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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  February 16, 2024 5:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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the news continues to monitor the development of major events in russia and abroad. stay tuned. in the special operation zone, the total losses of the ukrainian armed forces in key sectors of the front per day amounted to almost a thousand people killed and wounded. the most fierce battles took place near the settlements of krasnaya, kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka, leninsk and konstantinovka in the donetsk republic. well, there is a group of troops in the krasno-liman direction. the center improved
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the position along the front line and repelled two massive attacks near the villages of empolovka and chervonaya debrovo. with editorial reporting from fenkor alexandra kazza. our assault units are moving forward. the artillery crews of the center group of troops support the infantry with dense artillery fire. the defense of the ukrainian armed forces in this area is deeply armored .
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a line of full-length trenches extending hundreds of meters in different directions is a branch, and here is the command post, the headquarters dugout, they left a gas mask, well, here is the command post itself in su, from where they conducted observation, having rolled back. deep in the rear, the artillery of the ukrainian armed forces continuously hits its own, now to the former positions, the entire forest is strewn with fragments of cluster munitions , enemy attack drones circle in the sky for days on end , now they mainly probe the territory with ordinary drones, look at its movement of some equipment, and then they begin to attack from there, all movements here are only small ...
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recently occupied a soldier on square, now their defensive lines are 2 km from here. belogorovka and liman are the line between them, yes, there are ukrainian positions there, the ukrainian armed forces. the air danger has passed, let's go to our own, combat work here does not stop for a minute. this is a mine that has a charge and a long-range one, so here the propellant charge itself ignites, the logic is precise. quite long-range, in
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principle it fulfills all its tasks, that’s good, shot! the advanced units of the center group of forces continue to push back the enemy along the entire front line. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev and leonid sharov, lead: krasno-limansk direction. in russia , they remembered soldiers who fulfilled their duty outside their fatherland. they are real example of service to the homeland. combat experience of internationalist soldiers.
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and he had a beating, so, well, i sat after that, after the events of the fourteenth year there were no questions at all about which side of the barricades to be on, for me it was the homeland of the ussr, then what... ukraine became, well , it’s clear that so far they haven’t raised these bendery movements, somehow it was still more or less alive, when this began, especially with the maidan, then naturally everything turned upside down. further service in the obtf cascade of the ministry of internal affairs of the dpr, as part of this unit i met the svo, passed through mariupol, was undermined in technology, so he has a limp, but he is not planning to retire, he continues to serve. i was the youngest, i was 54 years old at that time, and i was the oldest. we have been here for 61 years, we went with one goal, so that all these young boys who have never smelled gunpowder, in order to become for them, well, not only commanders, but probably also folders and older brothers in one person, it would look like ours an interlocutor with comrades both in afghanistan
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and simply with subordinates who were younger in the vicinity of the farms at the height of the assault, solemn me... in response to the question of who fought here or is fighting in the current conflict, a significant part of those present raise their hands. the one who has already held a weapon in his hands and defended his homeland, you know, there is no need to agitate him, this is already an impulse. some souls who all understood where their place was. here are stills from our report of saur graves. this is the year preceding the special operations. one of the participants in the legendary defense of this height, yuri kolomiytsev, which was held in the fourteenth by afghan veterans, came to visit
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their comrades who went through afghanistan, but died here and were buried right there. the shots turned out to be poignant, but the altitude was then maintained. on the day of the withdrawal of troops in donetsk , they remember all those who left. fellow soldiers the monument to soldiers, internationalists who died in afghanistan, a native of the donetsk region, was erected in 1996, even then there was a certain flirtation with the national issue, although it would seem that this had nothing to do with it. and yet, nameplates made in the language indicate a private as a private, junior sergeant, junior. specified in a long list of names, 20 will remain forever, despite the fact that the war for justice, truth for... the motherland in the broadest sacred sense here in the donbass is now in full swing, and afghan veterans are such a people that they should be on the sidelines when decisions are made such questions, they simply cannot. grigory vdoin, oleg makarov, gennady korneev and andrey rudenko, news from the donetsk people's republic. in
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the year declared in our country, it is extremely important that state policy is aimed at preserving traditional values, in protecting which the church invariably advocates. about this on holiday... in the opposite direction from everything that is happening today, unfortunately, in western countries. less than a month is left before the start of the presidential elections in russia, as noted in the media, from 500 to a thousand international observers are expected to attend, who will receive accreditation from the central election commission and will be able to go
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anywhere in our country. report by alexey konopko. number five. russian newspaper number five. 13th edition for four candidates there were three parties that nominated them. free places for campaigning the hands of the central election commission members distribute blind lots. participants in the race will begin calling on voters to their side this saturday. they must also publish election programs in newspapers before march 5th. nikolai kharitonov outlines his priorities with the routes of his election trip. already in the fourth region in a row. a candidate from the communist party of the russian federation is touring factories in the sverdlovsk region, he was shown the workshops for the new small aircraft baikal, entirely from...
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about artists of the older generation, i have an idea to make some kind of database of theater artists of the country, for filmmakers, so that you could be seen in the house of journalists, in the very tourist center of st. petersburg, leonid slutsky invited the owners of cafes and restaurants. the nominee of the liberal democratic party asked entrepreneurs what needs to be done to support small businesses, and promised to include a proposal in his program. we.
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what makes me especially happy is that it comes from the younger generation; if somewhere there is a lack of reliable knowledge, it is only on the internet that society is called upon to expand the content of the online encyclopedia as quickly as possible knowledge wiki, needs more content. having gone into the knowledge wiki, i saw that there were 2100 articles in total, i typed in special military operation, there is no such article, in wikipedia there is an article on special military operation, it is translated, that is...
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another idea is to expand the audience of knowledge outside the country , first establishing cooperation with belarusian colleagues. let's create a single information space, in particular, starting with the knowledge society, because further there it becomes very advantageous and attractive for others states friendly to us. well, the immediate task that the society has been entrusted with is the creation of an information portal about the country’s achievements based on the results of the russia exhibition, so that those. ukraine is close to joining nato
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, but will not join, the states are close to leaving, but will not leave, the head of the alliance, stoltenberg , spoke with forecasts in brussels, because apart from a million drones and a new training base in poland, there is no more news for kiev. stoltenberg no longer expects even a spring offensive from the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, but... reply what us presidential candidate trump said is needed, also because the current president is increasingly reluctant to talk about ukraine. alexander khristenko about why nato and ukraine switched. sweden has already been squeezed in here, ukraine is present in every sense virtually. a special greeting to minister of defense umerov, who is joining us
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via video link, the minister will update us today on how things stand on the ground.
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convey to our ignorant president that nato must pay the bills, the european countries combined have an economy about the same size as us, they have money, pay up, otherwise , as we now know, you can’t count on america, i didn’t expect this, but i ’m not in the mood to comment on anything that trump speaks every day. however, there is no longer any need to wag a finger at germany. berlin reminds us at every opportunity that it will now spend. the required 2% of gdp for the defense industry. scholz created a special fund for 100 billion euros. germany has grandiose military ambitions, writes the financial times. but there is a problem: in 3 years this money will run out, there will be no place to take more from. experts believe that the country will then have to allocate an additional 25-30 billion euros per year from the general budget to achieve the 2% target.
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a staggering amount. will we have to cut the social security budget? lift restrictions on external borrowing, raise taxes, we are postponing the decision, but in some ways we will have to make concessions, the amounts simply do not add up,” one of the ministers said anonymously. ready to derail and german production. germany, which is experiencing its last days as an industrial superpower, is about to be completely cut off from affordable russian gas, as are austria, slovakia, and italy. the european commissioner for energy is in the frame. stated that the eu will not try to extend fuel transit through ukraine. the eu is going to tell the ukrainian minister that we are not interested in extending the trilateral agreement with russia, which expires at the end of this year. according to our preliminary analytics, there is an alternative solution for gas supplies. and only hungary puts a spoke in the wheels, preventing the eu from introducing the thirteenth
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package of sanctions. yesterday it was deja vu for eu diplomats when hungary once again . blocked progress in implementing measures aimed at promoting the defense of ukraine from russia. hungary was the only skeptic at yesterday's meeting of eu ambassadors. the country does not sign a package of sanctions that is directed against almost 200 people and organizations from russia, china and other states that, believed to be helping moscow's war effort. and in slovakia they remind us who is really to blame for what is happening now. after all, the russians are right that the west has deceived them.
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the special role of crimea in the spiritual history of russia was discussed during a festive service in ancient khersanes. after 100 years, the st. vladimir monastery reopens there. the liturgy was led by metropolitan tikhan of simferopol and crimea. report by yana shcherbata. divine liturgy in hersanes through ancient ruins to the black sea.
