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tv   Sto k odnomu  RUSSIA1  February 17, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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of course, don't get sick. well, and most importantly, doctor, if not with antibiotics, then how to treat it? and there is no treatment, there is no cure. antiviral drugs, but if it is the flu, there are some drugs that start the first 72 hours, do not shorten the time of illness. if it is covid, there are also certain antiviral drugs, namely anticoronavirus drugs, which can also supposedly shorten the time of illness. we usually give them to people with a combination of risk factors, those who may have severe complications. course, but there are really no antiviral drugs, we only treat symptoms, time, have patience, 2, 3, 4, 5 days must pass, some, coronavirus, flu drags on, but have patience, but still understand that if there are problems with a lingering illness, lingering fever, symptoms of dehydration, cough and so on, here of course you still need to see a doctor, be careful, that’s it, let’s move on. well,
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it's time to answer your questions, let's see what came over the past week, or rather, what was selected from what came, hello, my name is anastasia, city belgorod, i recently underwent a medical examination for ec and found sinus tachycardia and single extrasystals, please tell me how dangerous this is and is it necessary to undergo additional examination? thanks for the answer, no, but have a look. it’s just that for you the word sinus is the norm, it’s called normal sinus rhythm, this means the origin of this rhythm, the power plant is located in the sinuses of the heart, where it should be, the only thing you can say is tachycardia, we say if the pulse is at rest less than 50, this is sinus bradycardia, well, the norm is also often very normal, in most cases it’s normal, my resting pulse is 48, and either you have tachycardia, that is, the pulse is... 80, should i be worried?
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you need to understand that well, how do you somehow count your pulse, if your pulse hovers around a hundred for a while, maybe this is a reason to look at the thyroid gland, because this is one of the first symptoms of increased function, and this is actually related to the neuropsychic condition, yes, with a certain tone of the nervous system, so there is no treatment is required, any healthy person has extrasystoles, i don’t know a person without extrasystics, so... relax, doctor, good morning, good, my aunt is 63 years old, she has chronic polynos, nasal polyps were removed 7 years ago, but prescribed ent doctors don’t help with medicines, she still can’t smell, she has no sense of smell, she doesn’t breathe through her nose, tell me, will this always be like this, thank you, yes, most likely it will always be like this, what can i
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say, you’re removing the polyp , it grows again after 2-3 months, as a rule, so the struggle with polyps through surgery, but this is only if a person has difficulty breathing and something like that, well, the good news is that a polyp never develops into cancer, and yes, these are constant hormonal drops, antihistamines, and so on and so forth, with variable success, so what? you want an aunt who is approaching 70 years old, that for 10 years she couldn’t cure 20, now everything will be fine for her, well, yes, she has such a sore, i have another one, you probably have a third one, here we go further, good afternoon, alexander leonidovich, my name is alena gratsi, i am from the city of ufa, should i take probiotics while taking antibiotics? the fact is that when i didn’t take them, while taking antibiotics, i had, to put it mildly, gastrointestinal consequences...
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they strengthen the immune system, thank you, well, yes, thank you for the question, because the question is interesting, and i can say about my attitude towards probiotics that you know how i hesitated with the party line, because over the years this has changed, but now our understanding is.
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there is, why the attitude has changed, but because different probiotics are still used by doctors of any ask the doctor how he feels, he will say , theoretically, yes, probably, but the problem is that there are a lot of probiotics, where it is not clear how many bacteria there are, it is not clear how they work, there are a lot of manufacturers, here is some kind of standard in this area not yet, so everything very much depends on what you take, understand, we will definitely come to probiotics and not only when treating with antibiotics, yes, an antibiotic, a probiotic, but why don’t you take it, it helped you, this is understandable, but ulcerative colitis, crohn's disease. also banal constipation, many other intestinal diseases, all this will require probiotics, because it largely depends on the state of the microbiome, today a new class of drugs has appeared in the treatment with probiotics, the so-called symbiotics, the word
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is probably symbiosis, when both probiotics and prebiotics are contained in one product , that is , these same beneficial bacteria are given and certain polysugars are obtained that help beneficial bacteria grow in the intestines, let’s say a person does not have enzymes that break down many polysugars, they are not normally absorbed, bacteria have it, why? but because bacteria need these substances in order to grow, well, you know how, so i brought a...
