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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  February 15, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t spill it, the main thing. the future, which is already nearby, innovation, development, support measures, a vaccine for cancer, which was discussed at the forum of future technologies, the president took part in the discussion. dzhigit and chryzonthema - the newest types of launchers were presented to the minister of defense when they entered service. burning tires, blocked roads, cows in the colors of the national flag, spain and france came out. to protest, farmers
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are driven to extremes. new day on the channel russia begins to be hosted in the studio by olga mishcheryakova. hello. innovative development of medicine, new vaccines and additional support for doctors and medical staff. this is the topic of the plenary session of the future technologies forum. vladimir putin took part in it. the president said that our country has come close to creating vaccines against cancer and expressed hope that they will be available in the near future.
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hepatitis c. this is precisely what our special implementation program, which we launched last year, is aimed at. the head of state also added that the project on modernization of primary health care will definitely be extended. according to the president, they have been built in recent years. new district hospitals and clinics, and for very small settlements the work of mobile medical complexes will be organized, salaries will be increased. i propose to increase their size for specialists who work in small towns, regional centers and villages from march 1 of this year. in cities where from 50,000 to 100 thousand people live, doctors additionally, in addition to the basic fee...
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from april 1, medical workers began to receive increased payments for march. vladimir putin also visited a thematic exhibition, where he got acquainted with advanced medical developments and, together with the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin, visited the first in russia and the world's largest moscow center for diagnostics and telemedicine. its specialists are engaged in remote description and quality control of radiation studies performed in urban medical institutions.
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sergey shaigu visited the mechanical engineering design bureau in the moscow region, head the ministry of defense checked how the work on modernizing weapons is progressing. the latest models were presented, including the rizontema pozverka, the dzhigit launcher, and the arena active protection complex for armored vehicles. the head of the department was also informed about the improvement of anti-drone weapons. the weapon has been brought to normal combat condition, we can confirm the characteristics that were laid down initially, now we will talk about the following samples: the range is quite large, this applies to the system, this also applies to missiles, iskander, dagger, this... concerns everything that
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we need today in the fight against unmanned aerial vehicles, a record number of cars from china. anna leonova with details: the chinese auto industry is rapidly conquering the market of the khabarovsk territory. this is of course a unique trend, when it’s the eastern new year, when it’s usually quiet, the warehouse was completely filled with the chinese automobile industry and for the first time they were transporting not only cars for personal use, but also... trucks, tractors and vans. lesyan, dzhili, cherry, chingany, as well as famous european brands, but assembled in chinese factories. pickup trucks , fords, and mercedes are lined up to undergo testing before mandatory registration. this laboratory, which opened only six months ago as a test laboratory, is now barely
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coping with the influx. the flow is established and is growing more and more each time. chinese cars enter the ukrainian territory from other regions of the far east, crossing the border at the primorye checkpoints. jewish autonomy of the amur region, in just a month , four times more skyr cars were imported into the region, than for the whole of last year. the logistics hub of zhaakh pokrovka has become convenient, so car dealers are lobbying for the idea that the border crossing should become year-round. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. in spain, farmers do not intend to stop protesting; striking farmers are blocking roads, not only with the help of agricultural machinery, but also by starting fires in roadways. trees made of tires and trees. reasons for dissatisfaction are rising tax costs, as well as cheap imports, in particular from ukraine, which jeopardizes own farming. in particular, the roads near the border with france are barricaded, and protests there also do not subside. in the center of paris , workers in the dairy
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sector began to strike the day before. near the home for the disabled, they installed figures of cows and distributed their products to residents. they also demand to stop uncontrolled cheap agricultural imports from abroad. all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website. stay on the russia channel. the original sleigh festival took place last weekend in the republic of marie ell. his the participants organized a slide-skiing competition at their art objects. our correspondent visited the spectacular festival of creativity in sports. the organizers of the zoo farm from the village of bolshiye shapy are happy, the geography and participants are growing. we have added more regions : ulyanovsk and the samchera region are taking part, that is, next year we can make the competitions all russian. by the way,
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the audience again gathered around a thousand people, many came in large groups and entire families. it all started at the main stage, here you could have a snack to warm up tea from a samovar. teams at that time presented means of riding, some of them couldn’t even be called sleighs, the sleighs were prepared from what they had, our active guys painted it all, improvised it, so look, look, our sleigh is called for our homeland, we took a big banana we made emblems there, these are folk sleighs , they are decorated in such a folk way, then we will present them later, a sleigh from a crib in the form of an island in... a car with palm trees, all this moved closer to the hill by noon. central event festival - of course, races. here teams must present themselves in all their glory. they all strive to be more creative, faster than others , so that the jury will notice. but what’s more important, perhaps, is that the audience will like it. before the descent
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of the performance, here who is in full swing. a song, a dance, a skit, a poem, but the fans were clearly waiting for the participants to get into the sleigh and finally rush down the hill. the races lasted about 2 hours amid encouraging cheers, after which the participants were awarded for the brightest presentation, for the largest sled, the fastest, and the main prize is 2000 rubles. went to first-graders from the twenty-third izhkorolinsky school, it was their team , mad coconuts, that took part on an island decorated with palm trees. konstantin mikryukov, hosted by maril. all news always. available on the media platform, watch in the app or on the website, stay on the russia channel, let's start
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, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. good morning, good morning, we speak together, february 15, thursday, we invite you to join our broadcast , andrey petrov, svetlana abramova, today we are with you, yes, i will add that the fifteenth is a key date, we need to prepare, we are preparing for some events ahead of time, since in some places in the world there have already been maslenitsa days. and we can draw conclusions, and an international group of nutritionists have made them, which pancakes are better not
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to eat? well, the main threat, you understand, is sweet pancakes with chocolate spread, condensed milk, jam, of course, they deprive us of it, one such serving is almost a daily dose of calories, researchers say it’s a good substitute for such a filling: fruits, berries, yogurt, and by the way, experts advise combining bananas with nut butter, and if you use traditional sour cream, it’s better. low-fat, they didn’t mention anything about cheeses , pancakes often go with them, by the way, the existence of some blue cheeses in the world is now a big question, mom, they’re also moldy. polina was sure that mold should not be eaten, but it turned out to be delicious, and her mother was delighted. previously, such cheeses were brought from europe, but now they are sold in store near the house, made by us, they taste no different, the same crust. the same mold, the same taste, however , ours is only milk here, sourdough technology,
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french enemy fungi are introduced through punctures in the cheese, blue mold grows from the inside, for camembert spores are added to the milk, here is the result: this cheese is literally somewhat young done days ago, already on the surface we see such a faint white coating of this mold, once the fungi were wild, it took decades to tame them, so breeders at one time domesticated tomato and cabbage, it seems... until the middle of the last century, there could be gray, green and even orange mold on the surface of camembert, but the cheeses looked unattractive ; they relied on one single strain - albino, which gave white and fluffy crust. now scientists are sounding the alarm: the mold, mutant, penicillium camamberti, for which all conditions have been created for its growth, refuses to reproduce. the problem is that strict selection has led to a reduction in genetic diversity. the fungus no longer produces enough spores to be possible.
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they produced analogues of camembert, the cheeses were called smolensky, zakusochny, the strains are stored in collections, it was just a matter of starting the production of their own starter cultures. we have more than 4,500 strains, non-genetically modified and possessing all the necessary technologically significant properties to produce excellent domestic cheeses. maybe they will be different, but the problem of european cheese makers will not affect us, let them deal with their mold, ours will produce mountain of cheeses. dishes with their participation, for example, the same brie and rakfort can transform khachipuri like this. when cooked, the cheese is even
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stronger, giving a taste that is a little mushroomy, a little spicy, so piquant. the main thing is not to overdo it with temperatures, as with selection, everything is good in moderation, fungi are living, they must be handled with care, they will respond in kind. wow, what a beauty! i think the variety of molds will open up new horizons for chefs as well. the cheese will develop shades of color. we’ll actually see that it will become easier to search for missing people, a law has been signed, according to which close relatives of missing persons will have to undergo mandatory genomic registration, the preliminary investigation authorities and inquiry authorities will receive biomaterial. according to the ministry of internal affairs, about 190,000 people disappeared in the country last year, almost 180, while thousands of them were found. we will soon see what statistics the new law will provide, but for now we will find out the details.
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nikita vladimirovich, good morning, the relatives of the missing will definitely have to undergo this dna examination, or is this at their request? no, the law says it is absolutely clear that relatives of missing persons are necessarily subject to state registration. until such a requirement will be made, only when the law comes into force, in fact , all relatives will be asked to do this, days after the law is signed, that is, for now, as i understand it, the more relatives come to donate their dna, when the law comes into force, then the easier it will be to find, because more complete information will be obtained with a dna test. absolutely necessary and sufficient is the presence of two relatives, yeah,
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direct, if there is even one, that may also be enough, who are... the closest relatives, let's remind you who this is? these should be parents or children, also full-blooded brothers or sisters, grandparents are not here from grandparents, they will give, of course, some degree of relationship, but not enough to talk about personal identification, yeah, the base, it’s the same , it is for the whole country and information is added there and any of your colleagues anywhere in our country can see it by actually accessing this database. data, that’s right, as i understand it, yes, this is a federal database of genomic information, yeah, it’s a single bank, which any employee who has access to it can contact from anywhere in our country and get information from there, in accordance with the role model, yeah, which is natural used as in any information system, who today must submit
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biomaterials for genomic registration in this database are subject to state genomic registration. convicted persons serving sentences of imprisonment for committing crimes, accused and suspected of committing crimes, in addition, traces from scenes of unsolved crimes, as well as unidentified bodies, must be recorded in the federal database of genomic information, and how long will this dna test be stored in the database itself? the duration of storage is determined by law to be from 70 to 100 years, but if missing items are discovered. how much time passes from the moment of collecting the material to the moment of some specific data, this time depends on the investigative actions, the technological process itself takes up to a day, yeah, well, as i understand it, over the years
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of the existence of the base in general , science has advanced significantly, in fact , your... colleagues have advanced, and i understand that tests have become much more accurate, and those tests are much more effective the reagents you use are correct, absolutely correct, everything has become much more technologically advanced, faster and more efficient, in what form is this data stored? data is stored electronically, that is, it is converted into digital form and stored as simply numerical values, we understand you, thank you very much, our guest was the deputy head of the department for accounting of genomic information, an expert on communist science. center of the ministry of internal affairs, police lieutenant colonel nikita khomyakov. thank you very much, thank you, nana group, it means a lot to you, and also the fact that you have become fathers again. my first child is a daughter, she is already grown up, and now my long-awaited son has been born. i may have yet to learn some rules of parenting, how to calm a child. mom, he
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just a little bit, i pressed everything so hard, so, ah, works, the fate of a person with boris. korchevnikov tomorrow at 15:00 on the russia channel. safe and effective. there are more and more electric buses on routes. thanks to the ecology national project, over the past 3 years, 11 large industrial cities have received 698 units of such vehicles. let’s talk now about how everyone can help nature today. welcome aboard the most environmentally friendly transport in the world. the electric bus moves almost silently and very smoothly. now the first copies have started testing in krasnoyarsk. they operate in the city on trolleybus route number six. passengers have already managed to evaluate the new transport. well, they are much more comfortable. better than i think a regular bus, it travels smoothly and for the deck too.
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the main advantage is environmental friendliness. one electric bus compared to a diesel bus. reduces carbon dioxide emissions into the air by 60 tons per year per car, and the bus can travel about 50 km on a single charge. and it is also equipped with a glan system, led displays, climate control video surveillance systems, satellite navigation, wi-fi and usb connectors. another difference is the suspension control system, which allows you to lift the electric bus to overcome difficult sections of the road, that is, i press the brake, the car stops. i put the pedals down, it is on the handbrake, in order to go, i press the start pedal. alexander kryuchkov, a driver with almost thirty years of experience, admits that work has never brought so much pleasure, and answers unequivocally. with ecology from trolleybuses the ability to maneuver and to avoid obstacles on the road, today krasnoyarsk purchased five charging stations and
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20 electric buses. at the moment , tests are being carried out on the electric buses that we currently have in the city; after the test tests, the electric buses will be launched on a new route. in total, thanks to the ecology national project, over the past 3 years, 11 large industrial cities have received 698 units of environmentally friendly transport. with the result of 2023 , emissions of pollutants have been reduced by an average of 12% in a number of regions from the basic indicators of 2017. today russia can rightfully call itself a country with one of the most progressive environmental strategies in the world. the importance of clean transport and care for the environment begin to be explained at school. tell me, please, what is kology? students of ninth grade b of kemerovo school number 85 can easily answer this question in special environmental lessons, he says. about the importance of preserving nature, i like to sort out garbage, i also like to use reusable things,
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i try to leave as little carbon footprint as possible, and then to consolidate the material, you can take part in the all-russian online olympiad on the environment and ecology, which is held in support of the national ecology project, it takes place on the educational platform, the most important value that what we take away from the eco-lessons is that each participant understands that everyone has the power to change the environmental situation for the better. from february 4 to march 6, students from first to ninth grade will be able to check their knowledge and receive a certificate, diploma or diploma, depending on the results, and letters of thanks from the teacher. there are people like this in the distance, where they live, that’s where they litter. about the unborn neighbors, i’ll touch on you. let's talk in a few minutes, the goal is shaking, the resources of the wall
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, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into. .. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans turn into projects before our eyes , i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac , real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look , let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr,
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well, for now, it’s quiet, on friday, everyone got into an accident, everything will be fine, everything will be as before, it won’t be as before, i just have no one else, what happened, today i need money for an operation, loading at night, you should sleep get over it. crossroads are very dangerous work and in general, i’m sorry, but this is not for women. crossroads of fate. i'll go with you as a spare. the subscriber is temporarily unavailable. why don’t you answer your husband? i don’t want him to be nervous for me in vain. she is ready for any turn. the whole village knows that you don’t play karbysh or play checkers. and that means you believe. queen of the roads on friday at rtr, please meet me and roll call,
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it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was daring in white tuxedo and i'm starting, flori. a completely different husband, and how many more things did dad imagine that would be ahead of me ? on sunday on rtr, it seems to me that something is happening to me, as if i were not. i’m a premiere on
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rtr, and we’ve never met anywhere before, why are you looking at her like that, why is the normal one so pretty, i’d fall for it, it seems to me that our mother lost the amount, the money to figure out criminal, that sanya, she is sick, you need to think like a criminal, a maniac, and he has taken possession of me, i look at women exactly the same way as from monday on rtr. masks, we don’t
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know you, but what do we know? all these people are participants in a masquerade ball, one of the most exciting events of the venetian carnival. in addition to the italians themselves, of whom there are a lot, tourists from europe, australia and america come to the ball. there are approximately 500 people in total, the organizers give them outfits to rent, the guests , by the way, paid a lot of money to enjoy the gala dinner, and watch the artists perform and even take part in the filming. no one will recognize either, fur coats, sweatshirts, knitted tights and even winter bast shoes, treasures of the museum of the ludarvai reserve near ozhevsk, i liked myself, as if i were a fashionista, ekaterina wore these six-piece tights in her youth, saw them in...