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at first it was closed, and then the buildings were destroyed during the great patriotic war. today the monastery has returned to the cradle of orthodoxy. a place whose significance for orthodox believers cannot be overestimated. the ancient city of khersanez tauride. it was here in 988 that prince vladimir was baptized, along with all of russia. today khersanez is one of the spiritual centers of the country. on the initiative of the president, on the land from which russian orthodoxy originates, a building unprecedented in scale in history is being built. archaeological park. hersenes tauride in in the future - this is an international archaeological center, an amphitheater, art schools, and also a museum of crimea and christianity - a special important place
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for all orthodox believers. here the russian state was created, there was a single people, there was an army, there was a sovereign, there was power, but there was not only the most important spiritual core that gave the purpose to the life of an entire people. and this goal for russia then became orthodoxy, and it remains exactly that now. in parallel with the new objects in hersanes , the st. vladimir's cathedral is being restored, with a jewelry accurately, according to archival documents, the builders have already restored the historical mosaic under the main dome, prayers will sound here again in the summer. have complicated traffic on the federal highway; fishermen leaving for the bay fly leave their cars right on the road, interfering with other transport. in neighboring villages , parking lots have been set up for
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navaga smelt hunters, but there is still not enough space for everyone. ilena zhenchenka went on a raid with traffic police officers. since 8 am, the traffic police crew has been on duty on the federal highway yuzhno-sakhalinsk-akha near the village of stradubskaya dolinsky district is preferred here. the resulting congestion interferes with normal traffic. administrative materials will be drawn up against violators, and fines will be imposed in the amount of 1,500 rubles. and if the car is delayed, they will be taken away by a tow truck to the impound lot. in addition to the fine , you will also have to pay a fine for towing the car while you are in the impound lot. the news that a section of the federal highway was being patrolled by traffic inspectors immediately spread across fishing chats in instant messengers, after which. amateurs the roots rushed to the modest municipal parking lot of the village of starodubskaya; there were dozens of times more people wanting to stay here. finding a place for proper parking is
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not yet a victory; the most difficult thing is getting out of here on the road; cars are difficult to pass, especially with a trailer. for amateur fishermen , another paid parking lot opened in starodubsky half a month ago. an entrepreneur rented the site, cleared the area at his own expense, and monitors the traffic pattern. we are spending the night here, the parking lot is guarded at night, there is the people who stay overnight , according to tradition, some grumble, while others, on the contrary , are happy, it’s safer here, you don’t have to worry about the car, as it were, well, plus i don’t break traffic rules, people basically did a good deed, if the administration doesn’t may be highlighted, then well, other people are great, well, in this regard. right from the site, with a drill, gear and other equipment , an ice motorcycle taxi will take those who wish to the fishing spot, they promise to open even a hot food point,
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however, there is no way to accommodate everyone here, the area is designed for one and a half hundreds of cars, already at noon there are no free spaces in the parking lot, the administration of the dolinsky district shrugs, no matter how many parking lots are opened, it will still not be enough, so the parking lot that the municipality has cleared... does not accommodate everyone who wants to, but there are too many people who want to, then there are a huge number of cars coming there, so there is a choice: either public transport, or paid parking, or come early to take a free space, public transport goes there so that you end up with a fishing rod in your hands and catches, with fishermen behind you overcome a thorny path in search of parking, traffic police officers urge the islanders not to block traffic on the federal highway under any circumstances,
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the evsuk river has flooded, local residents cannot get to work, take their children to school, and this is the second such case since the beginning of the year, for for support, people turned to the popular front, nadezhda ostopushnko worked on the spot with volunteers, the current pulls very strongly, if your leg is like this, then it won’t generally pull harder than usual. seven-year-old varia has not been going to school for 2 weeks. school, the road was flooded again. the yevsuk river, the bridge has sank long ago and it is almost impossible to cross to the other side of the street , we walk, we drive when possible, but we sit at home, the director knows, the teacher knows, we get homework at home, local residents have been crossing the river on their own lately they can’t have time, cold water, plus the current, and it’s dangerous to go further, the surface under the water is unstable, mud...
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and no one will get through, only from the beginning of 2024 - this is the second flooding, last year can wash away a car, that is, it stood, stood , the water washed out the road five times, people repeatedly contacted the village life support department, people addressed this problem, but this is not a problem with a local solution, i... i can’t solve it myself, because we don’t have the opportunity, we will contact higher organizations. after people contacted the popular front hotline, volunteers responded and came to the site to sort out the problem. we gathered representatives of the head administration and also visited representatives of the settlement of alekseevka, there were representatives of novoaidarsky, and we are waiting
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for warming. when the water recedes, the highway also promised that it will join in this problem ; specialists will be able to restore the bridge or install a pontoon only after the water recedes into the river bed, most likely in the spring. nadezhda ostapuschenko, egor pavlenko, maria bulgakova, conduct lugansk, novoydarsky district. in the south of moscow, she opened a pulmonology department at the fmba, a modern hospital where patients with respiratory pathologies can be treated and undergo rehabilitation.
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impossible, they did everything, they did everything, everything is great, everything will be restored, an hour later alexander is already coming to his senses. surgeons now do most of their work less invasively, but they are the ones who receive the most complex patients who need major operations with artificial circulation or connection to an ecmo machine. this is a modern hybrid operating room, which is equipped so that absolutely any operation can be performed here, and, if necessary , several operations can be performed simultaneously on one patient. we can do it here at the same time operate on the heart and lungs, and by two teams of surgeons. the institute of pulmonology, a unique medical complex, treats all diseases related to the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. oksana stopped breathing normally after severe covid. what bothered me the most was the cough, that is, a crazy, barking cough. her diagnosis is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. i’m on the sixth day, only the sixth, i already
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feel good, i understand what this is... but the improvement is just 94%. the first specialized department for patients with cystic fibrosis - this is a genetic disease that leads to irreversible changes in the lungs. i started working on the problem before i was ninety-seven years old, the average life expectancy of these people was in the range of 18 years, now we can say that the average life expectancy is in the range of 40-45 years. previously , only transplantation could save such patients, but now modern targeted therapy is available to them. in the laboratory of regenerative medicine , they learned to restore damaged lungs with the help of stem tissues. cells. huge potential of the center's scientific departments. from the creation of an artificial lung and, over time, in the future, the abandonment of transplantation. the institute has several laboratories where they conduct genetic and molecular research and create new drugs for the treatment of cancer. this
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kind of purposeful work, purposeful science, i repeat once again, makes it possible for our patients to continue living. any citizen of the country can seek medical help at this center. and this is extremely important when conducting arctic expeditions. ksenia mirakiyans will tell you what is special about this substance. at low temperatures, diesel fuel. it freezes, but by passing the raw material through this catalyst, it becomes liquid. behind this result is the five-year work of a team of scientific petrochemists who began their work literally blindly. the lack of high-precision equipment significantly slowed down the processes of
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catalyst research and development. now everything has changed. thanks to the federal program for updating the instrument base and a grant from the russian scientific the fund purchased special equipment. we place the crystal on the ends of the match, just like we say to a toothpick. we place this - here is a device and irradiate it with x -rays, the reflections that come here are recorded like on a camera, say a phone, they go to a large camera, everything is transmitted here, to this, so to speak, screen, in the computer it is all processed and the structure is restored . such a complex compound, after exposure to x-rays, the structure of the substance must be analyzed for a special microscope, which... petrochemists previously did not have, its appearance not only improved the quality of work, but also significantly reduced research time. in catalysts , it is important to consider porosity, crystal shape and size. such a scanning electron microscope provides a resolution of up to 5 n, which
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allows scientists to use the information obtained to optimize the technological properties of a substance. the resulting substances are tested in a special installation; it allows you to test up to 10 g of catalyst and select the most effective samples. what uniqueness? technology that we have created a special catalyst that does not crack normal paraffins contained in fuel, they are isomerized, we get a yield close to 100%, it is very cost -effective, in modern industrial processes the yield is 75%. in the near future, it is planned to move from laboratory research to pilot testing of the catalyst; the development of ufa scientists will be used in the extreme conditions of the far north, including on arctic expeditions. laboratory processes, those which... we are researching within the walls of the institute, and we are testing their possibility on an industrial scale, that is, in much larger quantities, but i think it will probably take about a year, maybe a year and a half, and we can already get out to technology partners with ready-made solutions.