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one remedy that includes two components that help each other, that is , it turns out that symbiotics can not only increase the number of beneficial bacteria, but also to ensure their further growth, that is, they will multiply and have a beneficial effect on the immune system, another moment, if you still take symbiotics during treatment ... with antibiotics, then you need to understand that then their should already be taken from the first day of treatment, and in order to ensure, so to speak , the required amount of beneficial bacteria , regarding immunity, if the microbiome accepts those bacteria, probiotics and prebiotics, this
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will undoubtedly lead to an improvement in immunity, because the microbiome is probably the main part of natural human immunity, as for you... take antibiotics, i hope you don’t self-medicate, yes, because you always need consultation with a specialist, so on, my name is yulia, i’m from kaliningrad, i want to ask a question, are there any effective methods so that a person can quit smoking, a young man is 36 years old, he has been smoking for about 7 years, how i want to help him, thank you for the answer, but he can only help himself. smoking appears - it’s a chronic disease with relapses, just like that, i took it, quit, stole cigarettes, i don’t smoke anymore, remember like pavel korchagin, who is stronger, a person or a habit, only
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3 dashes 5% of people can quit smoking like this, 95% come back, come back, come back, current with relapses, medicine, let's do it, i can it’s a long time to say how this is... the most harmless thing in smoking, these are combustion products, yes, they cause cancer and other problems, so the patch, gum and so on, we replenish the thirst of these nicotine receptors that ask for nicotine and nicotine , trying at the same time to avoid harmful combustion products
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, and then after some time this thirst for nicotine fades away, in short, you need to decide whether the whole person will decide either with stronger or with... next, pineapple for burning fat, foods with negative calorie content, how much these and other products are effective for weight loss, unexpected causes of hypertension, what diseases lead to high blood pressure at a young age and what products should be avoided to avoid hypertension, products for weight loss: there are myths. that there are foods , let’s say, with a negative calorie content, that is, in 3 days, i’ll probably go crazy, grow out of
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the cell, you see, there are ripples in the water, these are the ripples that come from your diet, i long ago developed a formula for weight loss, as the main topic will be increased pressure, hypertension is divided into yes, hypertension can be a symptom of some disease, 220 to 130 and it hurts and it hurts, medications don’t help, it seems to me that something is happening to me, as if it were me, not me, premiere on rtr, and we’ve never met anywhere before, why are you looking at her like that, what’s normal , so cute, i’d fall for it, it seems to me that ... mom has gone crazy, money to find out the criminal, that sanya, she’s sick ,
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you need to think like a criminal, a maniac, and he possessed me, i look at women exactly like that just like him, he inspires me with his thoughts, you ’re not normal, no, but how are you coping, you ’re probably very tired, you want to rest, somehow relax, it’s just written all over your face, are you sure that this is i’m not talking about you, anna is a medium, and you know who the murderer is? yes, from monday on rtr. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us? yes, when? my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet until... is still in me, this is, let's say, my trophy. we were hungry then, here comes a grandmother, she is hungry herself, but
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she carries this cereal to the drive and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across people like that, caring, support in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived. only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, everyone sit, i'm gotsman, half alive, david markovich, you won’t believe it, your hands are reaching to the back of your head, you knew and were silent, hello, but the bullet really doesn’t hit you? i
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said weapons on the table. fima, why are you here? where should i be? drive it into your brain, the chaos of your ear. now they'll start walking, guys, mom, don't walk in the wind, there's a volga there. fedor dobronravov, mikhail porechenkov, vladimir minshov, sergei makovetsky, vladimir mashkov. here they gave the bandits a good punch in the teeth, a film by sergei ursulyak, liquidation, all weekend on rtr, digital services, elections are coming, and where vote? let's look at the website of the central election commission of russia, they have convenient services, you can
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find out the address of your polling station, find out about the candidates, this information is also available in your personal account on the state services portal. thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia-1, we move on. let's go rob, because we have a section, we have time. products for weight loss, weight loss. there are such products, of course, when we take foods with a high calorie content, with... lower calorie content, everything is clear here, there are myths, that there are foods, let’s say, with a negative calorie content, that is, well, we take celery, and we eat it, swallow it, how many
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half a calorie did it take me, but we think that to digest this piece of celery... it will take more calories , than i put them there, well, we can go further and more, so we take a piece of fish, well , we can quickly digest the fish, but if we take a piece of meat, but it also takes a certain amount of energy to digest it, in general, let’s so, the postulate that the digestion of some product will be... then sildels, fish, something else, there are more calories than these products carry in themselves, and thus by eating celery, we lose weight, this theory is not valid, it is understandable, if let’s say, me, any person, plant celery and not give him anything else, just sit
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the celery after 3 days. i’ll probably go crazy, jump out of the cage, run to the sausage department and eat everything that’s sold there, because this will already be a very strict low-calorie diet, which is also not healthy in itself. in general, weight loss requires an understanding of two postulates: first, that if you expend more calories than you take in, you will lose weight on...
