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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  February 14, 2024 4:44am-5:01am MSK

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they also treated them like things, they threw them out into the cold, probably death, they were found by residents of one of the villages near moscow , they called volunteers, they filmed them, they say two girls and a guy have been living here for a year, that year the dog was always talking about a puppy, they don’t know where they put the puppies, this time they tied up two dogs , they fattened the puppies, vaccinated them, gave them to friends, called the owners, appealed to their conscience, the answer is that the dogs are not ours, dog handler irina shevtsova, hundreds of dogs’ destinies have passed through her hands, she says that there are such people. .. you can’t be intimidated by the law, there, owners, but how this responsibility is of course laid down on them, the responsibility is spelled out and how to force them to fulfill it, unfortunately, it is not spelled out there, however, the law on the responsible treatment of animals is already a step forward, it defines for the first time what our little brothers have emotions, they experience suffering, pain, but things don’t go beyond the postulate. the first thing we , say, a police officer understands, is how can i understand whose dog this is, who abandoned it and what i... the solution, according to experts, needs
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to start with a detail that will establish a connection between the animal and the owner, and will remind the person that he is responsible for those he has tamed. if you get a dog , then, of course, you must go to a veterinary clinic, where a chip is placed, where it is registered on the given...
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the dog is still property, and hence a lot of problems, how can this be, after all, it has been voiced more than once that this is a living creature , at what stage did the failure occur? unfortunately, what the theorists and legal theorists are talking about, unfortunately, theorists are still talking about, that there is no definition of normal, what an animal is, yes, because relatively speaking, in in some laws it can be everything from a lizard to a dog to an elephant, in other laws, when they are already aimed at how we interact with animals, about how we live with them, right? specifically for domestic animals that need to be chipped, and then there are wild animals, there is such legal uncertainty, it creates this complexity, because we have a law, but it is not enforced, that’s how it is in our plot, but a living creature, a dog or this property, depending on this , it is possible or not to bring a claim against the culprit, who encroached on the life of a living being, how to figure it out?
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first, let's just take the statistics: in our year, in 2019 , there were 400 criminal cases of cruelty to animals throughout the country, can you imagine what experience an ordinary police officer has, who is involved or is an ordinary employee of the prosecutor's office, but no need and first of all , to give a clear opportunity, let’s use the group that we all understand, these are dogs and cats, here are two groups where perhaps we won’t touch the fish, well, yes, we won’t touch the fish we will implement it where possible. it is possible to improve law enforcement practice , this work is slowly going on, it is going on actively, for example in moscow, where a law has been passed, microchipping your pet cats and dogs for free in government veterinary clinics, please come, get microchipped, it is clear that this will now be developed, developed in moscow , because there will be an object that has a chip, yes, for sure, harm is caused to the health of this particular dog, that is , we enter information about the animal about the owner into this chip,
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information about the animal, information, in fact , this is his passport, yes, who does this animal belong to, this also needs to be scaled up throughout the country, how to do this quickly, perhaps these matters should not be dealt with by an ordinary police officer, there may not be a directly separate structure, well, at least a certain department under the police, this should be dealt with first of all, i ’m sorry, not the police, but the ministry of nature, perhaps they also lack the legislators base that we started talking about. you have to go through it, it's federal the government, the federal government can, in this regard, take actions that are aimed at improving legislation, that is, it can actually write laws to meet the requirements that they see in the regions, and the regions in this regard will 100% send all their proposals, will direct all their difficulties and they will tell you what they need , i have one last question: about
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chips, but this story is expensive, and do we have the technology to microchip at least all cats and dogs in the country, absolutely an inexpensive story, done very simply , in fact, as in... so in this regard, we have no obstacles, there is no important person who would lead this path and movement towards a normal, responsible relationship with animals, we understand you, thank you very much, the head of the popular front investigation bureau, valery
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alekseev, answered our questions, thank you, i know everything, i didn’t tell her anything, what should i do? we all watch together on friday at 21:30 50 km to the reindeer harness for the sake of the classics, the taishin family from the urals region, to get to festival symphony of yamal.