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as noted, at the ufa federal research center, it is planned to open a new laboratory soon and increase the staff. it is expected that most of them will be under the age of 40 , so in recent years the number of young... the alleged instigator of the shooting in the center of moscow, fighter rasul ochaev, still remains in the hospital. according to preliminary data, the conflict began with a minor road accident, but the opponents were unable to resolve the problem peacefully. the criminal case into the shooting is under the control of the head of the investigative committee. report by andrey romanov. and a black pistol, this colorful character ended up in the crime report, opening fire in the center of the capital. a short battle ensued on the ivy, and an armed hooligan shoots in the direction of his opponents, they try to shoot back, but
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at this point the police intervene in the fight. participants in the conflict are thrown into the snow and handcuffed. not surprisingly, the officers were the first to arrive at the scene of the shootout. which they landed in the area of ​​​​the new arbat, but it is obvious that it was not possible to reach an agreement in a civilized manner, instead of an administrative analysis of the accident, it turned out to be a street showdown with shooting. three participants in the conflict were taken to the capital’s hospital, where they are receiving all the necessary medical care. the progress and results of the investigation of the criminal case initiated on the fact hooliganism under control in the prosecutor's office. several shell casings, rubber bullets and a traumatic pistol were confiscated from the scene of the incident, namely the man in the earflaps. he believes investigators started shooting at mma fighter master
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of sports in jiu jitsu rasul ochaev. rasul. ochaev. the recording of this fight was made more than 10 years ago. recently , videos with different content have been posted on ochaev’s page on social networks. the day before , rasul ochaev, in the company of his friend vitaly chabatar, was driving a lexus around moscow. in the nova arbat area, chabatar accidentally used a gelentvagen. driving an suv. had a daughter head of the dpr boxing federation armen sargsyan emilia. the participants in the accident went to the traffic police department, where the conflict occurred. the owner of the gelentvagen called her father, who rushed to the rescue in the company of security guards, at whom rasula ochaev allegedly opened fire. well, this is some kind of complete disgrace, considering that this shooting happened in front of the traffic police building, this is just some kind of nonsense. a case has been opened against rasul ochaev under the article of hooliganism. as soon as the doctors give permission, he will be taken to the investigative committee for questioning,
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at the same time, the issue of choosing a preventive measure will be decided. andrey romanov, egor vozhletsov, daniil bobov, ilona agasieva. news. what shocked me most in moscow was the kievskoye metro station. in this confession of takir carlson, everything is good, everything is fair, because it is impossible to imagine what in this sense could delight carlson in today’s kiev. well, dmitry kaistra went to kiev. to look at the station not through the eyes of a muscovite, but through the eyes of an american journalist. now we are standing in front of the kievskaya metro station, at the station next to her. the metro station was built by joseph stalin 70 years ago. the question is what condition it is in now, 70 years later, we went inside to take a look and what we found shocked us. for a journalist with a history background, what he saw was a deep dive in every sense. russian life, the first thing tucker carlson saw as soon
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as he got off the escalator, this is the famous pano, the pereyaslav rada, the history of the voluntary reunification of russia and ukraine in 1654, immediately opposite another pano, the battle of poltava, the story of the key battle of the northern war, when the leading hegemon of europe was defeated, russia became a world empire. opened in 1954 in the year of the tercentenary of the reunification of ukraine with russia by the kievskaya station, the masterpiece is called so. the metro was then built not only as a transport hub, but also as an underground museum.
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all its 24 mosaic panels tell about the centuries-old friendship of the russian and ukrainian peoples. it has the most rich decor, everything is rich, because this is ukraine, because this is kiev. there are mosaics, there is stucco work, there's also stone carving. footage from the moscow metro shocked carlson’s subscribers too. the moscow metro is so beautiful.
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ristka, who called herself a clairvoyant. she promised the victim to save her terminally ill mother and, on pain of death, extracted money to remove damage from other relatives. now the victim fears for her life. and...
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in the cruel bondage of citizen amaeva, better known as the clairvoyant lyuba, thank you, tell me that you survived, since the healer marina went out of despair, her mother was she was terminally ill, but neither witchcraft nor a spell helped, and after the death of her mother, the clairvoyant said that black magicians had damaged the whole family. what did these terrible witchcraft threaten you with, death, the spirit of my mother, it just won’t calm down, that’s how it is. she constantly asks for our souls, the souls of her children, her grandchildren. according to the occult swindler, it was possible to lift the curse only by buying and destroying other souls, which turned out to be a popular, but very expensive commodity. the lives of my three nephews cost 8 million so that the spirit my mother did not take their lives, so it was necessary
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in this way, as if in her words, to kill three of the same children, but did this really happen or is it just. it’s impossible to check, because the witch herself lives here in kotelnikovo near gograd, she comes to the capital only for the next tranche of witchcraft rent, so she went to the grave of our relatives, and it was as if the spirit of my mother was telling her about what would be a threat, and how much they were in total more than 60 million were extracted from you, the trade in dead souls ended as soon as marina's savings are complete... all sorts of things , in order to heal the sorceress amaeva, she agreed to the experiment, she was put on makeup as if she had been in a car accident, and marina dialed the number of the clairvoyant lyuba, supposedly asking for magical protection, i say, i see, among alive, i see her, i say, among the dead, how much money will i
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have to collect again, you will now have three, three will leave cleanly, bargaining will not even be appropriate, even... and he doesn’t say, wait, 3 million and no more, yes , no, the prosecutor’s office is monitoring the move pre-investigation investigation carried out on the basis of a statement from a muscovite about the commission of fraudulent actions, as well as the adoption of a procedural decision based on its results, which marina still cannot understand, how she lived for 2 years, as if in a fog, and none of her loved ones still know, in what trouble she got into, believing that she was saving her family from certain death. alexander karpov, yaroslav, gennadi. maxim akhmetov, ilona agasieva, lead. and then we will conduct regional ones. okhotsk airport will increase passengers and cargo traffic and
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will be able to accommodate heavier aircraft this is expected after the reconstruction is completed. governor of the khabarovsk territory mikhail dekterev visited. at the construction site of the air harbor and visited the school in the village of bulgin. what decisions were made on the spot? in the report by anna kolchuk. flight nikolaevsk to amur okhotsk. the l410 is landing, which has recently become much more comfortable for both pilots and passengers. the dirt site is still considered temporary, but locals have already dubbed it modern. the entire cabin feels the difference as soon as the board taxis to the old one metal coating. okhotsk airport is the northernmost airport in the khaborovsk territory, in fact it is. then a plane with the head of the region landed on the soviet-style runway, which the airport staff had been constantly patching for the last decades, and he made a decision: of course it needs to be expanded, lengthened, made
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with concrete, we were supported by the ministry of transport of russia, the federal air transport agency, this project was included. the work is the result of almost 4 federal billion for reconstruction, today the site is fenced according to transport standards safety, lighting equipment was purchased, a temporary dirt strip was equipped, which after the construction of the concrete one will become a reserve, the site was set up in the last navigation, and building materials only come here by sea, 5,000 slabs were delivered, another 2.0 remain to be delivered. today we accept an-24 aircraft - a lower class, so... the reconstruction of the airport is also designed for this aircraft for aircraft that are being prepared for operation in our state, these are il-114, ladaga everything lower.
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nearby in the village of bulgin they are already preparing for capital repairs under the presidential program of 100 million for the foundation, roofing and equipment , only one item will not be included in the list of renovations - the swimming pool, which was previously used by residents of the entire municipality, but in the last 2 years it has been in this form. in addition to the fact that school classes are held here , that is, children are the only school in general in the area, and i think that there are few such schools in the region, where children, in the form of additional physical education lessons, can engage in swimming, and for the population, they find themselves here paid services, decisions are made on the spot. money will be allocated from the region's reserve fund this year so that not only junior grades will be able to start water procedures in the fall. anna kolchu, konstantin
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krutikov, lead khabarovsk. a new tourist direction, scientific, is developing in the chelyabinsk region. you can go to advanced laboratories with unique instruments and see meteorite fragments with your own eyes. report by elena shubina. diamonds, unusual unearthly ones, diamonds are harder. do you see diamonds? just very small size several microns, but hidden deep in a stone, by the way, also a difficult one, a meteorite found in arizona, it is a rare opportunity to see it, and a scientific tour gives it, a novelty for the chelyabinsk region, and for russia in general, an x-ray defractometer helped discover the precious find in the space guest , a unique device. more precisely , today it is almost impossible to find, the resolution accuracy of this equipment is one ten-thousandth of a degree, it is very powerful. powerful, incredible, amazing, such remarks are heard constantly on this excursion, says candidate of physics and mathematics sergei zamozdra.