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nutrition that will be, that's why we say you should take foods rich in fiber, yes, you should buy foods with a low glycemic index, muesli, cereal, fine on breakfast, that everything is good in them , they are, as a rule, industrial, this is the very case when the food industry produces, does a good deed, they are industrially saturated with microelements, iron, chromium, zinc, magnesium, that is, it all contains... in cereal because children love it, they need it, vitamins, minus what, sugar, those muesli that are sweet have a high glycemic index, a high glycemic index, this is exactly what ignites hormones that spur the feeling of hunger, which accelerate fat deposition and so on. by the way, here’s
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a magical thing, i won’t try it, because i’m not a fan of hot peppers, although i know i have friends. who just sit there and chew, it is also believed that this reduces weight, because it speeds up the metabolism, breaks down the product faster and you you’re losing weight, well, i can’t deny the benefits of this , because it’s really good for the stomach, it has a certain anti-ulcer effect, it really contributes to a more accelerated breakdown of food, but this is not a panacea, it’s not like you eat hot peppers and eat pasta. naval, this will not happen, that is, this is a good seasoning , one of the normal seasonings, it can be on the table, yes, of course, you understand, some kind of magical food, here is pineapple, it is believed that pineapple contains something that you eat pineapple and you lose weight, yes, indeed, pineapple contains certain enzymes that quickly
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break down proteins, fats, and so on, break down. faster, this does not mean that it reduces their suction, yes, your stomach becomes easier, so to speak, there is no heaviness, there are no feelings of overeating, but it is difficult to lose weight from pineapple, is it possible, is it possible, how, but if there is only pineapple, again we return to plus calories, minus calories and food composition, which either spurs our internal metabolism, or , on the contrary, so to speak, lowers it, therefore everything depends on this, i long ago came up with a formula for weight loss in order to lose weight . how much do you eat, what do you eat, what time do you eat with whom do you eat, by the way, the latter is also very important, when you
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bring these four things, so to speak, into balance, when you understand your diet, look at this table , this is not enough for you, good fish, baked vegetables. in raw form, dairy products, we, of course, try to take them with zero fat content, but of course, well, because there are fewer calories and so on, before there were only low-fat dairy products and so on, today they already doubt that they are so effective, and why do they doubt it, but i’ll eat it low-fat, but it’s not tasty, it wouldn’t fill me up. there is no fat , i end up eating more, i’ll add salt, sugar, jam for taste, i went to add some jam, if you want fat, if it’s fatty,
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you want low-fat, if it’s low-fat, just the amount is different, you shouldn’t incite hunger in yourself, so i ate, stopped, sometimes you allow yourself excess, just so that maintain a normal diet, whatever you want. well, eat it sometimes so you don’t get hung up on it, we probably missed it, but we also burn fat with green tea, in fact, green tea is really very healthy, it doesn’t just burn fat, it improves digestion, it contains a lot of polyphenols and other beneficial biologically active substances called legants, polyphenols, i already said, and so on, and so on, and so on, even have an anti-cancer agent, but you can lose weight with tea and drink water. eat water, go to the toilet you will never, if you just drink tea as a healthy drink, yes, of course, you will get enormous benefits from it, if you
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drink tea with the hope that you will lose weight after you have eaten 2 kg of dumplings, this is naive, the same the best thing about pepper is, if you strengthen your stomach, it’s delicious for you , so to speak, you’re not consuming it as a medicine for weight loss, that’s one thing, but if you, again, overate something, but ate pepper... or something... i also think that now i ’ll lose weight, no, miracles don’t happen, these are all wonderful products that are included in healthy eating, all this is what we see here, thank god, but they will not provide you with any magical effect, that is, if you have sinned somewhere, and then hope to fix it all with a cup of tea or a pod of pepper, this is not it will turn out, it should be a way of behavior, a way of eating, and we move on: well, our main topic will be increased blood pressure, because many of you say: well, how can it be,
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you give everyone the same medications, but we are different, after all, you must first find the cause of hypertension. well, let's start with the question, by the way, very typical on this topic. hello, alexander leonidovich, my name is dmitry, i’m 62 years old, i’m from the city of sands. my question concerns the treatment method. disease, as you know, hypertension is one of the most common modern diseases, and each individual person may have several causes of hypertension, however, when we go to the doctor, as a rule, we receive standard symptomatic treatment, that is, a set of drugs is prescribed that allow reduce hypertension of blood vessels. personal in-depth research to identify the root cause of hypertension in each individual patient, as a rule, is not carried out, which raises
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the question: maybe it makes sense to initially conduct research to identify the root cause of hypertension, this will actually allow it to be cured. thank you, do you know the causes of hypertension? the fact is that the causes of hypertension are still unknown; hypertension is divided into primary hypertension, when there seems to be nothing behind it it’s worth it, and we ’ll talk about the theory of its occurrence, especially since it’s very close to me, my grandfather was involved in this, the so-called secondary hypertension, when... it’s a symptom of some disease. 90% of all hypertension is primary hypertension, that is, we do not know the visible causes, you are probably an engineer.