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manufacturers have arrived in russia , the chinese brand oting with japanese roots has appeared, and we are now testing its first car called paladin. the model is built on the platform of the nissan terra suv, which has been slightly redesigned. the design is traditional for this type of machine. frame, double wishbone front suspension and solid axle with springs at the rear. the basic version is offered for 3.7 million rubles. competitors. h9, tank 300 is in a sense a domestic uaz patriot. motorists spoiled by crossovers we are used to getting into a car as if it were a passenger car, but here, due to the frame structure , the floor level is high. the interior features a compact
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steering wheel trimmed along the bottom chord and a center console, most of which is occupied by a vertical screen. the second row is expectedly spacious, and the third row, despite the large size of the car, the chinese do not... under the hood is the well -known two-liter gasoline turbo engine with a capacity of 228 horsepower from mitsubishi; once upon a time, forced modifications of this engine were installed in lancer sports cars. torque the torque is high - 360 n, so you don’t feel a lack of traction, the car confidently picks up speed in all driving modes, including eight-speed. the zf automatic is configured as it should, the average consumption according to the test results was 12 liters per 100 km, not very economical, but this is an suv weighing 2 tons. the ride on the paladin can be described with the phrase: i sit high, i look far away, although of course, you need to get used to the dimensions. the car handles
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quite briskly, dives into corners in a heartbeat at highway speeds and stands firmly on its feet. the chassis is characterized by energy intensity, unevenness drive by with equanimity, but at a low level. front axle, cross-country ability goes to the next level: the paladin is an interesting car, the basis is japanese, only the monitor, the dashboard, and the nameplate on the hood are chinese, if you add modern options to it, the chances of winning the recognition of russian suv lovers will be higher. and then borscht with mushrooms and prunes, they say, you will lick your fingers, because the chef is at the stove. but soon we’ll tell you how to rethink familiar recipes and what else we were treated to in gastronomic ural festival we go to the doctor, take up
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a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. warned to know. in order to land, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body.
4:55 am
crossroads of roads, this is a very dangerous job , in general i’m sorry, but this is not for women, crossroads of fate, i’ll go with you as a spare , the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, and why don’t you answer your husband, i don’t want him to be nervous for nothing, for me, she’s ready for any turns, the whole village knows that you and karbysh don’t play checker, but you believe, i believe, queen of the roads. on friday on rtr. we work
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in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. who are you all looking at, well, there’s a girl standing scratched, the premiere on rtr, can you see me, tick-tock, a little bit left, i’m scared, zhenya, usually ghosts don’t do this, only in very extreme cases, in what cases? anna is a medium from february 19 on
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rtr. the pancreas will not approve. according to doctors, the most dangerous breakfast is instant porridge. and also low-fat foods, all kinds of yoghurts, curds and juices-nectars. they all just disguise themselves as healthy, actually contain a fair amount of sugar. 15% is a lot. in quick porridge, the cereal is usually highly crushed and steamed, resulting in exclusively empty calories. muesli from the store is also a real test for the body. they contain too much fat in the form of vegetable oils. but in rich borscht, we don’t encourage you to eat it for breakfast, but it’s still completely beneficial, especially when the recipe is brought to perfection. now we’ll find out what was cooked at the gastronomic festival of the sverlovsk region. i'm now i take out the excess meat to chop it finely,
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and i’ve already added cabbage, potatoes, carrots, bell peppers and onions, now it’ll all boil, and we’ll start adding the rest of the ingredients. by other ingredients, chef mikhail arakelov means products that housewives are unlikely to put in a pot of borscht, such as mushrooms, prunes, wine sauce and oriental seasonings. the main thing here is not to overdo it, but when a real professional is at the stove, or rather at the cauldron, then ... the soup is complicated, this is most likely the author's idea, well, prune borscht in general is kind of not the author’s or what , i just wanted to add mushrooms there, powdered porcini mushrooms, because i think it ’s unusually tasty, when there are vegetables, when there are sweets, sourness from prunes, and tartness from porcini mushrooms, it will be just like that rich, strong tasty wrinkle. rethinking familiar recipes for famous ural dishes is precisely the main task of the gastronomic festival of overdoing it, such a tradition of cooking something that we eat almost every day, but was invented in a completely new way in the ussr.
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they brought it from outside, this is the place intersections and here is the place of the weld, and the indigenous one is only local products. this year, the gastronomic festival will last in syssert until mid-march, so housewives still have time to attend master classes and take note of new recipes that will definitely surprise their households. and then, be careful, scammers. i told him,
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don’t involve me in this matter. well, here’s another deceived one, look how he settled with me. some coppers, non- belung coins, who else believes in these gray schemes, we deceived you, however, he also asks about financial pyramids, we’ll talk to experts after the news, naive, that’s for sure, these pyramids, russian... occupied more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction, shot down a ukrainian mi-8 helicopter. farmers on tractors block european roads. belgium has now been added to spain. the crisis in the agricultural sector is becoming more acute. galolet created a huge traffic jam of heavy trucks on the ural highway, and the central region is glazed with ice on skates.


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