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he seems to have thousands of stories that make his eyes widen , and many are also about a meteorite, but about the chelyabinsk one, the same one that fell in our region 11 years ago, for example, about why a multi-ton one hurts when it crashed into the ground with great speed , split, the force of the impact may have nothing to do with it, the scientist shares. the most interesting version is that the meteorite... was cold inside, well , about -100 celsius, when it fell into the water of the lake, it fell like ice into hot tea, in general, it’s as if a piece of ice began to crack in hot tea. examples, clear comparisons and experiments are mandatory in such a scientific tour; everything can be touched and experienced personally, including laser equipment and a raman microscope. unique devices easily reveal the composition of any substance. well, here’s one example, you gave an iboprofen tablet, we are now using graman’s. microscopy has now confirmed that what you are drinking is indeed buprofen, which means it has the given spectrum, and, well, the structural the formula is a connection, simple and accessible
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, today they talk about science not only on such excursions for dummies, maria zagrebina shares that she has been visiting various smart projects for a long time and believes that scientific tourism is a direction no less promising than industrial or rural tourism. there are a huge number of lecture halls in chelgu, for example, the sunday university. in which the university faculty conducts popular science lectures on how much sunlight weighs, what came first, an egg or a chicken, is it possible to travel to time and much more, elena shubina, natalya radko and sergey melyutin, lead the southern urals. the residents of slavyansk in the kuban will soon become a little closer to the stars. the city is preparing to open a space park. its heart will be a planetarium with the most modern equipment. a communication session with the iss has already been planned for schoolchildren. reporting by ekaterina konovalova. you can explore the planets of the constellation here. the dome of the planetarium is a giant screen. the hall has 30 seats
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and four projectors, thanks to which you can see every star. he works for based on immersive technologies, which means that adult children will be able to completely immerse themselves in reality and go on their journey to the stars. the earth is our home, where every person you know lives. about 80 educational films will help you learn everything about the solar system, the treasures of the universe and the history of space exploration. this is only the initial repertoire of the planetarium. a new program will soon be launched, which will allow us to examine the planets, their satellites, constellations and entire galaxies in detail. a cluster of bullets formed when two more small galaxy clusters. the planetarium will operate all year round; for this purpose, heating has been installed and the walls have been insulated. the house of space is one of the main objects of the space park in slavensk in the kuban. in addition to the planetarium, on an area of ​​about 1,500 km there will be 20. about a year ago we entered into an agreement on interaction on network cooperation with roscosmos, a state corporation, within the framework of this
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space lessons all kinds of events are held. literally this month our guys will communicate with the iss, they have already prepared questions, it will be very an interesting topic that is connected specifically with technology in space, with space equipment, so i think it will be interesting. the center entered the all-russian network of school satellite monitoring stations, there are no more than twenty of them throughout russia, in slavensk in the kuban, the southernmost one, this is our city of svaensk in the kuban, you can click on it. you see, it’s signed, you can see where it is, why are there so many stations for russia, so to speak, so that during the movement of the satellite they can, well, transmit it, that is, it transmits data, now you see this little blue cube, it’s a satellite flying, it’s another satellite, you can see which one, interaction with the space corporation helped install an antenna complex in the space park, such
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equipment allows the guys to receive data from weather satellites , and... children will be taught to decipher them, it is thanks to talented students that the technical capabilities of the center are expanding, children are making themselves known not only at the regional level, but at the all-russian level. then the understanding came that there is a modern demand, our country seems to be returning to its victorious roots, we have always been the first in space, now this is a very interesting topic for schoolchildren, and we are trying to orient them, in principle , all my students have entered technical universities. more than 15 million rubles were allocated from the regional budget for the creation of the space park. the municipality is helping. more than 6 million rubles have already been allocated for construction and equipment. the opening was scheduled for april 12 - cosmonautics day, so very soon the endless everyone can touch the vastness of the universe . ekaterina kanovalova, yuri moroz, news. the festival of original sleighs was held in
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the republic of moriel. the participants arranged it.
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and we were very happy, it all started at the main stage, here you could have a snack and warm up with tea from the samovar, the teams at that time presented riding equipment, some of them couldn’t even be called sleighs, the sleighs were prepared from what they had, our active guys painted it all, improvised , so look, look, our sleigh is called for our homeland, we we took a big banana and made emblems there, we didn’t mind, because we only had one week and we didn’t really have time.
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before the descent of the performance here, everyone was in full swing: a song, a dance, a skit, a poem, but the fans were clearly waiting for the participants to sit down in the sleigh and finally rush down the hill , under encouraging cheers, the accidents looked especially epic, the races lasted about 2 hours, after ... participants were awarded for the most striking presentation, for the largest sleigh, the fastest, and the main prize was 2000 rubles. went to the first-graders from the twenty treshkarolinsky school, it was their team , mad coconuts, who took part on an island decorated with palm trees, and in general this is correct, because children are always better at sliding downhill than we adults. konstantin mikryukov, dmitry volkov, hosted by moril.
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a long-awaited event at the kaliningrad zoo. a couple. marinov's first-born was born. the sex of the monkey cannot yet be determined ; the father does not part with the baby for a minute, trusting only the mother to feed him. report to marina morozova. looking at this happy. visitors to the family begin to involuntarily smile. a couple of red-armed tamarins gave birth to their first child just a few days ago. mom and dad carefully pass the baby to each other, warm it under the rays of the lamp and do not leave their baby for a second. the appearance of the temarin offspring was expected for more than 2 years, and it was then that a pair of marmoset monkeys appeared at the zoo. according to experts, it will not be possible to determine the sex of the cub yet. for some time it will not be taken away from its parents, so as not to injure them, the cub is always from the father, the father takes his newborn , carries it on himself, and gives it to the mother only so that she can feed it, and we really hope that in
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the future there will be more children, because in nature tamarins live in family groups, such clans, not very large, but on the very strong, first warm days in the enclosures of the zoo, life also awakens, so the tapir went out for his first walk this year , camels, llamas and other animals rejoice in the sun. even on a weekday , you can always meet visitors on the paths. well we we visit often, we really like the animals presented, we have quite a large number, we especially love the leopard , we are always on the lookout, now we are going to look for decopraz, hippos, we have fallen in love with your hippos, the area of ​​the plantings is also noticeably changing. in the spring , the renovation of the winter and summer enclosures in the meerkats was completed here, and soon. we will start repairing the pedestrian paths, our elephant prigolya will go for a walk in the outdoor enclosure, which will be increased by 70 square meters, we will give her a new three-room apartment there
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they built it up due to the fact that part of this terrible old fence was demolished; demonstration feeding of animals continues at the zoo, but guests are strongly discouraged from treating them themselves. from march , the kaliningrad zoo switches to the spring schedule and will be open for an hour. longer, and already in april a new park will appear in kaliningrad, a zoological one, which is located at the intersection of nos, rustavel and zoological streets. the kaliningrad zoo was also involved in its improvement. the square will be open to everyone. marina morozova, stanislav kurkin, vesti, kaliningrad. muscovites will decide what to name the new inhabitant of the moscow zoo , the amur tiger. voting takes place on the active citizen portal. everyone can choose one of the proposed name options: orion, cupid,. khabar-vostok, or offer your own version. the predator was brought to the capital from the khabarovsk territory.
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mowing! kostya!
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why did you jump? go to bed, rana still, you had a nightmare about kostya, why are you dreaming about kostya? are you leaving again? uh-huh, the order has arrived, we have to go, sen, m, you're for this i was at home for 3 days a month, thank you, what do you want, huh? well, if you want, i don’t have to go, but who will pay the loan, me or you from your social security, listen, where is the container, i can’t find it, thank you, vanya ’s birthday is on thursday, i remember that you remember, slavochka, i’ll make it in time i’ll come back, don’t worry, i’ll make it in time.
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by the way, have you seen my key? no, yes, it’s not new, listen, maybe it’s a mess in the box, but the main thing is don’t touch anything, i’ll come and clean it up. it seems to me that this is a sign, you don’t need to go anywhere, it’s better to refuse, what is this dream, what dream? listen, well, it’s not here , i’ll take a spare one, i’ll come and figure it out, well, your talisman is there, well, i’ve been traveling without a talisman for so many years, go one more time, nothing bad will happen, great, go, rest, sleep, load up i'll be late, uh-huh, well, come on, bye.