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a magazine and knitted them them, and also donated her daughters’ coats to the luderwei museum. well, in the stores, i probably went straight and bought it, it wasn’t there, from my older sister, when they give us children, they give it to us, we wear it, and we also bought from a neighbor. at the exhibition, about a hundred warm clothes were stolen, some were brought by residents of nearby villages, some were found in the area and bought by museum employees. in the center, perhaps, is the most important exhibit and the main element of the winter wardrobe of the udmurts - the sheepskin coat. this one took four. it weighs 5 kg. if you imagine that today is very cold, nevertheless you had to go somewhere, you could put on a fur coat and a sheepskin coat on top. another mandatory element of a winter outfit is felt boots. kotovals, masters of weaving, even traveled through the udmur villages. they did shoes to order, but not everyone had the opportunity to use the service, so the peasants wore bast shoes in winter. first they put on woolen socks and put
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onuchi on top. then they put on bast shoes, sometimes socks and they got very wet, so that under the influence of the cold it all stuck to their feet, and when they came home, people warmed their feet with boiling water, show them everyday clothes, for which the udmurts often used linen, it holds its shape and is easier to dye, red was obtained from oak bark, green from nettle or birch leaves, and ladies also loved scarves, now it is impossible to find homespun ones, in the collection of the fabrichnaya museum. apparently women wore these scarves a lot, so they are worn out, and they wrap the children too, yes, when the baby is still an infant, the mother is tied and this same scarf is used to pick up this little baby. the museum is showing an exhibition from its collections for the first time, ahead is another expedition to the villages of the republic, and then the lizard effect, our
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experiments with regeneration. organisms are finally producing results, yes, if we manage to stabilize these processes, we let's make a real breakthrough in science and medicine , we'll tell you more about the self-healing of the human body, we'll tell you after the news, well, now i noticed some speed, the police are leaving and the morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing,
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mortality rates from cancer, but we certainly need to increase efforts in this most important sphere, to continue the work begun, at the same time, i would like to draw the attention of colleagues in the government and... in the regions of the russian federation, all our measures must be provided with the necessary amount of funding. it is equally important to increase the effectiveness of our actions in the fight against cardiac, autoimmune and viral diseases, including by the end of the decade, we need to reduce the incidence of hepatitis c to a minimum. this is precisely what our special implementation program, which we launched last year, is aimed at. also added that the project to modernize primary health care will definitely be extended. according to the president, new regional hospitals and clinics have been built in recent years, and salaries will be increased. i offer from march 1 of this year
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increase their size for specialists who work in small towns, regional centers and villages, in cities where from 50,000 to 100,000 people live, doctors. in addition to the basic salary, they will receive 29.00 rubles. average staff 13,000 rub. in settlements where less than 50 thousand people live, such special payments will be significantly higher, namely 50,000 rubles. doctors will also receive 30,000 rubles monthly in addition to their salaries. mid-level medical workers. i ask the government to complete.
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modern sound equipment, powerful black sea fleet. the latest technologies, light, comfortable conditions for spectators with disabilities. our correspondent oksana kolesnikova provides details. this is a long-awaited arena with an area of ​​1,500 m, an ideal platform for professional hockey practice. the ice field measuring 26x60 m is already fully ready to receive athletes. the ice is only 50 mm thick, it’s like layered ice. 25 cakes, 2 mm each. the air temperature on the ice field is from +9 to 12°. microclimate is created by refrigeration installation. the display shows the condition of each area like in the palm of your hand. in the sector for spectators it is warmer and more comfortable plus 18. the stands
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are designed for 350 people. people with disabilities will also be able to cheer for their team . there is a tactile path through the building. the signs are duplicated in braille. there is a separate exit to the ice arena. we have other opportunities, for example, for hard of hearing citizens, this is a special row of seats on the podium, where additional impulses are sent to the hearing aids and thus they can better hear the commentator. builders say that such technologies have not been used in sevastopol before. oksana kolesnikova, mikhail shurmel, svetlana baeva, vesti sevastopol. in spain, farmers do not intend to stop their protest. striking farmers block roads not only with the help of agricultural machinery, but also by lighting fires of tires and trees on the roadway. reasons for dissatisfaction are rising tax costs, as well as cheap imports, in particular from ukraine,
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which jeopardizes their own farming. barricaded, in particular highways near the border with france. this is news, stay tuned. in the novosibirsk region they are creating a unique complex that will take science to a new level, skif or the siberian ring photon source, is being built in the science city of koltsovo. now the production of special magnets has begun, which will create an orbit for electron beams. report by olga durnykh. they are creating inside, which will give the novosibirsk skiff a large-scale scientific installation to become the first. in the world as a source of generation 4+ synchrotron radiation, this will help scientists solve both applied and fundamental problems from the study of structures and processes to the creation of new materials and drugs . restors that accelerate particles are being successfully tested, and the magnetic
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rings in which they will be built have already begun to be assembled. this is the most important stage of equipment production. more than half of the magnets in the main ring of the skiff are ready. during the operation of the synchrotron, these chains of magnets will have their own field. give turns, create an orbit along which beams of electrons move, therefore, despite the massive appearance, this equipment is very finely tuned, for example, even the distance between each other is important, the deviation is even greater. 50 microns can lead to an error; by the way, this is just the thickness of a human hair, or as they like to say in the institute, the thickness of a child’s hair. what the scientists are doing now is only possible for a few teams in the world, but even this at the institute of nuclear physics is called seeds, in comparison with the problems that fundamental sciences solve. in addition, novosibirsk residents have enormous experience behind them. our participation over the past few decades has been in all major international and collider projects. synchrotron allowed us to just gain the necessary
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competencies, concentrate on putting on the wing the necessary technologies in order to quickly and efficiently make skiv. industry is also being pulled along with it. many factories involved in the process, for the first time, took on such precise drawings and succeeded. magnets and stands for them were manufactured, set up and tested in the production of vacuum chambers. the equipment will be sent to the site soon construction of scythian in the ring. the builders promise to deliver to us, according to the plan, in the first ten days of may, and they say that perhaps they will speed up and even this may be the end of april, then we will begin transporting the equipment and its installation. by the end of this year , the skiff’s equipment will be installed and debugged; next year, research will begin as part of the first stage, six experimental stations will be launched. olga durnykh, evgeny zhivaev, lead novosibirsk. in st. petersburg, in the restoration and storage center staraya
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derevnya, an exhibition of medals from private collection of academician boris pyatrovsky. the exhibition is dedicated to the 116th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding archaeologist and orientalist. the scientist headed the hermitage during the soviet years, and now his son mikhail pyatrovsky continues the work. report by ekaterina gritsenko. elegant items from the private collection of boris pyatrovsky. for more than a quarter of a century he headed the country's main museum. they were stored on them. at home in boxes, so to speak, they remained at home, then after his death , mother mikhailovna selected these and solemnly handed them over, so to speak, according to the list, as it is supposed to pass on the artifacts, among boris pyatrovsky’s favorites was a medal in memory of the preparation of the international congress on iranian art and archeology, it was held in the hermitage in 1935, then, in order to cast the entire edition of medals, the museum collected 40 kg of wire, times were. complex, and the events are large-scale. boris borisovich pyatrovsky
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was directly involved in the preparation of this congress, since there was a lot of work, a huge number of exhibits were brought from all over the ussr, that he was going to spend the night in a tent and left a note, i’m spending the night with the sultan. this collection is a demonstration of the art of medalists from different countries, the completeness of the plastic image, softness and lyricism, the features of italian masters, several medals are dedicated to two thousand years. on the birthday of virgil , two more were presented to boris pyatrovsky by the mayors of florence and padua, here is a deep relief, litas and laconic forms, signs of finnish medals, on one of the works the names of five cosmonauts, these are crew members of the ships, soyuz and apollo, if you look, they just at the moment formations, you see, they moved from one ship to another, that is, the whole process is depicted on one medal, of course, the most touching inscriptions on anniversary gifts, so the medal in honor of the seventy-fifth anniversary...
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timofey chakmarev, galina romenskaya, lead st. petersburg. all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website, stay on the russia channel. come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more. great,
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good, so, morning russia, don’t forgive me , the main thing is, good morning, good morning to you, begin. this day with us, we will try to charge you with energy, a good mood for the whole day, andrey petrov, sveslana abramova, we are with you today, yes, but if the charge is not enough, subscribe to... the telegram channel of our program, there you will definitely receive an additional charge and news, smiles for sure . in the world, by the way, about the charge, this is the first time that a robot police officer was fired. the smart car was supposed to patrol the busiest new york subway station in the usa, but the robot could not work unaccompanied, for example, move up the stairs, because which weighs 190 kg. what
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the k-5, as the device is called, spent most of its working time was recharging. this is exactly what we promised to talk about recharging. and passers-by often wanted to take pictures with him, as a result, police people kept order and their robotic colleague. well, that’s definitely not what i’m telling the law enforcement officer, we need to teach a lesson to watch out for residents who are turning the entrances of their own houses into pigsties, well, look how many bulls, they don’t go after such bulls with a fishing rod, we need more serious gear, oksana uses cans and places them on the floors, otherwise all the garbage will be on the floor. one day a woman reprimanded her smoker neighbors. the answer was not long in coming, i leave the apartment, as they say, open the door, and i have just a bunch of stuff, then the dialogue doesn’t go well, you need to look into the law, and there it is written in black and white, it is prohibited to clutter public places, according to epidemiological reasons for fire safety, there is even a fine for this,
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although retribution may take a long time, the authorities have 30 days to give some kind of solution and reaction if this reaction does not... it follows, as often happens, unfortunately, in practice, it is necessary to go to court to overturn the decision of the authority, it is cheaper to fight on your own, alexey addresses the neighbors through an advertisement, because they have set up a pigsty in a residential complex business class, there are traces of a stormy holiday and building materials, a broken toilet seat, some rags, boxes, and this has already been lying here for about 4 days, the reaction of the management company is absolutely... zero. it turns out that in the fight against unscrupulous utility workers are no help to neighbors either. yes, they should keep order in the house, but there is a nuance. the management company is obliged to maintain the stairwells and flights in good order. at the same time, uh, in accordance with the civil code there, she cannot seize
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other people's things, even if they look like garbage. it turns out that all the existing mechanisms to combat unsanitary conditions in the entrance are difficult to implement. and experts believe that it is necessary to develop the institution of a house elder. this public position should be given powers that will help keep order in a high-rise building. an act is drawn up, the act is submitted to the management company or to the board of the homeowners association and the person is punished with a ruble, plus 50% for the service, removal of solid household waste. with iron-clad evidence, the housemaster could respond to other incidents. for example, to noise and loud music. the state duma also considers intra-house self-government logical, but...
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the general meeting should record all violations and go to court, realizing the seriousness of the issue, the neighbor who committed the fine will most likely will bring his garbage to the container. well, also on a everyday topic, but let’s say it’s a very important topic: experts admitted that it will not be possible to replace all outdated elevators on time. let us remind you that by february 15 next year, the country will need to replace 124,000 outdated elevators out of 540,000 operating ones. there are several reasons why it won’t work; some houses simply did not include a replacement. equipment in the capital repair plan, funds collected on special accounts are not enough, elevators have become more expensive, well, in general, there is something to talk about, an expert from the commission is with us today on the issues of elevator facilities of the primenstroy public council, executive director of the national elevator union pyotr kharlamov, pyotr gennadivich, hello, hello, yes, well, we are actually meeting today on february 15, 2024, that is, in exactly
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one year the program should be completed and we must say : that’s it, we’ve changed all the elevators, that’s it, now everyone has everything, well, it’s also obviously not going to work, the question is, what’s the way out? we, at the public council under the ministry of construction of russia , have developed such a mechanism since 2016 accelerated replacement of the elevator, it basically consists of payment in installments, they have begun to distribute it across our constituent entities of the russian federation in the regions, somewhere it has been accepted, what your colleagues are telling us is that, in principle, the power is there, give money to the manufacturers, they can definitely increase production by 30 percent, it’s true, no, it’s really true. there are a sufficient number of russian manufacturers and their capacity allows us to fully cover our entire request, that is, as a major overhaul program, replacement of elevators, as well as new construction, that’s it. from this point of view, everything is fine with us and the prospects, and even the departure of some foreign manufacturers gives us a great
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chance to offer our products in our market. well, it’s clear that we can’t delay resolving this issue, because it’s all vitally important. how can the state today help quickly solve this problem, what needs to be done? of course, it would be optimal if the government also co-financed this program.
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together with the ministry of industry and trade, they are making such a road map, we are introducing our proposals there, our proposals, in particular , are as already noted in
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the installment plan, then we are preparing a number of proposals, including on tax optimization, on vat, on value added tax, and we also have a proposal, but in about six months, we are ready to introduce such initiatives - in general, we, for our part, are proposing this. thank you, the expert answered our questions. commission on elevator facilities of the public council in priminstroy, executive director of the national elevator union, pyotr kharlamov , thank you very much, how could i have mixed it up, i can’t imagine, they mixed it up and mixed it up , it doesn’t happen to anyone, but the child is the same, let’s now understand who took our children yesterday, it’s a big story countries, tomorrow after midnight on the russia channel , we will show you another american robot today, this one can cook dinner, well, cope with other household chores, a smart machine, with developed motor skills, as the developers tell us, it easily threads marshmallows onto a skewer,
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diligently, not so, diligently folds the laundry and also carefully very carefully waters the flowers, you understand, when you get lunch, yes, if anything, it can be entertaining to dance or show a magic trick with a sword, the creators say the robot quickly learns and is able to reproduce up to 70. percent of human hand gestures, and is also resistant to falls and can handle heavy loads, but an assistant, a dream, yes, well, here are more assistants, bioprinters can print missing fragments of tissue and organs directly in the patient’s body, it certainly sounds like fantasy, meanwhile, russian doctors are already learning how to perform such operations. the personnel is unique while the doctors are performing the operation, preparing a special mixture of collagen cells from the patient’s bone marrow and filling it. into the dispensing device of a robotic arm, it scans the damaged area of ​​skin and then begins, step by step , to grow an implant inside the defects,
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exactly repeating the shape of the wound. over time, skin will grow here, and as preclinical tests have shown, there will not even be a scar on it. we print with hydrogel, at the moment when we apply it, so to speak, it cross-links or polymerizes, and it already becomes non-liquid, on the contrary, solid, then the cells of the host’s body grow there; it grows together with the body. this way the wound heals much faster than with traditional treatment. when scientists first started talking about bioprinting, that is, printing organs, the main idea was this: you need to fill the cartridges with suspensions of different cells and a gel, which will preserve the shape of the structure while the cells grow together and it must mature in a bioreactor before transplantation. this requires a clean laboratory, which is quite expensive, as well as specialist time. the next operation is the transplantation of such... an organ onto the patient's body, today it has become clear that if the structure of the organ allows it, it is better to print it immediately in
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the body, there it finds itself in an ideal environment for proper development, and since the implant... does not need an incubator , treatment becomes cheaper. skin printing is just one option, so you can fill defects in cartilage tissue and complex organs like the kidney. of course, this raises the question: why use a robot? is it not possible to just cover the same wound with a continuous layer of the necessary cells and substances, but the machine’s task is to ensure that the patch has a strictly defined thickness over the entire surface of the defect, even if it has a very complex relief; when you add this gel of the total mass, unfavorable conditions are created for the cells. therefore , the composition is not just applied in an even layer, but, smeared over the surfaces, it is applied along a certain trajectory. another task of the machine is to give the patch the correct internal structure. in case of skin, it must breathe. this pattern has a porous structure, so it comes into contact with air early. as for the design of the manipulator itself, the main role here is played by sensors that allow you to subtly
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sense the approach to the patient’s tissues and not even injure them. if the body changes its position slightly due to breathing. in addition, the modest size of the robotic arm will allow it to be used even in rather cramped operating rooms of small hospitals. vera had been an orphan all her life, and then suddenly her mother showed up. there's something wrong with her. you can do it break through your channels? on saturday. i woke up, ambulance. i say, where is my daughter? where have you gone, daughter? and i have some kind of black hole in my memory. wait, where did she come from? you will never be alone again, everything will be fine with us. did you call me faith yourself? he who wants to believe too much will be deceived even by his heart. mother, aren't you playing too much? maybe you should have
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gone to theater? would you say it quietly? now i just... i want to understand, no, you just want me to start suspecting her of something, he wanted to kill me, his own someone else’s daughter, premiered on saturday on rtr, there was no sadness, a woman bought a pig, as soon as you get a pet, life will never be the same. puts everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face that you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well , then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, we first
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shoved in a red snake , our birds skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, whoever renounces the past cancels the future, we do not lend our memory and do not renounce our words, for... words, we answer, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, a big film premiere, these are very serious people, you will have to move out, this is our home, i’m very dangerous, paratroopers
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don’t abandon their own.