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it seems to you that if the light is blinking, you need to go change the cartridge or clean the terminals. it is not that simple. so, yes, hypertension can be a symptom of some disease, and we know what it is, it is mostly young people. hypertension in young people always involves the study of endocrine organs. first of all, the kidneys. understand, blood regulation.
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160 to 100, 150 to 110, poorly regulated , you take pills, we say, well, yes, you have primary hypertension or essential hypertension, or simply, as we say , hypertension, suddenly you wake up, your blood pressure is 200 to 120, 220 to 130 and they scald and scald, the medications don’t help, what happens, or it may be that the vessel that feeds the kidney gets a plaque and it begins to narrow, not here they reach blood, the kidney immediately says , there is not enough blood, it sends hormones so that the pressure rises in order to feed itself with this
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blood, and accordingly it rises sharply yes... here an operation is already needed, which means let’s leave symptomatic hypertension aside, this can be a tumor of the adrenal gland, it could be a kidney disease, it could be a problem of the thyroid gland, other endocrine glands, this is its 15-20% of hypertension, it comes from there, it could be systemic lupus erythematosus, yes, when hypertension is a symptom of the disease, let's still, let's touch on this hypertension, when we seem to have no special... reasons for it, there is no primary hypertension, there are different theories, my grandfather said that this is a disease of unreacted emotions, that when a primitive man defended a cave from a collected-toothed tiger , he saw a tiger, he was immediately ready to attack, his blood pressure jumped, his pulse jumped, a powerful selection of hormones, catochulamins,
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stress and pressure was needed in order to act, so i need to hit the tiger on the head, so i need pressure, i need pulse, i need hormones, yes , but imagine the situation, i’m waiting, well, where is this bastard, but he doesn’t come, where are you, doesn’t come, you say, hey, tiger, where are you, have you forgotten or something , come here, but he doesn’t want to, he’s full, he ate something else “i calmed down, the pressure remained, because there is still no signal of readiness to cancel, if i had hit him on the head, that’s it, i would have left, these are primitive instincts, like my grandfather said, and then in the modern world, he was rude to you, boss, you have the same
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hormone as a primitive man. they jumped out, the pressure has jumped up, you would have given it to him now, but you can’t, he endured it, they asked my grandfather about, so, alexander leonidovich, are you suggesting hitting him in the face, well, the modest grandfather probably downloaded it, well, why the face, there is another way , so to speak, to discharge your emotions, and i will say, you know, nothing helps as much as punching your opponent in the face, it immediately feels good, that is, you just won’t miss the answer, well, you can relax. in different ways, it’s been a long time since we broke dishes, like my grandmother broke dishes, jealous of my grandfather, and here he is so there he stood, a healthy academician , almost two meters tall, and said, ina, what are you, ina, well , don’t, ina, she didn’t pay attention, i remember very well, he said, ina, well, that ’s not true, she treated hypertension like that, i had such a difficult childhood, well
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, you can relax this way too. if you want to review us, look at the platform, look at the application or website, i’m doing a little stretching. by the way, this is one of the elements in the fight against hypertension. and absence. of this element leads to this disease, i’m not very i’m sure that our patient also has physical activity, okay , let’s go, next, what foods should we give up in order to avoid hypertension, can we change our fate, or is everything predetermined long before our birth, two pressure regulation systems, so the pressure jumps under the action of hormones, that's... the reason for high blood pressure in so many people, when we want to lower it with medications, for example, barreceptors resist, this is a known cause for hypertension, and the topic is, is everything destined or are we still
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creators of my own destiny, i am destined to fall into a mousetrap, and how these accidents are not accidental, it is very humiliating for us, how can it be that i am a toy in the hands of god? on rts
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, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen , just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, nah, we haven’t seen you for a long time, derzhki, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one will find, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for his own words, a hero of his time, beauty, reppin, the whole brigade. we only look at the platform. the floor is shaking, the hay is shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand, from this
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room, absolutely without faces, we create three different functional zones. ideas are overflowing. we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work. wow! plans are turning into projects before our eyes. i love plants, i'm actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after dismantling, much will become clear. and dreams become reality. how, look, let him into your home. big changes. every sunday on rtr, there’s a big film premiere, these are