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vanyusha, my sunshine, wake up , happy birthday to you, happy birthday, baby, wake up, wake up, i’ll sing a holiday song , mom, what a song, i’m already 12, well then on my birthday with a song about vanyusha-vonyushki, you woke up me together, you and dad. has he not returned yet? dad
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will come in the evening and we will congratulate you together. now let's get up, let's go have breakfast together, otherwise i have to go to work. happy birthday, baby, get up, get up, get up, well, hello, yes, hello, hello, why aren’t you picking up the phone? yes, i shopped at the market. how did my brother arrive? no, for now he promised to be there by six. listen, why am i calling? well? kostya and i will be there a little later, i want to drop by my manicurist after work, but kostya is stuck on the road, so he’ll come back and we’ll go straight to you, uh-huh, wait, and kostya, that he’s on a flight , he’s on a day off until friday, thank you, what, you were born yesterday, urgent cargo, everyone’s on the move, so i had to, but the most important thing is not far, listen, what are you i was so worried, but no, i just had a strange dream, what a dream, let me tell you in the evening, please call me, as soon as kosya arrives, i’ll call you.
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i’ll take it, come on, yeah, bye, yes, sun, hello, you’ll definitely be there by six, i promised in the van, thank you, but if i said i’ll be there, that means i’ll be there, hmm, don’t open the gift without me, i want it eyes to look, okay, that's it, ah... hello, hello, slavochka, so , groceries, medicine, receipt, slavochka, sit down for a minute, i'll drink some tea, sophia stepan, i can't, it's vanka's birthday, there's a bunch of other addresses, receipts , i 'll pay, goodbye. “slavochka, my neighbors
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need to go to the police, why are they rowdy , their ears are bewitching, they are sticking needles in my door , they want my death, my owl stepan, don’t worry, i won’t hurt you, don’t be afraid of anything, everything will be fine, yes , that's it, really, goodbye, goodbye, boris dmitrovich, hello, come in, go through how you feel, the order of the sea is good, so, take everything that was in the recipe right away.
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why does it smell so bad, god, boris dmitrievich, what about you, but i wrote to you in the memo, check the gas, but i decided to drink tea, i forgot, not at all, i’ve become old, i’ve lost my memory, so, don’t , you are still a very strong grandfather, do not turn on the stove and do not close the window. let it air out properly, yes, boris dmitrievich, don’t scare me.
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kostya is back, thank god, so where is unity, yes, nowhere, today you accidentally i didn’t see it on the road, but no. have we seen each other a lot on the track lately? yes, of course, i’ll run, i need to go to the office, milka and i will be there in the evening, yes, okay.
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it’s just in time, that’s all for today , listen, help, otherwise i ’ll soon go completely crazy with these instructions and contracts, they change every month, love, come on... today is vanka’s birthday, please, well i can’t cope without you at all, okay, come on, just quickly, thank you, i would like to finish my law school, work for us as a lawyer, for me
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if there were fewer problems, well, you’ll like our gifts, guys, thank you, what did your parents give you? so far, nothing, now my dad will come and give me something, but they have a loan for the truck, so they are unlikely to give me what i dreamed of. hello, darling, hello. birthday boy , thank you, listen, kostya got stuck unloading, so i flew to you on my own two feet, and so, where is the birthday boy, the nursery with the guys, well , just pass by, oh, seniya, not back yet,
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no, not yet, lately he’s practically never been home at all, from flight to flight, from flight to flight. works like hell , what did you want, works for yourself, not for your uncle , you’d think he had a choice, vanka was upset that dad didn’t come to his birthday, i’ll probably give the gift myself so as not to spoil the holiday, oh, a gift, um, by the way, how do you like the manicure? oh, very beautiful, so, kostya says that money is the best gift at any age, so , well, you’ll give it yourself, okay? vanyush, call the guys for a sweet table.
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klemyashek, hello guys, happy birthday, this is from me and from uncle kostya. be healthy, grow up big, listen to your parents. thank you please. vanyush, this is from your dad and me. wow! thank you, happy birthday baby, space fx phantom, wow, cool drone, six axes stabilization, camera. 0.3 megapixels, auto take-off, flight altitude 120 m , but won’t fly higher than 80, it’ll take off,
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oh, it’s probably dad, say thank you, okay, hello, yes, wow, oh my god, what happened, yes, ok, i understand. what happened, senya ended up in alaria, that the hospital, i went, i’m with you, let’s look after the guys, don’t say nothing, say that they called me to work, okay.
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you, what are you doing here , you can’t come here, this is the operating room, my husband is being operated on now, no one is telling me anything, in your mind you came out quickly, well, just not slowly, my son, i don’t know what to tell them, please, excuse me, hello, come on... mom, what's wrong with dad? he's in the hospital? vanechka, everything will be fine, don’t worry, what’s wrong with him? he would have told me, vanya, vanya, please, just don’t be so mean, where is yours, vanya, hello, where is your inhaler, where is aunt mila, vanya, what’s wrong? you, what are you, what are you, dear, oh god, you can’t worry, come on, let’s breathe, hello? “yes, everything is fine , i calmed him down, i already gave him the inhaler, how is senya doing?
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i don’t know yet, i’ll call you back, please, for god’s sake, i’m sorry, i need to know what’s wrong with my husband, semyon miloradov, truck driver, yes, surgery it’s not finished yet, sergienko is operating on him, and he hasn’t pulled out such people from the other world yet, so let’s go to..." and tomorrow morning call the nurse on duty at the department, i can’t just do that leave, i have to see him, please, okay, you can wait with us, thank you, meloradova, yes, what’s wrong with my husband? compression comminuted fracture of the lower spine with displacement, miniscus
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tear, fracture of the tibia, some other minor things, but he will live, he will live, thank you, doctor, you don’t understand, i spent 5 hours assembling him piece by piece, the sixth vertebra is in pieces, it may be needed to do another serious operation, even so, i cannot guarantee that he will be able to move on his own, he is sleeping, come back tomorrow, thank you very much, thank you. glory has arrived,
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so how is everything? alive , had an operation, tomorrow i’ll go to him like a van, he fell asleep, i could barely put him to bed, excuse me, he probably heard me talking to kostya, so he got nervous, thank you, i was at the police, they admitted it... insurance refuses to pay for the repair of the truck, they checked the documents, they say that senya fell asleep because he couldn’t stand the rules of sludge, well, the main thing is that senya is fine, we’ll sort it out. you have 1 minute, senechko, honey, i’m sorry,
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klanki wanted to make it, even empty i've passed, the main thing is that you're alive, we can handle the rest, we're strong, really, vanyush, that's enough, he needs to sleep, we brought you something, here. did you leave it at home? that's it, let's leave, doctor, tell me, he won't walk, what needs
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to be done? you can try replacing the damaged vertebra with an endoprosthesis and another plate. for fixation, to strengthen the spinal column, in other words, to place an implant, yeah, but it’s expensive, and the insurance company will object, why, there is a quota, they exist, let’s do it, i’ll try come to an agreement, but for now here’s a medicine , it’s expensive, the hospital doesn’t have it, it would be nice to start taking it today, it will help... your husband hold out while we deal with quotas, uh-huh, thank you, sorry, mom, i found it, that’s the rules a compression fracture is accompanied by a violation of the supporting function of the spine, a decrease or absence of sensitivity,
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good. thank you very much, i’m going to the pharmacy, okay, yeah, why are you looking at me, you understand that it’s because of you that i stopped. operational work now i’ll take you and throw you out of the department, although, who am i kidding, history of a big country, today on rtr, where we are going, in search of treasures, and
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what kind of treasures, we are going to look for mom, stream on the weekend, so look at me, you me you’re embarrassing, you’re the most wonderful girl in the world, i miss you, kesha, everything’s fine, we ’re going, my husband is on kenty, he’s not going anywhere, only new love can melt the ice in my heart, hello, i’m not alone, motviy. hey, it’s so good that you found me, we won’t let you go anywhere else, oops, what are you doing here, and you’re starving, on sunday on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds
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only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the horde, on the horde, through the rains they keep the shaved lights, they still live in me, some kind of fantasy! morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. how can. you’re pouring this chemical into me,
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let’s just let you go home, your spine was pieced together a couple of days ago, and you’re already going home. there is such a thought, but you are completely lost. your wife spent so much money to get you back on your feet, and here you are doing your own thing, i just wanted to get up, get up, he wanted to, but you
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can’t even move again, i’m sorry, i won’t give you any more, how much 500 dollars. after all, your brother, well, yes, it is necessary , well, do you understand that this is just the beginning, slava says that she gave all the money for medicine and was behind on the loan payment, the loan for the truck, or what? well, yes, and he also says they have 15.00 in debt, yes. it’s no joke with the bank, we need to give at least a monthly fee,
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we’ll find 500 dollars, please come see our manager, okay, just a second, hello, do you have a question for me? hello, slava anatolyevna , please sit down, i’m very sorry that this happened to your husband, but understand, a bank is not a charitable organization, the borrower suffered in an accident, actually became unemployed, and your salary, well , forgive me, but with you can’t pay her even a quarter of the monthly payment, and besides , you have a child and you need to live on something, well, we have our own. yes, but this is the only housing. you can neither be a guarantor for your husband’s loan nor a borrower. do you have nothing to offer