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the scene of alexander petrov with his daughter, when they talk about what love is, was filmed to bursting. the third film became even more emotional, as all viewers note. the hockey player's relationships come to the fore alexandra gorina with her grown-up daughter
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nadya, who, like her mother, dreams of a sports career. a difficult period of transition from childhood to adulthood, when it seems that the whole world is against you. the first love is an attempt to find a common language with parents, situations that everyone has encountered. history, of course. love, because love is the most important thing in our life, after watching the film i wanted to immediately call my family and friends to tell them important words, i generally love such life-affirming films, in general, a person, if he wants, how would he succeed. an inspiring tone is one of the main elements of ice. the heroes show each other and those around them that true love is stronger than any fears, prohibitions and obstacles. i like this phrase, don’t forget to love, often you forget about it a little. well, you screwed up somewhere, something screwed up, okay, well, scold me, but don’t forget to love, romantic family scenes are traditionally diluted with spectacular performances on the baikal ice and musical numbers that are perfect
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fit into the atmosphere of the film. songs that are popular among the people, and well-known songs, they greatly emphasize this feeling of life, the constant presence of life. the film let 3 caused a strong reaction from viewers even outside the cinemas. on the social network vkontakte, fans try on a mask created... they put likes to tell the story in such a way as to immerse them in the lives of the characters and make them empathize, a task that the authors coped with perfectly, ice three will melt hearts and give a spring mood, the most romantic film of the season already in all cinemas in the country. well, our program today is ending, but you don’t have to part with the program, subscribe to the telegram channel of our program, you will have everything, yes, there you can see all the behind the scenes, see us, the only thing
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that you can’t see is that it will be tomorrow, for this you need to be early in the morning, turn on the tv tomorrow, have a nice day, bye, see you. hello, this is news from alexander gefrenov in the studio. briefly about the main topics of our issue: russia tried to resolve the conflict in ukraine by peaceful means, but kiev and the countries the west was not going to fulfill the agreements. interview of vladimir putin to a journalist. guns, self-propelled guns and armored vehicles produced by nato countries were destroyed.
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artificial intelligence has accelerated the diagnosis of patients tenfold. vladimir putin was shown domestic developments in the field of new digital technologies. the wind tore off roofs, a blizzard stopped traffic on highways at -40 below zero in altai. snowfalls are a strong minus in the regions. siberia in the urals. manure dumped at bank offices, new protests by farmers in france. and in spain, agricultural producers they demand a ban on cheap imports. moroccan tomatoes, they are thrown out of trucks on the road. russia could have started active actions in ukraine earlier, but moscow is taking a long time. tried to resolve the conflict by peaceful means, relied on the decency of her opponents, but both the former chancellor of germany and the former president of france admitted directly and publicly stated that they did not intend to fulfill
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the minsk agreements, but were simply gaining time to additionally pump up the ukrainian regime with weapons, vladimir stated this putin in an interview with the author and host of the moscow, kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin. already a billion. views of your interview with tatier carlos, there are many different responses, positive , well, of course, but what comments are coming from western leaders, the british prime minister, the german chancellor, they called: i ’ll quote the ridiculous and absurd your attempt to explain the reasons for the start of the special operation, to justify it with the threat of a nato attack on russia, what do you think about such assessments? firstly, it’s good that they’re watching and listening to what i’m saying, if we don’t care today for some reason related to them, it is not possible to conduct a direct dialogue, then we should be grateful.
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nato attack on russia, where is it in my interview, and there is a recording, let them show where exactly i said this, i was talking about something else, i was talking about the fact that we were constantly deceived in terms of non-expansion to the east, of course we i was and am worried about the possibility of ukraine being drawn into nato, since this threatens our security, i said this, but the immediate trigger was the complete one.
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former us president who will be elected american people, but preferably joe biden. this is how vladimir putin commented on a journalist’s question about which of the two us presidential candidates is better for russia? us president biden is giving more and more reasons for the whole world to discuss the state of his health every day. this is the president of one of the largest nuclear powers, and at the same time, we all actually observe on a daily basis, well, to put it mildly, extremely specific footage.
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well, yes, he peeked at his piece of paper, to be honest , i peeked at mine, nothing like that, but the fact that he hit his head somewhere while getting out of the helicopter, and this helicopter, but whoever among us hasn’t hit his head somewhere, let him, let him be the first to throw a cane at him, in general this is in my opinion, i’m not a doctor, and i don’t consider myself in the right. give any comments on this matter, we must, we must look not at this, we must look at the political position, i believe that the position of the current administration is extremely , extremely harmful, erroneous, and i, at one time, to the president bayduna talked about this, well then the question that was 4 years ago now turns out: it is becoming relevant again, for
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us, who is better, biden or trump? biden, he is a more experienced person, he is predictable, he is a politician of the old formation, but we will work with any us leader who will be trusted by the american people. russian scientists must increase self-sufficiency, but for this they need a truly sovereign infrastructure, the creation of which they must strive to create. how artificial intelligence helps doctors analyze research results and make diagnoses, speeding up the work of doctors tenfold. vladimir putin was told at the center for diagnostics and telemedicine technologies. where data flows from all over the capital. promising medical developments were discussed at the forum of future technologies, which the president also attended. report by alexey konopko. the description period was reduced to 1:44 minutes. and it was 27 o'clock. the electronic brain
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reduces time significantly. in a unique diagnostic and telemedicine center, which is examined by the president, including with the help ai analyzes research results from the entire municipal network of clinics in the capital. sometimes a car. of course, the brand allows for new technology, but therefore the last word always belongs to the doctor. here we see, he marked these changes, he highlighted them in color, he carried out the necessary measurement, a hint, a hint, yes, a tool, here he showed, there are two points, he didn’t show, yes, let’s pay attention to this and just signal about it, artificial intelligence helps in twenty-nine areas, but without it , doctors receive and process 130,000 ct scans, mri and... grams per week, moscow clinics themselves are changing, many have completely abandoned paper document flow. over the past five years , half of all clinics in the capital have been reconstructed; together with the construction of new buildings, 2 million square meters of medical space have been created, where 50,000 units of the latest
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equipment have been purchased. the life expectancy of muscovites has increased from 74 years to almost 75 years. 4:5 years, this is a good result, such plasmonic-chemical installations, for example, are already working in two hundred moscow hospitals. since the time of the nobel prize for studying its role in the body , nitric oxide has been used everywhere in clinics around the world, it saves lives, but until now the gas was delivered to hospitals only in cylinders and was either used immediately or sent to scrap, which can be kept in working order for several days , not to mention weeks, no one succeeded; fifty scientific articles assured that this was impossible. sorovsky scientists succeeded, oxite is indispensable for heart surgeries, nursing premature babies, recovery from covid, so that to create such a device, scientists had to invent a gas discharge of a unique shape, colleagues there in the west did not succeed in them and still, by the way, are not succeeding, they are trying to catch up with us, but apparently they will have to
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engage in import substitution. the president is shown something like a neurocap, this is what it looks like from the outside: inside there is also a special electrode on the brain of a conditional patient, together they allow the blind to see. the picture still looks rather modest, but this is real vision and technology is being improved. on the left is what the camera sees, on the right is this contour vision, a person understands that this is a person, this is a window, a door, a mug, a spoon, and so on. in a few minutes, the president will call such developments science fiction that has become reality. we certainly must be self-sufficient, that is, in fact, we must have the technological keys to all the solutions that are necessary to preserve health and increase human life expectancy. we are very close to creating so -called onco-vaccines, vaccines against cancer and
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immunomodulating drugs of a new generation, and i hope that they will soon be effectively used as methods of individual therapy. in addition to our own equipment, only for a year in russia. more than half a thousand domestic drugs , more than half of cancer cases are detected in the early stages, chemotherapy and radiation therapy have begun to be used more often, the best nuclear technologies also help treat, we are achieving simply unique world-class and higher achievements, we are building a plant in obninsk, in the twenty-fifth year with the plant reaches its design capacity we will cover all the country’s needs for radiopharmaceuticals, there will still be left for export, but if the results are obvious here, then with diagnostics, especially for much more common ones.
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one has a headache, another has a stomach ache, take a pill in half, one half, one half, the other, go, take the pills, you will be healthy in a week. if we go to a doctor, he must be a qualified specialist and, accordingly, make a diagnosis based on the symptoms, prescribe additional studies within the framework of the use of various test systems and laboratory tests. the answer is generally streamlined, we still need to somehow work in this direction to help the treating doctor, especially in primary care. in a remote area or somewhere in a village. neurotechnologies today make it possible to treat what was incurable yesterday. after a stroke, for example, the part of the brain that is responsible for hand movement dies, but the brain can now be retrained. it happens the other way around, with parkinson’s, doctors turn off the parts of the brain that generate tremor, because of it they say, sometimes don’t eat or drink
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impossible, you said that with trembling hands a person cannot drink, a russian person can, that’s for sure, this was shown very well at one time in the leningrad bolshoi drama theater by people’s artist lebedev, he pulled it up through this same towel with his second hand, well, this it’s all a joke, how can you teach...
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my health is fine, thanks to exercise, and now i can say my health is fine, thanks to the pills. the state, says putin, of course, has a different priority, because the construction program is being expanded just for charging sports centers. medical examinations are becoming more and more active; 90 million people underwent them last year. doctors' salaries are also under special attention. i propose to increase their size for specialists who work in small towns, regional centers, etc., starting march 1 of this year.
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government to complete such work in mid-level health workers. i ask for a short deadline so that from april 1 , medical workers begin to receive increased payments for march. the president spoke about the technologies of tomorrow for more than 3 hours, but they did not summarize the main thing. on you our entire healthcare system is holding up. and no matter what we talk about artificial intelligence, about... robots, this is important, they are certainly a faithful, reliable assistant to a person, but
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they will never replace the sensitivity of the participation of medical workers in a person’s fate. the president also called for the best achievements of the largest cities and medical centers to be shared with every resident of the country. alexey knopko, ivan ponomarenko, konstantin morozov, yana sreblyanskaya, kirill malikov, lead. now directly about the situation in the special operation zone, losses in the ukrainian armed forces at key directions per day exceeded a thousand people. our unit improved their positions and nullified all attempts at ukrainian assaults. we are talking about the settlements of bogdanovka, krasnaya, kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka, andreevka and vodanoe in the dpr, and the shelter work of nesteryanka and stepovoe in the zaporozhye region. both day and night, in the kupinsky sector , the troops of the kiev regime are actively hit by a jet hurricane. and hail,
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su-34 fighters are operating from the air at the places of deployment with high-explosive bombs with a universal planning module, prepare ammunition, worked, shooting. new objective control footage shows the detonation of the rapier anti-tank gun, the polish krab self-propelled guns, and the destruction of vehicle armor. on the day of remembrance of russians who performed their official duties outside. of the fatherland, the ministry of defense is launching on its website a historical and educational project on distant borders with the motherland in the heart. it is dedicated to the thirty-fifth anniversary of the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan and talks about the heroism of our compatriots who defended the interests of the homeland of our people abroad. michael fedotov, more details. this map is original. this is the decision of the commander of the fortieth army to withdraw troops from the territory of the republic. the authenticity is beyond doubt and the signature below is lieutenant general boris gromov. after
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10 years of presence, a limited contingent of soviet troops left afghanistan. february 15, 1980.
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loss of american aviation in a confrontation with soviet pilots and anti-aircraft gunners during the conflict on the korean peninsula. airplanes that are confirmed are indicated in blue; there are documents that confirm that in such and such a period, these aircraft were shot down by such and such a unit. the planes that allegedly shot down our units are indicated in brown. several of these planes are exactly nikolai's account.
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hundreds of thousands of our military personnel have gone through dozens of local conflicts; today they continue to serve far from their homeland, and this is a feat that will not be forgotten. mikhail fedotov, oleg dubenin, evgeny turchak and sergey shcheptev, lead. vesti monitors developments in russia and abroad. stay with us. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, well, you know, for every
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cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or? yours, don’t ask stupid questions now , they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, turnip, the whole brigade, just look at the platform, we gathered about ten in the first group man, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, right? when my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes my grandmother , she herself is hungry, but she brings this kurba, shelters, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i
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decided that we need to take the guys with us, people are so... we came across caring, support with a word, hello, dear soldier and deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. well, for now, quietly, on friday, i had an accident , everything will be fine, everything will be as before, as it won’t be before, i just have no one else, what happened, i need money for the operation, loading
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at night, i advise you to sleep before, road intersections, this is a very dangerous job and in general, i'm sorry, but this is not for women. crossroads of fate, i’ll go with you as a spare. the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, why don’t you answer your husband? i don't want him to be unnecessarily nervous. because of me, she is ready for any turns, the whole village knows that you don’t play karbyshemu shash, and you, therefore, believe, queen of the roads, on friday on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air for 60 minutes,
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“the hero of russia will be on the tour, all of us , including myself, will go to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, they are a rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, look two times a day, see you later. on the air, we continue broadcasting: below -37° more 37 m/s frost and stormy winds caught altai
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in a weather trap, from which it was impossible to escape either by trucks due to snowstorms with almost zero visibility on the roads, or by cars, which, like these in aleyski , were covered with roofs torn off by gusts of wind, blown away by the wind along with the altai gym and the roof of a hockey court in the village of char in the tomsk region, it could not withstand the accumulated snow, but the most difficult thing this february is the situation on the roads, on kada and st. petersburg highways, massive accidents and nine-day traffic jams. in kusbas the regime high alert due to ice and snowstorms. in the novosibirsk region, as on the ufa chelyabinsk section of the m-5 highway, purga is already accumulating due to poor visibility with traffic jams from trucks. israel is now preparing. to an offensive in the south of the gas sector in rafah. in a city where more than 1,300,000 palestinian refugees have taken refuge, even a targeted idf operation threatens large-scale bloodshed.
