the way. barack is looking at you over there in the corner. then he will confuse the name of the queen, throw up his hands in search of the crown prince, and come to an agreement that
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he will call the operation in rafahi not israeli, but his own, that is. american. our military operation in rafah - the massive military operation in rafah must not continue without a credible plan to provide security and support to the more than 1 million people sheltering there and they must be protected. after reading on the prompter for 8 minutes, the president of the united states leaves and does not knows where to put himself, rushes from side to side behind the guest’s back. the king of jordan stands his ground; bloodshed in rafah cannot be allowed.
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utilities pump out water on the roads, traffic is disrupted, kindergartens and schools are closed. canada refused to extradite nazi criminal yaroslav gunko to russia. ria novosti reports this with reference to the russian foreign ministry. the 98-year-old veteran of the ss golechin division, a participant in massacres in soviet ukraine, was remembered for his recent appearance in the canadian parliament. premier canada's trudeau and visiting president zelensky applauded him as a hero. the investigative committee of russia opened a case of genocide against bunko and sent a request to the canadian ministry of justice. there is no extradition agreement between russia and canada, but there is a legal assistance agreement. russian diplomats pointed this out. but in toronto they decided that this was not enough to extradite a nazi criminal, and gunko was not going to deal with the past there. the supreme court in minsk intends
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to bring the nazi case to a verdict criminal vladimir kotryuk. the executioner of khatyn, who during his lifetime could not be brought to justice. kotryuk was a member of the punitive battalion created by the nazis in kiev, participated in the burning of villages and mass executions, but at the end of the war he managed to join the french resistance and lived his life in canada with impunity. the current open trial for genocide is a way to achieve historical justice. report by anastasia sakhovskaya. historic meeting, the first criminal case to be considered posthumously. the dock of the defendants is empty, but everything is according to the law, the state has provided a lawyer, the prosecutor reads out the charges under the article genocide for more than an hour. i am realizing the goal, common with nazi criminals, of the complete destruction of the entire belarusian people. the victims are listed by name kotryuk is accused of the brutal murders of almost 400 civilians. germany and slovakia responded to requests from the prosecutor general's office, the baltic states and poland refused assistance, the borders of humanity. the most
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effective, most fruitful and most valuable cooperation. we have, of course, with the relevant authorities of the russian federation, those documents that were received from them, plus our research, archival files, they formed the basis of this criminal case. he lived in the province of quebec, raised bees, and responded to all accusations with a poisonous refusal. this is not the first time. so what, this is all not true? i won’t say, but it has been proven that this beekeeper in the past is the commander of the 118th ukrainian battalion. police of the death battalion, which destroyed hundreds of villages in the minsk, vitebsk and grodno regions, including khatyn, which became symbol of nazi crimes. witnesses said that vladimir kotryuk escorted people to the barn, which stood here on the site where the mass grave is now, opposite the entrance, the nazis installed a tank machine gun from it and from machine guns, they shot at point-blank range the people who were trying to escape from the burning barn, here, in
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this place, among these punishers was vladimir. kotryuk. the name kotryuk first appeared when grigory vasyura, one of the most famous executioners of khatyn, was tried and sentenced to death in minsk. katryuk transferred contributions, here is his name on the list of sponsors of the ukrainian congress. moreover . received the so-called hitler pension , an allowance for supporters of the reich, and financed the installation of a monument to the nationalist bukovinsky kuren in his homeland in the ukrainian chernivtsi. even a canadian court confirmed the fact of collaboration, but he did not see any atrocities and executions at close range. the canadian authorities essentially put the brakes on when in may 2015 the russian side demanded the extradition of katoruk, who had at most 2 weeks to live. within this. everyone is over 90, there is no statute of limitations for such crimes, now it is a law according to which the perpetrator will be convicted even after death. anastasia sakhovskaya, alexander alexandronits, oleg peletsky, ekaterina
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bakhtovy, daria podobedova, conduct minsk. now the footage that we literally just received from novoagorevo. vladimir putin held a meeting of the russian security council via videoconference. and this is how the head of state determined the topic of the meeting. with us today. there is an opportunity, a need exchange information on current issues through the ministry of defense, through the ministry of foreign affairs, but the first issue for discussion is through the ministry of justice, we invited the minister of justice, konstantin anatolyevich, please, i give the floor to him. today it became known about the death of colonel general valery vastrotin, a career military man. stana, a hero of the soviet union, an experienced rescuer, he died at the seventy-second year of his life. sergei shaigu expressed his condolences to vastrotino’s family, noting his high professionalism, patriotism and decency of the officer with whom
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he was connected by friendship. graduate of the ryazan airborne forces school. vostrotin served in afghanistan, was wounded twice, including commanding an airborne regiment which included the legendary heroic ninth company. in the nineties and 2000s. valery aleksandrovich was the deputy head of the ministry of emergency situations, and twice led the department’s group during the counter-terrorism operation in chechnya. he managed to do a lot for veterans and family members of military personnel. damage to fire alarms during repairs work is the preliminary cause of the emergency in the federation tower on the territory of moscow city. in the building, which has 97 floors, all elevators and... escalators suddenly stopped today. hundreds of employees of local offices found themselves hostage to the situation. those who spent several hours in the elevator waiting for the automation to be repaired were especially unlucky. federation towers is one of the tallest
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towers in europe, almost 374 m. vesti continues to follow the development of major events in russia and abroad. stay. in the zone during special operations, our units were able to improve their positions in several areas at once, while five attacks were repulsed in the kupinsky direction and 11 in the yuzhnodonetsk direction. the losses of ukrainian forces were over 500 people. about the situation on the front line: a report by military correspondents ruslan bikbulatov and alexander kattsuba. a man should always protect his own, roughly speaking. family, and family is his homeland, this is how he explained to himself and his loved ones the departure from his native stavropol to the northern military district zone, where he has been serving as a rotator for a year and a half.


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