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the bank? i'm only four times late on my payment. day. yes, this is in the order of permissible, but you closed this issue this month, and what will happen next month and so on and so on and so on. well, it will get better and we will pay the full amount according to the agreement. well, is it good if so? but, unfortunately, the bank needs a guarantor, a serious guarantor, otherwise the loan will be revoked. i see, thank you. all the best. well, what did he want? mil, you can be my guarantor for the loan. guarantors, yeah, well, you know what that means, if you don’t have money to repay the loan, then pay we will, well, if they don’t get
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better, we’ll pay everything, this is the time, just the bank’s conditions, i’m not asking you for money, thank you, excuse me, but even though i’m not a bank, i know perfectly well that you don’t have money there’s nowhere to take it, but what can you say wrong, well, senya, well, senya, when will he get back on his feet? do you think that your social security will help you find money for the operation? oh, thank you, come down to earth, in general, of course, we would like to help, we are not that rich, then we had some plans of our own, a plan, yeah, what if senya don’t have an operation, he won’t have any plans, you’re poor and alive and well, by the way, if you remember, when senya stood up for you in front of karbysh, he didn’t think for a second about the consequences, thank you, don’t, no one cares about him asks... skarbysh to kill his face, and in general they had enough of their own conflicts without me, maybe he just wanted to go free for work, so he quit of
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his own free will, and i also had to, i should have heard you, senya, my shirt is closer to the topic, of course. vanya and i visited bogdan anatolyevich, at the doctor’s office, he examined vanka and said that everything was within normal limits, keep it up, it’s great. i kept wondering how he grew up , so everything is great with us, and i told vanka that if he finishes the year well, then we will go traveling wherever we look, sorry, then we’ll eat, i don’t feel like it, thank you, travel, wherever your eyes look, that’s
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good, but... slavka, what should you do with your legs? i'm not a fool, i understand everything. yes, you don’t understand anything, everything will be fine, everything will be as before, as it was not before. unfortunately, the queue for implants there is going slower than we would like. and what does it mean? this is bad. there is a risk of destruction of the spinal cord substance. this can cause your husband to become completely paralyzed over time. and
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how much time we have, no one knows, there are too many factors, tell me, you definitely don’t have the opportunity to purchase an implant on a commercial basis, how much? preliminarily 4,500 dollars, that's with the operation, for sure. i can only say by sending a request, order an implant, and i will find the money.
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hi , hi, sorry, i was late at the hospital, listen, forgive me, my dear, she wasn’t mad, senka is her brother, she loves him, yes, it’s clear, we all drove by ourselves somehow, what happened to the truck, the truck, the lucky truck, the chassis , the engine was not damaged, the body was made and pulled out onto the road. she drove like new, the pads will need to be changed in small things, but she drives , oh, thank you for the good news, yes, i can drive her away, 30 thousand, we can help out, no, i won’t sell her, she’s senina , how are we going to live, i’ll rent her out, what hiring, i went to ksenia’s post office, there is one order there, just
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enough to pre-order an implant, she will have the operation later... i’ll pick it up, let me look at the order, here, listen, sir, this is some kind of setup, well, look, it’s the 21st century in the yard no one orders transport from an individual anymore, everyone has offices for this, plus there is a general address, basic, slam, if you run into a luwak, you will then end up in front of the cops. they came every day, i don’t know, it’s somehow weird, you don’t have drivers, there will be.
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although i wouldn’t ask to give her a lift, listen, it’s unlikely she’ll come to an agreement with anyone here, he approached the pespalv, all in one voice, no. hello, hello, you won’t take the order for tomorrow, the order, and whose order, well, my, that
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we have the queen of the roads, or something, where can you see that the woman was driving the orders, but what’s wrong, 500 dollars, good money , the profit is split in half, well, we’re not in america yet, our men are king with orders. there are women in america , and you know, i saw on the news yesterday, there is one woman who drives a twenty-five-ton truck herself, and she can do 800 km in a day, so if you really need it, get behind the wheel, drive the wheels yourself, queen of the roads, hello, well, did you find the vadila? no, for now, one might think, you’re worried, well, thank you for... why are you doing this? listen, kostya says that it’s best to put the truck on a tradein, it will be more reliable. mil, it’s a week, everything is about everything, but the money is urgently needed, he can’t wait any longer, you know, we’ve already lost 10 days. slav, don’t pretend to be a hero, you
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’re not some kind of guy to tinker with trucks, it’s easy for them, they threw the license into their pocket to spend as much as they want. yes, that's right, that's good, i'll call you back. so category, category exists, confirm. who's there, who's there so late? is this slava,
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slavochka, are you? yes, that’s it, stepana, hello, why did you come here for the second time today, you brought everything in this morning? and this is for tomorrow, i decided to put it in now, because i won’t be there tomorrow. how can it not be, well, i can’t just leave, you’re leaving me, yes, listen, stepan, how can i leave you, i’ll just do one thing and come back, at the same time i’ll bring you some of your favorite candy, oh well, don’t forget about the candy, ok, goodbye, happy, how she will drive, and well, yes, she has rights, she got a tough one for company when they were studying at local colleges, well , before entering college, before leaving for the city, that’s when it was, the leaf had already passed, well , why are you bothering me, what have i got to do with her here? talk
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, and in general, why are you so worried about her, she’s not little anymore, well, have you ever driven a truck, please turn off this vacuum cleaner, that’s it, i ’ve had enough, i don’t want to listen no.. . not slavs and in general, but why should i just vacuum, your hands are only for the steering wheel, but not for me, vanyusha, wake up, wake up, wake up, breakfast is on the table, i still have 5 minutes, vanyusha, why did you make noise today, she will be home at 6:00, why is this all of a sudden? i have an order for goods, and it’s far away, will you go yourself? well, yes, but dad is silent about it, okay, but can you? well, who said it’s impossible, come on, come on, let’s go tomorrow, mom, wait
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, here you go, just like dad’s, only a little cracked, but that doesn’t count, of course it doesn’t count. thank you, vanyush, let's go, let's go , i haven't changed my mind, no, if you want to know my opinion, you're crazy, no, i just have no choice, thank you, there is always a choice, as you will not understand, this is a very dangerous job, in general you...
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the clutch is slow, like this, take a larger radius, slow down, slow down the clutch a little, level it, gas, smoothly release the clutch. radius, more, more radius, take more, slow down a little, level the gas, just like that, don’t rush, well, you go ahead, stretch it back, give it up, what are you looking at, let’s do it again. that's it, i have to go,
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go out, i remembered the main thing, i will remember, repeat, yes i remembered, bone, repeat, never stop on the road so that it doesn’t happen, don’t pick up the hitchhikers, good, the road is not calm now, trucks are being robbed, drivers are silent, no one wants to mess with the cops, good luck, thank you.
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what do you want? oh, you, or what? well, after all, i got behind the wheel myself, can’t you see that your tire is flat, like flat, well, flat like that, you’re crazy, why weren’t you sitting at home, you fool, yes, yes, a woman belongs in your place kitchen, and somehow work, worse than, than what, than sitting at home, my beloved husband. get ready, or are you single? my husband, semyon
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miloradov, this is his truck, are you here recently, or what? i’ve only recently been here, but in general i ’ve been turning the steering wheel for 20 years, or have you switched with him, now you’re turning the steering wheel, and he’s already waiting for you at home with his wife. he had an accident and is in the hospital now. another question? well, now it’s clear. where are you going? zadorozhny passage 46. karbesheva, did she get a contract? no. leonid posokhov, customer, you know the one , posokhov, posokhov, posokhov, familiar name, no, i haven’t heard, okay, i need to go, learn to change the wheels yourself, queen of the roads, otherwise next time i won’t be there, but i know how, but behind help, thank you, my mother was found, she found me, can you imagine , maybe she’s hiding something, from the very beginning she seems to me somehow... suspicious, someone else’s daughter, premiere on saturday on rtr,
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get caught , fish, big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place , have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? we try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can useful things be pleasant, science fiction, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes again, every person in any region of russia. make your diet not only tasty, but also
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healthy, and this lifts your spirits, that’s for sure. food formulas on saturday on... from the first note, beauty, repetitiousness, from the first phrase , a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, bone, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile behind the head . belov, or something, we’ve been together since first grade, we’re also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the team, slow down from the car, run, the whole team, just
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look at the platform. khoma, come here, the woman finally found a driver, it looks like some summer resident is about to break the window, laziness, laziness, do you hear, look behind this loading, and at that window. now carefully , quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, oops , load, what's going on here, loading, there aren't enough cars, i
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called senka for help, and he agreed, well, of course, everyone needs money. miloradov's wife is leaving for the reish, see her off, so i’m going to maloyarsk, what a detour, come on, you’ll have time maloyarsk, meloradova, show me your license,
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come on quickly. so everything is fine, the truck is loaded, he will accompany you, there he is standing, there are bowls behind him, i understand, and turn on the station, 2,7,35 megatz, channel, you can handle it, everything is fine , they probably mixed up something, i actually got a contract with the staff , lyonya posokhov just loaded you up, and he works for me, and since you got a contract, go, come on, that’s it, time is money, step on the gas.