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palestinian authority leader abbas called on the hamas movement to make a deal with israel to prevent new victims. while there are no positive signals, negotiations between the heads of the american and israeli intelligence with intermediaries from qatrar and egypt about the possible release of the hostages failed. moreover, for... tsahal in safed. in response, israel launched strikes in southern lebanon. and against the backdrop of everything that is happening , turkey and egypt are rapprochement; for the first time in the last 12 years, the turkish leader arrived in cairo. the city was decorated with banners with greetings from the friendly turkish republic. the conversation between erdogan and ossissi is not only about bilateral relations, but about finding a way out of the palestinian impasse. especially considering that if the situation in rafah escalates, egypt is not ready to accept hundreds of thousands of palestinian refugees and does not even intend to consider this option. france continues
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to tremble from more and more actions by angry farmers. about 300 tractors completely blocked the historical center of the pearl of the middle ages, the city of poitiers, and the police could not do anything; in the department of lot and goron , the banks went to the offices.
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a record number of cars from china were delivered to the khabarovsk territory through the far eastern checkpoints; four times more were imported in a month than in the entire month last year. not only dealers, but also drivers for personal use began to import cars. anna leonova with details. just like this one, supported. chengan abruptly takes off to check the system, and the chinese auto industry is also rapidly conquering the market of the khabarovsk territory, and there are already much fewer of those coming off the assembly line this year than of those with mileage. this, of course, is a unique trend, when like this the eastern new year, when there is usually a lull, the warehouse was completely filled with the chinese automobile industry, for the first time they were transporting not only cars for personal use, but also microtrucks, tractors and trucks. lesyan, dzheli, cherry, chingany, as well as a famous european
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brand. but they are assembled in chinese factories , ford pickups, mercedes are lined up to pass before mandatory registration, there are a lot of cars, they are being transported by both legal entities and individuals, everything already has this experience, there are already companies that help with this people, it’s about the same as it was with the japanese, now it’s the same with chinese cars, this is a laboratory that opened just six months ago, as a test vehicle, now it can barely cope with the influx, test engineer alexander... kitaev is conducting diagnostics on the suitability of chinese tires for russian roads, for the first time, massive applications throughout january and early february did not come from large dealers at all. now it’s going, yes, most of all, probably, individuals, the flow is established and growing, let’s say more and more at once, then there’s a queue to record all the acceptances. chinese cars enter the territory of the region from other regions of the far east, crossing the border at the checkpoints of the primorye jewish autonomy of the amur region
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, import for personal. that this is not at all difficult , the scheme has been worked out for years in the currently sanctioned japanese countries, in order for an individual to register a vehicle, it is necessary to submit a passenger customs declaration, pay payments, customs duties, recycling fees, obtain a vehicle safety certificate, our car will be released freely appeal. in just one month , cars from china were imported into the region in four times more than for the whole of last year. the logistics arm of zhaakh and pokrovka has become convenient, so car dealers are lobbying. i hope that the border crossing will become year- round. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website and by this time that’s it, we are monitoring the developments. see you.
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what did you dream about this time? they killed me. yes , the corpse is very lukewarm. premiere on rtr. hold on. ay, come on, where are you? learned, huh? did you see it in some tv series? she's having strange dreams again. i had a dream last night. on the floor i said. this bank robbery. i was there in this dream. you won't get bored. prince of dreams. but invisible witnesses are coming, who killed you , find the case, i’ll tell you who the killer is, poor girl, how is she doing all this, new crimes have already been committed, and only she can solve them, we urgently need to meet on the way home to the channel party, i’m now for sure i know who will be killed when, anna is a medium, from monday on
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rtr. the floor is robbing, the hay is shaking, they have come big changes, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones out of this completely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are changing before our eyes into projects. “i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. “i love you very much, yes
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, but i can’t give birth to a child for you, what kind of family is it without children? anton madegliani, 12 years old, surname angela madigliane, still licking your heart early, will you treat me? yes, i will, i will invited you here, which means i am responsible for you . do you like our doctor? i like it, so do i , it’s a pity that i don’t have a dad like him who sent me, who is this woman, choose. either me or her, they are very easy to apply, healing them is much more difficult, you spend your whole life healing other people’s hearts, but you can’t deal with your own heart can. heart wounds, on saturday on rtr,
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you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he ’ll come to your house himself, we’ll start. maybe we’ll practice how to walk on ice correctly , he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, he’ll always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes for lard, i sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, happiness is not i guarantee that your health will definitely increase.
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doctor misnyakov. on saturday on rtr. everything that happens on the screen in the film a revolution is born is not fiction, i even met the real person whom i portrayed on the screen, the famous actress natalya gvozdikova once admitted. this year marks exactly 50 years since viewers saw the first episode of the legendary film about the formation of the soviet police. what are you reading? yes, i’m leading the police to the prison chamber tomorrow. we have to keep up the brand. they only talk about you anyway. marivanna is our falcon. what about you?
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falcon? sokolikha. the film born of a revolution took three whole years to film. but in the end , a masterpiece was born, which entered the golden background of soviet cinema. and one of the most beautiful couples of our cinema, evgenia and... moreover, 12 days after the end of gvozdikova’s filming in this film , their son fyodor was born. what did convicts from the colony write to evgeny zharikov and natalya gvozdikova? how did the actress meet with her prototype of the real maria kondratieva? this is the life and fate of natalia gvozdikova. kind morning, dear.
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we now live in continuous series about policemen, we have a lot of them in them , then it was the first, if i’m not mistaken, one of the first, it was generally very innovative, very brave,
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and we began to wait for what people would say, what
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the audience would say , and a huge stream of letters poured in, bora brought us letters in bags, of course, when we finished the picture, we didn’t know that our heroes were alive, or rather, that kandratyev was no longer there, and maria ivanna kondratyeva was alive, because when we started filming our picture, first question: helium ryabov, our author scenario, the question was asked: are they alive? what was there to answer: no, suddenly, probably in 1982 or 1983, they call from the book lovers’ society and say: would you like to work in the city of petrozavodsk? i say, why not, of course, and we start talking, suddenly this person says: do you know that
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sergei kondratev lived in this city... they live and was buried. i say: how are they alive, who is alive? the heroine you played in the game, maria kondratieva, she is alive, she will be 90 years old next year. and i was friends with the magazine then soviet woman, editor-in-chief valentina ivanovna fedotova, i often spoke with them, i called. i told her all this , she says: that’s it, a journalist is going with you, a photojournalist is going with you, and we definitely want to photograph your meeting, but to capture how you will communicate, because we were complete strangers to each other, yeah, yeah , when we went there to the house, we took our son with us, whom we rarely took with us, in general it was such a significant meeting. “mom, i beg you, don’t cry, okay, well
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because, well, why are you going to cry right away , well, somehow pull yourself together, i say, guys, everything will be fine, we approach the house, go up to the second floor, the door opens, and i understand that it’s my wife standing there kondratev and that while cleaning, tears flowed from me, from her, and we were absolutely two strangers, we hugged each other. we stood there like that, then she invited us into the house and we managed to meet five generations of the kondratiev family, daughter, granddaughter, great-great-grandson, and of course you were very surprised, because how many interesting things she told us and how it’s a pity that we couldn’t use it in our film, what did you talk about with her, about life, about why it somehow happened that we were approved for these roles,
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the thing is , that gelliy ryabov and alexey nagorny, who were the author of the script, they already knew zhenya well, but in general he was the main contender for this role, and i appeared much later, and you know, after the film was released, people are starting to make up their own stories, so they came up with the idea that my heroine would be removed from...
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who stood in this parachute so that it became voluminous, began to put some books there, some something, and stanislav couldn’t stand it and said: what are you doing there, what are you doing, why did you put so much in our heroine’s backpack ? ? and he says: you might think it’s sugar or something? and sugar, she will soon be a mother, uh-huh, and deathly silence, the second director, grisha zelberman, came up to me and said: “now my task is for you
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to jump from the plane into my arms, otherwise zharikov will kill me.” let's see the final one. your final scene in this film, put it, what's the matter, come on in, where is the citizen you took away? why did you decide that i should count before you? now explain what’s the matter, who are you?
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carefully! but i want to tell the truth, it’s not me who is lying on the stretcher anymore, but they took a double because they understood that it would be quite difficult for me, by the way, because in this film you grow up during these 3 years of filming, it’s hard for you to give it at all for a young girl, then this... growing up, this is heavy makeup, and most importantly well, existence is inside , and not outside, well, how can i tell you, it’s clear that my heroine lives to be over 50 years old, and the actor zharikov lives in this film to almost 80 years old, and they didn’t do plastic makeup for me, so
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he suffered very much, because the makeup took 5 hours, he sat in a chair. and two make-up artists 5 hours 5 hours, basically it was liquid rubber, which was dried with a small fan, but we must say, we used it, this elderly mushroom to the fullest, at first he resisted, but we, like you said, this is an actor, here you go , summer garden, summer, hot, a lot of people, people are standing in line for ice cream, come up like an old man, buy us ice cream, you know, he dropped his trousers, knees and so he walked like such a duck, you know, baby, sorry, baby, thank you, baby, well
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, they gave in to him, he says, please give me some ice cream, what kind of milk do you want here, here, give me 20 servings of milk. everyone ’s eyes are like that, grandfather got 20 servings, because he couldn’t see that it was makeup, moreover, we then they said, nikolai cherkassov is 32 years old, and you are 35, he rode on a tram when he played professor polezhaev, he’s generally about 90 years old, come on, but nevertheless he met all our conditions our group was young. the office of a man in uniform could be open,
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any question, any petition, somewhere a word would be spoken, did they take advantage of it after this success? you know, i was born into... a military family, my dad was a military man, my grandfather was a military man, my uncle was a military man, i have one of my grandfathers was a sailor, so from childhood both my sister and i knew what discipline was, at my core i’m a pretty good person, well, how can i tell you, i’m not an impudent person, i don’t know, but i somehow... for whom -i could and can even now call and ask, which zhenya did all the time, and if we got off the train, they simply took us for shkkermans, they said, here the police are here quickly, guys, literally for half an hour, then we will take you to the hotel, there were any number of such stories, any number of them, you said that
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in this film revolution born, in general all the things there were real, that lyonka panteleev also existed in reality, of course, but did you know? he was, he worked in the criminal investigation department, and he knew kandratyev, kondratev. he falls from the second floor and as if yes , in fact it was different, people did not believe that this monster no longer walked on
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the earth, then in one of the shops on nevskaya street, on nevsky prospekt, they hung his body on display, and people walked around and looked to see if it was true. it's not for us were allowed to film, but we actually didn’t really strive for this, this film , in fact, is also a film about your love with evgeniyich zharikov, it is present there, it hovers there, well, it all breathes with it, everything is there you started, it’s been 12 years since evgeniy ilivich has been gone. imagine yevgeny ilyach, his interview shortly before leaving and he told what
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any more or less sensitive person who watches this film, born of a revolution, actually feels. we don't have a single kiss in the film, although we did in love, this is our love for life, it was felt, it was felt everywhere , i hope it is felt now, but not in the same way... i am criticized because i have done a lot in my life, but nevertheless we are together almost 36 years, that’s a lot, i still love you, it seems to me, and it seems to me that i’m not mistaken in this feeling of mine. “nothing stops, such love does not stop when a person leaves, he now, being there, says that he loves you, and you
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love him, something has changed since then he left, no, my son and i decided that nothing would change in our house, everything was as it was, all the holidays, we always loved christmas very much, because besides the fact that i was also born on christmas. but this is a holiday that we still reverence , as it were, easter, we always prepared for it, the same wife made fun of me there, because i still fasted, though only for lent, that’s why in our house nothing has changed, when fedya and i arrive at the cemetery, we talk to him like as if, you know, i don’t stroke the portrait, i don’t kiss the stone,
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morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr. i got there quietly on friday, everything will be fine. everything will be the same as before, it won’t be like before, i just have no one else, what happened, i need money for the operation, loading at night, i advise you to sleep before, crossroads, this is very dangerous, in general i’m sorry, but this is not for women, crossroads of fate, i’ll go with you as a spare, the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, and why don’t
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you answer your husband, i don’t want him to be nervous for nothing, for me. she is ready for any turns, the whole village knows that you don’t play shash with karbysh, which means you believe, queen of the roads, on friday on rtr, there are 35 in nana’s group this year, i congratulate you, thank you, thank you, thank you, group nana is a secret. i jumped off the stage once, i felt like i was being sucked right into the crowd, here i was really scared, because it’s very easy to die in the crowd, but there was a worse story when they didn’t share me, at that time i was a free person, so i led such a riotous lifestyle, volodya the girls loved politova, the model type, and the children and grandmothers came to me, they were all native permelitsa.
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everything will change, understand, but life is good, you smile and hug, applause for our new soloist, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday at rtr, a big film premiere, this.