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very serious people, you’ll have to move out, this is our house, i’m very dangerous, paratroopers don’t abandon their own, these are uncle vasya’s troops, then bang! wonderful story on february 23rd on rtr, thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia alone, my blood pressure has risen, i need to relax. well, next is hypertension, what is behind it, we we’re not talking about symptomatic hypertension, when it’s a symptom of some kind
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of kidney disease, for example, but we’re talking about primary hypertension, look, two pressure regulation systems, the kidneys and this... barroreceptors in the neck, this acts quickly, this is a little slower, these stress, we didn’t relax in time, since we wanted to hit the tiger or the boss, but when we can’t cope, when there is very strong
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stress and the pressure becomes constantly elevated, the barreceptors already take this pressure as normal, when we want it lower with medications, for example, the barreceptor resists, a signal is sent to the kidney for a jump in pressure. by the way, one of the theories is that primary hypertension, hypertension , is a genetic defect of the kidney membranes. the kidneys begin to need increased pressure in order to work, to filter , and in order to perform their function normally, they begin to increase the release of hormones, increasing pressure so that under increased pressure there is normal circulation in the kidneys, this is more and more a theory, here practice, take my advice, here the cause of high blood pressure in many people. or the reason that the pills
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do not work on you, we eat a colossal amount of salt, we consume 10-12 g per day in russia, but we are not a brazilian tribe of indians, where they can consume salt in such small quantities, which also causes colossal problems and diseases , because salt is still needed, less than 3 g of salt cannot be taken. but in some areas of japan they take 30 g of salt, and the norm is five for everyone, but for hypertensive patients the norm is 3 g. what is 3 g of salt, that’s it, but this is all already in products, bread, 100 g of bread, 1 g of salt, sausage, soup, and so on and so forth, hypertensive salt. compatible: giving up an excessive amount of salt
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has the same pressure effect as taking any antihypertensive pill alone, that is, you are taking nalapril, but you can simply switch to 3 g of salt per day, you will no longer need to take this nolapril, you are increasing the medicine, but without reducing your salt intake, you simply won’t succeed, but it’s very simple, just give up salt, yes, don’t... limit salt, hypertension, especially, you know, you say, it applies equally to everyone, yes, because the treatment of hypertension should be standardized, by the way, i forgot to say about excess weight, excess weight is a known cause
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for hypertension, and not because it’s hard for you to carry these extra 10 or 16 kg, although this is also hard, there is a directly linear relationship, when an increase in body mass index, how much does this result in a steady increase in blood pressure of several millimeters of a standard column, there are different mechanisms, it is believed there that it is not just hard to wear there, so it is difficult for the vessels to rise. pressure there works through insensitivity to incilin, complex biochemical processes are triggered there - by the way , obesity negatively affects the kidney , today we say metabolic syndrome, yes, that is, increased weight, waist size, blood pressure, cholesterol, today we call metabolic renal syndrome, because we realized that when you gain weight , your kidneys suffer, here's your answer why in obesity increases... pressure, so weight loss, avoiding salt, proper
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fluid intake, water follows salt, more salt, more fluid, the volume of circulating plasma increases, that's all, why the main medicine for the treatment of hypertension is diuretics, diuretics are practically included of all the compound medications for hypertension, you take one tablet, and there is one, another and a diuretic very often, in general, don’t bother with the reasons, here it’s absolutely correct, we have an enemy. pressure, it is clear that if behind it there is a pheochromacytoma, a tumor of the adrenal gland, then the pressure is normal, then it jumps and so on and so on, up to 200, yes, we will find it, we will collect daily urine, we measure the amount of catochalamins. let's cut out the hormones and most likely everything will be fine. yes, if you have a stenospinal artery, we identify the cause, we will do it. and we very often do angiography of renal vessels in patients with malignant hypertension. malignant hypertension is separate. this is stable hypertension over 200, low blood pressure over 120, which
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is no longer accompanied by kidney problems patients have increased blood pressure, because the pressure increases due to renal sclerosis, changes in the fundus of the eye, this is already malignant hypertension. there are already other algorithms, well, that’s it, we move on, well, this section is for the soul and body, and the topic is, is everything destined or are we still the creators of our destiny, am i destined to fall into a mousetrap, or not, and i’ll pass by, and what about a rabbit, well, firstly, he’s beautiful, yes, my friend, yes, let’s come here, secondly, he also has a destiny, he can end up as a pet and walk in silks, or maybe sent to meat, i apologize, so who am i, a trembling creature
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, i have the right, i think it’s best for me to start with a quote from an immortal work. mikhail afanasvich, so the question worries me, who then controls human life and , in general, the whole order on earth, well , man himself controls, and it’s to blame, the unknown person gently refused, in order to control, you need to somehow have an exact plan for some, well, any decent period of time. let me ask you, how can a person manage, if he's not the only one.