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yes, ignat, if you’re in maloyarsk in 3 hours, i promise to throw in a couple of hundred, so garbyshovo assigned me an accompaniment to a woman, uh-huh, well, look for yourself, what the hell. yes, i have nothing to do but look after someone else’s woman, i also have a dorok queen,
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ignat, ignat! can anyone hear me? he’ll catch up, everyone knew that senka was in the hospital, but he didn’t, why, he turned on the fool and thinks that he’ll get away with it anyway, great, hello, what’s the news, but it’s hot here, karbyshev is vomiting and they knead, it looks like lenka is no longer a jerk, he didn’t eat again, but who knows, he’s a babunan...
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and our soldier is sleeping, the service is going on, yes, okay, guys, come on, come on!
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stop, don’t take any attempters. hello, how are you, and we brought you something, yeah, great, like myself, normal , of course, better, but normal, and where is mom at work, oh how my wife chose the company of pensioners over me, apparently not at all wants to see me. she finally put her head to it, has she really found a normal job, of course,
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but what will she do with her social security for pennies, and in one flight she will earn the same as in six months, for which flight, but she didn’t tell you, sadness warbler took it kindly wait, what kind of cargo, did she find some kind of driver? no, she went on her own, would you talk to her, she’s still crazy, how is she? who gave the order? who gave the order? karbyshev? what? karbyshev? i'll call the doctor now! blue, don’t worry, don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world, blue, do you hear? “granny felt bad, the pressure was 180, but the ambulance was taking a long time, well, we drove ours, the chassis jammed,
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well, i’m standing there, i don’t know what to do, god, i can’t pick up the phone and, as luck would have it, the bridge on dobrov is being repaired, all the cars are being detoured going, bridge closed, yes, you would still have to go back, you would have missed 100 extra kilometers, anyway, thank you for not passing, now rarely does anyone stop, especially on a truck." they say our place is troubled. the subscriber is temporarily unavailable. lord , my head is spinning. katyusha, i won’t get there, you’ll get there, it’s not far left, half an hour and we’re at the hospital . yul, yul, put a pillow under grandma’s head and change seats, and we’re going. sit down,
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no, what’s wrong? well, maybe that’s enough already, the doctor would be ashamed, he pulled you out of the other world with his own hands, why is this, it’s obviously useless
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to tell you about being nervous in yours. the subscriber is temporarily unavailable.
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damn, police lieutenant, kids, your documents, listen, this is the situation here, well, slava anatolyevna, they bought a license for the campaign, but didn’t learn how to drive, then they put you behind the wheel, so what, i won’t make it there. why are you telling me, there was no communication , i didn’t arrive soon, don’t you understand that you’re creating an emergency situation, you’ll pick up your id at the department, so wait, we’ll go now, wait, just like at the department, listen, i have a load, are you
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kidding me or something, my granny is dying there, if i... i don’t take you to the hospital, i ’ll sue you, it’s really bad here, well, help us, listen , please, okay, okay, put your granny in my car, then you’ll pick up yours, please listen to me, we’ve already talked about everything, don’t interfere with filling out the protocol, now you’ll get your extract, little girl, there’s still a little left, we’ll be there now, uholchik will do everything will be fine, everything will be fine. comrade lieutenant, well, somehow not it turns out humanly, glory helped us save grandma, and you are punishing her, so , that’s enough, listen to me, please, i beg you, yes, this is my first time going on a furi, yes, i broke the rules, but you think i from a good
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life i got behind the wheel, my husband is a long-hauler , he had an accident, he has... an operation, if i don’t deliver the cargo now, then i will have nothing to pay, and he will remain disabled for life, i beg you, well please, just be a person, hold on, but if i see you again, thank you very much for your kindness, right second turn left, thank you very much. senya, hello, i have eight missed calls from you, did something happen? yes, nothing happened, it’s just that it’s already evening, you don’t call , you don’t come, i’m worried, i’m sorry, i just needed to take one grandmother to the hospital,
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the grandmother was accidentally unlucky. kostya told you, kostya, i’m wondering when you were going to tell me that you signed up for a carboshow, okay, let’s forget about the fact that you got behind the wheel without driving, without experience, but slavka, why is karbyshevo, why is he a canopy, yes this his storekeeper placed the order, well, right away you don’t understand from whom, and what difference does it make, we really need money to pay for the implant, and you thought in your head how i ’ll be on... this is an implant, knowing that karbyshev paid for it, just think about it, senya, senya! so, well, you can say you were lucky , i arrived right before closing, but i wanted
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to do it earlier, it just didn’t work out, but you know, maybe it’s for the best, it just happened here after lunch, a crane fell over, two tractors were in crushed the trash, in one word they barely took it away, what a horror, and, by the way, and... if anything happens, don’t go anywhere, right here stay the night, well, in the morning they promise a new download , so good night, thank you, fashionable release of the program hello andrey, and we are putting together a stylish song wardrobe, i spent almost my entire childhood in a state of deficiency,
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i love you very much, yes, but i can’t give birth to a child, what is a family without children? anton madeglia, 12 years old, last name madelyane, still licking the wound in my heart, will you treat me? yes, i will, i invited you here, which means i am responsible for you, and you like our doctor, i like it, so do i, it’s a pity that i don’t have such a dad, who sent, who is this woman, choose or... me or her, they are very easy to apply, they are much more difficult to heal, all your life you heal other people’s hearts, but
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you can’t figure it out with your own heart, heart wounds on saturday at rtr, the floor is shaking, resources are changing, big changes have come. a new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room. ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work. plans are turning into projects before our eyes. i love plants, i'm actually a plant maniac. real cameras will soon bloom in our heroes' living rooms. flowers after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every
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sunday on rtr, mom, give it to me next time. it will be cool, how cool it is, son, are you sitting out the window all the way, looking, thinking, lest you accidentally hit some car, i’m very tired, you better tell me how your day was please, nothing new, everything is the same, even to talk, here it is, my dear asks you, give me a pipe, i love you, son, i love you too, mom. “i’ll keep the word confidential, and you , hello, listen, this is what’s going on here at the base, oh go to your room, i’ll quickly, hello, thank you,
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that’s all they’re telling you, kostya actually said that there was an argument about you whether you’ll get there or no, but ignat called karbyshev and said that he missed you, so karbyshev was yelling like that, the whole base heard, in general, you made a fuss, we’re here today.” yes, i know, i talked to him, you sorry, i just thought you told him that you were carrying a cargo, of course it was lightning and metal, but in general, when i found out about karbyshev, i had to call a doctor to calm him down, okay , dear, don’t worry, we’ll figure it out somehow, come on, good night, happy. how come there is no download? you yourself told me yesterday that? all that’s left to do is start,
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well, my joy, i don’t know anything, yesterday there was a load, but today, unfortunately, it’s not, so why should i go back empty, or what? others are loading, listen, well, well this is what you want from me, but you understand perfectly well that i am an involuntary person. so, so, so, robots, stand , we haven’t decided on this yet, and where are you, stop, stop, i said, on the spot, i said in the morning according to the invoice the tenth window, i said, i said that you are going to the sixth, karbyshov, where in the office were you, and what happened? and it’s interesting, let’s go into
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tens, i’m now, yes, what do you have, why didn’t they give me a return load, i signed up for the full route, in the end i rewinded 400 km empty, i can’t risk it cargo, not money, but you, so i delivered the cargo without an escort myself, what’s wrong? that's right, i understand you need money. but driving a truck is not a woman’s job, i ’ll pay you for both delivery and driving, i’ll pay you everything, but there won’t be any more orders from me, and my advice to you is to get another job, thanks for the advice, i’ll look for other customers.