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poster on the tv channel culture, theater, music, fine arts on february 15. haydn's symphonic trilogy morning, noon evening will be performed in the gs2 cultural center, performed by orchestras. in the
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tchaikovsky concert hall, ravil islyamov, alexander klyuchko and the russian symphony orchestra named after. century, conductor ivan nikifortune. the russian youth theater presents alexey bardin's play leopold state based on the play by tom stopord. starring evgenia ridko, larisa grebenshchikova, daria semyonova, alexander devtyarov, maxim kerin, maria roshchenkova. the premiere on the new stage of the vakhtangov theater, the play “the tale of the sonechka in the prose of marina tsbetaeva,” was staged by vladislav nastavshev. played by evgenia krekzhde, ksenia traister and konstantin beloshapka. in the hermitage theater blind horses of fortune - melodrama mystery based on the novel by gaito gazdanov the ghost of alexander wolf , directed by mikhail levitin. the tretyakov gallery is hosting a retrospective exhibition of alexander konstantinov, artist, graphic artist, architect, master of large-scale installations. the exhibition includes about 100 works demonstrating the master’s entire journey, from line to architecture. the chaliapin opera festival
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continues in kazan with verdi's opera aida, in the main roles with... the journey from dog to man and back again , directed by roman gabrya. we're in our own show stage of the red torch, we shifted the usual accents and we got a completely different story, that is, we tried a non- satirical work. make it out of a performance, and such a lyrical, poetic story about the fate of a stray dog, is it possible to afford, having lured a stray animal into the house, to conduct any experiments on it, suddenly new connections open up , professor preobrazhensky appears before us in some other way, for due to the fact that the performance is chamber, the optics of the artist’s existence on stage is very important, an attempt
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recreating the life of this apartment is probably also a very important highlight of our performance. the russian museum presents the exhibition “remember” in the binois building. to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. the exhibition includes more than 200 works: portraits, urban ones. landscapes, still lifes, sketches, posters created in a besieged city. tchaikovsky's fifth symphony and works by haydn and fauré will be performed by a symphony orchestra at the hamburg philharmonic on the elbe, soloist edgar moreau, conductor charles ditoit. urban the bologna theater is broadcasting humbert jordan's opera andre chénier, directed by pier francesco maistrini. the title role is performed by gregory kunde. a large-scale retrospective of the french botanical artist, draftsman, and lithographer is taking place in versailles. the exhibition includes more than 200 works by a master who admired napoleon bonaparte , painted several of his portraits, devotedly served king louis philippe not only in the artistic but also in the diplomatic
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field, enjoyed the patronage of emperor nicholas ii, and captured the battle crimean war, and charles badler called him a soldier who draws. doctor, i recently learned an interesting fact that until the end of the century workers kneaded pasta with their feet, it’s not surprising, they didn’t have dough mixers, but can you imagine in what volumes they had to knead, it turns out that all the benefits come from pasta, vegetables and herbs
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the unsanitary conditions could have literally been crushed, it’s good that the neapolitan king realized it in time , who issued a special decree to do it with your hands, by the way, michael, you just made pasta several times healthier, too i added grated cheese there , come on, i’ll tell you why it’s healthy, good morning , hello, well, cheese is one of my favorite foods, well, i confess to you, i can’t live without cheese, i always eat cheese for breakfast, i don’t just love it let’s say, well, in this natural form, it can be fried, it can be melted, and the most important thing is that by doing this from such a small piece, 50 g, we actually get the daily requirement of calcium from this...
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let's start with the basket for hypertensive patients , this means there should be little salt, yes, of course, many people know that salt can actually cause high blood pressure if we eat a lot of it, so if you have hypertension , we recommend cheese that contains very little salt, primarily mozzarella. by the way, these cheeses are also good, they contain
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tryptophan in fairly large quantities, which affects the synthesis of serotonin in our brain, and this is a neurotransmitter that makes us happier, more satisfied with life, by the way, when you take cheese , pay attention to the percentage of fat content, then there is if we see. with you, that for example, cottage cheese, homemade, is not very fatty, well, that is, up to 40%, then in principle it is also suitable for us in such a dietary basket, take note, these are cheeses for hypertensive patients, for bones and teeth, here we are we will just choose those cheeses that are concentrated, mature, that is, where there is the largest amount of calcium per 100 g of product, giving preference to hard cheeses here yes... parmesan, the same one that many people know, sometimes you even have to stab it with a knife , somewhere 100-120% of the daily requirement is 100 g of cheese, it seems to me there can be cheese too.
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will also have a good calcium content , the only thing we remind you is that, of course, due to the fact that these cheeses are more concentrated, they have less moisture, accordingly they contain more not only calcium, but also fat, so their calorie content is quite high, more than 300 kilocalories per 100 g, so that’s when we measure how much to eat for breakfast or. add, for example, to some kind of reception, then it is better to take no more than 50 g in general than the harder the cheese, the more calcium it will contain, yes, this is a fact, yes, and cheese helps with insomnia and stress, how? well, firstly, cheese is a source of very important amino acids, we have already said about tryptophan, serotonin is produced from tryptophan, which creates for us such a feeling of satisfaction with life, in addition to eating. antioxidant glutathione, which is very
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important for the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases of the brain, that is , it allows us to maintain clarity and youthful thinking; there are amino acids such as lysine and metheanine, they are also important for normal brain function, but in addition, since this product contains amino acids that provide good saturation, then of course this is the effect that we get after eating a piece of cheese, saturation satisfaction, but also. ..
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something like this, they think that this is not cheese, but in fact , we recommend that those who are on a diet pay attention to processed cheese, because it is less calorie, that is, its production and technological process suggests, well adding even powdered milk there, enhancing the protein component in this product, and the calorie content is one and a half, or even two times lower than that of hard cheeses. but here it is still important to pay attention that this is processed cheese, and not like, for example, here is a product processed with cheese, this is a classic, well, we basically put it in the basket for well and for insomnia and stress too suitable, but this is more for those who are watching their figure, because this cheese, due to the fact that it is less caloric, can be eaten more, it it spreads very well on a sandwich, in a thin layer, yes, yes, with a tomato. that’s why
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we will also put it in the basket for regular meals, that is, this is a product that can be included in your diet every day, again, the fat content of brandy varies and the salt content also varies, that is , by the way, if you buy brenza is on the market somewhere, you can always try it. take the option that is less salty, and by the way , you know that this cheese, which is in brine, is soaked in milk, that is water, well, the brine is drained, then milk is poured in there, and it is left for several hours, it becomes so lightly salted , by the way, my grandmother when i was a child, i remember this, she bought feta cheese, if it was very salty, you know those lumpy, lumpy feta cheese they also sold it and wrapped it in paper, so she scalded it with boiling water and this cheese stood there. in this water for some
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time, then it was taken out and there was much less salt in it. of course, but salt was added earlier as a factor that helped the product to be stored, and since these are solid cheeses due to their consistency due to the fact that there is a lot of fat in them, they are stored better, then such less fatty cheeses had to be preserved somehow, so we added such an amount of salt, but now we can, by taking certain measures, reduce this amount by product, well, again, pay attention to the fact that it is feto. for example, which they often like to add to salads, in the store it is also sold in several versions, there is feta, which is a soft cheese, which literally disappears in the salad there and like a sauce, and there is fetaxa, this is not feta, this is processed cheese, it’s also written right on the jar, due to this it can be cut into cubes, which, on the contrary , will not lose shape in the salad, and here you choose what you like best, who doesn’t like cheese, there are such in general, well... there
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are some, i don’t see, you have some questions about cheese, for example, good morning, there is an opinion that high-quality cheese should have big eyes or holes, tell me. it's true, well, those holes in the cheese that we see actually depend on technology its production, that is, if carbon dioxide is released quickly enough during the process of preparing cheese, then we see small holes that are usually characteristic of dutch cheeses, if this process goes a little slower, then we see larger holes that are characteristic for swiss cheeses, but in fact there are cheeses in which, in principle , there are no holes, for example the same suluguni yes.
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active lifestyle, you spend calories, for example, on training or walk more than 500 steps, then, in principle, up to 100 g is possible, especially if we take with you the less fatty cheeses that we have designated, adygei, mozzarella, curd cheese, thank you very much, well, today we have completely devoted our section to delicious cheese, and we learned that adygei cheese or mozzarella is more suitable for hypertensive patients, better for strong bones. there are hard varieties of cheese, we give the floor to yurinikevich belenkov, who will tell you, without which two microelements your heart can suddenly stop, and by what signs their deficiency can be determined. stay with us. to
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what does the loss of microelements lead to in our body and how to replenish it? who are you all looking at? well, there the girl is standing scratched. premiere on rtr, can you see me? tick-tock, there’s a little bit left, i’m scared, zhenya, usually ghosts don’t do this, only in very extreme cases, in what cases? anna is a medium, from monday on rtr. you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the help, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be 7.8, 7.8,
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7.8, how long will it be, who is at work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer? oh, with humor , i’m chopping oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid we’re pissing now if to win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on prt. where are we going? in search of treasures, and what kind of treasures, we go to look for mom. let's see on the weekend. look at me like that, you're embarrassing me. you are the most wonderful girl in the world. are you bored? kesha,
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it's okay, we're going. my husband, no, he’s not going anywhere. only new love can melt the ice in the heart, hello, i’m not alone , matvey, it’s so good that you found me, we won’t let you go anywhere else, oops, what are you doing here, and you’re frozen, on sunday on rtr. in one of the previous programs, anastasia buzmaka asked to find her sister victoria, whom she had never seen. we found victoria in dmitrov, near moscow, where she worked as an actress in a local theater. on the program, the girl admitted that she
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was harassed by a famous director, and after being refused ruined my career. there is a confrontation in our studio, a former actress and director, who is telling the truth, who is lying? answers to everything. is ending, now the most difficult period is coming, the skin is dry, the heart hurts, here’s how to figure out whether this is really a problem with the heart, or maybe this problem is completely different, well, let’s say, with microelements that we need at any time of the year, in early spring and late winter especially, alexandra came to me with her story, let’s listen to it first: hello, my name is loletina alexandra. i am 38 years old. my
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health problems began 2 years ago, after i experienced extreme stress, i had a frozen pregnancy. and my heart especially began to worry me. it happens that i approach the entrance and always sit on a bench, and if i used to go up two or three steps, now i step on every step and i have to stop. so doctor, i would really like you to help me, find the problem, because i am
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worried about my health, i have small children and i still have to raise them, and i am very nervous and worried about my health. well, alexander , please come to us, hello, alexander, hello, you look great, thank you very much, he has a heart disease, you know, all my hope, doctor, is on you, yeah, i’ll try to live up to your hopes, thank you. alexander, you underwent a fairly serious examination before coming here, i must say that there is nothing wrong with you, your blood pressure is normal, your sugar is normal, your cholesterol is normal, your blood vessels are patent, that’s all true, true, but unfortunately , this doesn’t make me feel any better , there’s nothing written about well-being, that ’s why you and i are talking, so here’s the thing, well-being is not necessarily heart disease, it’s the state of the body as a whole, the activity of our body and... yours naturally depends on many reasons, including microelements, that is
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, what is a microelement, these are some chemical elements that are found in the body in microdoses, there are many of them, but there are several basic microelements , this is potassium, and its antagonist sodium and magnesium, and its antagonist calcium, what are the symptoms of potassium deficiency in the body, dry skin, yes there is. tendency to constipation, but it’s already like , well, it happens, yes, it happens periodically, sometimes, fatigue quickly, yes, unfortunately, all the time, even here i am standing next to you, you are such a handsome man, but it’s very difficult for me to hold my spine directly, because i’m already tired, muscle weakness, and there is a clear manifestation, these are muscle spasms, that is , what is it, what is it, these are cramps, yes, it happens at night, especially at night, my calf muscles are very tight, are you taking any medications? for weight loss, but no, unfortunately, no, it’s not necessary, i’m just
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asking, no, why? because long-term use of diuretics and glycocorticoids leads to potassium loss, if our charming ladies take some patented diet pills, they begin to have cramps after this, this means that these patented pills contain diuretics that are not undeclared on... labels, the following is the loss of potassium during vomiting, diarrhea, and so on , that is, when a person loses a lot of fluid, yeah, even potassium comes out with sweat, drinking coffee, drinking alcohol, yes, yes, this can affect i’m a coffee drinker, yes, on the level of potassium, and of course, this is excessive consumption of sweet salty foods, because there is sodium, and as i said, these are antagonists, potassium sodium, what happens with a lack of magnesium? irritability, yes all the time, when i wake up everyone pisses me off,
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there is also a decrease in concentration, yes so, apathy, apathy, yes, constant depression , well, depression, then memory deterioration , yes there is, is there really, well, you know, it happens that i’m 38 years old all day long, yes, well, there is such a thing and potassium is muscle contraction, skin everything else, magnesium, is already, as we say, higher functions, yeah. so, as a rule, hypomagnesemia occurs when a person has suffered a severe viral disease, it’s stress, yeah, stress all the time. microelements, let's go to this very important nightstand, here's dark chocolate - we've closed that, apparently you have a deficiency one of the most pleasant sources of both potassium and magnesium, bananas are potassium, legumes,
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the same potassium, of course, is not bad when... meat is reasonably present in your diet, i am a vegetarian, from birth, well, clearly, clearly, yes, well, at least let's do this, there are quite a lot of other sources of potassium and magnesium, which may suit you better than meat, and what about cheese, i love cheese, yes, yes, yes, all types of cheese with mold, without mold, with holes and without holes, well , green cheese, with mold like... that's not true, with holes, that too, that's all dutch i see, yes, good, at least it is also a source of potassium and magnesium. well, dear friends, here’s a conversation about heart disease, which did not exist in this case, and about microelements or micronutrient deficiency, which were noted in this situation. good health to everyone, goodbye, come visit me for
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a consultation, and i’ll give the floor to our colleagues, here. here’s a question: how long should a person normally go to the toilet and exercise his bladder? well, there is some kind of norm, five to six times a day, in my opinion. a what if this happens more often in a person? let's figure out why this happens and what it could be? let's do this together with our expert.
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goes to the toilet, but at the same time the amount of urine is quite large, that is, habitual, ordinary, this cannot be attributed to a bladder problem, most likely not the bladder, this may be due to the fact that a large amount of urine comes out of the kidneys, not sugar diabetes, for example, the problem that we will talk about today is when frequent urges are small in volume, absolutely true, and the patient feels an unbearable urge, sometimes an overactive bladder can be accompanied by urgent urinary incontinence when... the bladder itself contracts very quickly and the patient loses urine, an overactive bladder, why does it begin to torment us so much, because there is some kind of infection has started, in fact , the provoking factors may be an infection, there may be a neurological pathology of central origin, peripheral, but the point is that the nerves in the muscular wall of the bladder are
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hyperactive, they begin to be excited at that moment when there is not much urine and urinary. the bladder at this moment contracts very strongly , the urge appears, that is, the point is that there is hyperactivity of the peripheral neurons of the bladder, hence there are methods of therapy, that is, when we can seriously influence this wall, these neurons, well, actually it turns out that this process can be influenced by both the nerves of the straw bladder, respectively, the nerves located in the spinal cord in the main, of course, yes , there are ganglia everywhere and there and there and there hyperactive. bubble, new treatments urinary incontinence. vera was an orphan all her life, then suddenly her mother showed up, something is wrong with her, can you get through her through your channels? on saturday. who woke up in the ambulance, i say, where is my daughter, where have you gone, my daughter, and i have some kind of black hole in
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my memory, wait, where did it come from, you will never be alone again, everything will be fine with us , you called me self-confident, whoever wants to believe too much, even his heart will deceive him, it wasn’t... she was playing, maybe you should have acted theatrically, but quietly, she said, ver, i just want to understand, no, you just want me to start suspecting her of something, he wanted to kill me, his own alien daughter, premiering on saturday on rtr, will generate resources. big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are completely without
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faces from this room, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans they turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant person. yak in our living room heroes, real stone flowers will soon bloom, after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams will become reality, look, let big changes into your home, every sunday on rtr. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention,
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today is a big day, a big holiday. likhi, it's been a while since we've seen each other. daring. you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one. they fell in love. yes, who is good to you, your wife or your boys? don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i always i stand by my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, we’re just looking at the platform.