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pleasure, yes, sarcoma, repeated the stupid word, now your control is over, no one ’s fate except your own interests you, your relatives begin to lie to you, you sense something is wrong, rush to scientists, doctors, and then to charlatans and sometimes fortune tellers, both the first, second, and third, are completely meaningless, as you understand, it ends tragically, the one who until recently believed that he was in control of something suddenly turns out to be lying in a wooden box and those around him... i understand what’s the point no more from him they burn it in the oven, you know, because here everyone thinks for themselves and everyone has their own opinion, the animal is what’s good, but it is absolutely submissive to fate,
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she doesn’t think that i’ll run there now to save myself, i’ll be hunted to the left. or i'll end up in a slaughterhouse or with the caress of my hand, she doesn't think, it just lives as it lives. are there any coincidences in his life? yes, but how are we different from an animal? and how are these coincidences? are they not accidental? if we look back in retrospect, we see that there is no accident. never, take any person to the cemetery, birth date to date death, and look how bizarre his life was, i, for example, am a deep fatalist , generally deep, that is, what we are all like, well, yes , of course, it will happen, what will happen, but this is in general
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terms, but in small things i am capable, i just want to go and go now, i’m sorry, i’ll pee, but i think that you are... nature, mother’s dad, well, yes, a toy, but what did you think, how are you actually different from this rabbit, nothing at all? i’m a god for him, because his fate is in my hands, now in this case, but he’s not worried, he’s just
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patiently waiting for this idiot to leave him in peace, as he thinks, let me give you an apple, come here, so he thinks it was his destiny to eat, or he begged for it, looked at me from... you have to, and then what will happen, you if you believe that you can change fate, the flag is in your hands, change it. i passed
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by without stepping, by accident, completely, when, if you remember , i started, i was holding this charged thing , i pressed it and got hit on my finger, out of stupidity, you say, yes, of course, out of stupidity, i didn’t calculate, i didn’t understand , but in other way. why did i suddenly get the idea of ​​this? press and pinched a finger, it was a finger pinched, someone mixed up the gas with the brake, someone was walking and whatever happened, a brick fell on his head, you must always live, understanding that you must still be submissive to fate, you must not never grumble about fate, you don’t know when something will come, you never know how god, god just grins, you know, he wants... to make god laugh, tell him about your plans, i think that’s probably what it’s all about , you just need to live your life, be decent, have
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self-esteem, and so on to say, to grumble about fate, you know , to think that you control fate is a certain kind of pride, and it seems to me that when people impudently begin to control fate like that, god very quickly puts it in its place, i wish i had seen this many times, so once again i don’t insist on anything, i’m a personal photographer. i don’t believe in freedom of choice, but this is my personal opinion, most of you have a different opinion, you think that yes, of course, we are destined, but we have a certain will, freedom of choice, your right, the main thing is that we less nervous once again they were decent people and behaved with dignity. that's it, the doctor of butchers was with you, who is trapped in me, wishes you all to live until our next meeting with you, let me pick you up, you and i will go
11:00 am
together, let's go and good, how cute, yes, goodbye. hello on the russia vesti tv channel, in the denis polanchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. the russian military attacked ukrainian militants on the right bank of the dnieper. successes in other areas as well. the us plans to supply several million worth of ammunition to israel. dollars, despite biden's calls.


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