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will remain disabled for life, right? yes, but at the same time he will retain motor skills in the upper part of the cemetery; with the implant, will he be able to walk again? i can't guarantee, i'm not god, but i'm into it i really believe that i will come now and sign the contract, okay.
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lord, yes, hi, hi, how are you feeling, okay, sorry, i didn’t have time to pop into the store, i won’t be long, i signed a contract for an implant, yeah. that is, now i have to bow down to karbyshev, no, he refused to work with me, but why is he so principled? or maybe you didn’t come face to face with my dear, but don’t be offended, senya, that means, the truck needs to be sold, i ’ll talk to kostya, we sell the truck, we pay off the loan, we pay for the implant, then i get to the point...
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we’re fine, no, what does that mean, no, we can’t destroy your life’s work with our own hands, i’ll ruin it, you’ll ruin it, and you don’t need to offend, trofech, hello, hello, look at the fifteenth, danchik, there’s one, hold it, thank you , good afternoon, oh, why did you forget, fifth and miloradova , why, go home, baby, don’t make things up, i sent a request, i have confirmation, there’s my truck, hey, beautiful, how long will you go, don’t delay turn, striker thirty- fourth. uh-huh, i'm not finished yet, i
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said, go home, or deaf, go, go, go, go, so, so, boyka, yes. hold it, i’ll give you a little, of course, but don’t spend so much, okay, just hold it. oops, don’t go near very dirty cars, otherwise the rag will quickly get dirty, okay, smile, they pay more, let’s go, suck stepanovna,
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the food is in the refrigerator, i’ve laid everything out. thank you, slavochka, did you see the series yesterday, oh, what’s it called, the long road to happiness, everything is so vital, no, i didn’t watch it, well, i believe, the long road is very vital, it ’s just about me, so i’m talking, sophie stepana, sorry, i need to call, so call me. hello, this is slava, i would like to clarify the loading location. glory? yes, slava miloradova. and, of course, i didn’t hear you, but there was a small discrepancy, this was an erroneous notification. i have already canceled the order on the website, i apologize for the inconvenience, it was cancelled, of course. tell me, please, is this because
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i am a woman? well, of course you don't. yep, i see, thanks. what have you got there, my dear? nothing, nothing is working out, but i already promised him, don’t be upset, don’t be upset, everything will be fine, of course. well, all indicators are normal, we will prepare you for the operation. i see that you are worried about something
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if the operation is unsuccessful and i will not be able to walk. then, you know, we doctors are often put on a par with god, but we are people like everyone else, and often everything depends more on the patient than on the doctor, on the mood, on the desire to live, the desire to fight, if i have no desire to live if i don’t have faith in myself, i used to be a normal guy, i was responsible for myself, i was responsible for my family, but now it turns out that i i’m sitting on my wife’s neck, tell me, how
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long have you known fame, since childhood? god bless everyone, she really believes in you, you need to believe in yourself, faith, it works miracles, i will try.
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hi, i saw that you arrived, i brought you casseroles, where is vanya? at school, she's stupid according to the information, you sit down, sit down, you'll make an attempt. now, otherwise you ’ve lost all the weight, soon you’ll be hiding behind a mop , karbyshek was right, no one wants to work with me, as soon as they hear that a woman immediately hangs up, the money came from social security, well, okay, not too much, yes, only two times less than i expected, two days off at my own expense, an advance from the mutual aid fund, well, it turns out that i can buy food for one time, eat, but what... i don’t feel like it, thank you, kostya told you that
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they are going to he wants to sell the truck, he wants it right , it’s worth it, you’ll pay off your debts, but everything won’t get better, you’ll come up with something, i forgot, it’s on my stove. thank you, maybe i can wash the glass there? come on, just get started. okay, hey, hey, you, what are you doing? vanka, vanka, what's wrong with you? van? hey, help, help, help, vanya, vanya, breathe, van
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, van, breathe, breathe, breathe, vanya, van, wait, stop, now, van, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, hello, soon, van, the child is feeling bad here, gasping for breath, highway builders, excuse me, please , can you tell me where i can find dr. red, you should go there, lord, if something happens, i won’t survive it, well, calm down, glory, what are you, excuse me, please, you are not dr. krasich, right? what about him? are you a mother? yes. you knew that with his asthma he couldn’t have any chemicals, and he washed cars on the streets. we managed to finish it well. we made it. so, is everything okay with him? fine. we have stabilized him, and in about five minutes the injection will take effect. let him sleep, and can you pick him up in the morning? i can at least take a look at it. certainly.
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mila, i’ll stay, you can go, okay, vanechka, son, just help me. everything, yes, i understand, i appreciate it very much, just please don’t do this again, my dear, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, boris dmi, god, but rather, please hold on,
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dear, what’s wrong with him , the grandfather came off the gas, lives alone, maybe he opened it by hand, loneliness, an unpleasant thing , nusya, oh, she’s sleeping , for some reason i wanted to kill the girl, that ’s it, relax, i have to help her, relax, you can’t help everyone who breaks into your head without asking, anna medium, premiere from monday on rtr. you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he will come to
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your house himself, we start, he will always help , we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, the basin will always support you. macaron with cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr. where are we
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going? on a search for treasures, and what kind of treasures? we're going to look for mom. let's see. on the weekend, look at me like that, you confuse me, you are the most wonderful girl in the world, i miss you, kesha, everything is fine, we are going, my husband is not going anywhere in kent, melt only new love can bring ice to the heart, hello, i’m not alone, matvey, it’s so good that you found me, we won’t let you go anywhere else. oops, what are you doing here? and you? drizzle, on sunday on rtr. so where is
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she? don't worry, guys, it will happen now. i'm lucky, i'll dial her, hello, thank you, what a joke, and the buyer is nervous, where are you? listen, i understand that you didn’t want to sell the truck and a little money, 20,000 in total, but immediately you wanted it so much, where are you, and are you already here? "hello, sorry for being late, hello, how old are you telling her , i told you, only 2 years old, fresh, i’ll take a look, yes, here are the keys, jump in, good afternoon, slava
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anatolyevna, we didn’t find you at home, we came here, here’s tamara andreevna property bank, what's the matter?" " kos, lock the car, give me the keys. and what? hello. hello. hello, i'm tired of waiting. how are you yes, good. yes, the operation has finally
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been scheduled, so this will all be over soon. i'm tired of lying on this bed. so fast. slav, tell me what happened to the car, kostya called, buyers came, they didn’t come, what they said, they came and looked, they said that they would think, but what can they think for such a price, thank you, everything is fine with you, yes, everything is fine, i’m just worried about you.
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they take it away, the quality is excellent, you understand , you have money for the operation, yes, yes, of course, i will pay for everything, okay, then we will prepare your husband, and as soon as you pay, let me know right away, okay, thank you, thank you. what do you mean you can't? my deadlines are running out,
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there are 20 trucks at the border. i understand everything, but little depends on me. queue, understand? understand. it's his turn. yes. can. what do you want? i just have no one else, what happened? senya, i need money for the operation, i won’t give you a loan, but i can give advances for transportation, the bank described the truck.
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this is an advance, you will work here more than you need, but on the condition that you
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work only for me, if in doubt, i can give you time to think until the evening, you will consult with your husband, but no, we agreed, loading at night, i advise you to sleep before the flight. uh-huh, thank you, oh-oh, what is this, oh, hi, hi, there you go, after all, uh-huh, well, i can’t break down while i was on the flight, dmitrievich, he ended up in the hospital, yes, i heard, well, it’s not your fault, mine, not mine. he needs normal care, and not like me, a day of honor, if you change your mind, we will only be glad, i just want you to know, i
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know, thank you, bye, yes, so on, okay, i told you that they’ll buy a truck; that kind of money couldn’t buy anything funny. have you already gone to the bank? no, not yet, i just paid for the operation. don’t worry so much, i won’t get up, everything will work out, the main thing now is with debts let's pay it off, we got up once , we'll get up twice, the main thing is that you're next to vanka. you’re already close, well, of course, that is, how did you sign the contract, a place became available for
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an operation, you needed money, you had to decide quickly, what’s incomprehensible, god, idiot, idiot, she didn’t even consult, and what would you do, you that we have a secret millionaire , that we had to refuse, and anything could have been done, just not to sign a contract with karboshev, no... we actually have a vanka, and why were you so worried when karbysh was in hands dismissed, you weren’t so nervous, you know very well, i was on a flight then, and yes, and what do you want to say, it’s my own fault, it wasn’t you who stood up for me, and he quit. i would look at what i would say if i were left without a job, that’s all.


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