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mark vladimirovich, today our viewer, oksana, came to our studio, who will tell us her story, please, hello, good morning, my name is oksana, i am 43 years old, and i am suffering, suffering from emission, that is, i have to get up in the morning, go to the restroom, also when i get dressed, but i want to go back to the restroom, without looking, leaving the apartment, when... i’m already getting out, standing at the bus stop, i’m already thinking about the restroom, i i can’t take the metro for a long time, that is , it takes up to an hour and a half or 2 hours of travel there with transfers, you need
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to get somewhere far away, i can’t, how many times a day, well, approximately, well, i didn’t count, but a lot once i walked, if i even sneezed , let’s say, the urine immediately drained, i had to wear pads, no longer daily, so as not to wet my panties. that problem that doctors can help cope with, of course, well, i would like to say that you have mixed incontinence, that is , a mixed type of problem, that is, there is urge incontinence, there is stress incontinence, if we are talking about incontinence when you lose urine under stress, this is already a problem of the ligamentous apparatus, it may not be associated with an overactive bladder, well, of course, hyperactivity is a young woman, 43 years old, look how she looks, where she got it all from, well, there are many reasons, we can...
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this fall, when i was playing sports, i started jumping rope, my urine began to leak on its own. let's talk about how this is treated, this regulation of urine discharge, that is, behavioral therapy is used here , that is, in fact, a person runs to the toilet every hour, the task that is set for him as part of behavioral therapy is that you should go to the toilet no more than once every 10 hours, for example, 15 o'clock to start. then this
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threshold shifts to one and a half hours, 2 hours, and the regulation of drinking regime and regulation of visiting the toilet, it should be very clearly regulated, very clearly spelled out, how often does this approach work, in fact, this approach works not for everyone, mostly at a young age or when it was all spontaneous and we can return to the state that was, if it all happened. if it was violated for a long time, there was a long history, then this behavioral therapy, unfortunately, does not work, and then we proceed to treatment, today the urologist has tablets in the arsenal, tablets are always drugs that are taken for a long enough time to relax the wall of the urinary tract bubble block those neurons that are triggers, contractility of the wall itself, that is, roughly saying to calm your bladder, saying don't
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worry, everything is fine. don’t tense up now , fill up without the urge, what is this? the second option that exists today, yes, is the injection of bolotal toxin in order to block the neurons that are responsible for the urge for the contractility of the bladder, usually one injection of 200 units of bolotal toxin into the area of ​​the lieto triangle , the so-called zone where the urge is formed, is enough, so that this situation would be occupied for almost... a year and a half, and for some even forever, so the drug this one is very valuable, and it’s not harmful , no, it’s not harmful, yes, axania will help , do you think, i think so, or maybe we’ll limit ourselves to tablets, we need to start with the simplest, first tablets, then , if we don’t see an effect, then we use botulinum toxin, and here’s also basal neurostimulation, which we’ll talk about because it’s such an unusual procedure, i know
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that we already have it now. available, yes, there is such a special device that connects to the thoracic nerve, through which influence is not on the nervous apparatus of the bladder, yes, due to the fact that impulses that are peripheral are blocked, we get a fairly long-term effect, as far as it is available in russia, well, in general, if it is, it is available, but of course, less accessible than drugs or botulinum toxin, but which is more effective? i’ll say again that all this is done in stages, it’s always more effective for each patient individually, it’s very difficult to say in advance what will be effective specifically for oksana, but of course, you have to take the test tests, you need to undergo an examination, it ’s not just that everything was injected in one day, well, that is, in fact, it turns out that here we smooth out the wrinkles of the bladder, here we have such an electric sleep for the bladder, yes, which simply blocks the nerve impulse , we haven’t yet discussed nutrition,
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what needs to be excluded, i see a product here
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that is today contraindicated for all diseases and urinary tract problems. now oksana wants to say her important word, yes, i want to say that i don’t eat smoked meats, i don’t eat salt. peppers, and soda, and soda too, but in general you are being treated somehow, oksan, no, i haven’t come to this point yet, as if, well, i say, as if i had encountered this problem, but so far i’ve read on the internet, climbed there, that’s it, that’s it, i was afraid that i would need some kind of operation, a mesh, that i had some kind of prolapse there, well, in fact, oksana may need this operation, but it needs to be cured and i’ll say it again , you have two diseases, an overactive bladder, this is... the next day is the second, today we install the mesh in 20 minutes talking to the patient, she leaves
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without any problems. thank you very much, today we need to treat the first thing and think about what to do with it. we found out why the bladder may abnormally often pull you to the toilet, and most importantly, how it is treated. we continue and give the floor to the ophthalmologist. good morning, as many people know well, in winter our eyes often water when we leave a warm room outside, and we decided to conduct a small... experiment with volunteers who were interviewed in a regular shopping center on the topic of how they water. eyes, how often and how abundantly ,
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how do your eyes react to cold? street, i start almost immediately. tears flow. then anastasia began to react to the cold. now only my right eye started watering after a couple of minutes. in general, both eyes usually water, and this especially happens when there is a strong wind outside. after 10 minutes, tears appeared in vera’s eyes. this problem doesn’t bother me much, but usually, like now, if there’s a strong wind, my eyes water. but alexander’s tears did not come; on the contrary, they were felt strongly. the wind, of course, makes me wince, it becomes very unpleasant, but i don’t have tears as such, we’ll figure out what causes such different reactions of the eyes to the cold and which of the participants needs to sound the alarm, we’ll figure it out right now.
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watery eyes in winter is a protective reaction of our body, our eyes, or is it a dangerous signal of some kind of disease. about it today we will talk. four volunteers who made a wonderful film... we stood in the cold for 10 minutes, our first hero, why do you think your eyes began to water like that in the cold, but in general, in fact, it was my mother’s problem, and here i am i see this started happening to me, i actually have a big question, maybe it’s genetically connected somewhere, vera cried less, but still cried too, well, i thought, maybe it’s related to age, aging is something like that goes, how old are you, vera 34?
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lacrimation. allergic reaction to frost. at low temperatures, large amounts of histamine are produced. the conjunctival vessels dilate. conjunctival vessels improve blood circulation in the lacrimal gland ; the lacrimal gland triggers this process of increased tear secretion. sensitivity of the cornea: in the layers of the cornea there is a nerve ending that innervates the cornea. and usually the wind. frost, bright sun can cause, irritate the nerve ending of the cornea, which, as a reaction, will trigger increased work of the lacrimal gland and increase
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lacrimation. as a rule, the sensitivity of the cornea is inherited, so maybe irina says that her mother had tears, and now irina also started to have them, dry syndrome. evaporates or skips very quickly. weakening of the conductivity of the nasolacrimal duct. the nasolacrimal duct, these two tubules of ours, they should work like water pipes. yes, the amount of tears that got here should not spill out. if the channels are narrowed, then , of course, the tear that is produced is greater in quantity than can enter the narrowed channel, it begins to flow out. and or in older people, the eyelids become heavier
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, they move away from the eyeball, you have seen older people with eyelids that seem to be drooping, when the eyelids can turn out, the tear ducts move away from the eyeball, no longer adjacent to the conjunctiva of the eyeball, the tear, of course it is very difficult to find this tear duct that is not in the right place, i want to say that we did. all four of our heroes were given a special test called the schirmer test, what did we find? let's start with alexander, alexander, i congratulate you, you have been diagnosed with dry eye syndrome, you need to be prescribed a certain type of drop that will create the right surface so that the cold wind that is blowing today does not irritate you so much. irina, anastasia, i congratulate you, you are within the normal range, you have everything. wonderful, but faith has an increased tear of separation. in any
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case, you are all healthy people, and there is nothing terrible, nothing tragic, the reaction that you showed us in the movie is absolutely consistent with the weather, temperature, wind speed and your condition. thank you for being took part in this experiment. vision , vision is priceless, and the program about the most important thing continues, and i pass the floor to my colleagues, in the traditional section, ask the doctor, you will find out that back pain is not always damage to the spine, you can restore hand mobility quickly and not with pills, in nana's group is 35 this year, i congratulate you. thank you, nana's group is
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classified as secret. i jumped off the stage once, i felt like i was being sucked right into the crowd, and here i was really scared, because in it’s very easy for a crowd to die, but there was a worse story when they didn’t share me, i was a free person at that time, so i led such a riotous lifestyle, the girls loved the model type, and children came to me and... applause for our new soloist, fate person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, it seems to me that something is happening to me, as if. i’m not me, the premiere is on
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rtr, and we’ve never met anywhere before, why do you look at her like that, what’s normal, so pretty, i’d have a crush, it seems to me, that our mother has gone crazy, money to find out the criminal, that sanya, she is sick, you need to think like a criminal, he has possessed me, i look at women then... just like him, he instills his thoughts in me, you are abnormal , and how are you correcting yourself, you are probably very tired, you want to rest, somehow relax, it’s just written all over your face, are you sure that you are not having these, not hallucinations, anna is a medium, and you know who the killer, yes, has not been on rtr since monday. once you get a pet, life
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will never be the same again, it will set everyone in a good mood, this incredibly charming face , to which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well , then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams , how did you agree to it, first they shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat,
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so my life depends on you? well, in general , yes, during the operation you do it quietly to him, otherwise your whole family will die. should i tell you that you are a joker? well, i'm sorry that i don't dance or sing in front of you. are you feeling unwell? i'll worry, he won't left a choice. you will never agree to this, you just don’t know him well. skleposovsky of the final episode today on rtr , please, acquaintance and roll call can be done without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white
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tuxedo, and i’m starting, then mark leaves anatolyevich zakharov, and for me this was probably related to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i am like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad - i imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home, with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, we are waiting for a question, hello, i shmyglev alexander petrovich, voronezh region, city of rososh, i have such a question , the pain begins, here is a disturbing, aching pain in the left side, which then turns into a more acute pain, i visited the therapists,
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they sent me to a neurologist, they cannot determine what it may have done. march of the spine, well , they say, it’s age-related, there’s nothing wrong with it, doctor , please tell me what it could be, in fact , such situations often occur when a person complains of pain in the side, in the lower back, assuming that these are some kind of musculoskeletal pathologies - the musculoskeletal system, they do an mri and find nothing, yes, why, because it ’s not always back pain, it’s back pain, in some cases this can signal a problem in the work of the grandson. organs, respectively, this, for example, often happens with kidney disease, with chronic pilonephritis, and with urolithiasis, this can be with cholecytitis, inflammation of the gallbladder or with pancreatitis, this pain, it practically does not respond to movement, that is, if the pain is in the spine, it will
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respond to attempts to bend over, bend over, turn around, then the pain from the internal organs is reflected, it reacts more, for example, to food, that is , the person ... ate, after lunch the pain intensified, in such cases, naturally, what needs to be done is to do an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, and the kidneys of the retroperitoneal space, take a biochemical blood test to see if there are signs of inflammation, an excellent plan, and one more question from our viewers, my name is lisa, i am from the city of kazan, i am 58 years old, i a year and a half ago i broke my hand, right here... quite a lot of time has passed, it still hurts, not always, not an acute pain, but lifting something, moving something, i try not to use this hand , i would like to ask the doctor a question, what do you need? take it so that the pain in my hand will gradually go away, well, maybe not completely, but at least my condition will be alleviated
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; there are practically no medications that would significantly affect recovery. yes, what really helps you recover? well, in the first place , naturally, are exercises, yes , that is, what you need to start with, you need to start with exercises, simple exercises for the wrist joint flexion, extension, rotation in the wrist joint, this will increase the production of joint fluid, this will reduce pain, yes, maybe, maybe it makes sense to visit a specialist in movement therapy, kinesiotherapist, physical therapist. which will help develop the joint, and through the methods of manual therapy, massage and so on, well, in third place we have physiotherapeutic procedures, this is the impact.
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like the flu, and then lingering bronchitis was added, and it also proceeds somehow strangely, not as usual, is it new viruses that have this effect, or is it the consequences of covid, decreased immunity, how to be treated correctly, please tell us, the current season of respiratory viral infections really has its own characteristics, firstly, a large number of viruses are now circulating, and secondly, collective immunity has decreased during the pandemic. so i just started getting sick more often. according to my flu data, the most active ones now are adenovirus, ers virus,
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coronavirus and rhinovirus. and the number of influenza diseases, according to the latest data, has exceeded the epidemic rate. doctors call this a tridemic or multidemic. due to the fact that the body can immediately if you get several viruses, the symptoms of the disease are often mixed, so this feature must be taken into account when treating. so what should we do now? when there are so many different viruses around, you can use interferon-based products that are active against a wide range of viruses. interferon is a unique protein that helps block various viruses and protects healthy cells from infection. interferon-based drugs have been well studied and have long been used to treat adults, children and even pregnant women women. it has been proven that the use of medications in the form of rectal suppositories with... interferon alfa2b and antioxidant helps reduce the duration of symptoms such as cough,
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runny nose, and temperature, and also reduces the likelihood of complications, for example, bronchitis, which you talked about, could become a complication of orv, but it can be prevented in a timely manner by starting universal antiviral treatment, that is, interferon does not even need to determine the type of virus, orv or flu, it works. as universal defender, absolutely right, and therefore the use of interferon in the form of rectal suppositories is included in the standard of treatment for influenza and other viral infections, as well as in the temporary guidelines for the treatment and prevention of covid-19 of the ministry of health of the russian federation. thank you very much. well, right now we'll find out what the blood on your toothbrush says. blood when brushing your teeth is a fairly common problem that everyone who
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has encountered it is afraid of. according to the world health organization, 70% of dental office visitors complain of bleeding deshin. most often this is a symptom of periodontitis. what are the risks of periodontitis and how to treat it? let's find out from our expert. maria igorevna mikhailova, candidate of medical sciences, dentist, orthodontist, periodontist. good morning, in general this is an unpleasant symptom, but you got up in the morning, brushed your teeth, and there is blood on your brushes, i ’m very pleased, i agree with you miha, in addition to the external horror, this is also a disease, this is a manifestation of the disease, and gum diseases affect the surrounding tissue tooth. the reason is here, and the microorganisms that accumulate around the teeth fall under the gum, and this is soft plaque and tartar, actually. which are permeated with that same pathogenic microbial flora, that is, it turns out that at first they are so lightly somewhere right here on the edge
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so quietly so oops, they got here, they got here and the gums, as dentists say, go away, and the gums go away after the bone tissue, that is at first it may seem that the gums are the opposite, they become larger due to swelling, and they become red, microorganisms penetrate into... that same swelling, that is, the gums change the usual shape, a long process when the teeth are exposed, so i think it’s worth
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paying attention much earlier, when this process is still reversible. what to do when the gums start to bleed? how to brush your teeth and what is it? because many people , well, indeed, they - carry out this cleaning, well, solely on the principle that the facade is beautiful, absolutely true, and they also begin to use various solutions, rinses, again there is a lot of advertising in this regard, but at the same time it becomes how a temporary remedy that helps prevent bleeding for a short period of time. but at the same time, if , again, you do not evacuate the microorganisms that are under the gum, this is tartar, then nothing will happen, unfortunately, most often pastes, they contain either some medicinal herbs, which we have fresh mint, which have a tanning property, or are either antiseptics, but i don’t recommend using antiseptics without a doctor’s recommendation, because just like
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antibiotics, the microflora becomes addicted and accordingly this antiseptic. it stops working, but again, if there is something left on the surface of the tooth, then the antiseptic will not work, it must be mechanically removed, and that’s absolutely right, this is first a toothbrush and then an irrigator, which we talked about earlier, and what is necessary to remove plaque not only from the surface, the visible surface of the teeth, but also the interdental spaces, you also need to clean it, one more note, first you should use a toothbrush.
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i do not recommend using them until the disease has been cured, or process, that is, after we have made a visit to the dentist , the periodontal pockets have been cleaned, after which the doctor prescribes a special rinse, that is , these rinses with herbs contain, for example, oak bark, this is oak bark it has tanning properties, which actually contract blood vessels.
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hello, this is news from alexander efremov’s studio. briefly about the main topics of our issue. russia tried to resolve the conflict in ukraine through peaceful means, but kiev and the countries the west was not going to fulfill the agreements. interview of vladimir putin with vktrk journalist pavel zarubin. they take even the most fortified positions of ukrainian militants, just like assault units work in a special operation zone. over the course of a day , our military improved the situation in three directions at once. the wind tore off roofs and the snowstorm
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stopped traffic on the highways. 40 below zero in altai, snowfalls are very minus in the regions of siberia and the urals. the history of the hermitage and its custodian, how memorial signs were cast here and what foreign masters gave, exhibition medals from the collection of academician boris pyatrovsky. russia could have started active actions in ukraine earlier, but moscow is taking a long time. tried to resolve the conflict by peaceful means, relied on the decency of her opponents, but both the former chancellor of germany and the former president of france admitted directly and publicly stated that they did not intend to fulfill the minsk agreements, but were simply gaining time for additional pumping of weapons into the ukrainian regime. vladimir putin stated this in an interview with the author and host of the program moscow, kremlin-putin, pavel zarubin. already
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a billion views. but the fact that they distort
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what i said is bad, and distort the map, so what they look at, listen to, good, why, because i didn’t say anything like that, i didn’t say that the beginning of our special military operation in ukraine is associated with the threat of a nato attack on...
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with the help of the minsk peace agreements, as it turned out later, we were led for us here too, because both the former chancellor of germany and the former president of france admitted directly publicly declared that they had no intention of fulfilling these agreements of ours, but were simply gaining time in order to additionally pump up the ukrainian regime with weapons, which they successfully did? russia is ready to work with any president. usa , who will be elected by the american people , but preferably joe biden, this is how vladimir putin commented on a journalist’s question about which of the two us presidential candidates is better for russia, us president biden
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every day gives more and more reasons for the whole world to discuss his state health, this is the president of one of the largest nuclear powers, and at the same time, we all practically observe on a daily basis, well, to put it mildly, extremely specific personnel. when you see and hear all this, what do you think about? i think that the us domestic political campaign, the election campaign, is gaining momentum, it is taking on more and more acute forms, listen, when i met with biden in switzerland, it was true several years ago, 3 years there, well , they already said then i didn’t see anything like that about him being incompetent. well, yes, he looked at his piece of paper , i honestly looked at mine, nothing like that, but the fact that he hit his head somewhere while getting out of the helicopter, and this helicopter, but who
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hasn’t hit his head somewhere? yes, let him be the first to throw a cannon at him, in general this is in my opinion, i’m not a doctor and i don’t consider myself in the right. experienced, predictable, old politician biden or trump? biden, he is a more formal person, but we will work with any
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us leader who the american people trust. now the ministry of defense report about the situation in the special operation zone. russian troops have improved the situation in three directions: krasnolimansky, donetsk and south donetsk. apu losses in key areas. special operations exceeded 1.0 people per day, our units brought down all attempts at ukrainian assaults for a week. in the kupinsky direction, another attack by ukrainian forces was repelled by soldiers of the twenty-seventh separate motorized rifle unit. groupings of troops west. reconnaissance using drones discovered the accumulation and movement of ukrainian armed forces personnel in the forest belt. within a few minutes the crew of infantry combat vehicles drove to closed firing positions as close as possible to the enemy and carried out several precise strikes on identified targets. in the krasnolimansk direction, armored vehicles and concentrations of enemy personnel hit the crew of attack aircraft. su-25 attack aircraft also struck using unguided
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missiles. i had to work under conditions of strong influence from enemy electronic warfare stations. despite the interference, the target was successfully hit. from the line of combat contact. report by eduard punigov. we drive from primorye to the position of the fifth army attack aircraft in an army truck. about 5 km before the line of combat contact we are asked to get out of the car. it's too dangerous to go any further. the maneuver-assault group is working in the most dangerous sectors of the front, the soldiers have just received the next task: a sniper, a marksman, a machine gunner are collecting equipment and preparing to go to the line of combat contact. assault troikas are on duty along the entire front line. now they most often work in the south donetsk direction. they are on the front line they try not to crowd together, keep a distance from each other, but at the same time the whole team acts coherently. as a rule, the machine gunner receives heavy fire from... well, i know where i
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’m going to work, i find a comfortable position for myself, i lay it out in advance , i’m waiting for it, the team then warned the guys that i ’m ready, the machine gunner is always covered by the shooter, helps him quickly react to sudden threats, retreat , retreat, after a machine-gun burst the enemy usually immediately starts returning fire. i can’t work in one position for a long time, because i have a loud weapon, let’s say i’m running, took a position, fired, well, 100 rounds, ran to another position, fired 100 rounds there. all actions of attack aircraft are necessarily corrected from the air; drone operators are always on duty nearby, who immediately inform the group about any danger, and if necessary, can provide fire support. our task is to identify the enemy, inflict fire damage using drop systems, and then observe. for their
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movement and also coordinate the remaining people from the group and smoke and we distract, that is, with drones, they are distracted by the sound of the drones, by the opportunity to drop something else, so they start to run away and most often do not look around, it’s just the air. after each sortie, the assault group analyzes mistakes and analyzes the enemy’s weak points. during the special operation, the attack aircraft of the vostok group accumulated vast experience and learned to take even the most fortified positions without losses. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead. south donetsk direction. at one of the training grounds in the rear zone, a group of military personnel grouping center is completing training on terminator tank support combat vehicles. why the combat vehicle was called that becomes clear from its firepower. terminators are capable of hitting any target, firing from cannons, machine guns, grenade launchers, and covering enemy positions with a veritable wave of fire. in conjunction with a tank - it's simple. an unstoppable force
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that allows you to discourage the enemy from any desire to attack. on the occasion of the day of remembrance of russians who performed their official duties outside their fatherland, the ministry of defense is launching a historical and educational project on its website on distant borders with the homeland in the heart. it is dedicated to the thirty-fifth anniversary of the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan and talks about the heroism of our compatriots who defended the interests of the homeland of our people. abroad. mikhail fedotov for more details. this map is original, it is the decision of the commander of the fortieth army to withdraw troops from the territory of the republic of afghanistan. the authenticity is beyond doubt. below is the signature of lieutenant general boris gromov. after 10 years of presence, a limited contingent of soviet troops left afghanistan. by february 15, 1989 year, the withdrawal of troops was completed. it was 35 years ago, columns of armored vehicles are passing by. across
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the bridge over the amu darya in termez, for a few seconds the then captain vladimir rybakov gets into the footage. for us it was like a victory day, that everything was over, finally it was all over, we were going home, alive, healthy, our family and friends were waiting for us there. two red carnations to a black tulip, in memory of those who did not return. vladimir rybakov himself went through afghanistan without injuries, 2 and a half years, and commanded a company. motorized rifle company, like usually blocked. were engaged in blocking populated areas, and intelligence officers and afghan army troops there carried out the task of destruction, of eliminating the gangs of the formation. which was set before us was fulfilled. on the day of remembrance of russians who served outside their homeland, the ministry of defense is launching a multimedia project, declassified documents on afghanistan and the vietnam war. and on this map, which was also declassified top secret, the loss of american aviation in the confrontation with
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soviet pilots and anti-aircraft gunners during the conflict on the korean peninsula. planes that are confirmed are indicated in blue. there are documents that confirm this. such-and-such a period, such-and-such a unit, these planes were shot down , the planes that supposedly shot down our units are indicated in brown, several of these planes are exactly according to nikolai sokiy , a 101-year-old veteran, after the great patriotic war, the front-line soldier also took part in the korean war, the american plane was illuminated by the rays of my company's searchlights...
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of a new type of naval missile, pasaduri 6, as reported by the korean central telegraph agency, the launch was led by the country's leader , kimchaneun. it is noted that the missiles were in the air for 23 minutes and 20 seconds and accurately hit a target boat in the sea of ​​japan. it is planned to soon put these missiles into service with the dprk army; they will be used by the country's naval forces. one person was killed, 22 were injured, as a result of an incident in the united states, this time in kansas city, unknown persons opened fire during a parade in honor of the winner national super bowl american football team kansas city chief. several hundred thousand fans took part in the event, while only 600 law enforcement officers ensured order. the shooting occurred
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as football fans were preparing to leave after the end of the celebration. as eyewitnesses noted, after the shots , panic began in the crowd. three victims are located. a court in amsterdam found the striker of the moscow football club spartak, the dutchman quincy promes, guilty of drug smuggling. the athlete received 6 years of imprisonment. the footballer himself was not present at the meeting, because he is currently training with spartak in the united arab emirates and is preparing for the resumption of the season. the team's press service reported that quincy promes will challenge the court's decision. let me remind you that in 2020, in the port of belgian antwerp , the police intercepted two shipments of cocaine with a total weight of almost one and a half tons, which, according to investigators, belonged to the trade. according to
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the police, the athlete was one of the leaders of a large drug gang. you're watching the news stay with us on the russia channel. someone wanted to kill the girl. so that’s it, relax , i have to help her, relax, you can’t help everyone who breaks into your head without asking, she’s a medium, the premiere is on monday on rtr, i thought that everything was more serious here, you sit and think, this isn’t about thinking, this is all here, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions,
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and will add what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five -on-one program, i’m oops, ah five against one saturdays on rtr, well, for now, quietly, on friday, i got into an accident, everything will be fine. ok, everything will be the same as before, it won’t be like before, i just have no one else, what happened, i need money for the operation, loading at night, i advise you to sleep before, road intersections. this is a very dangerous job, in general, i'm sorry, but this is not for women. crossroads of fate,
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i’ll go with you as a spare. the subscriber is temporarily unavailable. why don’t you answer your husband? i don’t want him to be nervous for me in vain. she is ready for any turn. the whole guy knows why don’t you play kashash with karbyshi? so you believe it? queen of roads. on friday on rtr, russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is in front of you. come with your eyes to the international exhibition forum russia,
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vera was an orphan all her life, then suddenly her mother showed up, something is wrong with her, you can get her through your channel, on saturday, i wanted an ambulance, i say, where is my daughter , where did you go, daughter, and i have some kind of black... in my memory, wait, but where did it come from, you will never be left alone again, everything will be fine with us, you yourself called me faith, whoever wants to believe too much will be deceived even by the heart, mother, you didn’t play too hard, maybe you should have acted theatrically, but quietly, said b, ber , i just want to understand, no, you just want me to start suspecting her of something, he wanted me... to love me, his own someone else’s daughter,
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premiere on saturday on rtr, every time i cry, this it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down on the floor and said: i ’ll stay here, the military should have been placed in course that animals were simply dying there, donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to host the wedding, the main thing is that we are together. ours don’t abandon their own from monday to thursday at rtr. big film premiere, this is my grandfather, vasily pavlovich safonov, major of the airborne forces. god bless america. if anything, a hero of afghanistan. these are very serious. you will have to move out, in case of any
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lawlessness, this is our home, your place has already left a long time ago, you will find your own stick, the paratroopers don’t throw their sticks with this stick, everyone is back, the nkvd is on was blown up by a mine, but he cleared everything, there ’s a stick, you go there, like that, grandson, no one but us, break everyone without asking their names, right? yes, it will be hot today. zapalochi, february 23 on rtr. watch a special episode of 60 minutes today. all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. do not miss. 60 minutes. today on rtr.
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on air we continue to broadcast below -37° more than 37 m/s. frost and stormy winds caught altai in a weather trap. it was impossible to escape from it either on trucks due to snowstorms with almost zero visibility on the roads, nor on cars, which, like these in aleysk , were covered with roofs torn off by gusts of wind. gone with the wind along with altai. gym and the roof of a hockey court in the village of bakchar in the tomsk region, it could not withstand the accumulated snow, but the most difficult thing this february is the situation on the roads, on kada and st. petersburg highways there are massive accidents and nine-point traffic jams. kusbas is on high alert due to ice and blizzards. in the novosibirsk region, as in the ufa section of chelyabinsk, the m5, purga highways are already congested due to poor visibility, traffic jams from trucks. bad weather will prevail. the already difficult situation on omsk roads, the city of zamelo and drivers and pedestrians are literally
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making their way through snowdrifts, road services had to rearrange the schedule, now they work almost non-stop. report by elena belyaeva. just a couple of seconds, and the street is no longer visible. a squally wind hit the omsk region. on some routes , the movement of shuttle buses is already limited, wind gusts of 25 m/s. and this is in addition to the road service is struggling with the overnight snowfall, with its consequences all day long. previously , central highways were cleaned mainly at night. but the previous director resigned, the company now has new temporary management, and a new broom is sweeping the city center now during the day, as well as sweeping work , cleaning pedestrian sidewalks, public transport stops, almost three hundred pieces of equipment and more than 200 workers , but these forces are not enough, we still have to buy
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additional snow removal machines, this is already from the budget allocated 150 million, here is a new one... the grader is being run in on a snow-covered lokomotivnaya street on the outskirts of the kirov district. previously, it was necessary to drag a bulldozer here, but now a grader can handle it, you see what ’s going on, it will break through any road. there was a very bad road here, completely blocked overnight, and cars, of course, had difficulty getting to the dacha plots, to their residential plots. equipment was also found for secondary roads; in the coastal microdistrict on makohi street they were cut off. the track is now being cleared by the management company, joy for the drivers, i was driving this morning, it was generally very bad, i could barely get by, although i have a junk car, well, i don’t know now, i see that they have started clearing the snow , now pedestrians are also waiting for the road workers, many sidewalks are still covered with snow, so, that two people cannot separate, the mayor's office invites residents to familiarize themselves with the cleaning plan for today, in
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their telegram channel, now every day they count down what the city road workers are doing, egor kireev, to lead omsk. an exhibition of medals from the private collection of academician boris opened in st. petersburg peatrovsky. the exhibition is dedicated to the 116th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding archaeologist and orientalist. the scientist headed the hermitage during the soviet years, and now his son mikhail pyatrovsky continues the work. report by ekaterina gritsienko. the hermitage love for medals is a special phenomenon, the ability to see and feel beauty by touch. these things, to understand their intent, elegant objects from the private collection of boris pyatrovsky, for more than a quarter of a century he headed the main museum of the country, they were kept at home in boxes, so at home remained, then after his death , mother mikhailovna selected these and solemnly handed them over, so to speak, according to the list, as it is necessary to hand over belongings; among
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boris pyatrovsky’s favorites was a medal in memory of the preparation of the international congress on iranian. art and archeology, it was held in the hermitage in 1935, then, in order to cast the entire circulation of medals, the museum collected 40 kg of wire, the times were difficult, the events were large-scale. boris borisovich pyatrovsky was directly involved in the preparation of this congress, since the work there were a lot, there was a huge number of exhibits brought from all over the ussr, vermet that he went to spend the night in a tent and left a note: “i’m spending the night with the sultan.” this is a meeting. demonstrations of the art of medalists from different countries, completeness of the plastic image, softness and lyricism, features of italian masters, several medals are dedicated to the two thousandth anniversary of the birth of virgil, two more were presented to boris pyatrovsky by the mayors of florence and padua, here is a deep relief, litas and laconic forms, signs of finnish medals, on one of the works the names of five
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cosmonauts are members of the crews of the spacecraft, soyuz and apollo. this upper part is apollo, this one is like this. wings - this is our union, if you look, they are just at the moment of connection, you see, they moved from one ship to another, that is, the whole process is depicted on one medal. the big date is the 150th anniversary of the birth of dmitry mendeleev, one of the anniversary medals is unique, it once again reminds of the importance of the school curriculum. here, in the inscription on the reverse side, there was a technical error, which, unfortunately, no one noticed, but the medal was made. where do you think the mistake is here? well, it seems to me that aluminum is spelled incorrectly, correctly , they studied chemistry well, in fact i knew, the range of exhibits dedicated to serious events and high-profile dates, a sample from 1968, a medal of the all-union cognac tasting in yerevan, the opinions of great scientists are important in all areas, of course, the most touching inscriptions on anniversary gifts, such as a medal in honor
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of the seventy-fifth anniversary for fidelity to science, enlightenment and love for people, vesti follows developments in russia and abroad, stay with us!
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where are we going? treasure hunt, what a pack of treasures, we're going to look for mom, we're looking at the weekend, look at me like that, you
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're embarrassing me, you're the most wonderful girl in the world , i miss you, kesha, it's okay, we're going, my husband isn't going anywhere in kent is coming , only part of the cultural code can melt the ice in the heart, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear,
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simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means movement, there are 10 million moped drivers here , taste it, oh, your eyes run wild, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, mind clear, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr.
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hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things. so, in the west everything is getting louder, hysterical because of. trump's words that he will abandon european nato allies who are not ready to spend 2% of gdp on defense. politko writes that the collapse of the north atlantic alliance is a matter of time. eu. can no longer rely on washington to ensure its own security; according to the publication’s european correspondent, it doesn’t matter who wins the us presidential election, because europe is essentially left alone. the only question, the newspaper now notes, is how quickly the alliance will collapse. in the sense that if trump wins the us presidential election, washington will very quickly leave nato. if biden, then the united states will have no will.
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neither the strength nor the money to support nato, and europe will be left without its real defender, that is, alone with russia, former trump national security advisor hawk bolton on the pages of politico exposes his former boss, saying that back in 1987 he said that he wanted to leave nato will leave the old world without the american nuclear umbrella. moreover, a video filmed in eighty-seven, even still. trump repeated the same theses: western europe must pay for protection. trump's national security council chief of staff and lieutenant general kellock approved of trump's desire to shake european wallets. they say if you want to be protected by article 5 of the north atlantic washington treaty, please contribute 2%. gdp,
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otherwise, don’t expect that they will come to save you in case of war. thus, nato, according to kellag, will become a multi-level and financial alliance, which some countries will enjoy greater protection depending on their compliance with the principles of the bloc. against this background, europe became preoccupied with the issue of self-defense not related to nato. deputy president of the european parliament katharina barley from scholz's party called on eu countries urgently. think about creating not only your own army, but also a nuclear umbrella. biden, who loves to talk about the incredible unity of the alliance, became hysterical at the words of his rival, scolded trump for betraying the interests of his allies and said that donald was lying at putin’s feet. america defends its alliances and does not bow to anyone, certainly not
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to vladimir putin. today, president biden says the united states must send a strong message to russia and the world. he says the stakes have become even higher after donald trump said he would encourage a russian attack on panatok's allies, which are underspending on defense. the very assumption that trump supports.
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there is a new sense of fear that russian aggression, already ravaging ukraine, could become more bold after donald trump suggested that nato allies will be on their own if he retakes the white house. donald trump tells russia: if you invade europe, the united states will not defend you. europe is yours. this is actually an invitation to world war iii. in the past, donald trump told russian president vladimir putin to find hillary clinton's emails. he also chose putin over his own intelligence service. he publicly complimented the russian leader and criticized the nato alliance. all these words are a delight for the ears of vladimir putin. as i said congressman adam ship, he is a gift to putin
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that he sold. some european leaders are preparing for a possible future without american support. i think the conclusion should be that europe must become stronger and we must be able to cope on our own. every minute is important for europe
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to recover from the shock it experienced from the scenario described by trump, the french foreign minister said. the principle of collective defense has been the cornerstone of european security throughout for decades, while the united states footed the bill for nato, many governments have kept defense spending low, especially since the end of the cold war and especially in germany, where trump's words sparked incredible outrage. is europe capable of protecting itself from russia without the alliance of the united states? i think the chancellor is clear to washington. americans cannot do without, we see this everywhere where there are theaters of war or where operations are deployed, the americans have capabilities that we do not have, building up these capabilities, for example, only satellite reconnaissance will take years, it will not be possible to decide today and be ready
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tomorrow, so i would not even consider such a plan without the united states of america. germany and europe must respond the same way they did, namely by clearly and clearly rejecting the threats. won the cold war, and now we hear a presidential candidate say: "mr. putin, attack nato." let's pay attention to what is truly insane in his words and represents a real
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danger, he completely betrayed our allies. why is this important to us? when vladimir putin decides to conquer alaska, our allies will think twice about helping us. the statement is so dangerous that rupert murdoch's wall street journal compared the donald. no longer able to compensate for this, europe is not able to replace american nuclear capabilities for several years, we must look at the promises of the americans and let them understand that the war that russia is waging against ukraine is a war against all of us, and also that what we are ready to do significantly more as usual, this will further
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convince americans to maintain confidence in nato on european soil, including through the use of nuclear weapons, as a means of deterring russia and other aggressors. for now , biden, who in the united states is called only kakzho. his condition improved, austin himself immediately ran from his hospital bed to conduct
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an online meeting in the romsteim format. the meeting itself takes place in brussels. ukrainians hope that today the west will give the green light for the supply of f-16 fighters. anyway case, the head of the ukrainian mission to nato natalya. gali ibarenko said that while everything is going according to plan, spring 2024 remains a realistic, in her opinion, deadline for receiving ukrainian fighters. however, a deputy from the servants of the people by the name of buzhansky expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that western partners are organizing dosed meetings of ramshtein instead of allocating all the spoils to ukraine at once, that is, they dream of bringing defeat even closer. zelensky, because, as the head of the magazine economist zanny minton bedows said, the deaths of ukrainians are a modest price to pay for western security.
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i apologize for not being able to visit you in person in brussels, but i will definitely meet with each of you in person, due to medical conditions i am speaking via video link today, thank you to everyone who worried about me, as always, i am glad to welcome the ukrainian delegation led by minister of defense of ukraine. the outcome of ukraine's struggle against
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putin's imperial aggression will help determine global security for a decade; for people of principle and for governments with a conscience, it is impossible to remain in side, while ukraine is fighting for its existence, ukraine will not give up and neither will we. “we continue to help the ukrainian army in their quest to meet all alliance standards, from weapons to supplies, and nato member countries tirelessly provide ukraine with the latest models of the best equipment. it is this support that is of utmost importance . the nineteenth meeting in the ramstein format will take place very soon. first “it’s all about coordinating the efforts of the allies.”
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ukraine since december 27, and as the president said, the cost of inaction is growing every day. if the us withdraws support, we know that putin has no plans to stop in his war in ukraine, in his continued quest for power beyond the borders of ukraine in the direction of nato. if we do not stand up to aggressors who invade the territory of another sovereign state, the consequences for our country's national security will be significant. so, make no mistake, our allies and our adversaries are watching. we therefore welcome this bipartisan supplementary agreement and ask the house of
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representatives to act urgently. it was interesting that secretary of defense lloyd osin was discharged from walter reed national military medical center. the head of the ministry of defense was admitted to intensive care over the weekend due to bladder problems. the pentagon released a statement saying that secretary austin, now recuperated , will perform his duties remotely from home before returning to... secretary of defense lloyd austin has canceled his
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trip to brussels, where he was supposed to meet with nato ministers. secretary austin is back in the hospital and has had to cancel for a week this week's trip to europe and another ukraine contact group meeting that he could have attended virtually if he wanted. does the president have any concerns that the secretary of state will no longer be able to perform his duties due to health problems? the president has no concerns. as for defense minister osten, i would like to know if the bladder problems are related to the prostate cancer surgery, or were part of the complications after it, can you provide any further details on this? yes, as far as i know, his bladder condition is not related to cancer. what about complications, for example, after surgery. even though i'm wearing white. jacket i'm not a doctor, so let the doctor's testimony, which
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will most likely be published later, say more about his condition. right now i just don't have any more information on this matter. to the marina. fighting continues in the front sector in the eastern part of georgiy, progress here, judging by the map, is not easy, but it is still progressing at a slow pace. a little further south, russian units advanced to the village of pobeda; it is reported that the russian army approached victory from the northeast and east, knocked out the enemy from the outskirts and is right now consolidating positions in the immediate vicinity of the village. there are successes in the artyomov direction, where the assault on bogdanov continues. some sources report that the day before russian.
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and former advisor to the minister of defense of ukraine butusov writes that the ukrainian armed forces have nothing, not even close, similar to the defense that the russian army has created. moreover, today it turned out that the ukrainian cabinet of ministers did not allocate money for dragon teeth for the defense of the territory of the zaporozhye region still controlled by kiev. local authorities wanted to purchase 4,500 concrete pyramids, costing 88 million hryvnia. but the auction was cancelled. due to lack of money 59:09
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in the last few weeks, the ukrainian military here has been working to the limit of what is possible, the dana 110 self-propelled howitzer is separate mechanized brigade and... looking for a place to shoot, manyunya, as the soldiers baptized her , stands in the middle of the field, time is short, technically given, far from a modern weapon, but nevertheless on wheels, the main thing is to keep an eye on it, everything will be serviced on time fine.
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a warrior from canada, a warrior from canada was injured due to a nearby explosion , a log fell on him, he received a serious injury to his legs. i don't remember how i fell. nothing, it happens.
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maybe while we are dealing with seriously ill patients, they will give a ride to more moderate patients, who will go into the group of severe patients, that is here you need to enable sorting. especially when there are assaults, there is a large flow of wounded , you have to work quickly, everything is fine, in a day up to 80 fighters pass, we have a constant flow, a constant flow, pain, wounds, blood, i remember there was a guy at the beginning of september last year, he there were serious wounds, very severe, and he said that i don’t feel anything, i’m in a lot of pain, i only have my pain, that’s all, i only have my bida. i want to accurately capture the moments of the price we pay, i’ve been at it for over a year now here, every time there are such bloody assaults , heavy ones, it still impresses me, no matter how long i have worked in the field of medicine, it would seem that many sick and wounded people have already passed through me, but every time it strikes very deeply, this is the most actually a very, very
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high price. i'm so upset, this is what it looks like, you see, everything is beaten up, in ruins, they are beating, beating,
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beating and beating, they don't give, they don't give a break, they don't give , we are here for this, we are here to do the dirty work. so that later the guys would go into ready-made trenches and not dig them manually, that is, our task is to make the work of the infantry as easy as possible, the work of the infantry, we hope that they will not reach here, we hope that they will not reach here, it would be better for ours to drive them away, but if we suddenly retreat to this position, then it will be where to hide, you never know, the main problem, the main problem is that the number of technical reconnaissance capabilities has increased, for the enemy these are primarily spacecraft, airplanes, and drones, but we receive information after some time. from adjacent divisions of adjacent subdivisions. except catastrophic situation in the ssu at the front, which zelensky forbade to call patova,
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ukrainians seem to have noticed a new weapon in russia. suddenly they forgot about irons, microwaves, washing machines, refrigerators, from which, as they believe, russian missiles are made. so, ukrainian experts claim that during attacks on kiev, russia used the zircon hypersonic missile for the first time. and this is supposedly the first use of svo in 2 years. kyiv. research institute of forensic expertise showed a video of allegedly found fragments, they are marked 3m-22 and details that are supposedly characteristic of zircon. other fragments allegedly indicate the date of production of the rocket, the end of the twenty-third or already the twenty-fourth of this year, that is, according to the ukrainians, the cercon was produced quite recently. one thing is clear, the ukrainians were definitely not able to shoot down tsarkoon. they were looking for debris on one of the damaged ones. destroyed ukrainian armed forces facilities. our rocket scientists claim that hypersonic zircon can reach speeds of more than 9.00 km/h
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and hit targets at a distance of up to 1,500 km. in currently, among the most famous zircon carriers are the frigate admiral gorshkov, the submarine severo dvinsk, which, as you understand, is based far in the north of russia, that is, where the missile simply could not reach kiev, so the ukrainians believe that the missile launch was produced from the south and... from the modernized bastion coastal missile system. in this regard, the guys from the general staff of ukraine sadly reported that if this is so, then the tsercon strikes will continue. investigators found rocket debris which could be russia's new superweapon, the zircon hypersonic missile.
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according to the head of the investigation, the analysis indicates the direct use of the 3m22 missile. this was allegedly confirmed when studying fragments based on the labeling of individual components. zircon is a sea-launched hypersonic missile with an estimated flight range of up to 1,000 km, capable of carrying high-explosive or armor-piercing warheads weighing up to 400 kg. it is also possible to install a nuclear warhead. the peculiarity of zircon is that it is capable of reaching speeds of up to nine machs, that is, nine times the speed of sound, while remaining extremely maneuverable, which makes protection against it almost impossible even with modern air defense systems. this photo is proof that...
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the lock is a rotary mechanism, it is individual for this rocket. at least one of the zircons is the newest russian weapon, some of its parts were made last fall. last autumn.
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american experts say that the hypersonic speed of the missile is the highest in the world, which makes it practically impossible to defend from her. the russians have been developing this hypersonic missile for 10 years. zircon is the name of a transparent mineral that is used in jewelry. one of the missile's distinguishing properties is that it cannot be detected, which is a nightmare for enemy radars. this is the fastest rocket in the world, whose speed is five or even nine times the speed of sound. the zircon can hit any target within a thousand kilometers, and the russians say the missile has perfect accuracy.


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